#too bad the ml looks fine
isekai-ed · 2 years
I'm sorry but the tainted half is ridiculous. The emperor can't even look at her scarred face but can't let her go for some reason?? The ml is a bunch of romance cliches in a trench coat — even his "infamous war dog prince" persona is a cliche! The fl is better off with her lady-in-waiting
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So I absolutely despise the Senti-Rich kids plot, and I get the feeling you dont like it much either
Can you think of any way to make a plotline like that actually work in ML?
You would be correct in your assumption! There are a lot of ways to make that plot work. I'll list a few going in rough order from least changes to canon to most extreme changes to canon:
Never use the peacock for canon fodder sentimonsters or mention that sentimonsters have a remote control and the ethical issues become a lot less complicated, letting you treat the peacock like a wacky fertility drug. This path is kinda boring and still makes the Agrestes look bad, but it would remove all my main issues.
Modify the peacock so that there's something to make it clear that the senti kids are different from a normal sentimonster. I think I've seen someone mention the idea that, to make a living senti, you have to give up part of yourself and that's an interesting idea, though I think that sort of nuanced commentary on infertility is too complex for a kids show. Still, the general concept could work, especially if you added a way for a living sentimonster to break free of their amok.
Lean into the secret society stuff the show hinted at with things like the Diamond Dance and whatever the weird mask party was back in season four. Have some sort of rich people conspiracy to have perfect children that the heroes have to stop.
Along similar lines to the previous or in addition to the previous: actually acknowledge that you've introduced a slavery plot to your show and let there be a free the slaves plot. And I mean really free them. None of this, "well, you're technically still a slave, but we've given you the remote control, so it's fine! Just never ever let that ring out of your sight, okay? And be careful about giving yourself orders by accident!"
My favorite path: change the peacock's power to be something else, but keep the general plot line of that power being used in relation to Adrien (and the other two, if you want). I'll admit that this one is somewhat similar to the first idea, but the reason I like this and not that is that I just generally hate the idea of magical designer babies, but I like the idea that Emilie used the peacock for Adrien's sake. It's nice dramatic tension. I actually assumed this was going to be the big reveal up until we learned the peacock's power. Post reveal, I assumed that I was wrong because the sentimonster stuff seemed like too stupid of a move for anyone to make. I also find the peacock both overpowered and too similar to the butterfly, so I've wanted it to be something else ever since it was first introduced. The sentibaby plot line just further fueled my dislike.
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moonstruckme · 7 months
this but with bestfriend james please i beg of you 🫡
No begging necessary ml <3
bestfriend!James Potter x fem!reader ♡ 659 words
“Oh my god,” you grunt, trying to shift James off of you, “you weigh more than a truck.” 
“It’s all muscle, I’ll have you know.” He grins, brown coils falling down over his forehead. “Or it was, until the donuts you coerced me into.” 
Coerced is an interesting term for it. You’d only pointed out the donut shop during your walk to the gym, and James had immediately detoured inside and wharfed down three bear claws blaming you all the while. 
You strain a bit more to try and turn yourself over. James’ hand is warm and familiar on your thigh, and he’s kindly keeping it where you’ve got it pinned instead of trying to struggle like he’s supposed to. 
“I don’t know if I can flip you,” you say. “You’re too heavy.” 
“Well, there’s not much point in doing this if I help you,” he points out. “You’ve got it, love. Focus on using your core.” 
You huff frustratedly, but tighten the muscles in your abdomen. James’ hold on your legs tightens too, and slowly, you roll him over onto his back, your legs straddling his waist. 
“Alright!” You beam, thrilled with yourself. “That was fairly smooth, wasn’t it?” 
James grins at you. “Not bad,” he agrees. “Now we’ve just got to work on getting it the first try.” 
“Yeah, whatever.” You roll your eyes, too happy with your success to think of future improvements just yet. 
Some of James’ curls have become trapped beneath him by your maneuvering, and you bring your hands to his head, lifting it to free them. You press one palm tenderly to his scalp. 
“I didn’t hurt you, did I? When I rolled…” James takes both your wrists in his hands, and you narrow your eyes at him warily. He looks smug. 
“My head is fine, but you won’t be if you let people out of your hold this easily.” He makes a disappointed tsking sound. “You’re supposed to hit me in the face or something, not play with my hair.” 
“I thought we were done,” you say. 
James only extends his arms above his head. Your hands go along with them, and you follow like a puppet, stretching over his torso. 
“Is that what you plan to tell your mugger?” he asks jovially. He’s so close you can feel his breath hitting your chin. You hope you drip sweat onto his face. “You think you can just flip him over and then he’ll forfeit and leave you be?” 
You laugh, trying to pull your wrists from his hold. It only serves to get you closer to him, your body all but collapsing on top of his as you squirm. James dips his head to blow a raspberry onto the spot on your neck where he knows you’re ticklish, laughing when you shriek. 
He finally lets you go. Your hands go to his chest and his to your waist, helping you up when your body is still limp and useless for giggling. You won’t let yourself glance around to see what sort of looks you’re getting after that ear-shattering screech, but you’re sure the heat emanating from your face says enough of your embarrassment. 
“I might actually hit you in the face now,” you threaten. James doesn’t even have the decency to look the least bit worried. 
“Right.” In one easy movement, he’s flipped you over again. You spit a bit of hair out of your mouth as he smiles down at you, the sleeves of his dark shirt tight around his biceps and a light sheen of sweat shining on his face. You can tell from the way his thighs are straining that he’s working to keep from sitting on you with his full weight, but his hips still feel warm and solid on top of yours, and it’s making you think of things you’d better not. He claps a big hand on your hip encouragingly. “Okay, let’s try that again.”
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gojos-whatnow · 8 months
『Make Your Dreams Come True』⇝♡
⭒Alt. title: normal call gone booty :000
⭒Synopsis: Gojo's flirting with you over the phone, as usual, when you suddenly ask him to come over...
⭒Warnings: NSFW, sexual content, subby satoru ml, reader and Gojo are both switchy tho, afab!reader, fingering, dick riding, not clearly stated that reader/gojo are virgins but you can imagine it, reader/gojo are best friends at the start, lots of the word "baby", implied fortnite (I'm probably missing stuff but oh well)
⭒Setting: Juju high Satoru but aged up ykyk cuz his sunglasses are so mmf
⭒Notes: first post but I'm considering making this a series HELP
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You and Satoru happened to be playing games together, as usual when you weren't on missions or doing schoolwork. You adjusted your headphones slightly, feeling the growing head discomfort from wearing them too long. It was worth it for Satoru, however, since he never ceased to make you laugh.
"Why would you run so far off, dude, you're gonna get sniped," you sighed, seeing how far away he was on the map.
"Pfft, I'll be fine, worry about yourself, you're one-tap."
"Maybe if my teammate decided to come help me I wouldn't be."
"You're jus' sayin' that cause you miss me."
This was the usual back-and-forth until one of you got ambushed or something. The normal flirting from Satoru while you shrugged it off with a chuckle. Though, you'd been playing for hours now, and tiredness was creeping into your skull, knocking down the filters of brain and speech one by one.
"Yeah, miss you a lot," you murmured, meaning to sound teasing. It came out all too genuine. "Wish you would come save me, Satoru."
You listened to the clacking of his keyboard, faint over your headphones. Satoru's silence made it all too easy to hear the lull in his playing, the quick pause and pickup. You looked at the map, knowing exactly what it meant. Sure enough, his ping was high-tailing it towards yours. You chuckled to yourself, feeling warmth in your chest. What a hero.
"Something funny?"
"No, no, you're just down bad for me is all," you spoke slyly.
"As if I try to hide it."
"Y'know, I reread our chats when I want an ego boost."
"You serious?" He snickered.
"Yeah. All the times you've called me gorgeous and told me I had a nice ass..."
"Wait, waitwaitwait-"
You heard the clacking of his keyboard stop entirely. Pausing, you realized and looked at your phone, tapping into your messenger. His typing bubble was up, as expected. You continued walking towards him in the game as you waited for his message to come up.
"Ok, there."
You turned to your phone and deadpanned.
S͟a͟t͟o͟r͟u͟u͟u͟u͟u͟ ͟🥺͟️͟🥺͟️͟:͟
Beautiful tits
And rack
You shook your head and hastily typed back 'nice cock' before picking up where you were. You heard his phone go off, a few seconds go by, then his seductive voice spoke to you again.
"Wanna see it, baby?"
He breathed out a laugh and you continued playing, occasionally speaking your mind a bit too much from grogginess. The sleep deprivation had started to show in your voice, though.
"You tired or something? Need a sleebge?"
"Yuh, I'm eepy," you yawned, rubbing one of your eyes. "But let's just finish this match."
"We're gonna lose if you're nodding off while you're getting cracked. Might as well quit while we're ahead."
"Ugh, that phrase. You sound like, fuckin', me." You cringed at your own phrasing, letting out another yawn.
"I wish I was fuckin' you."
After the moment it took your mind to register the words, you felt a response roll off of your tongue faster than you knew it was even there.
"Then come over."
You heard the usual chuckle that you and Satoru would share after something like that snake through your headphones. When you didn't join in, there was a pause.
"Are you... serious?"
A moment. A single moment was all it took in your tired mind to commit to this idea of yours.
"Did it sound like a joke, Satoru?"
You could hear his speechlessness, you could tell he was floundering like a fish right now, his keyboard, his screen, the whole match left completely forgotten. Once you'd had enough of the silence, you spoke to him again.
"I'm absolutely for real right now. Door's unlocked...
Lemme make your dreams come true."
You watched on your screen as a popup appeared. "THE_honored1 has disconnected." With a smile, you left the call, pulled off your headphones to let your ears breathe. You had just finished standing and stretching when there was a soft knock on your door. So uncharacteristic of Satoru.
You quickly checked your clothes and hair, just to make sure you didn't look like an absolute slob who had been in their gaming chair all day. Oh well, Satoru probably wasn't too far off from that himself.
You opened the door, only to find your friend was completely quiet, barely able to meet your eyes, though it seemed like he couldn't look away from them either. With a friendly smile, you stepped out of the way and motioned for him to enter. He stepped past you, hands in his pockets. You closed and locked the door behind him, then turned around just in time to feel an arm wrap around the small of your back and a hand gently grab your chin.
"I need to know..." He paused, taking a breath. He was basically panting, hot breath ghosting over you with each exhale. "I need to know right now... if you really meant it."
"Every word."
"You still do?"
"Of course."
At that, the hand under your chin pulled your face to his and his lips crashed into yours. You could feel him trembling as your arms wrapped over his shoulders, and you could feel his heart racing, beating right out of every artery in his body.
He felt sparks, fireworks, the whole nine yards, as he kissed you. His whole body seemed to stall like an old car as soon as his lips touched yours. His brain turned to mush- no, melted. Reduced to a boiling soup in his skull. Because finally, finally he was kissing you.
'Girl of my dreams' wasn't how he would describe you, but he'd dreamed of you. He'd literally seen you in his slumbering mind, and wished he could do more than just the occasional flirting and borderline sexting. Satoru had been fantasizing about you for years, it felt like, ever since you'd reached that casual first-name basis. He wanted to know what it would really be like. If those fantasies could be recreated.
And when you kissed back, waking him from the sloshing pool his mind had become, he tugged you close, bodies flush. He felt your breasts squish against his chest, one of your hands cupping the side of his head just under his ear, and God did it make him lightheaded as all the blood in his slovenly brain ran south. He could feel his voice in the back of his throat, threatening to let out a moan with every exhale. He struggled to hold it back, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of you by acting like an animal in heat just from your kiss and your touch.
You couldn't say you weren't feeling anything yourself, though. You were sure that, without your bra, Satoru easily could've felt how your nipples were hardening, and your breath shook as one of his hands left your chin and sensually trailed down your side and up under your shirt. But, of course, these feelings weren't nearly as turbulent as Gojo's excitement and arousal, which were only hightened when your tongue slipped between his lips.
You softly leaned into him, tapping his leg with your foot to signal for him to move back. As you continued kissing him, you led him back to your bed, shoving him down to sit on the edge of it and finally letting your lips leave his. As you caught your breath, you crawled up onto him, straddling his lap. He looked up at you with eyes that screamed how bad he wanted you, panting heavily but still wanting more. Then, he chuckled.
"This isn't at all how I expected."
"Hmn?" You beckoned for him to explain, draping your arms over his shoulders and carding one hand into the hair at the base of his neck.
"It's all so backwards from how I pictured it. I always thought I would be the one to invite you over, run the show... be the one in charge, but fuck, I'm such a loser," he sighed out, trailing his hands over your waist and stomach under your shirt. To help him, you pulled it over your head and off, giving him better access and a nicer view.
"A loser? What, for having a girl on top of you?" You purred, trailing kisses along his cheek and jaw. "Please, there's at least a billion guys who'd sell their soul for that."
His voice and breathing trembled as he tilted his head to the side for you. "No, I mean... how I barely had the balls to even come over... Let alone ask you to."
"Trust me, baby, you can do anything if you're tired enough. Or if you're Satoru Gojo," you whispered, nibbling lightly on his ear. A shudder ran down his spine at that, and he felt like he could cum right then and there.
"Fuck... Keep talking like that and I won't last for shit."
"Yeah? And how do you think I feel when I'm touching myself to your messages, hmn?"
He let out a soft gasp as you ground your hips against his. His hands ran to your hips, gripping them and guiding them as they rolled.
"Saying I could last three minutes would be a generous estimate."
"God, you do that too?" He asked, voice coming out whiney. You let out a seductive chuckle that burned through his loins.
"Of course I do. Ego boost, remember?"
"You like when I call you gorgeous?" He sighed, feeling you throb against his crotch.
"Don't dislike it," you admitted. "You're pretty damn gorgeous yourself, though. Pretty boy Satoru."
He felt his rock solid cock twitch in his pants at your words, once again. He was doomed. His molten mind knew that, even as he helped you take his shirt off. And then your hands trailed down his chest and stomach, making him even dizzier.
"Don't think... I can take much more of this..." He admitted as your soft lips kissed down his shoulder. He could feel you smile against his skin.
"Hehe, awwwe, you close Satoru?" You giggled and gave a few harsh rolls of your hips, sending hot pleasure coursing through his lower half. He gasped, hands gripping you tightly.
"Fuck, fuck, Y/n, don't do that."
"Okay, baby, I think you've waited long a enough. Just how long, I wonder?"
It felt like his whole life. An eternity he'd waited for this, for the chance to watch you unbuckle his belt and tug his pants down and off of him, followed by you doing the same with your leggings. You crawled back on top of him, hovering over his thighs and holding his shoulder with one hand to steady yourself. Meanwhile, your other hand found its way into his boxers, and you could hear his breath hitch as your fingers wrapped around his length and slowly started stroking up and down.
"Y-you don't have to do that," he breathed out, a hand gripping your wrist. "Trust me, I'm as hard as I could get."
"Well, I should hope so. You're bigger than even I expected," you chuckled, stilling your hand and pulling it away.
He sighed softly and looked up at you through his pretty lashes with a smug look. "And what about you? Think you could take it? Think you're even ready to?"
You felt yourself clench on nothing at his words, feeling how intense his eyes were on yours. With a smile, you grabbed his hand and placed it at the waistband of your panties.
"Why don't you find out?"
His smile left his face, mouth opening as he took a breath. His eyes left yours to look at where his hand was, and his mind stalled only a moment before his fingers dipped under the fabric of your underwear and softly tugged them down.
He left them about halfway down your thighs and reached up to cup your sex. He drug a finger through your folds, feeling how wet you were and suddenly wanting nothing more than to see how much pleasure he could bring you.
He continued pulling his finger forward until he found your clit, stopping to rub gentle circles against it. He heard a soft noise fall from your lips and watched your hips just barely twitch. God, did he want to turn you into a mess.
He looked up at you and your heated expression. "Can I...?"
"Yeah, yeah, go ahead," you spoke, sounding the least composed he'd heard you all night. Carefully, he slipped one of his fingers between your folds, stopping at a shallow depth and curling his finger to tease you.
"You want it all the way in?" He asked with a smirk on his face and a playful lilt to his voice. You bit your lip, lidding your eyes at him, and wrapped your hand back around his cock.
You watched his whole teasing nature melt away as his cock twitched in your hand, begging for friction. Silently surrendering, he pressed his finger deeper until your cunt reached the base of his finger. He felt around your insides, watching you squirm slightly.
"'S that feel alright?"
"Yeah, you're all good."
At that, he curled his finger forward finding your g spot and feeling your walls clench around him. He added another finger and prodded against that spot. Your hips rolled against his hand as a soft moan was pulled from your lungs. The moment he heard your voice make such a heavenly sound, he was hooked. He couldn't help but move his fingers faster, try to reach deeper, and softly rub his thumb against your clit.
"Satoru," you called, somewhere between a moan and a fond chuckle. You reached a hand up to cover your mouth, only for it to be stolen away and replaced by a greedy pair of lips, drinking in every soft moan you gave. It didn't take long from there to feel a coil tightening in your abdomen, and as you pulled away from Satoru's lips for air, you leaned into him, pressing your chest to his and resting your chin on his shoulder.
"Y-you really want- hah- want me to cum now?" You asked making sure he was actually alright with that fact and not just lost without a thought.
"Fuck yes, baby. And I'll make it happen again when I'm inside you, mark my fuckin' words."
Hearing this, you felt your orgasm crash into you, making you stuff your face in the crook of his neck to muffle your sob. After all, two of your walls were shared with Shoko and Utahime, and you'd prefer that neither knew what was happening (particularly Utahime).
Once your orgasm had ended and you were catching your breath, you felt Satoru pull his fingers from his cunt, letting the cool air of the room touch your slick and make it embarrassingly obvious how wet you were. You pulled away from his shoulder and looked at him, finding he had two fingers in his mouth and a dreamy look in his eyes.
You tasted absolutely delicious. If he wasn't so painfully hard and losing patience, he'd have started eating you out right then and there, not stopping until you were barely lucid. God, how gorgeous you would look like that. But it'd have to wait for next time, and he'd make sure there was a next time.
"Need a break?" He asked softly, though it would pain him to hear you say yes.
"No, no, not after you've been waiting so nicely," you murmured, kissing across Satoru's face. As you did so, you took a hand off his shoulder and used it to tug your underwear all the way off. Once he realized what you were doing, he shifted around to tug his boxers down his own legs, leaving him completely bare under you. There was only one thing keeping you from being just the same.
"You gonna keep this on the whole time?" He asked slyly as he tugged at your bra strap.
"You want it off?"
"Wanna watch 'em bounce." He turned his eyes to yours, pausing your kissing. "You wanna keep it on?"
"Well, it's..." suddenly you looked the most flustered he'd seen you. Ever. Even when he was knuckles deep in your cunt, you'd kept some sort of stoic persona. But now, suddenly, even through the dark he could tell your face was red. "It's embarrassing..."
"Why's that?" He cooed, pulling you close so he could kiss along your shoulder.
"Whaddya mean, 'why-"
"I mean, it shouldn't be embarrassing around me. I worship you. It hasn't changed yet, why now?"
You thought through his words for a second, then sighed and grabbed both of his wrists, pulling them to your shoulder blades.
"...go ahead."
"You sure?"
"Yeah. It's like you said. Why not?"
He gave you a soft look and pressed an even softer kiss to your lips as he fumbled with the clasp of your bra. He unhooked it and carefully pulled it off of you, leaving you completely bare and with an urge to cover yourself as you felt your nipples harden even further with the cool air.
"'S okay, yeah?" He asked reassuringly, dropping his hands to your waist. When you nodded, he leaned forward and trailed kisses along your chest and both of your mounds. Your breath shook as you watched him and how his eyes would occasionally meet yours, making sure you knew how much he loved you and your body. After a bit more kissing, and some hickey-leving and groping, his lips lifted to meet yours, and his hands returned to his waist.
"You ready yet?" You sighed out, pulling your mouth from his.
"I've been ready for an hour, baby," he laughed, his enthusiasm returning.
"You sure?" You cooed playfully.
With a frustrated look on his face, you felt Satoru tug your hips down, pressing his cock against your folds. You bit your lip, feeling yourself throb and softly grind against him. He loosened his grip and you took that moment to lift yourself up enough for you to grab his length and line it up with your entrance.
You both exchanged a glance before he helped you ease down onto his cock, blissful sighs leaving both your throats. You felt Satoru whisper out his thousandth curse of the night and bury his face into the crook of your neck, letting out shaky whimpers as you continued to ease down.
"D-don't worry about- hah- t-taking it all..." he reassured, no longer helping you down - letting you go at your own pace.
"I can fit it," you murmur, continuing your careful decent down onto him.
"God, you're so hot inside. F-feels like I'm melting... All cause of me..."
You meant to chuckle, but it came out as more of a near-silent whimper as you sat down fully, feeling the tip of his cock kiss depths inside you that had never been reached before.
"You really did fit it all," he sighed out, an obvious smile on his face even though you couldn't see it. "You're a fucking angel."
He ran his tongue over several of the hickies he'd left along your neck and shoulder, all easy to hide, as per your request. You rested where you were, trying to get used to his length being the full way inside you.
"You alright?" He leaned back slightly, pulling your chin so you face him. "You're so quiet. You short-circuitting?"
You wiggled your hips and smiled at him, watching his lashes twitch as his eyes threatened to roll back at just that. "I could ask you the same thing," you purred between soft breaths. He leaned forward and rested his chin on your shoulder, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist in a way that was hug-like. One of his hands reached down under one of your thighs and attempted to lift you up, but you stayed put, clenching your walls around him and hearing him let out a shaky breath.
"Can't wait, baby," he whimpered softly. "Can't wait. Please move."
Indulging his sweet, pathetic pleads, you lifted yourself up slowly and sat back down, the feeling of his tip ramming into a certain spot inside you making you clamp down on him once more. His arms tightened around you. "Shit," he let out a sobbing whisper.
"You're so shy right now, Satoru," you cooed, trying embarrassingly hard to keep your voice from cracking. "What happened to all the talk you give me over our calls?" With that, you slid yourself back up and down. The resulting sound that graced your ears was glorious. Right next to your ear, you heard the great Satoru Gojo squeak. So vulnerable.
You picked up these movements at a slow and steady pace, not wanting to overwhelm Satoru, but make him feel amazing. And amazing he felt, dizzy and with his soup-mind more than numb. His soft grunts told you that much.
Everytime his tip prodded against a sweet spot inside you, you wanted to slam yourself down onto him and feel it again, but you knew Satoru wouldn't last if you went too rough. Right now, his arms around your waist pulling you up and down told you what pace he wanted as he steadily pulled you faster. You slipped a hand up his neck and into his hair, tugging softly to hear more of his voice. As the speed mixed with pleasure started making it impossible to keep quiet, you pressed your mouth to the top of his head.
It was clear he knew he was hitting a good spot, as he kept angling his hips to reach that spot with every bounce. One of his hands reached down to rub at your clit and, in your mind, there was the thought that you might actually cum first.
"Fuuuck, I'm close," he whined out, and you could feel his hips twitching up in an attempt to meet your bounces. Between your moans, you whimpered out a "me too."
He started tugging your hips up and down faster, and his hips struggled to meet yours to ram into the very back of your cunt. You yelped the first time his tip slammed into that sweet spot, and hid your face in the side of his head, recalling your wall-mates.
It took barely 30 seconds for your orgasm to wash over you. At the last moment, Satoru grabbed your face and shoved his tongue down your throat, lapping up your orgasmic mewls and keeping you somewhat quiet. Your cunt squeezed his cock tight, and one more thrust did it for him, sending his eyes up and back into his skull as he saw white. Without a thought of hesitation, he pumped your insides full of his cum, orgasming harder than he'd ever felt in his life, and it only felt better at the thought of making you all his.
His lips still stuck to yours as you both attempted to catch your breath. He pulled away for a moment to look into your eyes, only to lean back in and give you a real kiss, making you whimper.
"I fucking love you, Y/n," he sighed out as he pulled away, looking back into your eyes with a gaze so genuine, it made you freeze. "This... this is a terrible way to ask, probably top 5 worst ways, but... will you be my girlfriend?"
You sighed out a laugh and pulled his lips back to yours, kissing him with a completely different intention now. "How could I say no to you, honey? Heh, and you called yourself a loser," you shook your head. "Would a loser be in this situation?"
He rolled his eyes at you and pecked you on the lips. You gave him a soft smile, but yelped as you felt him swing you around, tossing your back down onto the bed. Your mind caught up just in time to see him on top of you with a dopey smile on his face.
"So, Sweetheart, you wanna go again?"
BONUS: The Morning After
After spending the morning making sure that your legs still worked, your hickies were covered, and that no one was around to see Satoru leave your room, you met with your classmates as if it were any normal morning. It seemed like one too, as you greeted everyone, including Satoru. He'd waited for you to text him that everyone had already left, so he was the last one out.
"Morning, Sleepyhead," you waved.
"If I had known you would be so late, I would've came and woken you up myself," Geto sighed. You quietly thanked God that Geto didn't attempt to do that.
"Hey you guys," Shoko waved. You felt nervousness in your chest at how amused she seemed.
"Did you have fun last night?"
Your stomach dropped, and you slowly turned to Shoko, finding a smug look on her face. Geto look confused, but knew something was up when he saw the terrified stares of you and Satoru.
"What happened?"
"Nothing important," Satoru waved his hand dismissively with a sigh, but his face was red too.
"I'll tell ya later, " Shoko leaned over and whispered to Geto.
"What're you idiots making such a big deal about?" Utahime asked, looking at you and Satoru's expressions.
"Hey, Utahime, you didn't happen to hear any weird noises last night, didya?" Shoko asked, leaning around you to look at her.
"I did, actually. Around 11, I think. Why?"
"Nothing, just making sure I wasn't hallucinating or something," she brushed it off, continuing to smirk at you and Satoru. At that Utahime left with a suspicious look.
Geto suddenly put the pieces together, eyes widening. "Wait. You two..."
Shoko nodded with a knowing 'mhm'.
With a look over his shoulder to make sure that Utahime was really gone and Mei Mei wasn't looking, Satoru reached over and tugged your collar to the side, displaying a blue hickey. You slapped his hand away, looking at him with a beat red face.
"Satoru!" You gasped.
"Oh, we're dating, by the way." He spoke coolly, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"Took you long enough," Geto rolled his eyes.
"I told you, man, I had a plan this whole time."
"Last I checked, that wasn't at all the plan."
"Well, I had to make some... situational changes."
You, Geto, and Shoko all deadpanned at his bullshittery.
"Okay, look, the point is that it worked out."
"I guess I can confirm that," you sighed.
"Is he any good?" Shoko asked, nonchalantly. "Eh, why bother asking? I could hear the answer to that last night."
"Shut up!!"
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huellitaa · 7 months
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𓍢ִ໋♡𓂃 ࣪ ִ receiving your blessings! ୨🧸୧
˚₊‧꒰ა roots ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
• feeling guilty about being given things you supposedly "dont deserve", like lots of love or gifts or whatever it may be, comes from a lack mindset.
• that is where you feel there is not enough of these things like love, gifts, money, etc. to go around. you think of the world as though there is always "not enough" and feel the need to push away the blessings you receive for someone or something else, or hold on to every little scrap of everything you find bc you fear you wont find it again.
• this comes from having a lack of things like love, money, affection, etc. in childhood and continues on as you grow up & get older.
one thing i've noticed is a lot of people actually treat this as a normal thing to push away the things youre given because you think "this is too much" or "i dont deserve this" or anything along those lines.
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ "i dont feel worthy of this" if you werent worthy it wouldnt be given to you. everyone and everything comes into your life for a reason, good or bad, and its your job to accept that and learn the lesson that comes from said thing or person. if someone offers you a gift, money, a job offer you've wanted, etc. if you know its safe then take it !!
── there are people with less money than you, less talent than you, less potential than you, out living your dreams just because you were too scared to take that opportunity you were given and just go for it. dont look back and think "oh, i should have taken that". dont let yourself have regrets when you know you can avoid them. life is to be lived, not feared.
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ "im not sure if i should" the opportunity wouldnt arise if it wasnt 100% certain it would benefit you in someway. obviously if you feel its sketchy or unsafe for whatever reason stay away from it and obviously do not go through with it or take it but if you know its safe and fine but youre still not sure then what are you doing!!! take it!!!
── you are refusing the gifts being given for what? worry? worry about what? who are you to doubt the gifts you are being given when you know its safe and you should take it? would you be concerned if someone gave you a gift on your birthday? this is the same thing. every day is your birthday if youve got the right mindset 🫶
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🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ "someone else deserves it more" what. think if you got a present on your birthday and it was something you'd wanted for aaaaages. would you sit there and think "no, someone else deserves this more than me"? if the answer's yes then you need to get your priorities straight ml im sorry. this was given to you for you. why are you doubting the universe- the world????? what???? girl what
── ok this can go two ways. if its something someone else genuinely needs because they dont have it and could heavily benefit from like fresh water, a job offer, a housing offer, fresh food, i would give it to them if i already had those resources for myself too because everybody needs those. they're basic necessities to live & thats basic empathy. but if its something you dont need to live but really really want and are being given the chance to obtain then what. are you doing. girl. take it! what is your problem!
🧸𓂃 ࣪˖ i think if you find yourself saying or thinking these things often, pause for a second and ask yourself why you think this. is it something to do with growing up, the people around you, your financial status.. whatever it may be, it always helps to find the root of the problem. ♡
treat yourself to whatever you wish! you deserve it just because you are alive. that is a difficult task in itself. you deserve it just because you want it. you work so hard, so why shouldnt you have the things you want? take that gift, take that money, take that date, take that offer. life is too short to regret what you could have had 🫶💕
lots of love 💘
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wolfiesmoon · 9 months
The wrong guy
teacher!Nanami x teacher!reader
so i started watching the kdrama "a good day to be a dog" recently and the ml makes me think of nanami so much it's not even funny. this fic is based on the plot!!
Warnings: drinking (but its wholesome dw), gojo
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It's been about 5 months since your last breakup. You didn't really care for that ex, if you're honest. He immediately dumped you after you told him that kissing is off the table.
You could say that you are a bit unlucky when it comes to relationships and that's mostly because of that dastardly curse.
For as long as you can remember, your mom has been warning you to never ever let someone kiss you and to never kiss anyone, ever.
Otherwise you would end up like your cousin, doomed to live as a dog for the rest of his now shortened life.
It's his fault he got drunk and kissed a random girl, couldn't track her down in 100 days and didn't break the curse. But it was a pretty scary reminder of your family's curse.
Life moves on without waiting for you and there's no time to worry about your unfortunate love life in this society.
Today is another completely normal day at work. You walk to the school, greeting students along the way. The kids look awfully excited to go to school when it isn't exam season.
Youth must be fun. Especially sneaking around with your high school sweetheart.
While walking to your classroom, you run into your favourite co-worker, Gojo Satoru.
"Good morning!" He greets you smoothly, flashing you that perfect smile of his. You greet him back, always excited to see him.
"Are you free tonight? Because me and some other teachers are going drinking. Wanna come?" He asked you, and you nodded immediately. Of course you're going drinking with Gojo (and company). You could never refuse!
"Great! I'll send you the adress!" He waved you bye with a cheeky smile, going in his classroom to do homeroom.
Oh, right, you should probably be getting to that too. You can't set a bad example for your class by being late to homeroom.
You walk past the classroom where Nanami teaches and you have no idea why, but you stopped in your tracks to look at him a little.
You're not sure why, but he doesn't seem to like you at all. He always seems a bit distant and uncomfortable around you.
It kind of makes you sad. And it doesn't help at all that you constantly have to read notes about how hot he is after you confiscate them from your students.
What is up with this school and attractive teachers, anyways? Your students just barely got over Gojo and now they're thirsting over Nanami. Not that you can blame them.
You continue on, opening the door to your classroom. "Good morning!"
"Good morning, teacher!" The students shout back.
When you get to the meeting spot, Shoko is already waiting there. She greets you calmly.
"Hi. Uhhh..." you don't know where to go from here. It's kind of awkward just standing around and waiting for the others to arrive.
"You like Satoru, don't you?" Shoko asks suddenly, smiling at you.
"Huh?! How did you know?!"
"It's... obvious. But today's your chance. He's in a good mood when he gets drunk, you could attempt something." Shoko raised her brows.
Well, there isn't much to attempt if you can't kiss. Will a kiss-less confession work?
"Hello~" Gojo interrupted you just as you were about to answer Shoko and you jumped a little in surprise.
Nanami was standing next to him. Oh, so he invited him, too... You have a feeling this is going to get a little awkward.
While the lot of you headed to the bar, Shoko walked next to Gojo, talking to him about various things you didn't really care about.
That meant you were walking next to Nanami... in painfully awkward silence. Yikes.
"How was your day?" You asked with a painfully forced smile.
"It was fine." He answered simply, not even trying to continue the conversation. Right, you should just be quiet.
There's no use in getting buddy buddy with Nanami.
"Let's dig in!" Gojo grabbed the meat happily while Shoko and Nanami both immediately grabbed the bottle.
Eager to drink, aren't they...
Shoko nudged you gently. "Just wait till he gets drunk and then go in for the kiss. He likes them bold." She whispered.
You smiled and nodded awkwardly, unable to tell her why that's impossible for you.
You had loads of fun from there on out and all of you got atleast a little drunk. Turns out Shoko is more of a party animal than she lets on. Maybe you were wrong, this little get-together isn't awkward at all!
"I need some air, excuse me." Nanami bowed slightly, getting up and walking outside. Still as monotone and polite as ever when drunk, you suppose.
After about 10 minutes, Gojo's phone rang and he drunkenly excused himself to answer the call. If you weren't drunk as hell too, you would be worried about how the call will go. I mean, I doubt a professional call can go well when the other person keeps giggling and talking nonsense.
"Just goooo for itttt~" Shoko encouraged you after Gojo left your fields of vision, drunk out of her mind. To be fair, you weren't any less drunk right now, so you weren't thinking straight at all. You got up and ran off after Gojo. Who cares about a stupid phone call, you've got a man to kiss!
And there he is, on the corner behind the bar! You'd recognise that greyish blue jacket from a mile away! You cling onto him, giggling happily and he seems to call out to you.
"I love youuuu...." you slurred out, squinting your eyes at his face. Man, it's hard to see his face in the dark and with blurry vision to boot. No matter, you still know the general area of the lips.
"I wanna date youuuu.... and you should be my boyfriendddd..." you grabbed his cheeks and faintly heard his voice again. You can't make out anything he's saying right now. It's like a weird trance that your drunken determination put you in.
You pressed your lips to his, sighing. It's a weird feeling for sure, but not all that bad! Ahhh, this all feels like a dream! After a long long time, you finally got to kiss someone. And it's Gojo Satoru no less!
"What the f.... Nanamin?!"
A shiver ran all the way from your toes to the top of your head. You looked at the direction of the voice. It's.... Gojo?! That's definitely Gojo, standing to your right and looking really surprised. But, then...
You looked back at the person who's cheeks you're currently holding to find... brown eyes staring at you. No way.
Now that you think about it, both Gojo and Nanami are wearing a greyish blue jacket. Oh no... Oh no no no no.
You sobered up almost instantly which was an out of body experience, one that you've never experienced before. Not only did you kiss the wrong guy in your drunken state, the curse also completely slipped your mind. Is it almost midnight already?! How are you going to explain this tommorow?! Why did it have to be Nanami?!
There's no time to panic, you have to get OUT OF HERE. STAT.
"I am so so so sorry!" you gently push Nanami away, running off and accidentally pushing Gojo slightly which made him stumble.
"Wait, why are you leaving already?!" Gojo called out after you but you ignored him. You have to get home to your family. Then you're safe. All you have to do is make it there before midnight or you'll turn into a dog.
Oh jeez... this innocent night which was supposed to go your way ended up becoming a nightmare.
Now you have to get Nanami of all people to kiss you while you're a freaking dog.
Still, kissing him didn't feel all that bad...
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youuuimeanmee · 7 months
SxF Chapter 95 Thoughts
The drought is over.
AAAAAA I know we're nearing the end-semester gala but I never thought we'd get it on THIS chapter AAAADHJDJSKDN
When I saw the chapter is 21-pages long, I made sure to savor it well sskskjs
"Guardians will not be attending the gala." DAMMIT. Oh wait, Twillight can just disguise himself as a volunteer. I forgot.
Lol this is really not good for Damian's poor little heart.
WOHOO Becky cute!!
Huh, looks like Henry and Martha had a history together. Maybe they used to be classmates in Eden? Or something else, maybe.
The party is different than I expected. I thought ALL students will mingle in one place. I thought we'd meet Demetrius here. Oh well.
Damn this is depressing. Reassignation class based on academic performances. It's really happening. Anya will be separated from Becky. Hopefully their classroom will not be that far off 🥲
Damn Damian. Looking fine there, like a true young chaebol.
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ANYA IS CUTE!! She's a princess!! 😭💕 I was surprised with her hair, I thought she'd keep the haircones. It's almost like as long as the little bundle of her hair is protected, any hairstyle is fine. Her dress though... It's darker than I expected; I thought she'd go with light color. But this is fine too. She's cute either way. (lowkey reminds me of a little witch, lol). It's also cute how she and Damian looks matching with black-and-white outfits, hehe. (Then again, this is b&w manga. Will their outfits have different color in the colored illlustration?)
Nicee Ewen, you do know when to give credits when it's due.
Nah Damian you're just making up shit now. You have excellent eyes, you know her dress is not cheap.
Of course Damian would fo anything for any imperial-scholar related. Cute.
Now this is interesting.
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Some people say it's a reference to Harry Potter, so I wonder if some of it will turn out to be true. Especially the last two: "the cursed underground maze in section 4" and "the sealed chamber in the tower of wisdom." Sounds like hella suspicious places for a school filled with top political figures in the country. What if those are the places Donovan entered often? Hmmm. *sus glance* Wonder if DamiAnya gang will tackle the 7 mysteries like in Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun and see something they shouldn't see like in Promised Neverland, lol.
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Anya, you got this! It's the name you learned in the school's interview! She already forgot, lol. But at least she got the "Ben" right!
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Wonder if any of these kids will become Anya's new classmate, lol. Endo really used his break time brainstorming new characters here.
OMG IM DED. Narcis Hubrisse. Brayzen. These fucking fitting names I swear 🤣🤣🤣
Yesss you go Becky. Set your standard high. Don't mingle yourself with these lowly boys.
YAAASS. A GENTLEMAN ASKING ANYA OUT. YOU GO BOY. Even if it's a facade at least it's better than these Hubrisse and Brayzen boys.
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HE'S HEREE HE'S FUCKING HERE. His hairstyle is ugly but HE'S HERE. I was wondering if we're gonna meet him soon. I was righttt, he iss gonna be a recurring character. I mean look at the name reveal from chapter 93. Look at that damn edgy hair. Hopefully he will be Anya's new classmate. But I never thought he'd put an interest in her as a runner-up in the classical language test. What is his background? How is he so good with the classical languange to even reach 90-ish points even though it's rarely taught? Does he have a connection with Anya with his gift in classical language and weird hairstyle? Why does he have such unsettling bow tie? I need to knooww
And he even pull off such a strong reaction from Damian too, skskjsksk. 2nd ML candidate? Lmao
Good to know Arnold's family is B tier. Not bad.
Twillightt you got soft. Letting Anya and Damian do whatever they want? What happen to the mission?
Lowkey sad to see Anya trying hard because Twillight didn't trust she would do a good job in plan B.
Oh mah gahh these preciouss kiddss 😭True homiess 😭😭💕💕
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At least this will ensure Anya to get her place fair and square.
I wonder if Twillight realize Anya is approaching Damian for the sake of world peace she mentioned. Or he's simply motivated with Anya's motivation.
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But at this rate, the dance will be over the moment Damian got his partner, lmaoo
Great comeback chapter! 🔥🔥🔥
*Edit: Screw what I said that Arnold might be the 2nd ML. I don't trust his hairstyle, his droopy eyes, his bow tie, and his polite manners. So far we've seen only adorable children but he could be evil for all we know. Better be cautious than sorry.*
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mikuni14 · 9 months
I know I keep talking about Tharn and how wonderful he is, but I also have to say something about Phaya. Who is, on reflection, a perfect example of a "manly man"✨, the main character of an action movies, who works for me for once. He's also one of the few action/adventure/crime MLs that I find really hot and attractive, something other productions almost never achieve. Why? Because - I say this only from my perspective - what the producers THINK will be attractive to me is completely different from what I actually FIND attractive.
Phaya is a classic male hero, but he takes classic patterns of masculinity and reworks them in his own way.
Phaya looks very masculine, but in a way that I like. He's muscular, but not too much. His muscles were developed through martial arts training, sparring, something that is related to his hobby and work, not worked out just for being muscular. We see him determined and focused when he goes through training, but he also has fun sparring with his friends, instructors, WITH THARN (that's a completely different story 🔥). We see that he likes healthy competition, that he has ambitions, but he is focused on improving himself, not on proving to others that he is better than them. Phaya has a healthy approach to his body, to competition and to sports.
I like that Phaya takes care of himself, that he tries to look good (especially for his crush), BUT AT THE SAME TIME he has no qualms about finding the most embarrassing matching shirts and persuading said crush to put them on and casually stroll around the tourist area town, looking like a funny, old married couple. Phaya has a healthy attitude towards his appearance and how people perceive him (he doesn't give a fuck). The most important thing is that Tharn is by his side. In a matching shirt.
I like how active and task-oriented Phaya is, that he recognizes his own or any other problems and just does something about them. Suspicious murder? Phaya starts ivestigating. Strange dreams? Phaya has been researching it all his life, now he's going to the place where he can find answers. Tharn is not answering his calls? Phaya doesn't get offended, he doesn't create scenarios in his head, he just goes to Tharn, confronts him and comes up with a creative way to relax the stressed Tharn. Phaya acts, does research, has no qualms about asking for help and accepting help. Phaya is a pack animal, not this lone wolf bullshit.
I absolutely love how open Phaya is with his feelings, with himself. Friends? Grandmother? The Abbot? THARN? Phaya doesn't hide anything. When Tharn asks if he's feeling ok at the festival, Phaya tells him about his troubling feelings, he doesn't hide behind a straight face and "I'm fine." Phaya is not afraid or ashamed of his feelings or talking about them. Or admitting weakness, feeling bad or even fear.
what deserves a special mention is how open Phaya is about his interest in Tharn - towards Tharn and the rest of the world. Phaya is like "Tharn, I'm so interested in you and I want you to know it". And if anyone else sees this, it's not his and Tharn's problem, it's the world's problem, because Phaya is too busy with Tharn, who is all delicious right there, to worry about the rest of the world. Phaya is a grown man who knows what he wants and currently wants Tharn and to be a good cop and solve the mystery of his dreams and he will not waste his energy and time on proving his worth or anything else to the world.
Phaya has his own life BEYOND the romanse. He has a job, ambitions, a family, a home, his art, interests, and his own personal problems to face. Tharn is a part of his life, a new part, because Phaya existed as a person before Tharn.
I also like how Phaya treats his sexuality, namely he is completely ordinary and normal about it 😀 No issues, no trauma, no internal conflicts, no "finding himself", no crisis. I like the fact that he is pushy with Tharn, and although I'm normally not a big fan of kisses "without warning", it doesn't bother me in this case because Phaya is completely aware that Tharn likes him "that way". Tharn is flirting heavily with Phaya and they already had their almost kiss, so Phaya didn't cross the line with him. Besides, Tharn is also a grown man who can read Phaya's intentions, and he kissed him first - twice 😂 Phaya's sexuality is not a problem in this story, he is very simple about it.
Phaya is the kind of action hero that simply suits me. He seems to fit the type: he's aggressive, cocky, talented, smart, inventive, handsome and athletic. But he is also - in a quite ordinary way- nice, caring, friendly, supportive and helpful. He doesn't put himself in the center, he doesn't make everything about himself. He's also very funny, doesn't take himself seriously, can be a classic dudebro, goes to parties where he plays stupid games 🍾 and he is open with his feelings. He is naturally, effortlessly cool, but sometimes he is a bit pathetic and doesn't get everything right.
For me, Phaya is Phaya from the scene in the tub of icy water, hugging and supporting Tharn (because he wants BOTH of them to pass this test), it is Phaya from the scene in the bathroom, super sensitive to Tharn's mood, it is Phaya visiting tourist attractions with his crush and tucking him in to sleep. This is Phaya knowing when he can allow himself more with Tharn and knowing when to stop. This is Phaya who doesn't lie to Tharn, who seduces him, gives him time, gives him space, but at the same time leaves no doubt about how he feels about him and makes sure that Tharn is aware of it. It's Phaya intoxicated by Tharn's closeness and also coming up with cute nicknames for him.
Phaya is a classic model of masculinity without all the toxic, violent, stupid alpha bullshit, but with self-awareness, true personal freedom, the ability to function in a relationship, a family, a team, society, readiness for self-development and emotional maturity. He is a natural leader who can apologize to his teammates. Phaya redefined the male action hero type and I love him for it 💖
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murfpersonalblog · 23 days
IWTV S2 Ep8 Musings - The Ep8 Script (Pt2)
Thanks to slitwrstsavior sharing the script and @memorian for digitizing it! <3
Had to do Pt1 in chunks, cuz of Tumblr's 30-pic limit.
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DANGIT. So this was INTENTIONALLY vague, not just some weird choppiness or cut footage.
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Ohhhh.... They added just a tiny extra line--
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But it's a SPICY line, cuz it implies that Les wasn't fully cooperating/on board with the rehearsal. BUT! Like I said, there's no effing mention/emphasis/indication that he was INJURED, either, which is an L.
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They changed it--Louis looks UP, into the middle distance.
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I'm fine with it either way--this scene had me and my bff SCREECHING.
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Pet peeve, but the crew really should've been spritzing these vampires with a spray bottle of red blood, so we'd SEE the BLOOD SWEAT. (I was thinking about this when that post was circulating about vampire sex in IWTV fanfiction, like, AMC didn't show visual vampiric cues like Blood Sweat or blood (ejaculate) stains on the coffin lining--Les' was WHITE, and we KNOW Loustat was going at it in the coffins, so were they just reupholstering CONSTANTLY?) The books mention Blood Sweat all the time, all over their clothes, but the show just focused on Blood Tears (and ofc Les' ear hemorrhages).
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OOOOOOOO.....!!! 👀 That highlighted bit was cut out! "You have grown warm again, filled with the love which you first came to Paris with." WUUUUT!?! So Armand's mind-wipe gaslighting BS against Louis was in the exact same vein as Claudia "finding her childlike wonder again"--which was IMPOSSIBLE, since ARMAND was the one that beat it out of her, Mr. 500 Performances, Mr. Sleep In Your Costume; Mr. They Gave Me A Choice; Mr. I Will Not Harm You.
I seriously suspect that every time Louis had an "outburst" like he said in 1x2, or "acted out," Armand would be like "Go back to your first night in Paris--forget all the bad stuff, just be warm & happy [with me];" but then Lou would FIGHT it (or rather: Daniel's constant prodding would PUSH Louis to fight it), and Armand would have to do it all over again. (My question's why didn't he just kill Daniel? Arrogance, I reckon--he severely underestimated just how good Daniel was; and "You can get lazy," like Lou said, cuz Armand didn't even bother to read Dan's thoughts to learn that the Talamasca was feeding Daniel all this extra information).
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They cut that line, too--was Louis parroting him (fighting hypnosis), asking him (for clarification), or challenging him (indignant)?
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That might also explain the new couches, LOL, if he wrecked them from the impact or bled on them or something.
(We already know Jacob improvised shaking Eric's hand.)
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MLS = LePere Schloop?
Too bad we didn't get this--I wanted to see the main door/lobby of the penthouse (certainly not for my The Sims Dubai penthouse layout, no sir~!) .
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They added extra lines about the hurricane being pre-July.
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Uhhh.... This might imply certain things. Cuz I've been saying that the post-Paris timeline makes no effing sense (X X), and now we have confirmation(?) that Louis' had an Amex membership since 1951.... Even though Amex credit cards were only started in 1958, as a competitor for the Diner's Card that started in 1950 -- so was Louis an INVESTOR who helped launch the Amex credit card!? XD STFU, AMC! I thought y'all said No Forrest Gumpness!? XD
Also: HOW does Louis qualify for all these credit cards? (We saw he had a regular Amex Green Card in 1973 SanFran). According to Amex application qualifications, you need a US SSN or ITIN; OR a foreign credit card to apply.
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And France isn't listed. (Unless anyone's French and has an Amex card who can correct me?)
SSNs have been issued since FDR (1936), so Louis SHOULD have one...but it would be from 1936-40 (pre-Mardi Gras), or after Paris () . Meaning on paper he'd be in his 80s in 2022, so I don't imagine he'd be a Black Card carrier for too much longer, unless he's got someone on the inside cooking the books for him.
Omfg AMC I hate y'all. got me out here overthinking effing PROPS.
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They added a few lines about the green "pearly gates" of 1132:
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And took out a few lines:
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And took out an interesting bit of tea:
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So the people of ~1940s NOLA thought Claudia was Louis' daughter (Claudia DPDL confirmed???) but the grapevine ALSO rumored that she was his child bride--OOF! 💀 (Which tracks with the AR pedo/incest stuff. Thank goodness they DON'T remember his name!)
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Rolin keeps mentioning this smashed piano, but I HAVE LOOKED, but I also have crap eyesight (curse you, midnight gaming sessions), and I just don't frikkin see any smashed piano. HELP.
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DEFINITELY not the Mayfair mansion though! XD DANG, I wish they'd included a few frames of gangs tryna rob the Garden District homes, coming up on the Mayfair house, and IMMEDIATELY booking past it like they'd seen a ghost. CROSSOVER, AMC, COME ONNNN.
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Drats, I wanted to see Millennial Fledgling try to square up against Lou, and get one of Lou's patented condescending smirks. XD
And Les looked dirty, but he didn't look malnourished, sadly; which I'm still mad about.
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In the FLOORBOARDS? OK, come through, BRUCE--I been saying this about Lestat, yet people wanna call me names!
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New rule, AMC: NEVER remove Loustat lines. We need ALL the angst. Les out here like: ain't no way a baddie like Lou is SINGLE! XD
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S3 BETTER show us Les watching the most vapid ish on Youtube, omg.
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Drats--it might have been cool to see him with those huge pupils he gets when he's mad/hungry, but ah well; he still looked like a gorgeous BAMF.
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Hello! I've been reading through all your posts so far and even though I am personally an ML fan and not a salter, I love media analysis and I'm sad that there isn't much of them in the fandom. There are directions in the show that I'm not satisfied with and I'm currently working on a rewrite for a future comic.
I'm curious about your ideas and takes on how you would personally rewrite ML, right now one of my issues is figuring out how the Peacock Miraculous works bcuz of sentimonsters. How would you write them?
I'm glad that you're enjoying my stuff! I label it all as salt because - as best I can tell - this fandom defines that as anything even slightly negative, but my goal is more analysis and discussion than angry ranting. Talking about what a piece of media did wrong and how you would improve it is a fantastic way to improve your own writing. It's why I got into media analysis in the first place!
Funnily enough, I do have a massive rewrite out there somewhere on AO3, so I DO have thought about how to handle sentimonsters. Or, more specifically, I've thought about how to handle the peacock. I'll give those first, then circle back to sentis.
In my humble opinion, the idea of sentimonsters should be scrapped for the following reasons, all of which existed long before the sentitheory was even on my radar:
Sentimonsters are too derivative. They feel like akuma clones and not a unique power. You can tell that the power was only created because they wanted/needed a power that would let the peacock be used at a distance the same way the butterfly is even though no other miraculous works this way.
If you want to do a slavery plot, the kwamis are right there being enslaved. You don't need to add human-looking slaves to the mix. Especially given that many of those human-looking slaves are apparently fine to kill off? Just, the ethics around the way the show does sentimonsters will always make me feel icky. Meanwhile the kwamis don't have the awkward element of being magical constructs that were made to serve. They were a free people before the miraculous. The one way I've played with using Felix is as a kwamis freedom fighter instead of a senti one.
Sentimonsters have too nebulous of a lore. In what way are they emotions brought to life? Outside of Feast, emotions don't seem to effect them at all. Nooroo's powers feel far more emotion based than Dusuu's and it bothers me.
There's also the fact that one of the show's biggest problems is character bloat. No writer alive can write a satisfying story that features a team of 36 characters! (18 humans + 18 kwamis) This is why the kwamis act as a hive mind once Marinette becomes the Guardian. You just can't write that many characters into a scene and keep their personalities straight, so they're now a single unit even though it makes Sass and Wayzz feel out of character.
Give all of that and the way the miracle box is kinda... well, it feels a little too cultural appropriation-ish for my tastes. I won't go on a full rant here, but to give two highlights: the zodiac miraculous don't seem to have a thing to do with the real Chinese zodiac and a box based on Chinese lore would NOT use a black cat for the symbol of bad luck. Black cats being bad luck is relatively modern European lore. In other words, the Chinese stuff is just there for ascetics and not actually representative of Chinese culture, so I had no moral issues scrapping the miracle box and making a much smaller version and neither should you if you're so inclined!
The thing about lore is that it only matters as much as the show makes it matter and, outside of a few key miraculous, I really do think you can change them without most readers caring because of how little the powers actually matter to the show's lore. Like they have completely scrapped the idea of making a person match their miraculous even though that was supposedly a big thing back in season two. This is extra true because it took us so long to learn all the powers in canon, so there are a lot of fics that pre-date the canon reveal and do different things.
But if you want to keep sentimonsters to be more canon accurate, I would consider all of the following as options or things to keep in mind. Feel free to use all or none of them as I'm probably never touching this plot and, if I do, it will doubtless be different from whatever you do:
Doing something to make the difference between valid and non-valid sentimonsters abundantly clear and not just "the creator decides who is valid" OR just don't make any sentimonster valid and have Emilie have used the miraculous out of a desire to help people because she didn't know it would kill her
Have Gabriel be more conflicted about the use of sentimonsters since, you know, his kid is one and Adrien, Felix, and Kagami are the only sentimonsters he dealt with for many, many years
Consider having Nathalie make one sentimonster (maybe even present it as her own child) in order to help Gabriel so it's not a slew of akuma 2.0 on the battlefield. Instead its someone at the school looking for Ladybug and Chat Noir after the villains realize that they're teenagers. (This could be a good way to use Lila and make her powers make sense)
Redo Dusuu's Force or make the tie between sentimonsters and emotions more clear. Like Felix is made from jealousy and Adrien is made from love so that's the source of their conflict
Use Felix as a third, morally neutral party who only cares about sentimonsters and have him act toward those goals like we all thought he was going to after season five. Magneto from X-men should be your template for him not whatever canon did.
Consider letting Kagami know from the start and let her know that she and Adrien are meant to be, but she's not allowed to tell him the truth or something. If you don't go that route then, at the very least, have her finding out be a big deal for her relationship with her mother.
Go all in with Adrien's commands. Gabriel wants Adrien to date Kagami? He's going to date Kagami. None of this Y-7 undo button BS. Go big or go home.
Give the sentimonsters a way to break free. That's what the power of love is supposed to be about. You could go super cheesy with this if you combined it with Adrien's source emotion being love. The literal love child using the thing that made him to overcome what he was made to be to be what he wants to be sounds very fun to me.
Consider giving the senti kids superpowers. It's honestly kinda weird how relatively normal they are. Like, sure, Felix is supposed to be super smart, but we only know that from his Wikipedia and that's about it.
I could go on, but that's a lot, so we'll stop here. Feel free to send additional asks or message me. I have many, many thoughts about how to fix canon while trying to stay true to the core ideas of the story. Or, at least, the things I consider to be the core. I legitimately enjoy the adaption process and think the fun of fanfiction is largely trying to fit alternate takes on canon into the base framework so it still appeals to fans of the source.
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savannah733 · 3 months
Birthday girl
(m.sturniolo x reader )
a/n: I got this great idea from my cat.and bc is my friends birthday tmr.😝 Save this for your birthday 😈
Summary: it was your birthday, you were turning 20 . And your bf Matt got your dream gift you were talking about for a long time now.
Warnings: none ig
Y/n | Matt | Nick | Chris
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It was the night before your birthday before you turn 20, you laying beside Matt who looked like was trying so hard to stay awake but he wanted to say happy birthday to you first to let you know that your his for life. Even though the only person that could say happy birthday to you in the morning or night is his brother's, he always wants to be first for everything that is special for you. You checked the time on your phone it was 11:34 pm "Matt looked is already 11:34 pm, I'm so excited to turn 20 and I'm so happy that you're by my side" you said with a bright smile while Matt was looking down on you and placed a gentle kiss "I'm so happy that your turning 20 ml , and of course I'll be by your side is a special night" he said as we looked each other and blushed.
It was 5 mins before it was 12:00 you both waited with excitement especially you, after what felt like decades it was 12 am "Happy birthday y/n, I love you so much baby " he said as he kissed my lips which felt like the 100th time tonight, but you weren't complaining. " Thank you babe and I love you too" you said as you also placed a passion kiss on his lips . "You don't know what's coming tomorrow, your not ready " he said while smirking looking down at you "you know you don't have to do all this stuff right? I don't really need that much stuff anymore " "first of all you do and you deserve it , secondly go to bed your prob going to be tired " he said while adjusting himself to get comfortable to sleep "okay okay fine loverboy" you giggle while you were saying it as he just rolled his eyes.
It was 9:23 am and you didn't see Matt by your side so you decided to get out of bed and get ready for bed . You open you and Matt's closet and there was a sticky note stick on one of the hangers, you toke the sticky note and read what it said "hey pretty girl, come down stairs to the kitchen for your first present" you thought it was Matt that wrote it of course, so after you read the note you went to the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face, you got dressed, and just put some makeup. You went to the kitchen to see the three boys talking, nick immediately ran to you and hugged you and said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU " "Happy birthday y/n , wish all the best" "Hey baby , and happy birthday again I love you so much" all the boys greeted you and all said happy birthday to you. "Awh thank you guys " you said with a bright smile on your face, "okay now gogo Matt has lots of plans for you" he said while softly pushing you "oh okay" you said with a stunned face .
First you all went to your favourite place for breakfast, you all enjoyed breakfast which was so delicious, secondly you all went to a golf place. Even though you were pretty bad at golf Matt teaches you each step as he always does , After all that you guys went to a park that you and Matt meet and always go to , Before you step out of the car Matt closes your eyes with a blindfold and hold your hand to lead you to the way that they were going. After sometime Matt stopped holding your hand and removed the blindfold, after he removed your blindfold you saw a beautiful picnic which looked like the first ever date you guys did at this park " Matt this is beautiful and this looks very similar, did you do the planning like our first date?" "Yup , I hope you like it I worked really hard on this. And look Nick is here to take some photos of you " you looked over at nick who was holding his camera in his hands. "Matt this is too much I don't deserve this " you said, looking at him with a big smile on your face. He kissed you on your lips and said "y/n you deserve every bit of this and I really hope your enjoying this" he said with a very big smile , you gave him a big kiss on his cheek and you both blushed.
You guys toke some photos, and after you all went home to open your presents . "Guys thank you so much for today, I really appreciate it . " "Of course y/n you deserve it""mhm" . You all arrived at the triplets house, and started unwrapping your gifts. "Okay so this one is from Madi " you started opening it and saw a purse that you've been talking about almost your whole life how you've been wanting it "OMG is the purse that I've been wanting! , Nick can you say to Madi that I loved her gift?" You said with excitement "of course " you said thanks to his answer. You opened Nick's gift next, you saw a little box inside the bag and from that you knew it was some kind of jewellery. It was a necklace, a half heart one said of Nick "look!" You look at his neck revealing he had the same necklace as you but inside was your face in it , "that's so cute Nick, I love it so much!" You thank him . Next was Chris's gift , you were unwrapping the gift until you saw an apple watch inside, "as I broke your old one , I wanted to get you a new one as an apology" he said while smiling towards me "awh that's so sweet Chris thank you!" "Of course"
Last but not least it was Matt He blindfolded you again and told you to sit on the sofa, you were confused but you were fine with it . "Okay y/n you can remove your blindfold now!" You slowly remove it when you saw a grey little kitten on your lap "OMGOMG MATT STOPP IM GOING TO CRY" you said while happy tears were starting to fill up your eyes. "Is it a he or a she Matt?" You asked Matt while carrying the little Gray kitten "is actually a he" he said while coming over to you to sit beside you "hi baby you little cutie pie, your so cute" you said with a baby voice while the boys watches you. "Can I hold him?" Chris asked spreading out his two hands "No " you said while holding the kitten, giggling at the same time but after all you gave it to him "can I hold him afterwards?" At the end you guys just end up fighting over the kitten and just laughing.
Nick and Chris went up to their room to sleep , but you and Matt and the kitten obviously went to your guys shared room . You placed the kitten in his little bed that Matt bought for him , as you two lay on your guys bed. "Babe?" You said "yes ml?" He says laying beside you while trying to cuddle. "Thank you for everything you've done for me today Matt I really enjoyed it and I love you soo much" you said after placing a soft kiss on his lips. "I'll do anything for you y/n , anything. You deserve every little bit baby, and I'm really happy that you like my surprise" he said while looking at you and hugging you even tighter than before. "I love you " you said while blushing in his arms. "I love you too baby" he said while giving a kiss on my head.
Happy birthday baby.
I love writing these shits 😣
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kxowledge · 4 months
What's your skincare routine currently?
I actually spent the other week taking stock of how my current routine was working and deciding if I needed to change anything, so I have a lot to say on this
Wash face with water
(extra step for wintertime) Avène thermal water
Serum with antioxidants and niacinamide: just switched from facetheory Colloidal-C Anti-Redness Toner, which I got in hope of reducing redness (did nothing for me) back to facetheory’s Cera-C Pore Reducing Toner, which actually makes my skin look great. It has 5% niacinamide and a vitamin C derivative, which is what I want – I just would like extra perks (anti-redness). An alternative I’m considering is the Isntree Onion Newpair Gel cream.
(extra step if my skin is feeling very dry i.e. what I use during winter) hydrating serum: I’ve just finished Avène Hydrance Serum which I found very hydrating though too light weight (i.e. not good for winter for me) and honestly it lasted so little that I won’t buy it again. My go to instead is snail mucin: Mizon’s Snail Repair Ampoule (best formula but not so much product, what I’m currently using); or COSRX Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Essence (best bang for your buck, though my pump was really bad)
Alpha-arbutin: most recent addition to my skincare & it seems to be making a difference when it comes to discoloration (PIE). I’m using Beauty of Joseon Glow Deep Serum, mostly because this was the only product I could find here in Norway.
Caffeine for my undereye: I’m using The Inkey List Caffeine Eye Cream – while I can say it’s infinitely better than what The Ordinary offers (because why would you use a dropped for something that goes around the eyes!!), I can’t tell if I’m seeing results or not, despite using it for almost three months. Maybe?
Moisturizer: Eucerin 5% Urea Repair, my holy grail of all time. I buy this by the litre. Since I entered my mid-20s, my skin has turned dry. Combined with drier winters and the heating I have to put on to survive winter, this is the only thing that makes my skin stay intact.
Sunscreen: probably controversial, but I actually don’t wear sunscreen everyday, as the amount of light I get is ridiculous (though I do in the summer or if there is snow). Over the past year, I tried several ones and my top two choices are Beauty of Joseon Sun Relief (cannot fault a single thing and I found it to be good value for money based on how long it lasted me) and Isntree Onion Newpair Sunscreen (jury is out on whether the onion extract actually helps me, but I found the texture to be perfect for me and it actually ensures I apply a proper amount since it’s not too runny)
Dr.Jart+ Cicapair Tiger Grass Color Correcting Treatment: amazing!! This has been so far the only thing that helped with redness. I haven’t worn foundation in a year and it’s only because of this. I don’t even think it’s that expensive because I spent 30£ for a 50 ml jar which lasts me six months of daily use. Love it.
My routine is the following:
Double cleanse: I’ve been liking a lot the Beauty of Jonseon Cleansing Balm – so far the best cleansing product I’ve tried. Micellar water is a no for me, as I don’t like using cotton pads. Oils are mostly ok as an alternative, with iUnik Calendula Complete Cleansing Oil being my failsafe (but it doesn’t remove 100% of my mascara).   Next, I use a foaming cleansing gel. My go-to used to be Neutrogena Clear & Defend, but it keeps being sold out, so I’m now using  CeraVe Blemish Control Cleanser. It works fine. My main criteria here is price tbh.
facetheory Exaglow serum: the daily base, with tranexamic acid, liquorice root, and a vitamin c derivative, this in combination with whatever active follows has helped me reduce my hyperpigmentation so so much
An active (see below)
Moisturizer: Eucerin Urea repair, again.
Actives is when things get more complicated, because I rotate weekly between (combinations of) them
Differin (adapalene): game changer, I tolerate it very well and I recently increased it to three times per week  + Azelaic acid: I love it and over the years I tried so many different products (available in Europe). I find that for me 10% works just as well as 20%. Usually, a higher price tag gets you better texture (i.e. less grainy) but not better results. Isispharma Metroruboril was very smooth, but a more basic one works just fine for me – hence why I keep going back to The Ordinary’s 10% one. It’s not an area where I feel like I should be spending a lot.
Kojic acid: I’m using Dermaceutic’s Radiance, which works fine in combination with my overall routine. + Retinol: bit of a controversial combination, but because I’ve been using retinols for so long, this works fine. I’m using A313, which is v gentle. I bought it in Paris and it has a too thick texture in my opinion, so once I finished the tube I’ll go back to my fave L’Oreal Revitalift (amazing fragrance, great texture, very hydrating too)
An exfoliant: while some of my products have small percentages of lactic acid in it, so I never felt the need to have a dedicated exfoliating step up. However, I thought I could benefit from it and started using  facetheory’s Glycolacsal which has glycolic acid (8.5%), salicylic acid (1%) and lactic acid (0.5%).  I use it twice a week and it’s really good.
In addition to all of this, twice a week I do a face mask with benoxyl peroxide in the shower which helps tons to keep acne at bay BUT is infinitely better than using the cream, which has bleached all of my towels. The cream used to be a must in my routine but now that overall my acne is under control, I don’t need to use it as often.
This ended up being extremely long, but I love skincare and I feel like I learnt so much about my own skin and how to work with it and what products work in the past few years. I’m testing new things but in a calculated manner. And I don’t know. Skincare is nothing static and the whole process of figuring things out can be fun (and necessary).
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soon-th1n-king · 1 year
hydration during fasts
I was reading this on my fasting app (zero), I'll recap it here
fasting and hydration
20% of our water-intake (normally) comes from food.
we store carbohydrates (as glycogen) attached to water, therefore when you fast or do a keto diet (or otherwise reduce carbs) you will temporarily have a lower bodyweight (specifically waterweight) and it will make it easier to become dehydrated
it's recommended to drink 30-35 mL (AKA 0,3 -0,35 dL or 0,03-0,035 L or 1-1,2 fl oz ) water per kg (ca 2,2 lbs) bodyweight during a fast. (for healthy adults)
you should get them through whole foods, preferably not supplements (unless you're doing prolonged fasts or are prescriped them)
electrolytes include: sodium, potassium, magnesium, zinc and calcium. you should look up recommend amounts, especially if you have other health concerns
symptoms of a deficiency include: headaches, heart palpitations, lightheadedness, muscle cramps, and fatigue. but there are more.
description of the electrolytes:
too little sodium causes headaches and muscle spasms. with prolonged fasts (3+ days) you should increase intake of sodium
potassium regulates fluid in muscles. it's important for nerves and too little can lead to leg spasms.
magnesium is also important for muscles and nerves. with prolonged fasts (3+ days) you should increase your intake of it.
zinc is important for nerves and testosterone production. (not from this article, but I've read it can regulate progesterone, reducing PMS and PMDD symptoms for anyone struggling with that). upper intake limit is 40 mg for adults, you get bad symptoms if you exceed it
calcium is important for muscles and bones. it helps blood function (heart, clotting). you'll probably be fine with getting it from food.
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ourpickwickclub · 3 months
I didn’t realize ML was at that Elvis taping. I just recall Blake being there. She is insane! Glad Gwen was there too as a gentle reminder to ‘back the f-off!’ Also seems Blake tries to for that for Gwen with GR at games (plus, he likes to watch the boys play). This phara chick is crazy! Looks like they may have re-done her original work in the lodge. Good riddance!
I always thought it was very cute that Blake hired someone to decorate the lakehouse to try and make it seem island-ish for Gwen, but I never liked what Phara did there. It was fine, but when you see Gwen’s other homes, it really doesn’t match her style. And next to Martyn’s and/or Kelly Wearstler’s decorating, it looks so elementary. I feel like left to own devices, Gwen has better decorating instincts than Phara. That’s my own take. All this to say, I hope Gwen has redone or will redo the lake house. I think, however Phara helped tweak the lodge and the changed up the Smithworks Inn, Gwen had a big hand in what happened there there. The lake house was all Phara on her own and it looks like Rooms To Go to me. Not bad, but not professionally done.
I do love the outside of the lake house.
- B
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dangermousie · 1 year
Turkish shows catch up post
Bambaşka Biri continues mad fun and got even darker. ML may have an impressive torso
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But I'd def stay far far away, because he's got two personalities and his main one (a sweet, well-adjusted TV presenter) has no idea about the other one, that goes murdering child abusers and is so so so fucked up. Here he is after setting a dude on fire:
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This will not end well.
His thing with the Lady Prosecutor is fire of a different kind, tho I am pretty sure her dad was involved in whatever ML is avenging (tho ML doesn't know it yet.) Not sure btw that here he is a presenter personality and not the murderer one but it's hot either way.
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Get it, lady! Before you have to put cuffs on it.
Safir continues to be delicious addictive trash. Her fam is awful and her ex is worse but luckily Ates is stellar, stellar, stellar. There is a reason he's the one she calls whenever she is in trouble or just emotionally tormented (also unlike awful ex, he can take no for an answer, at one point she said she changed her mind about marriage and he was all fine, whatever is best for you. But she decided to proceed mmm. For a woman who's never been allowed in charge of her life between her fam and ex, it must pretty refreshing.)
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When he told her she does not need to be afraid and that he's here mmm. But also, unlike ex, the moment she agreed to marry, he proudly and openly took her hand and walked in to his fam to tell them to their faces he's marrying her, take it or leave it.
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I checked out Yabani, which is a bit like Ates Kuslari boy edition. I genuinely like poor ML, who's had a dog's life and whose own father had him beat to hell because "how dare you claim you are my long lost kid, you are a scammer, I won't wait for a DNA test like a sane person."
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The mom is pretty awesome though. Too bad she's the only one. I can't even imagine how daddy is gonna react "sorry I probably broke some ribs, son!" (Earlier he was saying nutty things like "his gaze don't look the same as when he was a kid, so he can't be my son." WTF, shocking that an adult man who's had a rough life on the street doesn't have the same gaze as a loved rich kid. Shocking!!! Oh, and can't even imagine druggie brother's reaction. Ugh.
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Anyway, this one is fun and I don't even have a ship tho I know who they are gonna hook him up with - I don't have anything against that couple, I am just more about found family with his fellow street kids and him and mom.
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jacquesthepigeon · 4 months
First the caveat that this is writing choices and not meant to address the character's *personality*/core.
I think one of the big reasons you get people arguing in favor of the suffering thing comes down to catharsis and reprecussions.
Adrien's plot is suffering, like, you legitimately can't put a kid through what he has canonically gone through without issues. A literal property for his father's fashion empire, schedule controlled to the minute, mother dead, isolated from the world, yeeted into superheroing, the various things involved in that. A girl both frenzying at him and running from him, him being fairly useless in relationships having had almost zero and yet multiple people wanting one with him mere weeks after his emergence. His father's descent into madness, whatever the hell was going on in S5.
It's all there. Yet as you say it never seems to really *hit* him. This is because he needs to be a 'perfect' trophy for our lead heroine. After this much time being denied catharsis it no longer feels like he isn't affected, it feels like the best 'smiling through the pain and slowly going mad' riff you have ever experienced.
Meanwhile we see Marinette suffer alllllll the time. Dragging Marinette is this show's favorite thing next to beating the dead Chloé horse. Yet... It's always performative. Marinette suffers...but it almost always just works out fine when push comes to shove. She wants a boy and he is unavailable? Here's another boy. That one won't work out? He's the first one back, and a couple girls on top. Take your pick.
Lost Fu? Okay but now you have access to all the miraculous and here's Alya too. Lost all the Miraculous? Don't sweat it Monarch is going to go back to generic akumas. Lost the wish? Don't worry the results work out in your favor.
Nothing ever sticks. The show wants you to sympathize with Marinette (hence making her suffer) but won't let her actually fail/have a meaningful setback. She is required by law to girlboss by the end of every episode.
So all that just sets up a lot of cognitive dissonance. People express it ... Poorly.
See, I have to disagree on a number of points.
When it comes to Adrien, it does come across as him simply not caring rather than trying to smile through the pain, at least to me. His lack of significant interest or reactions in most of canon combined with the WOG knowledge that anything that could challenge his worldview and pure-heartedness is to be avoided and never acknowledged as a possible factor in his behavior gives me no choice but to read him that way. The crew won’t even acknowledge Gabriel, or any other parent for that matter, as being abusive so according to the universe’s rules and intentions, while Gabriel is extremely overbearing and controlling, no one, in or out of the ML universe, is meant to interpret that as anything other than misguided forms of affection. As a result, while Adrien is canonically traumatized in that he feels caged, he can’t resent his father for more than an ep at a time and truly recognize how bad his situation is. In addition to the fact that we’ve had a couple of scenes of Adrien confiding in Plagg about his upsets, he rarely mentions difficulties coping with family, instead focusing on his romantic pursuits. Just look at how his main daddy drama in S5 was about Gabriel disapproving of Marinette rather than the lifetime of isolation and the cover-up regarding his own mother’s mysterious disappearance.
And don’t get me wrong, I’ve made posts about his fixation on romance being a bad coping mechanism and what it would imply for his character, but as far as canon interpretation goes, he acts like The Problems don’t even exist and only seems to care about getting a girlfriend 99% of the time. WOG pretty much confirms that.
As for Marinette, I think implying that having a support system negates suffering is incorrect on many levels. It helps with coping, yes, but does not negate the hurt. And it’s not like she got 1:1 tradeoffs either so none of the events can be considered bittersweet in regards to their effects on her. The writing being Lazy and Bad does make it not as bad as it could be, but it’s still undoubtedly bad.
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