#those older things might need some editing but I love them anyway
artemiseamoon · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
Hey 😁 how are you! 💜
Since I did recent fics for the last ask like this, I’ll dedicate this one to some oldies from a fandom I really miss. It was the last time I really felt like I was part of a community here, le sigh. But I’m glad I was able to experience it and make the friends I did! Vikings community, I adore you & you’ll always be with me!
In the shadows ~ Halfdan x f reader (one of my favs I’ve ever done) it’s a bit dark
If we only ever loved once ~ Modern! king a Harald x ofc | almost ofc x Halfdan (god this has my heart, a soulmate/missed chance fic)
Milk & Honey ~ how does someone whose not a Bjorn girl, at all, I can’t stand him 😂 write a werebear soulmate au??? I don’t know. But it happened and I love this story so much. This Bjorn is okay with me :)
My first long Vikings fic, A golden palace which I love to f’n much, I actually finished it but never completed it on tumblr. I got discouraged when ppl stopped interacting and reblogging but man, this fic holds a special place in my heart! Plus I got to spent a lot of time writing that bastard Oleg who I love and hate at the same time.
Tied between these for the last one: a gift from the gods (dark king Harald oneshot w/ a little halfdan, smutty and indulgent ) absolute pleasure ( another smutty self indulgent one, my oc gets to use both Halfdan and Harald sexually one shot)
The last ask, where I rec some of my recent stuff
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991 i hav emerjenci
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Wow, what an absolute dumpster fire, right? *gestures broadly* ↓Below the cut↓ are some specific things as a reader/mutual/friend/etc you can do that will make things a little better.
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You come across someone posting/using someone else's work without express permission to do so:
INFORM THE ORIGINAL CREATOR/POSTER (OP) DIRECTLY ════════════════════════════════════════ ✧ Let OP know BEFORE you attempt to engage with the person on their behalf. ✧ OP will probably want to lay eyes on the situation, and, if the person stealing their work is tipped off, they might proactively block OP and/or remove posts before they can be verified as stolen. ✧ Do not harass the person who stole the work. It might be coming from a place of wanting to stick up for OP, but it ultimately doesn't help the situation.
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OP is experiencing a hate brigade, nasty anons, or trolling over their fic:
PRIORITIZE ACTIONS AND BEHAVIORS THAT KEEP THE FOCUS ON SUPPORT FOR OP ════════════════════════════════════════ ✧ Reblog the fic in question with a glowing recommendation or just leave a comment under it expressing your appreciation for it. Both actions will boost the work in question as well as show direct support for OP. ✧ Reach out privately through DMs if you have that sort of relationship, or send a supportive message through asks. Keep it simple and short as they are probably overwhelmed with the shitstorm at certain points. ✧ Speaking up with a supportive comment or post for OP isn't necessarily a bad thing, but arguing back and forth with the trolls/hate brigade/etc. - even if you are doing it with intention to support OP - only fuels the fire, and some of them are doing it for the attention anyway.
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OP seems down / isn't motivated to write / is expressing considerations of leaving fic writing altogether because of the current climate on this hellsite:
GIVE THEM THE SPACE OR TIME THEY NEED, BUT ALSO LET THEM KNOW THAT THEY ARE VALUED ════════════════════════════════════════ ✧ For the love of god please don't bombard them with asks about when xyz is going to be posted. This is a hobby for them, and they have jobs, families, and other life responsibilities that come first. Many would love nothing more than to sit and write all day, but that just isn't the reality for 99% of fic writers. ✧ Show their older works love, too. Many fic writers take the time to curate an organized masterlist of their works, and many have been writing for a while. There is a trove of wonderful content that can be read or re-read while you patiently wait for your fave to update. ✧ If you're waiting for an update on a specific fic, go back through the older chapters/updates and leave a comment saying you love it so much that you're coming back to visit older chapters while you wait to see what happens next in the story. I guarantee it will give them a boost of motivation for that story in particular. ✧ REBLOG AND COMMENT. Yes, do both of those things. I want you open up a fic you love and scroll down to the bottom where you can see likes, comments, and reblogs. I want you to look at the disparity between likes and comments/reblogs. Clicking a heart button is pretty much zero effort, and it comes across as such to many writers. It's not how Tumblr operates. This is a REBLOG site. That is how things make their way around. That is how posts get engagement. That is how other people can discover the fic writers you enjoy. Look, I even made a meme to show you what it feels like when after hours and hours of writing and editing you finally post a fic and then somebody only hearts it:
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Even a simple "I loved this so much and can't wait to read more!" does wonders. A quick reblog that mentions your favorite part in the story is like a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow for writers.
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You come across people trashing a writer you like:
CONSIDER IF IT'S HELPFUL OR NOT TO ADDRESS IT ════════════════════════════════════════ ✧ People are allowed to have negative/differing opinions about things. If they are expressing their dislike, even in a nasty way, they are allowed to do so. ✧ If it is a genuinely harmful/disparaging conversation, look to see what sort of traction the conversation has. Sometimes it's better to just let something die down before it can even take off. Examples of genuinely harmful/disparaging conversation include but aren't limited to: accusing OP of something egregious without any evidence to support it, framing rumors/gossip they've seen about OP as factual, deeming them criminally or morally corrupt based off a personal opinion they have of OP/their works. ✧ Remember that while serious concerns (like the above point) might be good to share with OP, not every instance of negativity or hate needs to be brought to their attention. If it's just some random jerk on a different platform talking about how much OP's writing is amateur hour, you should probably just leave it be. OP is a person at the end of the day, and sometimes things can be more hurtful than helpful for them to see.
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OP isn't acting / responding in a way that you like:
REMIND YOURSELF THAT THEY ARE JUST ANOTHER PERSON IN THE FANDOM AND ARE NOT AN INFLUENCER ════════════════════════════════════════ ✧ OP isn't in this fandom to be put on a pedestal (of course there are always exceptions, but I'm not talking about those people) and treated like an influencer. ✧ OP creates works in the fandom because that is how they choose to engage with the fandom. It is one of many ways that people can come together in a community and celebrate an actor/movie/series/etc. ✧ OP is not a content farm. They are writing and sharing because they genuinely enjoy it. They are not being compensated. They are not being endorsed by anybody or any company. They are a normal person trying to take part in a fandom they enjoy. ✧ OP is not obligated to address or comment on a situation, an interaction, discourse, etc. They are not an influencer and aren't equivalent to the parasocial relationships that influencers (aka people who make a living off the internet) have with their followers. OP is not required to "use their platform" for something. It's not a platform. It is OP's personal account where they engage and post in fandom. That is why it exists. OP is not some mega entity that has to speak on something because you demand or expect it.
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OP blocked me:
THE CALL IS COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE ════════════════════════════════════════ ✧ Listen, I know it can be hurtful/confusing if you are blocked, especially if it is a writer you really like. I guarantee you that it was not done out of spite and for no reason. ✧ Take a look at the circles you run in, the posts you like, the sort of comments you leave, etc. Many writers are quick to block these days because the climate of this hellsite is very charged and exhausting. If OP sees your username cropping up again and again in fandom drama or you liked a discourse post with a shitty take or your chummy mutual is going off the rails with some bullshit, you might just get caught up in the Block Party. ✧ Don't go through another channel/account to ask why you've been blocked. No, you aren't entitled to a reason. OP is allowed to protect their mental health and peace, and they don't owe anyone an explanation of why and how they choose to curate their experience on this hellsite. ✧ If you believe you were blocked by mistake (which, again, is very unlikely), just take the L, homie. I know that's not what you want to hear, but that's just how it is.
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If you took the time to read this, share it, or just in general intend to apply it to your interactions, ✨thank you✨!
Here is a Pedro gif tax for your time and attention. 💜
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kaceythecrunch · 7 months
RANT. (sturntok.)
Yall. Im so mad. Sturntok pisses me the fuck off to the point it isn't even funny anymore. This might be messy, so bare with me.
Tara. Why the fuck is everyone pressed about Tara hanging out with the triplet, specifically matt and Chris. Yall are acting as if it was only two of them, like they're on a date. They were with fucking I don't know, 8 other people? Like why does Sturntok care who they hangout with? Did you not learn from elementary school to mind your bees wax, or business? You're probably 15. They're literally 5 years older than you. There is no way, in any universe they're gonna date you girl. ALSO TO SHIT ON TARA?? LIKE GIRL. FIND SOMEONE ELSE TO SHIT ON CUZ HOMEGIRL DONT CARE. SHE DONT CARE. SHE IS STRIVING AND LIVING LIFE LIKE YOU SHOULD GIRL. Live life and don't care. You'll probably have a positive outcome. No cuz y'all know how Chris owns the Saturn necklace thing? Its vivienne underwood. It's less than 20 bucks on Amazon. Also when was the last time y'all saw Chris wearing that necklace girl. Also there's a post from like months, or I think a year ago of Tara wearing the same necklace. These fucking tiktok girls are so annoying. Like we get it, everyone wants to be Tara. (she's my gf.)
Podcast. I saw a bunch of btiches shit on the podcast. Like cmon. THEY ARE PRODUCING AN HOUR LONG VIDEO FOR YALL EVERY WEEK. Mfs are burnt out, you're lucky that they even produce content for you ungreatful hoes. Like lwk, I'd rather have them remove Wednesday videos. I remember when they first started their podcast that they were really excited to start and stuff. I also remember, I believe it was their earlier vlogs. When they were still living in Boston and they haven't like went to LA yet, they were talking about turning their basement into a podcast room. Like cmon. This is something they've been wanting to do and you hoes just don't appreciate anything. Like have y'all's mama's not been pissed at y'all for not appreciating her food. Live life positive and not negative tf. But ofc, I respect their decision.
Intro. Yall just love to shit on everyone. Ruining the party. Sturntok reminds me of the kids-the class "clowns" who would be so shitty to the teacher for no reason and would ruin fun things for everyone. Like guys, I think we should all as a community bully Sturntok. It requires a bit more bullying, just to knock some sense into their heads. Anyways, back to what I was ranting about. I loved their new intro. its a new era. A new them. Change. Is. Fucking. hard. I understand that you love the teens from Boston running around making fools of themselves. Me too, I shall admit it. But in order to get sponsorships, to get the little paring things. (For example, them sponsoring Celsius, even becoming the youtooz thing.) Like they gotta act more professional.
Change. This tied in with the last few things. CHANGE IS HARD. CHANGE IS A DIFFICULT THING. But how the fuck are you gonna live life, and enjoy life when your stuck on one thing forever. Change is needed for growth, and for learning. Like guys, THEYRE 20. I think that's something y'all forget. They aren't teenagers anymore. Its kinda like how when everyone went into middle school and started to not like kiddy things when you still liked kiddy things. When I was in middle school I still like to play with Legos, draw, watch anime. Until I hit 7th grade, aka everyone's downfall. I still enjoy some of those things today but I changed because people in middle school stopped like those things and its embarrassing (well for me at least) to show up in school with anime shirts cuz I'm getting older. Thats what they're feeling I guess. Again, theyre 20 now.
Crazy ass mfs. Crazy, as in them soft mf's on sturntok. Also what pisses me off more is that they're coming here on tumblr. Like no, I know your soft ass belongs on Wattpad bffr. I have a long rant about this one, so bare with me again. They are so so so so so SOOOOO sensitive about the "spicy edits." Sometimes the fucking video frame isn't even about something "spicy" aka- them being shirtless, video frame near their crotch. It was when there was a song about sex. How soft can you be. Most songs these days are about sex. Some songs y'all probably didn't know about was about sex. (cake by the ocean for example.) LIKE LETS ME FOR REAL. MOST SONGS ARE ABOUT SEX. Also with the tiktok audios being removed like cmon. Not everything is about sunshine and rainbows. I remember I commented on a Chris edit and I was like.
"I need this man in my life. He's so hot."
"you're fucking gross. He's a human being and do you know how grossed out he would be if he saw that you said this? (bullshitbullshit,morebullshitandstupidness.)"
Yeah, keeping fucking running your mouth. THIS TIKTOK HAS LIKE 4K VIEWS. DO YOU WANNA KNOW HOW MUCH FUCKING FOLLOWERS THE TRIPLETS HAVE? YEAH. THAT'S NOT EVEN A QUARTER OF WHAT THEY HAVE. THIS VIDEO HAS 1K COMMENTS. ARE THEY FUCKING HUNTING ME DOWN?? MY COMMENT HAS 3 LIKES. WHY WOULD THEY CARE TO FUCKING CHECK GIRL. ITS ALSO TELLING THE FUCKING PERSON WHO EDITED THIS THAT THIS EDIT WAS FIRE AND THAT THEY MADE THE EDIT HELLA GOOD. UR FUCKING LUCKY I KEPT MY ANGER TO MYSELF CUZ OH GIRL. I WOULD SUCKER PUNCH YOU. You know whats also funny? They're the same people who will be pissed with when they see matt or Chris with a female. Like girl. You're calling me fucking gross? Do you think how much more worse that is than my comment? You ruin friendships. OG sturniolo fans know that they've been friends with girls. If you genuinely care, yall would know that nick made most of matt and chris' friends. Meaning most of them were females. SO OBVIOUSLY THEYRE GONNA HAVE GIRL FRIENDS. I remember watching the Zach sang pod when nick was on and he explained that matt usually doesn't make the friends. Theres a joke where matt says "I'm gonna make a friend that wasn't originally nick's friends." smth like that. Anyways, off topic. Just because they are seen with a girl, doesn't mean they are fucking dating them. Like shut the fuck up. please. Respectfully shut the fuck because I'm a nice person. Also Chris gives off major virgin vibes lets bffr.
Madi. Yall hate so bad on Madi and its fucking grossing me out. Why do you have to ship her with matt and chris??? Literally to the point they can't even put her in photo dumps or videos. You just gotta ruin it for everyone, huh? shes fucking gorgeous, and she's so funny in videos. Plus, when she does talk shes hillarious. She literally reminds me of Matt. She doesn't fucking talk much because she is more of a listener.. Like guys bffr. How can you hate her when she barley spoke in videos. Like respectfully, shut the fuck up. Yall just jealous shes pretty.
Calling Nick fine. I also hate them mfs who are always running their mouth about girls calling Nick fine. Lets bffr. Y'all didn't think a gay guy is fine? I'm sure you've had a crush on one gay person before. And if you haven't trust me. You will. I had a crush on my gay friend in 8th grade. I feel like its a canon even in every girl's life. anyways, I hate when girls will be scared to call nick hot.
"Nick is so fine. But like as a cool guy friend way. Please don't attack me."
POOR GIRL BELIEVES SHE IS GONNA BE ATTACKED IF SHE CALLS A GAY MAN FINE. Sturntok leave her the fuck alone. He's hot as fucking and I will kill civilians if I'm not given more nick edits. He's so fine. Literally the hottest triplet.
If u made it here thanks. There was shit on my chest that I really needed to let out. What have we learned today?
Sturntok can suck my fucking dick.
Thanks goodbye.
Me to Sturntok :
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attyrocious · 9 months
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cross posting yesterday's rambling thread for posterity and because tumblr lets me edit things. anyway this is a sorta long thing and i might add things i forgot to mention in the twt thread
i tend to draw on-model canon because im a coward + just personal preferences. but the way i convert the canon designs into my artstyle is that i take the distinct features oda gives them and then combine it with personal headcanons to complete what should look like a unique human. Starting with Trafalgar Law, who is unfortunately a bland-ass conventionally pretty boy
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someone commented a while ago the law hat drawing tutorial i made a while ago didn't make much sense and i realize its bc of the specific way i draw law's face: heart shaped (ba-dum-tss). That meaning, a narrow chin widening into a mild defined jaw, wide cheekbones, and up to his know-it-all brain dome.
given that, the pudgy guitar pick shape of his head i mentioned here should make a lot more sense.
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i don't think this design point is unique to me, as most conventional pretty anime boy gets given jaws like this. a lot of law artists tend to veer into this head shape. just how life be sometimes. other points: flat, thick eyebrows is bc im a hairy gal and i need to feel better about myself.
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Killer gets to be more interesting, because he shouldn't be considered conventionally attractive. my idea behind killer's is that those individual features is smth he would be insecure with enough to hide himself in a helmet but i draw him with all the love in the world actually. i'd like to think its how kid sees him or yknow, law, bc he's my kin assigned blorbo and maybe you ship lawkill as a guilty pleasure too i mentioned before (and ruined people's days) when i said whenever i draw killer he looks like griffith before i put on his goatee. the upper half of his face is distinctly feminine, with the lower half kinda over compensating. other than that uhh...idk. stan killer
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Kidd is the bane of my existence, i feel like i can never draw his face consistently. yet at the same time he's so damn fun to draw everyone gotta try it.
my problem with kidd is that this mf does have eyelids. most kidd painters out there interpret this as him having deep set eyes (think Matt Smith or jeffrey star) . and yeh skill issue on me i should practice that. other notes, i try to make him younger than canon makes him look. he is my babygirl and he deserves to look cuddly. my band au kidd version has the honor of being allowed some chubs. he's just tries to look older and more menacing with edgy makeup. also i try to give him dimples when i can because, well i can.
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Rosinante last bc i lost steam after kidd. the thing abt cora is that aside from not having eyebrows, everything is structured with the generic one piece man template. which means i gotta do everything myself doffy is there bc the way to figure out how to draw these two is to give them minor differences from each other, that being doffy gets slightly sharper features. in canon, these two are also rly wide boys (more of an oda style feat tbh) but i make them long. though bigger brained donquixote artists know that of these two brothers, doffy should be the wiry-er built. anyway that's it. in conclusion, i need to draw more girls actually i feel like im becoming misogynistic by osmosis from oda's style and now i draw girls all looking the same too.
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pippin-pippout · 9 months
So I dragged myself kicking and screaming and, yes, mostly in denial, through the last episodes of A Journey to Love.
My thoughts can be summarized as follows:
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Obviously this is mainly due to me being horrifically traumatized by Yuan Lu’s death. After all, they told us from the get go he wouldn’t live to 20. They made it clear he had a deadly heart disease. And then. They had the nerve. They had the audacity. They had the actual fucking bahoonga BALLS to follow through!?
But then I found myself sobbing at literally every good guy death scene, plus all of the mourning scenes. The latter was in large part thanks to Alen Fang's acting - deepest apologies to him for just referring to his character as 'the slutty one' for the majority of the show. Not that I was wrong. Also thanks to strong performances from He Lan Dou for Yuan Lu's death.
Anyway so I need to add this gif x4 for the Liudao Hall babies:
Qian Zhao, da ge, who made mistakes but always did right in the end
Sun Lang, who just wanted to hold something fluffy at the end, dying a hero
Yuan Lu, who died in his princess's arms after running to deliver a letter rendered useless by the Emperor of An's greed.
Yu Shisan, who lived as he lived and had such a happy moment with Chu Yue right before it all became irrevocable.
When they added Yu Shisan to the snowball fight, I just about lost it. Liu Yuning's acting there - having the realization about Shisan's death as he watched them play in real time was so well done. Really hurt.
Plus I'll make a couple of versions with edits.
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For the Wu Emperor. I knew it was gonna happen from the spoilers but damn, him genuinely learning the value of friendship and brotherly love made me root for him. Dude did not deserve to go out like that. Thank goodness for the magic of CDramas where he lived just long enough to pass on his will to Ning Yuanzhou, and do one last act of good.
It also ensured Duke of Chu was able to pass on his command to his daughter, Chu Yue, before dying of the same (was not clear if her bro died or not, or if dad was always going to choose her).
And for Deng Hui. Started out thinking he was just a sexist bastard. Turns out he was one of the most principled characters in the show.
Their deaths didn't make me cry, but I respect them.
Also loved Chen Du Ling's (Empress of Wu) small part in this. I may not like all of her characters but she can deliver a scene and hold a room. It was a bit cathartic to see her put every man in their place, and basically decide the fate of two countries, even though her lament that she'd only ever have power through another held true.
Ah Ying, my baby girl. This is a character that could have turned people off from the beginning. Thanks to strong writing and stronger acting, it did not. I was super impressed with He Lan Dou. She can dial it up and dial it down in a single take, and can play big dramatic scenes with a subtlety that some older actors cannot grasp. This was the first thing I've seen her in, though for her and Chen You Wei (Yuan Lu) I might watch Tiger and Crane if someone tells me it's good.
I still think Li Tongguang is a perverted and creepy child, who never managed to learn (except in literally the last ep), but at least I trust that he will treat Ah Ying well. I don't hold it against him for screwing up the battle - he was trying to be benevolent but made a bad choice.
The main couple win it for me this year. What an inspired pairing. They beat out heavy hitters including Bai Lu x Everyone which was near impossible. Something to do with letting Liu Shi Shi use Liu Yuning's height against him at every possible moment. Also the 'if you die, I'll finish the job and then follow you' is my favorite dynamic. I swear when Ruyi threw those bombs, NOT NEEDING TO HAVING ALREADY SUCCEEDED AT KILLING THE KING AND PRINCE, just to join him, y'all I died. Good for whoever posthumously gave her the Marquis title on her own (not just furen) - couldn't tell if it was Li Tongguang acting as regent or Dayang (great shot of those two at the end).
The final episode was one of the best final cdrama episodes I've seen. I might have to make another post about that. In sum, despite losing a large portion of the well-loved cast, the remainder gave a world-class finale. The visuals were incredible (explosions are my favorite). The final scene was beautiful (though I'm a bit surprised they gave it to Chu Yue instead of Ah Ying who knew all 6 of them closely).
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prismsoup · 8 months
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Hi, I'm Sol !
He/him - adult - running on one neuron - some sort of bug - I draw and code sometimes
Interested in commissioning me ? Find more info here ! > Even when my main commissions are closed, the Lineless Beafts ones are always open !! Same for the Emote Packs !
More important info below the cut !
Tags :
I'm not very organized so some older posts might not have those because I never went back to edit them, don't mind that
#something something my art : anything I've drawn, really
#something something my stuff : anything I've made that isn't really art but is cool enough to have its own tag anyways (you can find my modding stuff there)
#weurgh : (not to be confused with wourgh) stuff I made that isn't important enough to appear in the two previous tags, may include random text posts
#wawa : when I reply to something found in my inbox/asks
#is for me : cool things I commissioned
#wourgh : cool stuff from other people that I need to look back at for inspo
#acknowledged : reblogs (I might forget to use this tag I am not consistent)
#the outstorms : content about my main Rain World ocs (they also have their own tags but this one is more general)
Side note : Please be aware that I may post/reblog suggestive art and art containing blood, body horror or gore ! They will be tagged accordingly but feel free to notify me if I do forget
If we're mutuals please do not hesitate to send me asks or ramble to me !! I am very bad at initiating convos myself but I'd love to talk to cool people !
Other terrariums you might find me in :
The Outstorms : sideblog for my Rain World ocs (not very active I need to work on that rahh)
ToyHouse (needs update)
ArtFight : Attack my critters here !!
Commission Carrd : DM me here or on Discord if you're interested ! They're not always open but don't hesitate to ask, I can always reserve a slot for you in advance
Ko-Fi : if you'd like to support me and my work !
Redbubble : if you'd like to buy some of my art as prints and/or stickers !
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bosskie · 2 months
Molluck Model - Sculpting Phase
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Yeah, I feel like I'm ready to show you this Molluck sculpt now since it's like 99.9 % done but I might still adjust some minor details; I'm just unsure about some stuff...
But yes, first, here's some comparison pictures with the older sculpt I also finished this year:
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Yeah, a significant improvement, mainly thanks to learning a better sculpting technique... But that older sculpt helped me a lot here since it helped me with getting the body's basic shape right. Oh, and yes, I used heavily all the possible OWI's reference material for this... (I gotta say that I actually bought that Soulstorm Collector's Oddition edition just to get the artbook easily (but also for that Molluck print...) and I wished that it has proper reference photos for Molluck and it did! That book has helped me a lot with drawing Molluck... We literally cannot even see his fullbody in the game but all the other Gluks'... So, I really love that I can see his fullbody in the book, though yes, I can confess that I wish that it had 'the another version' too but that's why I did these sculpts! If OWI won't show the new Molluck as naked, I'll do it! Oh, yes, there do are two pictures of that naked model too but just to his shoulders. It's enough though since that model do is based on the New 'n' Tasty one and his body probably ain't altered.)
There ain't really clear (enough) references for Glukkon anatomy, at least in my opinion, so it's a lil challenge to get Molluck's anatomy right. So, I also added some own details and mixed stuff, like those hands I keep mentioning... I'm just weak for those hands, okay... He has the most beautiful hands I know. Though, the whole Gluk is the most beautiful thing I know... I could just like compliment every part of his body but I'm not gonna do it but 'tell Molluck'...
But, here's some more shots:
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I coloured this sculpt just for showing it since I will probably colour him in another way later on. Frankly, I have no idea how the model is gonna turn out since I'm gonna do completely new stuff next... But I'm at least glad to have a better new Molluck model to play with! Oh, and yes, I did new eyes for him but I still need to figure out better way to create them... That glow just creates a lil challenge and therefore it can look exaggerated here too... And he has that expression just for fun!
Oh, and yes, I did promise to show some comparison stuff with human body too, so here you go:
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My man and me. (Y) I'm actually surprised that Molluck ain't as tall as I imagined him to be compared to me... Oh, and I'm not even tall, just about Abe's height. (Edit: I realized that I did the scaling incorrectly first, but it's fixed now.) Maybe those height charts ain't totally accurate but this is as accurate as it can be. Molluck is 7 ft / 213.36 cm tall but as you can see, the size of his body parts is quite varied... He has huge head and hands and his arms are very tall (or long, but it's his arms that make him so tall!)... But his torso is close to human's in size but his legs are small... Frankly, it took me some time to be able to enjoy his 'sizes' since I don't really enjoy being the smaller one but his 'sizes' compensate that too. Now, I have no problem with this and I really love him being big and small at the same time! Like, man, this Gluk just makes me go crazy... The hottest thing ever... Yeah, I'm quite happy to be with Molluck and it just gets better and better!
Yeah, uh, what a sexy beast Molluck is... It feels so odd to show stuff like this but I wanna be brave and do it anyway. I know that I could have taken the colours away from the human model but I let them be since it felt too 'soulless' without colours. I bet that someone might wonder what model it is, so I can say that it's just one model I have from doing adult animations for a mod (never published or even finished)... And yeah, those colours suck due to topology stuff and the way I coloured it but it's enough for now for me. Gotta model myself one day too... I'm glad that I can at least live with Molluck in a virtual world!
Oh, and I wanna just say again that I found Molluck attractive only after I started loving him. I can see his certain ugliness but it only makes him so beautiful for me... And even I know what he has done in his life, I still love him so much. He just seems like my Gluk and the reason why I started to love him was that I saw myself in him, I could identify with him. I just don't care about his crimes and he lives in a brutal world, he barely could do anything else than follow what the Magog Cartel wants. I also mean that I don't get anything special from his crimes, unlike one person I saw on Twitter back then... (The person listed all their paraphilias related to their Molluck lust on their bio...) The main thing is just that he feel so 'me' and right for me. I have never felt the same with any other character, there has always been something that has't felt right. Molluck just feels friendly, despite of the image he has in public... I can understand him, like his anger issues, and I only just wish all the best for him... I just truly love this Gluk and that's why it feels like I just keep loving him more and more.
And kinda related to this, I must admit that sometimes, I wonder how people can have multiple fictional others or 'blorbos' or whatever you call those characters like that (I know the differences here but it's not the point.). I had recently a moment when I had two characters I was into (if you know, you know) but my relationship with Molluck only got stronger and I started to feel bad for him... (I also realized that I was 'looking for' Molluck in that other character since he was similar, so it was about Molluck after all too.) So, I can be 'like IRL' with this, meaning that like he was actually my spouse/partner (in a closed relationship). So, I just am with Molluck in my way since I just cannot have multiple fo's... My relationship with Molluck is just this strong and he feels 'alive' to me but I still know that he ain't real. So yeah, it feels like 'cheating' if I was with another character too.
Oh, and yes, I also gotta say that even his 'unsual' body proportions can be challenging, it doesn't prevent us from hugging, kissing or anything related to giving and sharing love! I just really enjoy his body, as it is. I mean, it would feel like he lost something if I drew him having 'a normal humanoid body' or how you should call that... It's just such a big part of him for me but also gives him certain adorability. I just cannot help it... I want this Gluk so badly but it also makes me learn things and get better at stuff! Like, yes, I'm doing that Molluck model mainly for my own Molluck fantasies but I also wanna use it to other stuff too.
But yeah, I know that you should start from simple stuff but I have always done what I have wanted in art, so... I'm unsure about the next steps since I have never done them but luckily there are plenty of tutorials out there and I also got some e-books for Blender stuff (that's where I learned doing eyes and that colouring for example). Yes, this is my first 3D character model thing I'm doing. I just wanna have a Molluck model this badly...
I could talk so much about Molluck... I just love this Gluk with my whole heart... 🫀 Yeah, I think that I should stop writing for now and get back to thinking Molluck (in bed since I should go to sleep now)! 💞✨
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hummingbird-games · 10 months
Postmortem: #CrushedVN Edition
Okie doke y'all! It's been some time so I guess we're good to dissect this project!
(I almost didn't bother with writing this up, but at the end of the day I do the dev diaries and the random--game development related--posts for me to look back on and prove I'm learning. Getting better. Not regressing. So. Might as well move forward!)
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It's like if you took my late 2022 brain and threw it into a blender!! Most of these are self-explanatory (Boys Love media I adore with emphasis on early to late teen experiences.) Let me draw your attention to The Edge Of Seventeen: not sure how many times I've rewatched, but it makes me tear up every single time. Main character Nadine is awkward AF, still hasn't come to terms with the death of her father years prior, isn't on the best terms with her mom or her older brother, and even ends up on rocky terms with her best friend too!! Anyway, that feeling of being young, and a little angry and a little sad and not feeling quite right on the inside but eventually reaching a place where things fiiiiiinally start to work out...it's just a sliver of what I wanted to capture and infuse into Crushed.
Listen y'all, I just pulled and pulled and pulled from real life experiences. I was inspired by authors Julian Winters, Leah Johnson, and Jay Coles' works (all Young Adult authors LOL! Fitting since I seem to be creating things for the teens at this juncture in my life). This all provided the base for Corey and his inner world. Also, I've been wanting to create a bookworm character...no time like the present right???
As for deciding to specifically create a boys' love visual novel of all things?? First, y'all must understand that I fought the original idea and anything related to it. This was coming off the heels of me suddenly seeing (another) wave of players throwing fits about indie games forcing you to play as a femme character. First off, no one is forcing you to do anything. Secondly, we are still at a point in video games where the majority of characters you play as are male. Forgive some of us for wanting a little variety 😑Thirdly, for those looking for games where there's even more inclusivity (choosing pronouns, playing as nonbinary/trans, and etc) I really wish that players would seek out those games that ARE being made and support them so the developers don't lose steam and drop their projects. It's so disheartening to make something that's meant to be consumed and BOOM, silence.
Anyway, all of that to say that as a developer herself who's tired of watching girls' media be regulated as Less Than, made fun of, and just overall disrespected, I wasn't interested in making any games that didn't center a female character. But back to my main point!!!
I had Heartstopper, the webtoon, infecting my brain. I was so not immune to falling in love with Nick and Charlie like everybody else. But then I was hit for the 34573847th time that I was engaging with white queer media. And I knew that if Nick and Charlie were Black Brits, they wouldn't be getting half the attention they are now. Even less if the boys were girls and we had a sapphic relationship on our hands. (But that sapphic story from Hummingbird Games is still brewing, and Corey and Jacob's story was ready first.)
Also....the biphobia is real. It's insidious. I could write a whole book about how the straights and the gays need to get their shit together. I could then write a sequel about how the Black community can be some of the worst offenders when it comes to our Bi Fam and say some of the most ignorant and devastating things. But I had limited time on my hands and decided to write a short VN instead. Once I let Corey just be, exist as the person he is, everything fell into place.
Things That Went Right...
I took a very niche, very Specific To Me, very nestled in the space between my heart and my brain and wrote a script just so I could be a part of a game jam specifically highlighting and supporting the work of Black game developers.
And I submitted the bitch on time.
I'm always down for anxiety rep!!! As a fellow anxiety haver, I say the more visibility the better!!! At the same time, it's not a one size fits all, and there were some things I dealt with that I'd never seen depicted and I figured I might as well be true to my experiences. Maybe someone would take solace in Corey the way I've taken solace in other characters for reflecting my lived experiences.
I tried new things I was scared of or didn't have time for with HSD or didn't feel confident enough to sit and learn previously: partial voice acting (and holding auditions to incorporate more), a text message system (which wasn't my own but part of learning to code for me means being able to take what others have done and replicate and/or use it myself), and implementing music and sound effects with intention. I've done it with film, but games are a close cousin in a lot of ways. A LOT of ways. I should remember that.
I still didn't do too well in the marketing department but for this game, it didn't feel like a failure. I also didn't really try. Oops. I've got to do better. I went into Crushed knowing it wouldn't have half the audience HSD does, and yet the feedback I've received for Crushed has made me want to break down into tears of relief.
I launched the game around 10 something at night my time and proceeded to be sick with anxiety for about 3 days. For three whole days I legit felt like I was going to die. And then I wanted to laugh because didn't I just make a game to express a version of the human condition?
Things That Were Different...
HSD showed off my skills when it comes to intensive planning and sticking mostly to that plan. Crushed was a jam entry that became more extensive over time and found me flying off the seat of my pants.
I also had less (aha, zero???) budget this time around. Because again. Jam entry. It wasn't supposed to be a Big Affair. But now that it's over and out to you guys, I'm not mad. You could say that it all worked out.
If I Could Go Back, I Would...
For one, I would have smacked the voice in my head that said "let's add more voice acting now". I love the feature, but there's no reason why I couldn't have done auditions after release. I was impatient and restless waiting for art assets, and my idleness led me to take on more things just to not feel useless. I Have Learned My Lesson, thanks.
I Had The Pleasure of Learning...
There will always be an obstacle in the way of game development. (And sometimes your body will be your own worst enemy, yuck.)
I don't know who my audience is (yet) for HBG but I'm always a part of it. And that's not a bad thing. If I hadn't felt so strongly about Crushed or even HSD, neither project would have happened because I would have given up a long time ago.
To the Future...
Empasis on future, but the world of Crushed isn't exhausted. It lives in the bigger universe of HSD:JY but took on a life of its own. So it's no surprise that Corey and his friends became even more precious to me. Not that I know when I'll be able to work on it, but right after finishing and publishing the demo, I outlined a rough draft for a kinetic novel sequel told through Jacob's POV. In my head, Corey's story was always half of a whole, and busting out Jacob's outline so quickly confirmed that.
(What I didn't anticipate was how loved Oke and Keegan would be, or that there would be a want for their story outside of myself??? Between us and this postmortem, I hope to sort out their deal and get the satisfaction of seeing another type of love story/dynamic I can't get enough of and share it!)
Closing Thoughts
The comments I've gotten concerning Crushed and noting the appreciation for its slice-of-life/grounded-ness is reassuring! Maybe I'll branch out to other genres, but realism will be something I always come back to. Also, making Crushed wasn't too traumatic soooooo that means I'm still making games LOL! Can't get rid of me yet!
- Gemini 💛
(some links of other posts where I went on tangents concerning the creation of Crushed; these can also be found by searching the tag "crushed vn"!)
Music Inspo and Crushed
Memes Tag Game
Game Dev Commentary: Bonus Content
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Hazbin Hotel x Helluva Boss Theory: Adam & Stolas Deserve Better (So Does Blitzo...)
[Note Edit Of May 7, 2024: I know I had put the tag for it yesterday...but just in case I'm editing this in now....one of the tags for this says "do not reblog without permission" so please read the tags so there be no misunderstandings in the future.]
[Note: Reading This Is Optional, BUT this will still be for Mature Audience Readers Only, so NO kids allowed and Parents need to stop scapegoating and actually make sure their kids don't view something that is 16+ to 18+ when they are not the correct age to view it...though half the time it wont be just the parent or parents at fault, it would also be the much older relative like a uncle or aunt or cousin, who lets the child watch something that is not meant for them until they become the proper age to view it........I seen a movie I shouldn't of seen when I was a little kid, and I had misremembered that being my Mom who let me watch it when we had rented at some old video place......but it was one of my much older cousins that let me, which I guess they did cover my eyes at some parts, well maybe not them but maybe my Mom. I still love the movie though and I finally own it on DVD, but I realized what happen when I was little was still irresponsible of them and they should of known better...it isn't the Movie that is at fault, it was the grown-up that had carelessly allowed me to watch it when I was not the proper age to view it....so yeah, since I do have the DVD of that movie now, I think maybe later today or maybe tomorrow I can find the time to watch it again...at least I know now what one of my older cousins did was irresponsible.]
so anyway, even if Stolas may have a right to be upset during what happen at Ozzie's and even after him being drop off by Blitzo.
but he shouldn't play some innocent victim after what happen at Ozzie, as it is no wonder why Blitz didn't want him to touch his hand and the whole not wanting to go inside Stolas's Home...
I might think that Stolas deserves better than Stella, who needs to get a clue and just let the divorce happen...
I don't even think Octavia understands anything about her parents relationship or the fact they were NEVER in love to begin with, and that Octavia's Mom has been always verbally abusive to Stolas.
they were in a LOVELESS Arranged Marriage, but in theory even those who did end up in a Arrange Marriage could end up falling love with each other at some point and or just growing to love each other in a platonic way...
even if Stella is upset the affair happen because of what it does to her image, but maybe the affair wouldn't of happen if she wasn't throwing in Stolas face that the two of them weren't divorced and even making it into a Not-Divorce Party.
even if some think she is some innocent victim, she really isn't.
what did she suspect, for Stolas to come around and treat her like the "Queen" like she deserves to be, to even worship her like the "Goddess" she views herself as....oh please, like that was ever going to happen in the canon.
even though what Stolas did was wrong, but he was with a woman like Stella who should be happy about getting a divorce from a man she hates, but the only reason she stayed with him was probably for the power and the title...and with the title she was given before, could very well be taken away as well as the power she was given.
but Stolas is probably no better than her, when it comes to how he can't see how much he hurt Blitz, well of course Verosika, Fizz and Ozzie did the same thing, but it probably hit him even more when Stolas chose to use that Menu to cover his face.
and I wouldn't be surprised if Verosika may have did something that caused Blitz to run off the way he did, but maybe they can still patch things up and become friends, like how he patch things up with Fizz.
Fizz and Ozzie, I love ya both and if you both were real I would slap you both if you EVER put Blitz through that again...
I would be on Alastor's Shoulder (when he is in Full Demon Mode" to slap Ozzie, and if Fizz is on Ozzie's Shoulder, then I will still slap him one too...
Ozzie & Fizz are so lucky they are so Adorkable and have those VERY cute and sweet sides to themselves, even if they were jerks to Moxxie, Millie, Blitz and Stolas..
well at least Ozzie from Helluva Boss, didn't cause me to accidentally exist like that one story about the whole King Solomon and Asmodeus basically implies...
NEVER gonna let The Embodiment Of Lust that was one of those Keys of Solomon, live that one down I guess.
I know it had to do with the ring and how Grandpa King Solomon was tricked into taking it off, and Asmodeus had threw him to the other side of the world, where he would end up meeting and getting together with one of my Ancestor Grandmothers.
so yeah, I may be a Defective Earth Angel Princess who calls herself "The Eveningstar Princess" because of that weird thing about my Mom having NEVER getting Morning Sickness when she was pregnant with me, and she had ONLY got Evening Sickness...
but what Asmodeus accidentally did, is maybe one of those weird little accidents that can't really be helped and not sure if it is more strange than the whole getting Evening Sickness...
I was a little weirdo even before I was finally born apparently.
and I came out looking like a 2 week old apparently, blame it on the Nephilim gene I guess...I mean if it does play a part in it...
I hope we can finally stop procrastinating in finally checking to see if my blood type will come out O RH D Negative for the third time.
we have been putting it off for way too long it seems, I guess one of the things I don't look forward to it, is the whole pricking and the whole last few tries we did, I ended up not feeling all okay and needed to go sit or lay down.
but it might not be so bad, if I just close my eyes through most of it.
I don't know if I have a certain phobia or not...
but anyway, Fizz should be lucky that his boyfriend didn't accidentally cause a Earth Angel to be born by hooking up her Ancestors together, cause the Earth Angel wouldn't let Big Blue Cotton Candy Ozzie live that one down...
and before I get back to the whole talking about Stolas and everything else, I think if we think about it some percent of Earth Angels are Demi-Angels, having Souls that are Half-Human & Half-Angel, which half the reason could be from the blood they/we carry and the other reason having to do with the souls they/we have.
of course some damages could happen to the Soul, no matter if it is a fully human soul or a hybrid soul.
(if you wish to skip some parts of this, just keep a look out for the bold words...)
like you end up dying way too early more than once in your past lives, and you are lucky not to have full memories of those times in each of them.....plus I really shouldn't be forced to forgive those that had hurt my past life selves, one of them being the reason I may of possibly had Stolas as a Caretaker if certain info is correct.
is it weird to think that he has a small lab type room with those beakers and other stuff that may also have some plants around as well...? like he keeps it a hot mess most of the time probably.
and yeah I'm talking about the Stolas from our Universe this time, that he keeps the room he has a hot mess possibly, which might be his type of lab...?
don't know if I'm right or not though, even with the thoughts that they have some kind of gladiator arena and have some type of fights to possibly show off their strength...
and there is the thoughts of them having a library, which could be a bit smaller than a library in Heaven, like the bookshelves in Heaven being super high that it would take a Angel to fly up to get a book or scroll to get the item your looking for if you aren't able to fly that way...like one of them being that you could still be scared of some heights and can't fly because ya don't have wings.
it might be a good thing that one can't remember fully of their past lives, one of the reasons could have to do with some damage done to their soul even if it did heal, but the problem could still be there.
I know one of my past lives had inspired the idea of some OCs I had made before, of course I had to change the ideas a bit on the OC that I had made, even if the first one was a Creepypasta (which I had posted the drawings about them in another place, like Deviantart.) and I had no idea at first that I was just remembering past life stuff...
and that past life is probably more closer to me, and I know I died in a dress when I was probably about 4 years old...which of course when I died at 4 years old before, I for some reason started to hate wearing dresses at 4 years old in my current life, and for all I know my 4 year old self was likely traumatized and remembered that we had died in a hospital when wearing a dress.
I do have a birthmark that may prove on the ways my past life self had lost her/our life in that time.
and it can suck for anyone to have bad luck dying a bit too early before they are too helpless to prevent it.
and some Toxic-Religious Inhuman people that have crossed a line when doing harm to children and babies do count as children...
they are lucky I don't go "Alessa Gillespie" on them, as tempting as that is...
Toxic-Satanist are not the only ones on that whole list, and if some of them think I will EVER forgive them for the messed up stuff they did, they can think again...
I suppose in theory, if they got me SUPER mad, and if Charlie, Vaggie and Emily were real, they would probably have to hold me back from trying to pull some hair...
like even if you never punched anyone before, but you think about the possibilities of if some who have did some messed up stuff, if they peeve you off to a very high point, you could go into a type of "Feral Earth Angel Mode" as I like to call it.
I know now that I was apparently born in a Catholic Hospital that had Nuns in it, even though my family is Christian, but most of our Ancestors came from different Religions anyway, and one of my Ancestor Grandpas was a Rabbi...
I am thinking of going by "Neo-Christian" again, but still go by "Neo-Spiritual" but I think I want to think about it a little more.
I still can't tell my family that I really don't go by "Christian" anymore.
or the fact that I don't just believe in God only, but also a Goddess now as well...and there is the whole believing the balance of the Divine Feminine needs to be healed and restored a bit more to stop the twisted form of justice and other stuff that involves a possible future that has to do with Jesus & is Army and the Antichrist.
how is it that not many have figured out how messed up that is, I mean you are doomed either way, but I still rather not take that mark and I would rather take a spray bottle, hold some food salt in my hands and pray to both the Heavenly-Father & Earthly-Mother and then place the salt in the spray bottle and then spray the Antichrist in the face than let him try that messed up stuff...
and even though I can't really do the same to Jesus, plus one of the reasons he could take part on that messed up logic is because he his being influenced by the Toxic-Masculine energy, and hopefully he can be saved from himself and to prevent those terrible futures that involve him and the Antichrist...
but yeah, if I were allowed to, I would use the spray bottle on Jesus's Army and maybe even the Antichrist's Army....that would probably need a lot of spray bottles there...
but if some info about what those two sides want to do is correct, it is still messed up, and hopefully such a terrible future can be prevented.
I guess the song "This Little Girl" by Cady Groves would match the feelings.
anyway back to the original topic, I can agree that Stolas deserves better than being married to Stella, even if she is a Party Girl, which I guess wouldn't be so bad....but throwing a party and celebrating Not being divorce was probably bite her in the tail feathers in a karma type way anyway...
Lilith is no better than Stella, even if Charlie might think her Mom is a good person who loved her kingdom, but we know there is always more sides to the story.
Lilith, Charlie's Mom....is just as Bad as my Dad, well my Human-Dad who is still biologically related.
I was told by my Mom that when she was pregnant with me at the time, both she and him got into a type of I guess heated argument.
I can only guess what it was about, and the thing I'm guessing it being about....hopefully I'm wrong.
I know my Dad wasn't there for my birth, he was off some place else...
it doesn't help that he cheated on my Mom, which if I remember right, I think I was told he did so when Mom was still pregnant with me.
at least Adam wasn't pregnant when Lilith cheated on him...
even if Adam did become a Sinner, I hope he can find someone better than Lilith, and well maybe also Eve....unless the whole there was never truly a Eve turns out to be canon in the show.
and well, blame it on some fan fics I couldn't help but love that involves Adam and Eve being one in the same, and it being because of Lilith leaving him.
Adam may have been sweet and innocent, and maybe a bit clingy during his younger days in The Garden of Eden.
he probably didn't understand most things, same with Lilith who is no better than him...
I mean, misunderstandings and miscommunications can happen.
and back then in the Garden, Adam's words of suggestion likely came out as a order and anything he did was probably good enough for Lilith.
if Lilith got off her high horse, she could realize that she just matured faster than Adam during those times, and Adam wouldn't of turned into a full of himself jerk if it weren't for the fact that both she and Lucifer had hurt him, like BADLY hurt him...
Adam and Lute's relationship could of been platonic, even if in the Fanon there is more to it and them being in a type of loving relationship, like a mix of lovers who are like best buddies.
and yeah, I'm still gonna view that both Adam and Charlie are both in the right and wrong, Adam can't just senseless give a game over to every Sinner, and Charlie needs to understand that there are some Sinners that should be taken out by the Extermination Day.
like the type of Sinners that shouldn't be in Pentagram City, and should just go to that dark and blue, and possibly cold place that we see in the Lucifer Tv Series, which if it were in the same world as Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, that place would be The Double-Hell...or as I like to call it "The Original Hell"....because of the whole current one that isn't the "Original" or "Double" Hell...
had possibly been a part of The Goddess's Earthly Queendom, before that whole imbalance happen and it had to be possibly placed under quarantine from the rest of the Earthly Queendom in the Celestial Realm.
for all we know, Double-Hell could be REAL in the Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss Universe, but it is meant for the very Worse and Toxic-Sinners that are just too far gone, and are even more bad than The Vees and have done far worse than The Radio Demon himself.
those are the types, who are send to Double-Hell, that Charlie can't save or get redeemed, and who deserve to be taken out in Extermination Day.
and as weird as it might be, Adam from Hazbin Hotel, reminds me of Spinel and Pink-Pearl from Steven Universe...
and right now, he also reminds me of Marianne from Strange Magic.
I like that movie, even if some might not.
Adam likely was all sweet and innocent, even if a little naive when his suggestions came off as orders when they weren't, and he could of been different from the Adam from our universe...
if the Adam from our universe knew what those three angels were going to do to Lilith, he would of left her alone and gave her the space she needed...
Adam from Hazbin Hotel, is The Marianne, and Lilith from Hazbin Hotel is The Roland.
yeah the people that Adam and Marianne became at some point are different, but that doesn't mean they weren't still hurt by Lilith and Roland.
it could be possible that Adam hides the fragile parts of himself that was caused by Lilith and Lucifer, that he likely only lets those closes to him see, like Lute.
Humanity already had some form of Free Will, even before the whole Forbidden Fruit Situation, cause Lilith had the free will to leave Adam.
but Adam isn't the only one that Lilith hurt, she also hurt Lucifer and Charlie, and possibly hurting Alastor as well.
even if Charlie might not realize that her Mom is hurting her, she needs to face the truth at some point.
plus it could be possible that Lilith in Hazbin Hotel, couldn't become pregnant like her Fanon Counterparts.
and if Lucifer being the one who was pregnant is true, it could be more than just Lilith not wanting to.....its just she couldn't, because she had become sterile, because that was one of her punishments for the forbidden fruit incident.
she is unable to have children, she can't bring a life into the world like Eve and those lucky enough to have a child.
Lucifer likely found a way to become pregnant with Charlie, and for all we know, Roo could be Charlie's True Mother, who had helped Lucifer have a child that he wanted to have have with Lilith but couldn't because they weren't able to, even if they took some DNA and Magic from Lilith's Soul and Body, it likely came out as a failure which ended up creating nothing.
a true mother would still love their child, even if the child ends up being adopted and not biologically theirs.
for all we know, the Flashbacks during the song "More Than Anything" that had Little Charlie in it...
it might of seem like Lilith in the Flashback, but for all we know, it could of been someone else, and Lilith left a long time after when Charlie was probably still a baby.
Roo is one of the likely people who could of been the "Lilith" in that Flashback, well either her or some other characters who is likely Charlie's real biological mother.
Roo could turn out to be Charlie's Bio-Mom, and she likely took the form of "Lilith" after the original Lilith left both Charlie and Lucifer, and Charlie's Dad was likely very aware of it.
anyway, I think that Adam, Stolas, Blitz and even Charlie's Dad Lucifer, were hurt and deserve better.
and hopefully things do work out with Stolas and Blitz, but Stolas should get slap over the head for making Blitz feel really bad at Ozzie's.
in theory, Adam could come back as a Sinner type Fallen Angel, but we will have to wait and see what the future seasons of Hazbin Hotel will bring.
and maybe like Charlie, Octavia will learn a bit more of how hurt her Dad Stolas has been, even before Octavia was born.
to Stolas, Octavia was the one good thing that came from his marriage to Stella, and he probably wouldn't change a thing if he had to do it all again.
even if Cain's Bio-Dad is like also technically my Grandpa too, but the Adam from our universe is also biologically my Grandpa but through Seth's side.
but Adam can be considered the true father of Cain, because despite the messed up stuff between Cain and Abel (which I'm still gonna view both Cain and Abel both being victims but also both of them still being in the wrong...) but Adam had possibly still loved Cain, and he is Cain's True Father, even if they aren't biologically related.
of course in Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss AU Fanon Timeline, if Adam turns into Eve every once in a while, and well that would mean that both Cain and Adam are biologically related.
even if it ends up not becoming canon and being one of those times when a fan accidentally predicting future canon events, like in Chapter 2 of Deltarune, with Kris eating the whole pie, and Darkners becoming items in the light world and turning to stone statues in different dark worlds...Best Accidental Fan Predictions Ever.
even if it does turn out Adam and Eve in Hazbin Hotel, not being one in the same and Adam not only having to be The Father of Humanity, but also the Mother of Humanity as well...
and it does turn out not to be one of those Accidental Fan Predictions, still gonna love the concept. :)
Stolas might of been hurt after what happen at Ozzie's, but he can't just act like he didn't do anything wrong either...
he hurt Blitz, even if Verosika, Ozzie and Fizz ended up hurting him words, Stolas hiding his face with the Menu had probably cut Blitz deeply in a emotional way.
and it's no wonder Blitz tried to drown his sorrows the way he did in that episode that Bee appeared in.
Bee and Bel are still gonna remind me of my childhood, always being tired and always having to go to the hospital because of seizures.
which by the way, even if my family and doctors might not agree with me, but I still think its possible the energies from both people and places that I was around, had caused my seizures and it is possible that half the time the energies would cause me to become really tired and go to sleep.
still need to post about the whole Empathic Epilepsy thing, I had been meaning to talk and post about it like maybe a month ago...?
so yeah, The Queens of Gluttony and Sloth remind me of all that...
Bee might be a hardcore party girl, but she could see and possibly feel how badly Blitz was doing and him not being okay.
and if she knew what happen at Ozzie's, who knows if she would get on Stolas, Fizz and Ozzie's cases about it, well them and also Verosika's as well.
and if Bee ever went to The Hazbin Hotel, and if Adam was there as a Sinner, she could probably feel the really bad feelings coming from him, that has to do with the hurt from what Lilith did to him.
there could be a reason why Bee couldn't feel the negative vibes coming from Loona, but could possibly feel it from Blitz and Adam.
Loona likely keeps a better barrier up of her really bad negative emotions.
also the stuff that happens in the Pilot of Helluva Boss, even if it isn't canon the other episodes, but we could view it as Semi-Canon.
that the Pilot episode of Helluva Boss, takes place in a Alternate Timeline.
so even if it does turn out the Loona from that Alternate Timeline, lied about Eddie being the target, the Loona from the other timeline who ended up getting a crush on Vortex, probably wouldn't stoop that low.
yeah, the kid was a brat and him being the way he is might have to do with his terrible parents who wouldn't just be Gray-Parents but more like Toxic-Parents.
and even if it did turn out the Pilot takes place in a Alternate Timeline, it could be possible the Eddie from the timeline we follow now, is probably very much alive unlike his counterpart from the Pilot Alternate Timeline.
the pilot from Hazbin Hotel, is likely still canon to the first season of Hazbin Hotel.
it could turn out it is only The Helluva Boss's Pilot, that is not fully canon but only Semi-Canon and takes place in a Alternate Timeline.
even if Adam, Lucifer, Blitz and Stolas became hot messes but maybe things will get more better for them.
I mean if Adam does come back as a Sinner, but the likely hood of that happening is possibly very slim.
Adam possibly needs a hug and being told that the reason why he became a worse version of himself, is because he was badly hurt by Lilith and Lucifer, and they were too high on their horses to see the damage they were causing.
I can't really bring myself to hate him, I mean it could be possible he became so terrible later in his life, because of what Charlie's Parents did to him, and he hides those really bad and depressing feelings by making him seem like he is the greatest gift to women, and give off that macho-man ego.
and yeah, it sucks that my Mom was cheated on...
which I guess misremembering what I was told, it either happen when she was still pregnant with me or sometime after she had me.
but I wouldn't be surprised if he did that cheating when she was still pregnant...
also anyone one could end up having Daddy Issues, like for some it can be for both your Human and Angel Dads...
and some can have Mommy Issues as well.
also if it does turn out that Charlie's Story book, has half-truths and half-lies in it.
maybe we will find out the full story on what it was like in the garden when Lilith, Adam and Lucifer were there in the future episodes of one of the future seasons.
we just have to wait and see.
the book was likely wrote by Lilith, it makes herself seem like a tragic heroine to her daughter, when really she isn't...
at least the Lilith from our universe has a reason why she became a worse version of herself, because she wasn't given the proper space she needed after her and Adam's fight, and Adam wasn't mature enough to understand that both she and him needed space.
he was likely a immature brat who couldn't understand that couples do need space from each other at times, and those Three Angels are just as much as fault and knew better than Adam did, I mean those three angels were old enough to know better, and probably been around for a SUPER long time even more than Adam and Lilith (and later Eve) were, so they should of just let Lilith be alone until she was ready to go back to where Adam was.
trying to force her was wrong and it is not love at all, it is messed up.
but the versions of Adam and Lilith from Hazbin Hotel, play out very different but at the same time the same as the ones from our universe.
Adam from Hazbin Hotel, was possibly just curious and had this innocence about him, and any suggestion on what he wanted to do got taken the wrong way by Lilith, who only saw him being bossy to her and trying to order her around when in theory, he wasn't.
she likely twisted the truth in that book she made for Charlie, in what she believed to be true, that Adam was demanding control...but that could only be what Lilith believed and she ends up twisting the truth in her favor to get Charlie to see Adam as having always been the "bad guy" but really he wasn't, he became that way because "The First B**th" and Lucifer, had hurt him and he became like The Marianne (from Strange Magic Movie) of Hazbin Hotel.
not everyone has to take this theory and thoughts the wrong way, the chance of it turning out to be true and canon is possibly very small chance....
I'm still gonna view Charlie's Mom by the nickname The First B**th.
Stolas and Blitz might still have a chance together, and Stolas may have time to tell Blitz he's sorry and not play the victim when he is partly the reason Blitz became so hurt at Ozzie's, not just Fizz, Ozzie and Mayday.....but Stolas himself also had hurt him.
even some fans could see that, that Stolas had hurt Blitz, and it could of been hinted from how Blitz spoke about Stolas when he and Fizz were captured.
Lucifer possibly holds on to hop that Lilith will come back to him, so they could be a happy family again.
but Lucifer needs to understand, and maybe he will in the future...
that it is possible that Lilith, will NEVER get back together with him.
even if they are still married and separated, he will need to get that divorce if things aren't going to go back to how they were when they were once deeply in love.
even if RadioApple might not become Romantically Canon, but some could view the whole Alastor x Lucifer as the highest favorite ship possibly, even if I still like the whole idea of Lucifer being ship with Angel's Dad...which someone is to blame for that. XD
also in theory, if Lucifer from our universe did have a Twin Flame...
she is possibly "Gone".....like Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz, like she may have pulled a Rose Quartz, even before Steven Universe.
not everyone has to agree on tat theory, but it could be a possibility.
if Adam does come back in the future as a Sinner Fallen Angels, the chances of it are pretty small, but we will have to wait and see.
and if it does happen, maybe someone at the hotel will get through to him and make him open up about the bottle up feelings that has to do with how badly Lilith and Lucifer, and possibly Eve (if Adam and Eve aren't one in the same) had hurt him.
Eve is possibly a even more sensitive topic for Adam, and Lucifer might of not understood how badly he hurt Adam.
even if we are suppose to see Adam as some Macho Jerk, but it could be possibly he didn't start out that way, he only became a worse version of himself because he was deeply emotionally hurt.
and I know that not all fans will agree about that, and it being possible that only half of the fans will agree on that possibly being true.
Adam and Lucifer (and possibly Alastor) were hurt by Lilith.
and Stolas was in a loveless arranged marriage that he tried to make work, to give his daughter a normal life.
but it was never good enough for Stella, who had to rub it in his face that they hadn't divorced.
even if Stella was hurt, but did she truly love Stolas...?
well maybe in a Fanon AU timeline she would of, and been a more nicer version of herself, and in some alternate timelines she is Stolas's Girl-Buddy and Wife, and their wedding was more of a Lavender Wedding, and her being more of a Pife.
Pife being short for Pal-Wife, and Budband being short for Bud or Buddy Husband.
we wont know if what we assume about Lilith from Hazbin Hotel, will turn out to be true...but a part of myself and maybe others, hope we are wrong.
that she isn't as heartless as she seems, and maybe a part of her still loves Lucifer and Charlie...but the likely of her not fully caring about them, and it possibly been Roo who had to shapeshift and take her form because she fell in love with Lucifer and had formed a motherly love for Charlie, like you know Roo being the Maleficent and Charlie being the Aurora from The First and Second Maleficent Movies.
we don't know if Stella did truly love Stolas, or was just in it for the power and title, or like she only acts like it was only for the power and title and she hides the fact she did love him...
but he couldn't truly be in love with her, despite how he did tried to make the family and life they made together work.
how Stella treated him was likely one of the reasons Stolas gave into his feelings for Blitz, I mean possibly...
I do have a theory about Blitz I will talk about after this post of course.
anyway even if some think Adam doesn't deserve to be given another chance, and well maybe he does and maybe he doesn't.
but it doesn't change the fact about him possibly hiding some pretty bad emotional pain and him probably secretly hating himself.
Blitz likely hates himself too, as it was implied in a episode.
and it doesn't help that both family and friends made him feel that way.
Fizz and Blitz rekindling their friendship, is one step in the healing that Blitz needs.
Adam, Lucifer, Blitz and Stolas would need some type of healing, maybe we will see it in the future.
I mean not sure if Adam will come back as a Sinner, but if he did, that man needs a hug and sit down and watch Strange Magic, and maybe some Steven Universe. XD
okay him watching Strange Magic and Steven Universe, would be like Fanon...but hope some can get what I'm trying to imply.
he needs to watch some shows and movies that reflect his deep hurt feelings he bottles up.
and even if not all fans like Steven Universe Future, but I and some do, and well we can relate a bit with Steven, and possibly a few other characters that have been hurt and ended up with some depressing feelings.
lucky I'm not having one of those depressing feeling days now. :D
I'm still gonna view that Greg was a spoiled brat who didn't have the full story, and his parents (Steven's Grandparents) likely wanted him to learn self-defense to stay safe, and likely gave him curfews because their neighborhood use to be really unsafe, and he was possibly given meatloaf for a reason.
and it could be possible that Greg couldn't understand that his parents either one of them or both, may of not been able to handle very loud sounds coming to the music he listens to and had the volume up really high to the point where it became painful for them, and the reason why they didn't let him have any music was because he was irresponsible with the volume that was causing one or both of his parents pain, and they likely couldn't afford certain things that Greg wanted, and he viewed it as them just being unfair.
sometimes there are more sides to the story, and maybe Greg wouldn't of thought so terribly about his parents, if his parents had sit him down and talk to him and explained to him a bit better about why they made him take up wrestling and have a curfews and even chaperons, because it was for his own safety. and the reason why he couldn't have music, because he wouldn't listen to them about turning the volume down because the high volume he puts it on ends up hurting one or both his parents, causing them great pain.
and him getting meatloaf, could have to do with iron or something else...who knows, maybe it was to help with giving him the proper diet...?
by the way I tried the guacamole on the meatloaf, and strangely enough.......I ended up liking it. XD
guess that is another thing that makes me super weird.
if it does turn out that Steven Universe is coming back, maybe like on a Adult Swim, I can't wait to see it.
still gonna view Sans being the future self of Steven Quartz Universe.
it doesn't help the image I saw with Steven wearing a blue jacket, reminds me of that theory that Sans and Steven are possibly one in the same.
Adam, Lucifer and Stolas deserve better than how Stella and Lilith treated them...
and Blitz deserves better as well, and hopefully both he and Stolas do work things out, and we will have to wait and see if they will work things out, and Stolas will stop and realize that he had hurt Blitz, not just Fizz, Ozzie and Mayday...
but we will need to wait and see if that realization will happen in the future or not, but hopefully things will work out for Blitz & Stolas.
is it weird to view Adam as not just as Spinel, but also the Pink-Pearl and as for Lucifer, he is like Pearl of the Crystal Gems.
Lucifer might not see how badly Lilith had hurt Adam, so picture in some Fanon Timeline of Hazbin Hotel AU.
Charlie is the Steven, and those two are The Pearls, and they end up fusing.
it's fine that not everyone views Adam being like Spinel & Pink-Pearl, and Lucifer being like Pearl of The Crystal Gems.
I'm weird okay, and those thoughts and views are likely gonna be a part of my weirdness. XD
it be nice if my Dad didn't sleep with another woman when he was still married to my Mom, and there is that whole possibility he could of well did that, even before my Mom finally gave birth to me...
it does also suck to know that my older brother was cheated on as well, but even if they are no longer together...but maybe I wont go too deep into that right now.
we can only make some guesses and theories about what could happen in both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, and it's fine if some theories end up getting debunked, plus the theories that do get debunked can still work in a Alternate Timeline way in the Fanon.
so hopefully Lilith being a terrible person, wont be true but we know that we have to wait and see if it is true or not.
like a part of you hopes that Lilith isn't a terrible person, who had purposely hurt Adam and Lucifer, and makes herself out to be a tragic heroine to her daughter who doesn't see her for the person she truly is and views her Mom as a wonderful and loving queen when really she possibly isn't.
Octavia is likely the same way, she possibly views her Mom as being the full victim, and she still loves both her parents.
but she can't see that there was always a problem between Stolas and Stella, that has been going on even before the affair.
but maybe Octavia will learn more about it in the future, maybe.
we can only hope that Octavia gets a even more better understanding of her Dad, and how bad it was for him being married to Stella, for all we know, Octavia just thought her parents had always been happy and in love but they hide their true feelings from her until the affair that Stolas and Blitz had, had made both Stolas and Stella a bit more open in front of Octavia on how bad their marriage truly was.
both Octavia and Charlie, were likely protect by both their Fathers: Stolas and Lucifer from a very cold and hurtful truth about their Mothers: Stella and Lilith...
but as much as Stolas and Lucifer love their daughters, they can't hide them from the truth forever.
just as much as Adam can't hide from his own hurt feelings forever.
if Lute, Blitz and Alastor had to sing a song together to Adam, Stolas and Lucifer...
it would be "Treat You Better" by Shawn Mendes.
some might get why that song, but it's okay not everyone agrees.
but Adam, Lucifer, Stolas and Blitz (from Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss) still deserve better and to be loved.
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snarkythewoecrow · 4 months
Truth or Dare Tag Game
Okay, I am totally avoiding all my wips right now, so doing this instead, thanks @underwaterninja13
Which friends/mutuals would you call to hide a body?
@buckybeardreams I feel they would help without too many questions, and probably those would only be where and when, and if I needed a shovel
How many user subscriptions do you have on Ao3?
eh, more than some, less than others, but it's in the 4 digits
Do you have a crush on someone? OR If you're with someone, tell us one thing you love about them.
my hubby cuz he's ride or die, and didn't get all cranky yesterday when informed him in had spilt an ice coffee on the spare clip to my gun, and then kinda forgot to tell him for two days, and it had like caramel in it, and yeah, it was sticky and gross, but he cleaned it all for me, and still loved me after, and my bestie denim cuz they know all the right things to say when shit is extra shitty
What does the last DM/text you sent say?
(we were discussing tommy/buck lol)
totally, like all his other relationships were shit shows waiting to crash and burn, and like it showed, hence needing to talk to bobby every time about them, but like, yeah, with tommy it's different, it's a whole different vibe, mature and safe, for once his relationship isn't chaos and built on some weird and unhealthy foundation, like what he has with Tommy is just so different because if you think about it, he is the first person that doesn't want Buck to be something he's not, doesn't want anything from him other than to be part of his company, Tommy is patient and just wants him, wants Evan, and like there is no drama attached to it, they are equals and meeting with mutual understanding of careers, like they can just be and Buck doesn't need to struggle against what he'd faced in the past, partners only seeing him as a hero or a slut or as an object of death to study, like he really can just be himself with tommy
List the three friends/mutuals with the best takes.
@kittyneedsbetterhobbies @buckybeardreams
Share one of your favorite fics of all time.
yeah, I just went and stared at my bookmarks and then closed the tab cuz got overwhelmed, seriously, it's so all mood related for me, but there are some that are memorial for me, for sure, so maybe a few randoms that i recall enjoying but might be lesser known:
Jar of Hearts by Cupcakemolotov -- Caroline/Klaus (Vampire Diaries)
Of Old Soldiers and Missing Wars by NonchalantxFish -- Steve Rogers & Tom Riddle (MCU and HP)
of stitches and first meetings by buckaroos -- Buck/Eddie (911 but kinda crossed with supernatural)
List three of your favorite content creators.
wrinkling my nose at "content creators" being used as a term here, but anyway, definitely @voxofthevoid and um, pretty sure I don't have any others that stick out
Write one thing you love about yourself.
that i'm getting much better at being myself, no matter how weird that may be to some
Which fandom of yours (past or present) has the best fics?
idk, depends what you want to read, some fandoms are smaller, some focus more on wholesome shit, some are more big enough to include a wide variety of fuckery, so best depends on what's best to you at the time, but the bigger and older the fandom, the more likely the writers have life experience and actually had anal before which, my god, unless you like a finger in your ass for foreplay, my god, what is with the one-two-three fingers, you're all stretched, now let's go, shit? like every time??? anyway, continuing on......
Which creation of your own are you the most proud of?
Came back to edit and scratch that answer out, I really like and maybe not the most proud of, but definitely up there:
a little dented (but definitely not broken) by snarkymuch --this was important to me for many reasons, but proud of how it turned it, and of the emotion it captured
uh... not me forgetting everything i've ever written rn, um, i like a lot of the self harm ones, with buck/eddie, the emotion was nice to write, the build and tension, tbh, i'm blanking--i mean, the pikachu one was cute, also can't remember what it's called rn though, something like, I choose you pikachu (and other ways two idiots say i love you) <--could be way off on title there
Have you ever read RPF?
not really, though kinda suppose that's what I do with my friend by accident all the time when talking fic ideas
Tag the mutual(s)/friend(s) most likely to get away with murder.
probably myself, or like me and @buckybeardreams
Tag the mutual(s)/friend(s) who know(s) the most about you.
@buckybeardreams and weirdly, pretty sure @plotbunnypettingzoo has picked up so many random facts from reading my posts and talking to me
Now tag some friends to play!
@plotbunnypettingzoo @buckybeardreams @kittyneedsbetterhobbies and anyone else interested
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capybaraonabicycle · 8 months
Hiya! For the writers truth & dare ask game, I'd love to know about..
🕯️On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? Why is that?
🍄Share a headcanon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
❄️What's a dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best? (also, which character would be involved)
🌿Give some advice on writer's block and low creativity (or energy⚡if you like)
🏜️What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
🌸Do you have any pets? If you do, post some pictures of them
I'm btw planning on reading more Righting Reflex in the evening, I just really need to get at least one and a half more tasks done today for my portfolio. Sending you much love 💚🦎
Thank you, love!! This is way too long, so I will put it under a 'read more'
🕯️On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? Why is that?
Maybe a 3? Like, I don't hate it but I'm not too fond of it either. I enjoy reading what I have written more often than not and I like putting [GERMAN WORD] or [TBD - WRITE SMTH ABOUT XY] ever so often while writing, but I don't enjoy changing the story afterwards much. I rarely change big things, usually only a scene or two and a few expressions. That said, I have to read every scene like 15 times before posting to scour for errors - and I am certain I am missing so many anyway.
🍄Share a headcanon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Okay, let's go with fugitive Doctor/River. (Did you expect this by any chance? ;) )
You know this bit:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
[ID: two gifs from The Husbands of River Song of River saying "Do you know who you remind me of? My second wife!". end ID]
People have been speculating that she is talking about 13, which I get, definitely. But I want to argue that it is the superior interpretation that she would be talking about the fugitive Doctor (or another incarnation the Doctor has forgotten about but where would be the fun in that?). For the following reasons:
Vibes. This is the important point. River says 12 reminds her of the wife, so they have to be alike-ish. And I feel like 12 and the fugitive Doctor have a certain similarity in their demeanour. I think a big thing is how they hold themselves upright, actually, but also the whole Danny calling 12 an officer when the fugitive Doctor actually is one. Also the underlying kindness both of them possess and the end-life-crisis. They both lose all of their companions (Clara, Bill and Nardole vs Karvanista, Gat and Lee - one lives on but they can never see them again/forget about them, the other two die (or that's what they believe at least) and it is their fault) and I would argue they both are thinking about not regenerating this time. (I reckon the fugitive Doctor does not have a choice though.)
Loss. See the last point. The Doctor loses everything in fotj. Give her her wife, at least, please. Let River bring her some love and companionship <3 13 loses a lot as well but she's got Yaz. Which also leads us to:
Thasmin. Like, you know, if River had been tangibly in the 13th Doctor's life in any way, thasmin would have kissed. 100%. They didn't, so River didn't marry 13, simple as that.
Timelines. River does not know about more faces of the Doctor and well, 13 is older than 12. Of course, she could lie to her and yes, River gets married a little carelessly, so she might have married some John Smith!13. But if she met the fugitive Doctor - who seems very different from the timelord she knows and has no recollection of the Doctor's life, it would be easy for her to draw the conclusion that the Doctor is just some other person going by that name. And the fugitive Doctor would forget about her, of course. There's also a good possibility, River isn't actually married to the Doctor but to Ruth.
Time, Doctor's side. Honestly, 13 just doesn't have enough time to get married to River. Am I still hoping we will get those two on screen (or audio) together? Of course! But 13 is kinda busy, most of the time we either see her with the fam (who don't know River, see lotsd) or very occupied with stuff (like apocalypses or prison).
So, yeah, headcanon: The fugitive Doctor is River's second wife.
(The first is Cleopatra, right? Like Idk if there is canon confirmation but it feels true.)
❄️What's a dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best? (also, which character would be involved)
Okay, when I read this question, I thought I wouldn't have any idea. But I have. Several. Lets start. Fics I would will into existence if I could:
Full-length Little VVomen.
I know we won't get the movie, but I'll gladly take it as a novel fic. Just for an explanation: Little VVomen is a parody trailer for a crossover of Louisa May Alcott's Little Women and the horror movie VVitch (I assume, I don't actually know VVitch). And it is glorious. Just -
- If it's about a girl, make sure she's married by the end. - Does it have to be to a man?
lives in my head rent free. I want a full story of Jo March saying gay rights, writing spells and sacrificing innocent men, pretty please <3 And I really, really want to know what's up with the Sean!devil.
This is the trailer btw:
Anyone write this please? (If I could choose, I'd ask Sean and Sinead who wrote the trailer, but I fear, I am already stretching the definition of fic here and using the authors of the og trailer probably defeats the purpose of this question.)
2. Strax fairytale!! written by you :)
Strax as a fairytale protagonist is SUCH an inspired idea and I am hoping very much that you will get round to it some day. But I can't really tell you anything about that that you don't know better yourself.
Or, maybe, I can: I have become kinda enarmoured with the 'Strax as the faithful Johannes' idea, I have always adored that tale, mainly for the tragedy and extremely strong friendship theme. Like, it is so clear that the king's most important relationship is his friendship to his servant. The princess is lovely but they barely know each other, yet. And I think there is SO much potential to improve the abduction scene and the ending. So, yeah, I have been turning that around in my head a bit.
But no matter which tale you will pick, if you ever write a fic for him, I am sure I will absolutely love it!
(also, like, I could mention any of the fairytale ideas you have told me about, here)
3. Heather is an integral part of s10 by @marvellouspinecone
You remember that genius powerpoint Pine made, I assume? Wouldn't it be spectacular if someone wrote that as a fic for me to read? I would choose Pine as the author because she understands the vision best, of course. But, like, I am so grateful already that the powerpoint exists for me to read and dream about :)
(Hi, Pine, not sure you want to read the whole post, but you might see the tag. This is not a request, please don't understand it as such, because that would be incredibly impudent on my part. This is just fancy ideas of mine and a praise to your vision <3)
4. Tenteen is played by Jo Martin by DiscipleOfBrad
So, I actually enjoyed the 60th anniversary (at least wild blue yonder, that much very much had a premise of my type of dw ep) but I still believe we could have done better than bringing back dt for the umpteenth time. (Listen, he is lovely, don't get me wrong, and I liked '14' too, but just - )
I have written a post about why I think making the fugitive Doctor's face return would have been a more interesting choice and I would still love to read it as a fic.
I don't really care whether it would be a simple retelling of the three eps with her instead of tenteen or a completely different tale. I WOULD like to see Donna though (because can you imagine?? Also that scene where Donna just acts like she knows the Doctor all of a sudden? When the Doctor doesn't even really know herself but feels like she should?) and if we could spring for some Karvanista on top, that'd be ace <3
I would give this one to DiscipleOfBrad because I trust them to write a convincing fugitive Doctor. I really enjoyed her in The Cul-de-Sac (which btw I can highly recommend if you'd like some soft thasmin and an intriguing premise. There is a heavy side of whouffaldi, though, I'm not sure whether that is your thing?).
🌿Give some advice on writer's block and low creativity (or energy⚡if you like)
I feel like it always helps me to get myself into a 'I can't do anything else now anyway' situation? That's why trainrides are so good for writing. I just need to be in a situation where I can't take care of more pressing matters, so it won't feel overwhelming if I don't take care of them?
Like, I will rather scroll tumblr than work on my thesis but I won't write. But if I am away from wifi, I might not be able to work on the thesis anyway, so I will easier find the peace of mind (and hence energy and creativity) to write?
Idk maybe that's just me. Maybe it's not working at all either. Honestly, I don't quite know where energy, creativity or motivation to write come from. They just knock and then they're there.
🏜️What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Well, obviously, I adore long comments, who doesn't? But just saying 'long' feels both greedy and like cheating, so let's talk content.
I think, what excites me most in a comment is when I can sense the enthousiasm? It doesn't necessarily have to be for the content of my fic, I had someone write 'YOU MADE A CROSSOVER FOR THESE TWO FANDOMS?? THEY'RE MY FAVOURITE!!" and it made me smile for a day. Just, I write those things because I love the characters and themes and if someone shows that they share this passion? That's community, that's what we're searching for, isn't it?
But also I got a comment today that was just a bunch of predictions about the next chapter of my current fic and that felt amazing! Generally, when people notice things or I feel they have been paying attention, that is SO GOOD. That's probably also why we love long comments. I mean, generally, every second you spend reading the comment is gold, so the longer the comment the more seconds there are, but also a long comment will usually go into detail. Make predictions. Notice things. Talk about how they perceive the characters and why something made sense/surprised them. Quote your fic back to you. And like, all of that is so much fun. It's like reading your story again, remembering why you wrote it. It's the best feeling in the world.
I very dearly love comments.
🌸Do you have any pets? If you do, post some pictures of them
I don't 😭 The place where I live doesn't allow pets and besides, I am away a lot and not planning on staying in this town much longer anyway. So, yeah, it'd be difficult to have a pet. I really, really want to though. Preferably a cat but I'd be so happy with a dog as well. Or a turtle? Or bunny? Or a lizard? I think you could make me happy with almost any mammal and many types of reptiles <3 (not much into insects or fish though. And I feel weird about birds in cages.)
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sadbigemini · 4 months
Hiya! I think this will be a short one but let's see. This is a fic prompt for an au, let's get into it, Readers!
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Sense8 AUs
This is a TV show I binged in two days and I absolutely loved it... I would even more if there were less nudity and sex scenes. So, FAIR WARNING if you want to try it out.
There are some Sense8 AUs on AO3 but none I've really wanted to read. But I'm probably going to try some out anyway bc I looove this concept.
So, some things you'll need are:
To watch the show lol, it's great and really gay. So, it's a good watch for pride! It's on N*tflix. It's only two seasons since it got cancelled 😭
Anywho, some lore from the show is that eight people from around the world are psychically and empathically linked. Kinda like a soul bond AU. (EDIT: their ability and link is called a sensorial link. There's more info about it on superpowerwiki)
They all need to be the same age, so if you're doing a crossover make sure they are.
For example, Buffy The Vampire Slayer goes from 16-22 in her show and Steve Harrington (Stranger Things) goes from 17-19. So, you could use these two.
It's not required but a variety of locations is preferred and I think would be more interesting. Like Buffy is in California and Steve is in Indiana. But also like Nakajima Atsushi (BSD) is in Japan while they reside in america. Y'know, what I mean??
I also understand if most of the things you watch are located in the country you live in. One solution for this is using headcanons. Like, a popular headcanon is that Sero Hanta (MHA) is at least half Hispanic. So, he could reside in a different country of those origins. Or Aoyama Yuuga (MHA) acts like he's French (not confirmed I don't think) so there you go lol
Since it's fanfiction you can just make them all have the same birthday. Maybe you can even find characters the same age with the same birthday?? Kinda like how Shirakumo Oboro (MHA) and Atsushi were both born on May 5th. They are close in age, I'm sure aging Shirakumo up a year or Atsushi down a year would be fine.
They don't need anybody hunting them like in the show but I think that instantly gives you a plot.
Polyamory representation is not needed but I love to see it! Also QPR representation would be appreciated as well! Just like how both are in Sense8!
Also with crossovers, you'll have to decide which world your story is in. Like, are Buffy, Steve, and Atsushi in the 90s fighting vampires and demons from Hell? Or are they fighting monsters from another universe in the 80s? Or are they fighting people with superpowers like they themselves might have in a more recent year? OR all the above just in the same time period? Alternatively, you can set it in like the Sense8 world where the world is mostly normal but sensates exist in secret (sensates are what the psychically linked people are called lmao).
I think that is all, lmk if you think anything should be added!
Some Character Ideas You Can Pick From
You will have to do the world-building and creating on your own tho, you can do it!
OMFG Scooby-Doo! I don't think Scooby himself would be a part of it tho lmao. Also that's only four people. So, idk add OCs, the older teen Stranger Things cast, or the Buffy cast??
17: Robin Buckley (Stranger Things, america), Willow Rosenberg (BTVS, america), Harry Potter (the UK), Young Aizawa Shouta (MHA, Japan), Akutagawa Gin (BSD, Japan), Donna Troy (DC, Greece?), Isaac Lahey (Teen Wolf, France), and Young Sam Winchester (SPN, america)
20?: Yamada Hizashi (MHA, Japan), Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds, america), Dean Winchester (SPN, america), Natasha Romanoff (Marvel, Russia), T'Challa (Marvel, Africa), Marlene McKinnon (Marauders Era, the UK), Higuchi Ichiyou (BSD, Japan), and Sherlock Holmes (BBC, the UK).
Around 200?: James 'Logan' Howlett (Marvel), Stefan Salvatore (TVD), Marcel Gerard (Originals), Aang (ATLA), Rowena MacLeod (SPN), Cole Turner (Charmed), Steve Rogers (Marvel), Raven Darkhölme (Marvel)
Now, I'm just going to suggest different fandoms bc that was a lot of hard work lmao
Supernatural: Charlie Bradbury, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Kevin Tran, etc
Teen Wolf: Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Lydia Martin, Bobby Finstock, Derek Hale, etc
MHA: all the pros like Mirko/Rumi Usagiyama and all the students like Hatsume Mei
Demon Slayer/KNY: Kamado Tanjiro, Tomioka Giyu, Uzui Tengen, etc
DC: the Batfam, the Superfam, Teen Titans, Justice League, Selina Kyle, Talia Al Ghul, etc
Marvel/MCU: Avengers, Shang-Chi, Shuri, MJ, Yelena Belova, Rogue, Gambit, etc
I hope this all made sense!
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mcalhenwrites · 5 months
Idk if this was already answered but how did you come up with the cover for Geckos, Automata
Thank you so much for the question and needed distraction, I appreciate it! I based it off older books, like the leather-bound ones that used to be published. I have a great love of things like typewriters, leather-bound books, steampunk... And it shows. Technology in Geckos isn't super old or anything - they still have working computers if you're rich enough or live in a country that wasn't as heavily impacted by the Upheaval - it does have trains and automatons, and I wanted something that fit with my aesthetic. :') I have some examples of books like that from old photos when I still crocheted and even tried to do photo sets:
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The two dictionaries stacked there are one of my more treasured possessions. I begged my mom to let me have them. But they're like that. I was even going to do the spine of Geckos in a similar manner, where it would have the little sections and I'd put my name at the bottom, the title at the top. In gold. Anyway, I wanted to add the little gecko footprints because I thought it would be cute to think of the little geckos running through ink or prairie dirt or sand and getting it tracked on the book! Cove did some mock-ups, and eventually I pulled up Krita and drew the gecko footprints and streamed the process with Cove. They whipped up the graphics per my instruction. Color was chosen to be based off the older books like those dictionaries. They gecko feet I used as reference belong to leopard geckos, not other gecko types. I have some biases. :D Edit: I forgot to add that I specifically wanted very twisted/broken looking toes on the geckos as well, because while that can happen during a bad shed for a gecko (never happened to one of mine), these are automatons where the thin metal toes might easily break off or bend.
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formulatrash · 1 year
I hope you don't mind this. I think you said before that you aren't close with your family and that's something that's conscious. I've recently had to distance myself from my family and I don't know how to handle it. I know I'm right but I feel guilty that I can't change their minds and I don't feel like I can talk to anyone about it. They make me ashamed and I wish they weren't like this.
hello anon - it's alright to ask that. you're right, I am estranged from my family to a fairly major degree. I'm not sure what you're referring to although I think I can kind of read between the lines there and I'm not a big hugger but I would be giving you a hug if I could. I'm sorry.
for context: I just about still speak to my (UK) parents, they know where I live, we post each other presents for birthdays and christmas. I last saw them for a few hours in December 2021, I hadn't seen them for three years before that. we talk on the phone a few times a year. so it's not a total cut-off but it is a large amount of distance. there are more complications and I'm not going to get into those because this isn't a therapy session and the internet will just find some way to use it against me but, yeah.
it's difficult. I feel guilty a lot of the time - I know my mum would like me to go and live at theirs partly to help with things but also to be "sorted out" in a slightly threatening re-education level. they don't approve of who I am or my career, so it would be very hard to exist there, even if they genuinely needed me which I don't think they do. I try to remind myself that if they didn't do the things they do, this distance wouldn't exist - I am acutely aware they think the same thing of me, although for me it does not feel like a choice. maybe it does not to them, either but I know a lot more people who have been brought round from homophobia than have stopped being gay.
it helps, now, that I'm old. people my age depend on their parents less because it's the time that you start not being able to assume people's parents are still around. and living in London no one sees their parents really anyway. but I also find it harder the older I get. I don't need anything from them and the few times I've needed help they haven't been the people giving it to me. I suspect that might well be the case for you, too - or that it would only come with terrible conditions.
you don't go to a loan shark for love. if you can't repay the terms of them giving you anything, that's not your fault, that's their conditions.
it will always be a little weird but you probably never had the relationship to them that people thought was normal anyway. it will get better.
move to a city or somewhere everyone's a little distanced, if or when you can. it shows less. find new family, people to provide for. I can't promise it stops haunting you or that the gnawing guilt ever goes away but it gets lighter - and for some people it does totally disappear, I've probably made it harder for myself by not cutting them off.
edited to add: something it's useful for me to remember is that there isn't a me I could be or a career I could have where they would be proud of me. that I could bend myself into any shape imaginable (and tried, before the elastic tension got so great it exploded) and it wouldn't be right. I cannot physically re-form myself and energy meeting resistance only creates stress. it would be better if it was not this way but some circuits are broken and you are not a defective part, just placed in the wrong configuration.
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16-pennies · 11 months
Literally hurling myself into your ask box to say I LOVE Silver and I am shamefully, shamefully behind on reading it.
Have you ever done that thing where you open a fic in a tab, burn through 50k of it in a day, and then like... lose the tab? And forget to subscribe? And then come back months later and you can't even remember what chapter you got to???
It's completely disgraceful and I'm going to be re-reading it from the beginning, which actually just works out as a wonderful little treat for myself!
Aaaaanyway that's my grovelling done. Sorry you're bored and lonely! That sucks :( AMA literally whenever I'm never busy lol
So a question for you!
How are you feeling now you're so close to the end of Silver?! From the dates it looks like you're on track for finishing it almost exactly two years after starting it! Do you have something else that you're working on next, or are you taking a well-deserved break?
Hi hi hi!!! Thank you so much for the ask <3 And you're so relatable. The number of fics I've half-read and then completely lost track of is embarrassing. I'd love to hear your thoughts as you embark on your reread!
I didn't even notice that Silver might wrap up on its 2 year anniversary. It's strange to think of how much my life has changed in that period. As to how I'm feeling... nervous 😬 I have no problem admitting that plot is my weakness and I think satisfying endings are difficult for me. I'd hate to think that my readers made it through 220k+ only to feel like I could've wrapped it up better.
But other than my own insecurity, I'm excited to be able to say I have a completed draft for such a massive word count. There are still a few scenes I need to fill in, which is why I don't know exactly how many chapters are left.
I'll probably make a more detailed post about this when the story is finished, but I came up with the premise for Silver and wrote the first chapter(s) when I was 15. (So if you're rereading those early chapters, sorry about the lesser quality. I did my best with editing.) I didn't come back to it until I was 21. It's been an interesting journey, writing characters that I looked up to and now am much older than.
Anyway. Let me stop there before I philosophise for thousands of words.
Since I finished the bulk of Silver in 2021, I've been working on my next longfic (thought not as long as Silver) I'm calling The Trial. It's a lumione, post-canon Ministry shenanigans with some trauma not-quite-recovery thrown in. I know that ship isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it's been my guilty pleasure for years and I'm excited to write something more substantial than one-shots for them. It's also been one of the most challenging drafts I've ever worked on, as far as process goes, but that's a different conversation.
That's probably way more answer than you asked for, so I'll stop here, but if you ever want to chat my ask/messages/whatever else are always open!
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As a rottmnt superfan, I think it's very shameful I have not actually watched the full series. I have been trying to get myself to watch all of it for literal months, and I will finally start now.
To keep my motivation to actually watch my favorite show (wow) I will be writing down little things I like/notice/one sentence summary of each episode.
Plus I want to do the AU with the events of the show but a "little to the left" including the missing sisters, Mikey getting his deleted episodes back, ideas that couldn't be used because the show was cancelled, fandom ideas, etc. etc.
AND this is also doubling as info from each episode, so that way I don't forget anything important.
(Like I forgot Heuso existed. Who does that?)
To start -
Leo seems very unsure of himself/ is scrambling in the intro. Compared to the rest of the turtles, he seems the least sure of himself. Even the lyrics say "Leo's making a scene" while everyone else has a definite positive word associated with their character. In fact, "making a scene" definitely has the connotation of a bad thing.
Leo's insecurities are so strong that even the show agrees lol.
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(I'll just keep editing this into one really long post, and also, I need obvious stuff to be stated to me, so I'll write it down anyways.
Okie, Donnie's first words in the show are him using his science to support his brothers and be overdramatic.
April helps them all with shenanigans using her connections with all the jobs she has, and is in no way the 'responsible older sibling'
Even Raph (at least in the beginning of the series) is not that responsible in the grand scheme of things.
Also also, I want to slow down the show so I can catch every single detail, every single expression, but that would make this take too long. So I'll miss expressions they make... sad.
Donnie has tech in his shell for when April needs a ride, meaning that, again, he is constantly making tech to help others, along with his own interests.
(Also the way he flies? So overdramatic princess-y. I love him. And I can't take screenshots for some reason. Sadness. )
Also, does Mayhem have a scar on his forehead? It looks like a scar.
And Raph saying 'Aw' and wanting to save him. The precious bean. <3
Mayhem immediately goes for April out of everyone there. My headcannon is that he was sent specifically to watch the turtles and make sure Baron Draxum's experiments don't cause any havoc, so he is wary of all of them.
Also also also... the 'brushes' for the line art of the show? I'm obsessed.
They do have rehearsals for 'if they come in contact with humans'. So.... do they worry about that? Also, Donnie never goes to them. I can relate. Things I find unnecessary that I take away from my 'writing time' are things I try to avoid at all costs.
And I wish something that was cemented more in my head from the show is that the turtles constantly went on adventures with April, even before finding out about the hidden city, perhaps they wanted to be like Lou Jitsu, and I also wish there were more adventures in the hidden city afterwards.
Donnie screaming 'Fibonacci' or just being happy and showing off his tech makes me so sparkly inside.
(I'm not even five minutes into the first episode.... this might take awhile)
Donnie's tech does not work, he tries but it does not work a ton. Which I love. Our favorite/ special things not working, or just not being that great is something I relate to a lot/ want to see more in media. It's the thing we base our lives on. It HAS to be good. Otherwise, what's the point of our existence?
Yes... I kin Donnie.
Leo is incredibly fast, even from the beginning, especially for a turtle
All of Donnie's lines are immediately iconic in my brain
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Leo has murderous intent/his eye glows red for a moment. I saw a comment once that the turtles WERE created to be killing machines, and those instincts may or may not still be there. IDK, it would be fun to see Baron Draxum's original intents placed upon the turtles. Although... in my rise sisters AU.... oh I could do that.
They all try so hard to live out their fantasy, adventure, Lou Jitsu dreams. Little beans. <3
Mayhem is an agent and he is carrying a vial. Vial for what?
Mikey is the most artistic and the most mystically inclined. He notices the sign on the wall and where's he's seen it before. My artist sibling also tends to see things as they are/ find un-findable things + predict the future.
We were robbed of Mikey content
Splinter has a cabinet full of memorabilia, and the weapons they all broke in the beginning were 'priceless'
My headcannon is that the brothers understand Japanese from watching Spilnter's shows, but can't speak it. (Yes I'm projecting my own second language skills)
Donnie again tries to make things better with his tech abilities, and Raph tries to make a good plan (because he's the leader, he should be able to make plans.) But Leo already completes the mission. So he can bask in the praise.
Because Leo notices things and can plan ahead, impromptu.
Raph is super anxious about doing things right.
Mikey again, uses his 'art/mystic intuition' to open the wall.
OHMIGOSH the Hidden City looks so cool. I really really (that's two really's) there were more Hidden City episodes.
When Donnie 'insults' his brothers. ('You guys are fools') He'll say something positive about it later. ("You beautiful fools') he's basically doing /pos all the time.
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Donnie, upon finding the hidden city, says "Exactly what I expected." (At 11:37) Meaning that he is a cryptid theorist confirmed. He has theorized about the existence of mystic beings since before they found the hidden city.
(I will do another "Why Donnie dislikes mystic powers" later, because this gives me the notion that Donnie dislikes mystic powers the same way some physicists dislike quantum mechanics or the Copenhagen interpretation of it. It doesn't make sense. It contradicts and he can't figure it out, that wouldn't be an issue if it weren't for his brothers immediately getting it. In the AU, I would have an 'episode' where their mystic powers start making Donnie inconsequential. They already don't listen to him most of the time. And now his tech doesn't help anymore....
anywho that's for later, back to episode one!)
According to Donnie's calculations, they are in a 'Tertiary metaverse'.
A google search revealed nothing on that. But ..... DONNIE HAS CALCULATIONS FOR THESE SORTS OF THINGS, AAA-
And April has explored this hidden city beneath New York. I feel like, with Mikey, she's the most mystic-inclined. Something that other people in the fandom have pointed out.
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Donnie loves Draxum's lab. Specifically, the color scheme and the style. These two would get along so well.
Draxum has captured Mayhem. Supports my headcannon that Mayhem was an agent specifically sent to watch Baron Draxum and his experiments, carry on.
They are precious.
Also also, humans do not care about the existence of mystic creatures apparently. I like that tbh, makes way for better storylines.
Mayhem stole a vial from Baron Draxum. Probably to bring as 'proof' to the three heads.
hhhmmmm.... Maybe Mayhem was sent to watch Baron Draxum and his experiments, and eventually the three heads council thought that the threat was neutralized. Baron Draxum rebuilt his lab, but hasn't done anything nefarious. And no turtle has been found for a long time. (Except for the one Big Mama has, but no one dares oppose her.)
But Mayhem found a vial of ooze, enough to convict Baron Draxum of crimes, but Draxum sent his assistants after him, retrieving the vial.
Draxum's color schemes do look cool.
He mutated a human in this episode.
The turtles ARE aware they are mutants.
I love the headcannon/unexplored plot thread that Splinter was a little afraid of what his sons were: mutations meant to be killing machines. Hence the "rehearsals".
April finds things. She's crafty, knows how to use her surroundings to her advantage.
Donnie has high grade titanium, how did he get high grade titanium?
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(my headcannon is that he goes on 'shopping trips' with his siblings, mainly April, sometimes Mikey. And he steals things.)
He seems awed. At 14:41 he says "it's like mystic and science had a baby"
OKIE OKIE, here's my headcannon.
Originally Donnie was a science person (obviously) but he was like - "well there's no definite evidence that cryptids and magic AREN'T possible. I mean... black holes and quantum mechanics make no sense. Science does wild things sometimes, why can't these things exist? And you know what? I'm going to prove it!"
But then he actually SAW mystic powers and everyone else doing really well with it. Replacing him. And while his prior experiments with the crystal have led to good results in tandem with his goggles, but when he tries afterwards, it doesn't work. (Because mystic powers are based on emotions and he's frustrated.) That's weird. Science should lead to definite, predictable results.
So *character arc*
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April is literally more athletic than the turtles. She keeps landing on her feet while everyone else is in a heap.
That's it. I'm a believer in April supremacy now.
Leo is scrambling. He may be good at impromptu plans, but he struggles at the application. My personal, maybe headcannon, is that he doesn't actually like going on some of these adventures. He's not that good at them, but he will support his brothers, because of his inferiority complex
Also also, Draxum has been trying this whole time to continue his work. I'm wondering how I can work my 'He's looking for Louise' storyline. Perhaps he needs mutants to eliminate the human threat and also to save his child warrior.
Mikey gets star eyes like his older sibling :D
Baron Draxum's magic is with his vines, mechs and potions. Like alchemy. Using this for Louise reference later.
Donnie has the Bi flag in the background of any of his scene things <3
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His tech is constantly on the fritz in this episode. Mainly his tech bo. Maybe that's a newer piece? His battle shell seems to work fine. I think that may be one of his first pieces of tech, and the flying part looks like what would become Shelldon in the future.
AND, I think he gets better at making his tech in the future, while still making mistakes :D
Plus, his tech being on the fritz, makes his whole "they care more about what I can do for them than me"/needing to be useful, and fix things, mean that much more.
Also also, I'm basing above off of the fact that the siblings like his tech, but don't trust it, and they often don't exactly listen to him that often ('DONNIE NOT HELPING!') Which I feel like would hurt after some time. Also this post.
Donnie goes to his phone after his achievement of his tech bo working, he's probably documenting his success + photo archives + data points.
I've heard the hc that the brothers keep Mikey's drawings, maybe Donnie scans each one for his archives? They have a whole scrapbook?
Oh wait... that's really cute actually.
Mikey gets bored of the Villain banter really fast. Donnie wants his own world to keep working as it does and just coast along with his family while still 'spending time with them' (I can HEAVILY relate... or maybe I'm just projecting, but wanting to be in your own world while being around others is literally my whole life in a nutshell.)
I think Raph trains on his own + counts Lou Jitsu movies as training, Leo does not.
April has successfully defeated Huggin and Munnin. Clap clap.
Notes for Louise: Baron Draxum is show-offy and thinks he's 'all that' and truly bettering humanity. His lab is huge and colorful, full of alchemy experiments. He has 'bio-inspired' magic. Like plants and spiderwebs and huge fleshy gauntlets
Mikey activates his mystic powers after he gets angry at Baron Draxum for trying to hurt April. He can't really control it, but his anger activates it.
Mikey's mystic weapon is a cackling fireball gremlin that is absolutely uncontrollable. Everyone (including Donnie) thinks it's REALLY COOL
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