#this was a fun ask THANK U anon 4 showing me this LOL
egrets-not-regrets · 1 month
Chef’s Kisses
(Of Fins and Feathers AU/Living Waters AU) Talos teaches Lana how to make the fish rolls she enjoyed from her picnic with Keed. Unfortunately, their date is not without interference.
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Author’s Note: Another fun fic co-written with @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan. This story follows up from Keed’s picnic with Lana. Every one of Lana’s harem bonded will have their own spotlight, or at least that’s the plan. I love this chaotic polycule so much. Lol.
~ Also, apparently gannet chicks are called gugas in Scottish. That's where I came up with the term "guglets". ~
Tagged: @shadowfirecat , @kit-williams , @bleedingichorhearts , @barn-anon , @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
@sleepyfan-blog, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @bispecsual , @ms--lobotomy , @whorety-k
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Talos returns to the Gannet roost after his patrol. Playfully dodging the pouncing gannet younglings, he makes his way to Lana and who was looking after a small creche of fluffy hatchlings. Setting his helmet to his hip, the Alpha Legionary wraps his arms around the gannet harpy from behind and nuzzles her. Lana churrs and turns to kiss his cheek. 
“Hello Talos.” She greets him affectionately. 
A pleased hum emits from his throat as the Alpha Legionary kisses his harpy, “Hello, my cherished one. How are you?” 
“Good. How was your patrol?”
“It went well, the Black Templars are in the territory, but far away from this area.” Talos rests his chin on her head. 
She sighs and relaxes against his armored chest, “That’s good to hear. But I am glad you returned.”
He presses a kiss to her temple, murmuring, “Always. We will always return to you.”
“Oooooo…” a small chorus of voices sing which promptly dissolve into giggles when they break the couple’s focus. 
“Uncle Talos, are you mates with Auntie Lana? You act like Ma and Pa would when they come home.” A bright-eyed fluffy chick asks. 
“Yes, my brothers and I are mates to your Auntie Lana.” He replies jovially. 
The “ooo”s became loud whispers of wonder. Lana and Talos laugh, hearing his and his brothers’ names and discussion on how Lana has so many mates at once and who’s her favourite. 
“Alright, alright. Little guglets shouldn’t be gossiping about Auntie Lana and her mates.” An adult harpy chides the younglings as he picks up his child, thanking Lana for her care before leaving. Another few adult harpies then arrive to pick up the rest of the chicks from the creche. 
Talos feels a tug on one of his tentacles. He looks down to see dark eyes sparkling with mischief. The chick lowered their volume to comically conspiratorial levels, “Uncle Talos, can I tell you a secret?”
He chuckles and wraps a tentacle around the chick, lifting them up, indulging the youngling with a listening ear, “Of course, what secret do you want to tell me?” He whispers. 
The fluffy guglet giggles and whispers back, “Auntie Lana really likes the rolls you make. She wants to learn to make them.”
“Is that right?” Talos asks. The guglet nodded enthusiastically. 
“There you are!” A voice called out. The guglet in Talos’ tentacle bounced in excitement, “Mama!”
Their mother comes up to them carrying a basket of fish,“I hope Kona didn’t bother you too much.” She says, eyeing her precocious child. 
“Not at all, Kiri.” Chuckling, Talos hands the youngling back to their mother. 
“Thank you for taking care of the guglets, Lana.” Kiri smiles. She lifts the basket to show the fish inside, “I caught a few extra skipjack, would you like to take them?” 
Lana shared a grin with Kona before answering their mother, “You’re welcome, they were good little guglets today. And we would love to take the fish.  Thank you, Kiri!” 
Mother and child say their goodbyes, then left to return to their nest. Talos looks at the few skipjacks cradled in Lana’s wings. 
“These are a good size.” He commented, taking two by the tail in his large hand, lightening the load on his bonded. 
The corners of Lana’s eyes crinkle with amusement, “What are you thinking of making with them, love?”
Talos straightens his posture and smiles at her term of endearment, loosely wrapping a tentacle around her hip as they make their way back to the food prep area, “A little bird told me that you want to learn how to make the fish rolls.” He teases in a singsong voice. 
Her crown fluffs when she remembers that she wanted to thank him for her starlight picnic with Keed, “I almost forgot! The food that you made for Keed and I was delicious. Thank you for that. That was very thoughtful of you.”
Talos preens at her compliment. Lana adds with an exasperated smile, “And yes, I would love to learn to make the fish rolls. That was Kona’s secret, wasn’t it?”
“Yes it was, my lovely Lana,” He says with a smug teasing lilt in his voice. “Kona was quite pleased to tell me their little secret.” Talos pulls her closer to him, slowing down to cuddle Lana some more with a happy trilling purr. The harpy can’t help but laugh and wrap a free wing around him in a half hug. She nuzzles into the mer’s shoulder, giggling, her crest feathers rising, “Talos! You and Orlys are so touch-starved. You act like no one has hugged you for years!”
“What if no one had?” He joked back. 
Her crest fell as Lana frowned, “Oh… I’m sorry, that’s so sad.”
His hearts warm at her words; his mate is so undeniably sweet. Talos quickly pecks Lana’s lips a few times to reassure her, “I was just teasing, love. Don’t be sad for me. As long as you are willing, I am always happy to receive your hugs and caresses. You’re my bonded and I want to spend as much time being as close as possible during my allotted time with you, and take advantage of the time when I don’t have to share you with anyone else.” He purrs, nuzzling her. 
Casting him a fond exasperated look, Lana kisses him back, “You silly mer, then I will remember to give you more hugs and kisses when I see you. Let’s go and you can teach me how to make those rolls you made last time.”
With a grin, as Talos follows after her to the food preparation area. After putting the fish down, they take a moment to wash their hands and claws thoroughly. He happily takes his mate through the process, brandishing the skills he learned while he had been undercover as a chef at a high end restaurant. This recipe was a relatively simple one and doesn’t need to take long for the food to be ready. Talos made sure to confirm that the ingredients and the food itself was something that Lana and her fellow harpies could eat without ill effects. While his Astartes biology allows him to ingest almost anything, harpies don’t have the same luxury. 
“Do we have some sort of citrus?” Talos asks as he looks for the ingredients to marinate for the fish with. Lana hands him a few yuzus. 
He then mixes a handful of salt and sugar together in a bowl while instructing the harpy to soak several pieces of the thinblade kelp. Lana spots a container of brightly coloured blossoms. She asks, “What are those?”
“Ah good! We have some nasturtiums left. These flowers give it a bright peppery flavor as well as make the dish nice to look at.” Talos explains.
There is a difference between edible and enjoyable, and since they aren’t in a survival situation, Talos prefers to make things that are enjoyable, and nutritious, whether that nutrition is for the body or the soul. The flavors and enjoyment of the meal helps the food be processed better, or at least that was a fanciful phrase one of the chefs at that place taught him.
He tells her a little story while he works, carefully editing it so that it would seem more relatable, of one of the times that he had learned how to actually cook well, rather than just survival cooking. Including a funny story about one of the people he had worked with, mixing up the salt and sugar (the labels had been removed). 
Though he doesn’t mention that the person got fired from it- and that someone had laced the food with a contact poison, nothing deadly, but dramatic enough that it had helped further destabilize the political hierarchy of the area, which had been part of his mission, outside of gathering intel.
Lana listens and watches with rapt attention as the Alpha Legionary quickly and cleanly guts and disassembles the skipjack, showing off with a few fancy tosses of his knife in between. She claps her claws and laughs with delight when her courting mate bows with a flourish and looks at her with a cheeky grin. 
“My dear Lana, care to help me with the next step?” He asks, giving her the handle to a second knife. 
The harpy takes his knife and asks playfully, “What do we do next, Chef Talos?”
Talos teaches Lana how to cut filets of the skipjack into thin slices so that the fish would marinate quickly. They arrange the slices into a single layer on a stone board, sprinkling the fish with the mix of salt and sugar. Then they squeeze yuzu juice over top. While waiting for the fish slices to marinate, Lana and Talos cut the rehydrated thin blade kelp into smaller pieces and placed them in organized stacks. 
He chops the fileted skipjack into smaller pieces. Lana places the pieces of skipjack and organs into separate cold rune-lined communal chests. Bones and organs can be used in nutritious soups, healing potions, or to make other dishes or snacks. By the time they are done, the fish slices are ready for the next step. 
“Try a piece and tell me how it tastes.” Talos dangles a piece of marinated fish and watches intently as Lana delicately plucks the slice of fish from his fingers with her teeth. He smirks as her crest fluffs cutely in surprise at the flavor.
“Good?” The mer asks. 
Lana trills in delight, “Oh wow! It is a bit different from the ones at the picnic, but it is delicious!”
“This is a different recipe. The one from your picnic with Keed requires more time to prepare.” Talos answers. He takes another and rolls it up with a few nasturtium petals. He holds it out to her, “Now, try this one.”
Lana takes it from him, chewing on it thoughtfully, “You’re right, the flowers do add a peppery taste.” She exclaims. She then takes a slice of fish and holds it to his mouth, “It’s only fair that you should try a piece too.”
“You’re right.” Talos gently bites onto the fish, pulling it from Lana’s claws. He playfully nips her claw, a grin tugging his mouth when he sees his bonded harpy’s feathers fluff as she gets all flustered, “That is quite delicious.” He purrs. 
A quiet “eep” escapes Lana’s mouth, her facial feathers rising as heat flushes her cheeks. She cranes her neck to give him a quick peck on the lips and lets out a shy giggle, “We should make these rolls then. We shouldn’t let the kelp dry out.”
“Agreed, my lovely Lana. Now follow my lead.” Talos chuckles as he lays a piece of kelp down on the work surface, then three slices of marinated skipjack, and rolls it up. His harpy follows him, step by step. As she continues making the seaweed wraps, Talos sidles up behind her and wraps his arms and two of his tentacles around her waist. She shivers when he starts to trail kisses from her temple down the side of her neck. 
“Talos…” her quiet whisper lilting into a mewl. 
“Keep working.” He murmurs, smiling as he nuzzles into her crown feathers, “I can work over you. Just want to have you close.”
Lana tilts her head and meets him in a kiss, “Touch-starved much?”
“For your touch? Always.” her Alpha Legion mate answers, and tightens his embrace. 
It doesn’t take them long to finish and soon, they have two containers full of the fish rolls: one with nasturtium petals inside the rolls, the other, without. 
“Say ‘ah’.” Lana asks, the roll in her claw shakes with her laughter when Talos pulls her closer to him and opens his mouth. The mer lets out a pleased hum as she feeds him. 
“You should have one too.” Teal eyes sparkle with mischief. He puts one end of a roll into his mouth, leaving the other end hanging out. Lana giggles at his flirty antics and reaches up to bite the other half off, kissing him at the same time. She nuzzles him, relaxing contentedly in his arms, “Thank you for teaching me.”
He purrs, “You’re welcome, my love.”
They continue to talk and steal kisses and bits of food from one another. As their flirtations become more heated; their touches, more insistent; Talos hears a low, angry growl and flicks his eyes around, spotting the silver and blue form of Draco skulking about and starting to fly towards them. He grabs something from his belt, “Hold on for a moment, Lana, there is a pest trying to interfere.”
He lobs the metal, spherical devices that Draco dodges, but still gets entrapped in them when the metal balls open up and wrap him up in an electrified net that will zap him if he struggles or tries to break it. Not enough to actually cause him any damage, but it will sting like a bitch and be annoying to get out of.
Talos and Lana wander over just as the Grey Knight removes himself from the netting, ignoring the stinging sensation from the electrified net. Finally freed, Draco glares at the Alpha Legionary who has his arm and tentacle wrapped around his mate, his Lana. If his harpy mate wasn’t in the way, he would’ve thrown the net back at the traitorous Hydra. See how he likes a taste of his own trap. 
Draco waits for the couple to get within his vicinity before charging at Talos, grabbing the startled Lana, who was still attached to the Hydra by one of his tentacles.
Lana scowls and scolds him sternly, “Stormbreaker! This is my bonding time with Talos individually. You know the schedule! Put me down and go on patrol or something.”
They had gone through this before. This negotiated time that they had all agreed was for her and Talos, unless it was an emergency. Lana tries to struggle out of the giant merAstarte’s grasp. 
Draco tightens his hold and hisses at her, his white eyes blazing, “The Hydra should not be taking their liberties with you!” He had watched the other Alpha Legion traitor, Keed, seduce his Lana on the beach of the Trail of Stars Cove; his dirty, vile hands and tentacles roaming all over his mate’s body. It makes him incensed that she just allows him to. 
Draco had touched this Hydra’s mind; hearing his thoughts and feeling his desires. How dare this one want to sully his mate with his touch! 
“Let go of her.” Talos growls, one of his tentacles still wrapped around the harpy’s waist. Both Grey Knight and Alpha Legionary size each other up with Lana sandwiched tightly in between. 
The harpy squawks in discomfort, forcing the two merAstartes to back off slightly so she can breathe. 
Lana rounds on Draco angrily, “Taking liberties with me? How dare you! They are my mates as much as you are! And I consent to their affection and touch!” 
“Why would you agree to that? You are my mate!” The Grey Knight glares at her. 
“Lana has every right to accept affection from any of her mates!” Talos snarls at him, tightening his grip on Lana, noticing her increasing distress, “She’s not exclusively yours!”
“You Hydra traitors don’t deserve her.” Draco growls back. 
Lana screeches, feeling indignant and incredibly insulted, “Talos and his brothers were my mates for far longer than you! I have taken my liberties with every single one of them before you even appeared on this Earth, so don’t you dare say that I have no right to the affection of my other mates just because I’m your mate too!”
She beats her free wing futilely against Draco’s armor, “Let me go and let me have my time with Talos!”
White eyes stare back at her, a mixture of anger, worry, and something akin to betrayal and hurt flashing behind them. A sudden pang of guilt strikes Lana’s heart when their eyes meet, causing her to give up, her body sagging in his arms.
Draco knows that the Alpha Legion traitors had been Lana’s bonded mates prior to him. A strange uneasiness twists his gut at the thought of his Lana willingly engaging in romantic trysts with the Hydra traitors. 
Why does she so easily accept the affections of the Hydra brothers, yet accept his affection with quiet reluctance? Why does she argue so passionately for these weak, multi-faced mers? And willingly grow their weak bonds that keep them tethered to her? Was he not also a strong, worthy mate for her? Draco’s arms keep Lana in his iron grip, unwilling to let go. 
Lana looks away from her silver mate, refusing to meet his gaze again, “Just release me and leave.” She says despondently, “I’m tired of having the same argument with you again and again and again.”
“Please, just leave me alone, Stormbreaker.” 
Her breaking voice left him little room to argue. It was clear that his continued presence is causing her distress and that she doesn’t want him there. 
He slowly set her on the ground. Leaning down and gently pressing his forehead to hers, Draco murmurs, “Forgive me, my Lana. I overstepped.” 
They touch for a moment, but the harpy doesn’t let him linger and quickly shrinks back, “Just go. Please.” She pleads. Feeling the sting of her rejection, the Grey Knight mer lets go. He glances at his mate one more time and swims away. 
Lana could feel Talos’ tentacle lightly tug her over to him. She wraps her wings around him tightly and hides her face against his chest armor. Her heart is hammering so loudly in her ears after that altercation that she was having a hard time grounding herself. Why did Draco have to make things so difficult? 
Talos embraces his harpy and kisses her crown, stroking her feathered back to comfort her, “It’s alright, Lana, my love. He’s gone now. It’s only us two here… It’s alright.” He frowns when he feels her tremble and hears her frantic heartbeat. 
Lana’s muffled voice croaks out an apology, “I’m sorry. Can we just clean up and go back to our nest?” 
“Of course, Lana. Are you sure you don’t want to go back to the nest first?” He asks worriedly.
She lets out a shaky breath and pulls away, “I need to do something to take my mind off of all of this for the moment.”
Cupping her face in his hands, Talos tenderly brushes away the trails of tears from her feathered cheeks. She closes her eyes as her mate kisses her forehead. “Let’s clean up quickly then and we can get back to the nest earlier.” He murmurs. 
Lana nods. They quietly work together, cleaning the knives and plates, putting away the rolls in a basket with a cold runestone to take back to their nest. 
Lana is glad that Talos still has his tentacle wrapped around her waist, albeit loosely now. His touch is grounding and it gives her something else to focus on as they work together. She gives his tentacle a light squeeze to indicate she has finished her task. 
Talos picks up his gauntlets and basket then goes over to hug his bonded, “Ready to go?” He asks. 
She smiles wanly and nuzzles into his chest, “Yes.”
The Alpha Legionary lets Lana take his hand and lead him back to their nest, knowing that she needs to feel some sense of control and regularity right now. At least her heart rate has calmed somewhat and she doesn’t seem as stressed as before. But her eyes and smile have lost their earlier brightness. He internally curses the obsessive Grey Knight for making his dear Lana sad. 
Once they returned to their nest, Talos put on his helm to quickly send a quick vox to his brothers, letting them know that his date got cut short and that they had returned to the nest; requesting privacy for the next several hours and to not engage the Grey Knight aggressively so as to not stress Lana further. He receives questions about what had happened and confirmation from them with Zarius saying that he can keep an eye on the Grey Knight. He sends his thanks and promises his brothers to update them with details, before turning his attention to Lana again. 
Lana waits patiently for Talos to finish, still holding his hand in her claw, “Please tell your brothers to not engage with Stormbreaker. I don’t think I can take any more stress today.” She asks, a worried expression on her face. 
Talos brings her claw to his lips, pressing a reassuring kiss, “Already done, my cherished one.” 
He takes off his armor and settles into their nest, embracing Lana as she crawls into his arms. She sighs as she snuggles against his chest, “I forget how warm you are when you don’t have your armor on.”
Talos chuckles and wraps several tentacles around his harpy mate, keeping her close as he starts to pet her. They fell into a comfortable silence laying in the cozy atmosphere. 
“I’m sorry our time together was ruined.” Lana suddenly mumbles, her voice quiet and sad. 
Concerned, Talos gently tilted her chin up to look at him, “Why are you apologizing? You've done nothing wrong.”
Her eyes are wet with unshed tears, “It’s frustrating and unfair to you that the argument with Stormbreaker brought the whole mood down. I wish I kept it together better.”
“Captain Ass barging in was out of your control.” Talos insists, kissing her crown, “Don’t blame yourself for any of this. He had no right to act the way he did.”
Hearing that, the emotions that she has been holding back, breaks. Lana sobs into Talos’ chest. 
“Why is this so difficult? I just want to be fair to all of you! I… I…” her cries break his hearts and the air seems laden with the scent of her tears. It is easy enough to share Lana’s time between his brothers and himself, but no amount of Alpha Legion manipulation of events had prepared them for the Grey Knight to share an intense bond with their harpy mate. Truly, whatever warp magic or entity out there, had thrown Lana (and them) an unfair hand. 
The Alpha Legionary let out deep comforting purrs to calm his tearful mate, one hand gently scratching the back of her neck, the other securing her in his embrace. He nuzzles into her crest feathers, “Lana, my sweet harpy. You didn’t ask to be bonded with us, let alone bond with Captain Stormjerker. Yet you do your best to keep and grow our bonds. Don’t put all this emotional burden upon yourself. We will help carry that burden for you.”
Lana doesn’t acknowledge him, and only hides her face in his chest; the hitching tremble of her body slowing down being the only indication that she had heard what he said. 
“Lana, please look at me.” He rumbles, cupping her tear-streaked face in his hand as she looks up at him. Talos gently cleans her face with a cloth. She gives him a watery smile and warbles a thanks. He smiles back, his teal eyes bright and warm. 
Talos kisses her forehead, “Lana, light of my life. It's okay to be overwhelmed.”
Then her feathered brow, “You are doing so well. We are ever thankful that you fought so hard to keep our bonds.” 
Then the tip of her nose, “Let us take care of you.”
He hovers over her lips, so close that their lips almost touch, “May I kiss you?” He whispers. 
Entranced by her mate’s soft caresses; Lana murmurs a “yes” before pushing forward and seals her lips against his. She wraps her wings around him to pull him closer. Talos obliges and tightens his embrace, wrapping another tentacle around her, deepening the kiss with the sole purpose of making Lana forget that the incident with Stormbreaker even happened. She reciprocates with equal fervor, caressing his tongue with hers, her lips barely leaving his when she needed to take a breath. 
The couple share a fond smile when their lips finally part. 
“Thank you.” She murmurs softly, touching her nose tip to his. 
“Always at your service, my cherished one.” He chuckles. 
They share another short, loving kiss. Lana settles against his body, clinging to him tightly, “Just hold me, please?” She asks. 
“Of course, my lovely Lana.” She can feel the vibration of Talos’ reply through her cheek. Her eyes start to flutter close as she relaxes from the gentle pressure of his fingers running through her feathers as he strokes her back. He softly purrs and nuzzles her gently in his arms.  Once Lana falls asleep, Talos reaches with his tentacle to grab his helmet. He puts it on and sends a vox text message to his brothers with a quick update on the Bastard and how much he upset their bonded. Teal eyes glimmer with satisfaction knowing his brothers are planning to execute revenge on StormShithead for making their Lana cry.
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huckleberrykai · 1 year
TXT ~ let's dance the night away
pairing: txt x gn!reader (separate) scenario: prom with our fav boys 💗 warnings: a couple of pet names, just fluff basically lol click here for my masterlist! thank u anon for suggesting this!! i def went a bit overboard but i hope you like it, i loved writing these <3
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he's a prom-posal kinda guy
asks you to be his date in the gym during a sports game with a big sign and a bunch of roses
he's all for romantic gestures
he's usually pretty suave
so when he comes to pick you up on prom night and sees you in your outfit and gets the absolute wind knocked out of him - his resolve breaks a little
"hey there beautiful ~"
his voice definitely cracked
he drives you to prom, keeping a hand on your thigh at all times
the touchiness doesn't end in the car though
hand on your waist while dancing, hand on your back while walking or talking to friends, hand holding yours when he drags you to the dance floor - you name it he's touching you somehow
baby just wants to be close to you
and let everyone around you know that you're taken
although he definitely does that when he plants a sweet kiss on your lips during a slow dance
PDA king all night
he's proud to show off his royalty s/o and dance around in your crowns
overall prom with yeonjun would be so fun, his excellent dance moves making you laugh and his silly but sweet personality making sure you have the best prom you could ask for.
he's so nervous to ask you even though you're already dating
doesn't always trust his words, to he opts for leaving a small plush bunny holding a heart on your desk with a little note - "will you go to prom with me? - soobin <3)
ofc you find him and say yes with the biggest hug and a kiss to his cheek
he's not usually a party guy
feels overdressed and anxious when he turns up on your doorstep in his suit holding a rose
all his worries melt away once you open the door looking like something out of a fairytale
biggest bunny smile on his face dsjklak
"you look so handsome soob, like a prince"
- flustered soobin activated -
although he doesn't like parties, he definitely had fun with you
somehow you ended up in a dance battle with his friends
absolutely losing it laughing from the sidelines
loved slow dancing with you the best
giving you heart eyes when you smile up at him
not one for PDA, but can't help but steal a kiss on the cheek as you gently sway together
overall, prom with soobin is very soft. lots of stolen glances at each other when you're with friends, and comforting smiles when you're alone - he treats you like royalty all night <3
he's so excited when he hears prom is coming around
goes all out to ask you
it starts off as a joke - giant teddy bear and a card covered in glitter
but he gets way too into it
uses his week's worth of lunch money and his allowance to bribe some of the members of the schools marching band into playing your favourite song in the hallway for you
you'd just be at your locker on a random wednesday when suddenly you heard trumpets, horns, a drum, and... was that beomgyu?
he somehow got hold of a wireless microphone and a speaker so he could sing your favourite song with the band
your head snapped to the end of the hall, and there he stood with a giant ass teddy bear and his glittery card - prom ?
you covered your face in embarrassment
but how could you be mad when he was stood with a 4-foot bear and the cutest goofy smile on his face?
when you said yes everyone in the hallway cheered
both of your faces were burning red but you couldn't find it in yourself to care when he threw the microphone, bear and card on the floor so he could scoop you up in his arms
prom itself was just as eventful
making it a point to dip you and kiss you at the end of every song
silly dance battles x2
couldn't even be serious during the slow dances
tickled your sides making you yelp and laugh getting everyones attention
made you slow dance to gangnam style and twerk with him during soft love songs
overall, he found it cute when you were embarrassed so goofed around a lot - but you had a great time and that's all that mattered to him.
"so what time should i pick you up on friday?"
doesn't even ask LMAO
calls it 'boyfriend privilege' and says you're already his date by default
sounds legit, lets go terry !
he's usually not a showy person but can't help it when it comes to you
so he rents this beautiful car to drive you to prom
it's vintage, decorated with pretty banners and flowers
gives you flowers at your door and kisses your hand
"you look perfect my love"
gentleman x3000
very classic, all red roses and chivalry
opens your car door for you when you get in and again when you arrive
basically doesn't let go of your hand all night
he gets all your drinks for you
checks in on you a lot, making sure you're having a good time and no one is bothering you
stares daggers when other boys compliment your outfit
when you slow dance he lets you lay you head on his chest and shoves his face in your hair, just wanting to be near you while you dance to the soft tune
overall prom with tyun is the classic movie experience, he wants everything to be perfect and make sure you're comfortable. he's the perfect bf :')
shy baby abt asking you
he wanted to be creative
you'd be having a movie night date since your parents were away
so you ordered pizza ! yum
he called the pizza place which was suspicious anyway since you'd usually do it
so it gets here, everything's good - you go to the kitchen for drinks while he sets everything up
you come back and plop everything on the table and open the pizza box...
'i know this is cheesy but...' was written on the top of the box
the toppings on the pizza spelled out 'prom?'
he has this little shy smile on his face
ofc u say yes because :(( how could u not
you co-ordinated your outfits
your dress/suit matched his tie
can barely form a sentence when he sees you come down your stairs after making very awkward polite conversation with your dad for the last 10 minutes while you finished your hair
"w-woah, you look great- perfect even! you're so.. you.. uh"
you can't help but laugh because :( baby
you spend most of your time at the snack table when you aren't busting moves with your friends
soobin basically gags when he sees the two of you stood there feeding each other cheese cubes and candies and giggling at each other
jealousy is a disease get well soon soobin
doesn't know where to put his hands when you're dancing
he just wants to be respectful and not make you uncomfy :(
when you tell him it's okay his hands are glued to your sides, rubbing comforting circles into your hips
overall, he's shy but likes you so much he'll do anything to make sure you have fun ~ very cheesy very soft ssjksal i love him
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macabrecravings · 5 months
You want asks? I'LL GIVE YOU ASKS! QUESTIONS! A WHOLE SET! 1. What's your most niche dislike? 2. Last thing you googled? 3. Favorite colors? 4. Relationship status? 5. Favorite food? 6. Last thing you read? 7. Opinion on.. circuses? (That's all you get because I can only count to seven 😎)
YEAHHH THANK YOU ANON ……. haunty lore time *rubs my hands together*
1) This is such a good question…. unfortunately I cannot for the life of me think of anything I dislike rn niche or not
2) I just shut down my laptop so I have no idea what my search history has been for the past few hours since you sent this, here’s my phone history. Sydney. Sydney sydney sydney sy—
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3) This is going to be so surprising… /s Black, Purple, & Red!!!!! In that order.
4) Single LOL. I need to work on myself and maturing more before I date anyone seriously ahshdjfnfjggkg 🙏🙏 I’m so chill with just having. “casual” homoerotic, borderline-obsessive friendships at this point in my life it’s my rite of passage amen
5) I am the least pickiest eater ever u could ask me what i dislike and that’d be easier. Anyway. Erm. Probably………. noodles. Nhdhdhfjf my go-to food for life.,,,, mac & cheese or smth w alfredo or
6) If we’re talking actual books, it was The Great Gatsby. If we’re talking fanfiction, it’s that one in my search history
7) AAA…… Circuses…. omg. Okay so I think IRL they are fucked up and a lot of the time their conditions for both animals and people are 👎 BUT. FICTIONALLY. i can never get enough.
I cannot tell u how deep i get into world building when it comes to circuses and carnivals and stuff omg They’re so fun I love making AUs and I’ve made so many original stories of them since I was a kid. Histories of circuses and “freak shows” are so wild (and fucked up) but i find it so interesting. On the other hand, I’m also. A certified clown fucker a lover of clowns in general eeee
How’d you think of such. good questions for me. Do i give off circus enjoyer vibes . A little whimsical guy perhaps ?
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yourstrullyme · 1 year
boop! you have to answer the following questions and get into the ask of 3 your mutuals and make them answer them as well
1. Are you named after anyone?
2. When was the last time you cried
3. Do you have kids
4. What's the first thing you notice about people?
5. What's your eye color?
6. Sad or happy endings?
7. Any special talents?
8. Where were you born?
9. What are your hobbies?
10. Do you have any pets?
11. What sport do you play/ have played?
12. How tall are you?
13. Favourite subject in school?
14. Dream job?
omg this is fun
1. yes, my mom had a grandma that they called Lina, thinking it was a nickname for one out of two possible names so my mom gave me one of them (the prettier of the two imo)... turns out her grandma was just Lina lol
2. oof id say tuesday? ive been terribly sick and stressed out of my mind and had a test i did very badly on and it was just too much
3. nope lol
4. usually... id say the clothes, style, vibes. im bad w faces and eyecontact
5. green w lil brown freckles
6. both? i love bittersweet endings and honestly if the story is good and the ending makes sense i dont care if its happy or sad
7. uuuh im really good at picking up stuff?? like learning something for the first time is pretty easy, perfecting it is tough but starting is easy. i can also move my ears lol
8. Reñaca, Viña del Mar. Chile.
9. they change a lot but id say rock climbing, music in general, and reading and writing would be the most consistent ones
10. YES her name is carlotta and she was born to a dog a friend picked up from the street so i adopted her. shes small but her body is long and short-legged and her hair is colored like a black and white border collie, but her hair is really tough lol and shes got a beard. shes just a mix of a lot of things. she turns 3 in december
11. sooo many lets see... formally i did volleyball and hockey in school, plus athletism where i mostly did long and high jumps amongst other things. football in college (i was a goalkeeper) and now rock climbing, and im also considering joining a jiu jitsu gym with a friend to try and exersize more regularly (and beat the crap out of each other). then on the side ive always dabbled in running, did a bit of skating, rollerskating, some gym stuff, water skiing, fishing, and i tried kayaking for a month and i want to get back into it
12. 1.74 mts
13. so many lol although i enjoyed myself the most in english, spanish and history back in middle and high school, now that im in college i really love economy and anything to do with biology. basically everything lol
14. oh god... no idea. many jobs. id love to have a job that requires me to travel and meet many people, and a lab job or a field job but in research, and a public figure kind of job? the kind were u have to decide stuff and make speeches and shit. id love to write too, to be a writer on a tv show or write books, but also direct or act (i shouldve been a theatre major honestly if i could have aby job this one would probably be it lol) id love to also have a farmer or a shepards job... the long hours in the great outdoors and physical labor just call to me lol
i just feel like my dream job is a dynamic job, nothing too stagnant, but then again that can just be my age talking yknow? maybe when im older i'll just want a good paying job that allows me to be w my loved ones so who knows. ideally though, it would require me to be outside some part of the time lol
this was fun thanks!! also to that anon that asked me the same thing the answers are here but thanks for asking!
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chimielie · 8 months
HIII MERRY CHRISTMASSS MWAH MWAH!! i hope your holidays have been well :) ive been having so many thoughts recently and i just gravitate to your work when i feel like i need to empty my brain and just rot in peace HAHA anywayss to answer your question, here are the things ive baked this year:
strawberry galette---its easy and so good! you should definitely try it, you can use different fruits too!
vanilla sponge fruit cake---for my friend's birthdayyy, it was so fun decorating the cake with homemade icing with her
taylor swifts chai sugar cookies---my friends and i made them to celebrate getting tickets to the eras tour
strawberry shortcake muffins---absolute chaos, my friends and i did the blind, deaf, and mute baking challenge but 2 of us were deaf because theres 4 of us! muffins came out..edible
tiramisu---does this count because its technically no bake hahaha! turned out to be my most "popular" one. the recipe i use doesnt have alcohol so my aunt who doesnt drink is always asking me when im making it so that she can reserve a little box for herself :)
craziest thing is that i did all this without my own mixer or oven! im amazed that my love for baking has allowed me to connect with my friends more! but i cant be baking at their houses forever.. im super lucky to have gotten a mixer as a gift and my family is looking to buy a new oven :) theyre going to be getting sweet treats all the time starting next year! i also achieved a new years resolution goal of mine which was to bake at least 3 new treats!
aww its okay, maybe youll be able to bake when you have access to a nice oven :) oh yeah definitely take credit for that bread haha!! bread is a territory im super intimidated by so ive only tried it a few times. 2 of which had me kneading the dough for hours past my bedtime LOL also no need to apologize about talking about your bf HAHAH love that for you! im taking about my friends in these asks ALL THE TIME and its so funny when i think about it because its always the 4 of us girls doing random stuff together! but i love spending time with them and im sure you feel the same way with your bf too! have the merriest christmas pookieee i would love to know what youre doing this holiday season :)
love, 🍮 (ive yet to make pudding maybe ill try that next year hehe)
STRAWBERRY GALETTE sounds like the best thing i have ever heard of. omg have u had ur show yet?? was it amazing??
BAHAHAHAH the …edible sent me 😭 omg no bake tiramisu sounds amazing. pudding anon i am giving u a michelin star
i love hearing about u and ur friends!! i hope u all are having the most fun and laughing lots together :)
this is so late and i am terribly sorry but my friends (+ k) and i did a little roadtrip together which was a lil stressful but also very fun! and for new years i spent the day with my family and we had fondue :) and then my bf had to go to the er and that was very very stressful so then we spent a decent amount of time just cuddling in bed lololol and now i’m back at sch**l
i did receive a lot of very exciting vintage cookware and dishes so i am hoping to cook a bit for my friends but that’s for when i’m better :) thank u for stopping by!! love u!!
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elena-fishr · 1 year
Hi! Have you finished RE4R yet? And if you have, what did you think?
Hey anon I just want to thank you for always talking RE with me :,) <3 it does make my day better when I see an ask
in short, I did enjoy it and am still enjoying it! More in-depth and spoiler ramblings below the cut
I did finish it over the weekend and I really like it! They cut that bastard U-3 out and not a single tear was shed over it lmao
the game is gorgeous, the puzzles were actually fun imo, they’re simple but I enjoyed doing them lol, level design ✨ flawless ✨
I have small issues with it tho, like Leon’s movement in gameplay and how they scuffed my man Ramon Salazar. In the OG he was such a presence in all his wacky glory and in the remake I hardly remembered him after I was done, he’s one of my favorites from the OG 4 so it did bum me out that I don’t even have a memorable line that sticks out from him in the remake
Overall, it’s really fun and that’s all that matters! Now I’m enjoying getting money so I can buy and upgrade every weapon :D (which reminds me of RE5 btw)
The typewriter storage in re4r serves as a base inventory like in 5 so you can keep and improve ALL weapons available, it’s such a nice upgrade from OG 4 I just wish it was even more like 5 so we could store ammo and herbs and resources
And I have to talk about how much RE5 I see in RE4r because there’s so much! The fact that they extended AI companions, especially Luis where he can set you up for melees and vice versa with him, it screams re5 and I loved when he and Leon bantered mid combat and he would tell you when he had a guy ready to melee down
Ashley isn’t so much involved in combat but in cutscenes she’s so adamant about being a team with Leon, that’s such a re5 move honestly capcom lol sheva says the same thing to Chris to bring them together when Chris is trying to tell her about his personal stake in the mission
Of course the exploration in the boat and CHICKEN ISLAND!! Like that’s a level ripped right out of re5 lol It’s way more optional in re4r but it’s still there and you can find a weapon on an abandoned boat (red 9 pistol) in re5 you can find an rpg on an abandoned boat
The final cutscene with Ada and Wesker gave me such weird feelings!!! Like I was excited to see wesker but the voice bro…. I don’t enjoy his voice (I didn’t like Ada’s either. I think Leon and Luis had the best voice acting) I saw a picture showing Wesker’s computer screen which had the progenitor flower garden in the cave and excella and CHRIS REDFIELD (in his winter gear from revelations) so there was nothing new but it was still so cool to see and whether the next remake is code Veronica or Re5 I think it’s very likely it’s one of those two and either way I win 😈
I also want to say how much I LOVED the Krauser subplot, my only complaint about it is I wish there was more! His fights and the arc between him and Leon were so so so good it kills me
I got the feeling that krauser was more than just an asshole, he’s an asshole who cared, he couldn’t let go of his past, his fallen men. He wanted power and revenge and he cared so much about every man he ever trained, especially Leon. His end was so fitting and I know he was proud of Leon and that gave him peace before his end
Krauser is a bad guy, but he’s a bad guy I like 😆
If you played the game did you enjoy it? Did you like the newer interpretations of all the characters? Are you looking forward to mercenaries? :)
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savrenim · 2 years
This is the second time I've found somebody who got into the mha fandom from Nov 5 within two days of each other, except yours is a reverse reaction XD That OP was someone who understood all the memes EXCEPT "what is a dabi and why is he touya" when Nov 5th first had Dabi trend above the election and all that happened, the rest of us were dying to know the confusion it caused to the non-mha fans and the poor twitter headline writer who had to wonder why a burnt anime boy was trending that day.
hello anon thank you for making my day other five asks below the cut bc this became a Long Post (ur right it's more.... I try to be as considerate as possible to other people on my dash so I've gotten into the habit of readmores for long posts?)
(2) So thank you for sharing your story, even in the form of an insane chunk of tags lol. Some fics updated before canon reveal actually contain crumbs of canon too just because the author goes back and edits it in, usually names since they can't change the entire fic of course. This is the case for Hawks's name, we used to call him "Takahiro Sora(ta)" after a fic first kickstarted the name. But shortened it because birb + sky. And hawk + word that sounds like "hero"
(3) In Dabi's case, it was whatever name related to spring or autumn the author could find, I've seen Haruka used once. (Because the Todoroki sibs are named after seasons, Touya and Shouto are too but vaguely and I forgot which is which.) Their tags are HUGE and I've read so many fics these past 4-5 years, I'll have to get back to you later because not only do I have so many deadlines, but also have to look through them all again 😭 Once you have canon sorted out, do u wanna hear fandom stories?
(4) You really had to go and choose the only two mha characters (Dabi and Hawks, Aizawa is fine) who caused an absolute RIOT in fandom. In so many ways, but we'll stick to one type for now. Dabi??? We been knew who he was, but it actually wasn't his backstory reveal trending that day, it was his name, which was also revealed 100 chapters ago! Just not connected to him. We got EVERYTHING wrong about his backstory, the single thing we got right was the method which was a beloved fandom dream.
(5) And even then some of the "method" caught us off guard, I won't spoil you but boy am I tempted to ramble cause these are all my favs too lol. Hawks? We got everything RIGHT. But in all the worst ways. Every crack theory we had became canon. Everything we thought about his backstory was severely understated or we were outright tricked into thinking it was something else because of how it was drawn. It does NOT help that these two aren't often written accurate and they LIE a lot. Good luck!
(6) Also I would love to know what your osmosis journey has taught you if you're willing to share, it's always funny I want to see if you fell for the same things we did or even the same things other osmosis readers fell for. It shows just how strong fanon becomes XD I could send a really long ask, but decided to send it in parts so you could hide it under a read more, since it looks like you don't like long posts. Also! I can find canon retellings, but how do you feel about canon set fic?
funny story with (2) actually I have seen something like this happen in the star wars fandom, specifically with Dooku. I read several fics that referred to him as 'Yan Dooku' and there is so much spinoff material that, like, I went 'shrug even though this doesn't appear in the movies it might as well be true' bc it was in multiple fics. and then was brought up in question whether or not that Was His Actual Name and it had gotten into fandom osmosis enough that it made it onto a wiki page it took quite a while for me to convince myself that no.... no this wasn't actually Dooku's name...... canonically he only had one name...... someone had just picked it up and run with it..........
but that's so fun and funny I love it, good job fandom choosing names, that's great
I mean I Do Not Mind Spoilers, I'm already pretty spoiled for this thing and am only going to learn through fandom osmosis and love fandom stories so if you want to give me The True Story Of Trending/ Method, I would love that
also deeply amused that I picked the two most Fandom Rioting characters to love this is GREAT, I would absolutely love any set-in-canon fics mostly, like, 'alternate universe -- no quirks' doesn't interest me very much bc there's less grounding into the things that I find interesting in the setting, but otherwise p much anything goes
alright so the interesting thing with 'things I learned from osmosis' is that you need to understand that I started out this fandom reading a jjk crossover fic where My Fave Character Gojo Who Has Math Powers That Are Ridiculously Overpowered and this fic was 'Gojo Is Reincarnated As Dabi He Keeps His JJK Powers And Just Gets Dabi's Too And Decides Instead Of Being Responsible For The Whole World He'd Rather Just Fuck Around And Have Fun And Kind Of Accidentally Gets Labelled As A Supervillain For This And Doesn't Care And Is Also Adopting Half Of Class 1-A Bc The Teacher Instinct Never Goes Away' but it means that a whole bunch of things that were from the initial osmosis were like.... me knowing the character Gojo and assuming things were him and not BNHA; it took my a few chapters to figure out that Dabi was actually a character and not just the hero/villain name that they decided to give Gojo throwing him into the universe (and also that all the other characters who appeared were actual characters and not OCs)
but anyways some fun weird osmosis things
I at first thought that everywhere having star wars names was 100% just Gojo having fun naming places. the star wars names have come up enough that I'm pretty sure everywhere does have star wars names. this is so weird to me. like I guess if it's set on earth that's a historical reference not copyright infringement but W I L D
I've gotten used to gay canon pairings in a few things and I did legit think Aizawa and Present Mic were married for a little while. I think that's just a popular ship now but a person can dream
given other ridiculous parentage reveals (mostly Dabi) there are a number of fics where All For One is Izuku's father. I am now, like..... 65% convinced this is a fan theory but am leaving a 35% convinced this is canon
I figured out really quickly that Hawks/Dabi is a popular ship, which, like, good for them it's fun with their backstories but then exactly bc of the backstories and the ship, 100% assumed that 'Hawks goes undercover to try to infiltrate the League of Villains' was a contrived reason for them to interact. at this point I'm 95% sure that no that's an actual canon arc not just a fanfic thing
on the opposite end of the spectrum I am fairly sure that Dabi is not the lead singer of a mcr-style emo/punk/rock band but boy did y'all have me going for that one a lot
cannot tell how much the League of Villains are Misunderstood Poor Little Meow Meows who just want to Change Hero Society and Unfortunately Are Somewhat Willing To Murder To Get There and how much they are murdering psychopaths I think it's the latter but it's funny how many fics they seem a lot more willing to be chill in
also having a hard time telling who is currently dead or not as well as whether canon had a Nomu apocalypse arc and canon itself is now in some horrible everyone-barely-surviving setup or if things are more chill there but I hope y'all are having a good time wherever you are
those are most of the ones that I can think of, the rest of the osmosis has mostly been me picking up what the main events of the first few arcs are, general things about how quirks work, I'm fairly certain the reveal that One For All kills you/ages you at an accelerated rate came late enough bc there are a number of fics that are 'Izuku actually has a quirk!' that does not touch that angst at all but yeah out here having a good time mostly
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jrueships · 2 years
Came across this old post and was like “he has to fight Stefon’s seven evil exes” (based on the plot of the movie)
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an epic of epic epicness..
This is such a good connection tho 😭 stef probably got SO many exes and they ain't even evil.... we all know who the REAL culprit would be coughcough DIGGS cough. Like oh man the guy i led on came back and says he likes me uhhh i wonder why is THAT ahaha 😸 *laughs innocently and politely* oh um IDK STEF maybe it's because you LED HIM O N ????? stupid d*cknip
is it crazy 2 admit i have never seen this movie in full? Just in YouTube clips lol.. BUT using my PIECED TOGETHER PISSPOOR KNOWLEDGE of this movie....... i can SEE it!!!!! Josh Allen and the 700 evil exes... Josh allen vs... The World.
The twin exes Ramona dated could be the two girlfriends stef courted at the same time and same hotel LMAO. Hmmmm Keenum could be the moviestar ex only because they look similar. Mckenzie could be Knives i guess? And Wallace the gay roommate could be Gabe. Of course stef is Ramona (duh) and allen is scott ! Thielen can be the vegan bf bcs he was Diggs most beloved bf beforehand so he has to be the most powerful now ig???? and everyone else im sure they'll find a role thanks to stef's flirty ways...
Josh could fight them if he wants but 😭 honestly he should let them fight diggs... obviously he won't because he's protective and caring and we love that for him but. Like. ... U know 🤭
ALSO in NBA thot bcs i love exploring a good idea with any variable possible.... Scott pilgrim Tyler herro (seemingly apathetic nobody who falls for the most interesting person possible)..... Knives Keldon (the 'overbearing' immature girl he 'outgrew')... Ramona Jimmy Butler (the interesting new love interest with a long line of broken hearts) Wallace Bam (tired n witty voice of reason) ETC ETC!@@!! i don't have all the exes figured out like the nfl one but 😭 i guess we can have kyrie as Patel (emo/goth ex lol) UMMM kyle Lowry as Roxie (she was Ramona's ex girlfriend but in this one we can just say it's kyle being mad at Jimmy for trying to constantly break up his marriage) idk which ex Joel would be but i want him to be one.. probably also the movie star ex just cus ego.. and the super vegan powered ex can be demar just cus he's really mad abt the kyle thing lol
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michu-writes · 3 years
its me, 📼anon on their actual account!! how are you bestie? :D
when theyre comfortable with it ofc!!
tysm michu!! have a great day!!
Btw I only write for 4 characters at a time BUT IDC JUST FOR U
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Eric Cartman
He'd steal the whole show/stream. When you first dragged him into the stream for the first time, it was the biggest mistake. Some people from from school were watching, and started commenting mean stuff about him, which quickly escalated in Cartman trying to cancel them on Twitter. Because of that, you only let Cartman in on special occasions if you know what I mean. But anyways, when he actually is in the streams, he'd actually be really entertaining towards the chat/viewers. Like he'd just talk to them, and maybe start shit talking a few people from class, but that's what's fun about it. Also expect Cartman to at least get canceled once.
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Kyle Broflovski
Kyle would be really awkward. He's really happy for you to do what you enjoy, but when you asked him if he wanted to join in for a little, he panicked. He'd just slowly walk over to the camera and be like "Uh.... Hey chat! How are you?" And then whisper "What am I supposed to say?!" to you lol. Once he gets the hang of it, he'd sometimes ask if he could join in your stream too. Maybe answer some questions about himself, get to know your chat, etc. The whole chat would probably go simp mode for him. When they compliment him, he'd turn red as his hair and turn into pure panic. Like Kyle is now the chats favorite person, and would start freaking out if they ever see the slightest bit of him in the background or something. It funny though. But if you get jealous about it, Kyle would definitely tease you about it.
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Stan Marsh
Just like Kyle, he'd be awkward, but at least try to talk with the chat and entertain them somehow. It's very visible in his face that he's struggling. Also don't show any kind of small affectionate gestures to him, he doesn't wanna embarrass himself nor you on stream by vomiting all over the place. But he did once, but it was all good I think, except when you lost a few viewers- He'd tease you a lot on the streams, just to make you flustered. He thinks it's cute and funny and loves the chat. Sometimes he'd even get on your desktop and start streaming without you knowing, just to have a little fun. He'd maybe play a few video games while he's at it as well.
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Kenny McCormick
I think he'd maybe hangout at your house a lot because we all know why, even when you're streaming so the chat probably knew him from the start. He's actually good at holding your chat entertained. Wether or not that would be just talking, playing video games, watch something funny, etc. He's the chats favorite just like Kyle. Once he held like a flirting competition with the chat, in which he easily won and earned a lot of simps after. Expect a lot of fan edits of him. Even the smallest of screen time this dude gets when he's seen in the background of your streams, your chat will start screaming his name and force you to get him to join for the stream.
Kenny made at least one joke about "Guess I'm dating the chat now, bye (y/n)."
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Craig Tucker
Oh you stream? That's cool. He's totally chill about it, and would be really happy for you if you were like a big streamer or something. Regardless, he's still really supportive of you. He'd watch your streams all the time, and would turn on his notifications and moderate the chat as well. But once you ask him if he wanted join in the camera, everything became kinda awkward. He tries to be talkative, but he seemed so sarcastic. At first, the chat thought that he was just a creepy guy who probably didn't care about you, until he got more comfortable actually started to talk a bit more. He's also one of the boys who also gets a few simps.
Also sudden kisses on streams from you. He adores it, but doesn't show it. He only blushes a bit and gives you a head pat, but once the stream is over, he'd shower you in kisses and praises. He just likes people to know that you're his, and he's yours. The chat would probably get really jealous of your relationship, which both of you can laugh at.
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Tweek Tweak
Sorry, but no. He'd get so stressed and anxious, he prefers just watching instead of coming with you. It's not like he doesn't want to or hates you, he's just afraid of messing things up. He adores your work. But if he does join somehow, he'd have like at least 20 cups of coffee beside him, and everyone would wonder why he drinks so much coffee. You just have to stop him and reassure him that it's fine. Some people in the chat would call him cute and adorable, which he would sometimes blush at, and some people may think that he's a total weirdo... But luckily you'll just have to distract him from seeing those comments. If he ever saw a mean comment about you though, he'd go all out on that person, which will leave both you and the viewers kinda shocked. Like okay, he get it that he gets picked on, but you? You're literally the love of his life, he would never let anyone talk shit about you.
Anyways, he doesn't like pda in general, but just like Craig, he doesn't mind getting kisses on the cheek in camera just to make people jealous. Like he'd feel so powerful lmao.
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Clyde Donovan
Best duo. Once he joins, everything will be so goddamn fun and cool. Like he'd do some sick and chaotic things just to show off like jumping off a high unstable cabinet in the room, dance to old 2015 meme songs, even jokingly flirt with some of the donators, etc. He'd just completely take care of the whole stream, while you can just sit back and relax, kinda. I think he'd do anything to get views (not like Cartman level though), but not if you don't want to. If someone asks him do something really chaotic or to the point it's actually kinda dangerous, he'd be like "Only if
(y/n) is fine with it." in which you'd have to say no to anything dangerous. He'd brag and tease about you too. Like say stuff like "Guys did you know that my amazing s/o is the best cuddler? Too bad they're not your s/o hahahahshs" or "They actually snore when they sleep, but they sound like little piglets in a good way."
Sometimes the chat would ask where Clyde is when you're not streaming with him. Also expect a bunch of edits of him too lol.
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Tolkien Black
He thinks you're so cool and is proud of have a streamer as his s/o. Like he's so proud of you and wouldn't hesitate to buy a setup for you or literally anything you need in general. He wants to be as useful as possible, that includes just supporting you by watching your streams and sharing it to his friends and stuff. He'd be honored to be in your stream, and is actually decent and neutral about it. He was just happy that he got to spend time with you in a fun way. He's usually not the type to get into much trouble, but for you, he'd do anything. But when you're streaming with him, it will usually be a chill and calm stream, but that doesn't mean things can escalate and become pretty loud.
Everyone loves him, and thinks that your relationship is adorable <33333.
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Jimmy Valmer
He thinks you being a streamer is literally the best. A comedian and a streamer dating? He's so happy for you to get to do something you really enjoy. Anyways, we all know that he's a really good entertainer. He wouldn't mind or hesitate to join in on your streams. He'd use his humor and comedy to entertain your viewers, which he is successful for. I think he'd probably use dark humor as well, which could lead you into almost getting banned- but it was fun. Having Jimmy in your streams is always a highlight. His jokes and comedy would always bring smiles and laughs to other people, including you. You definitely received a lot more popularity on your streams after Jimmy, but that doesn't stop you. People still loved you.
Also a bunch of Jimmy fanedits 👍
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fairybaby777 · 3 years
hey !! it’s 💒 anon , .. you asked me about my journey w the law here it is ~ ( also sorry if it’s all over the place I’m actually signing sum covers [ new album EXCITEDDD AHH 🤞🤞 ] omg kinda weird to say ~ )
so first I found out about subliminals I used to listen as much as I can , hoping I would get results , I started with the ones that had more views cuz I thought they worked better anyways they didn’t work . I searched “subliminal results “and kept seeing them whenever I got desperate I used to think they were fake . then I came across more well - edited ( probably young ) sub makers I really liked the aesthetic and used to again listen as much as I could from a state of lack . then idk what happened in the middle but fast forward when I magically found solar subs guide , this was when I found out about the law . honestly solars work was more than enough but I started overconsumption without applying i think i went on insta ( I didn’t kno tumblr was a thing ) & saved + ss sm posts and I would say fuck the law etc . and didn’t persist the most important part is persisting fr . so then I got introduced to self concept and I thought I had to affirm 24/7 and shi and that would honestly j ruin the fun of it , then I was like fuck it no more conditions and j stuck with “ my self concept is perfect “ and affirmed everytime I thought of it ( self concept, in my opinion isn’t required AT ALL to manifest you can have a shit self concept and still manifest like if u had a perfect one j assume ) and then obviously I got a perfect self concept basically this was around the time where I started persisting no matter wtf is going on in my reality I lived in the end and mental dieted and thought “ from “ I also stopped thinking “ why isn’t it here yet I’m persisting “ ( THIS IS SO DUMB LOL ) then within no time I acquired all my desires all I did was think as if I had them no matter what went on in my reality. I would recommend to read solars guide If u haven’t .
if you or your followers have more questions go ahead and ask me , I might take some time to reply cuz i’m really fucking busy and i’m flying 4 times in the next 8 days and have alot of schedules .it’s honestly very tiring but I luv every part of it . i’ll reply whenever I get time .
peace <3
~ 💒 anon
omg 💒anon hello !!! you’re life sounds super exciting ahhh im actually so happy for you ! thanks sm for sharing your journey with us, my journey is honestly veryyy similar. i do have one other question - did your desires just sorta show up overnight or was there a sort of period of events that lead up to everything ? THANK YOU AGAIN 💒ANON !! keep updating us on your busy life when you get the chance !! wishing you a safe flight 🤍🤍
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Hey !!! I heard your bored , so am I :) I have a few questions for you , you can answer them if you want <3 ( I‘ll only ask stranger things questions I hope that’s ok )
Favorite season ?
Favorite characters ?
A scene you want to see in season 4 ?
Is Mike gay or Bi ( or straight ) ?
What season 4 storyline are you most excited to see ?
Favorite ships ?
Favorite quote?
Least favorite character ?
Least favorite ship ?
I can’t think of more questions right now lol sorry 🙈. Have a great day and stay safe!! 💗
HIII OH YM GOD THANK YOU!??? I LOVE YOU???? DHDHDHS 😭i did NOT expect to get this many ... yes of course it's totally fine non !! (that's my nickname for anons lolol) THANK UUU ok here we go
favourite season?
SEASON TWOOO BAYBEEEE i just LOVE THAT motherfucker . it's got the BEST 80's vibes and awesome soundtrack and THE BYLER!!!!😭😭😭😭and also MAX AND STEVE AND ALSO I LOVE PUNK EL I KNOW THAT THAT PART OF THE STORYLINE IS CONTROVERSIAL AND I AGREE IT HAS SOME ISSUES BUT I LOVE PUNK EL OKAY and i love her exploring her darker side and using her powers to get revenge but she too much of a sweetie to be like kali. she's an angel. i love el . adore her <3333 and the colour palettes and the scenes and GAH!! i just love season 2 okay. though season 1 is SUUUPER close because holy fuck that one is so beautiful and emotional especially with joyce and will being missing and learning about hoppers past and GOD !!!! just fuckign great. And I LOVE THE LITTLE KIDS THEYRE SO CUTE ! AND SO MUCH FUN!!! god i love it . season 2's my fav but s1 is So So close by like a sliver ...
favourite characters?
MAX . ROBIN. UHH WILL. DUSTIN. MIKE. uM .... csnt fucking decide oKAY 3)33&28/8922 i love them all!!! they're all my blorbos and i adore them with every bit of my tiny little pathetic gay heart !!!?2! THOUGH.... my fav FAVs are max will and robin. im not gonna chose they're all at the same level i love em thoigh robin maybe just a tiny bit less because we don't know as much about her yet , i get more attached the more we learn though i guarantee that when season 4 comes out and we get a bit more robin stuff (hopefully)... she will definitely be with max and will. I just love them. though I LOVE DUSTIN AND MIKE TOOO!!!! dustin is such a great character he's been such an awesome staple and the show definitely would be bad as hell without him. and i love mike because i LOVE HIS FUCKING STORY AND HIS CHARACYER ARc he's just my pathetic little sad gay repressed homosexual. this is probably not making sense im so sorry😭
a scene you want to see in season 4?
GOD. anything. i just want to see A SCENE . i am so desperate for content that i will literally take anYYYTHINGZZZ ... though we have gotten some new shit lately in the lead up to s4 but it's been like what?? 3 years since we've had new stuff ? or is it 4? no it's gotta be 3 .. im terrible ag maths. but tbh i reALLY REALLY want to see ronance content , el discovering herself and like finding more things she's happy about specifically a hobby, i really want her to have an interest in something because she's had like . literally NOTHING except like all her trauma or just interest in like . mike. lIKE WHAT DOES SHE LOVE OTHER THAN THAT?? can she paint? will she write ? like give me a hobby pls!!! 💀as max says there's more to life than stupid boys please let her flourish as an individual . but like dude .. there as so many scenes i wanna see and this is So long already and i think i will leave it there before i go on an incomprehensible annoying ass tangent thank u
is mike gay bi or straight ?
ohhhkay so this discourse i been seeing a lot lately . ummm ima be dead honest he seems to be more queercoded as gay rather than bisexual like .. he throws himself into a relationship with el and like yes he does show genuine interest at first and like im going off the top of my head but basically just read @beepboop358 's byler proof google slides. that will summarise my whole opinion on the whole thing tbh. BUT !! im not opposed to him being bi!!! we have no idea at this standpoint guys rememebr that ! mike has a long way to go in terms of accepting himself and coming to terms and discovery etc let's just see what the duffers are gonna do with it !!! :)) so im gonna say it can be either one but i am leaning slightly towards gay because of all the subtext .
what season 4 storyline r u most excited to see ?
ALL OF THEM !!!! literally all of them. god im so so fuckimg exicted we're gonna get CONTENT BAYBEEEE i been watching the same 3 seasons for what feels like a goddamn lifetime like PLS.. ima be a bit basic and say the pizza gang mainly because i wanna see byler develop (and it looks like they're really leaning into it now !! HOLY SHIT FHDHDJDJB!!!!! i been shipping them since 2017 and ppl thought it was like a crack ship my god we've come so far .. ) though also very excited to see the older teens storyline especially with eddie seeing what kinda character he is !!
favourite ships ?
ummm obviously byler 😭😭😭😭and also elmax GOD elmax ... and also lumax !!! fucking love them. but also ronance and stoncy and also byclair and henclair .... like so much. i love em all. AND HENDERHOP very cute <3 and hopclair!!! i just love them ALL and also steveddie even though we barely have any content yet but i have a feeling it's gonna be really fun :))
favourite quote ?
mmm this is a good question honestly !!! i really like jonathan's quote "you shouldn't like things just cause people tell you you're supposed to" i love that honestly . makes me very happy :)) but like .. also hoppers letter at the end of s3??? it just gets to my heart in a way i can't explain... like damn. i remembr first time i watched it i CRIED my eyes out like jesus but also. half the quotes from season 1 i love 'em . so many iconic bits in that season
least favourite character ?
lonnie and brenner . those cunts can go rot in hell 🥰
least favourite ship?
umm i don't know to be honest. i don't have a ship that i hate , well actually h*rringrove i DESPISE they can fuck off .. hate the billy / karen thing years are taken off my life ever time im forced to see it..
i don't like j*pper very much (but only season 3, im not about to get into it rn i cant be fucked though i don't hate it) j*ncy is eh and m*leven . i don't hate melvin but i don't think they right for each other same with j*ncy. but otherwise idk i don't hate that many ships .. there's not that many that get under my skin except i don't prefer it if they don't really have chemistry or have issues though not saying relationships can't ever have issues that's unrealistic ,
and ITS OKAY THATS PLENTLY OF QUESTIONS FJDJDJ and i hope u like my annoying long ass answers becaude i have so much shit to say !!! I HOPE YOU HAGE A GREAT DAY/NIGHT TOO ANON THANK U I LOVE U <3333
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gb-patch · 4 years
Ask Answers (February 22nd, 2021)
Hello! Here’s another collection of anon ask answers all put together in one big post.
This might be strange considering how upbeat yall are about the fandoms for your games in general, but is there any particular trope or ship you WOULDN'T want us writing/drawing/etc. in relation to your stuff? (IE, any canon you don't want us 'overwriting' or something like that?)
Of course we would want the fan content people make to not be racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted, harmful, etc. But in terms of generally doing non-canon pairings or adding in headcanons or stuff, we really don’t mind that. People are welcome to have fun and explore their own ideas.
for the 1.2 Android update was it meant to download as a  separate app? I really want to keep my previous save files but they don't show up (also thank u for the updates I'm really excited to get back into the game!!)
We had to change the name of the file and unfortunately for some phones that meant it’s treated as a brand new game. I’m sorry your saves didn’t transfer over to the new version. You can try to look up your specific phone and see if there’s a way to access save files for games on your device and then transfer those saves over to the new build manually. It may or may not be possible.
I'm having some trouble figuring out how to get the update from Itichio without losing my save files? Is it the same game or a folder I can put in the properties? Sorry if this question is not worded well or if this isn't the avenue you'd want to take technical questions on
Are you using Android? If so, the above answer may apply to you. If you’re on PC or Mac, the save files will automatically still be included.
Hey. I really loved playing our life. It was a fun experience and I never thought I would like it this much. I do have a question, I am currently replaying the game and I am choosing choices I never chose at first. In step 2 during the road trip arc, I decided to ask Cove about what he liked to see on people. One of his response was anklets and black eyes. My MC have just happens to have black eyes. Do Cove say black eyes cuz my mc have it or it was just a coincidently programmed into the game?
He uses your eye color intentionally! If you changed your eye color he’d change what he said.
Will step 4 have 10 moments like steps 1-3? 
Step 4 is only an epilogue. It plays like the openings/endings of the earlier Steps where it’s a bunch of scenes all in a row, there aren’t any individual Moments.
hi! who was/were the artist(s) for our life? 
who is the artist for Our Life: Beginning and Always?
Main Sprite and CG Artist: Addrossi
Main Background Artist: Vui Huynh
Main Interface Artist: Winter Slice
Other artists who helped out can be seen in the credits of the game.
In the new ol, there are two main love interests... Would it be possible to pair them together or is that weird? 
You can’t stay single and pair them together. If we are going to add all the extra content to have a route where the two LIs get together, it’d be a full poly route where them and the MC were all dating. And that’s not a for sure option yet because it’d add a lot of extra complications. But either way, in OL the relationships all gotta be about the MC, haha.
In OL2, there will be extra LIs in form of DLCs? Like Dexter and Baxter. 
Maybe! We’ll see how it goes.
Since Cove will have 2 diff body types in s4, will the storyline and dialogs reflect this? Or all of it will be the same? Btw love the game and sorry for bad english. Hope this doesn't sound rude 😅 
Some descriptions and pieces of dialog will change, but it won’t impact the story really. And you don’t need to apologize! It’s all good.
Will you ever release the transparent sprites of the Our Life characters? 
Probably not, I’m afraid. They’ve got a lot of pieces and it’d just be kind of hard to deal with, aha.
Something I was curious about, what was your inspiration for making a game with so much customization?
Initially, the idea was just about having a romance where you actually grew up with the LI. But it was pretty stressful to try deciding how fast the relationship would progress with it taking place over such a long period of time and with no real storyline carrying it. People might not wanna play a game where the characters don’t get along as kids, but other people might not bother with a game where kids immediately liked each other. So the obvious answer came, just let the player pick themselves how it goes. From there we simply continued to add more flexibly with the MC due to the same thought process of wanting to make sure people were onboard with how their life was going.
What made you decide to change the artstyle for ol 2 so much? I of course respect all your decisions and will buy the shit out of everything related to ol 2, but i love the original style and i m honestly not a fan of the styles shown on patreon, despite me liking the painterly style in general. (I don t mind the style being changed, just that the examples shown so far all feel like there s something wrong with them.) 
We’ve always used different art styles for each of our projects. They all have distinct looks from each other. It’s just nice to do something new. I’m glad you really like how the first game looks, though. And those samples were only general concepts, rather than the exact options being decided between. We wanted to see reactions to different options. The art style we’re going with won’t be exactly like those, though I personally like all of them. I think players are gonna enjoy the style Our Life: Now & Forever when it’s revealed.
Hey! Is it ok to ask what gender ourlife2 protagonist will be and if we'll be given the same opportunity to customize an MC? Totally understand if you're keeping this under wraps for now if u don't wanna say! 
OL2 will have the same type of MC customization as OL1, but even more refined! So their gender will be up to you.
Hi! I happened upon Our Life on Steam by pure chance. It is such a great game, I am super excited about the DLC, and I just want you all to know that you are awesome! :D I have a question, and I'm sorry if it's been asked before. Do you have plans of making more games similar to Our Life, with customizable player character? The customizable player character was probably the one thing I personally have been desperate for in romance VNs. So glad there finally is one and would love to see more.
Thank you! And yep, we do have plans for more games like Our Life, most notably is another game in the franchise- Our Life: Now & Forever. We’ll also likely have other, non-OL, games with customizable MCs, though we may still have some games with set MCs in the future as well.
On the patreon dlc just curious but is it possible to play it without actually sleeping together/getting the nsfw content? I just want to spend more time with Cove 
Yeah, you can still choose not to go that far. Though the event is shorter if you pass on the 18+ stuff.
At the beginning of Step 2, did Cove end up accidentally falling asleep in your bed? Or did he fall asleep on the floor? 
He fell asleep sitting on the floor with his body/head leaning against the side of the bed.
This may seem like a weird question, but what exactly is the difference between "direct" and "relaxed" on the comfort scale?
Direct is blunter and more teasing, relaxed is lighthearted and goes with the flow.
can the MC have tattoos in step 3? 
Not in Step 3, but you can in Step 4.
how would Cove react if he visited somewhere like North Carolina in winter where it can get in the 20s(F) at night sometimes? 
He would be shocked and unprepared for what serious coldness is really like, haha. The poor beach baby would wanna go home.
Hello! I just joined the PATREON!! It’s amazing! I love your games! I have a question, approximately how much after will the nsfw be out? After or before the dlc 3 and step four? Sorry my English isn’t the best!❤️❤️❤️ 
Thanks so much! The NSFW DLC will be out after the Step 3 DLC but before Step 4. And you don’t need to apologize for that ^^.
This might be obvious but, will step 4 have dlcs? Also, where will the nsfw dlc happen? Won't bother me at all if it s in in our or his house but i do think it d be moderately funny 
Step 4 will have the Cove Wedding DLC and the Derek and Baxter romance DLCs each add a lot of new content to Step 4, though they’re also partially set in Step 2 and Step 3 respectively. The NSFW DLC happens in Cove’s room.
I keep wondering what would've happened if Mr. Holden met Lizzie first instead of the MC. I can't see that turning out well somehow lol. 
It wouldn’t have made a difference. He met the MC’s parents first and they told him about their two kids. He wanted the MC specifically to be Cove’s friend because the two were the same age.
Even though we have a way to go I'm really excited for OL 2! I was curious though, is the next main character going to be adopted again? I thought it was really clever to make the first main character adopted so when players are customizing,  they can make them look how ever they like without worrying about pesky genetics. Just wondering! 
The OL2 MC is not adopted. We wanted to go for a new dynamic. Instead their parents are their biological single mother who is partially customizable and an off-screen sperm donor father. So the mom will look generally like the MC and any other traits not from her can be assumed to come from whoever the father was.
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Thank you so much for all the asks ^^
FAQ   If you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog
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interact-if · 3 years
Umm hi 👉👈 I realized that most of the asks you guys get are about games and rec lists. You guys deserve so much recognition for the work you put in this blog, so I wanted to ask if I can do a little get-to-know-the-mods thing? If that's okay!
1. Besides writing, what are your hobbies?
2. Do you have a niche interest right now?
3. Any fave songs/artists/bands?
4. Any fave movies/tv shows?
5. On a scale of 1-10, how likely would you survive in your wip's world?
You can totally ignore this if you guys want, no pressure. Anyway, much love to all the interact-if mods! You guys are incredible! ❤
We saw this ask and we went 👀 👀 👀 so we’re happy to answer! Thank you so much for the fun ask!
 We also rated our survivability in all of our collective games, since Mars isn't an author! Fun stuff! Spoilers, though: it’s really not looking so great for me (Dani) but that’s fine!!!  😌
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1. I’m a photographer as well as a graphic artist (but not like. A painter/drawer kind of artist!) and, on a general level, a maker and a tinkerer!
2. Fountain pens! I only write with ink, and only with fountain pens, and I use bottled inks/converters!
3. I’m pretty eclectic with music, but my top genres are alt rock, indie, indie pop, etc, as well as top 40s and some rap.
4. I feel like this is the hardest one for me to answer? Favorite movies/shows? Avatar: the Last Airbender has been a favorite show of mine since I was a little kid, but I have a harder time thinking of shows I would call a favorite in recent years. There are shows I’ve liked, and a lot of shows I’ve watched. But I’m picky! And demanding! It takes a lot to earn a place in Dani’s Trophy Case of Favorites. 😌 I would say I quite liked A Quite Place (movie), and I liked Us (movie). When it comes to TV shows, I have a hard time being pleased with them if they don’t end well. As a result, I have a penchant for a good limited series/miniseries (because they’re stories that have an end in mind and the plot reflects that, dagnabbit).
5. Heh. Okay.
In The Goodfellows? I think I stand I chance. I can exercise my sparkling wit and lovable personality to the best effect. I’m gonna give myself an 8/10 survivability rating. Even if I don’t have the right skills, I can go crying to the person who does and they’ll save me. Maybe.
In Creatures’ Cradle? I’m super $**!%d. 😌 1/10 survivability rating. And that 1 is me being nice to myself. The day the apocalypse breaks out I would probably be patient 0. I am self-aware. I would not do well in an apocalypse. Zombies care not for aforementioned sparkling wit and lovable personality, and I have all the muscle of a boiled spaghetti noodle. So it’s a no go.
Greater Than Gods (Cruz): Well. I’m going to be optimistic. And say that I have the wisdom not to do things I shouldn’t do and not to rock boats I shouldn’t rock. I’m going to give myself a 7/10 based on insider information, but also based on reckless optimism!
Vardir (Cruz): Cruz says this is a lighthearted game, so 10/10 LOL.
When it Hungers (Roast): I’m giving myself a nice, mediocre 5/10. I think I could put my mind to work here; I joke that I’m the village idiot, but I’m actually pretty smart! Unfortunately, I’m also curious, and maybe a little bad with authorities who won’t answer my questions. So I knocked off a lot of points due to the fact that I’d probably poke the metaphorical bear. So it’s a real coin flip as to whether I’d really make it or not.
Orthall Bay (Nines): Considering the genre is “horror” and the game intro includes the words “monster” and “maim,” I’m giving myself a whooping, enthusiastic 3/10. Yes, folks, I am that confident in myself! Once again, I can’t charm the socks off a monster (or can I?), so one of my greatest weapons is snatched from beneath my feet. Alas!
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1. Beloved I’m a college student in the middle of a pandemic... i can hardly even write LOL i do draw at times which u can see in my personal blog (nothing too good really) and i used to do karate before things went to shit <3
2. Nothing niche I believe? All I do is leave Netflix as bg noise every day n play popular videgames (genshin)
3. Porter Robinson <3 I love Bea Miller a lot as well but lately I’ve been feeling Porter a lot
4. The Good Place <3
5. My WIPs:
Greater than Gods: Highly situational, the world GtG is set in is as broad as the real world LOL so I don’t have an universal answer. But keeping it vague, and knowing my own personality, I feel like 5/10. depends on my luck.
Vardir: 10/10 no one dies in Vikgade, unless you’re a hunter but I wouldn’t be a hunter <3
Others’ WIPs
I'm gonna give myself a solid 5/10 in all other WIPs because y'all aren't writing lighthearted stories either. I feel like as long as I avoid the role of the MC I will be mostly fine. I hope. But as Dani said I'm also prone to fight the wrong person and dig my own grave so 😌
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1. Well, writing is a very, very, very, distant hobby since Words Hard, but I like to crochet and sculpt a little! Anything to do with fiddling with my hands and I’m good to go. And like, debatable but graphic design is my passion [insert clown emoji here since Tumblr said No]
2. Oh yeah a bunch! DnD yelling at people, thinking of arson, crocheting, rock climbing and simply vibing. I got into podcasts a few years ago and I’m always looking for more recs, so if you have some, hmu 😤
3. Pls,,,,my music taste is,,,so weird do not let me expose myself with lack of consistency but uhh. Current songs that are stuck in my head include; Cult of Dionysus , Achilles Come Down and The Last Shanty  
4. If you’ve ever spoken to me before, I probably yelled about Pacific Rim to you or at you. Plus I love all The Mummy films and really enjoyed Castlevania (s3 excluded, we do not perceive that) as well! 
5. Ah, mod survival simulator pt. 3
Alright, let’s go!  I don’t have a WIP because again, words hard, but like, considering how feral I am when not tryna seem professional hm... 
The Goodfellows: I wanna say a solid 7/10 because I’d hardcore vibe with the Traveler and probably instigate so much nonsense. I can also bribe with blueberry cake so maybe. 
Creature’s Cradle: maybe a 4/10 and only because of pure spite keeping me alive long enough to smack someone. I’ve prepared for hypothetical  zombie apolcapyses and I won’t hesitate to bap, but will be bapped back because I’m weak as hell. 
Greater Than Gods: a toss up between 2/10 and 7/10! I can vibe and be chill but I also have terrible impulse control so... 
Vardir: hm....I think pretty good survival rates all around? If you ask me to fight then like, okay sure, your knees are mine. So maybe a 8/10? 
When it Hungers: .......8/10 just because I’d refuse to die if I can be a cool creature. Living for the aesthetic can and will drag me outta hell. But I’m also clumsy as hell so I’d probably crash as a porcelain or hold a rooster and perish (aka, real rating is a good 3/10) 
Orthall Bay: 2/10, nope. Nope I’d be taken out in a heartbeat. Monsters can go pspsps and I’d head straight into the dark creepy forest like a fool if someone comes @ me. Half the time I’ll just assume it’s sfx makeup and vibe until it’s too late. 
god, never put me in a universe where I cannot squawk like a bird and throw pebbles from a window. Oof
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Anon, you're so sweet! I give you a forehead smoomch <333 As for your questions...
1. If I'm not writing, I'm usually watching video essays on Youtube. My go-to channels as of right now is Disrupt and Aperture! I just really like their videos. Aside from that, I recently got into podcasts. Currently going through Hello From The Hallowoods and Shelter and Warning, which are made by queer creators!
2. Oh oof, there's quite a bit so I'm just gonna put down one thing. For some reason, I really got into collecting tiny astronaut things? I recently bought this astronaut desk light, and I've got a package coming in for the miniatures I ordered. No purpose for them other than I think they're neat <3
3. I'm a bit private with my music taste (even tho I have Spotify connected on Discord lmao), but there's 5 songs that I'm currently obsessed with. I keep replaying them over and over again. Just squeezing all the serotonin I could get outta them.
4. I can't really say I have a fave TV show or movie because I can't really just pick one, but my current fave is 9-1-1 and Resident Alien. 9-1-1 because I just really love the found-family dynamics and how the show tackles sensitive topics, and Resident Alien because it's lighthearted comedy. My all-time fave movie is Flipped! I have the book too and I like rereading from time to time <3
5. You're in for a doozy, anon, because we're rating each other's games <333
The Goodfellows: 7/10
Listen. Shenanigans with the Traveler. I would get up to so many of them and that is what'll get me possibly bodied, not the actual environment itself <3
Greater than Gods: 7/10
I like to think I have enough common sense to uhhh not recklessly flip stones that should not be flipped <3 I'm a cautious and skeptic person irl so I think I'll hold up well? Then again, it's a vast environment change and while I can adapt pretty quick, I wouldn't like the lack of control in the unknown.
Vardir: 10/10
Going off what Cruz said, Vardir is lighthearted and focused on personal growth so I think I'll be okay! Self-growth here I come, babey!
Creatures' Cradle: 8/10
Maybe I'm overestimating myself, but I think I'll be able to survive in a supernatural post-apocalyptic world! Ah, but it depends on the motivation though. I like the idea of rebuilding communities and eventually societies, but the survival turmoil would be a constant battle I'd have to overcome. If we're talking survival itself though, I think I'll do well.
When it Hungers: 8/10
That's probably my wishful thinking but I think I'll be fine. Maybe. Possibly. Don't like the idea of being regulated by an organization so if I was a non-human creature that could pose a problem but I can roll with it <3
Orthall Bay: 6/10
Assuming I'm not playing as MC, my chances of survival uhhh changes quite drastically. Not enough to guarantee an untimely demise, but certainly enough that it would constantly keep me on my toes. I think that's the safest answer I can get without spoiling anything lmao
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Thank you so much for asking! It's super sweet of you <3
1. Too many :'D I knit, I sew, I do carpentry (well, learning), I bake, I'm hammering away at HTML and CSS, my job kind of encourages learning new things and I take that to picking up new hobbies!
2. My time is kind of consumed with school work and work work and WIP work so not a lot of time to pursue niche interests right now. I've been watching a lot of horror game playthroughs, true crime youtubers, and an adorable show on Netflix called the Repair Shop <3
3. My taste in music is "what am I vibing with atm?" I've been listening to a lot of 80's music atm (don't @ me), but also Lo Fang and Kaleo, and whatever spotify recommends me on my discover weekly which is usually complete chaos.
4. I love the Mummy even though it hasn't aged 100% well (I'm a librarian, of course it's one of my gotos LOL), Legally Blonde, Leverage, Jumanji (the original), I'm....very bad at having recent tastes... and very bad at remembering my favorites when asked.
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The Goodfellows: I'm a creature of comfort, 5/10 if I can just luxuriate in town and not actually interact with the story sfjkdbsdkf
Creature’s Cradle: I'd like to think I have a 50/50 shot XD 5/10, I want to think I'd be decent at a zombie apocalypse but ultimately would suffer an early fate.
Greater Than Gods: 10/10 if I'm just vibing, less so if I'm involved in the actual story XD
Vardir: I'd still suffer without technology but I can also knit for a living in this world so I'm down 8/10
When it Hungers: I feel like I could vibe here, there's tech if dated, hot showers, telephones are around by now... might still get bored. 7/10 though it'd be cool to be another creature....I should make a 'what creature of snv are you' quiz!
Orthall Bay: 7/10 idk I feel like after the first monster of the week I'd just skip town XDDDD I'm the worst protagonist, I see danger I just leave.
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years
dropping by to tell u that ur my favoritest yan fic writer out there and your yan genshin updates give me life MUAH
thank you so much nonnie!!!! 😘😘😘 i appreciate you!!! i’ve absolutely loved writing for genshin, so i’m glad that the community is thriving with so much content aaaa ❤️ warms my heart...
anon 2 asked: I’m not sure if this has been asked before or not, but have you read/watched Togashi’s other work Yu Yu Hakusho? If you haven’t, I think you’d definitely like Kurama.
i have heard of it but i haven’t watched it before! i looked up the design for kurama and wow... he is a very pretty boy. he has these mysterious vibes that makes me think i would like him. if i ever get around to watching it i’ll keep an eye out for this boy 👀
anon 3 asked: If you don't mind me asking, what other games do you play besides genshin?
my cycle of playing games is kind of messed up by genshin right now since that’s the main game i play whenever i get hit with Gamer Urge. however, the games ive enjoyed the most recently other than that would be divinity original sin 2, darkest dungeon, pokémon, animal crossing, and fire emblem!
anon 4 said: it's nice to see a fellow hu tao simp! i was so excited to see you make a yandere hu tao x reader,, i rarely see any x reader content of her so i just silently suffer most of the time 💔 ty for feeding us hu tao simps good food op i will be reading that story religiously everyday 🛐
we need more hu tao in this world, i fully agree. every time i see her i just can’t help but smoke... i think it’s the super cute hair. long pigtails 🥺 ANYWAYS you have god tier taste anon. i trust anyone that loves hu tao.
anon 5 said: i am going to kiss u on the forehead as gently as i can,,, that hu tao fic was absolutely delicious❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
THANK YOU NONNIE!!! i was worried at first over how much macabre hu tao typical dialogue to incorporate into a fanfic, but i ended up content with the balance. she can be soft when she wants to, after all. i’m happy that you enjoyed it!
anon 6 said: You posted the harem HCs right after I finished work and it was such a treat to read. I love them. I know you obviously didn't write them for me in mind but thank you for brightening up my day!
PHEW what good timing!! i end up working on my writing on and off throughout the day and finishing it around the time people (in american) time zones would be getting home. i’m glad that you were able to enjoy the headcanons after a day of work!!
anon 7 said: I loved the Liyue reverse harem, how can you be such a good write???Xiao being a puppy is actually cute and I love this concept
i was looking forward to including vigilant xiao watching over his crush the most 😭 it’s just an adorable sight to picture. he’s such an intimidating figure, it can’t help but melt your heart that he’s there to ensure you’re always safe. the main trick is writing the most self indulgent stuff, anon. that is what produces the best you have to offer because you’re having such a good time writing it.
anon 8 said: akfhdsh Lock why was that Zhongli fic so hot🔥?? Ahh I haven't been able to get it out of my head ALL day & 5000 words? You are superb 😍 I can't help but feel so sorry for poor darling. Having to do that with him on the very first night, man didn't even give her a break/a chance to settle down. Either way I'd love for you to throw some concepts here & there if you can 👉👈 or share your afterthoughts ^_^  the universe in this one felt especially great! I wish you the best of luck, take care <3
it’s all because of the random zhongli dream anon 😭 i couldn’t get him out of my mind until i wrote a loooong fic for him. the idea of his darling being with him since the archon war days is my favorite! i’ve always had a soft spot for it, ever since i was trying to figure out what a yandere zhongli might look like back in november. it’s just... genuinely horrifying to imagine being stuck with that for thousands of years. especially when people view rex lapis so highly in liyue, darling feels even more alone on her festering feelings. there’s no relief to be had.
i think i’ll do a big ol headcanon post because the world for yan zhongli and his god darling is so big, i’ve given it a Lot of thought. but the main gist of it is how darling deals with the inaccurate portrayal of their history together. and of course, she interacts with others, since zhongli has the reassurance from the contract that she won’t try to escape. so there’s a lot of angst there. 😭
anon 9 asked: Hey! any plans for more Hu tao content in the future? your last story was just really gooood, she's such an interesting character! I've also been hooked to Rosaria and I'm wondering if you plan to write for her aswell... hopefully no one asked this already lol
i’d love to write more for hu tao!! she is a character that i adore a lot. currently, i don’t have any ideas for her that would get me going, but once i see one or get hit with inspiration she’ll make a reappearance. i do have a few hu tao requests so hopefully those will help inspire me. AND ROSARIA... 🥺 WHAT A WOMAN. i want to learn more about her!! i’ll write for her when her stories and voice lines are all out, that way the characterization is more accurate. she captured my heart with that distant attitude and those listless eyes 🥰🥰
anon 10 said: hi hi!! i just wanted to say i discovered genshin impact bcs of you! i saw your yandere genshin posts back in november, i didn't know anything abt genshin or their world but i read it and just googled their names to know their appearances lmfao and until then i just fell into a rabbit hole of genshin. i eventually grew tired of not knowing anything abt genshin and its lore so i craved around early january and downloaded the game despite me not rlly being a gamer™ and now i'm here at ar 51, a hu tao main and no, i haven't touched grass since downloading the game 😭
ah yes, welcome anon, to what could be considered heaven or help depending. if you were able to get hu tao then i’d say you’re in the latter camp (aside from having to grind for her ascension materials, that is pure suffering). it’s a fun game to get into during this quarantine/spotty lockdown time, so i hope you’ll enjoy your time with it! i’m glad that mihoyo releases content often enough to keep us well fed.
anon 11 asked: Lock dearest, have you ever watched Jujutsu Kaisen?
i like that super cute girl with short finger hair!! i’m planning on watching the show when it’s completed, which i think is soon? ill binge watch it. i’ve recognized a lot of my favorite voice actors from the clips i’ve seen posted, so i’m excited to give it a shot.
anon 12 asked: You watch Demon Slayer? It's really great 🤯
i’ve seen clips of the amazing animation before! it’s currently on my list of shows to watch. 👀👀
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kzuhadovey · 4 years
omg please i beg of you a part 2 of I Love You w Atsumu the amount of times I read it because it was so heart breaking yet just the right amount of yearning of that makes sense. I absolutely loved it 😍
I’m stupid for loving you... aren’t I?
character: miya atsumu x reader
type: angst??? fluff???
warnings: -
song rec: mr loverman - ricky montgomery
click this to read part 1!!
ahhh hello anon!! this is my first ever request, i’m so excited!! this took rlly long for some reason, i’m so scared to disappoint yall with this 😭😭 well here you go, a part 2 to i love you :)
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You were doing fairly great after the incident. Life was peaceful, your grades were skyrocketing, you quit the volleyball team and chose to pursue fashion design- life was good. You graduated Inarizaki as one of the best students in your class and first place in the 49th Japan Fashion Design Contest. You could almost remember the feeling of graduating, on stage, receiving your diploma, being cheered on by your friends and family, with a particular blonde boy eye-ing you with adoring eyes.
The after-party was hectic, never-ending drinks, maybe a make-out or two, but overall, you were ecstatic. An interesting thing that happened during the party, was your interaction with Miya Atsumu. He was still as lively as ever, a bright smile on his face wherever he was. Once he saw you that night, a drink in hand and your arm over your friend’s shoulder, a small smile popped on his face. He went still for a second as all the memories rushed back and you spun around. You were sweaty and drunk, but in his eyes, you looked heavenly. You remember glancing at his eyes for a second, he still had that same honey-toned eyes, a slight lovey-dovey look in his eyes. That was the only interaction you had for the night, and what you thought was for the rest of your life. Or so you’d thought.
Life was pretty much hectic after graduation. College, then joining one of the most successful fashion designers, to actually having your own brand. Who knew design could be so stressful? You slump down in your office only to be greeted by more piles of fabric and paperwork. Another load of presentations to investors and other businesses- yet your company seemed to be going nowhere. “Excuse me, your 4 o’clock meeting is here.” Your assistant suddenly says, making you flinch. “Geez- at least knock first.” You say, standing up and fixing your outfit. This client was particularly important to your brand- they had asked for a possibility of sponsorship. It would be groundbreaking to collab with them- a grade-a sports team would be amazing to collab with. You just weren’t expecting for him to be here. 
“Good afternoon, Mister… Shugo?” You say, looking down at a clipboard with all your materials. Shugo was a familiar name- you’ve probably heard it somewhere on the radio. “Y/N?- I-it’s you.” The man says, standing up. You freeze. You knew that voice- it’s gotten much deeper though. His tone is laced with curiosity- it almost felt like a dream. You look up to be met by him. His honey blonde hair was slicked to the side better, a hint of softness in his brown eyes. “Atsumu?” You mutter unknowingly. A sense of nostalgia hit you as your eyes scanned him. He looks older- and he’s surely gotten buffer. It felt like a dream, really. To see your high school crush almost more than 5 years apart. Then it came back. The sequence of events that happened leading up to the fight. It still hurt, of course, but not as much. I suppose you’ve gotten over it. You snap back into reality when Atsumu coughs awkwardly. “I’m supposed to meet- Shugo. Shugo Meian. Wh- what are you doing here?” You mutter out. “Shugo sent me. I didn’t know- this was your company.” Atsumu says, tucking his hands in his pocket with a small smile. He was still as smug as ever. You nod hesitantly- you had to give him the benefit of the doubt though. “Take a seat, Mr. Miya. We should start talking about the offer.” You say, pointing to the sofa behind him. He nods, giving you a small smile. Gosh- his smile was just as captivating as it did in high school. You feel yourself getting uncomfortable from your own thoughts- after all, you were over him. Right?
“Thank you so much for this opportunity, Mister Miya.” You say, bowing. After around an hour of deliberating and talking, you ended up with a beneficial deal for both of you. Of course, despite your troubles, you stayed professional. It was slightly amusing how Atsumu’s eyes would linger on you- admiring your figure more than a mere business partner would. “I look forward to working with you, Y/N,” Atsumu says, smiling widely. “Hey- uh- do you miss… Suna? and Osamu?” Atsumu asks, a bit hesitant. He’s not sure whether you’d like that because of the incident- but your eyes light up in excitement. “Well, a bit,” That was an understatement, of course. “I assume Osamu became a chef like he always wanted?” You ask curiously. You recall Osamu sharing his dreams of being a chef at lunch, a bright smile on his face every time he thought of it. Atsumu nods and you sigh in relief. “Well- you should catch up with us! Osamu’s finally coming back to town.” Atsumu says- which caught you off guard. Of course, you missed them a lot, but- it would bring back a lot of unpleasant memories. Eh, whatever. Seeing them for a bit wouldn’t hurt. “I mean- sure- but-” “Great! Here’s my number.” Atsumu says, scribbling down his number on a random card. “S-Shugo's number is on there as well- by the way,” Atsumu says, chuckling awkwardly. You nod, taking the card. Would you regret this? I dunno.
That day, you ended up in one of the fanciest nightclubs in town, Energize. It was pretty popular amongst rich people and Atsumu had volunteered to pay for everything anyway. You were seated in a booth, quietly waiting for your ex-teammates. Your heart was beating in anticipation- would they look different? You were sure Osamu still had his signature gray hair and Suna’s soft floofy brown hair. Your main concern was if they would show up or not. It was 15 minutes over what time they agreed, and you were getting hesitant. Was this a mistake? Your mind flashed back to the pile of paperwork and you sighed. You took out your phone, checking your texts.
Y/N This is Atsumu Miya, I presume? Atsumu - High School Y/N!! you texted !! Y/N ヽ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ Are we still meeting up tonight? Atsumu - High School yeah yeah ofc !! suna and osamu already said yes :) Y/N I’m excited to meet them :DD Atsumu - High School they’re excited to meet you too btw u don’t have to be that formal with me lol Y/N Ah, no worries. I like being formal. Where are we meeting up? Atsumu - High School Energize, 8 pm tonight don’t be late :DD Y/N I’ll be there. 
You cringed at some particular parts of your conversations- had you always been this dry? You huff as you look around further, looking for a huddle of boys. There’s no one in sight that looks like them- and with that, you roll your eyes. It was an empty promise anyways- he never meant anything he said anyway. You stuff your phone into your pocket and head off before- you heard something. “Oi Tsumu, where the hell are they? We’ve been looking for them all over the place!” A voice says- Osamu. You would recognize that voice everywhere- were they really that blind? You turn around before being greeted by 3 males, one of them being Atsumu. “Y/N? Is that you?”
The air felt awkward yet soft as you fiddled with your nails. Atsumu had rented out a private booth for the 4 of you, blocking out all the noise and music. You leaned back on your chair, trying to observe your friends. Osamu had darker hair now- with fluffed-up ends. Suna, on the other hand, still has his signature fluffy brown hair, it just has more volume in it. “Osamu, you’re a chef, Atsumu tells me?” You finally speak up, the silence getting overbearing. Osamu’s eyes light up and he puts on a small smile. “Yeah. Osamu’s Onigiris- Doesn’t it sound nice?” Osamu asks excitedly and you nod. “I’m happy for you, Samu.” You slightly cringe- it was too soon to use that nickname. “What about you? What did you end up… becoming?” Suna asks, leaning on his elbow. “I’m a designer now. I own a company- it’s pretty small though.” You say, chuckling. “I knew it. You’ve always been good at drawing and design and… stuff.” Osamu says, a proud smile on his face. You felt a bit comforted by them, a sense of happiness. It felt nice- just to escape reality for a moment and be with your old friends. Atsumu, however, felt a little different. His heart was beating quicker by the second, and you could swear you saw him blush when he saw you. You could say that he was crushing on you.
The loud music was deafening as you made your way through the crowd, hanging on Suna’s shoulder. Everything felt vibrant as you looked around- people dancing, making out, and having fun. It’s been a long time ever since you loosened up and had fun so this was great. Osamu was laughing his head off about something and Atsumu was blabbering about how he was plucking girls from all over the country. After that awkward encounter, Atsumu had volunteered for heavy drinks and well, this was the outcome. “Mmmh- I think I need another drink,” Osamu says, pointing to some chairs. “Yes. Let’s get a few shots- then go home- because I feel like throwing up.” Suna says, a slight smirk playing on his face. “Mister bartender! 4 shots of vodka please!” Atsumu shouts as you all slump against the table. “Yo, Y/N, question… are you single?” Osamu asks as the shots arrive. You nod your head. Your love life so far has been a little boring… just a few hook-ups and dates along the way but no one really stuck. “Ah, you’re the same with Tsumu then!” Osamu says, giggling. Atsumu rolls his eyes and downs the shot in an attempt to push out what Osamu just said. “I mean- ever since you broke up with him, his girlfriend literally broke up with him too- and he never got over you- aFTER 6 YEARS!” Osamu says, chuckling. Atsumu nearly choked on his drink as he processed what Osamu just said- “Excuse me?” You questioned, glaring at Osamu. It takes Osamu a big fat second to realize what he said before a light blush colored his cheeks. “Hey, Suna! Didn’t you say you wanted to check out the toilet earlier?-” Osamu asks suddenly, standing up and picking Suna up by the hoodie. “Wait what?-”
“That was an interesting comment… wasn’t it, Atsumu?” You muttered, downing your shot. Atsumu shoots you a small glare before his cheeks flare in embarrassment. “I mean- Osamu is- a bit correct- I’m still single- but- that wasn’t true, I’m over you- pfft-” Atsumu said, giggling nervously. You chuckled because you’ve noticed that he’s grown more transparent over the years- you can see by the tone of his voice. “Are you sure, Tsumu?” You ask teasingly, leaning in slowly. Atsumu’s eyes widen before downing the rest of his shot. “Y-yes- I’m sure- of course-” Atsumu stutters, a light pink blush on his cheeks. You could just remember that Atsumu did the same thing to you, in high school. The way he made you flutter and smile joyfully- it was amusing. “I’m joking, Atsumu.” You said, giggling as you saw his flustered reaction. “Mmmm- I feel sleepy.” You said as your eyelids feel heavier. “Would you like to go home?” Atsumu asks, fixing your hair a little. He’s grown softer over the years, definitely. Honestly, at first, you’d be very mad at Atsumu if you weren’t drunk, but you were tired. It had been a long day- a small ride home would be okay, right?
“I’m sorry I ended up dragging you to my house.” You said softly, turning on the lights as you stumble into the apartment. Wasted, was the only thing that was right to describe you. Atsumu was right behind you, hoisting your arm up even though he was drunk himself. “No worries Y/N. I wouldn’t want you to stumble over and hit yourself.” Atsumu says as you lay down on the sofa. “Do you want me to get you a cup of water? Some meds, or anything?” Atsumu asks, observing you. You shake your head softly, yawning. “I’ll get you some food, wait here a second,” Atsumu says, standing up. Your head feels heavy against the cushions of the couch- and you feel worn out and tired. “Here you go- some bread, and meds- to avoid headaches,” Atsumu mutters, handing you a pill and a plate of chocolate bread. “Thank you, Tsumu.” You say, starting to eat up the bread. Atsumu’s heart fluttered at your nickname, a visible blush on his cheeks. “Hey, Tsumu, was Osamu really telling the truth? Back at the bar?” You ask softly. You’re currently leaning against Atsumu’s arm, him visibly flustering around your touch. He was definitely caught off guard by your question- a light blush coloring his cheeks. “Yeah. Sure. I guess you could say he was telling the truth.” He chuckles, hoping you wouldn’t kick him off the couch. “Why?”  was the only thing you could say. He sighed softly, sitting you up- a serious conversation, you noted. “I mean… somedays, I just remember how I treated you like shit. How I used you for my own benefit- it’s funny, really, how my feelings have grown over the years. I remember that day, the day you snapped- I was okay with it at first- I saw you as merely a game- but sooner or later I missed you- I missed the way you’d laugh at my cringy jokes, the way you attended every practice I had.” Atsumu mutters, looking down. His tears are threatening to spill and he lets out a breathy chuckle. And it’s so stupid because you can’t love me back. Not after the way, I hurt you and the way you ran off like that- I’m so stupid for loving you… aren’t I?” Atsumu asks. He looks up at you, a small smile playing on his face and he’s on the brink of tears. Back then, he could lie to you so easily- it was as if your feelings didn’t matter to him- but you were surprised to find out that the feelings you had for him… were returned. After all these years, he was willing to give his heart to you. You felt bad for him- of course, he’d think you hate him. You did, really, that day, you cried- you considered moving to another school- but here you were, sitting in front of Atsumu after he had just confessed. “Please say something. I- I won’t be mad if you say you hate me.” Atsumu mutters quietly. You sigh- what do you say?
“Atsumu. Look at me, please?”
He raises his head up to be met by a soft smile. “Tsumu. I don’t hate you, okay?” You say. Even if you’re drunk, your opinion on Atsumu was clear enough. “Yes, I was hurt. You had a girlfriend and you were flirting with me- of course, I was hurt.” You quickly said, looking down. “But I don’t know- you make me feel safe. Even after all those years and I saw you- my feelings all erupted once I saw you. Not gonna lie- it felt shitty- the man who broke my heart stand right then and there.” You gave out a breathy chuckle. Unknowingly, Atsumu was staring right at you with hopeful eyes, hoping for you to say that you loved him back. “Atsumu… I like you, aswell- but I just wanna know if you’re playing games with me. I don’t wanna be some kind of rebound- I don’t wanna raise my hopes up just for you to destroy them.” You muttered softly. “Yes, of course! I- I actually like you this time. You make me so happy, I promise-” Atsumu says, leaping into your arms very suddenly. You yelp at the sudden hug, feeling- inflicted.
“I never got to apologize for my actions- I’m so so sorry- I love you, I love you,” Atsumu mutters into your neck, causing you to giggle. It was amusing- to see Atsumu so flustered over you. “Tsumu. It’s okay, I forgive you.” You mutter softly, petting his hair. Atsumu pulls away, a drunken smile on his face. “C-can I kiss you? I didn’t get a chance to last time…” Atsumu asks slowly, a red blush on his face. You giggle softly- goddamn if he wasn’t cute. “Okay, you can kiss m-” You say slowly, before being interrupted by Atsumu’s lips on yours. His lips are sweet tang against your tongue, and his breath is warm and messy against your lips. You’ve dreamt of this moment since you first laid your eyes on him- his lips against yours, and you’re both a warm ball of happiness. Another life came quicker than expected for Atsumu, but he wasn’t complaining. He got to be with you anyways.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Everybody Knows You're High, 4/4 (Rajila) - Dartmouth420
Summary: It’s not just the weed this time, Raja’s in love, and Manila’s about to make a confession.
A/n: this is one long-ass chapter of feelings and lesbian porn lmao. this is specifically for the anon from a few weeks ago who requested manila smut, here ya go :P also thank u to V&albatross for your encouragement and for letting me play in your world lol <3
tw: weed, mild second-hand embarrassment, smut: 80% sexy, 20% disgusting, 100% dumb ;)
Manila stood in her steamy bathroom leaning against the edge of the sink, with a towel wrapped around her body, and stared at herself in the mirror.
Last night had been… a lot.
She’d just gotten out of the shower, and there were dark circles under her eyes from the late night, the stress and the hangover. The hangover wasn’t as bad as Manila thought she deserved. Chugging straight vodka from the bottle in a state of emotional turmoil had been a terrible idea.
However, a part of herself that she’d been suppressing for too long was raising its head, this time with hope. Parsing out what Raja had been trying to say last night had practically required a cryptographer, but Manila was like eighty-seven percent sure that Raja had said she liked her, and was interested in… maybe dating. Or something. It all got a little blurry after she’d kissed Raven.
Manila stuck her tongue out at herself in the mirror and left the bathroom, walking quickly down the hall in her towel to her room to get dressed. She examined one of her nicer shirts, and that corduroy mini-skirt she liked, and then decided not to get her hopes up. She pulled on a pair of dark blue sweatpants with the college’s name written across the butt. But her hand lingered over her one of her nice bras, an elegant black one with red lining, and after a brief but eventful internal wrestling match, she put it on. And covered it with a T-shirt and a hoodie.
After having breakfast, drying her hair, scrolling through her phone, cleaning the bathroom, killing time and receiving no texts from Raja, but not sending any either, Manila put her hands on her hips and sighed.
Manila had two choices. She could go across the street and actually talk to Raja about her feelings, or she could drop out of college, move to Canada, change her identity, burn her fingerprints off with acid and start again as an entirely new person.
Despite the strong temptation of option two, Manila chose option one and rushed out the door before she could psych herself out. She hurried up to to the familiar house across the street and a few doors down. Manila took a nervous breath as she knocked on Raja’s front door, immediately regretting that she hadn’t texted or something before just showing up. Maybe Raja wasn’t awake yet, or maybe she didn’t want to see her after she’d been so messy last night-
The door opened and Raja stood there. Her long black hair was wet and brushed straight like she’d just showered, and her loose, green linen shirt was damp where the ends sat on her shoulders. She looked suspiciously fresh and clean for the day after a party, but then Manila remembered that Raja had been sober the entire time.
“Hey,” said Raja, with a goofy, knowing smile.
Manila’s palms began to sweat, and her heart leapt out of her chest and prostrated itself on the floor.
“Uh- hi,” said Manila.
Raja stepped aside and Manila walked in to the living room, slipping off her shoes and glancing at the familiar couch. An empty bag of chips and a couple loose video game controllers sat abandoned on it. Usually she’d go right in and sit down, but that didn’t quite feel right today. Carmen’s voice drifted over from the kitchen, one half of a conversation she was having over the phone.
“We could talk in my room?” suggested Raja, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. Her deep brown eyes were without expectation.
“Sure,” said Manila decisively, and walked quickly to the stairs and up to Raja’s bedroom, the first door on the left.
Raja’s room always surprised Manila. The first time she’d seen it she’d expected a total stoner disaster zone, but instead it was surprisingly neat. There was a beautiful piece of blue and gold paisley fabric tacked up on the wall, some clothes piled up on the back of the chair, and several mugs on the nightstand. Books, her laptop and some weed paraphernalia were scattered on the desk, but the floor was clean and the bed was pretty much always made.
Manila sat down on the edge of the bed, and wiped her sweaty palms on her pants. Raja sat down next to her, close but not touching.
“So…” began Manila, drawing out the word and wondering what exactly she was going to say. She didn’t want to be the first to admit her feelings. Part of her still felt afraid, instinctively evasive when talking about how she felt. “You like me, apparently.”
“Yeah,” laughed Raja, amused, flipping her damp hair over her shoulder, “Yeah, I said that.”
“Mm,” acknowledged Manila, already a little flustered by how Raja had just openly admitted it, like it was that easy. Everything was so easy for her. “Are you mad at me for kissing Raven?”
“For like a minute last night, but uh, it seemed more like you were mad at me, actually.”
“Yeah, I was kind of upset-” said Manila, and hesitated. Talking openly like this was outside of her comfort zone and she felt too warm and too awkward and… she would rather all of this be a big joke, to laugh it off again and hide how she really felt behind the humour.
“I’m sorry I decided to make that joke about you missing your opportunity when I was trying to be all serious or whatever,” said Raja quickly, all in one breath, “That was really stupid. I really did mean everything I said, except for that part.”
Manila nodded, the hurt rolling back over her for a moment. The feeling of rejection had been awful. But maybe that was how Raja had felt the first couple of times Manila had rejected and mocked her for expressing interest.
“It’s okay,” said Manila, cracking a smile, “You are incredibly stupid after all.”
“But I’m still getting better grades than you,” replied Raja, raising her eyebrows and grinning.
Manila looked at her hands. Raja was next to her, but she felt simultaneously closer and farther than she’d ever been. They were steering out of familiar territory towards something Manila both hopelessly longed for and horribly feared.
“I didn’t do anything with Yara, by the way,” confessed Manila, the words spilling out of her mouth before she could stop them.
“What, really?” replied Raja, cocking her head to the side.
“Yeah I lied about that, she and Alexis love each other so much it’s gross,” said Manila, rolling her eyes. “I thought you’d been acting differently around me, so I… said that.”
“They do seem to love each other a lot,” confirmed Raja, nodding, a sneaky grin growing on her mouth, “You wanted to see if I got jealous?”
“I don’t believe in jealousy,” sniffed Raja imperiously, “Love should be free.”
“You’re such a fucking hippie,” said Manila, shaking her head, amused, “And you were jealous, you were stomping around like a six-year-old having a temper tantrum.”
“Fine, maybe a little,” acquiesced Raja, with a laugh. “You were really winding me up, though!”
Manila laughed as well, following the shift of energy between them into lighter territory. She twisted her fingers in the sheets on Raja’s bed for a moment, and sat up straighter, looking at Raja carefully. Raja’s green linen shirt draped elegantly over her tall, angular frame and it suited her nicely, despite the damp shoulders from her hair. A curl of interest announced itself in Manila’s core.
“So, uh,” said Manila, regretting her decision to wear sweats and wishing she’d at least tried to look nice. Raja’s expression was open, but her shoulders were a little stiff, almost nervous. Manila wanted to ease the tension, she wanted Raja to be comfortable around her again, and get rid of this stupid distance she’d built up between them.
Manila decided she was going to be brave, and asked, “Do you still wanna make out?”
Raja blinked in shock and then grinned and gave a happy little shrug, and said, “Yeah, totally.”
Before Manila could stop herself, before she could let herself think, she leaned in. Raja did the same, and shifted closer to her on the bed, pressing their legs together. Manila hesitated for a moment, the tension between them burning hot, more intense and awful than it had ever been, before Raja brushed her lips over Manila’s and they captured one another in a soft kiss. A high-voltage thrill shot down Manila’s spine, turning to instant, uncontrollable heat between her legs.
Raja’s confidence was contagious, and Manila kissed her back, tentatively parting her lips and tasting Raja with her tongue. Raja touched Manila’s waist, her other hand going to the back of her neck and tangling up in her hair. Manila’s body was taking over completely, the thrill drowning out her every doubt.
Raja was very pleased with how the morning had progressed so far, as Manila broke their kiss to push her down on the bed, a look of pure, unadulterated desire in her eyes.
“Oh, hello,” purred Raja as Manila straddled her, and Raja shifted a little so that she was at a better angle, her head propped up on her pillow. Manila lifted her hoodie up over her head, and the plain T-shirt undershirt underneath hiked up so that Raja caught a glimpse of her toned stomach before Manila threw the hoodie to the floor. Raja’s breath quickened, and she fumbled at the buttons of her shirt. She was so happy that this was finally happening, that Manila wasn’t angry with her and seemed quite interested in being more than just friends. There were so many fun directions this could go-
“Hi,” breathed Manila, leaning forward and quashing Raja’s efforts to get her shirt unbuttoned. Manila kissed her again, this time taking charge in a way that Raja found very sexy indeed. Raja caressed her waist through the thin fabric of her shirt. Manila stroked Raja’s still-damp hair, her hands exploring Raja’s scalp as they made out thoroughly. The smell of Manila’s lavender conditioner filled Raja’s nose.
Manila ducked her head, going for Raja’s neck. Raja sighed, gasping when Manila introduced her teeth to her skin. Oh, this was excellent, this was lovely. Manila was so much more than Raja had expected, and pleasant excitement filled her mind. Raja’s hands drifted from Manila’s waist down her back to grip her beautiful, muscular, college-logo-emblazoned ass.
Fuck yes.
Manila laughed quietly into her neck, pausing for a breath, and rolled her hips against Raja. Raja pushed her thigh up a little to give Manila something to grind on, if she wanted to. Even the hint that Manila was truly letting her guard down and trusting Raja like this was very exciting-
Manila breathed in sharply, her face still pressed into Raja’s neck, and rolled her hips again, and Raja felt Manila’s warm body through her thick cotton sweatpants. Raja took her opportunity and lifted her head slightly, kissing Manila’s neck in return, still gripping her ass and encouraging her to grind against her thigh.
“Raja-” breathed Manila as Raja kissed what must be a sweet spot. Raja couldn’t wait to learn all her sweet spots.
Manila sat back, pulling Raja with her so they were both sitting up, Manila still straddling her lap.
“Can I…?” murmured Manila, touching the buttons on Raja’s shirt.
“Yeah, for sure.”
Manila fumbled to undo Raja’s shirt buttons and Raja kissed her neck again. Now that they were sitting up, Raja touched Manila’s lower back and guided her to keep grinding on her thigh, since they were in an excellent position for her to do so. Manila bit back a little moan, visibly distracted from her task and it sent a tingle throughout Raja’s entire body. Manila was getting so hot and bothered already, and they were still practically fully clothed.
In fact, Manila’s hips were moving quicker now, rocking against Raja’s thigh, but she finished with the buttons and pushed Raja’s shirt back down to her elbows, then blinked with surprise.
Raja wasn’t one to wear a bra unless it was absolutely required of her.
“You can touch me,” whispered Raja, kissing Manila’s ear.
Manila did, gently palming Raja’s small breasts, and continuing to roll her hips. Now Raja could really feel the heat between Manila’s legs and let out a surprised half-moan herself as Manila caught her nipple between her fingers. Manila’s expression was hazy with lust, as she bit her lip and rutted down even harder, and Raja was almost surprised that Manila was so turned on by this minimal amount of contact.
“Is it okay if I-” said Raja, and touched the front edge of Manila’s sweatpants.
Manila nodded semi-frantically, and Raja went for it, reaching past her waistband to feel how gloriously warm and wet she was, even through her underwear. Manila moaned aloud, and ground down against Raja’s fingers and Raja, absolutely thrilled, slid her fingers inside her underwear.
Manila inhaled sharply at the skin-to-skin contact, rolling her hips hard and fast and clutching Raja to her. Raja decided to go for more, gently slipping two fingers past her folds and up into her soaking wet pussy-
“Oh my god, fuck-” managed Manila.
Manila’s back arched and her hip thrusts became erratic, quick, and she let out another barely suppressed moan, burying her face in Raja’s neck, panting hot breath against her skin, clenching around Raja’s fingers with a sudden gasp-
Suddenly Manila stopped moving, she pushed herself back. She flopped backwards off of Raja’s lap onto her ass and covered her mouth with her hand, eyes wide, her expression utterly surprised and embarrassed.
Raja realized what had happened.
“You are so into me,” stated Raja, unable to resist the urge to tease Manila for it, wiping her fingers unceremoniously on her sheets and laughing. “You came from just that? Really?”
“Don’t,” whined Manila, covering her face with both hands and curling up into a ball.
“We’ve barely been going for five minutes-”
“It’s just been a while for me,” complained Manila, her voice muffled behind her hands, “I’m sorry…”
Raja crawled over to her, taking her hands away from her face and kissing her.
“No need to apologize, you’ve got more where that came from, right?” asked Raja with a grin. The dull ache of Raja’s own arousal was still present between her legs.
“Great, hopefully this time I’ll get to actually take your clothes off.”
“Only if you ask nicely,” replied Manila dryly, sitting up. She looked slightly less embarrassed, pushing a few stray curls back out of her face.
Raja kissed Manila’s face again, unable to stop herself from smiling, smug. It seemed like Manila did actually like her, or was at least very, very attracted to her. Raja appreciated the vindication, and imagined the afternoon ahead. It looked like they’d be spending it here, making out and having sex, and taking a few breaks for food and weed, and that seemed most excellent.
“What do you want to do?” asked Manila. She reached out and hesitated, before running her fingers across Raja’s collarbone and then down her arm. Raja vaguely remembered her shirt, which was mostly off, open with the sleeves caught around her elbows. She took it off entirely. Raja was comfortable with her body and didn’t mind being naked, especially when it was making Manila so distracted.
“I want to…” began Raja, before shrugging, “Actually, I just want to roll a joint and share it with you, if you’re into that, and then eat you out for like forty-five minutes.”
Manila laughed and rolled her eyes, “Yeah, let’s get a little high, it won’t hurt.”
“It might even help you last longer…” teased Raja gently, not that she really cared. If Manila got off so quickly and easily, then Raja would gladly spend the entire day making her come over and over and over-
“Stop!” protested Manila, but she couldn’t help her smile.
Manila was so embarrassed that she’d pretty much finished immediately from the barest of contact like a desperate, touch-deprived lunatic, but luckily the feeling was fading. Raja didn’t seem to mind, despite her gentle teasing.
Manila had surprised herself more than anything. She was usually a bit… well, stiff maybe wasn’t the right word, but during hookups or sexual encounters she wanted to make sure she came off as sexy and fun, and that she did everything right. This was always particularly strong in her mind when she was with guys. But what was right was a vague and every-changing notion, a bit of a performance, kind of acting like girls did in porn except more chill, and trying to read what the other person liked and expected of her. It was difficult to relax. Certain walls always remained up.
But not today.
Today, Manila had completely melted the second her lips had touched Raja’s. Her body had taken over, unmitigated. Tasting Raja’s neck, grinding on her thigh, touching her skin and feeling her hard nipples, and Raja slipping her knowing fingers inside of her had made Manila feel so alive-
Maybe this was what it was supposed to feel like.
They had the entire afternoon ahead of them, so Manila lounged on Raja’s bed in her sweatpants while Raja got out a jar of weed and a grinder, confident and relaxed and wonderfully topless.
“Ugh, I left my rolling papers in the living room again,” sighed Raja, leaning over to give Manila a lingering kiss that sent a thrill right down her spine again, “I’ll be back.”
With that Raja got up and strolled across the room, opening her door-
“Don’t you need a shirt?” asked Manila.
Manila laughed as Raja left and padded down the stairs. Her voice drifted up from the living room.
“Hey Delta.”
“Hey. So it’s a tits out kind of day?”
“Yeah, have you seen my rolling papers?”
“Over there.”
“Thanks! Did you hook up with that guy last night?”
“Yeah, and he was surprisingly good in bed-”
Manila tuned out the conversation, remembering her nice bra and wondering if she should just take her clothes off now and maybe fix her hair and find some way to recline on the bed so she’d look hot when Raja came back up-
But then Manila realized Raja didn’t care about that, and that really, she didn’t either. Manila lay back down on her side, breathing in the smell of Raja’s pillow. It smelled just like her hair, and honestly, Manila would be totally happy just to exist right here in this moment and never leave it. The voice in the back of her head chimed in, you know you still haven’t told her how you really feel-
“-yeah, she’s up in my room, I think we’re figuring it out.”
“Oh thank god! You’ve been stressing about that for ages. So that’s why you don’t have a shirt on…”
“Yeah, we might get kinda loud, so… sorry in advance.”
There was a smug evil to Raja’s voice, and Manila couldn’t help but feel smug as well. She imagined what exactly she could do to make Raja get loud…
“I was planning to go to the library anyway, bitch, I’ll send the bat signal to Carmen.”
Manila smirked at Delta’s sarcasm.
“Love you too!” sang Raja in response, and then Manila heard Raja’s footsteps on the stairs again. Her heart beat faster in anticipation. She should probably tell Raja about her stupid feelings. Raja had confessed her own, and while it was all still a bit vague, things were changing between them. Hopefully for the better.
Raja reentered the room, and flopped down on the bed next to Manila. Manila sat up and watched as Raja put a few weed buds into her little grinder and ground them up. Then she balanced a rolling paper in her palm, and carefully tipped the weed into it. Raja’s tongue darted out and wet the paper before rolling it into a cylinder, and something stirred in Manila’s core while she watched. Raja still wasn’t wearing a shirt, and Manila couldn’t help her eyes lingering. Of course this too was easy for Raja, she didn’t seem self-conscious about her body at all. Manila was always a bit in awe of Raja’s effortless confidence.
The joint was ready before Manila knew it, because when it came to weed Raja was nothing if not efficient. The sun outside broke through the clouds and streamed in through the thin curtains on Raja’s window, hitting the side of her face, and she was so beautiful that Manila’s breath hitched with disbelief. Raja brought the fresh joint to her mouth, grabbed a lighter from her bedside table and lit up, breathing in deeply with a contented sigh.
Raja passed Manila the joint with a suggestive smile, and Manila took it, putting the filter between her lips and drawing in a deep breath, the gentle smoke seeping deep into her lungs.
“I-” said Manila, passing back the joint and coughing, “I should probably tell you something.”
“Mmm, what?” replied Raja, taking another hit and leaning in, nuzzling Manila’s neck.
“Uh,” continued Manila, now very distracted by the feeling of Raja’s luxurious lips on her warm skin, the slightly smoky air and the joint that was now in her hands again. Did she even want to tell Raja she’d been idiotically in love with her for like two years? Would it ruin everything?
Manila took another pull and blew the smoke out into the air, while Raja kissed her neck and snuck her hand into her shirt, tracing her waist with delicate fingertips.
“I’ve actually,” whispered Manila, noticing with interest the way Raja had pressed herself into her side, her nipples getting pointy again, “I’ve actually been into you for a while.”
“Really?” purred Raja, without stopping what she was doing. It felt really good. Manila passed her the joint and Raja took it, turning away from her neck only momentarily to inhale the sweet smoke.
“Yeah,” said Manila quietly, desperately wanting to make it all a joke, somehow, worried her confession would completely freak Raja out. But maybe it wouldn’t. “I’ve kind of had a crush on you like since we met.”
Raja pulled back from Manila’s neck. But instead of laughing at her, or looking awkward and pushing her away, Raja’s expression was open and curious.
“No way,” said Raja, cocking her head to the side, “Even that time I got those fireworks from my dealer, and we accidentally lit that tree on fire?”
“Yeah?” replied Manila, confused. “I mean, Delta was the only one with the wherewithal to call 911, but we survived.”
“Even that time I spilled coffee all over your good white shirt?”
“Yes,” said Manila, flatly, recalling the incident. The shirt had never recovered. And the burn had hurt.
“Okay, but what about when I was too high in the grocery store a few weeks ago-“
“All of the times, Raja!” exclaimed Manila impatiently, practically squirming with the discomfort of having confessed her feelings, “Every dumb thing you did, I still liked you. So I, I don’t know, maybe that makes me the stupid one.”
“Nah, you’re like the smartest person I know, other than me,” chuckled Raja affectionately, taking another drag on the joint and exhaling the smoke slowly, so that it drifted up around her face, ethereal, “I’m learning so many cool new things about you today.”
“Well,” sputtered Manila, defensive and insecure, “I don’t know if it’s cool-“
“It totally is,” continued Raja, utterly confident, “Why didn’t you say anything before?”
“Because, you know,” shrugged Manila, taking the offered joint and hoping it would calm her down a little, “You obviously prefer casual hookups or whatever, and I couldn’t really stand being just that to you- I just didn’t want to have to say it was totally fine and chill if you didn’t like me back-” Manila paused with horrendous panic, “I mean, you do feel the same way, right?”
“Yeah, I-” said Raja, her face suddenly shifting into to an expression that normally appeared when she was trying really hard to beat Manila at Super Smash Bros, “Wait, so you thought I’d think you were too intense or something?”
Manila passed her the joint and looked away, already knowing that she was too intense, that her feelings were nothing other than a humiliating mess and always would be. Well, she thought wistfully, it had been nice while it lasted…
“Manila,” sighed Raja, and Manila looked back at her and Raja was smiling, and blowing smoke into her face, “I can’t predict like the entire future, you know with the Mars colonies and stuff, but I really like you. Maybe you like me a little more than I realized, but that’s good because I thought you weren’t into me at all. So like, it’s cool. Let’s just see where it goes?”
Manila nodded, as her heart beat faster and she felt herself blush. She supposed she’d just have to trust Raja, and herself.
“But you really fucked up with Raven when you two were dating,” stated Manila, unable to stop her doubts from surfacing.
“Well… ” said Raja, hesitating, and then she sighed, “Yeah, I did. The whole relationship thing was her idea and I went along with it because, well, I wanted things to be easy… but I should’ve found a better way to end it.” Raja paused, and took Manila’s hand, weaving their fingers together and squeezing, “I feel super differently about you, and about this. We’re friends first, right, before anything else.”
“Okay, yeah,” murmured Manila, plucking the joint, which wasn’t much more than a tiny roach, from Raja’s fingers and inhaling deeply, burning it right down to the filter. It seemed like Raja was genuinely on the path to some kind of self-awareness.
Manila reached around Raja to stub the end of the joint out in the decorative glass ashtray, and then let the smoke out through her nose with a giggle. Raja laughed along, and Manila finally began to feel the relaxed buzz under her skin. Getting high was nice, no wonder Raja did it all the time… Manila leaned in and kissed her again. Raja kissed her back, her hands going immediately to her waist again, pushing up under her shirt to touch her skin. Manila stroked Raja’s hair, and delicately held the back of her neck. Raja was already topless, but Manila was getting very interested in taking Raja’s shorts off as well…
They just had to trust one another, figured Manila, and maybe everything would be turn out alright.
Raja was happy and relaxed now that she’d had some weed and they were making out again. Manila had seemed stressed when she’d admitted her years-long crush, and while Raja was certainly a little surprised, more than anything she was pleased that her instincts had been right. It was making the strange new feeling in her chest glow a little brighter. But maybe that was just the weed.
“I want to take your shirt off,” murmured Raja. She’d seen Manila out running in her sports bra enough times to be real curious about what was underneath…
“Yeah, go ahead,” said Manila, moving her hand from the back of Raja’s neck down to her chest, running her thumb over her nipple in a way that sent a jolt of interest directly between Raja’s legs. She tugged Manila’s shirt up, and Manila lifted her arms and was momentarily caught with her shirt under her chin and around her elbows and Raja laughed at her and eventually they got it off.
Damn. Manila looked good, cute and toned and was wearing a suspiciously nice bra…
“You knew this was going to happen today, didn’t you?” said Raja.
“I might have suspected something,” said Manila with a smirk, sitting back on her butt as she easily tugged her sweatpants off of her legs.
“You’re so sneaky.”
“It’s my tragic flaw.”
Now that Manila was just in her underwear, the animal part of Raja’s brain kicked in. In an instant, Raja wanted to kiss Manila’s entire body, fuck her thoroughly, cuddle all night, move in and have a baby together, raise a bunch of feral kids and dogs, run a full-scale weed grow-op out in the country somewhere and just chill in the glorious California sunset until the end of time. Hmm. Raja decided that odd little fantasy was definitely just the weed talking, and took off her shorts and throwing them over the side of the bed, revealing her plain blue cotton underwear.
Now, that they were both pleasantly stoned and significantly more naked, things were starting to get interesting. Raja scooted closer to Manila, and ran her hands up her legs, letting out a weird gremlin-like giggle.
“You so don’t get to accuse me of being the horny one anymore,” chuckled Manila, taking Raja’s face in her hands and kissing her.
Raja sat back and pulled Manila into her lap, taking her time to kiss her. They explored one another, gentle and stoned. Raja stroked her way up Manila’s smooth back, her fingertips extra sensitive, and felt the band of her bra, reaching to undo it.
“Wait, don’t,” said Manila, and Raja’s hands stilled. Was something wrong? But Manila hadn’t pulled back, in fact she was pressing little kisses on Raja’s face, and kissed the shell of her ear in a way that sent a shiver throughout Raja’s entire body.
Raja dropped her hands to Manila’s hips and had a brilliant idea.
“Turn around,” suggested Raja into Manila’s ear.
“Mm, why?” replied Manila, shifting to kiss Raja’s neck.
“Because it’ll be fun…"
Manila laughed at her reasoning, and turned around so that she was sitting in Raja’s lap with her back to her. Raja immediately hugged Manila close, pressing her naked chest into her back and taking the opportunity to nip at her neck, eliciting a little yelp.
Raja ran her hand up Manila’s stomach touch her chest through her bra. Manila ’s breath hitched in response, and Raja took that as a positive sign, and reached up to ease her bra-straps off her shoulders.
“I don’t want to take my bra off,” stated Manila and Raja stopped again, trying to hide her disappointment.
“Do you not like being touched there?” asked Raja, momentarily nervous that she’d overstepped an invisible boundary, as Manila twisted in her lap to make eye contact.
“No, I like it, but,” said Manila, and hesitated.
“But?” asked Raja, in what she hoped was a gentle way, planting a little kiss on Manila’s shoulder.
“I just don’t like people looking at my tits.”
“Why not?”
Manila hunched a little, looking uncomfortable, and said, “Uh, this girl in middle school used to tell me they were a weird shape and I’ve kind of never gotten over it.”
Raja glanced down at Manila’s chest. Her breasts were contained in what was a truly nice bra and Raja found nothing weird about her body whatsoever.
“Well, fuck that bitch, she can die,” said Raja, in full seriousness.
Manila burst into laughter, “What, you’re gonna murder some girl from my seventh-grade gym class?”
“Yeah, what’s her name?”
“She sounds basic, I’ll shove her into traffic.”
“That’s very sexy of you but I’m still not taking my bra off,” chuckled Manila, blinking slowly. Her eyes were a little bloodshot, but her body was relaxed with trust again, leaning back into Raja. Raja wrapped one arm around her waist and squeezed her close. As badly as Raja wanted Manila to be fully naked, she respected her wishes.
“I went to alternative school on what was basically a gay hippie commune,” murmured Raja, gently kissing the spot behind Manila’s ear, and tracing her fingers down her stomach, “There wasn’t really bullying. We all made flower crowns, ate quinoa, studied beekeeping and Buddhist philosophy, it ruled.”
“No wonder you’re so weird…” sighed Manila, with a little gasp as Raja ghosted her fingers over the sensitive skin just above the edge of her black underwear.
“Yeah, but you like me anyway,” purred Raja, now running her fingers over the distinctly damp fabric between Manila’s legs and then kissing her neck again. Manila shuddered and let out a whine, the sudden note in her voice that reminded Raja of how easily turned on she was. “And so do most bees.”
Raja shifted a little so Manila was more comfortable in her lap, and Manila spread her legs and Raja stroked the inside of her thigh, moving slowly closer to her centre. Manila didn’t seem to know what to do with her hands, and after a moment of confusion she rested them on Raja’s arm across her waist.
“You’re like really hot, you have nothing to be insecure about,” murmured Raja in her ear, resting her head on Manila’s shoulder and wondering how she felt about praise and dirty talk.
Manila whined and arched a bit, trying to press into Raja’s hand. Then she turned her head, catching Raja’s mouth with her own in a sudden, intense kiss. Raja kissed her in return, and Manila reached back, tracing the back of Raja’s head and stroking her hair with a loose, exploratory hand.
“You’re definitely the hot one,” chuckled Manila, “But I really need you to start touching me, like right now.”
“Ask nicely,” purred Raja.
“Hmm…” hummed Manila, drawing it out, and then, her voice breathy and demanding, whispered, “Please?”
Raja’s own breath caught hearing her beg, and she immediately slipped her fingers past the waistband of Manila’s underwear, finding her clit in no time and stroking her with slow circles. Knowing how very sensitive Manila was, Raja went about her task with utmost delicacy.
Manila’s hand grasped into a fist in Raja’s hair on the back of her head and she arched her back and moaned aloud. It seemed she was lot more expressive after the weed and the conversation about their feelings. It sent electricity directly into Raja’s core, and she squeezed Manila to her with her opposite arm around her waist. Raja couldn’t help but increase her pace, Manila’s reactions were so exciting.
Raja slipped her fingers down lower, stroking experimentally over Manila’s folds to feel her utterly soaking wet pussy. Yes.
“Do you like this?” asked Raja.
“Yeah,” breathed Manila, tilting her head back to rest on her shoulder.
Raja slipped her fingers inside of her once more and Manila tried to rock her hips for more friction but Raja held her in place and began to move her fingers, agonizingly gentle, teasing and testing for the right spot that would make Manila lose her mind.
Raja found it, and Manila bit back a broken moan, her body jerking forward a little as she grasped Raja’s arm around her waist, her fingers digging in. Raja kept going, rubbing against Manila’s clit with the base of her thumb and pressing her fingers inside her, hitting the spot that made her react, again.
Manila panted and gasped, arching her back, and Raja kissed her shoulder. There was a sheen of sweat on her cleavage from the warm, sunlit room that Raja really wanted to lick, but she wasn’t in the right position to do so. Oh well. This was also very good, Manila’s wetness was dripping all over her hand as she gasped and rutted down with her hips.
“I’m- I’m getting close,” gasped Manila, digging her nails into Raja’s arm.
Raja then decided to something utterly evil.
Raja stopped, and slid her fingers out of Manila entirely.
“Wha-” panted Manila with desperate frustration as was she left on the cruellest edge, “Why are you-”
“Lie down on your back,” said Raja, letting go of her Manila’s waist, a plan forming in her mind.
“You are the worst-” complained Manila, and she shakily got out of Raja’s lap and crawled forward, giving Raja an excellent view.
“Have I ever told you that you have a fantastic ass?” commented Raja, shifting up onto stiff knees and cracking her neck in anticipation of the task ahead of her.
Manila glanced over her shoulder with a pouty, false-innocent look that set something inside of Raja on fire, and then she flopped down on her back, propping herself up on her elbows.
Manila looked so beautiful laid out like that that Raja paused for a moment just to admire her, the sheen of sweat on her chest, her messy hair, her blown-out pupils and the look of intense arousal on her face.
“Are we going to be here all day?” challenged Manila, pouting.
“Wow, someone’s a little brat,” teased Raja, leaning down and kissing Manila’s stomach.
Raja quickly hooked her fingers in Manila’s underwear and pulled them down her thighs as Manila lifted her hips to help. Then Raja lay down on her stomach between Manila’s legs and ran a finger over her wet, sensitive pussy, amazed by how turned on she still was. Raja couldn’t help but be flattered by the physical effect she had on Manila.
“When it’s my turn I’m going to make you suffer,” said Manila, but her threat was very much undermined by the broken moan that left her as she arched her back and bit her lip as Raja stroked her again.
“Ooh, I can’t wait,” smirked Raja, heady and pleased.
Raja ghosted gentle kisses around her thighs and her lower belly, and then laughed as Manila practically growled at her. But she wouldn’t make Manila wait much longer, Raja ran her tongue experimentally over her folds, the taste and sensation firing constellation-like synapses in Raja’s mind. Manila let out another whimper as Raja swirled her tongue around her clit.
Mmm, pussy.
Raja went to town, spreading Manila’s legs a little wider and adjusting the angle of her neck to stay comfortable. She built it up, keeping the rhythm on her clit with her tongue as she pressed her fingers up into the lovely wetness once more.
“This feels so good,” sighed Manila, and Raja flicked her eyes up at her expression. Manila’s cheeks had flushed pink, and she reached her hand inside her bra to play with her nipple, her eyelids fluttering momentarily with pleasure. She looked absolutely excellent, far more relaxed than Raja had ever seen her before.
Raja continued, building up her rhythm as Manila began to gasp and moan and roll her hips against Raja’s face. It felt so good to please her friend like this, the ache of Raja’s own desire still warm and insistent between her legs.
Raja hooked her fingers, finding her g-spot once again, and flicking her tongue over Manila’s clit, hard and rapid while Manila clenched her thighs and arched her back even more and moaned, pressing herself up against Raja’s face until Raja had to hold her firmly against the bed with her opposite hand. Raja steadily increased the rhythm on her clit, and Manila got louder and louder, cursing over and over, and moaning Raja’s name until Raja felt her movements get erratic, and her internal muscles clenched and-
Sudden liquid dripped out onto Raja’s hand, as Raja brought Manila through an orgasm so good it could move tectonic plates. Manila moaned pathetically, her breath heavy, clutching desperately at the sheets as she let Raja take care of her.
Someone banged on the door.
“Oh my god, Raja, this is excessive even for you-”
“Go away Carmen!”
“Sorry, Carmen,” called Manila in an unsteady, breathy whimper of a voice.
“Wait, you’ve got Manila in there? Congratulations, bitches!”
Raja laughed, and sat up, wiping her face clean on her loose shirt before flopping down next to Manila and curling in to her side. Manila propped herself up on one elbow and swallowed dryly, shaking her head, her eyes glazed over in amazed disbelief. She looked like she’d been thoroughly fucked, thought Raja with keen affection, along with immense satisfaction on her own part.
“Ugh, that was really nice, that was so good,” repeated Manila, rolling onto her side to face Raja, and Raja practically glowed with the praise, “But how do Delta and Carmen both already know about this?”
“I’m not great with secrets,” shrugged Raja, nuzzling Manila’s neck and cuddling up against her.
Manila didn’t respond, instead she cuddled back into Raja with a happy little sigh, shutting her eyes. There was nothing in Raja’s gently stoned brain but post-sex satisfaction. After a few minutes Raja sat up, tracing her finger down Manila’s body from her shoulder to her chest, then down the dip of her waist and up and rise of her hip.
“You’re a bit of a pillow princess,” teased Raja, with a smirk, “I’m not sure what I expected, but you’re such a bratty little bottom-”
“No I’m not!” protested Manila in offence, sitting up.
“Yeah, you are,” taunted Raja, with a what-can-you-do shrug.
“Bitch, I’m about to destroy you,” said Manila, stretching her arms over her head and cracking the knuckles in fingers intimidatingly. She gave Raja an evil smile that was only slightly off-set by her blissed-out expression.
Raja gulped, now regretting her choice to tease her friend. She knew Manila was competitive, but what beast had she awakened?
“Now show me where you keep your vibrators and get on your back,” ordered Manila, with a deliciously authoritative grin.
Raja’s heart leapt and the warmth between her legs, which had much been waiting for this moment all day, flared back to violent, excited life. She told Manila where the sex toys were and rolled onto her her back, pulling off her underwear and tossing them aside, so glad to be fully naked. Raja couldn’t wait to see what Manila could do.
Manila selected a small purple vibrator from Raja’s extensive collection in the plastic bin under her bed, and sat back up. Raja lay out before her, stretching like a happy cat, a pleased expression on her face under her half-lidded, bloodshot eyes. Her body was beautiful, long and lithe with subtle curves. Manila couldn’t help but feel honoured that Raja was showing herself to her like this. A few days ago she’d have never thought this would happen in like, real life, outside of her fantasies.
The earth-shattering orgasm from a few minutes ago had been, uh. Phew. Manila’s body responded strongly to Raja’s presence, and she felt tired and a little faded. But the opportunity to please Raja in return was one Manila couldn’t pass up.
Plus, she kind of liked the whole bossy thing that Raja was bringing out in her.
Manila crawled on top of Raja and gently kissed her neck, holding herself barely an inch above her so that their bodies weren’t quite touching. All those abdominal workouts at the gym were proving handy. Raja’s neck tasted amazing, and she made a sound that was somewhere between a moan and a purr that Manila really really liked. Raja caressed her waist, and arched her back, pressing herself up into Manila, their skin practically tingling where it met.
“You’re so beautiful,” sighed Raja. “I’m like so lucky,”
Manila smiled to herself and then sucked down hard on the corner of Raja’s neck where it met her shoulder. Raja let out an undignified squeak and Manila bit her just a little, knowing she’d have a reddish purple hickie bloom on Raja’s light brown skin later, and Raja moaned and arched into her further, wrapping her arms around Manila’s back and holding her close.
Manila tried to make some more space between their bodies, but Raja wasn’t really letting her. But Manila managed to sneak her hand between their bodies, flicking on the vibrator, and slid it between Raja’s legs, which she spread eagerly for her with a happy sigh. Raja was incredibly uninhibited, and that only encouraged Manila, making her bolder. It was so freeing to be intimate with someone like this and not worry about judgement. Or maybe that was just the weed talking.
But Raja was moving against her, rubbing herself up against the vibrator pressed between them, tangling her hand in Manila’s hair as she kissed her neck. Manila couldn’t help but fantasize about what else they might do as she held the buzzing device against Raja, drawing her pleasure out, from lazily fucking all afternoon to maybe a few more hardcore things… hopefully involving strap-ons, she was fairly sure she’d seen something like that in Raja’s box of sex toys.
Manila shifted the vibrator to a slightly different angle and Raja whimpered into her ear. Manila moved it gently against her, and reached between them again with her opposite hand to toy with her nipple.
Raja seemed to really enjoy that, because she arched her back and moaned something incoherent, rutting against the vibrator. Manila shifted down so she could lick and suck on Raja’s opposite nipple, pinching the other one as Raja let out an exhilarated yelp, and clutched Manila close, pressing her fingers into her back and rolling her hips. Raja’s body lithe arched and her breath was heavy, and then she slowed her hips, with a final little twitch.
“Did that feel good?” asked Manila, as she stood back up on her hands and knees and clicked the vibrator off, tossing it aside. She couldn’t help but ask, she wanted the approval.
“Mmm, yes,” replied Raja, sitting up and kissing her lazily. “But I’m not done, I want more of you…”
Manila smiled, almost blushing at Raja’s raw, simple statement of desire. But then Manila had an idea, and she turned on her back, lying next to Raja, who cuddled into her instinctively. It was so cute that Raja was physically affectionate, both platonic and romantic in equal measure, just like the way she’d been with her since they’d started being friends, but now with a different energy.
“Get up and sit on my face,” ordered Manila.
Raja blinked at her, and then grinned and got up with a slight grunt, straddling Manila’s chest with her long, beautiful legs bent at the knee.
“Have you ever done this before?” asked Raja, looking down at her, her long dark hair framing her face.
Manila narrowed her eyes, trying to keep her gaze on Raja’s face and not just stare at her pussy, which was really very much in her line of vision. Instead she ran her hands up Raja’s thighs and gripped her hips, pulling her closer.
“A lady never tells.”
“Oh, so you’re a lady now?” chuckled Raja, brushing Manila’s hair back so that she didn’t kneel on it as she shuffled forward, holding herself just above Manila.
“I’ve done it a couple times, it’s not that hard, come on,” whined Manila, vaguely realizing that her vow to tease Raja and make her suffer wasn’t going very well at this rate. Somehow she’d ended up being the one begging, again. In the future, when Manila had gotten used to this and was a little more, uh, composed around Raja, Raja would be the one begging. Definitely. For sure.
But Manila had a lot more important things to focus on, as Raja carefully lowered herself onto her face and Manila tilted her head back slightly, and held Raja’s hips. For once Manila didn’t doubt herself, they were figuring all of this out after all, emotionally and physically, and had plenty of time to do so.
If Raja was the kind of person who felt embarrassment about sexual situations, she might’ve felt a little embarrassed sitting on Manila’s face right now, or even embarrassed by how badly Manila seemed to want her. Luckily, Raja didn’t really feel embarrassed about sex, especially when she had a little weed in her. So, she very carefully held herself in place, sitting down but not putting the entirety of her weight on Manila’s face. She really didn’t want to break her friend’s neck, and/or accidentally suffocate her, that would not be a fun way to end the afternoon.
Manila lapped gently at her folds, quickly locating her clit and swirling her soft, velvety tongue around it. Raja exhaled through her nose, pleasure mixing with the hazy sensation in her mind, her aroused body quickly shifting back into gear. Mmm, Manila was so soft…
Okay, maybe she was a little more than soft, because she holding Raja’s hips very decisively, and encouraging her to rock against her. While Raja definitely didn’t want to hurt her or put on too much pressure the temptation to move was really strong. So Raja did, just a little.
Vaguely aware that she her own bodily juices were dripping all over Manila’s face and chin, Raja leaned forward slightly try to get a grip on the wall, her palms flat out.
“Is this- are you okay?” asked Raja, the shake in her voice giving her away as a a ripple of pleasure went through her body.
Manila nodded, confidently wrapping her arm around Raja’s thigh and pressing her in even closer.
“Mmh-” managed Raja, grinding slowly against Manila’s nose and mouth as Manila flicked her tongue against the delicate, tender skin around the entrance of her pussy, before pushing her tongue up inside her.
The wall wasn’t giving Raja much support, her sweaty palms were slipping and she didn’t know what to do with her hands. But this felt so good, the precarious feeling like she was unravelling. Manila’s lidded gaze flicked up to meet hers, and Raja was sure her face must have been ridiculous, her mouth open, panting and desperate with pleasure. Manila’s gaze was mischievous. Damn it.
A moan escaped Raja, and she wondered if it was the weed that was making her hyperaware of her hands right now, as Manila slipped her tongue in and out of her, building her up, and Raja ground herself on Manila’s face, hoping she wasn’t hurting her, babbling, “This feels so good, I- oh my god, fuck, Manila-“
This only seemed to invigorate Manila further, as she sucked on her clit in a way that made Raja’s eyes roll back in her head, as she felt the slick of sweat on her back. Raja slumped forward, and her hands managed to find the low board running across the head of her bed, which she’d forgotten about until this moment. Raja gripped it with one hand to make sure she wasn’t putting all her weight on Manila, and looked down again.
Manila’s beautiful hair was all shoved up behind her head to keep it safe from Raja’s knees. Raja tangled her hand in the beautiful black curls, the texture practically alive under her extra-sensitive fingertips. Manila somehow managed to nod that that was okay, and it electrified Raja even further and the entire world could have been burning and Raja wouldn’t have noticed, gasping as the pleasure wound higher and higher and her entire body tensed and unravelled.
After a several long moments of white-hot pleasure and astral-projection into outer space, Raja blinked and shuffled off of Manila, shivering from the aftershocks. Manila blinked, and turned her head to the side, cracking her neck. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, attempting to clean up the combination of Raja’s slick juices and her own saliva that was all over half of her face.
“Is your neck okay?” said Raja, her voice weak as she slid down next to Manila to cuddle. “Also, you might need a towel.”
“Yeah, my neck is fine,” replied Manila smugly. “Did I destroy you?”
“Yeah, you really did,” sighed Raja, pressing her face into Manila’s neck and breathing in, “I knew this was going to be awesome.”
Manila laughed quietly and kissed her cheek.
“I think we should have a nap,” whispered Raja, hazy relaxation taking over her limbs, “Then a snack, and some more weed, and then we can make out again later. Do you want to stay?”
“I have that research assignment I should be working on…” replied Manila, but she didn’t make any effort to get up, instead she reached over to the other side of the bed and grabbed the end of Raja’s blanket, pulling it around them both and snuggling in, “…but a nap sounds nice too.”
Raja couldn’t help but smile, slipping her arm around Manila’s waist and holding her close as she relaxed into a a gentle doze.
They’d finally stopped joking and dancing around each other, and it felt really, really good.
“I’m like so happy you rescued me from the grocery store that time a few weeks ago,” sighed Raja, reflecting on how it had all began, and passing her joint to Manila, who was tangled up in her lap on the living room couch.
After the excellent sex-filled afternoon a week ago, and several more conversations about feelings and boundaries, Raja and Manila had arrived at an arrangement of casual dating. They’d both just handed in major assignments and as such, were taking a break from the endless deluge of schoolwork to chill out. The relationship so far was great, relaxed and low-pressure enough for Raja to feel comfortable, but intentional and committed enough to suit Manila’s needs. Raja hadn’t felt this way about anybody else before, and was still working out what it meant, if anything. But more importantly, they were being honest with each other, and that was very sexy, and things felt really fucking good.
“Ha,” chuckled Manila, inhaling and blowing smoke back into Raja’s face, “Anytime, Raja. You’re a ridiculous human.”
“No, you are,” said Raja affectionately, kissing her ear and then moving a little lower to gently nuzzle her neck.
“They’re disgusting,” stated Delta from their left side, with a smile at the edge of her mouth as she played Super Smash Bros with Carmen, “I knew this would happen.”
“Yeah Raja, you’re so embarrassing,” laughed Carmen from their right side, leaning forward with the controller, and competing with Delta on the screen. Manila laughed along with her, and poked Raja’s side, teasing her.
“Aren’t you gonna fight her for my honour or something?” whined Raja to Manila in complaint.
“Nope,” chuckled Manila, kissing her cheek.
“You’re right, they’re terrible,” complained Carmen to Delta, but she accepted the joint that Manila passed to her anyway, with a smile.
Something interesting stirred in Raja’s stomach at Manila’s casual threat and she cuddled her a little closer, already excited to head up to her room later.
“We should make some ground rules,” stated Delta, jabbing at the controller, “No sex on the couch, for example.”
“Yeah, we already broke that one,” said Raja, with an evil grin.
“Oh my god, the couch is communal!”
“Wait, this couch?” demanded Carmen, mildly disgusted, glancing down at the cushions she was sitting on.
“Do we have another one?”
“Okay, let go of me,” said Manila, gently removing Raja’s hand from around her waist and leaning forward, reaching for a controller. “I’m gonna join the melee.”
Delta and Carmen finished up their round as Manila got set up, and Raja reached past Carmen’s back to the side of the couch for some chips. Mmm, salt. Raja didn’t particularly feel like playing video games today, she just wanted to keep smoking and relax, but she didn’t mind if her friends did so around her. She shuffled so that she was sitting with her legs open with Manila between them, leaning forward. Manila’s body language was focused, and her thumbs moved rapidly over the joystick and the letter buttons, her grip was confident on the plastic controller.
Without needing to ask, Raja gently took Manila’s hair out of it’s ponytail, and carded her hands through it. Manila gossiped back and forth with Carmen and Delta, letting Raja gently weave little braids into her hair while they fought and trounced one another on the screen.
An easy, affectionate feeling came over Raja, one that was both familiar and new, glowing in her chest. Raja wondered vaguely if it was just the weed talking, again.
No, Raja realized as she heard Manila laugh and smiled to herself, this feeling had nothing to do with weed.
It was love.
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