#umbrella academy
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fivesillydandelions · 2 days ago
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FIVE HARGREEVES in The Umbrella Academy season 3
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laurrelise · 10 hours ago
no i actually love that so bad because they are mentally older brother and younger sister but physically so older sister and younger brother
and i know this is very much in part to five looking young but also it’s just so fun how he will say the most older brother coded thing of all time and lila will just ruffle his hair and not take him seriously at all like a proper older sister should
said it once and i’ve said it before: five is simultaneously big brother and little brother and how marvelous it was to observe before s4!!!!! :(
and you know what else? tipsy five and tipsy lila holding hands was really special to me until season 4 rolled around
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lunalovesangst · 3 days ago
I recently got my wisdom teeth out and then remembered I have Tumblr and a crippling addiction to TUA so ofc I'm posting about it.
So we all know that Five, if those stupid shitty fucking asshole teeth bothered him during the apocalypse, he wouldn't be able to get them out (maybe he could blink them out but I'm nothere to talk abt that).
Now, he's reliving his teen years, he could finally go to the dentist! Yay! But knowing his siblings, one of them (probably more) would volunteer to take him there and back, mostly so they can see him all drugged.
And just. Think about that. Five got drunk and told them they were a family united by love and destiny (or something like that, I haven't watched s3 in a while).
Imagine him hooked up on whatever they give you in america.
A drugged, silly, no-filter Five.
Or, a High Five.
I rest my case.
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goodoldfashionedengineer · 2 days ago
I just love the flashback in Umbrella Academy, the kind of story they tell
For example here, when they visit Reggie in his office to say goodnight
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Notice how close to the front Klaus is? how he positioned himself right at the doorway, leaning against it, arms crossed?
Remember where else we saw that? In the family portrait. Right after Ben died
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He is distancing himself. from Reginald, from this gig he never asked for. He is putting distance between them and Reginald.
He is so quick to leave too, second right after Viktor:
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It's a protective measurement.
It's highlighted again during the tattoo scene, when he's holding a crying Allison:
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locke-esque-monster · 17 hours ago
I was re-watching the scene at the end of 1x2 where we flashback (or arguably flashforward) to when Five found his siblings' bodies.
And maybe it's because I don't usually watch this scene up-close, but as they cut to Five's face for a wide shot after he finds Luther, but before walking over to Diego and Allison, just in the background there's a very familiar silhouette...
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Which oh shit, finding Delores like that is a whole new layer of trauma to add to Five I hadn't even considered. Because it's one thing to think Five picked her up along the way at the department store, lonely and itching for someone to talk to, days or weeks into the apocalypse.
It's another to have her tied directly into the initial trauma of him arriving in the apocalypses and finding his family's corpses.
Was it an instant mental break, as a kid who has gone through too much trauma very quickly, and he immediately latched onto her? (It's not like Reginald made any of them well-adjusted before this either.)
Did he bury his siblings and kept coming back to the remains of his home, and eventually started talking to her and it evolved from there?
Or worse, did he keep talking to his siblings corpses until that became unsustainable, and transferred that over to Delores who was right there? Who was both more movable and not actually rotting? And the more he made her real in his head, the more he built their relationship on that "shared" trauma of not only the apocalypse, but finding her where he found his family? Saving her from the house when he couldn't save his family?
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badkitty3000 · 24 hours ago
Will you do the hargreeves having a family game night and playing two truths and a lie?
Sorry I didn't feel like making this into story form
These have nothing to do with anything, really, I just made up random stuff I thought was funny 🤷‍♀️😆❤️
The first two are the truths and the last one is the lie.
Luther: "I performed the entirety of the Broadway musical "Cats", acting out each part, for my pet plant while I was on the moon."
"I have coulrophobia (fear of clowns)."
"When I was 16, Dad told me he was proud of me."
Diego: "Every morning I give myself daily affirmations in the mirror."
"My favorite movie is My Best Friend's Wedding, but I tell people it's Rambo."
"I have slept with dozens of women."
Allison: "I listen to Norwegian death metal to get me pumped up before a scene."
"When I was a teenager, I lied and told everyone I had a boyfriend that lived in Canada."
"I joined a book club because of my passion for reading."
Klaus: "I auditioned for Jeopardy and made it. But I didn't get on the show because I got lost on the way there."
"I thought the CGI Scooby Doo in the movie was a real dog until like two years ago."
"The ghost of Bob Ross is here right now. He says hi."
Five: "I single-handedly caused the collapse of the Roman empire."
"I was an extra in Star Wars while on a job in the '70s."
"The Davinci Code is a trash novel."
Ben: "The Horror is a girl and her name is Henrietta."
"I was the one that put super glue on Dad's toilet seat that one time."
"I do not understand the appeal of Taylor Swift."
Viktor: "I hate dogs, but pretend I like them so people won't judge me."
"My first celebrity crush was the cartoon fox from Robin Hood."
"I am a Swiftie, through and through."
Lila: "Butterflies creep me out."
"I need reading glasses but refuse to wear them."
"I hate scented candles. They make me sick."
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neahtrix · 11 hours ago
Also in the pilot episode didnt Pogo say something like “Your Father still had hope that he’s still out there.”??
Does that mean that Reg knew Five would be back, just didn’t know when? Did he plan for Five to be gone for 45 years, but 17 for himself, or did he realise that Five truly wasn’t as ready as he thought? Did his tactic work too well?
He also called Five’s time travel “No great loss” in his journal so maybe he truly thought Five would come back, he just underestimated how long it would take him.
I think Reginald knew Five would disobey him. He was way too good at manipulating the umbrellas not to realise that, without being given a solid reason not to, Five would time travel.
Sure... he does warn him, but Five straight out says he doesn't get it. Everything Reginald does is deliberate, and I just think that if he'd really wanted to stop Five, he not only could have, but would have.
He's known Five for all thirteen years of his life. He knows how to push his buttons, how to make time travel feel like an act of rebellion when it isn't.
But why would Reginald want Five to time travel, you ask?
Well, this is just speculation, but it might've been to scare him. I believe Reginald was already planning on letting Five study time travel: he doesn't say he shouldn't time travel at all, he says that Five isn't ready... (yet). He will be ready one day.
But time travel is big. It's a lot of power in the hands of a kid, especially a kid like Five, who is too smart for his own good and will only get harder to control as he grows older.
But say he time travels. He isn't ready, like Reginald warned him. He gets stuck, like we know he does.
And we also know this:
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So, yeah.
What if Reginald knew Five would time travel, and just... let him?
A bad first experience with time travel was likely to leave Five shaken even if he hadn't ended up in an apocalypse- maybe shaken enough to be easier to control for a while, or at least be less likely to use his powers in a way Reginald might not approve of.
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laurrelise · 2 days ago
one fascinating thing about five is he has an insane ego but also would sincerely hate (and try to end the life of) a five from any other timeline that isn’t his own. just an endlessly intriguing guy that one is
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sunsickjune · 8 months ago
“i felt that five had to have a love story” okay steve !! fine. i’ll humour you. picture this : lila and five in the subway. they’re travelling to different timelines, loosing hope, trying to find a way home. then they get to a timeline and five sees dolores. but she’s a human, not a mannequin. he falls for her. loves her. wants to stay with her in her timeline. and that’s why lila has to force him to come home. she has kids, a husband, a life. five wants to stay with dolores more than anything. but he goes home, back to his timeline, because he knows he has to save his family. because he loves them more.
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laurrelise · 2 days ago
i know that the universe reset presumably erased all of their scars and bodily anomalies but goddamn it i loved diego’s scars :(
Annoyed that they got rid of Diego’s scar in the last season
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Or at the very least it’s not visible since his hair is grown out
My headcannon was that as a teenager he was dared by the other members to do some dangerous knife trick and that’s how he got it
Idk the inconsistencies show have always bothered tf out of me
Love the mustache tho
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goodoldfashionedengineer · 2 days ago
Assigning IKEA plushies to the Umbrella Academy
00.01 Luther
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He's loyal and has overall Golden Retriever vibes
00.02 Diego
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You would think I would sort this to Ben, but nope, I went with Diego. His hero name is "The Kraken" afterall
00.03 Allison
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She seems like the type of person who would like otters. Her role as a mother is very important to her also
00.04 Klaus
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He feels alienated and has drawings of UFO's and aliens in his room
00.05 Five
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The size comparison would be funny
00.06 Ben
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He seems like the type of person who would like dinos
00.07 Viktor
He gets two, because every trans person deserves a blåhaj
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But also a penguin pillow because he absolutely rocked that suit in season 1
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feralnumberfive · 8 months ago
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cupidsatdawn · 8 months ago
Can’t believe that Queen Delores got cheated on THEIR LOVE WAS REAL
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sweetness-and-the-sour · 3 hours ago
Imagine the collective sigh of relief we could have had. The tears of joy and laughter as we all realized it was one (very horrible) prank. Oh, our poor Umbrellas. ....and us cause damn we got screwed over.
A while ago me and a friend were talking about how we both thought that S4 was a joke or something and she had a dream where Steven Blackman said that it was true and proceeded to release the real season. And this was my reaction to it that I thought I would share with you guys. This was my honest idea for how I thought S4 could have been saved.
"IF ONLY. HONEST TO GOD. Like I was fully expecting for it to be a joke and the next day, four more episodes would be released that would conclude in the reappearance of the Handler and she's breaking the fourth wall going "See, kids. This is why we don't break the timeline." Then camera pans towards our actual Hargreeves family who are looking on in disgust as it gradually becomes clear that our Umbrellas were watching one of the Commissions computers at a timeline where Allison agreed to work with Reggie.
Sparrow Ben is so fucking pissed that he technically died again in one of the nastiest ways possible, going off about "First of all, I would never be around those losers anyway. 2ndly, Like fuck am I winding up in prison for bullshit crypto." Five has several flasks that he is drinking till dry and Lila is throwing up in a trashcan at the idea of sleeping with her Brother-in-law. Klaus is sitting on one of the desks eating popcorn and Luther is holding onto Sloane' hand so tightly that she has to remind him to let go."
Tell me that wouldn't have been a cool as shit ending though. It would definitely fit with how TUA did crazy stuff.
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stevenrogered · 10 months ago
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