#toh dni
natsuki-bakery · 4 months
⁎˚ ఎ CG! Pantalone headcanons ໒ ˚⁎
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•Leveraging his wealth, Pantalone spares no expense in making sure you have everything you need. From toys to comfort items and special foods, he ensures you are well provided for
hiii could you do cg pantalone hcs please!
If you're sick while age regressing :
•Pantalone is exceptionally attentive when you're sick. He makes sure you stay in bed, surrounded by soft blankets and plush toys for comfort
•He brings you warm soups, herbal teas, and any medicine you need, ensuring you're well taken care of
•Pantalone stays by your side, reading stories and gently stroking your hair until you fall asleep
•He would call you : little one, sweetheart, sugar, love or precious
•Pantalone maintains a calm and patient demeanor, which is reassuring for you. He understands that this is a time when you need extra care and attention, and he provides it without hesitation !
•Creating a Safe Environment : Dada Pantalone sets up a safe and comfortable environment where you feel secure. This includes a cozy room with soft blankets, plush toys, and a calming atmosphere
•Understanding the importance of routine, Pantalone establishes a consistent schedule. This might helps you feel more secure and know what to expect, reducing anxiety
If you are being bratty in little space :
•If you start acting bratty and not respecting the rules, Pantalone remains patient but firm. He calmly explains why certain rules are important and helps you understand the consequences of your actions
•Pantalone may give you some quiet time to reflect, followed by a gentle conversation to resolve the issue and reinforce positive behavior. He ensures you know he cares, even when setting boundaries
•When you feel scared or upset, Pantalone is quick to offer comfort. He might hold you, hum a lullaby, or simply stay by your side until you feel better
•Pantalone is an attentive listener, encouraging you to express your feelings and thoughts. He never dismisses your emotions, no matter how trivial they might seem
•He engages you in interactive activities such as puzzles, drawing, or simple games. Pantalone is patient and encouraging, always ready to praise your efforts and accomplishments
•Despite his busy schedule, Pantalone makes time to spend with you personally
•Recognizing the importance of education, Pantalone incorporates learning into your activities in a fun and engaging way. This could be through storytelling with moral lessons or simple educational games
If you're being sad while age regressing :
•When you're feeling sad, Pantalone is quick to notice. He offers a comforting hug and listens attentively as you express your feelings
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•Pantalone might take you for a gentle walk or sit with you in a cozy corner, engaging in calming activities like drawing or listening to soothing music to cheer you up. His presence is always reassuring, and he uses his calm voice to help lift your spirits
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qcoded · 8 months
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if you've been following me since I've started posting, then you probably recognize what this is a recreation of 😭
lil cute comic for my physical form Collector AU 🙏
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dejaroze · 8 months
Ive Seen some weird shit today so here’s a little rant, aimed towards the TOH shipping community but can be used for any fandom-
Just because you ship one thing, doesn’t mean you can criticize other ships for no specific reasons.
I love a TON of ships, I don’t really stick to one and that’s the fun of it!
Here’s the thing, I know majority of the fandom that ships lumity is against lunter, I personally think both ships are fine, even though I prefer lumity way more.
Saying hunter and Luz are siblings is a HC, which I do believe, I love imagining them being siblings. THEY ARE NOT BLOOD RELATED, NOR IS HUNTER ADOPTED BY CAMILA. Hunter and Luz are both bisexual! Just because Luz is dating a girl, doesn’t automatically make her lesbian.
So yes, I see them as sibling coded. This doesn’t mean I go attack lunter shippers and accuse them of being pro shippers.
I see many lunter shippers trashing on lumity shippers, most for pure pettiness. A few of these people also trash on huntlow, which is a ship I adore but, everyone has their opinions of course. ( I personally HC Willow and hunter in a qpr )
Do not attack others for shipping things you don’t ship! ( unless it’s illegal, then yeah that’s weird asf )
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Hello! You have been ✨chosen✨ by ✨boredom✨ to name 5 fun/cool/ interesting facts about your DR(s), then copy and paste this into 10 of your shifter mutuals' askboxes. Have fun!
hiiiii sorry for taking 2 months 💀 more things about my toh DR:
i have a palisman!!! he's a kitsune and his name is wicker. he's orange, and he's been passed down in my family for generations.
i scripted in my OR family as humans. we don't really hang out, but we could if i so desired.
i live in the penthouse of my apartment complex because my dad is rich 🫶
i scripted in human food because yikes
i got me a split dye in this DR‼️‼️
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mayhasopinions · 2 years
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This image pretty much encapsulates everything I love about Huntlow.
Hunter and Willow are both damaged and troubled people, it's clear. But they don't rely on anyone too much, they're both independant people at heart. They don't want to burden anyone with their problems, or act like something's wrong. They want to present themselves in a way that makes them appear strong and confident (with Hunter and his GG arc and Willow with pretty much her whole arc) that ends up harming their mental wellbeing as a result, as they don't want their true insecurities and weaknesses to be brought to the light. However, when they meet in the middle, they finally meet someone who gets it. And they help each other. Comfort each other. Lift each other up. Lean on each other. They are not co-dependant, but they are prominent driving factors in each other's arcs.
This is why this image is so important to Huntlow. You can see their scars and bruises from the battles they have fought, and came out of them alive. And no, they don't fully hold hands, they don't fully depend on each other. But they hold pinkies, as a steady reminder that they are there for each other, that they get each other, that they love each other. It's a comforting "i'm here" finger hold. Before, they would not have reached out to anyone like that, they would have dealt with their own scars and bruises and problems. But with the influence of the other, they managed to finally reach out.
Lumity is definately the best ship in TOH, but Huntlow is my personal favorite for those reasons.
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If you hate Lunter because "Luz calls him family!!!" remember in that very same episode Camilla calls herself "Mother of six" so by that logic the entire hexsquad are now all siblings meaning Lumity and H*ntl*w are also incest ships.
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Luz achieved everything without having to lose anything.
There is two things that marked the conclusion of Luz's journey and resulted in contradicting much of what was established about her: the absence of sacrifice and when a conflict occurs it ends up being quickly resolved.
Since the first season, an expectation was given that Luz was not a character who was based on the archetype of 'The Chosen One', that the problems she would have to face could not be magically solved through conveniences and works of destiny - reflected in her personality in the first season, being naive about the reality of circumstances, basing life occurrences on the trajectory of a fictional plot, emphasized from the belief that 'magic comes from the heart' -, which gave her an eventual conflict that differs the protagonists who evolve with the protagonists who only arrive at the end of the story: the need to lose in order to win.
While the events of the first season were dedicated to establishing Luz's place in the Boiling Islands, the relationships she was introduced to, and her new discoveries, the second season, in theory, was supposed to present the difficulties and conflicts that Luz would have to face after having obtained so many additions to her life that required her to fight to keep it. Then came 'Yesterday's Lie', addressing the potential biggest conflict that the Luz would have to deal with: having to choose to remain in the Human Realm with her mother and give up all of her friends and loved ones in the Demon Realm.
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Luz was immediately exposed to the realization that there would not be a solution to all problems, that choices must be made and giving up what has been conquered to remain firm and could immediately put her on a level of undeniable maturity, having to deal with a psychological pressure that could only have its outcome achieved through attitudes with unpleasant consequences, however necessary. There were problems, there was a need to face them, and that made her human, including making her very much identified with the viewer when addressing the conflict of the need to make choices that would please some and hurt others. But then came the biggest and most serious decline in Luz's character development: the third season.
Up to that point in the show, Luz had not had to deal directly with the need to face conflicts and seek appropriate solutions; they were just released as an accumulation of problems and left in the expectation of receiving outcomes. Questions, not answers.
Then the conveniences and facilitations emerged: having to deal with choosing to stay with her mother or staying in the Boiling Isles? Don't worry, because Camila watched Luz's outburst video and changed her fear of not having her around (even though it was fueled by the literal loss of her husband, which would hardly make anyone capable of dealing with another family 'loss');
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not knowing how to confess very serious secrets and keep them hidden from her friends? Don't worry, when they find out everyone is simultaneously united in forgiving her and understanding her attitudes, a problem solved; the fear of ending up no longer having the confidence of her friends and loved ones? Don't worry, everyone continues to support Luz, regardless of any circumstances.
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There was no discussion, disagreement or simply demanding an explanation from Luz, instead everything was resolved with mutual and almost immediate understanding and the consensus that she was overloaded.
So, with 'For the Future' it was already established that the plot unfolded in order to benefit Luz on her journey towards a still slightly uncertain conclusion. The true nature of the problem came with 'Watching and Dreaming', precisely in Luz's death and how the whole development took her to a point that marks the absence of challenges to be faced by any protagonist: Deus ex machina.
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From that point on, nothing could stop Luz: she was given enough power to eliminate the greatest threat through an entity conveniently present at the right time, she managed to eliminate the problem with all her friends and loved ones being fine at the end and ready to restore the Boiling Isles.
In the end, all the fears and uncertainties that Luz had turned out to be entirely unnecessary given the fact that she achieved everything without having to face any consequences. Without the rest of the Titan, would there be no way for her to do magic anymore? In the literal last few minutes it showed that it would no longer be a problem thanks to yet another new solution; choose where to stay? Now she has free access to both the Human Realm and the Boiling Isles whenever she wants; all friends, family and girlfriend are with her, in oneness with each other and loving her unconditionally.
The Owl House ended, and Luz remained the same protagonist full of life, with the desire to learn about all the magic at the same time and managing to live her life both normally and being in her dreamed world of fantasy.
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The biggest problem with all this decline is the fact that Luz is no longer an identifiable character with the conflicts she should face.
Her trajectory was marked by a growing accumulation of difficulties and challenges to be faced, but they ended up being solved in favor of not giving her a conclusion that demonstrates that she has matured and learned lessons with her choices. Losses were not necessary, giving up achievements was not addressed and it was not even considered not having a life exactly as she would like, however it was necessary in the face of the circumstances that would move her to learn to live and remain firm.
Emphasizing that happy endings are equally worthy, however the case of Luz and especially of The Owl House ended up being a conclusion whose challenges did not truly make it deserved to obtain a completely happy ending and devoid of choices that would significantly affect the conclusion of the story in a way to have consequences.
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🌙 CG!Gumball and marshall lee Moodboard 🍭
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kuramirocket · 6 months
I just watched the first episode of The Owl House and I'm just here like how are there antis in this fandom??
Lol. I mean, the first episode was all about the weirdos and being who you are and there being absolutley nothing wrong with that. Freedom of expression! (Which I love all these themes!!)
And ofc, we know that proshipping is all about ship and let ship. Let people enjoy what they like in fiction and don't be an asshole and harrass content creators and others for what they enjoy in fiction.
This first ep was the most proship thing I have ever seen. Antis are in denial. Lol.
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natsuki-bakery · 4 months
⁎˚ ఎ Kurapika agere hcs ໒ ˚⁎
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Do you know Hunter x hunter? Aaahh, if so, could you do kurapika headcanons as a regressor? 💫
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•Kurapika’s safe space is a quiet, secluded area filled with soft pillows and blankets. He often clutches a small, stuffed spider plushie as a way of facing his fears and reclaiming control over his trauma
•Intense stress, reminders of his clan, or overexertion can trigger Kurapika’s regression. He might also regress voluntarily as a coping mechanism when he feels overwhelmed by his responsibilities and the weight of his revenge mission !
•His favorite petnames are : little light, Kurapi, snuggle bug and sweetheart !
•Leorio is a natural caretaker for Kurapika. His fatherly demeanor and medical knowledge make him perfect for the role. Leorio provides comfort, gentle reassurances, and distracts Kurapika with fun activities like drawing or storytelling
•During his regressed state, Kurapika loves simple, calming activities such as coloring, listening to soft music, and playing with building blocks
•In his regressed state, Kurapika tends to speak more simply and softly. His usually articulate and precise language gives way to shorter sentences and a more childlike tone
•Comfort is key for Kurapika when he regresses. He prefers loose, soft clothing such as oversized hoodies and sweatpants. If he’s alone, he might even wrap himself in a soft blanket cape-style <3
•He becomes more openly affectionate, seeking hugs and physical comfort, which he typically avoids in his non-regressed state
•Sometimes, Kurapika’s regression can connect him to happier memories of his childhood with his clan
•Over time, Kurapika’s regression becomes a crucial part of his healing process. It allows him to confront and process his trauma in a safe, controlled manner, helping him !
•Favorite Activities:
-Coloring and Drawing : coloring books and simple drawings. It’s a calming activity that allows him to relax and enjoy himself
-Listening to Stories : He loves being read to, especially fairy tales and adventure stories
-Building with Blocks : Playing with building blocks or simple construction sets helps Kurapika focus and creates a sense of accomplishment
-Stuffed Animal Play : Kurapika enjoys playing with a collection of stuffed animals, creating little scenarios and stories with them
-Watching Cartoons : Simple, light-hearted cartoons are a favorite. They make him laugh and help him unwind from the stress of his usual life
-Baking Cookies : Kurapika enjoys the sensory experience of baking, from mixing ingredients to decorating cookies. It’s a fun and rewarding activity that he can share with his caretakers.
-Cuddle Time : When he’s feeling especially vulnerable, Kurapika loves to cuddle up with his caretaker and listen to calming music or simply rest
-Playing Simple Games : Card games like Go Fish or board games like Candy Land are favorites. They’re engaging but not too complicated, allowing him to enjoy !
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Thankfully, I haven't encountered them or their posts, but I can't imagine someone or people saying that this little angel was evil or born evil.
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Commission arts here and here (that's ketchup on him in the bottom right pic 🍅 btw. He got too silly.)
I mean, I know he wasn't perfect (no child is), but I believe that he was a very good and very special little boy (Caleb most likely did so too).
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Anyways, *continues to love him* 💖 💗 💕 💟
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sleeplessdreamer14 · 1 year
say it with me now
Luz and Willow are the same age
Willow is canonically pan
Luz is bi
Hunter is also bi
Luz had a very similar dynamic with Hunter as she did with Amity (both disliking/hating her at first but then growing to like/love her)
“You’re family now.” could be interpreted in different ways
multishipping is a thing
being a goldenlight enjoyer doesn’t automatically make someone a lum!ty/huntl•w hater or a pr0shipper
Luz is the Evelyn to Hunter’s Caleb
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bi-ship · 1 year
it really hasn't gone unnoticed by me that for a show that's all about themes of expanding the definition of "(found) family" to be as openly broad as possible, and having its main characters be bisexuals without shame, the owl house fandom is both very biphobic and limiting in their understanding of family to be "considers themselves related and therefore other types of relationships are incest" ─ i see you and it's embarrassing tbh
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EVERYONE SHUT UP i drew my toh dr self
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ignore the ai disturbance overlay im paranoid
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apollortaylor · 6 months
Voice dysphoria is the literal worst. Like, it’s easy enough to avoid our reflection, but damn is it hard to avoid talking when most people don’t know American Sign Language.
Fuck this and me.
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foolishskull · 2 years
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belos + possessed puppet raine doodles because the delightful little worms in my brain are having a party
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