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agentblizz · 2 days ago
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thank you.
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apocalypse-gang · 2 days ago
My hot take was that Viktor getting to perform his big "fuck you" speech to Reginald was a pretty poor writing decision
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badkitty3000 · 3 days ago
Let's go around in a circle and say our favorite personal headcanon about any TUA character that you have never written about or seen written anywhere else. I want to see what weird, cute, crazy, sad, funny things are lurking out there. This isn't for any fic ideas or anything like that, I just want to start a conversation.
I'll go first:
I have a headcanon that during the apocalypse, maybe when Five was 14 or 15, he got bored and performed a full rendition of "Uptown Girl" for Dolores. He remembered most of the words because Luther used to play the record on repeat when they were younger, and at the time he hated it, but when he was all alone he found himself humming it periodically to himself. It became "their song" and after he got back to the real world, if he heard it playing somewhere, like at the grocery store, it would make him smile and think of her. He has never told anyone.
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laurrelise · 2 days ago
the cuntiest thing the handler ever did was ask “any questions?”, look at all the raised hands, and giggle to herself before proceeding to walk away and not answer any of them
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em1989ts · 1 day ago
five hargreeves x reader
word count: 1.7k
summary: when most of his siblings don't make it back to the alley in time to go back to 2019, five is livid. but when you don't make it back in time, he gets worried about what might've happened to you. (idea based on this request)
author's note: i've had a lot of essays to write recently but this request sparked some inspiration so i took a break lol, i've been working here and there on some other works so hopefully i can put a couple more out soon! thanks sm for the request, inbox is still open, and hope you enjoy! *not proofread*
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You didn’t show up. 
He waited for you. He waited to see you run around the corner into the alleyway at the last moment, just in time to make it back to 2019. 
He was already extremely disappointed in his family for not meeting such a simple deadline, an opportunity that he worked so hard for. He wanted to be done with killing, it was a part of him he wanted to leave in his past. But as a man who puts the ones he loves before anything else, he gruesomely assassinated a boardroom full of people just to have a chance at returning them to their normal lives in the correct timeline. 
But when you still didn’t show up even after the time he specifically told you, his mind began to assume the worst. He knew you were responsible, he thought you were more than capable of understanding the severity of the deadline. He also knew there was nothing holding you back here. As far as he knew, you had been living alone in an apartment above a diner, no roommates, not even a pet, just taking shift after shift as a waitress to get by in this new timeline, waiting for him to return. He knew you barely talked to anyone in the few months you were left alone here, so you couldn’t have gotten held up with goodbyes. 
As he stomped up the stairs, exhausted from his rant outside in the alley, his aggravated mind continued to theorize the possibilities of your absence. Luther agitated him even further as he trailed behind him up to Elliot’s apartment, already waiting for Five to immediately hand him the next plan. Without another word to his nagging brother, Five made a beeline for one of Elliot’s many guestrooms and locked the door quickly, leaving a worrisome Luther behind. 
Five began pacing angrily, shoulders hunched and hands deep in the pockets of his shorts, chest rapidly rising with every panicked breath. 
“Five?” Luther knocked gently, not wanting to upset his brother further, “Why don’t we just go look for them, they probably got held up somewhere, or they could be in trouble.” 
Of course they were in trouble, his family always manages to fuck up the simplist things. They could never go a day without getting themselves into the most outrageous conundrums possible. They were so careless, yet so selfish. He sacrificed everything, worked and struggled for his entire life, just to save their sorry asses and what does he get? Blame and fault. 
All their problems, blamed on him. It was his fault they got stuck here in the first place, they said. Instead of a thank you, all he received in return from his lifetime of fighting for their lives was utter ungratefulness. 
He thought you were different. 
You were the only one who showed him any signs of appreciation. You trusted him, you thanked him, you made him feel like everything he did meant something, you made him feel like he mattered. 
And that’s what he loved about you. 
So he couldn’t see why you wouldn’t be there. 
Luther was right, something bad must’ve happened to you. The handler, the remaining swedes, something must’ve deliberately tried to fuck up this plan for him. Someone tried to take you away from him. 
His blood was boiling, he knew you were strong on your own, you were independent, you could put up a fight. So what the hell could’ve stopped you? 
You thought you still had time. 
The screen of your watch, synchronised perfectly with Five’s, was completely smashed in, making it impossible to tell the time. Tiny shards of glass fell from your wrist as you ran through downtown Dallas. Bloody, scraped up knees stinging in the wind as you quickly turned the corner into the alley behind Commerce and Knox. 
Your face dropped as you slowed to a stop, noting the absence of the family. 
They couldn’t have left without you, could they? 
As you walked further into the alley, you noticed a large stain of bile covering the concrete, with a groaning Klaus rolling around right next to it. 
Seeing the familiar face gave you a little hope now that you weren’t alone, as you walked over to him and knelt by his side.
“You okay?” you asked, watching him roll over to face you. 
“Oh Y/N!” he said with a groggy yet excited voice, “You sweet angel, you’re alive!”
You held out a firm hand and helped him sit up, trying to ignore the pungent smell, “Yeah I ran into a bit of trouble, where is everybody?” 
“Oh, Five and Luther were the only ones here, but they left a few minutes ago,” he said, referring to the door at the end of the alley that led to the stairwell. 
You helped him stand up with the strength you had left, still a little roughed up from your fight. He wandered off back towards the street while you headed upstairs. 
Once you made it up to the floor where Elliot’s apartment was, you thought your knees were going to buckle with every step you took. When you knocked, Luther was the one who answered the door, looking absolutely relieved to see you. 
“Oh my god, you’re okay,” he moved aside to let you walk inside, “Five’s uh, a little pissed right now so maybe-” 
You walked away towards the shut bedroom door, leaving Luther in the kitchen. 
Stopping in front of the door, you could hear his footsteps going back and forth. 
You sighed as you gently knocked, “Five?” 
The footsteps stopped abruptly, until you heard him walk over and unlock the door, before resuming the back and forth routine. 
You let yourself in and shut the door behind you, leaning against it as you watched him. 
His stare remained on his shoes, not bothering to look up at you. 
His mind was racing, you could tell. It was easy to imagine how frustrated he was, with only two out of six people showing up at the right time. You had no idea what happened to Diego, Allison, and Vanya, you could only account for your own absence, but that would have to wait until he was calm enough to listen. 
Once he stopped pacing, he stayed facing away from you, not bothering to look up. 
“Where the hell were you?” 
Before you could answer, he cut you off, “No, no, it doesn’t even matter anymore, does it? We had one chance, Y/N. ONE chance, to get back home and have everything back to normal again, and now you, and my braindead siblings fucked it up. I thought you were better than this, really. I thought you were actually reliable, I thought I could count on you to be there so we could go home, but I was wrong. Now I’m going to ask one more time, what the hell were you so busy doing that you couldn’t make it to the alley on time?”
He hadn’t gone off on you like that, ever. 
Sure, you’ve seen him get angry from time to time and you’d let him rant to you. You’d always be there to listen to him when he needed to let off a little steam. The Handler bothered him, the Commission stressed him out, his brothers pissed him off, but never you. This was the first time he’d really directed his anger towards you.
You looked at him, his chest heaving heavily, his face flushed red, but his expression confused you. His face displayed his typical scrunched brows, his clenched jaw, but his eyes were hurt, telling you the secret of how he really felt. 
The more you stared at each other, the more realization set into him. He noticed the bruise starting to form around your eye, the reminisce of swiped dried blood under your nose, and slowly, his furious expression turned fully into concern. 
You sighed, breaking the eye contact, “I was on my way here when I bumped into one of the Swedes. I didn’t even mean to start anything, he just saw me and went totally insane. He was by himself so I think I have a good guess as to what happened.” 
You felt like shit, physically and emotionally. The Swede caught you off guard when you ran into him, all the anger and grief he held after he had just killed his brother at Allison’s house was taken out on you. You were sore and tired, and you felt even worse about letting down Five. 
He walked over to you, holding your hand, carefully walking you over and sitting you down on the bed sitting in the middle of the room. 
“I’m sorry,” he looked at your face and felt so guilty. How could he be so harsh on the one person who did their best to be there for him? “Me too,” you said softly, reaching out to comb your fingers through his hair. It always seemed to get a little messy when he got upset. 
“No, I shouldn’t have yelled at you, It’s just-” he paused, “When you didn’t show up I thought-” 
“Hey,” you cupped his cheek gently in your palm, “I’m fine, and this isn’t the end, okay? We’ll figure something out, we always do.” 
He leaned into your hand, his eyes no longer glaring but looking at you so warmly. He didn’t deserve you. You made him feel like time wasn’t bearing down on him, like it wasn’t wasting away at every moment he wasn’t fighting for his life. You were so patient with him, helping him stay in the moment, allowing him to think of new plans without the pressure of his siblings.
As he sat there with you, his mind relaxed just enough to come up with another plan that was so crazy it might just work. The lightbulb flashed in his eyes as he gave you a quick kiss, before he moved to clean up your wounds and begin his next idea to save the world. 
author's note: i just wanted to note i started writing this in my hotel room in nyc (for some reason hotels are my favorite place to write lol)
also i'm still very confused by taglists so i'm just going to tag people who have asked previously to be tagged and copy and paste it for every work i upload, if you want to be added or removed please let me know :)
tags: @misakiisstupid @lveegsoi @groovydazephantom @tremendoushearttaco @spidermansfangirl @madscamp02 @beanzwritez 
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clownstillwritesfanfic · 3 days ago
Kinda despise that everyone says Viktor was the cause of the 2019 apocalypse. Like ok yes…his powers did cause the moon to blow up. But…Viktor only figured out he had powers because of Leonard. And Leonard only knew he had powers because of the book Klaus threw out. That’s how he knew who to target. Who would do the most damage.
But…Viktor would’ve never blown up the moon if Reginald had never been scared of him in the first place.
If Reggie wasn’t a little bitch and actually helped Viktor hone his powers properly, then Viktor would’ve never felt like an outcast.
And to make it worse…he’s the one that committed suicide because he wanted the Umbrella Academy to form again and solve one last mystery.
If he never did that, the apocalypse wouldn’t have happened. At least…not in that timeline.
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annapassione · 7 hours ago
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Buongiorno amore ❤️
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tumblingghosts · 1 day ago
i mean…he is, in fact, in dire need of comfort!
(whether he’ll receive it is another story)
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laurrelise · 2 days ago
the way tom and david look at each other. i’m going to be physically ill
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psycolynx · 7 months ago
Hard cut to Klaus talking to the girl on the bicycle
Klaus: “Did we save the world or screw it up again?”
Bicycle God: “You were never the problem”
She holds up an action figure of Reginald and crushes it in her bare hands. Marigold lights emerge from it. Golden light envelops everything
Hard cut to Klaus waking up in bed. He is wearing pajamas covered in marigolds.Street noise can be heard from outside.
(From offscreen) “You okay, Hon?”
Klaus looks over and Dave is cooking breakfast in their flat
Klaus: “Yeah, just had a weird dream.”
Looks out the window and sees an empty lot where the Hargreeves mansion should be.
Klaus: “Wasn’t there a building there?”
(Naïve Melody by the Talking Heads begins to play over a montage)
Diego and Lila Are wrangling their kids into the camper van. One of the kids gives Lila a picture of her family in a field of bunch of orange flowers (marigolds)
Luther is stripping and the obsessed lady in the crowd is Sloan. He has a marigold in his mouth. He takes it out and gives it to her.
Viktor is playing the violin with Harlon. Sissy is setting the table. She sets a bouquet of marigold into a center vase.
Allison is gardening while Clare and Ray play in the yard. She is planting Marigolds.
Five is teaching at some university. An older woman comes in. “Dolores” he says as she kisses him. He has a Marigold in the lapel of his suit jacket.
Jennifer serves Ben at the dinner. Closeup on her pouring coffee. He has a Durango flower tattoo that says “Jennifer” and she had a marigold tattoo that says “Ben”
Cut back to Klaus staring out the Window
Dave: No, been an empty lot as long as I can remember
Klaus, smiles: Yeah, I don’t know why I thought that
Camera Zooms out from the window as music continues
Reginald, voiceover: And that is how our unlikely heroes manage to create one timeline where everything was fine.
BTS footage plays with the final credits 
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sexwithstilinskiandhale · 7 months ago
you're laughing. The umbrella academy's final season destroyed every character's personal growth and semi-healed traumas, left huge plot-holes, completely abandoned some of it's most beloved side characters that were crucial in previous seasons and you're laugh-oh. You're crying. My bad. Go ahead. Let it out. Understandable.
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tumblingghosts · 1 day ago
amazing. i love this. let the sibs brawl over insignificant things bc life is peaceful and good and there are no apocalypses to worry about but they still find aspects of life to bicker over like the chaotic people that they are 😌😌
🥣 The Great Cereal Before Milk vs. Milk Before Cereal Debate – Hargreeves Family Chaos Edition
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Oh. Oh.
This started as a casual question.
Now? It’s a full-blown war.
Sides are forming. Arguments are escalating.
Someone (probably Diego) is about to throw something.
🔥 The Teams – Who Pours What First?
🥣 Team “Cereal First” (The Logical Ones)
Five – “Who the hell pours milk first? What kind of psychopath—”
You – “Exactly! Cereal first, like a normal person.”
Diego – “Yeah, because you need to SEE how much cereal you have before adding milk.”
Allison – “It’s just basic science.”
Ben – “Thank you. Finally, people with common sense.”
Main Arguments:
✔ “How do you know how much milk to pour if you don’t even have cereal in the bowl yet?”
✔ “You need crunch—not sad, soggy milk mush.”
✔ “This is how cereal was MEANT to be eaten.
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🥛 Team “Milk First” (The Agents of Chaos)
Luther – “It prevents splashing!”
Klaus – “It’s ✨aesthetic✨.”
Lila – “It pisses people off. That’s why I do it.”
Viktor – “…I just don’t like my cereal floating.”
Main Arguments:
✔ “If you pour milk first, it keeps the cereal crisp on top.”
✔ “It’s cleaner. No mess. No splash.”
✔ “Cereal floating in milk feels wrong.”
✔ “Why are you all SO MAD about this?”
🔥 The Debate Begins 🔥
Five, pointing aggressively at Klaus: “Milk first? Really? You disgust me.”
Klaus, shrugging: “Listen, I live to bring chaos.”
Diego, glaring at Luther: “You’re the LAST person I expected to betray me. WE LITERALLY LOVE THE SAME CEREAL BRAND!”
Luther, defensive: “It’s efficient!
Lila, grinning: “I just like watching all of you lose your minds.”
You, pointing at Lila: “So you’re ADMITTING it’s wrong.”
Lila, smirking: “I never said that.”
Ben, crossing his arms: “This shouldn’t even be a debate. Cereal first is OBJECTIVELY correct.”
Viktor, raising an eyebrow: “Then why do you all look so pressed?”
Allison, nodding: “Exactly. The fact that this argument is even HAPPENING means milk-first people know they’re wrong.”
Klaus gasps dramatically. “I feel so attacked.”
🥊 The Fight Escalates
Someone (probably Diego) throws a spoon.
Klaus retaliates by throwing a whole gallon of milk.
Five dodges it and teleports behind him.
“Oh, you wanna play dirty?”
Luther, still trying to make logical points while covered in cereal:
“Technically, milk-first gives you better control over milk-to-cereal ratio—”
Lila, already pouring milk into a bowl just to piss people off.
You, physically restraining Five from committing an actual murder.
Ben and Allison just standing to the side, shaking their heads.
Viktor, watching the chaos unfold: “Is this really the dumbest thing we’ve ever fought about?”
Five, mid-teleport attack: “It’s up there.”
🔥 Final Verdict – The Cereal War Will Never End
✔ Nobody changes their mind.
✔ Everyone is now covered in milk and cereal.
✔ Five refuses to let it go. Lila keeps doing it to annoy him.
✔ Reginald walks in, takes one look, and immediately leaves.
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thank you for reading!
xoxo, B
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kidovna · 7 months ago
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happy umbrella academy eve!! (redrew this)
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fortisloid · 6 months ago
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new name
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tumblingghosts · 1 day ago
#their pride led them to do something extremely dangerous#despite their father's warnings#and they ended up getting burnt because of their own decisions#the future is five's sun#and his powers are his wings
the five and icarus parallels always fuck me up
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