#ted asks
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jrueships · 5 months ago
flabbergasted gg...the ass slap
That MF did WHAT to NY SON.
Oh my GOD.
Hang ON.
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jordangrandprix · 1 year ago
i will be eagerly awaiting chocolate cake ted <3
i've literally been in a daze since it happened, like...🎂🎂🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️⁉⁉ whatever i manage to put together will not possibly do justice to how strongly i feel about the man and the sheer insanity of what unfolded before my eyes at 3am or so but that's the beautiful struggle of art
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vvanillavveins · 4 months ago
Is she Lucy Westenra, or is she just a vessel for the writer's barely disguised fantasy of a women being punished for her promiscuity? Is she really"Bram Stoker's" Lucy Westenra: a naive, innocent 19 year old, with a cheery personality and a bright future ahead of her? Or has the writer instead just slapped her name on an OC that behaves nothing like her, and- with none of the grace or decorum that Lucy's tragically short story deserves- sexualized her slow and agonising death as much as possible, whilst very unsubtly doing their best to blame her for being murdered, so that we won't object to her being killed again later in an even more gruesome and sexual manner?
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cowardlykrow · 1 year ago
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Stop light shenanigans
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boredth · 7 months ago
the way you drew ted is so cute he’s just a little guy back there
Little guy in his little outfit
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reinbouxsworld · 1 year ago
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first encounters
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gilverrwrites · 3 months ago
Which one of the DC superhero men would be embarrassed that they came into their pants in a public setting? 👀
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Okay, so, instinctively I want to say it would be the men that are already prone to feeling a bit self-conscious: Clark Kent, Jason Todd, Barry Allen, Ted Kord
And then there’s the characters who would be mortified, if only because they’d previously considered themselves to have better control over themselves (whether they’re correct or not): Dick Grayson, Hal Jordan, Vic Stone
[Sidenote] Characters that would obviously try to cover themselves up for decency purposes, but wouldn’t be ashamed, so much as eager for payback: Wally West, Arthur Curry, Michael Carter, Tim Drake
And characters that would have no shame at all: John Constantine, Roy Harper, Conner Kent
But if I may throw a wildcard your way as my final answer, celebrity characters, who not only have to deal with the fact that you’ve made a mess of them, but have to hide if from the media swarm that could descend upon them at any moment: Bruce Wayne, Oliver Queen
I can just see their tense shoulders, hunched frames, trying to wave of the paps while strategically covering the stain in their slacks. The way they’re glaring at you any chance they get, so much so that there’s speculation of a break-up or feud on all the gossip sights the next day. The way they mutter in your ear, voices low and tight but not as tight as their grip on your waist as they try to use you as a shield, threatening all the things they’re gonna do to as soon as they get you home.
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stealingpotatoes · 4 months ago
In ur Rebel Padme AU, since Thrawn has canonically met and interacted with Padme and Anakin, who is he backing in the divorce 😂? Would he still be in the Empire or would Padme get him to join her?
thrawn’s a smart guy and he knows that when skywalker drama occurs, one does well to back neither side
Karyn Faro: Sir, intel says General Amidala’s in command of this rebel base Thrawn: Oh no. We need to retreat. Karyn Faro: A retreat?? But the reports say we could easily take this base and Amidala's just some former politician Thrawn, thinking of the 7ft tall space wizard with a propensity for choking officers, currently in the middle of the galaxy’s most insane divorce: It’s not Amidala I’m worried about
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shushmal · 6 months ago
Steve who’s actually a really bad liar, but he gets away with stuff because no one really looks at him too closely. Like, everyone pretty much takes him at face value because they don’t expect more.
And Steve’s painfully aware of this, but it keeps working, so he just goes with it. Kind of stings, especially when he spent an entire night suffering a migraine and everyone believes him when he says he’s hungover. But whatever.
He’s an attention seeking kind of guy, but only for the right kind of attention.
Which is why Robin is also his best friend but also his worst enemy.
She apparently took his instant acceptance of her queerness as “Actually, there must be a lot more to Steve Harrington than the world could ever comprehend.” And thus made it her mission to surgically pull him apart just to see how he worked.
No one ever has or probably ever will understand him so throughly. It’s like she can read his mind, which would suck, except Robin happily let him know her just as well. It’s great in a lot ways, especially for Steve who has craved this kind of closeness for as long as he can remember.
Except when it’s NOT. Except when her face pinches with worry, or her eyes go sad, or she reaches out to take his hand, squeezes his fingers, anchors him to the ground. He hates to make her worry, to make her sad. Robin should be happy all the time, best of all when he’s the one making her laugh.
Anyways, Steve coming to terms with an emotionally intimate relationship where he can’t hide his ugly pieces behind air-headed comments and passive smiles and acting silly for a laugh.
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tinartss · 7 months ago
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the dan and phil of tevyat‼️
request for the haikavetham gotcha for gaza! thank you anon for your donation and also for enabling my brainrot. we are on the same wavelength 
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zuzu-draws · 1 year ago
can we see all the doodles you've made on your screen tablet (??) so far? Please?
I was determined to use the drawing tablet to finally draw something, so i doodled this last night:-
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hahaha.. I can't help but think that their fight is a liiiittle bit similar to that one concept in Naruto where Naruto and Sasuke attempt to understand eachother's feelings through their fists, hence Gojo was able to recognize Sukuna's loneliness and inability to understand love, and tried his best to convey his own emotions to Sukuna through the fight.
But on a more comedic note, Gojo has a thing for people who are able to kill him, and Sukuna's out here irritated, annoyed, and quite frankly, a little confused with the recent trend of people's obsession with trynna teach him about love. (Maybe he has made a mistake incarnating into this timeline????)
FFS the man is currently trapped within Yuta's ""True Mutual Love ❤"" Domain atm, its February and i think the next chapter's physical copy is releasing on Valentine's Day, whats with all of this symbolism!!!?!!
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jrueships · 6 months ago
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the way he tried so hard to make this a 'hashtag Slay u say it feminist sauce! hashtag the only man i trust in my hashtag pussay ' moment by pointing out another man as weird but forgot the very important, very obvious fact that he is also an extremly weird man
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jordangrandprix · 1 year ago
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may i offer a badly edited meme
aaaahhh thank you!!! the eternal mood 🙏📓
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dipperscavern · 7 months ago
Cregan's a thigh man an ass man a stomach mean-I just think a lady ain't allowed to be insecure around Cregan Stark in general, he has a sixth sense and can tell when his lady wife isn't happy with her body and he suddenly appears and is like "you're gorgeous don't even think that-"
this exactly sums up my thoughts about cregan in a nutshell. he’s not just utterly in love, he’s in love with every aspect of you. walk with me here
the sixth sense comment is so canon it almost hurts. you could just be having one of those days, not feeling confident in yourself or your body. you plan on just letting the feeling pass, but cregans so in tune with you, he can always immediately tell when somethings off.
he’s in tune with his men in the same regard. as a leader, you have to be. if you can’t recognize their strengths & weaknesses, or when they could be a liability, you can’t hope to rule. such is plain and simple.
and that only concerns his men. you’re his wife, his other half — whom he swore to & cloaked under his protection in front of the old gods. who would he know inside & out if not you?
he knows the bounce in your legs, and how it means you’re more unsettled than usual. he registers the longer, looser fitting gown you’ve chosen today. he can spot the minimal effort you exude to hide yourself from other people, feeling insecure about something only the gods would ever know. to cregan, you’ll always be perfect.
with this information, he makes it a point to express his love for you (not that you’ve ever lacked it with cregan). pulling you in for a kiss whenever you pass each other during the day, no matter how many times you’ve already met. his hand caressing your thigh under the table as you sup; one would think you did not notice, but the flush of your cheeks betray you. when you’ve retired to your shared chambers for the night, standing & taking off your jewelry, and cregan approaches you. allowing his hands to find purchase on your waist, pulling you to him. he sighs, before pressing a small kiss to your temple. you melt into him.
it’s not sexual, the way his hands caress the slope of your waist, and he drinks in every part of you as if it’s your wedding night once more. you burn under his touch, the intimacy of this moment not escaping you. you know your husband loves you, but still, you can’t help but wonder why he’s taken to you in such a way tonight. (he’s been taken with you in more ways than you can count since your betrothal. he reveals more parts of himself as the days pass)
“Cregan,” you begin. he hums, letting you know he’s listening. “Are you alright?”
“Aye. I cannot enjoy my wife, and the beauty the gods gift her with?”
you hum. “You jest, my love.”
“Am I regarded as a jesting man?”
some might think he took offense, but you can feel the hint of that smile of his as he presses a kiss to the top of your head. he relishes in the content smile he spots on your own lips.
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boobilby · 14 days ago
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They look gay
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reality-detective · 10 months ago
Was this 👆 Ted Nugent's greatest 30 seconds on TV? 🤔
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