#top surgery experience
sapphicslut777 · 4 months
today is by far the worst day post op (4 days po).. i’ve been sobbing since 7:30 in the morning. everything hurts and everything itches. i’m running out of guaze/abdominal pads already. i’m so constipated that wearing my binder hurts my stomach. and i’m overall terrified every time i have to wash and touch my incisions. i feel like i’m an absolute nightmare for the person taking care of me. i really just want to crawl into a hole and die there.
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eggsbie · 3 months
I've rarely seen reviews/posts on top surgery with John Hopkins, probably due to their strict privacy policy, but I wanted to note on my experience.
As of writing this I am 5 days from my set date with Dr. Mundy at Hopkins. I've had a very welcoming experience, everyone I interacted with was extremely respectful of my name and pronouns (I am an enby, and had my name legally changed during the process).
I had a short wait for a consult because I chose to go with Dr Mundy dispute her being new. Dr Laing had a much longer wait list, as she is the known sergoen at Hopkins. The consult was very very brief and I did not ask many questions, partially due to nurves and how much I've prepped for surgery. I did not know at the time, but you must request to see patient results due to their privacy policy. Even without seeing photos, Dr Mundy made me feel extremely comfortable and went over everything with me and I feel comfortable going into surgery without seeing photos. Her assistant went over everything Dr Mundy did as well when she came to take photos. Both her and Dr Mundy were extremely respectful and made sure myself and my mother who accompanied me felt sucure in our understanding.
I was extremely lucky and was at least partially due to scheduling with Dr Mundy that from a May consultant I was able to schedule surgery with her in early July. With scheduling we were very clear on our limitations with travel and school in the fall and they were amazing at following them.
Some thoughts I've had that I wish was handled better was doctor preference. A lot of Hopkins preparation documents and instructions simply saying "follow doctors preference"( ex, soap for showering day of, drinking limitations, etc) Except I never went over preferences with Dr. Mundy. They did clear up the drinking limitaions with the surgery prep call before my surgery date, but I was never instructed on which soap to use, simple told to follow doctors preference or instructions. I understand Dr Mundy is new to Hopkins and she may not be as familiar with their policies, and Hopkins does provide a general soap guild line that I will be following, but still feel it should be noted.
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transmascchiato · 11 months
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boytransmission · 3 months
i love how butches can be fully clothed in denim and heavy cotton tees or flannels and that’s our lingerie
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vvossy · 2 months
Transmasc Summer 🐋🐚 Sims4 CC Masterpost
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Top surgery - RFF Phalloplasty - Hysterectomy
───── ⋆ 𓇼°˖🌊 ───── INFO ───── 🌊˖°𓇼⋆─────
I've wanted phalloplasty scars in the sims4 for eons now as a few of my OCs (pictured above) have had bottom surgery, but no one had made any yet, so I decided to make my own.
I ended up going all out and also making a set of hysterectomy and top surgery scars to match the style of my phalloplasty scars.
This is my first ever cc!! So if anyone has tips or tricks or really useful tutorials pls send them over I'm very fresh to all this.
I've tried to make them all be Maxis Match and Base Game accessible!
Pose Used in the header image 🐚࣪ 𓈒
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Top Surgery Scars
Base game Compatible
Masculine Frame Only
Teen - Elder
21 swatches ( 7 top surgery types ((Double Incision, Inverted T, Keyhole, Periareola, Fishmouth, Lollipop)) with 3 transparencies each )
Can be found in the scar category ( front torso + right arm )
Free + No ads download
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───── 🌊˖°𓇼⋆─────
Hysterectomy Scars
Base game Compatible
Both Frames
Teen - Elder
21 swatches ( 7 hysterectomy types ((5 laparoscopic + 2 open surgery)) with 3 transparencies each)
Can be found in the scar category ( fem frame in front torso + masc frame in left arm )
Free + No ads download
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───── 🌊˖°𓇼⋆─────
RFF Phalloplasty Scars
Base game Compatible
Both Frames
Young adult - Elder
6 swatches ( left and right arm with 3 transparencies each )
Can be found in the scar category ( front torso + back torso )
Free + No ads download
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───── ⋆ 𓇼°˖🌊 ───── DO NOT───── 🌊˖°𓇼⋆─────
Reupload (To here or any other sites, reblogging is welcomed though!!)
Put behind a paywall
Steal/claim the cc as yours
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j-rye · 3 months
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bun ny bunny bu nny bunny ? @wolfertinger666
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duchess-of-new-shire · 4 months
A uniquely transmasc experience I think is being a kid and "wanting cancer" because the only way you know of people getting rid of their boobs is breast cancer patients having them removed as part of treatment. And obviously you don't actually want to be sick but the idea of not having to live the rest of your life with tits is so euphoric that the idea of potentially getting cancer seems exciting. And then of course you learn about queer communities and transness and top surgery and you stop praying for sickness every night, but it really highlights how fucked up a lot of our childhoods were because no one let us know about these communities we belong to. If gender affirming care wasn't attacked and stigmatized, if kids were actually allowed to know about these things, a lot of us would've spent a lot less time hoping for disease and a lot more time just,, enjoying life as best we can while we wait to get the care we need.
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deer-knight · 1 year
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one year post-op! my surgeon said we could revisit the areas that separated and left wider scar areas, but - since it's only cosmetic, i like those "imperfections." i was eager to use my new body and i don't regret the visibility of that excitement.
(and since i get asked sometimes - i'm not on T)
[image description: a photo of op from the hips to the chin. op is a slim 20s white person with long brown hair worn loose. they wear black pants and no shirt, and have top surgery scars on their chest. end image description.]
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queerism1969 · 2 months
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shrews-things · 11 months
Things about top surgery that I didn't expect (double incision)
It hurt so much less right after waking up than I thought it would, it was similar to pneumonia lung pain like kind of a burning sensation
Wasn't hard or upsetting to get used to my new look!! Also there isn't an ounce of regret in me, I thought I'd have some at least in the first few weeks
I had the posture of a shrimp for like two whole weeks from that compression garment
It itches as it heals which is fucked up bc I can't feel shit in any of it and also when I try to gently pat it to make the itch go away, I can't feel that either so it doesn't help :')
I'm like 5 weeks post-op and I still can't raise my arms above my head gdkdhskhdn
Still reaching for a bra or binder out of habit when getting dressed
It still feels like I'm somehow??? Hiding my chest???? Like when I was still just binding, I still go like "oh this is a good outfit, it hides my chest well" boy you haven't got a chest to hide
The urge to pull out the loose ends of my dissolvable stitches,,,,
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transmascissues · 11 months
i totally understand why some people have read my posts about my recovery experience and been a bit freaked out by it if they haven't gotten top surgery themselves yet, and i also totally understand other people who have had top surgery wanting to reassure those people so they don't get scared out of having top surgery.
what i don't love is when, in an attempt to be reassuring, other people who have had top surgery say "well, my experience was much easier than this and yours might be too. don't be scared of having this kind of recovery, because you might not!"
if you had a super smooth top surgery recovery, i'm so happy for you and i'll be the first to admit that i envy you. i'm genuinely glad you got lucky! but i also know that, when i was preparing for top surgery, i wanted to know how to prepare for if i did have a rougher time and need more support, because being pleasantly surprised by a better time than you expected is much easier than being unpleasantly surprised by difficulties no one prepared you for. trying to find out how to prepare and being met with varying degrees of "don't worry, that didn't happen to me" was infuriating. the chorus of "that didn't happen to me" didn't do anything for me when one day post-op it took three people to figure out how to lift me into a sitting position without hurting me, and i never want anyone to find themselves in a situation like that totally unprepared. i worked really hard to get ready because i'm disabled and knew my body never has a chill reaction to anything, and i want other people to be able to prepare themselves too, whether they have a specific reason to or not.
not to mention, nothing in my experiences so far has been some worst case scenario that you should pray never happens to you. none of the things i've described in my posts have been complications; it's all just natural parts of recovering. every single time my surgeon has seen me, she's assured my that i'm healing perfectly so far. so yeah, things have been rough, but this isn't a horror story that i'm telling. it's not a warning or a cautionary tale. it's all totally normal and expected, even if it is more intense than some people's experiences. it just doesn't feel great to have my experience treated as something awful when it's all just part of the process.
the confidence that comes with knowing what could happen and feeling ready to face it is such a powerful thing, and i want people to be able to have that going into their surgery. i want them to be able to trust in their knowledge of what could happen and feel equipped to handle whatever comes their way. i want them to know that it'll be worth it in the end, even if it's hard for a while. i want them to know that top surgery is a wonderful thing and is worth doing, even if it's a rough experience, and that they can have a hard time and still come out the other side thrilled with the outcome. i want them to be able to look that fear in the face and say "yeah, maybe it'll suck for a few weeks, but then i'll be so much happier for the entire rest of my life, so fuck it, let's do it."
if i've learned anything over the past week, it's that top surgery is scary but it's also so worth it. if it would make your life better, go for it. i promise, the fear will be worth it. and honestly? a lot of the scary shit isn't nearly as scary once you've experienced it and learned how to work with it.
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lucksea · 5 months
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every day my humansona becomes less human. alas
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yugiamaneisdead · 5 months
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sciderman · 10 months
Oh no Sci! Are you okay?
i have a thingy in my peepee hole (and not in the fun way)
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i've been through a lot this year.
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olvitier · 2 months
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started watching jjk with my partner today and did these 40 min headshots
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kittykatiesblog · 25 days
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