#rhysand critical
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olenvasynyt · 13 hours ago
Okay listen I agree I would love to see more of this genuine support between the sisters and not to hijack this post but this is Feyre exactly 20 pages later in a private convo with Rhys:
Page 190-191 of ACOWAR: “I’d say Nesta rivals Amren for sheer bloodthirstiness,” Rhys mused hours later as he and I walked alone through the streets of Velaris. “The only difference is that Amren actually drinks it.” I snorted, shaking my head as we turned onto the broad street besides the Sidra and meandered along the star-flecked river… “Who knows,” I murmured, answering him at last. “Perhaps Nesta will take up the blood-drinking habit too. I certainly believe her threat to rip out my throat. Maybe she’ll enjoy the taste.”
For more context, Nesta saying that threat was after Feyre pressured her—not once or twice or three times but FIVE TIMES—by asking to tell her traumatic story of the Cauldron to strangers, even after she literally JUST went through that and is still trying to heal from it. And Nesta wanted to protect Elain from that extreme pressure too:
Page 189-190: “Fine,” I said. “ And we might need your assistance during the meeting with the high Lords— to provide a testimony to other courts in allies of what Hybern is capable of. What was done to you.” “No.”
No number 1, and quite a reasonable, definitive no.
“ You don’t mind fixing the wall or going to the court of nightmares, but speaking to people is where you draw the line?” “No.”
So snappy Feyre, why are you talking to her like that when you should understand that speaking about your trauma to STRANGERS is incredibly hard? Nesta gives another reasonable, definitive no.
“Peoples lives might depend on your account of it. The success of this meeting with the High Lords might depend upon it.” “Don’t talk down to me. My answer is no.”
No number 3. Yeah Feyre definitely was talking down to her especially with the "speaking to people is where you draw the line?".
“ I understand that what happened to you was horrible—“ “ you have no idea what it was or was not. None. And I am not going to grovel like one of those children of the blessed, begging High Fae who would have gladly killed me as a mortal to help us. I’m not going to tell them that story—my story.”
Yep, all of that makes complete sense to me, it is hard to tell your story especially since you’ve barely healed. And especially to the High Fae who have enslaved humans for thousands of years and have done nothing to help them after besides segregating them.
“ The high, Lords might not believe our account, which makes you a valuable witness—" “Then it is not my problem if you’re unreliable…”
LMAO yep it’s definitely not Nesta’s fault, it’s the ICs for doing this really stupid evil mask thing that they expect everyone to forget when they try to take it off.
"...I’ll help you with the wall, but I am not going to whore my story around to everyone on your behalf. And if you even dare suggest to Elain that she do such a thing, I will rip out your throat.”
Yeah, Elain, who is literally catatonic, probably suicidal, etc, should not talk about her traumas to High Fae strangers especially since Nesta is struggling to do so herself.
And listen, Feyre did say that it was a mistake to ask Nesta in public but GIRL. You cannot be calling your sister bloodthirsty for standing up for herself after you publicly berrated her about talking about the worst experience of her life. Like she’s SUCH an ANIMAL, right? So bloodthirsty for standing up for herself and her sister, telling someone no FOUR TIMES before snapping…
Rhysand said smoothly, “I’m not entirely sure Velaris is prepared for Nesta Archeron.”
“My sisters not some feral animal,” I snapped.
ACOWAR, page 171
I wish the ACOTAR series focused more on the sisters and had them defend each other, like here.
Instead in silver flame, Nesta is forced to be in a house that she can’t leave with a man that she doesn’t want to be around.
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extremely-judgemental · 5 months ago
Tarquin offers friendship and peace and Rhysand steals from him.
Helion treats him as a friend and helps him with concealing the trove and Rhysand keeps the truth about his son (with the woman he loves) from him.
Lucien works for him without expecting anything in return and Rhysand baits him with his mate and exploits him against Tamlin and Band of Exiles.
Eris spies on his father risking his life and Rhysand betrays him after promising a marriage alliance and throne and help to find his soldiers.
Tamlin helps bring him back to life and Rhysand repays it by telling him to kill himself.
Nesta sacrifices her powers to save him, his mate and his child, and Rhysand wants to kill her for using the trove (that belongs to her) the way she sees fit.
What an ungrateful fuck.
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merwgue · 5 months ago
The only reason I believe the acotar books are fantasy and not horror because if I were tamlin and an illiterate-barely-legal girl tried to ruin my court I would have BOMBED the night court. You bitches would have seen female rage. Mary curie would have had NOTHING on me. Uranium discovered on the SPOT.
Send tweet.
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kataraavatara · 1 year ago
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dare I dip my toes into acotar fandom discourse….
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wingsdippedingold · 3 months ago
Hold on
You’re upset about Nesta ruining your reputation by hanging out in a slum and going to poor neighborhoods and bars?
But instead of just helping to improve the slums, you… demolish her apartment????
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ennawrite · 1 month ago
cannot get the idea of Nyx falling in love with a fae from the Hewn City and the heartbreaking moment that comes when he finds out she’s never seen the Night sky—or any sky for that matter— out of my head
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lunamond · 29 days ago
I know this is by no means a new take (especially here on tumblr) but I'm of the very strong opinion that as written, the Acotar series actually provides a lot of evidence that most (if not all) of Rhysand's actions are in some shape or form always about Tamlin. Even his relationship with Feyre is about Tamlin.
A lot of people hold up Acomaf ch54 as this super romantic turning point for Rhys' character, which is incredibly funny to me because to me it only ever cemented the unfathomable levels of homoerotic obsession Rhysand has for Tamlin.
He admits that during Acotar he convinced Amarantha to let him go out of Utm to check on Tamlin and the Spring court, where he then left a decapitated head branded with the Night court symbol, like some weird bat shaped cat.
He also visits for Calamnai. (What are you doing here on the spring sex festival night, Rhysss?!? He isn't going to pick you!)
Obviously his meeting with Tamlin in Acotar is a classic for any Tamsand fan, his voice is a "lover's caress," he demands Tamlin call him Rhys instead of Rhysand for old times' sake (???!!), he threatenes Feyre‘s life to make Tamlin get on his knees and specifically fixates on her sexual thoughts about Tamlin.
When he kisses her utm to cover up Tamlin‘s scent, she also weirdly remarks on the fact that Rhysand can still taste Tamlin, which... is quite the odd thing to point out, if I'm meant to believe he is only interested in Feyre.
He also has literally admitted, to Feyre herself no less, that his weird roofy lapdance humiliation of her utm was specifically to upset Tamlin.
It just screams of "if I can't have you than I'm going to make your life miserable and steal your girl" behavior.
All his posturing in front of Feyre, presenting himself as the most powerful HL, the prettiest, the best and most just ruler, etc just comes across as him desperately trying to prove how much better he is than Tamlin, which obvs was intended to make him appear more attractive as the new love interest, but quite frankly it just seems kinda pathetic (I mean this affectionately, especially in the context of Tamsand. But eve beyond the ship, I just really adore pathetic fictional men).
Even in Acofas, he cannot stay away from the Spring court, he claims he needs to go there for diplomatic reasons, but he literally has courtiers? He has send both Cassian and Lucien on diplomatic missions before? Why would he personally need to go?
But, when he meets with Tamlin, he tells him that being with Feyre (his mate and supposedly love of his life?!) isn't enough, and he tries to goad Tamlin into a fight. (He wants to wrestle him so bad it makes him look stupid fr). When Tamlin doesn‘t respond like Rhysand hopes, he gets disappointed and dejected. Later, he returns and cooks Tamlin food, an action that has been explicitly romantically coded in this series...
Also, as a side note throughout that entire interaction, Rhys' internal monologue can't shut up about how green Tamlin‘s eyes are.
I'm hyper critical of the Acotar series and Sjm on the best of days, I don't like how Rhysand's character is written at all. But reading him as the most egregious case of a closeted gay guy channelling all his surpressed feelings into being the most toxic ex might be the only way his character writing can be redeemed for me personally (unfortunately Sjm is too much of a coward to ever purposefully write this).
I know its never gonna happen in canon, but to me the perfect resolution to the series would be Rhysand and Tamlin resolving their gay rivalry and finally getting together to live out their thruth as the disaster couple they were clearly meant to be. While Feyre and her sisters get to go off and be free from the clutches of all these toxic men.
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olenvasynyt · 19 days ago
I say this with as much contempt as physically possible: I do not understand how you can believe Tamlin gave his father info on Rhysand’s sister and mother willingly. Tamlin? The male who is stubborn to a fault, who holds his tongue, who is so incredibly loyal it’s to his own detriment, who refuses to tell Feyre or Lucien or literally anyone his plans?? Who hated his father and Amarantha, who said this in ACOTAR when Feyre asked him if he fought in the war?
“I was a child at the time, too young to understand what was happening—or even to be told…But had I been old enough, I would have. Against slavery, against tyranny, I would gladly go to my death, no matter whose freedom I was defending.”
You’re telling me he willingly told his father—a slaver, a tyrant, a horrible male—where his friend’s family was? Nah man, sorry. I 100% believe Tamlin’s father tortured him for that information and Rhys’ singular side of the story does not change my opinion.
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littlefeltsparrow · 2 months ago
My hunch is that Sarah J Maas genuinely doesn’t get how much of a violation it was for Rhysand to lie by omission to Feyre about her pregnancy. Maas, like many other fans, most likely views his actions as wrong, but ultimately forgivable. In other words, she sees it as a white lie of omission that was ultimately done because Rhysand loves Feyre and cares so much about her well-being that he’d do anything to keep her happy. This is why Rhysand is so easily forgiven and why his actions are swept under the rug.
What she doesn’t comprehend is the frightening implication that Rhysand can commandeer Feyre’s healthcare based on his own personal judgement and get their friends to back him up on it. She doesn’t grasp how him omitting that information effectively prevents Feyre from making an informed choice, and why that amounts to reproductive abuse. Furthermore, she ignores how infantilizing it is for him to treat Feyre like she’s so mentally fragile that she cannot be trusted with her own medical information.
Rhysand is her little good boy, so she’d never have him do anything she didn’t think was forgivable.
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litnerdwrites · 2 months ago
There's no indication that anybody from Velaris is, or has the ability to become, a soldier for the night court. The only soldiers we see are darkbriners and Illyrians. Velaris has also been warded two times over to keep it hidden (even though nobody knew it existed anyway). There's also no indication that either Illyria or THC have access to the library in Velaris, or have any similar resourced (even though they are the only places that provide the NC soldiers, and, by the IC's own admission, rife with misogyny and abuse towards woman and children).
The ones who suffered under Amarantha's reign were Illyria and the Hewn City. Exclusively. The ones who fight to protect the Night Court are Illyria and The Hewn City. Exclusively. The ones who were orphaned and widowed by war (up until Velaris was attacked in ACOMAF for the FIRST TIME IN 5000 YEARS (which we can assume was when it was built)) was Illyria and The Hewn City. Exclusively.
Velaris has no slums. The Illyrians live in tents.
Velaris was by no means poor, its people mostly cared for, the buildings and streets well kept. My sister, it seemed, had managed to find the only thing relatively close to a slum. (ACOFAS Chapter 4)
And yet my sister managed to find the seediest, most miserable taverns in Velaris (ACOFAS Chapter 12)
Rhysand talked to the 'governors of the Palaces' and getting them to refuse service to the people from the Court of Nightmares.
“Starting with meeting with the governors of the Palaces and getting them to agree never to serve, shelter, or entertain Keir or anyone from the Court of Nightmares.” (ACOWAR Chapter 27)
“They have been sending out the word to every business owner in the city,” Rhys went on, “every restaurant and shop and venue. So Keir and his ilk may come here … But they will not find it a welcoming place. Or one where they can even procure lodgings.” (ACOWAR Chapter 27)
Velaris is built and protected on the blood of others. One of the only issues that they faced were a lack spices, and probably other imports, due to stopping trade for fifty years.
“It’s just … so lovely to have such spices available again—now that … that things are better.” (ACOMAF Chapter 29)
After it was all over, and Amarantha was dead, they could have reached out to other courts, offered aid and helped rebuild. Or, at minimum, they could've offered Illyria and The Hewn City, aid. They could've helped them recover. But they didn't.
Velaris protected by the blood and sacrifices of Illyria and the Hewn City. What exactly have the IC, or the people of Velaris done in exchange? Deny them service and lodging? Did nobody contest this? At all? Did nobody, in this entire city (a place that's supposed to be the only 'good' in the Nc) ever protest? Or even ask about the conditions in either Illyria or the HC?
I know that there was something similar happening in the winter court, with Viviane protecting a small city near the border, but in that case, Viviane had to stay there to keep whatever magic shielded it strong, whereas in Velaris, the city was already a secret, and shielded, so I'm still not following why he had to shield it again. Also, the city she protected took in any outsiders that made it there, and the wards on Velaris, actively encouraged people away from the city.
And in the aftermaths, there is no reason to think that Viviane, or the people of that city didn't extend their help in rebuilding The Winter Court to others who had not been as lucky. Whereas we know for a fact that neither the IC or the people/governors of Velaris didn't extend help. Instead, they agreed to help segregate the HC residents even more.
So the argument that 'Velaris is the only good place, because the The Court of Nightmares is made of monsters and Illyrians refuse to change' is bs. At this point, the only change either should make is letting the IC, and Velaris fend for themselves during the next war. There is no reason for them to lose their loved ones and spill their own blood for the people of a city that will refuse them service and lodging just because of where they're from, at the encouragement and behest of their shared monarch.
Remind me again, how and why that stupid bat should be high king? He can't even govern his own territory.
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msbrownwithacrown · 6 days ago
I had a flashback today that prompted a call to my mom.
I can remember as a teen my mom specifically telling me never to date a man who has to say he is the best. Who boasts and brags. Who has to announce that he's the best at whatever he does. I called her asking about this, like you remember saying that to me, right.
She said: "Oh definitely. That's a sign of a really sad, insecure man."
Then it clicked. This is probably why I never liked Rhysand. That "I'm the most handsome, most powerful high lord" schtick didn't do it for me. My mama taught me right.
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extremely-judgemental · 7 months ago
How convenient Feyre doesn't have a single memory or glimpse of how Rhysand abused her for two months though she was drugged but her memories weren't taken away. Her body doesn't recognise his touch as danger and isn't repulsed by him. Her trauma hasn't left a mark on her mind and body.
How convenient Feyre's PTSD is about being locked up in a cell and not the man who tortured and broke her hand forcing her into a bargain. Her nightmares are filled with the creatures that abused her once and threatened to spit roast her but not of the man who touched her and kissed her without consent and paraded her naked.
How convenient Feyre goes back to using sex as a crutch with Tamlin and later with Rhysand when it was the very thing that was used against her UtM. Her body readily wants a man's touch right after her rebirth.
How convenient Lucien is the only source of information who told Feyre what was done to her. He is also the most considerate and sweetest friend she ever had. He could have withheld some of that trauma to spare her the humiliation and heartbreak.
How convenient Feyre and Tamlin agreed never to speak of what happened UtM. Feyre doesn't understand how Tamlin's rage extends beyond his possessiveness. For her to turn a blind eye and blame him when they won't even talk about it.
How convenient every HL wants to hold Rhysand accountable for the very things he explicitly claimed to be remorseful of (Winter children massacre) and not the other atrocities he participated or committed in the fifty (or 500) years.
How convenient the HLs are polite enough to not ask Feyre how she forgave Rhysand after he SA'd her every night and willingly plays his whore whenever he wants.
How convenient the HLs don't ask if Feyre is also being mind controlled by Rhysand when he proved his strength by taking over Tamlin's mind in front of everyone.
How convenient every HL forgive Rhysand and Feyre for every mistake they ever made and make compromises throughout but never expect anything in return. How convenient mere 'sorry' always seems to be enough when their courts are suffering because of IC.
How convenient Tamlin insults Feyre but doesn't ask how she accepted her abuser as her mate when she accuses him of the same (sometimes worse) too.
How convenient Lucien is so charmed by the beauty of Velaris that he understands why Feyre left Spring for it but doesn't hold a grudge for what she did to his home.
How convenient Nesta, who's been SA'd twice, never finds out her baby sister also went through the same and is in love with the perpetrator. She never finds out the baby she saved is the child of Feyre's abuser.
How convenient Rhysand and Feyre agreed to deal with their trauma in secrecy. No one in Velaris ever finds out what truly happened UtM.
How convenient 'We save abused priestesses together' Morrigan or 'Careful how you speak about my High Lady' Azriel or 'No male better than Rhys' Cassian never find out how Rhysand hurt Feyre.
How convenient Rhysand himself was SA'd over and over again and so it's all fine to do the same to Feyre.
How convenient what happened UtM stays UtM.
How fucking convenient.
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my-acotar-thoughts · 3 months ago
So about Nesta vs the Inner Circle…
When they first meet Nesta and Elain, Rhys and Cassian already don’t like Nesta. That much was clear with how Cassian brought up Feyre hunting at 14, but I don’t understand why they ignore the fact that Nesta and Elain were also children, barely older than Feyre at that time too. Nesta wasn’t a grown woman expecting a child to do all the work. Nesta and Elain still did their parts in the home, but it was more traditionally feminine work that, honestly, Feyre acts like is beneath her.
It honestly feels like a manipulation. Feed into Feyre’s anger and insecurities against her sisters and seem more sympathetic so she sees you as the good guys. Cause their anger towards Nesta is extreme. The girl wasn’t out there buying luxuries, she was being practical. I also think Feyre compares Nesta to their mother too much and their mother sounded very frivolous so there may be projection. Nesta gives off a more practical aristocratic lady, not the frivolous, hedonistic kind like their mother. But yeah, Rhysand and Cassian feel like they’re just saying shit that Feyre wants to hear to feel validated in her anger towards her sisters, particularly Nesta. And Cassian, being Cassian, of course lets his emotions run away with him in the worst way.
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youkoeyes · 20 days ago
I used to not understand why people in the fandom were so critical of the IC. How can you still enjoy ACOTAR and not like the IC? As I reread the series, I am starting to get it more and more. The first three books paint Rhysand as this outsider bad boy and make Tamlin look like this star quarterback that takes his girlfriend for granted and abuses her. Upon rereading ACOSF, the IC starts to look more like the clique of popular kids that are dismissive of anyone not in their group. Nesta, Lucien, Tamlin and even Azriel at times seem more like misfits in Prythian. Everyone in the IC defer to Rhysand who looks more and more like the popular golden boy whose ass everyone is supposed to kiss. When Nesta, Lucien, and Tamlin stand up to him, they are painted as the villains and the IC fall in line with deriding them. I still like the IC, but they definitely act like the mean girls sometimes.
SJM tried to add complexity and nuance to her characters, but I think the way the IC come across kind of demonstrates some flaws in her writing style. The 180 she does on Tamlin from ACOTAR to ACOMF, kind of leaves the reader bewildered, not to mention the evil step sister vibe she initially gives to Nesta and Elain. She has mentioned in interviews that she writes by the seat of her pants. While that can open up the storyline to more opportunities in development, I think it sometimes leads to inconsistencies in her character development. This style worked out for her more in TOG, but lends to major flaws in her other series. I am interested to see what other people think about this. What does everyone think?
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wingsdippedingold · 2 months ago
My rapid fire ACOTAR hot takes that y’all will hate:
I pray the pros don’t find this
I don’t ship Elriel or Elucien because I ship Elain with singleness and just traveling Prythian to learn about different plants and then settling down somewhere to become an apothecary. Is she aromantic and suffering from comphet in my head? You’ll never know
Nesta would not have eaten Lucien alive, I think she’d be tentative at first but then realize he’s not a threat to her then grow to enjoy his presence. They could have had a great romance that actually helped her grow as a person, unlike Nessian.
Nessian is a mutually destructive relationship. Cassian is too insecure to date someone who he thinks looks down at him. Nesta needs an emotionally supportive partner.
There was ZERO need to actively SA Feyre publicly to make her look subservient or as if she had a “claim” laid on her. The reasoning is weak, and SJM an Rhysand fans need to admit that they only defend it because they thought it was sexy, or because they self-insert and can’t make Rhysand actually look bad.
Tamlin isn’t a bad leader, but it doesn’t suit him. He’s much more of a people person than someone who would like to be removed from them and working on laws and politics.
Tamlin should be walking around the SC as they rebuild and see a woman directing townspeople on how to do so. Tamlin would admire her for being able to connect with people but also being able to govern well. They would have a romance and that woman would eventually become a lady and help Tamlin govern because she wants to make a difference and is good at that stuff. They eventually get married 💥
Canon Elain is my least favorite Archeron. I think she’s manipulative and worse than Nesta in her cabin behavior because she wasn’t upfront about it. She let Feyre think she was useless and kind, to later only throw her under the bus. Nesta is the one who went to the wall for Feyre, and Elain didn’t gaf about Nesta caring for her the second is stopped benefitting her. Elain even acknowledges all that Feyre did for them, and yet she still didn’t do anything
BUT to append to that, I totally get why she’s that way. It’s her only means of survival because since childhood she was treated as a doll with noice of her own. She can’t be upfront like Nesta because she won’t get taken seriously, so her only way to get what she wants is to manipulate people and use her niceness as a mask.
Nesta and Feyre have a closer relationship than Nesta and Elain solely because they were constantly arguing. Nesta “favored” Elain, but it was still distant, but she actively watched Feyre and treated her like a whole person even if it was poorly. I think this is also exemplified in their appearance. Feyre and Nesta look very similar, while Elain doesn’t look like them as much.
You can’t argue that Feyre’s childhood was traumatizing (it was) but then say that it had no negative effects on her development and ability to socialize.
Feyre is NOT good at reading people despite what y’all like to argue. She can barely read Nesta, a woman she’s known for 20 years.
She suffers from hubris and has a savior complex. For example, when the debtors came to cripple her father she notes that they only left after SHE cried and soiled herself. In her perspective she will always be the hero because that’s how she makes herself fell good.
Arguable my hottest take: I don’t think Nesta and Feyre had a power imbalance in the cottage to make their relationship abusive. In fact, I think Feyre held more power over Nesta, Nesta just didn’t acknowledge it/was mean so it didn’t seem like it. Feyre was their father’s favorite, was the breadwinner, and technically dictated whether they would get to eat. Feyre held control over her family’s survival, even if she didn’t want it, and they all knew this. It is specifically why Elain sucked up to her (a character know to jump to whoever has the most power at the moment and would protect her the most)
Feyre doesn’t act how she wants to, but rather as she thinks a good person would. She doesn’t want to hunt, but she does so because she thinks she has to. Many of her acts are “selfless” but are often shallow. She also thinks everyone wants to the helped the same way she would want to be.
To add to this, she doesn’t love her sisters. She doesn’t love them for who they are, but because of proximity. She even says to Nesta when trying to get her to come to solstice “but you’re my sister”
Feyre did not know love and it did not know her, and thus made her latch on to whoever gave her affection and she deemed as her own savior (Tamlin and Rhysand). Should she finally ever feel suffocated by Rhysand (though he has ensured she won’t), I wouldn’t doubt that she would run to another.
Feyre has 0 healthy relationships. ZILCH
By adulthood, Feyre’s illiteracy is no one’s fault but her own. As a child she didn’t want to ask Nesta, but she didn’t ask Elain or her father either. Even then they fell into poverty at like 9 and she still didn’t learn much so that doesn’t make sense. She refused Tamlin’s help and Rhysand literally had to force her to learn.
Rhysand’s character makes 0 sense when you consider her upbringing, family, friends, personality, and powers, and is just a product of SJM trying to write the morally grey ultimate love interest.
I’m on the fence about him being a master manipulator towards Feyre and the IC. I doubt Sarah meant for him to come off like that, but if he actually was it would be a masterful story and make his character feel more cohesive.
HOWEVER, if he was a manipulator I don’t think it would be that impressive for him to manipulate Feyre. She is naive and new to the world of fae, and she switches her opinions like night and day. She would be the perfect target. Again, this comes about from her upbringing and her own hubris.
The series should stuck to being a trilogy. Insert it drags on and makes new problems that aren’t even properly addressed
This was not rapid I fear
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falsemneme · 4 months ago
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We explicitly learn in the next chapter (Chapter 31) that High Fae pregnancies of Illyrian children are nearly always fatal. (Cassian refers to this pregnancy as a death sentence.) Rhys knows this. Cassian knows this. Madja knows this. What pisses me off in this scene is that the emphasis is on the health of the baby. Feyre is forbidden from shape-shifting because of the risk to the baby... but what of the risk to Feyre??? Feyre won't have the chance to change the colour of her hair 'cos she'll be dead!
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Feyre's chances of success in bearing this baby naturally without complications are slim to none. In just a few short paragraphs, Rhys makes it clear that he is prioritising the baby, and his mate won't have a voice in her own pregnancy. She won't be given all the information, just enough information to keep her compliant (i.e., she won't be tempted to try magic).
Look, I know he came to the vision of his own child in the Christmas Special, but I have a tough time believing that the Rhysand of the original triology—who emphasised that they would be equals, that he'd no longer keep secrets from her, that she'd always have a choice—would not treat her as an equal, keep something pretty fucking important from her, and rob her of a voice and a choice. Either SJM assassinated her own character, or THIS is Rhysand. This is who he is at his core. He will tell Feyre up and down he won't keep secrets (like their mating bond, like the true risk of her pregnancy) from her, but he will. He always will. And every time she finds out, she'll be pissed off, but nothing will materially change. She'll come back. Give it a week. She'll forgive and forget. And what a sad fucking picture that paints.
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