#tra lies
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nevereveraster · 10 months ago
TRA LIES: Nex Benedict
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So user @ny4n4rchy chose to deliberately lie about the tragic suicide death of Nex Benedict, presumably because this user cannot use this child's death as a talking point if the truth comes out. Since this user has chosen to deliberately lie about this child's suicide, let's go with actual immutable facts in reality, as opposed to @ny4n4rchy's baseless accusation of falsehood due to upset feelings that a child's death cannot be weaponized. Nex Benedict was originally lionized and martyred by the trans community for being beaten to death for being trans. Even though the trans community did not have the facts, they nonetheless created a narrative about what caused Nex's death. You can find news reports on Nex's autopsy with a ten-second google search. Compiling the following data took less than 5 miniutes. Here are the facts: Nex Benedict died of an overdose. Here is the toxicology report.
Nex Benedict was sexually abused by an immediate family member. Here is the case summary.
A head wound did not cause this child's death. This child died of a medication-overdose suicide. This child had previous sexual abuse as recent trauma history.
Instead of performing any independent effort to ensure correct material facts, user @ny4n4rchy instead chose to lie about the suicide death of a sexual abuse victim because that lie was convenient in furthering the trans cause. This is reprehensible behavior on the part of @ny4n4rchy. My only commentary is along the lines of "my God, this child was raped by a parent. This child was in so much pain and confusion that suicide became an option to pursue. Have some fucking respect, this child is not your martyr for the cause. You don't even know this kid." (Notice also this user @ny4n4rchy's open use of a slur for gay men and a slur for trans-identified people. A slur is a slur. It does not speak highly of @ny4n4rchy's character.)
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p0pipos · 2 years ago
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nevereveraster · 10 months ago
Wow, what a predictable deliberate mischaracterization of detransition and detransitioners. Let's let the public postings from confused detransitioning kids and young adults speaks for themselves (credit @redditreceipts) since @assignedmale wants to deliberately lie about this population so badly:
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Does that look like informed consent, @assignedmale? Do these questions look like they come from detransitioners who were adequately prepared for their surgical procedures to affirm them? No? Then why did you deliberately misconstrue this?
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nevereveraster · 9 months ago
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Do you know what I find interesting, @newandnonsense? I've never called a trans person a slur. I've never told a trans person to kill or harm themselves in any way. I've never advocated for violence towards trans people, because that would be abhorrent. I've never, ever claimed that any trans-identified person or ally is subhuman, I've never threatened a trans person or told them they deserve death. I understand how to be a basically decent human being; threatening people is wrong. Implying that someone should attempt or complete suicide is wrong. It's violent and unstable and reflects mental health issues and unresolved emotional trauma.
And yet, whenever I go about my simple acts of dissent, whenever I exercise my right as a human being to say "no" and to continue saying "no" even when someone else wants to force and coerce that "no" into a "yes" through any means possible... I get threats like this. And isn't it interesting! Isn't it so interesting that I have never in my three years of former staunch TRA and trans ally 2006-2021 turned GC "TERF" 2021-2024 even heard of a "TERF" GC woman threatening a trans person, or a TRA, or an ally, never even heard of a trans person being told to "put a gun to your head and pull the trigger you pathetic piece of garbage" ... and yet, I've seen hundreds of posts of TRA receipts where TRAS, allies, and trans people scream at, abuse, threaten, and wish death upon GC "TERF" women (specifically women -- men who are GC aren't called "TERFs", threatened, stalked, and harassed) go out of their way to stalk GC women, attempt to doxx GC women, attempt to and sometimes succeed in ruining GC women's social lives and careers. Even if I hadn't fallen away from believing in trans religion due to 4 separate trans women trying to actively harm me, speak over me, and shut me up and silence me IRL in a 6 month period because "she's more of a woman than [I] am", and "her experience [of believing that women talking about sexual assault in the workplace are attention-seeking liars because she's not been assaulted at work] means I'm a lying attentionwhore bitch for saying it happened to [me]" the violent, aggressive, threatening, coercive, domineering, tyrannical way that trans persons, TRAs, and allies act online would have clued me in that something was fucking screwy. See, actual marginalized groups don't go around threatening others. Actual marginalized groups afraid of harm don't loudly and aggressively try to harm anyone who won't fall in line and get down on their knees to pay fealty.
The way TRAs, allies, and trans people act reminds me of nothing so much as a conquesting, colonializing oppressor class. The methods are the same: "submit or harm and threats of harm will be heaped upon you. Life will become hard for you. Submit, get on your knees, and swear fealty to this new religion or we will threaten to rape you with our girlcocks and encourage you to attempt and complete suicide for daring to have the audacity to challenge our authority by saying no."
It's frightening on a meta, cultural level. It feels like an odd, warped version of emergent new McCarthyism -- except that instead of "communist scum" deserving death and being subhuman and deserving of scorn, threats, violence, surveillance, etc. it is instead women who dare to stand up for our own agency and right to refuse and say "No" who are now the evil boogeyman and convenient scapegoat.
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ms-revived-frogs · 2 years ago
"worst active anti-trans laws" and it's just bills that don't allow males on female teams and don't let minors get cosmetic gender surgeries / stop their natural puberty
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This map is the most up to date version as of 3-4-2023 and takes into account all recent movement on anti-trans legislation
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linkvcr · 8 months ago
good evenin skysword nation
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elipsi · 1 month ago
mi hanno sminchiato la formattazione delle proposte per i cineforum, appena torno in collegio heads will roll
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evadingreallife · 8 months ago
AAA CERCASI che libro faccio leggere a mia nonna di 92 anni che non credo abbia mai letto nulla in vita sua se non le riviste helppp
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omarfor-orchestra · 8 months ago
No allora perché se li fa sposare e gli sposi in questione sono Simone e Mimmo io penso ci metteranno una settimana per scegliere i vestiti
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nodistar · 1 year ago
probabilmente qualcuno avrà già sottolineato questa somiglianza ma non è un caso che io sia ossessionata sia con i mimmone che con i gallavich
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if sneaking pirated pdfs away from a public library is wrong then I don't want to be right
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nevereveraster · 9 months ago
The underlying fuming hatred at the audacity of women dressing how we want and still being proud and happy and loving ourselves as women... it's a lot to unpack. What this TikTok is really saying is:
And meanwhile so many women are just out here living life, giving these religious-cult-obsessed trans losers aneurysms by existing in their bodies and being happy being themselves. Which, ironically, is what the trans movement claims they want people to do.
i cant stand tiktok
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okay? we still know we’re women
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no we’re actually not “trans masc” and insinuating a gender non conforming person is “trans” is homophobic & plays into sexist gender roles! hope this helps
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telefonamitra20anni · 2 years ago
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Resto in equilibrio, resto alla finestra.
Sono nato sotto una buona stella del segno della bilancia, sono una "bilancia socialista", che resta sempre in equilibrio tra chi sono e chi voglio essere, senza comprendere veramente questo socialismo astrologico che mi porto dentro. Resto sempre a guardare alla finestra, senza avere il coraggio di agire, ma con il fuoco vero di volerlo fare, avendo le gambe conflittualmente ben inchiodate per terra. Il solo modo in cui ci riesco, è indossando le vesti dell'attore. Quelle vesti mi danno coraggio di agire ma, nella mia vita di uomo, amerei poterlo fare senza timore. Sono insicuro, indeciso, ambiguo, e valgo molto; ma tendo sempre ad avere quell'equilibrio della mediocrità, tanto rassicurante ad altri occhi, meno per me. Sono in lotta eterna, gioco forza resto in equilibrio. Sono la neutralità egoica che ha voglia di raccontarsi, sempre all' operosa ricerca di un orecchio all'ascolto, di un colore deciso, anche nell'abbigliamento, mi nascondo dei rassicuranti beige, nei mezzi toni, ci affogo. Nelle mie scelte di attore quei mezzi toni li ho colorati, con colori accesi. Contrasti decisi per me che, in alcuni casi della vita sono rimasto a guardare. Nei compromessi sono irraggiungibile, atipico per un diplomatico emotivo. Ed ecco l'intrigo, gli uomini del mio tipo, sono coscienti di tutto, perfino della loro incoscienza. Mi chiedo a cosa servirà poi? tutto questo è da infelici. Sono un critico, crudele e sleale del mio essere, non mi piaccio, ma forse infondo, lo accetto. Con il tempo, ho imparato e ho lasciato che gli altri lo apprendessero a loro volta. Accetto perchè voglio distruggere. Sono un uomo di ombre e di luce, resto in equilibrio aspettando un segno. La fortuna non è stata sempre dalla mia parte, ma quando c'è stata l'ho accolta e carismaticamente sfruttata, infondo solo uno stupido darebbe un calcio al proprio destino, quello stupido non potevo essere io. Ecco il mio piccolo graffio. Se il piatto della "bilancia" pendeva, la mia forza contrapposta mi riportava su, un moto continuo e costante nel gioco della mia vita.
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lesbian-steppenwolf · 1 year ago
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mithliya · 2 years ago
she's doing it again
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this assumption that IM the one going around sending ppl, mainly TRAs, messages about havekat is beyond insane and so unfounded. she has repeatedly fingerpointed at me & it’s borderline insulting how much she projects her own stupidity onto me. why would i be so stupid as to link *my own blog* to a bunch of TRAs & call myself a “fellow terf” or whatever that anon referred to me as? that’s also putting me at potential risk of harassment & if i wanted to be anonymous, i would’ve simply not linked my own blog??? like? it’s not adding up. at this point her incessant need to pin this on me after she repeatedly blatantly lied about me is making me suspicious of her. why does she want to push the idea that i’m behind this? is it to discredit what i’ve said and to paint me as malicious? im not gonna pretend to feel sorry for her or care that this is happening to her bc she had no issue being racist, lesbophobic, a compulsive liar, etc and then emotionally manipulating ppl to get away with it, but i’m also not invested in any of this enough to send anons to countless ppl about her.
if she wants to pretend that i made up her being rad-bad-etc i can happily unblock her and screen record me scrolling thru our dms bc i don’t take kindly to someone lying about me the way she lies about herself constantly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but other than that, i truly do not care half as much as she thinks i do, i dont check her blog & i don’t send ppl anons nevermind combing thru her notes on havekat to tell every blog that reblogged from her that they reblogged from a terf. unlike her, i don’t have the time nor energy for that.
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buscandoelparaiso · 2 years ago
20 giorni alla prima partita di qualificazione euro2024 e mi é venuto in mente questo momento:
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