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HSM (2006) rewatch pt 11
11. When there was me and you
Time for the first of the sad Gabriella ballads!
This part with her dramatically swaying on the barrier is so iconic. She’s just as dramatic as Troy they’re perfect for each other, in fact I wish they cranked it up a bit because she really is just walking through the corridors - they could have at least had her go on the rooftop for a brood or something. That backlit shot is beautiful though!
Anyway A tier? But could drop to B just because the staging isn't that inspired, I like the song though damn can she belt those notes! Actually is this the only song where they sing straight at the camera?
Ok so as much as I wish the communication was better (I mean she could have at least said “hey I heard what you said to your team and that you’re done with the callbacks”), she does handle it pretty maturely. Although she’s clearly upset with that “Go Wildcats” comment, she’s understanding of the pressures on him and how hard it is to stray away from the social hierarchy. She doesn’t just immediately give him the silent treatment, she tries to make it sound like there are no hard feelings.
I just imagined Kelsi's reaction if Gabriella went to tell her they're not doing the auditions 😭😭😭
Hey Captain! :D Here’s your basketball captain! :D We’re gonna be BFFs again! :D Everything will be just like before :D
No but the way he's soooo excited to see Troy and bounds over to him just to get rejected sdfhkjdsfkj "don't worry about it" you sure Chad?
Troy mucking up all his basketball shots as he angsts away is so funny to me. Zac Efron was born to play this kid
And what do you know! If you force your friend to give up something that’s important to him he will be upset and his head won’t be in the game! Shocker!
Taylor and Chad realise they’ve fucked up – what did you think would happen? Okay to be fair, and I just want to put some perspective on this, the whole story takes place over like... 2 weeks? Chad would have had exactly no idea that Troy enjoyed singing, from his POV Troy really was all about basketball and the team, but suddenly a new girl turns up and he auditions for the musical out of the blue? Even Ms Darbus found it hard to believe he was being genuine, from his friends' perspective it looks like he was only doing this because he had a crush on a girl he met like 2 days ago. I can see how they'd think this was unserious behaviour given their tournament coming up.
I mean sure Troy does try to broach the subject with Chad before Getcha Head in the Game, but very tentatively. I'm not saying things would have gone fine if he'd just come out with it earlier like Zeke did with his baking hobby (judging by everyone's reaction to Zeke anyway), but here Taylor and Chad regret their actions as soon as they realise how upset Troy and Gabriella are. It seems like they genuinely did not expect that this would mean so much to them.
I'm actually gonna plug a fic here that explores this part of the movie from Chad's perspective and has a really good interaction between him and Gabriella. It's called Explanation, Elaboration on AO3 go read it it's really good and a nice little character study
I love how Troy’s friends find him on the rooftop so easily, he really thought this place was secret. Two options: They apologised to Gabriella first and she told them where Troy could be, or they just knew this whole time that he likes to go there to brood and they just let him
Troy eats a sandwich with nothing in it
Chad: We just want you to know that we're gonna be there. Okay? Cheering for you. Zeke: Yeah, if singing is something you wanna do, we should be boosting you up, not tearing you down. Chad: Yeah. I mean, win or lose, we're teammates.
This is so sweet it’s sad we have to follow it up with them admitting their part in all this :(((
Troy: And you're not gonna hear me sing, guys. Troy: Because Gabriella won't even talk to me. And I don't know why.
Stoooop why is this actually sad, the people who can hurt you the most really are those closest to you huh
Oh Luke Skywalker! That’s who he reminds me of in this movie. Sorry just hit me
Chad’s tee says laughing on the……. inside? Sir you don't strike me as someone who would hide their laughter
The orange-pink combo for Jason's outfit is... interesting
Zeke’s cookies fskjsjfdssmf did they actually sit there awkwardly as Troy ate them before the big reveal? This does show they’re cool with his baking thing now at least
Gabriella's fit is really cute but omg Taylor’s scarf is not it…. this just made me remember when skinny scarves were like A Thing, I had one just like hers but black and navy
Love how Taylor has the only speaking role in this geek group. It’s kind of funny that in the next movies, they’re just no longer part of this friendship group because they’re a bunch of extras LOL. She makes a really good speech though, even if Gabriella doesn't listen :(
Gabriella is lowkey right about no one forcing Troy to say anything, he didn’t have to go that far to get them off his back
#high school musical#hsm#high school musical (2006)#troy bolton#gabriella montez#taylor mckessie#chad danforth#zeke baylor#hsm liveblog#dori watches hsm#my posts
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do all 150 lilly do it do it do it
😒1. Who was the last person you held hands with? The loml Oliver2. Are you outgoing or shy? More outgoing but I can be shy sometimes3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? OLIVER4. Are you easy to get along with? I think so5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? He has6. What kind of people are you attracted to? I tend to gravitate toward people that are artistic, easy to talk to7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? Already am so yeah8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? Gender isn't real 9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? No10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Oliver 11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? "I love you too"12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?Any song from cupcakke's new album13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? Depends on who it is, also I don't like people tucking my hair behind my ears14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Yeah but also I'm skeptical15. What good thing happened this summer? Hasn't happened yet16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Of course 17. Do you think there is life on other planets? Absolutely18. Do you still talk to your first crush? Nope19. Do you like bubble baths? Occasionally20. Do you like your neighbors? I've never talked to them so idk21. What are you bad habits? Losing things, picking at my skin, forgetting what I'm doing22. Where would you like to travel? Most of Europe, south America, Africa, New Zealand23. Do you have trust issues? Lmao yes24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Going tf to sleep25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? All of it26. What do you do when you wake up? Check my phone27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? Neither 28. Who are you most comfortable around? Oliver, my best friends29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? Lmao30. Do you ever want to get married? Yes31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? Yes but I hate ponytails in my hair32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? Beyonce and rihanna33. Spell your name with your chin. Oh oot34. Do you play sports? What sports? No, I used to do tae kwon do if that counts35. Would you rather live without TV or music? TV definitely36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Yes37. What do you say during awkward silences? Usually say I have to go38. Describe your dream girl/guy? Oliver lmao39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? Burlington bc it's cheap 40. What do you want to do after high school? Im already out of high school41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Depends on what they did42. If you're being extremely quiet what does it mean? I'm angry/upset/some kind of mentally ill43. Do you smile at strangers? Depends on the stranger44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? Outer space45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? Dogs, wanting to help people, the people I love46. What are you paranoid about? Losing the people I love, being alone47. Have you ever been high? Lmao48. Have you ever been drunk? LMAO49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? Probably but nothing comes to mind rn50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Maroon and gray51. Ever wished you were someone else? Every day52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? My voice 53. Favourite makeup brand? I don't wear makeup54. Favourite store? Target tbh55. Favourite blog? Mine ✌56. Favourite colour? Purple57. Favourite food? Mac n cheese58. Last thing you ate? MAC N CHEESE59. First thing you ate this morning? Fruity Pebbles60. Ever won a competition? For what? Spelling bee, tae kwon do, a couple other things I can't remember61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? No62. Been arrested? For what? Nope63. Ever been in love? Yep 64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? It was after prom and I was really fucking wasted65. Are you hungry right now? Always66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? No67. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook68. Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr69. Are you watching tv right now? No70. Names of your bestfriends? Alex, Temi, Janae, Thomas71. Craving something? What? Oliver to be back with me, also Reese's cups 72. What colour are your towels? Varying shades of blue and green 72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2 or 373. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Yeah74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? Five probably75. Favourite animal? Dogs76. What colour is your underwear? Not wearing any77. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate78. Favourite ice cream flavour? Ben & Jerry's Half Baked79. What colour shirt are you wearing? Black and gray80. What colour pants? They have Eeyore on them81. Favourite tv show? The Office 82. Favourite movie? Get Out or Moana but it varies a lot83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? Mean Girls84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? Mean Girls85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? Damien86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? Dory87. First person you talked to today? Oliver88. Last person you talked to today? My mother89. Name a person you hate? ******90. Name a person you love? Oliver 91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? Yes92. In a fight with someone? No93. How many sweatpants do you have? Probably 3 or 4 pairs94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? Too many it's like my entire wardrobe95. Last movie you watched? HSM96. Favourite actress? No idea97. Favourite actor? No idea98. Do you tan a lot? I don't tan99. Have any pets? Yes a dog and a cat100. How are you feeling? Sad bc oliver had to leave today101. Do you type fast? Yes102. Do you regret anything from your past? LMAO103. Can you spell well? Yeah 104. Do you miss anyone from your past? Sometimes105. Ever been to a bonfire party? Yes106. Ever broken someone’s heart? Probably not107. Have you ever been on a horse? Yeah I used to do dressage when I was 3108. What should you be doing? Laundry probably109. Is something irritating you right now? Myself110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? Yes111. Do you have trust issues? Already answered112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? Oliver113. What was your childhood nickname? Boogaley(don't ask)114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? Yeah a bunch of times115. Do you play the Wii? Not anymore but I would if I still had one116. Are you listening to music right now? Nope117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? Yes118. Do you like Chinese food? Yes119. Favourite book? Brave New World120. Are you afraid of the dark? No121. Are you mean? Only occasionally122. Is cheating ever okay? Not really but in certain situations I could understand 123. Can you keep white shoes clean? Probably not124. Do you believe in love at first sight? No125. Do you believe in true love? Yes126. Are you currently bored? Very127. What makes you happy? Oliver, dogs, making other people happy128. Would you change your name? Maybe129. What your zodiac sign? Cancer130. Do you like subway? It's alright131. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Probably not care as long as he doesn't try to do anything132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? Already answered133. Favourite lyrics right now? Not sure134. Can you count to one million? If I really wanted to 135. Dumbest lie you ever told? I've told a lot of dumb lies136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? Closed I need privacy137. How tall are you? 5'6138. Curly or Straight hair? Straight139. Brunette or Blonde? Blonde140. Summer or Winter? Winter141. Night or Day? Night142. Favourite month? October143. Are you a vegetarian? No144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? Milk145. Tea or Coffee? Coffee146. Was today a good day? No147. Mars or Snickers? Snickers148. What’s your favourite quote? "Do it or imma fist ya boy"149. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes actually150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? "She sighed." Relatable
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Headcanon that The Seven, Reyna, and Nico all have movie nights every Friday together and...
-It takes place in a re-built Argo II below the deck.
-Piper always arrives first and drags Jason along with her.
-The others come at different times, but Leo is always last and drives everyone nuts.
-They all fight over what movie to watch. It takes a while but they agree to watch a Disney movie but that causes even more controversy.
-Piper wants to watch Pocahontas, Hazel likes The Princess and the Frog, Percy is adamant about watching Finding Nemo and or Finding Dory, and for some strange reason that none can understand, Leo wants to watch High School Musical.
-They then debate whether or not HSM would be considered a Disney movie or not because “It’s a DCOM movie.” but “Leo, that’s not the type of Disney movie we had in mind.”
-Nico usually also takes Leo’s side because hey, Troy Boltan isn’t too bad looking ;)
-Annabeth and Reyna could honestly care less so while the others are arguing, so they usually talk about whats going on at the two camps and discuss strategies.
-Despite arguing about the movies they all inevitable end up watching Heracules because there is just something every entertaining about seeing just how wrong Disney portrayed that jerk.
#headcanon#headcanons#percy jackson headcanon#pjo headcanon#percy jackson#rick riordan#pjo#hoo#reyna avila ramirez arellano#annabeth chase#leo valdez#frank zhang#nico di angelo#hazel levesque#jason grace#piper mclean#the seven demigods#headcannon#headcannons
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Once Upon A Time...(The Disney Tag)

If you don’t know already, I’m a HUGE Disney fan. I have grown up with all these movies and I love to read or watch this tag from other people (because I’m curious). So I thought: “Why not do it myself?”
I just googled Disney tag questions and found these. Here we go!
1. Favorite Disney Movie? Well, this is really hard for me, because there are so many that I love. So I have divided them into 5 categories:
Favorite princess movie: Sleeping Beauty, because Aurora has been my favorite Princess since I was little. But I also have unconditional love for Aladdin, Beauty and The Beast, Mulan, Pocahontas and recently added to this line-up, Moana (even though she is not really a princess, but the daughter of a chief)! Favorite Pixar movie: Monsters inc., Finding Nemo/Dory and Toy Story Favorite live-action: Pirates of the Carribean Favorite movie with animals: The Lion King Favorite DCOM: High School Musical
2. Walt Disney World or Disneyland? I have never been to Disneyland before, so Walt Disney World. I went to WDW two times when I was little, I still have some great videos from those trips! So it has a special place in my heart.
3. Favorite Disney Character? This is impossible. Disney has way too many good ones.
4. The first Disney movie you remember seeing in theaters? Gosh, I think it was Pooh’s Heffalump Movie.
5. What type of Disney item do you collect? I collect pins, I don’t have a lot, but I definitely want more.
6. Your favorite Disney song? I can’t pick 1 favorite, but all my favorites are in this Spotify playlist!
7. Favorite attraction/ride at the parks? It’s a Small World, The Teacups and Dumbo: The Flying Elephant ride. I haven’t visited any of the parks in YEARS, so I can’t really judge all the roller coasters and thrill rides but these are my favorites right now.
8. What is your dream job at Disney? I would love to be a part of making a new plot for a movie. I have no idea what the official name for that is.
9. Who’s the character you never miss meeting at the parks? I don’t think a Disney trip is successful if you don’t meet Mickey Mouse.
10. What’s your most treasured Disney item? All of the Disney ornaments that my family and I hang in our Christmas tree every year.
11. Which Disney voice actor would you like to meet? I would love to meet the voice actor of Winnie the Pooh and Tigger (it’s actually the same man #what), Auli’i Cravalho, who is the voice of Moana. I think she is incredible and Angela Lansbury, who is the voice of Mrs. Potts and an absolute legend.
12. Favorite Disney movie that is not a classic/famous? The Hunchback of Notre Dame! This is such a good movie.
13. If you could say anything to Walt Disney right now, what would you say? I would thank him for all the laughs, the cries, the happy moments and just making my childhood so magical. I would also love to know his opinion on the current state of The Walt Disney Company. Like the parks and all the movies.
14. Your favorite snack to get at the parks? I have never tasted all the famous snacks, like dole whip, the Mickey shaped snacks, and churros, so I don’t know if they’re any good. But I always hear good reviews about them, so that is pretty promising. Although I do remember eating such a delicious crepe with Nutella in Disneyland Paris. So I’ll go with that one.
15. Your favorite parade/show at the parks? FANTASMIC!
16. Flounder, Sebastian or Scuttle? This is so hard, I love them all. But I have to go with Sebastian. He’s so funny!
17. Your favorite Disney memory? STORY TIME: I went to Disneyland Paris for the first time with my aunt, uncle, little niece, and little sister. We went to celebrate my 10th birthday. On our last night, we went to Café Mickey for dinner. It’s a character dining experience. So at one point, music starts playing and it’s happy birthday. So I thought oh cool it’s someone’s birthday. So I kind of start clapping along. Suddenly I see a waiter with a cake coming towards our table with Mickey and Pluto. And then I thought omg this is for me?!?! And yes it was! So everyone in the restaurant is singing and Mickey starts dancing with me and as a 10-year-old you feel pretty special in a moment like that. That’ll always be such an amazing memory!
18. Do you have a favorite pair of Mickey ears? Just the classic Minnie ones.
19. Which ‘forgotten’ princess would you add to the official line-up, if you could? Megara from Hercules! Love her sassiness!
20. Your favorite princess dress/outfit? Aurora’s pink dress, Jasmine’s two-piece, Belle’s yellow dress and Cinderella’s blue dress!
21. Your favorite Disney soundtrack? This kind of changes, but right now Moana is on repeat.
22. Genie, Abu, Carpet, Iago or Rajah? I don’t like these sidekick questions….But if I would have to pick one, it would have to be Genie!
23. Favorite restaurant at the parks? I don’t really have one. But I think when I go back to Walt Disney World (whenever that may be) Be Our Guest would be on top of my list. I really want to try The Grey Stuff!
24. How did you discover the ‘magic’ of Disney? I think I discovered this when I was already a little older, 12 or 13 maybe. I just saw that Disney was something magical and it had taught me so many valuable things in life that when I was little didn’t really know or understand until I was older.
25. What attraction are you most likely to go on when you’re at the parks? I love rides and roller coasters, so I’ll try to get on as much of them as possible.
26. Your favorite ‘iconic’ moment? (ex. Ariel on the rock, Aladdin finding the lamp, Rafiki lifting Simba, etc.) Rafiki lifting Simba, without a doubt.
27. What’s the saddest moment for you in any Disney movie? When someone dies, I always cry.
28. Best Disney kiss? When Prince Phillip kisses Aurora and she awakens from her sleep.
29. If you could live in any world from a Disney movie, which world would you choose? Oeh, this is hard. I think San Fransokyo (Big Hero 6), Neverland (Peter Pan) or Motunui (Moana).
30. Favorite Disney musical sequence based on spectacle/animation? Not really a big musical fan (although I am obsessed with Hamilton), but I would love to see The Lion King on Broadway!
31. Which Disney princess has the best sidekicks? I think every princess has AWESOME sidekicks. I can’t possibly pick.
32. If you could have a party themed around any Disney movie, which one would you pick? Lilo and Stitch! Who doesn’t love a Hawaiian themed party?
33. Are you the only one obsessed with Disney in your family? My little sister and I are on the same level. My mom and dad love Disney as well, but I think me and my sister show it a little more.
34. Lumiere, Mrs. Potts, Cogsworth or Chip? But…Why???? Seriously these are 4 are a package deal. You can’t have one without the other. Although I adore Lumiere and Cogsworth! But Mrs. Potts is such a mom-like character and Chip is the cutest. So yeah, I’m not going to pick.
35. What are your top five favorite Disney blogs on Tumblr? @wdwpics @thatdisneylover @thedisneyprincess @world-of-moana @mickeyandcompany
36. If you could choose the plot/adaption for the next Disney movie, what would it be? Maybe something with a group of girls going on an adventure. They don’t have to be princesses though. Or maybe this group of girlfriends meets a princess and then they have to go on an adventure together.
37. Favorite hotel at the parks? I have never stayed in a Disney World hotel, but if I could pick any hotel to stay in, it would be the Animal Kingdom Lodge. My favorite hotel in Disneyland Paris is the Disneyland Hotel! It’s so pretty, the food is great and when you step out of the hotel, you’re in the park. What could be better?!
38. Which Disney movie do you watch when you’re sad? Anything from Winnie The Pooh.
39. The Aladdin show or The Little Mermaid show? The Little Mermaid show.
40. Do you plan to have your honeymoon at a Disney park? Maybe, who knows. Although I think it would be awesome to get engaged there, in front of the castle. #goals #basic
41. Favorite piece of Disney clothing/accessory to wear? My Minnie ears and Disney Christmas sweater.
42. Post a picture of yourself that’s Disney related. I think the picture on top of this post covers that.
43. Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck? Both. (Who made these questions?)
44. Which Disney movie, even if it’s not your favorite, will always have a special place in your heart and for what reason? Lilo & Stitch, because this movie has given me a love for Hawaiian culture. I just fell in love with the music, language, and dancing. I have wanted to go to Hawaii ever since. I also love the Ohana-spirit throughout the whole movie. “Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.” This line has stuck with me ever since I saw this movie for the first time. My family means everything to me and that is why the line is so important to me. Any Winnie The Pooh movie, because they always give me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. It also makes me look back on the good ol’ times High School Musical, because these movies have made me so happy. So many memories have been made with my family and friends because of these movies. I feel like when these movies ended a part of my childhood ended as well. I ALWAYS cry at the end of HSM 3.
I actually had a lot of fun answering these! Feel free to share your own answers with me in the replies! Thank you so much for reading!
Stay Flawless!
Enjoy this GIF of Walt Disney being an actual real-life Disney Princess.
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disney tag .。.:*☆
1. favourite character
dang, this isn’t an easy start but my absolute favourite would probably be the lgm (little green men) but i do love marie, toulouise and berlioz from the aristocats :)
2. favorite princess
ugh this is so hard but i love belle because she’s a bookworm like me, and tiana because she’s so underrated and she’s always been indescribable to me. there’s just something that i love about her and really think she’s incredible. i am aware that this reason is quite vague but i’ve just loved her the moment i watched the frog prince.
3. favorite heroine
mulan because female empowerment right there.
4. favorite prince
omggggg i used to have a huge crush on prince eric, shane and adam as i was growing up but i gotta go with adam.
5. favorite hero
mmmmm this is really hard because i grew up idolising women to feel strong in a society that favours male supremacy and racial dominance (hence, why i admired mulan so much - an asian girl, like me, managed to save lives and that’s been my biggest dream; to help people and save lives as a woman) but i gotta give this to hercules. i really love his transition of character through wanting to be accepted to complacency to an end with nobility; it gives children the right image of favouring good deeds sincerely rather than being a saint for publicity.
6. favorite animal
this is so hard ugh i love animals in general but i gotta go with figaro from pinocchio because he is THE CUTEST THING EVER
7. favorite sidekick
umm i was gonna say syndrome as a joke but ya he’s an asshole so um on a serious note, i’d say mushu. who could ever go wrong with mushu?
8. favorite villain
jafar because his name cracks me up (ja-near, ja-far, ja-wherever you are).
9. favorite original character (minnie, mickey, goofy, etc)
mickey and minnie forever, i love them so much
10. favourite love song
kiss the girl shalalalalallalalala
11. favourite song
danggggg umm colours of the wind (mother nature yo) and all the songs from beauty and the beast tbh. i also love songs from hsm. HAHAHA i ain’t gonna conceal that. my best friend, kazue, is gonna kill me for this but i love arabian nights HAHAHA and prince ali!!!!!!
12. favourite villain song
ooOOoOOoOoo ursula’s “poor unfortunate souls” because i used to replay that song a lot as a child? HAHAHA
13. least favourite song
i have no idea??
14. favorite kiss
15. the first movie you saw
16. favourite classic
i would say it’s cinderella or snow white ugh i can’t decide. i used to watch these with my grandma so they are definitely my top classics!
17. song that always gets stuck in your head
PRINCE ALIIIIIII FABULOUS HE ALI ABABWAAAAAA (fabulous harry, i love the feathers)
18. favourite pixar film
the incredibles!!!!!! but i also have to include finding dory because my ethan loves that so much.
19. least favourite pixar film
a bug’s life used to scare me a lot as a kid so i’m gonna have to go with that, i’m sorry to any fans :(
20. favorite sequel
high. school. musical. 2.
21. overrated movie
to be honest, i have to say it’s frozen and tangled. no offence but i don’t really understand the hype :/
22. underrated movie
atlantis: the lost empire. hands down. and the emperor’s new groove. these are by far the most underrated disney moves because barely one i know has watched these :( ethan and i have decided that on our wedding night, we’re gonna wear fluffy onesies and have a disney movie marathon. i can pretty much predict what he’s gonna pick but these two are the ones i’m including.
23. movie that makes you laugh
tbh the emperor’s new groove makes me laugh but big hero 6 cracked me up heaps in the cinema
24. movie that makes you cry
gosh :( anything with robin williams (i miss him so much and he’s one of my favourite actors ever), big hero 6 (literally BAWL MY EYES OUT EVERY TIME over tadashi and baymax’s departure) and the lion king (i don’t think i need to elaborate this any further).
25. the saddest scene from your favourite movie
ummmmm i don’t know...
26. saddest death
all deaths are sad to me :( unless it’s a villain’s then ha die u sucker
27. favorite quote
“i’ll turn him into a flea, a harmless, little flea, and then I'll put that flea in a box, and then I'll put that box inside of another box, and then I'll mail that box to myself, and when it arrives... MWAHAHA I’LL SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER!!! it’s brilliant, brilliant, BRILLIANT, I tell you!!! genius, i say... or to save on postage, i’ll just poison him with THIS!” - yzma
28. favourite theme park
i’ve been to disneyland paris and that’s the only i’ve been to so that’s my favourite for now :) would love to go to the one in cali with my ethan.
29. favourite theme attraction
big thunder mountain. i was too short to go on most of the rides so that was one that was okay HAHAHA #shortgirlproblems
30. favourite theme park show
i don’t remember watching any shows... i went like 10 years ago. (jeez i’m old).
i tag you! xxx
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HSM (2006) rewatch pt 16 (final)
Yaaay champions! I like how he actually fakes right and breaks left in the game haha
We don’t get to see Gabriella winning though, but I imagine a scholastic decathlon win wouldn’t look so interesting
This will be more relevant in the second movie
And yes I'm going to read too much into Chad breaking them up
Chad: So, you're going with me to the after-party, right? Taylor: Like on a date? Chad: Must be your lucky day!
Smooth, Chad, real smooth. Although I wish we could have gotten some moments of them actually becoming more close because it’s kind of out of nowhere? It's like they said, here’s the black best friend characters. Obviously we should just pair them up, no need to actually develop that everyone should get it.
^ For reference, it took like a few minutes of screentime for us to buy into Troy and Gabriella being into each other, so they really could have squeezed something in like, maybe during their talk when they realised they fucked up? They could have a genuine moment there.
Also quick fast forward but I read in an interview with Monique I think that she had the idea of giving Taylor a Britney-inspired outfit for the last scene, and yeah it's a pretty nice touch! A mix between preppy but also showing her letting loose.
I didn't clock that outfit at all at first though because I'm used to seeing school uniform in my country asdjhsf
Anyway yeah it’s too sudden for Sharpay to suddenly be cool with everyone now, but I don’t really care because they had no idea how big this movie would become and that they’d get sequels so I get why they wrapped that up quickly.
Awww Zeke! You gotta let it go man, there’s plenty of girls out there who will appreciate your cookies. Why does Sharpay reply “ew” to cookies what 😭😭 adding this to my lesbian Sharpay agenda
But Ryan picks them up at least and congratulates Zeke, he’s also wearing red so… supportive? Ok I see you Lucas I see what you were trying to do and I’m sorry Disney wouldn’t let you do it, but I do still find it hilarious how these little moments just get completely overshadowed by THAT scene in HSM2 LMAO
Aww Kelsi looking happy but awkward, same. Looks like everyone had an outfit change! She’s the playmaker! Troy’s like Kelsi fan number one and their friendship is so underrated honestly, he’s always lifting her up. Which must have been crazy for Kelsi, in the novelisation during their first interaction she’s like “THE Troy Bolton is being nice to me holy shit??”
Kelsi’s reaction is so funny though like, yeah I too would be like “Thanks!! Errr what do I do with this now I don’t know anything about basketball? Do I shoot it for fun? But I’ll probably flop and lose the ball, how long am I supposed to carry it for? Can I just… leave it to the side? Put it away I mean they’re gonna need it again? But I don’t want to look like I don’t appreciate it?????” This is what my brain is like during every single unscripted social interaction I engage in btw
Jason noticing her being a bit awkward and helping her shoot the ball is sweet, he’s just like that. Not a huge fan of taking her hat off though, I know it’s like this ooooh she’s letting loose moment but…. she had it on during Breaking Free when she’d just stood up to Sharpay and she was all energetic and confident during the performance, she’s all about her hats let her wear her hat! It comes off as the “oooooohhh this nerdy girl with questionable fashion sense is actually really beautiful if she just presents more conventionally!” trope
And now the final song! I've given up on making passable screencaps
I love watching the extras in this one because they’re obviously professional dancers and they just show everyone up, especially in that bit once the end credits start rolling. Ryan slays in this too, and happy to see Martha freely dancing there! As for the song itself, it’s iconic of course. For my personal listening tastes though, it's just a liiiittle too cheesy and for the kids. That’s what they were going for, with a pretty learnable choreography and all. Which is fine! It’s just not something I’d listen to much in my free time. I’m also haunted by another vine where these guys do a handshake or something and then break into this choreography idk, I can’t find it. Anyway B tier
Hahahaha this post-credits scene, what was Zeke even doing just wandering around there aimlessly. Thinking about his rejection? : ( But no one can resist his baking for long!
His smile at the camera is so funny, yeah they never really went anywhere with this Sharpay-Zeke thing in the series so it’s kind of weird they keep throwing in little hints and Zeke still has a crush on her every movie
Aaaaand that’s the movie! This commentary has clocked in at over 9000 words, this is insane.

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HSM (2006) rewatch pt 13
13: Moving the callbacks
Hahahaha look at him all excited, yeah hype yourself up king. Also bi finger guns!
He’s wearing a green baseball top now, I don’t think we’ve seen it before but when he had to be the basketball guy, he’d wear a red baseball tee and when he was more “just a guy” he wore green or blue. Now it’s a mix of both, he’s confident in both sides of himself! (I think I'm so smart pointing out outfit colours in these commentaries)
Wah they're so cute! Also the first installment in the "Troy checks his non-existent watch" saga
Okay to the “Sharpay is the victim” crowd: if she’s so hard working and great at theatre she shouldn’t have felt threatened by Troy and Gabriella! She should have played it fair and trusted her own skills, not used underhanded tactics to sabotage them. If she can't handle some competition, she's not gonna have a great time pursuing theatre in the future.
And what's with the weird revisionism with Sharpay being a hardworking girlboss while Troy and Gabriella get everything handed to them and don't take theatre seriously? Like are we watching the same movie? They both genuinely wanted to perform, and have been rehearsing a lot with Kelsi - so much so that their friend groups got pissed off about it. I get it, Sharpay is iconic but you don't have to paint her as the real hero just so you can feel morally justified in liking her. You can like characters who are mean, it's okay. Hold my hand. Now lets watch the movie again and pay attention this time.
And don't get me started with the Gabriella hate, the amount of times I've seen people cry sexism for Sharpay's treatment in the films and then turn around to call Gabriella a bitch...
Darbus: I don’t want to hear any more about Troy Bolton and that Montez girl. Darbus: So, if you're telling me as co-presidents of the drama club that changing the callbacks would be what's best for our theatre programme, then I might actually agree with you.
It seems like they convinced Darbus that it’s all just some big trick, but I don’t see why Darbus would agree to changing the callbacks? Why not let them audition and just choose Sharpay and Ryan anyway? I just don’t think she would agree to preventing them from coming at all it’s so underhanded. Unless they convinced her they’re planning a big prank during the callbacks or something??? It’s a bit contrived, I’ll admit.
Aw Kelsi looks so sad :(
I just realised that the game and scholastic decathlon being on the same day means that a hypothetical science-loving basketball player would be having the same predicament already lol
The way Chad is immediately ready to commit violence so Troy can go to the callbacks LOL it’s sweet, but again I feel like we’re missing a proper resolution between them?
Alright Chad and Taylor I see you holdings hands. But also we needed more development on that, or like even one single moment they can share that isn’t about Troy and Gabriella
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HSM (2006) rewatch pt 12
12. Romeo, romeo
Aw Troy practicing what he’s gonna say
Hahaha love Mama Montez, “OOOOOOH Troooy?” she’s heard a lot about him already huh? She can tell he’s a nice guy who genuinely wants to own up to his mistake, but she still covers for her daughter. But also this must be so weird from her perspective, it’s been like what, a few days since Gabriella started school? And she’s already got a boy standing on her doorstep apologising?
Also, Gabriella doesn’t have a dad. That never has any significance in the movies but I just remembered that
Troy not only rocking double denim, but choosing to wear a blue t-shirt too. I know people have probably told you blue complements your eyes Troy, but that’s a bit too much. Put some blue back.
Oh Gabriella’s all in blue too, ah those y2k tracksuits. I just realised they both wore blue a lot, except when Gabriella was mad at Troy and wore pink instead in the cafeteria scene.
I refuse to believe Gabriella’s house is this perfectly furnished when they moved in like, a few weeks ago tops?
Taylor may think her speech to Gabriella failed but it may have been the reason Gabriella actually picked up the phone this time so… win?
Troy: Maybe that's because I don't wanna only be the basketball guy any more Troy: They can't handle it. That's not my problem, it's theirs.
Troy: This is about how I feel, and I'm not letting the team down. They let me down.
SPEAK YOUR TRUTH. Also we don’t really see the aftermath of Troy finding out what his friends did, he says they let him down so he’s still angry at them despite them saying they’ll support him now. It feels like we’re missing a scene where they actually make up properly
Troy climbed onto her balcony but you could not tell by his voice at all, and did he do it one handed?
Haha so this is Zac’s actual singing voice
Wah her butterfly necklace! So cute
Troy maybe next time at least tell her to look down from the balcony or something if you want your Romeo moment? ��Tis a bit creepy is all I’m saying
Huh they are kind of like Romeo and Juliet, you ever realise how crazy it is that Shakespeare's work is still influencing culture and romance stories centuries later?
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HSM (2006) rewatch pt 14
14: Work this out
A Pi pie except it’s actually a cake. So… the cake is… a lie?
Zeke the MVP, love how the guys are giving him the credit
The way Troy says “oh it’s an… equation!” cracks me up
Where did they hide those little basketballs. Also why?
I find it so funny that Chad is the one to get Sharpay and Ryan to watch the GO DRAMA CLUB thing when just yesterday he was ready to throw hands with them. Also it kind of looks like he goes up to Ryan first, looks between them then decides to drag Sharpay out haha,, I'm delusional
And Sharpay just goes with it!
EXCLAMATION POINT! He says it so happily hahahaha
Ryan dyslexic??
I know the point is to show camaraderie between the groups and to convince Darbus they’re not fucking around, but that little show was kinda pointless, you printed out those shirts for these 5 seconds? Are they planning to wear them in the audience of the musical? I got flashbacks to Shrek 3 for some reason
Geez, did anyone actually have this much school support for their sports team? Idk about you guys but the second that bell rings, I am OUTTA THERE you cannot make me sit and watch some people I don’t know play sports. We don’t even have bleachers in the UK lol
Coach B: What I want is for you to have fun Coach B: I know all about the pressure, and probably too much of it has come from me. 'Cause what I really want is to see my son having the time of his life playing the game we both love
Disney dad becomes a good dad at the last minute, classic. They still don't discuss the singing thing though
Both competitions are against the same school lol, are there no other schools in the area
I love Kelsi’s suit!
Ryan’s t-shirt says New York on it, foreshadowing? No, it’s not. But I can dream and overanalyse as much as I want.
The twins’ warmup is so silly but iconic
I find it crazy these scholastic decathlons exist, gotta respect Americans for making anything and everything into a competition
Is this kid just here for his watch? What is it with this movie and watches? Also Darbus’s fit slaps actually
Bop to the top! I’m confused, is this song part of the musical? Or did they just completely make it up? Darbus mouths the lyrics so I guess it's in the musical but did Kelsi write it? If it's for the main characters then how does it fit into the story and their dynamic? Why is it Spanish? Did Sharpay and Ryan alter it? So many questions!
Anyway it’s catchy, it's iconic, it relates to them “blowing away the competition”, but idk I don’t care for it as much as others? B tier, choreography looks fun though
Alright Ryan work those hips!
Hahaha they actually say shake some booty and turn around
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HSM (2006) rewatch pt 9
9: Who’s Michael Crawford?
Guys I think Chad might not like women
Jokes aside, him complaining about Gabriella "casting a spell" on Troy and then reminding Troy he’s his most loyal best friend – like, why emphasise loyal? You scared someone’s taking your place hm 🤨? So far in this movie Chad has called two things frightening - theatre and all its unmanly implications, and the "female mind". Makes ya think.
Okokok I know it's just a "haha women amirite" jock moment but I find it more entertaining to interpret his actions as him having a crush on Troy that even he doesn't realise. That legendary requiem for Chad x Ryan video essay does it more justice it's hilarious
Also the spirit of my old eng lit teacher possessed me and needs you all to know that Chad calls Gabriella an "elevated IQ temptress" and earlier in the cafeteria he rags on Troy for auditioning for a "heinous" musical. This is rather dramatic language, which contrasts his jock bro personality. Moving on.
Chad carrying his basketball around everywhere is funny but it makes for good symbolism whenever he tries to give it to Troy and bring him over to the side of basketball, heteronormativity and conventional gender roles
Chad: So my point is, if you play basketball, you're gonna end up on the cereal box. Chad: If you sing in musicals, you're gonna end up in my mom's refrigerator Troy: Why would she put his picture in her refrigerator?
"You're gonna end up in my mom's refrigerator" is hilarious out of context. Respect to Chad’s mum even though I’ve never seen Phantom of the Opera, Troy is so baffled hahaha
Wait wouldn’t he know this already? I feel like with being childhood best friends he’d had seen the inside of their fridge by now, unless she recently put it in
But lowkey I understand how a teenage boy would be so put off by musicals after that, I used to be OBSESSED with Lion King like it was my personality from year 3 to 7, so my brother got sick of it and hated the movies so much. Fate paid a cruel trick on him when his class did a unit on The Lion King AND THEY EVEN WENT TO WATCH IT IN WEST END. I WAS SO JEALOUS AND HE WAS HAVING SUCH A SHIT TIME
Chad if you really need Troy to be there THAT MUCH for you guys to focus on the game then maybe you’re not a great team or athletes? Honestly at this point Chad being annoyed that Troy is spending more time with someone else is starting to make more sense as a motivation
Also homeboy might want to focus on his studies a little, Troy's buckling down in the library but Chad's still carrying nothing but his basketball <3
#high school musical#hsm#high school musical (2006)#hsm liveblog#chad danforth#troy bolton#dori watches hsm#my posts#in other news i got reminded of this kids heist movie the other day where they rob a bank#bc the girls mum was ill or something and couldnt pay for treatment#but i couldnt remember what it was called#then yesterday i was looking through the filmographies of the hsm cast members and it turns out#that corbin bleu was in that same movie with freaking kristen stewart??
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HSM (2006) rewatch pt 8
8: Secret practice, missing practice
It’s kind of weird hearing the score being so prominent in this segment where they're secretly practicing singing, I usually never notice it in this movie if it’s there at all
Our first glimpse at Breaking Free!
Why are they even practicing- sorry, rehearsing - during school hours, wouldn’t it be easier to just do it after school or something?
Also respect to Kelsi for helping them while also managing to keep the secret. And look, they’re practicing and putting a lot of effort in! Screw you people who say Sharpay was the victim because Troy and Gabriella didn't actually care about musical theatre and everything fell in their laps. That's literally just... completely untrue!
What are Troy and Gabriella even jamming to? It looks so stupid lol
Oh he actually missed practice without telling anyone? Last time it was a free period at least, and here he's just helping out paint sets – something he didn’t really need to do unless he just wanted to hang out with Gabriella. I kind of get the team's worry if he skips an actual practice so close to a big game, but also he wouldn’t be so secretive about it all if they were more accepting. But also he could be balancing things better, which kind of carries on in the second movie. There’s layers, is all I’m saying
Damn Mr Bolton so rude, she’s a student. Troy looks so offended on her behalf
YOU'RE NOT JUST A GUY, TROY! Ah, tying into Troy's line during the rooftop conversation
What Troy does affects the entire school? Geez that’s a bit much, come on Bolton just because you peaked in high school doesn’t mean everyone views things that way. Also they are putting way too much importance on Troy it kind of doesn't make sense, like are they really gonna lose if his head isn’t in the game? Maybe if he were like, the setter in a volleyball game but basketball? Eh...
This whole convo... the mounting pressure on Troy, the disbelieving “please don’t be gay” delivery on the “you’re not a singer” line, Troy saying maybe he could be both... Cinema 👌
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HSM (2006) rewatch pt 6
6: Stick to the Status Quo
Backpack alert! And Jason was actually carrying school books, there's hope for you yet boys
Love Ryan and Kelsi’s little glance at each other after Sharpay huffs off. I imagine they're not best friends yet since it was Ryan who flippantly told Kelsi they'd rearranged her song for the audition, but they bond over Sharpay's antics sometimes and obviously get much closer in the second movie.
What is this cafeteria area, it’s so nice? Mine had a hole in the ceiling that they’d cover up with a sheet of paper on parent’s evenings
“Bob, we need the cheerleaders in the jock group” “But sir, how will we know they’re cheerleaders and not girls from the other factions of the school?” “Make them wear their warmup gear in every single scene of course!”
Zeke decides really quickly after the Troy musical news to spill his secret, have they even spoken to Troy about this yet? Guy must have been waiting for the right moment for ages
Zeke: I bake Everyone: WHAT?!
This will never not be iconic. Poor Zeke he looks so sad ToT
Martha: Look at me and what do you see? Intelligence beyond compare!
We stan a confident queen <3 Also I love that they chose a plus sized girl for this
Ahhhh the “skaters”……..
I’m obsessed with orange shirt guy’s reaction and how he just misses the next dance routine because he’s having a breakdown by the stairs
I like how in the next sequence we can see the groups mixing more as they dance, it basically represents what’s happening in the school as a whole since the audition. Everyone jokes about how they’re singing and dancing about how certain people shouldn’t be singing and dancing, but that’s not actually happening. It’s non-diegetic! An abstraction! A representation of the turning of the social and political landscape!
What I love about this song is you can go through it frame by frame and find fun little details or interactions in the background. Like here, Chad throws his basketball and it's Zeke that catches it (they face off in the background of another shot too). He dribbles it for a bit but loses it at some point in the song and pops out the crème brûlée instead. Love cheerleader girl who’s just trying to read on the side lmao. Or go against the status quo, as the cheerleaders were previously portrayed as shallow and not interested in topics deeper than discussing their nails, but here she is studying during lunch break, no longer caring if that makes her uncool.
Also I love that part of the choreography is literally just,, ruffling Chad's hair. And those girls in the top left swaying a bit? Yeah that's my level of dance skills too
Martha got done dirty, with the others it’s “stick with what you know!” and “keep your voice down low!” but with her it’s “she has gotta go!” LOL no wonder we never see her with the geek squad again
I had to copy and paste the spelling for crème brûlée I am nothing if not dedicated
That sudden burst into song after Gabriella and Taylor turn up is iconic
And now cello boy is just miming playing the cello??? WHERE DID THE CELLO GO
Hahaha the way it looks like Gabriella and Taylor are the only ones aware that they're in a musical
I had to comment on this song bit by bit because there’s so much to point out lol, I love Stick to the Status Quo it’s S tier I don’t care. It’s more musical-like than the other songs and it works really well since there are some spoken parts with the confessions. Also it’s just so chaotic, it's impressive what they managed to do with the choreography here and the transitions flow really well. The chorus does sound a little.... quiet? At times though? I think they get better at making the audio sound a bit more natural as the movies go on.
People say it’s silly that everyone’s so against people having hobbies, but that's taking the message too literally imo. High school cliques are a thing (although maybe more so in the US from what I've heard), and let's be honest a lot of interests or methods of expression are deemed "cringe" today, let alone back then before nerd culture became truly mainstream. Gender is a big divider too - we're still socially conditioned to think STEM and sports are for boys while the arts are for girls, plus things like the misogyny directed towards female gamers. And for the boys, 2006 was a time when the tiniest expression of something deemed "feminine" would result in you being called gay. So yeah, the message is still relevant today but even more so back then.
Plus even outside of such extremes, I feel we do tend to put ourselves in boxes. Just look at how many people believe in that left/right logical/creative brain stuff, people taking the Myers Briggs personality types so seriously, or those teenagers on tiktok trying to decide between aesthetics. Especially at that age, you're very concerned with constructing a consistent image of yourself and might feel nervous trying new things or pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, because "that's not my kind of thing".
Ooo I like Sharpay being manipulative of Darbus, showing her as a good antagonist. Not just in the way she acts towards the protagonists, but how she sweet talks others and shows a completely different persona to get what she wants. Girl can act, I’ll give her that.
Ryan just looking at his food LOL mood
Chad’s smile as he goes “What's up? Oh, let’s see…” while contemplating murder is so funny I love that delivery
Chad: Zeke is baking… Crème Brulee!
As opposed to the other stuff being baked in Albuquerque around this time…...
I love how Troy’s reaction is to immediately show interest and enthusiasm for Zeke’s new hobby! Supportive bro! Shut up Chad, don’t be mean to Zeke >.<
I like the detail that after Chad tells him to shut up, Zeke goes up to the skater guys, who seem to have made up as they’re sitting together and cello kid has his cello out. It shows that despite the most outspoken people like Chad and Sharpay, there’s a shift in the school. Generally I love the school scenes in this movie because there’s always something going on in the background, it feels so lived in and like you're watching a play in person
Yeah Chad’s being a bad friend here obviously, and there's a lot of ways you could read into his reaction. There's the general toxic masculinity, but he also bought into the school hierarchy and enjoyed his position on top with the rest of the jocks. Maybe he just doesn't get it because it's genuinely basketball 24/7 with him and he defines himself by his interests, maybe he just hates change (wait a minute... autistic Chad?), maybe the concept of Troy being less interested in basketball and hanging out with Gabriella makes him feel like his friendship is threatened.
aaaaand maybe deep down he's in denial about his own "unmanly" tendencies and doesn't want to confront that part of himself
But this also shows why Troy is the captain. Chad puts basketball and his own ideas on what's best for everyone above his teammates' feelings, so while he is more dedicated and commands the attention of the team, I feel a captain should be a bit more emotionally intelligent.
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HSM (2006) rewatch pt 5
5: Audition time!
The ad cuts are taking me out hahaha
We see Sharpay give Darbus some sort of gift, we can guess she’s one of those students where the teachers think she’s the most loveliest thing on the planet but to other students she’s a nightmare
Ah, the first of the classic silly Chad shirts – “I come with my own background music”. How much time does he spend picking these out? And the watches from earlier?? If you think about it the only other guy with an outfit quirk is Ryan- /shot
Chad you’re a terrible spy
Obsessed with this kid who can’t speak because otherwise they’d have to pay the extra more. They actually try to dub over with a voice but it’s so faint it's not even subbed, looks like this kid just randomly grabs Chad’s hand to greet him it’s so funny, but Chad is just like “Oh, hi! :D”. Actually I am now proclaiming this guy is mute.
There’s an auto shop in this school???? So apparently some schools with a focus on trades do have these, huh pretty cool
I love Kelsi’s fit. It’s just so her <3
The first girl is me when I try to sing
Girl with the pink flower's singing skills are about right for the plays I did tbh, it was a small thing in a church hall and not a single one of us kids were actually good at it. But it was fun!
Hey what was with the 2000s and thinking bad opera singing was the height of comedy? We’re only missing their glasses breaking
Darbus: What... courage! To pursue a note that has... not been accessed in the natural world! Bravo, uh, brava! Darbus: Perhaps the spring musicale?
SAVAGE. Also, spring musicale? SO THERE IS A SPRING ONE. WHEN?? If you’re doing AUDITIONS for the winter one in JANUARY, when is the spring one supposed to be??
Mad respect to this ballet guy. Maybe they let him join the ensemble? This reminds me, I caught Billy Elliott on TV the other day and I'm planning on watching Jump In soon, I'm just watching the same old themes this month huh
Darbus: Well that was just... very disturbing. Go see a counsellor
HELLO??? 😭😭😭 I mean I see they were going for the originality points and tried to do some interpretative dance, honestly it’s not too far from GCSE drama productions that always seem to have something to do with peer pressure, drugs or a car crash lmao
Reaction montage because same:
OK now that Gabriella’s here I want to point out that Troy did actually come here of his own accord, of course he’d hoped Gabriella would be there as he was checking the audition sheet earlier, but I see this as being an “it’s less scary if it’s the two of us” thing, rather than him only being interested in the musical because of Gabriella. Sure, she sparked his curiosity as he realised how much he enjoyed the karaoke singing, but once he got to the theatre he wasn’t looking around searching for her - I think due to the sequels where Gabriella has to convince Troy to do the performance and he’s all reluctant at first, we kind of forget that initially, he was the one to take the first step, even if he’s too scared to actually audition here. I kind of wish they’d kept this and progressed it into the sequels so he’s more confident with his love of theatre going forward, but instead they keep repeating the whole “ahhhh I don’t sing” thing.
Gabriella: So you decided to sign up for something? Troy: Uh... no. You? Gabriella: No...
Hahaha Troy and Gabriella are basically like “No I won’t do it uh, unless you wanted to”
Haha, little callback to when she asked him why he's whispering and he said his friends don't know about the singing thing.
Okay Sharpay and Ryan’s version of What I’ve Been Looking For is more fun than Kelsi’s original for sure, but look Kelsi wrote the song that way for a reason – it probably fits the vibe of the scene and the emotions of the characters at that point in the story. So to see your vision ignored, and your song reworked without consulting you, that’s a pretty big insult for an artist. Like, that’s her song! Her creation! Also Sharpay and Ryan don't have the chemistry for the roles for obvious reasons, and their choreography can be a bit… idk... literal? At the line “that you were always there beside me” they often look at each other like “Oh! Haha there you are!” which is a bit of a shallow interpretation of the song imo. Like I get their limitation because they’re siblings, but that’s just showbiz you can’t expect to fit every single main role you audition for? Anyway it’s B tier for me, catchy enough but nothing show-stopping.
I like how there’s little hints at conflicts between the two though, like Sharpay stopping Ryan so she can walk out first, bumping into him during the number and her telling him not to do the jazz squares but Ryan doing it anyway. He’s not completely subservient to her.
Sharpay is so mean to Kelsi and y’all wanna say she was the victim here? She’s an elitist that doesn’t encourage new talent or cooperation, she just likes to be on top.
Gabriella: I'd like to audition, Ms Darbus!
I feel like they could have portrayed Gabriella’s motivations a bit better because they’re a tad unclear for me – with Troy we had scenes about his conflict and we can see he’s genuinely curious about singing on stage, but Gabriella seemed pretty certain she didn’t want to do anything like that right at the start of the year, plus she’s got major stage fright. So what exactly got her to go to the audition? Did she guess Troy would be there? If anyone's got any thoughts or meta on that I'd love to hear it
Troy is so kind to Kelsi aw, taking the time to boost her confidence. It’s not like he knew she’d play them the music, he genuinely just saw someone being mistreated and wanted to boost them up. In the novelisation, Kelsi is freaking out because THE Troy Bolton is talking to her and turns out he's just a nice sweet guy who doesn't think he's above everyone else, it's sweet.
OK I know people laugh at them being able to sightread here, but they already heard how the tune goes as they saw Sharpay and Ryan’s audition, and this is essentially just the same thing slowed down, with some prompts from Kelsi. It’s not thaaaaat farfetched.
So for Troy and Gabriella’s version of the song? I’m sure this version suits that part of the musical more, they have great chemistry when singing it and they can sing well, so I can see why Darbus would consider them. It’s just that in my personal rankings I wouldn’t really listen to this so it’s C tier, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad. The song does exactly what it needs to do at this point in the story.
Aw Kelsi’s so excited! Even inviting them to her house for breakfast practice ^^
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HSM (2006) rewatch pt 3
3. Getcha head in the game!
Half of these students just don’t have backpacks huh, meanwhile Taylor has a wholeass suitcase
Gabriella: I can't believe you live here. I looked for you at the lodge on New Year's Day, but... Troy: I know, we had to leave first thing.
One thing I don’t get is did the new year’s party at the lodge end right after midnight? Lame. Also if they didn’t see each other, why didn’t they text or call each other as Troy said he would?
The way Troy whispers “the singing thing” pffft this movie really is a queer allegory huh
It’s kind of funny they show Sharpay being “into” Troy in the first movie because that really isn’t relevant at all, she drops that and tries to sabotage him immediately after the audition. But I guess it makes her advances on Troy not seem out of the blue in the second movie.

Troy and Gabriella's reactions to Sharpay in this scene are a wholeass mood, Gabriella's like "you seeing this shit?". Also Gabriella is usually seen as super bubbly and nice all the time but she's been through multiple schools, she knows what's up and what kind of person Sharpay likely is. That grin when she makes the "nice penmanship!" remark? Totally a subtle dig, I love it.
Also random country flags in the background – I didn’t know Americans knew that many national flags! (I’m joking I’m joking I'm kidding)
Alright basketball time! I'm just gonna comment on this whole bit - I like how they show Troy start to consider the singing thing but from a distance, mentioning how you could extra credit for auditioning first. Like he’s testing the waters. Going with the queer allegory, this is like when you offhandedly mention something lgbt+ related in the news or whatever, just to see how the other person would react, but you could also relate to this to a lot of things. By the end of the scene, we see Troy backpedaling on the musical thing and saying it would just be “a good laugh” when it becomes apparent Chad doesn’t approve. The next thing he says is a comment on Sharpay being cute, we know from his reaction to her earlier that he doesn’t like her but he still says that here, as if he suddenly feels the need to defend his masculinity and heterosexuality. Or as a last excuse for why he might be interested in the musical.
Chad's comment about LeBron and Shaq is so funny considering the kind of guy LeBron is. Also, Chad, Michael Jordan was in a movie with the Looney Tunes years before this movie so anything goes! Still, he's definitely buying into the toxic masculinity culture and literally shudders at the idea of show tunes and costumes and makeup and anything unmanly – let’s put a pin in that ok?
Anyway he likes rock apparently, which. Hm, is this already kind of breaking a stereotype? Either way, it’s 2006 so what kind of rock does Chad listen to? Older stuff or is he blasting In the End? I NEED TO KNOW

Okayyy Getcha Head in the Game is iconic, the first “Troy is conflicted” song of the series. I love the use of the basketball sounds, and it’s just so catchy! Little break in the diegesis there when Troy hits a note a bit too musically and the others stare at him until he realises what he just did. A tier methinks.
Just keep your head in the gay. No honestly I can’t unhear that now.
Who is “J”?
Wow dicks, they didn’t put the basketballs away
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HSM (2006) rewatch
Part 2: Happy Wildcats New Year!

Also the way Chad just grabs him like I’M HIS BIGGEST HYPEMAN OUTTA THE WAY PEOPLE
Chad: Because in two weeks, we’re going to the championships, with you leading us to infinity and beyond!
OK Buzz Lightyear
This is so jarring to me because it’s January, right? But everyone is dressed for mild weather, no coats in sight and it’s so green around them? Is it that warm in New Mexico? ...So I googled it and for Albuquerque, they apparently still get pretty chilly winters and can even have snow. It’s funny they filmed at this time but still went for the New Year timeline, they could have easily just had it be at the start of the school year and troyella could meet at some other party. Why am I so focused on this do you ask? idk I live in the UK – if I see a lot of sunshine in a movie, it fascinates me.
Everyone is too happy to be back in school
Idk who started the Wildcats chant but it means Chad didn’t start the very first one in the series!
I saw a post about how Troy actually wears blue and green more than red, and yeah it looks really obvious here in this sea of red. There’s some symbolism there with Chad in red handing Troy the basketball as he talks about him leading them to a championship win, Troy looks a little uncomfortable with all the attention and hands the ball over to someone else.
Sharpay’s iconic strut <3
Chad’s background music is a sitcom laughtrack, apparently
Jason: Do you remember the night before? Troy: No. Not at all. All I remember is, like, pink jelly.
Troy what the hell happened at that party? Unless he just doesn't want to talk about the karaoke
Genuinely curious does a typical school in the US really have an American flag in every classroom?
WHY DOES CHAD HAVE SO MANY WATCHES. I thought it was just for the Charlie’s Angels scene but nope, that’s just his style apparently. Are they all synced to different timezones?

Aw Chad checking up on Troy like, the SECOND he starts to act funny
They really did Monique dirty with her fits and that headband. I wish they styled her hair in a way more suited to her hair type but yeah…
Ms Darbus acts and dresses like the spirit of all drama teachers I love it, her look reminds me a bit of my art teacher in school
Troy why would you try to call her? To see if it’s her? Why not just wait until you leave the class? Why did Sharpay and Ryan pick up their phones? Do all three of them have the same ringtone? So many questions.
Bit mean of Darbus to give Gabriella detention within the first 2 minutes, maybe she didn’t know about your cell phone rule! And why didn’t she introduce Gabriella to the class?
Ms Barbus: Mr Bolton, I see your phone is involved, so we will see you in detention as well! Chad: No, no. That's not even a possibility, Ms Darbus, your honour, see? 'Cause we have basketball practice, and Troy...
Chad calls Darbus “Your Honour” pffffft nice try buddy. Anyway get you a bestie who tries to get you out of detention <3 But also Chad’s reasoning about them having basketball practice shows their jock status in the school and how he thinks they should get let off for that. And like it’s true, some kids are more favoured than others in school for those kinds of things. Doesn't fly for Darbus, though.
Jason 😂😭 I know he is probably genuinely asking and cannot read a room, but there was always that one kid that managed to make the teacher ramble about their life for like half the lesson so we didn’t have to do any work.
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High School Musical (2006) rewatch
*sigh* so... some time ago my friends and I rewatched this movie and I don't know whether it's the nostalgia or my usual love for cheesy low budget movies but I haven't been able to get this trilogy out of my head. So of course I ended up writing like 8k words of ramblings about each movie with nowhere to share them but the Random Hyperfixations Website, in the hopes that maybe one (1) person would find them mildly interesting. If not, future me could get a laugh or two!
I will also be tier ranking the songs as I go because why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Part 1: The Start of Something New

Aaahhh nostalgia 😭 and I only remember watching this one like once or twice as a kid lmao, it just feels so quintessentially 2000’s
Are the ski lifts working at this hour? Guess it must be a special New Years thing, sounds fun skiing at midnight but you know no one there is sober, New Year or not :P Après ski started hours ago!
Mrs. Montez: Gabby, it's New Year's Eve. Enough reading. Gabriella: But mom, I'm almost done!
I was literally like Gabriella at parties – ok granted I was like 12, but whenever we’d go to gatherings with family friends I’d either bring a book or this tiny notepad and pencil I’d fold up in my pocket so I could doodle whenever I got bored or socially awkward. People would compliment my drawings and make requests so I guess it worked out?

Also the mums' fits aren't great, looks like they’re wearing theatre costumes.
Mrs Bolton: Did we really fly all this way to play more basketball? Troy and Mr Bolton: ...........yeah?
I relate to this because my mum would also have to tear my dad and brother away from the beach volleyball courts when we go on holiday. I mean I play too during the year but I prefer to laze around or swim when we’re at the beach
“I don’t sing, I can't sing!” 10 seconds later….
"Some day you guys might thank me for this" This karaoke guy is hilarious, I choose to believe he is a fourth wall breaking omniscient being. It would be hilarious if somehow, Troy and Gabriella ran into him some day before getting married
Why are there screens showing the party in the back lol
Aaaaand the opening song! The one that started it all!!!!!
I love how no one cares about them doing the karaoke at first

So for Start of Something New I’d put it in A tier, it’s catchy and cute, and idk the instrumentation just sounds pretty 2000’s like it reminds me of the OG Winx Club score? I like how, despite the song literally just being them standing there on the platform, they make it interesting by having this progression through the song where at first they’re just giving each other shy glances, Troy is ready to leave after a couple of lines because he assumes Gabriella doesn’t want to do it, but then she actually joins in. Eventually when the music picks up, they start interacting with each other properly and Troy takes his jacket off, with Gabriella now grabbing the mic instead of standing hunched over. And once they’re into it, they have great chemistry! You love to see them open up and have fun.
Also Gabriella looks so pretty in that outfit and so cute when she’s nervous!
The way the karaoke guy stands up like he was right all along hahahaha. Cupid’s arrow has been shot.
Gabriella: I guess I better find my mom and wish her a happy new year Troy: Yeah, me too. I mean, not your mom. My mom. And dad...
Waaahhhh they’re so cute and Troy’s such a dork. Gabriella must have been so surprised to hear he’s the school’s number 1 jock boy LOL
Flip phones! I kept mine until 2015 but everyone thought it was so cool because it was a pink square shaped Alcatel with a full keypad B)
I feel like we don’t talk enough about the fact that Troy and Gabriella go skiing. Like is that unusual for a brainiac in this universe? Especially if she snowboards? Just imagine Gabriella tearing down the slopes and doing tricks :’P
#high school musical#hsm#high school musical (2006)#dori watches hsm#<- you can block that tag haha#my posts#man i've just been revisiting the 2000s these last 2 years huh#probably nothing i say would be new but whatever#troy bolton#gabriella montez#hsm liveblog
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