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rabidbatboy · 10 months ago
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(this term was inspired by kenochoric and is meant to function similarly, but is related to ways in which I personally experience gender)
MONACHORIC: an umbrella term/label based on the emotion ‘monachopsis’, which is the ‘subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place’. it is something that affects one’s gender identity overall, and while it isn’t inherently a gender itself it can be used as such. there are multiple qualities of monachoric and a monachine individual may identify with all, one or some
- a disconnect and apathy towards humanity, not feeling like one fits in with other people (this may, but does not have to be, due to autism or a personality disorder)
- dogs, dog metaphors or relating to canine behaviour
- teenage behaviour, being awkward, being a loser, misfit or an outcast
- angry, messy and indignant emotions
- concepts of making dumb mistakes, bruises on knees and knuckles, old videogames, CDs and DVDs, being a burnout, making found footage films, rebellion, posters and baggy clothes
monachine/MOIN: masculine/feminine equivalent / monachoric in nature
MOINgender: any gender under monachoric
monachism: masculinity/femininity equivalent
a loser: man/woman equivalent
transmona: individual transitioning to a monachoric identity alongside/instead of fem, masc, neu, xenine etc
TAGGING: @radiomogai @io-archival @obscurian
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loveletterliom · 5 months ago
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A MOINgender that feels monstrous or like a wild animal due to its disconnect from and/or apathy for humanity, feeling like an angry dog in a cage who has to mask due to what it was taught.
day 5 cointober " monachoric " ! made with pwPDs in mind.
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gengernoway · 8 months ago
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀monachoric puppy
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monachoric puppy ;; an alterhuman term for beings who are puppies who are monachoric (link),puppies and monachism,etc.can be used as a gender/kin/therian flag.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀tagging : @radiomogai,@rabidbatboy
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id in alt.
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melabea · 6 months ago
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monadogboyic! | slimecrean!
a monachoric (link) gender connected to dogboys/being a dogboy!
a plaguean (link) gender connected to slime creatures/being a slime creature!
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for; cam!
etymology; mona(choric), dogboy, “ic” meaning of or pertaining to; slime, cr(eature), (plagu)ean
symbol sourced from photopea!
tagging; @radiomogai
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cyberneticloverboy · 2 months ago
LOVE hercliren !!!!!! may i req a combination of monachoric and hercliren? i personally id w both and they overlap (to me in my own experience ofc) so it would be sick to meld them together. i ask you as the cool coiner of hercliren. tya /g
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here you go!!! trued my best with combining the flags i think it came out pretty well :D hmm mayeb this could be called monacliren..? anyway combo of monachoric (link) and hercliren (link) tada!!! thank you anon!!
(not a gender tagging for reach)
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enderluna · 5 months ago
pt: monaritch
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Monaritch : a term that is both lepritch & monachoric, lepritch-in-nature (LEPRIN) & monachoric-in-nature (MOIN), lepritch-aligned (lepric) & monachoric-aligned, or any other combination between the two terms.
pt: monaritch
lepritch link | monachoric link
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Tag List: @radiomogai , @dayshines , @obscurian , @lopchive , @losermutts
Tag List: @ijustwannamakeemojis , @robofox-mogai , @mewgai , @dovehoard , @purefatofthehog
Tag List: @buntress , @cyrildelic , @gorefix , @lepritch , @discrophy
Tag List: @rabidbatboy
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mogai945 · 2 months ago
my liomogai experience
[PT: my liomogai experience /end PT]
in the wake of how many posts we've seen lately in the mogai community about people speaking on their experiences with their labels, we thought we'd throw our hat in the ring and share our own experiences!! and, while a collective post will likely come at some point, that will also require a lot more time and in-system communication to coordinate as a collective, so in the meantime, i (tommy) figured i'd share my personal experiences with my identity!!
i'll try to keep this mildly organized by splitting this up into most of the sections that i have in my hoard!! as such, here's the table of contents (sadly with no hyperlinks to the respective sections, much though i wish that were possible on tumblr):
1) alderns 2) chronos 3) fictidomi 4) genders 5) hearthomes 6) hoarding terms 7) invianes 8) referral terms 9) systemhood: 9.1) roles 9.2) roleics 10) umbrella terms 11) xenonatures
lastly, a major shout out to @radiomogai's archive for being one of the most useful blogs in finding new terms!! tagging you also since i saw you want to be tagged in these discussion posts :-)
[PT: alderns /end PT]
original post: link terms i identify with: aldercustomize (link)
alderns are terms i am not very familiar with, but i do often wish i (or, primarily the body, since i can do this in innerworld) could shapeshift/change form. aldercustomize being the specific term i identify with stems, in no small part, from the fact that videogames are our main collective special interest, and specifically a special interest that we experience as foundational, aka a special interest that affects the very way in which we view the world and how we interact with it (which is its own rant; if there's interest in the various types of special interests we experience, i'd be happy to elaborate!).
because of this, shapeshifting taking the form of a character creation screen just... makes sense, in a way that other shapeshifting terms don't quite make sense!! it's also akin to making a picrew, if that makes more sense :-)
[PT: chronos /end PT]
original definition: link (couldn't find the original post itself; if anyone has it, please do send it to us!!) terms i identify with: littlebrotherchro (link)
like alderns, i'm not super familiar with this umbrella term, but this one is quite simple, and actually quite important to understanding a lot of other factors of my identity!! it stems primarily from my being younger in innerworld than the body is, as well as the fact that i ageslide fairly often.
this is one that i'm fairly sure i would have other labels for if i went looking specifically, but i have not yet!! thus, as it currently stands, littlebrotherchro specifically stems from the fact that i have a lot of relationships where i'm the younger brother, generally in my found family, and that's just- a role in a dynamic that i am very comfortable with, and feel is almost intrinsic to my self, in a way!!
[PT: fictidomi /end PT]
original post: link terms i identify with: pokédomus (link)
this one is quite simple, honestly: i want to live in the pokémon world!! if i were a bit more prone to self psychoanalysis, i'd guess it stems from it being one of my sources, as well as another collective foundational special interest :-)
[PT: genders /end PT]
terms i identify with: too many to list them all rip
oh boy, okay!! so, as far as i'm able to remember, i've always had some amount of gender fuckery going on, but none of the, shall we say, "mainstream" labels ever fully fit comfortably. it's been... refreshing, to be able to say that there are a lot of genders that fit, and having multiple labels feels so much better than being constrained to just one!!
the majority of my genders are related to my interests!! this is due to the fact that my interests, especially the biggest ones like an assortment of videogames, art, music, dinosaurs, and bugs, to name a few, often feel inextricable from my self, so it follows that my gender is also highly affected by them :-)
[PT: hearthomes /end PT]
original post: link terms i identify with: pokémon hearthic
as i mentioned in the fictidomi section, pokémon is a collective foundational special interest for us. we've been playing the games since we were 9, and watching content relating to it since before that. at this point, it is, no exaggeration, impossible to separate my self from pokémon.
i interact with pokémon, be it through playing the games or hearing the osts or what have you, and i feel at home. this isn't where i'm from literally, i recognize that, but it is where i'm from on every other level. it's my biggest source of comfort and emotional regulation, and it's really important to me that people around me know this and know that... it's so insanely important for us. it's really hard to put into words, but i adore this franchise and its universe is my home.
hoarding terms
[PT: hoarding terms /end PT]
terms i identify with: gender inventory (link)
okay so, i don't think this is an official umbrella? but it is useful for me to be able to visualize how my genders are... placed, so to speak!! for example, my hoard is on a notion database, and i like to imagine it's a little gallery with various terms hung up on the wall!!
in a vacuum, however, it's a lot harder to come up with these imaginations, especially since i have very low visual phantasia. this is why hoarding terms are so welcome to me!! it's especially welcome in the case of gender inventory, since- well, i know how the minecraft inventory works!! personally, i experience creative gender inventory specifically :-)
[PT: invianes /end PT]
original post: couldn't find any :-( please let me know if you have it tho!! terms i identify with: invidreenk (link)
okay this one is very specific to this specific term: i just think it's so me for reals, you know what i mean? it's silly and not my most serious of terms, but i didn't want to just exclude it rip
referral terms
[PT: referral terms /end PT]
terms i identify with: transboy (link)
while i imagine this isn't the original post for this term, and i doubt there's an official coining post for this, it's important to bring up nonetheless!! this links back to what i spoke about in the chronosian section, where my age is very fucky due to plurality, and thus i feel more comfortable calling myself a trans boy!! transmasc is still comfy tho :-)
[PT: systemhood /end PT]
[PT: roles /end PT]
terms i identify with: autism symptom holder (link)
so, for this one i'll explain more so how i experience this role!! i'm prone to feeling the symptoms of autism more intensely or more often than others in my collective; this doesn't mean the others don't experience them either, but just that i feel them more and more often. additionally, i am noticeably worse at masking than the rest of us
[PT: roleics /end PT]
original post: link terms i identify with: cringeroleic (link); autismroleic (link)
i'll start by explaining my autismroleic experience, since it's, rather simple: i'm an autism symptom holder!
it does, however, link into my experience with being cringeroleic: i came back from dormancy about a year ago when we were working through a lot of internalized cringe culture and such. my role back then, and still to this day, though it's less of a priority, was to embrace being cringe, and work through our feelings on it that way. a lot of interests and behaviours that have gotten us labeled as cringe have stemmed from our autism, too, which is why i say the two are interlinked.
umbrella terms
[PT: umbrella terms /end PT]
terms i identify with: monachoric (link)
monachoric fits me to a t. it's similar to pokémon, actually, in the sense that being monachoric simply spreads across all my self, to the point where separating my self from monachoric is impossible!! i'm just a weirdo teenager with cringe interests (/pos, all of this is a good thing), there's no splitting my general sense of self from monachism
[PT: xenonatures /end PT]
original post: link terms i identify with: pokénatured (link)
and, finally, xenonatures!! shocking no one who has read this far (thank you in advance if you have!! i know this has been long), pokémon is embeded in my sense of self very deeply, naturally a xenonature themed after pokémon would go STRAIGHT onto my hoard
ending comments
[PT: ending comments /end PT]
thank you in advance if you read this far!! i didn't expect to have this much to say, frankly. i hope it was enjoyable to read, and i hope this can help other people describe their identities :-)
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lycandrogyne · 8 months ago
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MONACHORIC — contrast-adjusted. This term was originally coined by rabidbatboy. I simply made the colors higher contrast, as the original was hard on my eyes due to the low contrast; I've included two different contrast levels, one being much higher, and the other more-so in-between.
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[ PT: Monachoric — contrast-adjusted flag. This term was originally coined by rabidbatboy. I simply made the colors higher contrast, as the original was hard on my eyes due to the low contrast; I've included two different contrast levels, one being much higher, and the other more-so in-between. /End PT. ]
[ ID 1: A flag with 5 horizontal stripes all of even sizes; The stripe colors, from top-to-bottom, are: Dark charcoal, redwood, red-brown, redwood, and dark charcoal. /End ID. ]
[ ID 2: A flag with 5 horizontal stripes all of even sizes; The stripe colors, from top-to-bottom, are: Charcoal, blood red, muted auburn, blood red, and charcoal. /End ID. ]
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voidcoining · 5 months ago
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[ID: A flag with nine horizontal stripes, the center being the thinnest. From top to bottom, they are black, dark grey, light grey, dark berry red, dark maroon, dark berry red, light grey, dark grey, and black. In the center is a black slanted beamed eighth note outlined in dark grey and a broken light grey CD outlined in dark grey. End ID]
[PT: Stupidanximonasongic. End PT]
A monachoric (link) songgender related to the song "Stupid & Anxious" by Sew intricate/Joel Faviere
Etymology: stupid + anxious + monachoric + -songic
[PT: stupid + anxious + monachoric + -songic. Stupid, anxi, mona, and -songic are bolded. End PT]
coined by me, requested by @nevis-empire
tagging @radiomogai @io-archival @the-mogai-archives @archive-of-music @musicamogai @monachoric
please let me know if these have been coined before!
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pridewishes · 9 months ago
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250x250 || monachoric || bordered circle
like / rb + credit + read dni if using
requested by anon !!
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daybreakthing · 6 months ago
(pt: Monaguy /end pt)
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Monaguy; a gender for being monachoric & a guy!
etymology; mona(choric), guy
for cam!
tagging; @radiomogai
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rabidbatboy · 8 months ago
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TRANNYBOY: a flag for the term trannyboy, those who reclaim the word tranny and are boys
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TRANNYLOSER: a flag for the term trannyloser, those who reclaim the word tranny and are losers (loser = monachoric individual, equivalent of man/woman)
TAGGING: @radiomogai @losergendered (I feel like you’d mess w trannyloser)
(sidenote: I made a matching girl version when I was making these but was uncertain about posting but if enough tfems ask for it I will post it for you ❤️)
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losergendered · 7 months ago
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ID: a flag that is an 8 stripe gradient between dark muted red and grayish indigo. END ID
Monabatboy: a monachoric gender related to being a loser male protagonist who has bat theming/a bat motif, and who is being haunted by things in the shadows that may or may not be him in one way or another...
Coinfight attack on @rabidbatboy !
Points: 5
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gender-darling · 5 months ago
(⠀🎀⠀) : ❝ Monatererafler ❞
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[Image ID: Two identical rectangular flags with 6 equally sized horizontal stripes. The colors in order from top to bottom are black, dull indigo, vibrant violet, soft purple, lavender, and pale blue. /ID end.]
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— ❝ Monatererafler ❞ : ❝ A monachoric-in-nature gender tied to the song Broken by Lund, shades of blue, dirt-covered scraped knees, dark festering bruises, broken ribs, and the process of sun bleaching ❞
  — For day 5 of @rabidbatboy's event! ^ ^ Don't tag as xenogender or xeneo
Please read my rentry before interacting ! Don't repost
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melabea · 6 months ago
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lonertence! | lonermonac! | lonerinal!
a lectence gender connected to loners/being a loner!
a monachoric gender connected to loners/being a loner!
a zabainal gender connected to loners/being a loner!
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lonertence & lonermonac for cam!
etymology; loner, (lec)tence/monac(horic)/(zaba)inal
symbol from photopea!
tagging; @radiomogai & @rescanwriter!
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p-rtyboy · 7 months ago
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[★] Loserfail
Pt: [★] Loserfail /end pt
The Monachoric [link] equivalent to boyfail / girlfail, the exact meaning is up to user interpretation
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★ Coined on August 7th, 2024
★ Colors based on the Monachoric flag by @rabidbatboy , based on @/toranekooo's boyfail / girlfail / genderfail flags [link] — etymology: loser + fail
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