#tom donut
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risenhoku · 3 months ago
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this is how sonic 4 will be no doubt
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wherearedagrapes · 2 months ago
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Really like how Sonic Drone Home continues Sonic 2’s theme of Sonic experiencing everything Tom was going through in the first movie
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Help him
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afterlife-2004 · 7 months ago
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 2 months ago
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suppernerd · 2 months ago
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FIRM headcanon that Tom and maddie grew up together 🍩🥨
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the-brucest-fan · 2 months ago
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This picture right here means so much to me ����💖💖
What I would give to be the one hugging little Snok right there 🥹
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itzy-bitsy-spidey · 1 month ago
"Pokemon collection (pt. 7)"
Or "something made a hole in my backyard pt.7"
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Shadow The Hedgehog x reader (platonic)
Notes: Happy Valentine's day!! If you're feeling nice leave a comment, they are hugely appreciated!
Part 6
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Fainting was a weird sensation. It´s like when you stood up really fast and you get dizzy, except instead of going away the dizzines just makes you fall to the ground and hit your head.
It was the waking up part that was higly confusing. Mainly because the first thing you saw was a yellow-orangey creature.
"AHHHHH" Yeah, probably the whole neighborhood heard you scream.
And then you heard multiple voices at the same time from which what you understod was: "Hey, there´s no need to scream" from what sounded like a child, "You´re not dead!" from an older child, "This one is weird, she is silent and then loud" that sounded like a grown ass adult. And there was also Ozzy barking.
"Okay everybody, move aside, give her some space" Now that voice you did recognize, that was your aunt Maddie.
Only when she sat next to you did you register that you were laying in the couch. How long had it been?
"Hey sweetie" She started as she gently laid her hand on your arm as though you were a scared animal that would run off at any moment. "I´m sorry this all came as a surprise to you, we didn´t mean to..."
"I´M BACK, WHO SCREAMED?" Tom interrupted her as he appeared out of nowhere, or maybe he had come from upstairs, you didn´t know, you were sooo confused.
"What happened? And why is there a blue hedghog here?"
"We were going to tell you, but then you showed up with Shadow and we didn´t want to..." Once again your aunt was interrupted.
"Hi! I´m Sonic! Your super awesome cousin you didn´t know you had" The hedgehog practically screamed on your face.
"I´m sorry, did you just say cousin?" You asked at him, but you didn´t even let him speak as you turned towards your uncle "Is this why you said kids? Are these... things..."
"Rude" Said, well, Sonic, you guessed.
"...Your kids? And you didn´t tell me?" You couldn´t quite tell if you were feeling offended or confused, there was a sort of thightness on your chest, as if you were hugely overlooking a very important detail.
"Why did you not tell me? And why are there so many of them? What, do you collect them like fucking pokemons or something?" Now you did know what you were feeling.
Angry, hot with anger. You could feel it in every vein on your body, your eyes couldn´t focus on anything, until you found a victim, still sitting right at your side.
"I asked you for help! I thought he was dying and you didn´t even think about telling me that you had seen others like him?!" you screamed at your aunt Maddie as you got up from the couch.
"I didn´t know what to do, he is dangerous!" She quipped right back.
"That´s not your call to make, I would have handled it if you had said something" that was probably one of the first times in your life you had disagreed with your aunt.
Shadow wasn´t dangerous. Sure, he was hurt and he didn´t really trust you, but that didn´t make him dangerous.
Your voice had came out so low you weren´t sure the words had actually left your mouth at all.
"He did, that´s why he has a broken arm" Maddie explained as she grabbed your hands on hers.
"But he´s not bad..."
"He has the ability to be..." she stated as if it was an unmistakable truth.
"Maddie that´s enough, we talked about this" Finally Tom approached the two of you, he put his working arm in between you and stared sternly at his wife. Yet she kept looking at you in your eyes.
"But it doesn´t matter anymore, he´s gone" She tried to smile reassuringly.
"What?" Suddenly the hold on your hands felt restrictive "What do you mean? What did you do?!" you ripped your hands of of hers.
"I-I, nothing, I didn´t do nothing, he was gone when I went looking for you" She seemed shocked at your harsh reaction.
Dread filled your entire body, it had drenched you in an awful way, freezing you from head to toes. A sound left your lips, it wasn´t quite a word, more like a strained gasp.
And the you ran.
You didn´t hear your aunt calling for you as you left the house, or the little yellow fox asking "What is going on?", all you could be aware of was the blood pumping through your legs and your heart beating wildly in your chest. There was a ringing in your ears too, that damned type of ringing that appears when the world is too quiet.
The run to your house felt awfully longer than the walk you had taken that morning, and once you finally arrived your brain was working too fast, trying to focus on everything at once.
From afar the house had looked normal, but the door was open, the lock busted. Your heart had left your chest altogether and was then beating on your throat.
You walked in slowly, the speed you had taken on the run dead as you had stepped on the welcome mat. A voice came from the living room, so you went there first.
The wooden floor creaked with every step you took, and anticipation built in your chest. But there was no one there, only the TV on, broadcasting a Mexican novela.
With every second you gained speed as you ran all the way to the bedroom you were staying in, the one Shadow had taken as his own while he healed.
The bed was neatly done and everything was on place, except the window, which was wide open
"SHADOW! SHADOW WERE ARE YOU?!" you screamed through the window, looking for signs of him on the backyard.
Something warm dripped onto your hand, and, as you touched your face trying to figure out were the liquid had came from, you felt traces of tears painting your cheeks.
You kept calling out his name as you searched around the house, your voice growing weaker and more broken as you didn't find him.
Finally you reached the living room once again, and you collapsed on the couch. You tried to hold your hands together so that they wouldn't shake.
A creak sounded from the window behind you; you turned around.
There he was standing, looking straight at your eyes with his usual frown. He exchanged looks with you for a few seconds and when you finally moved he was too confused as to move.
You jumped over the couch and hugged him. The hard floor digged onto your knees and your body felt tired, but he was alright which was what mattered.
"Where where you?" You questioned him.
"A woman came by, I did what you told me, I hid". His frown looked almost concerned then, as if he was worried he had done something wrong.
"Yes, you did well" You laughed and broke the hug, choosing to keep your hands on his shoulders instead "Maybe a little too well".
"The ultimate life form? Yeah, yeah, I know"
"No, I'm... Sorry, that I worried you" he stared at the ground.
You almost choked on a sob at his words.
"It's okay, I was just worried you were hurt, there's nothing to apologize for sweetie" you explained as you held his face in your hands.
What a twist your life had taken.
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smallcloisville · 3 months ago
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Let her eat Clark, you don't require food anyway! 😂😂
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theocddiaries · 29 days ago
[Tom cautiously patrols the area, blaster ready. He glances to his left at the sound of rustling bushes. He tiptoes over, pushes the leaves aside, and finds Knuckles and Wade watching a movie on Wade’s phone.] Wade: Hey Tom, wanna join? Tom: What are you doing?? Knuckles: Donut Lord, before you rightfully ashame me for my actions, you should know I was eliminated a while ago. Tom: Oh… and how? Like this? [Tom swiftly turns around and eliminates Rouge, who was silently descending behind him. She drops to the asphalt in defeat.] Tom: You’re in my town, bat. [Tom’s vest lights up, and he freezes in shock. Shadow appears out of nowhere, sprinting toward his next target.] Knuckles: Run, hedgehog, run! Rouge: Get him, Shadow! [Sonic is perched in a tree, pressing his vest against the trunk for protection. His ears twitch at every sound. His attention shifts downward when he sees a chili dog approaching the tree on a remote-controlled car.] Sonic: Oooh, dibs--Wait a sec! This is real life, not a dream. Something smells fishy… tasty but fishy. [Back at the Mean Bean, Robotnik is spying on Sonic while piloting the remote car.] Amy: That’s cheating! Robotnik: All’s fair in war, hedgehog! Besides, nobody said we couldn’t bribe with food! Maddie: You scoundrel… Sonic, if you come down from that tree, you’re grounded—three months, no console! [The remote car starts circling the tree.] Sonic: Eggman, cut it out! I’m not coming down no matter how many laps you do! [to himself]: Oh man, please let the battery die; he loaded it with extra chili, that jerk… [A drop of water falls onto his nose. Sonic sniffs and rubs it, glancing upward to check the sky.] Sonic: Is it raining?? Robotnik [through loudspeakers]: For you, it is. [An Eggbot emerges through the branches, relentlessly spraying Sonic with water. Sonic swats at it.] Knuckles: That’s cheating! You know Sonic’s hydrophobic! Rouge: So what?! He’s only up there because Shadow’s scared of heights! Nobody said anything about exploiting weaknesses! [Sonic loses his grip and falls. Shadow runs, catches him, gently sets him down, and hands him a towel.] Shadow: You okay? Sonic: Yeah, yeah… Thanks. [takes the towel] Shadow: Good. [eliminates him] [Sonic groans. Robotnik, Stone, and Rouge cheer and run to hug Shadow.] Robotnik: CHAAAAAMPIOOOONS, WE ARE THE CHAAAAAMPIOOOONS!!! Knuckles: Worry not, family, I’ve got the solution. I read in a book that rats follow flute music. Dang it, we don’t have one. Well, they can’t be that smart. Maybe I can fool them. [mimics playing a flute, whistling off-key] Shadow: Sonic, we still going to the movies tomorrow? Sonic: Yeah, sure. One thing has nothing to do with the other. Robotnik: Hey, for a little extra cash, I can set up a home theater-- Maddie: Aaaah, shut up! Yeah, you won, but we’re not stepping into your stupid café unless it's open for clients! We’re going to my sister’s place. Tom: Damn it. Maddie: Zip it! Robotnik: Ah, look at the sore loser! Na-na na-na-na! Better start naming those rats, cause you’ll have them even in your soup! Though, well, naming rats is something you’re used to. Tom: Joke’s on you. Our kids already had names by the time we met them. Maddie: Tom, shut up! Stone: And you, Ivo, ease up. No need to rub salt in the wound. Robotnik: Oh yes, there is! Let me bask in this, first time I win, after all! Rouge: Waaaaait a minute… You just beat the Wachowskis at a game and insulted the matriarch… and there hasn’t been a single witty comeback…? Sonic: True. [looks around]: Where’s Tails??? He was playing too! Everyone: … … Robotnik [inhales slowly]: Tell me that fox is pushing up daisies. [stares at his family; they exchange glances and shake their heads]: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! The Wachowskis: YEEEEEEEEEEES! Maddie [dancing]: THE WACHOWSKIS ARE STILL STANDING! Tom: Wait, where is Tails??
Part 1
Part 3
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homeybadger · 1 month ago
Imagine, after the events of the Sonic 3 movie, someone looking up the team who saved the world. They Google their question with baited breath, and then they see the team consisted of:
- A witty 14 year old with undiagnosed ADHD
- His twin brother(?), who could work at Hot Topic and can apparently dismantle a gun with one hand
- An autistic 10 year old who’s special interest is advanced weaponry and who may or may not have a pilot’s license
- The most angry and physically fit 12 year old you’ve ever seen
- A 6ft tall adult man with a fabulous mustache who has had beef with these children for actual years
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waystobuild-blog · 2 months ago
Not to be THAT GUY but who wrote these bits?
Tom and Maddie have always been a pretty supportive and chill couple so it felt very odd and kinda out of character for them and Tom especially to have been written in this way.
Can we not do this in Sonic 4?
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wherearedagrapes · 1 month ago
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The first Sonic movie does loneliness and longing so well I’m gonna throw up. The way Sonic gazes at Tom and Maddie before they even know he exists. How am I supposed to be normal about this
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The Wachowski home being Sonic’s single source of light in the darkness… I’m ill I’m crazy I’m gnawing on the bars of my enclosure
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appendingfic · 2 months ago
Tom: If Tails jumped off a bridge, would you? Sonic: Yes OBVIOUSLY Sonic: One - he obviously has thought through his situation and decided that's the optimal situation for his continued survival, and he's WAY smarter than me Sonic: And two - since I'm there, he clearly expects me to jump and is already planning to catch me
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the-brucest-fan · 7 months ago
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Hold on a second... Could this be...?
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itzy-bitsy-spidey · 1 month ago
"Maddie screaming and Ozzy's cough (pt.6)"
or "Something made a hole in my backyard pt.6"
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Notes: Did I promise this chapter like two days ago? Yes, I did. Did I deliver it two days ago? No, I did not. But the sun shines on Green Hills and I´m finally done writing this thing! This one is the longest chapter yet, and I think that from now on they will only get longer as not to make too many chapters. But until then please enjoy this one!
Part 5 Part 7
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As it turned out Shadow was not half bad company, he was silent and he still distrusted you and just sat broodingly on the chair as you prepared your morning coffe. But he wasn´t all that bad.
It hadn´t been not even an entire day since he woke up, and even though you had fervently insisted that he stayed on the bed while you did stuff around the house he had not left you alone for even a second. You were pretty sure that he thought you were a secret agent of sorts and were going to attack him at any moment.
But, as long as he didn´t attack you first, you were fine with that, trust had always taken time. As for his health he seemed to be a lot better than the day before, if you asked him he would say that he was fine, nevertheless you had seen him wince more than once while walking.
So there you were, grinding coffee beans on your kitchen, while a weird hedghog looked at you as though he could see right through your very soul. And why were you grinding coffee beans, you might ask. Well, because for some reason, out of your knowledge, the old lady that owned the house had a taste for buying coffee beans, and as you were lazy, and did not planned to walk all the way to the store you were dealing with what you were handed. Coffee beans.
"What would you like for breakfast? I´ve got tea, tap water, I think there is some juice left in the fridge, and eventually there will be coffee" You said looking at Shadow before thinking again "Do hedghogs even drink coffee?" you whispered to yourself.
"We also have to find you something to eat..." You turned around to look around the kitchen for at least some bread. And as you had found it, and were stratching in order to grab it, you heard an awful crunching sound behind you.
Tha scene was almost comical, all the way from how you slowly turned to look at the hedghog with a confusion face, to Shadows litlle cheeks looking full as he munched on something, and even the face that you did when you realized that what he was eating was the coffee beans .
"Are you eating the coffee?"
He nodded, a look on his face that read "yes I am, what are you going to do about it?".
"You are aware that that is not how you consume coffee?" Another nod from him "That could seriously damage your digestive system"
"I am the ultimate life form, a mere plant shall not destroy me"
You pursed your lips together and nodded back. Your mind was debating in between worrying for him and laughing at how unfitting his voice was to his tiny body.
"Alright then ultimate life form, would you at least want a spoon?" You asked as you grabbed one for him.
He looked between your hand, your face, the coffee beans bag, and then back to your face; finally he nodded yet again and agreed with a simple "Yes, thank you".
"Alright, as soon as I´m done with this I need to go to my uncle´s house to check up on them and say hi" You told the hedghog so that he would know.
"You are leaving me on my own?" He questioned as he looked at you a little weird, you couldn´t really tell what he was thinking.
"Yes, I trust you won´t get yourself killed in a few hours, just don´t let people see you, if you get bored the tv is in the living room, you´ll entretain yourself" You explained as you finished drinking your coffee and picked up your jacket.
"You would leave me alone, in your home, even though you don´t know me at all? For all you know I could blow up your entire house" You coldn´t know when the guy was kidding, he seriously had such a deadpan-kind-of-angry face all the time.
"Please do not do that, I can´t afford it" You said as you finished picking up your stuff. Meanwhile he just sat there watching you, still eating the beans.
"Ok, bye" you didn´t even noticed when you gave him a little kiss in his forehead as a goodbye, maybe it was just the habit of greeting your parents like that, but it didn´t matter because neither did you see the hedghog looking at you perplexed as you left the house.
The walk to your uncle´s hose had thankfully felt rather short, probably because Green Hills was a rather small town and you had rented a hose near his on purpose.
By the time you stood in his front door you were barely tired, but you still took a second to gather your breath, and you were about to knock on the door when you heard Tom loudly speaking with someone.
"You should have told me in the morning, are you absolutely sure about this?" He asked someone.
"I mean he matched the description Sonic gave me, I never saw him, but I just know it is him" You were able to recognize the voice, it was your aunt Maddie, though she sounded kind of electronic, so you assumed they were talking through a phone.
"But that is good news!" Tom exclaimed.
"Tom, he nearly killed you, I´m sorry if I´m not super excited about this" Someone almost killed your uncle? Did all of this had anything to do with his broken arm?
"So you want us to not tell them anything at all? Not even about Sonic and the others? It doesn´t sound fair, and what if he wakes up?" Now he sounded a little worried, and even though you had no idea what they were talking about, you had started to worry a little too.
"I´ll go get him today, I can not have him hurting someone else on my family"
You realized then that you had been eavesdropping for longer than you intended (which was, nothing at all) and so you decided to knock on the door.
You heard your uncle say something like "Wait, there´s someone at he door" and five seconds later he opened up.
"Hey kiddo! I wasn´t expecting you to be here so early" He greeted and hugged you, messing up your hair a little bit on the process.
"Yeah, I just tought that I would drop by, y´know, check you still had your other arm in one piece" you joked as you dropped on his couch as if it was your own house. You had tecnically been raised in this house as well as your own.
"Where´s Maddie?" You asked Tom as he plopped himself besides you and turned off the tv which was playing a telenovela.
"Oh you know she´s out with the kids..." It seemed he realized his choice off words as they slowly faded towards the end of the sentence.
"Kids?" You looked at him as if he had gone crazy in the last 24 hours "Are you feeling alright? First aliens, now kids..."
He almost jumped out of the couch as he started walking towards the kitchen "Oh you know, I meant the animals, she sometimes says her patients are like her kids, so it must have rubbed off on me".
Someone had to give it to that man, Tom Wachowski was no bad liar.
"Mhm... And does she always take Ozzy to the vet with her?" You asked even further, confused for the missing friendly dog.
"No!" He nearly screamed, at that point you had gotten up from your spot and followed him all the way into the kitchen. "Is just that Ozzy had a bad cough, so she wanted to check it out".
"Okay..." You reluctantly agreed to the explanation.
The rest of the morning went by smoothly, you two talked and you even helped him with patching up some holes in the walls that he blamed the racoons for. But lunch was fastly approaching and no matter how sad it made you to leave you had a hedghog to take care of.
But, first, you had to use the bathroom. You told your uncle that much (about going to the bathroom, not about the alien hedghog) and left for the upstairs bathroom, because, you simply liked it better.
As you were done with your business and were leaving the room you noticed something strange, unusual for most of the times you had been to the Wachowski home.
The attic door was down. Right there, in the middle of the hallway.
Assuming that your Uncle had gone up to put something away, or sothing of sorts, you decided to go up to check it out. What you certainly were not expecting was the way the place was fixed up, there were comic books everywhere, a puff, and what looked like three small beds. The sudden sound of the front door banging was what took you out of your inspection.
Quikly you made your way down the stairs, and the closer you got to the front door the more you could hear your auntie screaming.
"...They were not there! And neither was him! I´m telling you, he did something to them!" You could hear her and you were sure that anyone that was outside on the sidewalk could as well.
"Maddie, calm down, they´re okay!" Tom was definitely trying to get a word in, but his wife´s shouts wouldn´t let him.
"What´s wrong, who´s missing?" You asked as you finally arrived to the place they were both standing.
Maddie whipped her head around so quickly you feard she would snap her neck, and then she just looked at you as if she could not believe you were standing there.
Tom telling her that "he tried to explain it to her" went over your head as a fluffy animal walked into the house.
"Ozzy! How´re you doing girl? Is your cough better?" You asked as you petted the animal which was constantly trying to lick your face.
"Are you alright?" Maddie asked as she knelt besides you. You laughed.
"Yeah, why wouldn´t I be?"
That answer seemed to calm her down as she stood up and left to talk to Tom.
"Dad! I know you said we had to go out for some time to take in some sun, but Tails scrapped his knee, and so we had to come back..." You heard a voice that suddenly went silent as it stood behind you.
You turned around, your aunt and uncle besides you.
There, in the front door of your uncle´s house, stood a perfect blue copy of Shadow.
"I´m sorry, why did nobody told me my cousin had come home?" It spoke.
And then you fainted.
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princessjadyn15 · 6 months ago
Ok something I just realized
you know that one scene in the Sonic movie where Tom hears some noises from the garage and think it’s raccoons, so he grab’s Maddie’s tranquilizer dart
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And Maddie’s says it for bears meaning that those darts must have a high dose of whatever the heck is in those
so my question is
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with his small size and weight that dart would have had way to much for him to handle
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Plus it would seems that not much time has passed between the scene where Tom shoots sonic and when sonic wakes up (my guess is 30 to 45 minutes have passed in between scenes)
even after Sonic wakes up he still is under the effects of it
my leading theory is that his powers kinda help him burn through the darts chemicals or something
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