#tysm for the ask lol i was actually gonna do something like this anyway
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anirritant · 6 months ago
Seeing the group play a couple boardgames/card games lately has gotten me curious. What are their game preferences / what genre do they like?
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ryusuisloveinterest · 1 year ago
henloo ‼️ how has everything been lately? i hope you're alright and having a nice day/night <3
can i make a request for Ryusui, Sai, Ukyo and Tsukasa with a dyslexic s/o reader? nothing too fancy, just them being comforting because it is actually a very frustrating condition most of the time, haha
that would be it, tysm 🫶
hi anon (you’re now 🐳 anon)! I tried my best because I’m not that familiar with what people with dyslexia go through so if anything so insensitive or offensive I’m sorry and please let me know🙏 I hope you like it💗
Ryusui, Sai, Ukyo, & Tsukasa with a dyslexic s/o🫶
I don’t see Ryusui really noticing at first lol. If anyone were to ask him if you have dyslexia he’d probably just shrug and be all like “idk but who cares?”
When he sees the red on your face when he points out you’re sentence is missing some words he feels so bad
“Love I didn’t mean to offend you! I’m so sorry I just want you to make a good grade that’s all!”
“I know Ryusui… it’s just so hard dealing with this…”
“With what?”
“Ryusui you know I’m dyslexic right? Ryusui?”
Immediately goes to Senku💀
He wants to know how he can help you
If you want a professional to help with your words and/or writing than bet Ryusui will have like 10 of the best at your doorstep in 10 minutes 
If you just wanted some encouragement than Ryusui’s got plenty of it!
“Hey love it’s alright. Take your time I’ll be here to listen.”
He’s always here for you to vent and to listen no matter what
Sai is more likely to catch on, but doesn’t want to say anything because he’s worried he’ll offend you if he’s wrong
He does bring it up though when he sees you having a hard time reading a menu at a restaurant 
“Darling do you want me to read it for you?”
With a blush you nod, that’s all he needs to know
He has no problem helping you 
He makes sure that if you spelt something wrong or need help reading something to whisper it so you’re not embarrassed 
If you ever get frustrated he’s definitely someone to go to. He’s not good with words but while hold you and let you vent
He heard you mumbling to yourself when he found out 
“Damn this stupid dyslexia…”
He never brought it up to you but definitely helped a lot
When he talks to you he always waits with a smile for your response 
“Sorry Ukyo, it just takes some time for me to find my words…”
“Hey don’t ever be sorry! Take all the time you need.”
If you ever misspell something he’ll either whisper it to tell you and give you a small sign like gently tapping your shoulder or motioning his head towards the word
He wants to help you in anyway you can, so if you wanna read to him to help yourself then he’s gonna listen
If you wanna write him little notes he’ll read them and identify any changes if needed
“Take deep breaths baby, we’ll get through this together!”
He found out when you went to one of his matches
You help a sign that read I love you Tuskasa!! 
He didn’t say anything to you after the match, but Mirai did 😀 kids are so bold I swear
“Big sis that’s not how you spell Tsukasa’s name!”
Your face immediately reddens as you look at the sign again. You didn’t recognize it at first but after slowly reading it you found the issue
“O-oh…my bad. I didn’t mean to-“
“It’s alright princess. No harm done, in fact I love the sign.”
After that Tsukasa asked you about it and told you Mirai didn’t mean any harm in what she said 
“It’s alright my prince, I’m just embarrassed. The whole arena saw that stupid sign.”
“Hey I told you I love it so don’t talk bad about it!”
His next match it was hanging on his side of the ring❤️
He’ll help you in anyway he can 
He also talks to Mirai so she understands of course she gives you a big hug and apologizes
God forbid someone else gives you crap for it cause he’ll knock them straight out without hesitation 
Random dude: “you spelt this wrong. What’re you a kindergartn-“
Tsukasa smacks the shit outta him know he’s knocked out
“Come on y/n let’s go.”
No one messes with his girl
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leonenjoyer69 · 10 months ago
Both your OCs occupy space in my mind lol I love both Harry and Elias. Would you mind giving some more rambles please and thank you? About either one. I just love learning more about them.
VJEKBKDKF TYSM, I'M GLAD YOU LIKE THEM :D it makes me very happy to know that people enjoy my ramblings and art of my lil fellas :3 (also, all you sweet anons are gonna be the death of me with your mysterious identities!)
(SUB NOTE: if anyone ever has any ideas at all or art requests or something for either of my sillies PLEASE don't hesitate to bring them up I would literally love hearing any suggestion or answering any question ever)
Anyways!!! I've actually been waiting to drop a bunch of stuff on these fellas that I've been talking about with some folks on Discord (which y'all can also ask for if you wanna talk to me on there I LOVE TALKING TO YOU GUYS), so thank you for granting me the perfect opportunity >:3 so, without further ado, I shall begin:
First of all, i just wanted to drop my height HCs bc,,,, why not lmao
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I can't exactly visualize heights very well in my mind so these may be a wee bit too tall, idk, but yeah! I think giving Hyde an extra half inch would be funny bc you KNOW that mf would just round up lmao. Elias is a bit taller than Hyde, which Hyde kinda hates sometimes, itty bitty fella.
Anyways!! Harry is first up for rambling bc I have less for him rn lmao. I don't remember if ive mentioned it much before on here, but I know I included it in the fic i did for him, and that's his Scottish accent :3 we as a fandom don't write Jekyll's accent enough so I like projecting it onto injured Hyde and now Harry 😌 MORE SCOTTISH JEKYLL PLEASE-
Harry didn't really have to worry about keeping face in the mindscape (except for when around Mind Lanyon, who would pester tf out of him over it) so he fell back to at LEAST having an accent. He partially fell back on it because 1, it made him feel a wee more comfortable, and 2, because of how often he revisited memories from university (specifically during his and Lanyon relationship ofc), so he's used to hearing himself speaking with at least a drawl.
But yeah, that accent kinda sticks with him when he gains control and he has quite a hard time shaking it, which makes for some fun interactions, like when Lanyon's trying to break down his office door :3333
I believe I've mentioned this, but Harry is very very sensitive to most physical sensations (touch, pain, etc.) and has some light and sound sensitivities for a decent bit after gaining control. Because of how long he spent in the mindscape with numbed senses, It really messed with him to suddenly have control again. Eventually he starts getting used to it again, but for the first few days he's practically on the edge of a mental breakdown at every moment. He's also super jumpy from it (and from the ungodly paranoia he got from the mindscape lmao) and is quite firmly "no touch" for about a week (except for when he initiates stuff with Lanyon). Once he gets used to it tho his touch starved ass is a lot more affectionate and such.
One last thing for him! He's also far more sensitive to hunger and thirst sensations/pain, so he tends to take far better care of their body while in control. It took him a short while to get used to eating and drinking again, but he's more than happy to do it, not realizing how much he had missed it. Plus, he's seen how horrible Jekyll and Hyde would take care of themselves, so he certainly doesn't want their neglect to be his downfall. He's also a bit more sensitive to being tired, but can't sleep very well (especially without Lanyon) because of paranoia and nightmares.
OKAY, NOW, onto Elias!! Most all this stuff is from a discord convo that I didn't feel like rewording, so... Sorry if the formatings weird 💀 (questions are indented and italicized, as well as abbreviated)
OKAY SO, For how Henry (or whoever) convinces Elias to switch back:
Elias usually throws some sort of fit when he's initially order to switch back (except for the very rare instances where he's actively wanting to switch back, like when everyone's busy and he starts getting lonely anyways), though most the time he'll simmer down when Henry starts sorta begging or when either Henry or Lanyon (or very occasionally Hyde) lowkey bribe him. Usually Henry (or Hyde) will bribe him with physical touch/affection (hugs, cuddling, kisses, stuff like that), or bonding time, like going out and doing things together and such (or just doing stuff together at the society, like watching Henry do science or doing paperwork 💀). (Also, sometimes Jekyll will just get somewhat impatient and start asking more desperately and the guilt kinda gets to Elias, Henry usually feels bad about it tho) otherwise, Lanyon will bribe him (quite grudgingly, might I add) with more time out, going to the park with Elias in shadow form and talking, or letting him get a gift for Jekyll or Hyde. But yeah, Elias is lowkey like a little affectionate, overactive puppy :3
[...] I misread "letting him get a gift for Jekyll or Hyde" as "letting him get a gift FROM Jekyll or Hyde" and swore for a moment that sometimes Jekyll/Hyde sent gifts to Elias but Lanyon stole them [... ]
LANYON WOULD TOTALLY STEAL ELIAS'S STUFF TO USE AS BARGAINING LEVERAGE 💀 but yes, bribery is the go to, this guy does NOT like being locked away, so when he does it's either out of guilt or he's getting something out of it, hehe
[...] Imagine that since Lanyon is probably taller than elias, he just hides some lf his stuff on higher places so that he cannot reach them, I feel like Elias would annoy the hell out of him so that he stops doing it though (Lanyon puts them back where they where, and when Elias isn't there, he just hides them again) also, I just imagined Jekyll like guilt tripping or manipulating him so that he drinks the potion
Oh he absolutely would, Lanyon would have a whole "confiscated" shelf for it too, and Elias would definitely whine about it with sooo much persistence. AND JFKGKKF YEAH JEKYLL WOULD 😭😭 both out of selfishness and not, since he still hasn't tested how the formula behaves when an alter ego is out for prolonged amounts of time, and sometimes he just wants Robert back.
Jekyll likes Elias, he just has more of a preference for Lanyon. Jekylls probably also got a bit less patience for Elias's whining after dealing with Hyde's for so long lmao, he always feels kinda bad about being mean or anything to Elias tho, since it's kinda his fault that Lanyon split.
Would Lanyon ever like bother Elias with the fact that Jekyll likes him better?? Like maybe, at one point he just gets too tired of him wanting to hang out with Jekyll and says to him that Jekyll just deals with him out of pity, and like Elias then just feeling kinda bad about it and wondering if Jekyll actually likes him??
If Lanyon's feeling especially spiteful and annoyed, probably, but also Elias worries about that enough on his own and bothers Lanyon with all his self deprecating thoughts anyways 💀
How does Hyde feel about Elias?
He's generally guilt free about the whole "splitting Lanyon" thing and /gen likes Elias way more than he likes Lanyon lmao. He still gets that sorta bitter anger and resentment when he looks at Lanyon, but he doesn't get that with Elias. Hyde kinda thinks that Elias is all the best parts of Lanyon (Except for Elias's emotional sensitivity sometimes, but Hyde deals. He feels surprisingly bad when he upsets Elias..) But yeah, Elias is most of the reason why Hyde is complacent enough to actually kinda lay low after messing up Blackfog and stuff, so Jekyll certainly likes Elias for keeping Hyde somewhat in check lmao
And that's everything I have for this!!! Thank you so much for the ask :D
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thegamingcatmom · 7 months ago
Hello, hope you're well!
It's been a bit since the last time I've dropped a shenanigans thought, so I'm here to do that
We've had thoughts on indirect kisses and lip balm smooches, and we don't know what the first kiss will be like,
BUT may I bring up a thought?
(of shenanigans, that is)
Accidental kiss
How you may ask
Up to you, but my mind just imagined Carmen asking MC to keep stirring the pot as she preps a different ingredient for whatever dish
Kate? Coming up and getting real close behind MC as she puts her head over the crook of her shoulder,
MC too used to Kate shenanigans as she just tries to do her job (or so used to Kate doing something like this, so she just ignores her and focuses on helping Carmen)
Kate:It smells good, what is it?
Or some other dialogue that makes MC turn her head to respond to Kate, but because Kate was already looking at MC whilst MC turns her head towards her?
Accidental kiss or whatever
Tanya was already observing MC and seeing Kate get way too close for her liking and was already seething, but this? Absolute fury
The world is not fair to Tanya any time Kate gets something to gloat about
Any Kate brain rot or thought tends to come from thinking bout your The Sisters fic
So here is another offering of Kate oh great writer
(Puts Kate down and backs away)
...Did you just offer Kate up to me like some sort of sacrificial lamb?
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Tysm, love. 😭❤️
RIGHT, so-
I don´t think there´s such a thing as accidental when it comes to The Sisters. Not really. MC might think that when any of them is like "Oh! Well, whoopsie!" and shit. They do pull it off rather convincingly, so I don´t blame MC for being blissfully unaware (as always) here, lol.
But like, they´re vampires. Being deceiving is their livelihood, so any kind of "accidents" or coincidences are anything but.
With that said:
Let´s take your idea (which I love btw) and twist it just a bit:
Accidental kiss well and good, BUT-
It´s not an accidental kiss, it´s an "accidental" kiss. You get what I mean? Let´s say Kate comes in, totally random (sure, Jan), sees MC at the stove with her back turned (which means she´s getting a rather nice view indeed), and what she´s been meaning to do (probs smt annoying) is completely forgotten, thrown right out the window, because-
This is so much better.
She slinks up to MC, wolfish grin firmly in place as her hands reach forward to-
...Only to take it down a notch when Carmen, standing not too far off at the fridge, gives her The Look:
...Her family´s no fun.
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(We all know what´s happening in that gif, but when we go with the context provided, it legit looks a bit like she´s going "But Moooom" here, lmao.)
Kate´s on the move again, looking not quite as wolfish as before (but still enough for anyone with eyes to see she´s up to no good...as per usual), creeping closer until she´s right behind MC.
And MC?
Unbothered. Cba. Girl just keeps stirring her stew cause Kate being a creep is nothing new to her.
A few seconds of silence pass, the only sounds being the sloshing of the stew and Carmen rummaging in the fridge.
A bit more sloshing here, some more rummaging there-
It´s only when MC has to move to get something-
-bumping right into Kate, who´s still breathing down her neck (literally), that she decides she´s got enough.
"...Can I help you?"
MC is actually quite impressed with herself for remaining somewhat polite in the face of all that...Kateness.
"Oh, I dunno. Can you?"
The wolfish grin is back in full force.
(Carmen: *Momma mode activated*)
MC tries to move past her-
-only for Kate to block her path.
MC has a suspicion they´re gonna be here for a while.
"Can you just fuck off?"
Fuck being polite.
"Language, mi amor."
...MC has the decency to throw Carmen a bashful look. She can´t help it. Kate just...has that effect on her.
"Dang, why so hostile, lil spitfire? I was just gonna say you can help me, actually."
If it gets Kate out of her face, she´ll do anything.
...Within reason.
Good job.
"Eloquent as always, princezná."
MC wants to slap that smirk off her face so badly-
"Katrina, enough. Leave the poor thing alone."
Thank you, Carmen.
"How come you always take snowflake´s side? I´ve been here first. Shouldn´t I be the one getting special treatment?"
Cry me a river.
Tanya walks in, the usual sway to her hips as she makes a beeline for MC. "I was the first. And yet, I manage without wailing, do I not?"
...Understatement of the fucking century-
"I don´t wai...wait, what was that? Manage without wailing?...You?"
One thing MC and Kate can agree on, at least.
"...What is that supposed to-"
"Girls, please. Have we not agreed that the kitchen would remain a safe space for our pupper?"
Safe space?
What does that even...wait-
...Their what now?
Tanya and Kate have the decency to look thoroughly scolded.
And that´s that.
Carmen goes back to her search for...something in the fridge.
...Not before throwing the sisters one last look though:
Sometimes, MC feels inclined to believe Carmen has some sort of superpower.
...Or maybe it´s the accent. The angrier Carmen gets, the more likely the brunette is to switch to the full-blooded Spaniard she secretly is.
She’s downright terrifying when she gets like that.
"Right...you were saying?"
Let´s get this over with so MC can finally go back to her cooking.
In peace.
Kate blinks at her, looking strangely...lost. As if Carmen´s reprimand has resetted her brain or something.
If only.
*sounds of finger snapping*
No reaction.
It causes Tanya to regard her sister in mild concern as well, waving her hand in front of her face in an attempt to wake her up.
MC´s pretty certain that no amount of hand-waving could fix what went wrong with this one.
Has someone accidently hit the snooze button? Is that how it works for these...creatures?
Whatever MC and Tanya were about to say, Irina entering the kitchen cut them off.
"Snap out of it, idiot."
"Ou-HEY! Did you just hit me??"
Such a drama queen. But at least it speaks in full sentences again.
"Someone had to, you were being pathetic. You should thank me - I did you a favor by preserving some of that dignity."
Kate grumbles something inaudible in response, rubbing the back of her head as she does so.
(Tanya seems to enjoy herself a bit too much.)
"And quit the wailing. It was more of a nudge than anything. Perhaps it’ll help with some much-needed rewiring."
This is why MC preferred sticking around the youngest sister. She can almost always count on Irina being just as done with her sisters´ antics.
Right, now that that´s settled-
"I don´t wail-"
"You were saying?" MC interrupts her. Loudly.
There´s the slow blinking again.
"On it."
Just as Irina is about to deliver the next nudge-
"What´re you making?"
How...unexpected, after all that...whatever that just was. Almost a bit boring, really.
(That should´ve been clue enough for MC that something was amiss here.)
But also-
MC totally forgot about the stew with all that weird shit that just keeps happening in this household. Honestly-
"Tsk, tsk, tsk...language, lil spitf-"
"Fuck off."
"Mi amor...language, please."
"Are you kid-Why does Carmen get an apolo-"
Being reprimanded by a whole room must suck.
A lot.
"Fine, fine! YKnow what-"
Kate nudges past MC, shoving her right into Tanya-
(Who seems most pleased about it.)
-before she goes about dipping her finger-
"Katrina Espinoza Denali!"
The Spaniard has returned.
"¡No te atrevas a meter el dedo en ese guiso!"
"But...just a taste-"
...Furred Boots speaks Spanish?
"No me hagas repetirme."
A most dramatic sigh escapes the middle sister, turning into a groan halfway through as she withdraws her still hovering finger from the simmering stew.
"Why´s everyone in this house against me?!"
The room lets out a collective sigh, sounding most tired.
One day.
Why can´t MC have one day that isn´t full of...wait-
"Your middle name is Espinoza?"
Kate turns around to regard her with an expression MC can only describe as haunted.
Tanya leans even further into MC then, pressing close to be able to mumble into her ear.
(Yeah, surely that´s the only reason.)
"Carmen has a bit of a...passion for doing that when she gets angry. She will start naming people. Silly, isn´t it?"
Tanya then proceeds to giggle. Giggle. As if what she just said is perfectly understandable. Perfectly sane.
...O-kay then.
"Uh...yknow what, here-"
Because fucking hell does MC want this kitchen nightmare to be over.
Our girl brushes past Kate, reaching for the wooden spoon still resting in the stew, then scoops up a portion. Completely forgetting about the fact Kate is already standing dangerously close, MC fails to check if the path is clear before turning around-
The spoon clatters to the floor - dropped in surprise when her cheek collides with something cold.
And as swift as it came, it´s gone again.
"Katrina! You are unbelievable!"
But, apparently, not swift enough for Tanya.
She seems livid.
...What just happened?
"...What do you-"
"Do not dare take me for a fool, sestra!"
Before MC can even blink, Tanya stands before her, effectively blocking her view of...well, anything that isn´t her.
"Will you chill? It was an accident-"
"Accident my ass!"
...Whoa, did She-Devil just-
"Tatiana Dolores Denali!"
Tanya turns to face the Spaniard then.
"¡Ella lo empezó! ¡¿Viste lo que hizo?!"
...Is everyone in this house fluent in Spanish?
Whatever Tanya just said, it seems like it would´ve been better left unsaid.
"¡No me importa quién empezó! ¡Córtalo o seré yo quien lo termine!"
*sounds of snorting*
Irina’s moment of bravery is swiftly cut short when Carmen’s withering gaze falls upon her.
There are a few seconds of tense silence during which the whole room seems to hold its breath.
"Uh...you still wanna try, or?"
"...The stew, I mean."
Speaking of-
*perfectly styled eyebrow raises in warning*
"...-miny Cricket!"
*spanish nod of approval*
After making sure the house isn't in imminent danger of burning down anymore (because someone forgot to turn off the stove), MC goes about stirring the stew once more-
…Only to remember that her spoon is still lying on the floor, red splots scattered across the pristine white tiles around it.
Grabbing a wet cloth from the counter, MC bends down to clean up the mess-
"Lemme help you with that-"
She can´t see what Asshole is doing behind her-
"Don´t.you.dare, Katrina."
...but she doesn´t need to. Tanya´s response is confirmation enough for her:
Nothing decent.
"Alright, that´s enough."
The fridge door falls shut as the brunette makes her way over to the four of them gathered around the stove.
...Well, one of them is still busy mopping the floor while the other three observe proceedings with unveiled...fascination.
It is for this fascination that they failed to take note of the approaching storm until it began sweeping them away.
"Carmen, cmon-"
"I haven´t done anything!"
(A/N: Which line belongs to which sister? 🧐)
"Out, all of you. Our pequeña needs to eat."
MC has no idea what she´s just been called, but she couldn´t agree more.
She´s starving.
There´s a few more seconds of whining and grumbling and-
...Was that a hiss?
-before, at last, the kitchen falls silent.
MC can´t stop a relieved groan from escaping.
"Exhausting, isn´t it?" Carmen chuckles, a warm smile spreading across her face as she makes her way over to the cabinet containing the dishes.
...How that woman can go from battle-hardened Spaniard to...this in the blink of an eye never ceases to baffle MC.
"Exhausting is putting it mildly. Have they always been like this?"
Now that the floor has been cleared of any evidence, MC goes about filling the plate Carmen has set out for her.
"Exhausting? Yes. They´re sisters," the brunette chuckles again.
Fair point.
MC stops pouring the stew for a moment to regard her.
"They have actually become more...hm, how do I say it...alike over the past few months."
"Really? How come?"
Another warm smile is all MC receives in response.
"Eat. Then we shall see what we can do with that log Katrina brought."
Hell yes.
"Sounds good."
It does. Helping Carmen with her work has become her solace, in a way. It certainly helps with keeping her mind from mulling things over.
Things like the fact that a golden cage has become her home.
"Good," Carmen nods in acknowledgement before making her way over to the kitchen´s entrance. "I´ll be waiting for you in the garage."
And that´s that.
MC goes back to pouring herself some stew, only to pause when a thought hits her-
"Wait, you´re not gonna eat?"
"Oh...I had some earlier on the way home."
There´s that smile again. The one that always makes her feel she´s missed a joke.
"I´ll be in the garage."
And that´s that.
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Kate, snickering: "Told you I could do it. Did you see her face?! Hah!"
Irina: "Hm, I certainly enjoyed myself, yes."
Kate: 😑
Irina: 😏
Kate: "Yeah, about that...was that slap really necessary?"
Irina, snorting: "Sure it was. Consider it payment."
Kate: "Payment?? For what??"
Irina: "For making me watch the two of you drooling like starved dogs eyeing a piece of meat."
Kate: "Uhhh, making you? Weren´t you the one who dared me to?"
Irina: "..."
Kate: 😏
Also Kate: "Besides...you seemed pretty comfy to me, leaning against the kitchen counter and watching-"
Irina: "Here."
Irina: *hands over some money*
Kate: 😏
Also Kate: "Always a pleasure making business with you, baby sister."
Irina: 😑
Kate: 😁
Irina, sighing: "Anyway, you think Tanya will find out?"
Kate, smirking: "That you´ve joined the dark side?"
Irina: 🙄
Kate: 😁
Also Kate: "You kidding? Tan´s is much too busy making eyes at you-know-who to notice anything else. It´s hilarious."
Irina: "More like pathetic."
Kate: "Aww, don´t be like that. You should try it too, someday. It´s fun!"
Irina: "...Try what?"
Kate, grinning: "Driving Tanya nuts."
Irina: *makes wretching sound*
Also Irina: "Thanks, but no thanks. I´ll leave the slobbering to you."
Kate, a knowing look on her face: "Uhu, sure...whatever you say, baby sister."
Irina: 😑
Kate: 😏
Also Kate: "But, yknow...I kinda get it. She´s hot. For a human, I mean."
Irina, snorting: "...Right, let´s see how long it´ll last."
Irina: *makes to leave*
Kate: "...She´s different, yknow."
Irina: *turns around*
Kate: "..."
Irina: "...We´ll see."
(That´s a lie actually. I know exactly what I did and I regret nothing.)
This was meant to be a crack thingy (and I guess it was, for the most part), but it kinda turned more fanfic-y the further I got. 😅
But ye, this is pretty much going to be their dynamic later on in The Sisters. Thought I´d give somewhat of a preview. :3
Anyone else living for Kate & Irina teaming up against Tanya for all the "I´m the topdog" shit they´ve (no doubt) had to endure over the past few centuries?
Cause I sure as hell am.
Also: There´s one (spoken) sentence that´s actually part of Chapter 4 as well. I only noticed after writing this post though. Which one do yall think it is? 😏
Also also: I´ve kinda sprinkled some spoilers for Chapter 4 here and there. What do yall think Carmen´s "work" contains? 🤔
Btw: Anything Spanish was provided to you by Google Translate. So, if there´s any errors or spelling mistakes: yknow who to lynch.
(Meaning: not me, pls and ty.)
Thanks a lot for your ask! 💋
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mad-c1oud · 6 months ago
IT'S LOVELY! It's got yummy Etoiles' emotions and feeeeelings!
Your mc mechanics interpretations are top tier fr, bc holy shit waystones using emotions? subconscious feeling? intent? will? instict? of the person is SO COOL
AAAAAAAA Teleportation magic being this old abstract force of will with its sole focus on connecting people AAAAA its magical flow being natural to this world
It makes me think of all the waystones being connected through a network, or smth like mycelium
Funny question tho, how would teleporting work for some of the ADHD folk who can't for the life of them focus on a singular destination?
And how do u think the magic would deal with a person that desperately wanted to teleport somewhere familiar, but that waystone and the place was destroyed beyond repair?
Anyway, tysm for the chapter, I wish u well for any irl stuff and writing endeavors!
Starcicle prevails 😌 🌟🦠(<- lol it kinda looks like slime if you believe)
YEHAHHHHH WERE BACK. I missed the goobers terribly
I’m so happy everyone has been loving the waystone thoughts. It’s something mentioned in most fics where they teleport, but I’ve never felt like elaborating becuase at those points, the characters already knew how it worked. So this moment of introspection from someone as analytical as Étoiles has been real fun.
I’m gonna blab about it more below the cut so click for insane word rambles if you want<3
The inspiration came from the fact that if given the choice of what superpower I would choose, I would go with teleportation. Always been that way. I would always think about how it would work too becuase I was obsessed with MHA for a few years and they’re take on powers and quirks was just too much fun. So I thought about how teleporting would work, if it was sight based or maybe you had to have physically been somewhere to teleport there, etc. i liked the idea of needing to be familiar with a place before you could teleport there, or having some connection to it. Intent, knowing.
When I saw the waystones in the qsmp, and actually used them myself in minecraft, I just started automatically pushing those general teleportation thoughts onto the mechanic. They naturally generate in the world, these old pillars with ancient scribble on them (lke the enchantment tables). In order to use a waystone, you have to “activate” or click it. I just… went with it.
I didn’t realize I was using the idea until a few chapters into twaho and starting fingers. When. I did, I developed it a little more but still, I like to be vague about it. I like magic you don’t fully understand, especially when it’s ancient. Also I feel like over explaining it ruins it in some cases and while Étoiles is the po to over explain mechanics, I like shoving him at something he can’t fully pick apart.
Gah sorry you asked for none of that but I like talk sorry. On to your queries…
Warping for those with ADHD or just overall scattered thoughts— tricky. Since I like to think of these waystones as almost alive (at least the magic), they’re interrupting the “information” from the person touching the stone. Like Étoiles on the beach of Eggxile right after upsetting Charlie, trying to warp to his base but all he could think about was his mistake. All he could think about was Charlie. So the waystone kept him there, where he clearly needed to be, until Étoiles could focus and put more intent into his warp. It’s real easy for people to end up at the wrong waystone simply because they’re distracted or panicking, their minds a jumbled mess. A funny irl example would be anyone wanting to go to one waystone but out of habit they clicked the wrong one, muscle memory. Silly stuff like that. I could talk about it all day tbh
And for the other q… ouch. While I don’t want to over explain the warpstones, but I will say this: the magic is contained in the stone pillars or the warpstones, so when they are moved, it moves the magic. However— the longer a pillar is left somewhere, the more attachment the magic has to an area. Magically and literally. Same for waystones that are frequently used by several people.
Think of the warpstone hub near spawn. That area is like… it’s almost like a beating heart, veins branching out to other communal places like the Favela or France or Phil’s. The traffic and the thought going into those waystones… the magic loves to share the world and loves when people share with it.
I haven’t put too much thought into what would happen if someone tries warping somewhere a stone has been destroyed or removed, but I think it boils down to a few things: how strong those feelings/memories are, and how desperate someone is to return. It’s going to vary from person to person depending on their own connections. I think it will also not be pleasant. You are trying to use magic that is no longer contained, that might not even be present in the location you are going, relying on a signal warpstone or waystone to get you there. Think like a cut wire: it’s contiained until the metal becomes exposed, with no grounding after. Chances of you actually getting there are slim, but maybe the right spark with find it’s way. I don’t know, my metaphors are awful. The idea ties into the share stones. Someone going to a warpstone without having ever been there is impossible unless they have someone else on the other end, connecting those points. Providing the memories and feelings and thoughts for others
Spawn point and beds and shit are al whole other thing that I have yet to chew on, but I think they are separate for the most part.
Okay I’ll stop talking i could go on for everrrrrr about this stuff and what it means for different hybrids, different situations, restrictions, hiccups… I love over explaining minecraft mechanics. It’s so much fun.
Come yell at me with questions or ideas on anything!! Now you guys can go back and reread some of my fics with a little extra context haha.
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toomuchracket · 1 year ago
It’s me halla sideblog problems. Anyway just spitballin here cuz you know that’s my favorite couple:
Matty thinks book award ceremonies are different from things like the Brit’s or NMEs or whatever
He re-directs the conversation back to bragging about her any time attendees ask him about his job during chitchat
He keeps making eyes at her and like giggling and being cheeky.
Possibly walks her up the stairs/ onto the stage cuz heels?
When they’re alone he unbuttons his shirt and tells her to autograph his chest jokes that it’s so he can get it tattooed
Gets really into the gossip like “have you heard what X writer was offered as an advance? Rumor has it the publishers owned by his ex” or like “I asked about y author’s next book. Don’t worry you’ll win again cuz your next one is way better.” Etc etc etc
hello halla my love <3 let me muse on each of your musings!
book award ceremonies are "so fucking classy. god. you're slumming it hanging around with me, sweetheart", according to matty, and you just giggle and say "yeah, you're only here cos you look hot on my arm" and then kiss him and whisper "kidding. i'm actually in love with you and you're the only person i want here with me". naturally, he swoons lmao
yes, he redirects convos back to you - however, he will also talk about the extensive number of songs he's written about you since he met you, just to add to the Gushing About You to anyone he talks to. also though - ridiculously complimentary to the other nominees he talks to (because of course he read their work "just so i can see who you're gonna beat, babe", and actually he liked a lot of it. some of it was shit. he's less nice to those people lol). sweetie pie
oh, matty's absolutely making eyes at you the whole night - not when you accept your award, because he's too busy crying, but the rest of the night he's staring at you adoringly and smiling like "hi. you're beautiful. come home with me?", and giggling when you roll your eyes but smile and say "if you make it worth my while, yeah".
the stairs thing is very impromptu - when you and matty are standing and hugging after they announce your name, you whisper "hold my hand until i get up there, please. so overwhelmed i think my legs aren't gonna work". he obliges, of course, kissing your hand when you go up alone to make your acceptance speech before hurrying back to his seat to listen to it (and weep).
the shirt unbuttoning! the two of you have a little moment in the hallway between the ceremony and the afterparty, and after he's kissed you for like 8 minutes straight matty's like "omg i have an idea" and starts undoing his buttons. you're like "babe i love you but we cannot fuck here lol", and matty's like "nah i want you to autograph me so i can get it tattooed and prove i'm your biggest fan. and also so everyone knows i belong to you". you just laugh and kiss him and say "please don't do that. but i'll sign your tit for you later lmao", and matty's like "alright lol. but i do want you to write me a tattoo at some point, darling", and you're like "i could do that. talk when we get back to the hotel? i want some champagne now lol"
thinking about him gossiping is SENDING me. "he's getting THAT amount of money from an indie publishing house run by his ex? fuck me. surely he's blackmailing the poor woman. he's not getting that off of pitching something promising, that short story collection he just did was a load of shite", and after he hears about someone else's plans he's in your ear like "derivative and also pedestrian. you've got nothing to worry about" - you're like "you're such a bitch i want to marry you", and he's like :D lmao. love these ideas halla tysm!! <3
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sugarsnappeases · 1 year ago
omg kara I love seeing all of ur art thoughts!!! May I ask who your fave artists are?? hope you’re having a lovely night 💕
aaaa hi skye!!!!
ur so sweet and yes ofc you can but i feel like my thoughts are a bit… idk i feel it’s an odd selection
first of all, and also maybe obviously, my baby, vincent van gogh which i feel like is just… i mean of course he’s my favourite but like… that man, right, like he drives me insane. like this is maybe fairly self-explanatory, everyone loves van gogh
then, and this is also fairly obvious, or to me at least, i am a HUGE michelangelo girly, likeeee the way he views the body is just soooo. it’s exquisite actually and i’m studying his poetry at uni next term which i’m SO excited about!!!! get ready for me to be SO annoying about him
i also had this one artist in my brain for so long and i couldn’t remember her name but it came to me yesterday!! it’s flora yukhnovich and i just love how like dynamic her work is, like nods to classics w this fun kinda twist
umm who else… another more modern artist, aida tomescu, i love her so much, there’s just Something about her pieces, also when i was doing my art a level i looked into her a lot bc i was thinking about process art and that sort of thing which was all really interesting to me
also i think i mentioned this another time but jenny holzer i LOVE, and dante gabriel rossetti (absolute icon like imagine loving dante so much, you change ur name to match his i love him), i also really like modigliani, him and those long necked women lmao, oh and OFC caravaggio i LOVE him (if u couldn’t tell i’m a Major renaissance girly)
anyway these are all just off the top of my head and there are many many more but i’m gonna shut up now lol tysm for asking, hope you’re having a lovely night too <33
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chiimeramanticore · 6 days ago
HI i am sorry to hear ur having a bad day atm!!! plz know u are sick as hell ur AWESOME ur alwayz reblogging awesome stuff and POSTING evdn awesomer stuff like for real rockafire fans rule da world (u especially!!!!!) i LUV seeing ur art its fur reals soooo cute i love the way u draw dewolfe especially. ANF ALSO i just checked ur art tag (i got confused clicking on ur "#my art" tag and most recent ones being a year old but it turns out that is not in fact ur primary art tag LOL) and ur one captioned something like "someday i will become you" im rbing like right after i send this csuse jt looks sick as HELL its really like touching for lack of a better description. u said u hope it resonates with someone and plz know it DID!!! im just sad i didnt see it sooner!!! i hope u feel even a bit less down in the dumps soon cuz ily i love seeing u on my dash i love seeing ur art and u are just like real chill and nice to read posts of ykwim. ur the bomb!!!! i hope ur day gets better and i hope u have a delicious breakfast and/or lunch and/or dinner depending on what time it is for u. sebding digital hugs for u!!! 🫂🫂🫂🫶🫶
this is an extremely sweet ask tysm.... <3
my art tag is juno.png yea, i think i used to use "my art" ages ago but still lol. that pic is of me and brandy- i spent most of last year super depressed and id only rly have these brief moments of clarity and joy and remembering i actually did want to keep living and i made that pic after sharing one of those moments w him. there's still some stuff abt that pic im too shy to share publicly lol but im no longer afraid of saying that piece is meant to capture the feeling of remembering there is good in the world. that there's always people who love you . idk im gonna make myself cry like this lol, my point is im very glad other ppl (like you!) actually do find meaning in it, especially since im starting to feel like it captures a part of my life that i've sorta moved past
anyway. this ask did also remind me to eat lunch lol so thank you
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succulentlesbians · 7 months ago
"I should send an ask for the nice reply i got" Brain: Windows dial up noise. Anyway, hi, hello! :D thanks so much for your reply, it made me feel emotions and now im sueing for damages <3 YELENA WAS GONNA RUN FROM THE RED ROOM TO BE WITH DAISY??????? pain. suffering. a g o n y. im now imagining an au where she did manage to escape actually. they are happy and young and free and being goofy. yelena keeps them safe and daisy keeps them hidden. canon. to me.
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omg young skye and yelena together would be so fun. sorry for your agony that they couldn't, i am similarly distraught. was thinking about writing a prequel (can you believe the audacity, i haven't even finished the sequel yet) about them but the emotional devastation of having to rip them apart would absolutely kill me so we shall see about that.
yeah the whole assassination thing was something that i hadn't fully considered in terms of what skye would be cool with when i offhandedly wrote that oneshot. i'd now imagine that yelena would have deliberately misled her for as long as she could (ie. "help me break in here for this information and no that people died wasn't me, it was a coincidence lol") and that skye was kinda naive and really wanted to believe that she was just stealing info and similar things. yelena at first was just using her as a resource and prob knew like yeah skyenet is cool with this sort of stuff only. but i think skye kinda charmed her and they kept talking and talking until yelena was like oh shit i care about you and you made me believe in the good in this world and i dont want to do this anymore. and skye after a bit maybe was wavering btwn like hmm i can read between the lines here, im not stupid, but also ive talked to you so much and i believe that you are good and i believe that you dont have to do this and then she learns about the actual situation that yelena is in with the red room? and shes like oh youre a whole ass victim. this is not your fault.
and yeah a situation where skye has to choose to save yelena over someone else (a target?) or something? bc the red room would kill her? could be both a demonstration of love but also kinda jarring for skye to make that decision and so even moreso something for yelena to be like omg skye cares about me so much. good god anon you're giving me ideas.
anyway. yelena coming out of the red room. im thinking she sorta tracked daisy while she was there, in a way where she was keeping tabs on the rising tide, shield etc. she doesn't want to draw interest to daisy after all but she wants her to be safe and to know about her. when she gets out, literally the only support she has could be daisy or natasha and she thinks that natasha abandoned her. she literally does not have a good relationship with a single other person in the world. she was in the red rooms hands since she was a Baby (this is so sad). so yeah theres a lot of courage that she has to reach out to daisy when she hasn't been heard from in ten years and to try and trust that she'll help, but there is absolutely a sense of 'i have no one else.' daisy is her first and basically only stop. but also. daisy taught her how to live once. and i think that absolutely she was thinking, oh daisy can help me figure out life. And! also being like hey, wtf is daisy up to shes kinda going crazy and maybe she needs help too. (this all being on top of, she just wants to see daisy again). so many reasons.
they are absolutely pairbonded kittens.
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this is them. i don't make the rules. if i separate them again... you have my permission to kill me.
tysm for your ask and support, you're giving me so much motivation and thoughts to write about. i'm so glad you enjoyed the fic!
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tsukumocest · 3 months ago
official content has imakako together so much that i will be disappointed if they arent real. do you have any headcanons/predictions about them? also i loved your fic
EEEEK TY I wanna write more about em when I have more ideas/when we know a little more definitevly about them
and yes I have predictions TY FOR ASKING I think about them so so much
there’s some sort of psychic connection or supernatural mysterious aspect. either their battle abilities are connected and/or something larger that actually impacts some routes
I think they probably are romanceable (or at least kako is, but this game absolutely seems comfortable putting takumi with men so far lol) and it’ll result in the one you don’t romance getting pissy and probably going off the rails
probably one route where they have a falling out. I feel like THL routes will depend a lot on like support points and deployment amounts. so maybe if you don’t have enough support with one of them, or don’t deploy them together enough, it would lead to that ending
kako is very anxious. based off almost every revealed image of her being like this even the box art:
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ima obviously is a lot more flippant. I think he definitely takes care of her and is the big brother type
even if the ship is not canon, ima is absolutely a siscon. I think they’re twins, but there’s definitely going to be lots of “onii/imouto” stuff going on. honestly even if kako is the older one I feel like ima will consider her his baby sister
probably a route or two where they just are normal ass siblings and kako married the blue hair guy or something. BOOOOOORRRRRINNNNNGGGGGG
very codependent. kako is anxious and feels she needs ima as a protector. ima enjoys getting to feel important so he feeds into this and convinces kako she needs him to be safe
about kako I think her arc at least in some routes is gonna be a gaining confidence/independence one. I feel like she’ll learn to look after herself and others more and stop being dependent on ima. though maybe something happens to him and she has to be the caretaker.
ima is being advertised rn as the “oooo im kokichi let’s play devils advocate nishishishi” type guy BUT I feel like multiple characters are being advertised that way so I honestly do not know. I do think that ima is gonna be the one who inevitably ropes takumi into the “spy on the girls bathing” cutscene
even if they are not canon the ship will become popular. this is because it is being advertised to two groups of incest freaks: dangan fans (twincest) and fire emblem fans (strategy game incest)
ima has some sort of red/pinkish eyeshadow, while kako doesn’t. makes me imagine them doing each other’s makeup ala that one meme. Kako wanting to practice on him maybe or him wanting to see what she’d look like with some
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crack theory: they were never siblings. they aren’t even children. these are grown adults and they share a name because they’re married. the eyes are just a coincidence or maybe contacts. you’re crazy
ANYWAY tysm for the ask mwahmwahmwah I LOVE ASKS and also ty for enjoying my fic I am sooo excited for thl i wanna make more stuff for these two because they are so cute already …… anyway hope my silly little predictions and a few headcanons r not too disjointed yayayyay
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maebyshifting · 1 year ago
Hihii, i sae ur post on like trauma and ‘policing’ in drs, and I just wanted to add a lil something as someone who was actually traumatised by a dr (sorry for the ask, social anxiety sucks 🧍‍♂️) (also sorry if i sound kinda rude/angry in this, unsurprisingly im a little emotional abt it 😇 no pressure in reading it or anything, just thought id add my lil thingy to this whole. thing i dunno 😚)
For one, I think it’s kinda stupid how people have started to think that suggestions are policing. Like, I get if someone comes up to you and goes ‘uhm, actually, u cant do that in ur dr bc i said so’ then yeah lol that’s definitely policing. But, if someone’s giving you a genuine suggestion in goodwill, then it’s in no way policing? Like, sure, you might not like it, but you don’t have to listen to it??
Secondly, completely agreed with the trauma thing. I feel like people just get mad that they can’t do anything and everything in their drs without consequences, like its some magical wonder world or sumn. I’m sure there’s probably some kind of reality or way to get around it, or something, but imo it’s not worth using yourself as an experiment over. This is literal trauma we’re talking about. Like, serious mental problems that will seriously haunt you quite possibly for the rest of your life. There’s also some level of like romanticism of trauma that could def play into it, but I don’t really know enough about that stuff to add it all in 🧍‍♂️
Last thing, I think it’s pretty stupid how people expect us to just. Not say anything about it. Like, again, coming from someone who got literal harmful trauma in their dr, you just expect us to sit back and watch as other people do the same thing?? Personally, i literally got said trauma because I was a stupid, misinformed kid who didn’t know what trauma really was. People can’t expect us to just be happy with watching people traumatise themselves??? I’m never gonna try and force someone not to make that decision ofc, because it’s their life at the end of the day and if they’re gonna make that decision, it’s on them. But still, it’s something that imo everyone should at least brush over at some point (not to mention that it’s actually a sort of interesting thinking point when it comes to consciousness between drs and all that, imo.)
Anyways, sorry for the little rant <3 I just wanted to say tysm for actually covering this on here, seriously. It means a lot to me and it’s a really good thing to educate people on this and help keep people safe from it. Anyone accusing you of policing is ridiculous and has no idea what they’re talking about.
i’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to post this, this past weekend has been crazy busy.
thank you so much for sharing your story. i really appreciate others perspective on the topic and will continue to talk about it because of how impressionable minors are in this community.
i thought i posted this days ago and i actually didn’t so im sorry i wasn’t ignoring i just actually forgot i saved this and didn’t post it
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toxicanonymity · 1 year ago
Okay, I meant to come around and say hello forever ago, but rather late than never, right?? I saw your thots and just had to offer words.
FIRST OFF, when I saw you followed me I actually screamed. It felt like a celebrity said hello to me in passing on the street all casual like. Just #starstruck, babes. Bury me now, I can die happy.
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SECOND, your thots. I just want you to know that every single thing you've written is a gift, and you should be having fun. Writing for old AUs, exploring new ideas, literally anything. I understand telling someone not to be anxious over a thing they're anxious about is not helpful whatsoever lol so this is not me telling you to not be anxious, but it is me telling you that I (like so many many others) adore you and adore your writing and will follow and support any and every single direction you go in (and i'm not just saying that b/c i'm foaming at the mouth for dark!javi)
THIRD, you're my smutty author role model.
& FOURTH, I am finally coming out of the shadows to admit that I, JJ, am the ✨dramatic, thirsty ass bitch✨ that wanted to suck thighs out!Joel's dick😔 I had to finally get that off my chest.
Anyways, I know this was probably a lot, the equivalent of me kicking down your door and yelling praise through a bullhorn, so I do apologize for that. I'm bad at interacting on tumblr and swore that I was gonna work on being more vocal about the stuff I read and love lol.
Always better late than never!!! Welcome! 🥳🌈💐✨ Ty for your thirst, friend 🩳🍆💗.
TYSM so much JJ and others with similar sentiments. I really appreciate the support. I'm good, still having fun, and it was really helpful for me to say all that: My main hope was to lower expectations for updates. And as I foreshadowed, I will HC that they have been lowered regardless of reality. Having expressed myself, I felt less guilty purging most asks for updates, while silently appreciating the enthusiasm behind each one 🫶. And I will feel more confident putting something new out this week because so many people expressed their support. Which is good because I had already written most of it. So everyone wins, but people who want Dark Javi P. will be rewarded within days 🖤
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headdaze · 9 months ago
for your lil ask post: (if that doesn’t work just imagine me flopping around like a fish outta water all sad and emo like bc i hate mobile)
FISH ILYSM YES IT DID WORK LOLLL yeah mobile is a pain (mostly bc I hate texting RIP) so I feel u, like I have to add tags onto posts so they don't get buried but it's so annoying to type out all of them and then add the little hashtag to actually make it a tag so these days I literally just do "reblog now" and then later on desktop i'll add tags 😂
now those of you who have been stalking my recent reblogs will probably expect me to yap abt svt and believe me I could & I would but im gonna take this chance to yap about my current fav gg my beloved 💖 KISS OF LIFE 💖 for the ask game - for those of yall who don't know they're under S2 entertainment (not one of the "famous" companies to my knowledge), have four members, and debuted pretty recently in 2023!!
✦ my first bias: belle her vocals literally make me feel like i could die happy. also she's so competent (i love competency) & just so unintentionally funny sometimes and always slays so yes i love her so much
✦ my current bias(es): ot4 😭 i feel like sayinh anything else is a CRIME, imo they're the best when they're together and vibing bc the way they all just hang out and have fun together reminds me a lot of my own friend group 🥹
✦ my album and/or era ranking (or favorite of each): they're newer so not too many eras to choose from & also all of them are SLAYS SO here's the best from each for me - kiss of life (debut album): I'm weak for belle's countdown (prechorus SLAYSSS) & shh is surprisingly addictive / born to be xx: all of it. amazing. says it is really beaitufl and calm, but bad news always gets me hyped!! / midas touch: it's a single album so only two songs BUT THEY GO SO HARD!!!
✦ how i got into them: this is a really weird story that I'm just gonna tell bc I can and I will -- I saw Jii (cover artist on Youtube) uploaded a short of her Chinese cover of Midas Touch & Jordan Orme (also a youtuber) analyzed the music video… but tbh I was annoyed to see it everywhere RIP LOL and then eventually watched Jii’s short and was like “wait this is actually so banger” so I watched the Midas Touch MV then watched Jordan Orme dissect it .. then idk how but eventually I just went on a KIOF listening spree, listened to all their discography and the rest is history >3< I will say I feel like the moment I was like "yeah i love them to death" is when I watched their midas touch part switch dance; i feel like it really showed off their fun energy and made them feel very real, in a way.
✦ which member would be my best friend: oh help i actually don't know since i don't know TOO TOO much abt each of their personalities - maybe natty?? maybe i'm biased bc i have a best friend whose name is pretty similar to hers 😂
✦ something i associate with them (or with a bias/any member): shimmery metallic pink, X's, hearts, anything NEAR midas touch/greek mythology as any concept :D
tysm fish again for letting me yappp ily/p 🫶💘
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dracofelis · 9 months ago
Can confirm that Vincent is extremely kind to his peers, his commissioners, and most definitely to the people lucky enough to be his friends!
Talk about making "sweeping generalizations" about a random person on the internet that didn't even comment on a post, just reblogged. Please (@ anon) take a step back, and ask yourself if it's worth wasting your energy to harass a random person. You could literally be doing anything else, but here you are :/
Anyways! Yeah, best course of action is to ignore this person. Maybe turn off anon ask for a while until this rando finally loses interest and, hopefully, moves on to something actually healthy to do with their time.
(also off anon because, eh, whatever.)
I hope you have a good day man, you don't deserve that kinda BS
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i like to keep anon on for all the shy folks out there that send nice messages, but yea im gonna leave it off for a lil while i think lol
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eatmy-customjorts · 2 years ago
Ok idk if you saw it but like- I have this headcanon about Natsuhiko's "heroic acts" or stories-
Ok first we all know there complete bullshit- there so made up it's HILARIOUS- ok and Teru knows this- whenever Teru happens to overhear these "heroic acts" or stories he can't take them seriously and always giggles (he mostly hears them from Kou but even then he still giggles which confuses Kou sometimes)
Ok so the first time Teru got to hear one of Natsuhiko's stories in person (more like just him being present when he was telling Kou another one) and he couldn't stop laughing for the life of him- Natsuhiko was offended at first (he hates when people confront him about his bullshit- he gaslight his way to victory) but he couldn't get enough of Teru's adorable laugh so he tells his shity stories on purpose to make Teru laugh and even uses it to try and make Teru feel better when he's upset- it always usually works ^^
And it's probably the hardest Teru's laughed in a long time- I wouldn't bother asking Teru if he's laughing at Natsuhiko or with him- he doesn't even know lol
Anyway- take the NatsuTeru brain rot-
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH im gonna brainrot about this for a while now tysm lol
after that teru maybe tries to find him whenever hes worn out or anything to hear stories
and whenever someone says something absolutely wild and is like "nobody will ever do this lol" teru just goes "actually i know a guy" and is always talking about him
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folkloristico · 2 years ago
🥀 favorite angst quote from a published work
🌻 favorite funny quote from a published work
🍒 favorite sweet quote from a wip
tysm for the ask mari! 🫶
🥀 favorite angst quote from a published work
Shiho doesn’t retort—she feels close to Shinichi but feels even closer to the client. Her heart aches at the thought of the mother who’s still looking for a culprit who doesn’t exist and of the father whom Shinichi has never even spoken of. She will never be able to fully understand Shinichi, but if there’s one thing she knows is that he will never give up on living. Where she would’ve just let herself drawn, he’s fought with dirty nails and cracked teeth just to keep going—breathing is exhausting but doesn’t scrape his throat like sharp breaches. He doesn’t sense the hollow at their feet—and Shiho, with her soul black as night screaming at her, envies him. Because ignoring is a more acceptable fate than knowing and not being able to do anything about it. The idea of erasing the past scares her because letting go of her memories means changing herself, losing her persona to create a new self. Shiho believes she would if she only could—to get rid of the hollow emptiness expanding beside her feet, she would give up everything she has been and be twenty years old, for real. Not even the drug she created could do this much. Whether it’s Sherry, Shiho Miyano or Ai Haibara it does not matter, she remains the same wretched, little girl who’s afraid of the monsters under her bed, and no fake name on Earth can change that.
From if it’s hollow on the inside. 
Sorry it’s so long, lol, but I feel like sharing all of it. I still prefer the Italian version because, well, it’s the original, and not being a translator myself, I’m sure there are some things that could be fixed. Still, despite the fact that it’s been almost two years since I originally wrote the story, and I usually come to loathe my stories after, like, two months, I still like it very much. As for now, it’s the closest I could get to depicting Shiho and Shinichi as I see them.
🌻 favorite funny quote from a published work
“Chloé, are you alright?” he asked. “We’ve been looking for you everywhere!” “We?” Chloé echoed, glaring over Adrien’s shoulders. “Don’t look at me,” Alya said, her arms crossed over her chest. “I was fine with thinking of you dead somewhere—no, wait, actually, I wasn’t thinking of you.” Chloé shot her a nasty glare, but didn’t respond. It was something, right? “Funny you’d say that. I thought a car had run over you while you were trying to get a picture of Ladybug and Chat Noir.” “At least I was able to get out.” … Anyway. Progress takes time.
From fire meet gasoline.
Sadly, I don’t care about Miraculous Ladybug anymore, but I’m SO HYPED for the movie and I had a lot of fun writing this story. Sassy!Chloé is what I live for.
🍒 favorite sweet quote from a wip
I had a hard time choosing the snippet because I’ve been writing a lot of Winx stuff in the last few that I didn’t even remember what my other WIPs were about lol
“You look…” Matt tilted his head a little to the left. “Older?” “I was gonna say, different. Better.” To be fair, he hardly looked any day older than last time she’d seen him. “I wish I could say the same about you, but, you know…” He left the rest of the sentence hanging in the air on purpose, pointing at his face, and there was something so genuine about the way he did it that Claire couldn’t help cracking to a laugh. Matt Murdock had her wonder how could a body be so full. How could a person contain multitudes without exploding from the paradox of it—the same man being the kind lawyer and the tormented hero. Last time, the vigilante seemed to have prevailed, and at that very moment Claire knew she couldn’t do it. Not with Matt, not with Luke. Not with anyone. But seeing him now, so changed to his very core as if he were a different man, but, in a way she couldn’t put her finger on, still the same man—seeing him now, her feelings of distrust and fear couldn’t be renewed. “Not to brag,” Claire said, “but judging from the men asking me out, I think I’m still a good match.” Matt smiled again, wrinkles forming at the corners of his eyes as if to confirm that time had passed for him. But to Claire, he had never looked better. “I am sure you are.” Her heart skipped a beat or two, then raced faster, and Claire wondered if he hadn’t been aware of it because he added playfully, “Just to be sure, I’m not hitting on you.” Would it be so bad, Claire wondered, if he did?
From the same Clairedevil fic I talked about here, which doesn’t have a title yet because I suck at choosing titles.
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