#umbrella: hearthomes
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mogai945 · 2 months ago
my liomogai experience
[PT: my liomogai experience /end PT]
in the wake of how many posts we've seen lately in the mogai community about people speaking on their experiences with their labels, we thought we'd throw our hat in the ring and share our own experiences!! and, while a collective post will likely come at some point, that will also require a lot more time and in-system communication to coordinate as a collective, so in the meantime, i (tommy) figured i'd share my personal experiences with my identity!!
i'll try to keep this mildly organized by splitting this up into most of the sections that i have in my hoard!! as such, here's the table of contents (sadly with no hyperlinks to the respective sections, much though i wish that were possible on tumblr):
1) alderns 2) chronos 3) fictidomi 4) genders 5) hearthomes 6) hoarding terms 7) invianes 8) referral terms 9) systemhood: 9.1) roles 9.2) roleics 10) umbrella terms 11) xenonatures
lastly, a major shout out to @radiomogai's archive for being one of the most useful blogs in finding new terms!! tagging you also since i saw you want to be tagged in these discussion posts :-)
[PT: alderns /end PT]
original post: link terms i identify with: aldercustomize (link)
alderns are terms i am not very familiar with, but i do often wish i (or, primarily the body, since i can do this in innerworld) could shapeshift/change form. aldercustomize being the specific term i identify with stems, in no small part, from the fact that videogames are our main collective special interest, and specifically a special interest that we experience as foundational, aka a special interest that affects the very way in which we view the world and how we interact with it (which is its own rant; if there's interest in the various types of special interests we experience, i'd be happy to elaborate!).
because of this, shapeshifting taking the form of a character creation screen just... makes sense, in a way that other shapeshifting terms don't quite make sense!! it's also akin to making a picrew, if that makes more sense :-)
[PT: chronos /end PT]
original definition: link (couldn't find the original post itself; if anyone has it, please do send it to us!!) terms i identify with: littlebrotherchro (link)
like alderns, i'm not super familiar with this umbrella term, but this one is quite simple, and actually quite important to understanding a lot of other factors of my identity!! it stems primarily from my being younger in innerworld than the body is, as well as the fact that i ageslide fairly often.
this is one that i'm fairly sure i would have other labels for if i went looking specifically, but i have not yet!! thus, as it currently stands, littlebrotherchro specifically stems from the fact that i have a lot of relationships where i'm the younger brother, generally in my found family, and that's just- a role in a dynamic that i am very comfortable with, and feel is almost intrinsic to my self, in a way!!
[PT: fictidomi /end PT]
original post: link terms i identify with: pokédomus (link)
this one is quite simple, honestly: i want to live in the pokémon world!! if i were a bit more prone to self psychoanalysis, i'd guess it stems from it being one of my sources, as well as another collective foundational special interest :-)
[PT: genders /end PT]
terms i identify with: too many to list them all rip
oh boy, okay!! so, as far as i'm able to remember, i've always had some amount of gender fuckery going on, but none of the, shall we say, "mainstream" labels ever fully fit comfortably. it's been... refreshing, to be able to say that there are a lot of genders that fit, and having multiple labels feels so much better than being constrained to just one!!
the majority of my genders are related to my interests!! this is due to the fact that my interests, especially the biggest ones like an assortment of videogames, art, music, dinosaurs, and bugs, to name a few, often feel inextricable from my self, so it follows that my gender is also highly affected by them :-)
[PT: hearthomes /end PT]
original post: link terms i identify with: pokémon hearthic
as i mentioned in the fictidomi section, pokémon is a collective foundational special interest for us. we've been playing the games since we were 9, and watching content relating to it since before that. at this point, it is, no exaggeration, impossible to separate my self from pokémon.
i interact with pokémon, be it through playing the games or hearing the osts or what have you, and i feel at home. this isn't where i'm from literally, i recognize that, but it is where i'm from on every other level. it's my biggest source of comfort and emotional regulation, and it's really important to me that people around me know this and know that... it's so insanely important for us. it's really hard to put into words, but i adore this franchise and its universe is my home.
hoarding terms
[PT: hoarding terms /end PT]
terms i identify with: gender inventory (link)
okay so, i don't think this is an official umbrella? but it is useful for me to be able to visualize how my genders are... placed, so to speak!! for example, my hoard is on a notion database, and i like to imagine it's a little gallery with various terms hung up on the wall!!
in a vacuum, however, it's a lot harder to come up with these imaginations, especially since i have very low visual phantasia. this is why hoarding terms are so welcome to me!! it's especially welcome in the case of gender inventory, since- well, i know how the minecraft inventory works!! personally, i experience creative gender inventory specifically :-)
[PT: invianes /end PT]
original post: couldn't find any :-( please let me know if you have it tho!! terms i identify with: invidreenk (link)
okay this one is very specific to this specific term: i just think it's so me for reals, you know what i mean? it's silly and not my most serious of terms, but i didn't want to just exclude it rip
referral terms
[PT: referral terms /end PT]
terms i identify with: transboy (link)
while i imagine this isn't the original post for this term, and i doubt there's an official coining post for this, it's important to bring up nonetheless!! this links back to what i spoke about in the chronosian section, where my age is very fucky due to plurality, and thus i feel more comfortable calling myself a trans boy!! transmasc is still comfy tho :-)
[PT: systemhood /end PT]
[PT: roles /end PT]
terms i identify with: autism symptom holder (link)
so, for this one i'll explain more so how i experience this role!! i'm prone to feeling the symptoms of autism more intensely or more often than others in my collective; this doesn't mean the others don't experience them either, but just that i feel them more and more often. additionally, i am noticeably worse at masking than the rest of us
[PT: roleics /end PT]
original post: link terms i identify with: cringeroleic (link); autismroleic (link)
i'll start by explaining my autismroleic experience, since it's, rather simple: i'm an autism symptom holder!
it does, however, link into my experience with being cringeroleic: i came back from dormancy about a year ago when we were working through a lot of internalized cringe culture and such. my role back then, and still to this day, though it's less of a priority, was to embrace being cringe, and work through our feelings on it that way. a lot of interests and behaviours that have gotten us labeled as cringe have stemmed from our autism, too, which is why i say the two are interlinked.
umbrella terms
[PT: umbrella terms /end PT]
terms i identify with: monachoric (link)
monachoric fits me to a t. it's similar to pokémon, actually, in the sense that being monachoric simply spreads across all my self, to the point where separating my self from monachoric is impossible!! i'm just a weirdo teenager with cringe interests (/pos, all of this is a good thing), there's no splitting my general sense of self from monachism
[PT: xenonatures /end PT]
original post: link terms i identify with: pokénatured (link)
and, finally, xenonatures!! shocking no one who has read this far (thank you in advance if you have!! i know this has been long), pokémon is embeded in my sense of self very deeply, naturally a xenonature themed after pokémon would go STRAIGHT onto my hoard
ending comments
[PT: ending comments /end PT]
thank you in advance if you read this far!! i didn't expect to have this much to say, frankly. i hope it was enjoyable to read, and i hope this can help other people describe their identities :-)
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nabbit-unmasked · 1 year ago
Are your requests open? If so, may I get a moodboard for someone that is both placehearted and having hearthome ties to the Dark Planet from Welcome to Night Vale? @darkplanets
Yep! They are open ^^
I should have that ready for you within the next 30 minutes :3
If I'm given an account to tag in an ask/request, I post my moodboards separately from it. I'll be tagging you in the final product :)
Thanks for requesting! ^^
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liondrakes · 13 days ago
Alterhuman is an umbrella term, not a synonym!
Nowadays, I see a lot of folks using alterhuman as a catch-all for not being human. While nonhumanity certainly falls within alterhumanity, alterhumanity does not exclusively refer to species nor is it synonymous with nonhuman identities (ex: therianthropy).
Alterhumanity includes but is not limited to:
Fictionfolk: An umbrella term that encompasses all individuals of fictional origin or hold a personal connection to fiction. This includes fictionkind, fictives, fictionhearted individuals, folks with fictional hearthomes, imagithropes, etc.
Otherhumans: Individuals whose species is human but not in context to humanity as we see it in its current state. Some examples include human fictionkind and archaeosapient early humans or neanderthals.
Heartedness: A broad experience in which an individual may not identify as someone or something, but has a deep, personal connection with that person, place, or thing. This includes folk who are otherhearted/otherkith/synpaths, talehearted folk, and folk who have hearthomes (fictional or not).
Archetropy: An identity in which one heavily identifies with or generally experiences an archetype, trope, or pre-established character model in a way that is central to their identity.
Plurality: The state of more than one person within a body. That said, not all who are plural may relate their plurality to alterhumanity.
Dæmonism: The practice of communicating with one's internal dæmon, a thoughtform stemming from one's subconscious. A dæmon is also given a sentient form, typically a nonhuman animal of sorts. Can be considered as a form of plurality but depends on the individual and their relationship to their dæmon(s).
Soulbonding: A practice in which an individual forms a personal bond or connection to a fictional character and communicates with them from their headspace or soulscape. Can be considered as a form of plurality but depends on the individual and their relationship to their soulbond(s).
Furry Lifestylers: A subset of the furry community whose position in the subculture carries into their daily life. Some members have described it as "furry as a way of life", in which being a furry is inseparable and intrinsic to oneself.
I have alterhuman terms of my own to take into account as well:
Archaeosapiens: Individuals whose alterhuman identity is intrinsically rooted in prehistory, antiquity or mythic accounts of history. Although I don’t use it for myself anymore, I can say as the person who coined it that species is not central to archaeosapience; it is the distinct connection to one’s time that’s central. Anyone of any species can be archaeosapient.
Ontoplanarity: In referral to ontoplanar, which describes individuals who originate from planes and realities outside of this Earth. While one could relate this term to alienkind and spacekind, ontoplanar focuses one’s own point of origin rather than one’s species. In that regard, anyone of any species can be ontoplanar.
There’s also human alterhumans who aren’t specifically otherhumans. The idea that humankind as we know it is completely alienated from alterhumanity is a misconception, likely tying into the assumption that “alterhumanity = nonhumanity”.
I originally discussed this in the Alterhuman (Tumblr) Community but I felt as though I should make this information publicly available, especially with how the term has been sifting around lately. I’m not the first to bring this up, far from it even. If anyone who’s learned something from this wants to know more, here’s some posts to check out:
The finalized coining of the term Alterhuman/AHPI (x)
Aster’s discussion on alterhuman as an umbrella, particularly its conflation with otherkin (x)
Rani’s discussion on umbrella terms in the community, addressing erasure in folks’ usage of both alterhuman and fictionfolk (x)
Rani’s explanation on the difference between nonhuman and alterhuman as terms (x)
A thread of terms and experiences that tie into the alterhuman community (x)
I understand being excited to find a community that speaks to you. We’ve all been there!
That said, inclusive language is important. Even more so when the terms we use were already inclusive to begin with.
I think the best example I’ve seen to address this phenomenon is Aster’s example referring to queer and its usage. Queerness is vast. It is not synonymous with one specific experience in the LGBTQ+ community. That much is understood online.
In the same vein, alterhumanity is just as vast. It is not synonymous with nonhumanity, be it therianthropy or otherwise. It can be alienating for your peers to see it centralized as that experience alone. Alterhumanity is an ocean of possibilities and perspectives that should be recognized alongside nonhumanity. I encourage folks to look at it in full, if not use terms that specifically highlight what you experience instead of framing alterhumanity as only that experience.
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a-dragons-journal · 4 months ago
Not the previous anon, but your answer made me wonder what exactly defines something being alterhuman. I know it means an experience/identity that’s alternative to humanity, but I find that definition vague and uncommitted. Like, what does alternative to humanity mean exactly and who gets to define it? If it’s an experience that the vast majority of humanity doesn’t have, then that would definitely include archetropes and hearthomes, but it would also include stuff like being a master bassoon player because that’s something most people aren’t as well. I’m not asking this in bad faith, I’m just confused where the line is drawn, what is considered alterhuman, and what isn’t, and why, because it all seems kinda arbitrary.
This post, the final "coining post" (put in quotes because it was kind of a process of refining more than a single post, but this was the final definition essay) for AlterHuman Personal Identity/AHPI, which would rapidly turn into just alterhumanity, may be helpful to you.
As I said in my last post (which was sent before you sent this in, in your defense), it is ultimately subjective and up to interpretation a bit. There's a reason that there's debate on, say, whether plurality should be included in alterhumanity "by default". It is kind of arbitrary, because that's how a label as broad as alterhuman works. That being said, I would say that, to use your example, being a master bassoon player doesn't make you alterhuman because while that experience is rare, it's not one society considers outside the range of "normal human experience."
But there's also, admittedly, a cultural aspect to it. A lot of mainstream society considers being neurodivergent outside the range of "normalcy" - but few people will argue that neurodivergency in general should be considered alterhuman by default (although personally, if an individual feels their neurodivergency makes the word alterhuman fit them right, I feel that's up to them to decide). And yet, plurality, arguably just one form of neurodivergency, is often considered alterhuman by default, in large part because of cultural ties between the plural community and other alterhuman communities - plurality often comes with speciesqueer experiences, fictionfolk experiences, and other experiences that are shared with or similar to other alterhuman identities, and perhaps as a result of that, the communities have a history of interacting a lot. Similarly, a term that arose out of alterhuman spaces is a lot more likely to be considered alterhuman than one that arose elsewhere - because the fact that alterhumans felt that it needed to be created says that they probably feel it's divergent enough from "normal human experience" to "count" as alterhuman, and because its historic and cultural ties to the alterhuman community probably make it inherently connected to the idea of alterhumanity, if that makes any sense.
It is subjective and it is messy, and I know that's not as satisfying an answer as you'd probably like, but like I said, it's the nature of an ultra-broad umbrella term designed with inclusiveness as a high priority. It's not a clean line so much as a gradient - there's a wide swathe of gray area transitioning slowly from "definitely alterhuman* (ex. therianthropy)" -> "alterhuman by default, but relatively easy to see how someone might not consider it to be (ex. plurality)" -> "not necessarily alterhuman by default, but easily considered as such (ex. furry lifestyler)" -> "not alterhuman by default, a few may consider it to be (ex. furry)" -> "definitely not alterhuman (ex. bassoon player)".
*"definitely alterhuman" as in, by definition; individuals may of course choose to not use the term for themself. ex. therianthropy firmly fits under the alterhuman umbrella by definition, though not all therianthropes like or use that word.
Or at least that's my thoughts on it. Y'all's thoughts, @ the general alterhuman public?
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nyctohyloph0bia · 5 months ago
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Image ID: A transparent image in black and white. The symbol for Talehearted, an open book with 4 lines top to bottom on each page, as representation of writing; in the center of the book, the symbol of Otherhearted without the cirlcle in-between it. The symbol of Otherhearted is a heart which lines come together in the center to form a diamond. Entrapping the book is a diagonal circle. The second image is a transparent one, which holds the Talehearted symbol with a white outline. End ID. Symbol by @nyctohyloph0bia , Otherhearted symbol by @aestherians .
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—⟢ : Re-Coining of Talehearted
Originally coined by @nyctohyloph0bia (at the time known as "itsmeowmeowtime") on June 07, 2022.
// pt: re-coining of talehearted [in quoted text]. Originally coined by [colored in orange] @/nyctohyloph0bia (at the time known as "itsmeowmeowtime") on june 07, 2022. The text links to the original talehearted coining post. //
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✦┊ Talehearted
// pt: talehearted [in bigger text, bolded ] //
"An individual who has a strong integral connection to a story whether it is fictional, real or based on real story."
// pt: an individual who has a strong integral connection to a story whether it is fictional, real or based on real story. //
Those who are Talehearted might feel a sense of belonging, familiarity or otherwise deep bond to the story, it's characters and/or messages. They might also feel as if they are supposed to be part of the story and/or it's world; the story parallels their own life in one way or the other, either through the messages of the story, plot beats and more.
It is a term inside the umbrella of otherhearness. It might also fall in line with fictionheartness and/or hearthomes.
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// pt: talehearted [in bigger text, bolded ]//
"The story who the Talehearted individual has a strong connection with."
// pt: the story who the talehearted individual has a strong connection with [in bigger text ] //
A Talehearted individual's heart-tale could be a fictional, real or otherwise based on reality story; a singular event/arc of a story, or different versions of that story; any story in a genre and/or that hold specific theme(s).
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✦┊ FAQ
// pt: talehearted [in bigger text, bolded ]//
→ How to use it :
"I am talehearted, my heart-tale is White Fang, 1906."
→ Who can use it :
Whoever feels that this describes their experiences. Otherkin or not, anyone can and is free to use it.
This iteration and image of the Talehearted symbol is free to use, for personal or commercial use.
→ Can ___ be a heart-tale? :
A good rule of thumb is long as it has a narrative, it can be a heart-tale, therefore something like a video-game, a song, poetry, myth, legend, a real world event, etc. Any and all definitions of story can fall under a heart-tale.
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Thank you for reading this. It's been 2 years since I coined this and I honestly feel the exact same about white fang and unleashed, I hope many more find this label useful. :)
You are also free to tag me in any essays on Taleheartedness or posts where you speak of your experiences as Talehearted. <3
Dividers by @/cafekitsune | Originally posted on Sep 24, 2024.
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myceliumforum · 3 months ago
hello im confused🙃
is there a term for when you dont feel like a specific charicter, but that you were supposed to live in a specific place?
i feel like im from oz (from the books), and i dont know if thats what hearthome means or if thers another name for it.
also kinda feel like an embodiment of the oz books (by l frank baum atleast)
but this could all just be an escapist want due to the oz books being my special interest
or is it possible to kin a charicter thats a difrent sexuality? im still learning about alterhuman/otherhuman stuff
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I can't provide the answer for your questioning as your identity is something only you can define and I can only be a guide so you can understand a little bit and find the answer
First of all, labels aren't necessary! I know wanting to label yourself is a good way of self understanding and to make sure others can understand you, but it's important to remind yourself that you're not obligated to label yourself and if you want to go out and don't use labels at all and just go around explaining how it feels and is to be you or not even try to explain it is totally valid
Now back to the topic, you do multiple questions so I'm going to go one by one and then give my own conclusion
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Meaning: a term for when you feel a strong, familiar connection to a place, real or fictional, in which the place/location feel like home
So to make it simple, hearthome is a way to describe a familiarity and connection to some place to the point it feels like home
Meaning: a gender system related to being the embodiment of something, can also be a gender by itself relating to being the embodiment of gender
So to make it simple, this is an umbrella when your gender identity feels related to something specific to the point of being the embodiment of that something
Meaning: an alterhuman / nonhuman term for being an embodiment / embodiment of something
So to make it simple, is an umbrella term for alterhumanity when you feel/are the embodiment of something, someone, somewhere
Meaning: a term for when you are the embodiment of something or you view something as the embodiment of you.
So to make it simple, is being the embodiment of something/someone/somewhere or viceversa, something/someone/somewhere being the embodiment of you
Meaning: pertaining to all of those who identify as a place, be it real, extinct, fictional, spiritual, conceptual, etc
So to make it simple, is an alterhuman identity when you identify as a place or location, not entirely being the embodiment but being the place, if that makes sense
Meaning: a type of otherlink adopted as a coping mechanism for trauma, stress, mental illness, or any other ailment
So to make it simple, is an otherlink identity when you adopt the alterhuman identity of your choice (character, species, object, place, what you want) for coping purposes
Meaning: when someone has a strong connection to something to the point it becomes part of them
So to make it simple, this means the connection you have with something is so strong it becomes part of who you are, doesn't matter what it is
Meaning: an alterhuman identity that's influenced by someone's special interest, it can be used with another alterhuman labels
So to make it simple, this means the influence of your spin into your identity, this is more of a descriptor as you can use it like "I'm a therian otherfix" or with some other labels
Kin with different orientation
Your alterhuman identity isn't linked with your sexual or any kind of attractional orientation, there's no thing such as a rule on how you can feel or perceive your kinning, so that's not a rule
You can have different sexuality, gender, orientation, likes and your own individual identity separate from your alterhuman one, so don't be scared of saying "My kintype is x thing" just because you don't align with certain things of your kintype
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As I said, I can't give you the answer on who you are, I gave you some labels/umbrellas I think you might fit or so you can search for a foundation to start searching by yourself
Also yes, you can have multiple terms and umbrellas at the same time, so if you feel connected to all of this terms I just described you you can use all of them, after all is your identity and it isn't harming you or anyone, plus an alterhuman identity can be so complex and unique as you want
I don't know more terms that can fit into your criteria as I'm not a complete expert on the topic, tho if you want a more specific term you could ask me and I'm willing to make a new one
I hope this did help and sorry for taking so long to answer, have a nice day/night!
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fallen-and-holy · 3 months ago
Personal writing challenge day nine!!
This one is a little late ‘^^ I’ve been ill and had the Brain Fog, so i wasn’t able to write for a little bit. So I’m going to combine a couple ‘types into one post today!
This post is going to be about being otherhearted and my kithtypes. I’ve always been inhuman- a dragon since birth. It’s easy for me to tell what I am, but what I am not is a harder story. My hearttypes tend to be more nebulous, hard to pin down and label. They also tend to be vague, overarching concepts rather than specific species. The way I identify a kithtype is: do they feel like family? Do they feel like home? And if the answer is yes, I'll add it to the list. Right now I have three major kithtypes. 
First, all animals. Like, all of them, including humans. It feels like… we’re all an interwoven family. All part of my identity in a way, resonating with me when I get to see them. They’re all my siblings, in a way. The birds, bugs, fish, deer, canines, felines, primates, all of them. It could possibly be a nature kithtype, now that I think about it, because that family feeling isn’t limited to animals. Old trees are like grandparents, flowers like cousins, rocks and mountains like aunts and uncles. It is a beautiful world, and it is all family to me. There might also be another under this umbrella, African Wild Dogs specifically as I mentioned in day six, but I'm still questioning that one. 
Second, we have space and the stars. I have a couple kintypes that are deeply tied to the stars- fallen angel, the Leviathan, Star Trek hearthome- and it just feels like. Like space is family, space is home. It is interwoven with me and my identity in a way that could never be untangled. I am not a star, or the concept of stars, but I lay my head to rest in them. If that makes any sense at all.
Third and finally, we have a song. For a while I questioned if this was a kintype, if I identified as this song, but I've come to the conclusion that it’s a kithtype because it’s more that this song describes the parts of me that were already there. The song is “The Bog Bodies (Dorm Demo)” by Rabbitology. 
It’s just so… me. It sounds like a part of my soul being played for everyone to hear. I am seen in a way that I have never been before. 
So, those are my kithtypes!! It feels good to get back into the rhythm of writing
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tselcoinsthings · 4 months ago
✩Welcome Dear Traveler✩
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✦To The Starry Eyed Lover's Term Coining And Flag Making Blog✦
Thank You For Landing At Our Humble Space Station, Solaris 932 .・。.・゜✭・ ☾We Hope You Enjoy Your Stay☽ ・✫・゜・。.
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✴︎What Is This Blog For?✴︎
☾Well, Traveler, This Blog Is For Any Terms We Decide To Coin Along With Any Flags We Make For Them. The Terms Featured Will Usually Be Under An Already Coined Umbrella. However, We Also Take Flag And Term Requests For Those Who Want A Term, But Cannot Find An Already Existing Label☽
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͙͘͡★Request Info͙͘͡★
☾Information About What We Will Or Will Not Do For Requests We Can Do ID Packs For Names, Pronouns, And Titles, But It May Take Longer For Those Requests To Be Finished. Up To Three Requests Can Be Sent In An Ask At A Time. Once You've Requested Those Three, You Must Wait Until They Are Complete To Request Again☽
Whitelist: (All Good Faith Terms Under These Are Welcome) 𖥔Genders 𖥔Xenogenders 𖥔Orientations 𖥔Pronouns 𖥔Names 𖥔Dissomei/Dissodic Terms (No Harmful Labels On Owners Request) 𖥔Desirdae Terms (Including Harmful/Harmed But Those Will Be Strictly Anti-Transition/Pro-Recovery) 𖥔Aldernic Terms 𖥔System / Plural Terms 𖥔Alterhuman Terms 𖥔ID Packs
Blacklist: (None Of These Terms Are Welcome/Allowed) 𖥔Radqueer Labels 𖥔TransIDs 𖥔Proship Terms 𖥔MAP/AAM Flags 𖥔Pro/Neu/Comp Contact Harmful Para Flags
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ☾If You Are Thinking Of Requesting Something And It Isn't On Either List, Please Ask Whether Or Not We Will Do It. We Will Answer Your Question As Soon As We Can☽
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☾Please Note That We Run Two Other Request Blogs, Along With Three Other Non-Request Blogs.☽
@/tsel-bas - Our Build A Headmate / System Blog. Any Headmate Pack Requests Are Handled There, Not Here.
@/tselbutnonhuman - Our Alterhumanity Blog Where We Also Do Banner, Profile Picture, Mood/Stimboard, And Background Requests.
@/thestarryeyedlovers - Is Our Primary Blog Where We Like, Follow, And Usually Reblog From.
@/tselbutcreative - Is Our Creative Blog. Where Art And Writing Related Things Go On.
@/tseldoesdiscourse - Our Discourse Related Blog. All Posts Relating To Any Sort Of Discourse Will Be Here. All Comments Including Discourse Will Be From This Blog Unless We Forget To Change The Blog To Comment / Reply From.
☾Our Sixth Is A Headmate's Personal Blog And Will Not Be Listed Here. If You Want To Check It Out, Head Over To Our Main Blog's Pinned Post☽
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☆Tagging System☆ #tsel dissomei / #tsel dissodic - Dissomei/Dissodic Terms #tsel desirdae - Desirdae Terms #tsel aldernic - Aldernic Terms (Many May Already Exist, Consider The Flag / Definition As An Alternative) #tsel flags - Posts With Flags We've Made. Will Be With Coining Posts Along With Other Flag Posts #tsel terms - All Coining Posts #system check complete - All Completed Requests #the station has completed a rotation - All Coining Posts By The Sidesystem, Solaris 932. Which Will Be Most Of Them # ☾[Name + Emoji]☽ - Sign Off Of Member(s) Who Made The Post
There Will Also Be Generic Tags Like The Term Names, Mogai, Liom, Atypical Dysphoria, And More.
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⊹Current To-Do List / Drafts / Inbox⊹
𖤓 A -Tien Term That Is A Combo Of Aquatien & Bombotien 𖤓 Inclus Alternative Term To Highly Complex & Extremely Complex 𖤓 Psychitraumagenic (A System Based On Psychiatric Trauma) 𖤓 Immerdaygenic (Origin Based On Immersive Daydreaming) 𖤓 Mephistopheles Hearthome 𖤓 Cubkid - A Little Who Holds Food Related Trauma
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☾This Post Might Grow Larger As Time Goes On☽
☾Any Terms We Make That Already Existed Will Be Considered As A Second Version/Definition In Our Eyes☽
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slumbering-flowers · 7 months ago
My complicated relationship with alterhuman as a physical nonhuman
A recent poll got me thinking about my complicated relationship with alterhumanity (the label). It does apply in the sense that I am part of a system, and it can be useful for that, but if you asked in a conversation if I was alterhuman then my short answer would be "no". The reasoning is the same as how an animal you see outside wouldn't be alterhuman, it would just be that animal. I don't have an alternative identity experience. I suppose I do in the sense that the dragon experience is different from the human experience, but again, so is the experience of someone's pet cat, and that cat isn't alterhuman.
So I suppose I'm alterhuman by proxy, but I personally don't identify as alterhuman. It feels strange to do so purely because of where I reside. I'm not -hearted/kith/synpath, or have archetypes, or have a hearthome, or otherkin, or therian, or the laundry list of other things commonly referenced under the umbrella. I do consider myself physically nonhuman, which still falls under alterhuman, but now we circle back around to the cat example again. The cat isn't alterhuman, it's just a cat.
At the end of the day it doesn't stop me from sharing about the times I was still a living dragon, many alterhumans have past lives. The same is true about the body experience, since it's common to have phantom limbs as well, the only disconnect being that theirs are "phantom" and mine are not, and it can be difficult to relate in that sense.
This post isn't to find some alternative label, I'm uninterested, I'm just musing about my experience.
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blackwinged-soul · 10 months ago
Oh, a weird thing I don't think I've documented here before.
My #1 synpath is among my strongest connections. To the point where it IS in fact a formative part of my identity! Every bit as much as Blue or H|arrowh|ark, past lives that I know are, in fact, My Identity, and to this day form Who I Am. But I am not Ra\/en. Does that make sense? I suspect anyone with a hearttype or copinglink can understand, but I don't know the words to explain how visceral the shifts are, and yet I'm completely separate From Being Her.
She's my spirit guide, she was my tutor in rare cases, she has taken me to my hearthome and my goddess. The last two were hers, first. But not because I Am Her. Because they Became Mine too, Through Her. Does that make sense, too?
When I'm in a synpath shift for her, I can feel myself "copying" her. I know people on the internet like to joke about empaths, but we are, in fact, both empaths. When I "shift" into her, it's not like a new facet of my identity is sparkling light into my physical/mental self. It's not an inner aspect at the core of my being changing how I present MYSELF.
It's like... I'm a mirror, and my reflection shapes itself more like hers, and what I perceive is different, but because I'm receiving it from her. It's half a step removed, because What She Is brings out What I Am, but it's being BROUGHT OUT, it's reflection in the glass, it's echoes resounding. It resonates with me, but it's not SOURCED from me.
I've never seen anyone talking about how empaths' receptions interact with other empaths, for us it forged a connection across the dimensional boundaries, but it IS in fact straight empathy. It's not me, it's Her, Showing Through Me. Like a shadow cast on deep blue tile. Similarities come into focus, but you can discern where the shadow ends and the tile itself is differently colored.
It's so hard to explain without having seen anyone else explain this before...
(Is there a separate word for a synpath when it's a fictional character? Or does the word synpath inherently carry fictional characters under its umbrella?)
It's Not Me, plain and simple. We have an inordinate amount of similarities, we especially did when I was younger, but we're Very Separate People. She's not intrinsically tied into who I am. She was an external force that acted upon my life to shape certain aspects of it, but it was still an outside force.
She impacted me deeply, and continues to do so.
But it's still, in the end, synpathy, and not my identity.
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alpimerealmsystem · 2 years ago
Mkay so help me out please
SO, here's a list of all the poetry I need to write AND all of the otherkin/alterhuman/therianthropy/non-human/ so many others/ stuffs I need to write PUT THIS SHIT IN MY ASK BOX PLEASE. TELL ME WHAT Y'ALL WANT ME TO WRITE ABOUT. Anything that y'all want me to write I'll get around to it quicker, but because I don't wanna ask more people about what they wanna see, I need others to motivate me to write, does that make sense? Basically seeing someone request shit mentally encourages me to write about that stuff. SO enjoy the lengthy list (I will do 3, one for poetry, one for werewolf stories cause why not, and one for non-human rants I can do)
First list, poetry:
Busy calming down
Wasting time (what I'm doing rn)
Something that makes you feel unreal (and tell me what makes you feel unreal if you request this)
Broken toys (but compared to humanity)
Being able to put yourself first
Butterfly effect
The Nimona book/movie
Nothing left anymore
Food magic
Going crazy
Out of originality
Too much of life
Losing a loved one
Love at first sight
Shouldn't have let someone in
Small things that bring you joy (and tell me what does if you request it)
Controlling Fate
Any color (if you request it's your choice)
Full moon
Stranded on an island
We always want what we don't have
Habits develop into character
Snow white
AND THATS JUST SOME OF MY POETRY IDEAS (holy shit I'm going crazy)
Next list: The stuff people want to see written about non-humanity more (I am using this as an umbrella term)
We're normal people y'all
We have feelings
The day to day life of being alterhuman
Alterhumans complaining about humans ruining everything
Non-humanity being influenced by mental health
Species dysphoria
Kintype loss
People who are alterhuman due to zoanthropy or plurality
Non-otherkin alterhuman Identities
Hearthome and otherlink
It's not a mental illness
Psychological kin experiences and about psychological otherkin
Otherhearted representation stuffs
Fiction folk
Other vague representation
Multiple studies have come to the conclusion being non-human requires accommodations not fixing
Fictionkin representation
Otherkin being "disrespectful" with their identities
Respecting non-humans
The history of otherkinity
There's an interview I need to write up and post- if anyone wants to see that right away (it's with someone who has two spirits in one body)
The feral side of being non-human and the struggles that come with it
Relationship between neurodivergance and otherkinity
Recipes for alterhumans and their kintypes
The general pros and cons to being nonhuman
Otherkin not getting bullied (stories)
Not being comfortable in your own body
And that was a portion of the list I have for that :') NOW last list I promise. This one is for so many different werewolf stories (that I haven't gotten around to, I'm a failure, ik)
A werewolf ripping clothes they just bought due to transforming
A werewolf having to wear certain clothing to hide body parts when they're partially transformed (ex, a beanie for hiding ears, gloves for claws, etc)
A werewolf forgetting it was full moon
A werewolf growling at a dog cause it growled at the werewolf (also same thing for howling?)
A werewolf having to deal with stupid jokes
A werewolf having to explain claw marks around the house aren't from a pet to their landlord
A werewolf having to resist buying pounds of meat since they can't afford it
A werewolf doing dog stuff and not realizing it
a werewolf losing weight due to turning on the full moon
A werewolf not realizing their strength and accidentally hurting people
Werewolves with disabilities
These are all just portions of lists I have, anyways REQUEST ME STUFF FROM THEM. I will not shove it in my queue, it'll get posted as bonus content and also I will do anything outside of these lists to. I will write any short stories just nothing including nsfw stuffs or heavy gore (although I'm fine with some) and yeah. Please request because it will give me more motivation
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nabbit-unmasked · 1 year ago
For a while I’ve been questioning if I’m casinokin? No particular casino just the concept. Can’t tell if I just have an affinity for the aesthetics or if I am one
That's so neat!! I've never met a casino before, so of you are one, then it'll be a first! :3
It's tricky to figure out if you're a certain kintype or not, let alone a place. Humans normally have close and integral bonds to certain places, which makes it all the harder for our placekin (or placekin adjacent) minds to figure it out. Luckily, I do have a few tricks that could help >:3
The main thing I do when questioning any new kin (but especially places) is tell myself I am that thing. In your case, this would be "I am a casino."
Then, I'll look at the first instinct I feel in my chest. Did it feel right to say that, or did it feel off or even unsettling? My initial feelings might give me a hint as to what I am or am not.
Another thing that works for me is researching the place I have in mind. This looks a little different for me since I've always tended to question countries or other territories in this world, but that doesn't mean it can't be done for casinos or any other kind of place! For example, the shape and contents of a place seem to stuck out to me, so I'll research different boarders within the place and find out what biomes/environments are found there. For casinos, I could see something similar working: Do they have a typical architecture or shape, and does it feel significant to your sence of self? Is there something every casino has in common that feels integral to you? Whatever works to bring you one step closer to finding yourself!
The last tip I have is to invision yourself, both in that place and as that place. Do you have an inclination to be inside of a casino's walls, or are you the walls? Of course, that sentence is a bit metaphorical: you don't have to soley be the walls of the casino or feel like you are a wall, or something. If you do though, then great! To me, that sounds more like placekin than just an affinity :3
Good luck finding yourself! My asks are always open of you have any questions or need some advice ^^
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honey-makes-mogai · 2 years ago
So now after reading the carrd I have another question! I saw that the carrd says that stels usually aren’t innate, is there a term for ones that are?
For example, I feel that forests are innately connected to my identity and self. I heavily identify with them, but I don’t identify as a forest. (TBF, I am a forest spirit non-human alter). Is there a word that covers innate connection with something but not identifying as that thing?
Hmmm… that’s a good question!
If you feel like forests are your home and that’s why you’re connected to them then it would be a hearthome!
There’s also intenxper (Link)! The definition is: "Umbrella term for when you have such an intense connection to a certain thing, animal, or topic that it becomes intertwined with your very being."
I'm sure there might be others that I'm not thinking of, and if there really is no term for it, there's nothing stopping you from coining it / requesting it!!
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uncle-dusknoir · 2 years ago
on my way from Pastoria to Hearthome and this route is fucking MISERABLE. i had to get an umbrella just to not get absolutely soaked and my dress is hitched to my knees. toothy seems to be having fun, but he's gonna smell like wet Obstagoon for a week lol
[image: a shiny Obstagoon, soaking wet. It seems to be raining pretty heavily. Despite this, he is dashing towards what seems to be yet another puddle.]
good news is that Skorna hates the rain, so she's staying nice and un-obtrusively in her skull. she hates when i talk about her lmao. ow.
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gay4carver · 2 months ago
(don't be afraid to write a lot, do what you want ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)
1/ Which category of alterhumanity do you belong to?
I have a few terms Inuse to self Identify but I vibe the most with just Alterhuman. They are: fictionkin,PAI umbrella, holothere of sorts,Soulbond+fictotype secret mix, demihuman of sorts, draconic of sorts...Ig that's it. LIES I remembered: Polymorph, Otherlink, Otherhearted, Copinglink, starseed of sorts.
2/ What/who is/are your type(s)? (if you have any)
- Isaac clarke from dead space
- Luke Arcanjel from my brain, I made him uo and he gained semi-conciousness™
- Kelvin from Sons of the forest
- Sly fox from William and Sly series
- Nimona
- A gelfling. Probably a Stonewood gelfling, new type.
- Dragon dog thing. Green.
3/ Do you experience shifts? If so, can you tell us your most common shifts and your strangest cameo shift (if you've ever had a cameo shift)?
I used to more when I had just figured out my nonhuman identity. Nowadays I only feel phantom limbs and get dragon/fox zoomies.
And Luke shifts (kin or not) when I listen to starset or get pissed but its hard to tell who is who from how similar we are.
And Gelfling shifts when I feel connected to the world. My strongest shifts are dream shifts nowadays, from all of my kins.
4/ How do you experience your alterhumanity in everyday life?
That's a though one, I actually don't know how to answer that. It is a bog part of me but it is something so personal and like in my soul and brain that I barely recognize how it affects my life because like, I kinda just am like this and i'm used to it. I guess I feel stronger than usual connections to nature and certain aspects of it that are related to my kins, that longing for my hearthomes and for freedom I know I'll never have, that weord feeling that you feel when you watch or read some piece of fiction and you figure out you've found a new thing to call "home".
The feeling you could never disingage yourself from those "characters" and thoae creatures and this part of yourself or else your life woulf be miserable and you know that probably other nonhumans could survive without that perfectly fine. Or missing people you "never met" missing places you "never got to" and onowing you probably wont now but somehow fundong thoae exact places and people on earth and feeling whole.
5/ What do you think of the community?
it's 50/50 either the shittiest crap I ever got into or the safest place I got into. Depends on plataform, group, user base age, and the kind of kin the userbase is. In my experience the most toxic spaces have been (in order):
- Draconic discords because: dick measuring, trauma olympics, "who is the most OP" olympics, "I started a war in my past life and I cannot deal with the pain. "Bro I destroyed UNIVERSES that's NOTHING!!"" Suicidal ideation normalization and even glamorization of suicide to "go back on living as a dragon again".
- Fictionkin/KFF discords because of younger users fighting over doubles, "problematic" kins, fakeclaiming people who doubled their friends and talking the utmost shit of that person who did NOTHING to them, "anti this anti that", trauma olympics.
- Bluesky in general because in my country the theriam community got famous and now its a trend to hate on it and tell people to kill themselves.
- Tumblr because of the amount of grilling, "activism" that is actually just policing, fake claimojg and so on.
- The off date othercon server because no one seems to be able to listen to someone else's experience without giving their opinion on it saying how wrong it it because it doesnt fit their definition of x label, because apparently "you gotta fit the box" and not "the box has to fit you" is more important. They also know better about you than you know yourself. No one can stfu about themselves and listen to other people either it was always a "me me me" competition when I was there.
These places might have changed idk I no longer am there, sometimes I pop up on tumblr still but I avoid it. I have honestly lost most of my interest to engage with the community because it is most of the time unpleasant and stressfull or I read stupid shit that makes me too angry. Now I just hang out on a server I mod with other friends.
6/ What are the things that make you most comfortable and euphoric in your alterhumanity?
Nature, space, looking at stars, drawing, singing and listening to music, when i'm out in nature, when the day its so beautiful I want to cry. Rain. Gear sometimes. Playing my game sources. Witchcraft, beijg around my friends and especially my partners. My shifts.
7/ Are you experiencing species dysphoria?
Somtimes it is as bad as my gender dysphoria but that's mostly because most of my kins are men or another gender. I don't like to be percieved as a human sometimes and it angers me i'm not percieved and treated as a mystical being.
8/ What advice would you like to say to a young alterhuman who has just awakened?
DO YOUR RESEARCH AND DONT TRUST TIKTOK AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT GO DOING QUADROBICS AS IF IT'S NOT A SPORT THAT REQUIRES PRE-TRAINING AND AS IF YOU WHERE A PROFESSIONAL. Please I know a kid that git kicked by a horse and the other dislocated their wrist because they tried jumping from a sofa to another. Quadrobics can be dangerous and it's not everyone that can do it cus it can mess up some health conditions more. Do not grill people or mistrear thwm because you dont understand them. Dont use your kins as an excuse to being an asshole or misstreating others. You are a amalgam of yout kins and you are not them individually, dont try to act like your past life because you feel like you should because it feels "more legit" and throw away the person you are nowadays, you are still your kin and valid even if you sound, act, look nothing like them. Don't post thinga about yourself online that could potentialy harm you, like triggers, your face, your city etc, seems obvious but people still post a lot of things like that and end up regretting it later.
There is nothing wrong ig your identity isn't 100% involuntary and some aspects of it are not subconciously imprinting but rather copinh mechanisms. I used to lie to myself a lot on this and it only hurt me further. Try to see everything with a grey area, not everything is a us vs them thing like it seems online. Your nonhuman identity is yours only, doesnt have to look like anyone else's or has to look like what people tell you it should. Its ok to not know yout kins at first, dont rush things, its also okay to realize you were wrong about a kin or if your identity changes over time, nothing is ever in vain or lost you are just living your cycle, life and nature works in cycles, honour yours and live it to the fullest and freely.
9/ Do you have/want to have gears?
I have 2 tails, I want wings and a RIG now.
10/ Do you know/have any theories about the origin of your alterhumanity? If so, tell us! (all beliefs are legitimate)
Trauma imprinting and trying to actively cope with it. I was also technically raised my my childhood cat. I dunno! I just am! for me it doesn't matter much but it feels sacred somehow! Also autism.
11/ Tag someone/a creature to answer these questions!ㅤᵕ̈
If you are a alterhuman, reblog and answer these questions!
(don't be afraid to write a lot, do what you want ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)
1/ Which category of alterhumanity do you belong to?
2/ What/who is/are your type(s)? (if you have any)
3/ Do you experience shifts? If so, can you tell us your most common shifts and your strangest cameo shift (if you've ever had a cameo shift)?
4/ How do you experience your alterhumanity in everyday life?
5/ What do you think of the community?
6/ What are the things that make you most comfortable and euphoric in your alterhumanity?
7/ Are you experiencing species dysphoria?
8/ What advice would you like to say to a young alterhuman who has just awakened?
9/ Do you have/want to have gears?
10/ Do you know/have any theories about the origin of your alterhumanity? If so, tell us! (all beliefs are legitimate)
11/ Tag someone/a creature to answer these questions!ㅤᵕ̈
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mogai945 · 1 month ago
radiomogai's experiences event: day 1!!
[PT: radiomogai's experiences event: day 1!! /end PT]
Prompt: How do you organize or categorize your identity? If you don't, why don't you?
so!! tommy is the one answering this one, cause i have arguably the biggest hoard in the system!!
i don't currently have a shareable hoard sadly, though i'm planning on making a powerpoint of it, but for personal purposes, i have a notion database with all the labels i have!! (well, technically not all, i have a few labels i need to update to it, but still!)
the database has 7 multiselect properties (which i will list all of the currently existing options for):
one for categories of identity: alderns, chronos, fictidomi, genders, hearthomes, hoarding terms, invianes, referral terms, roles, roleics, transitioning terms, umbrella terms, and xenonatures
one for themes: agere, animals, arts, autism, blue, boyhood, broad, bugs, clothing, clouds, colors, cringe, darkness, dinosaurs, dissociation, dogs, drink, emo, emotions, energy drinks, family, fire, ghosts, green, gross, light, light colors, liminality, media, medical, memory, music, nature, neuro, nonhumanity, objects, plurality, plushies, raccoons, sounds, space, special interest, technology, time, toys, travel, videogames, warm colors, water, weather, weird, y0uth
one for emotions: anger, comfort, excitement, fear, fun, happiness, loneliness, nervousness, sadness
one for medias: lemon demon, the oh hellos, deltarune, minecraft, pokémon
one for actions: sorting, stimming
one for characters: autism creature, fuecoco
one for locations: motostoke, pokémon world, wyndon (yes all of these are places from pokémon)
we also have a text property for the definition of the term in the hoard, and a url property for the coining post :-)
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