#me babbling
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kinuskikakku · 5 months ago
The zookeepers have brought enrichment to the enclosure.
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littlestarslittleblog · 2 months ago
weeeee! weeeeee! weeeeeeeeee! weeeeeeeeeeee! ^^
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pasteldollesque · 5 days ago
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sparrowsarecool · 15 days ago
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@sherdnerd not really sherds but thought you'd like this
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autemis · 3 months ago
So... long time no see?
I know people won't really be interested in this, but I really want to talk a little about the reasons, that made me "quit" art.
2023 wasn't really a great year and neither was 2024. Personal life gets very stressful and things happen that take away the motivation to do things you once loved so much.
2024 should also be a year for personal celebrations. 2024, my 10th anniversary with One Piece. That’s wild… I had so many ideas, wanted to make some nice drawings… but life had other plans.
I thought about a lot of things this year. Not just about the things that happened to me personal or the cruel things that happen in the world. I also questioned myself a lot. Both. My private self and the one I present to the outside world.
For me, 2024 was also a year full of new things and firsts.
I went to my first concert, traveled to a faraway city with a new and very important friend to go to the theater - twice - and I decided to move out of this house. (still in progress)
I've found interest in drawing more than just One Piece - more than manga/anime.
I don't know if that even matters, but I'm not really a manga/anime fan anymore. It's not something I decided to do, it just happened that I lost interest. One Piece were the only exception. But sadly, 2024 wasn’t our year...
Don't get me wrong, I'll never completely lose interest in One Piece - it's such a big part of me, but I've learned that sometimes you have to take a step back in order to not lose the things you love. Just because I'm no longer head over heels doesn't mean I've lost my interest for the fandom. Quite the opposite. If anything, it helps me not to lose that love. That was something I had to learn.
2024 was also a year in which old interests paved the way for something new. Something that is now very important for me and my mental health.
I first became interested in BL K-drama in fall 2023. I started cringe-watching some series until I finally came across some good ones. Something like “To my star”, “Semantic error”, “the eighth sense” and “a shoulder to cry on”.
“A shoulder to cry on” - or ASTCO for short - wasn't really that big of a deal for me personal. But there was something about it that appealed to me. I really liked the title track and there was also something special about the two main characters. Something about them stuck to me. So, I looked them up. I learned that they were both from the same band. The Band, who also participate in the titel song.
At the time, I never really liked KPop. I tried it several times, but the music never suited my taste. And it was the same this time. I searched for the band on YouTube and listened to their last two songs. It wasn't my thing. I turned it off. That was that.
I finished watching the series and then a few more until this hobby also took a back seat for almost a year.
Summer 2024, not a very good time to remember. Stress was eating me up, my mental health was at another low and my body was in poor condition. As I was scrolling through social media, I stumbled across something that reminded me of an old interest. I think the video I saw was an edit about the series “Jazz for two”. Another BL K-drama.
I had nothing else to do anyway, so I started watching the show. And it happened again. Something about it stuck in my head. But this time it wasn't the titel song or the main character, it was the blue-haired guy on the site. I don't know why, but this guy became something special to me so quickly that to this day I have absolutely no idea what happened.
And you know what? This guy was also a member of the same band as the two from ASTCO.
It took some time, and a few other shows, but in the end I gave the band another shot. This time I listened to their older stuff and really liked it. I had never heard anything like it before. To me it sounded like a mix of different genres in a very cool way.
So that's how it all started. After that, I listened to their music on such a crazy basis. I watched their stuff on youtube, learned all their names and fell in love with all 11 members. I also heard about the horrible things that happened to them, the lawsuits and that they had to take a break before coming back with new management. The same one that produced “ASTCO” and “Jazz for two”.
These guys have been incredibly inspiring and motivating for me. They gave me something back that I had lost for so long.
Life started to get better. I started exercising again, eating better and was generally in a more positive mood.
Of course I still have my ups and downs, that's normal, life isn't easy. But on the whole I'm feeling much better.
So... what does it all mean? Well, to be honest, I don't know. But I just wanted to get it off my chest.
I think I will continue to draw in the future and would like to share it sometimes. However, my focus will shift. I just want to post what I feel like posting and not just what “fits”.
Since it still feels a bit like saying goodbye, I've decided to close all my open “projects” and share them with you here. So that means a some unfinished drawings in various stages that I didn't want to just throw away.
On that note, I wish everyone a healthy new year and that we all spend 2025 doing what we love. Please stay healthy and save!^^
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buthearmeouttho · 1 year ago
I haveth discovered several things: One: I will joke about fictional characters being hot. Two: almost all of the time out loud it’s about woman. Three: no I don’t MiNd guys, fictionally, but I’m not sayin that out loud. Four: no I probably would not actually date ANYONE, fictional or not, even if I say they look nice or like their personality, and five: I’m aroace
I am ✨fictionally bisexual aroace✨
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souppunch · 2 years ago
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I quote this image so much my brother has told me to stop multiple times
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unnerving-creation · 10 days ago
It's raining really hard outside! :D /pos
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darkcrowprincess · 6 months ago
Harry Potter magic thoughts:
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Transfiguration from Harry Potter basically sounds just like Alchemy like from fullmetal alchemist. I wonder if it's basically the same type of magic in the Harry Potter universe. And if Alchemy in the Harry Potter universe is a very close advanced form/ close cousin to Transfiguration magic. Mostly thinking about this because of the fanon headcanon of James Potter being good at Transfiguration. And I wonder if he'd good at Alchemy too. In just thinking about James Potter being a little bit of nerd when it comes to Transfiguration and writing notes about it in his notebook. And James taking Alchemy and writing Alchemic equations in his notebooks. James Potter using his genius on Transfiguration and Alchemy for pranks and to help make Moonys life easier by learning the animagus form. Than I'm starting to think of Jegulus situations where James without meaning to starts babbling and over sharing about Transfiguration and Alchemy to Regulus. Regulus Black realizing James Potter has some depts and he really is a bit of a prodigy when it comes to this form of magic. Angsty thoughts too of Harry finding some of his dad's old things. A trunk of his notebooks about animagus, Transfiguration notes and spells and ideas. And Alchemy equations. We always talk about Lily and how she's good and brilliant with magic. But I also would like to talk more about the forms of magic James Potter would have excelled at too.
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kinuskikakku · 2 months ago
In The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, Dr. Sheppard describing Hercule Poirot: ”Sometimes he reminded me of a cat with his green eyes and peculiar mannerisms.”
So. Catboy Poirot? Is this anything?
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agileo-101 · 3 months ago
How do you think the imaginary friends come into existence?
(Long text incoming)
The few fics on IFA that I have read have them just kinda spawned into existence, but they had to find their kid. I've always imagined it as they came from another realm ever sinse we were shown the void (blackhole??) In IFA. Like- ok ok I think the friends would have come in a mystical way, maybe they were born/created like Tinkerbell was but with flowers instead. And in their realm they have their own civilization where they just wait for their kid to need them. In the meantime they learn their own interests so they can be the best for their kid. Older friends mentor the new friends cause the the new friends are just little guys, just the babies just falling over and not knowing what anything is, they don't start out fully formed they're just kinda a shaped blob with color and a few features that carry onto adulthood. Like if, let's say Polo, was just created he would have his horns/ears. Now I have no idea if we're getting more lore of how the imaginary friends were made in the next game (They could just be made from the kids imagination and that's completely fine) but I feel you can get so creative with their origins especially since the friends have their own higher entity (the void) which is canon. It just gives you a peak of what their world is like. Sorry if this is too long I needed to geek out.
No worries! I love reading about stuff like this!
personally my favorite theory is something similar to foster home for imaginary friend.
i'd like to think that the IF was created according to the needs of the child. like, their wish and desire seeped into another realm and thus the manifestation. for example Tommy, although it was never specifiy, Tommy is either a mute or selective mute, so he creates a friend who is expressive and can do the talking for him.
as for Edward, he wanted to protect his younger brother, so he creates a IF who is tall and strong. but his IF also matches up to his younger brother's IF. such as twistee got crayons for fingers while Smudge is an artist. maybe twistee can snap off a cryaon finger and grow another sets lol
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newbabyfly · 1 year ago
Social media is such a trash for across the board these days, rip.
I miss the tumblr days of yore when people would send me lots of asks about my blorbos that I'd answer with sketches.
(y'all can still do that you know. I mean.. if you want?) 👉👈
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pasteldollesque · 5 days ago
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sparrowsarecool · 21 days ago
they should invent a being sick that doesn't make you feel like shit
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lazybabybabs · 5 months ago
Mostly want to know because personally I use the first way and I was wondering if other littles and CGs pronounced it differently
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pahishylje · 9 months ago
TIL that "Houston" in "Houston, we have a problem" refers to Mission Control in Houston, Texas and not a Mr. Houston.
There is no Mr. Houston.
I thought Houston was a guy...
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