#tumblr boycott
@staff we do not want you to be tiktok or Twitter, if we wanted those we would use those sites instead of running here from them.
Stop with the algorithms, stop with shortening content or making it harder to find specific bits when the users know what they want, make photos and videos accessible again, and for gods sake let us turn off tumblr live, we do not want tiktok.
If you are going to compromise your only good traits, you are going to make everyone migrate off of tumblr next, and you are seeing everyone leave. You know they are capable. Is getting five extra dollars now worth the site getting destroyed and worth nothing because everyone jumps ship in a year?
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bonoboaday · 1 year
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Teco by Ape Cognition and Conservation Initiative <3
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thetetra · 1 year
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drsonnet · 5 months
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GENOCIDE Art by Igor Dobrowolski
تخيل الفنان البولندي إيجور دوبرولسكي شكل إعلانات الشركات العالمية التي تدعم الاحتلال في حربها على غزة. فقد جمع هذا الفنان الصور المأساوية للحرب ووضعها إعلانات في شوارع وارسو رسالة منه لمقاطعة هذه العلامات التجارية.
Igor Dobrowolski
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lappyisgaming · 11 months
November’s here! Just here to say once again, don’t stop talking about Palestine! Never stop till Palestine is free! That a ceasefire comes! That Gaza gets all the humanitarian aid it deserves! Be thankful that some of us are able to live comfortably while thousands are facing death and destruction! Not just in Palestine, but in other places too! Congo faces devastation from armed militias looking to do coltan mining for one example! Armenians are being pushed out by Azerbaijan with the support of Turkey! Please, let’s speak for all of them, as much as we can!
I recently reblogged a post stating frustration over how it seems situations like these seem to turn into fads to say without doing anything. I can go on and on about how sorry I am but that will not do anything productive unless I go out there and actually push for things myself!
So much is happening in the world! So many people are dying voiceless when there are people who can help! Who should help!
Let’s be their voices! Let their stories be heard! We have resources that they may not have right now! Utilize them!
Free Palestine! Stop the violence in Congo! Protect the Armenians!
Let’s keep fighting! 🇵🇸🇨🇩🇦🇲
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tomi4i · 5 months
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mg-2000g · 5 months
Hi all! I am a sixth year medical student from Gaza my journey began in Gaza, where i had been steadfastly studying to become a doctor and serve his community. After the Israeli military bombed both my home and the hospital was practicing in, i sought temporary refuge in Egypt. From then on, i aimed to gradually finish my final semester in Turkey.
However, as promising as this opportunity is, it comes with its own set of challenges. Living expenses, accommodation, and basic needs in Turkey are beyond what Mohammed can afford. He needs to raise $14,000 (GFM processing fees included) to cover hisliving expenses for the 12 months he will be in Turkey and he aims to dedicate a sizable amount towards evacuation funds for his aunt's family in Gaza. This amount will secure a room to rent, daily necessities, and allow him to focus on his studies as he provides a lifeline for his family.
This is where we need your support. No amount is too small, and 100% of what you contribute will go towards covering Mohammed's living expenses in Turkey and his family's evacuation funds. Thank you for your time and please share this campaign with your friends, family, and any healthcare worker orgs for Palestine.
@el-shab-hussein @palestinegenocide @communistchilchuck @palms-upturned @commissions4aid-international @sayruq
@nabulsi @90-ghost
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ninadarlene · 2 months
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chocokrispislocas · 2 months
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art-the-f-up · 4 months
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"Standards" - A spidrien comic.
Get more information on the bds movement here.
Read The Spidrien Series on Webtoon!
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sayruq · 5 months
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PEN America has canceled its 2024 Literary Awards ceremony, which was previously scheduled to be held at the Town Hall in New York City on April 29, although some awards will still be conferred. The move follows months of steadily mounting criticism of the organization over its response to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, which culminated last week in 28 authors withdrawing books from consideration for the awards, including nine of the 10 authors nominated for the organization's top prize, the PEN/Jean Stein Book Award.
The $75,000 prize accompanying the PEN/Stein award will be donated, this year, to the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund at the direction of the Literary Estate of Jean Stein. The late Stein "was a passionate advocate for Palestinian rights who published, supported, and celebrated Palestinian writers and visual artists," her daughters, Katrina and Wendy vanden Heuvel, and literary agent, Bill Clegg, said in a collective statement. "While she established the PEN America award in her name to bring attention to and provide meaningful support to writers of the highest literary achievement, we know she would have respected the stance and sacrifice of the writers who have withdrawn from contention this year."
The event that led to this moment
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rhodoforwinter · 5 months
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Here is some art made by my friends supporting the A15 (April 15th) plan for a free Palestine!!
The first is by @tourmaline-v4x !!
Go to A15Action.com for more information! 🇵🇸🍉
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vyorei · 11 months
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Here's the protests arranged for the weekend, show solidarity with Palestine
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ghostofapineapple · 1 year
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r/place is a reddit event with a large canvas where each user can place one pixel every 5 minutes. The point is that communities come together and create artwork collaboratively.
When the event ends, instead of erasing the canvas all at once, users are allowed to place only white pixels so they gradually erase their own creations.
This year, the users decided to use these final minutes to write "Fuck Spez" in giant print across the entire canvas, using only the white pixels.
I've seen this image posted here but I haven't seen anyone explain it yet, so here I am.
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wackypomko · 13 days
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I drew my fav characther from my fav movie (btw i dont support disney)
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almostsomewheremaybe · 10 months
the men in Palestine cry too
did you know the men in Palestine cry too?
tremble with fear. shake and shiver in the cold.
they blush, bruise, and bleed red like any woman or child.
they dream and pray and smile and sing. they are poetry enough. worthy of the name ‘innocent’.
the men in Palestine despair and anguish and hope against hope.
beneath their ribs are hearts where women and children are kept safe forever.
they’re the same as us in every way but one…
the men in Palestine remember each other. they remember each other, even when the whole world forgets they die too.
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