Explore tagged Tumblr posts
falesten-iw · 4 months ago
When I first joined Tumblr, I had no idea what I was walking into. There’s no manual for navigating this wild, untamed corner of the internet. My first moment here? I was greeted by an image completely naked, no warning, no explanation. It was just there, bold and unapologetic. That’s when I realized: Tumblr is a place where anything can happen.
But for all its chaos, Tumblr has become something far greater than I ever expected. For us Palestinians, this platform isn’t just a space to scroll through memes or vent about life. It’s a lifeline, a place where we’ve taken the raw, messy energy of this site and turned it into a battleground for survival. Here, we tell our stories, raise funds, and fight for our lives.
I’ve seen campaigns soar past their goals, bringing hope to families barely holding on. But I’ve also seen campaigns like mine, ones that fight tooth and nail for every single dollar, every reblog, every addition, and every ounce of hope. My family’s lives depend on this.
It hasn’t been easy. Zionists flood all Palestinian words with hate, twisting truths and spreading lies. They aim to discredit us, to make people doubt us. It’s exhausting. Some nights, I sit with my phone in my hands, wondering if this fight is too big for me. But then something beautiful happens: a donation comes through, a kind message appears, or someone I’ve never met reblogs my story with words that feel like a warm embrace.
And through it all, people are starting to see the truth. The hate doesn’t drown us; it sharpens our voices. Every day, more people step forward to stand with us, to say, “I see you, I hear you, and I’m with you.” It’s those moments that keep me going.
To everyone who has already helped, whether through verification, donating, wrting post , reblogging, or simply sharing a kind word: thank you. You’ve done more for my family than I could ever put into words. But the reality is, we’re not there yet. My family is still waiting for a chance to breathe, to live without fear, to fill their empty stomachs with warm food, and to wrap themselves in clothes thick enough to keep out the bitter cold. They’re hungry, they’re freezing, and I can’t do this alone.
This fight is hard, but it’s not hopeless. Strangers have become friends, and friends have become family. Some of you have shown up in ways I never imagined, treating my family’s survival as if it were your own. That kind of solidarity? It’s powerful.
Tumblr might be chaotic, unpredictable, and sometimes downright bizarre, but it’s also the place where we’ve built something extraordinary: a community that refuses to look away from injustice. With your help, we can take this fight all the way. My family’s lives are within reach, and together, I know we’ll get there.
This campaign isn’t just about me. It supports 26 people, including two orphaned children and an injured family member suffering from hemiplegia after being hit by shrapnel during a bombing. Surgery is desperately needed to replace the infected and failing plates. The needs are urgent, and the future of 26 lives depends on your support.
The video showing the injured family member is shared before in this post: Link.
Please help us ! Donate and reblog this post to spread our story.
Vetted and shared by @90-ghost: Link.
Verified and shared by @el-shab-hussein: Link
Listed as number 282 in "The Vetted Gaza Evacuation Fundraiser Spreadsheet" compiled by @el-shab-hussein and @nabulsi : Link
Listed on the Butterfly Effect Project, number 957: Link
Additionally, Al Jazeera News has documented apart of my family's case: Link
If, for some reason, you couldn't donate via GoFundMe, you can donate via PayPal instead. Please keep the conversion rates in mind when donating through GoFundMe. Every 100 SEK is equivalent to 10 dollars, and 200 SEK equals 20 dollars and so on.
Note: There’s even a raffle for a handmade Palestinian thob if you want to participate : Link
@timetravellingkitty @deathlonging @briarhips @mazzikah @mahoushojoe
@sar-soor @rhubarbspring @pcktknife @thatdiabolicalfeminist @turtletoria
@sawasawako @feluka @appsa @anneemay @commissions4aid-international
@wellwaterhysteria @mangocheesecakes @kyra45-helping-others @7bitter @tortiefrancis
@watermotif @stuckinapril @mavigator @lacecap @determinate-negation
@socalgal @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @sayruq @elbiotipo
@el-shab-hussein @heritageposts @communistkenobi @deepspaceboytoy @molsno
@mesetacadre @forevergulag @gazafunds @northgazaupdates2 @freepalestinneee
@komsomolka @muppet-sex @nabulsi @fading-event-608 @buttercuparry
@prierepaiienne @interact-if @unified-multiversal-theory @inkstay
@socialjusticekitten-blog @socialgoodmoms @nowthisnews @socialgoofy @fightforhumanity-rpg-blog
@fightforhumanity-rp @queerandpresentdanger @90-ghost @timogsilangan @punkitt-is-here
@fox-guardian @hiveswap @valtsv @helppeople @ibtisams
@annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @vakarians-babe @plomegranate @queerstudiesnatural @tamamita
@apollos-boyfriend @akajustmerry @marnosc @flower-tea-fairies @tsaricides
@belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @brutaliakent @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish
@4ft10tvlandfangirl @communistchilchuck @fairuz @sarazucker @fairuzfan
@a-nautilus-as-pixel-art @13eyond13 @stil-lindigo @baby-indie-blog
@marnota @vivisection-gf @brutaliakhoa @the-bastard-king @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness
@neptunerings @malcriada @turian @girlinafairytale @abnormalicacid
@sylvianritual @mothblossoms @autisticmudkip @lesbianmaxevans
@nabulsi27 @palestinegenocide @orblesbian @palebluebutler @pallasisme
@riding-with-the-wild-hunt @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @morallyrainyday @jame7t @el-shab-hussein
@jonpertwee @flipton @bell-bones @ragingbullmode @envytherose
@rodent178 @tangledinourstrings @kraigerzz-blog @frogbrainedfool @the-ending-of-dramamine
@redsavesquare @uninvited-eon @glenbot @ultimateumbreon33 @pitbolshevik
@disastersim @airsigh @cowboy-queer @lapastelr0sa @sharingresourcesforpalestine
@rebel-girl-queen-of-my-world @kropotkindersurprise @cruzwalters @la7ma-mafrooma @rosyish
@bookskittychad @streakoflavender @miraclemaya @devilofthepit @paper-mario-wiki
@gay-yosuke @cometcrystal @nb-marceline @cicadaland @charlott2n
@manletwizard @2blushie @antiauteur @acnologia-is-best-dragon @bitchmael
@penelopiaad @hashiramashonkers @laughtracklesbian @legallymean @b0nkcreat
@crapscicle @uwu-pinata @syntheticspades @momxijinping @longlivepalestina
@saberboi-1 @martinmynster @nako-funky @trans-leek-cookie @vaticinatrix
@moomoobug @narwa @twilightobservationtower @estrellasrojas @knxfesck
@lakeeffectbitch @fatbitchneedsfoodbadly @no-thats-absurd @humanmorph
@sandiwchirlinreal @tcda @misspiggyforvogueitalia @gamb0fficial @vincentspork
@gemstonedraws @frankendykes-monster @mizoguchi @kos-mos @ryoki-ph
@blackwoolncrown @nightwussy @freehologramreview @melancholy-hummingborb
@sister-lucifer @nonbinarymerbabe @raventhecoolestpersonever @ebenrosetaylor @wellwaterhysteria
@inkbomber @collectoroflovelythings @k00ldino @sundung @extrabitterbrain
@names-hard @killaltrock @thatdarngreenpixie-blog @angelsarecomputers @to00fu
@secretgoths @cauli-flawa @faraliniste @adrowninggrip @thesavagesnakeplant
@g-l-a-s-s-h-e-a-r-t-s-s @illuminated-runas @silverstone-gp @saintverse @whalefill
@emathyst9 @trasno-personal @turtles-on-turts @dendrosystem
@readingsquotes @bellybuttonblue2 @bees-fart-too @andiv3r-reblogging @sillyseer
@cloudedcari @tachycardial @evileyeamulet @pompompotato @shamemp3
@jihaad @italofobia @stealthjet @pinnyy @sivavakkiyar
@chronicowboy @bi-worm @ydic74the @amorosebeing @golvio
@dailyquests @punkitt-is-here @opencommunion @postanagramgenerator @a-scary-lack-of-common-sense
@paper-mario-wiki @prisonhannibal @a-shade-of-blue @ramshackledtrickster @punkitt-is-here
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fresh-snow · 1 year ago
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Following the footsteps of South Africa; Qatar, Oman, Malaysia have submitted statements in ICJ too.
Thank you South Africa for taking the first step.
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memories-of-ancients · 3 months ago
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Bead necklace discovered at the archaeological site of Bat in Oman, 2700-2300 BC
from The National Museum of Oman
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viagginterstellari · 2 months ago
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Dunes - Wahiba Sands, 2019
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livesunique · 9 months ago
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Shabab Oman II
Courtesy of The Royal Navy of Oman
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tiaramania · 2 months ago
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TIARA ALERT: Queen (Al Sayyida Al Jalila) Ahad of Oman wore an emerald and ruby headpiece for a reception honoring the fifth anniversary of her husband, Sultan Haitham's, accession to the throne at Al Shomoukh Palace in Manah, Oman on 16 January 2025.
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mariophotographies · 6 months ago
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Oman by Mario. H. "Noir&Blanc"
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fag4arabs · 1 year ago
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Were you looking at us fag? Don’t deny it. You are not only here for the beach, right? You are craving Arab Cock like a slut. We can see that. Follow us fag. We know a quiet place where we can fill you up with our superior Dicks and our powerful cum
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der-gorgonaut · 7 months ago
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// gischt //
web instagram
by Georg Nickolaus
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falesten-iw · 3 months ago
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We really have to hand it to kids' drawings. They're like little emotional time bombs, chaotic, pure, and ready to explode with meaning at any second. My son’s masterpiece? It’s got all the feels: hope, resilience, and a superhero vibe that makes you believe a pencil can save the world.
Then there’s my friend’s version, same idea but polished, powerful, and radiating strength and determination. One full of innocence and love, the other showing how far we’ve come in the fight for survival. Together, they remind me that even in the darkest times, there is light.
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Maybe these drawings aren’t enough to stop you in your tracks. Maybe they’re not “good enough” to inspire donations or make you share this post. But behind each one, there’s a story of survival, resilience, and unshakable hope. This campaign isn’t just about me. It’s about 26 people, 26 lives hanging by a thread. That includes two orphaned children and a family member who’s suffering from hemiplegia after being hit by shrapnel during a bombing. She urgently needs surgery to replace infected plates in her body. The situation is dire, and every day is a battle. The video showing the injured family member is shared before in this post: Link.
Still waiting for a sign? Well, here it is. Resilience is great, but it doesn’t exactly cover surgeries, medicine, clothes, or food. Please help us ! Donate and reblog this post to spread our story.
Vetted and shared by @90-ghost: Link.
Verified and shared by @el-shab-hussein: Link
Listed as number 282 in "The Vetted Gaza Evacuation Fundraiser Spreadsheet" compiled by @el-shab-hussein and @nabulsi : Link
Listed on the Butterfly Effect Project, number 957: Link
Additionally, Al Jazeera News has documented apart of my family's case: Link
If, for some reason, you couldn't donate via GoFundMe, you can donate via PayPal instead.
Donate on GoFundMe: Link
Donate on Paypal: Link
Please keep the conversion rates in mind when donating through GoFundMe. Every 100 SEK is equivalent to 10 dollars, and 200 SEK equals 20 dollars and so on.
@dirhwangdaseul @heritageposts @bees-fart-too @andiv3r-reblogging
@ambidextrousarcher @fresh-bed-old-sheets @skunkes @asharestupid @jonpertwee
@fliptop @bell-bones @ragingbullmode @envytheroost @rodent178
@tangledinourstrings @kraigeslist @2kreebs @br-eddrolls
@lakesbian @shadowofmoth @pawberri @stars-and-soda
@longlivepalestina @fanonical @plaidos @metamatar @the-eldritch-it-gay
@sabertoothwalrus @wolstinien @charlott2n @wamly-the-crab-god @cloudedcari
@tachycardial @evileyeamulet @pompompotato @shamemp3 @stealthjet
@pinnyy @chronicowboy @italofobia @amorosebeing @golvio
@hiriaeth @nb-marceline @cicadaland @2blushie @antiauteur
@ungiant @acnologia-is-best-dragon @bitchmael @penelopiaad @laughtracklesbian
@legallymean @b0nkcreat @crapscicle @timetravellingkitty @deathlonging
@briarhips @mazzikah @mahoushojoe @sar-soor @rhubarbspring
@schoolhater @pcktknife @sawasawako @feluka @appsa
@anneemay @commissions4aid-international @wellwaterhysteria @mangocheesecakes @kyra45-helping-others
@7bitter @tortiefrancis @watermotif @stuckinapril @mavigator
@lacecap @determinate-negation @socalgal @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli
@sayruq @elbiotipo @el-shab-hussein @heritageposts @communistkenobi
@deepspaceboytoy @molsno @mesetacadre @forevergulag @gazafunds
@northgazaupdates2 @freepalestinneee @komsomolka @muppet-sex @nabulsi
@fading-event-608 @buttercuparry @prierepaiienne @just-browsing1222 @interact-if
@solidarityisnotaslogan-blog-blog @unified-multiversal-theory @feministacansada @feministactionsupportnetwork @globalvoices
@save-the-world-but-lose-her @save-the-world-one-day-at-a-time @save-the-world-tonight @wip-wednesday @allthingswordy
@writerscorner-blog @fictionfood @wordsthat-speak @writerscunts-blog @storyshots-blog
@wordsnstories-blog @writeblr @thewritingcaddy @fictionwriting2 @inkstay
@creativepromptsforwriting @humansofnewyork @intersectional-feminist @intersectional-feminists @intersectional-feminism
@intersectional-feminist-killjoy @thepeoplesrecord @socialjusticekitten-blog @socialgoodmoms @nowthisnews
@socialgoofy @fightforhumanity-rpg-blog @fightforhumanity-rp @queerandpresentdanger @90-ghost
@timogsilangan @punkitt-is-here @fox-guardian @komsomolka @hiveswap
@omegaversereloaded @paper-mario-wiki @kawaiite-mage @sexygaywizard @mintaii
@valtsv @apollos-oliv @uwu-pinata @syntheticspades @haruspexism
@briarhips @three-croissants @postanagramgenerator @womenintheirwebs @tamamita
@ot3 @redbuddi @rickybabyboy @danijaci @wrightfamily
@bloodandgutsyippee @beefchurger @booblover1992 @lyctorgideon @lizardbytheriver
@pallegina @the-ending-of-dramamine @mossdeep @redsavesquare @uninvited-eon
@frogbrainedfool @glenbot @ultimateumbreon33 @disastersim @airsigh
@cowboy-queer @lapastelr0sa @sharingresourcesforpalestine @rebel-girl-queen-of-my-world @kropotkindersurprise
@mysweetsageofgrace @la7ma-mafrooma @rosyish @bookskittychad @streakoflavender
@miraclemaya @devilofthepit @gay-yosuke @cometcrystal @corvidkusnos
@nb-marceline @cicadaland @manletwizard @2blushie @antiauteur
@appsa @buttercuparry @turian @timetravellingkitty @schoolhater
@aces-and-angels @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @malcriada @jezior0 @neptunerings
@brokenbackmountain @khanger @determinate-negation @sylvianritual @imjustheretotrytohelp
@bryo-zoan @maaszeltov @heliopixels @zigcarnivorous @abnormalicacid
@armysurplus @princesselise @executing @venus-is-in-bloom @lesbianmaxevans
@trans-to-the-misogyny @brutaliakhoa @furiousfinnstan @paparoach @celadonwanderer
@girlinafairytale @2tbssd @forgetfulrecord @lesbianmaxevans @repulsion
@noncathartic @gusherbug @autisticmudkip @FUCKGIMP @tiredguyswag
@jame7t @u3pxx @ankle-beez @afro-elf
3K notes · View notes
intothestacks · 7 months ago
An extension for library and book lovers
Library Extension allows you to see if your library has a book you're interested in and put a hold on it without having to go to the library site to do it.
They have extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.
The extension works for several dozen countries, so it's worth checking if your country is included.
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You then select which country subdivision you live in and which library systems you want to add the extension to.
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Once the library is added in, when you go to shopping sites like Amazon, you should see on the side whether the library has any copies of the book!
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viagginterstellari · 1 year ago
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Tracks - Wahiba Sands, 2019
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sayruq · 1 year ago
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r-o-h-a-n-n-a · 25 days ago
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cave into another world
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mariophotographies · 6 months ago
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Oman by Mario. H. "Entre ombre & lumière"
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