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justforbooks · 2 years ago
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The Greek way (Outrageously Delicious Cheese Savoury Pie).
Like spanakopita, tiropita is also a savoury Greek pie encased in a filo crust, however instead of a spinach, herb and feta filling, tiropita is filled with a mixture of cheese and eggs.
The cheeses used vary widely from recipe to recipe, but feta is almost always a mainstay, along with some combination of cottage cheese, ricotta, cream cheese, or even Parmesan or Gouda.
When you bite through the crisp, buttery pastry into the tiropita you are greeted by a rich, salty, cheesy filling that has almost a custard-like consistency due to the egg.
Tiropita can be baked in one large dish and portioned into squares, or otherwise baked into smaller, individual triangles.
In Greece, tiropita is most commonly eaten for breakfast or as a mid-morning snack.  It is not uncommon to see cafes advertising a breakfast combo of coffee and tiropita.
In fact, whenever you see ‘pita’ at the end of a Greek word, that means it’s either a sweet or savoury pie. Don't miss it!
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sandboxworld · 22 days ago
Arahova opens its 13th location in Kirkland with the Latin Quarter coming next
Mike Jean, Spiro Korzis, George Kalogrias and Christopher Dunk in Kirkland. By Mike Cohen and Tony Medeiros From Tzatziki to Souvlaki: Arahova Brings Greece to Your Table! The Arahova brand has existed since 1971, originally established by Christos Kalogrias.  While he remains active in the business, his three children have taken the business to a new level. If you’re looking to experience…
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caroljue · 11 months ago
Tiropita: Ein griechischer Genuss aus Blätterteig und Käse
Hallo, liebe Foodies! ♥︎ Willkommen in meiner kleinen Kochwelt, wo ich heute ein klassisches griechisches Gericht mit euch teilen möchte: Tiropita. Diese knusprigen Teigtaschen, gefüllt mit einer himmlischen Käsemischung, sind nicht nur unglaublich lecker, sondern auch überraschend einfach zuzubereiten. Lasst uns zusammen die Geheimnisse dieser traditionellen Leckerei erkunden! Tiropita: Ein…
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tamberrio · 6 months ago
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Greek Miku?
Plus base color version so I can draw her later:
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briarpatch-kids · 9 days ago
Thinking of the dolmas I had at lunch today. I should learn to preserve grape leaves because I grow them anyways and dolma tasty
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rewritingcanon · 9 months ago
Honestly I love the interpretation of the Greengrass’s having some Greek heritage (I’m of Greek descent) and it honestly kind of lines up. Due to their surname definitely not being Greek I’d have to assume it’s on their mothers side, so the side that’s cursed.
I also love this because unlike every other character having Roman names, Daphne and Astoria (and Hyperion) are definitely Greek in origin no questions asked. I seriously doubt Scorpius’ middle name is from a Malfoy, and honestly it would make more sense if it was Astoria’s maternal grandfather or uncle.
Daphne the nymph had a connection to Apollo and Astoria’s original form Asteria has a connection to Artemis and Apollo, Apollo having taken over for Helios, Helios having taken over for Hyperion as sun gods. And Scorpius (Skorpio) the constellation also has a connection to Artemis and Orion! All of their names somehow relate and I love this detail.
Daphne was a naiad, a nymph of the river Ladon of Arkadia (more on Ladon later) or Peneios of Thessalia. Famously Apollo was attracted to Daphne and pursued her endlessly until in her exhaustion she asked for Gaia’s help. Gaia turned her into a tree, the laurel tree that Apollo is heavily associated with, and also — and I’m not kidding — was used as a symbol in the Festival of Delphi!
Asteria (the Titanesse of falling stars, prophetic dreams and the nighttime) has a surprisingly similar story, although with a lot more going on. Asteria was — like many Greek women — caught the eye of Zeus. He chased her around a bit until she became a quail, went into the water, and became the island of Delos. Delos is also the birth place of Artemis and Apollo, and Hera had done a very thorough job of trying to prevent Leto from birthing these twins, making it a whole big thing that she finally managed to birth them. So, Asteria has that motherhood connection too, specifically to the sun and moon.
Daphne and Astoria essentially both come from stories regarding a man wanting a woman and her becoming part of the wilderness when he can’t take no for an answer. Make whatever theories regarding their blood curse from that theme that you want.
Hilariously, Scorpius’ name sort of ties into this theme. Most constellations as we know them come from a corresponding Greek or Phoenician myth and Scorpius is no different. Orion the giant was harassing either Artemis herself, some of her hunters, or the Pleiades, and Artemis did not like this. So she created a horrifying monster to kill Orion, called the Skorpios. Orion died, and was placed among the stars to honour his valiant deeds, but the Pleiades were also in the stars and he promptly started harassing them again, so Skorpios (or Scorpius) was also placed among the stars to get this guy to knock it off. Astrologically speaking the Scorpius constellation even chases Orion through the night sky.
This has the hilarious effect of naming Daphne and Astoria after harassed women and Scorpius after the consent monster that’ll kill you if you don’t back the fuck off. Also the fact that so many of the Black family names relate back to Orion (Sirius is his dog, and Bellatrix is his shoulder) should not be missed.
So basically, don’t harass women when Scorpius is in earshot of you. Or, conversely, Delphi leave that child the fuck alone, Scorpius will ruin your day.
(I could say more, because there is actually a surprising amount to analyse when it comes to just these guys names, but I think this is enough for now.)
yknow what the greek greengrass family is slowly growing on me and i think this may be the last nail in the coffin for anything else because i have quite literally never heard a better exploration to the super frustratingly vague ‘blood curse that attacks greengrass women every few generations’ thing besides an ancient magic tied to greek myth. i remember someone else headcanoning this too.
idk how big of a deal this is in ur greek family but in mine names are HUGE and are especially big because its a greek thing to name ur kids after ur parents. like me, and my other firstborn cousins are all named after my papou, and my sister and secondborn cousin are named after my yiayia. so does that mean there was a scorpius greengrass ���� most greeks i know typically dont have middle names but i guess there are some that do. one of my childhood friends had one for instance, and her middle name was her yiayia’s name so maybe that’s what hyperion is as you said (maybe i am reading too much into it since greengrass is certainly not a greek name so if the curse was greek than that line would probs be very diluted).
also rip scorpius if you were actually greek you wouldve loved kourabiedes. it wouldve done more for you than chocolate frogs ever did.
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crispyliza · 11 months ago
You've heard of mansplaining, now get ready for: dadsplaining!
Example: you're filling out paperwork and your dad sits next to you and tells you the answers to questions like: what is your name and last name (he also helps you spell it), when is your birthday, when did you graduate high scool etc.
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kara-zor-els · 10 months ago
I need to find a way to maximize Diana's greek-ness
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liquidstar · 2 years ago
whats weird is "pita" in english usually refers to the bread (tho ppl do know of other foods that end in -pita), but in greek "pita" is a muuuuuch more general word for breads/cakes/pies made in pans. there are so many different kinds of pitas that you can make with so many different things, for many different meals and flavors. and most of them arent like pita bread? pita bread is almost an outlier. and yet in english its like THE representation of pita. it would be like if you went to a country where the word "cake" only referred to pancakes, and every now and then people were like oh chocolate cake exists too i guess
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zipquips · 6 months ago
i'm solving the problem of not having any greek restaurants near me by slowly learning to cook the food myself lmao
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percyweasleyapologist · 3 months ago
Two trays of spanakopita and tiropita
A box of baklava
two bags of koulourakia
and a loaf of tsoureki
Ugh i love her
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justforbooks · 2 years ago
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The Greek way (Outrageously Delicious Feta Cheese Appetizer).
When we say “pita” when it involves Greek food, we’re not thinking about the flatbread. In Greek cuisine, “pita” means “pie”, and it can be sweet, but it is very often savory. You’ve probably heard of Spanakopita, that Greek spinach and feta pie that is wrapped in a flaky phyllo dough crust. But have you heard of the lesser known, but still wildly delicious Tiropita?
Tiropita (or tyropita) is a Greek pie made from layers of phyllo dough that are filled with a cheese and egg mixture. In Greece, this is a popular breakfast food that is also commonly eaten during the day as a snack. Seriously, I have a weakness for anything wrapped in phyllo dough, so I could eat these ANY time of day!
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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sgiandubh · 1 year ago
The announcement for the 2nd part of the 7th season came sandwiched between some totally innocuous photos of BTS. It's almost like a last minute message, like ***** is ashamed of himself
Dear Announcement Anon,
With your ask I declare open the *** Spite Games on this page. Go ahead, everybody, submit to your heart's content!
Anons are strongly encouraged! Go ahead, lash at them: I will publish ALL of you.
Maybe someone, somewhere will see and/or hear you!
I have no words. And yes, going to reheat a sad, frozen tiropita right now. This woman and her dog need their sustenance to carry on the Good Deed.
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dream-of-elias · 1 year ago
~ Although Bownes isn’t in the kitchen, Iphigenia is. She’s sitting at the table, a bit of the tiropita on a plate before her and a book she’s reading on her lap. ~
- @iphigenia-thewronged
[After grabbing a plate, Elias takes a seat next to her.]
hi. I'm back.
Ribs went to bed for the night.
[He begins eating. he's never had tiropita before, but he likes it.]
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khrysostomos · 3 months ago
✨ 5, 9, 23, 37 ✨
5. lonelyverse“I’m going to take care of you, okay?” Ponyboy reassures Dallas, running his fingers through his hair. "You're just having a rut, I can help you."
Dallas groans, hating how his senses are utterly filled up with Ponyboy's scent, how soft his skin is against his own, how beautiful he looks beneath the lights. He shouldn't want him, shouldn't want this, yet every repressed feeling he's had is washing over him, telling him that Ponyboy is there, Ponyboy wants to kiss him, wants to take his knot, wants to satisfy his rut in ways that Johnny never has.
He wants to say no, should say no, and yet he doesn't push Ponyboy away.
9. trampsverse
“Don’t ask me that.” Antonio says, keeping his eyes focused on Cherry. He takes in the way she looks opposite him, the anger on her face, the disbelief. "I'm a lawyer; you and I both know that if we went toe to toe, you'd lose."
Cherry pulls herself away from the door, her eyes piercing. "No, you would. I know how your kind behave."
She sounds a lot like her father, Antonio thinks as he finishes washing his hands at the sink. The mirrors are as grimy as ever, and he keeps his mouth shut, not giving her another inch as she keeps on. "You'll grease hands anywhere you can, and you can't stand on your own if your money can't do it for you. I'm not going to just let you get away with —"
"Sweetheart, this isn't a comic book," he dismisses her, adjusting his tie, "Nor is this a movie. You can throw any accusation at me that you want; what matters at the end of the day is that you're not as smart as you thought and New York isn't Oklahoma."
23. peepshowverse
“Just pretend to be my date.”
That's what Dallas had said in New York, at the diner. That's what it was supposed to be, a simple con. Ponyboy doesn't feel it's simple as he looks around the lavish hotel suite they've gotten in Vegas. It's too fucking big, filled with too many things that could pay for his life for a year or more, too goddamn beautiful what Dallas gets him for it to be so simple.
He lies down on the bed, curling up in the fur coat, trying to just think about what they were doing, how crazy it is and he hopes to god he doesn't make a mistake here.
37. greekverse “Do you think they could have loved me?” Ponyboy asks, looking from the television set with the Browns game, and to Menelaus who was busy putting the tiropita in the oven.
It's been weeks since that visit to the deli. Most of them have moved on, haven't addressed the fact that it was Darry Curtis there, who'd recognized Ponyboy. Not beyond that one conversation with Pappo.
It feels like a good time to talk to Menelaus now, with Pappo out of the house, with the game on again and Menelaus closes the oven with a snap that told Ponyboy his mood right now: not annoyed at Ponyboy so much as he clearly was annoyed at the mention of Darry.
It occurs to him, then, that they might've met. Menelaus was about three years older than him, and it could've occurred.
He waits for Menelaus to exit the kitchen, his eldest brother looking at the television set and back to Ponyboy. "I don't know," he admits, still surely thinking about Ponyboy's description, "He was an asshole at the deli. Maybe if everything was different, sure. But someone like that, reacting to just you existing?"
He can see Menelaus trying to choose the right words like he'd done when they were younger and Ponyboy asked a difficult question about something like the arm or how Pappo was doing or their family history. How he always tried to say it in a way that wouldn't hurt and Ponyboy interrupts with, "It wouldn't be the same as you. I know it wouldn't."
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ladyanakim · 1 month ago
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Nació en Corintio, Grecia, junto a su hermano Aristóteles "Aspros".
Nació en 20 de Junio de 1720.
Era ambidiestro.
Media 1.90 metros.
Pesaba 90 Kgs.
Su nombre real era : Ángel Giannopuolus "Defteros".
Fue bautizado como Defteros, por el patriarca Sage.
Fue adoptado junto a su hermano Aspros, cuando ambos tenia 1 año, por Sage de Cáncer.
Su padre era un Gran Visir de Imperio Otomano, que en ese entonces gobernaba en Grecia.
Su madre era una Sultana (Princesa Otomana) que murió en un naufragio con ellos, abordo.
Es Bisexual (Preferencia hacia los hombres).
Su mejor amigo fue Asmita de Virgo.
Su primer beso fue con Asmita de Virgo y fue por curiosidad.
Se enamoro profundamente de Degel de Acuario, con quien tuvo una relación que termino con la muerte de ambos en la guerra santa.
Su primera vez Fue con Degel de Acuario, aunque ambos era tímidos.
Le gustaba leer Poesías y de filosofía a lado de Degel de Acuario.
Gracias a Degel aprendió hablar 5 idiomas: Griego, Turco, Latín, Español y Francés.
Le gustaba escribir historias de ciencia ficción.
Amaba pasear por la playa con su hermano mayor : Aspros.
Le dolió mucho, la muerte de su hermano Aspros, pero debia de detenerlo por el bien de todos.
Le agradaba Sisifo de Sagitario, aunque nunca fue cercano a él.
Regulus de Leo, era un chiquillo muy inteligente y amable con él y eso le agradaba.
Estaba celoso de Kardia de Escorpio, por que siempre se acercaba de más a su amado Degel.
Le agradaba Albafika de Piscis y El Cid de Capricornio, aunque estos fuera serios y distantes con él.
Le gustaba jugar ajedrez con Degel y Asmita de Virgo.
Su comida favorita era Tiropitas.
Su bebida favorita era : el Vino tinto.
A veces sentia que no merecía ser caballero dorado por que creía que mato a Su "Legítimo portador": Aspros.
Le gustaba coleccionar pequeños poemas.
Veía a Sage de Cáncer como un padre.
Veía a Hakurei de Altar como un buen tío.
De él desciende Saga y Kanon, a que tenia una prima, que era Sultana y ella se caso con otro gran visir Griego y tuvieron descendencia.
Le dolia los golpes que recibia de los soldados Rasos, pero creía que se los merecía.
Cuando murió Aspros, lloro durante días, sintiéndose culpable de la muerte de su hermano.
Durante esos momentos de dolor, su sustentos más fuertes era : Asmita y Degel.
Siempre vio a Asmita de Virgo como un hermano menor.
Le agradaba Shion de Aries y Dohko de libra, por que era amables y curiosos.
No le gustaba su cumpleaños, por que la gran mayoría de Santuario, lo veía como un apestado.
Sí viviera actualmente le gustaría las películas de Terror.
Si viviera actualmente seria Blink y army.
Le gustaría las canciones de metal pesado y Rock.
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