#uncracked case
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uncracked-case · 4 months ago
Case #2: Something Particular
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Greetings. My name is Detective Rodger, though you may refer to me as just simply “Rodger”.
In this… case, I will be documenting certain aspects of my investigation, as I try to piece together the origin of the ongoing Ichor Operation in Gardenview, and why so many of our friends have corrupted versions of themselves lurking down below…
Ah, you might be wondering why I haven’t simply written this all down in a- .. notebook.
…Nevermind, I seem to have lost my train of thought…
Anyway, I should probably explain the reason behind why I have made a Tumblr account in the first place - well, to be quite direct, you guys will be assisting me with my investigation - or, rather, that’s what I intend for you all to do…
But if you’d like, you may ask me questions as well.
Is that direct enough?
Let’s begin the case.
Previous Case
Hi! Crescent here. As always, I must remind you that I am not affiliated with the official creator of DW - I am just a person who likes Rodger to the point of dedicating a blog to him, that is all.
Anyhow, like before, there is just one rule. Please do not send any NSFW asks to him. I am not comfortable answering any questions regarding that topic, and I am a minor.
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s1ld3n4f1l · 1 year ago
dingaling had to make buzzo and lisa's relationship unhealthy cause he knew that if they weren't they'd be unstoppable.
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Bean, why is she/her technically in the pronouns for Pep? What happened to the wife, Bean? Is the cannibalism tag for more than the clones, Bean?! I know this will be eaten by Fake Bean but I need to voice these thoughts out!
(I can answer a part of this before Fake Bean chows down, bc it's not too much of a spoiler, and it happens with every muse I have, hehe
Pep hasn't officially had his Gender Moment yet!)
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astra-galaxie · 5 months ago
I DID IT!! Here’s the whole thing copy pasted from Google docs!!
The Player’s general skills and implied personality + some stuff abt them! (as far as i can gather, at least, tell me if i missed smth!)
*Note that these skills do not include case specific stuff (like the time they discovered a new species in Pacific Bay)
-Exceptionally skilled at handling the forensic kit,in S1, Jones had challenged the player to uncrack a code while he recites the alphabet from A, and the player cracked the code just before he hit the letter F. It takes about a few seconds, so that says a lot.
-The player has freaky intuition skills in general. I mean, in quite literally every case, they figure out what evidence is needed, what could count as evidence, and searches through things most would gloss over. Their partners acknowledge this a lot, more in the first cases since they just met.
-Can keep a level head even in high stress or even dangerous situations even when their partners cant, whether its during or after the cases. Jones addressed this after court quite a few times in the first season. Also, the player’s able to calm down whoever thier with or
*Add on, in S4, while facing Cappechi & Finley for the first time, he managed to intimidate Isaac on both occasions, however, the player remained composed enough to be able to file evidence against them.
-Works out. In Good Girls dont die, a case in S1, while Grace tries to convince Martha to calm down, she states that the player has already kicked down the door. Like, kick. The player probably doesnt even have any special gear on them, so either the door is weak or, the more likely theory is that the player got dem legs frfr
-Has quite the memory. Easiest case to get this info from is during S4, in the case Eyes Wide Shut, player and Isaac identify a rice makeup composition on the item, Player can easily recall that 17 cases back, which give or take a few, is about a monthish? That Madam Xiang was wearing it. Mind you, at this stage in case Eyes Wide Shut, the duo had only spoken to Madam Xiang once, and she never mentioned the makeup.
-The Bureau themselves asked for the player to join them, that in itself is already a accomplishment, since the Bureau is like, the elite of the elite in the police world.
-Their temper seems to be much milder, or at least, more controlled. Its more evident with Frank and David (S1) since the chiefs often say the player is much calmer than them, hell, David got in trouble for being too brash and got so many complaints he had to file paperwork.
-They do indeed make mistakes, one of my friends irl kept saying the player was a Mary Sue esque kind, but in S3, they were also led on by the Warren guy after he framed the Guru, and they were kidnapped by Karen in S2. If they were so called ‘Mary Sues’, they’d probably figure out a way to not get captured and be the person whos left unscathed and babied by the team.
-Maybe a similar point, but they have sharp eyes and possibly very good eyesight. In a case with Jonah as a partner in S3 during one of the Additional Investigations, the player spots a tent from afar up a mountain. Not to mention its always them who finds everything lol
-The player is good at calming down their partners or whoever is working with them tbh. Like every time one of their case partners are loosing hope, breaking down, feeling impatient or angry, the player snaps them back to their senses.
-They arent quite up to date with some stuff, or simply put, most likely arent that geeky like Jones is, or probably that interested in acting and stuff, in S4 when Isaac asks them how they have no idea who Dolly Darnell (famous actress) and a famous chess master is. Personally would love to think they’d love to listen to their friends and team talk about certain personal interests of thiers.
-Most definitely has a good physique. In S2, Roxie comments that they fit perfectly into a diving suit, which is typically quite tight, so we can assume their physical health is in good or in its prime, in S7, Ben mentions the player has great reflexes for being able to dodge a chupabara attack.
-Can handle a gun better than the average policeman could, probably. In S4, they got into a gunfight with their team against Capecchi and his men, and the team won, so probably suggests that either the rest did most of the work, or the player is good enough to aim and shoot down a whole bunch of tough ahh men.
-Has better driving skills than Jones
-The chiefs often say the player is a rolemodel of what the rest of the team members should be, often, its Frank and Jones being reprimanded and being compared to the Player.
-Implied to be a pretty sarcastic and humorous person, whenever the person their working with for a case or a suspect makes a unfunny or less than tasteful joke, or just does smth weird in general, they always tell the player to ‘not look at them like that’
*Jones seems to be the one saying this the most, including Frank because he teases the player a lot as well.
-Patient. The cheifs say the player is patient, and im sure having Frank work with them would make their temper flare at leats three times in a single hour if the player wasnt a patient person.
-Knows how to handle and drag themselves + their team out of wallowing after a crisis. In S3, Ripley praises the player for being able to rise up after her ‘death’ so quickly, and solving her ‘death’ as well.
-Thier spice tolerence is off the charts, could bet money that they definitely could eat a few hot peppers and only complain of a bit of bite on their tongue. Even Rita admits their tolerance is higher and she’s tough as hell.
-Reliable adult, probably good or decent with children. They were the adult Matilda came running to (in Grimsborough S1) while her own parents were arguing. Jones said this as well when reprimanding the dad.
-My friend (yes the same one) keeps saying that the player would be homophobic?? What?? At least one of their core team members are gay as hell, cmon bruh
-Is most definately empathic and more adept at handling sensitive cases, whether by sensitive, its a matter of whether the press gets ahold and it could be bad, or its sensitive like family and personal matters get involved. When their partners make a distasteful comment or joke, no matter how mild, the player is implied to have told them off (ahem, Jones, Frank and Roxie)
-Good at undercover work, its shows in S4 during the last district, does the S4 part where they have to break Florence Samuels out with Rose count?
-They solve cases within the day or in a few hours, the latest they’ve ever finished a case was in the evening and then again, the player had only started on it in the afternoon.
-A kind person in general. I mean, for one, if i was a homicide investigator and every time i do an investigation, multiple people want my help?? I’d bail, nuh uh. AND not to mention, its time consuming bc theres always the need for analysis, and with sometimes, personal and professional problems get mixed up halfway.
-They most definitely have the money to live comfortably, they have the money to take James Savage for shopping for a new funeral suit and outfit, and they recieve so much spare cash from suspects during the AI.
-I feel like they probably have a good fashion sense, but on that point, can we talk about their closet size?? They get so many articles of clothing, they would definitely be the kind to overdress on every occasion and still look fabulous.
-I would not be surprised if its end up being revealed that they were a reformed thief or some wild shit like that, how does a rookie officer know how to crack a lock in seconds??
-Do you guys think their banned from being the seeker whenever the office decides to play hide and seek because their so good at finding stuff? Like, the last time they were the seeker they probably caught everyone in less than 30 minutes or some shit
-In addition to that helping people shit, the player’s either just energetic in general or their ass is running on coffee and pure willpower because i CANNOT do what their doing, their partners dont even stay consistent throughout the entire AI, and sometimes, in the official investigation itself
-Player’s a positive influence on the people around them, and this prob my nth time mentioning them, but JONES AND FRANK!! Grace says at the end of S1 that the Player’s influenced them positively a lot, and Karen says that as well abt Player’s influence on Frank.
-More on the energy thing, they work overtime so often im surprised they havent asked for a raise or something (then again, the chiefs probably automatically gave them one anyways, maybe even more)
-Not afraid of them high rankers!! S4 for example, no matter how many times Commisioner Baldwin threatened them, they are not afraid, gives 0 fucks, did not gaf even tho Andrea told them to leave Jazz Town before the hurricane kills them
-Player def got a strong stomach and do not care about getting ther hands dirty, they’ve seen so many dead bodies in the most gruesome settings possible, and they dig through trash every case, they have definitely seen…stuff. Oh yeah, they’ve seen so much raunchy and sexual stuff I don’t think they’d be too fazed anymore.
-Offically, including the S4, S6 and S7 cases, they’ve solved 370 cases in their entire career, including a cold case in S5, maybe indirectly, a few more in S5 due to the Rocket Cow killer being discovered, and a few more side murders due to how many serial killers they’ve arrested, so the victims get justice.
-They get offered or are the ones paying the first round for drinks quite a lot, so I’d assume that either they dont drink at all, or they can hold their alcohol well.
-Has gained fame as both as a detective world wide and citywide, AND in Pacific Bay as a co owner of a movie and had their cases featured in another movie! I’d assume their movies are out by S3 or by S5.
-Magic hands, anything damaged can get so well repaired its like it was never broken, or the partners and the suspects are just trying to make the player not feel bad lol
-They seem to not mind… leftovers, or anything that is edible but looks or taste unappealing… I mean, if we get a burger everytime a prisoner gives up their prison slop to the player, does that imply they ate it no problemo??
Sidenote: it feels like I’m putting the player on a pedestal at some parts… I assure you I’m not trying to 🥲🥲
Sorry, it took so long for me to answer this! I FINALLY found the time to sit down, read and react to it!
And to start this off: HOLY SHIT!😲 (I mean this in the best way possible!)
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(Live footage of me giving this post as much love as possible. Yes, I am secretly an alien gremlin!😉)
I'm going to try to go through each section at a time, so prepare for a long post!
-Sometimes, I wonder if anyone else has training when it comes to the forensic kit... I remember Jack claiming to be a pro at the vacuum tool, but we NEVER see him use it! Or any of our partners, for that matter!🙄
-It wouldn't surprise me if the player was psychic! Or at least partly! I don't think I've seen anyone make a psychic player OC yet, but it would be an interesting concept!
-After everything the player has seen, even just in the first season alone, it's no surprise they know how to keep their cool!
(At least Isaac got more confident at dealing with Finley! Though we can't blame him for being scared of Mad Dog!)
-Kicking down a door is no easy task! (Not that I've ever tried it.) So the player must try to keep themself in shape! And clearly, they don't skip leg day!🦾🦿
-I wish I had the player's memory sometimes... My working memory is slowly going downhill! And yeah, remembering something as minor as someone wearing rice makeup from months ago is impressive! Esapiclly considering everything that's happened between the cases!
-I have the theory that if CC had continued, we would have been recruited into the GIA or another secret spy agency like we were for the Bureau! After all, their resume would be as impressive as it is long!
-Some characters could learn from the player and their ability to control their temper... (*cough* Frank *cough*)
-I can see where your friend got the "Mary Sue" idea from. The player is constantly being praised for their work, but they still make mistakes and learn from them, like you said!
-Forget 20/20 vision; the player has the best eyes in the world! They must be the champion in Eye Spy and Hidden Object games!
-If the player ever decided to change careers, they could be a therapist! Or an anger management coach!
-With how busy the player is, it's unsurprising they don't have time to be up-to-date with some things...
As for the S4 thing, I like the idea of the player being from away and not knowing about Concordian celebrities, unlike their partners!
-In conjunction with the strength one, the player must take care of themself by eating well (ignoring all the free hamburgers they get...) and staying active!
-I think it's stated that the team worked together to defeat Capecchi and his men, but the player obviously knows how to handle a gun in order to stand their ground against them!
-Well, Jones did crash at least once that we know of, unlike the player...😉
-With how good the player is implied to be, I bet they would win employee of the month every month! Move over, Sponge Bob! We've got a new champ in town!
-Sometimes, I wish we had dialogue options just to see the jokes and witty remarks the player could make!
-The player must have the patience of a saint to put up with some of the people and things they have to deal with!
-For the amount of shit they find themself in, the player knows a thing or two about how to get out of it and drag others out with them!
-Given that Rita looked like she was on fire while eating the salsa, the player either has a steal tongue or no feeling in it to handle eating all that spice!
-I like to think the player is good with children too. After all, almost every time we meet a child in the game, they seem to love the player!
-I can't see how your friend came to the homophobic conclusion either! The player works with several LGBTQ+ teammates and interacts with even more LGBTQ+ characters outside the teams! Are we sure they played the same CC game?
-The player is one of the game's most empathetic people. Even after so much death and pain, they still are. And they know how to stay professional when working on a sensitive case.
-I'd count it as evidence of them being good at undercover work! They're also constantly undercover in S6 and manage to fool nearly everyone they meet!
-I've always wondered about the timeline for solving a case... I swear they finish every case within a shift! I think the only one I canonly recall taking more than a day was Anatomy of Murder when Jones talks about reading his book before bed during chapters 2&1 (I think...).
-The player has a heart of gold, and it's a miracle they still do by the end of the series!✨
-They must be LOADED! But if people keep giving them free money on top of their job income, it's no surprise they probably don't have to worry about money!
-With all the clothes and accessories they get throughout the series, they could have a whole floor in their house dedicated to their closet! Hopefully, they donate anything they no longer want.
-A common theme among OC players is that they always have a secret past! I'm sure someone must have made one with a past as a thief or something to help explain how they're so good at picking locks!
-Agreed. They are only allowed to participate in hide-and-go-seek by being the timekeeper.
-The player must live off of coffee, energy drinks, or SOMETHING to be so energetic! I know I wouldn't be so excited to do extra work by helping people after solving a murder! I hope they get extended vacations to make it even!
-Player, spreading positivity wherever they go!✨
-They better get paid WELL for everything they do for their job, teammates, cities and citizens!
-They've got nerves of steel and the bravery of a god to stand up against so much higher authority! They've even talked back to royalty before, too!
-For how often they search through the trash, they either have no sense of smell or the strongest stomach in the world!
-The player's case record is unbeatable! And they solved all those cases in under a decade, according to the undefined timeline!
-I think the drink thing stopped after S2 (or at least I don't remember it happening as much after that season), but they are still often invited for drinks one way or another!
-I'll never know how they weren't recognized in S7, given how famous they are! For changing to such a secret job when they joined the supernatural hunters, it's a surprise they weren't recognized! Especially considering we run into past characters!🤔
-The player is probably the first person people go to after breaking something! We'll never know how they manage to fix things so perfectly! Unless they really ARE magic!🤔
-The player never does say no to free food... Even when they really should! How they never got food poisoning (Jones flashback intensify) will remain a mystery!
-Don't worry; other characters put the player on a pedestal for us!😉
Phew! That was a workout! Hopefully, we didn't lose you guys!😅
I can tell you put a lot of work into this, so let me be the first to say good job!🥳✨
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NOW TAKE A BREAK! You deserve it after creating this doc!
You captured a lot of the player's traits and successes! And I look forward to seeing what others think about your analysis! And if there's anything they think should be added! After all, it is always helpful to have some extra input!😊
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zal-cryptid · 10 months ago
Has Krampus ever taken someone to Toyland as a case of mistaken identity? Like taking the wrong identical twin when only one has been naughty or something.
Highly unlikely since he doesn't exactly rely on mortal senses to identify individuals. Krampus has supernatural senses. He can smell the rot in a person's soul. He can hear the heartbeat of an uncracked egg. He sees you when you're sleeping and knows when you're awake. Of course he knows if you've been bad or good, you reek for goodness' sake.
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xiaosonlybeloved · 1 year ago
Hi! Saw your requests were open and I wanted to ask for Heizou and the Hanahaki prompt, please? 🙏🏼 you try your best to hide it from him but being the genius detective he is, he figures it out. I’d love to see how you write it!
Melancholy -Heizou
featuring:- Shikanoin Heizou, fem!reader, brief mentions of Kujou Sara tags:- Hanahaki AU, angst, hurt/no comfort, brief mentions of blood a/n:- im so so sorry anon for writing this so late! But here you go, and i hope you like it :) thank u for requesting! (i think it would kill me to actually write fluff for once)(also if i made a taglist, would you guys sign up?) wc:- 2.5k
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‘He knew.’ You realised with a sinking heart as his firm eyes searched yours for answers, a hint of disbelief and concern in them. He’d figured it out.
Everything started out small. It always does.
For you, it started the very day you two met, little by little. You’d needed someone to help you find and retrieve some books from your treasured collection that had gone missing, and good old Detective Heizou was the one assigned to help you.
He didn’t take long to draw you in. The charisma and confidence in his voice, the intelligence and wit sparkling in his eyes with a hint of mischief, the amusement dancing subtly across his face. Everything about him pulled you deeper in. Not to mention, you were incredibly impressed at how efficient he was at his job, despite his carefree, playful attitude- within 24 hours, each and every one of the missing books had been neatly stacked in a pile along with an apology letter from the thief, and Heizou had returned them to you, with that charmingly cocky grin of his. You’d thanked him profusely then, and he’d waved it off as just helping out a bit. He even refused to take payment, insisting that if you really wanted, you could repay him with a nice lunch or dinner.
Since then, your ‘friendship’ with Heizou only grew.with time.The next time you met, it was an accidental encounter in the streets of Inazuma, and then you’d repaid him with that promised lunch. After that, you two just seemed to bump into each other more often, or perhaps you both just noticed each other both. More than a year passed, and you two were fast friends.
Just friends.
You didn’t know when those pesky feelings started to develop, but they did, taking root in your heart like a bug. And your poor heart cracked a bit more everytime Heizou called you his best friend with a grin, or when he casually flirted with random people, your emotions covered with an airy smile that betrayed none of what you felt, unfortunately for you. If only he knew…
“[Y/NNNN]!” Heizou called over to you with a grin as you stood talking to the owner of one of the flower shops in Inazuma, running over as if to give you some great news. Your heart jumped a bit to see him again, even if it had only been less than a day since you last saw him. “What is it now, ‘Zou?” you chuckled. “Which uncrackable case have you cracked now?” He stopped right in front of you, breathless. “Guess what? Kujou Sara confessed to me! Can you believe it? The high and mighty, proud general Sara?” He was laughing. 
You raised an eyebrow, trying to mask your surprise and disappointment. She got there first, huh? “Well? What did you say?” “I said yes, of course. Now boom, we’re dating.” Heizou replied easily.
You took in a deep breath, feeling like a hundred knives had been stabbed into you. But you needed to hide it, because Heizou was still looking at you expectantly, awaiting your response.
You’d always be his best friend. Not his lover.
This cold truth seemed to sink into your heart, as you controlled your facial expressions, making an excited smile that probably seemed very fake to the sharp eyes of someone like Heizou. You quickly followed it up. “Dang, I never thought I’d live to see the day when you actually dated someone! Man alive, am I surprised.” Heizou laughed again, his eyes crinkling, driving the wedge deeper into your heart. “Never thought I would too.” Then looking at his phone, he apparently remembered something as he quickly said, “Oh darn, I totally forgot I had to meet up with a client right now. See ya around, [Y/N]!”
You smiled sadly as he ran away, your heartbreak now visible on your face. You return your attention to the store owner who looks at you curiously. “Sorry, Ma’am, but I won’t be needing the flowers anymore. Could you please cancel my order?” The lady looked at you in sympathy as she nodded, probably having figured out who you were planning to confess to.
Back at home, you suddenly doubled over in a coughing fit, your lungs hurting.
You’d stayed holed up at home for the next few days. Believe it or not, it actually wasn’t because of your broken heart. You’d fallen ill, and it greatly annoyed you. You kept coughing your throat out, and it wasn’t stopping. You did go about your normal routine for the first few days after Heizou told you, but then it got bad and you started staying home. Your friends often visited you, keeping you company. With their presence, you did seem to get a bit better.
So why was it that Heizou coming over out of concern for you always made you cough more?
One evening, he’d come over like always, with some medicines this time for bad coughs. Looking at his worried face at your deteriorating health, you wondered just how cruel it was for him to be always looking out for you, never knowing what you felt for him or what being with him did to you. 
Unfortunately, it was in front of him that your illness grew worse- you started coughing out blood, him panicked and trying to help you. 
Once you were temporarily better, he was insistent on staying the night with you to make sure that you didn’t get worse, but you made him leave reluctantly to get some rest. Immediately, you seemed to breathe a bit easier, even though your throat felt like there were vines practically growing in it. With that came an inkling suspicion of why you weren’t getting better. But it couldn’t be that, right? 
Then, a week later, you coughed out your first petal, confirming your worst fears.
Purple hyacinths were known to mean sorrow, longing, etc. 'How fitting.' You thought bitterly as you ruminated upon your less-than-ideal situation. You’d known for a while now that you held strong feelings for Heizou, but you never thought it would actually develop into Hanahaki. Damn it… What do you do now? You had to at least confess to Heizou for a chance at surviving, no matter how slim. But that would be very hard to do, considering he’s literally dating. That thought brought a bitter taste in your mouth. The other option would be to get the surgery, but it would mean removing Heizou from your life for good, but you weren’t quite keen on doing that. If not… You’d die.
No. You would most certainly not allow yourself to die for a failed love. Sure, you really loved him, but there was no point in throwing away your life for someone. 
As you were thinking about this, there came a series of soft but strong knocks at your door. With a sigh, you dragged yourself down the stairs to see the visitor, noting that the knocks didn’t sound like Heizou’s or anyone else. 
When you see the person at your doorstep, your eyes light up after a long while. “Kokomi!” You exclaim as you run to hug your old friend. You’d been forced to part with her after you shifted from Watatsumi Island to Narukami Island, but you’d regularly kept in touch. Kokomi frowned as you led her into your home. “You’re ill, aren’t you?” “Yes indeed, Doctor Kokomi.” You tried to joke. Kokomi narrowed her eyes at you. “You smell of blood. What sickness do you have? I can heal you.”
You hesitate for a moment, unsure of whether to tell her or not. Not because you don’t trust her- she’s probably your most trusted confidante apart from Heizou, but because you’re a bit afraid of her reaction. With a sigh, you say, “Hanahaki.”
You could see it in the way her eyes fell. “Who is it? Heizou?” She asked, immediately understanding. You sighed in affirmation. “Can you heal me?” This time, it was Kokomi who was hesitant as she responded, “... I do know how to conduct the surgery, but there’s no other way out unless you confess and he accepts.” You grimaced. “Can you please keep this a secret from Heizou for now? I’m still thinking on what to do.” She nodded, looking resigned, but said, ”Alright, but you need to decide fast. To me, it looks like your illness is already quite severe. There is a certain stage beyond which the surgery cannot be conducted and the only option is to confess or die.” You nodded. “Thank you so much, Kokomi.” A while later, after you two had caught up with other topics, she left to go to the hotel she was staying at, giving you her address and telling her to come see you immediately if anything happened, along with some medicines for delaying the growth of the hanahaki.
While you were chatting with Kokomi, Heizou was flipping through books on diseases and illnesses. Needless to say, he was worried sick on seeing that it had been weeks and your condition had only grown worse. 
On a different note, he had just broken up with Kujou Sara that morning. Things just weren’t working out, and he wasn’t interested anyways- he just wanted to try things out. So now, he had more time to find something to cure you. 
He groaned as he went through the list of symptoms. He had a feeling that he knew what was wrong with her, but he was too afraid to admit it. ‘Heavy persistent coughs that slowly deteriorate to frequent bloody coughs, along with a feeling of being unable to breathe. In the last stage, which is almost certainly fatal during the later phase, the victim coughs out flower petals symbolic of their situation, along with blood. When the flower petals change into full blooms, the surgery cannot be conducted anymore, and the disease becomes fatal.’
His heart sank- his worst fear had been confirmed. You had hanahaki. He hadn’t yet seen you cough out flower petals though- so there was still time. He’d talk to you about it today, unsure of whether you knew about Hanahaki or not. 
He also wondered who it was who was dumb enough to not accept or return your feelings. He would, in a jiffy.
You sigh a little, enjoying the cool breeze hitting your face after so long. You were going over to pay Kokomi a visit, taking this as an excuse to get out of your house, which had started to feel cramped and stuffy. But of course, your moment of pleasure just had to be interrupted by another bout of flowery coughs as you hurried into some street corner to ensure that no one sees it. As you hurriedly stuff the purple flower petals with red, bloody edges into a bag you were carrying, a voice calls out to you that made dread settle in your heart.
Heizou stands there, staring directly at you and the bloody purple petals in your hands. 
‘He knew.’ You realised with a sinking heart as his firm eyes searched yours for answers, a hint of disbelief and concern in them. He’d figured it out.
“You didn’t tell me it had gotten this bad.” Heizou said quietly, stepping closer to you. “I didn’t want you to know.” You murmured a response, looking down at your feet to avoid his stare, his eyes still looking at you in disbelief. “Why? Why, [Y/N], why? Who is this person?” 
You gulp under his stare as you debate whether to tell him or not. Yes, you knew he was dating Sara but still… You were on your way to Kokomi’s anyways. The opportunity had presented itself, you should take it. 
“It’s you, Heizou. You’re the one I love.” you whisper as you look up to meet his gaze.
You wish you hadn’t. Then you wouldn’t have seen the way the disbelief in his eyes changed into shock, surprise, and denial.
It was clear as day to you- Heizou didn’t return your feelings, you were dumb for thinking you had a chance.
You ran past him straight to Kokomi’s, wanting to escape. On the way, you could feel another round of flowers coming up your throat, but you held them down till you reached your destination.
Meanwhile Heizou stood still, shocked at what had transpired, a hand outstretched in the direction you had ran.
It was him.
As his brain finally processed things, he was still in disbelief and shock. He had been smart enough to figure out that you had hanahaki, but much too dumb to realise who it was directed towards. It was then that he forced his body to run, to search for you.
Late into the night, he still had no idea where you went, as he stood in the desolate streets of Inazuma, hands clenched.
More than a year had passed since then, and he had no clue of your whereabouts, or if you were even alive or dead. Everytime he thought of you, regret and guilt filled him as he cursed himself out.. If only he’d told her his feelings instead of hiding them like an idiot. If only he’d run after her immediately. If only he’d figured out your feelings faster. If only, if only…
He was in Watatsumi Island for a new case, although his efficiency at work had decreased over the last year. He thought he might as well take some time off for himself, give himself some time to recuperate quietly. 
But it seemed fate had other plans for him, as his eyes fell upon a figure in the woods of Watatsumi Island, one more than familiar to him.
His heart jumped into his throat as the figure straightened, then turned to look at him. “...[Y/N]?” He ran towards you to engulf you in a hug, but stopped short on seeing the expression on your face. There was curiosity, but not an inkling of recognition.
Ah. So that’s why he didn’t see you anymore. You’d taken the surgery and moved out.
“Oh, do I know you? May I help you? I see you are new here.” You said with a kind, polite smile, the one that you usually reserved for strangers.
His heart and fists clenched as he realised that you had no idea who he was anymore. As he realised that once again, he was too late.
[requests are open for now (please check requests page) ] tags and comments are very much appreciated!
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barneysballsoffire · 19 days ago
A single suggestion of pussy had me with my arms crossed behind my back watching the pouring rain fall like a hardboilt detective reaching a dead end upon a heavy, uncrackable case.
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legendl0re · 6 months ago
A Court of Peace and Ire: Chapter 4: Repaying A Debt
Rhysand visits Tamlin, demanding answers and hurling threats about his son, and the fateful clash of two High Lords finally unfolds.
Rhys vs. Tam fight scene as well as arguments to bring forward the crux of Tamsand’s relationship. Lots of angst but I swear the healing is coming xD
Trigger Warnings: Violence, Slight Gore, Fight Scenes, Emotional Angst, References to SA, Ideation of one’s death, Acceptance of death
WARNING: The fight isn’t as bombastic as it may be in canon for two reasons imo:
1) Tamlin has not been using his powers so they are much less refined than if he was using them every day.
2) Rhysand lost a great deal of his own power when he died.
That and also I didn’t want Prythian to be destroyed by their fight, which according to SJM, would be the case.
Tamlin felt a bead of sweat roll down the side of his temple as his magic swept glass off the floor, carefully shaping it back to a flat plane and nestling tight into the window frame. This morning, he awoke with the gift of the slightest motivation—a desire to fix some pieces of the manor to make it less broken, less dangerous.
Stepping on splinters and broken glass was nothing for a High Lord—one of his many small enduring punishments—but for a child through?
Tamlin shook his head, trying not to think about it. Replacing his wards was the first thing he had done; a starting measure in case that boy ever attempted to winnow back in again. But if that blonde’s snatching of Feyre was any indication, it probably was for naught.
He had little practice with abjuring magic, since he could always just be present to protect those he wished to defend, before he became High Lord.
“A warrior has little use for wards,” his father always said. “Why bother wasting energy with needless shields rather than saving it for the fight to come? If any are so brazen to approach Spring with killing intent, our power shall sharpen to claws to rip them apart, and nothing else.”
His father was a fool, a bloodthirsty fool whose shortsightedness left Tamlin with nothing, save the burden of a responsibility he had never wanted nor trained for.
As he released the arcane hold a breath shot away from him; he really had been out of practice with his powers, surprised to still be able to perform something as involved as reforging glass from hundreds of shards.
Like any weak muscle, he would have to work at it, but he took a moment to admire what he had done, how the window looked pristine as if it had never been shattered to pieces by one of his episodes.
Even though the rage felt like a distant memory, he knew in truth. It was lingering, slithering within his bones and lying in wait. Isolating himself was the only way to protect everyone from its lashing out, from the moments his anger took the reins and tore into the world with his magic.
It had gotten so much worse since his time Under the Mountain, every day a struggle to keep that gaping pit inside him from stretching farther and farther, threatening to consume him along with everything else it could get its hands on.
All because of her.
That hateful, murderous, predatory woman whose malice scarred Prythian even years after he had torn her to pieces…
Torn himself to pieces.
Tamlin shook his head; no sense in dwelling on broken bonds. Wood splinters groaned as his magic pieced them back together, gathering to reform one of the many structural pillars that struggled to bear the manor’s weight.
The High Lord then took a rest, sitting at the top of the steps by the double doors that led to the courtyard. It may have just been the foyer and the entryway, but the progress he had made fixing everything let the weight in his chest lighten just a little. A lone bookshelf, two love seats, and solid, uncracked floorboards were the few, minute details that he had gotten too, but tomorrow he would tackle the stairs and the frayed, broken banisters that flanked them.
Maybe he’d get far enough to see his own bedroom again—perhaps even sleep in it.
Tamlin rolled his sleeves down, thinking about the conversation he had with Feyre’s sister at the border, how much less vicious and vengeful she was compared to the past.
Having eavesdropped a bit on the discussion before making himself known, it seemed the Night Court was keen to keep favor with Eris in preparation for his eventual ascension as High Lord; the eldest Archeron serving as the lure.
Given she had cut the King of Hybern’s head off, she didn’t seem the type to seduce or cajole for the sake of anybody except herself. Yet now she was mated to Rhys’ war general while also serving as a carrot on a stick for Lucien’s disdainful brother?
What was going on there? No mated fae would ever even consider sharing their mate with anyone, even playfully. Eris had already suffered the wrath of one of the Night Court’s Illyrian brutes; why tempt the other one?
Tamlin stood up and shrugged off his pondering. The Night Court was beyond welcome to any inconvenience, and frankly, he had better things to do than waste any further thought on it.
If only the feeling were mutual.
The windows shuddered, then splintered apart, the fresh pane once again scattered on the floor as shadows burst through and coalesced into a familiar, dreadful shape. Tamlin however, gave no notice to the darkness, just staring blankly at the shards at his feet, and the reflection of his eyes within them.
He had long been past sitting in the anger that Rhysand’s presence evoked, instead opting for the small, comforting mantra that allowed him to mentally prepare himself for what was to come.
You did the right thing. You bought him back, and he will never forget it.
“Talk. Now.” Huh. Not even a hello or feigned attempt at cordiality; straight to the venom.
“I just fixed these windows.” Tamlin replied, still not meeting Rhysand’s eyes.
“I don’t give a damn about your windows.” The High Lord’s shadow coiled over, but even as his lethal cerulean gaze took over Tamlin’s in the broken glass below, the lord of Spring didn’t turn up. “Why was my son here?”
“I’d say “perhaps you should ask him,” Tamlin muttered, finally meeting the stare, “But he doesn’t seem to be at the talking stage yet. Perhaps you should keep better track of your things.” Rhys’ hand knotted around Tamlin’s collar, jerking him to a stand.
“That’s. My son.” Every word was laced with a promise of death, Rhys’ mouth twitching as he bared his teeth. “If you ever-“
“If I ever what, Rhys?” Tamlin barked back, swiping away Rhys’ grip. “I seem to recall only one of us has a history of mutilating children. So you can keep all of your paternal bloodlust and save it for the Illyrians.” Rhys looked confused at that. “Oh, you intend to spare Nyx the wonderful experience of breaking atop the mountain?”
Tamlin felt a single hint of regret as Rhys’ pupils cut down to slits.
“He won’t know that life.” He hissed coldly.
“That your decision, or the High Lady’s?” They were mere inches from one another now, Rhys’ shadows nearly thundering while Tamlin felt the claws stir within his hands. “You have a lot of nerve coming here and badgering me about visits I don’t even want, especially considering how many times I keep catching your oaf-general and his mate.” Rhys laughed, the sound brimming with disdain.
“Finally found a bit of nerve, Tamlin? You never had the gall to insult my brother to my face before.” Tamlin huffed a soft breath, eyes rolling.
“No nerve, Rhys. Just a lack of interest in whatever you have to say, and an ever-growing wish for you to leave me the hell alone.” Tamlin pushed past Rhys, unsure of where he was even going. He just had to get away from him, had to remove himself from the stirring in his chest, the rushing in his head. The High Lord of the Night Court was furious; utterly thirsting for a fight and willing to say anything, touch any nerve he could to get it.
“My son comes here by accident, and suddenly you’re tidying this place up.” Rhys’ hands found their way into his pockets. “Peculiar, isn’t it?”
Tamlin paused. Shit.
“I told him to never come here again. So if I see, if I hear that he is here a second time, I will hold you personally responsible.” Tamlin’s hand gripped the edge of the doorway, wood whining as his nails latched into it.
Enough, goddamnit. Enough!
“Sure.” The High Lord of Spring crooned, head coiling back like a serpent. If Rhys’ words had so much venom, it was only fair that Tamlin shared some of his own. “I’ll be sure to ward up my mansion so the next time he winnows here, he bounces right off and finds himself outside with the naga. I’m sure he’ll be a nice snack.”
Rhys took a step, the shadows of the room drawing back to gather deep within him.
Preparations for the inevitable.
Tamlin turned to face him in full, complete acceptance of what was to come filling his heart.
Ever since the day Rhys and his father cursed him to rule this Court, he knew things between them would only end one way.
“Your son ever comes here again, do well to remember that I’m the only thing standing between him and oblivion, so perhaps you should be thanking me for sending him home, fed and warm.” Rhys continued laughing, as if ignoring every single word Tamlin had said.
“You know. I never did repay you for your words at the High Lord’s meeting. About Feyre.” Regret would have given the high fae a slight chill, had fury not boiled it all away.
“No. You didn’t. And I haven’t repaid you for letting your father open my mother’s throat, or Feyre for setting my court aflame. There’s many things that haven't been repaid, so be mindful of the debts you owe.”
Tamlin didn't’ realize what he had said until it left his lips, and Rhys’ smile vanished entirely.
“What did you just say?” He whispered, a wrathful shudder as he inclined his head.
Tamlin felt a flicker of worry, an urge to scramble back and try and balm the words over with something, anything…
But there was nothing. There was no want for peace, no wish for change, no reason to continue and suffer this abuse in the name of hoping things could go back to the way they were.
This was it. The end. One of them would live, and one of them would die.
“It means,” He growled, teeth elongating to punctuate his words. “Be mindful. Of the debts. You owe.”
Rhys pointed a finger, a blast of misting power ripping through the air between them, but just as Tamlin had burned through Amarantha’s magic when he slew her, his energy flooded over Rhys’ and crushed it to nothingness.
He tore forward, hands turning clawed as they pounded into the floor for a leap, before bludgeoning Rhysand through the double doors into the courtyard outside. The half-Illyrian’s hands clamped down on Tamlin’s growing jaws, warring to keep his teeth from tearing his head from his neck.
Tamlin continued to shift in his grasp, golden fur and horns bursting forth before he planted his legs, and swung the ruler of the Night Court through a stone fountain.
Rhys tumbled up to a stand, wind shooting into Tamlin’s face as his wings burst out in full splendor, drinking in all the color of spring around him.
“I should have tore you open the second you put your hands on her.” Rhys threatened, violet globes of energy bloomed in his hands. Tamlin smirked as well as he could in his beast form, cobblestones cracking as he stepped toward his great tormentor.
“And I should not have wasted my power bringing you back. But come on, Rhysie. Let’s see who handles it better. You? Or me?” The vines and greenery around Rhysand begin to coil like snakes, enlivened by Tamlin’s power and wrath. “I'm sure Amarantha will be glad to have you warm her bed again in Hel.”
Rhys howled, taking to the air as his hands shot forward, energy exploding against Tamlin’s body in violet flame. Circling around the courtyard, his power burned the remaining flowers in the garden to blackened ash, Tamlin using stone rails and the manor’s remaining pillars as cover against the magic. Catching a fallen column in his jaw, he hurled it at Rhys, sending the High Lord crashing through the roof into the house’s second level.
“You pushed me to this!” Tamlin hollered, the tree shaking from the volume. “I never wanted to be High Lord, and you fucking forced it on me!” The manor’s wing erupted, spears of raw magic shooting from Rhys’ eyes at eating up all the stone and wood in its way. Black mist boiled from the half-Illyrian’s mouth as he screamed, like the shadowy breath of a dragon.
Tamlin scuttled through into the opposite wing, narrowly evading the power that threatened to disintegrate to shreds of flesh and bone. The light then vanished, replaced with a swiftly rippling darkness that surrounded him at all sides. Every angle was completely black, Tamlin knocking into furniture and feeling glass and splinters puncture his hands.
A fist crushed into the side of his skull, then came a kick to the ribs hastened by the flap of wings. Tamlin swung his claws out blindly, only to be rewarded with an open palm to the throat that nearly knocked him unconscious.
As his throat pulsed in pain, he drew back his rage and opened his ears, listening to the quietest step, the subtlest beat of wings, anything to tell him where Rhys was going to strike next.
Tamlin heard the glass shriek to his left, and thrashed his horns just in time to catch Rhys lunging towards him. To block being skewered by antlers, Rhys gave up the concentration of his spell, and so the darkness fled and revealed the manor once more. The High Lords struggled, Rhys’ hands bleeding as he pushed to keep Tamlin from goring him with horns.
Once again, their gazes clashed together like swords, utter hatred compelling one another to rip, to fight, to tear and scream and forget any possible semblance of good the other may have once had. Neither of them realized that tears had begun falling from their eyes, a quiet, repressed mourning that neither would ever acknowledge.
Rhys drew himself down to get the leverage he needed, lifting Tamlin up before crashing his knee into the Spring court ruler’s lower jaw. Tamlin felt his teeth loosen, and the High Lord of Night drew all of his power into his fist before plunging it into the beast’s flank, sending him careening across the hall and down the stairs.
Agony tore through the high fae, lumbering to a stand as he struggled to breathe, the left side of his torso flaring with blood.
“You pushed me to this.” Rhysand said, the half-Illyrian’s voice infesting Tamlin’s mind. “When you laid my family out for your father on a silver platter. When you decided to fuck my mate.”
“She wasn’t your mate at the time.” Tamlin growled, and suddenly his bones, his muscles, his entire body, began to betray him. Rhys’ talons had plunged into his mind, knowing that no matter the volume of magic he levied at the High Lord of Spring, a physical fight would be an uphill battle.
“I could snap your brain in half and trap you in the form forever. Maybe I’ll put a collar on you and take you back home, make you a pet for Feyre.” Tamlin, despite the agony coursing through his brain, grinned.
“It…won’t change…a thing.” Tamlin felt Rhys swoop down from out of sight, and his thumbs pressed into his forehead with the full force of his Daemati powers piercing into him. He wailed and roared for his power—his court—to save him, and the brambles that had roped around his home leapt to his rescue.
Before he could shatter his mind, Rhys was torn away; latched to the floor by roots and thorns as Tamlin was forced back into his fae form. But with a swipe of his wings, the High Lord of Night slashed through the vines and turned them to rotted dust for good measure, before slamming upward to get him back to his feet.
Tamlin coughed and tried to wade through the pain in his head, until Rhys gripped him by the neck with one hand, before plunging the other right into the wound at his side. His ribs being pulled centimeter by centimeter, Tamlin strained to remain still, right where Rhys wanted him.
“Guess I wield it better.” Rhys muttered, the whites of his eyes now entirely drowned in black as he embodied his full power. Both his hands and mental talons had clenched in a vice around Tamlin, like a hawk with a struggling rabbit.
“Does it feel good?” Tamlin managed to get out, blood dripping down his chin.
No. Tamlin heard? Or, felt? Rhys hasn’t said anything, his teeth clenched so tight they threatened to break, but that “no” was in his voice, as were the thousands of other thoughts worming their way into the High Lord of Spring’s head.
In his rage, in his need to lock Tamlin’s mind down, Rhys had left his own mind wide open. Images and feelings were pouring a deluge, a psychic rapid of anger, fear, and self-hatred that had been all locked up inside.
He saw Rhys and Feyre form a new bargain; one of unity in death and foolhardy desperation.
He saw Feyre’s sister kneeling before her pale, pregnant body, wielding primordial power to change fate itself.
And he saw the darkness Rhys had been lost in upon giving his life to seal the Cauldron, and the small kernels of Prythian’s High Lords to guide him back.
Tamlin’s eyes widened, and he let every muscle loosen in a final surrender.
Rhys was broken, harried, lost between the mask he wore and the truth that lay in his heart. It was the same sort of suffering Feyre had gone through, the one he had been blind to while trying to make everything perfect and meaningful for them.
But whereas Feyre could fight, could push and claw herself back from that abyss, Rhys it had seemed, could not.
“I hate you.” The High Lord of Night said, his hateful voice tinged with sorrow.
“I wish I could hate you.” The High Lord of Spring replied, shimmering eyes meeting those of the soon-to-be ender of his life.
It was true—even when he served Amarantha, even when he slew his family and cursed him with rulership, even when he stole his one possible chance of happiness away—Tamlin never hated Rhys.
That made what he was about to say all the more worse.
“You can’t live with it.” Rhys paused at Tamlin’s words, his fingers having already grown to talons primed to cut his throat. “If it wasn’t for me bringing her here, you never would have met Feyre, and if it wasn’t for me convincing the High Lords, she would still be dead.” The high fae swallowed, throat raw as if he had swallowed glass. “If it wasn’t for me giving you that last light, you would be gone too.“
Tamlin remembered clear as day why he did it; because someone needed to live. Someone needed a happy ending after everything that Hybern had done.
Everything that he had done.
“Your love, your life, and your son, are all because of me. And you…can’t…live with it." Rhys let his claw dig into the side of Tamlin’s neck, his eyes wide like a mad man.
“You think you convinced the High Lords to bring Feyre back? When Amarantha died, when the curse was broken, we all got our powers back, Tamlin. You think I didn’t peer into their minds and make them give it up, make them bring her back?” Tamlin winced, teeth stained red from the blood in his throat.
“Of course.” He lilted. “They wouldn't have done it because they owed her everything, because she freed them from fifty years of torment. Why should Feyre have earned anything on her own merit, when you and the Night Court can just take the credit for every good thing that happens in Prythian?” Tamlin sniffled, eyes stinging at the mention of her name so many times. It had taken its toll.
“I loved her, more than you ever will, and more than you ever could. So do it. Just do it. I’m tired of being alone.”
Rhysand’s trembling hand rose up high, the sun gleaming against his claws, and Tamlin closed his eyes as his chin lifted to expose his neck.
“Rhys!” The two High Lords heard, the faint rumbling of a winnow right before it. Both of them turned, and found Feyre standing in the middle of the room.
Nyx was seated in her arms, eyes wide with fear at what was unfolding before them. One look at his son’s face sent Rhys up to his feet, releasing Tamlin from the grasp of both mind and body.
“What’re you doing here?” The High Lord of Night asked, Feyre stepping back as he approached. Catching his reflection in one of the broken windows, he saw the black-sclera of his eyes, the wounds and welts that had patterned across his face and his body, and the blood that coated his hands, hair, and face.
He looked like a monster.
“Feyre, I…” Nyx hid his face away, and Feyre’s brow furrowed in a cold, solemn rage.
“Rhys. Go home. Please.” Rhys faltered for a moment, but then slowly rose ram-rod straight.
“I’m not leaving you here with him.” Not after what he had done. Tamlin would have laughed if he wasn’t in the worst pain imaginable.
“Yes you are.” Feyre retorted, nostril flaring as she took a step toward the ruler of the Spring Court. Rhys reached for her but she wheeled back on him, and Tamlin weakly watched as a bout unfolded with their minds. Yet the entire time, he noticed that Nyx had turned up slightly to face him, a small tear running down his round cheek.
Eventually Rhysand relented, sighing in defeat as the space behind him peeled in a winnow. “Please have Mor look at you.” Feyre urged, Rhys not even nodding before he left.
And there they were, just how it started.
Feyre and Tamlin, alone in his manor.
At least that's what she had thought, until she learned of the glamour and how her sneaking about made her look like a fool in front of his court.
Tamlin sat up as best he could, eyes chained to the floor as if he just couldn’t meet her gaze.
“I told him not to do this.” She started, voice cold and distant as if to hide her initial horror, her concern for him. The High Lord said nothing, his chest undulating with a mixture of fear, distress, and resentment. Why couldn’t she have just remained as hateful as he thought she was, and sat back while her High Lord peeled him apart, finally freeing him of this torment?
“It’s fine.” He said, clutching his side and grunting as the pain surged. Feyre knelt down, trying to meet Tamlin’s eyes, but he shied away.
So she opted for a different approach, nestling Nyx closer to her as her son turned to face the Lord in full. “Nyx wanted to come back. I…supposed it would have been a good excuse to talk.”
“About?” Tamlin hissed, retreating further into himself.
Feyre ran through the list. Beron? Koschei? The changes in Prythian? Lucien and Elain’s situation? There were plenty of subjects, but Tamlin hadn’t been around for any of the now seasonal High Lord Meetings to be informed of them. But she kept silent, waiting until the silence between them grew unbearable for the High Lord.
“I think your mate had the same idea,” He murmured, “To talk…”
Feyre walked over and placed Nyx on one of the few undamaged chairs. “Stay here.” She ordered, earning a nod from him. Turning back, she approached Tamlin again, but he shuffled away from her touch.
“Get away from me.” She pursed her lips in a stern look, the pointed stare of a new mother.
“I’d rather we speak without you having a gaping wound in your side.”
“I’d rather we didn’t speak at all.”
“Glad to see your stubbornness hasn’t changed.” She offered her hand again, the blooming light of the Court of Dawn’s healing magic resting within it. A shock of agony in his left side made Tamlin relent, taking his former lover’s hand and letting the energy course through him.
Best case scenario, it was a trick and he would die anyway.
“Rhys told me you were living peacefully.” She said, a half-truth. Rhys never talked with her about his visits with Tamlin, and after what she had just saw, she could see why. Perhaps she just hoped that he was doing fine without ever having to hear about it.
“I didn’t realize how I lived my life was any of your business anymore.” Tamlin replied, wincing as Feyre willed the flesh, muscle, and bone to knit itself back together.
“From a personal standpoint, it isn’t. But you’re a High Lord, and I’m a High Lady. We can’t divorce ourselves from each other entirely, much as we wish.” Feyre felt the weight of that truth, forever unable to unlatch herself from those first memories no matter what she did.
Tamlin suppressed a small smirk. We. As if any of this breaking had been mutual. At least she was taking her new role seriously.
“There was a lot going on, which was why I was keen to let Rhys handle everything.”
“I noticed.” He replied, both their gazes moving over the fidgeting Nyx. The stuffed night beast was still in his hands, the boy making growling noises as he let the beast rove over the hills of the oversized couch. “Congratulations…I guess.”
Tamlin’s words threw a wall of cold bitterness between them, and Feyre pulled her hand away as the last of the wound was repaired.
It confounded her a bit, how Tamlin could not want to tear Nyx apart or hold him over Rhys and her as some sort of hostage, some sort of last vengeance against them. But it seemed the conversation she had with Nesta held true; Tamlin had bought Nyx back safe and sound.
“If you want us to leave, we’ll leave. But I’d rather we actually talk.” Feyre stood and took a seat by Nyx, before picking him up and placing him on her lap. “And Rhys won’t be coming back here anymore.”
Tamlin chuffed, sitting up fully. “Never knew him to take being told what to do lightly.” Feyre remained stoic, unshakable in her resolve. She had long since passed the feeling that she could just leave things as they were, ignoring Tamlin and being unable to face the harshness of the things they had done to each other.
That wasn’t a good example for a mother to be, nor was it for a High Lady, a role she had finally begun to sink her teeth into.
“I have an unfair advantage.” Feyre smirked for a moment, but then realized just how much every sentence spilt more salt into the old wounds they had with one another. Every word, every attempt at light heartedness, was soured by all that had happened between them, all still raw and unresolved, left to dry and rot like a festering wound.
“Regardless,” she continued, “He can take it how he likes.”
Tamlin finally let his eyes rise, catching the visage of Feyre seated with her young son at her lap. “Is that not what you wanted?” He asked. Admittedly, it was a low blow to tug on Feyre’s vengeful streak, but it was the truth.
“I never wanted him to hurt you.” She answered, a slight pain in her voice even as Nyx reached up to her and spoke in incomprehensible babbles.
It should have burned Tamlin—the sight of her with her son—should have awakened in a torrent that brought down the last of the manor upon them both.
But it didn’t. He just kept focus on the boy starting to teeth on his little night beast, and his mother watching him dutifully. She practically paid Tamlin no mind beyond the initial concern, having grown strong enough with her own right that she had nothing to worry about.
Tamlin felt as if a small part of him would have been proud, but he sighed, careful not to aggravate his bruises as he stood up.
“Has he eaten?”
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total-drama-brainrot · 1 year ago
Heather is a lesbian. Let me explain:
In the first season, Heather isn't shown to have ANY attraction to anyone, not even Justin, who at the point hadn't revealed his malicious side, giving Heather no reason to not find him attractive. Even more so the only times she's flirty is faked, for example stealing the map from Duncan, or kissing Trent to get him eliminated. Heather's behavior towards Lindsay gets worse when Lindsay starts dating Tyler, making it seem like maybe Heather was jealous of Tyler. Heather is also shown next to Leshawna, her so called enemy. No one forced them to always be next to each other, so why we're they? Secret crush. Another hheiry I have is that Heather was mean to Leshawna because she's everything Heather hates about herself. Leshawna is a plus size woman of color and isn't ashamed. In season two it's revealed Heather used to be like that, meaning Heather may be going through the typical sapphic experience of "do I want to be her, or do I want her?" And if you argue that Heather is attracted to Alejandro is season three, when you look closer she's more attracted to his status and power, rather than him, himself. Also in multiple scenes in World Tour Heather had romantic tension with the other members of Team Amazon (Courtney and Sierra). For example the "girlfriends are forever" scene with Sierra, and chin holds, physical affection with Courtney. I think its safe to say that even if Heather isnt lesbian, shes definitely a bit into girls.
-guess who 😈😈😈😈
(ignore the misspellings 🥰)
☝🤓 Ackshually Heather's attracted to Alejandro in World Tour because Alejandro is a transgirl and Heather, in all of her sapphic glory, could smell her uncracked egg a mile away. (/j) (.../hj)
No but for real, I used to have this exact headcanon. And then I had an epiphany; Heather shows little-to-no attraction to anyone throughout the show because she's somewhere under the asexual umbrella. Yes that's just yet another case of me blasting my favourite characters with the aspec beam, what about it?
But you make some good points here! Especially with her projection-turned-attraction towards Leshawna, and of course the whole "girlfriends are forever" line.
- Sorry I have no idea 🤷‍♀️
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uncracked-case · 4 months ago
I'm just gonna-
*kiss on the forehead for Rodger*
Tumblr media
…Lovely, just lovely. What a WONDERFUL ‘inquiry’. That was certainly not a violation of my rights to personal space…
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watchingyoufromthestars · 2 years ago
Y’know, didn’t Darryl give Grant his watch at some point? The one used to track how long they had before they had to kill him? I wonder what Grant did with that watch.
Years of battle have marked its case and leather strap, the dial window scratched to hell. It’s a sentimentality that Grant keeps the watch, though displayed at home in favor of a newer one that he can read properly through an uncracked glass.
It’s a burning reminder to him, displayed on the mantle next to a photo of his father. A reminder of the fights he’s fought and the darkness that’s consumed them all. A reminder of their journey through Faerun when he was changed for the worse. A reminder of reuniting with his dad, only to be met with fear and striking a coin across the glass of his watch to mark the time. A burning, engulfing, suffocating reminder of being teleported inside of a beast as survival, only to become the monster yourself by the end of it. A being in pain and of pain, inflicting it upon his enemies in order to relieve his own.
He still knows which marking is the one. Years of wear and tear can’t hide from him, the memory of looking down at the watch as his father passed it down to him as a gift, only for the light to catch on the scratch and highlight the beginning of the darkness growing inside of him.
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shamelesslymkp · 5 months ago
REC: Catbit (AltairAstralia) - Last Night on Earth - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own]
URL: https://ift.tt/9OadRB2 The ruins of the city rose up from the ground like shattered teeth, jagged and splintered, biting into the sky with a stark, alien viciousness. A graveyard disturbed, mired fields of churned up earth and chunks of stony rubble. Craters blasted into the pavement, splinters of broken glass glinting between piles of debris like tiny bastard stars– No stone uncracked, no building untouched. Smokey remnants drifted long between the dimming clouds, thick ribbons of lethargic, billowing ash all black and gunmetal gray, exhaling from toppled buildings like a sigh. Or final breath. It settled over the city’s carcass like a shroud. Like the fog that lingers over the road in the early morning. And everywhere, fires simmered dim and glistening– like clumps of hot coals in a bonfire. Banked, it seemed, from several days of burning, their rage already depleted. Whatever had happened that night, Amity Park had not gone quietly. April 21, 2016 USA Today The Amity Investigation; FBI, Justice League et al. Quietly Declare Cold Case! DPxDC Limetown/Analog Horror Fusion AU
(Words: 90,139, WIP) !!!fandom, !!fic, |site:ao3, +danny.phantom, +batman.-.all.media.types, +dcu, +dcu.(comics), +justice.league.-.all.media.types, :::teen.and.up.audiences, ::::multi, r:jazz.fenton/jason.todd, r:danny.fenton/tucker.foley/sam.manson, r:danny.fenton.&.danielle."dani".phantom, r:batfamily.members.(dcu).&.danny.phantom.ensemble, r:minor.or.background.relationship(s), r:danny.fenton.&.jazz.fenton, ~ao3:halfa.|.half-ghost.jason.todd.(danny.phantom), ~ao3:ecto-contaminated.|.liminal.batfamily.members.(danny.phantom.and.dcu), ~ao3:good.parent.bruce.wayne, ~ao3:bad.parents.jack.and.maddie.fenton, ~ao3:torture, ~ao3:blood.and.gore, ~ao3:imprisonment, ~ao3:hurt/comfort, ~ao3:hurt.no.comfort, ~ao3:danny.fenton.needs.a.hug, ~ao3:good.sibling.jason.todd, ~ao3:protective.jason.todd, ~ao3:found.family, ~ao3:vivisection, ~ao3:ecto-contaminated.|.liminal.jazz.fenton, ~ao3:ecto-contaminated.|.liminal.sam.manson, ~ao3:ecto-contaminated.|.liminal.tucker.foley, ~ao3:major.character.undeath, ~ao3:task.force.x.(dcu), ~ao3:government.conspiracy, ~ao3:human.experimentatio
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favcharacterpoll · 1 year ago
it should have been wilbur 💔
-yeha i think you know who sent this
hmmmmmm truly an uncrackable case
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rabbitcruiser · 9 months ago
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National Egg Day 
National Egg Day on June 3 finds eggs finally breaking out of their shell.
Eggs had some tough years as health experts fretted about the high cholesterol content. But after a revision of the American Heart Association’s guidelines in 2000, the health benefits of eggs seemed to outweigh the concerns. The AHA says healthy adults can enjoy an egg per day and easily remain within the daily cholesterol limit.
Also, a single egg has only 75 calories, which is great for those looking to lose weight. And the seven grams of protein in an average egg almost makes this a superfood with a great calorie-to-protein ratio. So those of us who are big fans of poached, scrambled, over easy, hard-boiled, fried, sunny-side-up, or soft-boiled eggs can feel free to use National Egg Day to utter that timeless phrase, “How do you want your eggs?” And it doesn’t matter if it’s 7am, 7pm, or somewhere in between.
Eggs are great to eat anytime … or any day, for that matter.
National Egg Day timeline
Neolithic AgeWhich Came First?
Archaeological evidence for egg consumption dates back to this period.
1400 B.C.Earliest Records
Fowl lay eggs for human consumption as early as 1400 B.C., according to records from Egypt and China.
300 B.C.What an Idea!
Chicken farmers start incubating chicken eggs in warm clay ovens.
1920sPrimitive Methods
Eggs are still mostly farmed in backyards.
National Egg Day Activities
Try eating a non-chicken egg
Try a new recipe with eggs
Emphasize eggs in your day’s activities
Although Americans primarily eat chicken eggs, that’s not the case in all cultures. Pheasant, quail, goose, gull, and turkey eggs are all popular to eat around the world, offering a slightly different taste from chicken eggs. Consider trying duck eggs, which have more of an orange and blue tint to them. Do you need more food at breakfast? An emu egg is equal to about 12 chicken eggs, while an ostrich egg is equal to about 24 chicken eggs.
Don’t let National Egg Day slip away without cooking a new egg recipe. Consider trying an egg recipe from another culture, such as huevos Mexicana, oyakodon (from Japan), or the French "omelet au boudin de Nancy." (Every French recipe just naturally sounds great.)
Eggs aren’t just for eating on this day. Consider visiting the local zoo and see if you can learn more about birds and eggs in nature. Build a birdhouse with a transparent plastic back so you can see the eggs and the hatchlings as they develop. And because it’s June, consider playing Mythbusters at home and testing whether it’s hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk.
Why We Love National Egg Day
Arts & eggs
They can be prepared so many ways
They're good for the brain
Although most people crack the egg shell over the frying pan and don’t think any further about it, uncracked eggshells are great for crafts. Of course, at Easter time, many people paint and decorate hard-boiled eggs. But you can use eggs in arts and crafts at other times too. Hollowed out eggs of all sizes — from ostriches to robins — are used in home crafts and decorations. Just make sure you hollow out the egg first.
We feel pretty confident in saying that, no matter how much you love eating egg dishes, you haven’t tried every possible way to cook eggs. (And if you’re sure you have, you should apply to be the permanent CEO of National Egg Day.) Eggs can be cooked alone or placed in other dishes. Because nearly every culture incorporates eggs into its cuisine, the number of worldwide egg recipes is almost endless.
Nutritionists have not only found that the nutritional value of eggs outweighs their cholesterol level, but that eggs have a positive effect on brain development and on memory enhancement. The nutrient, choline, which is similar to the family of B- vitamins, plays a part in the process of developing signaling molecules in the brain. This means moms should hide the sugary breakfast cereal when it's test day at school for the kids; go with eggs instead!
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pesterloglog · 1 year ago
Vrissy Maryam-Lalonde, Harry Anderson Egbert, Aradia Megido, Sollux Captor, Jade Harley, Karkat Vantas, John Egbert, Dave Strider
Candy, page 27
VRISKA: What took you so long????????
HARRY ANDERSON: hey, give me a break here vris. my auntie has guards breathing down my neck day and night.
VRISKA: Ugh. How’d you get out this time?
HARRY ANDERSON: fucking gamzee.
HARRY ANDERSON: he was all like:
HARRY ANDERSON: Yo HaRrY mY dAwG, yOu Go OuT aNd GeT yOuRsElF uP a SlIcE oF tHaT pRiMe BeEf VrIsKeT, mY oNe TrUe HoMiE. lOvE iS wHaT mAkEs ThE mOtHeRfUcKiNg EaRtH sPiN oN iTs AxIs. ThAt, AnD bEiNg PoLiTiCaLlY nEuTrAl, BrOtHeR.
HARRY ANDERSON: god! he always makes sure to point out that he’s politically neutral in literally every sentence that comes out of his mouth, even though he’s *definitely* still fucking my aunt.
VRISKA: Ugh, so l8me.
VRISKA: This is all so l8me!!!!!!!! All in all, such a Deeply Unsatisfactory state of affairs!
HARRY ANDERSON: yeah. i hate sneaking around like this. i wish i could see you every day.
HARRY ANDERSON: or even, like, tell my mom that i have a girlfriend so she can stop pestering me about it.
VRISKA: In thaaaaaaaat case...
VRISKA: Why don’t we run aw8y and join the rebellion together, Harry Anderson? Wouldn’t that be Terribly Rom8ntic????????
VRISKA: We could be wild rebels in love, like Karkat and Meenah!
VRISKA: Isn’t their story GR8? I get so inspired thinking about it.
HARRY ANDERSON: oh, i don’t know if i could pull that off vriska... i don’t really have the, y’know, rebellious *stature* of someone like karkat vantas.
VRISKA: Pffft, ahahahahahahahaha. He’s Extremely Short in real life, you know!
HARRY ANDERSON: i don’t know if that’s actually true? i think it might just be something people assume because of, y’know, his personality. like he’s overcompensating or something.
HARRY ANDERSON: i mean, i don’t *remember* him being that short.
VRISKA: Oh yeah? The last time you saw him you were like three years old. Get real, Harry Anderson!
HARRY ANDERSON: oh? and when’s the last time *you* saw him?
HARRY ANDERON: oh my god, vriska, you always talk so big but you’re not any more of a rebel than i am!
VRISKA: Oh shuuuuuuuut up. You don’t know shit, Harry.
VRISKA: My moms are totally gonna get me a Prime Commission in the Resist8nce when I turn sixteen!!!!!!!!
HARRY ANDERSON: yeah yeah, whatever you say.
VRISKA: But until then, guess we’ll never know whether it’s an official f8ct that Karkat is short or not.
HARRY ANDERSON: i guess so!
HARRY ANDERSON: but anyway i wasn’t talking about his height. i was talking about the eyepatch.
HARRY ANDERSON: i mean, i believe in troll rights and everything...
VRISKA: Um, I should HOPE so.
HARRY ANDERSON: ...but not enough to lose an eye over it.
VRISKA: Don’t be ridiculous Harry.
VRISKA: If we really do end up absconding from our mediocre Hot Teen Lives to become rebels, then OBVI8USLY I’m going to be the one with the Extremely Dashing And Sexy eyepatch. H8h8h8h8h8h8h8h8!!!!!!!!
ARADIA: hmm its getting pretty bad down there
SOLLUX: wh0 cares.
SOLLUX: this is 0fficially s0mething we d0n’t care ab0ut, right?
ARADIA: i dont know
ARADIA: is it
JADE: this world is inconsequential.
ARADIA: well there you have it
ARADIA: karkats really going to fight that war isnt he
SOLLUX: yeah.
SOLLUX: i didn’t think he had it in him, but apparently all it takes f0r him t0 bec0me the her0 he was meant t0 be was f0r things t0 get extremely fucking stupid.
SOLLUX: like, WAY m0re stupid than usual.
ARADIA: it really is too bad hes reaching this heroic apotheosis of his in a world that doesnt matter
JADE: please do not mistake the essence of my words for indifference.
JADE: when i said that this world was inconsequential, i was talking objectively. we’ve moved far beyond the realm of canon relevance, but on a subjective level we can view this world as a glass bubble.
JADE: fragile, solitary, with a surface uncracked.
JADE: the actions, struggles and feelings of its inhabitants are certainly not inconsequential to them.
JADE: while abstracted heavily, and fully freed from all forces of narrative gravity, these events still represent possibilities that slept within the hearts of all who reside here.
ARADIA: in that case i guess we should keep watching
JOHN: what are you doing standing out here alone like a creep?
JOHN: why not? you were on the guest list.
JOHN: i guess this would probably be pretty hard to watch if you were still, you know, all heartbroken about it.
JOHN: but?
JOHN: you’re telling me. when my wife left me, she took an entire political faction with her.
JOHN: those chess guys sure do love roxy, don’t they?
JOHN: oh. sorry about that.
JOHN: i don’t know. that’s a pretty big favor you’re asking me there, karkat.
JOHN: wow.
JOHN: good pep talk.
JOHN: i’m 100% over my separation now. thanks karkat.
JOHN: if you think that i haven’t been given the exact speech you’re about to give me, except about six or seven times the length, then you don’t know rose lalonde.
JOHN: i dunno. it doesn’t seem responsible, really... to dedicate my life to something so important when i’m in a place where i can’t even find the energy to think that getting out of bed in the morning is “important.”
JOHN: in fact, it seems like it would be a pretty fucking selfish thing to do.
JOHN: what if i get distracted because i’m sad?
JOHN: what if i fuck up by staring too tragically into the distance on an important mission, and i get killed in a stupid way?
JOHN: yeah. but you aren’t. and neither are most of your followers.
DAVE: no john dont do it
JOHN: huh? don’t do what?
DAVE: oh you looked pretty bummed when you left the reception and then i find you staring at the ocean like you just snorted six lines of powdered midlife crisis off the bathroom counter
DAVE: so i guess “the joke” was like
DAVE: haha dont literally commit suicide at my wedding dude lol
DAVE: not to commit suicide at my fucking wedding is pretty obvious
DAVE: but in retrospect i guess its not that funny
DAVE: but seriously john dont kill yourself
JOHN: i wasn’t going to kill myself!
DAVE: id miss you and also itd bum out jade pretty bad and i have so thoroughly hitched my star to that yifftrain in case you havent noticed
JOHN: yifftrain?
DAVE: yeah man you see she-
JOHN: i don’t wanna know!
JOHN: anyway, i was just, uh...
JOHN: ...appreciating how pretty the view is.
DAVE: hm yeah i love the sight of the military industrial complex destroying the landscape in the evening
JOHN: come on, that’s obviously not what i meant.
JOHN: you okay, dude?
DAVE: eh
JOHN: having been married once before, i gotta say... it’s all kind of overwhelming, huh?
DAVE: oh
DAVE: yeah i guess
DAVE: i dunno jade and i have been together so long this all just feels like
DAVE: whatever
DAVE: i was sort of hoping that
DAVE: i mean considering that were working together in the rebellion and everything
DAVE: i was hoping that karkat would show
JOHN: oh...
JOHN: so you’re still not... um, over that?
JOHN: the whole karkat thing?
DAVE: i mean will i ever be over it??
DAVE: the way i felt about him probably isnt the kind of shit you just get over
DAVE: you just sorta
DAVE: live with it
DAVE: no matter how it turns out
DAVE: but hes with meenah and im with jade and the whole worlds gone fucking batshit so whats the point in looking backwards now
DAVE: right?
JOHN: right.
DAVE: right
DAVE: yo dude thanks for being my best man
JOHN: *cough* oh. th-thanks, man. no problem!
DAVE: cuz you are
DAVE: ya know
DAVE: youre my best bro
DAVE: my main man
DAVE: my most devoted dude
DAVE: cheers john
JOHN: cheers, dave.
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gayturians · 2 months ago
a guy will spend 6 months asking random strangers if they'll kill his wife and the whole town will be like, "oh yeah, jerry? he does that. he started offering his car." then he finds someone's cousin who just got out of prison and everyone sees them together a lot and they're like, "oh that doesn't bode well for cindy" and then cindy ends up dead a week later and the cousin's driving around town in jerry's car and jerry has a string of girlfriends who all flee town after their first big argument with jerry and EVERYONE KNOWS and EVERYONE'S TALKING but the cops are like "this case is uncrackable. a mastermind is at work here." and it goes unsolved until the cousin goes back to prison 3 years later for an unrelated crime and tells his cellmate about a guy who paid for murder with his car and the cellmate rats him out for a radio and some fruit. sometimes it's cindy asking people and sometimes jerry finds out and also starts asking people and they become known as "that couple trying to put a hit out on each other" until one of them wins and cops will still be at a loss. this is how the average murder is both committed and solved in america
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