#trans rights activism
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femanthropy · 6 months ago
I read a reply on twitterX that really stuck with me. When someone asked MaryCateDelvey why she makes fun/calls out trans women not trans men. She said “I have sympathy for self hating women but not for creepy men” (can’t remember the exact reply).
Exactly. Even if a woman is furious at radical feminism and biological reality I will have endless sympathy and empathy (I was in that position once upon a time).
I empathise the feeling of being forced into a societal role of what it means to be female. To be objectified, to be violated. To be told that boys will be boys. To be taught (I was raised Christian) that I was responsible for male urges and needed to hide bra straps, nipples, breasts.
To save the poor boys and men from learning that I menstruate. Hiding pads in my sleeves when grabbing them from my locker. Males will make all the fart shit piss jokes but as soon as menstruation is brought up they are squeamish and disgusted. I thought I was the chewed up gum. The ripped off ductape. Losing its adhesive every time it was on somebody new.
From medical misogyny and gaslighting. From body image to makeup to cosmetic surgery to pregnancy to birth.
I wanted to escape too. When facing down the barrel of a patriarchy full of cruelty and subjugation. Of course I wanted to choose something I believed would free me from it.
It’s not that simple for people in Afghanistan. It’s not that simple for women and girls living in countries under Islamic regime. It’s not that simple for women and girls who are Mormon, Amish, Fundamental Christians, Muslim. For women and children who are trafficked and sold as a service to sick sick men.
They can’t identify out of their oppression. So why could I? Well the truth is no matter what. I couldn’t. I could lessen the blow somewhat because I was fortunate enough to leave Christianity and reject feeling ashamed of my female body. I couldn’t identify out of the assaults. I couldn’t identify out of being objectified. I couldn’t identify out of being a spectacle for being same-sex attracted and showing affection to another girl in high school.
I have empathy and compassion for girls with rapid onset gender dysphoria. I have empathy and compassion for the women and girls who think that transitioning will make them heterosexual.
I have not an ounce of compassion, sympathy or care for autogynephelic men. For pornsick men. For men who think they are more of a woman than a female person. For men shoehorning their way into feminism under the guise of “trans misogyny”. I will not ignore all of the times the thing that “never happens”, HAPPENS.
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yurdior-blog · 1 year ago
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@annoyingradfem finally convinced me to join this app. Hi radfems. My TikTok is RadicalVenus and I have a radfem discord I’ll be sharing later.
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cyarskj1899 · 4 months ago
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dykeulous · 5 months ago
“everyone can define their own womanhood the way they want to!” okay… fair. but why is it a problem when cis women define theirs as simple sex characteristics & body type? why is it such a problem when cis women say “i don’t have a particular feeling of a gender, i’m a woman just like a female dog/cat/lizard is”? why is she either called transphobic & offensive, or being told she’s actually an egg/non-binary/agender/whatever? why are we all allowed to define our womanhood/manhood, until those concepts mean nothing to certain people apart from their specific body type & the way they were born? it’s such a non-issue, it’s such a neutral & morally gray statement…… why are we getting all worked up & jumping to attack people who have different perceptions & experiences from us? we need to understand that not everyone is like us, and that it’s obvious that non-trans/non-dysphoric people won’t understand us. we are different. it’s okay to be different. people who are not like us aren’t being violent or offensive simply on the basis of not being like us. we have to get that in our heads or our movement will completely crumble.
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sanriopupwife · 1 month ago
I'm actually so pissed about the "lol trump said everyone is female" motherfucker, do you think he cares? Do you think Donald Fucking Trump cares about biology?
He's going to kill you. He's going to kill everyone in your community, everyone in all your communities, all your allies and your neighbors and everyone who's not a white, pericishetallo, able bodied, and more, person.
And you'll be too busy laughing to realize he doesn't care if he's wrong.
He cares if we're dead.
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honeydreamzz · 2 months ago
“Back in my day, this Autism and ADHD stuff didn't exist!”
the first known case of autism was documented by french physician jean itard in 1799. greek physician hippocrates who lived from 460-375 bc described patients with quick reactions and short attention spans, exhibiting symptoms of adhd.
“Transgenders and gays didn't exist in my day, though!”
gala was a sumerian priest who spoke their own dialect and took on feminine names around 5000-3000 bc. the first known lesbian woman in modern times is from 1821; anne lister. in general, homosexuality rose in ancient greece, ancient rome and ancient china thousands of years ago.
“Gay people are abnormal, humans are the only animals that have homosexuality!”
over 1500 animal species have documented cases of homosexuality. this includes the barn owl, chicken, emu, spider, bottlenose dolphin, bonobo, penguin, giraffe, cat, and dog. the bonobo are even bisexual.
we do exist, we have existed since before the modern day, and we will continue to exist until the end of humanity. we are not the first and we are not the last.
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frostralia · 7 months ago
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I am not a thing up for debate. I'm Frost Nicoletti. I am a brave, brilliant, and beautiful woman.
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surviving-the-next-4-years · 2 months ago
LGBTQIA+ history needs to stop being ignored and erased.
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yurdior-blog · 1 year ago
Trans rights logic 101
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hedgehology · 10 months ago
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If would rather be alone with a bear in the woods than a transphobe. 🐻⚧️
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nothing0fnothing · 1 year ago
My anti royalist post from months ago ended up on transphobe Tumblr. I had no idea Royalists and Terfs owned their own intersection of brain rot that thrived on this app, but everyone has their niche.
So if you're seeing posts about how I hate women, that I'm misogynistic, or that I verbally abused a woman for her appearance, just know they're talking about me referring to the current Queen of England as a "dusty, grandma ass ho."
Also if you're seeing statements about me being a mens rights activist who is trying to use my survivor recovery blog to platform my internalised lesbophobia, they're talking about my vocal support of trans people.
I have taken the post down, purely because I was getting brain rot in my asks/notifs and I don't want to catch it.
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erebusvincent · 7 months ago
The full on rage that you see from trans rights activists both online and in person is an illuminating illustration of how toxic and detrimental the ideology of transgenderism is to both society at large and the individuals infected by that ideology.
It's not normal behavior to have psychotic breaks in strangers inboxes. It's not a successful debate strategy and it's not healthy for the psyche of the person doing it. And, it's not a behavior you see associated with any other ideology. I'm an atheist but I wouldn't furiously type out an unhinged screed against a religious person. I wouldn't walk up to JD Vance and screech at him over his misogyny. That's not something feminists do and it's not something mentally sound people do.
Which brings me to the delusions suffered by trans rights activists that have no basis in the real world. Being transgender is not a real thing, but no one is calling for the people who are claiming to miraculously and unconvincingly be the opposite sex to lose their civil rights. Civil rights are protected by the equal protection clause of the Constitution. They aren't something that can be waved away on a whim, not even by the meanest of old hags.
It's important to remember that not everything is a civil right though. Men cannot violate the rights of women because they do not value the humanity of those women, and kind of just feel like it. It's baffling that in the twenty first century the country has decided that's an open debate.
No one is calling for the deaths of people who claim to be transgendered either (except of course the sex pests, natch.). However, TRAs are certainly calling for the deaths of women whose brains are not rotted by postmodernist nonsense. Supporting women's rights and the rights of children and homosexuals is not a call for any type of "genocide," actually. This is another case in which the delusions of the ideology are actively harming the brains of the people who profess it in the loudest and most deranged fashion.
To get back to abnormality, it's abnormal to hysterically pound your keyboard to tell complete strangers, "FUCK YOUR FAMILY" and "I hope you die." It may take a few years, but the people who choose to do that will eventually look back with horror at that choice. This socially constructed sociopathy will pass, and when the miasma of madness leaves their minds they will regret how they behaved and what it turned them into.
It's necessary to reengage with reality. Delusions cannot persist in the human mind without eventually causing some sort of mental breakdown. The extreme rage and unhappiness that comes with obsessive devotion to the cult of transgenderism is proof of this. Stop letting your minds be damaged for the sake of narcissists and perverts.
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hedgehology · 2 years ago
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“Cowboys 4 self ID” 🤠 🏳️‍⚧️ More stickering.
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nevereveraster · 9 months ago
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Do you know what I find interesting, @newandnonsense? I've never called a trans person a slur. I've never told a trans person to kill or harm themselves in any way. I've never advocated for violence towards trans people, because that would be abhorrent. I've never, ever claimed that any trans-identified person or ally is subhuman, I've never threatened a trans person or told them they deserve death. I understand how to be a basically decent human being; threatening people is wrong. Implying that someone should attempt or complete suicide is wrong. It's violent and unstable and reflects mental health issues and unresolved emotional trauma.
And yet, whenever I go about my simple acts of dissent, whenever I exercise my right as a human being to say "no" and to continue saying "no" even when someone else wants to force and coerce that "no" into a "yes" through any means possible... I get threats like this. And isn't it interesting! Isn't it so interesting that I have never in my three years of former staunch TRA and trans ally 2006-2021 turned GC "TERF" 2021-2024 even heard of a "TERF" GC woman threatening a trans person, or a TRA, or an ally, never even heard of a trans person being told to "put a gun to your head and pull the trigger you pathetic piece of garbage" ... and yet, I've seen hundreds of posts of TRA receipts where TRAS, allies, and trans people scream at, abuse, threaten, and wish death upon GC "TERF" women (specifically women -- men who are GC aren't called "TERFs", threatened, stalked, and harassed) go out of their way to stalk GC women, attempt to doxx GC women, attempt to and sometimes succeed in ruining GC women's social lives and careers. Even if I hadn't fallen away from believing in trans religion due to 4 separate trans women trying to actively harm me, speak over me, and shut me up and silence me IRL in a 6 month period because "she's more of a woman than [I] am", and "her experience [of believing that women talking about sexual assault in the workplace are attention-seeking liars because she's not been assaulted at work] means I'm a lying attentionwhore bitch for saying it happened to [me]" the violent, aggressive, threatening, coercive, domineering, tyrannical way that trans persons, TRAs, and allies act online would have clued me in that something was fucking screwy. See, actual marginalized groups don't go around threatening others. Actual marginalized groups afraid of harm don't loudly and aggressively try to harm anyone who won't fall in line and get down on their knees to pay fealty.
The way TRAs, allies, and trans people act reminds me of nothing so much as a conquesting, colonializing oppressor class. The methods are the same: "submit or harm and threats of harm will be heaped upon you. Life will become hard for you. Submit, get on your knees, and swear fealty to this new religion or we will threaten to rape you with our girlcocks and encourage you to attempt and complete suicide for daring to have the audacity to challenge our authority by saying no."
It's frightening on a meta, cultural level. It feels like an odd, warped version of emergent new McCarthyism -- except that instead of "communist scum" deserving death and being subhuman and deserving of scorn, threats, violence, surveillance, etc. it is instead women who dare to stand up for our own agency and right to refuse and say "No" who are now the evil boogeyman and convenient scapegoat.
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