sharpayyyyy · 1 year
who: sharpay & @llouieduck​ where: the evans’ house
Bringing a date to her parents’ dinner party hadn’t been exactly high on the list of Sharpay’s priorities, but once things had gone so horribly with Troy, she felt like she needed the extra shield layer. She probably could’ve found someone on her own, without the promise of throwing in some cash if he came through, but she needed someone distinguished enough to be almost at her level--not some nobody off the street. The Ducks had money, or rather, their uncle did, but they were cute enough, and related close enough to wealth that she could get away with taking the technical youngest as her date to this dinner party. With instructions to arrive a few minutes before the rest of the guests did, Sharpay pulled Louie into her room to debrief before they were in public. “Okay,” she said as she closed the door, “I have few rules. One: do not let a single soul know why you’re really here, two: don’t get sloppily drunk, and ... I guess that’s it.” Sharpay tugged on the collar of his shirt, straightening it before taking a step back to take him in. “Oh, actually, third is that you just stay until dessert, and let me know when you’re going. I don’t want to look like a ditz in my own house, looking for my date. Sound good?”
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unapologeticallykelsea · 10 months
Kelsea was a huge fan of Louis, she loved his solo music and she really wanted to get to know him better, so she came up with a little scheme to get him to talk to her. "Ok, you guys ready?" She asked the cameras with a nervous smile. When they gave her the thumbs up, she goes on the search for Louis. Finally seeing him, Kelsea walks over to him and taps his shoulder. "Okay… I understand this might seem a bit strange since we haven't really had much conversation, but there's something I've always wanted to express…" Kelsea coughs lightly and offers Louis a playful smile. Turning towards the cameras, she gives them a secret wink before turning back to Louis, "I believe you're amazing, and it would be great if you'd think of me as your friend." Kelsea then reveals a white shirt from behind her back that said, Louis Be my friend with a smile face on it. "I can assure you, I'm more enjoyable than Niall, though not as cool as Harry, but I'm more adorable like Liam." The blonde is trying to say this all with a straight face as she bats her lashes at Louis, "So, do I make the cut?" She asked with a laugh. @lwxtomlinson
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annaardelle · 3 years
closed starter for @louieinchq​
Out of the three Duck triplets, Louie was the one Anna was closest to, which was a bit strange considering their contrasting personalities. She hadn’t interacted much with Huey and Dewey; they weren’t as eager about coming to parties and events with her as Louie was. Maybe a party was exactly what she needed to get her sadness about the ball out of her system, so she decided to text the one person who she knew would agree to come without a doubt. As her phone buzzed indicating he was on the porch, Anna opened the door with a smile. “Just the person I wanted to see. Wanna come in while I call a car? I know it’s super rare for me but I think tonight’s a night I shouldn’t drive. I’m going to need a few Shirley temples.”
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hubertduckk · 3 years
closed starter for @louieinchq​
It’d been a little weird around the McDuck household since Huey and Louie had fought, but it seemed to be getting back to normal after Dewey thankfully talked to the both of them. Huey was thankful that he had before the holidays were ruined and he’d taken all the blame for it. “Listen, we need to get Dewey something good. It’s been a rough few months, obviously, and I think we should think big. I just don’t know what that would be. So, I know you’re good with crazy ideas, and I could use a little help. It’ll be from the both of us, and we could even get Webby in on it if she wants to.” He paused, gaging his brother’s reaction after his idea word-vomit. “I don’t know, maybe I’m being silly, but what do you think?”
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onefinned · 3 years
“Okay, so like, I know it’s not the McDuck manor or whatever but it’s home for me,” Nico says as he unlocks the front door of his house. “My dad’s going to be at work late so no one’s going to bother us. We can hit my dab pen or something if you want.” He opens up the door and lets Louie in first then closes the door behind them. “Bathroom is down the hall and on the right if you need it. Uh, I have some snacks. I can’t say they’re the best because my dad won’t buy the good shit. We have gluten-free Oreos though. I don’t see why we can’t get regular ones but I’m not the one that makes the rules.” Nico shrugs and kicks his sneakers off near the door. “I have a PS5 though. Saved up my money and waited in line for six hours to get it, but I have one. So, we can play games.” Being so sheltered growing up and not going to public school until he was in fifth grade meant Nico was sheltered from most things in life. From video games with violence to the news, and even Doritos. (Which he loves now, by the way.) Perhaps that’s why he does the opposite of what his father wants. It’s almost like revenge but also a cry for independence. He so badly wants to get an apartment with friends but summer jobs don’t pay much and he focuses on school the rest of the year. “Anyways, we can do whatever you want. I’m cool with anything.”
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rucifeee · 4 years
For once Lucifer was shopping for himself with his own money and not having a wealthy woman buying for him. He wanted a nice, new outfit to impress Paulina since she was always doing the buying. He didn’t want her thinking he couldn’t afford nice things for himself. While he was browsing he spotted a young kid. What could a kid like him possibly afford here? Unless he was some trust fund baby but he didn’t look like it. Lucifer was only a few feet from him and could see what he was looking at. “The tie you’re looking at would never go with the pants you have in your hand, you know.”
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