#tim drake id die for you
awhoreintheory · 27 days
Peter in Gotham peeps I need someone to write the batfam realizing Peter is Not From This timeline/universe bc he used some stupid ass slang
Tim, got talked into trying to convince Peter to come home with them: listen, Peter. You're homeless and an orphan and I think I could help you—
Peter: Cap
Tim, who spends a frankly illegal amount of time with Bart + the Batfamily's absolutely batshit exploits:
Tim, narrowing his eyes: Yes... cap indeed...
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fanaticalthings · 4 months
Bruce coming home one day to find Robin Jason clinging onto a chandelier with Dick below him cheering him on.
Bruce: Jason what are you doing?
Jason: Dick said that you missed his antics after he moved out and so he’s teaching me how to be a better son
Dick: After this we’re going to drive the Batmobile into the bay :D
Jason: We’re going to what? I mean yeah! Right into the water.
Jason trying to whisper to Dick: Dick I can’t swim though
This just further fuels the chaotic dynamic of Dick and Jason during a time where Dick was still going through his teenage angst and was absolutely not a benevolent role model LMAO
I mentioned it in this post, but it's just so funny to me to imagine a Jason who grew up with an absolutely WILD Dick Grayson as an older brother, while the younger batkids grew up with a more mellowed out and mature (arguable but when measured against the other kids, he wins by a landslide) Dick Grayson.
Robin!Jason era:
Dick: You wanna go out and get high?
Jason: I can't, I have homework.
Dick, sputtering: HOMEWORK?
Dick, about to do an elaborate (and totally not dangerous) acrobatic move in the manor: Watch this, littlewing
Jason: You shouldn't do that, it'll make Bruce upset.
Dick, on the brink of angry tears: Why are you like this.
Jason, dejected: Listen, I know you don't approve of me because you think I'm not good enough as Robin, but-
Dick: Not good enough as Robin? I don't care about that, I just think you're a little bitch
Dick taking Jason out on a hangout for the first time: OK, looks like I got my work cut out for me. Take out a notepad and write everything down. I will NOT have my successor embarrass me like this. So what you wanna do to piss off Bruce-
[Years later, Jason returning to Gotham with the fury of a thousand suns and the chaos to match it]: I'm gonna make your life a living HELL, Bruce
Dick, older and relatively more chilled out: Okayyyyy, maybe let's just– calm down a lil, haha, no need for the theatrics
Jason, betrayed, observing a Dick Grayson who is teaching his new younger siblings to behave and be mature: Dick, what the FUCK
Present!Dick, mentoring Tim: Make sure not to be too impulsive, don't wanna raise Bruce's blood pressure
Red Hood!Jason spying on them from afar: Who even ARE you??
Jason: So you teach me ALL of that, only to turn into the ONE thing you despised so greatly all those years ago
Dick, sweating: Well-
Jason: I'm ASHAMED. How can you be worthy of being called my PREDECESSOR?
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Still thinking about last night
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”No, no, but seriously,” you start, adjusting on your seat, “it wasn’t that bad. At least not by the end. I felt like we had-“ a connection, that you managed to see him as he was for at least the brittlest of moments. But the sentence dies at the tip of your tongue. You prefer to keep that to yourself. pairing: tim drake x reader tags: stalking, average tim behavior, college student reader word count: 1.7k
“Do you look up all your girlfriends?”
Tim doesn’t like the insinuation, but he shoulders on because Barbara’s network is far more extensive than his, far more even than the Batcave’s, and this is a favour, after all.
Your face is on full display, a shot from your ID, taking up the main screen on Oracle’s setup. You don’t look very happy.
Your hair is longer than when he met you the other night, and he sees the fading of some sort of dye on the tips of your hair. 20 years old, born and raised in Gotham, there is nothing outstanding about you.
“She’s not my girlfriend,” he replies as an afterthought, his eyes on the screens. You enrolled in GU last year, took up journalism as a major. Why would a college student live in a warehouse? 
Because it has to be a warehouse, why else would it have been called like that in the files?
The incident that led him to your apartment is still something that embarrasses him. A mistake on his part, something that shouldn’t have happened.
He keeps going over the details, trying to understand; it was just the criminal of the week, a robbery gone wrong at a jewelry shop, hostages that shouldn’t have been there. He had been sneaky, gotten inside before anyone noticed, and released the hostages in record time (which was good, because when they started shooting, Tim was the only one inside). But one of the rogues got on the defensive when they saw he was one of the bats, had gotten a hit on Tim’s ear, and broken his comms. Then a shot in the darkness and a sharp pain took over his senses.
Which one was the lesser evil, running away to seek shelter while he was still lucid? Or detaining the rogues but risking further injury?
The final matter came down to “what would Bruce do?”
So Tim had pushed through, managed to knock them out, cuffed them somewhere the police would find them, and left before anyone else could see him.
The sky was raging, as expected of Gotham, when he stepped foot on the rooftops outside. His breathing was ragged, the pain was excruciating and he had left the Red Bird at the cave.
It only crashed down on Tim as the thunder and lightning erupted around him, shivering and in pain. Once the adrenaline left, it hit all at once-
He was alone.
It only took a second for the gears to kick in. He couldn’t access the Batcomputer, or call anyone who could help. He could take care of it without them, but where would he go? Leslie’s clinic was on the other side of the city, and after retiring it had fallen under new management, would whoever was i charge still treat vigilantes? There were no warehouses around the area either, not ones he remembered anyway, and the longer he thought, the more he started to fear bleeding out in the streets.
What other things did he have access to offline? His suit had prior saves of data, backup files from years prior. Tim accessed them with shaky hands. 
As he thought, not many places to go to in the area, but there was somewhere marked as a safe place. Somewhere that wasn’t Bruce’s but that was listed as Bat equipped. He headed there with desperation clawing at his throat, pain drilling at the back of his eyelids.
But he didn’t find what he was expecting. Instead, there was you and a mundane house. Somewhere that looked lived in, rather than a closet stuffed with expensive tech and medical equipment.
He realized too late, that the information was outdated, that he was going to die from a mistake.
Except he didn’t. Except you were there.
And he wants to figure it out, what kind of sane person could possibly do what you had done? He wants to figure you out.
“She isn’t shady,” Barbara supplies unhelpfully. She starts looking over your school records, your extracurriculars, you studied at the same school he did, nothing out of the ordinary; A book club, perfectly good grades, no problems with teachers or classmates. There’s an internship registered under your name at one of Gotham’s local newspapers, and there, a few articles on topics like battok trends or the latest celebrity scandal. The few lines he skims read uninspired.
The only thing Tim finds unusual is paperwork from the year before, for a cat you had adopted.
“I didn’t see any pets.” At least not when he was there. His allergies would have started making him sneeze like a madman otherwise. But what could he possibly get from that?
You’re perfectly ordinary, so ordinary Tim can’t possibly figure out why you’d be living full-time in a Batman safehouse.
And it’s driving him crazy.
Barbara hums, saying your name, and then, she says your second surname, your mother’s maiden name, “Thompkins?”
“Thought it was common,” Tim shrugs because he hadn’t taken notice of the detail during his first research. Barbara sends him a pointed look.
“Who was the safehouse registered under?” It’s a simple question, Tim realizes his slip-up on the next beat.
“Is she related to Leslie Thompkins?” 
“Grandniece looks more like,” Barbara supplies, pulling up your mother’s birth certificate. She digs up an old picture, a younger Leslie posing next to a smiling blonde woman, who holding up a med school diploma. Seems like your mother followed in her footsteps.
“The warehouse is registered under her name,” Barbara supplies, pulling up a scan of the apartment’s deed. Leslie Thompkins is clearly written as the owner. It must have been a safehouse for her, and subsequently for Batman, a long time ago. All before you took over. “You satisfied now?”
Tim says nothing at that, gnawing at his lip.
From the screen, your picture stares back.
“It was freaking scary.” You complain over your instant noodles. But they’re too hot and they scald, making you hiss. Your friend stares at you from across the table.
None of your high school peers stuck with you after graduation, so your list of friends remains painfully empty. And it would be a name shorter, had Claudia not appeared into your life.
You met during your internship, where she was interning too, at the literature department of the magazine. You’re both close in age and enjoy reading classics, so you spend lunch breaks together and bond over trash-talking your coworkers. She’s one of the few people you talk to in an otherwise silent existence. And she’s quite funny, too.
”It feels like one of those trashy romance novels, right?” She gestures openly, a sandwich in her hand. You’ve been telling her about your encounter with Red Robin for a lack of anything else. It’s the only interesting thing that’s happened to you in a while. “‘The superhero crashed at my place! And oh no, he’s naked!’.”
You snort, slapping her arm, “he was not naked! And it wasn’t romantic at all! I was so scared I’d throw up all over him from the stress!”
She chokes on a piece of ham, then starts to laugh. You start laughing too. 
It’s a relief having Claudia to make it all sound less scary.
Her laughing stops when her phone beeps and she pulls it out. Meanwhile, you choose to entertain yourself with your food.
”Is it that twitter account?” You ask half curiously. She hums in response, not looking up from the screen.
”Seems like bird boy hasn’t been seen in a while,” Claudia scrolls down her feed as she talks, quickly liking posts or replying to comments. She runs a popular fan account in her spare time that revolves around Gotham vigilantes, which is not a niche topic.  Most of the accounts themed around the bats, much like Claudia herself, are not native to Gotham. Rather, they’re from Metropolis or San Francisco, where the public regularly sees Superman or the Titans. Gothamites don’t have that kind of relationship with their heroes. “Red Robin’s been out of the streets since last Friday.”
”I guess that means you’re not lying,” she says teasing, which makes you blow a raspberry, “how did you do it, though? I would have messed up so bad.”
”Eh,” you start halfheartedly, “I took pre-med classes all through high school. I’ve forgotten most of it, though, but what little I knew came in handy,” you shrug, leaning back against your chair, “he had some pretty useful stuff, too. Super fancy equipment. That definitely helped.”
“Anyone else would have tried seeing under his mask, and you’re telling me what stuck out to you was his equipment?” Claudia laughs. “Maybe your next article will be about the bats’ tools. Does Batman carry around bat-bandaids? What about bat-snacks?”
You choke on your food, pushing down a laugh. It would be better than the stuff you’ve been writing about for these past few months, anyway. There are only so many influencers you can interview without going crazy.
”No, no, but seriously,” you start,  adjusting on your seat, “it wasn’t that bad. At least not by the end. I felt like we had-“ a connection, that you managed to see him as he was for at least the brittlest of moments. But the sentence dies at the tip of your tongue. You prefer to keep that to yourself.
“He was your favorite, you said, no?” Claudia catches on and continues, “I’d be just like you if Nightwing crashed into my apartment too.”
You’re about to retaliate, because-
Because what happened was not without meaning. You had realized he was more than an ephemeral figure or a distant idol, something as tangible as you, and that had made you stop fearing, for better or for worse.
But your boss peeks his head around the corner and takes sight of you both. “Your break is over,” he says and stands in the doorway as he watches you tidy up and throw empty containers and coffee cups into the bin.
Just as you’re leaving you catch something by the corner of your eye. On the TV is a fuzzy image of something humanoid, vaguely red and black. 
Wherever you go, the shadow of Red Robin follows.
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weirdfishy · 1 year
fic stats meme
Rules: Give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the least words.
tagged by @mashumaru !!! thanks lovely for the tag, i haven't had a minute of brain power to write lately, but i love being tagged in these!! (also, all my ao3 stuff is archive locked, so y'all've gotta be signed in to read them)
Most Hits
Unknown Caller ID - Danny Phantom x DC Batfam
Surprisingly, Damian steps in front of him, arms crossed. “Batman, this is my Father. He arrived soon after receiving word of my capture. Please, refrain from arresting him.” Danny reels.
one of the favs (n istg i will make more but like. life.) bc it's crack Treated Seriously n i love this concept that Damian has just gone 'you're now my father' to Danny bc Danny is Worthy Of Dating Bruce
Second Most Kudos
Tim's Drake's introduction to ✨Ghosts✨ - DP x DC Batfam
Tim, currently standing on top of the Batmobile, in distant yet full view of the computer’s camera, shouts, “Not B! How the fuck do you deal with a ghost!??” Tim hops off the car and dashes towards the computer as Constantine just gives a weary sigh, dragging a hand down his face.
lil bit of crack treated seriously, allowing myself to be silly goofy
Third Most Comments
just slip me on, i'll be your blanket - The Sandman, dreamling
It boils Hob’s blood, to see him like this—to not know how long his stranger has been here, in this hell of human greed. But you can be hurt…or captured. He’d heard the stories, the rumors of The Magus and the Devil in his basement. Hob didn’t know about devils, but he did know of those assumed to be yet never were, taking human form. Hob also knew of imprisoning others, and of being imprisoned.
legit one of my favorite prose stuff, even if i lost motivation (& my notes) for fleshing it out
Fourth Most Bookmarks
Discussion in Trust - Boku No Hero Academia
“We know that the second they know they can control you, you’ve lost,”—a pause—“but once you lose, you can learn. And I learned, Sensei, from fucking five, that “quirkless” was a societal loss I’d never stop learning from.”
my contribution to all might bashing, dadzawa, and like? analyst izuku. proud of it still, at the time i adored it but yk, my self standards raised so.
Fifth Most Words
C'est la vie - Criminal Minds, Emily Prentiss/Murder!Reader
Drip,  “Family is not blood.” You tilt your head back, closing your eyes, voice low and slow. sigh “But I would bleed and cry for family found blind- I would turn to & die. I would turn blade & kill.” You lick your lips, catching the edge of the cut, the sting causing you to shiver.  drip, “Apocalypse,” you finish, tilting your head back to face them, squeezing the trigger. die-
oh boy, this one is my second??? fic posted, and i fully intend to rewrite it, but it's been awhile, and it will continue being awhile
Least Words
To See the Sea Last - The Witcher OC
Stilled lungs bloated with a corrosive, burning salt, and yet felt no pain. The water line rose higher. Strands of gray danced in a thin crown as the ocean submerged the body of a man who had chosen to both live and die by the whims of the sea.
a flash fiction fill, it's a lil poetic death scene of one of my OCs, a pirate named Walerian. i actually adore this, even if it goes mostly unseen
no pressure tags to: @oliveofvanders @fannafiction @spacedace @shire-bard & ofc anyone who would like to ! <3
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zahri-melitor · 1 year
Identity Crisis:
Look, I read this to see Jack Drake die, and wow did he ever manage that. Poor Tim, this has been a Very Bad Week for him.
I am now however baffled as to how on earth Jean Loring even found OUT Tim Drake’s identity.
Despite all the angst over knowing one secret identity leading to uncovering everyone else’s, the only publicly linked identities among the Bats at this point are Dick and Bruce, and Dick gets away with not mentioning his Extremely Wealthy Father all the time! Getting from Bruce to Tim takes knowing about the foster records!
Ray Palmer and Jean Loring seem to have divorced pre-Crisis, from my fast skim of the wikis?
Sure she seems to have been acting as a JLA-affiliated lawyer, but that doesn’t come with a laundry list of every superhero’s personal name.
I’m just BAFFLED. Ollie hugs Connor after seeing the headline about Jack Drake’s death (without even saying ‘hey Robin’s Dad just died’), with the implication Connor isn’t even fully aware of Tim’s public identity (and Connor’s HELPED RESCUE JACK back in Batgirl #30-32, if there’s a hero NOT on a team with Tim that should know who Jack Drake is, it’s Connor)
But Ray Palmer and Jean Loring are just casually talking about ‘Tim’ as if this is just common knowledge in the community??
Who told you? You’re not close to anyone in ex-Young Justice or the current Titans, Bruce isn’t going to volunteer that information, we are barely past the “they’re urban legends” stuff. Barbara Gordon was just saying “does Clark know who I am” over in Birds of Prey #71 because officially Superman still doesn’t know Oracle’s personal name.
This isn’t Lois Lane’s identity, which is the most heavily protected ID outside the community but openly known by anyone who’s been near the JLA. It’s the father of a ROBIN.
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rubydubydoo122 · 10 months
Batfam Band Au
Jason Todd and Tim Drake are so Conan Gray coded. Proof? here,
Maniac - Jason: 'People like you always want back what they can't have, but I'm past that and you know that so you should turn back to your rat(bat) pack tell 'em I'm trash' Jason to Bruce after Bruce victim blamed his death Tim: 'Tell all of your friends that I'm crazy, and drive you mad, that I'm such a stalker, a watcher, a psycopath' Tim's speaks for itself, but like... probably Tim to everyone
Fight or Flight - Jason: 'something's gotten into you, you don't really look at me the way you used to' Him to Bruce. no explanation needed, 'Every single rumor that I've heard of you say, you were out with someone that I don't know' Jason when he saw the pictures of Tim as Robin 'fight or flight, I'd rather die than have to cry in front of you. fight or flight, id rather lie than tell you I'm in love with you' him with bruce. Him With Bruce. HIM WITH BRUCE. Like god, he's just a scared kid that wants his dad, but he'll never admit that, 'Now there's someone at my door, someone i've not met before, they've got, eyes like mine, a pretty smile and they've been crying for a while, cus they also didn't know' Jason with Tim after Damian became Robin (or a while after that ig, whenever they started to get along)
The Cut that Always Bleeds - Tim: 'Oh I, can't, be, your lover on a leash, every other week, when you need, oh I can't be, the kiss that you don't need, the lie between your teeth, the cut that always bleeds' Tim realizing that maybe being Bruce's emotional support child is no bueno for his mental heath. 'Say you love somebody new and beat my heart to black and blue, and they leave and it's me you come back to' Because Tim became Robin to essentially be Bruce's crutch until he could get back on his feet after Jason's death, and the problem with that is Bruce will never really get back on his feet because he's still limping from his parents death, 'But even though you're killing me, I need you like the air I breathe, I need, I need you more than me, I need you more than anything, please, please.' and that's kinda the case for all the Robins. Bruce pushes them so hard, almost to the point of breaking, and when they want to break away, Bruce gives them a sliver of validation creating a never ending cycle of them craving Bruce's approval.
Astronomy - Jason: 'cus socially speaking, we were the same, with runaway fathers and mothers who drank' Jason to Steph probably 'From far away, i wish i'd stayed with you. but here face to face a stranger that I once knew. I thought if I wandered, I'd fall back in love, you said distance brings fondness, but guess not with us' Jason to Bruce during UTRH, because Jason's death changed both of them so much, to the point where they can't recognize each other anymore . And maybe Bruce missed Jason while he was dead, but now that he's alive...'Stop trying to keep us alive, you're pointing at stars in the sky, that've already died, stop trying to keep us alive, you can't force the stars to align, when they've already died' Him to himself about continuing to forgive Bruce and running back to Bruce time and time again after all the shit Bruce has pulled
Footnote - Tim: 'I say if I waited, could that maybe help, you told me that patience won't change how you felt, for me' Tim to Bruce, knowing that he'll never be Jason, yet still yearning for that father/son dynamic (sh sh, Ik Tim doesn't actually see Bruce as his dad, but lets shift slightly into fanon) 'So I'll just take a footnote, in your life, and you can take my body, every line, I would right for you, but a footnote will do' Tim's entire Red Robin run, mainly to Dick, who is a little too busy trying to balance grieving and a feral child 'You taught me a lesson, that feelings are reckless, it's just like the novels, side characters end up alone.' Tim after loosing almost everyone he cared about within a year and turning cold and distant.
Winner - Literally this whole song is for the both of them and their parental issues Tim: 'Packed my bags at 14, I hadn't planned on leaving, but you haven't been back home for days' Like... we all do agree that Tim's parents were neglectful. They were literally never around. 'You don't really wanna hear the truth, do you? it's obvious to anyone who ever knew you. that all you ever want is to be right, even if that means you gotta lie to do it,' This is probably more fannon, but like Janet and Jack Drake Jason: 'Bask inside your victory, my heart that once was beating, bleeding in the palm of your hand' Under the Red Hood. batarang to the throat, 'Yet you have the nerve to miss me, how do I somehow feel guilty? when you're the one who let it get this bad' JASON TO BRUCE LIKE, TELL ME I"M WRONG. Bruce will claim to miss Jason, but then blame him for his own death in the same breath. "You don't really wanna hear the truth, do you? it's obvious to anyone who ever knew you. that all you ever wanted was to FIGHT. I WAS ONLY TRYING TO SURVIVE YOUR CHAOS!! WELL LOOK AT HOW IT"S PAID OFF' Jason got caught up in Bruce's "war on crime" AND HE DIED. HE DIED FOR IT. HE DIDN"T SURVIVE BRUCE"S CHAOS, HE"S STIL STUCK IN IT AND HE CAN"T GET OUT.
Family Line - THIS ONE!!! THIS ONE!!! I LITERALLY CRY EVERY TIME I HEAR IT BECAUSE IT FITS THE BOTH OF THEM TOO WELL Jason: 'My father never talked a lot, He just took a walk around the block, 'Til all his anger took a hold of him, and then he'd hit. My mother never cried a lot, She took the punches, but she never fought' Willis and Catherine. 'Scattered 'cross my family lineI'm so good at telling lies, That came from my mother father's side, Told a million to survive,' Father meaning Bruce. Lies meaning Robin and secret identies and stuff 'Scattered 'cross my family line, God, I have my father's mother's eyes,' Sheila's 'But my sister's when I cry, I can run, but I can't hide, From my family line' Do I have to explain this? Tim: 'It's hard to put it into words, How the holidays will always hurt, I watch the fathers with their little girls, And wonder what I did to deserve this, How could you hurt a little kid? I can't forget, I can't forgive you, 'Cause now I'm scared that everyone I love will leave me' I can just imagine little baby Timmy following Batman and Robin, and then casting a glance at a family lighting a minorah, while he knows his family's minorah is sitting in the closet because his parents still haven't come home from their trip. Jason: 'Oh, all that I did to try to undo it,' All the crimes he did to survive, made him try so hard as Robin to undo that, 'All of my pain and all your excuses, I was a kid but I wasn't clueless' Maybe it's how he feels about Sheila now that he's grown. Jason was alone on the streets before Bruce. He even empathized with Sheila, and tried to help her. Jason was optimistic, not naive. Tim: 'Someone who loves you wouldn't do this' Jason: "All of my past, I tried to erase it,' His time on the streets, his time as Robin, Sheila's betrayal, The LOA, his villain era, 'But now I see, would I even change it?' Because all of those things shaped who he is now 'Might share a face and share a last name, but We are not the same' He would've never done what Sheila did, he would never do what Bruce did, or Talia, or Wilis or any of the other adults in his life who have let him down.
Anywho, yeah, Conan Gray writing music for Jason and Tim is on my mind a lot.
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
Because I love angst....
There’s some fics where Tim tries to help Jason to kill him so that he can rejoin the family, where he assumes Jason and the rest of the family won’t miss him and he is passively suicidal.
Usually, it goes that he’s mistaken. I want a world where’s he not.
Jason brutally murders Tim in Titan’s Tower...maybe even worse. (R*pe) Then, he destroys the body, and sets off to rejoin the batfam.
Bruce and Dick, are, predictably, overjoyed to have Jason back. They don’t know he killed Tim—he’s gone missing, but nobody really cares too much. Why should they? It’s a miracle. Jason’s back.
Sure, Kon and Bart care, but they die soon after, in manners similar to canon.
Time goes on. Jason tells them the censored story. They weep and hug him. All is well. He doesn’t regret killing the imposter.
But it starts to feel a little strange, because he thought he’d have to try a little harder, if you know what he means. Bruce takes over a month to actually open a case regarding Tim. Nobody opens it for weeks at a time. No one is really *looking*— it seems they’re content to let it lie.
Tim’s school eventually reports his drop in attendance. The Drakes take a month to return home. They pay off the police to keep the investigation hush-hush— Drake Industries might not be able to tank the bad publicity if it gets out that their son is likely dead due to their negligence.
They leave again, for Peru, or Ecuador, or Suriname. Jason can’t keep it straight.
He kept one trophy. A single tooth, from the back of the mouth. He had knocked it free with a crowbar sometime during the killing. He keeps it in a false bottom in his sock drawer. There’s nothing else. The acid made sure of that.
Meanwhile, he gets used to the evolution in operations down in the bat cave. There’s a few new rogues, a few new allies— Cass is pretty cool, he supposes. The bar computer is a lot better than he remembers. It’s a bit like the internet before and after google, the difference is so stark— messy, poorly formatted files are now neatly saved and backed-up and cross-referenced.
He asks Oracle about it. She mentions it being the work of— she pauses here, not wanting to say ‘the previous robin’.
Eventually, she says, “The Substitute”, even though Jason isn’t Robin anymore, is working on his own costume and identity with the help of his family. Red Hood is a dusty secret, not entirely MIA, but operated remotely so as to not draw the suspicion of his family.
It’s the first time he ever feels something about the boy that isn’t rage. It’s something else, gray and shriveled in his gut. He doesn’t know a word for it, and he doesn’t need to. He pushes it aside.
But he’s always had an addictive personality. A week later, he’s the only one in the cave. The bat computer just sits there, calling his name in a voice he doesn’t want to recognize. He heard it before, sobbing mostly.
He finds the old ID. When he logs in, the setup takes several minutes to load, which is strange, because everything is so much faster now, loading in milliseconds.
There’s files. More than Jason can even fathom. Case files, photos, and video footage from the Robin mask. Even a few AI chess-games with game times going into the months-long territory, differently coded ‘players’ wining or loosing matches against each other into perpetuity, with nobody left to witness them.
There’s a lot of side projects like that. They’re usually quite strange, technically complex, and Jason slowly realizes as he pores over them in between watching the trackers for Bruce and Dick’s return, bloody brilliant.
Weirdly, it just breeds a sort of awe in his chest. No anger.
And there’s the footage. It takes him bags full of high-storage flash-drives to get all of it. He watches it alone in his room. Tim Drake in black and white security footage in the cave, quietly cleaning up after Batman or sitting hunched at the bat computer— looking so small, hunched over with his legs tucked in like he’s cold.
Footage from his Robin encounters— he’s quiet, speaks far more rarely than Jason or Dick had. He’s got this sweet, soft little voice that Jason actually finds quite relaxing. Sometimes he mutters to himself when he’s solving a problem faster than Jason can believe, always sounding a little unsure of his own brilliance.
Jason’s always had an addictive personality. It’s why he killed Tim, in a way. He just gets obsessed.
It happens all over again, in reverse.
He starts seeing Tim in his dreams, in the corner of his vision when he’s tired. He doesn’t speak, and when Jason reaches for him, he’s always drifting away, his expression blank.
He runs out of footage. The dreams turn into nightmares. He’s running, screaming, crying, begging for a companion in a vast void, and there’s Tim, off in the distance, hunched over., never able to see or hear him.
Sometimes, he finds Tim, after wandering in the rocky hellscape for hours. Or, what’s left of him. It’s never a skeleton, always a fresh corpse— mangled almost beyond recognition if not for the tatters of red and green. It’s a familiar sight.
Back when Tim was reported missing to the Police, somebody— probably Dick— was sent over to the Drake manor to collect all of Tim’s things, hopefully clearing anything incriminating.
Jason checks the evidence storage. There’s long rows of it, shelves leading into the darkness of the vast cave tunnels. It takes him several nights to find the sealed plastic box.
DRAKE MANOR it is labeled in neat, blocky letters. In the notes section of the item sheet, it mentions a loose floorboard and a false panel in the wall. It’s clinical. The paper is damp and dusty.
When he opens it, he finds notebooks, stuffed with sticky notes and yellowed with use, and more than that, *photos*. His heart nearly stops, desperate for a new hit of his newest drug.
When he begins to look through them, he has to sit down, because— because they’re *old*. Really old.
He stares at a photo of himself as Robin, silhouetted proudly by the Gotham moon. It’s a great shot, perfect in composition and and coloring. He can’t imagine how long it took Tim to get it.
He couldn’t have been older than 11. He pictures the School photo-day records he had dug up, that even smaller, paler Tim, with his shy, gap-toothed smile.
His hand curls into a fist. There’s something wet in his eyes. For the first time, he allows himself to acknowledge its more than the dust.
He’s in love with Tim Drake, he thinks. He thinks it again. It’s stronger each time, more and more sure, until it’s a crescendo pumping in every inch of his body. It’s like the hot twin of the Pit, but somehow *more*. He can barely stand it.
He sends Bruce a note over the Bat-Chat about the status of the missing ‘neighbor’, as they tend to refer to him.
Bruce seems surprised he asked, and then reassures him that he always viewed Jason as the proper Robin. That boy didn’t mean anything to him, he says.
He gets an even more flippant response from Dick, punctuated by an octopus-hug that Jason has to excuse himself from to go vomit in the bathroom.
Because he knows that. He knows Tim didn’t mean anything to them. He can see it, in the old footage. In the way they treated him like a servant at best, a crutch, and a scapegoat at the worst.
He sees the shake of his skinny little limbs as he hauls himself out the back door in the snow back to the empty Drake Estate, his bruised ribs trembling in the cold.
He sees the glitzy press conference recently held by Drake Industries, where the only mentioned of their missing son was a token used to bolster their story of ‘resilience in the face of challenges’, garnering more donations to their nascent technology fund.
He knows Tim didn’t mean anything to them. He didn’t mean anything to anybody.
All alone.
Something in Jason curdles for the second time. This time, he needs no pit to grant him rage.
(Im going to continue this, but my phones dying lol. Expect a contusion In the coming days, but Id love to hear ur thoughts!!!!)
tim!!!😢😢😢😢 the fact that no one cares that tim died, no one looks into it at all!! jason slowly falling in love with tim through the little things about him that were left behind!
that line!! where jason realizes that both dick and bruce along with tim's parents don't care to know what happened to the boy that jason killed and whose body he destroyed. "He knows Tim didn’t mean anything to them. He didn’t mean anything to anybody."
fics where tim gets the short end of the stick just hit so much harder because he's my fav and seeing him suffering!!! tim hasn't even suffered for long here and he's not present to see how unmourned he was but it's just so tragic all the same and heartwrenching!! that the only person genuinely upset by tim's death is the person who killed him.
and you feel for jason, despite the fact that he killed tim who was innocent. you really feel for him because as his state of mind becomes more steady you can see how the regret and horror slowly seeps in. he's being haunted by the horrible guilt and disgusted realization that even if he confessed and told what he did...nothing would happen. part of jason is still that boy, that robin who fought for justice and now here he is, the person who comitted a heinous act that can't be taken back and it's just so horrendous. because he didn't just stop at killing tim, he erased every bit of evidence of what happened to him, he destroyed his body- there is no trace or bit of tim drake left in the world aside from the few words he left behind.
and the absolutely gut-wrenching tragedy of jason falling for tim, of having been probably the only person to care for tim but that care coming too late to save tim.
it's just so sad!!!!! 😢😢😢😢 i'm happy you wrote and shared it but it really is the most angsty thing i think i've read in a while!!!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 months
The Golden-Child looks a little more Orange and Black
by teaformiles After an argument over their robin times with Jason, Dick Grayson goes on patrol and ends up MIA. Jason, looking for his (sorta..) brother accidentally runs into a new villain, who seems more like a confused kid than a cold-blooded assassin. To make matters worse, the boy shares a strange resemblance with Dick, and wears the uniform of the dangerous assassin, Deathstroke. AKA: Jason and Dick get into a fight, Dick winds up getting his age re-winded and turned into Renegade. Dick, who's memories are now reset to that time, has to confront his fears, and Jason has to deal with his (now smaller) brother, who wasn't so much of a goody-two-shoes as he thought. Words: 1527, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Teen Titans (Animated Series), DCU Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Dick Grayson, Renegade (DCU), Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Oracle (DCU) Relationships: Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, (Mentioned) Dick Grayon & Slade Wilson, No Romantic Relationship(s) Additional Tags: the characters timelines are mostly based on Wayne Family Adventures, De-Aged Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Dick Grayson is Renegade, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, it wasnt bruce hes just a bit absent, Bruce Wayne's A+ Parenting, Jason Todd Tries to Be a Good Sibling, Dick Grayson is going through it, Bad Mentor Slade Wilson, Dick Grayson-centric, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, DC stands for Disregard Canon, its still mostly canon compliant though, i just pick and mix DC stuff, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Brotherly Bonding, no beta we die like jason todd, you dont need to read WFA by the way, they are just at those ages and timelines, Damian Wayne is Robin, i dont have lots of dc knowledge but im trying, sorry if i make mistakes!, Dick Grayson Causes Chaos, Dick Grayson speaks Spanish, just thought id mention even if i dont include any spanish, author has not read the comics (yet), Jason Todd's POV via https://ift.tt/fsS1wNO
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ylfva-remade · 2 years
yes tell us about canadian tim drake (<- a fellow canadian tim drake enthusiast)
i didnt think id get this far um.
okay so i think he comes from an english-speaking family and spoke french very well in his youth but has forgotten a lot of it now. he has fond memories of tim hortons but won't drink their coffee if its hot. (iced capp / iced coffee only)
he doesnt really mind the gotham winter that much because he's had worse. doesn't get the hype around hockey (jason dislikes him for this. i think jason likes hockey) or skating (dick would be good at figure skating i think)
thinks maple syrup is better than table syrup but thinks they're both too sweet. yelled at bruce for buying cheap table syrup because they CAN afford the good quebec stuff. (this is a hill i personally WILL die on. if you have access to the good stuff why are u buying table syrup. its nasty)
is probably from ontario, most likely toronto tbh? MAYBE montreal. hes probably been to PEI and nova scotia but not anywhere out west or up north.
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onlycleverinmyhead · 2 years
Tim drake: Robin #6
It was bad.
-They brought back the old art style, and it’s just- not good. Fight scenes feel confusing and ‘too loud’ somehow, backgrounds look good but the characters look really bad (except for Cass) especially Tim and Bernard. To me, the art honestly brings the whole issue down.
- Tim's character seems to only have two main themes: 1) he wanted to be batman, but not anymore- which is just completely untrue, Tim decided he didn’t want to be batman during his robin days, his problem is not letting go of the robin mantle. His ‘red robin’ identity signified a slight departure from ‘Robin’ but dc main canon is set on Tim being robin again (this isn’t new info for anyone, I’m just complaining)
2) he has now ‘found himself’ (he’s talking about his sexuality) but he still doesn’t know who he is exactly- hopefully that last part is a setup for a new identity.  Tim’s coming out arc was about his identity crisis, and he talked about finally being himself in the beginning of TD:R and also the pride special I think, so him repeating that thread over and over is exhausting. there are more things you can do with a queer character besides having him say he’s queer. have some secret ID shenanigans with Tim and Bernard- who is literally a batman conspiracy theorist. have Tim grapple with the hardship of having a civilian bf, that he has to lie to and put in danger. Have Tim meet another old guy friend (Danny temple) and work a case with him (Danny temple with his cobra gear please) only to realize he used to be attracted to him and than he has two love interests at the same time (not uncommon for Tim).
-Things I liked: 1)Tim had one interesting character moment where he admitted to liking puzzles because solving them makes him feel in control and he likes being in control.
2) Moriarty lowkey flirting with Tim in the beginning “will you make me the happiest nemesis in Gotham?” (it’s fun when bad guys are obsessed with Tim I will die on this hill)
3) Tim dealing Moriarty a fatal blow but Tim(+ the entire narrative) is pretending he didn’t just kill him and we are shown he’s alive somehow but he really shouldn’t be. And Tim says “I have a feeling we’ll see him soon” like sweetheart, you made him explode
4)Tim and Bernard kissed in his own title this time.
-Overall this entire issue felt like nothing
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bisexualwolverines · 3 years
how is tim asian?? i take one look at that guy i already he has the a spice tolerance of spoilt milk he cant be asian
its so funny actually how some tim stans are ready to die on this hill, it mostly stems from racial stereotypes which is why we get latino jason as well (although that is canon in bombshells)
its also funny because you know who actually is part chinese, damian, but we cant expect those fanon tim stans to know that
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heroesriseandfall · 2 years
When your fake identity becomes so overused it turns into your third hyphenated surname.
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Red Robin #5
Image description: A cropped panel from the above comic showing some speech bubbles for Tam Fox as she says, “I’m going to die. Tim Drake-Wayne-Draper is a crazy assassin now and I’m going to die. We’re surrounded by ninjas and killers, and they want you to help find more killers. Why” The rest of the sentence is cut off. End ID.
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wiihtigo · 2 years
youre doing gods work w the boostle list i stg. once that drops its OVER for me. eithet that or ill just hyperfix rlly hard for a week then forget ab it. well see. is there any other dc shit youd rec or whatever while were at it.
MARTY my friend marty is doing gods work theyre helping me a lot rn remembering which specific issues of other comics they show up in before we get to the big big stuff like countdown
as for other dc stuff id rec....Well i recently finishing reading the 80s (and 60s) doom patrol comic and enjoyed it very much! im also watching the tv show and its good but the episodes are like an hour long so its like a Task to sit down and focus on. Im only like a handful of episodes in
I did not fucking care for like the first 20 issues of doom patrol 1987 and almost dropped it until i reached the grant morrison run and it was instantly so good i couldnt stop reading. Ive said this to my friends before but i would say its comparable to the works of stephen king in both the good and the bad ways. It was a good comic in the same way "It" was a good book
The 60s one is fine and i enjoyed it (it has rita! but so does the tv show so if you want to see her but dont want to read a 60s comic you can watch her there) but if youre in it for the surreal really weird storylines you mightve heard rumors of from dp the 80s run is where it all begins. honest to god id say just skip the issues until grant morrison takes over theyre so BORINGGGGG. IN MY OPINION
hm what else have i been reading OH. YOUNG JUSTICE 1998! i recently finished this one as well i dont know why it took me so long it was only 55 issues but it was SOOOOOO GOOD. i do not fucking like the young justice cartoon this comic is the superior yj media i mean just compare yj 98s kon (cool leather jacket. gay earring. undercut. tiny shades. TWO belts) to the tv shows kon (just a t shirt and jeans. ugly haircut. lame. stupid. ugly. die. Straight)
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cant rec this comic enough mostly out of spite for the fact that when most people think of young justice they think of the swagless cartoon and not this beautiful team of teens. For one, the kids actually act like teens in the comic and not young adults having stupid relationship drama. Theyre sweet and stupid and care about eachother and the storylines are really thoughtful and opinionated. a lot of what im saying is regurgitated from things my much more eloquent friend monty has said about yj but since reading it for myself and now knowing firsthand i cant agree more. There was a really awesome story involving arrowette (cissie king jones) about a school shooting and gun violence. a lot of modern comics take the (pussy) centrist route when dealing with big controversies like this but they literally look to the camera and say GUN CONTROL **PLEASE!!!!!!!!**. in an ealier issue theres this funny moment where bart (impulse) zips away to stop some hunters from killing a deer and kon (superboy) is like did you really violate their AMERICAN right to shoot guns? AWESOME!!!!!!!!
also its just earnestly really really really funny. it has that sam and max style of humor which is why i think i loved it so much.
cant sing enough praises for this comic. Also in the yj show they had dick grayson as the robin for the first season? and wally? why do you hate tim drake and bart allen that much. tim kon and bart are a package deal dont separate them you bitch!
umm well that was only 2 comics i ended up recomending but i talked a lot about yj sooooo. there you go
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
Robin, hon, can you explain to me why there is bad blood between Bruce and Jason?
I could go on and on and on but in the name of both our sanities I will summarize.
Bruce found orphaned street kid Jason stealing tires from the Batmobile, adopted him and made him Robin (which pissed off original Robin, Dick, bc it wasn't Bruce's mantle to give away but I digress). Things are good for a while. But Jason had a lot of unresolved anger and depression from year living on the streets, he became reckless in the field and was overly aggressive with criminals (esp those who abused women or children like same boy). Bruce, angry and worried, pulled him from heroing to get him help. Only Jason didn't listen and when he heard his birth mother was in trouble, he ran across the world to go help her only to be caught by the Joker. He is beaten half to death by the clown and left to die in an exploding building. Robin II and Bruce's son is dead.
It's a tragedy, Bruce mourned Jason so hard almost falling apart as Batman and Wayne. Tim Drake, avid Batman fanboy who uncovered their IDs through investigatory work, tries to bring Batman and Nightwing back together to help stabilize Batman. Once the dust settles, Tim is chosen to be the new Robin, Dick and Bruce have started to reconcile and real healing is beginning to happen. All is well right?
Wrong! Turns out Jason has been brought back to life (pick your version, Superboy Prime punching reality from the inbetween space he's trapped in or Ra's al Ghul stealing the body and Lazarus Pitting him). Jason comes back mundo scrambled and it takes him awhile to get his bearings under him. All he knows is when he looks around, Batman has replaced him with another Robin and appears happy as can be. Underlying anger issues + genuine hurt feelings + post resurrection mind fuck means Jason is Pissed. He dedicates himself to learning the deadly arts Batman never taught him.
He returns in the Under the Red Hood comic (chef's kiss) as the criminal vigilante, Red Hood, who uses terror and murder to become Gotham's premiere crime lord. He lets Bruce and everyone know who he is, as dramatically as possible, with heart breaking results.
This ended up being a very long explanation to say: Jason had some tension with B before he died, blamed Batman for letting him die and then quickly replaced him not long after. He believed B didn't love him and saw his Robins as expendable pawns used to uphold his moral high ground version of justice that didn't fix Gotham. It's why Jay went on his murder spree to "do what Batman couldn't and save Gotham". He's especially mad Bruce didn't kill Joker, the man who murdered him.
Ofc Jay doesn't know everything, doesn't know how deeply and painfully Bruce mourned Jason, even years later. Didn't know that he did his best to prevent another Robin from happening and Tim basically forced his hand. Couldn't understand how close B came to killing Joker, not just for Jason but for paralyzing Barbara and torturing Jim Gordon. Jay brings up good points but in his post-Lazarus Pit single minded focus rage, all he could see was that his father didn't avenge him and took it personally.
From Bruce's end, his spunky, smart, big hearted child died and what came back was wrong. Red Hood Jason was hard and cruel and spat on Batman's number one rule to not kill. Bruce's greatest grief is shoved back in his face and B, who has never handled negative emotions well, doesn't do much to explain himself to Jason. In the end, he puts Gotham first by trying to stop Jason's murder spree not knowing he's reinforcing Jason's ideas on not being loved. Jason also attacks Tim which Bruce takes very personally bc he will NOT lose another Robin. Not even to his own child.
Once Jason calms down a bit and has some conversations with B, they come to an uneasy impasse where he's a part of the fam always but he's not quite ready to let go of the past and be a Bat or Bruce's son again.
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weirdfishy · 11 months
20 Qs for Fic Writers
thanks to @mashumaru for tagging me!! <3 i love these, and i've finally got a minute to do it!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
45! i started writing in the end of 2020, it's kina mind boggling to think that it'll have been three years in a couple months
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
76,628 :)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I've currently written for Batman, Danny Phantom, BBC's Merlin & Sherlock, Spider-Man/Verse, The Sandman, Criminal Minds, Harry Potter, Heartstopper, Sk8 the Infinity, The Witcher, and BNHA.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Unknown Caller ID - danny phantom x batman, crack treated seriously, something i will eventually continue
Tim Drake's intoduction to ✨Ghosts✨ - dpxdc, silly goofy stuff
by a sleep to say we end the heart-ache - the sandman, dreamling get-together, my first multi-chap that i finished
just slip me on, i'll be your blanket - the sandman, dreamling angst, something that i've so far put a completed, but in my heart of hearts ik it needs more
crack, hob flirts back, heart attack - the sandman, crack, past hobrinthian, pre-dreamling, pov corinthian
5. Do you respond to comments?
i very much try to, yes, but i also tend to leave comments un responded to for fics i have yet to continue/finish
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
what's interesting abt the two fics i think have the angstiest endings, is they kina have the same tone? like, i wrote two fics abt two different characters having a 'life is absolutely terrible rn, i'm grieving the loss of better times, but no matter what i will keep fucking living god damn it'
anyway it's both to be forgotten but not forget (mcu peter parker) and never to sleep, never to die (hob gadling)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
[love how i totally forgot to answer this at first; sorry if tumblr tags u again for my editing]
imma go with something recent, a geraskier blurb based on art, :3 (that's the title, i couldn't come up with anything clever, so it's just that lol)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not directly
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
currently? no. have i? yeah. respect your local smut writers
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i never wrote crossovers prior to getting pulled into danny phantom x dc, and both of my posted ones are among my most popular
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of (if someone does steal a fic- that's shitty.)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not in the sense that someone has asked me to translate and repost, so as far as i know, no
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, but snake n i have talked about co-writing before (we're busy as shit tho so it's yet to happen)
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
merwaine in any form
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
it's not a WIP, but the second fic i ever posted i said i would rewrite and it's yet to come- i don't doubt that i will rewrite it, but that eventually is pretty far
16. What are your writing strengths?
prose-y scene setting maybe? i don't think about this, really, i just write
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
dialogue, in the sense that it doesn't much feature in my fics
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
personally i'll only do it if i'm 200% confident in its meaning (ie i've studied the language or i've got a second reliable opinion)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
i've since lost it, but the first thing i wrote was for BTS (2018 almost-disbandment rlly had me emotional, ok?)
20. Favourite fic you've written?
i don't have a favorite, and i'm proud of every new thing bc it's a show of my progress
no pressure tags: @oliveofvanders @bootleg-exe & anyone else who would like to :)
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jmoriarty-221b · 3 years
Ok so, I’ve been toying (daydreaming) with the idea of an AU where Tim Drake has an older sibling, whether they’re an older sister or an older brother, from the beginning
But they’re not related 0.o
How? Well, someone must have ensured the survival of a little kid taking pictures up on rooftops right? Tim needed to learn stealth from someone
So you have your average teen Gothamite that one night sees this figure on their roof as they’re walking home and thinking “oh shady shit? On my roof? More likely than you think” before they manage to actually catch a glimpse of a Kid up there and have to fight their self-preservation instinct and their ‘must protect the child’ instinct which ends up with them begrudgingly climbing up to the rooftop and catching Little Tim up there like “what the fuck kid”
And Tim, tiny little baby Tim, giving the most absurd excuse as to what he’s doing on a rooftop, at night, with a camera
Tim, with a straight face and big Bambi eyes: “I’m birdwatching”
Character about to have a baby brother: “Yes, I’m sure there’s many different types of crows and pigeons around here”
Anyway, so they’re soon to be older sibling sits next to Tim and Tim is like ‘wat’ and they just go like “you can hang around the roof but I’m not having you go splat on the sidewalk kid”
So that’s how the first night starts and they spend it working on some projects on a notebook (this is a surprise tool that will help us later) and finishing their homework while Tim gets to photograph some shots of Batman and Robin (“Kid, I know you wanna chase after them but, for your own sake and the sake of my blood pressure, please don’t”) so they come to an agreement where Tim can come and hang out on their roof but they’ll be watching over him while he’s there, and Tim agrees because someone seems to care about him? And wants to spend time with him? Without taking away his pictures??? Yes 🙌🏻
So Tim and his newfound sibling get together every night and Tim learns self defense from them as well as how to hide, how to haggle, how to move without making noise, how to pick a lock, useful things ya know? Obviously they can’t meet every night because sometimes Tim’s parents do come home and sometimes the teen can’t escape their home but they still make it work, and then the moment comes when the teen realizes that they have a little brother now and are like “oh god, I’ve only known Tim for a week but if anything were to happen to him I would kill every Rogue in the city and then go and cuddle him”
And this would start In The Beginning of Tim’s paparazzi/photographer career so the Robin at the time would be Dick Grayson, so there’s a chance that Tim and their older sibling get to meet Baby Jason during one of the nights where Tim is learning from his older sibling, and the teen is like “oh no, they’re multiplying” before simply accepting that Jason is now a part of their weird little family group too, at this point Jason isn’t a street kid yet but Willis is an abusive prick so Jason doesn’t like spending time in his house so the teen-who-has-now-also-adopted-him-as-a-second-little-brother offers him the same deal as Tim’s where they can come and hang out on their rooftop with them at night
So their little family gains another member for around two? years, before Batman takes Jason in and that hurts because they don’t know where Jason is and the teen tried to look for him but couldn’t find anything other than a rumor about a kid taken by the Bat, which is how they figure out Batman’s ID when it’s made public that Jason was adopted by Bruce Wayne and there’s a new Robin going around that’s so clearly Jason and the teen had an anxiety attack because that’s his little brother out there fighting the crazies of Gotham and traipsing through the sky and so far out of their reach and they can’t Protect Him anymore and all of a sudden they can’t B r e a t h e (that night Tim learns how to handle someone having an anxiety attack; hugs were definitely involved)
Anyway, in the end Jason is the one who ends up confirming his Identity as Robin (therefore proving Bruce’s ID as Batman and Dick’s as Nightwing) when he ends up on their rooftop and tries to talk to his older sibling just for then to hug him so hard that it hurts a little but that’s ok because he’s also hugging them back as hard as he can and there’s little arms around his waist and that’s Tiny Tim, his baby brother, and his older sibling and they still love him and they remember and they Know him and oh, those are tears, yep they’re all crying and they just cuddle that night until Jason has to leave at around 2:00am to do a quick patrol before returning to the manor but not before his older sibling established that they Know who they are (“You’re my baby brother, of course I recognized you, you’re still a little shit tho”)
So that’s basically what I have about this new AU, I’m leaning towards giving Tim an older sister but haven’t decided yet, also no death, Jason doesn’t die, no way, I see canon and slap it away
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