#tua viktor
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neglected-middle-child · 8 months ago
Questions I had left after the end of Umbrella Academy season 4:
What happened to Sloane?
Why did Five suddenly stop caring about the family? When he and Lila are stuck on the subway, why did he not try harder to get back?
Why did Ray walk away from Allison?
What are Hargeeves and Abigail? What happened to their kind?
Why did Abigail create marigold to begin with?
If Hargeeves' kind fled from their planet, where did they end up?
How did Five create the time commission?
Why is there a subway?
If 43 babies were born because of marigold, what happened to the ones who lived?
The reason why Lila had to go back and stay with the family was because Ben/Jennifer had to absorb all of the marigold. So then what happened to the other superpowered people around the world?
Why does the apocalypse have to happen? If Hargeeves kills Jennifer, is the apocalypse the universe's way of correcting the wrong?
If there is an Umbrella Academy, a Sparrow Academy and a Phoenix Academy, what other academies are there?
How did Five manage to secure a job with the CIA while still looking relatively young?
How did Lila find her family? How does she know they are her family?
Did they land in this timeline as consciousness inside bodies with established lives or did they have to create their own lives?
How did Jennifer even get into the giant squid?
How does a commission worker, become a commission worker? Are they snatched from a random timeline? Is it like with Loki, where all the TVA workers are variants of people in the timeline?
If Grace was a real person in the 60s how did Hargeeves make the robot that would become the kids caretaker? Did he keep her corpse or did he just make a robot?
Was the 1960s Grace the Abigail of that Hargeeves?
Why did Hargeeves only try to get seven children? In the first timeline he managed to get seven babies and in the second timeline he manages to get another six babies, so why didn't he try to get all of them? (at least the ones that would be alive)
Why was there a Ben riding in the subway in the end of season 3?
What the fuck is Christopher?
That's all I could come up with for now, but I will probably add to the list if something else comes up
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yellowsandandshells · 5 months ago
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UNBREAKABLE FAMILY | the hargreeves siblings + lila
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goodoldfashionedengineer · 3 days ago
The tattooing scene in the very first episode is so impactful. It changes them in such a profound way
The tattoo is what made Five accept that those are his siblings, lying there in the rubble
The tattoo is another sign for Viktor that he'll never be part of the family, that he'll never be in a picture, no newspaper, no family portrait, nothing
The tattoo is what gave Diego a fear of needles so strong he faints from seeing one
On the other hand, Klaus willingly gets more tattoos later on. I fits with his character, his freedom of self expression, but also his self-destructive tendencies. He likes his pleasure with pain as shown by the torture scene. He gets used to needles, seeks them out actively
On the other hand, Diego went in the fully other direction. He wants to live as healthy as possible, he works out, he cares about protein, his body is a temple.
Didn't expect this to turn into a Diego and Klaus comparison but eh I'm fine with that
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oddrustyy · 7 months ago
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Why dis 57 look so mad 😭😭😭
I could not stop laughing at the images I chose and cropped man, I was wheezing my throat hurts so bad holy shit
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everlongmoxie · 19 days ago
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Brellie siblings as tweets/posts I have saved to my phone pt. 2
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ciainahere · 7 months ago
A Second Chance
Viktor Hargreeves X Fem!Reader
Viktor reconnects with one of his past lovers
A/N: I love Elliot page, and I think it is a CRIME that there isn't more Viktor fics out there. This is in the timeline of season 4 which I WILL rewrite bc idk wtf I watched but it wasn't Tua.
(Y/N will be used but won't be described)
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"Viktor has officially ran through every woman in the town" A guy announced in the bar making everyone laugh. "Okay that's enough" Viktor said taking the keys a woman had slammed on the counter. Viktor walked back behind the counter to pick up the ringing phone "What is it Luther-" Luther's words faded as he looked at the entrance to see a woman walking in. The woman walked up to the bar leaning on the counter, watching Viktor put the phone away without saying goodbye.
"Hi Viktor" "Hi Y/N"
10 months earlier
"That's absolutely ridiculous V" Y/N laughed watching Viktor make breakfast. "I'm being so serious; we went back in time" Viktor giggled. Y/N took bacon from the pan "Okay so where are your so-called powers" Viktor rolled his eyes "I told you we lost them" "You lost them after coming out of a rich hotel with a killer bodyguard" Y/N busted out laughing realizing how stupid it all sounded. "It's not funny" Viktor wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer. "But it kind of is" She placed her hands on his cheeks.
They stayed like that for a moment, just enjoying being in each others arms. "So what else did your powers do" Y/N asked playing with his necklace "It was like energy blasts, vibrations and stuff" Viktor replied. A smirk grew on Y/N's face "Did your hands vibrate too" Viktor looked at her confused then sighed when he realized that she was thinking of "You're so annoying"
"You know you love me" "I do"
2 months earlier
"I can't do this anymore" Viktor said looking at his feet. "Come on, it's just a burger. You can finish it" Y/N giggled. Viktor looked at the woman in front of him. She was everything Viktor could wish for. She was perfect. Too perfect. It scared him. "I mean i can’t do... This." He gestured toward him and Y/N.
"Are you breaking up wit-" "Yes" Viktor interrupted. "Why? I thought we were okay, no actually. I thought we were great" Y/N stared trying to understand where they went wrong or what she could of done to make Viktor not love her anymore. Viktor had no explanation other than he was scared of falling in love with her. Even though he already has. "It's just.. too complicated. Your parents already don't like me and i have to run the bar, we barely even see each other." Viktor lied looking at his plate. Y/N had made them burgers and cake because of the success of the bar. And for their 5 month anniversary.
Y/N knew he was lying.
"I bring you lunch every day at the bar and I'm always awake when you come back. I even offered to help out. YOU were the one that said no." Tears started to fill her eyes trying to find an answer in Viktor's. He refused to look at her. Like she no longer mattered. "V. I've told you so many times that I don't care what my parents think. Or anyone else. It's my life, I choose what I do, and I can love who I want." Viktor needed to leave. He knew if he had looked at her everything would go wrong. Viktor headed for the door of Y/N apartment stopped when he heard Y/N's final words.
"Viktor, I want to love you... because I do but you- You have to let me love you."
Viktor left leaving Y/N with confusion and tears.
A/N: sooo.. should i delete myself and my page or keep going...🌚 PLEASE tell me what you think i genuinely don't mind advice as long as it's respectful.
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fiveshotcoffee · 4 months ago
Klaus: I just ended a relationship.
Viktor: I‘m so sorry.
Klaus: Oh, you don’t have to be. It wasn’t mine.
*meanwhile Luther and Allison fighting in the background*
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sailorcheetopuff · 4 months ago
Just finished TUA and WHAT
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kacievvbbbb · 7 months ago
The fact that Viktor was right there! They were right beside each other and Five didn’t even look at him. Viktor who was his closest sibling and probably his best friend for all he knew the concept of it. Viktor who made him those disgusting marshmallow sandwiches for months hoping he’d come back to eat them. Voice who was all Viktor had when they were kids didn’t even look at him. The world was ending they were about to die and Five didn’t share a moment with a single member of the family he crossed timelines to save. STEVEN! WHAT WAS THE RECIPE!
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vani-is-typing · 8 months ago
okay, wait a sec. there's clearly a lot to be discussed about the umbrella academy final season. lots of messed up stuff, things just left hanging, events that occurred which were only given to us as one liners, without any further elaboration about what happened. but right now my biggest query is, how did the durango reach the earth?
the marigold reached it obviously because of reggie and his whole reset plan to bring back his wife, which i just have no way of logically explaining how that is possible, so i won't get into that. but from what abigail explained of founding marigold and durango, i can only assume that these were elements found solely on their planet, or world, or whatever. that world ended, and before it did, reggie sent some marigold flying over to the earth.
but why in the ever loving fuck, would he also send over some durango, which arrived in the most bizzare of places and forms by the way, when he was perfectly aware of the reaction the presence of marigold and durango near each other caused? it literally does not make any sense for him to send over such a volatile material to earth, where he's attempting to create a new life with the assistance of some sweet, glowing marigold.
and let's say he did this purely for the sake of scientific investigation, wanting to know why this element was so deadly. perhaps he wondered if the reactions it caused with marigold could somehow be weaponized. but that also doesn't make sense, because there was no active research taking place on or around jennifer. she was just the random girl found inside a massive squid, around whom reginald would later go on to form an entire town of brainwashed soldiers in order to prevent her from coming into contact with the marigold.
jennifer's presence is in no way helping reggie achieve anything. she is no public figure he would have trouble getting out of the way, though i'm sure no trouble would bother him in the least. she has no family, no big contacts as far as we know. her entire existence, as far as reggie and his goal is concerned, is redundant.
so why, in this timeline, does he just not get fucking rid of her? why, even if ultimately the presence of marigold is the reason everything keeps getting messed up again and again, does he keep that chunk of durango around?
and i swear to god, if the reason for this turns out to be abigail, because she went all like, "oh, she's just a poor, oblivious girl. let's let her be", i will literally reach inside 'the cleanse' to get that pasty ass couple out and unalive them all over again.
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laurrelise · 6 months ago
unfortunately it has been decided that this is one of the funniest scenes in the show, sorry i don’t make the rules
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diego’s hand slowly bringing the knife into frame? peak comedy
luther’s “what the- put the knife away” literally never fails to make me laugh
don’t even get me started on klaus’ damn condoms
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neglected-middle-child · 9 months ago
It wasn't on my bingo card to hear two different MCR songs in two Netflix show trailers this year but I'm living it
My Chemical Romance is really having a year this 2024. Dead Boy Detectives and then Umbrella Academy? Life has never been better
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tua-guiltypleasure-aus · 5 months ago
I love AU's in which technology actually DOES exist in the TUA universe
It would be very funny if they all had a YouTube channel together. Most would click in for Allison or because they were fans as kids but quickly, the fans' perception of them drifts away from the kids they grew up with.
They are just all so relatable to different kinds of people and it really shows how they're a family through and through because of the easy banter between them. They just also happen to have superpowers.
It would spawn so many fun memes, like they already exist in our universe (think the "driving past and looking at each other confused" meme or "how many more rock bottoms do you have to it?")
For example, Viktor and Klaus are making a video together and Viktor goes in, saying "Today I'm here with my family member, Klaus". To which Klaus responds with "Family member? You make it sound like I live at the other side of the world and we only see each other every third Christmas and didn't literally grew up together."
And Viktor says that he didn't know what else to say because Klaus is very fluid in gender representation and doesn't really care about labels, so he was unsure what to say and that was what his brain decided to go with.
So in another video, Klaus wanted to call Viktor 'family member' as a 'remember when you called me, your sibling, simply family member?'. But he slips up and accidentally says 'family Viktor' instead.
"Family 'Viktor'?" "I wanted to say family member!" "What's a 'family Viktor'?" "Why, you of course, you're our family Viktor."
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Viktor Hargreeves: (trying to stop Five from fighting Luther) Well, Five, is there anything you would like to say to Luther?
Five Hargreeves: How do I put this delicately? You’re a horrible hero and nobody likes you.
Ben Hargreeves: (also trying to stop the fight) How about we frame our statement with “When you do this, it makes me feel this”?
Five Hargreeves: When you stop me from trying to save the timeline, it makes me angry.
Diego Hargreeves: (eating popcorn in the background) Also, you’re a horrible hero and nobody likes you.
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tioraidh-tux · 7 months ago
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i made my opinions about season 4 kind of clear on my twitter but viktor really got the least fucked over writing wise (viktor fans stay winning)
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everlongmoxie · 29 days ago
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Brellie siblings as tweets i have saved to my phone
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