#until i change my mindset and that new mindset becomes habit and until i make a decision and find myself satisfied with it down the road
studentbyday · 3 months
tw: perfectionism, self-doubt, anhedonia, burnout, uncertainty...you are under no obligation to read what follows...i just needed a place to sort things out, it's too messy in my head.
i like to think my perfectionism has mellowed out a little bit....sort of...sometimes...mostly, it now presents itself as "do the best that i know i can" and for better or for worse, my previous experiences have set that bar very high. i mean, what else am i going to do? what could possibly be a better use of my time than preparing for my future while i can?
@zzzzzestforlife wisely told me: it's important to balance preparing for the future and enjoying the present. if you spend all your time preparing for the future, by the time you're about to live it, you might not want it or anything anymore.
perhaps even before then you can get into that place where you don't want anything anymore. but i don't think it's that i don't want anything anymore...at least, not yet. there are lots of things i want that i know i'm not good enough to achieve and/or that current circumstances prevent me from achieving and/or that i'm just too tired to try to achieve rn. perhaps i could achieve them in time but by then, maybe it'll be too late. what if i ultimately fail? does that mean all my efforts have been for nought? it all contributes to a very high level of self-doubt and discouragement. and then i risk a self-fulfilling prophecy because what is the point of trying when i can't do it?
just so tired... it's not the kind of tiredness i immediately notice. it's the kind of tired i only notice only after its crept up on me and done its damage. and i'm not sure what i'm supposed to do. keep working / try to do more, or stop working / try to do less, somehow guilt free? if i keep trying to do more (i.e. focus on preparing for my future), i will eventually get to that point where i'm so burnt out and numb and crumble under the weight of self-doubt and of extremely high personal standards that i stop wanting anything anymore and get depressed. but if i stop working or just do less (or focus on other things that help me enjoy the present more), i will fail as i miss the mark again and again and again, get discouraged, crumble under the weight of self-doubt and of falling short, and get depressed.
but maybe i'm getting ahead of myself. i'm not sure who i will be in three years, if i will be better or worse. but i...still don't quite know what to do to prevent my mental health from tanking further as i know it has done for others in a similar position...those who were driven by passion for their field and felt pressured to work very hard because they needed to.
i'm sometimes terrified of the future. like this september, i will be doing more things than i usually do and what if something drops? and more broadly, will there be jobs out there that i qualify for that don't require me to move away? will it be worth it or will it not? sigh. again, i'm thinking about things i don't need to think about right now. but i don't like how i feel like i'm meandering towards where i'm meant to be instead of shooting like an arrow towards my goals. and i think the sooner i make a choice, the sooner i can course-correct if need be. but i also want to make the right choice because i've seen others make their choices quite quickly and end up feeling like their soul has been drained by them while also feeling trapped in the paths they've set. and i'm scared the same thing will happen to me. and i'm also scared of wasting time, of accumulating knowledge and skills but never having a secure and well-compensated job to use them in. sigh. perhaps i will feel better tomorrow. i've just been feeling really uncertain about everything lately...
oohh, i really don't like the feeling of any of this 😣😖
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riizebabie444 · 4 months
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𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙧 🌸
pile one
a new relationship, not necassarily romantic. it could be a friend or a work colleague. becoming closer with a family member. potentially a blossoming romance. you will find yourselves int he early stages of this new relationship.
so for some of you, you could find yourselves in a situation where you or another is abusing their power, or letting emotions rule over kindness and logic. alternatively, it could be that you are shying away from a leadership opportunity.
you could find yourself as someone or with someone who is clingier than expected, someone who doesn't necassarily feel good to be around. it is of utmost importance to prioritise yourself and your self-care over pleasing this person.
you could be welcoming a spiritual, or even religious, awakening. you are aligning your beliefs with your way of life.
an increase of wealth or financial opportunity may find its way towards you this summer. it could come in the form of a gift or as a new job. something with financial value will come to you.
the inevitable confrontation of your darker side. your bad habits, tendencies and mindset will be challenged. you will learn how you are holding yourself back and begin to better yourself against your shadow traits,
you will be introduced to changes which will help you break free from cycles you no longer wish to be a part of.
an opportunity for learning. if you have applied for a school or university, a scholarship or grant to support your education, good news regarding these will come for you. if you are working, it will likely come in the form of training to level up your skills and perhaps ready you for a promotion.
overall, this summer has a lot of self-development and growth in store for you, pile one!
cards: ace of cups, the emporer rv, queen of cups rv, the hierophant, king of pentacles, the devil, four of cups, page of pentacles
pile two
you will experience luck and success in the areas you want/need it most. i see it will all be a result of your hard work up until you achieve it.
material success is also on its way. if you have been expecting or applied for money, it seems there will be a positive result. it could also be unexpected or come in an unexected form.
you will have more freedom this summer, take this how you will it is different for everyone. but i see it will be a more free summer compared to summers you've had in the past. you will have fewer restraints.
you will have a stronger mind and be able to make rational and logical decisions. you could be enforcing more structure in your life, saying goodbye to lazy or negative behaviour.
self-confidence is on its way. you'll also find some more independence in your life, sort of growing up or out of an old phase where you relied heavily on others. as you "grow up" you will also grow more confident.
i see hard work so you may find dedication and determination coming to you and your summer will consist largely of you working on this project, or something you have been working hard for will be achieved.
despite the dedication to this work, i see this summer you will have lots of time left for your own thoughts. you'll have a lot of time to think and reflect on your life and desires. and also time to just daydream.
even when things get difficult, you will find yourself standing strong. by the end of the summer, you will see yourself as brave and courageous, you will have a stronger mentality.
overall pile two, it seems like you guys will be more independent and free this summer, taking control over your routine and life.
cards: ace of wands, king of pentacles, the devil, king of swords, queen of wands, knight of pentacles, the hermit, nine of wands
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© riizebabie444 — all rights reserved. please do not copy, steal, repost or translate my readings on any site. any act of which will be classed as plagiarism.
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sugarsprinklesoul · 8 months
6 Months Till Summer: Your Ultimate 6 Month Glow Up Guide
As the new year unfolds, so does the countdown to summer. You might be thinking, what? This early? YES. Summer is about 6 months away at the time I’m writing this post. This is the perfect time to start thinking about what we want our summer to be like. The earlier you start, the easier it is to achieve all your summer dreams! So rather than feeling overwhelmed by last-minute transformations, let’s start working on our glow up together now.
In this post I will guide you through the next 6 months and what you can do to make sure you look and feel your best when summer arrives.
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We are starting off super early. At the time I’m writing this post it is still January. For years I’ve always had goals for summer but I let life pass me by and when May came around I started to panic, thinking how can I look and feel my best when summer is already knocking at my door? This year let’s say goodbye to those feelings and make place for a more empowering approach.
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Below is your ultimate guide for your best summer yet! <3 Each month you will be adding new habits to your daily routine. Make sure to keep doing the habits when the month ends. So all the habits you start doing 6 months before summer you will continue doing 5 months before, 4 months before, 3 months before and all the way up until summer! With each new month you will just keep adding more! It would be even more amazing if you could make them apart of your daily life forever.
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Action steps:
Vision Boards: Create a few vision boards to visualize your summer goals. Make them inspiring and motivating. This way you have something to reference if you feel a little lost on your summer glow up journey.
Healthy eating: Start adding more healthy, nourishing foods into your meals. More dark leafy greens, vegetables, big nourishing breakfasts. Start seeing food as your fuel, if you don’t provide your body with the right kind and amount of foods, it won’t work in your favor! Healthy food is energy, glowing skin, health and happiness
Daily Walks: Begin taking daily walks to stay active and boost your mood! You can walk in the gym or at home on a treadmill but I would really really recommend for you to take your walks outside. The fresh air does wonders for your mental well being.
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Reduce Greasy and Fried Foods: Cut back on ultra processed and unhealthy foods. Especially greasy and fried foods. Not only do these foods negatively impact your health, they also can cause hormonal and physical changes that can worsen your skin and complexion. We want that glowy summer skin! So cutting back on these foods early, will give you enough time to achieve that. Does this mean no more fries? Of course not. Just enjoy these foods in moderation!
Workout Routine: Find a workout routine that works for you and start incorporating it into your lifestyle. Personally I will be adding runs to my routine, Pilates and Yoga and some strength training. I like to have a variety of workouts so I don’t get bored so easily. By starting to build your routine now you can build confidence, resilience and the stamina to enjoy your summer.
Consistency: Start working on your consistency. Remember the promises you make to yourself and keep them. It’s time to let go of the “I’ll start tomorrow” mindset and start your habits today. Even if you think your whole day was a “bad day” you can still finish off strong by doing a evening yoga session for example. Think of the person you want to become and act like her.
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Skin Care Routine: Start your summer skin care routine. I’m sure you already have a skin care routine you do daily. Start adding products into your routine that will give you that glowy summer skin! Think about Vitamin C, Niacinamide and hydrating ingredients. Also don’t forget to wear your sunscreen daily when going outside. It’s the ultimate secret to flawless, glowy skin.
Summer Aesthetic: What will your summer aesthetic be? Obviously you look amazing the way you are now. But to me, it’s so much fun to pick a type of aesthetic for summer and dress for the occasion. For example in summer I like to grow my hair out mermaid style and do fun mermaid type hairstyles.
Posture Routine / Stretches: Begin to add a stretch / posture routine to your schedule. Personally I like to do a little yoga each morning to wake up my body. You can do a special Yoga Posture routine to really get all the benefits. Improving your posture will work wonders on your confidence, trust me.
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Wardrobe Refresh: Start building your wardrobe with key summer pieces! Maybe buy some new bikinis that make you feel confident. Hair accessories, new shoes, cute workout clothes. Everything that makes you feel amazing during summer and you can wear on your active summer days. Clean out your closet and look for your favorite summer clothes. This is the time to look at your visionboard and build on your summer aesthetic.
Get up Earlier: Now that the days are getting longer, let’s take advantage of the sun and get up earlier. This is a great habit to build for summer, it will make sure that you can enjoy the days and maybe even catch a sunrise. Make sure to start working on you sleep schedule. Early nights and early mornings are key. This will help you be more productive, energized and boost your mood and overall well-being.
Increase Workouts: By now you have been doing your new workout routine for 3 months already! Change some things up and level up on others. Maybe take a few longer runs, do a longer yoga workout, whatever feels good to you! It’s time to really put in the work and make yourself strong and confident. When doing this, make sure to also fuel your body accordingly! You don’t want to under eat and over train as this will hinder your progress and have you feeling dull and lifeless by the time summer comes around.
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Fruits, Veggies and Salads: Now that spring is here let’s eat more fresh, cooling foods to keep your body cool and hydrated. Start adding even more veggies and fruits into your meals. Make big salads, fruit salads, protein smoothies and juices. All these antioxidants and vitamins will not only make you feel great but also look great too!
Body Hygiene: With summer just around the corner and spring in full motion, it’s time to take give our bodies a little extra love. When wearing a bikini we want to feel confident, fierce and beautiful. To make sure that happens we can give our bodies a little extra care. Think of getting a laser treatment for unwanted hair, body scrubs, lymph drainage, massages, a bikini wax, a little extra body lotion. Start doing all the things to get your body ready, glowing and looking amazing for summer.
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Summer Prep: Start prepping for summer! Organize your wardrobe, add your favorite summer clothes and shoes. Prep your jewellery, bags and other accessories you want to wear. Get your bikinis ready, maybe buy some new ones.
Summer Body Routine: Personally in summer my body needs a little extra love. More sunscreen, more waxing (obviously lol) and I like to have a little more glow by using body lotions and scrubs. I recommend adding a weekly summer prep body routine so you always feel ready to take on the day. It’s the worst when we want to do spontaneous things and then we remember we haven’t shaved for a week. Nothing worse than a last minute shave (ouch). Also start to add cooling ingredients in your skin care routine like Aloe Vera and face masks. To keep our skin fresh and glowing.
Healthy Habits: Keep doing all the healthy habits you have done so far! Like your workout routines, daily walks, better posture etc.
I hope by the time summer comes around you are feeling the most confident you have ever felt in your life. Each time you finish a habit, feel those empowering feelings and use them to keep you motivated! All these tiny steps add up and will help you to have a massive transformation for summer.
Each month I will be going more in depth into what you can do until summer arrives with more examples and a few mini guides. For now, I hope this post has inspired you to take transform your life for the better and start working on yourself because you love yourself! <3
And remember, your summer glow up is all about making sure you have the best summer you have had so far! It’s NOT about being the skinniest or eating the healthiest foods or working out the most. It’s about you feeling amazing and comfortable in your body so you can go out and enjoy summer to the fullest!
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livingbarbie · 1 year
finding a hobby ‧⁺˚*・༓☾
something really key to improving your self esteem and productivity is getting off of that phone !! but i feel like we all know this, and most of us also know that the best way to get off your phone is to find a hobby. this sounds simple enough, but it might be one of the hardest things i've had to do in my growth journey.
finding a hobby can be really difficult for a multitude of reasons:
there are so many possibilities - if you google 'hobbies', you are hit with hundreds (or even thousands) of ideas. while that's promising at first, as you scroll through these lists it can become quite overwhelming and confusing. after ten minutes of scrolling, you're likely to just lay back down and play on your phone again.
lack of interest - the biggest issue for me was simply a lack of interest in ANYTHING. i would scroll through lists on google, tumblr, whatever and nothing at all would catch my eye. this is probably something to do with instant gratification (i don't know much about it), and is most likely a result of the amount of time i spent on my phone doing a whole lot of nothing. either way, know you are not alone in this feeling!
perfectionism - if you do find something that peaks your interest, that's great! however, i know a lot of us struggle with perfectionism. often this can cause you to give up on the hobby almost as quickly as you started it, because you are not outstanding at it immediately. once again, you will probably end up feeling defeated and resort back to your phone.
it took me a long time to be able to push past these obstacles, but once i did it was so insanely rewarding. here are some of the things that helped me to do so:
hide your phone - so silly, but this truly did help. i put my phone in a drawer, and closed it. with my phone out of sight, i couldn't just pick it up out of habit. this forced me to kind of just sit with my boredom, and eventually i found things to do. (usually ended up being something from the MANY lists i had read)
try anything - i mean ANYTHING, anything at all. pick something that didn't really catch your eye at all and just try it. for example. i tried crochet out of boredom. it turned out that i didn't really enjoy it that much, but now i know how to crochet which is kind of cool. just try as many new things as possible, until something sticks.
change your mindset - shift that perfectionist mindset ASAP. find a way to embrace doing things badly. this is way harder than it sounds, but it is so worth it in all aspects of your life. try things and do them badly. learn to accept your bad attempts at things. these hobbies are for you and your enjoyment only, you do not have to show people. the best thing you can do for yourself is give yourself permission to make mistakes.
i have found many hobbies in the past year, some i am more passionate about than others. these are some of my favourites:
reading: an idea you have probably seen everywhere, but it is genuinely a favourite of mine. don't buy into the idea that you HAVE to read in a pretentious way. for many people, classics and books written in the 1800's are not enjoyable and that is perfectly okay. don't be afraid to read something that might seem silly (e.g fantasy, young adult, even children's novels). there is no point in trying to read something you know you probably won't enjoy.
coding: i got into this by accident if i'm being honest, i just got hooked on it when watching my younger brother do something for his digital technology class. this is something i NEVER would've guessed i would like. if you have access to a laptop or a computer, it is so worth trying. there are thousands of free resources online to teach you, and it is super fun learning to code your own little projects.
dance: something i sometimes do in my spare time is learn dances (specifically k-pop dances). i enjoy a lot of k-pop girl group music, so i find learning the dances really fun (and sometimes challenging). i would totally recommend trying this, k-pop or not, as it also doubles as exercise!
learn a language: you can do this in so many different ways, whether you learn the basics of many languages or you dedicate yourself to fluency in a single language. this is such a cool skill to build, and i honestly just find it really fun.
this is a very brief overview of finding a hobby, but the main point i want you to takeaway is to try anything and everything. ultimately, you will not know whether you enjoy something until you try it. please do not feel discouraged when you don't enjoy the first few things you try, there is something for everyone !
stay dreamy, my angels <3
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pinkwonymochi · 2 months
Becoming The Perfect Student ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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I want to become ✨THAT✨ student! The one that always gets straight A’s effortlessly!! So these are tips that I’ve gathered for myself…
Three Main Issues ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹
things that I personally face, and issues that others might go through as well.
🏹 One, you don’t know how to study.
🏹 Two, you don’t study enough.
🏹 Three, you don’t study efficiently.
Tips For Getting Good Grades ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹
🎀 know the weighting of each of your assignments, and know how important the exams/tests/quizzes are in order to put the right amount of your time & effort on the most important things
🎀 asking your teachers what to expect on the exams and tests!! This helps you know what to study and focus on while studying.
🎀 reviewing questions from your assignments or tests that you may have missed (if possible) so you won’t get them wrong again.
🎀 use practice questions to prepare & get extra information.
🎀 recognize where you’re struggling and ask for help!!!
🎀 make your own study guide if need be, rewrite important notes, make quizlets.
🎀 use your time wisely at school! If you have extra time use it to catch up on work, review, or ask questions.
Take Advantage of Outside Resources ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹
📓 Quizlet is my life saver!! You can use other peoples study sets or make your own.
📓 Using the internet is helpful, but when you’re truly down bad please go to a teacher.
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Mindset ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹
💭 Confidence is key!! You need to believe that you can do it!! You have to believe that studying will lead to better grades or that changing the way you study will lead to better grades.
💭 I particularly don’t care for math & science but I’m going to try and treat it as an experiment and really try to improve and learn the subjects until I see tangible results, so I can have better confidence and know that I can change!!!
💭 The growth mindset!! Every “failure” is something to learn from, it shows you what doesn’t work and what you need help on.
💭 This belief will keep you resilient and motivated and determined throughout the semester and not have a mental breakdown every time you don’t get the results you want.
💭 Prioritize grades!! Know why you want to make good grades, is it for your parents? To please others? Academic validation? To get into a good job or college in the future? No matter the reason the stronger your emotions the better! Remembering that reason whenever you get tired or sleep deprived will motivate you.
Things To Consider ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹
know you’re strengths and weaknesses, recognize what works best for you!!
📝 what methods prevent you from procrastination?
📝 what time of day do you study better?
📝 what subjects are you best at?
♥︎for me I’m better off when I complete my work as soon as it’s given instead of waiting or putting it off!
♥︎I tend to get stressed or overwhelmed easily! So breaking down what I need to do first helps.
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Set up Systems ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹
🧸 make it a habit to write in a planner or list things you need to do!!
🧸 set up a notion!! it takes some time to learn how to use but you can eventually make it really pretty and use it to keep your life organized!!
Study Techniques ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹
🎧 flash cards!!
🎧 blurting!! Writing down everything you can remember about a topic!! The key terms, formulas, etc.
🎧 don’t wait until you have a big test to use your study techniques!!
🎧 teach someone else!!
🎧 when you come across a new topic or subject read short sections and identify the parts you don’t understand!!
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harvesti · 1 month
Hiiii! What would your advice be for someone who is overweight and looking for ways to improve their life? I'm 5ft and 96 kg which is def falling more into obesity but I've been working on improving myself. My mindset has grown so much but I still struggle to workout or be consistent or really build discipline in anything. I wanna change my entire life but I'm so held back by my own self. Not only this, but having a heavier bust along with extra weight just makes it so much harder for me to exercise and not even a good bra helps. I want to change, 2024 and every year coming is mine to conquer and I can just feel it. But I don't have discipline to keep my word or to get off my ass and actually do things that'll make me feel alive and healthy. Any tips for building discipline and more?
Thankyou, I love your blog and I hope this ask wasn't invasive or too long ⚝
I think the key here is in the part where you say you want to change your entire life, which is an amazing goal, but it is literally the biggest task ever, and maybe that's overwhelming you! coincidentally I have a good anecdote for this from something my friend was telling me about yesterday: she had some remodelling done at her house and it just left the entire place completely dirty, every corner of the house was a mess and covered in dust and stuff. so after the work as over and done, she made a 1-week plan on how to clean everything, with an actual sheet file detailing what would be done, in what order, with time-stamps and everything. she told me that there was so much to be done that just waking up in the morning and figuring out where to start would be stressful, so it was necessary to be specific and only tackle one thing at a time, otherwise she would be lost trying to do all at once.
I'm using this example because your life could be like a messy house right now, where there's dust covering every room, and you're struggling to clean everything up because you don't know where to even start, and you're trying to do everything at once. and that's just impossible! changing your entire life will not come from trying to change everything at once, because that's like trying to run a marathon before learning how to walk.
my advice is to take it slow and be more focused on one issue. think of it as a RPG game: changing your whole self is the main quest, but you'll only get there by achieving the minor quests along the way. what is the one thing, right now, that you'd like to change? it could be something as small as drinking more water, or walking to places more instead of going by car. pick one task and work on that, day by day, until it becomes a habit. then move on to building another habit. they'll add up and suddenly you'll already feel like a new person.
you don't have to rush or do everything at once. your life is the one and only project you'll have to work on forever, until the day you die. there's no deadline or timeframe for you to achieve your goal! take it one day at a time and you'll find your discipline ❤️
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grimoiregradient · 7 months
The Tangle Spell
An uncrossing, sort of, and a road opener, sort of.
Useful when you have gotten into bad habits, negative self talk, and general negative thought patterns.
First, you will need
Paper and Pen
Several colored ribbons or yarn, one color for each major thought pattern you would like to change
One plain/white cord or yarn
Make a list of the thoughts you would like to change, for example, my list went something like this:
"I hate my body"
"I'm tired all the time"
"I'm lazy"
"I neglect myself"
"I'm jealous"
Choose a colored ribbon or yarn for each of these thoughts. Try to focus on the most negative ones that impact your daily life, though really you may do as many as you like, it just becomes difficult to keep track of.
Make a list of corresponding thoughts you wish to replace the previous ones with. For example, mine were:
"I love my body"
"I am full of energy"
"I am proactive and motivated"
"I take care of myself"
"I am full of love for others"
Take your ribbons and tie, knot, and tangle them as much as you possibly can. Keep tangling. When you feel like you're done, tie some more. Then after that, knot it up a little more. The more tangled it is, the more work it takes to undo, the more thorough the spell will be. As you do this, whisper in each of these thoughts, over and over as you work until its finished. Focus very hard on tying your negative mindset into each knot.
Immediately move on to the next step. Do not allow your tangled thoughts to sit there unattended.
As you untangle each knot, loudly speak or even sing your new replacement thoughts until each and every one is free and untangled, allow yourself to feel relief as each one is undone. Focus on your progress. Be proud of yourself along the way. And feel the negativity dissapate.
Finally, take each ribbon and tie to your cord like so:
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As you attach each one, tie the corresponding positive thought into each final knot. Place this on your altar or in your bedroom where it will be around you, and allow it to be a reminder of your new mindset.
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fr0gc4t · 9 months
a ramble/confession, and some non-dualism tips
if u seem to already consciously know that ur god AND also think in limiting beliefs, ur not alone. i do it too. it’s way more common than u think.
sometimes we understand a concept and think it’s true, but our egos don’t think in the way that would actually comply with that concept, and that stops us from fully shifting into belief and freeing ourselves from ego. “belief” and “knowing” aren’t always the same thing.
prime example: YOU knowing that ur “desires” r already urs, and then ur ego switching the process completely and being like “so where is it?”. we all know that happens to a lot of ppl in the loa/non-dualism community. the ego is tricky bc its nature is to try and intimidate us. then we slip back into ego-based thinking. happened to me, and is still happening atm. and also i wanna remind ppl that, like healing, awakening to ur true self is often not linear. and that’s totally ok as long as u don’t give up. i was pretty much almost fully realized but then i let my ego get to me again and since then i’ve been trying to get back into that state but just haven’t succeeded at changing my thoughts/improving my self-concept (adhd is making it very difficult).
look. ik it’s kinda weird to have someone post a ramble abt FALTERING at living non-dualism. most of the time, we talk abt the opposite to remind ourselves if our power. but i think it’s important to be open and vulnerable when ur struggling, especially when other ppl could learn from ur struggle.
like i said. not getting i right the first time is OK AND NORMAL. ik ppl say “changing ur self-concept is effortless” but LET’S BE REAL FOR A SEC: that’s not true for everyone, especially neurodivergent/mentally ill ppl, and ppl with intrusive thoughts (i’m all of those, btw), bc our egos r EXTRA spicy.
awakening to ur true self as the god of ur reality is healing, and healing is HARD. in this case, since whatever we are aware of is true, it doesn’t rly have to be, but when u have inner demons, MY GOODNESS IS THIS SHIT DIFFICULT (but still sooo worth it, i promise u).
so good for u if it’s not difficult. really, i’m happy for u. i just also want to bring to light my situation, which is: hearing ppl say “changing ur self-concept is effortless!!” just made it harder to change mine.
i see ppl say things like “i don’t want any limiting beliefs near this page!!!” when limiting beliefs and learning to overcome them r a normal part of this process and should not be shunned, and should rather be met with compassion and understanding. AND SOME PPL DO MEET IT WITH THAT!!! but there r also many who don’t. i understand not wanting to hear ppl’s limiting beliefs in some situations, but not being open to hearing them at all just creates more stigma around being vulnerable abt faltering in this journey and needing some further encouragement or advice. positivity is only good until it becomes toxic positivity. (AGAIN, NOT POINTING FINGERS AT ANY ONE PERSON. I’M TALKING ABT ALL OF US, INCLUDING ME)
my adhd makes it so hard to stick to a new habit long enough to get used to it. and as a result, i have faltered a bit. okay, maybe a little more than a bit. AND THAT IS OKAY. THAT IS NORMAL. THAT IS SOMETHING WE NEED TO TALK ABT MORE.
maybe these stuggles r an “illusion,” but that doesn’t mean we should pretend like we don’t have them. we don’t always have to put on a happy face and go onto tumblr and vaunt to try and fight the intrusive thoughts. if u know anything abt the psychology of intrusive thoughts, FIGHTING THEM DOES NO GOOD. we should accept them and let them be there, knowing that THEY CAN’T HURT US.
even then, they might stress us out. and that’s when we might need to vent. and venting is NOT a bad thing. sometimes it’s the only way i can cool off. but instead of venting into ppl’s inboxes, we should make our own posts, like this one, in constructive language (i suggest writing the angry/anxious stuff first in ur notes, then, when ur calm, rewriting it in a constructive sense and posting it on tumblr). we need more openness to sharing our struggles. mental health struggles r sooo real (even if our human minds r illusions), and we need to make the non-dualism/loa community a safe place to talk abt those struggles and see if anyone can relate, or maybe used to relate and has adivice.
being gentle and open to this conversation is just as important as affirming that we have what we desire. bc, well, if u have the struggle i have, or something similar, u know how difficult it is. hell, i even thought abt going back to loa and trying to get into the void instead of keeping on my non-dualism path bc i thought it would be easier(???) and now i realize that that doesn’t even make sense bc both of these things require improving ur self-concept, which is what i was trying to avoid.
THAT IS LITERALLY AN EXAMPLE OF THE THING I EXPLAINED AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS POST (which was supposed to be the main topic… i rambled a lot. oops.). i knew that i had to change my self-concept no matter what, yet i thought that getting into the void wouldn’t require that. sometimes the thoughts just don’t add up. and it’s bc of the ego! i actually only became aware of that now actually.
THE EGO JUST WANTS TO CONFUSE U AND TAKE CONTROL OF U. i’m just still letting mine have power over me… but now that i’m aware of it, i can try again, this time with a different perspective.
faltering is normal. not being able to change ur thoughts the first time is normal. having this kind of weird cognitive dissonance is NORMAL. THE IMPORTANT THING IS TO NOT GIVE UP, AND SUPPORT EACH OTHER.
you failed to change ur mindset and ended up spiraling? needing a break from trying to change it? i don’t blame u, this stuff is hard. it’s okay tho! what u need to do now (or when ur ready) is: FORGIVE URSELF AND TRY AGAIN. and don’t be afraid to start the conversation of “can anyone relate to this?” or whatever helps u.
we can do this. we can change our thoughts, even with any obstacles we may face, bc we are stronger than our egos. WE’RE GOD, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! we can do ANYTHING.
the first step is knowing that faltering is okay. next is realizing that our knowledge of who we are doesn’t always match our thoughts, and that that is the nature of our brains. the next step is forgiving ourselves and moving on.
hopefully this rant wasn’t too jumbled or confusing, i kinda just wrote it here without any planning lolz. i need to figure out a format.
and i hope some of u could relate to my struggle. be as open as u want in the replies. i will not judge. if u need to make ur own little rant, it’s fine by me.
also, sorry for being gone for a while. i don’t use tumblr very much anymore. i’m slowly falling away from all apps except pinterest, amazon and depop 😅 but dw, i won’t let myself fall too far. i luv tumblr and the non-dualism and loa community has changed my life and opened my mind in so many ways. even if i haven’t succeeded at getting all my desires quite yet, it’s okay. i will succeed. maybe not right away, but i will. and so will u. (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚
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mithrilhearts · 20 days
What was your favorite fic to write/curremtly writing?
And along that line of thought, do you have a creative process?
(Apologies, English is not my first language, so if I said something wrong,,,)
Hi Chips!! Sorry for the late reply here! Better late than never, though, right?? YEAH!! And I love this ask!!
My favorite fic to write...I think that has to go to Bookbinder//Songwriter - much as it intimidated me to start, it's become one of my favorites to play around with. It dives into two things that I love most (music and literature), and is just some cute slice of life fic that really cheers me up both as a writer and reader. It's one of those fics I feel could go on forever, you know? And to see so many people enjoying it, well, that brings me joy too.
My creative process has evolved so much over the years, and I think I finally have it down! It may not be the most effective, but it works for me both productively, and to secure my mental health.
This isn't in any particular order, it's just how I keep myself organized
I outline my fics by jotting down a series of bullet points in chronological order (which I change to check boxes, so I can mark them off as I go) and then break them up into chapters so I know an approximate length for the fic. I can add or remove details as the story evolves, but this guide is super helpful to me.
I have a spreadsheet that keeps track of damn near everything for me. How many chapters of each fic I've written, when I last updated, what stage my current works are in (what I'm working on, what I'm editing, what I haven't started, etc), and also all my ideas, events, etc. If I didn't have this spreadsheet, I'd probably never finish anything.
I've removed having monthly word count goals - ultimately, for me it just doesn't work. It ruins my self-esteem if I don't reach these goals, and I can't always predict how my brain is going to feel for that month, so I just do what I can, and track what I get done, rather than what I couldn't accomplish.
I've gotten into the habit of working on one chapter to completion before working on another project - this keeps my brain in the same mindset for that project, instead of bouncing around like a ping pong ball.
I have a tier system of fics of importance! So I try to focus the "mithril" tiered fics a bit harder, and slowly make room for new stories (which I try to restrain myself from starting until I've finished other things)
Now as for when I'm actually writing? So long as I have decent music in the background (or some sound), a drink, and a good mindset, I'm content and can write <3
I know my creative process isn't for everyone, and other people have way better processes than I, but this works for me! I expect it will evolve more as time goes on! Thank you for the ask!!
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daphnedauphinoise · 2 years
how to stop being addicted to self help contents ?
This is a very valid question and something I struggled with until a while ago. The bottom line is you need to just go out and live life. If you are out living life, you are not mindlessly consuming self-help content. A lot of self-help content is bullshit. It really is just a way to be insecure about things that dont require any of that. I have found that you can't wean yourself off self-help, the promise of a better life is so sweet. Not as nearly as sweet as living a better life so in my opinion, it has to be a cold clean cut away from self-help. At some point you actually have do the routines you have made, check the check lists you have made and all those vision boards.
Why are you consuming self help? Usually it is one of these things:
Your life is shit and you have no clue on how to fix it
You are avoiding fixing your life because lets be honest, work is hard so you rather just keep searching for your magic fix
You are deeply afraid of moving past your shitty current situation because now you have gotten used to it and you do not think yourself as deserving of the life you want. You are scared of the brigh future you can have.
Believe it or not but all of these things are fixable. Those of you who are afraid of the good things in life need to do some soul searching and weed out the root of your misfortunes. If you are avoiding the hard work, then you are doomed. If you are group number one, I will come back to you.
One of my friends has a habit of telling us that anxiety is the stupidest man made concept and I used to look at her weirdly until I finally understood what she meant. She wasn't targeting those with diagnosed anxiety, our friend group knows first hand how delibatating anixety can be. What she means is a lot of our concepts we have about self, we come up with ourselves and those concepts are our downfall. I used to have this horrible notion that I was incapable and i was worth much, guess where my life was? Once I started respecting myself more and flipped that narrative my life has changed so much. Until a couple of months ago I used to go around saying ' i have such bad anxiety', it was an excuse as much as it was a justification. As soon as uni started again and I have been forced to interact, guess whose life has been better? I am not saying my social anxiety has gone but my mental health has improved dramatically. I no longer say I have that anxiety anymore eventhough I do, I dont let that hold me back. Just because I have it, I dont let myself become a victim to it. The things I thought I couldn't do, I do now; all it took was a new outlook and a new mindset. Things do get exponentially better when you actually leave your front door and tackle your problems head on. From my own experience, the more I have labeled myself as an 'anxious' person, the worse my anxiety has gotten. I did a chart and everything and I saw that there was a direct correlation to what I was perpetuating and then how I was feeling and then consequently acting.
Here is how self-help went wrong: people see self-help as the end goal. Making the visualisation board is not the end goal. Making a visualisation board is the start of your journey. I have a board right infront of me now and everyday I wakeup and I look at it and promise myself that I will do something today that will bring me one step closer to one of those pictures. A lot of people who are into manifesting hate actually doing the work but I need you remember Law of Action is literally a universal law. You cannot manifest a schoalarship, if you never apply. You won't meet your billionaire boo if you are at home day in day out. The time to start your journey to your dream life is actually right now! Literally RIGHT NOW. Stop giving yourself excuses and do that 10 minutes of whatever you need to do today. You need to be confrontational with yourself and you need to have self-discipline.
All the girls I know who have had shitty upbringings and me personally, are where we are because we dream hard and work hard. I have seen people leave the wildest pasts behind and move onto the bigger and better. From being abdandoned by her parents to golfing every week and currently she is planning her skiing getaway. I have seen people using their losing deck and win at life. They all work hard. Their work ethic and their dedication to their purpose is a commonality they all share.
daphne xox
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schizodiaries · 1 month
I’ve haven’t really opened up about this on this blog because it isn’t schizoaffective related. But I hope you all don’t mind that I vent a bit about this. In addition to mood and psychotic issues, I also struggle a lot with body image and poor eating habits. It’s apparently not severe enough to be considered an eating disorder, but it’s pretty heavily influenced by decades of diet mentality and internalized fatphobia.
(More under the cut, but I’m putting a content warning for mentions of weight and dieting, as well as potential disordered eating habits.)
I’m overweight. In fact, on my medical records, it says I’m obese according to my BMI. It wasn’t always that way. I used to be quite thin, maybe even underweight. But ever since the pandemic/lockdown, and ever since taking antipsychotics, my weight changed rapidly and dramatically.
I’m trying not to see this as a bad thing, but fatphobia is not easily unlearned especially if it’s been instilled at such a young age. Not only that, but because my weight change happened so suddenly, it came with some health issues. Prediabetes, for one, and some mobility issues too. Being at a heavier weight so suddenly has put so much strain on my legs, feet, and lower back, and walking up and down the stairs has become painful and a struggle for me. I can’t move around, turn my body, or bend over as easily as I used to, and it’s causing me a lot of stress physically and mentally.
Now for the social aspect. As we all know being fat is looked down upon in society. Especially in female bodies. I was already aware of the insanely fatphobic standards that women are often held to but I haven’t been on the receiving end of that until now. I have also gotten so many hurtful comments from family members and people close to me about my weight. The worst one I got was from an older, non English speaking relative who wouldn’t even call me fat to my face. She had to say it in her native tongue and direct it to my parents, while I was clearly in the room. What she doesn’t know is that though I don’t speak my family’s language, I can understand just enough to know when someone is saying “Jesus, she got fat!”
That encounter was the last straw for me. I knew at that point I needed to lose weight, by any means necessary. I put myself on countless diets, tried intermittent fasting, dusted off my fitness watch, forced myself to go on walks despite the pain, weighed myself multiple times a day, and started counting calories. At first, it worked, and I started to see some weight change. My mom commented that i was “getting my figure back.” I was being praised for all my work. But the process was slow. And it wasn’t enough, for anyone. Not my parents, not my doctor, not me.
I gained all the weight back and then some because my heavily restrictive eating habits came back to bite me in the ass and I was so hungry to the point of overeating to compensate for the lack of food. I got burnt out from exercise and became sedentary. My plan had failed, and I am now at my highest weight I’ve ever been. My doctor put me on Metformin, a medication typically prescribed to treat diabetes and PCOS. But it can also cause weight loss. My doctor strongly suggested i take the medicine, and even lamented my thinness on my behalf. In her words, “You used to be so skinny!” I am now at the highest dose of this medicine, which has given me gastrointestinal issues, and I still have not noticed a change in my weight.
I’m trying my best to keep a positive mindset about this. I’m trying to stay body positive, to love and accept my bigger body, and to embrace my change in weight as just another part of getting older. But it’s so difficult. My struggle to move my body like I used to, the nonstop comments I get from family members and healthcare professionals, the fact that I keep outgrowing every new clothing item I buy for myself and having to buy new ones every few months. It’s making me depressed, and angry.
I’ve reached out to my therapist already, who referred me to an eating disorder specialist who subsequently determined that I don’t have an eating disorder. They then referred me to a dietician, where I learned about consistent and balanced eating. I attended webinars about eating skills, body image, and rejecting the diet mentality. I’ve put in the effort to fix my relationship with food and body image. And I’ve certainly made a lot of progress in that regard. But I’m still fat. And the people in my life make it a point to remind me of that frequently.
Today I spoke to my mom about the pain in my lower body. She offered little to no sympathy, and told me to just lose weight and it will go away. She later sent me an Instagram reel about water fasting. I know she’s just trying to help, but i think this hurt more than it helped. The instagram reel I found to be particularly triggering, as now I am highly considering doing a water fast to lose weight.
The only person closest to me who hasn’t made any kind of negative comment about my heavier weight is my boyfriend. He has consistently been my biggest supporter throughout my weight journey. Except for when I relapse. Whenever he catches me restricting or starving or skipping meals, he expresses disappointment and accuses me of “giving up” and “not trying hard enough” to recover. Which is a huge slap in the face considering I’ve been putting so much effort into changing my relationship with food - seeing a dietitian every month, reaching out to an ED specialist, attending webinars about food and body positivity. But apparently, to him, if I relapse at any point, then all that effort would have been for nothing.
So I don’t know what to do anymore. If I try to accept and love my bigger body, my weight stays the same, and I’m bombarded with comments about my body. If I decide to do something about it and end up relapsing, I’m scolded by my boyfriend for “giving up” and “not trying hard enough.” If I reach out to doctors or family members about my weight they just tell me to lose it. But if I try to lose it, I fall back into unhealthy habits. I’m in a real damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation.
It’s hard for me to say what I really want to do without feeling like I’m promoting unhealthy habits. So I will just keep it to myself and hope that my efforts will have some results. Until then, I think I’m going to do things on my own terms and not listen to what any family member or medical professional has to say about my body and relationship with food. I’m going to do what I think feels right to me and my body. And I’ll do it by whatever means necessary.
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nonbinarydeity · 2 years
Manifestation as I understand it to work for me, and how I upgraded my mindset INSTANTLY. Long post ahead !
Disclaimer, please only take what resonates with you with this post, because this may not work for everyone! This is just what I feel works for me the best, but you still make your own rules!!
So I've been reading and watching a lot of videos lately about manifesting, specifically Joe dispenza "breaking the habit of being yourself" and Abby Ruston on YouTube. Both of these in tandem have completely change my views on a couple of things, and I had a COMPLETE 180 in my mindset literally INSTANTLY last night, so I'd like to share with you what I've learned to see if it helps some of you.
Alright, so let's start with the basics. What is manifestation to me? This is going to be a rather scientific take, which may not resonate with everyone! If you just want to know how I upgraded my mindset, skip this part, I'll put a note where it ends!
Manifestation to me has a lot to do with quantum physics, that is, atoms on a quantum scale. As I'm sure we all know, when an electron is not being observed, it acts as a wave, and when it is observed it acts as a particle. Electrons exist within a cloud around the nucleus, and they are so incredibly small that they are practically not even there. The space in which an electron exists is 99.9999% empty space, and the electronic can exist in any part of that space. Because of this, there are an infinite number of places an electron could be within an atom, and therefore there are an infinite number of possibilities for each atom's existence until they are OBSERVED.
Do you see where I'm going with this? See, we are made of of atom's and energy just as anything else, but we also have a key to manipulating this energy, called consciousness. When we observe something with our minds, it becomes real and solid to us, therefore our thoughts can literally create reality!!
But how do we actually observe a new reality? We'll Dr Joe Dispenza says that there are two keys to manipulating the quantum energy field that surrounds us: thoughts and feelings. When we think, we put energy out into the quantum energy field, and when we experience positive emotions/ vibrations, we attract that energy back to us in a positive way. These two things act in tandem, and they are the foundations of how to create your reality.
So actually this part was incredibly easy. With this new knowledge of how manifesting works, I put out into the universe that I wanted a better self concept, and then I meditated to get into the feeling of the wish fulfilled (no guided meditation this time, I did this on my own!). Afterwards, I found a YouTube channel that really resonated with me, and I'll summarize her teachings here:
Basically, the whole premise is that self concept forms in childhood, and we carry it into adulthood. The problem with that is that as children, we lack critical thinking skills, and so many times those old views of ourselves no longer suit us.
Let me give you an example. Let's say as a child your caretaker was too busy for you, they may have had work and been exhausted. Because you were a child at the time, and because your very survival depends on the approval of that caretaker, you form the assumption that you aren't important enough, because if you WERE important, then your caretaker would have had time for you.
Can you see how this belief is outdated now? As an adult/ when you're past the age of about six-ten, you can understand why a caretaker may be tired or absent, but they likely are trying their best to make time for their children. THIS DOES NOT INVALIDATE YOUR EXPERIENCE, because how you felt during that time is still valid. As a child who lacked reasoning skills, you took the blame for things that usually had nothing to do with you, and you carried that mindset into adulthood.
I want you to know that whatever happened in your childhood WAS NOT a reflection of your worth as a person, because as a human being you do have inherent worth. We are not born hating ourselves, that is taught to us, you see?
This realization that I was never at fault for everything that happened to me AUTOMATICALLY upgraded my mindset and my vibration, because I let go of all of the limiting beliefs I had immediately upon rethinking WHY I felt that way with my adult mind.
If you want to learn more on this topic, PLEASE go watch Abby Ruston on YouTube, she explains all of this in depth!!
Anyways, I hope that this helps some of you, because it helped me SO MUCH to really realize these things, and I can feel in myself that I'm going to be getting my desires very soon because of it!!
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pookapufferfish · 7 months
Going out on a limb here off anon like some idiot stupid person. You don't have to reply if you don't want to. Feel free to block if I'm overstepping my bounds as a non-mutual.
Here's a complementary fish
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I just. think you're basing way too much of your self worth off of social media numbers. Idk.. You likely already know this.. It's messing you up. It's worrying to see. I don't even know you more personally than occadionally seeing your posts on my dash.
People just naturally prefer canon characters over people's OCs to the point that it's become a meme. You're not "uniquely awful". People 'responding' more to your Rivulet art doesn't make it inherently better than all your other art. These are all reassurances. I don't doubt your friends already say all this in more familiar words.
I don't think it helps much on it's own, yk? Mental illness has a habit of completely ignoring logic in favor of feelings. There's only so much one can do to combat it with reassurances? You may need a break. You need a change in mindset. Your queue doesn't have to be filled to the brim 24/7 if it causes you anxiety. Your art doesn't have to exist solely for everyone to praise it. The way mental illness saps your energy can isolate you, and it doesn't mean your friends don't *want* to include you in activities, just that people eventually start assuming you'll say no. You're going to burn out if you continue this way :(
Take care
I understand what you are saying and how you are trying to help me. But you are getting some things wrong. and that is understandable, I try not to say much. I have a bad habit of bottling stuff up until I break.
I don't really care about social media numbers much, I just wanna be remembered. and seeing people talk about how much they love the designs or artworks of other artists while just liking or silently reblogging with no comment on my stuff is really demotivating. I just need a "this is really cool!" sometimes
I know people don't care much about ocs. the thing is 90% of my art is canon characters, it's just that riv is the favourite. I can do a 5 second doodle of riv and get 100 notes in an hour all screaming they love it, but a more fun and well done artwork of nightcat gets maybe 60 in a week, no words said about anything. my art of gourm or inv or anybody else also gets ignored unless riv is right next to them.
I know that I am not uniquely awful. I know that very well. I help all my friends with their issues too. a lot of them have it a lot worse. I have a good life, I know that.
Also I don't mind that my friends don't invite me to things. I can't join a lot of the times because of timezones. but they aren't even talking to each other or our group anymore. I feel abandoned by them after helping them, I wouldn't be suprised if there is a whole new server that excludes me. They did it before.
They interact with each other on tumblr and do silly jokes I can't understand. and they comment and reblog each others art but not mine. I just feel like an npc of a friend they only talk to when feeling bad. and then they go to each other for the fun times. I just want a text convo sometimes or something
Also my queue stuff doesn't stress me out. My queue being full is just a bit I like to joke about. it also feels nice because I feel like I won't be forgotten if I keep my queue full
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bitterkarmaa · 2 years
MAN MAN ok eating that short up like soup noodles SO GOOD! Can i just say i once again love again how you present the characters here!
Like with the Blood Twins, clearly both are very much aware of their issue and don't want to give in to it and they struggle so much to overcome i love that, despite that they currently are unable to stop themselves (though help of a certain stone may help that over time as we know hehe)
And as horrific as it is, they gotta sustain that need for blood somehow because they don't want to turn on their family and being unable to do their buisiness outside the plex because they worry for Eclipse is heart wrenchingly bittersweet, especially with Sun getting on their case about eating the plex patrons and failing to understand they have a genuine problem that is beyond their control.
SPEAKING OF MR CLIPS - heckin LOVE how morally grey he still is (defo leaning more on the darker shade of grey still) like his mindset seems to be like: 'yeah yeah killings wrong now and whatever and i gotta start trying to be all nice nice' - but that only really applies to his siblings (and kids including the blood twins) with everyone else he still doesnt care and he won't hesitate to snap a neck if he felt the need to and that makes him flawed still BUT IN A GOOD WAY THAT IS CONSTRUCTIVE TO THE STORY AND HIS OVERALL CHARACTER!
It wouldn't make sense for him to be suddenly all good and turned over a new leaf 100% like no thats not how redemption works he is still very much an asshole but one who - like the Blood Twins - IS trying to make more of an effort to be better, but only for his family and not for anyone else currently (if ever) and that makes him such an interesting character!
BUT YEAH THATS MY LIL RANT thanks for writing my prompt request it was a joy to read and analyse <3
I’m so glad you liked it!! I work my hardest to have the KB crew come off as well rounded characters <3 I appreciate that it’s noticed!!
Luckily enough, the stone IS obviously making a difference since they lasted a few days instead of just a few hours! Even so, I wanted to moral dilemma to show for them in a way that seemed realistic to their characters: they aren’t exactly guilty because they’re killing people, but because Sun scolds them in a way that puts everyone on the same level. Instead of just humans, they’re patrons with kids that Sun takes care of in the daycare. Sometimes I think he’d get a little guilt-trippy, but that’s only because he fears for the safety of the kids if Blood Moon’s urges become too intense.
Blood Moon has never really had validation for these habits- as sick as it is, it isn’t something they can control, like you said. Which is partially why Eclipse lets it slide so much easier- because he knows that they HAVE to do this. They don’t have a choice until the stone takes full effect.
If he knew that the reason they don’t leave the plex for hunts anymore was because of him, it would crush him. He has no idea that they care that much.
At least, not yet.
Now, morally grey Eclipse is probably going to remain morally grey. He’s never going to be good, and doesn’t plan on resorting to being bad again. Although he previously convinced himself he was the hero, he now holds a bitterness for the title because of his failure to enact his plan correctly, and what it ended up costing him. For that exact same reason, he will not go back to being bad. He doesn’t want to lose everyone again.
Not to mention that he’s never really seen that people can be good, so he has no reason to spare them or feel bad for their deaths. He prioritizes Blood Moon over any human ever, and that won’t change.
Who knows? He may always hate people.
He will always have those memories. How could he NOT hate people?
But yeah!! I’m so glad you liked it!! It was a blast to write <3 thanks a bunch for the request!!
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butterycube777 · 2 years
Is that really all you took from that? That your art is ugly and I'm accusing you of faking something? You're thinking of this in overly-simplistic terms, which I suppose I should have expected.
The things you associate yourself with are devistatingly unhelpful to your personal development and mental wellbeing. Call it whatever you want but "fakeclaiming" means nothing. It's real to you, which makes it real. But we can convince ourselves of anything at all if we want to, if we find it alluring in some way, or if it benefits us. We use the language we are given to build a narrative which ties us to the things we focus on. Shift your focus, change what you do, change your habits, develop your language, and you change the narrative- and thus, what you need to justify. Develop a solid sense of self and you won't have to come up with shit to compensate. If you stop surrounding yourself with people (online and irl) who prioritize munchausen and victim-complexes in attempt to dodge accountability for their own shortcomings and irresponsibility and underdeveloped life and social skills, with their priorities on things that are detrimental to their maturity while claiming they truly need to do so or else they'll suffer so immensely (none of these people know the first thing about suffering, I can assure you, based on how they're able to live such decadent lives sitting in their rooms drawing cartoons, e-begging, and writing about how they have little cartoon characters living in their head)... then maybe you can become someone with control over their life. Doesn't that give you immense hope? The knowledge that at any moment, you can in fact just step away, change your lifestyle, shift your focus, get an adderall prescription, get a job, and begin to concieve of yourself as a beautifully complex person with many aspects and facets to your personality and an overly-active and overly-immersive imagination, who loves to roleplay and create characters which represent different sides of your expansive personality, but gets lost in these roles a little too easily because you live an isolated little fantasy life where you're lacking any meaningful sense of responsiblity to others or even to yourself. You lack any sort of role in your real life in which you have any amount of control, and thus, you have invented new ones. It would be almost empowering if you had the mindset to stop viewing such powers of self-invention as a disability. But go ahead, respond with another doodle of your poorly-drawn mascot looking dumbfounded. I already know that until you gain any real and pressing motivation to change your mental frameworks, you simply won't. There's no pressure to change. It's comfortable, whare you're at, even if you feel as if you're truly miserable and pathetic, it's all you've ever known... And it's gotten you thus far, right? Think about what you could do if you invented yourself anew outside of your fantasies.... Moved away to a new city, built a new life, convinced yourself of your capabilities- or at least of your ability to accept failure as a part of growth. I know someone who grew up in a terrible situation, he had severe mental health issues, and was overly-invested in "DID" culture- with his main alter being an fbi agent from a piece of fiction. Someone helped him stop wasting his life drawing art of the fbi agent- told him that if he really sees himself as this character, then just do it. At least try. He stopped living in fantasies as the character he identified as, got into a good school, and now he's on track to becoming a very successful crime scene analysit- and he's not much older than you. He's a stealth ftm with a very bright future, and nobody knows about his past. Think about it. Your life could be the greatest piece of art you ever crafted. You have it in you, obviously. Step one: stop being cringe online. You're welcome.
you dont know me. you dont know anything about me. you dont know anything about my life. you dont know anything about the situation im in. and yet you still have the entitlement to give me some vague ass advice sprinkled in rude comments about my art looking like shit and practically calling me chronically online. think about it, you couldve spent all this time doing something more productive so heres some advice for you
step 1: stop giving life advice to strangers on the internet whom you know NOTHING about. your welcome
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drjameslongjr · 17 days
“Counseling through the Word” Devotional: I am a New Creation
“Counseling through the Word” Devotional: I am a New Creation
As believers in Christ, we undergo a complete transformation—a shift from the old to the new. This is not just a change in behavior or perspective; it is a fundamental change in our identity. In this devotional, we explore what it means to be a new creation in Christ and how this truth impacts our daily lives.
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:17
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." 
Devotional Thought
In Christ, we are not merely improved versions of our old selves; we are entirely new creations. This profound truth lies at the heart of the Christian faith. The moment we place our trust in Christ, a radical transformation occurs—we are reborn. The old life, with its sinful desires and worldly values, passes away, and a new life begins. This new creation is marked by a spiritual union with Christ, where His righteousness is imputed to us, and our sins are imputed to Him. This exchange, often referred to as the "great exchange," is the foundation of our new identity in Christ. As new creations, our values, priorities, and desires are transformed. The things we once pursued no longer have the same hold on us because our hearts have been redirected towards the things of God. This doesn't mean that we no longer struggle with sin, but it does mean that sin no longer defines us. Instead, we are defined by our relationship with Christ and the new life He has given us. Our old value systems, loves, and plans are replaced with new ones that align with God's will. This transformation is ongoing, as we continually grow in our sanctification, becoming more like Christ. We now live with an eternal perspective, recognizing that our ultimate goal is not found in the temporal things of this world but in the eternal glory that awaits us. As new creations, we are called to live out this reality daily, letting our lives reflect the profound change that has taken place within us.
Bringing it Home: Applying What We Learned
- New Identity: Embrace your identity as a new creation in Christ, letting go of past sins and failures. - Transformation: Allow the ongoing work of sanctification to reshape your desires, priorities, and actions. - Eternal Perspective: Live with the understanding that your ultimate goal is found in eternal things, not in the temporary pursuits of this world.
Lord, thank You for making me a new creation in Christ. Help me to live out this new identity every day, letting go of the old and embracing the new. Transform my heart and mind to align with Your will, and give me the strength to pursue the things that matter to You. May my life reflect the profound change You have made in me, and may I glorify You in all that I do. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Questions for Reflection
- What old habits or mindsets do I need to let go of to fully embrace my new identity in Christ? - How can I allow God's ongoing work of sanctification to transform my daily actions and decisions? - In what ways can I shift my focus from temporal pursuits to eternal goals?
Take the Next Step on Your Journey
Thank you for joining me today. If you found this lesson helpful, I encourage you to explore more resources and support on my website, https://jameslongjr.org/. You can also watch my video on my YouTube channel. Finally, would you consider joining our Lessons for Life monthly membership or our online group coaching, where you’ll find powerful coaching videos, a supportive community, and step-by-step guidance for lasting transformation? Remember, true change is possible when you walk in God’s grace and for His glory. Until next time, may you find peace, hope, and joy in Christ alone. Blessings! Read the full article
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