The other Gemini
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theegemini92 · 3 days ago
Fun fact Tamlin 🌸:
With response to my last post did you know Tamlin was the one rebelling against Amarantha? Rhys like his mate allied with her. Remember when the young fae of summer was being killed by RYSAND? He was actually running towards the path that led to the spring court. Tam openly defied Am at every turn.
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theegemini92 · 3 days ago
I’ve had someone ask me why I don’t do canons, ACOTAR is an unfinished series. I just love to give my theories and then move along. There’s a speculation Tamlin will die because he is like a Jesus trope of always sacrificing his happiness for the world. He once said if he was older when the war started he would’ve fought and died for the freedom n good side selfish bitch ferret said in her head she would’ve chosen the side that kept her family safe. Which of these two is a good person? But I’m betting my theory on Cassian dying honestly. Tamlin had suffered enough.
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theegemini92 · 6 days ago
Fun Fact Tamlin 🌺 :
Tamlin and the spring court put up a fight when Am and RHYSAND came for them. Again Tamlin is a fighter he would rather fight and die for what is right than bed with the enemy
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theegemini92 · 7 days ago
Small Dick energy Rhysand
Did you know out of all the high lords at the high lord meeting rapisandro was the only one who brought back up? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 brought his whole ic. Self proclaimed strongest hl needed back up. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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theegemini92 · 7 days ago
See this one o 🤣 rapesand come get your person. This is a typical :
When you see faults in RELEVANT people and you pretend to not see their strengths and good sides. It’s called jealousy 🤣
Not you being jellies over a character!!! 🤣🤣
I will never not be surprised when I see someone say they love Tamlin. First, he's an abuser. Sure, other characters did bad things too, but Tamlin is the only one who wasn't romanticized. He was WRITTEN consciously as a domestic abuser.
Second, he's the most boring and non interisting character SJM has ever written. He wasn't lovable even in the first book. Even Beron has shown more personality than him.
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theegemini92 · 8 days ago
Tamlin Fun fact:
This is more and observation than anything but I believe Tamlin could be daemati as well perhaps that’s what drew rapisandro to him. remember when he and feyre were under the willow tree that he loved and it sang to him, they took a nap there and right before they went yo sleep ferret said TO HERSELF “it was the Tamlin that I dreamed of” right before she dozed off to sleep and Tamlin said “you are exactly how I dreamed you’d be too”
How could he have known that when she didn’t say that out loud?
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theegemini92 · 8 days ago
With those wings… I cannot tell you how much I know the batboys have a smell I won’t be able to stand 🤣 if someone with feathered wings can smell like a wet chicken??? Imagine what they smell like!! Alpha males don’t like to bathe 🤣🤣🤣
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theegemini92 · 10 days ago
Tamlin Fun fact:
Did you know Tamlin is a merchant? He deals in spices and rare goods that ferret enjoyed but never at the night court? Not with her war mongering husband that’s for sure.
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theegemini92 · 10 days ago
Why is every art of Tamlin angry or frowning or sad n destitute? This male has laughed, danced, mingled with his people, smiled, said the sweetest and nicest things. Yet all people can remember is him angry? Y’all will forget Rhys angry at Nesta never an art of him ranging n ranting and giving smal dick energy… how Nesta pleaded with Bryce to leave cus he was coming full force for her with his darkness…
No one wants to draw Tamlin because they know he’s a handsome fae male in his own right. They try their hardest to make him look unattractive and short when he’s actually bigger n taller than the batboys n Rhys. He’s a freaking beast and a warrior. Feyre says it many times something she’s hasn’t said about rapesand.
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theegemini92 · 10 days ago
My Shayla 😭
The only bigger male in that meeting, was the one who just had his court decimated after being manipulated and destroyed from the inside out. AND still showed up, still swallowed his pride, and brought the inside scoop on Hybern to the meeting. Because,unlike Rhysand, he doesn't just care about the Spring Court (or 1 city in the Spring Court) he cares about all of Prythian.
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theegemini92 · 11 days ago
Rhysands strategies to win the war: first we dress up as a distraction to steal the orb, then! We get invited to another court under false pretenses and steal a powerful book, then we beg human queens and our allies to please please like us while also being incredibly embarrassing.
Tamlin: here is intel I got. There are no strings attached to getting this information. I have forced Beron to join the war via a means that was probably very attractive.
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theegemini92 · 11 days ago
tamlin was too kind actually bc if i went through everything he did it would’ve been the crash out of the century and you can bet i would’ve never gave a part of myself to revive that motherfcker….
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theegemini92 · 16 days ago
I really don’t like Rapesand but here’s a thought.
He wasn’t born with Illyrian wings 🪽
Yes I know you forgot that… he wasn’t born with them. So he conjoined himself one.
He grew up in the Illyrian community most of his life, So I know it messed him up. In a space where “wingspan” is considered “manly”
Amarantha also didn’t know who he was or remember him when she first took them hostage so how the fuck did she get her hands on your wings rapisandro? How? Unless he was using that as a pleasure tactic and it back fired as always 🤣
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theegemini92 · 21 days ago
I want to add to this again. Stop feeding these men online who you think relates to a fantasy book guy you read about.
Just recently the Ryan manick a guy APPARENTLY in the beginning hated when women were comparing him to a book too character all of a sudden embraced it because he was getting more followers. To the point where he was about to do a live reading which will obviously have delulu girls send him money. If the the author Penelope Douglas had not stepped in he would’ve gotten away with it and i made a comment that WE THE WOMEN are the reason he has that audacity to do so and I was told that it was his fault instead. Make it make sense. I see a woman cosplay as Nesta and she barely gets views, next I see a man dressed as a bat and oh he’s Rhys he’s CAs he’s Az etc then millions of followers and cashing out.
I saw this guy too all of a sudden he’s cassian now he has so many girlies listing after him and a TikTok check every week.
A fantasy we create for ourselves STILL have men on the forefront. When women started writing books it wasn’t easy because of the scrutiny they were in. Men STILL to this day tell me how unrealistic books are and women feed into it that’s why normal men aren’t chosen (5”8, average looking etc) that’s their perception.
Let us gate keep our spaces please…
We love our men but unless he’s an author he needs to work hard to be here not cus he looks like someone.
Books written by women for women
I think it’s time we women evaluate what we write in our books. We aren’t willing to tolerate men who won’t go all out for us but when the “nice guys” do it’s cringe. Yall don’t want flowers and a date anymore u want to fuck during a war? In a library? Is sex all there is? And a huge responsibility like a crown? You think you can be a sitting president? You think queens have it easy? I don’t think some understand how in real life we are striving for better and better men yet in our books it’s the opposite. We give men what they want. A 19yr old to a 500yr old. But in real life a man goes for a 19yr old and he’s 50 and it’s called grooming. Mind u these books are written by older women too it’s crazy…. We should do better honestly… I will keep advocating for change. If a girl is that age the guy should be no less than 25.
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theegemini92 · 23 days ago
NOTE: the fae grow up in normal human age span until they stop growing OR they grow within the span of 70years into adult hood.
Tamlin was BORN during the war and the war only LASTED 7 YEARS. So he was too young when the war begun to even begin to comprehend what was going on.
He says and I quote “had I been old enough I would’ve fought against slavery, against tyranny, I would gladly go to my death. No matter who’s freedom I was defending”
Ferret said IN HER HEAD that she’d choose the side that kept her family safe… I mean she’s high lady now fuck the Illyrian females right? Her family is good 🤣
Anyway all the girls who ship tamlin n Rhys sister… please… he was just a baby.
Also again and I will always say this Rhysand GROOMED TAMLIN SEXUALLY. I always said I imagined Tamlin as a 13 years old but people swear up and down that he was 30 something when even he is described in his late 20s n Rhys 30s
My last point how would you expect a CHILD to fight off his high lord father and older brothers when they asked where Rhys mother and sister was? Please tell me?
The double standards needs to stop. Boys are children no matter how u look at it. Grown women should stop treating them as such. I’ve seen a booktoker laugh at her own freaking son because he is blonde and teasing as if he should face the world for her literally passing him the genes it’s insane some of these takes all because of Tamlin and him being blonde. I would never understand the colourism here but ok. 🤣
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theegemini92 · 24 days ago
Rhysand was not SAed!!!
I said what I said it’s the truth and wont apologize. it could be argued that in patriarchy a common trauma complaint EVEN IF ITS CONSENSUAL is the EMASCULATION of it all. If amarantha didn’t insult him or punish him outside of the bedroom would he have called it sexual assault? There are so many holes in his story people love him too much to see through his BS. First amarantha didn’t know he has Illyrian wings all of a sudden she does. She’s don’t even remember Rhys all of a sudden she does like this fucker spreads all sorts of half truths… the only time he was punished was when he didn’t do something amarantha wanted like kill other fae and what not. Let’s stop acting like him having sex with her was the issue.
He’s such a fucking sexual deviant he offered his body thinking he will dominate amarantha and he FUCKED AROUND AND FOUND OUT ! 🤣🤣 if anything he had that intention. No hl who respects his penis wanted to put it inside amarantha.
He groomed Tamlin. Tamlin was born during the war like Eris. Teaching him how to have sex with females and all that is grooming let’s stop acting like cus he is male it’s not.
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It’s these types of comments that I can’t stand. So I will forever keep this and often remind these rapesandro girlies that I ain’t backing down. Motherfuvker wants to assault people and cry wolf himself then it’s an even field
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theegemini92 · 24 days ago
Rhysand in 2025
Ain’t no party like a diddy party will be his mantra 🤣 He’s such a sexual deviant, he’d be part of diddys party and use footage to gain power and black mail people. He used his body to try and seduce Amarantha. He suggested 3 somes with ferret and at every given opportunity wanted to have sex with her , when a war was going on, wanted to get it on in a library full of traumatize females… he groomed Tamlin… (no one is ready for that conversation)
Rhysand would definitely be a crypto bro 🤣 betting and scamming. Always on YouTube.
Rhysand Tate 🤣🤣🤣🤣 definitely will be on tiktok talking about how Illyrian women are inferior and they must be trained to be soilders. They are less than.
Rapesand will keep his females like a trophy, gives u a crown, put a baby in u, somewhere to paint and you are now his SUBMISSIVE wife.
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