#tw: lobotomy
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batwynn · 26 days ago
I’m about 60% sure my grandmother’s twin brother was intersex and it maybe even had something to do with my grandmother’s ‘hormonal problems’, but I’ll never be able to know for sure because like many families it was hidden away like a deep, horrific secret shame. Just as my great grandmother’s sister was quietly lobotomized and no one was allowed to talk about it other than to say how much ‘easier she is to manage’. Just like my grandfather’s sister’s kid was quietly shuffled away as her progressive disease got more disabling, and just like that same sister hiding herself away after becoming disabled due to an accident. Just like my mother’s cousin just… kind of being ignored when she became disabled, left to deal with it by herself. The ablism is baked in so deeply that I have no real idea where a good chunk of my inherited health problems come from because it was forbidden to talk about them, never mind treat them properly. How much longer could some of these family members have lived if they felt comfortable enough to tell someone else about their health? If they’d been allowed to even aknowledge mental health stuff? How many of us down the family tree could have avoided so much suffering, ourselves? We’ll never know. The deep family secrets… are all just normal ‘your body is doing some shit’ things only hinted at in drunk conversations and whispers behind people’s backs. Because being sick or a bit different has been so socially unacceptable that my own family members would rather watch you die alone than ask you what you might need to survive.
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authorafterhours · 3 months ago
When Will is at his lowest darkest place, does a small part of him contemplate the allure of a lobotomy? He is horrified at the idea, of course. To lose himself so completely, to more than likely be reduced to a vegetative state, but at least his mind would go quiet.
He has mixed feelings about Florence and how Hannibal had planned on eating his brain.
It doesn't happen often, but the idea lingers like a bad odor when they do come. He hates that he has these thoughts, intrusive as they are, but the more time he spends with Hannibal, they visit less and less.
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crystal-overdrive · 11 months ago
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Annoying wife said he couldn't invade Waterdeep but it's fine he fixed her. 🔪🩸💉🤖 More.
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sidecharactersdomatter · 11 days ago
OK hear me out: X Men Evolution and Furuba Crossover
The basic jist of it is, the Xavier Institute takes in the cursed Sohma members, minus Shigure and Akito because they deserve the worst.
-Yuki wouldn’t use his ability for offense, instead it’s mainly for stealth and gathering information from the opposing side.
-Members such as Hatsuharu and Kagura train with Kyo under Kazuma and Logan, mainly so they can use their strength for a good use and in a healthier way.
-Kisa and Hiro instantly hit it off with Jamie, since they’re technically the youngest in the institute. They obviously team up with Jamie to pull pranks on the older members of the team
-Momiji and Kurt definitely become bros, because they have sisters(Rogue and Momo) and also Mommy issues.
-Hatori ends up becoming a doctor at the institute, he also helps Charles and Jean handle the public with his memory changing ability.
-Ayame helps make outfits for him and his relatives, so that way they stay on when they’ve transformed into their animal form.
-Isuzu and the whole zodiac obviously hit it off with Rogue, due to having issues where they can’t be touched (for the Sohmas when they come into contact or hugged by the opposite gender and Rogue doesn’t want to take anyone’s abilities and memories)
-Ritsu obviously doesn’t go on missions, instead he obviously goes to the institute’s therapy sessions(also his relatives do too especially after cutting out their abusive parents out of their life for good) to help him mentally and emotionally improve. (The Xavier institute has got to have therapy, because the X-Men, The new Mutants, the teachers, and Dean have gone through a lot). He can be seen hanging out with Jean and Kitty.
-Since Kureno can’t transform into a sparrow anymore, he helps out with non combat classes and also goes to therapy. Is friends with Angel, after he joins full time. (Never enters a relationship with Arisa because *vomit noises*)
-Hanajima also joins to help control her ��Waves’.
-Amanda and Tohru have double dates with Kurt and Kyo, because come on.
-When the time comes and since she didn’t appear in X men evolution, Psylocke would be the one to manipulate Akito into breaking the Sohma curse, Ren and Shigure as well so that way all 3 has to stay away from the rest of the Sohmas (man Akito is getting lobotomized in this AU, actually it’s what she deserves)
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dizzified · 3 months ago
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Ian Carroway [Aka a local nutcase who should be shot to death on sight]
Surprisingly, he's actually a trans diversity win, I think, if you count being insane alongside the win.
They attempted to lobotomize the trans out of him and not only did he survive but got out of it with only a semi-fucked up head.
My honest reaction when the conversion therapy comes in the form of a drill through my fucking skull.
Guys, he was born in what was basically the late 90s everything was still fucked up back then.
All documents where he was listed as Elise Carrowsway, instead of doing the normal thing, and burning them, he just fucking ate the documents.
He describes the taste of aged paper as bitter and unwelcoming, and later says that it tasted exactly like his life.
He was already fucked up prior to this, motherfucker was born a gangly creature that looked fucked up, he's not starving, he just looks like that
He probably smells like dirt and blood, he's weird like that.
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dead-or-lie · 5 months ago
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Hajime/Izuru 100% has this hat somewhere
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cicero-defacto · 10 months ago
how did your parents meet?
*shrugs* I don't know, probably saw each other in the waiting room for a lobotomy.
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sparklejumpropequeenq · 1 month ago
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schizopositivity · 3 months ago
It's so frustrating that I'm only seeing more and more lobotomy jokes. Especially "live, laugh, lobotomy" merch.
You are making fun of the torture of disabled people. People with intellectual disability and severe mental illness brutally had parts of their brain severed or killed. Many people died from this. We can never know the true impact because the people who endured this were not the same after.
We shouldn't be bringing this up in any lighthearted way. This was a tragedy, and we should be showing basic human respect to the victims. I don't think anyone can "reclaim" it and no one should want to. Please treat it with the severity and respect you would to any other mass tragedy from history.
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sayxit · 8 months ago
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robinspinknest · 8 months ago
... pick yr poison ...
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es0tericdoll · 3 months ago
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TW: but i always end up binging :(
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antiquedeuce · 16 days ago
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you do know there are no actual worms in your brain, right?
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auschizm · 9 months ago
I'm sorry, but I just don't think jokes about lobotomies are funny. I don't think the deliberate physical destruction of millions of mentally ill and mentally disabled people's brains, often without consent, frequently just to make them easier to manhandle, is a laughing matter. I think it's a humanitarian tragedy
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luckynumberslcb · 2 months ago
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Enkephalin is fucking real
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metthewwilliams · 9 months ago
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I haven't drawn for a long time, but suddenly I got inspired!:3
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