#ukyo saionji
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veggiefritterz · 2 days ago
He's real!!! I want to make all 5 generals, Gen is next!
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Excessive ramblings ↓
I actually went and picked out yarns specifically for Ukyo. The colours of some things aren't perfect and he doesn't get shoes (or pants. but his legs are close enough in colour anyway i think) but I'm still happy with how it turned out!
His hair was such a nightmare to do, I tried attaching wool all over, then tried knitting a flat panel to attach, but in the end I sewed on about 50 strands and cut it to shape. Getting his haircut sort of accurate was difficult.
I think the most fun part was making his tunic actually, I loved shaping it! Probably could have made it a bit longer but alas...
This project took maybe an estimated 20 hours, because I didn't work from a pattern. Couldn't find one for a doll base that wasn't massive, so I spent a good 5 or 6 hours winging it. But I did scrawl shitty notes on it and will refine and type it at some point, probably post it somewhere if anyone's interested!
The doll base ended up about 6" tall, and his hat adds about half an inch, so I plan to modify my pattern by lengthening the torso and legs for taller characters like Gen and Ryūsui.
He was almost entirely knitted in the round, apart from the bow which is wool wrapped around tinfoil, the hair of course, and the strap on his quiver which is single crochet.
I think that's enough talking from me, and I need to take a break before making Gen so I'll probably knit a Pokémon for my stepbrother. Checked their room and they have 10 billion Squirtle things.
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bring-me-noiseless-bread · 3 days ago
Today's hot topic: Ryusui actually swallowed a weather forecast machine when he was younger which is why he is accurately able to describe the temperature, pressure, wind, UV, humidity, and precipitation per cent at any given time of the day while also being able to describe why it is so.
( @greedisjustice @c4ptainofthe7seas )
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sansan9 · 14 hours ago
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agfgoth3 · 21 days ago
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zerosiesblog · 1 month ago
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was staring at pics of the 5 generals and realised they have major kpop group vibes so i cooked this up
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officialmiintee · 8 months ago
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dr stone / a new adventure awaits!
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ambdlc03 · 2 months ago
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Gen is looking for a way to motivate Senku to exercise (he just wants his scientist to carry him)
I remembered the tiktok trend where they carried another person on their shoulder xd at first I wanted to include Senku instead of ukyo but let's be realistic, his spine would break even if he carried Suika or Chalk.
Anyway, I really like the headcanon of Gen and Ukyo being best friends :,D
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fallinblossoms · 3 months ago
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genc0oked · 3 months ago
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Their dynamic’s so cuutee !! bffs😤
Ukyo clocking gen hshwshs
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inside-lees-mind · 7 months ago
Is multiple characters(separate) allowed? I was thinking a NSFW with a reader that gets flustered easily for Gen, Senku, and Ukyo!
Hi! Yes, multiple characters is allowed! Also, sorry, I only half assed listened to the request because Senku's felt so much more natural to write sfw.
WARNINGS: NSFW (only in Gen and Ukyo's)
Gen Asagiri
Once this man notices that you easily get flustered, he is wielding that knowledge like a weapon.
He'd be good with his words to be able to fluster you without even having to resort to close proximity.
Just silly compliments can fluster you, so soon he's taking it a step closer.
He likes to say things that take you a second to comprehend the meaning of. He'll tell you something that could mean 2 things, one more innocent, one not so much, in passing. By the time you realize, he's not even in the room anymore.
You're usually super embarrassed, but he just finds it cute and endearing.
The times that he stays after flustering you with a suggestive comment, he'll wait until you get it, then use close proximity to fluster you next.
He goes from verbally teasing you, to tilting your chin up with his pointer finger. He'll get so close you can feel his breath on your face, and from here, these interactions could go one of two ways: he may say you have something on your face, dust it off, and walk away as if he's done nothing, or the latter would be he FINALLY kisses you.
Definitely the type to tease you by pushing your legs apart with his knee, keeping it there. Don't question me on that.
Most likely character to tease you in public, but refuse to do the real thing. That's a private matter, he's just sneaky enough to tease you.
Praise or degrading in bed, whatever you'd prefer, he's using it to tease you. The blush on your face spreads down your body and that drives him crazy (or the heat if the blush wouldn't be visible)
"use your words" makes you say things you don't really wanna say out loud even if he understands what you mean.
(this man can make you cum without touching you and nobody can convince me otherwise. I don't accept critique.)
Senku Ishigami
Accidentally flusters you half of the time.
He thinks nothing of getting right in your face for something or touching you to measure you or something like that. He's unbothered because he's simply not worried about that right now.
And honestly, most of the time he won't bother to go out of his way to fluster you.
Eventually he'd realize from time to time
Like the time he pulled you out to stargaze with him.
Sure, he'd intended for it to be a date of sorts, but he doesn't really swoon at the idea of how romantic it is. He enjoys stargazing and space and all that, and its time he could be spending with you so why not just combine the things he loves into one activity?
You, on the other hand, were super nervous to speak or anything. The still of the night made it romantic, but also terrifying. It's just you, him, and the moon and stars.
He's probably talking your ear off about space and what you're looking at, not that you mind, but eventually he turns onto his side to fully face you.
You get super flustered, and for once he can't help but notice and honestly, now that he's thinking about it, you make him little nervous.
He feels that it's illogical to feel like some giddy, hopelessly in love teenager when he looks at you, but he can't help it.
Now he's just as flustered.
He struggles with initiating physical contact, but he's direct with it. He'll scoot closer and kiss you.
Then you'll both just stare in silence, occasionally opening your mouths to say something and getting nothing out.
He'd take your hand and let you both fall into a comfortable silence where you both almost drift off in each other's company.
Ukyo Saionji
It's easy to forget this man was pretty cocky.
I think at first in a relationship, he'd just be sweet and very humble, but now you've been with him for quite sometime and he won't let you forget how much he turns you on.
He's soft whispers and gentle touches to send your mind in a spiral right into the gutter and your stomach to a butterfly farm.
His favorite thing would be a back hug where he breathes in your scent and whispers against the shell of your ear, his hands running up your hips, gradually rising higher with each pass as he begins to move under your shirt.
He knows the power he has over you, but he's going to drive you crazy with whispered sweet nothings and gentle gestures.
He's an honest flirt, and that naturally flusters you. He's aware of that.
Eventually, the gentle touches get a bit more obvious and brass.
Those hands on your hips would pull you back against him.
Flusters you by insisting you be vocal in bed and then moaning about how pretty your noises are.
You'll never meet a man more in love with you. He'll fluster you by never letting you forget this.
He praises every part of your body, every noise you make, anything really.
Not related, but Ukyo would send you love letters if he had to go away on a trip and you couldn't go (pretend that's possible in the New Stone Age)
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ryusuisloveinterest · 3 months ago
Dr. Stone headcanons of the Wise Generals' sleeping habits? Pretty please🥺
hello 🦕 anon! So sorry for the wait but I hope you enjoy the little headcanons! Just imagining this was so cute to me so I really hope you enjoy!🫶
5 wise generals sleeping habits 💤💞
I think Senku would actually have a pretty good sleep schedule 
He needs the right amount of sleep to use his brain to the fullest 
As for sleeping in general he’s a side sleeper
He hates laying on his back and hate laying on his stomach 
He’s not a cuddler AT FIRST
But as time goes on he gets a bit more clingy
First it’s just hand holding
Then it was intertwined legs
But one night he woke up and you weren’t there
He walks around the hut (if it’s the Stone Age) or the house (if it’s modern or 4d science) looking for you
He kinda gets nervous until he sees you coming out of the bathroom
He chuckles as you follow him 
As soon as you both lay in bed he locks you with his arms and legs and you’ve both slept like that ever since 
Chrome tries to have a good schedule, but his mind just wakes him up in the middle of the, curious about many things he’s yet to learn
You’ll often find him messing with his rocks or just sitting up and looking outside
“Oh I’m sorry did I wake you? I just couldn’t sleep.”
A lot of times you’ll just sit with him and let him ramble or you slowly drag him back to bed
There are some nights where you’ll fall asleep while you guys are talking and either you’ll wake up in the same spot you fell asleep in or you “magically” end up back in your bed
The few times Chrome doesn’t wake up he’s a heavy HEAVY sleeper 
I’m talking like the world could literally be ending and he’s still somehow asleep 
He’s an everywhere sleeper. As in his body is all over the place when he’s asleep 
You two will start off cuddling but by the end of the night Chrome’s horizontal to the bed with his waist all twisted up and his arms all over the place
You might even accidentally get punched or kicked once or twice💀
Gen can just magically falls asleep
He doesn’t even show signs of being tired he’ll just be like, “goodnight y/n” and then knock out
He doesn’t really have a sleep schedule but always gets his 8 hours or more
Like some nights he goes to bed at 8 but then wakes up at 7 or he goes to bed at midnight and wakes up at 11 in the morning 
I say he’s either a normal side sleeper or he sleeps in the fetal position 
Sometimes he’s cuddly and other times he’s not 
He’s either all up on you, just holding your hand, or just close
I think Ukyo would still kinda have his military sleep schedule engraved in him somehow 
From what very little I know about the military there’s the same rise and shine and nighty nighty all the time so expect Ukyo to have the same schedule every single day
I think he’s a light sleeper so try your best not to toss and turn
He likes to sleep on his side or on his back
His breathing is very light so it literally sounds like he’s dead some nights
It’s genuinely concerning 
He loves cuddling, unless you move around a lot, then it’s harder for him to sleep
Massage his head and he’s out
He’s honestly like a cat, just so satisfied when you rub his head
What’s a sleep schedule 😀
He either goes to bed at a reasonable time or is just up for days straight with little naps here and there
“My desire doesn’t sleep! So why should I?”
I swear 
You have to pull him to bed
When he FINALLY lays down, he’s all over you
Like you like your personal space, but he LOVES it
He’ll either be holding you, or you’re on top of him, or he’s on top of you, or some other weird position 
I hope your body’s normally cold cause his body runs extremely hot, so if you run cold then it’s more bearable 
Has the cutest little snore
I wouldn’t even consider it that it’s just a little squeak he kinda makes when sleeping 
Sometimes he sleeps the whole night, other times he wakes up and starts doing something 
If you choose to stay up with him because he would never make you he’ll share his thoughts and desires with you 
But if you stay asleep you’ll feel a light kiss on your head and hear a small “I love you” before he’s off doing who knows what 
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bring-me-noiseless-bread · 2 days ago
Ryusui? What's this about your desire for death? 😭 You do know that Gen, Chrome, Senku, Yaoke and I are always available to lend you a listening ear, right? (Me especially)
I'm genuinely concerned here because you're always hunting after your desires and I absolutely do not want you to go hunting after death-
( @c4ptainofthe7seas )
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jonas-ct · 3 months ago
Some other silly dr stone redesigns
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I love nikki
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I couldn't stand the sight of hyoga's thousand abs
(edit: i forgot i wanted to add a link to the first redesigns)
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luxthestrange · 5 months ago
DrStone Incorrect quotes#9 Outta the two you made one cry guess who-
Ukyo, watching Tsukasa and Hyoga fight each other...more personally this time than most times* Are you sure they should be fighting? What if they get hurt?
Yuu, not bothered by the chaos: It’s fine, They’re too evenly matched to hurt each other fully
Ukyo: Then... who’s the strongest out of you three?
Tsukasa: Y/n
Hyoga: Y/n
Y/n: Me
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theshadow20 · 11 days ago
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'Wise generals' they said
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officialmiintee · 4 days ago
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dr stone / forest trails and five generals
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