#troy looks extra cute here
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jolteonmchale · 1 year ago
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Community 3x01 Animal Control 1x07
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distant-screaming · 3 months ago
imagine you are a maid who works for ithaca's royalty. you're not, like, always the most up to date on gossip, because you have things to do and knowing what date the king and queen went on this week is not going to make the floors any less dirty. so, whatever. one thing even you know, though, is that the king is leaving for war. which sucks, probably, you've heard things about war, and also your cousin's part of the crew headed to troy and the queen looks like she's about to stab whoever tries to touch her so you really hope they stay safe and come back in one piece, for everyone else in the palace's sake at least. still, it doesn't change the fact that the floors need cleaning. so you get cleaning. and then you wake up one day with men in the palace. suitors, they call themselves. and you're like, okay, whatever, guests. except they never leave. they just. stay. day after day after week after month and then suddenly it's years, just hanging around. and, really, do none of them have jobs? goodness. and they have absolutely no respect for the workers of the palace, which is a bit frustrating because your back is hurting from how much extra cleaning you're doing for no discernable reason other than just because the suitors find some nonexistent dirt. still, whatever, it doesn't really matter to you, so you clean the floors and try your best to avoid running into any of them. you have things to do. the prince is cute, and he waddles around everywhere and gets his muddy little prints on everything but you feel nothing negative towards him because he's cute and tries to awkwardly make conversation. so you give him a smile and scrub the floors clean and go back to your room and fall asleep, exhausted. and years pass, and you age, and your hair starts graying and you wonder if maybe it's time to retire but the fearful and tired look in the younger girls' eyes makes you stay. you can't just - leave them. whatever. clean the floors. there's something to do with the queen and a shroud and lying, you're not entirely sure. your job is to clean floors and the queen is polite when you dart into her room occasionally, so. whatever. and then fifteen, eighteen, twenty years later - you're barely out of bed when one of the girls barrels into your room, screaming with excitement - the king is back. the king is back and he brings destruction in his wake. you hurry upstairs and you are greeted with a docked bow and a familiar face, now older and warier and more haggard, and you pause. he looks at you, and his eyes are - sharp, bright, focused, but also a bit unclear. like he's looking at one thing while also avoiding it. he blinks, once, and then looks away. a movement from the other side of the room - a suitor, you recognize, one who takes extra pleasure in watching the girls scrub the floor in front of him - and then there's an arrow lodged into his chest, followed by a scream of agony and then nothing. well. alright. you look around for a couple of moments, then turn back around and head to the kitchen, rooting around the storage cupboard for spare cloths. this whole return is well and good and there's probably political stuff happening here but, like, you don't really care. the king is cleaning house, and you should too. that's your job.
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somereaderinblue · 4 months ago
Odysseus of Troy AU
Inspired by the Warrior!Penelope AU, @maggie44paint's Malewife Menelaus AU & @theblindgoddess + DaughterOfDungeonBat's Penelope of Troy AU.
So instead of Helen, Paris chooses Odysseus, thinking he's the safer option because he's just the king of small, barren Ithaca & super smart. Baby Telemachus is also spirited away as extra leverage.
Paris thinks he's being cunning, hoping this choice can somewhat ease Athena's wrath as well.
At first, Athena is furious....but then she gives the go-ahead for 3 reasons.
Odysseus will give Paris hell.
Hera will give Paris hell.
This one is important: Penelope will give Paris hell.
Paris tells himself he's doing Penelope a favour! Now she can find another, more powerful husband & have another kid with him. Plus, she's a woman with a tiny kingdom, it's not like she'll come knocking on Troy's walls.
Newsflash: a furious Penelope comes pounding on Troy's walls with a vengeance.
(Bonus if she isn't even being backed by Ares here. Oh no, all that unstoppable rage is 100% pure Penelope.)
In Olympus, Hera & Athena are cackling and high-fiving over a bucket of popcorn. In Troy, Ody is going full Mission Impossible, being a monster (rawr rawr rawr) to Paris, mapping out servant passages, calculating how much cloth it'll take to make a long enough rope & hoarding tiny paper scraps and crumbs for bird feeding.
He goes all: Yes, I need more clothes. It's not my fault my clothes keep ripping. *wink wink*. Oh, I'm not supposed to be here? Silly me, I'm hopeless without Athena's wisdom now! Look at the cute birdie, little wolf! *slips a message onto them while his son's buried under feathers*
Athena is very proud of her master liar.
Hector & Ody ironically become good friends because they're both dads and loving husbands. Hector tells himself he will NOT get attached to the man who's singlehandedly screwed him, his family & Troy over......only to pat the guy's back as he sobs for the nth time over missing his wife. It's hard not to empathize with him & feel a little sorry for the kid who doesn't even remember his mom.
And maybe when Hector senses that the end is coming, he & Andromache ask Ody to take Astyanax with him. He won't have a future in Troy, but it's better than no future, period.
Thus, Penelope returns to Ithaca with her family one member bigger than before.
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kbthebearcat · 3 months ago
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Little comic with Troy featuring the same alien kid from here . I just had an extra idea in mind that I wanted to try and do. I thought it’d be a cute little interaction! I love the idea of kids looking up to Troy (pun intended) and him taking the time to talk with them and everything. 😊
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hometoursandotherstuff · 9 months ago
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What a pretty 1875, impeccably preserved, Victorian in Troy, OH. 4bds, 4ba, $487,500.
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This entrance hall. The doors, ceiling medallion, gorgeous chandelier, and the carving on the newel post are superb.
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The first sitting room is stunning. The marble fireplace and insert are gorgeous, but look at the window. Everything in this home is so extra.
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The 2nd sitting room across the hall is also lovely. You can see the original flooring and beautiful marble fireplace.
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Beautiful large main floor primary bedroom with a sitting area and original fireplace.
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Not terribly thrilled with the shower in this bath.
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I'm not disappointed in the kitchen. It's adorable and not at all overdone. The peachy cabinetry is so cute and there's room for a table & chairs.
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Did you ever notice that people completely gut a kitchen, but the pantries are always original? This is amazing with the completely original cabinets. That counter would have to go, though.
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This bath has a vintage/modern look.
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The gorgeously curved railings continue upstairs.
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Here's another lovely bedroom with a fireplace.
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This smaller bedroom has a magnificent chandelier.
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This room looks like it may have been a child's.
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The house doesn't look like this many floors from the exterior.
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Wow, this bedroom has a gorgeous fireplace.
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Oh, look. There's an attic apt. up here.
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It has a bedroom, bath and a kitchen, all new.
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Then, that's not all, there's one more bedroom up on the top floor.
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View from the window.
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The house is 1/2 block from the Great Miami River.
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.28 acre lot.
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This is cute- The McCullough Manor.
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Beautiful tree in the side yard next to a cement patio.
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sombrashe · 1 month ago
not edited
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It was a simple glance really, a quick little dart of your eyes, nothing more. Yet, here you are being stopped with a gentle hand on your bicep. Chewing on the straw to your shake you hike the basket higher up the inside of your elbow.
"Do you like that?"
He already has the sweater you eyed in his hands. It was a simple thing really, no extra embroidery or anything just a plain turtleneck. The stitching was nice and the fabric was heavy but you already had two like it. You shake your head and give him a warm smile.
"I'm good. Remember, I have one just like it in black back at your place."
"Do you want another color? They have pink or green. Nice green too."
You go to shake your head again. You only came to get a video game. Something that's already going to set you back $60+. You don't need to add on. He shakes his head and fiddles around with the rack until he finds a nice dark green in your size. Throwing it in the small basket he intertwines your fingers and starts walking again. You grumble on about how you don't need another sweater and maintain a strict looking forward only policy until you pass by the nightwear.
You don't mean too but a cute matching sleep-set catches your eye. It's a set made for partners, some blue plaid pants and a matching plain black tank. You try and act like you were just stretching your neck. A simple roll of the shoulders if you will but Troy stops you in your tracks immediately. Walking over to the set he goes through each of them until he finds your size. The rack beside it has cute slippers and eye masks that he throws in the cherry red basket.
Wrapping his arm around your waist he moves you back onto the vinyl composition path. Keeping your eye low you tell Troy about your day. You stiffen as you pass by the shelves filled with legos. Continuing your pace you're stopped with a huff as he grabs at you. Taking a few stumbles back, you get led down the aisle and told to choose three sets. Shaking your head you try to argue against it. He simply grabs a transformers collectable and shows it off to you. Bumblebee has been sold out for months and your eyes light up at the one he holds. Shifting you hold out the basket for him to place it in the basket.
"They also have some Dinobots."
"I have all of them. I just needed Bumblebee."
"What about some of those Spongebob blocks from 5 below?"
"I have them all, they might make more though."
He hums and doesn't press for you to choose more sets. Following closely behind you he watches as you carefully go through the wall of games. Smiling you ask him to find an employee so they can unlock the case. Waiting with bated excitement you look through the other games and mentally note which one you want to try out next. Once the game you originally came for is snug within your cart you intertwine Troy and your fingers. The walk to the cash registers is uneventful and you make it to one of those rubber conveyer belts. Taking your time you put the items on the belt one by one. He throws a pack of gum and your favorite candy next to your game after he pries it from your fingers. Opening your mouth he simply coaxes you forward as it's your turn.
"Don't worry about it, darling. Just go 'head and put that basket back."
Frowning you walk to the front of the store, hand off the basket to someone coming in and make your way back to where Troy was now paying. You're left waiting for him to put the receipt in the bag so you can grab it. Instead he folds the receipt and shoves in into his front pocket before scooping up the two bags while grabbing at your waist with his opposite hand. Guiding you out of the store he makes sure you're held tight to his side. When you arrive at the car he opens your door and helps you in. Placing the bag on your lap he presses a kiss to your temple before sliding into the drivers side.
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lizzardwitch · 4 months ago
Made my younger sister name and then rate PR characters on a scale of 1-10 (Part 1/??)
(Note: Not going to do any neo-Saban season because she actually remembers those apart from Samurai and Ninja Steel so I’d be busted, if I could Dino Charge would be the first season up here)
Scott: Benjamin (3/10, “He just looks ugly”)
Flynn: Matt (0/10, it’s worth noting she immediately said “Ew” after looking at him)
Summer: Rosalie (7/10, “She looks cool but I’m not gay”)
Ziggy: Steward (0/10, “He looks ugly and gay”)
Dillon: Fred (5/10, “He’s alright”)
Gem & Gemma: Mya and Steve (6/10, “Idk”)
Doctor K: Vicky (8/10, “She looks like a Purple Power Ranger from the dinosaur show”)
Jungle Fury:
Casey: Matthew (1.15/10, “He looks ugly and white”)
Lily: Samantha (7.5/10, “She’s pretty but she’s white so it drags her down”)
Theo: Kai Cenat (0.5/10, “He looks ugly”)
RJ: Samuel/Chris (3/10, “He looks like an ugly viking”)
Dom: Drew (0/10, “How does a white man get even uglier”)
Fran: Megan (8/10, “She looks cool, she should be a purple Power Ranger”)
Wild Force:
Cole: Greg (9/10, “He’s really cute”)
Taylor: Jessie (6/10, “She’s alright”)
Max: Troy (7/10, “He’s alright, he looks like Donald Glover”)
Danny: Chase, her original guess was ‘Character #1’ (8/10, “He’s alright”)
Alyssa: Victoria (9/10, “She looks cute and nice”)
Merrick: Hans (0.5/10, Her immediate reaction upon seeing him was “Oh HELL NO” and then “He looks like the bad guy from Frozen”)
Princess Shayla: Lana (7/10, “She’s alright, she looks like Lana Del Rey”)
Jack: Lamar (7/10, “He’s not ugly but he’s not really cute, he gets extra points for being black”)
Sky: Keith (-1/10, “He looks like he snuck onto Earth he’s ugly as hell”)
Z: Vanessa (1/10, “She looks mean”)
Bridge: Roberto (8/10, “He looks nice and he’s cute”)
Syd: Quinn (5/10, “She looks off-putting like she’d call me the n-word”)
Cruger: Brian (0/10, “He looks ugly as hell why am I rating him, every dog should be named Brian”)
Kat: May (10/10, “She looks like a furry”)
Boom: Scarf/Stephen (5/10, “He looks nice but he’s not cute”)
Lightspeed Rescue:
Carter: Thomas (6/10, “He looks alright”)
Chad: Ryan (8/10, “He looks cool”)
Kelsey: April (8.5/10 “She looks cool I guess”)
Joel: Shaquille O’ Neal/Aaron (9.5/10, “He’s black”)
Dana: Kia (9/10, “She’s nice”)
Ryan: Peter (10/10, “He’s a cutie, automatic 10”)
Ms. Fairweather: Margaret (10/10, “She’s so pretty”)
Captain Mitchell: Bob (7/10, “He looks nice too”)
Mystic Force:
Nick: Ford (6/10 “He looks like a vampire but not in a bad way”)
Madison: Mia (6-7/10, “She looks nice”)
Vida: Mei (8/10, “She looks cool she looks like a spy”)
Chip: Leonard, pronounced like “Lennard” (1-2/10, “He’s not only white but ginger? Pick a struggle he’s ugly”
Xander: Matthew (9/10 “Above average cuteness for a white guy”)
Udonna: Ariel (8/10 “She has red hair and she looks like a mom”)
Daggeron: Elijah (9/10 “He looks cool”)
Leanbow: Gertrude (0/10 “He looks ugly ew”)
Phineas: Skibidi (10/10 “He looks skibidi”)
Toby: Mateo (0/10 “He also looks like he snuck onto Earth why does he have sideburns”)
Clare: Rachel (9.3/10, “She looks nice I like her”)
Leelee: Scarlett (7/10, “She looks like Scarlett Johansen”)
Operation Overdrive:
Mack: Ryan (3/10 “He looks chopped”)
Rose: Emily (7/10 “Cuz I said so, she’s alright”)
Dax: Ryan, “He looks like more of a Ryan” (5/10, “He’s in the middle”)
Ronny: Abigail (3/10, “She’s not cute she also looks chopped”)
Will: Cameron (8.3572/10, “He looks like an 8.3572”)
Tyzonn: Alpha (3/10, “He looks like an alpha male”)
Andrew Hartford: Wyatt (3/10, “He looks like he has 5 kids and is about to get kicked out”)
Spencer: Bill (10/10 “He’s old”)
Dino Thunder:
Conner: Stoke (3/10, “He’s alright but below average”)
Kira: Rebecca (7/10 “Is that a girl??”)
Ethan: Anthony (6/10 “He would be higher but he needs to grow out his hair”)
Tommy: Matt (6/10, “He’s ugly but it’s okay”)
Trent: Felix/Fabio (7/10, “He looks like a Mexican dad”)
Hayley: Karissa (3/10, “She’s a ginger and she looks mean”)
Unfortunately I had to end it there since she wanted to go to bed after :(
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dorizardthewizard · 1 year ago
HSM (2006) rewatch pt 3
3. Getcha head in the game!
Half of these students just don’t have backpacks huh, meanwhile Taylor has a wholeass suitcase
Gabriella: I can't believe you live here. I looked for you at the lodge on New Year's Day, but... Troy: I know, we had to leave first thing.
One thing I don’t get is did the new year’s party at the lodge end right after midnight? Lame. Also if they didn’t see each other, why didn’t they text or call each other as Troy said he would?
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The way Troy whispers “the singing thing” pffft this movie really is a queer allegory huh
It’s kind of funny they show Sharpay being “into” Troy in the first movie because that really isn’t relevant at all, she drops that and tries to sabotage him immediately after the audition. But I guess it makes her advances on Troy not seem out of the blue in the second movie.
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Troy and Gabriella's reactions to Sharpay in this scene are a wholeass mood, Gabriella's like "you seeing this shit?". Also Gabriella is usually seen as super bubbly and nice all the time but she's been through multiple schools, she knows what's up and what kind of person Sharpay likely is. That grin when she makes the "nice penmanship!" remark? Totally a subtle dig, I love it.
Also random country flags in the background – I didn’t know Americans knew that many national flags! (I’m joking I’m joking I'm kidding)
Alright basketball time! I'm just gonna comment on this whole bit - I like how they show Troy start to consider the singing thing but from a distance, mentioning how you could extra credit for auditioning first. Like he’s testing the waters. Going with the queer allegory, this is like when you offhandedly mention something lgbt+ related in the news or whatever, just to see how the other person would react, but you could also relate to this to a lot of things. By the end of the scene, we see Troy backpedaling on the musical thing and saying it would just be “a good laugh” when it becomes apparent Chad doesn’t approve. The next thing he says is a comment on Sharpay being cute, we know from his reaction to her earlier that he doesn’t like her but he still says that here, as if he suddenly feels the need to defend his masculinity and heterosexuality. Or as a last excuse for why he might be interested in the musical.
Chad's comment about LeBron and Shaq is so funny considering the kind of guy LeBron is. Also, Chad, Michael Jordan was in a movie with the Looney Tunes years before this movie so anything goes! Still, he's definitely buying into the toxic masculinity culture and literally shudders at the idea of show tunes and costumes and makeup and anything unmanly – let’s put a pin in that ok?
Anyway he likes rock apparently, which. Hm, is this already kind of breaking a stereotype? Either way, it’s 2006 so what kind of rock does Chad listen to? Older stuff or is he blasting In the End? I NEED TO KNOW
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Okayyy Getcha Head in the Game is iconic, the first “Troy is conflicted” song of the series. I love the use of the basketball sounds, and it’s just so catchy! Little break in the diegesis there when Troy hits a note a bit too musically and the others stare at him until he realises what he just did. A tier methinks.
Just keep your head in the gay. No honestly I can’t unhear that now.
Who is “J”?
Wow dicks, they didn’t put the basketballs away
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sharpayyyyy · 2 years ago
who: sharpay & @llouieduck​ where: the evans’ house
Bringing a date to her parents’ dinner party hadn’t been exactly high on the list of Sharpay’s priorities, but once things had gone so horribly with Troy, she felt like she needed the extra shield layer. She probably could’ve found someone on her own, without the promise of throwing in some cash if he came through, but she needed someone distinguished enough to be almost at her level--not some nobody off the street. The Ducks had money, or rather, their uncle did, but they were cute enough, and related close enough to wealth that she could get away with taking the technical youngest as her date to this dinner party. With instructions to arrive a few minutes before the rest of the guests did, Sharpay pulled Louie into her room to debrief before they were in public. “Okay,” she said as she closed the door, “I have few rules. One: do not let a single soul know why you’re really here, two: don’t get sloppily drunk, and ... I guess that’s it.” Sharpay tugged on the collar of his shirt, straightening it before taking a step back to take him in. “Oh, actually, third is that you just stay until dessert, and let me know when you’re going. I don’t want to look like a ditz in my own house, looking for my date. Sound good?”
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ballet-symphonie · 2 years ago
Absolutely mandatory viewing - a truly spectacular DQ.
Highlights include:
0:00 Renata's stunning series of temps de flèche
2:57 Renata doing an assemblé so high that her head nearly goes outside of the camera frame
3:36 Act 1 Pas de trois, finishing with Kimin's signature consecutive double tours
4:14 Kitri's act I variation, complete with triple piqués en dehors and backbreaking leaps, all at whirlwind speed.
4:54 The superman Kimin, with one arm press lifts to both sides!
5:38 Charming Renata, so expressive in her eyes to go along with razor-sharp balances and mindblowing turns, ending the dizzying diagonal with a double piqués en dehors with her arms over her head.
7:58 Love how she jumps so freely into his arms with her head completely thrown back, so exciting!
8:40 Kimin's acting, so cute, he can't possibly even fake being angry with his Kitri, followed by lots of head-shaking DRAMA
8:58 That smirk, I'm dead. PLUS THE KISS TO THE AUDIENCE. Love the pandering that is DQ
9:47 Just too cute, have no further words. Renata's expressions are beyond adorable especially when she cheekily asks for more kisses. HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD YOU TWO
9:57 Ahh yes, she remembered now. Here comes the pageantry, especially effective with her fluttering her big doe eyes
10:25 Haven't seen this before, Kimin lovably tugging on Renata's skirt, "Hey, we're doing this gig to get hitched remember! Eyes on the prize!" Their expressions and chemistry is just pure gold.
11:19 Love how playful Renata is in the entree, with deep cambrés and bold arm and head movements, especially as she finishes the pirouettes. Very attractive to see the character of Kitri still shining in the grand pas.
11:54 Flawless lift. Notice Renata's superb coordination, in order to catch the music on time, she prepares her arms to start the turns while coming down from the lift.
12:20 Full split grand pas de chat with no momentum into the adagio preparation SO EXTRA, SO DON Q, I'M HERE FOR IT
12:30 "I'll just make a couple timestamps, I won't go crazy".....I lied to myself. But but this fouette is just too good, Kimin transitioning with both arms stretched wide to show her off. Renata's eyes just make me fall in love and I'm obsessed with her sassy transition into 4th position en pointe.
13:02 I promise I'll stop timestamping every 10 seconds but like, that arabesque balance is how every balance should be. Classy, without showboating, an active choice on when to exist, no needless 4th wall breaking, perfectly musical.
13:20 The pirouettes? Stellar. The transition out of it? Even better.
13:44 SHe's so confident here, she looks up and explodes her arms out before exiting the pirouette into the penché. That choice creates such feelings of elation.
14:11 Give me either one of their renveresé, thanks :)
14:16 Exiting this (gorgeously done) lift can be awkward, love how Renata uses her arms to transition into the next pose
15:02 YES to the traveling that's happening!!
15:33 Her smile. That's all. Delightful.
16:13 Kimin's variation starts. I mean come on. He's just flying around. THOSE OUTSIDE ATTITUDE PIOUETTES. Super stable tours to high arabesques. Just too good.
17:04 Renata's variation starts. Jawdropping footwork, the petit rond de jambes are so clean and so precise, and she's moving so much when she does them. HERE FOR THE RENATA SASS. THe way her face lights up when the crowd starts clapping is priceless
17:57 CODA TIME!!!! Legitimately think no one has ever done this jump better than Kimin. And that manage, just looks like it takes no effort for him to complete. He just floats around like it's nothing.
18:21 Holy shit her fouettes are insane, AND THEN ALL DOUBLES IN THe SECOND HALF???? Aish, her tiny frustrated face appeared for half a second because she was the tiniest bit off and had to do one single. But what a fight, she's such a spitfire. I was on the edge of my seat.
18:45 Speechless. Just what??? How????? Kimin Kim, explain yourself????
I did this during my first watch-through, I think you can gauge my level of excitement quite clearly ahaha. Let me know your favorite moments and if you enjoyed reading my first reaction :)
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oleksiak-pettersson · 4 years ago
Five Times Elias Pettersson was Teased for Being Whipped and One Time He Wasn't (5+1)
From my old blog (oh-holy-alien)
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Like any normal Canucks hangout, you were gathered with the other WAGs, gossiping and joking about the usual things.
You and Holly Horvat had been having a conversation regarding her now teething infant son when Elias snuck up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. You relaxed into his arms, having missed his touch for the not even half an hour you had been apart.
“You two are too cute,” Holly laughs, readjusting the infant on her hip.
The compliment makes your stomach fill with butterflies, you know you’re blushing as you turn to hide your head in the junction of Elias’ neck. Elias starts to pull funny faces at the baby as you turn your body into his to be cradled to his chest. His arms are wrapped around your waist, not tight enough to hurt but tight enough that you know he’s got you.
The little baby giggles at the funny face Elias makes at him. You turn your head to watch the Swede as he pulls more faces at the infant. The boy’s entire face lights up as you and Holly laugh.
Elias turns his attention to you as Meagan Pearson and her little guy, Tucker, call Holly’s attention away. He presses a kiss to your forehead, allowing you to spin around in his arms and have your back pressed against his front. Elias begins to sway you both back and forth slightly.
His head leans forward to rest on your shoulder.
“I missed you,” he murmurs, hoping only you can hear him.
It makes you smile; it amazes you how sweet and clingy this man can be as opposed to the personality he dons in front of the Vancouver media. Granted, it won’t stop you from teasing him.
“You were without me for not even fifteen minutes.” You joke, turn to look at him.
His jaw drops at you as if you’ve said the most offensive thing ever. You can hear the WAGs around you laugh at the look on his face.
“It was thirty minutes and it was the longest thirty minutes of my life.” The dramatics are dripping from his voice as he tries to pull you closer, even though it’s barely possible.
“And yet all you could talk about was ‘oh I miss Y/N’,” Brock shouts from across JT Miller’s backyard where he stands with some of the other guys.
Elias goes quiet pretty quickly. You turn to look at his face and he’s blushing. The rosy red of his cheeks pops on his pale skin, a beautiful contrast of emotion and colour.
“‘Oh look how pretty my girlfriend looks today’.” Troy mocks in a poorly attempted Swedish accent.
The crowd giggles at his comment, more so the accent than anything else.
“Try sharing a room with him when on the road,” Quinn rolls his eyes, “‘Why won’t she text me back?’ ‘What time is it in Vancouver?’ ‘I hope Y/N is thinking about me.’ The only thing he talks about is her.”
This comment causes you to blush this time, knowing how much Elias likes to know what you’re up to when on the road.
“How’d you get him so whipped for you, Y/N?” Thatcher yells, causing Elias’ teammates to burst into laughter.
“You’re just jealous you’re not whipped for anyone.” Elias chirps back before leading you into the kitchen.
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Elias couldn’t stand being around his teammates when they were drunk. They were a messy group of crazies when inebriated.
Elias didn’t enjoy getting drunk without you. He would become eight times more clingy if you were with him, but annoyingly mopey if you weren’t. You had an exam the following Wednesday and talked about really needing the extra time to study.
Elias had tried his hardest to get you to come with him to no avail. So he had respected your wishes and departed for the bar alone, not before kissing you goodbye and promising an early return time.
What Elias had even failed to mention was the fact that tonight was actually guys’ night and you weren’t supposed to be invited in the first place.
So here he sat, at the bar, a coke in hand as he stares at the tv on the wall behind him. Some basketball game is being played, not that he understands basketball but it’s a better distraction than watching the water drop race down the side of his cup.
Brock had been chasing him down all night trying his best to shove shots down Elias’ throat with a very low success rate of zero. So when Brock finally finds Elias at the bar, he’s got a game plan to get Elias tanked.
Brock sat, not gracefully at all, down beside Elias. He slides the tequila shot over to the Swede and smirks when Elias looks up at him.
“I thought I told you earlier I don’t want to drink,” Elias says he’s clearly annoyed with Brock’s antics.
“But I ignored it. Face it, man, you’re boring as hell without Y/N.” Brock taunts, watching as Elias scrunches his face up with distaste before picking up the tiny shot glass and slurping it up quickly.
Brock smiles happily as Elias downs the shot. Brock waves to the bartender and gets Elias six more shots.
It requires no more taunting or work to get Elias to consume the rest of the shots. Elias and Brock get up from the bar and go to join the rest of the team in their booth.
Bo raises an eyebrow at the clearly now intoxicated Elias who is having a bit of trouble walking. JT just smirks and pushes the remaining five shots the group had ordered towards the young Swede.
Elias happily accepts, the alcohol hitting hard. The team is talking around him, as he begins to think about how he misses you.
Quinn notices the shift of his mood first. “Uh oh,” He gestures towards Elias, “you okay there, bud?”
“I just miss her.” Elias whines, his whole entire face falls.
“Fuck, you’ve barely even been gone for two hours. You need to be able to be away from her.” Thatcher gets agitated easily when drunk and it’s clear as he looks at Elias.
“He just loves her,” Bo rolls his eyes at Thatcher.
“Nah, he misses her tits.” Tanner Pearson yells, he’s sitting beside Bo but fails to understand the sheer volume of his voice.
“They’re pretty.” Elias murmurs, from where his head has sunk down onto the table.
“You can’t even spend three hours with your friends without missing your girlfriend,” Troy laughs, “You are whipped.”
Elias doesn’t respond, his cell phone pings diverting his attention away from being teased. There’s a text from you and his face lights up.
Love of my life: baby, do you need me to come to get you? Brock sent me some videos and you seem pretty wasted
Elias: pluhse cohme geta me
Love of my life: on my way hot stuff
“Where’s the out?” Elias slurs, as he looks up from his phone.
Bo laughs before helping Elias up from the booth and leading him to the door.
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It was a rough game. Elias was frustrated, he’d been hit several times by the opposing team and nearly got injured. He was thankful for his teammates who had come to his rescue and beat the shit out of the opposing team players.
But they hadn’t been able to bring the W home. Elias couldn’t beat the opposing team’s goalie either and had failed to secure any points for himself.
He hated nights like these. He especially hated nights like these when you were here to watch. With your school schedule the way it was, he wanted to make sure that when you got to go to a game that he played well and made it worth it. To make it worse, his family was visiting from Sweden as well.
He’d been quiet in the dressing room, which was normal for him but this was a different type of quiet. He was stuck in his own head, and all he wanted was to be held by you.
Brock had been attempting to bring up team spirit but was failing epically. He had managed to get out of his gear quicker than Elias.
He finds you standing among the other WAGs, friends and family in the hallway outside the dressing room.
You’re standing beside Irene, listening and nodding as she and Torbjorn discuss the game. Fanny is on her phone, texting Emil who couldn’t make it to Vancouver during this trip.
Brock approaches you, pulling you from your thoughts as he joins your little group.
“He’s in rough shape,” Brock says, looking straight at you.
“Is he hurt?” You’re worried, searching Brock’s face for any indication that he’s lying to you.
“No, but he’s beating himself-” Brock is cut off as Elias pushes past him.
Elias wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into him. For someone so large, he can easily make himself seem so small in your arms.
He buries his face in your neck, letting you run your fingers through his hair. His breathing begins to even out as you sway him back and forth a little.
His mother stands there watching you embrace her son and she smiles fondly, his dad has engaged Brock in conversation and you can see Fanny filming the scene over Irene’s shoulder. You can’t help but smile at the little family you have here at this moment.
You’re facing the end of the hallway out to the parking lot.
Elias looks up to see his teammates standing behind you in a group, they mimic cracking whips and mouth ‘whipped’ at him. It’s all Elias can do to just hide his face back in your neck and inhale your calming scent.
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Your boyfriend was an angel. Quarantine was kicking your guys’ asses. Elias had been adamant that you come with him to Sweden since your classes had gone online. He’d been so supportive of you finishing your classes that you wanted to reward him.
A big thing both you and Elias had gotten into during quarantine was TikTok, Elias had even done a couple of dances with you and begun to create his own funny content. You’d been thoroughly enjoying the TikTok trend of girls walking out in front of their boyfriends naked while they were busy and decided it would be a fantastic idea to try with Elias.
You knew for certain that he was gaming with Brock, Quinn and Thatcher. His other friends had logged off as it was getting late in Sweden.
Elias wore headphones while gaming with a mic, but thankfully no camera.
You happily strip down to nothing, wrapping a towel around yourself and opening your TikTok app. You start to film as you walk into the living room.
He looks up at you and smiles before going back to his game. They’re playing NHL20 and Elias seems to be kicking the other boys’ asses. You can hear their voices screaming at him through his headphones.
You clear your throat and watch him look up at you, the game paused. You smile coyly and drop the towel, watching as his eyes widen. His jaw drops and he kind of just freezes in place.
“Okay, bye guys.” He says into the mic before throwing his headset on the couch and diving for you. You end the video and post it quickly as he carries you to the bedroom.
Elias wakes the next morning to several texts in his group chat with Thatcher, Brock and Quinn.
Quinn: Leave us for Y/N?
Brock: Petey is getting laid
Thatcher: Yeah cause he’s fucking pussy whipped
Quinn: Can’t believe he ditched us to get laid
Thatcher: You’re just mad I won instead of him
Brock: Nah boys, Petey won. He got fucked.
Elias: If you guys had a girl getting naked in front of you I’m damn sure you’d ditch the boys for sex, I‘d rather be whipped than jerking off by myself every night Thatcher
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Brock smiled as he watched Elias dial his phone. Brock had gotten his way, he suggested Thai takeout much to your displeasure but Thatcher, Quinn, Troy, Emma, and Thatcher agreed with him. It had left Elias with no choice but to order the Thai.
You had Thai for lunch, there was a good place close by campus. You and your friends had studied and caught up, enjoying your meals.
You expressed this to the group but it fell on deaf ears. Brock had managed to convince the whole group to go along with his craving. You just really wanted butter chicken.
But you went along with the group.
It was your guys’ weekly group movie night. You and Elias were curled up on the love seat while everyone else had piled onto your L-shaped couch. Milo, Coolie, Phoebe, and Delilah were laid out on the floor in various places, having already been fed by their respective owners.
Thatcher had tried to convince everyone to watch Lord of the Rings but he tried every week to no avail. Emma had suggested the Hunger Games and everyone had agreed to that idea.
The reaping was midway through when the doorbell rang, signalling the arrival of the food. Elias presses pause on the movie and everyone checks their phones in anticipation of the food.
Elias presses a kiss to your forehead before removing your shared blanket from his body. He makes his way to the front door to get the food and tip the delivery person.
He comes back with a large bag and one tiny container.
He places the bag down on the coffee table and picks up the small container before coming back to join you on the love seat.
He hands you the container and cutlery. You look confused as you accept the container, peeling off the lid to find butter chicken and garlic naan. You smile victoriously, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Thanks, baby.” You smile and dig into your food.
Brock looks over and notices your container, his jaw drops as he looks back at Elias who is fixing himself some food at the coffee table.
“Did you seriously get your girlfriend food from a different place because she didn’t want Thai food?” Brock questions, drawing the group’s attention to the container in your lap.
“Since you clearly know the answer, I’m not answering that question, Brock.” Elias rolls his eyes and then focuses back on the food he’s scooping out of one of the many containers.
“God that’s pathetic.” Thatcher laughs, “You realize you’re fucking her and don’t need to constantly impress her.”
“I like to keep my woman happy,” Elias says matter of factly as he rejoins you on the love seat, purposely pulling you into his lap for emphasis.
“He’s very good at it.” You smile, rubbing his bicep as he smiles back at you.
“He’s very whipped is what he is,” Quinn laughs. Elias takes his attention away from you to frown at his younger teammate.
“You guys are horribly unromantic,” Emma says to the boys before turning to Elias, “I think it’s sweet that you are so in tune with Y/N’s needs.”
Elias blushes before pressing play on the movie to bring everyone’s attention away from him.
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The men had thought it was the perfect day for a picnic at Stanley Park. They’d arranged everything.
Bringing grills and the food and all necessary cutlery, they made hotdogs and hamburgers. The children raced around playing versions of the game tag you couldn’t comprehend from watching.
The atmosphere was jovial as everyone gathered and ate.
You had been talking to one of the kids when Elias approached you.
“Oh babe, your shoelace is untied, let me get it for you.” Elias bends down, you half expect some chirping or even the guys making whip noises around you.
So you look around at the team and notice everyone staring at you. Thatcher, Brock and Quinn have their phones out.
You turn back to Elias to ask him why they aren’t teasing him, only to find Elias knelt in front of you on one knee. He’s holding a box with the most beautiful ring you’ve ever seen in it.
Your hand comes to cover your mouth as you hold back a sob. You can’t express the joy in your heart as you stare into the most beautiful blue eyes.
Elias smiles, he too is tearing up.
“Y/N M/N L/N, you are my other half. You bring me comfort and joy. You are my best friend and my biggest supporter, there’s nowhere I want to be more than by your side for the rest of my life. I want to give you everything because you give me everything you are. I want a house and a family with you. You never fail to make me laugh when I need to be uplifted. I love who I am when I’m with you. You make me the best version of myself. Will you make me the happiest man on the planet and become my wife?” Elias never falters as he asks you.
“Yes,” you manage to cry out, his speech truly affecting you.
He stands up as quick as he can and pulls you into a kiss. It’s salty and wet as both of you are crying but it’s soft and passionate. He pulls away to place the ring on your finger and to rest his forehead against yours.
The team begins to clap and cheer around you.
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thebestestbat · 2 years ago
dc comics for the ask game lol (feel free to change the “favorite season” question to something else)
ALL DC COMICS (that i've read, which is a much smaller portion) lets go!
favorite male character(s): TOP 5 - grant emerson, dick grayson, roy harper, victor stone, joey wilson
favorite female character(s): TOP 5 - raven, mia dearden, tara markov, cassandra cain, donna troy (sticking kory in here as well i love her.. and for an extra male character i will shout out bart allen, whom i havent read much of but hes baby)
least favorite character(s): i often do not like the way the joker is written in comics (re:ableism). since i have only read him in NTT, i am bored by wally. reading modern comics (e.g. grant morrison....), i get incredibly frustrated at the #politics of #bruce wayne
best looking character(s): so many but i submit these two panels (i also just love george perez's art)
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funniest character(s): idk about humor but two characters who are baby and cute and came to mind are bart allen and also kon. i also think that when slade wilson is not abusing children and young adults, he is pathetic enough in his divorcee life to be funny
favorite season(s): TOP 5 RUNS: new teen titans, outsiders (2003), batgirl 2000 so far is great, unfortunately gotta say morrison's dickbats for nostalgia reasons, robin: son of batman
favorite ship(s): TOP 5: dickroy, dickjoey, donnarae, um....halollie JUST from like 2 issues of zero hour, and donnakory
Leave a fandom in my ask box!
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obeymeluv · 4 years ago
Random Lipstick Headcanons
I like red lipsticks and I like wearing lipstick when I want to feel like a bad bitch. Or when life’s being a badder bitch than me. I can at least struggle pretty ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This is the bros reactions to you wearing a very complimentary, alluring lip color. Or power lip color. I don’t know what to call it. I guess this is gender neutral? I’m not trying to mention gender specifically.
They TOTALLYYYYY have a crush on you at this point. They just haven’t owned up to it. May take a crack at writing a second part for the Undateables. I’m at chapter 21/22 and feel like they’re not really mentioned :/. Not enough for me to really know what they’re like.
Is very surprised to see you wearing lipstick. In fact...it’s the first time, isn’t it?
His heart stutters, almost as if the color scares him. 
It doesn’t. It excites him. More than he imagines. There’s something about the pop of color that draws his eyes in immediately, like a moth to a flame
Or so he thinks. Lucifer thinks that sounds nicer. In truth, it’s like a magnet trying to drag him closer. Your lips are just suddenly...very enticing. He’s thought about kissing you a few times before now but he certainly doesn’t want to feel his resolve crumble because of some color!
And yet, it is the essence of beauty itself. He feels as if you should be immortalized in a painting. You exude a classic kind of charm that makes his dusty heart squeeze.
He’s a bit behind on human fancies, but is this an attempt at courtship?! You certainly have his attention! 
It doesn’t even have to be a glossy lip. No matter how tsundere Mammon acts, he’s INCREDIBLY perceptive when it comes to you. He notices the minutest of changes. 
Your new lip color makes you a cool, shiny thing and Mammon LOVES shiny things.
He’s gonna be stealing so many glances! 
You don’t even have to be trying for a sexy vibe to be sexy in Mammon’s eyes. You take his breath away with this lip color. He just---boy has to turn around and bite his lip.
His heart’s doing stuff it hasn’t done in centuries and oh baby, he wants that lip color all over him!
Will either act like you wearing lipstick is nothing special (like he doesn’t notice) or goes into mild interrogation mode. It’s not for some other demon, right?!
Wants to touch your lips and see what it feels like, but doesn’t.
Might try to drag you along to be a makeup rep for one of his photoshoots. Then you can try on lots of lipsticks and pose with him. They can do a kiss photo for swatches, right? Prove it’s transfer-proof or something?
His attention’s on you AAALLLLL day--especially your lips
If he notices it’s smudged, he’ll try to wipe it away or fix it with his finger. Might almost out himself with how gently he does so.
He’s no stranger to watching people do makeup--he’s a big fan of cosplay makeup and body paint transformation
There’s just...something different about when you do it. He tries to tell himself it’s because you live with him, but that doesn’t feel quite right
His eyes light up when he sees the way the color compliments your skin. It makes your eyes twinkle but he’s really focused on your lips
It wakes up something ancient and irrational in him; he wants to give you a pretty shell or rock for some reason??
He just gets all excited and wiggly. Even his tail wants to wiggle!
You’re just pretty, okay?! Not that you’re gonna know, dummy!
Subconsciously, he thinks it reminds him of beautiful, vivid scales. Then that sends him down a rabbit hole of how pretty you’d look if you had scales  
In general, I headcanon that Levi can see the slightest differences in colors. He and Asmo are basically tied in this, and they far outpace the other brothers. 
He’d be extra stoked if the color is from the blue or purple family because those can be hard to pull off but they often make really good looks
Being Levi, he can’t outright compliment you. He’ll just say ‘it’s probably good for a normie human lipstick, but have you seen THESE?!’ and shows you some of the flashier Devildom ones
Get one with a slight shimmer or color change. Or better yet, do a gradient!
Levi would absolutely explode if you wore his colors!
If you do a TSL-inspired look, he’s going to die. And have dreams of you saying sweet things to him, the yucky otaku, with your pretty, pretty lips
Much like Lucifer, he’d want to wax poetic about how the lip color gives you an enchanting aura
Quite stricken, very flustered. He can hardly muster a witty remark.
Satan is basically grasping at straws and hoping his usual cool, toothy grin hides the fact that he’s ready to blush himself straight into a sunburn
Mild teasing, all of it good natured. He’ll pepper in comparisons to Helen of Troy or historical figures that resemble you. It’s mostly to see you blush, but it’s his way of saying it indirectly
He hasn’t quite come to terms with how much he likes you yet but he knows when he sees that lip color, he wants to smear it all over your cheeks and down your chin.
The idea of making a mess of something so pretty and carefully crafted just really gets his blood going. It’s a wicked thing, isn’t it? Symbolism for a demon corrupting a human? You could be his pretty human, yes.
If he wants to think or make a coherent sentence, he can’t look at you when you’re wearing lipstick
Subtly moves one of the books from a nearby stack into his lap because boy has a boner.
If you decide not to hang around or get pulled away by one of his brothers, Satan will disappear to indulge his fantasies of you wrapping those pretty lips around his cock. He’s not even mad about it. Not in the moment; he feels bad a few days later.  
His darling human is spreading their little beauty wings? Oh be still his beating heart!
He’s the first to compliment you and actually takes an analytical approach before the idea of genuine compliments pop up in his head. It’ll take him an hour or two to start getting a little flustered by you ‘dressing up’ and silently tormenting himself with ‘Is it for me? Is it for someone else?!’
Asmo can’t help but coo over how well you know your color wheel and how you match your undertones
The type to hold your face in his hands and pat your cheeks or squeeze them a little
Teases you about making lipstick swatches on his lips or his arms (”Or, you know, wherever. You can kiss me anywhere you like!”)
Wants to drag you away and see if any of his colors will look good on you
You will soon have a matching lip color! He’ll make sure of it!
BEGS you to let him swatch his lip colors on you, or apply them. He’ll make sure to take care of your lips in between--a lip mask, exfoliation, the works! (”I’ll even kiss them for you!”)
He wants you to try on all his lip colors because he wants to memorize how breath-taking you look in all the colors. Even if it’s platonic with some lusty teasing, Asmo has a genuine love for bringing beauty to people
In some ways, it makes his heart ache. It reminds him of when he was Heaven’s Jewel.
But now he’s here in the Devildom, and he doesn’t really regret it because he met you. You can be his jewel now, and maybe he can be yours. Maybe it all starts with some lipstick, hm? 
He notices it but doesn’t really get the significance of it
Is there a reason? Is it for an event? Is this a dominance thing? An attraction thing?
Demon can see from a great distance, far greater than humans, and there’s a chance he sees you before you see him
In all honesty, he probably thinks you have something on your lips, like a sauce or something
It isn’t until you get closer that he realizes it’s some kind of lip product
If you’re happy, he’s happy
You always look cute but this color seems to make you happy and it gives you this bouncy glow about you. That makes Beel all warm inside, to the point where he wants to purr.
Sometimes when he gets really excited his wings want to buzz. They kind of want to buzz.
Doesn’t mean to, but can’t stop staring at your lips. It’s a color he’s not used to seeing on you and his brain recognizes that change
Wouldn’t be against you kissing him. What? It might transfer? He gets food and crumbs all over his face on the regular so it’s not a big deal.
You might be shy about it? Don’t want him to get teased? Well...you can always practice. You know, somewhere he can hide it. Just to test it, that is.
KISS HIS STOMACH! He’d be so damn close to a nut Beel would have to bite his own tongue or shove something in his mouth before you do it
Would wear your little kiss marks like a badge of pride so slap ‘em on wherever you want!
“Do they have orange lipsticks?” he asks. Blushes deeply immediately, not realizing he actually said it out loud. You should try one of those, he thinks. You know, because that’s his color and it’ll match his nails. He thinks that’d be neat.
Just wants you to kiss all over his chest and stomach. 
Wary of the lipstick. Doesn’t trust it
Looks like a nightmare for his pillows. Paranoid about you getting it on his sheets
If he’s half asleep and notices it, the color change will jolt him awake long enough to really observe it
“For me?” he teases as he rolls over or pull himself from under covers and pillows to really look at you
It’s pretty, for sure, but you’re not coming anywhere near his bed unless you can prove it’s not coming off on fabric!
What’s that? You can?
Belphie probably says something sarcastic and mildly asshole-ish but you defend your precious lip product, talking about human reviews and tests and things. “People have kissed their boyfriends and girlfriends on camera! It works!”
He makes you kiss your arm (he’s a fucking idiot, should’ve asked you to kiss HIS arm) to prove it won’t rub off before he lets you rest on his bed with him
Snuggles into you like he always does, playing with your hair just the tiniest bit. 
Belphie hopes it’s subtle but he’s slowing twining and inching his fingers closer to your face. Your lip color is almost mythical and he kind of wants to touch it after all the fuss he made.
Does it make your lips feel different? They look different. Would it react differently to demon skin?
Will tell you it looks nice and that you look pretty but if you ask him about it later, he totally denies it. Insists he must’ve been talking in his sleep
He dreams of you kissing him awake or kissing him to sleep with gentle cuddles and pretty lips
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makeste · 4 years ago
BnHA 6th Popularity Poll Reaction Post - Risky Spoiler-Dodging Edition
hey guys, so seeing as the results from the 6th popularity poll were leaked today, I figured I would do a separate reaction + analysis post this year, rather than piling it in as an extra on top of the chapter reaction post tomorrow. I figure this makes more sense anyway, since they’re really two completely different things. also this way I can write as much as I want lol.
also, just fyi, I am still completely unspoiled for chapter 293. and probably the smart thing to do to keep it that way would be to log off tumblr and hold off posting this until tomorrow, but I apparently have no impulse control today so oh well. anyway, so I’m hoping you guys will keep this spoiler-free if you don’t mind! as always, I would prefer to just jump right in completely unaware tomorrow like Troy returning to the study room with the pizza boxes lol.
okay so this first part is just going to be my predictions. fyi I am writing this part on Wednesday night, and then I’ll add on the results part on Thursday or Friday (ETA: Thursday, apparently, since I am impatient.)
okay so first of all, just as a refresher, this poll was open to Japanese voters from Aug 3 to Sep 30. meaning chapters 279 through 285. meanwhile last year’s poll took place around the tail end of the MVA arc. so between then and now we had Heroes Rising, the Endeavor Agency arc, and the War arc up to the part where the 1-A kids took on Gigantomachia in Gunga, and started battling Tomura in Jakku. so technically only a couple of arcs, but a LOT of stuff going down in them. oh and season 4 of the anime as well
so! firstly, I predict that my truculent africanized honeybee son will hold on to his crown at #1, coming off a year in which he did some internship-boosted soul searching, borrowed OFA in movie canon, and finished out the voting period as the my-body-moved-on-its-own character development MVP. like CALL ME CRAZY lol, but I’m pretty sure his title is safe. and then after him will be Deku and Shouto as usual
Aizawa should hopefully also have a strong showing because the dude had a banner fucking year. reunited with his old dead friend, took on Tomura with his hopelessly inept hero pals, and then chopped his fucking leg off. he had better be in the top 10. his fucking leg died for this, idk what else he has to do
Endeavor also stands a decent chance of doing well given the internship arc and the final episode of season 4. which I’m sure will go down just swimmingly if that does happen lmao. especially if he somehow manages to rank higher than...
Dabi, which I don’t think he will btw, but you never know. anyways though, but I’m thinking Dabi’s going to have a stronger showing than in past years (in the last poll he only got 367 votes and was ranked 19th). mostly because of his fight in the Gunga mansion, and his cheekily censored name reveal to...
Hawks, who is also going to rank pretty high here, I think. might be he loses some points for killing off Twice, but his back was basically to the wall there. and he has always been very popular, and I think season 4 will also give him a boost, along with his heavy involvement in the first half of the War arc
Tomura was already in 6th place last year and I think he cracks the top 5 this year. he’s gotten exponentially more popular since the MVA arc, and got a boost in the last poll even though his flashback had only just barely happened, and he hadn’t finished Awakening yet and all that stuff. anyway, so he’s only gotten cooler and more tragic since then so I think he makes a big play here
Kirishima, Momo, Tokoyami, and Mina should also hopefully do well, since the poll opened right in the middle of all that Gigantomachia action, and Toko had just got done being an absolute badass and protecting his birb dad. I don’t think he’ll quite make it to the top ten, but he should
and last but not least, I’m hoping that Mirko will come out and take the polls by storm, although I have no clue how popular she is in Japan lol. she’s clearly Horikoshi’s favorite though. she SHOULD be everyone’s favorite, but I mean, we’ll see how it goes
anyway that’s it as far as predictions! and so now, through the magic of writing stuff at different times, we will fast-forward to the part where we actually find out the results!
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Kacchan looks SO COCKY and SO HAPPY and SO ADORABLE, YES I SAID IT. he is adorable as FUCK. I don’t quite know what it is about this particular Kacchan that just screams “LOOK HOW FUCKING CUTE MY STUPID, LOUD SON IS WITH HIS BIZARRE WINDOWPANE-LOOKING CONVERTIBLE SUNGLASS GOGGLES and his POORLY TIED CRAVAT”, but I think it’s because he looks like if a Digimon character and a FMA character had a baby
anyway, so it looks like most of the people present here are more or less who we expected to see. except that I can’t tell for sure if that’s Dabi or Shindou, and if it’s Shindou I’m going to punch somebody in the face so you will have to excuse me
Iida wearing a TRENCHCOAT and a TOP HAT with ENGINE EXHAUST GOGGLE ACCENTS is my new favorite Iida of all time. take note how there is no possible way he can wear those goggles with them sitting on top of his hat like that. plus he’s already got glasses on. these are just purely for aesthetic and IF THAT AIN’T JUST THE STEAMPUNK WAY
Deku out here speaking softly and carrying a lead pipe. Kacchan you best look out. seems like he’s done watching you take first place year after year while he languishes in the number two spot. your only hope is that he trips while attacking you because his boots are unbuckled
Shouto’s standing over there with the rest of the non-first-and-second-place characters, but what are the odds his results are actually within spitting distance of Deku’s same as always. anyway he doesn’t mind, though. also his outfit is by far the most sensible one here, but if you look closely he’s got some sort of fire extinguisher/jet pack thing strapped to his back that’s got a control switch on his belt. Shouto are you jetpacking or putting out fires
Kirishima out here all “I’m not sure what steampunk is so I’m just going to take off my shirt and pose”
AIZAWA WITH THE EYEPATCH SKLKSDLKFJLSKJLDFKJSLDFFJLDKSJFL:KS. SIR. SIR. also, lowkey furious that Horikoshi refuses to show us the automail leg that he is clearly sporting here but which we just can’t see, SHOUTO MOVE GODDAMMIT
Endeavor has TWO fire extinguisher-slash-jetpacks. THE BETTER TO... WHATEVER. look at you here in the top ten again. you really live for that controversy
HAWKS OUT HERE WITH HIS STEAMPUNK BEATS BY DRE AND HIS WEARING A RING ON EVERY FINGER. nice to see you’ve still got your wings there, kiddo. then again Deku still has both of his arms too so who even knows what is going on
BUT SERIOUSLY THOUGH, IS THIS DABI OR SHINDOU. as if I don’t know the truth deep down in my heart. y’all I am gonna flip lmao. it’s not that I dislike Shindou, strictly speaking. but just... I can’t explain what it is, but if you put him and AFO next to each other and told me “you can only punch one”, I would be having a serious crisis. just, THIS FUCKING GUY, idek. STOP SMILING
Tomura looks like he just wandered onto the set here by mistake and has no idea where he is or what is going on. it’s because you’re wearing a bigass severed hand that’s blocking your entire view, Tomura. just take the hand off your face my sweet murder dumpling
anyway! so I managed to also find a link to the full poll results while somehow managing to avoid spoilers, and then I wanted to compare the results to last year’s poll, and so I made... this
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hopefully you can all see this. if you’re on desktop you might be screwed, but on mobile you should be able to click and enlarge it. I mean, assuming you actually give a fuck about boring poll analysis spreadsheets lmao
anyway, so there were actually 13k fewer votes cast this year which is a bit of a surprise. is the series not still growing in popularity? do people apparently have better things to do during their quarantine lol
anyways but despite this, and despite getting 8k fewer votes overall, Kacchan still managed almost twice as many as his closest competitor. well fought, Deku. please put down that pipe
I somehow always underestimate the power of ship popularity to influence these things. but for example, it looks like Present Mic got that Vigilantes Trio bump. ride that wave for all it’s worth my man! hell, you got me on board
Iida fucking Tenya somehow got some sort of POWER BOOST out of NOWHERE which I can’t explain at all lmao, but I’m here for it. NOT BAD FOR AN OLD MAN
Sero managed to get the exact same number of votes in both 2019 and 2020. clearly the most loyal fans in the business
Mirko being all the way down at #20 is, of course, a travesty, and I hereby nominate her to be the one to punch Shindou in the face
ngl though, the lack of a single female character in the top ten hurts just a bit. it’s not overly surprising, but still. the worst part of it is that even if you kicked Shindou to the curb and moved everyone else up one slot, it would still be all dudes since Mic beat out Momo by a margin of a little more than a hundred votes. hard to stay mad at Mic for too long, though. ah well
Tomura actually lost a bunch of votes which is a genuine surprise to me. I know the villain standom isn’t as dominant in Japan as it is in Western fandom, but still. you can go ahead and punch Shindou too I guess
Tokoyami lowkey doubled his vote count over the past year while hiding down there at #18. he is slowly becoming more powerful. biding his time
anyway so I think that’s it! I mean not really, but I’m getting kind of tired lol. so just, you know, insert the usual gripes at Overhaul’s ranking here, although we can be happy about Magne making her way onto the list (r.i.p.), and Mineta and AFO taking a very satisfying slide down (all the way out, in AFO’s case; good riddance you bum). Hadou also got a huge boost which is awesome. Mustard’s persistent ownership of the #36 spot will forever remain a mystery to me, but oh well
anyways, this was fun. and I really do feel like everyone is looking away on purpose so that when Deku brains Kacchan with that pipe in about two seconds from now, there will be no witnesses, oh my fucking god
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ordinaryschmuck · 4 years ago
Top 10 Favorite Fictional Couples
Happy Valentines Day, people on the internet who probably won't read this! I'm an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons. And even though I'm a lonely bastard who will absolutely die alone one day, I am also a sucker for romance. If a story decides to include a cute couple in it, then you better believe I'm going to gush over them for an unhealthy amount of time for a man my age. Even more so if they answer the three most essential questions that I think applies to every romantic couple in fiction:
Why do they like each other? (Looks don't count. It can be an option, but it shouldn't be the only option.)
Would it make sense for them to be together? (Like, if this couple would exist in real life, would you expect them to last.)
Do they have chemistry? (This is the most important one as a couple can dominate just by the chemistry alone.)
So today, I am going to rank my top ten favorite couples in fiction, who just so happen to answer most, if not all, of these questions. Now, I could be cute and make a top fourteen list...but not too long ago, I just listed off the twenty best-animated series of the 2010s, so I think it's best if I stick to the basics. Also, I should make a few things clear:
A. These are couples, not ships. The pairing has to have a canon kiss, or at the very least, a canon confession to be on the list. This means sorry, Lumity fans, but Luz and Amity are not going to be on this list...even though they would absolutely be #1 if they could be!
B. The couple has to at least spend an entire episode being together, which means no last-minute hookups because the writers wanted to drag out the romantic tension. (Sorry, Catradora fans)
With that out of the way, let's get started with--
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10. Laura Hollis and Carmilla Kernstien from Carmilla (Web Series)
The chemistry between these two is on point. Laura’s and Carmilla's actors Elise Bauman and Natasha Negovanlis are so convincing when acting like a couple that I am honestly shocked to find out they never actually dated. This is good because everything else about Laura and Carmilla's relationship is...kind of the worst. Don't get me wrong, as a couple, these two are fantastic, adorable, well-written, and well-performed. But the writers seem very fond of keeping them bickering and broken up rather than actually having them together. And that is where the issue lies. If the writers committed to Laura and Carmilla being together instead of doing this whole "will they or won't they" crap, on top of them being selfish idiots in season two, then you better believe they would be in the top three, at least. As they are, they at least act adorable enough to make the top ten.
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9. Gregg and Angus from Night in the Woods
Ok, I'm gonna level with you: I just wanted to put an mlm relationship on this list, and this was the best I can come up with (I haven't seen Good Omens, nor have I finished Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts yet to see Benson's relationship with Troy. Leave me alone). As a male bisexual, I'm kind of disappointed. I know that male pairings exist in media, but for the life of me, I don't think they are as celebrated as much, or as frequent, as female pairings have been. This is sad because I would honestly love to see how more couples like Gregg and Angus.
These two act so much like a real couple. Gregg and Angus care and support each other so much, yet they still have big arguments as any couple would. They clearly love each other but still have issues they both need to deal with if they want to grow. Plus, I'm just a sucker for opposites attract. And you can't get more opposite than the loud and bombastic Gregg and his quiet and serious boyfriend Angus. There are probably better mlm pairings than these two (And if there are, then let me know. I'd love to check them out), but Gregg and Angus prove that any relationship, no matter the gender, can be the same as any other. Both the wholesomeness and the faults.
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8. Peter Parker and Michelle Jones from the Marvel Cinematic Universe
I put these two a little low because we barely see them spend time as a couple. Peter and Michelle got together at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home, and we only get a glimpse of how their relationship works in the last few minutes. However, I'm willing to argue that they count because they are guaranteed to be a couple in the sequels, and we'll be allowed to see them grow. How often do you get to say that for other fictional couples who get together at the end of a long story? Plus, Peter and Michelle earn extra bonus points for being the best couple in a Spider-Man movie. Michelle is a league's better character than the MJ in the Sam Rami trilogy, and the chemistry is still adorable but not overtly cutesy like it was in The Amazing Spider-Man movies. So even though Peter and Michelle just got together, they show a lot of promise, if you ask me. Their interactions are adorable, you can tell that Michelle likes Peter for Peter, and they are the most accurate depictions of young love you’ll ever see. Just look at that first kiss. It was one filled with inexperience and awkwardness and I just love it! I’m already interested in what these two have to offer and I can’t wait to see what happens next with them.
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7. Andy Dwyer and April Ludgate from Parks and Recreation
The best description you'll ever hear about this couple is that they are what happens when a dog and a cat fall in love. Andy is dopey, happy, and loyal to no end. April is intimidating, cynical, and is already plotting your murder as we speak. What I'm saying is that these two shouldn't work...but they do. Somehow, by every leap of logic, Andy and April complete each other. They are both so far gone from reality, yet at the same time, both keep each other grounded in more ways than one. It's a weird paradox that never ceases to amaze, nor does it cease to be adorable. They do go through bullcrap love triangles and a "will they or won't they scenario" in seasons two and three, but once that crap is over, the writers lean into the potential these two have as a great couple. And trust me when I say that it is all lovely to watch.
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6. Rapunzel and Eugene from Tangled: The Series
Huh. I guess romance really does exist after Happily Ever After.
Joking aside, I was surprised by how well these two work as a pairing. Usually, when the Disney Prince and Princess get together in the end, there is nothing more to the relationship. And even if their movie gets a spin-off series, the dynamic is as generic and forgettable as it can be. For Rapunzel and Eugene, it is different. Their chemistry is top-notch, their constant love and support for each other are admirable/adorable, and the complete trust they have for one another is absolute perfection. I was already surprised by how good Tangled: The Series was, but the fact that the main couple is somehow better here than they were in their own movie is something I would have never expected.
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5. Rigby and Eileen from Regular Show
And seeing how we're talking about surprises, who saw these two being the best couple in the series? With the number of times that the writers focussed on Mordecai's romantic hang-ups and how often Muscle Man and Starla were considered the only canon couple, I was shocked when it turned out Rigby and Eileen have the best loving relationship in Regular Show. Even crazier, their relationship is built entirely in the background of the first six seasons. Since her introduction, Eileen has been head over heels for Rigby since the beginning (for reasons I'll never understand), and Rigby slowly reciprocated. Until the big reveal in the season six finale, there was nothing but implications as they were trying to hide their relationship and not rub how perfect it is in Mordecai's face (no matter how much Rigby wants to). But once we get to see them as an official couple, it all becomes clear why they work so well. Eileen loves Rigby for Rigby, and will always support him, faults and all. Rigby pays it all back in spades, wanting to be a better person, as well as a better boyfriend, for the one person who always believes there was something good inside. Not even his own best friend had that much faith in him. And on top of all of that, they're just cute. They may not have been the central hook in the series, but they are definitely much appreciated.
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4. Chris and Elise from Dan Vs./Millie and Moxxie from Helluva Boss
These four are tied because they pretty much have the same dynamic. Chris and Moxxie are these pathetic losers who somehow managed to marry Elise and Millie: Badass assassins who could effortlessly marry any man they want. And what they want are their pathetic losers. It's extra wholesome for Chris and Elise, as Chris really can't do that much right, especially in comparison to the ever-perfect Elise. Yet, she still cares deeply for Chris and will promptly destroy anyone or anything that causes him harm. That being said, while Millie and Moxxie are both equally deadly, there is an odd hilarity to the fact that these literal demons from hell are so gosh darn wholesome. Seriously, their literal job is to kill people who screw over those who went to hell, and I'm always going "D'aww" when M and M always do something cute. Explain that logic to me!
There's nothing more I can say about these four, as they're adorable couples that prove love comes in the most impossible circumstances and the unlikeliest places.
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3. Ruby and Sapphire from Steven Universe
I'll always remember that Ruby and Sapphire are the first couple that proved to me that there is nothing wrong with a same-sex pairing, especially in children's media. Before Steven Universe, I wasn't necessarily told that same-sex couples are wrong, but they're not meant for kids. Then I found out that these two girls, on a kids show of all places, we're madly in love and my first response was: "...Huh." And this was before I knew I was bisexual, so I wasn't even that obsessed about it at the time. But the more I saw Ruby and Sapphire, and the more I learned about how starved the LGBTQ+ was for representation, the more I really appreciated them. Ruby and Sapphire never fail to be precious, and the fact that they barely spend any longer than a few minutes apart is downright heartwarming (and incredibly literal if you've seen the show). They also broke a ton of barriers to proper representation. Not only were Ruby and Sapphire one of the first explicit lesbian couples in children's animation, but they're also the first ones to actually get married. Because of such a power move, many networks and shows make it less of a challenge for writers to include more gay characters in their stories. There is still a lot of hard work that those writers face, but it certainly seems it's less of a challenge than it would be before Steven Universe came out (Ha!). Ruby and Saphire are the first fictional gay couple I have been introduced to and have made an incredible impression ever since.
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2. Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum and Marcelene Abadeer from Adventure Time
But while it's Ruby and Sapphire that introduced me to the concept of a same-sex couple, it's Princess Bubblegum and Marceline that made me root for one. In (I want to say) 2017, I started rewatching Adventure Time, knowing that queer relationships were indeed a thing. This means that not only did I finally caught the INCREDIBLY noticeable subtext in "What Was Missing," but I was legitimately chanting, "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" when I got to the episode "Varmints." And when they finally did kiss in the series finale, I full-on jumped out of my chair and screamed, "YES!" That never happens. Not even for the straight couples that I've obsessed over before this. Either I coo at how adorable they are, or just smile a warm and gentle smile. But letting out a very audible cheer that my college roommates definitely heard? That shows how deeply I cared for these two. And can you really blame me?
Not only is the chemistry on point with Bubblegum and Marceline, but it's interesting getting to see their relationship evolve through the course of the series. They have a dynamic of a couple who broke up on bad terms (long before "Obsidian" confirmed this), and you slowly get to see them reconnect to that spark they lost long ago. Plus, the more you see them interact, the more of their history is revealed, and thus it becomes clear why they fell for each other in the first place. Bubblegum keeps Marceline responsible, while Marceline helps Bubblegum learn how to loosen up. They balance each other nicely, and after some much needed growing up from the both of them, that spark returns. And they're much more of a loving unit than they were years ago. It's incredible to watch, and I would honestly see an entire spin-off series about them. But, as great as Bubblegum and Marceline are, there is a reason they are not my number one.
(There’s no art for this one because they’re characters from a book and I don’t want to steal someone else’s fanart for the sake of my crappy Tumblr post)
1. Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson and the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus
And that reason is that I can't resist the first-ever pairing that I obsessed over. Percy and Annabeth might just be the example I live by for how couples should be written in media. Dynamic wise, of course. In terms of telling a story, their relationship was handled poorly in Percy Jackson and the Olympians. It was filled with agonizing love-triangles, a very long wait, and they were one of those couples who didn't get together until the end of the series. Which is a major no-no, in my opinion. But, when they finally get to be a couple in Heroes of Olympus, it is downright perfection. Percy and Annabeth are what happens if these two badass warrior heroes fell in love. They worry about each other and are willing to die for each other (if need be) but still have an intense amount of faith and trust for one another. The number of times Percy or Annabeth knew they would be alright because they have each other is incredibly high, no matter what series of books they appear in. They work well together, as well as off each other. Percy is this bumbling idiot who wins his battles through a mix of luck and skill, where Annabeth is this intelligent warrior who has trained since the age of seven. They compliment each other perfectly, and their constant playful bickering is always fun. I love these two, I love their love, and they will always be one of my favorite fictional couples in media.
(That is until Luz and Amity from The Owl House become cannon. In which case, you better believe they'll be number one.)
And those are my favorite couples. Out of curiosity, what are yours? Or, at least, what are your top five? Don't feel afraid to let me know or even make a list of your own.
Have a happy Valentine's Day, with whoever you want to celebrate it with and however you want to do it.
Now, if you don't excuse me, I have an entire to-do list of s**t I have to do, and I gotta figure out which to work on first.
(Should I review Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles next, or do that scene breakdown for Amphibia? Oh, the possibilities are killing me...)
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tchallasbabymama · 4 years ago
Hey y’all, here’s Chapter 12 of Playlist. Catch up on the story and read my other fics by checking out my masterlist HERE! Also, In a couple weeks I’ll be starting up “Ménage `a Trois”, a T’Challa x  OC x M’Baku throuple fic. Check out the preview here!
CW: Smut (consensual non-consent, knife/claw play, cutting, blood play). Basically if edge play bothers you, don’t read the last scene except for the verrrry end. Child endangerment. 
Word count: 10,313
The King and Queen of Wakanda, along with their newborn baby girl, stayed in the royal birthing chambers for the rest of the day so the midwife could keep an eye on mama and umntwana. T’Challa spent almost the entire time holding and talking to his daughter, only easily giving her up when it was time for her to eat.
“Challa, can I have my child please?”
“Our child,” he said as he carefully handed her off to her mother.
“I know that, do you?” she said with a look that made the king’s cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
“O-of course, I just-”
“Shhhh, I’m kidding,” she chuckled before her face changed as Siyanda latched on for the second time since she’d been out in the real world.
“Does it hurt?”
“No it’s just...a weird feeling, but it’s good.”
T’Challa climbed in bed next to her and stroked her hair out of her face as she fed their daughter.
“I already want another.”
“Can my entire bottom half heal first, please?”
He chuckled and kissed her temple.
“I can be patient.”
Ashanti shot him another look and he changed his tune.
“When it comes to this, anyway,” he said with a smile.
When the princess was all fed and burped they felt it was finally time to let their loved ones in to see the new addition to the family.
Ramonda, Bisa, and Chidi came in first, each crying tears of joy over their baby’s baby. However, when it came time to hold her, T’Challa’s reaction surprised them all.
“I...I’m sorry, was that a growl?” Ashanti asked her husband, dumbfounded.
“Sounded like one to me,” Chidi said, cautiously stepping back from the bed.
“It’s just the herb in his system making him extra protective. Those panther instincts really kick into gear when you have a child,” Ramonda chimed in.
“Oh so is that why I barely get to touch my own baby?”
Ramonda nodded and reached for the baby, causing yet another deep rumbling in T’Challa’s chest.
“Down, boy,” Ashanti joked as she handed Siyanda to Ramonda and reached for her husband’s hand.
“How are you feeling intyatyambo?” Bisa asked, sitting on the bed next to her daughter.
“I’m tired and everything is sore, but I’m floating in the clouds everytime I look at her.”
“That feeling never goes away,” Ramonda chimed in as she looked down at her granddaughter. “You know, it’s too early to tell for sure, but she has N’Yami’s eyes, just like her baba.”
“That’s what T’Challa said!” she looked over to him as he followed Ramonda’s every movement with his eyes. Ashanti squeezed his hand and he broke his gaze. “Baby, stop. Nobody here is going to harm her.”
He lightly cleared his throat and nodded. Deep down, he knew that to be the case, but he just couldn’t help himself.
Ramonda walked over to Bisa and carefully placed Siyanda in her other grandma’s arms.
“Bast, she’s beautiful,” Chidi stood behind his wife and stared down at his granddaughter, too afraid to touch her out of fear that her father would rip his head off.
“Do you want to hold her?” Bisa asked him.
“That’s probably not such a good idea right now,” Ramonda noticed how T’Challa reacted everytime Chidi got close. T’Chaka had done the same thing. He had been wary of anyone touching Shuri, but other men brought out the predator in him and his territorial nature flared. It calmed down after a while, but it was the worst when she was a newborn. “In fact, I’m not sure if Daka can even come into the room.”
“Why is that?” Ashanti asked.
“Look at how he is with a normal man. We’ve never had two panthers at the same time, so I could be wrong, but I would give it a couple weeks for him to calm down...just in case.”
Ashanti nodded and kissed her husband’s cheek, his eyes still glued to their baby girl.
“I’ll go bring in Shuri and Kwame,” Chidi offered before heading out the door, a little hurt he couldn’t hold his granddaughter.
Ashanti lightly slapped T’Challa’s chest, “You hurt his feelings.”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t help it.”
“Try closing your eyes or something.”
“I’d still hear it.”
“Not with my headphones! I’ll be back,” Shuri had barely made it in the room when she ran back out, and when Kwame entered he went straight to his best friend and pulled her in for a hug.
“I can’t believe you’re a mama now! Where is the little bundle of joy?” he looked around before his eyes landed on Bisa rocking her granddaughter in the corner.
“If you want to hold her I’d suggest waiting a couple weeks, baba might attack you,” Chidi complained from the doorway.
“No worries, I don't like holding them when they’re fresh out anyway. Too delicate.”
Just then, Shuri returned with her headphones and T’Challa tentatively placed them on, turning around to look out the window as a distraction, still holding Ashanti’s hand and bouncing his leg from the anxiety of not being able to know what's going on with his baby girl.
“Ok, now try, baby,” Bisa said, handing Siyanda off to her umakhulu.
“She looks just like you did when you were born,” Chidi added, walking closer to Kwame so he could see her cute little face.
“Awwww she really is cute!”
Everyone laughed as Chidi passed Siyanda to her auntie, but it was quickly cut short when everyone noticed the look of complete adoration on the older princess’ face.
“She...she’s beautiful.”
She stared at her little nose and her little round cheeks and swore to herself that she would protect her niece with her life.
There was a light knocking and everyone looked up to see the prince, never really one to follow directions, standing in the doorway.
“Stay there, don’t come in,” Ramonda warned.
“So I don't get to see my baby cousin?” he pouted.
Shuri looked at her brother, still turned towards the window and unaware of what was happening, then to Ashanti and Ramonda. Ashanti nodded and Ramonda let out a deep breath before doing the same. Shuri walked over to N’Jadaka and placed her in his arms after taking one last look at her distracted brother.
“Wow...she’s so tiny.” he played with her little fingers as she looked up at him. T’Challa shifted and they quickly but carefully placed the baby back in Shuri’s arms. N’Jadaka stayed in the doorway as Ashanti reached to take the noise-cancelling headphones off her overprotective husband.
Shuri placed her niece in her baba’s arms and T’Challa’s tension melted away.
“I apologize, I don’t know how to control it yet,” the king said softly while staring at his greatest creation.
“You’ll get there,” Ashanti placed her head on his shoulder and he smiled, kissing her temple.
Just then, Binta and Ramla entered to check on mama and baby so the family left to give them some space. After Ramla made sure everything was safe, she allowed the new little family to return to their quarters to start their new life together.
Princess Siyanda was a very sensitive and reserved child. As an infant, she only wanted her parents and would cry whenever anyone else held her. It took her a few months to warm up to the rest of the family, but she eventually got there and they were able to step in and help take care of her.
As she grew, she continued to be a shy baby. During her crowning after her first birthday, it was almost impossible to get her to stop crying, seemingly overwhelmed by all the attention. After a few more months, the princess started to come out of her shell a little bit, but she was still very cautious around new people and people she wasn’t fond of.
Siyanda was also a quiet child, and she didn’t speak until she was almost two. Now, at three years old, Princess Siyanda was the chattiest little thing to people she deemed worthy, but still very silent in the presence of those she didn’t like. Like Mala and Ode, for example. Siyanda had been coming to council meetings since she was an infant, sitting in one of her parent’s laps as they ruled the kingdom, and even then she grew anxious when the Merchant and Mining tribe elders approached her. Now she would hide behind whatever family member was closest. It had started to become bothersome to the two elders who felt disrespected by the child’s behavior, which only fueled their already deep disdain for her and her common mother.
Ashanti and T’Challa were head over heels for their temperamental little girl, so when they found out the reason for her actions they were floored that they had missed the signs.
It all started with a headache that just wouldn’t go away.
“Mama? Baba?” came a little voice from outside their door, prompting T’Challa, who was a much lighter sleeper than his wife, to get up and let in his baby girl.
When he opened the door she squinted up at him and looked as though she were seeing him for the first time. She burst into tears as her baba crouched down to scoop her up, but she wiggled out of his arms.
“What is it, sithandwa?”
By this point, Ashanti had made her way over to the doorway and stood behind her husband as he tried to calm their daughter down. Siyanda’s tears subsided for just long enough for her to speak, “My head hurts. You’re too bright.”
“What do you mean bright, baby?” Ashanti crouched down to Siyanda’s level with T’Challa, hoping to stop her baby girl from crying.
“My head hurts, and it woke me up. You’re too bright.”
“Who, baby?”
“Both of you.”
T’Challa and Ashanti looked to each other in confusion before turning back to their daughter.
“Close your eyes, baby girl,” Ashanti said as she reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her into a hug.
“Now, tell us, how are we too bright?” he rubbed her back in slow circles to calm her down, but it didn’t seem to be working.
“There’s colors around you and-and it hurts my eyes,” the little princess huffed out between sobs.
The two parents were perplexed as they turned to each other with their eyebrows furrowed yet again, both unsure of what they were hearing.
“Why don’t you come to bed with mama? Baba will make you some tea to help you sleep, ok?”
“Ok mama.”
“Keep your eyes closed, baby.”
Ashanti carried Siyanda to the bed while T’Challa disappeared to the kitchen to make a quick cup of tea. The princess kept her eyes closed as her mama sang her favorite lullaby and played in her soft curls that she got from her baba. Slight whimpers left her lips as a dull aching throbbed in her head, but she preferred it to the stabbing pain of the bright colors.
T’Challa returned and he set the tea down to cool before crawling into bed with his two favorite girls. “Tell us what you see, sithandwa.”
She sniffled as Ashanti wiped the tears coming from her eyes and T’Challa held her little hands in his. She tried her best to explain to them the bright purple and yellow light radiating from around them that they couldn’t see, but they just couldn’t wrap their heads around her words.
“How about we go see Umakazi Shuri tomorrow?”
“Ok baba.”
Ashanti helped Siyanda drink the tea with her eyes closed and eventually she drifted off to a fretful sleep, tossing and turning between her parents all night. They desperately needed to talk  about the situation so they texted on their beads so as not to wake their sleeping child up.
A: It sounds like she’s seeing auras.
T: Isn’t she too young for that kind of thing? A: I always thought mutations kicked in at puberty.
T: They normally do.
A: Maybe it’s not a mutation?
T: I don’t know what else it could be.
A: Me either, but I’m worried about her.
T: Me too, Kitten.
They both gazed at their sleeping daughter’s not quite so peaceful form as she slept, neither one of them getting much sleep of their own that night.
The king, queen, and both princesses were missing from breakfast the next day, leaving Ramonda and N’Jadaka to dine alone. Siyanda found that she could open her eyes as long as she didn’t look at anybody, but that proved to be a harder task than she expected so she just kept her eyes closed behind sunglasses the whole way.
As they entered Shuri’s lab, she immediately sensed something was wrong with the usually much more excited princess.
“Yaya! What’s up?” she picked up her favorite niece and spun her around, surprised by the lack of giggles. “Ok something is wrong, talk to me.”
T’Challa cleared his throat, “We think she is seeing auras.”
“She has powers?!”
“Well that’s what we want you to help us find out,” Ashanti added.
“Sure thing, it’ll only take a second,” she set Siyanda down on the table before putting a painless blood collection device over her arm and distracting her while the machine drew her blood.
Shuri connected the device to her computer and the results appeared on the screen. After combing through the data, Shuri felt almost ready to make her declaration.
“I’ll need to run some more tests, if you don’t mind.”
Ashanti grabbed T’Challa’s hand and he looked down at her concerned face.
“Challa, I don’t want her to feel like we’re experimenting on her.”
“She won’t, I promise. I’ll do it with her.”
Ashanti nodded and the four of them spent the whole morning in Shuri’s lab. It turned out that Siyanda could in fact see auras and she had most likely been empathic since she was an infant.
The adults watched her play with fake gauntlets Shuri made just for her as they spoke in hushed tones.
“So that’s why she’s picky about who she lets near her?”
“Looks like it,” Shuri swiped through the screen until she came across a picture of a brain. “You see here? This is my brain.”
Ashanti and T’Challa watched the synapses fire and light up the screen.
“And this is ubhuti’s brain,” She pulled up another projection, this one with even more synapses lighting up the screen. “The heart shaped herb altered his brain so that he could have heightened senses and panther instincts, so that’s why he’s got more going on up there...I’m still smarter.”
T’Challa rolled his eyes as Ashanti grinned at her sister-in-law.
“But this...this is Yaya’s brain.”
All three adults stood in awe as they watched parts of her brain spark in ways they hadn’t ever witnessed before.
“What is that?”
“That’s her visual, emotional, and sensory centers firing off. Now look at this scan from when I had her look at T’Challa.”
“Is she...this won’t keep hurting her will it? She has a headache and it gets worse when she looks at us, I don't want her to-”
“My love,” he grabbed her hand and kissed it.
“Sorry, right.” Ashanti took a breath, “Ok so what now?”
“I’m thinking: glasses.”
“Yes, if I can filter out at least some of the light it’ll be more manageable for her. She’ll probably grow out of the headaches when her body gets used to her new power.”
“What if she develops more powers? Can you tell ahead of time?” T’Challa asked his little sister.
“Not unless she’s hooked up to machines when it happens.”
“So you for sure found the mutation in her genes?” Ashanti chimed in.
“Yep!” She swiped across the screen and brought up a swirling double helix before typing in a code and pulling up the exact genome. “Here it is, the X-gene.”
Ashanti’s mouth was wide open as she released her husband’s hand and stepped towards the screen, taking it all in. Her mind raced all over the place. She knew these things usually came from the mother, but as far as she knew there were no mutants in her family. She’d have to talk to her parents, and soon.
Despite her confusion and fear for her child’s safety Ashanti couldn't help the slow smile creeping up her face as she turned back to T’Challa.
“Our baby has superpowers!”
“There’s my grandbaby!” Chidi swooped Siyanda off the ground as she giggled, but he paused when he noticed something was a little different. “What’s with the goggles?”
“Auntie Shuri made them for me because people were too bright.”
Chidi looked at Ashanti in total confusion and she waved him off.
“Yeah, I’ll get to that in a little bit. Where’s mama?”
“She should be back from closing the restaurant any time now. You know, I’m surprised you have her up this late...is everything ok at home?”
“Yes baba, T’Challa would’ve come but he got called into a meeting with the Avengers.”
“Your baba is such a busy superhero,” Chidi whispered to his granddaughter, making her giggle right as Bisa opened the door, saying hello to the Dora Milaje stationed outside.
“Well hello you two!” Bisa kissed everyone’s forehead and sat down next to her husband just in time for Siyanda to crawl into her lap and make herself comfortable. “Where’s my son in law? Somewhere getting on your nerves?”
Ashanti chuckled, “Not today mama, he’s working. Actually I’m here about Yaya...and her glasses.”
“Yeah, what’s up with these? They make her look so old.”
“They do, but she needs them until Shuri can come up with a better idea,” Ashanti took a breath, “Mama, baba...she’s an empath...a mutant.”
“What’s a mutant, mama?”
Ashanti took in her parents’ shocked faces before looking down to her child.
“A mutant is a person with special gifts.”
“Mhm, like how baba and Daka can run really fast.”
Siyanda nodded and went back to playing with Bisa’s bracelets, shaking her out of her daze.
“You said she’s an empath, what does that mean?”
“She can see auras and feel people’s energy. Shuri thinks when she’s older she might be able to feel peoples’ emotions, but we can’t know for sure yet.”
“What colors does she see around us?”
The toddler looked up from her grandma’s beaded wrists and her big brown eyes landed on her mother. Ashanti couldn’t help but smile down at her cherubic face. Siyanda was her little twin, she looked and acted just like her mama, right down to wearing her emotions on her face.
“What is it baby?”
“You don’t see the colors?”
“No, that’s your gift, not mine.”
“It’s pretty, mama. You’re yellow and baba is purple. And when you’re together it swirls.”
“Mhm,” she turned to her grandparents, “And you’re green and blue mixed together.”
“What do the colors mean, intyatyambo?” Bisa asked, her eyes wide with wonder at her granddaughter's gift from Bast.
Siyanda shrugged, taking in the swirling colors around them with a smile on her face.
“So what are the glasses for exactly?” Chidi asked. Much like his daughter and granddaughter, Chidi wore his emotions on his face and his bewilderment was still very obvious.
“The colors are really bright and they hurt her head, so Shuri figured out how to filter out the light so she can still see them without it hurting. Hopefully she’ll grow out of it.”
“Auntie Shuri said I’m a superhero like baba!” The princess jumped up and started play-fighting with her granddad, who then chased her around the living room and into the backyard.
“Those two,” Bisa chuckled, shaking her head before turning serious. “How are you holding up?”
“I’m ok as long as she’s ok. I’m just confused on where it came from. Does anyone else in our family have powers?”
“Well that depends on who you ask...the women in my family have been gifted for centuries, but it was mostly through dream work and divination, not as empaths. Though I’m not really sure what the difference is between a gift from Bast and a mutation.”
“I don’t think there is one.”
“Me neither.”
The mother and daughter sat in silence for a moment before Siyanda’s screeching laughter rang out as Chidi chased her back into the room. Ashanti scooped her up into her lap when Chidi plopped down on the couch, resting his head on his wife’s shoulder.
“I'm too old for this.”
Siyanda nodded and Chidi’s hurt face sent Ashanti and Bisa into a laughing fit. After they came back down to earth Ashanti felt her stomach growl and invited her parents to come back to the palace for dinner.
The four of them arrived just before everyone else and took their seats as the rest of their small party filed in. All except for the king, that is.
“Where is my son?” Ramonda asked.
“Yeah, where’s baba?”
Ashanti sighed and pushed back from the table, kissing her daughter’s head before sauntering out the room and down the hall towards the business side of the palace. When she reached his office she didn’t even bother knocking before she swung the doors open.
He looked away from the documents on his screen, his tired eyes filling with worry as he took in her tone. She almost never said his whole name, so he knew he was in for it.
“Is something wrong, my love?”
“Uh, yeah. It’s dinnertime. Let’s go,” she turned to usher him out of the room, but he didn’t move.
“Kitten, I have work to do. We spent half the day in Shuri’s lab and then I spent the rest dealing with the Avengers-”
“You have to eat, don’t you?”
“Yes, I was going to have it brought to me.”
Ashanti crossed the room and rolled his chair back from the desk, sitting sideways in his lap.
“Your eyes look tired baby, give them a break from all the screens. Mama and baba are here...Yaya misses you...I miss you,” she pouted.
“I know what you’re doing-”
She placed a soft kiss on his lips. “I’m not doing anything,” she said before kissing his cheek, then his jawline. Her lips trailed to his Adam's apple and back up to his earlobe before whispering in his ear.
“I miss you, Kumkani.”
“I’m not doing anything,” he mocked, making his wife giggle. The king let out a sigh as Ashanti kissed up and down the column of his neck. He had already made up his mind about going to dinner, but he was also very willing to see how far she’d take her seduction.
Ashanti moved in his lap to straddle him and they connected in a passionate liplock, her hips grinding slowly into his. He let her have her fun before he stood and placed her on his desk, reaching his hand up the leg of her flowy printed shorts until he made it to his destination between her thighs. She moaned as his fingers grazed her clit, slowly stroking it through her underwear.
“You come in here and distract me.” He pushed her panties to the side and ran his bare fingers up and down her juicy slit, “All you had to do was say please.”
“Please kumkani,” she begged as he continued to tease her lips and his fingers slowly made their way deep inside her. He held her gaze as he fingered her slowly.
Ashanti wanted more, she needed more.
“Fuck me.”
“What was that? A little louder.”
“Fuck. Me.”
“You are giving orders now?”
“Please baby.”
“That’s better,” he said with a salacious smirk resting lopsided on his chiseled face. He grabbed her hand and brought it to his dick so she could feel how hard he was. “You think I don’t miss you too, my love? I miss your taste-”
He planted a sloppy open-mouthed kiss on her lips.
“-your smell-”
His head nuzzled into her neck and he took a deep breath, letting out a moan as he exhaled.
“-How you feel around my dick when I’m inside you.” He had her pussy hanging out the leg of her shorts, exposed to the elements as he stroked her clit and looked into her eyes as he spoke. The next thing she knew she was filled with her husband. His hips snapped into hers and his hands found their way to her hair, grabbing a handful of her curly faux locs and pulling her head back. He licked and nibbled on her throat as he buried himself in her and all she could see was stars.
It had been about a week since the King and Queen of Wakanda had been able to have any alone time, and they were both at their limit. They were used to going long stretches without any physical contact when he was away on missions, but when they were together they could barely keep their hands off each other. A week was way too long.
Her legs tried to wrap around him, but he was in no mood for that soft and sweet shit. He wanted to tear her to pieces and she wanted him to do it.  
Ashanti’s eyes rolled back in her head and she felt the tension rise inside her as his thumb circled her clit. Her body melted into the desk and she struggled to stay up on her elbows as he leaned over her, teasing her.
“You miss me?”
“Y-yes Kumkani.”
“What do you miss?” He loved teasing her, especially when he knew she could barely speak.
“Mmm fuck. I...I miss your hands on me.”
He slowed his strokes and his large hands made their way up and down her body. His left hand found it’s home at the dip of her hip, gripping her tight. His right hand rested just below her throat as a tease, refusing to squeeze her the way she wanted.
“What else?” he slowly dragged his tip along her g-spot and a shudder went through her body.
“Your lips.”
He trailed kisses on every inch of her body he could reach, ending on her chest. His tongue brushed across each nipple as he french kissed her breasts, pulling each bud into his mouth and nibbling softly as she moaned in his ear. His hips kept a slow and steady pace until he released her from his mouth and dug deep inside her.
“Mhm, what else do you miss?” T’Challa’s hands gripped her hips tight as he leaned over her and pulled her into him to meet each stroke. Her hips grinded up into his until he pushed her legs back further, damn near folding her in half and laying his weight on her as his hips rolled his dick deeper inside her.
“This. I miss this.”
“I bet you do, Kitten,” he chuckled before slowing down his strokes and kissing her softly. “I miss this too.”
Their tongues danced against each other as her body tightened and released around him, coating him in her juices.
“Where do you want it?” He couldn’t hold on any longer and desperately needed this release.
“Right there, baby,” Ashanti cooed as she wrapped her legs around him, pulling him in tight. The tension in his body rose to an alltime high and the vein in his forehead threatened to pop before his body jerked and he stilled inside her.
The two of them laughed as they untangled themselves and came back down to reality.
“You think they know?” Ashanti asked as she straightened his tunic. He twirled her around and was surprised there was no visible wet spot.
“We got lucky this time. You’re going to have to start keeping a change of clothes in here,” he slapped her ass just to watch it jiggle.
“I’m sorry, let me kiss it-” he grabbed her and started kissing down her neck again as he firmly gripped her ass.
“No, we have to go,” she giggled as she struggled to get out of his grasp. “We can get back to this later.”
“But I want it now, you started it,” he whined and bit into her neck. “Let’s skip dinner.”
“Challa, I invited my parents.”
He visibly deflated and let out a deep sigh. He loved his in-laws, but he would much rather be blowing Ashanti’s back out in their quarters. He released her from his arms with a roll of his eyes and tried his best not to pout as she pulled him out the door, but his sad face was quickly replaced by one of great amusement as he watched his wife limp down the hallway.
Later that night, T’Challa was called to an emergency mission with the Avengers and was gone for a whole month.
Ashanti had passed her creative genes right on down to her daughter. The little princess loved to draw and regularly surprised her parents with colorful portraits of the people in her life. They loved seeing the world through her eyes and kept every picture, even when the subject was unrecognizable. Their favorite was a picture she drew of the whole family holding hands, each one of them glowing in their different colors. N’Jadaka was red, full of passion and strength, and Shuri’s ambition came through as a vivid orange color. Ramonda was surrounded by a peaceful cloud of light blue and the bold blues and healing greens of Chidi and Bisa’s auras swirled together in perfect harmony. She even drew pictures of her favorite aunts and uncles, capturing how M’Baku’s red aura danced around Shani’s pink glow. The twins were a bright yellow with tinges of purple and blue, Okoye’s aura was the same fiery red she wore as armor, and the blue light emanating around Zina contrasted beautifully with the pink surrounding Jafari.  
Siyanda’s drawings were always so bright and colorful, until one day she surprised her mother with a much darker piece of art.
“Who’s that, baby?” Ashanti asked with concern as she looked over her daughter’s shoulder. She was drawing a dark cloud of putrid greens and browns around a group of blacked-out people.
“I don’t know. I saw it in my dream.”
“Was it a bad dream?”
Siyanda nodded as she continued to focus on her dark masterpiece.
“Tell me about it.”
“I just saw the people.”
“These people?”
“Do you know who they are?”
“No, mama, they’re just the people.”
“Did they do something in your dream?”
“They were just there. It was scary.” She reached for the black crayon and scribbled around the perimeter of the peoples’ collective aura, encasing it all in the darkness.
That night, when Ashanti’s beads trilled with T’Challa’s special tone she quickly pressed her communication bead, prompting her husband’s figure to rest in the palm of her hand.
“Something’s wrong,” she said before he could even speak.
“What is it?”
“It’s Yaya...she drew this.”
Ashanti held up the wild crayon drawing and T’Challa’s eyebrows furrowed.
“Who is that supposed to be?”
“I don’t know, she just kept calling them ‘the people’. She saw it in her dream, Challa.”
“Her dream?”
Ashanti nodded, “I don’t think that’s ever happened before.”
“And she never uses dark colors like that, not even for an outline...what happened in her dream?”
“Nothing. She just saw this...she said it was scary.”
T’Challa was quiet for a while, wheels turning in his head.
“And these ‘people’ aren’t anyone she knows?”
“Nope. I’m worried about her, what if this is some sort of premonition? I told you what mama said about the women in our family.”
“Kitten, if it’s a premonition I think we should all be worried. It doesn’t look good.”
“No it doesn’t...when are you coming home?”
“I’m cutting it short, I’ll be there tomorrow.”
“Don’t they need you?”
“Probably, but I am needed even more elsewhere.”
The next morning, a very sleepy Siyanda waited for her baba on the tarmac with her family. Shuri held her on her hip as she rested her head on her shoulder, but the second the Talon came into view she perked right up and jumped down from her auntie’s arms. She tried to take off towards the ship, but Ashanti grabbed her arm before she could go anywhere.
“Not yet, baby. Wait until the doors open.”
“Ok mama.”
Her little leg bounced in anticipation and the second the doors opened and Ashanti gave her a nod, she took off towards the ship, running almost as fast as her Baba, when she noticed he wasn’t alone.
“Daka!” She tackled her big cousin and he “fell” to the ground.
“You’re getting strong, Punkin!”
She giggled as he tickled her until a throat clearing stopped them both.
“No love for me?”
She sprung from the ground and into T’Challa’s arms, leaving a sloppy kiss on his cheek.
“I missed you, baba!”
“Not as much as you missed him,” he pretended to be upset.
“It’s been longer since I saw Daka, baba.”
“It’s ok to say you missed me more. Don’t let him pressure you,” N’Jadaka said with a wink.
Siyanda giggled as the three of them disembarked the Talon and the returning Udakus were greeted by their family.
After a month apart, T’Challa and Ashanti were relieved to be back in each other’s arms. They held each other for a moment before going in for a kiss. They tried their best to keep their hands to themselves, but their kiss turned heated until Ramonda cleared her throat and Ashanti  looked up to see Shuri shielding Siyanda’s eyes.
“Sorry, it’s been a while,” Ashanti hid her face while her husband laughed and pulled her in for another kiss.
“Eewwwwww,” the littlest princess was disgusted by her parents’ display, prompting Shuri and N’Jadaka to join her in her protests.
“Yeah, ewwww.”
“Mmhm, y’all nasty.”
“Alright, alright, damn. I can’t love on my husband?”
Siyanda shook her head.
“And why not?”
“Because it’s gross!”
T’Challa chuckled and scooped her up, placing her on his shoulders as they walked back into the palace. “You just keep thinking that for the next twenty years.”
“Make it thirty,” N’Jadaka chimed in from behind them.
“How about forty? Fifty, just to be safe?”
“Sounds good to me, man.”
“Stop it, you two,” Ramonda slapped the back of her nephew’s head at the same time her son received a deadly glare from his wife.
“Ow, ok. Twenty it is.” N’Jadaka laughed as he dodged his auntie’s hand, sending a wink to his big cousin who was trying very hard to not look down at Ashanti.
“So, what have I missed, little one?” T’Challa asked his daughter.
“I rode a rhino!”
“You did?!”
“Mhm. Mama almost didn’t let me, but Auntie Okoye talked her into it.”
“Well thank Bast for Auntie Okoye,” he sent his friend and protector a smile.
“Anything for our princess,” Okoye said, trying to keep a straight face since she was on duty.
“Anything?” Siyanda’s eyes were filled with wonder as her mind raced through the possibilities.
“Anything within reason,” Ashanti interjected before she got too carried away, booping her on her nose as they continued down the hallway to the living quarters.
“Your highnesses, there is a rebel faction within our borders,” explained T’San, the River tribe elder. He had asked for a private audience with the king and queen to discuss sensitive matters, and they were intrigued when he said it was something he didn’t want to announce in front of the council.
“What proof do you have?”
T’San nodded to the guards stationed at the door and they opened it to reveal two River tribe warriors with a very angry looking woman between them.
“Let me go!” she struggled to get out of their grasp, but they held tight as they walked her into the throne room.
“Thetha,” Ashanti ordered. The woman stared at her in contempt and remained silent.
“Your queen commanded you to speak. Now speak.”
“She is not my queen,” the woman spat, eyes narrowing at Ashanti, who shifted in her seat uncomfortably. She could almost feel T’Challa’s blood pressure rising.
“She is and you will respect her. Ungubani?”
The woman remained silent until the River tribe warriors squeezed her arm tighter.
“Ouch! Ok, damn. My name is Iniko, your highnesses,” she said sarcastically as she gave them a weak Wakandan salute.
“Enough of your disrespect-”
“T’San, thank you,” T’Challa cut him off, standing and slowly walking towards Iniko. “Tell me, what is it you want?”
“We want a real queen, not some common whore.”
“That is enough! Take her to the holding cells, I will deal with her later.”
The palace guards collected her from the warriors and she thrashed in their arms as they led her out of the room.
“You’ll never stop The People!”
Ashanti and T’Challa made eye contact right as the doors closed. He made his way back to his throne and sat down, taking the queen’s hand in his.
“My sincerest apologies, my queen, my king.”
“Thank you T’San. How many more are there?” Ashanti asked, still a little shaken up from what she just heard.
“She is the only one we have found so far, my queen. My warriors are questioning her friends and family as we speak”
“Good. Keep us updated on what you find, and T’San?”
“Yes, my king?”
“Don’t breathe a word of this to other council members, I will address it in our meeting.”
The elder bowed his head in understanding.
“Anything else, T’San?”
“No, my queen, that is all.”
“Well, the king and I would like to thank you for your service to Wakanda.”
“It is my honor,” he saluted them and left with his warriors in tow.
As soon as the doors closed behind him Ashanti hopped up from the throne.
“She saw them in her dream, Challa.”
“I know…”
“This isn’t good.”
“I know…” He was in a daze. Not only was there a rebel faction out to get his wife, but his daughter was certainly having premonitions.
“Yaya has another power.”
“I know…”
Ashanti turned to look at him slumped down in the throne with his head resting on his hands. She went and sat across his lap, burying her face in his neck. They stayed like that for a few minutes before T’Challa shifted to check the time.
“It’s time to make our rounds, love.”
Ashanti sighed and got up, shuffling towards the door with her husband on her heels. They made their way to Ramonda’s vegetable garden to find her and the littlest princess digging around in the dirt, harvesting yams. Siyanda looked up and excitedly ran to her parents.
“Can we go see the rhinos now?”
“In a little bit,” Ashanti chuckled. “Let’s get you cleaned up first.”
“Mama, these look delicious.”
“They do,” she said proudly. “We’ll find out for sure at dinner.”
“I’m already hungry, let’s go before I bite into one of these things raw.” Ashanti said just before her stomach growled. “Zana Cafe for lunch?”
“Yes!” Siyanda was always excited to see her grandparents.
“We had better get going. See you later, mama,” he kissed her cheek.
“Don’t be late for dinner, I can’t promise N’Jadaka won’t eat all the yams again.”
“Oh we’ll be there, and tell him I’m not above fighting him over food,” Ashanti said with a serious look on her face as they walked away. Ramonda chuckled and went right back to tending to her garden.
T’Challa always loved making the rounds to the different tribes, but this time he was on high alert, as were the Dora Milaje that guarded the family of three. Siyanda had inherited her baba’s love of interacting with the tribes, and while her parents took care of the business side of things, she got to play with kids all over Wakanda. They’d swim in the river, play hide and seek, ride rhinos, and sled down bunny slopes. Naturally, she liked visiting the Jabari and Merchant tribes the best because she got to see some of her favorite people in the world.
Siyanda loved her big cousin M’Bari and followed the nine year old everywhere, but she really loved her uncle M’Baku. He always joked that she was his second child, even as his actual second child was still baking in the oven. It didn’t help that “Siyanda” was his suggestion.
“You know, I am the one that named you,” he told the little princess as she threw a snowball at him before hiding behind M’Bari.
“Yes, your parents could not figure out what to call you, but your Umalume M’Baku knew.”
Shani and T’Challa rolled their eyes as Ashanti chuckled.
“He brings that up at least twice a week,” Shani deadpanned as they watched M’Bari show Siyanda how to make the perfect snowball.
Getting Siyanda to leave Jabari land was like pulling teeth. She loved it up there and if Shani and M’Baku had anything to say about it, she could stay as long as she wanted to, but the royal family still had to visit Ashanti’s tribe. They said their goodbyes and Siyanda pouted most of the way down the mountain until T’Challa leaned in and started tickling her, making her frown go away.
They walked through the bazaar hand in hand, with Siyanda in the middle between her two parents. They spoke to passersby as they made their way to the center of all the hustle and bustle. Before settling in at the Cafe, Ashanti decided to stop by Taj’s, which was now completely run by Zina and Jafari.
“My queen!” Zina shouted when she saw Ashanti, almost knocking her over in a hug. Jafari poked his head out the back and smiled at the scene.
“Your majesty,” he bowed sarcastically, making Ashanti roll her eyes and pull him in for a hug.
“Stop that.”
“Where’s the rest of the family?” Zina asked, looking behind her for the princess.
“Across the way, stuffing their faces. Come eat with us.”
The three of them closed the shop down and joined the Mostafa-Udaku clan for lunch. Chidi and Bisa were already seated on either side of Siyanda and Ashanti took her place between her mama and husband, across the table from her friends and former employees. The seven of them chatted for what felt like hours before the princess let out a yawn.
“Nap time?” Bisa asked the king and queen.
“A little bit past it, actually. We should go before she starts getting cranky,” T’Challa responded, already standing from his seat.
The royal family said their goodbyes and returned to the palace so Siyanda could take her midday nap. While she slept, her parents figured they could get into some grown-up fun, but just as things were heating up both of their beads trilled.
Iniko was dead.
Another week passed with no leads on Iniko’s death or on The People. T’Challa spent almost every waking hour pouring over evidence that led to a brick wall every time. He decided to call in the only reinforcements he knew he could trust, and as usual they answered.
Steve, Bucky, and Nakia appeared as holograms in the middle of the room as T’Challa explained the situation to them. N’Jadaka leaned against the door and M’Baku took up most of the couch, both listening intently as the king spoke.
“All my leads are coming up short, so I’m opening the floor to suggestions.”
“I could always go undercover. It won’t be hard for people to believe I turned my back on you,” N’Jadaka suggested.
“That’s actually not a bad idea,” Ashanti chimed in from T’Challa’s desk chair. He nodded slowly, wheels turning in his head.
“Let’s keep that in our pocket for now. Convincing Wakandans to accept you took too much time, I don’t want to impede that progress.”
“I will see what I can get from my contacts,” said Nakia, already typing away.
“What is it they want again?” Bucky asked.
“This ‘common whore’ off the throne.”
T’Challa bristled as she said the words again and everyone grew silent.
“Do they have a replacement already in mind?”
“We don’t know, we don’t even know how they communicate, where they meet, who’s in charge...nothing. Yet,” Ashanti tried to remain hopeful.
T’Challa let out a sigh and leaned back onto his desk.
“Maybe it’s time to let the council know-”
“The only one I trust other than M’Baku is T’San. He’s the only one of them who respected her before her title.”
“That’s good though,” Steve chimed in, making everybody turn to him, confusion written on their faces. “You already know some of them are untrustworthy, so pluck 'em one by one and see who squeals. One of them is bound to know something.”
“How did ole girl die, again?” The prince asked for clarification.
“Damn, that’s too easy to get your hands on. Did Lil Bit track where it came from?”
“Ground up apple seeds.”
“Ok so we know they’re DIY-ing it, which means they probably don’t have the resources to do anything big yet. I’d say go with Blue Eyes’ plan for now.”
“You, Ashanti, and I will head the interrogations. The rest of you, keep your eyes and ears open.”
The three holograms disappeared and a hush fell over the room.
“Challa, I don’t think I should be there when you question the council members.”
“You won’t be, but I want you to come in towards the end so I can gauge their reactions to you,” he ran his hand over his face and sat down in the chair across the desk from his.
“You look tired...you both do,” M’Baku pointed out.
The king and queen looked at each other and took in their appearances. They both had bags under their eyes.
“Yes, well, it’s been a long few days.”
“Why don’t y’all take the rest of the day off? Dr. Jekyll and I can handle the kingdom. I’ll even take Punkin for the night, I know y’all need some alone time.”
“Is the word not ‘pumpkin’?” M’Baku asked, genuinely confused.
“Not if you’re Black. Anyway, what do y’all say?”
“Shuri won’t like that you volunteered her to run the kingdom…”
“Then I’ll run it and she can take Punkin, doesn’t matter to me.”
T’Challa thought it over before he noticed the hopeful look on his wife’s face.
“Ok, we’ll take the day, but you have to tell Shuri.”
“Damn, aight I got it. Y’all go take a nap or some shit.”
And that’s exactly what they did. A couple hours later they woke up and ordered dinner to be brought to them. They lazed around in the nude, watching movies, stuffing their faces, and just enjoying their time together not having to act as king and queen but simply T’Challa and Ashanti. They laid in the bed with his head resting on her stomach as his fingers lightly traced invisible symbols into her skin.
“What are you thinking about?”
“Hm? Oh, nothing.”
“Challa, I know when you’re lying. You’re not good at it.”
He chuckled and sat up before sighing.
“I’m thinking about The People-”
“No work!”
“I know, my brain just won’t stop going there.”
Ashanti brought him back down to her and played with his hair as he spoke.
“I’m just worried about how you’re holding up in all this.”
She took a moment to collect her thoughts.
“I can’t say it’s easy to hear that people want me dead-”
“They never said-”
“Challa, we know...they don’t have to say it. I’m just worried about where Yaya fits into all this.”
“Her premonition?”
“Yes and no. I’m more so worried about what their plan is for her. Is she in danger too or just me? I can handle being a target again, but my baby?” Ashanti fought tears as she thought the worst. She unknowingly fiddled with her pinky and T’Challa pulled her hand to his mouth and kissed it.
He hadn’t even considered that his little girl might be in danger, too. Just as he started to spiral down that rabbit hole he felt Ashanti move to the side of the bed and stand up.
“Come on, get up.”
“Where are we going?”
“Nowhere. We need to get our heads right.”
Ashanti went over to the balcony and sparked up one of the pre-rolls they had ordered from Amare, the royal grower. T’Challa came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and placing his chin in the crook of her neck as she held the blunt to his lips. He turned her face to his and shotgunned the smoke into her mouth before taking a hit of his own.
“More Snow Goddess OG?” He took another hit of his favorite strain before passing it back to Ashanti.
“Mmmhm, Amare must want a little prince running around here.”
“Or another princess,” T’Challa smiled just thinking about it.
“Don’t get too excited-”
“Too late,” he said as he kissed her neck.
“I mean about another baby, Challa,” she giggled.
“I know, and I mean this.” His hips thrust forward and she could feel his thickness between her cheeks.
“Oh well in that case, please do continue.”
He pulled away and she felt the chill of the night air on her back. The queen took another hit before ashing the blunt and following her husband back inside.
“I have a surprise for you.”
“What is it?”
“Stay here,” the smile on his face intrigued Ashanti. She hadn’t seen him look that giddy in a while.
When he came back she was very confused to see he was empty handed.
“Where is it?”
He pointed to the panther necklace that he definitely wasn't wearing before, eyebrows bouncing mischievously. Before she could say anything he called the suit on.
“Ok...I’ve seen the suit before baby.”
His smile grew as the suit retracted from his body, but stopped at his waist. Ashanti watched in awe as the suit partially covered and uncovered him. His hands were exposed while his torso was covered, then the nanites fused into his mask as the rest of the suit retracted into the necklace.
Ashanti reached out to feel the fibers and sure enough, it was the same as his old suit, just a little more...flexible.
“Shuri finally did it,” she said in awe.
“Mhm, and it took me forever to convince her. Of course, I didn’t tell her why.”
She had wanted to fuck him in the suit ever since she first saw it on him in Shuri’s lab all those years ago, and now her dream was finally coming true. Ashanti was about to fuck the Black Panther.  
“Put it back on.”
“You don’t give the orders here.”
A shiver travelled down Ashanti’s spine as he circled her.
“So tell me,” he whispered in her ear as his fingertips lightly ghosted along her hips and down to her thighs before turning her around to face him and grabbing two handfulls of her ass. “How do you want it?”
“Push me to my limit,” she whispered and a deep rumbling chuckle erupted from T’Challa’s chest.
“You sure about that?”
“Yes, Black Panther.”
The chuckling was soon replaced with a growl as he pushed her up against the wall.
“Say that shit again.”
“Yes, Black Panther.”
He attacked her lips and his tongue slithered into her mouth as his hands pressed her hips into the wall behind her.
“That’s how you’ll address me tonight, understand?”
“Yes, Black Panther.”
“Mmm...you remember the safeword?”
“Good girl,” he grabbed her by her jaw and made her look at him. “You sure you want to be pushed to your limit?”
“Yes, Black Panther.”
He licked his lips and looked down at her as he called his suit on all the way, leaving his face visible.
“Hey Kim, play ‘Kitten’ playlist,” he called out to the AI and a shiver went down Ashanti’s spine.
Send my regards to the mother and father
'Cause somebody's daughter I just fucking slayed
Blood on the carpet, it came from my heart
Once I start, I can't stop it, and now we are prey
“I’m not stopping unless you say ‘papaya’. You can say ‘no’ or ‘stop’ all you want, it won’t work. Do you understand me?”
“Yes Black Panther,” Ashanti shivered as she spoke. She could feel the wetness pooling between her lower lips. He had always been dominant, but now he felt downright dangerous and that excited her.
“Go get my kit.”
Ashanti’s eyes lit up and she damn near ran to their closet. She found the small suitcase and rolled it out to the bedroom. T’Challa was seated at the edge of the bed with his suit completely on, face covered and all. She laid the suitcase on the chair and unzipped it, splaying it open.
I wanna dive in you tonight
Wouldn't that be special? (special)
'Cause you're so fucking special (special)
And that pussy ain't a rental (no)
I wanna get you so high (high)
'Til you feel it in your mental (mental)
Do you feel me in your mental? (mental)
I'm fucking drilling in your dead soul (woah oh)
“Did I say open it?”
He was behind her in the blink of an eye, but she never even heard him move. His hand wrapped around her throat and she shuddered.
“No, who?!” he squeezed the sides tighter, putting pressure on her pulse.
“No, Kum- Black Panther.”
“I’m glad you caught yourself, you’re still a good little slut,” he held her face still with one hand as the fingers on his other hand slapped her cheek. “Vula”
She opened her mouth wide and stuck out her tongue, prompting him to remove the suit from his hand and stick his fingers down her throat.
“You better not fucking gag...good girl,” his helmet disappeared as he dangled his tongue from his mouth and let his spit drop into hers. “Swallow.”
She did as instructed and a sinister smile took over his face.
I lost my mind, yeah
So I made yours mine, yeah
Two souls and a dance with the de-
Only one comin' alive
“Get my favorite toys out,” he instructed and she hopped to it, pulling out her remote control buttplug and her clitoral and g-spot stimulator.
“Put them in, slowly.”
She reached for lube and put a generous amount on the plug before working it inside her. Once she was full of it, she then slid her other vibrator in and made sure it was situated on top of her clit.
“Good girl. Now stay just like that.”
She squirmed from the feeling of being filled in both holes as he dug through the suitcase, pulling out a blindfold. He stopped for a moment to press his beads and she released a moan as her buttplug started vibrating, followed shortly by the internal portion of her vibrator in her pussy.
“Don’t move.”
“Yes, Black Panther, but I-I want to be able to see you. Please don’t blindfold me.”
“Only because you said please,” he gave her a peck on the lips as he turned the vibrators up to the next level, making her moan even louder. “Bast, I love that sound. Come here.” He picked her up and placed her in the swing that had come down from its discreet hiding place in the ceiling, strapping her in and tying her wrists to the bar at the top before turning on the clit stimulator.
Send my regards to the mother and father
'Cause somebody's daughter I just fucking slayed
Blood on the carpet, it came from my heart
Once I start, I can't stop it, and now we are prey
Ashanti convulsed as an orgasm washed over her and she squirted all over the floor. He laughed at her as she came back down to earth and he continued to take her there over and over until she was a blubbering mess. Eventually he took pity on her and his suit covered his face again and uncovered his lower half. He ran his fingers along her pussy and removed her vibrator before stroking his already hard dick with her wetness and plunging deep inside her.
Go until you see the light
Baby, do you see the light?
(That's right)
She stared into his eyes through the mask and struggled against her restraints as he took her there, suspended in the air and at the complete mercy of the Black Panther.  
Call the coroner tonight (tonight)
Blacked-out girl, it's a funeral (funeral)
She was dead on arrival (arrival)
Heart crossed, hand on the Bible (alright)
Ashanti  cried, she screamed, she begged him to stop, but not once did she want to use that safeword. In all the time they had been together she had never seen him so unhinged. If the bite marks up and down her body were any indication, he seemed to enjoy being so rough with her. They both looked forward to seeing her bruised skin in the morning and wondered how long it would take for the teeth indents to go away.
The one thing T’Challa didn’t expect from her was her excitement at seeing the razor sharp claws extend from his fingertips. They had engaged in knifeplay before, but it was more so his kink than hers. However, the sight of those claws flipped a switch in her, and he could tell.
'Cause I lost my mind, yeah
So I made yours mine, yeah
Two souls and a dance with the de-
And only one comin' out alive
“Tell me what you want, I see you staring.”
“I want you to cut me.”
He double checked that the first aid kit was in his suitcase before his thumb sliced a very shallow incision right down the middle of her thigh. He removed his mask and his tongue came out to lick away her blood, making Ashanti moan out with pleasure. She hadn’t expected that.
Send my regards to the mother and father
'Cause somebody's daughter I just fucking slayed
(Call the coroner tonight)
Blood on the carpet (it's a funeral tonight)
It came from my heart (my condolences tonight)
Once I start, I can't stop it (go until you see the light)
And now we are prey
When he kissed up her body and finally made it to her lips their tongues lapped at each other and she tasted the copper of her blood. It turned her on even more just thinking about it, her bloodthirsty apex predator.
He called the suit back into the necklace and undid her restraints, kissing the marks on her wrists.
“How do you feel?”
“Really good,” she smiled drunkenly. He wrapped her arms around his neck and removed her legs from the straps, wrapping them around his waist and walking to the bed. He placed her down in the center and grabbed the first aid kit.
“Challa, I’ve had paper cuts deeper than this, you don’t have to do all that,” she chuckled.
“Please, for my peace of mind.”
Ashanti sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes, but placed her leg across his lap and allowed him to tend to her wound anyway. “‘Only because you said please.’”
T’Challa laughed as he cleaned her cut, “You think you’re cute, huh? Even after all that?”
“Yes, Black Panther,” she giggled out as he tickled her other thigh. “We should do that more often.”
“Which part?”
“All of it. Even that little surprise at the end,” she gestured to her leg. “Bast, I love how nasty you are.”
“And I love how you’re such a good little slut for me, Kitten.”
Ashanti bit her lip and leaned in for a kiss, but they were interrupted by a banging on the door.
“AYE, GET UP!” N’Jadaka yelled, almost busting down the door. T’Challa’s suit immediately came on as he ran to the door and swung it open.
“We gotta go, NOW!”
T’Challa and N’Jadaka took off running and Ashanti just sat on the bed, confused and concerned. She only sort of heard the beginning of N’Jadaka’s sentence as they ran out the room. Someone was being held hostage, but she didn’t hear who. She got up and ran the bath that T’Challa was no doubt planning to run for her before their night got interrupted by business. She soaked in the water for a while before she heard T’Challa’s tone coming from her kimoyo beads.
“Take care of it already?” She asked before looking up at the hologram to see the unthinkable. There was her baby girl with a blaster pointed right at her temple with tears in her eyes. Her lip quivered as she stared at the man with the slimy black tendrils surrounding him, his aura unlike any she’d ever seen.
“Hello, my queen,” seethed an unrecognizable voice behind the camera. “You have ten minutes to get here before I pull this trigger...or maybe they’ll pull one of theirs.” He panned the beads around the lab and she saw Shuri, N’Jadaka, and T’Challa with masked people standing behind them holding blasters to each of their heads.
“Please...please don’t hurt them, I-I’m on my way right now. I’ll be there as fast as I can.”
“Nine minutes,” they teased before ending the call.
Ashanti threw on whatever clothes she could get to quickest and ran out the door towards the lab. There was no way she’d make it in nine minutes on foot, so she alerted her Dora detail before hopping on T’Challa’s hoverbike and taking off as quickly as she could towards Shuri’s lab, praying to Bast she would make it in time.
Next Chapter
Taglist: @maddeningmayhem, @theblulife, @ljstraightnochaser, @determinednot2fall, @dersha89
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