shansrois 23 days
ok imagine being ningguang's younger sister and secretly in a relationship with the runaway kazuha.
this has been in my draft for 2 years now, i just discovered it again and felt like continuing it <3 to remind my stem student self about my affection for literature.
kaedehara kazuha x gn!reader
fluff, i promise
First of all, being Ningguang's sister means she cannot have as much time to bond with you. but she will definitely make up for it with weekly dinners to catch up with each other's lives.
And being Kazuha's lover, knowing the risks of rumors that may spread when they see you both together, you would both rather not expose your relationship into public. But, Beidou might already have knowledge about your situation, but we'll talk about that later.
Whenever you have the chance to see each other, you two will walk around the silent streets of the harbor at night and snuggle beneath a huge tree somewhere faraway from the city. His body and clothes are very soft to touch and to hug. when he you both wake up from the short nap, you just do whatever feels right at the moment.
You could explore more areas ahead and go sight-seeing, or just chat about how you're doing these past few weeks while your head is laid on his shoulders.
When you find some sort of animal like a cat or a dog, Kazuha would 100% call it over to come to your side. Then you will pet them and give them some food you have. He loves cats, he swore to you that when he is able to go back to Inazuma without a stain on his name, he will bring you with him and visit alot of beautiful places and visit his friend's cat. And the grave too 馃拃
Okay anyways 馃槉
As sneaky as Kazuha is, he was still busted by the captain, I assume he was caught in a trap that was set by beidou which revealed what he actually does in his freetime. She promised not to tell ningguang though, hopefully she really doesn't yet. But, to be completely honest, you wanted to tell her about your relationship yourself.
So one day, when you had the chance to talk to her during her free time, you couldn't miss out on the opportunity to share this little secret with your beloved sister.
"Sister, it's nice to see you again. The weather is magnificent today, isn't it?"
"Hello to you, too. I have tea and snacks prepared for this afternoon. Do make yourself comfortable."
"Hmmm let's have a very honest conversation sis."
The curiosity in Ningguang's eyes gave you the sign to continue.
"Let's play a game, we take turns in asking each other some questions. If we do not want to answer a question, we take a sip of this drink with 40% alcohol that I bought from Fontaine! How does that sound?"
She thought about it for a few seconds and replied.
"That offer sounds very much like you, very well, I'll have my schedule cleared out for the expected aftermath of this game you have."
"Great! Let's start. You can go first sissy."
"How did you get ahold of this high-class drink in Fontaine?"
"Ahaha I... I asked for help from Beidou. Okay my turn! Do you swing that way?" (HAPPY PRIDE MONTH LOVELY PEOPLE)
"Ah yes, seems like you have caught on to my... preferences. Now I shall ask you this question. Are you... Hiding something from me?"
"Yes. Next question, are you and Beidou a thing?"
She was speechless for a few seconds and suddenly she poured herself a drink.
"What! We were getting to the good part!"
"I refuse to elaborate on that topic. Now. Are you and a certain samurai secretly seeing each other in the shadows?"
"Huhh?! What-how, uh, yeah. HOW DID YOU FIND OUT?"
"Beidou is a little too chatty."
Beidou huh.
"Whatever, but yeah, that was the thing that I wanted to talk with you today. Do you approve of us?"
"Sure, why not. That boy has gentleness and passion flowing into his veins. He's totally your type as well. You have my blessings in whatever your plans are with him."
(will continue once i get more sleep)
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shansrois 2 years
Dr. Stone Characters (Senku, Ruri, Kohaku, Ukyo, Sai, Stanley)
How they are like in social medias
Warning : T'was written by impulse, trashy and half-assed.
Senku (was boring to write /j)
username will prolly just gonna be his name like @/_ishigamisenku
barely posts anything you will only see one pic on his feed and it's probably a very random stuff
I just know that this guy posted a clock, yes only a clock, Joel made that clock 馃ぉ
he follows news pages, pretty obvious
idk this guy has phone for science purposes i have no energy to write him these
Taiju supportive af in the comments everytime Senku reposts a news or any science related stuff
No matter how random her posts are everything is perfect 馃ぉ
idk maybe she will use @/rurichan or something like that
Kohaku is her supportive photograper
Sometimes Chrome's with her but expect comments like ''you were with him and not me?'' or "I do not approve of this relationship." from Kohaku
ig posts reaches 5k hearts 馃ぉ
We all love her
Expect Senku to send hate on her solo pics
'wow lioness in her natural habitat'
She was cursing alot, as a reply to him
@/kohaku that's it, that's the username
Always have Ruri in her posts cause they're besties
The type to take selfies and record vids in public with many people because she doesn't have 'social anxiety'
Ukyo Saionji
@/_ukyo.sxionji baam fancier
Earlier posts is him with his coworkers, it's honestly cute
Then he starts to get more aesthetic and his feed and his posts are mostly yellow
He rarely posts photos of himself
Account is full of animals, food, sometimes outfits and random pics he took while he's out of the house
He's loved, i have to add that
Oh and the selcas of him with headphones YSBDUSBDYDHDH LIKE
Like he's in bed and he's on his stomach and wearing headphones SGSSHHSHSDBHD
Please imagine his feed, he deserves all the love
Manga Characters
Sai Nanami
Will post mirror selfies covering his face just to show his outfit and sincerely looks good
Will post his academic achievements and makes it aesthetic intentionally 'cause he finds it fun to make everything pretty in social medias
Account is in private 'cause he doesn't want anything to do with Ryusui or any Nanami's
Ryusui still annoys him to accept his follow request though
Stories are either pretty meals or games
Lowkey minimalist too
Stanley Snyder
Bro knows he is pretty so he shows he is pretty so that everybody sees his face and its pretty
Posted an eye-makeup tutorial as a joke
One time there was a ''hmu d**dy'' in his comments and he didn't hesitate to delete and turn off the comments 馃拝 talk about reserved
Xeno forced him to change his username to '@/stanleyprettyprincess' and he wanted to deactivate his account, he did
Everytime he posts something with ciggars Xeno will comment "Do not be like him kids. "
Seriously do not damage your lungs everyone
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shansrois 2 years
breaking up with yelena (oneshot)
Yelena Attack on Titan x Reader
Warnings : angst, break-up
Sypnosis : Yelena loses her feeling towards you, that's it.
You entered your shared apartment with an exhausted sigh. You just came home from work and it was a pretty tiring week. All you wanted was break.
"Yelena, have you eaten?" you said to your girlfriend just sitting a few inches from you watching whatever is on the television.
"Not yet."
You sat beside her for a bit and then after that you will attempt to cook something for the both of you. And then you remembered something.
A few hours ago, Yelena called you while you're at work. She asked how you're doing, like she always does. But before the call ended, she had told you that she has something to tell you once you get home.
Being the anxious, stressed bich you are, you expected the worst. You've been together with Yelena for like, 4 years? Anything could happen. But you have work to do, you have to try get rid of those scary feelings or you won't be able to function.
But now that you're home and you can see her again, everything actually feels okay.
She always made everything alot better, you relied on her everytime you feel down. She helped you get rid of any pain you have in life. She made a huge impact on your life.
But what about her? How is she?
"Yelena, what did you want to talk about?" she looked your way with an emotionless expression.
She slowly spoke what she has in mind.
"Y/N... don't freak out but, let's end it here, our love story I mean." she told you all of that with an agonizingly painful manner.
Silence engulfed the whole room as you removed your hands that was around Yelena a while ago.
"What..." You said with a solemn look.
Her face remains stoic as ever. It felt like you were the only one who want this to be a joke. But you know that this is hard for Yelena too.
Perhaps, you weren't meant to be.
You can definitley feel the tears flowing onto your cheeks now. With such a pained look, Yelena brought her trembling hands to your shoulders and face. Your hands on the floor beginning to get tired of your weight.
"I'm sorry... It's okay.." she kept whispering conforting words to your ears hoping it would ease the pain. You don't have a heavy heart. Ofcourse you will forgive Yelena. But why...
"Why though...." you asked quietly.
"I know I promised you that I will never leave you but, maybe I can't keep it that way, I-i'm sorry."
Now the both of you are crying on each other's arms. She can barely lift her head up to face you, although she can easily do it with her height.
"Yelena..." you can barely muster any sound but you tried your best.
"I'm sorry I just- I just lost all those feelings I don't know why, it just happened." more crying and sobbing. She is certainly suffering too.
You just suck it all up and comfort her. She needed it.
"Did you find someone new?"
She's actually sobbing way more than you. How you will incredibly miss those moments with her. The happy and the sad ones. You just accepted the fact, right in that moment that it's over. We should cry as much as we can, then continue our lives like normal. But the only difference is, Yelena and You, are not together anymore.
4 years? It felt so long yet so short. It was a great loss but with her every second was filled with huge happiness, probably the greatest you've ever felt.
Now you're here at a certain reunion with your highschool classmates. You can see that tall lady with bowl-cut a few meters away from you, happier than ever, with another girl in her arms now. Honestly, you think of her all the time, does she do the same? It was just the best, to good to be forgotten. But it's been so long since it ended.
Everything that happened in the past, is just the past now. You should move on, be at peace, maybe find someone special again, and live your own lives.
But she's the best of the best. Nothing can change that.
yall i'm not a writer this my first time but thankyou for reading wow
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shansrois 2 years
hi tumblr
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