#umbrella: referral terms
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mogai945 · 2 months ago
my liomogai experience
[PT: my liomogai experience /end PT]
in the wake of how many posts we've seen lately in the mogai community about people speaking on their experiences with their labels, we thought we'd throw our hat in the ring and share our own experiences!! and, while a collective post will likely come at some point, that will also require a lot more time and in-system communication to coordinate as a collective, so in the meantime, i (tommy) figured i'd share my personal experiences with my identity!!
i'll try to keep this mildly organized by splitting this up into most of the sections that i have in my hoard!! as such, here's the table of contents (sadly with no hyperlinks to the respective sections, much though i wish that were possible on tumblr):
1) alderns 2) chronos 3) fictidomi 4) genders 5) hearthomes 6) hoarding terms 7) invianes 8) referral terms 9) systemhood: 9.1) roles 9.2) roleics 10) umbrella terms 11) xenonatures
lastly, a major shout out to @radiomogai's archive for being one of the most useful blogs in finding new terms!! tagging you also since i saw you want to be tagged in these discussion posts :-)
[PT: alderns /end PT]
original post: link terms i identify with: aldercustomize (link)
alderns are terms i am not very familiar with, but i do often wish i (or, primarily the body, since i can do this in innerworld) could shapeshift/change form. aldercustomize being the specific term i identify with stems, in no small part, from the fact that videogames are our main collective special interest, and specifically a special interest that we experience as foundational, aka a special interest that affects the very way in which we view the world and how we interact with it (which is its own rant; if there's interest in the various types of special interests we experience, i'd be happy to elaborate!).
because of this, shapeshifting taking the form of a character creation screen just... makes sense, in a way that other shapeshifting terms don't quite make sense!! it's also akin to making a picrew, if that makes more sense :-)
[PT: chronos /end PT]
original definition: link (couldn't find the original post itself; if anyone has it, please do send it to us!!) terms i identify with: littlebrotherchro (link)
like alderns, i'm not super familiar with this umbrella term, but this one is quite simple, and actually quite important to understanding a lot of other factors of my identity!! it stems primarily from my being younger in innerworld than the body is, as well as the fact that i ageslide fairly often.
this is one that i'm fairly sure i would have other labels for if i went looking specifically, but i have not yet!! thus, as it currently stands, littlebrotherchro specifically stems from the fact that i have a lot of relationships where i'm the younger brother, generally in my found family, and that's just- a role in a dynamic that i am very comfortable with, and feel is almost intrinsic to my self, in a way!!
[PT: fictidomi /end PT]
original post: link terms i identify with: pokédomus (link)
this one is quite simple, honestly: i want to live in the pokémon world!! if i were a bit more prone to self psychoanalysis, i'd guess it stems from it being one of my sources, as well as another collective foundational special interest :-)
[PT: genders /end PT]
terms i identify with: too many to list them all rip
oh boy, okay!! so, as far as i'm able to remember, i've always had some amount of gender fuckery going on, but none of the, shall we say, "mainstream" labels ever fully fit comfortably. it's been... refreshing, to be able to say that there are a lot of genders that fit, and having multiple labels feels so much better than being constrained to just one!!
the majority of my genders are related to my interests!! this is due to the fact that my interests, especially the biggest ones like an assortment of videogames, art, music, dinosaurs, and bugs, to name a few, often feel inextricable from my self, so it follows that my gender is also highly affected by them :-)
[PT: hearthomes /end PT]
original post: link terms i identify with: pokémon hearthic
as i mentioned in the fictidomi section, pokémon is a collective foundational special interest for us. we've been playing the games since we were 9, and watching content relating to it since before that. at this point, it is, no exaggeration, impossible to separate my self from pokémon.
i interact with pokémon, be it through playing the games or hearing the osts or what have you, and i feel at home. this isn't where i'm from literally, i recognize that, but it is where i'm from on every other level. it's my biggest source of comfort and emotional regulation, and it's really important to me that people around me know this and know that... it's so insanely important for us. it's really hard to put into words, but i adore this franchise and its universe is my home.
hoarding terms
[PT: hoarding terms /end PT]
terms i identify with: gender inventory (link)
okay so, i don't think this is an official umbrella? but it is useful for me to be able to visualize how my genders are... placed, so to speak!! for example, my hoard is on a notion database, and i like to imagine it's a little gallery with various terms hung up on the wall!!
in a vacuum, however, it's a lot harder to come up with these imaginations, especially since i have very low visual phantasia. this is why hoarding terms are so welcome to me!! it's especially welcome in the case of gender inventory, since- well, i know how the minecraft inventory works!! personally, i experience creative gender inventory specifically :-)
[PT: invianes /end PT]
original post: couldn't find any :-( please let me know if you have it tho!! terms i identify with: invidreenk (link)
okay this one is very specific to this specific term: i just think it's so me for reals, you know what i mean? it's silly and not my most serious of terms, but i didn't want to just exclude it rip
referral terms
[PT: referral terms /end PT]
terms i identify with: transboy (link)
while i imagine this isn't the original post for this term, and i doubt there's an official coining post for this, it's important to bring up nonetheless!! this links back to what i spoke about in the chronosian section, where my age is very fucky due to plurality, and thus i feel more comfortable calling myself a trans boy!! transmasc is still comfy tho :-)
[PT: systemhood /end PT]
[PT: roles /end PT]
terms i identify with: autism symptom holder (link)
so, for this one i'll explain more so how i experience this role!! i'm prone to feeling the symptoms of autism more intensely or more often than others in my collective; this doesn't mean the others don't experience them either, but just that i feel them more and more often. additionally, i am noticeably worse at masking than the rest of us
[PT: roleics /end PT]
original post: link terms i identify with: cringeroleic (link); autismroleic (link)
i'll start by explaining my autismroleic experience, since it's, rather simple: i'm an autism symptom holder!
it does, however, link into my experience with being cringeroleic: i came back from dormancy about a year ago when we were working through a lot of internalized cringe culture and such. my role back then, and still to this day, though it's less of a priority, was to embrace being cringe, and work through our feelings on it that way. a lot of interests and behaviours that have gotten us labeled as cringe have stemmed from our autism, too, which is why i say the two are interlinked.
umbrella terms
[PT: umbrella terms /end PT]
terms i identify with: monachoric (link)
monachoric fits me to a t. it's similar to pokémon, actually, in the sense that being monachoric simply spreads across all my self, to the point where separating my self from monachoric is impossible!! i'm just a weirdo teenager with cringe interests (/pos, all of this is a good thing), there's no splitting my general sense of self from monachism
[PT: xenonatures /end PT]
original post: link terms i identify with: pokénatured (link)
and, finally, xenonatures!! shocking no one who has read this far (thank you in advance if you have!! i know this has been long), pokémon is embeded in my sense of self very deeply, naturally a xenonature themed after pokémon would go STRAIGHT onto my hoard
ending comments
[PT: ending comments /end PT]
thank you in advance if you read this far!! i didn't expect to have this much to say, frankly. i hope it was enjoyable to read, and i hope this can help other people describe their identities :-)
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liondrakes · 13 days ago
Alterhuman is an umbrella term, not a synonym!
Nowadays, I see a lot of folks using alterhuman as a catch-all for not being human. While nonhumanity certainly falls within alterhumanity, alterhumanity does not exclusively refer to species nor is it synonymous with nonhuman identities (ex: therianthropy).
Alterhumanity includes but is not limited to:
Fictionfolk: An umbrella term that encompasses all individuals of fictional origin or hold a personal connection to fiction. This includes fictionkind, fictives, fictionhearted individuals, folks with fictional hearthomes, imagithropes, etc.
Otherhumans: Individuals whose species is human but not in context to humanity as we see it in its current state. Some examples include human fictionkind and archaeosapient early humans or neanderthals.
Heartedness: A broad experience in which an individual may not identify as someone or something, but has a deep, personal connection with that person, place, or thing. This includes folk who are otherhearted/otherkith/synpaths, talehearted folk, and folk who have hearthomes (fictional or not).
Archetropy: An identity in which one heavily identifies with or generally experiences an archetype, trope, or pre-established character model in a way that is central to their identity.
Plurality: The state of more than one person within a body. That said, not all who are plural may relate their plurality to alterhumanity.
Dæmonism: The practice of communicating with one's internal dæmon, a thoughtform stemming from one's subconscious. A dæmon is also given a sentient form, typically a nonhuman animal of sorts. Can be considered as a form of plurality but depends on the individual and their relationship to their dæmon(s).
Soulbonding: A practice in which an individual forms a personal bond or connection to a fictional character and communicates with them from their headspace or soulscape. Can be considered as a form of plurality but depends on the individual and their relationship to their soulbond(s).
Furry Lifestylers: A subset of the furry community whose position in the subculture carries into their daily life. Some members have described it as "furry as a way of life", in which being a furry is inseparable and intrinsic to oneself.
I have alterhuman terms of my own to take into account as well:
Archaeosapiens: Individuals whose alterhuman identity is intrinsically rooted in prehistory, antiquity or mythic accounts of history. Although I don’t use it for myself anymore, I can say as the person who coined it that species is not central to archaeosapience; it is the distinct connection to one’s time that’s central. Anyone of any species can be archaeosapient.
Ontoplanarity: In referral to ontoplanar, which describes individuals who originate from planes and realities outside of this Earth. While one could relate this term to alienkind and spacekind, ontoplanar focuses one’s own point of origin rather than one’s species. In that regard, anyone of any species can be ontoplanar.
There’s also human alterhumans who aren’t specifically otherhumans. The idea that humankind as we know it is completely alienated from alterhumanity is a misconception, likely tying into the assumption that “alterhumanity = nonhumanity”.
I originally discussed this in the Alterhuman (Tumblr) Community but I felt as though I should make this information publicly available, especially with how the term has been sifting around lately. I’m not the first to bring this up, far from it even. If anyone who’s learned something from this wants to know more, here’s some posts to check out:
The finalized coining of the term Alterhuman/AHPI (x)
Aster’s discussion on alterhuman as an umbrella, particularly its conflation with otherkin (x)
Rani’s discussion on umbrella terms in the community, addressing erasure in folks’ usage of both alterhuman and fictionfolk (x)
Rani’s explanation on the difference between nonhuman and alterhuman as terms (x)
A thread of terms and experiences that tie into the alterhuman community (x)
I understand being excited to find a community that speaks to you. We’ve all been there!
That said, inclusive language is important. Even more so when the terms we use were already inclusive to begin with.
I think the best example I’ve seen to address this phenomenon is Aster’s example referring to queer and its usage. Queerness is vast. It is not synonymous with one specific experience in the LGBTQ+ community. That much is understood online.
In the same vein, alterhumanity is just as vast. It is not synonymous with nonhumanity, be it therianthropy or otherwise. It can be alienating for your peers to see it centralized as that experience alone. Alterhumanity is an ocean of possibilities and perspectives that should be recognized alongside nonhumanity. I encourage folks to look at it in full, if not use terms that specifically highlight what you experience instead of framing alterhumanity as only that experience.
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redacted-coiner · 5 days ago
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[PT: Unhitego]
Unhitego, a neogender umbrella made for those who are Dissomei(link), Desirdae(link), and Intusui(link) as well as any terms that could relate to if such as Identiora terms. A neogender based off a disconnect between one’s external perspective of themself / external self / reality and one’s self perspective of themselves / internal understanding.
This gender is heavily attached to one’s own self perspective of themselves, so this neogender umbrella is entirely attached to one’s own identity.
Etymology : Unhit(ch) + Ego || Referral Terms / Things under the Umbrella under the cut!
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[ID: in Alt text]
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[Tag] @radiomogai, @liom-archive , @liomarchive , @imoga-pride , @the-mogai-archives
[Extra] @dissodic-archive, @desirdae-archive, & @intusui
DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag.
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Referral Terminology
Unhigo : Terms Under It
UhIN : Unhitego in nature
AUhAB : Assigned Unhitego at Birth
Transungo : Transitioning too
Transungoish : Trans*itioning too
Cisungo : Always has been
Trisungo : Transitioning and always has been
Ungo : masc/fem equivalent
Ungoline : Masculine/Feminine equivalent
Dissier : general person term
Dissian : man/women equivalent
Dis : girl/boy equivalent
Desigo : partner equivalent
Desieed : spouse equivalent
Esomancy : x4x/juvelic abbreviation
Esotertian : Unhitego Galactian Alignment
Rod Skyfish : Unhitego Presentation
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enderluna · 11 months ago
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[pt: lepritch]
Lepritch [pt: lepritch] : a neogender/neoidentity umbrella related to eldritch entities/deities/horrors, rabbits/leporidae, carnivorous rabbits/leporidae, cannibalistic creatures, and/or a combination of these.
it can also be connected to being an eldritch entity hiding in a leporidae form, an eldritch entity with a leporidae form, or an eldritch entity with leporidae-like qualities.
this term is not inherently a xenogender, but can be/used as one or used in a xenic way. This term can also describe more than just one's gender and can be used in whatever way one sees fit. PSD template || symbol
Lepritch Terminology
[pt: lepodritch terminology]
Lepodine : equivalent to feminine/masculine. Lepdinity : equivalent to femininity/masculinity Lepoity : equivalent to fem/masc LEPRIN : lepritch in nature Transleprich or Translepit : transitioning Leporin : refers to a leporitch term Lepus : general referral term Teras : equivalent to man / women Cani : equivalent to girl / boy
Entiouse : equivalent to spouse/husband/wife
Lep/LP : x4x/juvelic abbreviation
[pt: etymology]
Lepritch comes from "Leporidae" and "Eldritch" (as do the terms from the first bit of the Terminology) Lepus comes from "hare" in latin Teras comes from "monster" in greek Cani comes from "cuniculus" Entiouse comes from "entity" and "spouse"
prompt 15: "Neogender umbrella" and prompt 12: "referential language" of @radiomogai 's coining event! (link)
tags: @obscurian @liom-archive @in-nature-archive
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persexterna-archive · 24 days ago
if you wanna group persaID, externaID, and other related terms together, I think a good general label for those is “perception terms” and I was planning on possibly making a flag for the label. what do you think?
These terms have less to do with perception and more to do with comfort and referral I think. In our own documentation we've been calling them referential/language preferences or preferential terms. I do think a good umbrella would be something along the lines of prefera-IDs or something like that, but whatever you decide to go with I'd be happy to archive it :]
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smilepilled · 28 days ago
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answering prompts from the @radiomogai experiences event (link) ♥︎
[Plain Text: answering prompts from the @radiomogai experiences event (link) ♥︎ /End of Plain Text]
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【 O2 】 — What are your experiences with names, pronouns, and other referential language? How does it relate or not relate to other aspects of your identity?
hard to put into words, but most of my gender labels have direct connection to my very self and my history as a person. the same applies to my pronouns, names && titles/other stuff— they're all based on things that revolve around the core of my existence.
so, in a sense, my pronouns DO correlate with my gender, but it's through a common factor that unifies them without them being interconnected directly. gender/orientation is on side A, terminology is on side B, and the bridge that connects these sides are the themes of my very being.
extra: i feel like my general labels are vast and mkre diverse in their connections with myself, whereas my referral terminology is more closely related to me as a person (and my "lore")
i do, however, have intricate ways of linking my terminology and gender, mental illness/trauma, neurodivergency, alterhumanity && orientations together — i am buggender, and i go by bug/buhgs pronouns. i am AuDHDtistic, and use the title "It who questions All" (since my audhdism makes me super curious). i am a nonhuman, and i use It/Its and nonhuman terms. i have BPD, and i am under the limerencial neogender umbrella (link). i have OSDD, and i use the amazing mirror plural term (link).
these are good examples of direct connections between the two categories, and i think its kind of a regular experience for me (& many others). i suppose its not really anything special, but its still there, so i'm explaining it!
i think the only thing that i don't think i can connect to myself at all is the normative He/Him/His/He's/Himself pronoun set; this has to do with a prolongued history of intersexism and transmisoginy, and so i suppose it does still have to do eoth the question. my history as a person forbids me to have any connection to it— though pronouns like Hy/Hymm/Hym's/Hyrself {or similar} are easier to link back to me.
i experience a similar thing with terms like "boy", "man", and "father/"dad", but not with terms like "dude", "guy", "uncle" or similar. its very hard to explain, and even i don't fully understand it, but i suppose its for the same reason as thr He/Him pronoun set.
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tarysande · 2 years ago
Can I ask, how does one go about becoming an editor? Like, where do you apply for jobs?? What kinda training do you do?? Are there companies that hire out editors to writers? Im just so confused about it. Ive always been interested in editing, and am considering doing it as a job
Editing is a weird career.
Really, I started as a writer. Like, when I was eleven. In jr. high and high school, I was in a writing critique group and I wrote a lot. I graduated from university with a degree in theatre, film, and creative writing. I was often the person my friends came to when they needed help with a paper (or the correct placement of a semicolon). I've been involved in fandom since I was about 17, and I was very fortunate to fall in with a group of excellent writers who were also excellent betas and editors. I learned a TON from them without realizing how much I was learning.
I started editing by accident, really. Sometimes, that's how it happens. I mostly got gigs here and there through friends or word of mouth. About ten years ago, I got more serious about it. I worked for companies that paid horribly. Then I did an editing test for a company that paid less horribly, and they hired me. After a couple of years editing countless academic papers, ESL academic papers, novels, emails, business documents, etc., I decided to branch out on my own (mostly so I could work on more fiction; I was burned out on academic papers).
I joined Editors Canada, started volunteering with them, got a lot more experience, and took a few continuing ed courses to gauge where my skills were at and to determine if I needed to upgrade my education. I decided I didn't need to do that, because I already knew the things I was being taught.
I read a lot of books on editing, writing, and craft. I familiarized myself with the Chicago Manual of Style, APA, MLA, and a couple of other style guides. I learned the differences in spelling, punctuation, and style between US, UK, and Canadian English. I went to webinars, conferences, and courses (all the major editing associations offer these, usually cheaper or free for members; they are a great way to determine what kinds of editing you actually LIKE). I learned the difference between rules and preferences, and when to apply them to a text.
I work freelance, which means I have my own business as a sole proprietor. I'm a contractor with a couple of companies who sometimes send work my way, but most of my clients are individual writers planning to either self-publish or polish their work before seeking traditional publication via the agent/tradpub route.
Freelancing has many perks but is not particularly secure. Especially if you're American and need an employer to provide health insurance, or if you're single and don't have another income to lean on when contracts are scarce. These days, most of my work comes via referrals, my website, or the listing I have in the Editors Canada directory. I follow a couple of editing-related Facebook groups; I've learned a lot there, and I've also picked up the occasional client. A couple of people have found me through LinkedIn. A couple of people have found me through here!
I've never worked in-house for a publisher--mostly because having control over how many hours I work and when I work them is my top priority. In-house is a whole different ballgame; I know a bit about it from my peers, but I don't have firsthand experience to pass on. These jobs are supposedly more secure--and they tend to be salaried, with benefits, etc.
"Editing" is a GIANT umbrella term. There are SO many types of editing out there. People tend to think of book publishing first, but that's only one avenue. There are also different kinds of editors who tackle different types of problems. I've done enough of everything to recognize that I am much happier when I'm working on big picture stuff--coaching, developmental editing, manuscript critique. Others specialize in the nitty gritty mechanical details that make proofreading or copy editing a better fit.
Right now, the bulk of my work life is actually spent ghostwriting. The client's business-materials editor posted that his client was looking for someone to help with characterization in a novel. I ended up winning that contract. He came to me with one monster book. I helped him realize it needed to be at least a trilogy, and now he has plans for a ten-book series--and I'm helping write it. But I got the job because of the work I've done on the development side of editing--and because I've spent SO MUCH TIME learning about characterization (via acting, fandom/writing fanfic, reading, etc.). So. It all feeds into the same place.
The tl;dr is that my experience has been a bizarre mix of being in the right place at the right time, ongoing professional development, and learning the value of volunteering with an association. If I were starting down this career path right now, I'd probably do an editing certificate (there are many out there, depending on country). I'd definitely join an association sooner (even as a student member) and volunteer.
Actually, the ultimate tl;dr is ... this industry IS CONFUSING. So, don't feel bad about being confused. It's actually probably about eight different kinds of job wearing a trench-coat and pretending it's something called "Editing."
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asleepinawell · 2 years ago
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this is exactly the sort of question i'm happy to answer. I included a readmore since it got long but I tried to include all the stuff I would want to know in advance
there's obviously going to be differences to all of this depending on what country you live in and what state if you're in the US. i live somewhere with better insurance coverage laws than many places, and the company i work for has made a point of letting us know it's covered by our work insurance. so i'm very lucky on that front and not everyone is. I would recommend looking up the laws where you live so you can tell if anyone is lying to you and denying you coverage/access they're legally required to provide
here's an outline of everything i had to do:
1 - I started out by talking to my regular doctor. I had recently switched to a doctor who listed lgbtq health in her specialties. If you possibly can I would highly recommend trying to find a doctor you feel comfortable with. It can be kind of stressful to switch but it was a huge help for me both for this and that my new doctor helped me with a lot of other health problems my previous doctor hadn't
2 - My regular doctor gave me a referral to a surgeon (plastic surgeon). The referral isn't strictly necessary for me with my insurance, but I felt better getting a referral from a doctor I trusted. If you can't do this, depending on your insurance (if you're in the US at least), you can probably look up available surgeons on your insurance company webpage and take a look at their specialties (you can also potentially see doctor reviews online though i find that people only leave reviews if they're mad about something so it's not always helpful)
3 - I met with the surgeon's assistant who went over all the things I'd need to take care of including having a breast exam, getting clearance from a psychologist/social worker, planning to take medical leave from work, having someone to drive me to and from surgery and help me for the next few weeks. The surgery doctors submitted the claim approval to insurance for me. They also had some initial questions about do I have reference photos, do I want nipple grafts, do I want nipple size reduced. These are good things to think about before you go
4 - The insurance company rejected my claim, which they legally can't. They made a whole fuss about codes etc and in the end the surgery board at my doctor's had to make a meeting with them and hash it out. They took care of this and got it sorted out eventually but it was stressful
5 - I contacted my local lgbtq resource group to get a psychological approval letter for surgery (you should also be able to get this from your psychologist if you have one who you talk to about this). This is a service a lot of groups like this provide for free. It was an interesting experience and a little strange.
They were after some very specific information to establish that I had dysphoria (see the following paragraphs for my thoughts on this), that I was mentally capable of making the decision (bullshit but required), and then the part that I'd say is actually a good thing to have which was making sure I understood how being visibly trans might affect my job/relationships and making sure I had a support system of some kind. They sent me a letter that I sent to my doctor to submit with the insurance coverage claim
They also insistently asked me if I identified as trans, which is a really odd question for me to get. I'm agender and while agender technically falls under both trans (as an umbrella term) and non-binary, I only use agender for myself and only begrudgingly. I don't want a damned gender identity label, that's the whole point! But that's not really what they're interested in and saying "I'm agender" didn't cut it for them. They just want to check the not-cis box so they can write their letter I think. Annoying but whatever
To go into the dysphoria thing a bit, something I ran into multiple times was doctors being astounded that I was not seeing a psychologist for gender dysphoria. This was very unusual based on their experiences. I'm a case where I do have dysphoria but it wasn't causing me crippling depression or anything, it was just constant lowkey discomfort that I didn't know the source of for a long time. Once I knew what it was I was like ah okay makes sense and started thinking about top surgery. I didn't feel the need to discuss it with a doctor because there wasn't anything to discuss. My focus was more on how happy the idea of having surgery made me rather than currently feeling bad about myself. There was a lowkey attitude of why would someone do this if they didn't hate themself??? from a bunch of people. They weren't knowingly being transphobic and no one ever questioned if I should get surgery, it was more a total inability for these particular cis people to comprehend my situation. I mostly found it mildly amusing
6 - Breast exam stuff. I'm including a bunch of details because this part was a little scary. I'm still a little young to be getting a regular one so it was a new experience for me. Nothing terrible but they're gonna smush your boobs in a medical thing to take pictures. They also took reference pictures. Hopefully they don't find anything. In my case there were a couple of what they call "complicated cysts" which meant I needed an ultrasound. In my case it was like a less than 1% chance they were anything bad (they're fairly common) and they gave me the option of either having another ultrasound before surgery or having a biopsy taken. They recommended the former but i went with the latter because I was like I'd rather not have anxiety about this and just know asap. That process involves getting a HUGE needle stuck in your boob (you are pretty numbed up so after the numbing shot you don't feel it) and they take some samples. That all came back normal so I was cleared. Not everyone will have to deal with all that, but it's worth knowing you might have to do some of it
7 - Talked to my brother and asked him to come stay with me for 2 weeks post surgery. It's very very good to have someone stay with you for at least that long. Even a couple days if you can manage it. You're going to feel really fucked up after and not be able to lift your arms or open jars or pick things up (I think it starts at nothing 10lbs or over). I was mostly okay on my own after 2 weeks but had to have someone help me carry a heavy box once
8 - Got surgery scheduled. I had to find a time when my brother could come stay with me and had to wait about 3 months for it to all work out.
9 - A slew of pre-surgery appointments where I talked to the surgeon and got reference photos taken (topless pictures basically) and was told what to expect during and after.
10 - Attempted to figure out the labyrinthine process of getting medical leave approved at my job. This is another one that will obviously vary but oof. Definitely look into this early if you have to do it. I took a month off work. I'd recommend at least that much if you can swing it. They say 2 weeks minimum but I was really grateful for the extra time
11 - You'll have to do some pre-surgery prep. Nothing crazy. Use a body wash the night before and morning of. Don't eat/drink after midnight (most meds okay though)
12 - Got surgery. You will have to talk to ten million doctors on the day of. There are the ones doing the mega numbing stuff, the anesthesiologists, the breathing tube guys, the actual surgeon…it was a parade
13 - I was not in much pain for about 24 hours after surgery and then it kind of hit all at once (I'm guessing stuff wore off). They'll give you oxycodon or something similar which will really help. They'll also give you anitibiotics which made me nauseated and miserable. I stuck to rice for a few days because food looked gross. You may also look kinda gross. Like random lines drawn on you, skin discoloration from medical stuff, random pieces of tape. It's like damn I went through an Experience huh
14 - Post-Surgery care. You'll have a compression vest over the bandages. It's not that comfortable. They may tell you that you can use a binder instead if you have one. The bandages and tape started itching like crazy after a week (my skin hates medical tape).
You'll also have 1-2 wound drains in which look like little plastic grenades. You empty them twice a day and record how much blood/goop comes out (they should give you instructions for this). They come out after 2-3 weeks depending on how much the wounds are still draining. I think it was 3-4 weeks that the bandages came off as well. I still had to wear the compressions vest for 6 weeks total.
Like I mentioned in my other post, getting the bandages off was a bit shocking. Had to process the change for a bit and my mood was all over. More than anything else I think that's what I would have liked to have been prepared for in advance. Like, I completely freaked out for 20 minutes and then was a little weirded out for a day or two and then was completely fine and I'm now super happy. But it was a big holy fuck moment
It's likely you won't be able to shower until the bandages are off/drains are out. I get cranky if I can't wash my hair so I worked it out by putting a raincoat on and carefully washing my hair under the tub faucet (sink might work too but my sink sucks). Better than nothing
Also you have to sleep on your back for a good long while. I'm a stomach sleeper so this was hell for me to adjust to. I'm only just able to go back to sleeping on my stomach now and it's still a little uncomfortable (rapidly improving though)
15 - Got the rest of the stitches out. You have to rub aquaphor or something similar on the wounds twice a day to help them heal. Around 6 weeks they also recommend using silicon strips to help with scarring
I think that's most of it. It was definitely A Lot, but it was stretched out over 7 months at least.
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autisticwomen · 2 years ago
Modern Autism
Autism is a complicated diagnosis, and it’s been treated differently over the years. In the modern day, people with autism are treated better than ever, but there’s still work to be done.
One of the more recent developments in the autism diagnosis is in the DSM-V, in which the several subcategories of autism were changed in one umbrella term: Autism Spectrum Disorder. This change allowed people to clarify their understanding and acceptance of people with autism because it changed a lot of finicky diagnoses to something simple.
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More people with autism are being diagnosed than they were even two years ago. New data shows that 1 in 44 children are being diagnosed with autism, in comparison to 1 in 54 in 2020. Experts believe that this is because of improvements in identification, diagnosis, education, and referrals to services. This results in more people being able to get treatment for their autism.
Speaking of treatment, there are lots of ways for autism to be treated. While there is no cure for autism, and it’s controversial as to whether there should be, there are lots of ways for those with autism to be able to live their lives easier. Some of these include changing behaviors using Applied Behavioral Therapy (ABA), improving language development using Speech and Language Therapy, improving the ability to live as independently as possible using Occupational Therapy, and improving social skills using social-relational approaches.
There is controversy regarding ABA, however. The earliest verions of the treatment involved punishments when behaviors seen as negative such as stimming (self-stimulating behavior such as rocking back and forth and flapping hands). While this isn’t the case anymore, it is still built into the bones of the treatment. It is also very focused on eliminating behaviors instead of building skills. Autistic self-advocates believe that ABA attempts to make people with autism fit neurotypical standards instead of working with the different needs people with autism have.
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Most people with autism do not support ABA, and there are better treatment options for autism.
What does this mean for women with autism?
New research and better education has allowed more doctors to understand the differences in how autism presents in men and women which allows them to better diagnosis women with autism. Many women with autism who are undiagnosed develop other mental health problems in response to the stress of dealing with autism without resources.
Generally, things are better in the world of autism. However, better resources and research are still needed.
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hamptapasstrek · 7 days ago
Introduction- Digital Marketing: A Modern Approach to Business Growth
Digital marketing in today's fast-paced, technologically driven world has become the best business strategy for businesses that have intentions to achieve and maintain success in highly competitive markets. It does not matter whether you just begin as an entrepreneur or have your business established for decades-the transition from the traditional market to the digital market can no longer be avoided. This article basically introduces the core concepts of digital marketing, its benefits, and its significance in transforming how businesses reach out to their audience.
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What is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing means promotion of products or services through digital channels, which may include websites, search engines, social media, email, or mobile applications. Digital marketing does not depend on the old methods of advertising by using television, radio, or print media but rather focuses on internet-based media for efficiently targeting the desired audience. Creative strategies and advanced technology make it possible for businesses to analyze consumer behavior, optimize campaigns, and enhance their marketing performance.
Key Components of Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is an umbrella term encompassing various strategies and tools. Below are its major components:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO):SEO focuses on improving a website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). By optimizing website content, keywords, and backlinks, businesses can drive organic traffic and enhance their online presence.
Content Marketing:Content marketing involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. Blog posts, infographics, videos, and eBooks are common formats used to engage potential customers.
Social Media Marketing (SMM):Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are powerful tools for connecting with audiences. Through targeted ads and organic posts, businesses can build brand awareness and foster community engagement.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising:PPC is a model of internet advertising where businesses pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. Google Ads and social media ads are popular PPC platforms that offer precise audience targeting.
Email Marketing:This involves sending promotional messages to a group of people via email. It's a cost-effective way to nurture leads and maintain strong relationships with customers.
Affiliate Marketing:Businesses collaborate with affiliates to promote their products or services. Affiliates earn a commission for every sale made through their referral links.
Analytics and Data Management:Tools like Google Analytics allow businesses to track user behavior, measure campaign performance, and make data-driven decisions to improve marketing strategies.
Benefits of Digital Marketing
Global Reach:With digital marketing, businesses can break geographical barriers and reach potential customers worldwide.
Cost-Effectiveness:Compared to traditional marketing methods, digital marketing offers more affordable options with a higher return on investment (ROI).
Targeted Audience:Advanced targeting features allow businesses to focus on specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, ensuring their message reaches the right people.
Measurable Results:Digital marketing provides real-time analytics, enabling businesses to track the performance of campaigns and optimize strategies accordingly.
Enhanced Engagement:Interactive content, such as polls, live videos, and Q&A sessions, fosters direct communication with the audience, building trust and loyalty.
The Role of Digital Marketing in Modern Business
In a world where over 4.9 billion people use the internet, digital marketing is no longer optional—it is imperative. Businesses that embrace digital strategies are better positioned to adapt to changing consumer habits and market trends. It bridges the gap between brands and their customers, fostering long-term relationships and driving growth.
From small startups to multinational corporations, digital marketing has proven to be a game-changer. By leveraging the right mix of tools and strategies, businesses can not only survive but thrive in today’s digital age
Digital marketing is reshaping the way businesses communicate, sell, and grow. It offers unparalleled opportunities to connect with audiences, understand their needs, and provide value. As businesses continue to evolve, embracing digital marketing will be crucial for staying relevant and competitive in the marketplace.
If you’re new to digital marketing, now is the perfect time to explore its potential. Start small, analyze your progress, and continuously refine your strategies to achieve your goals. Remember, the digital world is vast, but with the right approach, the possibilities are endless.
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mogai945 · 1 month ago
radiomogai's experiences event: day 1!!
[PT: radiomogai's experiences event: day 1!! /end PT]
Prompt: How do you organize or categorize your identity? If you don't, why don't you?
so!! tommy is the one answering this one, cause i have arguably the biggest hoard in the system!!
i don't currently have a shareable hoard sadly, though i'm planning on making a powerpoint of it, but for personal purposes, i have a notion database with all the labels i have!! (well, technically not all, i have a few labels i need to update to it, but still!)
the database has 7 multiselect properties (which i will list all of the currently existing options for):
one for categories of identity: alderns, chronos, fictidomi, genders, hearthomes, hoarding terms, invianes, referral terms, roles, roleics, transitioning terms, umbrella terms, and xenonatures
one for themes: agere, animals, arts, autism, blue, boyhood, broad, bugs, clothing, clouds, colors, cringe, darkness, dinosaurs, dissociation, dogs, drink, emo, emotions, energy drinks, family, fire, ghosts, green, gross, light, light colors, liminality, media, medical, memory, music, nature, neuro, nonhumanity, objects, plurality, plushies, raccoons, sounds, space, special interest, technology, time, toys, travel, videogames, warm colors, water, weather, weird, y0uth
one for emotions: anger, comfort, excitement, fear, fun, happiness, loneliness, nervousness, sadness
one for medias: lemon demon, the oh hellos, deltarune, minecraft, pokémon
one for actions: sorting, stimming
one for characters: autism creature, fuecoco
one for locations: motostoke, pokémon world, wyndon (yes all of these are places from pokémon)
we also have a text property for the definition of the term in the hoard, and a url property for the coining post :-)
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umbrellaaegis · 4 months ago
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Maximizing Digital Marketing Success with Umbrella Aegis
In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, effective marketing strategies can make or break a brand’s success. As businesses strive to reach wider audiences and boost online visibility, Umbrella Aegis stands out as a key partner in optimizing digital marketing efforts. Specializing in innovative marketing solutions, Umbrella Aegis helps brands connect, engage, and grow through personalized strategies that elevate online presence and drive traffic.
Why Choose Umbrella Aegis?
Umbrella Aegis isn’t just another marketing agency. It is a comprehensive solution provider designed to keep your business at the forefront of the digital world. From search engine optimization (SEO) to social media marketing, Umbrella Aegis offers a holistic approach that ensures every aspect of your digital presence is enhanced.
SEO That Delivers Results In an age where search engines are the gateway to information, Umbrella Aegis ensures your brand appears at the top. Using cutting-edge SEO techniques, our experts make sure your website is optimized for visibility, driving organic traffic and enhancing credibility.
Content That Captivates and Converts Good content is the backbone of any successful digital marketing campaign. Umbrella Aegis crafts engaging content tailored to resonate with your target audience. From blog posts to social media updates, every piece is designed to tell your brand’s story and build strong customer connections.
Backlink Building for Greater Reach High-quality backlinks are essential for SEO and domain authority, and Umbrella Aegis excels in establishing these valuable links. By connecting with reputable websites, we help increase referral traffic, improve search rankings, and grow your brand’s online presence.
Data-Driven Strategies for Maximum ROI We understand the importance of data in making informed decisions. Umbrella Aegis leverages analytics to monitor performance and adapt strategies as needed, ensuring that your investment yields the highest return possible.
How Umbrella Aegis Helps Drive Traffic and Increase Engagement
A great digital marketing strategy doesn’t stop at SEO and content creation; it requires continuous adaptation to keep up with trends. With Umbrella Aegis, your brand benefits from the latest digital marketing tools, providing you with an edge over competitors.
By partnering with Umbrella Aegis, businesses can experience tangible growth through targeted campaigns, strategic link building, and data insights that fuel long-term success. Whether you're a startup looking to establish your brand or a seasoned company aiming to expand, Umbrella Aegis helps you navigate the digital world with confidence.
Ready to unlock new levels of online success? Connect with Umbrella Aegis today to start building a digital marketing strategy that works for you.
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redacted-coiner · 3 months ago
NOTE: this is referring to when one is talking about it. To have a proper title or umbrella for those who want to talk about it. (think how Christianity is the umbrella for all the subset) I was also thinking for it to be like a more "incognito" title for those who may want it. To also make it easier to talk about it in conversations with those outside the practices.
(Deration: 1 week)
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lily22223 · 5 months ago
What are the 8 Types of Digital Marketing?
If you’re dipping your toes into the world of digital marketing (or even if you’ve already waded in), you’ve probably noticed that there’s a lot more to it than just posting on social media or boosting ads. The truth is, digital marketing is an umbrella term for many strategies, each with its own unique benefits, and I’m here to break it all down for you. Whether you're looking to boost your website's visibility or get your products in front of potential customers, these eight types of digital marketing can help!
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1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is one of the most important pieces of the digital marketing puzzle. It’s all about making sure your website is visible to people who are searching for the services or products you offer. I always recommend SEO as the foundation of any digital marketing strategy because it’s essentially how you get found on Google. Good SEO practices help your website climb up the rankings, making it easier for your audience to discover you organically. From optimizing keywords to improving site speed, there’s a lot that goes into SEO, but the reward is worth it!
2. Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)
Now, if you want to fast-track your way to the top of the search engine results, PPC advertising is your go-to. I love PPC because it gives you immediate results. You basically pay to have your ads shown at the top of search engines like Google, and you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. PPC is ideal for getting quick traffic and leads, especially if you’re launching a new campaign or product. But remember, while it’s a quick win, it also requires ongoing management to make sure you’re not overspending for clicks that don’t convert.
3. Content Creation
Content is the heart of digital marketing. Whether it's blog posts (like this one), videos, infographics, or social media posts, great content helps you connect with your audience. I always emphasize that quality content is key. It’s not just about cranking out articles or videos; it’s about creating content that resonates, answers questions, and provides value. Plus, good content creation boosts your SEO efforts and supports all your other marketing efforts. For instance, a well-written blog post can drive traffic to your site for years!
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4. Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is all about engaging with your audience where they hang out online, whether that’s Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter. I love how social media allows for real-time interaction and relationship-building with customers. Through creative posts, stories, and ads, social media marketing helps to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to your website. It’s also a fantastic platform for sharing your content and driving conversations around your brand.
5. Email Marketing
When people talk about digital marketing, email might seem a bit old-fashioned, but trust me, it’s far from dead. Email marketing allows you to communicate directly with your audience in a personalized way, delivering value straight to their inbox. From promotional emails to newsletters, it’s one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies that, when done right, can nurture leads and turn them into loyal customers. Plus, with automation, you can set up email sequences that run on autopilot!
6. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is essentially a referral system. You partner with other people (affiliates) who promote your products or services, and in return, they earn a commission for each sale or lead they generate. I think affiliate marketing works especially well if you have an e-commerce business or sell digital products. It’s a win-win because your affiliates do the promotional work for you, and you only pay when they bring in actual business.
7. Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing leverages the power of popular individuals or "influencers" to promote your brand. I’ve seen this work wonders for many businesses, especially in industries like fashion, beauty, and tech. You collaborate with influencers who have a large, engaged following, and they endorse your products to their audience. It’s a great way to build brand trust quickly because people tend to trust recommendations from those they admire or follow.
8. Online Public Relations (PR)
Online PR is about getting coverage for your brand on websites, blogs, and online publications. It’s similar to traditional PR, but instead of newspapers and magazines, you’re focusing on digital platforms. A solid online PR strategy can help you build credibility and establish your brand as an authority in your industry. I’ve found that getting featured on well-known sites can also significantly boost your SEO through backlinks, driving more organic traffic to your website.
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angel12224 · 5 months ago
Elevate Your Business with the Best SEO Reseller Services in Mumbai
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In today's digital landscape, establishing a robust online presence is essential for businesses of all sizes. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has emerged as a cornerstone of digital marketing, enabling companies to enhance visibility and attract targeted traffic. For businesses seeking to optimize their online strategies without the overhead of an in-house team, partnering with an SEO reseller can be a game-changer. If you're looking for a reliable SEO reseller in Mumbai or anywhere in India, look no further than Sociobliss.
Understanding SEO Reselling
SEO reselling involves collaborating with a third-party agency to provide SEO services to your clients. Instead of developing these services internally, businesses can outsource them to specialized companies. This arrangement allows you to offer comprehensive digital marketing solutions without the complexities and costs associated with hiring a dedicated team.
Why Choose an SEO Reseller in Mumbai?
Mumbai, being the financial capital of India, is home to a multitude of businesses, each vying for attention in the digital space. Here are several reasons why choosing an SEO reseller in Mumbai, like Sociobliss, can be beneficial:
1. Local Expertise
Mumbai's market dynamics are unique. An SEO reseller based in the city understands local consumer behavior, trends, and preferences. This knowledge enables the reseller to tailor strategies that resonate with the target audience, ensuring your business gains the visibility it deserves.
2. Comprehensive Services
Sociobliss offers a wide array of services under the SEO umbrella, including keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, content marketing, and more. By partnering with an SEO reseller in Mumbai, you can provide a holistic approach to digital marketing, ensuring your clients receive the best services available.
3. Cost-Effective Solutions
Maintaining an in-house SEO team can be expensive, especially for small to medium-sized businesses. By working with an SEO reseller in India, you can significantly reduce operational costs while still offering top-notch services to your clients. This allows you to focus on scaling your business without the burden of extensive overhead.
4. Enhanced Client Satisfaction
As businesses increasingly prioritize their online presence, clients seek effective and reliable SEO services. By collaborating with a reputable SEO reseller, you can ensure that your clients receive measurable results. Happy clients often lead to repeat business and referrals, contributing to your overall growth.
Key Services Offered by Sociobliss
As a leading digital marketing company in Mumbai, Sociobliss provides a variety of SEO reseller services that can help businesses flourish online:
1. Keyword Research and Strategy
Understanding the right keywords is crucial for driving targeted traffic. Sociobliss conducts extensive keyword research to identify high-value terms that your clients should target, ensuring that they rank higher on search engines.
2. On-Page Optimization
From optimizing meta tags to improving site speed and mobile responsiveness, Sociobliss ensures that your clients' websites are fully optimized for search engines. This not only enhances visibility but also improves user experience.
3. Content Marketing
Quality content is the backbone of effective SEO. Sociobliss develops tailored content strategies that include blog posts, articles, and infographics, driving engagement and boosting search rankings.
4. Link Building
Establishing authority in the digital space often relies on high-quality backlinks. Sociobliss employs ethical link-building techniques that enhance your clients' domain authority and improve their rankings.
5. Reporting and Analytics
Transparency is key to any successful partnership. Sociobliss provides detailed reports and analytics, allowing you to monitor progress and demonstrate results to your clients.
Why Sociobliss Stands Out
In the crowded marketplace of digital marketing companies in Mumbai, Sociobliss distinguishes itself through:
1. Proven Track Record
With a portfolio of successful projects and satisfied clients, Sociobliss has established itself as a trusted partner for businesses looking to enhance their digital presence. Their results speak volumes about their capabilities.
2. Customized Solutions
Every business is unique, and so are its needs. Sociobliss takes the time to understand your clients' specific goals and tailors its services accordingly. This personalized approach ensures maximum effectiveness.
3. Expert Team
The team at Sociobliss comprises seasoned professionals with extensive experience in digital marketing. Their expertise allows them to stay ahead of industry trends, ensuring your clients receive the best strategies available.
4. Affordable Pricing
Sociobliss offers competitive pricing structures, making quality SEO services accessible to businesses of all sizes. This affordability, coupled with the high quality of services, creates an attractive proposition for businesses looking to grow.
Partnering with an SEO reseller in Mumbai, such as Sociobliss, can transform the way you approach digital marketing. With their comprehensive range of services, local expertise, and commitment to client satisfaction, you can elevate your business and ensure your clients achieve their digital marketing goals.
Whether you're a startup looking to establish your online presence or a well-established company aiming to enhance your digital strategy, Sociobliss is your go-to digital marketing company in Mumbai. Explore their services today at Sociobliss and take the first step towards achieving unparalleled online success.
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speed-seo · 6 months ago
Performance Advertising: Types, Strategies, and Best Practices
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Performance advertising is quickly becoming one of the most effective digital marketing channels for businesses looking to drive measurable results and return on ad spend. But what exactly is performance advertising, and how does it work? Performance advertising refers to any paid digital marketing formats where advertisers only pay when users take a specific "performance" action, like clicking on an ad, signing up on a landing page, or making an online purchase. This pay-for-performance model differs from traditional advertising, where brands pay based on impressions or views regardless of outcome. With performance advertising, marketers have far greater transparency into the direct return generated by campaigns. Tracking clear conversion metrics like cost-per-lead and return on ad spend enables highly targeted efforts aimed at acquiring customers cost-efficiently. Major forms of performance advertising include search engine marketing, social media advertising, affiliate marketing, referral marketing and more. The strategies may differ, but the core benefit remains clear ROI based on concrete user actions tied to organizational goals. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the essentials of performance advertising, including: - Common types and advertising formats - Key strategies for success - Benefits over traditional advertising - Metrics and analysis best practices - Challenges to consider Understanding performance advertising allows marketers to tap into one of today's most accountable and results-driven forms of digital marketing. The ability to track conversions and optimize efforts based on hard data helps fuel better decision making. Whether just starting out or looking to improve existing efforts, this guide will equip you with insights to unlock the full potential of performance advertising. Let's dive in and explore what makes it a critical marketing channel for driving measurable business results. The Many Types of Performance Advertising With a clearer picture of what performance advertising entails, let's explore some of the major formats and advertising types that fall under this high-ROI digital marketing umbrella. 1. Search Engine Marketing - Driving Traffic from Google One of the largest categories of performance advertising is search engine marketing (SEM). This refers to ads shown in search engine results pages, namely Google Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords). Advertisers bid on keywords relevant to their business to trigger text, image, or video ads when people search for those terms. You pay only when searchers click your ad, making this a purely pay-for-performance model. SEM enables you to target people actively looking for your products or services. Tactics like hyper-targeted keywords, location-based ads, and remarketing help drive conversions cost-effectively. No wonder 81% of marketers say SEM is a core strategy for businesses, beacause it delivers excellent ROI (Source). SEM works seamlessly alongside organic search optimization (SEO) efforts. SEO improves your natural rankings, while SEM instantly places you in front of motivated searchers - fast. 👉 Pro Tip: Focus on long tail, low competition keywords with exact match SEM campaigns to find interested searchers while keeping costs down. 2. Social Media Advertising - Leverage Facebook, Instagram, & More After search, social media advertising is a mammoth performance channel. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest all offer self-serve ad platforms. Social ads help you get your brand and offers in front of hyper-targeted audiences. You can define audiences by demographics, interests, behaviors and more. Ads come in a variety of formats - images, carousels, videos, and stories. And you only pay when users view, click, or engage with your ads in some way. The ability to test different creatives and messages cost-efficiently makes social advertising nimble. What about you? What social platforms have you used for advertising? Share your experiences in the comments! 3. Affiliate Marketing - How it works: Affiliates (publishers) promote a merchant's product or service by placing unique affiliate links on their websites, blogs, or social media. They earn a commission for each sale or lead that comes through their links. - Example: A beauty blogger writes a review about a new skincare product and includes their affiliate link within the post. 4. Native Advertising - How it works: Native ads blend seamlessly with the surrounding content on a website or platform. They are designed to look and feel like organic content rather than blatant advertisements. - Example: A sponsored article about healthy eating habits appearing within the lifestyle section of a news website. 5. Display Advertising - How it works: Advertisers use banner ads, rich media ads (including video or interactive elements), and other visual formats across a network of websites. Payment models can vary (PPC, CPM, etc.). - Example: An ad for a new running shoe appearing on a sports blog. Crafting a Winning Performance Advertising Strategy Now that we've covered the major types of performance advertising, let's discuss how to develop an effective, ROI-driven strategy. Follow these best practices when planning and executing your campaigns: Step 1: Conduct Audience Research to Refine Targeting Who are your ideal customers? What messages resonate with them? Spend time understanding your audiences’ demographics, interests, and motivations through surveys, analytics, and customer profiles. These insights allow you to fine-tune ad targeting and creative. Step 2: Set Clear Goals and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Define the outcomes you want to achieve from the start. Common goals include leads, conversions, customer acquisitions, engagement. Choose specific KPIs to benchmark and optimize towards like cost-per-click, cost-per-lead, return on ad spend, etc. Step 3: Test Different Performance Advertising Channels Assess whether search, social, referral, or affiliate marketing makes the most sense for your goals. Many brands find a combination of channels and ad formats is most effective. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket early on. Step 4: Create Relevant Ads Optimized for Each Platform Tailor your ads’ style, copy, keywords, and placements for each channel. A text-based Google search ad should differ from an Instagram Story ad, for example. Adapt creatives for the unique format. Step 5: Relentlessly Analyze Performance and Optimization Opportunities Use analytics platforms to identify your best-performing ads, placements, landing pages, keywords, and more. Double down on what works and cut what doesn’t. Continual testing and refinement is key for performance advertising success. This strategic approach will set your brand up to maximize results from performance advertising efforts. Don’t forget to track analytics closely to capitalize on key learnings. Why Performance Advertising Delivers Real Value for Brands What makes performance advertising stand out from other forms of digital marketing? Here are some of the core advantages driving its popularity: Becasue it Provides Complete Transparency into Your Ad Spend With performance advertising, you only pay when a visitor takes a specified action. There’s no wasted spend on broad impressions or vanity metrics. You have full visibility into the exact ROI generated, making it easy to calculate average cost-per-conversion. This transparency allows you to optimize campaigns for maximum profitability. Each dollar goes towards driving real bottom-line results. Because it is a Low Risk Model Means Greater Experimentation Because you’re not locked into upfront contracts or massive budgets, performance advertising enables greater flexibility to test new keywords, creatives, audiences and platforms. You can launch several small, agile campaigns simultaneously, see what resonates, then double down on the highest converting elements. This fail fast, optimize approach lets you cost-efficiently determine the best strategies. And Data-Driven Insights Fuel Better Decision Making Robust analytics and attribution modeling give you hard data on which ad variations, placements, landing pages, offers and more drive the most conversions. These learnings allow you to tweak messaging, target customer segments, and improve creative in an informed, results-driven way. It takes the guesswork out by showing you what actually works. In summary, performance advertising provides unparalleled transparency into your digital marketing effectiveness. It’s an highly accountable method for achieving measurable ROI. Next, we’ll explore some common challenges and best practices to overcome them when activating performance advertising campaigns. Overcoming Common Performance Advertising Challenges While performance advertising offers many advantages, it also comes with some unique challenges for marketers to navigate. Let’s go over some of the top issues that arise and proven tips to tackle them head-on: Maintaining Brand Safety and Data Privacy A big potential downside is lack of control over where your ads appear and how your customer data is handled. Unlike direct ad buys, performance platforms use algorithmic placement and third-party data which can put your brand at risk. "Here's how to keep tight guardrails in place: - Leverage keyword blocking and exclusion lists - Use whitelists of pre-approved sites or placements - Limit data sharing and enforce contractual privacy protections - Closely monitor where your ads run to identify any unsavory placements" Combating Fraud and Maximizing Legitimate Conversions Unfortunately, performance advertising is susceptible to bots, click spam, and other fraudulent behavior that eats your ad budget. It pays to be vigilant. "Tactics to detect and prevent fraud: source traffic carefully - analyzeHeaders.com - link to relevant post" - Use anti-fraud monitoring tools - Block suspicious IP ranges - Favor more secure channels like Google Ads - Focus on driving phone, in-store or email leads vs just clicks Overcoming the Technical Learning Curve Make no mistake - performance advertising requires hands-on management and constant optimization. The platforms have steep learning curves. Brands must invest in developing in-house expertise through testing, certifications, and training. Or lean on an experienced digital agency to navigate the technical complexities on your behalf so you can focus on strategy and creative. With the right expertise, you can execute performance advertising campaigns confidently and successfully. Let's wrap up with a quick look at overarching best practices for this high-impact digital marketing channel. Key Best Practices for Performance Advertising Excellence Ready to activate performance advertising that converts? Keep these proven tips top of mind: Hook viewers with hyper-targeted messaging Laser focus your ad copy, offers, and creatives to resonate with specific user intents and interests. For example, target searchers looking for "women's running shoes under $100" or Facebook users who love marathon training pages. Retarget engaged visitors Create customized remarketing campaigns for those who've previously visited your site or interacted with ads. They're hot leads - keep your brand top of mind. Test multi-channel campaigns Run coordinated ads across search, social, referral sites and affiliate networks. Track cross-channel effectiveness to optimize the buyer journey. Prioritize landing page optimization Ensure your landing pages match ad messaging and rapidly guide visitors to convert. Clear call-to-actions, trust elements and minimal distractions are key. Monitor and tweak campaigns relentlessly Dig into analytics to identify high-performing elements then further optimize. Continual refinement based on data drives results. With the right goals, audience insights, and measurement discipline, performance advertising offers a world of potential. Now you're equipped with a comprehensive overview to unlock its full ROI power. Remember to track performance closely, stay nimble, and keep honing your approach. The brands seeing massive returns from performance advertising double down on what works while eliminating low-value activities. To recap, align your efforts to core business objectives, embrace relentless optimization, choose your channels wisely, and focus on delighting customers - not just chasing clicks. With this performance mindset, you’ll be primed for long-term success. Read the full article
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