#this would be very helpful
tbartss · 2 years
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Okay you talented photo editors would you like to help me out and tell me what you use to edit like words onto the pictures and stuff because I want to do it but idk how
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fulltum · 6 years
Putting together a mini portfolio - what are your favorite scenes/paragraphs/moments from my fics? Either of all of them or from specific ones!
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wandlores · 8 years
I made a new poll to see which rare-pairs I should make more creations for. Please go take it so I have an idea of what content you’d like to see from me! You know how much I love rare-pairs, and I LOVE making them more well-known and appreciated across the fandom. Your feedback would be much appreciated! Even reblog this if you could.
You may complete the poll, here!
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Hey Guys, Could you help me out?!?!
So I have another blog where I write reviews. Could you guys give me some suggestions or ideas for stuff to write about, thank you, you wonderful lot
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w1ldflwr · 9 years
Does anyone know where I can buy cheap but good quality solid colour pocket Tees?
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mayaishiipeters · 10 years
why isn't there an archive for liked posts? maybe i want to find something i liked from 3 months ago and now i have to scroll for 20 minutes trying to find it and that's just too much work for me.
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da-saudade · 10 years
There's must be a switch to turn off the possibility of being on your period when you're dating a girl.... Just a suggestion to Mother Nature
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wheatys-writings · 10 years
Yo so can I ask you guys a favour?
See, I live in a rural area of south England, not really near any big places or anywhere were world news or culture is explicit. I live in a practically all white community filled with old people. So I don't really know much about other cultures.
So if someone could give me a relatively detailed run down on Indian and Native American cultures, that'd be great? In Indian culture, if you could focus on females and Native American on males, if there's any explicit difference.
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sucked-it-and-saw · 10 years
hey guys, for her birthday my friend asked us all to dress up as something for her party, and i have absolutely no clue what to go as, do any of you have any ideas at all? :)
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goodnightpond · 10 years
Anyone have dessert ideas for easter?
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yourfaceneedsnutella · 10 years
science side of tumblr can one of u please invent waking up pills instead of sleeping pills bc it's really hard to wake up
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variaance · 11 years
does anyone have a link to  watch ahs coven online? 
i have most of the episodes recorded on DVR but im missing the first few and i really would like to watch the entire series soon 
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imissthecoldwar · 11 years
I'm probably quite late into getting to this, but I'm actually going to make a relationships page tonight.
Please like this post if you would like to be on the page so I know exactly who I need to include.
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frumpybutsupersmart · 12 years
Youtubers, I need some help
So I made a playlist of videos that are from other channels, and my friend wants to put my playlist on her channel
Is that at all possible? How would one go about doing that?
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queerdraco · 12 years
What should I write about in my To Kill a Mockingbird essay?
These are our alternatives:
How Jem and Scout change/remain the same throughout the story
How Maycomb is described
The author's treatment of Boo Radley, his role in the story
Atticus parenting style, his relationship to the rest of Maycomb
The portrayal of the black community, the Tom Robinson case
The Mockingbird symbolism, "mockingbirds" in the story
I'm thinking about writing about number five or six..probably the fifth one. Do you have any tips or ideas for me? :)
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