#tua x loki
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just-b-wilde · 5 months ago
Fivelila ✘ Sylki
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Beyond the Apocalypse
Crossover story with Five and Lila (after season 4) and Loki and Sylvie (after season 2). These two couples are so similar that a joint story was really necessary.
AO3 or Wattpad
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aidoneusdaughter · 2 years ago
Requests are Open♡
Sooo It's Friday n I've just officially started Spring Break now so if y'all want, Send in requests at the moment for the following Characters...
Bucky Barnes
Five Hargreeves
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i-will-write · 16 days ago
WIP title game!
1. make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
2. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
3. tag as many people as you have WIPs
Alright, here we go! Behold all of my WIPs (I just realized how many I've got and I am now panicking about it, fuck):
Eldritch Coruscant Guard
HHB De-Aging
5 times the Avengers didn't get it and one time they did
Trojan!Polites AU + Astyanax
Untitled doc Klaus TUA
Book of the Apocalypse
Avengers polycule?
Baby!Five & Dad!Klaus
Test Run
Spirits on earth
Turning down from the 2nd main street
Bingo n.7+20
The Vanishing Boy
Loki on Midgard rule Asgard
Allies and Plans 2
TUA - when we were babies still
Zuko get visions
"We should take a group photo!"
I have no idea where I was going with this :)
I have no idea where I was going with this either! :))
Vampire!Tessy x Loki
Loki Soulbond AU
Grace is a good mom
The many shames of one Loki Odinson and the pride of one Loki
For a total of 26 WIPs (I promise I still work on all of them because they are my babies and I love them very very much, I'm just a disaster with consistency T.T).
Tag list: @ literally anyone who wants to play! Have fun!
@nondelphic @wordspinning @bloodred2023 @sassthathoopy-was-taken @16woodsequ @lostinthe--stars @psalmieee @firelord-aub @maybe-some-words @goth-automaton @copperd-coins @hjbender @icy-writes @primroseprime2019 @edgessunflower @godofgrapes @harrietwritesstuff @nocompromise-noregrets @so-many-ocs @thescreamsoftheinnocent @maylilithreign @novemberhope @the-sparkling-diamond-satine @loveofmyknife @fangirlsleep
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monfivela · 2 months ago
🔎 RECS: The Five/Lila AU Collection on AO3 
Hello shippers,
I thought I'd make a list of the AUs I could find on AO3 for those looking for this genre... well, making a list has been easy. 'Tis a niche in a niche 🤣
Alternate Universe (often abbreviated as "AU") is a descriptor used to characterize fanworks which change one or more elements of the source work's canon. Broadly, an AU may transplant a given source work's characters to a radically different setting, shift the genre in which their adventures occur, and/or alter one or more of their professions, goals, or backstories. (Source: fanlore.org)
I'm reccing stories set in different worlds, with different background or jobs. No alternative academies, pre-canon, Commission period, or Canon Divergence, or there would be the majority of the category 🤭
Please, don't hesitate to recommend others to be added to the list if I have missed some. By alphabetical order. Will be updated as there is new content.
I've come to the conclusion that we need more AUs 🙏
Beyond the Apocalypse by @just-b-wilde - WIP TUA x Loki
By the Book , by @monfivela – WIP  Librarian!Five  
Condemned in Eternity by @marygeldingm93 - WIP  Vampires!AU 
Five and the Fives by @everyunhappyending - COMPLETED  Music!AU 
I Want Tomorrow by @okay-letsbestill - WIP  Detective!Five & Florist!Lila 
Love inside of music by @everyunhappyending - COMPLETED  Music!AU 
Love Unexpectedly by @marygeldingm93 - WIP Writer!Five
Loyalty by @tardis-jpeg - COMPLETED  Academy!AU  
Marigold Bonds by wilwaren - COMPLETED Reincarnation AU College!AU
One Semester by @tardis-jpeg - COMPLETED  Prof!Five & Student!Lila 
Reincarnation by @tardis-jpeg - COMPLETED Reincarnation AU PhD!Five & Drummer!Lila
Say Yes to Heaven by Lana_Del_Saltlamp - WIP First meeting AU 
The Incredible Journey of Going Nowhere, by @kitsuneudon743 - WIP  Lighthouse!Five & Ornithologist!Lila 
The Tower by @just-b-wilde - WIP  Tangled!AU 
Whatever Our Souls Are Made Of by Anonymous - COMPLETED Soulmates!AU
Your Song, by @monfivela - COMPLETED  Music!AU Lyricist!Five & Drummer!Lila 
@just-b-wilde also has a Fivelila: AU Stories, check it out!
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mynameistocool · 1 year ago
~When in Rome~
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Part 1
Pairing: Mobius M Mobius x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
*translated lines
You’d seen magic before, of course you have, it was the very being of your spirit. It was your purpose. So just as those two bodies stepped out of that orange glowing door, you knew it was finally your time to fulfil your destiny. The reason you were brought onto this very earth by your mother and father, the reason you harboured so many hardships and so much turmoil.
Looking at the pair as they whispered and bickered between each other, you stood still waiting for your chance to approach and just as your foot left the ground, the black hair god stood forward his long legs jumping on a cart and freeing a cart full of goats before shouting in a foreign language.
“Mihi nomen est Loki. Praefectus consilii ad tempus mutandem. Atque adfero acerbum nuntium ad vos omnes!” *My name is Loki. The commander of time. And I bring bitter news to you all!* he shouted to the unnerving crowd, but the more he spoke, the more you walked, covering your head more and more with your scarf, trying to be unnoticed by all. 
The god's words started to be mixed about speaking in that foreign tongue once more to his… you didn’t know who he was. 
You could hear the rumbling in the background growing larger and larger. An old tail telling that it was the gods speaking to us and reminding us of the offerings, but you knew it was a lie. It was a warning of some sort, something which spiralled wickedly and cruel.
You checked around seeing if anyone also saw the pair, but to your acknowledgment it was only you who could see them. You’ve been chosen… by him. 
You turned the corner and there he stood, the figure you had been giving your whole to. He was the reason you went hungry, the reason you cried and laughed, he was everything you loved and breathed. 
His tall stance and broad shoulders were met with his dark locks and brooding blue eyes. A mischievous glint in his eyes as his hands twitched, a green vapour surrounding them. You looked at his odd choice of clothing, but who were you to judge, he was after all a God. Your God. Your deity. 
“O potens Mercurie, tibi gratias ago quod me praesentia tua benedixeris, quid meruisse tanto honore possum ?”*Oh mighty Mercury, thank you for blessing me with your presence. What can I have done to deserve such honour ?* you fell to your knees, scrambling forward as you whispered small prays holding your necklace tightly, your eyes shining bright with adoration and joy.
Finally, you thought to yourself, finally your talents and your ruthless loyalty have paid off. You were finally being seen for all you’ve done.
“Who is this Loki ?” The grey - hair man beside him spoke, but you ignored the gibberish that came out his mouth, understanding none of it. 
“I’m not exactly certain.” Your god spoke back, but you couldn’t understand him. Why couldn’t you understand his sacred words. You looked up between the two, a pleading look in your eyes. “Mercurous oro, ver- nacula loquor” *Mercury I plead you speak in my mother tongue*
“Loki, what is she saying ?” Mobius muttered under his breath. “She’s speaking Latin, I think ?” Loki answered, looking down at you. “Uhh Salve… Humanum”*uhhh hello… Human* the god muttered, “O Mercurius te intellexi ! Tibi gratias ago tibi vere intellego ... Oportet te cito venire debes” * Oh Mercury, I understand you ! I understand you thank you truly... you must come quickly you must come* you pry at his legs as you rush to your feet, your body griping into his “mi Mercurius” *My dear Mercury,* you smiled at him, tears welling your eyes as you began to drag the man, but he quickly stopped in his tracks making your turn around to face him. 
Was he not here for you ? 
“Ohhh mihi paenitemus o magna una tibi Nymphe, ut venias nimis” *my apologies' oh Great one your Nymph may come too* you bowed your head in the direction of the grey - hair confused nymph and your God began to laugh “what did she say ?” He stepped forward toward the black haired God, “she… thinks you’re my nymph.” He laughed some more. 
“Nymph ?” He looked between the two of you “look I’m not a nymph, my name is Mobius.” he explained to you exaggerating certain words “M-Mobius est valde pulchra nomen.”*M-Mobius is such a pretty name* You give him a short, tight-lipped smile, in which he nodded. 
“What is she saying now ?” He asked Loki looking between the pair of you waiting for translation, “she said your name is very pretty.” Loki shook his head, looking down to his feet waiting for his coworker response, but he heard nothing and instead saw the small glint of awe in his eyes before he cleared his throat, “okay.” Mobius nodded. “Okay ?” Loki repeated his response, “okay.” Mobius nodded again. 
“What happened to the full fear of not changing the timeline, Mobius ?” Loki looked at the man beside him, quirking his brow at his change of morals, “yeah, well she clearly confused, so it doesn’t really matter.” He challenges his own words while saying them.
“Mercuries et Mobius.” *Mercury and Mobius * you smiled and quickly nodded, grabbing the men’s hands tightly, and silver smoke began to swallow around you.
The three of you stood there still in the temple. Your home. You quickly dragged the black haired man and began to show him the shrine dedicated to him. It was decorated in snakes and gold with green and red fabrics draping all the way across the large stone. 
“omnes enim vos”*All for you* you bowed a gleaming smile on your face as you watched the god move in scouring over the shrine focusing on the name engraved on the front. “Mercuries”*Mercury* he muttered before looking to you “Mercuries”*Mercury* his eye widened at the loud sounding rumbling.
“Loki, what is this ?” Mobius came forward, pulling on Loki's lapels, dragging his forward. He must have been tricked and betrayed once again by the God of mischief. “nolite tangere” *Don’t touch him.* You flicked your wrist upward, silver smoke emerging and sending the man back. 
“No, no” Loki muttered, smiling, grabbing your hands and placing them down. “Mobius I have no idea what this possibly could be.” He spoke “tell her… to stop doing that” he groaned as he got up from the cold, hard floor. 
There it was the final rumble, the explosion. “What I do know is we have to go now.” Loki grabbed Mobius hand helping him up, patting him on the back signalling him to hurry up with the temped.
“Mercuries ?” *Mercury ?* You quickly stood in the way of the two  “Non sum qui me putas non sum deus tuus sum Loki deus mali sed Mercuries non sum” *I’m not who you think I am. I’m not your god. I am Loki god of mischief. I am not Mercury* 
“Quid ?”*What ?* you asked, your smile slowly fading. “Mobius hurry we have to go now this volcano is about to erupt.” Loki shouted at his grey haired partner, “I am trying.” He fiddled with the buttons of the tempad.
No. No. No. You won’t be left here. You won’t be left to die. You won’t be left alone, not again you refuse. Not after all you have done, all you have sacrificed, all you have given. You give your life. Your life.
“Vale”*Goodbye* Loki smiled, waving before stepping through the large orange door. You stood up, your hands weak and frail.
The grey haired man turned to look at you. A saddened expression filled his face, he opened his mouth but closed it once more before looking to the floor and heading through the door. 
You looked at the orange glowing door that stayed open for a few moments. This wasn’t meant to happen. It stayed open, the glowing portal called your name like the sun called Icarus.  You inched forward, your hands delving into the orb… it didn’t hurt, you were left unharmed as you pushed your full body through the door. 
Quick noise and fast chattering was all you heard as you appeared on the other side, of bright, blinding lights and a surge of… belonging.
“Mobius ?” Loki tapped his concentrated partner, looking straight at you. “What ?” He turned around to look at his friend worrying concern only to be greeted with you. 
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gh0stlyb34r · 3 months ago
୧ astrid's f/o's ও
a list of my f/o's sorted by what media they are from! I am very selective when it comes with sharing some of these f/o's so the only thing I ask is that if you do have the same f/o(s) as me, specifically the ones I say are nonsharing, is that you please don't tell me you share those f/o's! I also selfship with a few of my own oc's as well as some oc's that I enjoy, these will not be included in this list!
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marvel ও
logan howlett - x-men - romantic
peter b parker - across the spiderverse / into the spiderverse - romantic
steven grant - moon knight - romantic - nonsharing
tony stark - the avengers - familial
peter parker - spiderman - familial
loki - the avengers - familial
agatha harkness - wandavision / agatha all along - familial
star wars ও
din djarin - the mandalorian - romantic - nonsharing
obi-wan kenobi - star wars prequels - romantic
luke skywalker - romantic
anakin skywalker - star wars prequels - platonic
overwatch ও
cole cassidy - romantic - nonsharing
juno - parental
hanzo - romantic
dcu ও
bruce wayne - the batman - romantic - nonsharing
nightwing - titans - romantic
tlovm ও
percy de rolo - romantic - nonsharing
vax'ildan vessar - romantic - nonsharing
vex'ahlia vessar - platonic
call of duty ও
simon riley - modern warfare 2 / 3 - romantic - nonsharing
john mactavish - modern warfare 2 / 3 - romantic
john price - modern warfare 1 / 2 / 3 - familial
kate laswell - modern warfare 1 / 2 / 3 - familial
criminal minds ও
spencer reid - romantic
jj - familial
emily prentiss - platonic
arcane ও
viktor - romantic
jayce talis - romantic
jinx - parental
silco - romantic
vander - familial
httyd ও
hiccup - specifically httyd 3 - romantic
astrid - oc x canon - romantic
marauders / harry potter ও
remus lupin - romantic
sirius black - romantic
luna lovegood - parental
new girl ও
nick miller - romantic
disney ও
flynn rider - tangled - romantic
zed - zombies 1 / 2 / 3 - oc x canon - romantic
musicals ও
erik destler - the phantom of the opera - romantic
glinda upland - wicked - platonic
stranger things ও
steve harrington - romantic
eddie munson - romantic
max mayfield - familial
tlou ও
joel miller - romantic
ellie williams - parental
dbh ও
rk900 / nines - romantic
gavin reed - romantic
connor / rk800 - romantic
hank anderson - familial
heartstopper ও
tori spring - oc x canon - romantic
tua ও
ben hargreeves - platonic
viktor hargreeves - romantic
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apath3t1c-pr1nc3 · 11 months ago
🌈 Apathetic Prince 👑
General Information ――――――――――
Hiii, you can call me Zero or Prince :>
★ Transgender Male (ftm/female to male, or however else you want to say it- it's so confusing 😭 but jokes are fine )
★ Caaaliiifooornia giiirlsss... 🧍‍♂️
★ He/Him/His (masculine pronouns!!) Please DO NOT use feminine pronouns!! I really hate them.
★ ISTP-T / Virtuoso 🙂...
★ October 28 🦂♏️ hEHe. scorscor.
★ I AM a minor, please take note of this.
Stuffiez I Like 🧸
★ Lord of the Flies (currently thinking about 24/7) [ 1990 very mid :( ]
★ Star Wars 1-6 (the sequels are yucky)
★ Death Note
★ Avatar: The Last Airbender
★ Helluva Boss & Hazbin Hotel
★ Welcome Home Puppet Show
★ Seinfeld
★ The Umbrella Academy
★ Harry Potter
★ The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
★ Ouran High School Host Club
★ Five Nights at Freddy's
★ Mean Girls (both 2004 & 2024)
★ Tanaka-kun Is Always Listless
★ The Promised Neverland
★ The Hamilton Musical
★ Miraculous Ladybug
★ The Stanley Parable
★ It
★ Demon Slayer
★ Loki, though I don't understand Marvel 🙂...
★ Disney/Pixar movies. No one's ever too old. 😌👍
Etc. :)ㅤㅤㅤsmiles of silly insanity
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
★ Radiohead
★ Nine Inch Nails (NIN)
★ Bondage Fairies
★ Glass Animals ★ Taylor Swift
★ Olivia Rodrigo
★ Noah Kahan
★ Muse
★ The Fray
★ Gracie Abrams
★ NF
★ Twenty One Pilots
★ Imagine Dragons
★ Alina Pash
★ Travis Scott
Etc. <3
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
★ The goofy gooberz I love to call my friends 🧡🧡
★ Art (I'm only good at digital 😭💀)
★ Video gamess
★ Grammer whammer bammer hammer when I'm not trying to be silly
★ Keyboard/Piano
★ RRRRREEEEEEEDDUHH ❤️ red is so pretty
★ The number five... I can thank Five from TUA for that
This Bloggy!!
★ My art my not look like much, but I do try my very best. :> I am still learning... without a teacher. 💀
★ I will happily accept requests excluding NSFW. None of that here, please!! If I do accept any, I will try my best to make it look gooooood for you. 😭😭
★ My art style constantly changes, and I also just have MULTIPLE STYLES, I guess, hence "Mr. What's My Art Style?" The same goes with character designs.
★ I do not strive for perfection in my art as it is literally impossible and doesn't even matter all that much. ✌️🫠
★ My art tags are #my art and apath3t1c-pr1nc3 || Answers tag is #AP answers
Twitter/X : apath3t1cpr1nc3
TikTok : apath3t1cpr1nc3
I never use those, though 😭
My Discord is only accessible to Mutuals. ^^ (Moots, feel free to ask!)
I am very messy and unorganized. 🧍‍♂️
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sleepyhead611-archive · 1 year ago
save for later
fic rec
My main account
sleepy talk
hi void
my polls
fav posts
save for later
mcr (My Chemical Romance)
fob (Fall Out Boy)
green day
ls dunes
gerard way
ryan ross
spn (Supernatural)
stranger things
tua (The Umbrella Academy)
tsn (The Social Network)
the office
fantastic beast [and where to find them]
nysm (Now You See Me)
gotg (Guardian of the Galaxy)
mcu salt
x men
rouge x gambit
x men 97
jason todd
tcf (Trash of the Count's Family)
orv (Omniscient Reader Viewpoint)
Other Fandom
pjo (Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
pjo tv show
percy jackson and the olympians (books)
greek myth
fight club
lsoh (Little Shop Of Horrors)
not done
I'mma continue later on my laptop
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lokiinmediasideblog · 2 months ago
Outside of Marvel:
Loki x Komand'r (Blackfire)-The most perfect Marvel!Loki crack ship in existence. Spurned space royals with unhealthy sibling rivalries! Ice and Fire! Alien disabilities. Loathed by their subjects and mistreated by parents. Evil older sister and evil younger brother! Like I kinda want to analyze that a villainous princess is often presented as the older one and that a villainous prince is usually the younger one + the associations of age with gender (I know Loki is genderfluid but that happened until the 2010s and they were merely queer-coded until then).
Loki x Mordred-Usurper bastard (literal) princes keen on patricide. Also, is it me or does Mordred's death in La Morte d'Arthur is very reminiscent of myth!Loki's death in Ragnarok?
Not ship-related because there's too many characters, unless you want to play olympic polyamory. I'd love to see Loki interact with The Doom Patrol or The Umbrella Academy members. I feel they'd be kindred spirits in the whole super fuck-up/destined to lose departments.
With TDP, Loki would probably summon them for some bullshit, and it'd be a weird whacky Grant Morrisonesque adventure. Maybe Willoughby Kipling was fucking around trying to summon Baphomet cus of his massive crush, and ended up contacting Loki who told him of some impending disaster, but he has to remain a living battery. And so Kipling goes off to get TDP on it. It's also interesting that they all have regrets, and many of them were not kind people and are very insecure about themselves. So if Loki manages to get free, it'd be interesting to see how they interact. Maybe they try to convince him that the multiverse will be safe and try to get him out? Maybe he grants them a favor in return? TDP is the best super-hero adjacent show I've ever watched, btw. Highly recommend!
With TUA , they're all "adopted" through unethical means and were pitted against each other from birth, and grew up in a mansion with their very powerful and abusive adoptive alien dad played by Colm Feore (who also played Laufey in T1). Not to mention, a lot of them could pass as Loki variants (Luther is Captain America with some Thor thrown in, Diego's the knife guy with a rivalry to his blonde brother with a dysfunctional relationship to a bottle blonde whose childhood was ruined by a time organization, Allison's power is words, Klaus is a gnc queer disaster often looked down upon, Five is a cranky know-it-all and capable of timefuckery/ends up in fucked up places often, Sparrow!Ben and Luther have that fandom Thor and Loki dynamic in that Sparrow!Ben is constantly doing crimes and Luther bailing him out. Umbrella!Ben on the other hand was afraid of his abilities and died, Viktor was lied to about not being something he wanted to be and is trans while Loki was lied to about being something he wanted to be. Loki taking the role of a protective yet murderous eldritch older brother to the rest of them would be cool. And it'd be funny to have this eldritch guy bearing a very strong resemblance to their alien "adoptive" father show up and he's like "I'm gonna kill him AGAIN". Insert rant about how bad/inconsistent the characterizations and writing for both Loki and TUA characters became as time went on.
Loki x Valkyrie is my MCU OTP. They both had to do horrible things they're not proud of to survive around a madman in a lawless place, and they're both foils to Thor. I guess they appeal to me in that they both were forced to learn to deal with the GM. They were in Sakaar long enough for that to happen. The fight scene between these two made me ship them. And I personally think Valkyrie was one of the good things in TR; I just think she's neat. I like that she met Loki outside of Asgard and has been outside of the loop. The dynamic of "Your adoptive dad forced me to fight his wars and then i ended up in a place where time runs differently" is intriguing. I don't know why I ship this with an intensity rivaling my shipping of Zutara D: I knew it'd not be cannon because Marvel are cowards, but I'm upset they are no longer standing next to each other!
Frostshield-A fic made me ship them. I liked that the fic HC'd that Loki was also sickly as a child, but he was vengeful. It showed that they dealt with being perceived as weak in very different ways.
Loki x Nebula-Loki might know her already, and they have a lot in common. They're even both blue! LMAO.
Marvel comics:
Doomki-It's really fun. They're on equal ground just playing chicken with each other. I love the "Aww, you poisoned my food!" thing.
Scarletfrost-That comic made me ship them even if they didn't end up together cus Marvel are cowards xD
Loki x Lin Lie-Loki was flirty as fuck to him, and I find it funny that they're both black-haired with a green/gold color scheme.
I briefly shipped him with both Hulkling and Wiccan during YA V2 but I don't anymore.
Do you have any crackships featuring Loki?
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vault--of--amber · 4 years ago
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*also attracts smart blondes that have no idea how they fell for this idiot
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just-b-wilde · 25 days ago
Plot: Lila and Five are trying to reconcile Loki and Sylvie and push them to finally sort out their feelings...
A short follow-up story for Beyond the Apocalypse (Loki x The Umbrella Academy) but it can also be read on its own.
Chapter 1: Fivelila
Chapter 2: Fivelila + Sylvie
Chapter 3: Fivelila + Loki
Chapter 4: Sylki
for @marygeldingm93 💚🍓
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oh-look-at-her · 3 years ago
"How did you know they have daddy issues?"
Because I'm attracted to them.
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layniapetrovnaaa · 4 years ago
If I had a nickel for every time I crushed on an old man with grey hair and a mustache, who also works for a time bureaucracy, I would have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but its pretty weird that its happened twice…
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allxsposts · 3 years ago
Why does it feel illegal to have a crush on Aidan Gallagher who is like the most age appropriate actor for me, but having fantasies about Tom Hiddleston or James McAvoy doesn't weird me out?
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mynameistocool · 1 year ago
~When in Rome~
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Pairing : Mobius M Mobius x fem! Reader
Warnings : none
*translated lines
Synopsis : All Mobius wanted to do was solve this full Loki time issue and now he’s in Ancient Rome finally meeting you.
You turned the corner and there he stood, the figure you had been giving your whole to. He was the reason you went hungry, the reason you cried and laughed, he was everything you loved and breathed. 
His tall stance and broad shoulders were met with his dark locks and brooding blue eyes. A mischievous glint in his eyes as his hands twitched, a green vapour surrounding them. You looked at his odd choice of clothing, but who were you to judge, he was after all a God. Your God. Your deity. 
“O potens Mercurie, tibi gratias ago quod me praesentia tua benedixeris, quid meruisse tanto honore possum ?”*Oh mighty Mercury, thank you for blessing me with your presence. What can I have done to deserve such honour ?* you fell to your knees, scrambling forward as you whispered small prays holding your necklace tightly, your eyes shining bright with adoration and joy.
Finally, you thought to yourself, finally your talents and your ruthless loyalty have paid off. You were finally being seen for all you’ve done. 
“Who is this Loki ?” The grey - hair man beside him spoke, but you ignored the gibberish that came out his mouth, understanding none of it. 
“I’m not exactly certain.” Your god spoke back, but you couldn’t understand him. Why couldn’t you understand his sacred words. You looked up between the two, a pleading look in your eyes. “Mercurous oro, ver- nacula loquor” *Mercury I plead you speak in my mother tongue*
“Loki, what is she saying ?” Mobius muttered under his breath. “She’s speaking Latin, I think ?” Loki answered, looking down at you. “Uhh Salve… Humanum”*Uhhh Hello… Human* the god muttered, “O Mercurius te intellexi ! Tibi gratias ago tibi vere intellego ... Oportet te cito venire debes” *Oh Mercury, I understand you ! I understand you thank you truly... you must come quickly you must come* you pry at his legs as you rush to your feet, your body griping into his “mi Mercurius” *My dear Mercury,* you smiled at him, tears welling your eyes as you began to drag the man, but he quickly stopped in his tracks making your turn around to face him. 
Was he not here for you ? 
“Ohhh mihi paenitemus o magna una tibi Nymphe, ut venias nimis” *my apologies' oh Great one your Nymph may come too* you bowed your head in the direction of the grey - hair confused nymph and your God began to laugh “what did she say ?” He stepped forward toward the black haired God, “she… thinks you’re my nymph.” He laughed some more. 
“Nymph ?” He looked between the two of you “look I’m not a nymph, my name is Mobius.” he explained to you exaggerating certain words “M-Mobius est valde pulchra nomen.” *M-Mobius is such a pretty name.* You give him a short, tight-lipped smile.
“What is she saying now ?” He asked Loki looking between the two you waiting for a translation “she said your name is very pretty.” Loki shook his head looking down to his feet waiting for his coworker response but he heard nothing and instead saw the small glint of awe in his eyes before he cleared his throat “okay.” Mobius nodded. “Okay ?” Loki repeated his response “okay.” Mobius nodded again.
“What happened to the full fear of not changing the timeline, Mobius ?” Loki looked at the man beside him, quirking his brow at his change of morals, “yeah, well she clearly confused, so it doesn’t really matter.” He challenges his own words while saying them. 
“Mercuries et Mobius . *Mercury and Mobius* you smiled and quickly nodded, grabbing the men’s hands tightly, and silver smoke began to swallow around you.
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sonnetsoncanvas · 4 years ago
I have a very clear equation with my siblings and/or best friend
it is, "bitch, you either help me bury this body or it will be yours I will be burying next."
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