#trolls is a cute movie though so i am sure it’s fun
bluebellthesponge · 1 year
getting the trolls movie ad and hearing i want you back should not take me out but it did
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ilovescaredysquirrel2 · 7 months
Why I haven't been posting + thoughts on upcoming movies
Okay, so I mostly am gonna still spam reblog about the KOSA bill until we can finally stop it but I want to still use Tumblr for what it was meant to be for all along; to have fun! I just will take a short break on posting cartoons but I'm still active here every night! Tumblr's honestly the only place I feel like I can truly be myself right now...
Okay, let's put the stupid bill aside for the moment and talk about my thoughts on some upcoming movies and shows right now. Disney's really been p*ssing me off lately with their sequels. Like, I feel they're only making sequels of Moana and Inside Out to impress the hardcore Disney fans, because their "new original ideas" failed (like Wish, but it failed because they used A.I to write the story). The Inside Out sequel looks cute from what I seen, but I still have trust issues when it comes to Disney. And before you go blabbing "It's Pixar", let me inform you that they're not the same and Pixar is literally just Disney with a better animation studio. Like, it's literally part of Disney! Like, I feel like I trust the Inside Out sequel a little more than the forced Moana sequel but still... I don't trust them. The worst is the Moana sequel though. I heard they originally planned for it to be a Disney plus show but instead they're making it a sequel on a super low budget and the animation is gonna be done overseas. No joke! I honestly think Disney needs to take a break on making movies for a while and focus on stuff like Kiff. Kiff is the only thing from Disney right now that's keeping me from leaving them all together. And when Kiff ends after season 2, I'm done with them forever! I honestly think they should let Kiff run a little longer than 2 seasons, look how long Kick Buttoski ran (that was a weird show, let's face it). Anyway, that's my thoughts on Disney right now.
I haven't posted my review on Orion and the Dark yet but I think I will soon. Like I said, I been really terrified after hearing about the KOSA bill and will continue to spam reblog until I get justice! Long story short, Orion and the Dark was better than DreamWorks's other recent movies. I haven't seen Kung Fu Panda 4 yet but I'm sure Orion was better. I mostly only like the first two Kung Fu Panda movies. Orion and the Dark was better than Trolls 3, though. I don't think Chicken Run 2 Dawn of the nugget counts as being DreamWorks (the first Chicken Run will always be a DreamWorks movie whether you like it or not) but Orion and the Dark was better! Maybe I can post my review on it soon...
Okay, let's talk about The Amazing Digital Circus now! We all love that, don't we? I hope TADC episode 2 makes more money than Disney on their forced sequels. I'm really excited about episode 2, although I really really don't want to see any of the main cast get abstracted. Like, every character fits in with the show so well and makes it worth watching. Ragatha, Gangle, Pomni, and Kinger are my favorites, but I don't want anyone to get abstracted because they all fit in together perfectly. You have Pomni the new girl, Ragatha the supportive friend and optimistic "peace maker" of the group, Jax the sassy trouble maker, Gangle the emotional one who doesn't stick up for herself, Kinger who's upbeat and crazy and childish, and Zooble who's also kind of sassy and doesn't really care much. Plus, there's Caine and Bubble who are hilarious as well. Like, I just don't want any of the main characters to get abstracted so soon. I'm just way too attached to all of those characters! However, I'm still a huge fan of the show and hoping that episode 2 will make more money than Disney! And if there's anyone here in the comments who's also a TADC fan and wants to see my sketches that I'll never post on tumblr, I'll dm them to you!
PLEASE DON'T IGNORE ME, I DON'T BITE! CHAT WITH ME PLEASE!!!! Just please chat with me in the comments, I'll be nice!
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naifahsaiyara · 1 year
So some days ago, I decided to read the hobbit and the lord of the rings. And i finished reading the hobbit. And it was fun. There was a meddling wizard, stupid trolls who argue over cooking methods, nasty goblins, wolves, giant spiders, nice elves, a slightly creepy creature living beside an underground lake, an awesome magic ring, ( yes, i thought that a magic ring which can turn you invisible was pretty neat while reading the hobbit, thank you very much, can we please move on), some nice elves and men, a dragon, a mountain full of treasure, 13 dwarves who seemed to share a single brain cell amongst them and a hobbit who by sheer dumb luck made it to the mountain. Okay so dwarves are greedy bastards and doesn't want to share their gold? Poor lake people got their town burned oh please guys give that bard guy some gold he killed a DRAGON for goodness' sake. Where does the army of elves came from? Why do they want gold? It's not theirs, well factor some not nice elves. There's a pretty shiny rock, oohh i guess that's important ( then i also read a book about 3 pretty shiny rocks and the number of people who died or were killed for them, 😐)Ahh, there is a dwarf army too, i guess they'll fight it out. ooh poor hobbit, don't you dare hurt him mr. Dwarf King. What's that in the horizon? An army of the mutual enemy who wants to kill everyone? And everyone united to kill them instead? How are the eagles involved again? Ohh the king and his nephews are dead, his cousin is now king, well at least he apologized before dying. Ohh bilbo returned home. Okay the end. It was good.
Then i watched the movies.
WHAT? Are you telling me THiS Guy here is Thorin Oakenshield? But but, he is going to dieeee. I don't want him to die. Wait, Fili and Kili are so cute, but they are also going to die.
Ahhh, complex dwarf character, they had a home and then the dragon happened and now they don't have a home and they want their home back even if it means there are only 13 of them, (and a hobbit, and a wizard though he might run away at times, who knows, wizards) against a dragon. It is about reclaiming your home and not only about the gold, ahhh someone kill me imma die from the feels.
Wait, why are you making the- are you making the already hot exiled dwarf king even more hot and complex and broody, it is not fair, he is going to die in the end. Where is the dmaned director, i hate you.
No no heart don't you dare fall in love this guy is going to die and break your heart in the end, red flags, red flags, abort mission.
Waiitttt, so there is the hobbit and the dwarf, are you sureee there is nothing going on between them?
So the little dwarf prince fell for a elf, and his uncle hates elves cause they didn't help them when the dragons came, okay then, but i miss the nice elves from the books, but this elvenking is also kinda hot.
Does this elf prince have spider powers? Man he is reminding me of peter parker how is he maintaining balance while fighting like that?
Oooh damn, bard is also hot. *Screams in a pillow*
I feel like the 3rd movie is gonna break my heart.
Okay the dragon's gone, i likey like bard's children, they are cute. Go away Alfred no one wants to hear you. Annddddd Thorin went mad, so did some dwarves to a lesser degree, and bilbo is sad, you can't literally see the heartbreak in his eyes, you can feel it across the screen, i am also sad bilbo. You are not alone.
Ahhh Thorin smiled at Bilbo and gave him mithril shirt, are you absolutely sure they are just friends mr. Director?
Thorin's eyes, i can see how they turn back and forth between blue and black. I feel the struggle. Ahhh come on Thorin you can fight it.
Ahhh, Bofur you are Bilbo's bff, i knew it.
Wait, are you also sure there's nothing going on between Thranduil and Bard? Or the wizard and the badass lady?
Here it comes, here it comes, the battlement scene, Thorin don't hurt bilbo can't you see you are breaking his heart and mine too.
Ahh Dain is funny. The elves fight so pretty.
See, this is what happens when you ignore the wizard, damn you people, he was trying to tell you about the army since foreever, why are you acting so surprised now.
Is legolas into gymnastics? How the hell could he fight like that? I thought elves were nature lovers and star gazers, i didnt know they were into acrobatics.
Oh thank Eru Thorin's fine now. Yee boys go and bash some orc skulls. No, nooo don't go there there is another army ahhh. *Screams into pillow again*
Nooo, FILIII.... *Starts crying 😭😭😭*
KILI not you tooo ... Tauriel is sad, so am i.
Ahhhh THORIN 😭😭😭😭 ahdievxosnwbixjqoevdooqnckcn
He dies, he dies in his Hobbit's arms and you cannot tell me they are just friends, I don't- i won't believe it.
* screams and cries and throws things, there are tissues scattered everywhere, the family members thinking i am mad.*
So mr. director come here let's have a chat, i have cookies. *Creepy smile.*
Why did you make a greedy dwarf king into a three dimensional complex character who is prideful but also wants the best for his people, and casted a damned hot guy as him and made him look at the camera like THAT and smile like THAT when you knew he was goinggg to dieeee? I was not mentally prepared for this shit and now i have trauma and it's your fault and i swear I'm gonna murder you with conkers you-
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Mage Ranks the JD2023E Map... CAN’T STOP THE FEELING!
With a lull in the Lover Coaster, we’re finally starting on the Enter the danceverses story mode/playlist!
MAP: CAN’T STOP THE FEELING! - Justin Timerlake DIFFICULTY: Easy EFFORT: Moderate JD+ NEEDED?: No SEASON: Base game/Enter the danceverses playlist
Get that sunshine from your pocket as I talk about the introductory map to this story mode!
Am I the only one who doesn’t feel strongly about this song? Like, I’m leaning towards positive with this song, but as someone who was way too old for the Trolls movie (which this song was first made for) when it came out, I just think of it as just another pop song. Nothing terrible, just doesn’t stand out.
The dance for this map is... fine! I don’t mean that in a derogatory way, it’s genuinely fine. It’s supposed to be the very first map in the story mode, and might even be the first map that someone plays after they boot up the game, so it’s going to be a bit simple and repetitive in it’s dance moves, especially if you know the dance moves the guest coaches are having Sarah and Wanderlust copy. But the dancing is fun and energetic (matching with the Moderate effort tag), and seeing the interactions between Sarah and Wanderlust is very cute.
Speaking of... Sarah and Wanderlust!
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Starting with Sarah first, she’s SO adorable. I’m not sure why a girl who was uncomfortable dancing in front of her friends was suddenly comfortable dancing with Wanderlust, a complete stranger, but she gains the cutest outfit in the world so i don’t mind nor care. The space buns, the yellow fluffy jacket, the shiny neon green pleated skirts, the splashes of bright fucking pink... Literally an icon of our time. HER SHOES ARE CHUNKY TOO that’s a very important thing. The way she dances is cute, it’s like she’s dancing for the first time.
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Wanderlust is cool as hell. First off I’ve always loved the word “wanderlust”, and I think it fits great with a guy who’s able to open portals to any danceverse he wants, and is the son of an alien goddess and Copyright Friendly Doctor Strange. His outfit is a bit confusing to me but it’s alright because he’s my friend. I abhor the crown though, and it’s the one thing he can’t remove according to the Just Dance twitter. But other than that, he’s just a super friendly coach who wants to help Sarah out of her shell, and show her the wonders of dancing. He’s a friendly guy! And no one can hate on that! And if you do hate on him for it I’m gonna fucking kill you!
Also fun fact, his actor, Jerky Jessy, is the one who choreographed both this version and the alt map version, so good for him.
Watching the routine, I feel like there’s a lot of moments where people who like Sarah/Wanderlust can point and be like “look at that, they’re being so cute”, and I support you guys. However, I do just genuinely see it as “Wanderlust shows his new friend around the danceverses”.
Four other coaches make cameos; TGIF’s coach, I Like It’s coach, Temperature’s coach, and Sweet Sensation’s coach. They don’t do much but have Sarah and Wanderlust copy their moves, which is fair and cute, especially if you’ve been keeping up with the series. Plus, two of these coaches (I Like It and Temperature) are from maps Jerky Jessy also choreographed.
Of course, a fifth coach shows up at the very end to kidnap the four guest coaches, causing Sarah and Wanderlust to fucking book it, but we’ll get to her map tomorrow...
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As simple as the routine is in this map, what truly sells it is the spectacle of it all. Moving from place to place, constantly shifting camera angles, and just an overall sense of how HUGE this place is. This is the childlike sense of whimsy and wonder I’ve been missing for a while. To be completely transparent, I haven’t played a Just Dance game since... 2014, if memory serves. So a lot of these references are lost on me. But I can see how big the world of Just Dance has become since it landed in my peripheral vision, and it’s truly both fascinating and a bit fucking mind boggling. I remember when one of the biggest criticism lobbied at the game series was “where the hell is Lady Gaga’s song Just Dance”. I remember playing the first one in 2010. Fuck, I remember playing Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party back on the Wii, the minigame collection with the dancing minigame that inspired the creation of the Just Dance series in the first place. It’s so fucking wild that I’m still talking about a series I remember playing with my older sister when I was in middle school, a series that simply started off with Ubisoft going “hey the casual market liked the dancing minigame, let’s make that a full game with real dancers”.
Fuck, man. The more things change, I guess.
Man, this map is just fun. It’s a wonderful introduction to both the Enter the danceverses story line, and honestly to the game in general. It truly celebrates the game in a way that doesn’t feel too overly cheesy (unless you’re me who’s suddenly remembering how old you are lol), and the hook at the end where Night Swan appears and kidnaps the guest coaches is genuinely intimidating, and a great way to get players to look into the next map in the playlist. The only thing keeping it from being a perfect map is that I don’t care much about the song, the routine can be a little too easy for experienced players, and the almost ONE MINUTE LONG OPENING SCENE WHAT THE HELL. I get we needed to build a little character for Sarah and show how she got literally into the game, but could we not have done it in a slightly more truncated way? At least five seconds could’ve been cut off. But, overall, fun map, fun coaches, fun way to start the story mode! You can’t ask for much more than that!
Thank you for reading! These story mode posts are gonna be slightly longer than normal, if only because I have to discuss characters and cutscenes. Not asking for a follow, just reminding you I’m ranking every map for this game, and if you’re a villain liker, you might wanna stick around for tomorrow’s ranking ;). And I’d love to know your thoughts on the map! Was it really the first one you played? Let me know, and I’ll see you tomorrow!
~ Mage <3
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heartlurch · 1 year
are u still into trolls? I loved ur art way back when
oh yes, most definitely! i keep up with things as they come out as well (generally speaking. aka i don't watch tv show but just movies/specials...) loved world tour sf much... expanding on more trolls/locations is all i could have asked for. amazing music. beautiful visuals. i really liked the funk trolls & prince d especially. what a handsome, charming fella...
the last holiday special was also cute and fun. and for, some reason, it also came to fruition a prophetic dream i had back in 2017 about branch being referred to as a "snack". fdjgh, and like ofc i overall enjoy the trajectory of branch and poppy's rship. so cute... and, like, funny lol, i like watching branchifer be insane about her. he just like me fr etc etc.
i can't believe there's gonna be another movie later this year... world tour feels like it just happened, to me! O_o me and my wife watched the trailer together recently and were simply like, yeah let's go. MAYBE BRANCH AND POPPY GET MARRIED!? KISS!??!? what all the children have been dying for, for years. & boyband past for branch is like omfg... sure, yeah. i wonder how this'll fit into the chronology of the 1st movie? the branch we see in the trailer does look smaller/younger than the one in his flashbacks of losing his grammie so.... curious, how this is gonna work. like is poppy gonna be a fangirl after the band had been dissolved? she's younger than branch... or maybe dreamworks is gonna be freewheeling and just retcon stuff left and right lol. i have no clue. i'll accept whatever (though i am fond of their age gap...)
trolls hasn't really ever done wrong by me so i'm still like wooo yeah trolls. i hope we travel to more fanciful locations and simply see cool new bugs and plants. 🥳
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aerialflight · 3 years
Fic Rec (it's been too long and I read a whole lot of fics)
I've read so many fics these past couple of months and my need to share them to the world has seized me by the throat. Please enjoy and support these fanfic writers! They are the best. XD
Nine-Tailed Foxes are Dead by RowlettLesbian
Ship: Shikamaru/Naruto
For Konoha, it's been one month since the preliminary Chunin exams. For Naruto, it's been six. And he wasn't in Konoha.
At the end of his ordeal, Naruto walks into the Chunin Exam finals without his left arm.
Shikamaru is very concerned. And, eventually, very precious to Naruto as they work together to solve the mysteries of Konoha and bring kindness to the Shinobi world, one adventure at a time.
(I would die for this fic. I know the summary sounds doom and gloom but IT'S NOT. This fic made me fucking cry, I don't think I've ever read a fic that characterized Naruto so right. He's so full of hope and love and develops into the best version of himself and I'm so HERE FOR IT. And it's not just Naruto, Shikamaru is absolutely amazing here along with Kakashi and surprise surprise Ino, I can't BELIEVE it took me this long to stumble across this fic. Also THE WORLDBUILDING IS TO DIE FOR!!! And the plot! Is! So! Interesting! Just, everything about this fic is just amazing so please PLEASE read this!!!)
The End of the Uchiha by RowlettLesbian
Ship: Naruto/Sasuke
“I promise, little electric spirit of this shrine,” he whispered into the soft dirt and fallen leaves, “I will never gain the eyes. I will never pass them on. And I will make sure the eyes end in my brother, so that they can’t hurt anybody anymore. I will be the last Uchiha, and see to the end of the Copy-Wheel Clan. Then all of the hatred here can stop, and my family can rest peacefully. I promise, little shrine.”
Sasuke is more than his brother thinks he is. He's more than any Uchiha has ever been. He will kill his brother, but it will not be vengeance.
It will be mercy.
(Same author as the one above, they are the gift that keeps on giving. Seriously, HOW did I NEVER FIND THESE FICS before now??? One of life's greatest mysteries. The author's sense of humor is so on point here along with the atmospheric writing that's so vivid in the mind. Their writing style is so recognizable to me now and makes me fall into the world they're creating, it's stunning. Sasuke here makes me want to hug him and the idea of him living like a feral ghibli character has me LIVING. Check the tags of the fic, all of it is true, hand to god. Please give all of the author's fics a shot, it's a rabbit hole I'm thankful I fell into!)
mil fantasmas (gritan en calma) by LegaciesandMemories
Post-Tsukuyomi, something in Uchiha Sasuke's mind shatters. The same night, Yamanaka Ino falls asleep and doesn't wake up for 15 days.
In which Ino and Sasuke both wake from the aftermath of the Uchiha Massacre with the ability to see ghosts, and no one is prepared for the fallout.
(This fic has arrested my curiosity and eagerness to know what will happen next. These poor kids need so many hugs and Ino is getting the spotlight she deserves. I am so excited for this fic and what it has in store! Please read! XD)
Lichtenberg Figures by Asteroid_Duck (JustThatOneGirl1815)
Name: Kakashi Hatake Rank: Jounin Status: Missing Nin Missing Since: June 15th, 271 AD Note: Flee on Sight . . . Haburashi looked his team in the eyes— three, fresh out of the Academy genin— and resolved to teach them as best as he could. And right now, his lesson was simple: “Stay. Away. From. Kakashi. Hatake.”
(Dimension travel fic with a slice of Kakashi being an absolute troll and dealing with the shitty hand he's been dealt with. Seriously, the man has the worst luck in all of Konoha. Also, the mystery of the other Kakashi's history has me leaning by the edge of my seat, I need to know.)
The Governess by Ysmirel
Ship: Kakashi/OFC
"“What,” he finally asked, “is so funny?”
Ibara bit her lower lip to keep the chuckles in, still smiling and making absolutely no effort to get more space between them, seemingly perfectly at ease within reach of a trained shinobi. Her self-control wasn't all that good, as she ended up snorting and was overcame once again by another fit of laughter. “I just- It's just-” She struggled to speak, trying to catch her breath and wiping away tears of mirth with the hand that wasn't still holding onto his vest. Finally, she looked him in the eye and said, with a smile that was all teeth and without a hint of her previous drunken stupor, “and who's going to believe you?”
As he stood there, stunned by her words and change in demeanor, he realized with dawning horror that she was right."
In which Kakashi finds himself at the other end of the troll shtick, and he doesn't appreciate it all that much.
(It's so hard to find self-insert fics with a fresh concept these days, especially in the naruto fandom. Not that I don't enjoy and devour a lot of self insert fics like it's going out of style, but it's just so nice to find something new and shiny and really damn good. I'm so pumped for this fic and how it's going to develop so please join me in rooting for this fic!)
half a league (until the valley of death) by SpectersShadow117
Kakashi can think of no reason for Sasuke's inexplicable and drastic change in behavior. He doesn't like the desperate, haunted gleam in his student's eyes, and he also doesn't like the nagging feeling that he's missing something very important. Aka: Future Sasuke goes to Past Sasuke and gives him a reality check with Specific Intentions, but as with most Uchiha, his methods leave much to be desired. (Featuring: Childhood trauma FTW, Konoha's shitty care of orphans, and absolutely no one having a fun time.)
(Sasuke wanting to change the future out of complete and utter spite has me LIVING. Sasuke is such a Mess here and the twist on the time travel premise is so good and the kid is so Traumatized and Desperate and Not Having A Good Time. Naruto and Sakura developing as better ninjas and Kakashi trying his best makes me want to scream. Also, how Sasuke thinks about Itachi makes me want to cackle. I am 100% down for this. I am rooting for this kid, go get them! XD)
[Harry Potter]
fruit loops in time (circle around me) by justprompts
Ships: Harry/Draco, Remus/Sirius
"This is Crabbe, and Goyle," the blonde boy says, pointing at the two boys next to him. "And I'm Malfoy, Draco Ma - "
Ron laughs, and Malfoy immediately bristles.
"Think my name's funny, do you?" Malfoy says, angrily. "No need to ask yours - "
"You're honestly so cute," Ron interrupts, yet again, shaking his head. "So tiny. And so angry, all the time. It's adorable."
Alternatively Ron Weasley, Time Traveller Extraordinaire, is stuck in the same seven year Hogwarts Loop, repeating the same thing over and over again. Naturally, he's so done with everything.
(This is the greatest hp fic I've ever read. I LOVE RON WEASLEY and by the time you read this fic SO WILL YOU!! This is the fic I WISH I have the ability to write. I read this entire fic aloud to my brother and we spent literal hours howling and talking about how utterly insane and incredible this fic is, it's amazing. This is hands down my favorite Ron Weasley. You Can Pry This Fic From My Cold Dead Fingers.)
[Boku no Hero Academia]
Kacchan's Cult by Ourliazo
Pro Hero Ground Zero is attacked, originally meant to be de-aged out of existence by a desperate villain but is instead launched into his 14-year-old self.
But Katsuki is a fucking pro so whatever, time to fuck up someone's day. And sure, maybe he's only one man, but that's why he conscripts the entirety of the UA student body into tearing down some criminal empires.
(It's time travel, crack, and Bakugou being his usual explody, competent self. What more in life do you want? Seriously though, please read. I'm obsessed with this fic and having a Good Time!)
Cleaning Crew; Teaching Kids to Value their Safety, for Fun and Profit by Reavv
Takenaka Hideo is a thirty-two year old, in mild desperation for money, who has just been hired as a new janitor for UA's support staff. He has a quirk that lets him find lost objects, a liaison with the police because of it, and desperate desire for competent co-workers.
Oh, and he's already lived a previous life, in a world where quirks and heroes didn't even exist.
Not a big deal, though. It's not like you ever see the janitor playing a big part in action movies. He's here to get paid, and that's it.
On the opposite side of the equation, class 1-A has to wonder at the new UA cryptid that always seems to show up when things are on fire, and who keeps trying to convince them to let the adults handle the fire extinguisher.
(A great deal of fun packed into one fic. That is how I title this fic and nothing will change my mind! Hideo just wants to quietly do his job and not get in the way. I Relate. Please read!)
Poltergeist by WriterGreenReads
Class 1-A is haunted.
Well, not really.
I AM dead, though.
World's friendliest poltergeist, at your service.
(I don't know how I got so sucked into OC fics, but I found some fantastic fics along the way so I have no regrets. The author really tries to push the premise and I just love all the interactions and dynamics that form as the fic gets further in. And the OC character and all the hijinks they get up to cracks me up! At the same time, it's pretty heartwarming and it's practically a friendships galore fic! Definitely recommend it!)
invincible by supercrunch for Engrin
Ship: Bakugou/Midoriya
This is the way the world works: the sun rises in the east. The strong come out on top. Bakugou Katsuki rockets through life like a comet and Midoriya Izuku stumbles after. If he believed in such things Katsuki would say it was written in the stars. That some god of war had looked at him and said this one. That he’d been passed along a line to get his blessings – genius, willpower, fearless ambition – and dropped off on earth.
Then, of course, there is the question of Deku. The spitfire runt. Deku, no matter what the world does to him, never stops hoping.
Until, of course, he eventually does.
(Katsuki broke him. Snapped him in half like a twig and now has to scramble to put Deku back together. “We can do this, Deku," he says slowly. "There are so many mysteries that never got put to bed. Criminals roaming around looking to hurt people and you and me, we can fix that.”
There’s a long pause. The comforter slips a little off Deku’s skinny shoulders and drowns him. “You mean like a team?”
In that split second, Katsuki makes a decision he’s never even considered. He swallows his pride. “Yeah, Deku. We’d be a team.”)
(If there was any other way canon could've gone, this is the story I would've wanted. It's perfect.)
Inadvertent Wilderness Therapy by Cacid
Following an unfortunate encounter with a teleporter on the last day of internships, Bakugou Katsuki and Hakamata Tsunagu spend some quality time in northern Canada.
In no particular order they will: build ugly survival shelters, stalk rabbits, run from polar bears, reflect on the chemical composition of trees, insult each other, and complain about krumholtz.
(THESE TWO. TOGETHER. IN THE WILDERNESS. IN FUCKING CANADA OF ALL PLACES. I still can't believe this fic actually exists and just how INVESTED I became in their relationship. Blue Jeanist instantly became my favorite ranked hero with this fic alone. HIS SENSE OF HUMOR IS TERRIBLE, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH FNIEWOPAF. BAKUGOU DOES TOO. IT'S FUCKING INCREDIBLE. *incoherent screeching into the wild*)
[Stranger Things]
Baci D'aria by RabbitDarling
“Love is worth the sum of itself, and nothing more.” ― Alice Hoffman, Practical Magic
Steve learned a lot at his Aunt's side before she passed but his favourite thing she taught him was baci d'aria; special little spells that you created from the heart and put into the food you shared.
In opening his heart and gifts to those around him Steve slowly finds himself a family in a way he never thought he'd get to experience. One by One he collects pre-teens to trail in his wake like ducklings and Steve can't even refute it by the time he realizes what has happened.
(This fic is so soft and Steve is just collecting people and winning them over with his magical food (literally). I am always a sucker for heartwarming, good for the soul fics so if you want to make yourself hungry and feel all warm and gooey inside, read this!)
(Don't Fear) The Reaper by TeaFourTwo
Ship: Steve/Billy
He looks down at the blood on his hands and on the floor and wonders why the memory hasn’t broken yet, why he isn’t back in Starcourt mall with control of his body again, wonders if he's even still alive at all. Is this hell then? Or perhaps purgatory? It certainly isn’t heaven, that’s for sure. None of this makes any sense…but then what's new—nothing in Billy’s life makes sense anymore.
Billy laughs then, loud and long and unhinged. It's the only sound in the whole house, and it bounces off the walls like a fucked up echo, like the world is laughing with him.
“Jesus christ you’re insane…” It’s Max’s voice and it’s shaking. It only makes Billy laugh harder, because Max has it all wrong. Billy isn’t crazy, it’s the rest of the world that’s insane.
Billy dies a hero of sorts. He wakes up back in his bed on Saturday morning, the third of November, 1984...nearly nine months earlier.
(Billy is stuck in a time loop and it's slowly driving him crazy. And the fic shows just how much influence Billy did have in the plot and how doomed the world is without him in it. Great character exploration with Billy's character and all the ways he's so messy and human. Definitely recommend it!)
[Knives Out]
The Road Less Traveled By by UisceOneLove
Ship: Marta/Ransom
If Harlan wants to leave Ransom to be on his own, fine. He'll show him just what Ransom Drysdale is capable of.
or, where Ransom chooses to prove his abilities through means of the non-homicidal variety and finds himself becoming exactly what Harlan was hoping he would.
(I found this fic out of sheer chance and god, Ransom is just, so fascinating to me as a character. Marta of course is the Best here and I will forever stan her. Seriously, this is such a good fic! Please read!)
Sky Full of Stars by grilledsquids
The Hinatas are twins. They're practically identical.
But while Shouyou seeks out Karasuno's volleyball team to become the next Little Giant, Natsu is scouted to to play soccer for Shiratorizawa. While Shouyou sets his eyes on playing volleyball at the highest level possible, his sister wonders how much longer she can play soccer... and if it's worth it to keep going.
A Natsu-centric story featuring: Shiratorizawa VBC shenanigans, too many soccer OCs, mild teenage drama, a little bit of plot, and Semi Eita not knowing what a period is.
(It's just!! So cute and wholesome!!! The Shiratorizawa volleyball team is so fleshed out along with the OC characters for the girl's soccer team and I swear, it's been a long while since I've laughed this much at the sheer shenanigans that happen in a fic. It's surprisingly hard to find good gen fics in this fandom so finding this gem made me so happy! If you want a fic that brings a smile to your face, read this!!)
like water by speakingincode
Ship: Oikawa/Kageyama
“Oikawa,” Iwaizumi says, and when Tooru looks at him, he can read My best friend’s an idiot off the crease of his eyebrows. “Are you telling me you spent the last three years weirdly obsessed with Kageyama – I still remember the time you made us play him on a dumb whim, you know – and now you’re at his beck and call? Are you okay? What the hell is wrong with you?”
“I’m— I’m not at his beck and call! I said no last week. It’s… It’s like you said. I get bored easily. I saw him at the park a couple weeks after they played Nationals and called him a perfect little tyrant, and he pestered me into spending time with him after,” Tooru says. “I’m not a monster, Iwa-chan. If he wants the company of his cool, handsome ex-upperclassman that badly, who am I to begrudge him?”
Or: Oikawa doesn't know why Kageyama keeps asking to meet him on Saturdays. He also doesn't know why he keeps saying yes.
(The fact this fic is canon-compliant and covers post-canon too makes me want to shout to the heavens. Fucking incredible! One of the best Oikakage fics ever and it's a crime how it's not at the top of the ship tag. Please please read!!)
twist into your shape by kakkoweeb
Ship: Oikawa/Kageyama
The only thing better than sweets were sweets containing paper that told you whether your future would be good or bad--or in Kageyama and Oikawa's case, paper that somehow caused you to live inside each other's bodies.
(Everyone probably already read this fic but it needs to be said, you need to read this fic. How these two try and manage each other's lives and slowly start to care about one another is so beautiful and sincere and I am ready to wrestle anyone to the floor and comply them into reading this fic. Doesn't matter if you like the ship, you will become a fan if you read it, I promise. Please please read!!)
Take the Long Road Home by pepperfield
Ship: Kuroo/Sawamura
When Azumane Asahi goes missing before his engagement meeting with Kozume Kenma, what other option is there but for Daichi to impersonate his brother and fake his way through a first date with Asahi's fiance?
Okay, let's be realistic - there were probably at least four other options.
Unfortunately, Tetsurou couldn't come up with any of them either, so now he's here flirting with Kenma's future husband while trying to keep his web of deceit from collapsing.
It's going to be an eventful day.
(I got obsessed with this ship alongside Oikakage and SO WILL YOU. THE POTENTIAL. THE BANTER. THE FACT THEY'RE BOTH DORKS AND THE FIC HAS IDENTITY SHENANIGANS DANCING ALL OVER IT!! I had so much fun reading this and these two are MEANT TO BE FENIWPAF. If you don't see the potential of this ship, you will now.)
a misunderstanding a day keeps the boyfriend away by bartallen for betuls
Ship: Kuroo/Sawamura
Kuroo doesn’t fall in love hard and fast like many others do – he falls slowly, and very very softly. Most of the times he doesn’t even realise he’s in love with someone until it’s too late.
(Kuroo is the dumbest man alive and I've never related to someone so hard in my life. God help me.)
You like me. by roseknight
Ship: Daishou/Kuroo
Kuroo nearly lived a Daishou-free life, and sometimes he looked back and wondered how much better and how much worse that would've been.
(I didn't even know who Daishou was until I read this fic and now I can't unsee the potential this ship has. I'm a ruined woman and I regret NOTHING.)
Kings of the Road, Kings of the Universe by EzzyDean
Eight magical captains, one bus, an entire summer (and country) waiting for them.
What could possibly go wrong?
(The magic of friendship meets the magic of a summer road trip meets pure magic.)
宿縁 : See You Soon by MissKiraBlue
Ship: Oikawa/Kageyama
Upon arriving at the train station of death, an impure soul is granted a second chance at life against his will. Reincarnating into the body of Kageyama Tobio, a 15-year-old boy who recently committed suicide. Tobio's soul will depart at death and the soul needs to slip in to replace it. If the soul's reformation succeeds, he’ll reenter the cycle of rebirth and regain the right to be reborn. He will have three months to accomplish this task.
“Even though you had enough of life,” the soul whispered into the void of the room, “you were still afraid to hurt your hands, Tobio.”
Afraid of giving himself a scar, if he survived.
He touched his pulse and grasped life and couldn’t help but pity Kageyama Tobio.
"You wanted to die and now I’m here making you live again," he whispered into the night.
(I'm not even exaggerating when I say out of all the fics in this entire goddamn, too long list, this is the fic I'm anticipating and heart eyeing the most. It's only starting, but I already cried on chapter fucking 2, the power of this fic, holy shit. The author also wrote the hq time loop Every Tomorrows series, which I have an undying love for and am full on praying for the day it updates, so you KNOW this fic will be just as good. (Anybody who hasn't read this series, where the hell have you been?? Read it!!) Just, everything about this fic hurts me and something in my chest just aches when I read this fic. Go into it blind with an open heart and I swear to you, it's going to change your life. I'm already calling it. Seriously though, please please read!)
Learning to Fly by Asteroid_Duck (JustThatOneGirl1815)
Fandoms: Boku no Hero Academia, Naruto
The number three hero is a walking (well, flying) contradiction in every sense of the word. This includes his teaching skills. Why had Tokoyami agreed to this internship again? Oh right. He’d thought he was actually going to learn something. …….remind him to never be so optimistic again. . . . OR, Kakashi Hatake is reincarnated as the pro hero, Hawks. Tokoyami Fumikage suffers as a result.
(The reincarnation fic I never thought I needed and it's so good!! I've never really paid attention to Tokoyami and this fic sent me headfirst into loving him. Their dynamic is so interesting and I just love how their relationship develops. Also, Kakashi trolling the poor kid made me cackle, it's great! Definitely recommend it!)
Si Vis Pacem by athenoot
Fandoms: Boku no Hero Academia, John Wick
Everything has a price. That's what John has always known and will forever remember, even in death.
Which is pretty ironic considering his current circumstance.
Instead of a grown, scarred, weary body belonging to a man as cruel and broken as him, he's inhabiting a younger, smaller, unblemished one belonging to a child with strangely colored hair, and is living in what seems to be a superhuman society.
Well. May it never be said that John isn't a strategist. He can live with this. Maybe.
(Somewhere out there in the universe, he's certain he could hear the laughter of his enemies from beyond the grave.)
Or: John Wick is reincarnated as Midoriya Izuku. The world should probably watch its back.
(This should be one of the crackiest fics I've read in a while, but it's taken so seriously and I'm so HERE FOR THIS. John Wick being John Wick in a world of quirks and heroes is the GREATEST, honestly, he's so badass. Bakugou, I feel for you, you must be so fucking confused lol. Bakugou trying his best to be a good friend is one of the best things about this fic. Trust me, this fic will make your day, promise!)
A Girl's Mind is a Dangerous Place by clenastia
Fandoms: Naruto, Fairy Tail
Natsu wakes up in Sakura's body. It only gets worse from there. Also known as: In Which Natsu has No Idea what to do with Boobs.
(I binged this in two fucking days, I couldn't put it down. This fic reminded me why I liked fairy tail when I was younger and why Natsu is honestly such a great protagonist, god. And the fic does that thing, you know, the Thing where when two worlds collide, the characters struggle to acclimate and adapt to a completely another world with different rules and mindsets against their own. This fic is seriously one of the best when it comes to that aspect, it's incredible. I am going absolutely feral over here for this fic to update, I'm waiting in the wings, ready to pounce like a tiger, all the metaphors man. For the love of god, read this fic.)
Give me a landscape made of obstacles by Melise
Fandoms: Naruto, Natsume's Book of Friends
Kakashi Hatake isn’t who he says he is.
Because the truth is that he’s actually a youkai in disguise, a wolf spirit named Madara who stumbled across the Hatake clan during the Warring States Period. Intrigued by the shinobi he saw, he’d proposed a temporary alliance in which he would offer the clan protection in exchange for their teachings.
Decades later, Madara is surprised to find himself inadvertently summoned to Konoha by the last living member of the Hatake clan. Sakumo Hatake, who is mourning the recent deaths of his wife and stillborn child, doesn’t want to be alone anymore. So with his permission, Madara takes the place of Sakumo’s deceased son in order to watch over the last Hatake.
(Fusion in which the youkai of Natsume’s Book of Friends all exist in the Naruto world. No knowledge of Natsume’s Book of Friends required).
(Before this fic, I only had a very vague idea of what Natsume's Book of Friends was, and honestly, I still don't know much about it. But I didn't really need to know to get into this fic. I love the worldbuilding and the relationships Kakashi forms, both supernatural and mortal. I love how Kakashi's inhumane ways affect others around him, whether to stress them out or become used to the strange. You can go straight into this fic without knowing anything and absolutely still have a fantastic time. I definitely recommend this so please read!)
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carriagelamp · 4 years
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Art of Aardman
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I found myself a cheap copy of the Shaun the Sheep movie, so I was rewatching a bunch of Aardman films earlier this month and decided to hunt down some books too. For anyone that doesn’t know, Aardman is a British stop-motion studio that does fantastic work like Wallace and Gromit, Shaun the Sheep, Chicken Run, Early Man… tons of cool stuff. They’re always quirky and funny and warm-hearted. This was just a very nice art book for anyone that’s a fan of Aardman stop motion and wants to see a bit extra; it shows some cool concept art and blows up the neat details in Aardman work, especially in their intricate stuff like The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!
Asterix and the Picts (Asterix and the Chariot Race, and How Obelix Fell Into The Magic Potion)
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I decided to try a couple of the new Asterix comics that were done by the new team, just to see if they stand up to the old ones (that and How Obelix Fell Into The Magic Potion cause I’d never read that one before). They were pretty decent! Asterix and the Picts was my favourite of the two though I wouldn’t say either are going to contest for my favourite Asterix comic... but still! The art looks good and the stories felt like what I would expect, they made for a pleasant couple evenings of reading especially since it’s been so long since I’ve read a new Asterix comic. If you’ve never read Asterix it’s one of the biggest name French comic series in North America, as far as I know and very worth the read. It’s about a single Gaulish village that’s holding out against the invading Romans through sheer force of will, slapstick hijinks, and a magical super-strength potion brewed by their druid. Lots of fantastic visuals and cute wordplay, even in the English translations.
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I found out about this bastion of Canadian literature via tumblr post that was losing its collective mind over the fact that some bizarre bear-based erotica novella somehow won the most prestigious literary prize available in Canada. Since I too found this hilarious and unspeakably bizarre I had to give it a read, obviously. And yes, the flat surface level summary is... a librarian moves out into rural Ontario and falls in love with a literal for-real not-supernatural-not-a-joke bear. And I have to say… it is actually worthy of an award, which I was not expecting given that I was there for a laugh. It has beautiful writing, and the subtextual story is pretty interesting… it kind of makes me think of The Haunting of Hill House actually in terms of themes. (Womanhood, personhood, independence, autonomy partially achieved through escaping the male gaze by claiming non-human lovers... listen if I were still in university I would right a paper comparing the two novels).
I dunno man, it’s fucking weird. Actually a well-written book, but sure is about a woman falling in love with a literal bear. Give it a read if you want something bonkers but like… high-brow bonkers.
Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites
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Best book I have read in like… a while. A long while. I am not a fast reader, and I consumed 90% of this book over a weekend. It’s not at all like Terry Pratchett, but at the same time it scratched an itch for me that I haven’t had satisfied since Pratchett’s death. A very clever, hilariously funny poly romance between a disabled werewolf, an anxious vampire lord, and an incredibly powerful woman, with heaps of social satire, political commentary, and sinister undertones. The whole thing reads a bit like fanfiction and I say that in the most flattering way possible -- it is so easy to jump right in and be immediately taken over by the characters and the world and the plot, you never feel like you’re fighting to engage even though the world-building is fascinating and expansive. It welcomes you in right away, it was the book equivalent of a quilt and a hug which is something I sorely needed with all this pandemic bullshit. If you read any of the books on this list, go read that one while I sit here in pain waiting for the sequel.
Kid Paddle
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I watched the cartoon of Kid Paddle as a kid and was thinking about it recently, so I decided to hunt down some of the original comics online. They’re fun and weird, with a cute art style and fantastic monsters designs. (My favourites are always about Kid either daydreaming or playing games that involve Midam’s weird warty troll creatures. It’s like a cross between Calvin and Hobbes and Foxtrot with the fun sort of quirks that I love in Belgian comics. Unfortunately, unlike Asterix, I’ve only come across these ones in French, but if you can read French it’s totally worth popping over to The Internet Archive and reading the ones they have available.
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The Last Firehawk: The Golden Temple
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The lastest Firehawk book. Despite being written for quite young readers, I did enjoy the early books in this series quite a bit. They’re about a young owl and squirrel who found an egg for a magical species that was believed to be extinct. With the newly hatched firehawk, the three of them head off on a mission to find an ancient firehawk magic that could save the entire forest. Very basic adventure story but a good intro to the tropes for children. Unfortunately the quality really feels like it drops with each subsequent book; this will probably be the last one I bother reading.
Lumberjanes: The Moon Is Up
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I honestly think I enjoy these Lumberjanes novels even more than the comics just because it really gives time to delve into each story and examine how the camper are really thinking and feeling about everything. (Also I’m always weak for novelizations of anything.) The Moon Is Up is a book that focuses more on Jo, and takes place during the camp’s much anticipated Galaxy Wars, a competition between cabins that goes over several days. While the campers prepare for these challenges though, they also run into a strange little creature with a penchant for cheese and theft. Roanoke cabin needs to keep ahead in Galaxy Wars and somehow deal with the fearsome Moon Pirates that a closing in...
Lumberjanes v4 (Out Of Time)
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One of the Lumberjanes comics, a cool, girl-focused, queer comic series. Honestly, this is just a fun series that I never got as into as I should have. My advice is honestly to skip book one because it gets better as it continues, and I’ve really been enjoying the later books now that I’ve given it another go. It follows five campers at Miss Qiunzella Thiskwin Penniquiqul Thistle Crumpet’s Camp for Hardcore Lady Types (Jo, April, Molly, Mal, and Ripley) as they handle all sorts of challenges, from friendship to crushes, camp activities to supernatural horrors, getting badges to not being brutally killed. Great if you liked the vibe of Gravity Falls but want it to be queer-er.
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Another queer graphic novel, but unfortunately not a very good one. It really looked appealing and I had high hopes, but the book itself really didn’t hold up… I actually couldn’t even finish it, the plot was just too… non-existent. The art is fairly mediocre once you actually look at it, especially backgrounds, and it feels very… placid. Not much conflict or excitement or even a very compelling reason to keep reading. If you just want a soft queer supernatural you may get more mileage out of it than me, but it didn’t really do it for me. There’s better queer graphic novels out there.
New Boy In Town
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One of the worst books I have ever read. My girlfriend had ordered a very different book online but through a frankly stupendous error was sent this 1980s pulp romance instead. Absolutely nauseating on levels I couldn’t even begin to enumerate here. Naturally we read the whole thing out loud. Probably took us 10 times longer to finish than it warranted because I had to stop every two sentences to lose my mind. If you like bad decisions, baffling hetero courting rituals, built-in cultural Christianity without actually calling it that, and gold panning then boy howdy is this the book for you.
(seriously, you better have patience for gold-panning if you attempt this one, because I sure learn that I don’t)
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This was a picture book I enjoyed as a kid and had a reason to reread recently. Honestly it’s just very cute and simple, and the art is completely mesmerizing. Wonderful if you know a young child that would enjoy a simple goofy boardbook.
Shaun the Sheep: Tales From Mossy Bottom
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Related to my Aardman fascination earlier this month. I tried reading a varieties of Shaun the Sheep books — most of which are mediocre at best — but the Tales From Mossy Bottom Farm series is genuinely good. Just chapter books, of course, but the illustrations match the series’ concept art and each story feels like it could have jumped directly out of an episode. They’re just cute and feel-good! Kinda like Footrot Flats but more for kids, and from the sheep’s perspective moreso than the dog’s.
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beastars-takes · 4 years
Zootopia Takes: The Power of Really Liking Each Other
Our main event, Beastars Takes, will resume soon, but in the meantime I want to talk about one of my favorite movie relationships:
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Has this been talked about to death by other people? Yes. But this is my blog and I write it for free so I can do what I want.
Note: this is not a shipping post--this is just an examination of their canonical relationship in the movie and why it rules.
At first glance, this is your typical enemies-to-friends story. I love those. But while the typical arc tends to involve two characters who can’t stand each other, who eventually develop a grudging respect for one another (often through some kind of shared ordeal) and maybe thaw into actual friendliness at the end. Zootopia packs all of that into the first half--by the midway point they are clearly not just allies, but friends, and by the end of the film they’re inseparable.
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It’s important to recognize this isn’t just for the hell of it, or just to be cute--the closeness and trust they build is the linchpin of their success in the final moments of the movie.
All the reasons why, after the jump.
Something I talked about in the previous post was the messaging of Zootopia, and I don’t want to rehash it too much here. It’s a movie about prejudice, and the work it takes to overcome it. A key theme (one that it shares with Beastars, incidentally) is that friendships with those who are different from you are hard--but they are worth it.
Part 1: They Hate Each Other! (Right?)
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Now...it goes without saying that when these two first meet, they bounce off each other hard. Each is seeing the other at their absolute worst.
Judy can’t stand Nick because he takes every bit of optimism she has about this world and throws it back in her face. She want to use him as a prop in her vision of an equal society, where “not all foxes” are crooks. He laughs at her. He humiliates her. All he has to do is walk away, but he takes his time. He twists the knife.
For his part, Nick sees a laughably ineffectual bunny who condescends to him and threatens him with jail for the crime of...humiliating her. She may not personally be a threat to him, but she wields the institutional power of the ZPD--a power he has plenty of reason to be afraid of--and she does it irresponsibly.
On first viewing, Nick inarguably wins this exchange. He avoids arrest, reads her to absolute filth and leaves her stuck in cement.
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And he makes her really sad. Nice!
But, and I don’t pretend to be the first person to have pointed this out, on second viewing it’s obvious he can guess her story so well because it’s basically his story. The only difference, in his mind, is that he’s accepted the reality that he’ll never be allowed to live the life he wants, while she is still vainly pursuing hers.
I don’t know about you, dear reader, but the people I’ve met who have always most pissed me off are the people who remind me of things I hate about myself. The people who seem to embody the flaws I’ve worked to minimize. Nick’s naive hope is what has brought him the most pain in his life. He sees this bunny full of the same naive hope, surmises that she’s facing the same failures he did and yet stubbornly refusing to learn from them. It’s irritating.
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Pictured: irritation.
Maybe I am projecting, but if Nick is anything like me, he probably didn’t walk away entirely happy from this exchange. Yes, he “won,” but he was also reminded of everything about himself that he least wanted to think about.
Part 2: They Are Not Very Good at Hating Each Other
So, the thing about Judy is, she is naive. By default, she assumes people are her friend. But she’s not stupid.
Nick assumes she is stupid, not least because she hasn’t wisely given up on her dreams like he has, and...he learns that she maybe not so fun to pick on after all.
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So they wind up doing the first part of this enemies-to-friends routine, allies of necessity.
So, naturally, because he is Him, he makes it his mission to torment her.
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In fact, we get two whole scenes where all he does he does is watch her struggle and make this face.
The first read of this behavior is that he’s just enjoying the failures of someone he hates. He says as much later. But I would also argue--from a viewer’s perspective--Judy is ridiculously entertaining and charming throughout these encounters. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and it’s hard not to like people like that.
Is there more happening here than just schadenfreude? I won’t pretend to know for sure. But worth considering.
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By the time they’re investigating the limousine, his sabotage has diminished into something more like gentle trolling. And you can’t see this face, in context...
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...and tell me she isn’t starting to like him, at least a little bit.
He’s also starting to help! By the time they’re past the minor detour of almost being murdered by a mob boss, he’s entirely cooperative, helping her conduct interviews and look for clues. The movie doesn’t call particular attention to this, but it almost did.
Finally, let’s look at Nick’s behavior when they’re being chased by a rabid jaguar. He could have absolutely booked it, with no regard for the cop who was blackmailing him into helping her.
These moments go by so quickly, but they’re hugely revealing of his true character, even before he defends her in front of Chief Bogo.
He picks her up when she falls.
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More importantly, when he gets to the skytram, his first instinct isn’t to jump in--it’s to hold the door for her:
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He sees she can’t make it, and she even tells him to leave without her. He doesn’t. He holds the door until he can’t anymore, and as a result he’s nearly killed.
Nick is a good boy.
Part 3: They Are Friends Now
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She save his life, so he saves her job. This is a key story beat, and it’s a Disney movie, so there’s not a lot of subtlety (except how the specular highlights in Judy’s eyes fade as Bogo asks for her badge--the light literally goes out of her. Go watch).
But it’s such a sweet moment of teamwork--he was contemptuous toward her from the start because she believed in herself. This is the first time she’s simply given up in the whole movie, and he steps up. Because he believes in her now.
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And she believes in him! Or, she wants to.
Judy’s supportiveness here is sweet, but it’s also still a little selfish. It’s not that different from their interaction at the ice cream shop, really: she wants to meet a fox who defies stereotypes, who is easy for her to like. Someone who ticks all the boxes to prove her family wrong.
When he starts being more foxy, later--self-identifying as a predator, showing his claws, challenging her--we learn that her supportiveness is conditional.
Am I being too hard on her? Sure. She’s been in bunny country her whole life. She’s new to this and she’s trying. But that’s where she’s at.
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But still! They’re friends now. They’re no longer pretending they don’t like each other. Judy’s openly encouraging, Nick is fully in her corner, and we get a few cute sequences where they keep being more and more impressed with each other.
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He’s still not above affectionately messing with her, and she’s getting worse at pretending to dislike it.
And he trusts her enough to let her flush him down a toilet...
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Which gives us this heartbreaking shot where he thinks she’s drowned. He cares a whole lot about this bunny.
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She likes him too! Enough to want to team up on a more permanent basis. This is pretty standard-fare enemies-to-friends stuff now, but considering where we started, and considering they’ve known each other for all of two days? Not bad!
It’s clear this moment means far more to him than it does to her, too. It’s actually taken very little persuading from Judy to get him to step up and be brave and helpful and trustworthy. The fact that he’s turned around and opened up to her so fast suggests he’s been ready for an opportunity like this for his entire life, and never got it. I mean, look at his face.
The foundational flaw in her worldview is still there, though, and it’s about to do almost-irreparable damage to their whirlwind friendship.
Part 5: Fuck!
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So Judy gives her press conference, and gives a great example of why police usually answer every question with “the matter is currently under investigation,” or “we’re not prepared to comment further at this time.” Honestly, though, this is on Bogo--I had coworkers who once did some press interviews, and they spent over a week doing media training. They didn’t even break a major kidnapping case. So, you know.
So she repeats some weird race science stuff she assumes is true because someone in a lab coat said it, which is amusingly similar to how race science (or “race realism”) often propagates--people with low-rent doctorates from crappy universities write a bunch of scientifically shoddy material and people say “well, he has a PhD!”
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And then Nick has a PTSD flashback? I don’t want to be irresponsible and make an armchair diagnosis, but also...that is absolutely what is depicted on screen.
You’re not immediately “better” after something like this, which is why I cut Nick a bit of slack when he basically blows up their friendship.
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Judy...doesn’t get it. It’s completely heartbreaking, because she likes him, and doesn’t understand why he’s mad, and isn’t self-reflective enough to stop and think maybe he has a point. Not until it’s too late. He tests her, and she fails.
Their friendship has always been a little inequal. He’s trusted her with everything, shown her his deepest vulnerabilities. She’s never trusted him completely.
So he leaves.
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I don’t want to impugn her professionalism by suggesting she wouldn’t have quit the force if she hadn’t had that friendship-ending fight, but, you know. Maybe.
This is the second time she gives up, and this time he’s not there to pick her up again.
Judy is intensely goal-oriented, and I don’t think she realized what Nick’s friendship meant to her, as the first person in the city who truly believed in her, until it was too late. Judy is sweet and well-meaning but emotional intelligence is not really her strong suit (which is actually cool to see in a female Disney protagonist, imo).
So, while it would have been nice for her to track Nick down immediately and apologize, I think it makes sense for them to spend time apart. Her own self-perception has been shattered, and she needs time to figure out how she went so wrong.
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So when she does come back, she delivers one of the best animated apologies I’ve ever seen. Only AtLA compares, in my mind.
Part 6: They Are Much Better Friends Now
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Nick forgives her, because of course he does.
(Sidebar--people talk about how he kept her carrot pen the whole time they were apart. He also kept his handkerchief from Ranger Scouts, AND he only wears shirts that match the wallpaper in his mother’s house. He desperately needs a hug.)
Credit to Nick also, who can’t fight and has no police training whatsoever, who has multiple times been almost killed helping her out, now agreeing to help her out again. She’s not even threatening him with jail this time!
We, the viewers, are then rewarded with this great montage of them being best friends.
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She’s finally stopped pretending not to be amused by his shenanigans.
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(One other sidebar here--Nick is canonically a really gentle character. For all their adventuring, this is only time in the movie he gets physical with anyone: to protect the bunny. Again, he definitely can’t fight and immediately gets smacked across the room. But it’s the thought that counts, right?)
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Per the post title, more visual evidence of them really liking each other.
Judy trips on a dead body, and here we get the second time in the movie that Judy tells Nick to leave without her, and he won’t--this time, he refuses explicitly.
Which then gives us the opportunity for the big moment--the culmination of all this care and intimacy and trust.
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In order to con Bellwether, she lets him stalk her, and bite her throat. This has been often pointed out, but it’s important--throughout the movie, Judy’s wriggling rabbit nose has been used as a signifier of fear and suspicion. It wriggles when she’s spying on Nick at the beginning. It wriggles like hell when he confronts her after her press conference.
Not here. Doesn’t move. It’s a great, clearly intentional animation choice that tells a close observer (or more likely, a repeat viewer) that she’s completely unafraid.
She trusts him.
I could write a whole other post about how well-scripted this movie is, how every scene is doing half a dozen different things, but the way the personal and the professional come together here, the way the threads of prejudice and friendship and the police case all tie together in this moment. It’s good shit.
This is basically where things end, in terms of character development, but we get a bunch more shots of them clearly adoring each other:
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So there it is.
To sum up, certainly not suggesting this movie invented “characters liking each other,” or anything like that. But it goes above and beyond in portraying a friendship that’s not just one born of circumstance, one that’s authentic and unmistakably loving. Characters who enjoy spending time with each other, regardless of what’s going on around them.
I hope everyone is able to experience friendships like that. I absolutely treasure the few I have.
Appendix: The Shipping Thing
I hope I’ve made all this ship-agnostic, which was my intention. I personally like the ship, and I think the reason it resonates with people is because that love and trust and closeness is clearly there, and a romantic relationship creates a lot more easy opportunities for dialing those things up even higher.
I would also argue, if pressed, that the amount of teasing and physicality that happens reads as pretty flirty. If they were humans I knew in real life, I’d definitely think there was something going on there. But I’m an American, where touching and emotional intimacy tends to be read as romantic. Also, animals are a lot more cuddly than humans. So who knows? I think it’s perfectly reasonable to read them as platonic friends until the end of time.
But, one way or another, they love each other a lot. Shout out to this, one of the most emotionally rewarding relationships I’ve ever seen in a cartoon.
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muckrakerhq · 4 years
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featuring… this week’s guests, @giannastone & @angel-alexanderr
fondue for two is a weekly internet talk show hosted by joey hummel-anderson. fondue for two, joey, and the muckraker team strive to get all the steaming gossip while he interviews guests of his choice over a steaming pot of cheese.
JOEY: Hello everyone and welcome back to Fondue for Two! We're doing a Glee Club edition this month, which means that I will invite the captains of each glee club that actually matter around here... Today we have the captain of the Warblers, also known as my boyfriend, Xan Puckerman! And we have a very good friend of mine, Gigi Stone! She's not captain of the Canaries, but after the so called slushie incident, Aubrey won't talk to me... Either way, are you guys excited to be here?
XAN : Always excited to be in your bedroom, Joseph.
GIGI: Can we keep the flirting to a minimum today, boys? But yeah, I’m excited to be here. You clearly made the best decision by inviting the most talented Canary.
JOEY: Don't worry Gigi, we'll try. Okay, first question is for Xan... Is it true that everyone at Dalton is gay? Or is that a rumor that was created many years ago?
XAN : While I personally believe that everyone is at least a little gay. The number of out and proud homosexuals at Dalton Academy is lower than you might think. So yeah...definitely a rumor. Possibly a little bit of a problematic one while we're at it.(edited)
JOEY: Well... That's interesting to know. But I'm pretty sure that most people will still think that. Gigi, next question is for you! Do you have a date for Candyland? And if you do, who is it?
GIGI: Duh. Of course I do. I’m going with your brother, actually. Trace asked me the other day.
XAN : Love that for you two.
GIGI: He’s so cute, right? I’m excited.
JOEY:  He didn't tell me that! That's cute... Why did you say yes? You know what, that's not important... Since we're talking about Valentine's Day, the next question is for you two: if we weren't all going to Breadstix, what would your perfect Valentine's Day be like? JOEY: Let's stop talking about my brother...
XAN : honestly? i'm not a big holiday person. being born on a holiday kinda ruined all holidays for me i think. but for sake of not looking like an asshole on the internet, i'll say i would be doing something cute with my boyfriend
GIGI: That’s... cute. In a sad sort of way. My perfect Valentine’s Day is being pampered from start to finish. Flowers, jewelry, chocolate. The whole nine yards. GIGI: Trace, if you’re watching this.. Play your cards right and you might be promoted from bench warmer to MVP.
JOEY: 4th of July is a holiday? I thought people just liked to throw fireworks on that day because it's fun, I don't know... But all of those are good answers. Okay, next question, what is the hottest piece of gossip going on at your schools right now? And this is an important one.
XAN : i'm simply not a messy bitch so i have no clue.
JOEY: C'mon, there's gotta be something going on at Dalton!
GIGI: Margot’s dad like literally paid off our coach so she could have a solo at Regionals. Embarrassing, right? Couldn’t be me.
XAN: i will not tolerate Margot slander in my presence. XAN: she's my favorite canary.
JOEY: Wait, did she really do that? Who told you that? I need to know if this is real. Sorry Xanny!
GIGI: It’s literally all anyone can talk about at Crawford? Which is annoying because there’s a lot more interesting things to talk about, but regardless, let’s just say it’s not the first time it’s happened.
JOEY: You heard it here first, people! It won't be a problem though, since you guys lost either way... So sorry about that. But at least the Warblers won! Moving on, who do you guys think will win at Nationals?
XAN : i might be biased. but this is the most competitive warblers year of recent years. i think we could go all the way.
GIGI: Obviously Vocal Adrenaline. No offense to either of you. GIGI: Well, I guess that’ll only happen if they finally kick Giardi off the team.
XAN : i will say...i've heard some rumors about vocal adrenaline's regionals set and i'm a little....terrified for lack of a better word.
GIGI: Say more.
JOEY: Say more right now!
XAN : not to incriminate myself, but i produce rap tracks for this freshman in the warblers. In exchange, he keeps tabs on some of the other show choirs in ohio. let's just say....vocal adrenaline is tributing one of the best vocalists of all time. XAN : expect to cry if you have tickets this weekend.
JOEY: Dua Lipa?
XAN: Not Dua Lipa babes.
GIGI: Interesting. Thanks for the tip, Puckerman.
JOEY: Well, that's kind of scary then... But to answer my own question, I'm sure that the New Directions have a chance too, but we'll see... JOEY: Next question, while we're talking about the show choir world, am I the only one who thinks there's some sexual tension between Julien and Gooby?
XAN : who the hell is gooby?
JOEY: Davis!
XAN: I don't know. That guy gives off heavy asexual vibes to me. Like the definition of soulless automaton. I should know I shared a room with him on the ski trip.
GIGI: (laughs) Davis is the farthest thing from asexual. Soulless? You might be onto something there.
XAN: have you copulated with the enemy???
JOEY: Yeah, have you Gigi? Because that's kind of weird and I can only imagine having sex with Gooby is like sleeping next to a loud breather...
XAN: Or a very unsexy android
JOEY: Or even an emotionless Henry Cavill!
GIGI: Do you two seriously live under a rock? Davis and I have been on and off for the past year and a half or so.
XAN: i don't really pay attention to heterosexual mating patterns...
JOEY: Wait... I thought people from Vocal Adrenaline weren't supposed to sleep with people from other schools... Isn't that why Ivy broke up with Julien?
XAN: i thought Ivy broke up with Julien because he's a cabbage patch kid in a high schooler's body
GIGI: I don’t know why Ivy broke up with Julien, and quite frankly, I don’t care. And to answer your question, they can’t date people from opposing teams during competition season.
JOEY: (chuckles at Xan's comment) Xan, don't be mean! JOEY: Well, yeah, but... Haven't you guys been hooking up for the past year? How does that work?
GIGI: Next question. I didn’t come on here to talk about Davis.
XAN: You heard the lady, stinky.
JOEY: Fine... Who do you think is going to be the most shocking couple at Candyland?
GIGI: Some of these losers actually landing dates is shocking in itself, but I, for one, am interested to see who shows up with the belle of the ball.
XAN: i don’t know about shocking, but I watched Chad texting Bri while we were eating at breastix....and if those two end up back together it would be the LEAST shocking thing in recent history. XAN: actually no...the canaries losing with an all country set would be the least shocking thing in recent history
GIGI: Interesting jab from someone who sang songs from a children’s movie. All I have to say on that front is that the Canaries will never be singing another country song again. You can bet on it.
JOEY: Chad and Bri dated? I had no idea about that... JOEY: But I have to agree with Xan, it was kind of lame... And Trolls isn't a kids' movie! It's a movie for all ages! I love that movie... I'm kind of curious to see who Leo McCarthy is going with, I feel like I haven't seen him in a long time. JOEY: What do you mean about the Canaries though? I thought Aubrey was captain still...
GIGI: And I thought Ivy would never let Julien out of her clutches, but here we are.
XAN: (laughs) not clutches!
JOEY: Okay... Well, that's all the time we have! Before you go, you have to say one nice thing about Gil the Fish... I feel like we haven't been giving him enough attention lately. [points at his fish bowl]
GIGI: I think it’s SO sweet that you bought a fish that looks like Kenna Giardi.
XAN: gil don't listen to her she didn't mean that. you're much sexier than kenna giardi!
JOEY: And that's it! Thank you for being here and for everyone else, don't forget to tune in for Fondue for Two some other time! Bye!
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writerlys · 3 years
✤ YOU ALREADY KNOW!!! all the ships pls 😌😇
aidarah who said i love you first? AIDEN AND WE’LL NEVER LET HIM LIVE IT DOWN!!! CAUSE OF DEATH: BELLA!!!
who laughs when the other trips? sarah because she loves making fun of him KJSDFHKDSFJK.
who pays the bills? sarah because we all know she goes crazy if she is not in control of everything!!!
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays? SARAH because she loves giving gifts and decorating and all of that 😭
who’s more clumsy? hmmm this is hard. I don’t feel either of them are particularly CLUMSY but I can definitely see both of them tripping over their own feet when they’re drunk LOL.
who checks their daily horoscope? neither!! I don’t think either of them are really into astrology tbh.
who sings louder in the car? SARAH 43985934598349 PERCENT.
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? I feel like this is aiden and I feel like sarah is the one to close it and then aiden opens it again and it’s just a neverending saga LMAO.
who is more up to date in pop culture? honestly... they’re probably both the same LOL. and that is to say relatively clueless. like sarah isn’t super big on social media and I don’t feel like aiden would be either.
who insists on going to see the newest movies? sarah!!!!
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on? SARAH. she def cries more in general but especially when those commercials come on she’s probably like “aiden can we donate all of our money to the aspca???”
who’s the lighter sleeper? hmmm I think aiden. sarah generally sleeps pretty well ESPECIALLY when it’s with aiden, and I feel like aiden sometimes watches her fall asleep and then falls asleep after 🥺
who believes in ghosts? I would say sarah but I can weirdly see aiden believing in ghosts bc of his fear of haunted houses LMAO.
who does the grocery shopping? both of them!!! though aiden would probably notice she’s stressed out and would go shopping for her if she was having a hard week 😭
who updates their facebook status more often? I feel like neither of them have facebook but sarah probably posts sliiightly more on like, instagram stories.
who said i love you first? oh god what is the right answer to this. I guess TECHHHHNICALLY julian but it’s only on a technicality bc really eve said it first KSDFHJKS.
who laughs when the other trips? troll eve for sure!!!! and also probably julian at himself tbh LMAO.
who pays the bills? this would for sure be eve because julian is a sweetheart but he also has the attention span of a goldfish and it’s a miracle he can pay his bills by himself tbh.
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays? hmmmm I feel like both?? they’re both so family oriented and I feel like they both get so excited 😭
who’s more clumsy? JULIAN!!! both of them are dancers but julian is Chaotic so sometimes his grace goes out the window and he’ll trip because he was trying to do a cartwheel in the middle of the street.
who checks their daily horoscope? I can see julian doing this because zoe is super into astrology and he probably tells eve her horoscope every day. like will text her in the morning and be like “have a good day baby. also something good is going to happen to you today because you’re a virgo!”
who sings louder in the car? oh god this is so difficult. both of them LOL. maybe eve by a HAIR.
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? JULIAN because once again chaotic and attention span of a goldfish. though I don’t think eve minds much bc it’s just a julian-ism.
who is more up to date in pop culture? eve!!! she def always has to teach him slang and julian def still uses it wrong.
who insists on going to see the newest movies? I feel like this is eve too! and julian goes because he loves seeing her reactions (and also listening to the music during the movie).
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on? oh god julian hands down. we all know how much of a sucker he is for animals.
who’s the lighter sleeper? julian on account of the NIGHTMARES and TRAUMA!!!!
who believes in ghosts? I can see both of them believing in ghosts! julian for sure does because he’s big on horror and also because zoe believes in them and he’s like “zoe’s usually right about everything so I’m gonna go with her”.
who does the grocery shopping? they definitely go together!! and they’re both so obsessed with taking care of each other that it stays even.
who updates their facebook status more often? evie!!! julian is so awol on social media and will post one picture of his production setup and then go quiet for six months lmao.
who said i love you first? OOOOF this is hard but I feel like it’ll be naveen. he’s such a softie for her and he just loves her SO. MUCH.
who laughs when the other trips? both of them but ESPECIALLY valerie. and naveen definitely trips on purpose to make her laugh.
who pays the bills? valerie for sure, probably because naveen is capable but bills give him anxiety SDKJFHDSKJF.
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays? hmmm I feel like this would be valerie bc she’s so big on family. naveen’s family is super big on traditional holidays but naveen himself is pretty neutral on them.
who’s more clumsy? naveen!!! valerie walks around flawlessly in her five inch loobooboos and naveen meanwhile is just like yeah I’m wearing sneakers and I will trip anyway. what about it. LOL.
who checks their daily horoscope? valerie!
who sings louder in the car? oh man THIS IS DIFFICULT TOO. if anything I feel like they’d try to out-sing each other HAHAHA.
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? naveen and he probably has notes everywhere in the bathroom to put the cap back on but then forgets it EVERY time.
who is more up to date in pop culture? VALERIE. IS THIS EVEN A QUESTION.
who insists on going to see the newest movies? naveen!!! especially documentaries but he’s also def a bit of an oscar snob and probably drags val to all the artsy fartsy movies that have no plot LOL.
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on? probably valerie but only if she’s like... feeling sensitive and in her pajamas and a face mask LOL.
who’s the lighter sleeper? naveen!! I think his anxiety sometimes makes it hard for him to sleep so he’s just like 👁👄👁 at night.
who believes in ghosts? valerie and naveen definitely tries to trick her into believing there are ghosts in their house when it’s really just him trying to prank her 🤧
who does the grocery shopping? oh this would totally be naveen. valerie could wake him up at like 3 am and be like “I want pasta imported from the foothills of italy” and naveen would be like “say no more queen”!!!
who updates their facebook status more often? OOH this is actually tough. valerie more organically, naveen bc he’s ~le famous~ and has to keep up an image lmao.
who said i love you first? THIS IS SO DIFFICULT TOO UGH. I can honestly see it going either way!!! like maybe leela says I love you to ellie and luke is just like “!!! holy shit I’m in love with her”? so maybe leela but honestly I am not sure LOL.
who laughs when the other trips? leela LMAO. I don’t think luke trips much but when he does she probably has to hide her laughter.
who pays the bills? luke bc he’s ~mr. fancy pants money bags~ LOL.
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays? luke bc ellie is little and he probably wants to make holidays super special for her 😭❤️
who’s more clumsy? I think this is leela just bc she’s SO NERVOUS ALL THE TIME. like would trip on herself just bc she’d be trying SO HARD not to be awkward. 
who checks their daily horoscope? I don’t think either of them are into horoscopes or astrology at all!
who sings louder in the car? this would totally be luke once he opens up and then eventually when he gets leela to open up, she’ll sing along too 🥺
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? leela bc she’s probably running out the door trying to get to work and forgets stuff like that. though luke probably does too and they both look at their dried up toothpaste and are like “??? weird how this keeps happening”. 
who is more up to date in pop culture? I feel like luke but only because ellie is growing up so she’d keep him more up to date LOL.
who insists on going to see the newest movies? LEELA bc she finally has someone who legally has to go see every new rom com with her LMAO.
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on? omg leela for sure bc she’s such a softie.
who’s the lighter sleeper? luke definitely. I wouldn’t say so when he was a fuckboy but now with ellie he probably has that parenting instinct where he can wake up at the drop of a hat if he senses something is wrong!
who believes in ghosts? leela bc she gets scared of things easily!
who does the grocery shopping? I think they go together but I can also see luke going by himself while leela works late, OR luke carrying all their bags out to the car 🥺
who updates their facebook status more often? hmm this is a toughie. I don’t feel like either are super into social media but maybe luke when ellie does something cute!! 
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kissmyapplejuice · 4 years
Thoughts while watching the Frozen franchise
1) Did Iduna and Agnarr hear a single word that Grandpabbie said? Like seriously? This whole thing could have been avoided if they had just listened.
2) My heart breaks for Elsa. She’s all alone. Anna’s at least got their parents and servants...Elsa literally has no one. I’M NOT CRYING! YOU’RE CRYING!
3) I see you Weselton...I got my eye on you. Seriously, this guy was also bad news who ordered his men to kill Elsa and called her a monster, and YET NO ONE attacks people in the fandom for liking him. Insanity. AND THEN Elsa does little cute dance with his ice statue thing in Frozen 2....I don’t understand...
4) stunning. This movie is visually stunning.
5) I will now be singing Let It Go for the rest of the day.
6) I’m pretty sure that Kristoff is the only sane person in this movie. 7) Anna is the worst listener. Like hands down. In the whole franchise, she rarely listens and when she does, she immediately counteracts it and does whatever she wants to do anyway. There is a fine line between being determined and being a bully.
8) The trolls are shady af...don’t @ me. Fixer Upper is a big ol’ eyebrow raise.
9) My boy, Hans...he’s a big dumb. A little power crazed big dumb. But still a big dumb boy who is just dumb. 10) Wait...how did he exchange marriage vows with Elsa? The priest wasn’t there? Why does anyone believe that? It’s like the most obvious lie ever. 11) WHAT HAPPENED TO HANS’ BOAT?! He clearly leaves on the Frenchman’s ship, but like he OBVIOUSLY came in on his own ship cause you know he’s a prince...from his own kingdom...SO WHERE IS HIS SHIP!?  12) and Sitron...the horse is important too.
1) Elsa’s dress...amazing.
2) nervously looks around because half these traditions are mine. 3) So. Many. Gloves. How can one person need that many gloves?! At some point, her hands stopped growing  Also Sir Jorgenbjorgen...priceless.
4) Sven is over Kristoff’s shit.
6) Poor Olaf. He’s just trying to help.
7) WHERE DID THAT BOX COME FROM, ANNA!? Seriously, it came out of no where, she had no where to store it while they were searching
7) Again....stunning. Visually stunning.
8) Wait... When We’re Together is totally retconned in Frozen 2...
1) snowgies
2) I headcannon that the snowball is filled with snowgies, and we get Papa!Hans who knows all the names of his snow children
1) I’m pretty sure this all happens on the same night of Elsa hitting Anna...what a crazy night....am I right?
2) AND THEN THE FIRE NATION ACTED! I’m sorry...it’s just, this is so Avatar the Last Airbender, and it just makes me giggle
3) King Runeard is full of shit...also why is Disney into the whole SURPRISE villain in the franchise? It’s not fun when you do it the second time. Also, it’s just not fun to do anymore (especially when you keep doing it badly).
4) How can Iduna listen to Agnarr say so many terrible and untrue things about her homeland? Like this probably isn’t new talk...she’s probably heard it from tons of people for years. That’s got to create so many terrible feelings within her.
5) some days I am Elsa. Some days I am Anna. But I know no one fall asleep that fast
6) This family is filled with track and field Olympians. Anna’s got sprinting and long jump. Elsa’s a star in the triple jump. ALSO ALL OF THEM DO PARKOUR (mad fucking jump skills)
7) The charades scene really hurt me. I am a firm believer that no one is irredeemable, and I’m not just saying that because I like Hans...it’s something I truly believe in my heart. AND TO JUST HAVE ELSA SAY IT IS A SLAP TO MY FACE. (myotpisntcrazyanditstotallycute)
8) also they changed the layout of the library...the door is in a different place. Continuity in sets is so unimportant Disney...JUST COME ON
9) ELSA’S ANXIETY IS NOT ABOUT YOU, ANNA! However, I would love a full version of Idina and Kristen singing All is Found. Literally, Anna keeps making a lot of things about her...Elsa’s self discovery, Elsa’s sadness, Elsa’s journey
11) the trolls puttin’ their SHADY selves into power...narrows eyes
12) Insecure, needy, and paranoid Anna isn’t fun. Or cute. She’s just annoying.
13) This whole water has memory theme is a stretch...
14) Olaf’s recounts are the best part of this film
15) In terms of cuteness of tiny animal sidekicks with Disney Morph>Bruni>Meeko>Pascal
16) I like how they don’t even question Elsa’s statement of them being Northuldra...they’re just like...yea sure guess you are.
18) NO YOU DON’T KNOW THE WOODS, KRISTOFF! YOU LITERALLY JUST GOT HERE! But this does segue into the most AMAZING song in this movie
19) Their parents are bad listeners and liars...
20) Ah the trailer scene...making Frozen 2 seem like it was going to be so deep and angsty, but that was not our reality. 
21) Can we talk about the riding to Ahtohallan scene? Everything is in slow motions except Elsa, and it makes for a really weird visual trip. I don’t understand why they did it...and if they didn’t mean to do that, how did no one catch it?
23) The cold never bothered me anyway = freezes. NOT SO TOUGH NOW (just kidding please unfreeze my baby)
24) Kristen’s ability to make her voice break while singing is amazing. She kills me with emotion in Do You Wanna Build a Snowman? and in The Next Right Thing. She does it SO WELL.
25) This ending literally makes no sense...it will never make sense. Elsa, who has been described as a neat freak and highly organized, wouldn’t just go live in the woods with people she’s just met. NO SENSE! I know this ending probably happened because of Lee’s obvious favoritism towards Anna, but they could have made it made sense. ALSO where was Elsa during this whole “epilogue?” Seems super out of character.
OKAY. That concludes this post. I love Frozen and Frozen 2, but I can see the flaws in them. Frozen 2 lacked a lot of growth on both of the characters parts, but I can see that they were trying to show that self discovery and knowing your limits are important to growing as a person. They didn’t show that very well, but I can see it in the cracks. However, the biggest flaw in Frozen 2 is the fact the song Home is not a part of it. The song is amazing.
I can also like characters, but still see how their obvious faults. Like Anna, I relate to Anna on some levels, but I can also see how she is kinda the worst because she doesn’t listen and she’s a little selfish. Elsa’s got a lot of issues she’s gotta sort though, her inability to trust is a big one. I made this post because I have too much time on my hands and I’m avoiding editing. You can ignore this, but I hope it made you laugh. 
My final thought...Disney just fucking ignores hair physics, and its starting to really bug me now that I’m older.
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secret-engima · 5 years
ohmigods! That last snippet! Am dead from cuteness! I mean the in universe implications are kinda terrible for those not in the know, but still. Cute af. May I ask for more brotherly interactions? Only if you're up to sharing your thoughts of course :D I am LOVING everything about this.
Sure! Lemme see what I can jot down real quick.
-Nox acts ... a bit odd around Noctis for at LEAST several months (and will occasionally revert to that oddness even years later). Stiff when touched, stammering when talking, sometimes unable to look his little brother in face for all it’s clear to anyone with eyes that he LOVES Noctis to no end. Regis thinks its a side-effect of his upbringing (he already suspects that Nox is touch starved, but add to that a cheerful little half-sibling who likes to spontaneously touch Nox and wrap his magic around Nox in greeting-affection-attention? Regis mourns even as he goes about trying to help acclimate his son to positive touch from people other than Ardyn).
-Noctis is the initiator of contact for the longest time. Hugs, conversation, casual hand grabs, you name it, he’s probably done it to Nox and then patiently chatted his way through Nox’s instinctive freeze. Because Nox always snaps out of it and interacts eventually, and at this point Noctis  A D O R E S  Nox okay? He has a big brother who is totally EPIC and COOL and isn’t always too busy for him like his dad and is totally fine with playing Kings Knight instead of doing homework, and has all sorts of cool hunting stories and-
-There is some serious hero worship going on at first okay? And Nox CANNOT figure out how to deal with being looked up to by his YOUNGER SELF. It’s honestly hilarious and sad at the same time, and Ardyn alternates between instigating more contact between them and rescuing his nephew from death by confusion via being the Cool Uncle.
-Eventually though, as Nox begins to relax around his little brother counterpart and hang out more easily ... Noctis beings to notice that something is ... not wrong exactly, but ... off about Nox. That it isn’t normal for Nox to always walk around with his armiger just beneath his skin, ready to draw a weapon at a moment’s notice, that the Quiet Days Nox and Ardyn have aren’t quiet so much as Painful, because Noctis is even more magic sensitive than Regis and he can feel the thick grief-love-mourning-exhaustion that clings to Nox’s bones on those days. The way Nox (and Ardyn too) feel like today is a day to lie down and just- never get up. Nothing Noctis does can break Nox or Ardyn out of their Quiet Day, even though they never raise a hand against him even in their worst moments, so eventually Noctis learns to come find them and curl up against one or the other’s side, radiating at much love and good thoughts through his magic as he can so that they know they aren’t alone.
-Nox and Ardyn appreciate the gesture more than Noctis will ever know.
-But it isn’t always angst and caution. Noctis is not like Nox, he’s brighter and happier and so earnest that it’s infectious. Noctis essentially has Nox wrapped around his little finger, and when Noctis isn’t busy with the tutors Ignis won’t let him escape from, he can usually be found trailing after Nox like a puppy, asking questions and begging to join in whatever Nox is doing (if Nox uses this as a chance to train Noctis in magic and fighting, then nobody comments. If those practice sessions usually end in Nox tickling Noctis into submission while the latter squeals with laughter and joy, Ardyn is the only one who dares interrupt, and Regis has about half a dozen pictures framed on his study desk).
-These two grow up to be super tactile with each other. Nox because he’s touch-starved and Noctis because he figures out that Nox needs touch and they both enjoy mingling their magic together (Cor comments once that their magic is so in sync and similar they might as well have been twins born seven years apart, Ardyn laughs himself sick for reasons no one dares ask about). Tackle hugs, arms over shoulders, smooshing into the Smallest Space Possible on the couch when watching movies because Noctis likes using Nox as a pillow are all very common (not during game though, because Nox is a cheater who isn’t afraid to use tickling as a weapon).
-Only time Noctis is ever really trying to get AWAY from Nox is during training once Noctis is a teen and his training starts getting Serious. Because Cor’s favorite tactic is to yeet the Chocobros into an obstacle course or arena with Nox as their sole opponent and tell Nox to “Go wild”. Nox has way too much fun doing just that (channeling his Uncle’s trolling tendencies to a scary degree in the process) and the Chocobros inevitably end up wheezing helplessly on the floor to a man, each aching in places they know intimately know they have from prior reenactments of this very same event. Noctis never, ever wants to go up against Nox for real, especially since his madman of an older sibling is always FINE at the end of the spars. Barely breathless and still so full of magic he can casually spam healing spells to get them back on their feet.
-Noctis went though a jealousy phase when he was 14-15, because Nox was so much BETTER at stuff than him either in combat or talking nobles in circles. It lasted approximately until the first time Noctis actually tried to do the Brat Teenager Thing and said something INCREDIBLY spiteful only for Nox to go very, very Quiet and just- leave. For two weeks. Wasn’t even in the Citadel. Ardyn actually got angry at Noctis for that and told Noctis that he had no idea what Nox had been through to get as good as he was. Noctis told his uncle to prove it, Ardyn left and came back twenty minutes later with Nox’s Citadel medical file. It had info on all his checkups and doctors notes since first coming to the city. Pictures of his scars, how underweight he was, his suspected trauma issues and what probably caused them.
-When Nox finally slunk back to the Citadel, magic curled in and subdued like a flinching dog, the first thing Noctis did was run to his brother and hug him tight, crying/apologizing the entire time. Noctis never told Nox that he’d seen Nox’s file and Nox was too glad that the jealousy phase was over to question it.
-Nox once borrowed (kidnapped) Noctis when his little brother was eighteen to go on a brother-bonding road trip around the country to show his sibling how to survive in the proper wilds and what the kingdom of Lucis was really like. He genuinely forgot to tell Regis or anyone else about this, so by the time Axis and the Chocobros track him down (with Ardyn’s bemused help) the Citadel had gone beyond Meltdown and straight into Murderland. Nox wasn’t sorry, and Noctis was having the time of his life as long as he wasn’t being chased by cactaur while Nox sat on a high ledge and laughed at him (Nox is at this point perhaps a little TOO big of a believer in learning on the job).
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danetobelieve · 4 years
Don’t Overlook The Little Things || Rio and Winston
When: the evening of 03/07/2020 Who: @3starsquinn​ & @danetobelieve​ Where: Various Summary: Winston and Rio give Ricky the house for the night.  Warnings: N/A
Winston had been on a few shitty dates before. None of them memorable enough to be anything more then a speed bump in the rocky road to love. Despite that however, they were convinced that they were going to do everything that they could to make this good for Orion. After the week that they had had, plus the fact that Ricky had asked for the house that evening, well Winston was going to do what they could to keep them busy. They had it all planned down to a tee. Their old car sucked, apart from the fact that it was abnormally large. Too large to be good for driving, or even really too large to be useful. But for once this would be a good thing, so as Winston double checked everything, they turned to find Rio leaving their house. They were a bit early, but Winston was ready. Had been ready for the last hour and had been frantically checking everything over. “You ready?” they waved and quickly made their way over to him. He was healing amazingly, maybe that was his physiology but Winston was glad. They hated to see him in pain and the cuts and bruises were an uncomfortable reminder of what Orion had been through. “I’ve got everything we need for a fun night of avoiding hearing our favourite roommate have …” they looked around mockingly, “S … E …  X.” Each letter was spelled as if this were taboo. Teasing Ricky was Winston’s favourite passtime, especially when he wasn’t there. “I’m kidding of course, we’re gonna have fun. I promise.” 
Despite what had happened that week, or maybe because of it, there was absolutely nothing Orion would rather do tonight. Rio and Winston had not had a change to hang out alone since the kiss. Even Winston’s time in the hospital was mostly populated by a revolving door of guests coming to visit. And now… well was hanging out even the right word anymore? Or was this more of a date now? Rio wished that he was more up to date with terminology than he was. But part of taking it slow meant exactly that, not rushing into any serious labelling or expectation. This could be just like any other time that the two hung out before that party. More hand holding wouldn’t be bad though. Rio’s body still felt sore, mostly around his chest and stomach, but getting thrown into a tree would do that to a person. The swelling in his cheek had gone down at least, and his black eye had even started to fade. A tiny bit at least. As long as Winston wasn’t suggesting the two go out hiking or kickboxing tonight, Rio should be fine. “I am beyond excited! To hang out with you of course and mostly to avoid hearing Ricky’s night. My ears are way too sensitive for that.” He grinned at Winston, skipping a few steps ahead of them and resting his arm on the passenger side car door, “So, have you already picked out where we’re going? You seem pretty confident right now. Like you already have a plan in place.” Whatever that was, Rio was excited for it. It didn’t matter what it was, as long as he was with them.
Fiddling with their glasses, Winston shrugged and smiled gently. “I do have a plan for tonight, I would think that the fact that i’ve pre-packed the car but not told you anything about it would let you know that. But for this to work, you’ve got to tell me what your favourite drive thru food place to go is, doesn’t matter what it is and you can’t think about it. Just tell me what you want to eat and we’ll stop by on the way.” Winston knew that they had snacks -- they had a cool box full of literally any sort of drink that Rio could want and another full of every snack that they could think of and a few more that they had blackmailed Ricky into baking for them -- but if this was a date then they needed dinner too and since Ricky was going to potentially be busy for a while, Winston wanted to make sure that they had lots to do. “I hope that my humble plans are going to be up to the excitement and anticipation that you’re falsely experiencing. In fact, just whatever you think we’re gonna do, tone it down by one hundred.” Winston grinned. “Because it’ll probably suck, low low low expectations.” ‘
“That’s a lot of pressure on me” Orion whined, but did as instructed. No thinking. And definitely no overthinking, as Rio so often did. Just say something. “I could really go for like a ridiculously large burger right now. And fries.” He nodded. Pretty basic as far as food options go. And certainly something that Rio should be tired of by now, but he was the one that had just been traumatized by trolls in the woods. And Winston seemed eager to go with whatever Rio wanted. “I’m very intrigued by what you have in mind by the way.” Rio climbed into the car and settled in, eyeing all the different things in the back and studying them curiously, head tilting as his mind tried coming up with ideas, “This is all very suspicious.” Rio stated, glancing back over at Winston who seemed to be purposely trying to keep any emotion off of their face to avoid spoiling it. “I have way more faith in you than you seem to,” Rio flicked Winston’s arm and settled back into the passenger seat, “But regardless, I’ve never done anything like this before. So there aren’t any expectations anyways We could be driving to an empty field to just sit in your car and it would be pretty freaking awesome.” What could possibly be bad about spending time with Winston? “Do I get a hint? Or am I stuck completely in the dark? I already know the answer of course you’re keeping me in the dark. Because you love torturing me.” But Winston was really cute with that annoying grin on their face. Maybe Rio should tell him that. Ariana said that Rio should talk about it more. And despite how awkward it sounded… wasn’t this exactly what the two had spent five hours in a Ferris Wheel talking about? “In a cute way I mean. You torture me cutely. Or you’re cute and torture me. Or something flirty.” Did Rio just say flirty? Oh god. 
“Al’s it is,” Winston said as a cold familiar sense of sadness at the thought of that place washed over them. Winston pushed it away. They hadn’t even really known Celeste, only by association to Ariana. She wouldn’t want that from them. “I’m definitely going to get a shake too.” Winston slipped their keys into the ignition and turned them. The engine rolled over once, then twice before roaring into life. Winston thanked whatever gods they didn’t believe in and smiled. “With this car, you can never be too sure that you’re going to actually get it started,” Winston smiled gently with fondness at the nostalgia that the car that they and their siblings had all learned to drive in, passing it from one to the other until Winston inherited it eventually. “I know that you’ll like it.” Winston had seen Rio say that they would love to do it once before, a while ago, online and it had stuck in their mind. “Okay, I am not going to make you sit in my car in a field that would be very lame,” Winston pulled out onto the main road and began the drive over to Al’s, mouth already watering a little at the thought of milkshakes. “Okay, okay, let me try and think of an appropriately cryptic clue. This is something that is kinda cliche, you can only do it at night and it’s basically a horror trope at this point, or a coming of age teenager movie trope, something like that.” 
Orion was happy with Al’s. Since it was open all the time, Rio found himself stopping there on multiple occasions to grab food after a Scribe building purge. Aside from that one time that Winston’s mime clone had fireballed Rio through the window, he mostly had positive experiences with the place. Of course, he had heard about Celeste, even if he had never met her in person. She sounded like a good person. A hunter that Rio would have gotten along with. He just wished that things had not turned out the way that they had. It wasn’t fair, what had happened to her or what was taken from Ariana. “This car is fiiiiine” Rio dragged the word out as he tried to convince himself that the car really was in good shape. “The good news is, I know a great mechanic. Alain can fix anything.” So Winston was confident that Rio was going to like the surprise. “It would not be lame. Nothing with you is lame.” Rio was completely confident that they two would have a lot of fun hanging out in an empty field, but he was excited to see what Winston actually had in store for them. The hint left Rio scoffing, “A horror movie trope? That’s romantic.” Rio joked, lightly rubbing at the pain in his side that erupted anytime he laughed or breathed too heavily. “Are you taking me to a summer camp? Some old haunted mansion? The catacombs? That’s horror movie material for sure. You know one of the first horror films ever made was about a haunted mansion? It was this French silent film called Le Manoir du diable. It translates to The House of the Devil, but was released in the US as The Haunted Castle. The whole thing was like two and half minutes long. So uh- pretty short.” Winston pulled into Al’s so the two could get their food and head towards… wherever they were going. Rio settled on a double cheeseburger, fries and a chocolate milkshake. A classic. As they left the parking lot, all Rio could smell was the food. “I’m so excited to eat. I haven’t had an appetite for a few days now and uh- hunter’s need more energy than normal.”
“Alain has tried to fix this car, but it’s not really worth the money it would cost to fix it and I’m not looking for a new car right now.” Winston could’ve bought a new one with the money Lydia gave them, Deirdre had even offered to buy them one but Winston wasn’t ready for it yet. Soon they were sure that they would have no choice when Winston’s piece of shit broke down. “I think it would be pretty boring, no offence, but there’s a limit to what you can do in an open field, not when there’s other things we could be doing, but you know if the field sounds more appealing then I can change our plans.” Winston smiled gently, they had never tried to be romantic before and this was a new stroke for them. “Well, you’ll have to let me know.” Winston paused for a second and laughed. “No, none of the above. Although, I didn’t know that the french were the people to coin the original horror movie, somehow the country to invent mimes being the country to release the first horror movie seems oddly fitting. Was The House of the Devil the home to mimes by any chance?” Winston smirked gently as they approached, Winston all but copied Rio’s order before pulling off towards Overlook. 
Orion nodded, happy that Winston was content with the car. “Well I love this thing.” He agreed, patting the dashboard affectionately. Winston joked with Rio, threatening to change the plans and drive them both to an empty field. “Don’t you dare. I want to do whatever you had planned. Don’t make me beg. I have no shame.” Rio crossed his arms to feign pouting. Thankfully, they weren’t going to any of those places. Which Rio would totally have pretended to enjoy if he had to. “No mimes involved, I don’t think. Just the devil. So not nearly as terrifying as this town, honestly.” Rio shrugged, unsurprised that White Crest took the award for most terrifying. Winston was driving them out of town. His mind started racing with ideas. Were they leaving White Crest altogether? Rio tapped a finger against his chin as he tried to think. The hint finally made sense about a mile from the drive in. The classic trope, a small town tradition and one of Rio’s favorite places in town. “Holy crap!” Rio perked up, swatting at Winston’s arm excitedly and bouncing in his seat, “How’d you know how much I love this place? Why are you so incredible?” Rio asked Winston curiously, finally breaking down and digging into their bag to pull out a single fry. “I- thank you. I’ve never actually been here… in a car… with someone.”
“Someone has to I guess,” Winston couldn’t help but smile. Rio gave them a warm feeling in their stomach, one that they were honestly unfamiliar with. They’d had friends before but they weren’t sure if they had ever actually felt like this about someone else. “Don’t worry, we were never going to go and sit in a field, even I am not that boring.” Winston grinned as they watched Rio’s reactions. They weren’t ever sure that they had seen him look this ecstatic for something in a while. “I have my ways, but yeah, first proper completely real and legitimate date tonight, I thought that it was probably worth making sure that it was cute and stuff, because … I know things are kind of shitty for everyone right now and I know that you and me are new at this, but, you really really matter and this is my way of showing you.” Winston took a long drink from their milkshake as they showed their tickets and pulled into their spot. “So; we’ve got dinner,” Winston twisted over, unbuckling their seatbelt and popping the lids off of the coolers; “snacks and beverages of your favourite variety. I don’t actually know what they’re showing tonight, I decided I deserved a tiny surprise.” 
Orion couldn’t believe that this was the place that Winston had chosen, of all places. It had been sort of a safe haven for Rio growing up. Before he went back to the Scribe building and had nowhere to go, Rio would often come here to pass the time when he didn’t want to go home. And when he didn’t have the extra money to get in, he would hang out in the forest outside of the Overlook, listening to the movie instead of watching it. But as amazing at this was, the most exciting thing about the night by far was the fact that Winston had just used the word date. This totally was a date. That was real. “This is incredible. Really. You literally could not have picked a better place.” He didn’t care that bouncing up and down hurt his ribs, he was too excited to give in to the pain right now. “Wait have you never been here before?” Rio turned, excited that he got to be here for their first experience with it, if so. “I used to walk here, hang out by the concession stand and watch some of the movies or- sometimes I’d just listen to the movies from farther away.” They were mostly happy memories, despite how sad they may have sounded. “Friday’s are uh- romance. Ironically.” Rio laughed nervously. Rio couldn’t understand why it made him so nervous to think about the word romance. Especially after how excited he got when Winston said date. Maybe because romance sounded more serious. “But I don’t know what movies will be playing.” He readjusted to try to get more comfortable, taking a big gulp from the milkshake and grabbing their food from the takeout bag and handing Winston’s off to them. “Actually, before the movie gets started. There was something I wanted to ask you about?”
Raising an eyebrow slightly, Winston shook their head. “My siblings love this place, this was where they would all take their various boyfriends, girlfriends and partners when they were living at home and dating people, but I never really did that and never really had anyone else to go with. If we were gonna watch a movie with Nell or someone I watched it at theirs, but this is better.” Winston reached over and took Rio’s hand in their own now that they didn’t have to use them both to drive.  Their fingers slipping easily into the gaps in Orion’s hand. This was going way better then they’d thought it would already and Winston hoped nothing went wrong. “I just wanted to make sure that this was really special, cause, you matter.” Raising an eyebrow again, a smile creeped across Winston’s mouth and they couldn’t help but laugh. “Fridays are for Rio, Saturdays are for the boys or something like that?” They didn’t mind. Romance movies was something that they could stomach and if it was with Rio then it would definitely be worth it. Taking their burger off of Rio, Winston smiled and nodded. “Okay, sure, no problem at all. What’s up?” they ate a handful of fries waiting for Rio’s question. 
“I used to come alone,” Orion admitted, slightly embarrassed by the fact. “I know Drive-in’s aren’t exactly like a… come by yourself sorta place. So it was a little weird. But it was something to do at least.” He wondered for a moment how life would be different if he had started making friends before graduation? What if Rio and Blanche had found a way to talk during high school? They had shared enough classes. What if Winston and Rio had met? Would things be any different than they are now? Rio didn’t think it was worth the risk. For everything that seemed to be going on around them, he wasn’t willing to trade his friendships for anything else. Those ‘what if’s’ didn’t really matter when Winston reached over to slip their hand into Rio’s. It had quickly become one of Rio’s favorite things to do, hold Winston’s hand. Without thinking, Rio’s thumb began caressing the spot where it met their hand. Who knew something as simple as this could feel so intimate? “I really don’t think you could have picked a better spot, seriously. This place is really special to me. And so are you, so it just sort of… works. Y’know? And I really, really like that analogy.” Romance was for Rio? Yeah, he really liked the sound of that. The question that Winston was now waiting for had been weighing on Rio’s mind for a while. It seemed almost moot. Rio and Winston were already doing the work. But it felt like something Rio wanted to make official, “So you’ve been helping me a lot. With the Scribe records. I was thinking… What if we tried to make it official? Like… you and me. Scribes. Trying to use all that crap to help people.” Rio didn’t know what he was saying, mostly. He didn’t know how to try to send a professional or make it seem like it was a legitimate thing. Because honestly it wasn’t. “Not that I can offer you anything. Or like make it official, since the Scribes don’t technically exist. But if we can get the place up and functioning again… we may be able to help others.”
“Rio, at least you were hanging out at Overlook. I used to hang out at quarters alone and I have a few of the high scores but not enough to really cover the amount of time and money that I spent there alone, but my point is that you can do things on your own, even if its a little weird. As long as you enjoy it that is what matters.” Winston gave Rio a warm smile. Squeezing his hand gently as they used their free hand to fish out a handful of fries and stuff them into their mouth. Winston chewed on the warm fries (amazed they hadn’t cooled on the drive over) and swallowed a mouthful of warm potato in silence. Damn this shit was good. Al’s always had been. “Can … can you do that?” Winston asked slightly confused. They would love to do that. They would love to work with Rio and restart the scribes but they were not sure that the scribes could just be restarted but if Rio thought they could then Winston would definitely follow his lead. “Ultimately, if the scribes are … well they’re not around, then I guess we can do whatever we want.” Winston chewed their food for a second more before nodding. “I’d love, love, love to do that, really I would. We can actually help people and we can use all of this knowledge and research….” Winston paused for a second, “I have a few people who might be able to help us too and we could start to bring people back into the fold, we’ve done so much work on the Scribrary anyway that we might as well get other people in there too…” Winston smiled. “Yeah, I’d, really really like that. I’m in.” 
Could Orion do that? “Almost certainly not” He laughed, taking a big bite from his burger and waiting to finish chewing before talking again. “But nobody has come back there. Not a Scribe at least. That place is ours, as far as I’m concerned.” Rio had been dwelling on this for a while. He had always written off the idea. He couldn’t do something like that. Not alone. But now, maybe they actually had a chance. “I think so too. Once we get things functioning again… and once we figure out how to help we may need more help.” Rio had a couple of ideas himself on who could potentially be brought in. Maybe the two could actually help. And Rio wanted things to be different than how it used to be, back in the day. “Also, full disclosure? I hate computer science.” Rio giggled, so happy that Winston had come into his life. In all contexts. “The only reason I double majored in it was so I could learn how to digitize this place. And then you showed up that night and…” Rio trailed off, thinking about how much things in Rio’s life had changed since then. “That was probably one of the best nights of my life, y’know? And you changed everything for me. And I can’t thank you enough for helping with the scribe stuff and taking me in and being my friend and… well this” Rio raised their entangled hands to emphasize exactly what he was talking about. Rio knew it was romance night, but he had sunk himself into some super sappy territory. Was all that talk too serious for them? They were trying to take things slowly, after all. To force himself into shutting up, he inhaled a dozen fries. 
“Oh good, I’m glad that we’re sure about your authority on this,” Winston replied dryly before bursting out laughing, “sorry, this is just surreal. We’re sat in my car, on a date, discussing my potential acceptance into a secret order of academics that doesn’t exist but left behind a secret magic library that we’re digitising because they were boomers.” Winston grinned ruefully. “Damn, I’d have laughed too if you’d told me that this was how it was going to go a few months ago.” Winston smirked a little and nodded. “Sure, we can totally do that, I might not be able to put as much time in as before though, I never really announced it but I kind of got a new job at the station. I’m not actually an intern anymore, I’m officially a Cyber Forensics Technician for the WCPD. Well. THE Cyber Forensics Technician. There’s only me.” Winston shrugged and nodded as Rio spoke. “I’ll do the computer science part, now that I can sort of use magic on it I’m just getting faster then I was before, I actually managed to remotely access a computer with it the other day. If I can really work it out digitising the rest of the library shouldn’t take ten years. Maybe like eight, five if we’re really lucky.” Winston smiled contentedly at Rio’s raised hand and their own. “That night was … the luckiest of my life, you know the night before that I’d woken up in an abandoned mansion out in the middle of nowhere with someone who claimed to be an aura reader, turned out I’d sleep walked and stole a bunch of leprechaun gold too. That night was much less fun then waking up to you.” 
Orion attempted a stern look at Winston, but was still laughing “Ha ha. Very funny! I basically came into ownership of the place. Sorta. Kinda. Unofficially. But there’s no one to tell me I don’t have the authority either so…” Orion shrugged, letting the sentence finish itself. “Yeah it’s uh… pretty wild stuff, right? But you definitely found a way to make it sound even more insane so good job there.” Rio gave a small, celebratory clap for them as if actually congratulating them for something. “Oh no worries I don’t exp-” Rio paused, realizing what Winston had just said. A giant grin widened across Rio’s face and began bouncing up and down again. “Oh my god! You did? That’s so exciting! Holy crap!” Rio’s ribs really hate him right about now, but they could shove it. This was way more important than that. “That’s incredible. And sounds like a lot of work. And obviously I don’t expect you to devote all your time to it. I can’t pay you or anything so it’s more of a hobby than anything else.” Despite the new job and how busy Winston must have been, they were still planning on taking time to help Rio with this stupid passionate project. Could they get anymore incredible? Probably. “You- I’m sorry what?” Rio laughed again, processing all of Winston’s story about the sleep walking. “I can’t believe I’ve never heard that story before. An Aura Reader? Were they being legit? If so.. That’s super cool.” But it was so heartwarming to hear that Rio wasn’t the only one that found that night so special. Even if it was more or less a complete disaster. “I… was a complete wreck. That entire night. You were so cool when we met at Skylar’s… and without her as a buffer I barely knew how to even talk to you. And then building was still a pitch black nightmare too. It was… well I appreciate all you’ve done. For that place and me.”
“We spend so much time in that place and I always forget that you didn’t find it while sleep walking. It’s really amazing if you think about it, how many people are in the situation that we are and are able to find magic library that has the answers to most of our questions about the supernatural?” Winston smirked to themselves for a moment before grinning. “Yeah, I did, I didn’t really want to make a big deal about the new job with everything going on, it didn’t feel that important. But this has been, well this is the first step of really living out what my dream as a kid was and honestly now that I’ve started I’m not going to stop or anything, but I think I could probably do more good helping you as well, that way I can help normal people who don’t know about everything that is going on and I can help us with all of the bullshit that White Crest throws our way.” Winston frowned gently and shrugged. “I don’t know if they were bullshitting me or not, but they knew I was a spellcaster back when I barely knew what being one of those was and was incredibly far from competent at it, so I think there must at least be some truth there.” Raising an eyebrow, Winston laughed. “Honestly, don’t thank me too much, I didn’t enjoy reading all of those dusty books by torchlight.” Winston was obviously joking, but the way Rio put it made them sound like they had done it because they were a saint. It hadn’t been that. Rio had just made them want to help, they wouldn’t have had it any other way.
“Yeah, me too sometimes. But I know. It’s just luck that I know about it, honestly.” Honestly, Orion didn’t think about his uncle much anymore. Way less than he used to. He hadn’t seen the man in so long so that it was getting harder and harder to remember a lot of things about it. Rio wasn’t sure if he’d ever even see the man again, but he has the Scribe building at least. Those memories were safe. “It is absolutely important and a big deal! I’m so proud of you! That’s incredible.” Winston was getting everything they deserved. Rio squeezed Winston’s hand a bit tighter and finished off his shake.  Rio wished he had saved it for the movie, but he had always had a bad habit of eating and drinking way too quickly. “I’m going to continue shamelessly thanking you nonstop. You can’t stop me. Plus, I can’t believe you didn’t like that super dark mood lighting?” He broke the grasp for a minute to reach behind into the back and grab a soda from the cooler. Once he popped the top open and took a long drink, he reunited his hand with theirs. “I guarantee whatever movie plays is super old and bad, fair warning. But totally worth it.”
“Well, however we want to call it, luck, fate or even divine intervention, it doesn’t really matter because it got me to meet you and I wouldn’t have had it any otherway.” Winston flashed Rio a bright smile before shrugging. “I know, but when I brought someone back from the dead, stopped the world from ending because it was eaten by a giant squid and also have been working 24/7 since mid-march, well the promotion just didn’t really feel like a priority. I haven’t told many people but the new jobs really good. It’s finally something I can help with.” The movie was starting in the background and Winston wasn’t really sure what the protocol for watching a movie on a date actually were. Was there an expectation to kiss? Did they talk all the way through it? Winston didn’t recognise the romcom that was playing in the background but it didn’t really matter when they were here with Rio. They were holding hands and for now that was enough for Winston, adjusting their position so they were more comfortable, Winston did their best to slip closer to Rio. 
Orion didn’t believe in divine intervention, but he knew that Winston meant it as more of a joke anyways. The smile was proof enough, besides just being dreamy. Rio cursed himself for even thinking the word dreamy. “Okay well… you had a busy month. So that’s fair. But I want to be able to celebrate these little victories too. We spend so much time freaking out about the literal apocalypse I want to be able to enjoy the small things with people. Especially with you.” Rio couldn’t stop grinning. Everything Winston said just made him so happy, because he could tell how proud they were. Even if they were trying to remain casual about their accomplishments. “You deserved this and you’re going to do so much good now. On both sides.” Was Rio crazy, or had was Winston closer? The thought both excited and frightened him. But he wanted to be closer. Rio didn’t have any expectations for the night. For the first time, Rio was perfectly fine with not having everything planned ahead. He didn’t need to know what was going to happen. He just wanted to spend time with Winston. “I haven’t seen this one before,” Rio whispered. Overlook was known for playing the same movie multiple times, so it was a relief. Lots of first times tonight for Rio.
“That doesn’t sound like a bad idea,” Winston replied with a smile. Everything in that moment was special. The feel of Rio’s fingers in between their own, the way they almost seemed to fit together like they had been made for one another, it was like they were the perfect size. Perfectly interlinking. Locking together firmly. Rio’s hand was warm against Winston’s skin and as the movie began rolling Winston couldn’t help but float there. Not literally of course. But it might as well have been. “Me neither,” Winston whispered in reply, turning their head, they gazed at Rio for a moment taking a long breath before leaning forward and kissing him. Honestly. Was it the right moment? Winston wasn’t sure. But they couldn’t help themselves. Rio was…. Something else entirely.
Orion was surprised by the kiss. Not so much that Winston had done it, but more by how it had felt. The two had already kissed before, one that had been fueled by alcohol and the general mood surrounding the party they had attended. It had been passionate and fiery. But this one felt different… better. There was deliberate care, a spark that Rio thought only existed in media portrayals of what a first kiss should feel like. It had been a light kiss, but its impact was far greater than that. And Rio couldn’t help but feel like he was some high schooler in a coming of age drama, experiencing a once in a lifetime feeling. Up to this point, Rio and Winston had talked things out and held hands. This was incredible. When the two broke away from the kiss, Rio exhaled a deep breath, not realizing how long he had been holding it in the first place. He paused for a long time, before finally smiling and breathing out words. “Damn.” His breath caught mid laugh, cutting himself short. But as soon as he could breathe again, he leaned back in for more. 
This was really beyond Winston’s experience. Kissing people had always seemed like a bizarre fantasy that other people would probably achieve long before Winston would even get close to it. They weren’t a nun or anything but actually having success in a romantic context was somewhat beyond their comprehension. Swallowing, Winston kissed Rio again, and again. It set their stomach into a whirlwind of butterflies that spun up a cyclone in their stomach and yet Winston didn’t care. They forgot all about everything. About all the trouble that they’d been in and about all of the trouble they would probably find themselves in. For the first time in six months Winston was entirely occupied by one thing and one person and it was a luxury that they never considered they would experience again. “Damn.” They replied, when everything was over and they had pulled away from the kiss. 
Orion lost track of time. He didn’t care how much time had passed. For all he knew, the movie could have ended and the place was an empty lot by now. All he cared about was Winston right now. Kissing them until one of them had to break to breathe. Rio didn’t know if he was doing it right or wrong, but he knew that Winston was absolutely doing it right. Once it was all over, Rio sat back against the seat, left hand still entangled with Winston’s. “I can’t believe I just said damn” was all Rio could really think to mention. As if that had any pertinence to what had just happened. Everything else just seemed too surreal. He couldn’t find the words to say to capture how he felt about how he felt about them. “Turns out I think I really like this movie? Good memories.” He was still breathing heavily, but his face was flushed and a grin surrounded his face that Rio wasn’t sure would ever go away. “It’s hot in here. I’m gonna grab another drink. And snacks. You want anything?” Rio asked before letting go of Winston’s hand to crawl into the back and secure food for round 2. If there was a round 2 tonight. Rio was in no rush.
The rest of the evening was cute. Winston couldn’t help but remember it fondly from that point onwards. They held hands, kissed, hugged or was cuddled the more appropriate word? Either way. They ate snacks, they laughed, they watched a bad romantic comedy. It couldn’t have been more perfect if Winston had planned it that way and as they drove back, Winston was almost sorry that the night was over. Not that they had to leave Rio’s side, of course that was a nice added bonus. 
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najatheangel · 4 years
hi! could I get a written ship for nct 127, nct dream, and seventeen? i am 5’5” with brown hair and brown eyes. i’m an isfj and gemini. i am generally calm and soft spoken, and my friends describe me as a happy, gentle, and studious person. i’m also told that I can be too nice for my own good, and i’m definitely a mom friend ahah. my hobbies include drawing, listening to music, reading manga, watching tv, traveling, and baking. i also love spending time with my friends and family and studying in cafes :) my favorite foods are sushi, poke, and korean bbq. i’m family-oriented and love animals, especially cats! i daydream a lot and would describe myself as an idealist. i tend to be drawn to people who have a cool or almost cold appearance but are actually sweet on the inside. arrogance, dishonesty, selfishness, and rudeness are huge pet-peeves of mine. my ideal date would be a comfy home date (cooking dinner together and watching a movie). thank you so much! hope you have a good day💗💗
Heyy gorgeous, thanks so much for requesting. So sorry for the hold up, but your ships are finally here...
From Nct Dream, I ship you with...Renjun
Positive Side: When I read your description from start to finish, I just knew I was going to ship you with him. Your personalities definitely make a good balance in a sense, because just like you, he’s very soft spoken, gentle, very friendly and can be in tone with his emotions in a positive light. He also can be fiesty, dramatic and very funny which adds more excitement to both of your relationship. When people try to take advantage of your kindnesses or even tease you too much, Renjun would stand up for you in a heart beat grasping your shoulder clinging you close to him. Dates would be sooo entertaining because you both have similar interests and hobbies. You guys will do weekly art projects together as dates and exchange them as gifts for other to hang up in your rooms. Since he's learning more about cooking as he go, he would get guidance from hyung Doyoung to prepare your favorite dish along with any movie of your choice. Lastly, he’s a sucker for baby kittens and the both of you would adopt 3 from the shelter to name them Clover, Sparkle and Coco. Being with him can help you both learn to love and blossom into a more stronger, loveable and powerful couple.
Negative Side: Renjun can be a tab bit sensitive when it comes to being with you. Every once in awhile, we see Renjun reveal his emotional side to czennies which can make me ooo so soft most of the time, but that’s only because he knows how to pour his heart out into his dream job and your relationship. I have a feeling sometimes he can’t control his jealousy by making assumptions when a guy is flirting with you or even touching you. The guy wouldn’t even be able to make eye contact more than 10 seconds, that enough would start to irritate him. Not saying he would act crazy, but he can only go so far with his patience, because this man can get real hot headed easily. I meann he has to deal with pranksters Haechan and Chenle so I understand his pain lol.
But...: After him pouting and ranting about the guy that was giving all over you, you gave him reassurance by taking him out for sushi and letting him stay the night at your place cuddling in your bed sharing hoodie as a blanket while watching anime. Renjun just loves giving his all to you and wanted to make sure that all the guys that would ever dare try to hit you up or hook up with you had to deal with facing your boyfriend and his fist. He can acting intense sometimes, but at the end of the day Renjun has the vocals and the personality of an angel and would never let anything bad happen to your relationship.
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From Nct 127, I ship you with...Doyoung
Positive Side: Personally, I feel like matching you with Doyoung made the most sense to me. He would love how hard you study and how you have those traits of a mom very gentle, kind, calm and very wise. I have this feeling that in order to be with Doyoung, you have to keep up with his level of intelligence in order to understand him and his humor. I feel like in that aspect, that’s where you both click so well as friends and lovers. When around the members, you love to help Doyoung cook dinner almost every night with him learning new recipes and having intimate time together. Doyoung has been really bold lately especially with czennies so I can imagine him trying to flirt with you by wrapping his arms around you helping you mix or drop the amount of ingredients needed in the bowl. Cafe dates with him every weekend too to help you study for your exams, he would know exactly what study tools worked best for you and reward you with a kiss if you got all the answers right. Only straight A’s or no kisses was his number 1 rule. Lastly, he would be so professional yet protective of you when dealing with rude people. For example, if a saesang tried to spam you with texts asking for Doyoung’s Instagram account info, this man would grab your phone and troll them by giving them fake info. He would professionally go off on haters if it meant he could protect you.
Negative Side: Sometimes Doyoung can say harsh petty things, but a lot of times he means it as a joke. This side of him was hard to understand at first because most of the time you couldn’t tell if he was joking or being serious. Those times would lead to you feeling hurt inside and made it hard for you to face him. Even the other members that saw this happening, would thump Doyoung in the forehead very hard to make him realize what he’s done.
But...: Doyoung cares about you too much to let you feel sad, because of him. He apologizes with tears almost in his eyes and he even insists on allowing you to hit him. Instead, you both just hold each other’s hands and agreed to learn how to understand each other even more. After awhile his jokes doesn’t phase you and you even snap back at him. The love starts to become stronger at that point.
Awhhh our beautiful bunny boy 🥺🐰✨
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From Seventeen, I ship you with... Jun
Positive Side: As much as I know seventeen, Jun is still kind of hard to describe personality wise. He does fit your ideal type as far as someone who would look cool and cold, but is actually sweet and laidback. He has very unique charms, hes a hard worker and he’s very talented. I can tell you this though, your both very idealistic and daydreamers which works out perfectly, because you both can work together help achieving your goals. You can help him stay motivated to continue to perform with seventeen and he can encourage you to focus on school and finish strong. Being the food lovers you both are, he’ll travel with you to the best tasting restaurants from Korean bbq to rolled ice cream. Expect lots of drunken moments with Jun especially when he’s out with the members. He’s only a giggler when he’s drunk, but he’s also a cuddler. When schedules become too busy and he’s super tired, he’s a very homey person so he would love to watch movies, reading manga together and playing games with you eating chocolate chip cookies you both just baked the other night. Lastly expect FaceTime shenanigans when he’s away on tour, he’ll be blowing up your phone trying to update you on everything that’s going on when he’s traveling with his members. “What is it this time Jun? You just called me 5 min ago.” “Check this out baby, they have these cute charm bracelets at this store. You want one?” “Awhh of course” Also. Never hang up without saying I love you or he’ll keep calling you back until you do.
Negative Side: Although both Gemini’s would seem like a disaster combination, it’s not as bad as you think. I think the only issue between you two would be the level of trust. In the beginning when you first moved in together, it was kind of hard to adjust living together, because he didn’t want you snooping into his things and you didn’t want him popping in your room whenever you were studying or changing. Those would lead to awkward conversations if you both ever broke those boundaries. The both of you at that point wouldn’t know how to recover from them awkward moments.
But...: After awhile, you both don’t seemed to be too bothered by it because you start to understand each other’s patterns and mood changes which is why you both can work easily together. It’ll tend to frustrate sometimes, but the both of you get over it and move on to the next thing. One minute your jokingly making fun of each other, the next minute you release that frustration out on each other through your make out sessions.
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Out of everyone, I ship you with...Renjun the most.
@beahutiful thanks so much for requesting and I hope you enjoyed your ship. I also hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend.❤️❤️❤️
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macklives · 5 years
session 81 end
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wow, okay, first things first
shes so fucking cute holy shit i love her so much i dont even know where to begin??
i mean i guess its because im so used to troll snark and the way they just? banter constantly? seeing someone who is a literal ray of sunshine is so refreshing and wholesome and pure. god she’s great. shes a cat, she knows her stuff. she’s strong and theres also this guys???? who shes scared of?? and tells her what to do??? yeah no, idk who it is but let her make her own decisions lol
maybe its just over exaggeration or whatnot, and hes not bad but first impressions do a lot to me and right now the only thing i know about this guy is that AC needs his approval for everything. i guess ill see where that takes us. hopefully nowhere bad. but AC seems like she can take care of herself and knows how to be a good decent troll and i love her for that. wow it literally took me one dialogue to like her. damn, that was fast. jesus.
you know who else is great?
yeah i know right. and that whole trial thing, which yeah i guess half the time i was confused by what the fuck is going on since i still cant grasp the idea of how alternia works, but i enjoyed myself with lemonsnout and how terezi roleplays and how much she gets into it. seeing a character that passionate about something is so sweet and nice.
god this was just a nice overall session
which i say, while i completely forgot about the banter TA and karkat got into
right, that happened. oh my god. they both literally stomped all over each other, dissed one another, still made up in the end because apparently thats their friendship and i guess it just works like that. depends on the friends you have, i guess.
its funny though, not gonna lie
and karkat as of now is just being a prick and honestly? 
like more than usual, which i guess is weird to say but i mean from present time to beginning of hivebent karkat. not that its uncommon for him to be a prick, he is, but seeing him go through the non-linear pattern with john is mmmmh interesting to say the least. though we havent seen his first trolling, just him constantly going “oh god what did i say, i was dumb” u know, not in those words but thats basically what he means. 
ooh im gonna analyze, i feel like analyzing right now my fingers have already typed so much as it is MIGHT AS WELL
and our candidate will be *drum rollll* karkat wow predictable (its below the cut because this is literally irrelevant now to the session)
okay, lets lay out the shit we have already. as i said before, the way he talks presently to john (meaning in the future) is so different than how he speaks to everyone now. of course the “i hate the world” personality is still there, and hes still just regular karkat, but karkat talking with john is patient to some extent and tells him what he needs to know for the game, lowkey kinda chills out once they started talking about movies or growing up as huh, didnt he say larvae or smth?
okay that whole grub thing makes sense now as i just wrote that but i am still confused as to what the FUCK that is implying because i dont think it crossed my mind this much, im repressing it for now until it comes up later. 
anyways, back to what i was saying. he was so DIFFERENT than the way he’s acting now which is bitch and moan and like? stfu karkat lmfao. i mean, its not THAT big of a difference in character, because i know he’s still his grumpy old self, and theres a lot of potential.. for growth? not sure if we’ll get it but i like to assume we will get character growth from these characters with fucking 8000 pages talking about them. but a story needs that growth and with karkat being just a straight up angry dude, in MY EYES, he should.. have growth, no? idk HOW he will grow, but im basically just taking what i have right now which isnt much but i analyze things for fun sometimes so let me be.
that being said, because its so early on, im not sure where homestuck is gonna go and i dont have much to go on but being in the psychology course shit happens when you have limited information and you gotta pin point what makes a person a person and how do they cope with things to grow further into life. many of my assignments involve limited info so honestly, not that hard.
but it is something that ive noticed, the way karkat is different as he grows which possibly means the whole veil thing happens later later on in his life and we havent yet seen that small growth become patience and not whining every time he doesnt get what he wants. but growth is common and it mostly likely happens to everyone, so its not like wow this is a surprise and a plot twist, more of something that i just wanna write for the sake of writing it. i hope that makes sense? i dont exactly know where im going with this. i just mean that im basically going to analyse karkat a tiny bit so idk how to otherwise explain it but you’ll get where im going with this as i type more lmao. 
anyways, so karkat literally said “pretend i dont think highly of my friend’s talents” as if he’s visibly trying to force himself from all emotions and bash on those who do (reference: “stop being sensitive, its repugnant” or whatever tf he said while TA replied with “hypocrite”) i take that as a key word. so honestly, while that was the smallest thing ive gotten from this session, its the thing im most curious about actually and i actually havent mentioned lol. because what ive learned in psych, which this is just common knowledge but i did an assignment on it so like?? could be useful?? is that people who hold off their emotions tend to hold off others as well, so there is no chance of mirroring each other. in other words, if someone is happy and starts to laugh and goof around with another, the emotions will mirror that other person subconsciously. like an addictive laugh. theres also another way to show mirroring, which is to mimic another person's actions, allowing another to establish a sense of empathy and thus begin to understand another person's emotions. in this case, im using TA and karkat as example. people who suppress emotions tend to see emotions as a bad sign and if somebody else portrayed any sign of it as well, they’ll basically say “gross what are you doing” because theyre so used to concealing it away, that they dont want others to think theyre into the whole mushy shit. so they pretend to hate it, pretend to not even be slightly affected by general sensitivity..
which basically means karkat is a softie, and even if he’s a prick right now, meeee thinks john, from earlier convos, is growing on him because john himself knows how emotions work and while i dont think troll culture does know much about it, considering the BLOOD AND CARNAGE thing, he is in fact growing and even if thats obvious, and you all know it, i am new to homestuck and am trying to see that for myself. its noticeable to some degree. he may always still be a jerk, but i am waiting to see how he slowly starts to accept things around him and to finally show what hes hiding inside. even if its just going up by a few percentages, i see its there and im hoping VERY HOPING he has the biggest character growth!
in other words, why else do i think this?? well nobody who watches romcoms can be that fucking aggressive. you need some sap in you to like it.
on that note, ill probably analyze alternia’s system and rules in another post later throughout these next few sessions because i feel it needs to be talked about and the way everything just.. is so different and doesnt seem right, you know?
thats it for now goodnight
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crypticpine · 4 years
I had three dreams that were amazing
I had a dream awhile back that I was a chosen knight (okay I was the Troll hunter) and I had to go to these woods to stop someone from destroying it. I had Blinkus and Toby and Clare, but Clare was just a really good friend like Toby, also Jim was there but he was like barely there. Anyways, we get there and there was a weird circular ancient slab in the middle. It was huge, and had markings on it and circle parts where it was deep, small ones where a human could maybe fit. It looked like a UFO marking from corn, but ancient and in stone. Anyways, if you looked closely there is also stairs on the side that leads to an underground cave that's well lit by the shining rock and probably magic. It is mostly a maze to the other side of the stairs, but there are rooms among the twists and turns.
Blinkus warned us that we needed to be quiet, and that a wizard lives in these woods, but not a good one. she has killed many troll hunters before and I needed to stay vigilant. She was exiled by Madras the many, but it must have worn out or something cause now she's back (she's the one we need to stop). When he was explaining to stay low, we must find her before she finds us, I started to glow! It was yellow and it was more like an orb was surrounding me. I was picked up, and flew through the forest. My back was turned from where I was going, I couldnt see where I was only the shrinking Blinkus yelling "VOLAN!" holding out his hand. I knew it was the witch. I stopped but from the momentum I fell. When I got up, I heard someone say
"Finally, you've taken so long I though you weren't coming!" She picked me up with the glowing thing again, this time red and swirling around my torso, and I see her. She was wearing a black dress with green highlights in it. She had a matching green scarf draped across her shoulders, and honestly she was hot. I was brought closer and closer till we were nose to nose, I was struggling but honestly I stopped when I started to focus on her. then she said
"My little knight" I was tense, mostly cause shoot, I have to fight her? She's so beautiful, I don't really want to slay her... Also HOLY FRICK SHE'S BEAUTIFUL WHY AM I SO CLOSE AHHH! I opened my mouth, hesitated, then asked
"W-what do you mean 'my'?" She went to answer but looked behind me, her face became angry. Blinkus, Claire, and Jim were there (Toby was running in the background but never came) she kept me where I was, but she moved behind me to face them. I started to struggle again to see what will happen, but nothing worked.
"Put down the Trollhunter, witch! She's not for you!" Blinkus proclaimed.
"Trolls, always getting in the way of love. like your kind has ever felt love! We were made for each other, you know." She said, turning me towards her and putting her hand on my face, then stroking my hair. I was red hot too, I was gay panicking! I started mumbling trying to object but I was so nervous words wouldn't form. It felt like the red swirly thing was holding my arms now. I heard her whisper 'so cute' when I closed my eyes, I opened them and felt a small bump on my nose.
"Put Volan down! She doesn’t want you, isn’t it obvious?” Claire yelled, which was dumb it was obvious that I was gay panicking. Yeah it could mean I don’t want it but I’m pretty sure I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. 
She turned her head to look at Claire, I tried to but my neck wouldn’t turn. She floated over to Claire.
“As if they want you? My dear, you are quite pretty but I’d leave you for the men to greet.” She swung me around and hovered me near the ground. close to Claire. “Do you want her, or me?” She asked, putting her arms around my shoulders and gently touching my chin.
“U-uhm... I-uh...” I think in the dream I was liked Claire in that way but she was straight, so I respected that, but she seemed genuinely upset that I was hesitant to say something for some reason.
“I get it, you’re stuck. Here, I’ll give you some time then you can give your answer. Although, I’ll be picking you up for more persuasion.” when she said that, she got super close and kissed my cheek. I was as red as a Coke-a-cola by then. She dropped me (I was only about a foot from the ground) and I fell. I touched my cheek then she left.
Blinkus and Claire both picked me up and I was still flustered.
"I guess you didn't get to the part where I am supposed to spend eternity with the witch I'm supposed to kill?" I asked, looking at blinky. He seemed to ignore that and asked if I was okay.
"Yeah, I'm fine. What are we gonna do?"
"Well you're not gonna marry her, that's for sure." Claire replied, she was still mad for some reason. Like? She wasn't even in to me she doesn't need to be like that. Anyways we go into the stair case and I guess it's our base. we think of a plan to outrun her, but its risky so nothing can go wrong. It's time to slay her.
I ran out of the stair-cave thing, looking around and was very cautious. I here her saying "I'm coming little knight" In an echoing voice. And this giant white and black wolf comes through the forest, she riding on the back. I freak out and start running away, barely able to though because that thing is HUGE and FAST. It slows down right next to me and I stop, defeated. She comes off and reaches for my face, to take off the glamour mask. I was Toby (I think) she screamed in a fit of rage, throwing the mask down.
"Where is she?!" She said lifting Toby up.
"Not here, that's for sure." He says, smiling. She throws him down and climbs onto the wolf.
The camera (I guess?) Floats over to me, who's hiding in the hole things on the stone. Her magic can't detect me in there I guess. But, I see a family of squirrels that are trying to climb up a tree but can't, so I leave it to help them. That was a bad mistake, because she came running after me! I run towards the stair case and dive down it, rolled and then start bookin' it down the hallways. She was close behind, her wolf shrinking to try and fit, but she left it eventually. I was getting stuck, getting hit by rocks, and was falling down other holes I didn't see. She sent a ripple through the rocks and I fell down another stair case, landing in a dead end. There was a blue River that lit the small room, and some moss growing on the sides of the rocks.
I dragged myself onto some rocks and turned to face her, she was standing staring at me and I was laying down with blood coming out of my side and head. I lifted my sword in one last defense but she tossed it aside.
"W-what are you gonna do to me" I asked, shaking from fear and tiredness. She kneeled down beside me and gently placed her hand on my head, whispered 'this' and then kissed me on the lips.
I didn't struggle, mostly cause I couldn't, but also because I didn't feel the need to. But as she was kissing me, I felt nothing. No pain, no blood coming out, no broken bones, nothing! I felt newer, in a way. She leaned back and asked:
"Feel better?" I shook my head yes, I didn't even realized her other hand not occupying my face, was clasped by my hand. She said something else but I think a fainted, and then woke up (still in the dream) to a room with rock walls. I was laying in a bed with a white T-shirt on and some sweat pants. She walked in and was joyed to see me awake.
"Oh good I'm glad you're back! Would you like some coffee?" She had a tray with a cup of coffee and biscuits. I hesitantly accepted, but then she looked worried.
"You're about to leave again. But that's fine! You'll come back soon right?" She smiled.
"Uhm, I don't know, maybe?" I said.
"I'll miss you, sweety. See you in your dreams!" She kissed me one final time, and then I woke up in my bed room.
The other dream! Isn't as long I swear.
I opened my eyes and we were in an obstacle course thing. I looked down and she was tapping my hand. This time, she had a white shirt with green overalls and a Luigi hat, I had the same thing except red and Mario hat.
"I've been waiting forever for you to come back!" She said, smiling and kissing my cheek.
"We're gonna play Mario! Isn't this gonna be fun for our first date?" She pulled me to the first part, and explained how to get through. I was able to, but it was pretty hard. She seemed like she did this before, it was a lot of fun though. I don't remember much, we mostly did obstacles and laughed a lot. She was really nice too! Claire and Toby weren't there, Jim was and he had purple overalls and a Waluigi hat. When we met the end she turned to me and said:
“this was a great first date. I'll see you again soon! You gotta go now." She kissed me on the lips and waved goodbye, and I woke up in my room, not wanting to get up again.
Third dream! This one’s a long one, too. But super magical!
This time I opened my eyes and we were walking to an opera House. We were holding hands, and she was wearing a dark green Victorian dress, and she had purple hair instead of black (but honestly it was nearly black).
“you’re going to love this show! I used to watch it when I was younger. Have you seen it?” she asked, turning to me.
“No, I don’t think I have. What’s it about?” I looked down to see what I was wearing, it was a red Victorian dress with pink highlights.
“You’ll have to see for yourself.” She answered, swinging herself in front of me and kissing me on the lips (she does that lot and I always get so flustered after but I LOVE IT AHH). So we walk into the opera and it looks more like a giant movie theater, but there is magic everywhere. Here’s the part that makes me think that this is a multiniverse, and I CANNOT MAKE THIS UP she turns to me again and asks
“I understand in your world you don’t have magic! So I thought I would surprise you.” AND THE BIGGEST SMILE ON HER FACE SHE WAS SO CUTE I was standing there in awe (from her cuteness but also because h o l y frick) there was tiny airplanes flying around with drinks on their wings with a little mouse on the nose asking if you wanted a beverage, and they were wearing little tuxedos and some had those fancy mustaches and it was adorable! There was blimps too that would serve food, the big round part would open up and whatever you ordered was automatically in it. This time it was a hummingbird with a thin velvet dress. She ordered us a drink and an ice cream, but the ice cream was shaped like a snowman and the toppings was the eyes and the coat was caramel and chocolate! It was really cool and never melted, and the drink tasted like how flowers smelled. I got a rose drink, and she got a lily. She let me try hers, and they both tasted so good! We shared the ice cream, it was really big. We sat down to watch the show, and there was just a gaping hole where the stage was supposed to be. I asked why and she laughed.
“How else will they preform? Wait, how do they do it in your world?” and so I explained that we have stages, and she looked so confused, and I was confused. We were both completely confused! I started to chuckle, trying to explain, and then she started to laugh, and it was such a nice moment. Finally the show started, so we quiet down. All of the sudden, a grass field covered the gaping hole, then trees and bushes grew out of the ground. It was huge, like a small forest. People came running from behind the trees and started dancing, it was just really magical. they were dressed like fairies, y’know those dresses, and the dance was wonderful.
After the play (? I think) She brought us back to meet the dancers and they were really cool. One asked if I dance and I told them I do (cause I do) and they asked if I could dance for them, but I was super nervous. What they danced was so good I don’t think I could impress them at all! I think my gf noticed I was worried and placed her hands on my shoulders in a reassuring way, nodding as if she knew what I was thinking. So I said yes! They played a song, I closed my eyes, and started to preform a dance I’ve never preformed before but was in the back of my head whenever I heard it. They played Once Upon a December and I killed it! I hit every move (btw I changed before this, I was in a flowing red dance dress this time) and it was exactly how I’d imagine it. I knew however, that this wouldn’t impress them. I was mistaken! Because they cheered! My gf clapped with awe on her face, and it felt really weird. I never liked applause for me, I never thought I deserve an applause when I get one, but her face turned reassuring again, making me know that I deserved this applause.
We started to say goodbye to the dancers, I stayed in the dance dress, and We sneaked into a dance room to talk, it was really loud out there suddenly.
“How did you like the play?” She asked, her dress changing into a similar dress as mine, just purple this time.
“It was so cool! we’ll have to see more like that.” I answered, still in awe that I managed to dance in front of professional dancers.
“Would you like to be in one?” She questioned, taking my hand and leaning a little forward. She was a little shorter than me, although the first two times she was definitely taller than me. I guess it changes, because her height changes again later on.
“Uhm, that would be so cool! But do you really think I could do that?”
“Of course you can! You wanna go in one now? I made the arrangements!” My. Jaw. Dropped! We were going to be in front of thousands dancing? Me and my literal dream girlfriend? SIGN. ME. UP!
We moved to the side of the hole, right outside there were seats upon seats filled with people, and we were about to dance in front of them. This time we were wearing a big fluffy coat with our respected colors (red and green) and a fairy skirt. We had mittens on, and we looked like we were about to ice skate, which we were. On a giant snowball coming from the hole. It was like being in Super Mario Galaxy on the giant Mario head, except a perfect ball! We ditched the ice skates after awhile and just danced together, and then we separated for a bit to do our own thing, and then came back together like in tangled, and she kissed me on the lips, and told me our times up, everyone applauded,then... I woke up, with the biggest grin on my face.
That was all from my gf from today, 4/8/2020, but she is the best thing from my quarantine. If she comes back I’ll tell you! the hashtag (if i have more) will be #Magic_dream_girlfriend idk it’s in the tags. But now I can say I’m taken???
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