#biology 101
jolteonmchale · 10 months
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Community 3x01 Animal Control 1x07
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achillean-archives · 1 year
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Community Season 3, Episode 1: Biology 101
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crowley1990 · 2 years
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New Years Resolutions
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otiksimr · 11 months
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tadc-harlequin-au · 2 months
Okay I all seriousness I’m confused. It’s seems like in one post you indicate the cast were just puppets in their past life and then in others you indicate they had human lives?
What is it?
Are they just tempering what the souls powering them remember?
If so Then is the twist that Caine is the only successful human turned puppet???
... Looks like I need to do a little bit of a Puppet 101
I specifically said these Puppets were powered by soul FRAGMENTS, of "VOLUNTEERS". That means they were ACTUAL PEOPLE ONCE.
I've been trying to *wink wink nudge nudge* people so hardly and subtly saying just how bad it was LMFAO THIS AU IS GRIMDARK FOR A REASON
Those soul fragments are by extension, ALSO their memories, and traces of their former humanity. I also said that the more they explore these aspects of themselves, the more they can feel; alluding to the fact they are, in fact, once again REGAINING THEIR LOST HUMANITY, when they got turned into Puppets.
These guys undergo drastic changes not just spiritually or mentally, but also physically. (which is also why I said they have weird bodies)
There's also another thing that I should disclose, that has existed since I wrote "Come back to me" on ao3. I didn't want to reveal it too early, but if it's to clear up your confusion, I'll throw a bone.
Caine is just as much of a puppet as everyone else was either, but since he's become more... "enlightened", he's become a half-organic, half-metallic being; a side effect of rediscovering your humanity to the some extent.
(He has done it to the fullest)
The soul energy keeps getting pumped to every corner of a Puppet's body, and in turn, the energy --once it has familiarized the body-- transforms some of the very structure of what makes a Puppet function into a more organic, but black-tendril tentacle-like structure (but will retreat back to the die heart if the base body is damaged enough). You can see it with Caine on his face, neck and tongue.
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(If you've ever wondered WHY his face and neck are always shrouded in black, it's because it IS black. it's like a reverse Venom concept lmao)
His soul EVOLVED to better conform to his "new" form, but it's not the kind of evolution he wishes.
And YOU can also see it with the Statues, too! Which makes their case even worse! :D
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And another thing is; The bosses ALSO have these aspects that Caine has too. Why?
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Because a puppet's insanity has the same effect, but more drastic, uncontrollable, and dangerous. It's the worse end of the spectrum, as enlightenment is to madness. This is why some of the bosses have become larger than life, or rather, larger than their classification should be.
But thankfully this is reversible by making them spend a little alone time and recollecting their bearings on a peaceful little plane called "The void" while they're dead ✌️😊
I do hope this clears up some of the confusion surrounding the topic of Puppets, I got too absorbed by the worldbuilding I forgot to include "biology" (or Puppetology ig LMFAO 💀💀).
As of this current moment in the roster, no one's really reached the the first stage of enlightenment yet.
EDIT: Actually, Gangle has, by all technicalities of her existence as a Puppet lol but aside from that, NO ONE has YET
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study-core-101 · 5 months
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an entire year reduced to three pages
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thelampisaflashlight · 3 months
Cryptid Biology Season 2: Litha
[Previous entry: Here. Edit: I legitimately forgot to write the easiest part of this entire thing, the description. Rain helps Bea set up for the abbey's summer solstice bonfire party and reaps the rewards of a hard day's work. I don't know how Rain wound up the way he is, but he's not changing anytime soon.] Below the cut.
It's hot as Satan's balls out -a misnomer, considering the Morningstar's junk is stuck in a frozen lake for all of eternity, or at least until the end of days- and Rain wishes more than anything that he was in the lake instead of lugging tables and chairs across the sandy shore, but at the very least he can use his magic to keep himself cool.
Bea, on the other hand, is positively drenched in sweat despite having stripped down to what is absolutely necessary... which Rain has to say is a LOT more clothing than he expected to see the groundskeeper in on a day like this.
She's dressed in a bright, electric yellow work shirt with "MINISTRY STAFF" emblazoned on the back.
It's supposed to protect her skin from UV rays, as is the floppy bucket hat she has on, but Rain can't help but find the whole get-up a little silly.
The shorts she's wearing doesn't make it much better either, to be honest; A pair of white swim trucks with multi-colored flowers splattered across them without any real rhyme or reason to the pattern.
It makes him feel a little nauseous trying to make sense of it.
Does blue come after orange and blue? Is red and yellow before purple and brown?
Why are some of the flowers brown?
Are there brown flowers?
...He files that question away for later, when he has his phone with him... or Mountain.
He'll ask Mountain later.
Then again...
"Are there brown flowers?" he asks, eliciting a grunt from the groundskeeper, who is preoccupied trying to make sure that the tables are level.
"Are there brown flowers?" he asks again, setting down another one of the folding tables, "Or is that just not a thing?"
Bea pauses, thinking.
"Ya know, I'm not sure." she says after a moment, reaching into the pocket of her shorts before clicking her tongue and looking across the lake at her cabin, "A question for later... or Mountain. Just ask Mountain. He knows more about flowers than I do."
Rain snorts.
"Glad to know the gardens are in your capable hands." he jokes, and Bea flips him the bird, crouching back down to lock the legs of the table in place, "So..."
"Are you going to come to the party with anyone special tonight? You know, since it's the solstice and all."
Bea looks over her shoulder at him.
"Huh? Why would I do that?" she questions, turning back to the stubborn latch, "No, I'm staying in my cabin with the curtains drawn, and pretending y'all aren't out here throwing a rager..."
Rain blinks.
"...You're not going to come to the bonfire at all? Even though you're setting everything up?"
The groundskeeper shakes her head.
"I plan on being in my bed by the time things kick off tonight," she says, "sorry to disappoint."
"Mountain doesn't mind?" he wonders aloud, causing Bea to make a choking sound and look at him like he's sprouted another head, "What? I just figured, since you guys have something going on-"
"I dunno who said what about what, but Mountain and I aren't..." she throws her hands in the air, "...We don't have 'something going on', unless you count having a couple, uh, adult sleepovers, but it's not like that... We're just friends who fuck occasionally."
"Oh." Rain lets this information sink in, "And... And, again, Mountain doesn't mind? Just being friends? 'Cause he... You know how he is."
Bea turns to face him head on, arms crossed.
"You're asking a lot of bold questions here, water boy, you wanna cease the inquisition for a minute?" she huffs, "Look... Mount and me, we're both adults, and we've talked about 'us' before, enough to know that's not how either of us feel about what we've got going on. If he and I did have something going on, I wouldn't have fucked you that time."
Rain's ears twitch, and his face heats up.
"I... I mean, here... we're all pretty open and..." he mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck, "I just assumed..."
"You know that they say about assuming things, Rainy, it makes an ass out of you and me." Bea chastises, then sighs, "I'm... just not looking for that sort of thing right now, and, like I told Mountain, I don't want to tie anyone down if I don't know if that's actually what I... what I want."
"It's... It's complicated, and I..." she frowns, crossing her arms, "I don't want to jump into a relationship on a whim, or because we had sex one time... I like Mountain, don't get me wrong, he's a good guy and he makes a lot of people happy, he's a loving and devoted partner from what I've seen, and a very attentive lover... but I'm not ready for that kind of thing."
"...Romance?" Rain asks.
"Love in general." she says, sticking her hands in her pockets, "Look, I really don't know how to... words. I'm not good at articulating this shit, I just know I don't like Mount like that. He's got a fuckin' good heart and a ten out of ten dick, but he's not for me."
Rain snorts.
"Ten out of ten dick."
Bea rolls her eyes.
"You've seen it, you know what I mean."
"I do, I do..." the ghoul places a hand on his chest and stares out over the water wistfully, before turning back to the woman in front of him, "Still though, you should come to the party. You could just post up by the fire and play around with it. That's what all the fire elementals will be doing, might as well have someone around to supervise them and make sure they don't go ham..."
"Nah, I don't need more work..." Bea waves her hand dismissively, then looks at the ground, toeing a rock with her shoe, "...But, ya know, I might need a little help falling asleep, wat with all the noise and shit..."
Rain stands up a little straighter, taken off guard, "O-Oh?"
"The party starts in two hours, and the siblings are going to be swinging by any minute now to take care of the decorations, so..."
"Miss. Milne, are you propositioning this humble servant of the lord?" Rain raises his eyebrows, putting on a posh accent, laughing when Bea swats at him, "Okay, okay, I won't tease... We should hurry though, because if I have to endure another second seeing you in that outfit, I'm going to throw myself in the lake."
"I guess we could try that hole this time."
Bea takes her hat off and hits him with it.
"Ow! Ow! I'll behave, I promise!"
"I have no idea why everyone thinks you're such a sweet, shy man, you're honestly the worst." Bea pouts, putting her hat back on.
"Who says that?" Rain asks, following Bea along the trail leading around the lake towards her cabin, "...Don't tell me you've been looking things up about us online, haven't you?"
"Not really, no." she says, "I mean, I looked up Sister Imperator once."
"You did??"
She nods.
"Obviously, I didn't find more than what anyone else already knows, but, I mean... Look at me." she gestures at herself, "Look at where I am. Do I look like I deserve to be here? Clearly, that woman has other plans for me, and, fuck, if I get to keep living like this in the meantime, I think I'll be okay if she... ya know..."
Rain bites his cheek.
"No, I don't know." he furrows his brow, "Bea, are you... Is anyone... How should I say this...? Is someone keeping you here against your will? Are you in danger?"
Without hesitation, Bea parts her lips and says a single, "No."
And for a moment, Rain wants to believe that's true.
But even as they ascend the porch, leaving their shoes outside the door as they slip inside the cabin, hands peeling away more clothing, Rain can't help but feel like he's trailing after a ghost.
Bea seems... weirdly resigned to her fate.
He tries not to dwell on it, not right now, not when she's pulling him towards her bed, tugging at his belt like a leash.
She bumps the mattress and tumbles backwards, giving a soft gasp as Rain takes advantage of the undignified pose to slide her shorts off, revealing pink lace.
Her shirt comes off with a bit more of a challenge, the long sleeves catch as he tries to free her from it, and he growls his frustrations into her lips the moment its gone.
"You don't make this easy, do you?" he pouts, purring when she crooks her fingers under his chin, scratching at his beard for a moment before running her fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp a bit, "...I'll forgive you just this once."
Sitting upright, Rain straddles Bea's hips before kneeling down to kiss between her breasts; They're small, less than a handful, but they're soft and have little freckles dusted across them that are fun to trace with his eyes...
He's peeked at them more than he should probably admit to, even before he got to see them up close and personal, but given the harried nature of their encounter in the lake, Rain hadn't had much time to admire them.
He gives them a tender squeeze, bunching up the baby pink bralette in his hands, and watches as Bea bites her lip to contain a squeak.
"I like this." he says, thumbing over her nipples through the fabric, "Your fashion sense might be questionable at best, but you do know how to pick out some lovely lingerie..."
"I didn't..." Bea arches into his touch, "...I didn't pick it out."
"Oh~? A gift then? From who?" he gives a slightly harsher press, "Who should I be thanking for this?"
Bea writhes beneath him.
"...Don't wanna say..."
"A secret admirer then?" he lowers his head back down, licking one of the rosy buds, "Not Mountain then..."
Bea shakes her head, whining when Rain nips at her chest.
"N-Not Mountain..."
"He is more of a natural sort..." Rain hums, blowing a puff of air out of his mouth, making her shiver as his unnaturally cold breath wicks the saliva he's left behind, "He likes a bit of hair..."
Bea shifts her legs and Rain raises himself up so she can slide them out from beneath him, moving so that she can sit up in his lap.
"So do I..." she admits, gliding her hand over the trail of coarse hair that runs down his stomach, pawing at the soft pudge there, "...Well?"
"Well?" Rain repeats.
"Are you going to fuck me or what?"
Rain grins devilishly.
"Oh, Honey Bea, I'm going to ruin you."
"Anyone know where Rain got to?" Dew asks, looking around at the gathered partygoers, "He sent me a text, like, ten minutes ago saying he needed five more minutes, and then another one that looks like a keysma-...Well, well, well, look who it is."
Rain lowers his head apologetically, still in the process of redressing himself as he strolls up to the other ghouls, shoes untied and his fly undone, "Sorry, sorry... Got carried away with... stuff."
Dew hands him a cup of cider, "Does 'stuff' have a name, or are you going to keep us in suspense?"
"My lips are sealed." he draws a line across his mouth.
"Yeah, but your pants aren't."
"Aw, fishsticks..."
"More like, fishdick, bro, I can see your pubes!" Swiss chortles from nearby, "You going commando, or did you leave your panties with 'stuff'??"
Rain does a little hop as he buttons his fly.
"You guys can tease me all you want, I got what I wanted out of the evening, here's to you maybe, MAYBE, getting the same, my friends." he raises his cup in a toast and downs his drink in one go, "Guh, fuck..."
"Gentleman," he salutes, "I bid you adieu."
Dew and Swiss watch Rain saunter away, scoffing as he plops himself down in one of the chairs on the beach overlooking the lake.
"He's always so weird post nut, I swear to fucking Satan..." Dew mutters, "...He seems like he had a good time with whoever stuff was though."
"Yeup." Swiss sips his beer, "...Where do you suppose Mountain is?"
"Huh, now that you mention it, he's missing, too... I guess he's hooking up with someone, too... Man, it seems like everyone's getting laid but us."
"...I might have a solution to that." Swiss says, side eyeing Dew before sliding his hand down his back.
"What are you-Oh. Oh-ho-ho~"
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linddzz · 1 year
Tell me about corals magic man
oh man this ask keeps sitting here and I keep starting to write stuff out, forgetting it, then never finishing. So since I am still processing tons of coral pics from a recent field work excursion about coral (and have a day off to just CHILL at home before regular work again) this is as good a time as any. CORAL. IT'S IMPORTANT I GUESS BUT WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? PLANT?? ANIMAL??? OVERAMBITIOUS ROCK??? Yes. kind of. Technically just an animal is correct. Corals are animals, but they are fucking weird animals. Weird in the way that only marine invertebrates can get. I love them because they're freaks. Let me show you.
Corals are a cnidarian, which puts them in the same category as anemones and jellyfish, and when you look at an individual coral polyp you can instantly see the relationship. They are colonial animals with massive structures formed out of polyps that are all clones of each other, and all building a support structure to form the whole, called the colony. An especially cute metaphor I've heard is that each coral polyp has it's own little nook like a room in the massive home they all work to build. A layer of tissue connects polyps to each other over the colony, allowing them to share nutrients and such over the entire structure like little marine communists. These polyps can range widely in size, and they can either be distinctly separate or all fused together, only distinguished by separate mouths. Numbers can also range from millions to a couple species that will have one or polyp mouths max. Polyps can extend out or retract into their little nook, called the calyx, and extend more when the coral is capturing prey from the water.
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Lookit those cute little polyps, these guys make their own cubby for themselves!
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Don't worry about what I just said about capturing prey and feeding, look at those cute little guys. Some of them are out and some are retracted, showing the little bump where they live.
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Fused polyps like on brain corals don't extend exactly, but feeder tentacles will come out from that delineation between the ridge and oral groove. It's actually called an oral groove! Those tentacles are full of the same stinging cells jellyfish and anemones have! One biologist referred to brain corals as a wall of mouths! Ive seen them using those tentacles to slowly drag struggling little shrimps and larval fish towards a slowly opening mouth amongst that wall of mouths! It's like living in a place where at night, the walls open mouths and drag you into them with unthinking stinging strings! Sometimes they just spit out digestive strings to digest stuff outside of their body, like other coral that got too close and needs to check itself! Isn't that great!
A lot of people are surprised to hear "mouths" and "feeding" with corals and yup, corals are animals and therefore they eat! Each polyp has a mouth and tentacles and will extend them to capture prey, mostly zooplankton but also some plant material. Because they're fucking weird though, many species also gain energy via photosynthesis with the help of a symbiotic dinoflagellate called the zooxanthellae or symbiodinium. It's this algae like symbiont that actually gives coral most of their colors. These colors can range from psychadelic to just brown, with regular old browns and greens and yellows being the most common colors (especially in the Caribbean). A bleached coral is still alive, but due to stress has lost their zooxanthellae. They can survive and recover, but in this state they are highly stressed, prone to disease, and can starve slowly without the symbionts helping with their nutritional needs. They appear white or faded because the loss of their symbionts reveals the white calcium skeleton beneath the tissue.
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Bleached portion of coral beside unbleached. A dead coral is one that has lost all of it's tissue, and every individual polyp has died, leaving nothing but the skeleton which can no longer grow without the living polyps. Bleached coral is very, very vulnerable to becoming a dead coral.
Unusually high heat is the most common trigger for a bleaching event. And this is where, in my education talks I sometimes do, I pause with a strained grimace of a smile as we all contemplate ocean temperatures hiking up every summer. SO WHY ARE THESE WEIRDASS ROCK ANIMALS IMPORTANT BESIDES BEING COOL TO LOOK AT? Coral structure can be colloquially described as stony or soft. Stony corals are what I work with more, and these guys are the ones that build a hard, calcium based structure as their support building, and these powerhouses are the ones that build the coral reef. Soft corals are what it says on the tin, they may have a sort of support structure that varies amongst families, but it's flexible (you'll see them waving very beautifully and gracefully in the currents) and they (for the most part) do not build the reef. If they do add to reef building it, it's with a very slow process of depositing fine layers. (Soft corals of course have their role in the overall reef health, but reefs are bonkers complicated ecosystems and I'm trying to keep on track here.) When you're looking at the reef, you are looking on centuries, if not millennia, of stony corals building on top of each other. Sometimes this building has been going on for so long that islands are made of fossilized reefs from millions of years ago, with corals that still resemble modern species in the rock. (This is the case of BonAire and blew my goddamn mind seeing the fossil reef it's so fuckin cool.)
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Sometimes just a single colony will keep building on itself into massive structures. Polyp clones adding on and on to their predecessors, giving the colony overall a lifespan in centuries. It's thought that some huge colonies may be thousands of years old, because the fastest growing stony corals have a growth rate that may equal centimeters per year.
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It's those reef structures of calcium carbonate building up and up that provide the homes to so many other creatures that coral reefs are some of the most biologically diverse, and biologically dense ecosystems out there, like rainforests of the ocean. Even marine life that doesn't live directly in the reefs have a connection to them, using them as feeding grounds, breeding areas, a place to hide while young and vulnerable, ect. They even protect coastlines, acting as a literal barrier that reduces wave damage from storms or just wave action in general. The reef takes the brunt of the physical damage, colonies get knocked around, but the still living polyps keep on building and rebuilding so the reef can go on and not get smashed into rubble every year. That is, if there are still stony corals alive to do the rebuilding. :))))))
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So you have these weird animals who build stone structures like cathedrals, have algae in their tissue, live as massive ancient colonies of clones that can eat, photosynthesize, and also reproduce both asexually and sexually. They're able to branch out and do all of that because they are adapted to insanely stable environments. Temperatures don't fluctuate by more than a couple degrees seasonally, tides are consistent, storm seasons are consistent, the water is consistently clear due to lack of algae, which allows sunlight to penetrate and feed the symbionts that feed the coral. Mineral levels in the water are stable so they can take the calcium and carbonate from the sea water to build their skeletons. Without having to be able to adjust to changes in the environment they just went hog fucking wild on all the ways an animal can be an animal.
And here I once again pause with a strained grimace smile as we all take in how they need to be alive to keep building those reefs that support the ocean and the coasts, and how not stable their environment is becoming with new pollutants clouding waters, storms becoming more unpredictable, and waters having bigger temperature swings with hot summer spikes. :)))))))))))
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robotpussy · 1 year
i wish ppl would just shut up when ppl say they're afraid of something i don't care if you think it's stupid or unnecessary or the thing they're afraid of is already widely disliked by many people you don't understand where ppls trauma is coming from and even if there isn't any trauma causing the fear just shut up and move on
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smol-blue-bird · 6 months
today in insane anti-intellectualism: I just saw a post about how aspiring healthcare practitioners shouldn't take classes in biology and chemistry because those subjects are useless and bad. ????
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humanransome-note · 1 year
Thinking about TLOU infected biology because it’s fuck all AM and I can’t sleep.
They should all have broken/poorly healed limbs.
Like I know why they don’t, in the game and the show. (Game: because it came out in 2013 before we figured out cordyceps didn’t actually take over the brain. Show: because you can’t find and hire every appropriately hyper mobile individual on the planet)
So, the cordyceps fungus controls the necessary portions of the infected’s body for movement, and subsequent propagation. In the case of humans, this means limbs primarily, and mouth/throat secondarily.
I’d argue that in the front end of infection, you probably wouldn’t have people biting, but then again, insects infected by the cordyceps are often made to bite whatever plant they have been compelled to climb, as a more secure tether for when the fungus starts sprouting. But this is also the end of the infection, so a toss up.
Fungi mutate pretty quickly though (especially compared to vertebrates) so Tess being forced to open her mouth by the fungus at the end of the episode could easily be explained away by mutations over time, as well as where her infection began.
But! Back to broken limbs. What we know now about cordyceps, is that they do not invade and take control of the brain, they in fact do not commingle with the nervous system at all. (So I gotta go back and amend that TikTok I made cause it’s very wrong now but I doubt anyone besides me cares.)
Cordyceps invade muscle tissue, and there are actually studies trying to figure out if they can help with things like muscular atrophy and weakness because they are thought to increase the body’s production of ATP (cellular energy) in those areas. (Extremely simplified, not a biologist, just a weirdo who can’t sleep rn) Anecdotally Cordyceps can help with muscle growth and repair, immunity to some forms of cancer, and *cough* performance, in those suffering with ED.
I’m off track again! Anyway! With all this information and it being 2:15 am I have come to the sleepless conclusion that a better analogy for TLOU infected internals would be more akin to a secondary nervous system, controlled solely by the fungus.
Now, you may be asking “if it’s like two nervous systems, why can’t the person fight it?” Well I’m glad you asked that voice that feels like it belongs to a Janet.
Because the human brain is a wonderful, complex, convoluted thing. Like a pile of tapioca in a bowl of soy sauce with some sautéed batteries, piloting a mech suit made of meat.
You can break your own bones.
Or actually if you’ve got the gumption or just general lack of hand eye coordination and a shitty inner ear.
But most of the time, it’s theoretically, because your brain stops you from breaking them. Your muscles, even if you don’t work out, are capable of producing enough force to tear themselves from the bone, if not just break the bone while they’re at it. Your brain, the genius that it is, goes ‘ya know what? How about I put a cap on that’ and prevents you from producing that much force.
There have been recorded instances though of “hysterical strength” where people have just lifted entire cars, torn a car door off the hinges, there was even one where a kid lifted the car off his younger brother, cracked at least three teeth from how hard he was gritting them. Think Deku’s quirk from the first few seasons of MHA. All of these people lived, all of them fractured something.
We can’t replicate it in controlled setting because the current theory for why in part that it happens has something to do with shock, and putting someone in shock is unethical. It would be cool to know how it works, sure, but I don’t see any real point for trying to figure it out.
But back to the mold, cordyceps don’t have that limiter, it wouldn’t even have a concept for something like that, it’d just go!
This also goes with another thought I had about how the infected should be either missing a lot of teeth or have chipped teeth. The human reflex is to protect our heads and faces when we fall, fungus don’t care, fungus doesn’t have teeth, fungus doesn’t even know what teeth ARE.
“The person is still conscious during all this?”
… YEP!
Unfortunately, as long as higher brain functions are still capable of functioning, then there is a non zero chance that the person is helpless and aware.
The common consensus for a person living without water is three days, without food roughly three weeks. These are generalizations but they also need to be considered when talking about the progression of the infection.
The food I sort of rigged an idea for, that being the initial fungal blooms occur in the stomach and GI tract, the fungus eats the body, the body eats the fungus. This can’t last forever, because that would be a perpetual machine and that would completely obliterate the laws of thermodynamics, but it could keep a person going, that and the body naturally breaking down fat and muscle tissue for energy.
The water is a bit trickier though, the fungus is definitely the primary receiver and source of water for the body. Humid climates would be hell for a multitude of reasons.
But these issues are also somewhat mitigated by the fact that most infected aren’t ‘actively’ hunting. More often than not they’re in a dormant state until an external stimuli brings them to attention. (Usually sound) and while humans don’t hibernate, sleeping/keeping still can have lesser but similar effects on the metabolism.
Which means patrols were probably more for bandits/raids/smugglers than for roaming infected.
Ellie’s immunity.
It does, in part, have to do with the fact her mother was infected while pregnant. No doubts about that. But genuine immunity? Like actual full on she can’t catch it? No. Because she already has it.
Asymptomatic carrier was my first (and still is) my preferred explanation for this. The electronic scanner caught it, but the dogs didn’t. Why?
Because dogs aren’t trained to sniff out the fungus itself, what they’re smelling are the body’s attempts at an immune response, which is usually fine because antibodies in this sense mean definitely infected. But since Ellie is asymptomatic, it means her body isn’t producing an immune response at all.
Could she give it to someone else? In both the game and show, no. Because she is an asymptomatic carrier, she has actually grown a mutualistic relationship with the fungus, and I’m assuming, like tomatoes, if the fungus doesn’t see a need to propagate (IE all biological needs are met) it won’t try to reproduce.
If she were starved though? Like full on, the hunger pangs have come and gone, massive brain fog, her fingers are looking a lot like carrot sticks rn. Then the fungus might start being aggressive and turn her.
Whatever that may be, the Fireflies digging around her noggin without even a FUCKING MRI was stupid no matter what and on god I know it’s the apocalypse but they don’t even check if her lymph nodes were swollen, or if her reflexes are unusual!
An actual living specimen that as far as anyone knows has had the fungus rocking around in their brain stem for 14 odd years and no one wants to check if she had say… faster healing? Strengthened immune system? Increased/decreased metabolism!
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ikibli · 27 days
Speedster Biology 101: Teeth
Speedsters have a dentition system closer to a shark’s than a human’s.
They have a second row of sharper, slightly tilted and offset teeth that are normally hidden within the jaw, and extendable upper canines. This is mostly used to aid in eating tough, hard or slippery food, though they can be extended voluntarily, and do aid the combat effectiveness of the bite somewhat. The upper canines and secondary teeth extend involuntarily when angry or defensive.
When extended, this gives the appearance of a single row of vaguely serrated teeth with inch-long fangs. When retracted, their teeth are human-looking, though with unusually sharp and large upper canines.
Speedster teeth shed and regrow constantly- each primary tooth being replaced naturally once every four or five months, and each secondary tooth every two years, except for the upper canines, which are replaced only when broken. All teeth regrow fully in a few hours, assuming no other injuries, and teeth that get damaged will loosen and fall out after a few minutes, beginning to regrow almost immediately after.
This is the case for their entire lives- they don’t have baby teeth, though their teeth are naturally shed more often as children, and the premolars and wisdom teeth still aren’t present in their initial sets of teeth. Young speedsters will often have upper canines that are smaller proportionally than an adult’s, since the upper canines still only shed when broken.
 In order to break their teeth, speedsters will often chew on metal or stone objects or, when older, score marks on them to get them to fall out. This is perfectly normal and actually recommended, since minor damage like cavities, demineralization or discoloration doesn’t cause them to fall out unless the dentin is exposed and/or damaged.
Speedster teeth are structurally similar to human teeth, though they are easier to break.
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aturinfortheworse · 5 months
put all this fucking work and so many emails into trying to get into a master of teaching with biology as my second teaching area, despite being 2 uni courses shy of qualified for that (I can get into a master of teaching, just not biology) and am now realising I actually want to do more biology courses. Like that sounds great? I'd love that? I made my boss write a letter saying that I totally have science instruction experience (I do) and now I'm like "actually...."
but consider: ANIMAL SCIENCE
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televisionforwhales · 9 months
Idk man I think it's healthy to be a little less credulous what it comes to your average introductory 101 course. You can confidentally rattle off the answers from your final and start a bar fight amongst people deep in the field, guarantee
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aronarchy · 2 years
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Changing perspectives on children’s vulnerability
Are children “naturally” vulnerable, or is their vulnerability socially constructed — And most importantly, does it matter?
One of the main objections to the liberation of young people is that freedom is dangerous because children are “vulnerable.” But what are they vulnerable to?
And who is perpetrating this abuse?
The data tells us that it’s parents and guardians.
It appears, then, that parental power and authority don’t protect children; they imperil them. This should be hardly surprising, since total control of another human being is so easy to exploit.
It’s undeniable that children’s position in society is at least partly responsible for children’s vulnerability, which is often claimed is simply natural. But some might argue it couldn’t be otherwise — that the abolition of that authority would make things worse, that child abuse from parents and guardians is the inevitable result of children’s natural dependence (the childish dependency/adult independence binary has begun to be challenged by the concept of interdependence [Cockburn, 1998]), and most importantly that it is rare rather than normalized (when statistics and well, the fact that children are the only people that is legal to hit in the US tell us otherwise). Therefore, the only way to “keep children safe” is to restrict their freedom.
Let us set aside the radical thesis presented by Tal Piterbraut-Merx in a 2020 article that children aren’t vulnerable, but oppressed. Even if it was true that all children were inherently more vulnerable than all adults, does this justify stripping them of their rights?
In these discussions, the adult abuser is made to disappear; they’re all centered on the child. As if child abuse wasn’t an adult problem. As if it is children that have to be punished by loss of freedom because adults mistreat them. The assumption is that to abuse the vulnerable is human nature, and segregation of the vulnerable is the only way to keep them safe. Our adultcentric society is portrayed as the standard and the only way things could and should be.
Jens Qvortrup wrote in 2005 about children and the public space:
Although the reduction in traffic fatalities is of course welcome, is it permissible to suggest that the price for the positive result is by and large paid by children in terms of a decrease in their freedom of independent mobility? The price was certainly not paid by adults in terms of adapting to children’s needs, or in acceding to their legitimate demands to be able to use the city as if it was theirs as well.
He also pointed out how concern over “children’s safety” is used as a mask for misopedia:
The introduction of curfew bills in both the USA and the UK may be interpreted in the same way. Under the pretext of a wish to protect young children from danger, they are not permitted to be outside during specified periods, typically during the hours of darkness. It is however well known that these measures towards children are most welcomed by many adults who see themselves as disturbed by children.
- Studies in Modern Childhood
I would think that if a group of people is unable to exist alongside another group of people that is, as it is argued, naturally more vulnerable physically and mentally, without causing them harm, it is their freedom that should be restricted.
Of course, we cannot reduce this argument simply to adult oppression of children; both Qvortrup’s example and the inability of most parents to relate to children as equals are consequences of capitalism that we can hardly hope to abolish in a capitalist society.
But the fact that not only do adults put no effort to accommodate children’s needs (natural or socially constructed they be) in our current society, they also aggressively deny the oppression of children, remains.
While victim-blaming has become increasingly problematic in relation to adult victims of violence, it’s the norm when it comes to child victims. No one contextualizes child abuse as one of the many expressions of adult supremacy; if anything, it is used to argue why children should be subordinated to adults. Hence why there is this false dilemma between liberation and protection, used to discredit liberationist arguments (or, less often, protectionist ones). Children need both types of rights expanded; perhaps for children of different ages, one or the other should be emphasized more (protection rights for younger children, and liberty rights for older children and teenagers). But just like adult citizens, they need both. You can’t be safe if you’re not free. And of course the reverse is also true; before profound social changes in the ways adults relate to children, equal rights would just give adults new avenues to exploit children.
But there is an important problem with the “rights” approach in general.
As Marx knew, individual rights under a capitalist society lead to inequality. In an adultcentric society, “rights” for children are an empty concept. Not only are they always determined by adults, they are the rights adults think children should be “given” by them. But as pointed out in this blog post, what is needed is not liberty rights, but liberation:
Merely demanding “equal rights” for youth is incomplete. Even if equal rights were achieved, that framing allows those with power to dictate the terms of oppression while justifying the status quo because everyone is now “equal.” That won’t do. It won’t lead to liberation. If youth have “equal rights” but are still stuck within broader oppressive structures, then we have failed.
Our society is structured to privilege the needs of adults over those of children; whether this produces their vulnerability or simply exploits it is not as important as one might think. What is important is that it paints segregating one-third of the population as just because adults cannot be expected not to abuse their (cultural or natural) power.
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tadc-harlequin-au · 2 months
God I'm way too invested in this au. Anyway I wanna hear more of the biology of the puppets and marionettes (might make fanart maybe)
I don't think I'm fully ready to delve into the topic of a Marionette because it reveals major story spoilers, for now just know that they are completely and utterly devoid of life, forever following an endless directive.
For the Puppets, I guess I can give a little bit more information about them, as long as I'm not crossing a personal story boundary I've set for myself lol
Once a Puppet reaches the first enlightenment stage, black tendrils begin to appear on their innermost structures slowly but steadily, as I've explained with Caine.
These things, these transformations... they can be jarring for the Puppet experiencing them for the first time especially when the Puppet starts to feel full sensations such as an electrifying jolt, a pain, or a touch, but make no mistake; aside from their weird alien appearance they mean no danger, and they can even come in pretty handy.
About half-way through the story, Pomni actually gains new abilities everytime she reaches a stage of enlightenment, and there are six steps to achieving the full process, and it may vary on how fast or slow these Puppets can achieve them.
Yeah, can you tell this is like, the leveling up system? lol
Firstly, let's start with Awareness.
Awareness is when a Puppet grows to think beyond their directive; their thoughts becomes separated from the imprinted norm that they used to know their whole existence.
Although, it's still the first stage, which means that even if a Puppet begins to think original thoughts for themselves, they'll still have a tendency to follow the original commands.
They'll just start thinking "hey, maybe I should stop and think about what exactly I'm doing for a second. Just for a second. Then I promise I'll go back to my routine."
At this rate, there's not much changes happening on the physical, except letting a Puppet feel physical touch, despite their mechanical body.
Secondly; Sentience
Sentience is when a Puppet grows... well, a genuine sentience, one that wasn't pseudo and pre-programmed into their very being.
They'll start exploring aspects that they haven't thought of exploring, and this is where creativity and imagination gets to shine a little more if the Puppet is on the creative side of things.
a Puppet may undergo a change of personality (not always guaranteed), so don't be surprised when the once-happy-go-lucky puppet starts crying out of nowhere.
black tendrils may seep out of an exposed joint or a cracked part, but they're only tiny little veins.
Thirdly; Conscience
Conscience is when a Puppet starts to feel emotions based on an inner moral system, that wasn't, again; pre-programmed into them.
they'll start to THINK what's right or wrong based on personal experiences, or maybe even remember their OWN former moral system from their past life, and even a combination of the two.
This is usually the part where they'll start to judge the directive imprinted into them, maybe bouts of unknown regrets will come too.
the veins become more noticeable at this stage, and can now be used for physical attributes/advantages.
Fourth; Reminiscence
This one is usually in tandem with the third, but not everyone can have the same case, since it always varies between all of them.
Reminiscence is when a Puppet remembers their past life prior to becoming what they are now; no strings holding them back from recalling anymore.
These come in the form of seeing major life events unfold right between your eyes; whereas before, there'll only be hazy glimpses.
Fifth; Persipience
Persipience is when a Puppet becomes wiser, and can now overcome the directive they were tasked with if they wished to.
This process can be agonizing for some because it is similar to the symptom of a withdrawal from an addiction.
Fortunately, once they've gotten over past that obstacle, they'll gain full automation over their bodies, the "itch" no longer as present as it used to be.
Sixth; Enlightenment
The final step.
A Puppet needs to come to terms with their new discovery.
They need to be at peace with the process of what had happened to them, accepting the progression from "Human" to "Puppet" as a part of their existence.
Final evolution takes place, and the Puppet can now fully utilize their soul magic to it's fullest extent.
Just like wisdom, not many are willing to go through this process/or can achieve this, since accepting the idea of "becoming a Puppet" like it's similar to the concept of growing up from adolescence to adulthood can be hard for some to fully stomach.
Although, it is considered as the "fully matured" process of the six stages.
Now, Madness takes just as much of steps as Enlightenment does. Only this time, you're on the wrong end of the stick.
Firstly; there's Isolation.
As the name itself applies, isolation is when a Puppet denies/is denied social interaction that their soul wants, prioritizing objectives over anything.
Subtle twitchiness may occur.
Secondly; Revelation
A revelation settles deep within a soul fragment laying inside a puppet's heart; they're trapped, and there's no escape.
Can also be called "entrapment", but revelation is cooler and sounds more fancy
Thirdly; Rebellion
Rebellion is when an attempt to rebel against the internal system of a Puppet takes place, but is not achieved due to the lack of free will and sentience on the physical and mental body.
The body becomes more uncontrollable, dangerously swinging and twisting.
the literal metaphor of an internal battle happening within oneself.
Fourth; Corruption
Another attempt is made by the soul energy, only this time, it's harnessing the worse aspects of a Puppet to propel itself and grow physically stronger, a desperate option.
large, black tendrils may burst through weaker parts and/or limbs; namely joints.
Repairs? What's that? Who even needs 'em lmaoooo
Fifth; Obsession
A Puppet begins to obsess over directives; a byproduct of the soul energy harnessing the negative traits that it's host was ingrained with.
The physical appearance of a Puppet becomes more grim, overexaggerated features that you'd only see in horror movies start to become more prominent.
Work is non-stop, no breaks. Liberation is irrelevant. The concept of humanity is irrelevant. They only exist to follow their directives now. If some shithead wants to tell you otherwise, they will fucking DIE.
Sixth; Madness
You've grown physically stronger. But at what cost?
ANYWAYS that was a massive infodump, what were talking about again?
Oh right. Puppet biology.
Uh, They're hella weird.
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