#usa diaspora
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vintage-ukraine · 2 months ago
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A poster for the Ukrainian Festival in New Jersey, USA, 1982
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aqlstar · 3 months ago
Can we all just give a round of applause to all the Jewish lawyers and lawyer adjacent types who donate their time and expertise to argue discrimination cases? Especially as a Jewish college student, it means a lot that there are Jewish professionals out there who are looking out for us.
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secular-jew · 5 months ago
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useless-catalanfacts · 2 months ago
Did you know that Audrey Hepburn danced two traditional Catalan songs?
It happened in the 1952 movie Secret People. The movie's music was composed by Robert Gerhard, a composer born in 1896 in Valls, Catalonia. He grew up in Catalonia and studied music in different parts of Europe, becoming a well-known composer and adviser to the Minister of Fine Arts of Catalonia's Government during the Republic. However, his life was struck with the defeat in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Like tens of thousands of Catalans more, his family had to go on exile after the fascists' victory in the war.
Until the death of the Spanish fascist dictator Franco (1975), after Robert Gerhard's own death in 1970, his music was not played in Spain and his motherland Catalonia. Meanwhile, he had become a very respected composer in the UK, France, the USA and other countries, and was awarded with prizes including being declared Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Cambridge and the title of Commander of the Order of the British Empire (a knighthood given by the British Monarchy to people who have contributed to society).
He always stayed close to his Catalan roots and composed Catalan music genres like sardana and spoke about his Catalan identity. In this clip of the movie Secret People, Audrey Hepburn dances to a song made of two traditional Catalan folk songs: El cant dels ocells and La mare de Déu quan era xiqueta. Here's the clip:
Here you can hear the original songs:
El cant dels ocells ("The Song of the Birds"):
La mare de Déu quan era xiqueta ("When Mary was a young girl"):
Can you recognise the melodies in the movie clip?
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the-most-humble-blog · 1 month ago
Donald Juan Trumpington (DJT): The Deportation Demigod 🔥
The man, the myth, the orange-tinted terror who strikes fear into the undocumented and dreams of building walls taller than their hopes.
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When the universe begged for chill, DJT delivered chaos on a platinum platter, trimmed with gold-leaf tacos no one could afford. A man with the finesse of a wrecking ball and the subtlety of a nuclear warhead, Donald Juan Trumpington didn’t just rise to power—he boot-stomped his way there, fake tan glowing like the goddamn sun.
His reign became a nightmare for anyone who even looked like they might not have a birth certificate on hand. If you were undocumented? Guess what: DJT knew. If your tamales tasted too good? He KNEW. If your cousin Pablo couldn’t stop posting party selfies on Facebook? Oh, he fucking KNEW.
DJT's pièce de résistance was The Great Deportation, an event so catastrophic even abuelas holding rosaries couldn’t pray fast enough to stop it. Entire families disappeared overnight:
The tias who made mole that healed your soul? GONE.
The primo who turned his garage into a second living room? GONE.
The drunk uncle who didn’t even have a passport? STILL GONE.
Even the tamales didn’t survive—steamed, wrapped, and shipped back faster than anyone could scream, “¡NO MAMES, GÜEY!”
And the cries? Oh, the cries were MAGNIFICENT: “I Black, I Black, plz no deport!” suddenly echoed from people who’d spent YEARS saying, “I’m Dominican, not Black.”
But guess what? The I.C.E. stormtroopers, mostly Black themselves, weren’t buying that bullshit. Years of fake accents and “I’m just visiting” weren’t cutting it anymore. Their collective mood: “Deuces, cabrones.”
💀 Boot-to-Ass Syndrome: This man doesn’t just deport people—he sends their souls packing. DJT specializes in blunt-force deportation trauma with the precision of a bureaucratic surgeon.
🎯 Accent Radar: Fake a southern drawl? Claim you’re Canadian? DJT KNOWS. His finely tuned Accent Sense will sniff out lies faster than you can say, “Ay caramba!”
🏗 Wall Builder Supreme: Forget architects—DJT can summon walls faster than you can Google “cheap ladders.” His walls come preloaded with spikes, cameras, anti-rope tech, and a middle finger emoji.
📢 Twitter Sonic Attacks: DJT’s tweets aren’t just rants—they’re verbal frag grenades.
“Covfefe”? A nation stopped breathing.
“BUILD THAT WALL!”? Entire psyches shattered.
His social media is weaponized chaos.
❄️ Stormtrooper Deployment: DJT’s I.C.E. squads aren’t just enforcers—they’re goddamn hunters. They can sniff out an undocumented soul faster than your tia can find gossip at a baby shower.
NONE. 💀 When it comes to deportation, DJT is an unstoppable force of orange carnage.
Think you can hide? HA.
Hide in a cousin’s trailer park? Knocking on the door in 3 minutes.
Blend into the suburbs with some organic tortillas from Whole Foods? LOL, he’ll sniff out your salsa faster than a Karla sniffs out drama.
Even the Avengreros (The Avengers Undocumented Member Division) had to wave the white flag.
No tacos.
No nanas.
No hope. Even their heroic churro stand got dismantled.
Donald Juan Trumpington didn’t just deport people—he deported their dreams, hopes, and childhood memories.
His impact was so seismic that entire cultures became DIY YouTube tutorials. (“How to Make Tamales From Memory While Crying.”)
He is a hurricane of orange hair, loud ties, and unrelenting destruction. If you’re undocumented? Pray to whatever god you’ve got, because DJT IS COMING.
REBLOG OR BE DEPORTED (jk, probably) 🚨
🔥 Don’t let this masterpiece of unhinged chaos go unread. REBLOG NOW, or DJT’s Accent Radar might catch YOU next!
Tag your primos, your tias, or that one friend who thinks they’re safe because they took one semester of Duolingo Spanish.
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psychopomp-recital · 6 months ago
Okay folks let’s talk-
So so tired of Non-Americans trying to erase the identities of Americans. In particular European-Americans (Americans with European heritage).
We are still here. Our cultures are still here. It is not a monolith. You can’t ignore YOUR history by invalidating ours. Your countries played a part in the colonization process of these lands. You are not blameless.
I linked below the entire post from @Therootcircle on Insta I think EVERYONE should be reading it. And read the comments too.
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anghraine · 6 months ago
There's something really strange and creepy about the self-appointed diaspora police who fixate on the exact breakdowns of strangers' ethnic backgrounds.
Yeah, I get the "I'm 1/32nd Cherokee princess" thing but "is your blood puuuuuure" is super gross as well, especially if the person doing it has nothing to do with the community in question.
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luvmesumus · 8 months ago
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gregor-samsung · 2 months ago
" Quando è scoppiata la prima guerra del Golfo, in Iraq, ho vomitato. In bagno. Da sola. Tutto quello che avevo in pancia. Tutto quello che il Jirro mi ordinava di fare. Quella guerra del gennaio del 1991, che ha seguito di poche settimane l’inizio della guerra somala, per me ancora oggi, dopo tanti anni, ha lo stesso colore verde del mio vomito. Era la prima volta che in televisione si vedeva un bombardamento di quella portata. E noi spettatori passivi e impauriti. Il verde era dappertutto. Non solo nel mio cesso. Squarciava il cielo tetro di Baghdad come nei vecchi videogame degli anni ottanta, colorandolo delle scie luminose di missili centauri che correvano dritti verso l’obiettivo.
La prima guerra del Golfo era in gestazione dall’agosto del 1990. Un attimo prima delle tensioni nel Golfo persico hooyo era partita per la Somalia e Diego Armando Maradona aveva perso la sua coppa del mondo allo stadio Olimpico contro la Germania di Rudi Völler. Il 2 agosto invece Saddam Hussein, padre padrone dell’Iraq, aveva invaso il vicino Kuwait come ritorsione all’estrazione di petrolio da pozzi a ridosso del suo confine. Nei mesi successivi accadde di tutto: movimento di truppe, mezzi corazzati, giornalisti con l’elmetto sparpagliati lungo il confine, caos organizzato, diplomazie alacremente al lavoro. E poi l’attesa estenuante della deflagrazione che avrebbe frantumato la breve illusione di pace che dopo la caduta del muro di Berlino nel 1989 avevamo coltivato un po’ tutti. Deflagrazione che puntualmente arrivò allo scoccare del 15 gennaio 1991, ovvero il termine ultimo dato dall’ONU al baffuto ex amico dell’Occidente Saddam Hussein (foraggiato per anni, anni e anni di armi e via dicendo e poi trasformato in nemico pubblico numero uno) per il ritiro delle truppe dal Kuwait. Da lì fu guerra. Gli Stati Uniti in testa e poi i loro alleati fecero piovere su Baghdad e su tutto l’Iraq una pioggia di fuoco e fulmini che ci incollò davanti agli schermi televisivi per giorni. Non ricordo se fu proprio la prima sera di quei bombardamenti o una delle sere successive. So solo che mi chiusi in bagno a vomitare. "
Igiaba Scego, Cassandra a Mogadiscio, Bompiani (collana Narratori Italiani), 2023¹; pp. 92-93.
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bsof-maarav · 10 months ago
Will they ever begin to wonder why the only Jews in their circles are Jews who feel no social obligations to any specific Jewish community; Jews who lack even the most fundamental knowledge of their own history, let alone the history of Jews from other parts of the diaspora; Jews who recoil from the thought of belonging to any Jewish collective that is not just a grouping of tokens but is fundamentally Jewish in its nature; Jews whose stake in being Jewish goes no deeper than some vague "cultural" reference to humor or bagels or buffoonish stereotypes; Jews who have never demonstrated a degree of solidarity with other Jews that is remotely commensurate with the loyalty that is demanded of them on the basis of whatever their non-Jewish circle claims to value; Jews who allow themselves to be externally defined;
Jews who preemptively disavow their own culture, traditions, history, and/or country to make others comfortable with them; Jews who do their utmost to reduce the friction between their culture and everyone else's, who are quiet about any ways in which they deviate from the group norm; who are quick to say that the only value in something Jewish is as an object lesson to be universalized and used in the service of someone else's liberation...
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vintage-ukraine · 1 year ago
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Ukrainian girl painting a pysanka for Easter in Minneapolis, USA, 1941
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indigowriting · 3 months ago
what’s your favorite thing to write about? :0
i love love love writing characters who, for one reason or another, are WILDLY out of their depth (yxy in r&r/[REDACTED] wip getting sent ~300 years further into the past than intended, bai hua who just has no idea about genre conventions, what the original plot was, etc, while Also being 1000+ years in the past), and also women ^^ all of my novels are from the pov of women* (and all of them are lesbians as well! most of the women in my novels are lesbians or unlabelled but not interested in men, unless explicitly stated otherwise). oh and time travel i guess, since that features in 2/3 of my novels, can’t believe i forgot about that
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useless-catalanfacts · 9 months ago
Did you know that the Catalan vault can be found in many buildings of the United States of America?
Here's some examples:
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Grand Central Terminal, New York City. Photo from Getty.
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Boston Public Library. Photo by Michael Freeman/Boston Public Library.
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Ellis Island Registry Room, New York. Photo by Mike Ward on Flickr.
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City Hall station of the New York subway. Photo by Michael Freeman.
The Catalan vault is a brick arch that is widely used in traditional Catalan architecture. It's also present in other parts of the Mediterranean, but not as common. Its main characteristic is that it's built with the longest side of the brick facing down (usually, ceilings are made with the shortest side facing down) and with a very gentle curve, resulting in a strong self-supporting vault that allows covering a whole room without needing columns or pillars in a way that would be impossible with other kinds of masonry, and also makes it possible to build it quickly and without needing centering (the wooden structure used to support the vault or arch while it's being built, and which is removed once it's made).
So how did it make its way to the USA?
It was brought by the Valencian architect Rafael Guastavino i Moreno (1842-1908). He had already designed important industrial buildings in Catalonia, including the factory that later became the Industrial School in Barcelona and La Massa theatre in Vilassar de Dalt, among others. At the time, in Catalonia, the Catalan vault was being widely used to cover ceilings in factories.
In 1881, Guastavino moved to New York City (USA), where he used the Catalan vault to cover big ceilings, which made him gain some fame for it. He patented the vault in the USA with the name "Guastavino system".
At the time, Americans were very worried about buildings catching fire, because it often happened and had caused a huge destruction in the Chicago 1871 fire. As a response, in 1883 Guastavino bought a patch of land in Connecticut, built two houses in it using the Catalan vault, and set them on fire. He took photos of the whole process to document it and prove how this architecture style is efficient in the case of fire. He wrote about it in the magazine Decorator and Furnisher and soon won the contest to design the Progress Club's building in New York City, which made him famous among architects in the area.
He created his own company (Guastavino Fireproof Construction Company) which was focused on building the Catalan vault. He was hired for many buildings and this architectural element spread. Most churches with stone vaults built between 1890 and 1940 in the USA were designed by Guastavino's firm, as well as many other buildings across the country, particularly New York and Massachusetts.
He's buried in the St. Lawrence Basilica in Asheville (North Carolina, USA), a building he designed.
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the-most-humble-blog · 2 months ago
The Avengreros
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"Saving tacos, their abuelas, and their immigration status—until DJT clapped back and sent them packing faster than a plate of free churros."
El Capitán Carnitas
Powers: Built like a barrel of tamales, he smashes enemies with his panza while yelling, “¡Yo soy el capitán, cabrón!” Fueled by beer, greasy meat, and an unshakable sense of denial.
Weakness: Will openly scream, “I no Black… I no Black!” when someone compares him to foundational Black Americans. After deportation, though? He’s been seen crying, “I Black, I Black, plz no take my nana!” Spoiler: didn’t work.
Señor Quesadilla
Powers: Can turn a cheese pull into a lasso of death and smother his enemies in melted queso. Deadly in the kitchen, but not in a fight.
Weakness: Can’t look at I.C.E. agents without sweating profusely. He begged, “I Black, I Black, don’t take my tías!” They ignored him while packing his bags.
Guac Guerrero
Powers: His green fists of avocado justice pack a punch, but his real skill is charging “extra” for everything—including sympathy. Can summon a taco truck with a wave of his hand.
Weakness: Before the Great Deportation, he was all, “I no Black!” with pride. Post-DJT? Now he’s in line trying to learn jazz and recite Malcolm X speeches. Still got deported.
Doña Tamal
Powers: Wraps enemies in masa-based justice while shouting, “¡Calla, cabrón!” The only team member who might actually win a fight—her chancla skills are undefeated.
Weakness: When I.C.E. showed up at her tamale stand, she broke down, yelling, “I Black! I Black, too!” The Black agents laughed before sending her ass back to Michoacán.
El Chapulín del Comal
Powers: Super speed, fueled by churros and gossip. His frying pan sprays boiling hot oil on enemies while he yells, “¡Puro pedo, cabrones!”
Weakness: Would loudly deny any connection to Black Americans pre-deportation (“I no Black, guey!”). Now, after losing his nana and taco truck, he’s screaming, “I Black, I Black, help me!” Nobody’s buying it.
The Great Immigration and Deportation Storyline
It was all good just a few years ago. The Avengreros proudly proclaimed their Latinidad while trying desperately to distance themselves from foundational Black Americans. “I no Black, I no Black!” they'd shout in broken English, despite their features and skin tone suggesting otherwise.
Then came the reign of DJT (Donald Juan Trumpington), their arch-nemesis, who, with Palpatine-like manipulation, orchestrated the Great Deportation. Families got sent back en masse, from abuelas to the drunk uncles who never left their garage chairs. Even the tamales didn’t survive.
Suddenly, the Avengreros found themselves groveling: “I Black, I Black, plz no deport!” But the twist? Many of the I.C.E. agents were Black Americans, unimpressed by the last-minute change of heart. After years of denial, sucker shit like this wasn’t cutting it. Deuces, cabrones.
Arch-Nemesis: DJT (Donald Juan Trumpington)
Powers: Builds walls faster than they can climb, uses Twitter rants as sonic attacks, and deploys I.C.E. squads like stormtroopers.
Weakness: Absolutely none when it comes to deportation. This man’s a deportation machine, leaving the Avengreros with no tacos, no nanas, and no hope.
Team Motto:
“¡Para los tacos, pero sin papeles!” (For tacos, but without papers!)
I.C.E.—Because nothing kills superpowers faster than paperwork.
DJT Tweets—One "bad hombres" speech, and they’re out faster than a fresh batch of churros.
Foundational Black Americans: Their moms are gone, and so is their last shred of pride.
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🔥 REBLOG If you want more!🔥
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molkolsdal · 9 months ago
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Gauri Gill dedicated almost eight years to her photo series "The Americans," capturing the lives of the South Asian diaspora in the United States. Her extensive travels took her from New York and New Jersey to California, the Midwest, and five Southern states. The resulting color images depict everyday scenes within the South Asian community, showcasing individuals in saris and dastars, engaged in activities such as eating, talking on the phone, attending weddings, socializing in clubs, and participating in sacred Hindu rituals. Through "The Americans," Gill juxtaposes the personal lives of the South Asian diaspora with broader notions of American identity and culture.
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kazhanko-art · 11 months ago
I’m glad Canada is continuing to contribute to Ukraine, and there’s supposed to be aid for the next 5 years at least, but I worry it won’t be enough. I wish the budget for Ukraine was bigger; though I’m far from an expert in economics, I think GDP wise we could afford it (granted, in terms of actual military equipment we weren’t on the best footing, and I guess we weren’t meeting our NATO commitments in funding)
But also, even if we donated more, there’s no way we can meet the aid that is stalled in the US. Even if we combined our aid with other countries that’d be a huge commitment. That aid could save so many lives, it COULD HAVE saved so many lives. So many soldiers, so many civilians, and it’s all being stalled because a bunch of Americans need to have an ego stroke about it
Of course, that’s not just an American issue, plenty of countries have had asshats, including here, trying to stall aid, shit talking Ukrainians, celebrating russian crimes. It’s just the amount on hold, the steaks at play, and Ukrainians being told by the US specifically not to bomb the russian refineries is making it especially frustrating right now, and I know that it’s a lot worse for those in Ukraine, or family in Ukraine. It doesn’t take a lot of time in online Ukrainian spaces to know how dire things are, and how scared everyone is.
I don’t know how much we can make up for it, but if you’re a ukrainian diaspora member or ukrainian supporter, maybe try to mind local information on organizations and events in your countries that can lobby for more aid and support. And besides that, ukrainian organizations to donate to. United24 is always a good default. But if there’s any others please share them.
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