#tw: longish post
huskingthatdust · 2 months
Angel Dust, the name Valentino gave him after he heard how he died. Val thought it was so funny. Angel remembered laughing dryly, wondering if this meant he'd forget his real name.
Angel Dust, the famous pornstar, Valentino had promised him. He couldn't go anywhere without someone spiking his drink or grabbing his ass. He loved it. He loved it. He loved it. If he said it enough, he would believe it.
Angel Dust, the first resident to the hazbin hotel, Charlie's promise of redemption was laughable. He needed a free place to stay so he could spend his good hard earned money on his vices. It wasn't the Princess's fault that she couldn't see how truly ruined he was to his core.
Angel Dust, a guy who could get anyone except who he really wants. He hated Husk at first. Everyone wants a piece of Angel. It's his charm. Husk had the nerve to call him fake. Didn't he know real is painful when he had to be someone else every moment on screen and every moment in an overlord's arms? What did Husk know? Everything it seemed. That's the problem.
Anthony, a boy who grew up too effeminate for his father. He remembered how his hands shook when he held a gun for the first time. He remembered the taste of bile in his throat when the blood poured from the poor friend of a guy who had a couple late payments to his father. Anthony learned what family pride tasted like, and he couldn't wash the taste of it out his mouth.
Anthony, the fool who sold his soul. He was a tough man. He had six fucking arms now. A gun for each hand, who could take on that? Valentino promised such sweet lies in his ears, and Anthony was desperate for love, intimacy, anything to believe him. Anthony missed people calling him by his actual name the way you miss a dead family member. It's buried, signed away, he ain't ever getting it back.
Anthony, the guy husk could've loved. Anthony contemplated it on his drunkest nights. The man who stood his ground, shot guys down who fucked with him without a thought, and the man who no one could ever own. That's who Husk could've loved, if he could love anyone in this dingy hotel. Sometimes, when Angel was foolish enough, he imagined how the name would sound from Husk's lips. This imagination would turn his stomach and would make his eyes well up, but he would never stop wondering.
Angel Dust, the guy who's not half bad. Perhaps he should take it. It's the best compliment he's gotten in a while. Husk laughs at something he says when they're back at the bar. Yeah, Angel Dust thinks, he's not half bad. That can be enough.
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socialbunny · 1 year
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they were just having a silly little moment 😁👍🏽 nothing to see here guys, move along <3
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strqyr · 6 months
i've been debating for a while now whether to write this or not. it's a bit... a lot more personal than i'm used to, but with V9: Beyond being nearer and nearer, i'm finding myself to be lacking the spark and excitement for new RWBY content that i'm used to have. for that reason, i've been doing some thinking, trying to nail down where the difference lies, and i think i finally figured it out:
the ending of V9, specifically how they handled ruby's arc.
[tw: suicide, if you decide to continue reading]
before i get any further, i want to lay down some "backstory": about two weeks before V9 started airing, i lost my beloved dog to an illness after fighting for her life for two weeks. those two weeks were a roller coaster straight out of hell, thinking the medicine given were working, only for things to get worse; and through it all, all i could think of was that if she didn't make it through the year, neither would i.
but then, afterwards, in some weird twist of fate, when every part of me wanted to stay in bed and never get up, it was her, my dog, that kept me going, simply because through the last couple of years of her life, she had slept the mornings in my bed, with me, with 1pm being the time she'd force me out of bed if i ever stayed in that late... and that following morning—or more like day lol—after her death, i happened to look at my phone, see the clock be around 1pm, knowing i had a choice to make.
and i got up. have every single day, way before 1pm, to keep part of her alive and with me.
so, perhaps needless to say, but ruby's arc in V9 hit close. i had enough time in-between to not be in middle of the worst of it, but i suppose not as enough as i thought, as not only did i lose some of the spark i had for this show, but i'm also still crying now while writing this.
for the duration of the show, the burden on ruby had been growing stronger and stronger. from being called special due to her silver eyes, to all her friends placing their trust in her leadership, believing that somehow, she always knew what the right thing to do was, to never quite feeling she could be open about her own doubts as a leader, having no one to talk to... V9 started out great. i was excited, for the first time in a long while, for the direction they were taking ruby in.
and everything seemed to be going great. all the issues, trauma, et al that ruby was holding in were slowly seeping over, until it all burst open, explosively, and she ran away; and with all of this and more thrown against her by neo, ruby drank the tea, not wanting to be herself anymore.
...then came the aftermath of her ascension, and it's here, where the writers lost me.
"you're broken! you break everything you touch! i call humans... weak! confused! incomplete!" the cat says, and it's hard to say they're entirely wrong; ruby has been broken, she has had her weak moments, she has been confused, and that's okay.
but her teammates, her friends, her sister, don't seem to think so.
the cat is wrong. ruby has never been any of those things, and that's exactly why they follow her.
like it was more important to prove the antagonist of the volume wrong, rather than offer genuine support to ruby by saying that it is okay to be broken and confused, and for her to have her weak moments because that's why they're there; to support her in good and bad. to make it clear to ruby that she can come to them and air her doubts and concerns without a fear of being shutdown, that they, too, will work on themselves to be better friends in that regard.
but that's not what happened, and even without properly registering it at the time, it felt like a punch to the gut.
during the roundtable discussion of this episode, the writers talked about ruby's arc being about impostor syndrome and i just... can't see it. not with the way they build it up. it's like a switch was flicked, and when before the problem was the burden that was solely placed on ruby's shoulder and how it was too much for her to handle on her own, now ruby ever doubting herself in the first place was the problem, and all she needed to hear was that she was perfect just the way she was; "retrospective" is not a known word here.
and for the first time, even if i do have some critiques over handling of certain storylines, i felt like what was delivered was not what was ordered. at all. and with the vague content warnings in front of episodes, it started to feel like suicide was used for the "shock value" it could provide, to get people talking on social media, rather than because the writers wanted to treat it with the seriousness it deserves.
maybe that's unfair to say; i certainly don't know their intentions. frankly i don't know the people who work on this show at all, and i've stayed far from forming any parasocial relationships to pretend otherwise. all i have is my own feelings about this, ones that i've gone over multiple times, going through episodes, seeing if there's something that i've missed that would make it make sense... i've done my due diligence, and this is the result.
this is not the end: i still love RWBY, the characters, the world and its lore... but some of the trust i had for the writers has definitely gone, as has of the spark that ensured the excitement i had for new episodes and content to the point that i'd be right here, on my seat, ready the moment a new episode dropped.
now if the birbs show up—
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signed-sapphire · 25 days
I have a really important question
So, as some of you may know, I'm creating an entirely-told-through-comic story of my rewrite of Disney's Wish. My rewrite changes Asha's personality to fit with who I enjoy to see in media, edits her design to make her less generic and more representational of the culture she is from, and adds a Starboy to act as her foil and trigger her character arc (as she does to him). Asha in The Fallen Star is a spoiled, Kusco-like princess insistent on getting her wish to become the greatest sorceress granted by her adoptive father, King Magnus. She doesn't care much for the people of her kingdom and yet still expects them to obey her every command. She's rude, self-centered, and sassy.
Now, I'm 100% on Korean, which means I am not black at all. So I've been doing some research about black culture and traditions to make sure I'm accurately representing Asha, even if it is in my own silly little rewrite. A great account I recommend following is @creatingblackcharacters, as they have so many good resources for writing black characters, especially if you're not poc.
For example, I cut out a scene where some children in Rosas braided Asha's hair with flowers (a reference to Tangled) because I learned that hair is a very important thing in black culture. I didn't want Asha to protest having people she was uncomfortable with do her hair because Starboy told her to be nice. Her braids are a special thing that connects her to her birth parents, and respecting that boundary was more important than shoving a reference in for me.
Now, I recently came across another article addressing the "angry black woman" stereotype in media. A pretty famous example of this is that patronizing and racist comic panel of Serena Williams. Essentially, the stereotype is suggesting that a black woman being angry is because she's a "beast" and "can't control her emotions" instead of thinking why she could be justifiably angry.
Here's the thing. TFS!Asha gets angry. She yells. She throws things and lashes out at people. She has visible muscles and a strong build. She makes threats and hurls insults. She loses control of herself at times. She has panic attacks and is closed-off and rude after she comes out of them. She's Kusco on steroids, basically, if Kusco was fueled by not only wayyyy to much self-confidence, but fear that if he didn't guard his heart, it would get shattered.
Part of Asha's arc is her learning to move forward (not move on) from her trauma as a child, when Stars rained down and killed her parents. She puts up with more stuff and learns to temper her anger, but she's still passionate. She's still witty and sarcastic. She's just opened herself up to other people, now.
Now here's my question: do you think my Asha is the "angry black woman" stereotype?
I can't think of any examples off the top of my head where this is shown nicely in media. If you do think that Asha is a caricature, please please tell me what could be improved! I really want to make sure I'm respectful of Asha's Amazigh heritage and to actually showcase parts of that if I can.
Sorry for the long read! TLDR; my Asha gets angry, but is she the angry black woman stereotype?
@annymation @oh-shtars @uva124 @your-ne1ghbor @spectator-zee @emillyverse @chillwildwave @rascalentertainments @mythartist21 @kstararts @ishadow246 @tumblingdownthefoxden @thisnameisnotspokenfor @dangerousflowerpanda @cocoapowderpictures
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shinjis9 · 1 year
I feel like it's so important to reiterate how lucky we are in Western communities right now to be LGBTQ+. In the US, while I won't deny there are states that are openly transphobic and hostile towards members of the gay community, most of us are accepting and in some places the most you'll get is someone grumbling loudly. It's really to the point where people forget that being gay is punishable by death.
I hate thinking about what happened the other day. I know I'm lucky to live where I am, be able to dress how I want and if people don't like it they'll just ignore me which is fine by me.
It was infuriating watching the CCTV footage and all the other photos and videos that surfaced of the incident in Hong Kong at the Diamond Hill mall. The kind of blind rage I want to go into. I know it sounds like I'm exaggerating when I say that I cried after watching the video, because it happened to someone way across the world from me.
But I think as traumatic and triggering the footage was, its existence shouldn't be hidden or erased.
The authorities and news outlet are trying to remain vague until further information has been acquired. But you know that kind of vague where it does an absolute disservice by lessening the intensity of the act.
The "mentally ill man randomly attacked two women at a mall" descriptions are aggravating to read. There's other security footage showing the 39 year-old man calmly examining and buying a knife from another store in the mall. The main CCTV video of the crime shows him beelining towards the obviously butch woman and stabbing her furiously while onlookers just cleared the hall.
Even if the man had never met them before, he had so many targets he could have chosen. Literally ANY other woman. But HK individuals have mentioned: they will go for the butch lesbians first, because they feel like these women have taken future wives from them like they were owed one.
Not only that. After he goes through the two of them he just stops and waits for the police to come. Even when faced with the riot shields he just calmly stands there with the aura of "take me away, I accomplished what I came here to do."
Fucking disgusting.
It's also appalling that I have not seen more coverage of this incident because it was so brutal. It's not like the couple were found dead after the crime, they have it on camera and everything.
And at the start of pride month as well?
Don't tell me that it's not misogyny and homophobia all wrapped in one.
Please remember how lucky some of us are and how we can freely express our identities. Others are not so lucky and need all the support they can get. Sometimes this support is as simple as not outing them to members of their community and understanding why they choose to hide, because in some cases they could get killed for something as innocuous as holding hands with their significant other in a public space and being gender non-conforming.
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dayshines · 1 year
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autism /silly
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reicartwright · 1 year
Day 3
Write about your most interesting grandparent.
I keep writing about my grandma. Maybe it’s how I grieve.
But tonight I will write about someone else. She’s not my grandparent, not biologically. But she lives down the street And we’re friends And she shares stories and sweets And she’s about the right age to fit the role. She’s the closest thing I have to a grandma here.
Years ago, not a lot but a few, I would visit her at least once a month Sit in her living room Ask how she’s doing Listen to her stories. She loved to talk about her childhood And about her husband And about her family. I would listen to her for hours, Whether I planned to or not.
She gave me a Rice Crispies wreath for Christmas, A hand-crocheted scarf for Valentines, A blanket when I graduated. She made them so beautifully, Even though she’s mostly blind. She once told me she adores Little Debbies So I would bring her a box on holidays And she would joke about whether or not to share.
This year, I missed her birthday. I knew it was her birthday. It doesn’t even need to be on my calendar, I’ve known it for so long. But I missed it. I saw her on her birthday, from afar. I could have run over and said something. But I missed it. It’s easy for me to forget how old she is. How long, I wonder, until she’s gone And I remember the times I came And the time I missed it.
Somehow I keep writing about my grandma. Maybe it’s how I grieve.
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shapedforfighting · 2 years
A post I saw recently posited that chores should be done for the sake of doing chores, not just getting them done—describing chores as the texture of life. Texture has long fascinated me, appearing in my prose more frequently and descriptively than eyes, which I prefer not to see, no matter how much my mom (wisely, for the time) tried to train me out of avoiding meeting another person's gaze.
(I once experimented with staring directly into the eyes of a coworker while we were talking, which made him stutter and falter. I'm convinced we're not meant to look in each other's eyes as much as some would have us believe marks a person as open and honest.)
I recently designated one big chore per day in my household, in addition to cooking and dishes and caring for our pets and ourselves. We both suffer from depression, I especially during winter. He works a full-time job and a part-time job, while I write in addition to editing. This makes accomplishing chores much harder in a two-person, three-pet household than back when I lived in an apartment with just my small dog. One chore per day should make keeping up with the house during the week easier than a big clean on one day when we're expecting company. This has, in fact, proven true.
But with the context of chores as texture in mind, I have discovered a contrast between accomplishing tasks and sitting around to relax. Rest matters, of course, but somewhere along the course of working a job I hated for many years, "relaxing" became the slimy feeling of time slipping away as I scrolled social media until my eyes burned so I couldn't think about going back the next morning. Sometimes, rest does not give me what I need. Sometimes, I need to take care of my surroundings to make rest truly restful.
Having done chores, even just one chore, highlights the difference in texture between work and play and rest. They prove the distinction between one moment and the next with the tangible evidence of a cleaner space. But mostly, they provide a physicality to the increasingly digital process of taking care of me.
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bahja-blix · 7 months
😐💀Longish Post regarding Vivziepops Stans (POC Woman Speaks up)
TW: The following post mentions serious topics: S*icide, bullying, racism, and other topics, viewer discretion is advised (and No I do not know whom originally sat here and typed this post I don't want to know)
So I saw this image floating around and I as a Bisexual biracial Woman of color wanted to speak up about this because if y'all think it's hilarious or cool to say dumb shit on the Internet and not expect to get called out for your crap by reasonable people that you yourself put yourself out there for then your dead wrong.
Let's take a look amigos
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Let's start from the beginning
This person who's an obvious biased boot licker who deliberately put themselves out there on the Internet ON PURPOSE said all of This!
Here's some things I completely disagree with because in their own words:
"You probably heard over and over again that Viv is a terrible person who's toxic that made all kinds of terrible things in the past but I assure you, (even if it's true) these stories are all "completely fake" and "made up" and that Viv is "flawed" and makes mistakes like all of us and that she "doesn't deserve" the "hate" and "bad faith" comments"
"I have decided to "fund" the "StopVivziepophate" train because poor ol Viv is sweet and innocent and we as fandom must stick it to these "critics" and express to vivziepop our eternal love and "actively convince" people (without any proof btw) that Vivziepop has done absolutely "nothing wrong" at all and we must defend her to the ends of the Earth because I said so and thats the Truth. You guys are liars and bigots and racist and are anti progressive"
Vivziepop has proved Time and Time again that she's a deliberately toxic shitty ass dumbass of person and has gotten much WORSE over the years! That is a FACT! She HAS made shitty, questionable, nasty things in her past artworks depicting minors, Nazi shit, racist shit and other stuff! This is a FACT and can be proven!
These Critical people on the Internet are All people who Used to LOOK UP to Viv because she was inspirational, saw right through her bullshit, and decided to call her out For said bullshit that she inflicted on herself especially nowadays seemingly on the daily. These Critical people who used to look up to Viv often back up their claims using pictures and evidence to Prove what they say! Vivziepop is a person who has proven that she is ass backwards on an absolute altitude of ways through thick and thin.
Viv refuses to back up her claims, do basic research on complicated topics regarding many things, weaponizes her fanbase to silence Anyone and Everyone regardless of who they are or what they identify as who speaks up or validly critiques her foolishness, never improves on herself as a person and chooses to carry herself in a negative way that affects her overall character and the people around her, bullies or judges anyone who chooses a different path, didn't call out her cult of a fanbase out for bullying Shay into suicide, and the list goes on.
What are you Stans going to prove huh? That we as a critical are right? There's an abundance of evidence against Viv yet your going to sit here and make a post like this?
Please tell me what you said is Bait!
Viv absolutely deserves EVERYTHING that people throw at her ESPECIALLY regarding the fact that Shay is no longer with us because Vivziepops cult of a fanbase brutally bullied Shay into s*icide over a fictional ship that these hypocritical Stans supported Before their new ship with Alastor came out with a different character
And Viv also absolutely deserves to be criticized for hiring a disgusting person with a r*pe fetish who's NOT a s*xual assault victim at All who also fetishizes r*pe and let this person illustrate and write their own sick fantasies into HER SHOW which she actively supported and still supports!
She's Shit All Around!
"Most" of the "hate" comes from the "fact" that she's both *Checks notes* 🧐 "inserts identity politics here"
"Woman and Hispanic" ahh yes who Could've thought that poor ol Viv was being targeted simply because of her identity! Why as if I didn't hear that BS before as a fucking POC woman myself
People are "totally not" validly criticizing her for actual shit she does to herself on purpose
We critics are "totally" all just "making up" shit regardless of clear as day evidence, articles, or any picture evidence we have and are "totally jealous" over her success
We critics totally dunk on Viv because we're magically all racist, bigots, or istaphobes even though we're of varying backgrounds and identities and don't dunk on her for the bullshit you pulled out your ass because you decided to do what some far left thinking people would do. Blame the entire world for X, Y, Z using their identity as a shield even though vivziepop herself got caught! BY HER OWN POLITICAL PARTY which is the left.
Let me bring up a successful Black YouTuber who's indie for Black History Month whom I support and followed for years and bought his comics! Since you wanna blame the world for people criticizing Viv for her identity, I've decided to use an excellent example! He may not be a woman but he's Black so... :D let's begin
You wanna know who's Black and made millions of dollars because of his comics and is successful? Youngrippa59! Yes the Black Libertarian himself who made the Rippaverse, ISOM, and ALPHA CORE and made millions of dollars in short periods of time who also helped successfully dominated the comic book industry when it was dying! He's Not a conservative btw!
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Heres one of his most recent successful projects ALPHACORE
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Look at this! A Black person made this! He's successful! He didn't use his race as a shield. He ain't Viv but doesn't have to be! That's the beauty of him because he doesn't have to be the richest, or the most popular!
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His message to everyone! Mr. Rippa also known as Eric July is one of my biggest inspirations to this day and this is why! People who were on the far left decided to attack him (it's been proven btw) but y'all say your for "diversity" and "inclusion" but when a black person becomes successful now it's an issue???
I Can't imagine what will fly outta your mouths when I become successful with my own shows behind the scenes... As diverse as I am as a biracial, bisexual, goth, God damn X, Y, Z, I Don't pander, I observe what everyone wants through multiple people!
Vivziepop is a woman who's a biracial Hispanic! I am ALSO a woman who's a biracial Hispanic
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As a biracial Hispanic I'm more Puerto Rican looking IRL. Viv is a biracial Salvadoran Hispanic but looks more "white" because maybe she has more European family members. My family is made up of mainly Puerto Ricans on both sides of the family some European. I have dark eyes and dark naturally curly hair too. Few have said I can pass as "Indigenous" because of my features and tanned skin. Regardless my point still stands! I don't actively use my identity as a shield and neither should you!
I don't want to know who sat here and typed up that post! I as a woman of color of the brown community am still sick of this! Like who's saying they hate Viv because she's Hispanic? Huh? Who? Who's dunking on her for simply being a woman too???
Prove to me by providing solid concrete evidence by pictures or tweets or something else actually showing me people are dunking on Viv because she's both "Woman/Hispanic"! Well I tell you now that that shit Doesn't happen and if it does, it's a VERY SMALL minority that are saying shit for bait reasons or to be an asshole on purpose to get a reaction. The fact this person decided to say "Most hate comes from her race and being a woman" is BS because they cant even take the time to dig up evidence of this to prove it!
Show don't tell not TELL DONT SHOW goddamnit!
Legit you wanna play the race x woman card so badly then BACK IT UP with actual evidence or someone like me with more than two functioning brain cells will call you out.
I'm sorry but I agree with the critics on this one because they're not wrong for calling Viv out!
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zephrunsimperium · 8 months
Y'all... I have another AU ToT Bill got to be a human so naturally I made a completely different universe in which Ford is a demon. The brainrot is real and I wanna post stuff here soooooo
What I love about this AU is that I’ve put the twins in a world where their skill sets are valued at opposite levels than they were on earth. But I will say, this AU has developed so much that it's barely recognizable as having started from GF.
TW for death of a pregnant woman, spousal abuse/toxic relationships
Zeph's Demon Ford AU
Part I: Mortality
Stan is the leader of a thieving crew in an apocalyptic world called Scadrial. (I've based this part off of the world in Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy, but although I recommend it highly, I'll describe all of this so nobody has to have read it to understand.) As for Ford... He and Stan aren’t identical. Ford never bulks up like he does in canon. He likes to read and write but doesn't have much of an outlet for that - he’s just constantly journaling. He’s very quiet, but very spiteful. He doesn’t speak much and is very sickly and awkward. He also doesn’t sleep much so he’s got really sunken dark eyes behind longish dirty hair.
Stan obviously loves Ford very much, but the crew members are kinda pissed that he’s there because they feel like he doesn’t do anything and yet he gets paid for their work. At one point his journal gets stolen and he’s outed for his crush on one of the (male) crew members. This really weakens Stan’s reputation and the crew pulls a coup.
The twins end up on the streets and Ford just feels awful; he was utterly humiliated and the crew members really roughed him up. He hated feeling so weak. He also starts having awful nightmares; he's being targeted by a dream demon named Korro. The demon repeatedly asks Ford to make a deal with her, but Ford refuses again and again. Ford ends up killing a nobleman; for his pocket change, but really to prove something to himself. The noble's murder attracts the attention of law enforcement and he and Stan are captured. Before they're executed, Ford decides to take the demon's deal.
Part II: Fiddleford
Ford and Stan spend years as the demon's servant, until Ford is able to overthrow her, taking her power for himself. He received the powers of the dream demon and Stan received the power of a shapeshifting illusionist. They were left with a problem, however: if Sixer didn’t get enough worship, both he and Stan would die. Taking the name Sixer to separate himself from his younger, weaker self, he devised a strategy where he would find a mortal to seduce, squeeze all the worship he could out of them, kill them, and live off of the power until he needed to find someone else.
Eventually, Sixer started conning Fiddleford McGucket, a newly wed cattle driver in 1880s Texas. He preyed on Fiddleford’s closeted sexuality and faith, posing as an angel sent from god to help cure his sexual deviance. Fiddleford, however, took longer to con than most and Sixer was forced to spend more time with the man. Out of jealousy, he poisoned a pregnant EmmaMay, getting Fiddleford all to himself.
Sixer decided he had spent far too much time and energy on Fiddleford to murder him like the others - and growing up with very little as a child had made Sixer VERY territorial. Before Fiddleford could find out that Sixer had lied about being an angel, he convinced Fiddleford to give him his soul and make him immortal, gifting him the power to control memory and a body made of vegetation.
Fiddleford would spend the next century trying to justify…. Everything. Sure Sixer had lied and had been trying to con him, but he was clearly being given special treatment compared to Sixer's other victims. Sure he only admitted he loved him when he was intoxicated but he did love him! Sixer's drunken rants about his childhood and peeks into his memory only made him seem more redeemable.
(Stan, in case you’re curious, just eventually learned to do his own thing, scamming people on the internet by pretending to be a gamer girl named StaZ. He talked to Fiddleford one on one a lot but Sixer had changed so much, any interaction he had with him usually ended in a shouting match. Unable to leave, Stan just tries to keep his head down and enjoy what little he can)
Part III: Bill
While Sixer grew resentful of Fiddleford’s clinginess, Fiddleford grew resentful of Sixer’s unfair treatment. Eventually, he murdered one of Sixer’s targets in self defense, cutting off his worship supply. In retaliation, Sixer picked up a recently reincarnated Bill Cipher (from after the canon Weirdmageddon events) to make Fidds jealous.
Excited about the prospect of winning over a different Stanford with sticking it to a different Fiddleford as an added bonus, Bill agreed to the hook up and ended up convincing Sixer to get rid of Fiddleford entirely. Sixer hated the fact that his soft spot for Fidds had made him weak and Bill offered to fix the problem of his worship supply's connection to his mortality so it seemed a fair trade.
Sixer's regret for killing his unofficial consort was strong, but he tried his hardest to push it down. The regret grew, however, into resentment for Bill and Sixer decided to overthrow Bill the same way he did his old demon master. Bill figured out early that Sixer was planning something like this, but - unwilling to accept the idea of losing Ford a second time - denial prevented him from taking any course of action against Sixer's machinations. Until, that is, they grew too hard to ignore and Sixer exploded about how killing Fiddleford was the worst mistake he ever made.
Enraged by a second betrayal, Sixer met the same fate by Bill's hand that Fiddleford had met by Sixer's own.
(And Stan lived happily ever after)
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ghxst-system · 2 months
Longish vent post
Words and grammar will be bad. Phrasing may be poor.
TW for: topic of CSA and trauma. No details.
we have many alters who have physical reaction to front
example Somni cannot feel the bodys legs. cannot move withojt lots of effort and feels numb and tired sleepy.
this cus of csa and specific trauma
and we know why but is still so stressful
she gets scared because brings back memory of it and makes more physical flashbacks worse
she always fronts when we sleep also. again cus of the trauma
have always known we go numb and not move good when going to sleep, but now know why its made sleeping vry hard
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writing-whump · 9 months
(Tw: cardiact arrest/recitation/techincal death)
Ooh! I absolutely loved your last fic! It gave so many awesome whumperflies! So I have to ask; with Isaiahs heart condition, since he hasn't gotten treatment for it, will it lead to a straight up cardiac arrest? If so, how will Matthew and the rest of the team react? Like during a regular day Isaiahs just washing dishes or taking out the trash and 'BOOM!' he's down, who notices first? Who freezes and starts screaming for him to wake up? Who jumps into action to start cpr (or another method of reviving him)? It's been mind boggling since I read your last post. (But if this ask is too much please feel free to ignore).
Oh hey! Thank you, I'm glad you liked the fic ^^
Tbh, something like this scene is coming👀 once the story dwells a little deeper into why it's so difficult for a shadow wolf in general and Isaiah in particular, to get treatment. Then an episode serious enough will happen that it will land him in a hospital and force some revelations and some longish recovery and medicine.
As for your questions ;) Seline would def panic the most, since she knows there is a secret, but she has no idea what it involves. Matthew witnessed these problems more, so he would jump into action and decide it's too serious to do alone and call for help.
Thanks for the interest :D
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citalsmamcgovern · 1 year
The School Shooting Generation
This Is a longish essay/thought piece so brace yourself
TW: School Shootings
The School Shooting Generation
I saw a post on instagram today where a mom spoke about putting bulletproof shields into the backpacks of her children.  She was angry, and frustrated; she felt like she was doing anything she could and it wasn’t enough to keep her kids safe.  
I felt the expected wave of anger and frustration and perhaps less expected, guilt.  These were not the emotions of a parent stuck in an unimaginable situation of trying to protect their child.  I am not a parent.  I graduated high school in 2019.
I am on the upper end of Gen Z.  By many things people have tried to define our generation: by smartphones and social media, by covid, and by political tensions.  Those things do shape our generation, but some of the oldest of us don’t feel we grew up with the same relation to those factors as those only five years younger.  But what defines all of us in the US, all of our psychology as a generation, is the fear of gunfire in the halls. Columbine happened shortly before we were born.  We knew through our entire lives this was a possibility.  We heard teachers whispering in the halls around the country, having no idea what, if anything, they were supposed to say to their own students after classrooms of second graders died in Sandy Hook.  We practiced the switch from Code Red drills where we hid like sitting ducks under desks to ALICE training, where we were taught to build barricades, to run, and to fight for survival.  We knew this training was more effective under the premise that it saved more children, sacrificing whichever few were fighting up front, or running in the rear.  It wasn’t about saving everyone.  
When the Parkland shooting happened, we were in high school.  It could have been any school, it could have been our school.  It was not my school.  Despite a few scares, and a plethora of threats made entirely out the ass of whatever dumb kid wanted classes canceled, it was never my school.  It could have been my school.  
We felt so powerless.  We all wondered: When will it be here? Will I know the shooter? Will I know the victims? Will I live or die? Will I be a hero? Do you finish out the football season if someone on the team dies? What will we lose because it will be considered unsafe? Will anyone really care?
Then, the students from Parkland, they started screaming.  They led a movement.  They spoke up and faced down a world that said they weren’t old enough to vote but they were old enough to be sacrifices to a culture where guns were more protected than kids.  We followed them into the streets.  We felt like maybe, finally, we had a voice.  Maybe, finally, we were screaming loudly enough to be heard over the gunfire.  Maybe things would change.  We would not let it be our school next.  We would not let it be any school next.  We would not let it reach our younger siblings, our nieces, our nephews, the kids we coached and babysat.  They would not see the carnage.  
And nothing changed.  
We continued to have more school shootings every year.
Children continued dying.
We had been screaming in vain.
We fought like hell.
We lost.
I lived to graduate.
I went to college, adopted a cat, eventually stopped jumping every time there was noise in the hallways.  Universities aren’t spared, but they are so vast it’s not the same.  We aren’t fish in a barrel.
And I heard the news.  Again.  Again.  Again.  
And I felt guilty.  Maybe it is survivor’s guilt.  It never was my school though.  I never knew the victims.  But I did live to graduate.  Maybe it is guilt we did not fix the world.  That we failed.  This is an absurd reason to feel guilt.  We were children fighting like hell to be able to go to school safely.  We weren’t the ones responsible.  We should never have had to be fighting.  We didn’t break this world.  But we couldn’t fix it.  And now parents send their children to school with bulletproof backpacks, and those children are taught to fight for their lives.  Maybe it is guilt because if we are no longer the children, then we are part of the society that excuses their deaths as an acceptable price to pay to defend people’s ‘right’ to carry assault weapons without proper background checks.  It’s a shameful society to be a part of.  We are still voting for gun reform.  We are still fighting.  I don’t know if we’re screaming anymore.  Sometimes, we breathe a sigh of relief before the grief and the anger kick in, because we made it out.  
Thank you for your participation in the American Education System.  We hope you have learned your lesson in futility.  Here is your diploma of (dis)honorable discharge.  
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8bitgarden-sys · 2 months
Anyone else think in the last great american dynasty, Bill MIGHT have been the bad guy? Like yeah everyone else, but like… “women with madness,” self hate and internalized ableism, “their men and bad habits” —- UM HOLD ON
“The DOCTOR had TOLD HIM. to SETTLE. DOWN.” But it must’ve been her fault his heart gave out.
Like he, correct me if I’m wrong, knew what his town was like. They knew they’d all blame her when he died and he didn’t care (right? I’m willing to hear other sides! Bc its very possible that he had some kind of addiction or disorder that made things way more complicated than the song had room for! So maybe bad guy isn’t exactly what I’m saying)
But yeah we have an alter, Benji, who (tw for this stanza of abuse (non graphically mentioned) holds most of our what we call “roommate trauma” which was just a specific longish form traumatic event that happened in our life before we even knew we had DID, but HE—Benji—was the host. So he was the one experiencing like pretty much all of the gaslighting and predatory and stuff.
When he listens to this song, he cries. It’s his #1 swiftie song (tied for him specifically w all too well 10 mins if u’ve been following me for even 24 hrs u probably know that) bc of the end. “I had a marvelous time ruining everything.” We say more about that in a swiftie eras themed video essay we did which I’ll link here if ur interested—warning i SERIOUSLY messed up the backing music and it does get very loud at some times. If u think u can handle that and still hear what I’m saying, give it a shot! If u can’t and are still interested in what we said, dm us and we’ll send u the script we read from! But anyway the thing that resonates w us, and Benji the most, the most, is this:
Our “first” experience w tlgad was we were finally in the mood to listen to new music (any other neurodivergents feel me?) and we wanted to try folklore. I didn’t like it at first—and before we continue, I LOVE it now. I have a personal problem I’m working on, if i think something will be very one way and it’s just not it completely turns me off no matter how good it is and I need time to be ready to accept that it wasn’t what I thought, and it will be beautiful.
I listened, two years ago, to tlgad and turned it off at the line “it must’ve been her fault his heart gave out.” (Real life and major character death when it’s not an essential part of a story trigger me, and I wasn’t ready. No one’s fault)
I did ever pick it up again until…
The Eras Tour was added to Disney+. And we just were lucky enough to have it.
And she starts playing it, and i think I remember being like “oh god oh gos oh god its this oje irk it i can do this” but 1) i am SO grateful that this was my first REAL experience w it bc while i love the original one just the same the eras tour one hits different and 2) we cried so many happy tears hearing the end for the first time, and the performance??? How every actress and actor and taylor herself and EVERYONE did so well to make a very vivid story line that I finally got it, I got it, I got it, and it was beautiful.
And finally.
The way Taylor yells it.
“There goes the LOUDEST WOMEN THIS TOWN HAS EVER SEEN!!!!! 😍🥰💘☀️💃💪
So healing.
Ok i thought this was gonna be a 1-3 stanza paragraph but here it is. Ig what i personally want abt this post is to hear what ppl are personally thinking about (at any detail ur comfortable with, with proper trigger warnings) the song, what it means to help, if it’s helped them?
Anyway, I’ll reblog if i’ve forgotten smth.
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digikaa · 1 year
its about time i made a pinned post!! longish post alert (flashing gifs below break)
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hii im caitlyn/cini/digika
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ agender [they/it/she], autistic, 21, ISTP
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ still learning how to use this hellsite but so far i like it here :)
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ i like and blog about red vs blue, vocaloid (special interest #1), sculpting, furry art, OC's, bugs, cats, mlp, and other random stuff i'm obsessed with. sideblogs confuse me so everything goes here but i try to tag it all
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ hi mutuals ily
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ send me things to draw if you feel so inclined!
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ my art tag
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ i overtag things because i am insane :)
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ i hate having to make a dni but proships, terfs, zoos, racists, and any other forms of bigotry and nastiness are not welcome here (endos are fine, im not talking about you dw)
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ my blog is sfw but has mature jokes, things needing trigger warnings (including bugs) will be tagged #tw ____, #cw ____ and with the base word/s of the trigger
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ if im interacting with someone problematic please please let me know, chances are I have no idea about their history and only liked/reblogged cause cool art/idea
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Monkie Queen - I have a lot of question TuT (you can answer seperately or together it doesn't matter) Does Mk become very violent when Red doesn't do what he asks or just manipulates him into doing so?
Does Mk ever force affection towards Red? Like if Red is exhausted or just isn't in the mood,Mk just demands his queen to do what he asks?
Forced Wedding Idea I had - where DBK and PIF (maybe Wukong and the gang too maybe) crash the wedding at the last second, making Mk completely go into madness, destroying and nearly killing them, but his weeping bride begs him not to. Red doesn't the unspeakable and tells Mk that they can just run off together and never come back. Which without hesitation or a single goodbye, Mk picks up Red as he dashes off.
Does Mk become very violent when Red doesn't do what he asks or just manipulates him into doing so?
Both! MK with try manipulation and violence, and often does both over the same thing. Red's poor head is spinning
Does Mk ever force affection towards Red? Like if Red is exhausted or just isn't in the mood, Mk just demands his queen to do what he asks?
MK forces affection on Red like it's no tomorrow. Red has become conditioned to MK's affection and can't even sleep without the other cuddling him. Not that he can sleep with MK that close to him, so vulnerable- Red sleeps because he passes out, not because he drifts off. Red has moments when he drifts into his fantasies where the affection is 'consensual', but more often than not it's simply him kissing MK because he's supposed to kiss MK, not because he wants to. When he isn't in his fantasies, he kisses MK with his eyes open. Closing his eyes would make it 'romantic', and Red wants anything but that.
Forced Wedding Idea
Ah, if only. Red's forced wedding had a lot less "let's run away together" and a lot more "if I scream he'll kill me in front of everyone". He knows it was his chance to get away, MK's friends were there, they would've calmed MK down but...
fear held his tongue.
He lost his only chance, or so it seems. (Wukong, DBK, and PIF do try to get Red back at some point, but it doesn't go well. Wukong ends up physically unable to speak about Red Son at all)
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