#they tried it with lin chi
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girl4music · 5 months ago
SCRIPT: *Gabrielle kisses a male character*
RENEE: "Nope, rewrite it. Gabrielle is not doing that. Gabrielle wouldn't kiss a male character at this point in the show."
SCRIPT: *Gabrielle kisses a female character*
RENEE: "Look, that's certainly consistent with Gabrielle's character at this point in the show but why would she kiss some random woman she's just met?"
SCRIPT: *Gabrielle kisses Xena*
RENEE: "Oh fantastic! This is absolutely something Gabrielle would do. Finally me and Lucy get to smooch. Bring it on!"
It honestly floors me that the only time Gabrielle had a proper kiss scene past seasons 1&2 it was with Xena because that’s the only one Renee allowed to happen.
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avengerphobic · 3 months ago
when shang-chi was lin lie's age he was hooking up with hot older women and lin lie is iron fist which is something ig but he could be hooking up with hot older women or men. or both. but he's not he's in the torture labyrinth
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thisonehere · 3 months ago
Come Back To Me
A Match Made in Hell Part 4
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A/n: And here it is! Ngl, it's been a long week, I'm just so happy to finally have this out. When it comes to revealing who Y/n' "special friend" is, I've seen a lot of good ideas. I decided to go with the most unexpected one that would burn Bi-Han to see Y/n with.
Tags: @maulsgf @sweetpanda18 @thickemadame @posterbunny @strawbisane @fandom-garbage @sleepyfxce @livingdeadgirly
C/w: Mentions of groping, and stalking, threats of physical violence to reader
It was dark outside now, Bi-Han tried to ignore how late it had gotten. He rubbed drue sleep from his eyes and pulled himself closer to his desk. He tried to keep himself busy by looking over papers before him, all neatly stacked and organized. But Bi-Han would still mess with them, reorganizing them, putting them into different groups. Sometimes he would even reread them. All this to keep his kind off you.
He had frequent meetings with the sorcerers, Quan Chi and Shang Tsung, strategizing their next steps. Bi-Han would still pretend to be loyal to Liu Kang while they continued to work on the shadows. He be a spy for them, telling them Liu Kang's plans so they could prepare for any attack. Then, when the time was right, they all will take him by surprise and destroy him and all his allies. Kuai Liang and Tomas were livid at this news, even to the that they would perhaps do something to stop him. Now that he thought about it actually, he hasn't seen them a lot lately, perhaps they truly are planning to something. If it is true, he isn't worried, he has faith that with the sorcerers, Bi-Han will be able to handle them. It's you that worries him the most.
Bi-Han began to reorganize a stack of papers, he decided he wanted them to each go to another stack. They didn't need to, but he needed something to do. He wasn't usually this obsessive with these trivial things, but it was nice to be distracted. When he finished, Bi-Han sighed and leaned back into his seat. By now it was so late that many of his Lin Kuei had no doubt followed the curfew and turned into their chambers to sleep. Yet he was still up, for so many nights since he went to Lin Kuei to retrieve you, he's been up. He had sent his messenger away to retrieve you weeks ago, the last time he heard from him was that he located you and was on his way back. Hopefully with you.
Since then, Bi-Han has been keeping himself busy to try to keep his mind off of it all. But every moment he got just a second rest his mind, thoughts of you appeared. He hadn't realized just how much he missed until after Tomas's outburst. He didn't want to admit it, but the fool was right, you did love him. And perhaps he did take you for granted, just a little. But none to worry about, You'll
Bi-Han is quickly brought back to reality when he hears a knock on the door. A very timid knock, like the person was scared. But it was enough to cause Bi-Han to quickly sit up right in his, correct his posture, and fold his hands onto the table. "Enter." He barked, putting on his best, stern face. But you look closely enough, you'd see a sie k of hope and anxiety in them. He watched the door as it slowly opened and the Lin Kuei entered. He approached the Grandmaster and made a quick bow. "Well?" If Bi-Han didn't know any better, he could've sworn that he heard the man gulp. "I had successfully managed to find Lady Y/n and make her aware that you ordered her return." Bi-Han stared at him, giving him an eye to the urge to continue. He could see that the Lin Kuei was obviously nervous, this made something in Bi-Han nervous himself. "Lady Y/n heard you request...and she refused to come back."
The Lin Kuei tries to retain his composure as he waits for the Grandmaster to say something. The way the Grandmaster looked at him, it scared him to death. He had a murderous look in his eyes, what makes it more terrifying is the silence. He could feel his heart beat against his ribcage so hard that he swore it was going to burst out. "Grandmaster?" He asks after the Grandmaster says nothing.
"Y/n, I need you to bus table 86 and table 56 need extra silverware." Madame Bo said, she had just come back from showing a party of 3 to their table. "I'm on it." You say as you sling your wrag over your shoulder and pick up the bin of used dishware. It was rush hour and that meant a very busy day at the Tea House, it was a full house and you were working hard. Madame Bo insisted that you take a lunch break, but you insisted on continuing to work. You didn't work past 3 so you wanted to get as much work done as possible before clocking out.
You weren't used to working this much back at the Artika. You helped in the kitchen many times, especially with the cooking, but for the most part you had a very cushy life. But you weren't opposed to trying to work. It was very hard though, when you first started working with Madame Bo you shattered quite a few of her plates when you fell down a flight of stairs after you tripped over your own foot.
For quite some time you were terrified of the stairs.
Madame Bo makes her way to the door as you rush past her to the kitchen to drop off the dishes to be washed and grab more silverware. You eye the clock that hangs over the entrance door, 12:30. A knot forms in your stomach as you see this. In a few hours you'll have to clock out. Madame refuses to let you work past 3 and usually you would be fine with that. But not today. Not after what you said to the Lin Kuei. The image of Bi-Han's face when he finds out you won't return. He would no doubt be furious and heartbroken, and just the thought of that made you feel...good inside, quickly making you forget about your fear and worries. But you couldn't deny how unsure you felt about leaving work alone, Kung Lao and Raiden were away and your *ahem* "special friend" wouldn't be visiting you until later tonight. So you would be spending hours alone. You just hoped you wouldn't have to deal with Lin Kuei sent by Bi-Han to collect you.
For the next few hours you were on your feet running throughout the Tea House, Bussing tables, refilling drinks, and adding new silverware. You even had the pleasure of kicking out a party.
"I think you should leave." You say sternly, hands on your hips as you impatiently tap you foot against the ground. looks at you up and down, unimpressed, the rest of the men at the table snickered, as if you said something funny. He and the rest of the table were getting a little too rowdy after a few too many drinks. They were yelling, used the most foul language you've had the misfortune of hearing, harassed many of the staff and verbally abused them, and even got a little too handsy with the waitresses.
Many of the other guests complained about them, and you finally decided to deal with it. "Listen, sweetheart, I don't think you know who you're talking to. We're not going anywhere. So I suggest you, I don't know, be a good girl and get us some more drinks." His friends nodded in agreement with toothy grins. You narrow you eyes as you study all the men at the table. On their arms bore tattoos that signified their allegiance. Except one, he kept himself covered from head to toe, you thought was weird, but you chose not pay him much kind. They're all a part of a gang that was visiting here for a meeting, a group called the Black Dragon. They were very infamous, especially their leader Kano. They were all evil and rugged to look upon.
You remember you husband reporting that he acquired their all that time ago when you were at the Artika. You thought it was beneath him to work with such low-wit, bottom feeding, ruffians, but you never said anything out of love and support. Some of the other staff members were too scared to kick them out, but as someone who lived with a clan of assassins where you were the wife of one of the most deadliest warriors alive, you weren't very impressed by them. "I'm not asking you to go anywhere, I'm asking you to go somewhere: Outside." Your eyes stay firmly on him, he glares at you, his cocky expression grows a slight bit of annoyance. He gets out of his seat and stand over you all menacing. "Listen," he squints his eyes to look at your name tag. " 'Y/n', cute name by the way, me and my boys have big day today. We're going to be meeting with a very special client. So it would suggest you be a good girl and mind your own business... I'd hate to have to swing by your place to teach you some manners."
Feeling that he did enough intimidating, the black dragon calmly sits back down, pleased on his face. With a sigh, you smooth out the wrinkles of your clothes and fix your composure. You smile at him, and he smiles back, you then grab him by the ear and rip him out of the seat. "Alright. I've listened to you, and now you'll listen to me. Be a good boy and leave, or I'll have to get Madame Bo to teach you some manners, believe me, she is an excellent teacher." And with that, you lead him, by ear, to the door. He leaves a trail of multiple "ow's" and "let go's" until you finally make it to the door and throw him to the ground outside. He angrily tries to get to his feet. "B*tch." He spits at you. The other men at the table found their way to the exit where you were. They all shot your dirty looks as they passed you. Except the masked man he walks past you and keeps walks, the others are quick to follow after him. You thought it was strange but you chose not to care.
"Y/n, we need help in the kitchen. Be sure to wash any germs that boy gave you and help us, won't you?"
You chuckle softly as you follow her to the kitchen. "Of course, I'll be sure to wash off all the fleas he gave me."
Things were finally dying down, many of the customers finished their meals and were going back to work if they had not already left. The restaurant had found a new peace with just a little under 70 customers left, something manageable for the rest of the staff. You were in the kitchen finishing a loaf of dishes and placing them to dry. You grab a cloth to dry your hands "And that's another day." You sigh in relief, the long day finally catches up to you and you need to sit down. Stumble over and collapse into a chair in the corner of the room. Washing the dishes had to be the most gruelling part of the day. It felt like a neverending task, bussers repeatedly coming in with new dishes to the point that you thought you'd be here all night.
You lay your head against the wall as you catch your breath and try to find the strength to clock out. You slowly feel yourself doze off. You begin to daydream about your night. Your friend will come over, you both wanted to watch another movie. He said it's a classic, something called Ninja Mime, you really don't care to see. You're just excited to spend time with him, he has grown to be one of your closest friends here. You met him through Raiden and Kung Lao and you didn't care for him at first, but he grew on you. And now you have movie nights whenever he's here. This will be the last he'll be here in a while though, like Raiden and Lao, there's some kind of crisis that means he'll have to go to aid the fire god. Some conflicts with Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. And Bi-Han's working with them, an enemy right underneath their noses.
You ponder the concept of telling everyone just what Bi-Han was doing. He'd possibly be imprisoned and Kuai would inherit the Lin Kuei, much to Sektor's chagrin. Maybe Bi-Han would rot in a cell until he decided to change his ways. And the Demon, Sareena, she would no doubt escape, maybe back to Quan Chi if he hadn't already been captured. This all painted quite a pretty picture in your head. Then you think even harder about Bi-Han in a cell, he would not go without a fight, so there he is covered in bruises. He sits alone in the dark, his face a mixture of rage and misery. Perhaps that's what he deserves...perhaps...you'll be punished too.
You were complicit in all this, you knew what he was doing was wrong yet you did nothing, you looked the other way, not just to keep him happy, but also because you couldn't bring yourself to care. The only reason you left was because of the affair and now you continue to not tell anyone what Bi-Han was doing. Perhaps, you're just as bad as him. Maybe his cheating was the Elder Gods punishing you. Or maybe you're just trying to find a way to blame yourself for what he did to you.
A stiff pain goes through your neck and throughout your whole body. You groan as you rise to your feet and stretch. It's best not to think about it, just think about your friend. Think about Ninja Mime. Just don't think about--
"So this is what my wife has been reduced to,"
...Oh...Oh God no...
"An underling of an Ex-Lin Kuei, rummaging for scraps in a backwater village." Bi-Han stood under the entrance. He leaned against the doorframe, a vicious scowl on his face as he looked you up and down. He watches as you slowly turn to face him, horror painted all over your face. Bi-Han gets off the doorframe, he fixes you with a harsh gaze. The tension in the air is thick as you both just stand there. He had expected some witty retart from you by now, but you just stared at him with dread and disgust. His rage subsided for a moment, he hasn't seen your face for too long. You used to look at him with such love in your eyes, but now you look at him like he's some monster who's about to attack you.
"Y/n..." he started, not quite sure what he'd say. "Bi-Han..." you stare at him in disbelief as you slowly shake your head. "Why the hell are you here?" I came to bring you home is what he wanted to say, "On a business trip. I have a meeting tonight with a very special asset." Bi-Han looks at you as he can tell you are working in your head, suddenly, your eyes widen. "Those Black Dragons... They're here for you!?" Bi-Han merely nodded. Originally, he was supposed to meet with Kano at the Artika, but when you rejected him, he had Shang Tsung teleport him here where he'd now hold the meeting. It was a terrifying moment, the way Bi-Han burst into the Sorcerers lair, a vile rage in his eyes. He had dealt with the Lin Kuei for failing him and now he intended to deal with you. Shang Tsung immediately opened the portal, mainly out of fear.
He had thought you'd recognize him at the table when you kicked him and the Black Dragon out. He had offered to go with them to Madame Bo's, going as far to pay for it all. All just for a chance to see your face. He was mildly impressed with how you handled the man, he was surprised to see you like this. You were so different then when he last saw you. You were in much more simpler clothing than he was used to. He thought about how you used to look, he never really paid attention to how much effort you put into your hair, your clothes, your makeup, everything. All that effort just for him. You were so beautiful, even now, you're more beautiful here. More than beautiful, he saw the face you made as you worked today. Pure joy and content. You seem so happy here, away from him...
"Then go." You say coldly as you turn you back to him. "You're not going to kiss me good luck?" He took a few steps closer to you. "Why don't you ask Sareena to do it?" Bi-Han chuckled a little, there's the fire he was looking for. "She already has, among other things." Though Bi-Han didn't see it, he could sense the rage slowly building inside of you. "I hate you, so much..." You turn to face him, Bi-Han can tell that he opened an old wound and rubbed salt into it. But you can't possibly mean what you said...right? "Y/n, I-" but you don't let him finish. "Get out! Get out now or I'll scream! Madame Bo will hear, she'll come and she'll-"
"I miss you." He interrupts; you fall silent.
It wasn't easy for Bi-Han to say it, but it was the only thing that would calm you down and make you listen. He waits for a moment for you to calm down, you still refuse to face him. "Y/n...I..." There's so many things he wants to say to you, but words were never his strong suit. He knew you wanted him to apologize, get on his knees and beg for forgiveness, and you knew his pride would never let him. "It's time you come home, Y/n, enough of this childish nonsense." he says with low voice as he slowly approaches you. "You don't belong here. You don't belong with them. You are Lin Kuei, we both know you deserve so much better than this." He places a gentle hand onto your shoulder and gives it a gentle squeeze. Silence again. Bi-Han lets out a sigh as he walks away. "I'll be here for three days." He takes a piece of paper from his pocket and sits it on the counter. "This is where I'll be staying. All I ask is that you see me, talk to me, at least once before I go."
Bi-Han looks back at you, wishing that you look at him. Look at least once before he left, even if it was hatred, he didn't care, just as long as he got to see your face. But you refuse to look at him. Bi-Han softens as he looks at you longingly, then his face hardens once again into a scowl as he storms out of the room. Nevertheless, he knows you well enough. When this gets to be too much, you'll run back to him, no matter how unwilling you pretend to be now. And he will be there waiting. You will come back to him... won't you...?
You failed to clock out; You didn't leave the Teahouse; You stayed in the kitchen; You cried.
When you finally found the strength, you left the kitchen to walk home. When? You didn't know, and you didn't care to check. Madame Bo saw you walk past; you looked disturbed, horrified even. She asked what was wrong, and she seemed so scared for you. You mumbled that you were fine, rushing past her before she could say anything else. You didn't stop running, you ran all the way home, not stopping for a second to catch your breath or relax. When you finally made it to the house you collapsed onto the step.
You are reduced to a heaving mass of huffing and panting with your head in your hands, trying to catch your breath. You need to think, you need to lie down actually. Too much has happened today, you didn't want to think about it at all. You reach into your pocket and pull out the piece of paper with an address on it, you study it like it's the Bible. You read it over and over again until it sears its place into your brain. You feel rage forming inside you as you look at it. You rip the paper up and crumple it up before you throw it somewhere, not quite sure where because you didn't look.
You feel like there's something hot inside that just sits there and boils, you didn't want to scream or hit something, you felt so angry and you didn't know what to do with this fury. You hug yourself as you rock back and forth. You didn't want to be angry but you didn't want to calm down either. To accurately describe how you felt, it would be: UkJFIi$-#-AsbSU$+$(#_SJDKgjKXIDJ+$+$(#!!! It didn't make sense but that's just how you felt. You close your eyes as you raise your head up high and try to breathe. Seeing Bi-Han, it was not something you wanted. But it was at the same time. You should've been stronger now, nothing he said should have any effect on you. To be honest, you wanted kiss him...and then stab him, and then kiss him again, and the twist the knife.
You weren't naive, you knew you'd have to face Bi-Han eventually. You created a multiverse of different scenarios in your head on how you'd react, all the things you'd say, how he'd react, you created an entire fantasy in your head. And it was all glorious. You never anticipated Bi-Han to ambush you like that. You had so much to say, yet the moment you saw him, you choked. None of the things you wanted to say came to mind. Silence felt the only right option as you stood with your back to him.
"What do I do?" You mutter, your voice is broken and faint. A gentle and cool breeze tickles and plays with your hair.
Suddenly, you hear the door open behind you. You head swings around to see who it is. Raiden and Kung Lao aren't here, so the only person that could possibly be here is...that special friend of yours. He stands there looking down at you, very concerned.
You gasp surprised. "Johnny!?!?" Johnny Cage, your "special friend", gives a dry laugh as walks onto the step. "Hey Kitty, I know, I know. I'm a sight for sore eyes." He gives you a dazzling smile as he sets himself down next to you. "W-What are you doing here? You said you'd be here later." The movie star brushes back his hair as he takes in the nice weather. "I lied. I wanted to surprise you and come early. Then I'd give you the greatest, most special gift of all: spending extra with me. Now, come in, I made caramel popcorn."
The house had an amazing scent of chocolate, butter, and freshly made popcorn mixed with the syrup scent of caramel fill the air. You sigh at the delicious scent, you feel every stiffness and worry in your body melt as you take in the scent. You feel a smile spread across your worried face as you feel at ease. "Johnny, that smells wonderful." You try not to giggle at what you see next. An entire counter of snacks, some homemade, others are foreign, but what's most important, they're all your favorite. Your smile is contagious as it spreads to Johnny. Seeing how happy you made Johnny feel proud of himself, a bright smile forms onto his face. "Well, What can I say? I'm the best at giving the people what they deserve."
When you first met Johnny, you thought he was a self-centered, disrespectful, piggish, insolent, casanova-wannabe slag...And, well, he minda is. He had tried coming on to you, unfortunately for him this wasn't a good time for him to hit on you so you let out all the anger and resentment you felt for Bi-Han onto him. Imagine his face as you screamed at him, insulting every aspect of him, going on to questioning why would he do this to you, how could he do this to you, after all that you been through, and then having to comfort you as you broke down into tears. Later, you both had a heart to heart, he apologized for how he acted with you and you apologized for traumatizing him. Long story short, you quickly became close.
When he found out you never saw a movie before, he was over the moon with excitement to introduce you to the wonderful world of cinema like he did Kitana. He'll never forget the twinkle in your eyes as you saw your first movie, one of his of course. He loved talking to for hours about interesting trivia about things that happened behind the scenes and certainly scenes were made.
Tonight, he wanted to show you his baby, on of his all time best movies that won him numerous awards, Ninja Mime. It's one of his most cherished works and that since he would be gone for a long time, that would be the first movie you'd watch tonight.
"You're going to love it! It's the Cage cut too. So that means 2 extra hours of absolute cinema." He was basically bouncing off the walls with excitement as he readied the TV. You sigh in relief at the sound of this, you'll need something to distract you. Seeing the excitement on Cage's face was enough to make you forget about all your worries and wash away. You melt into the couch as you throw popcorn into your mouth. "But do tell me, Johnny, are there any bloopers of you messing up. Probably not, they probably need to make entire movies worth of you goofs. An entire series maybe." A smile spread across Johnny's face as you snicker. "Believe me, I don't mess up, he makes beautiful mistakes."
You found it odd how almost everyone, Bi-Han, Raiden, Kung Lao, etc thought Johnny's movies were terrible. Maybe it's because you've never really seen many movies before so you don't know what a good movie looked like, but you thought his movies were amazing. The rest of the night you spent glued to the screen as you watched every scene. You 'oohed' and 'aahed' at the action scenes no matter how obviously caked with CGI they were, you laughed at the corny jokes he made, you cried when underwritten and an annoying side character died. It was all so magical, it made it feel even more that he was here to experience it with you. He beamed as he gave you behind the scenes stories, such as when he performed an entire stunt with a broken rib.
The sun begins to set outside, and you were inside glowing with amazement at what you just saw. "Johnny, that was..." You can't even find the right words to explain how you felt. You didn't mean to, but you were really feeding Johnny's ego. "I know, I know. Don't speak. No words can bring it justice. That movie won me Oscars. And then the sequels got me a few razzies but that's besides the point." You exhale and sit up right on the Couch. "Thank you, Johnny." You give him a warm smile, he merely shrugs. "I'm just doing my part to spread the magic of cinema to the unfortunate such as yourself."
"No, I mean it." You gently lay your soft and warm hand onto his. "I really needed this, a lot, thank you." He looks up at you surprised, his cocky facade fades. He takes your hand in his and he returns your warm gaze. "You're welcome, Y/n" you both smile at each other as your enjoy the warmth of each other shand.
Not notice the shadowy figure outside the window of the kitchen. He stands there in shock at the sight of the two of you, a murderous look in his ice cold eyes.
Next Time: Bi-han gets lil jealous
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newkatzkafe2023 · 3 months ago
Ooh, I really liked the request where the reader wanted children. Can you please write something like that, but the reverse version, with Wukongs is who are have a Baby Fever with a oblivious wife reader?
Awwww, I'm glad you did, and I would love too
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(Lmk Wukong) He did not see this coming like at all, it all started when he went to Visit Mk at pigsy's noodle shop when a baby girl would not stop staring at him, and he made some faces making her giggle. The mother laughed, saying that her daughter liked him but asked if he wanted to hold her, and Wukong froze and tried to decline before, but the little girl climbed on him, making him hold her. Wukong found himself singing an old Chinese lullaby to her while the baby girl giggled and cooed at him. Then he realized something
(Lmk Wukong) I need to tell my queen that I want a little prince or princess🤗
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(HIB Wukong) When did this dude not have baby fever, I mean he is in a way kinda obsessed with Luier and Silly girl and when he met you it happened again. The nail on the coffin was when you started to be a motherly figure to both the children as well, making dinner and washing their clothes and even taking care of them when they were sick. Wukong would watch as you took care of them and he immediately flew into a downward spiral, and the final straw being silly girl calling you mama.....
(HIB Wukong) I NEED THIS!!!!!!!👶
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(NR Wukong) Oh wow, he never thought that he would go through this type of thing ever, but here we are. You would always mother Li and Su and anyone of their friends, making snacks, and just taking care of everyone. Wukong felt strange ever since he saw that. He started to imagine you with a large pregnant belly, then holding fuzzy monkey cubs and taking care of countless Little boys and girls and it help him make a decision
(NR Wukong) Do I want to make my wife a MILF???........absolutely🤤
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(MKR Wukong) it started when fruity joined your weird and chaotic little family, Wukong watched you baby the hell out of that little chi spirit. It's been messing with him ever since then he's never seen you as the motherly type, more like the.....I'LL KILL YOU B*TCH type. The more this went on the more, it fester inside him make him do something he never do. Talk about his thoughts to his master, and that's when he learned about baby fever and what it was.
(MKR Wukong) Wait so this whole time, I wanted a cub......how do I tell yn???😖👉👈
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(Netflix Wukong) Oh you mother him and Lin all the time. Wukong was always blushing whenever you bring a packed lunch, or bandage his little boos boos as you kiss his injuries. You also would wash Lin's clothes and brush her hair, and make sure that you would provide for them. This also messes with his wants for a family to fill the void and that makes him think for once in his immortal life.
(Netflix Wukong) Maybe she'll want this too☺️
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(BMW Wukong) He's been wanting a family with you for years, especially with the way you treat the baby monkeys of the island. Wukong had watched you tend to and treat the cubs like they were yours this whole time, and this fills him with fantasies about your pregnancy and family and went you kissed a baby cubs goodnight was the final straw.
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(Destined one)...................................so it's come to this.........the Destined one wants a cub of his own.......with you of..........alllll people. You guys were staying in a village know for it's impeccable daycare and he found children and babies everywhere he went. Then he started to have little Fantasies about a little baby monkey boy looking just like you but acted like him, or vise versa If the cub ended up being a girl. After a few weeks he released something crucial and important
(Destined one)(I want a little family🥹)
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odditycircus-2002 · 5 months ago
Quan-Chi's Daughter Intros
A/N: Despite NO ONE asking for this. I decided to make these intros based on the reader from this request. Because of her backstory, my mind started concocting scenarios of her meeting certain characters besides her family. So, I hope y'all like this one.
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Y/N genuinely: Even with your cryomancy, you have a warm soul.
Sub-Zero: Do not think it means I'll make this spar easier.
Y/N chuckles: I would be offended if you did.
Sub-Zero: Is it possible for you to restore Cyrax?
Y/N: Necromancy isn't my strongest suit, but I could try it for you, my friend.
Sub-Zero: That is all either Cyrax or I could ask for.
Y/N: How is D/N's training with your Lin Kuei faring?
Sub-Zero: She shows much promise but is reluctant to use her more demonic abilities.
Y/N: That's for the best ... for you AND D/N's sake.
Sub-Zero: You were there when Quan-chi remade Hanzo and Bi-Han into specters?
Y/N: I was, and while I could help Hanzo, I wish I could've done more for your brother.
Sub-Zero firmly: He is beyond saving, Y/N.
Night Wolf
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Y/N: I still feel guilt for all my years working under Quan-chi.
Night Wolf: You’re not the only that harbors guilt for their past actions.
Y/N: Then we’re fortunate to have been enlightened before it was too late.
Night Wolf: Why are you so uneasy in my presence?
Y/N: Your Revenant was one of many that left his mark on me.
Night Wolf: I will do what I can to show, he is not who I really am.
Y/N: You allowed Hanzo to best you at the Tournament?
Night wolf: As you and I can both see, his path led to you and the revival of his clan.
Y/N sincerely: And for that, you have my gratitude.
Night wolf: Do not let your love for Hanzo become blinding.
Y/N: He opened my eyes to a world beyond the Netherrealm.
Night Wolf: I merely caution you to not mistake loyalty for blind obedience.
Johnny Cage
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Y/N: You defeated Shinnok in Kombat?
Johnny Cage: Are you also going to say that's batshit insane?
Y/N: No, I wanted to thank you for doing so.
Johnny Cage: Man, you are hot as hell!
Y/N: That's because liquid fire runs through my veins.
Johnny Cage: Do you not know what flirting is?
Y/N: I'm sorry, but I'm happily married to Hanzo.
Johnny Cage: He's one lucky S.O.B to have tied the knot with such a hottie.
Y/N: I'm fortunate to have him in my life.
Johnny Cage: If you're a demon, where's your horns, fangs, and tail?
Y/N: I'm told my true face tends to intimidate humans.
Johnny Cage: It can't be as bad as Sonya waking up on the wrong side of the bed.
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Y/N: As Dark Raiden, you frightened me.
Raiden: I can imagine many others share your sentiment.
Y/N: But not everyone could look at him, and could almost picture Shinnok in his place.
Raiden: Your daughter inherited your demonic abilities.
Y/N: I'm concerned about her losing control and doing something she'll regret.
Raiden: I trust you, and Scorpion trained her as well as you could.
Y/N: I may know how to keep Shinnok's amulet out of anyone's hands.
Raiden: What would be better than My Sky Temple?
Y/N: If you allow it, I would toss it into the Sea of Blood, far from anyone's reach.
Raiden: I wish to trust you, but it wasn't long ago that I saw you stand by your father.
Y/N: I left his side decades ago, and he then tried to have me killed.
Raiden: It's no surprise that Quan-chi doesn't value even his own family.
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Y/N: I left the Netherrealm for a good reason.
Spawn sympathetically: I'm afraid the Netherrealm is not through with you.
Y/N with a demonic reverb: It shall NEVER have me again!
Spawn: You remind me of someone I loved.
Y/N softly: Did you lose her?
Spawn: She's lost to me for all eternity.
Y/N: You were sent back to the mortal realm because you wanted to see your wife again?
Spawn: Just as you cut ties with your father and Hell to be with your husband.
Y/N: Now, we're both free to choose our destinies.
Spawn: You've escaped the Netherrealm while all its strongest fighters were after you?
Y/N: As my scars can attest, I almost didn't.
Spawn: You're lucky, then, that you didn't have to make a deal with the Devil to escape.
Noob Saibot
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Y/N softly: I offer you mercy, Bi-Han.
Noob Saibot angrily: You think I need your pity?!?
Y/N: For you to be at peace, I have to free you of your shell.
Noob Saibot: You and your daughter fear the darkness within you.
Y/N: Shinnok and Raiden have shown me more than that absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Noob Saibot: You are both fools for not embracing your true potential.
Y/N: Sareena still speaks highly of you, Bi-han.
Noob Saibot: I am NOT the one she speaks of anymore.
Y/N: I know, so she'll be relieved to have you gone.
Noob Saibot: You married the man who killed me?
Y/N: I did, but I know what Hanzo did to you was unjust and unwarranted.
Noob Saibot: Then I'll take your life as retribution for him taking mine.
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Y/N: Were my prayers ever heard?
Cetrion: Even from the Netherrealm, I could hear a small girl's pleas for a better life, but I could not intervene.
Y/N lowly: Then you know why I am here...
Cetrion testily: You assisted your husband in killing your father.
Y/N angrily: Quan-chi has been dead to me long before Hanzo took his head.
Cetrion: It is not surprising that a demon has no remorse for their sin.
Y/N: What makes you worthy of my worship?
Cetrion: I know you seek salvation for your compliance with Quan-chi's schemes.
Y/N: I will not seek that from someone who is compliant with Kronika's plans.
Cetrion: Your love and appreciation for life is virtuous.
Y/N: Then why are you so determined to end all of it?
Cetrion: Not end it, Kronika will start anew to restore balance.
BONUS: Shinnok
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Y/N: Why in the 10 hells would my daughter ever serve you?
Shinnok: Because of your husband, it is her birthright to take Quan-chi's place.
Y/N with demonic reverb: D/N will not be yours to control!
Shinnok: Quan-chi should have beaten you as a child.
Y/N: What makes you think he didn't already try his best to break me every other way?
Shinnok: Obviously, it wasn't enough.
Y/N: All you have ever taught me about Death is false.
Shinnok: Then I have but one more lesson to teach you.
Y/N growling: I am DONE with your lessons.
Shinnok: Quan-chi's little songbird.
Y/N: I am neither his nor your pet bird any longer!
Shinnok: You are nothing more than lamb to the slaughter.
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izzabela · 9 months ago
I have a request, can you write a different scenario for the Lin Kuei trio x female reader where each of the brothers goes on a mission and part of their mission is to get close to another female person/outworlder to gain information and the reader stumbles upon it mistaking it as cheating and runs off heartbroken and each of the brothers tries to find the reader to explain to them what really happened?
That was a mouth full, sorry 😅
It's Not What You Think! - Lin Kuei Siblings x fem!reader (scenario fic)
in which you stumble upon each brother in a... sleazy scene, and you're left at a loss for words
a/n: OH THIS WILL BE FUN, i adore funny plots, so this is no different than my other fic
ship[s]: bi han, kuai liang, tomas x fem!reader (scenario fic), jenshi mention
warning(s): suggestive ending(s)? no "y/n" bullshiyet, anti-betrayal, post-story mode, johnshi mention
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Bi Han
Bi Han was furious, to say the least.
Though it had been almost two years since the events of the timeline's intersection, both Shang Tsung and Quan Chi were still at large. They both fled to different areas all across the realms, and at one point, Shang Tsung had appeared in Earthrealm for a bit to try and thieve Sento from one of the champions that defended Earthrealm.
Liu Kang, distressed with this revelation, left for Outworld to speak with Empress Mileena personally, pleading with her to have one of his own people find Shang Tsung in a secret mission. Of course, Mileena agreed (with the promise it wasn't another secret espionage), and the Fire God immediately called upon Bi Han for this task.
While he was known to take a decent amount of time on missions, it was for the sake of meticulousness and being thorough. His tactical brilliance allowed his missions to end more cleanly, making sure no loose ends were out to bite him in the neck later, so Liu Kang knew he would be ready for anything.
Fuck. That.
His wealth of knowledge in stealth, skills in death, and the art of killing were minuscule against the situation he found himself in. Shang Tsung's trail led to the red light district of Sun Do, and he was in the middle of the grimy, sleazy streets where the lowest of both men and women worked for keeps. It sickened him that he would need to get intertwined with such people in order to learn more about the villain who had burdened him with more stress, but he had no choice.
He knew you would understand, as you saw how fierce he was for you and your safety. After all, you two had been dating for one whole year, your bond was too strong to be broken. He did his best to make you happy, keep you happy, and by his side- this would be no different. He let out an annoyed gruff, adjusting himself to make sure his arms were out, and his already low-cut attire was able to show more. He loosened his bun and walked into this newfound battlefield, hoping his ice would quell the horrendous fire of disgust that burned in him.
Although you were a mortal, you had many connections to the semi-immortal people of Edenia, many of them being royalty or figures related. Some names include: First Constable Li Mei, Supreme Commander Kitana, and the Matron Superior Tanya.
You remembered the first time you met them, all of them stumbling out the portal and onto the gravel of Wu Shi Academy. Unable to move them, you advised all the available healers and medics to set up camp right where they fell. Your talent in hydromancy was one thing, but your healing capabilities were another level of amazing. You were healing more people than most of the monks, and that gave you time to build rapport with these new faces.
That was two years ago, and now here you four were, in the busy streets of Sun Do, eating at a restaurant while talking about your lives.
Unbeknownst to Bi Han, you were drinking and enjoying the cheery atmosphere of the city, all four of you clearly having a blast to be away from the crushing responsibilities of life. However, your joy was short-lived when, past some restaurant-goers heads, you saw a familiar head of black hair, although his bun was loosely tied up and more of his hair fell over his face.
"Bi... Han?" You called out, abruptly standing up and following the familiar figure.
The man you have been dating for a year was in Sun Do, but not for leisure. You knew him a man rare with days off, so this was unexpected.
Li Mei and Tanya's head snap up, their vigilant eyes scanning the area, but you saw where he was headed. You decided to follow your instincts, and left the women clamoring your name as you pushed and shoved your way to where you saw him.
"Wait!" Kitana exclaimed, "Do not be so hasty, you do not have the means to defend yourself!"
Their worries and cries were drowned by the adrenaline building in your veins, and you turned the corner to quietly follow your dearest lover. Yes, you were a healer, but you were trained by Liu Kang as well, so you had some means to fight back. For this case, you decided to ensue a defensive position, watching him quietly.
You hid behind lazily stacked boxes, barrels, and the crowd that filled the street. Finally, the street cleared up, and you saw the most horrifying scene yet.
An escort in skimpy clothing, and her breasts practically about to fall out, was all over your lover. She lazily dragged her fingers across his chest and down close to his crotch, but it draws back to his black-silver mask. His eyes are hardened while she teases him amusingly.
"Everything comes at a price, cryomancer~" she draws out the "r" seductively, "If you so badly need it, monetary gains must be met."
Your breath hitched, and burning tears welled your eyes as anger began to affect your mastery of water. Your eyes began to burn, and blinking didn't help. You wipe them and rise from your hiding spot, but make a loud scene to reveal yourself. Both Bi Han and the escort lock eyes with you, and your tears began to leave your eyes. If Bi Han squinted hard enough, he could see vapors rise from where your tear stains were, your anger acting as a stove and reacting with your tears.
"Oh, how curious..." she drew out, "A lover, perhaps?" Her head rested on his chest and nuzzled into it.
Your heart shattered when Bi Han threw his arm over her shoulders, his other hand under her chin and turning her head away from you.
"A woman like her could not match my own status," and she smiles evilly at the response, taking his arm and leading him into one of the businesses that the escort worked.
Your cries echoed in the street, and you felt the warm arms of your friends pick you up from the dirty road. Your head immediately burrowed into the nearest shoulder, that being Tanya, who takes you into her arms and hugs you tightly. Li Mei glances at the opening in the wall, the "door" being a cheap beads and fabrics. She wanted to go after the Earthrealmer, but she'd have to leave a bookmark in this case.
"I don't want to be here anymore... but I do not wish to go home," you whisper hoarsely.
The women look amongst themselves and decide to take you to the palace, where Kitana explained to her sister and she graciously let you stay for as long as you need. While Li Mei could not enter further, Kitana took over completely as Tanya went to be by Mileena's side. You cry into your friend's lap, "why" and "how could he" leaving your lips angrily as you feel your grip on your magic grown unstable.
"My friend..." Kitana begins softly, "I do not know why Bi Han would do such a thing... but you must know that you are stronger than you let on. You defend your friends ardently and with loyalty, which is a rare type of strength unseen in many millennia, and I know you will grow stronger than this."
You continue to sob in her lap, and Kitana makes eye contact with her sister and Tanya, who stood outside of the room. They wanted to enter, but Kitana shakes her head and gently shoos them away. Tanya sighs, closing the door gently and leans on her lover's shoulder.
"It pains me to see her in such a state," she expressed, her hands locking with Mileena's.
Mileena was hurt seeing you in agony, but it hurt her more not being able to tell you the truth. She decides not to speak, your cries and sobs doing the talking for all four of you as the night let on.
Bi Han beat the shit out of the escort as soon as he got the necessary information out of her. Along with her, he made sure to leave every one of these disgusting lowlifes in the wake of the Sun Do police force, so they could arrest every single one of them for prostitution and harboring dangerous illegals.
He escaped to the roofs, watching the Constables bust through the opening and taking every person in the building into police custody.
"Round them up!" Bi Han heard Li Mei's command, "No one is above imperial law."
With this, Bi Han bolts to the portal at the center of the city, practically crashing through it to get back home. He missed you dearly, wanted to explain everything, and hold you in his arms again. He wanted to apologize, rub your back as you sobbed, and kiss your lips to wipe the dirt that covered his.
Landing like a uncoordinated goose, he's flat on his back and meets the eyes of his brothers and Liu Kang. The Fire God extends a hand to him, lifting him up back to his feet.
"An... interesting entrance from our most skilled Grandmaster," he noted, "But no less welcome, my friend. I assume you found something."
He doesn't bother answering to him, though, and he simply grabs Liu Kang's collar. Kuai Liang is quick to grab his arms and hold him back, while Tomas guards Liu Kang's front.
"Did you mean to tell me she was there as well?!" he practically screams, "She was in front of me, almost compromising me!"
Tomas seems to realize what his brother was talking about, quickly filling him in on information he clearly missed, "Did she not tell you she would be in Outworld that night? She wrote about it in her letter to us!"
Bi Han digs into his memory and remembers the paper that lay on his desk. The stress that ate him alive made him forget about this date you set aside, and the words you had used to describe how excited you were to see your friends again.
"Fuck..." he cursed softly.
Kuai Liang let go of his brother before he demands Liu Kang to open the portal again. He sighs, smiling softly as he waved his hands to open a fiery gate.
"Explain to me your findings when you come back with her," he says, mentioning your name, "It has been a while since I have seen her as well."
He nods and rushes through the portal, meeting the blue sky of Edenia and the entire Umgadi force surrounding him. He looks across the steps and sees you and Tanya hugging, talking about something before you let go from the embrace.
He called your name and your head snapped to his voice. Your eyes are wide and tears are threatening to fall, but you look away and turn completely away from him. Tanya takes this into consideration and glares at Bi Han, ordering the priestesses into a protective and offensive rotation.
"Recall them, Matron Superior," Bi Han demanded, "I would like to speak with her myself."
"That is for her to decide," she hisses, "She is a friend to the crown, and any threat seen against such will be treated as so."
The priestesses are ready to attack, but you slip away from Tanya and walk to Bi Han yourself. Bi Han and the other priestesses are still, and you close the distance between your lover with eyes downcast. He removes his mask and wants to hug you, but you hold your hand up to stop him.
"Tell me..." you begin slowly, your teary eyes meeting his worried ones, "What were you doing that night? With a woman like her... saying those, awful things to me..."
Bi Han doesn't know what to do with his hands, wanting so badly to take you into his chest and tell you what he said meant nothing, it was to keep his front up, to save you and Earthrealm. But he puts his hands to his side and begins to speak.
"Liu Kang had me follow a trail, one that led to Shang Tsung. That snake was out of my grasp, shifting shape and getting away. However, I got some information on him thanks to that... whore."
You take note on how disgusted he looked, his head turning away from you as his face morphed into something indiscernible. He looked lost, disgusted, and most of all, defeated. You frown at him and take his hands in yours, and he uses this to hold you in his tight embrace.
"I did not mean a single thing that night," he said, feeling your chin wobble on his shoulder, "You were the only thing on my mind, and you still are. You consume my very being, everything I do is for the sole purpose of your happiness- nothing more or less."
You nod slowly, your hand placed on his cheek as you rubbed your thumb softly.
"Your word is my code- and just one thing uttered from your lips will silence me forever," his eyes shone with unshed tears, trying to keep up appearances in front of Tanya.
You just hug him, quietly crying in his arms as he hugged you back, his grip tightening on your waist. The weight he had on his chest finally left, and your presence was like a cleansing waterfall that washed away his sins.
You hear Tanya recall the formation, telling them to return to their posts. You didn't care what was happening though, as long as Bi Han's arms stayed around you as your tears fell.
Kuai Liang
Kuai Liang sat in a booth seat along with Johnny and Kenshi, in "casual" conversation as they scanned the area for anything out of the ordinary in this tightly packed club. Music blasting, alcohol flooding his nose, and the feeling of sweaty bodies on him made him seethe with anger and disgust.
The three Earthrealm defenders were in a club in Los Angeles, your native town, and the last known location of both Quan Chi and Shang Tsung. Ever since the timeline convergence, all the realms have been busy trying to clean up the miscreants mess; for some reason, it let them to this huge club on the West Coast of the United States.
Liu Kang debriefed the men, saying that one of the Sisters of Shadow were in Earthrealm, in bars all over California to take the naive souls of men and women alike to fuel the black magic that Quan Chi practiced. In order to get close to them, and perhaps find the sorcerers once and for all, Liu Kang sent the three of them on this mission.
It pained him to be in your hometown without your knowledge, and it hurt him even more that he had to get close with another woman for the sake of Earthrealm. But that was the main reason he was here, to protect your future with him and the future of Earthrealm- in order to ensure that you two would have a home to come back to in the end. In order to carry out this mission flawlessly, he did not tell you, and that killed him inside.
You two had met just a year prior, you being plucked out of fighting in illegal fight clubs to serve Liu Kang as a future Champion. You accepted rather easily, thinking this was all a dream, but as you trained with them, you realized it was anything but.
Kuai Liang was drawn to your fighter spirit and spark for protection, not to mention your flawless beauty and grace as you fought. He saw you as an equal, and you were touched on how he didn't look at you like a failure. Of course, due to your history of betrayal and mistrust, you didn't place your love or faith in him quickly. However, with every kind word, gesture, and gift he offered you, every look of concern and worry, and his attention to you, your walls melted against his fiery love and you gave yourself to him.
How he hated to break your trust after such a life of turmoil, but he hoped you would understand. You knew of his loyalties, his fierce protection and eager to serve Earthrealm. He prayed to the elder gods every night the mission's length increased, hoping you'd understand. Tonight, it was put to the test.
You sat at the bar alone, your friends having gone to the dance floor with a group of guys clearly fiending for one-night release. You sighed and swirled your drink in the cup, a mini vortex forming.
One minute, you were playing for keeps in illegal cage fights, the money barely enough for your shitty apartment in the bad side of L.A., now you were an elite fighter and Champion-to-be for a Fire God.
Crazy right?
Even crazier you found love in your master's great friend, Kuai Liang. You were already off-put on Liu Kang's kindness when he took you in, Kuai Liang made it no better. The way he took his time with training you, spending time with you, and waiting for you to trust him made your hardened heart soften. It had been a long time since someone was so patient with you, let alone accepted all of you.
So, when you recognize his iconic black bun in the crowded sea of sweaty bodies, you knew something was up. Kuai Liang was not one for the social scene, and clubbing was strictly off limits for him as a personal thing- what the hell was he doing in L.A. on a Friday night?
You decided to follow him, closing your tab and silently stalking him. From where you stood in the club, you could see where he sat. with Kenshi and Johnny in one of the booths near the dance floor. Your head followed his general path, and the sight before you made your heart stop.
Kuai Liang was letting another woman touch him, and her face was scarily close to his. She whispered something to your man, and he said something in her ear that illicit a horribly high-pitched giggle from her. You were fuming, and decided to confront them in the act.
"You bitch!" Grabbing onto her shoulder roughly, "The hell you think you're doing?!"
Kuai Liang's shocked face matched yours, but with his mission in mind, he grabbed onto the woman to protect her, not you. Was it possible a heart could break even more? Because if you thought it was broken, this completely shattered it.
"K-Kuai-," but all he does is huff and grunt at you.
"Who do you think you are?!" he shouted, people around you watched the scene unfold, "Creating a fucking scene..."
He never cursed, especially around you. He knew how to hold his tongue, and he never raised his voice at you even if he was pissed beyond the realms' saving. Your face morphed into hurt, betrayal, something Kuai Liang promised you to never do. Yet here he was, failing you.
"Silly girl," the woman hissed as she kicked your abdomen, "Leave us!"
You groaned as you picked yourself up, immediately escaping the messy scene and fleeing out of the club. Tears blurred your vision as you crashed into people on your way out, only having yourself to console the agony you were in.
Kuai watched as you left, and he swore he would make it up to you. No matter how long it took.
Kuai Liang was an assassin. He was trained in the meticulous art of killing people swiftly and without noise.
So when Johnny and Kenshi found him, blood all over his dress shirt and pants, the demon's mutilated body slowly dissipating, they knew not to push his buttons.
"All of the information I gathered has been written down," he said without turning to his friends, handing them some paper.
"A-alrighty then, Kuai..." Johnny said nervously, a chuckle matching his tone.
"Go back to the Temple, there is something I need to do before heading home," he said calmly as he cleaned up, "Do not wait for me, explain to Lord Liu Kang the dilemma as well."
Kenshi nodded, and the couple looked at each other before turning their gaze to the clearly pissed-off man, watching him storm out to find you. They had a feeling on what was happening, but they didn't press further as they set off for the temple. Kuai Liang was outside the club, searching recklessly to find you in the summer night. Just a couple of blocks away, he heard your distinct cries in an alleyway, and he followed them and up, your body curled up in the fire escape of an apartment building.
Quietly, he tries to get to you and be by your side, but his kunai drops from the hidden hilt in his pants, giving away his position and it scares you. Your head snaps up and you get into defensive mode, your brows furrowed in anger as you snarled at him.
"What in the elder gods' names do you want, Scorpion?"
His hands are up, but he still tries to close in on you by slowly walking to you. You're cornered, and the crying has made you too exhausted to move.
"I know what you saw was, to say the least, alarming..." he begins, "However, please allow me to explain."
More tears welled in your eyes, "I trusted you, Kuai Liang. You knew my story, I gave you my heart- I confided in your warmth!"
Kuai Liang squats to your height, arms down as he watches your tears fall.
"How could you..." you sob again, your head thrown up facing the sky.
Kuai Liang watches your tears fall, and he gently used his hands to wipe your tears. He's surprised you don't shake away from him, so he used this opportunity to explain himself to you. From Liu Kang's plan, Quan Chi's legion of deadly female demons, up to now, he explained in great detail and softness for you to register despite your wails.
"Oh darling," he begged softly, "You know my promises to you- they're written in blood. If you so wish it, I will shed it for you- if it meant see you smile once more."
You wipe your tears and ask him with shaky words, "Swear on your family, swear that what happened meant nothing to you."
His hand wraps around yours and your foreheads touch, his warm breath on yours, "I swear to the elder gods above and the honor of my late father- she is dead to me."
You smile almost evilly, "Prove it."
Safe to say, your evening ended with more cries, but not in pain this time. Still, Kuai Liang would do anything to never see you cry so sadly like that- even if it meant more blood being spilt in your name.
Tomas, Kuai Liang, and Bi Han were in a neighboring village, just a mountain away near Fengjian, in an undercover mission that lead to Shang Tsung. Liu Kang got word from Raiden, who had visited home for a brief moment, that his people were talking about a strange man coming to and from the village for something unknown.
Not wanting to waste an opportunity, he called upon the Lin Kuei Grandmaster and his second-in-hands to try and apprehend him once more (not mimicking the Ying Fortress situation). What the brothers didn't know, though, was that the trail would lead to a small club, a front for Shang Tsung's hideout.
It was a music club, with weekly performances from many female singers and dancers from the neighboring villages in the region. Tomas, who knew you were an active and avid singer, hoped to the elder gods you weren't here to witness what he was doing.
In front of the long stage, he sat in a rounded booth seat with an "entertainer" by his side as she talked his ear off about every performance that went on. She was in a horrible costume, those Qipao costumes that the Westerners sold as costumes in cheap Halloween stores, her pale skin glowing softly under the warm light of the club. Tomas played into his role of a "traveling" foreigner, needing rest in this village and simply needing time to "destress" from his journey.
Tomas was dressed in some jeans and a gray shirt, a backpack on his other side to really sell the look. In his ear, provided by Sektor and Bi Han, was an earpiece to hear the commands of his brothers. He knew the woman next to him was connected to Shang Tsung, but all he was worried about was you.
He prayed to the elder gods that you would not worry. He prayed that you would believe in him, stay confident in him as he completed his mission, and hoped that you would forgive him when he eventually needed to tell you this entire debacle. He sighed, beginning to play his role into getting more information out of the woman.
He whispered dirty jokes, laughed quietly with her at her horrendous attempts of humor, and even held her close. While this was for the betterment of the realms, he would rather die than finish this mission. He was getting some useful information from her, and he could hear Kuai Liang and Bi Han talk to him over the earpiece, but his focus was brought away as he saw his prayers ignored.
You were here. Performing. In the middle of his mission as he was smack dab in the center of your sight. At first, he saw you smiling happily as your voice filled the room, but when your eyes met his, your will to perform left.
The Shang Tsung affiliate was all over Tomas (though you didn't know), kissing up his neck as he continued to hold her. People around you two were beginning to grow tired of the act, clamoring for you sing or begone. You tried to continue, voice slightly shaky as the lyrics left your mouth, but you were ultimately pulled backstage by the show manager. Behind the curtains, the sight broke your heart more and more.
Tomas's hand was locked in hers as she took him away, and a flirty smile was on his face as they both walked away from your direct line of sight. Too angry at what you witnessed, and growing depressed, you retired for the night and left to head back home.
Tomas was the most affectionate of his family, and you were drawn to his optimism despite the pain he had endured. Just like his brothers, he was loyal to an alarming degree, but you knew why. Having him lost his family, leaving his home country, and being put in a new place, he longed to have someone of his own.
Sure, his brothers were great, but you were the final piece to him. Your kind personality, joyful nature, and loving demeanor made him fall instantly, and you loved Tomas just as much. You were surprised to see how a man such as he, going through what he had gone through, still remained joyful and optimistic.
What he loved so much about you, though, was your talent in singing. Whether singing while cooking, bathing, or holding him, Tomas found your voice a safe haven. He vowed to always keep you happy, smiling, and most importantly, singing.
After this, though, he'd have a hard time hearing your bird song once more.
It was gone, along with your heart and the man you loved so dearly.
Tomas stood over the bloodied woman's limp body, hunched like a hunted taken-down animal. He called his brothers to enter the room, and they too were met with the horrendous sight.
"By the elder gods..." Kuai Liang breathed, "Tomas, what in Earthrealm-."
His pupils were dilated heavily, his grey irises overtaking his eyes. He was breathing heavily, and his grip on his karambit made his knuckles turn white. He was seething, his hunter's instinct turned on and on high alert. He shoved past his brothers, not without Bi Han stopping him.
"Foolish brother," he hissed, "Why did you kill her? Lord Liu Kang needed her alive."
He breathed calmly and turned back to his brothers, who both stilled at how calm his demeanor was speaking to him, "She is alive, brothers. Take her immediately to Lord Liu Kang, I have personal matters to tend to."
Bi Han grabs the collar of his shirt, shaking him, "We have our duties to fulfill. If you so wish to abandon your role, the Lin Kuei will hunt you- I will hunt you."
Tomas takes his brother into his knees, his blade gently pressing into the kill spot on Bi Han's neck. Kuai Liang's breath hitched while Bi Han shook his head to stop his brother.
"I will accept whatever may befall me, but I need to do this, Bi Han," and he turns his head to see his youngest brother's face.
"Please," he begged.
He nodded, sighing in relief as he bolted out of the back room. Kuai Liang scoops the woman into his hands, while Bi Han watched in awe at his brother's will. He left the back room to find you, hoping to set things right.
He searched the village for your house, and saw you crying in the balcony in the back. You were fiddling with a leaf that fell from the large tree that hovered over the balcony. To get to you, he had to climb to see you.
"Love..." you heard him say behind you. You gasp as you shuffled away from him, but he doesn't relent.
"Love, what were you doing there?" he asked gently, coming closer, but you held your hand up.
"No, Tomas," you said defiantly, "You tell me what you were doing there. With that woman all over you, with your hands on her equally as eager, with me right in front of you..."
More tears fell as you sobbed more, and Tomas's heart broke even more at the pain he put on your heart. He silently fell onto your balcony and sat with his legs crossed over themselves. He reached for your hand, and you surprisingly accept it. He gently rubbed his thumb over it, slowly explaining everything.
"So, the club I performed every couple of months, was a front for s multidimensional threat?" you asked gently, wiping your tears.
Tomas nods, his hand cupping your cheek, "My love, no one could beat you. Hearing your voice break, your eyes look at me like that..." your hand held his, "Everything about you controls me, your voice a siren's song."
You smile weakly and kiss his cheek, "Listen to me, then, as I call you to me."
You lead him into your bedroom, and your voice commands the rest of the night as you two stay entangled in one another.
guys my ipad is lagging after typing all this, long ass fic
still, i hope you enjoyed, especially you anon!
i'll see yall in the next fic!
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evilbihan · 1 year ago
A guide to writing Bi-Han
I've seen far too many fanfics/oneshots/headcanons and art pieces out there completely mischaraterizing Bi-Han to the point he becomes unrecognizable from who he is in canon. For fans who love Bi-Han as he is, it can be quite frustrating to see people misunderstand his character so much. This post is not meant to be criticism, but was rather made with the intention to sort out common misconceptions, educate and help creators of fanwork understand Bi-Han and his personality better.
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Bi-Han doesn't hate Tomáš. There's so much fanart out there depicting him as a bully or bad brother when that's as far from canon as it could be. You can read the in-depth analysis on their dynamic in the post I've linked, but to sum it up, Bi-Han had the option to pick any other Lin Kuei member to accompany him and Kuai Liang to the teahouse or the Ying fortress, but each time he picked Smoke. He could have chosen Sektor or Cyrax, both of which are more experienced and completely loyal to him, and yet he still chose Tomáš instead. He also appears worried when Smoke nearly dies after Nitara's attack. Yes, he snapped at Tomáš once, but siblings fight and say things to each other that are often uncalled for. The relationship between them cannot be meassured by one line that was said out of anger or the intro dialogues that are set after their falling out. According to Smoke himself, Bi-Han was always cold towards him, but that only suggests they were never close, not that there was ever any hostility between them or that Bi-Han was ever harsh/cruel towards him in the past. Tomáš also tries to reunite the brothers and doesn't want Bi-Han to be his enemy, even if he's disappointed in Bi-Han's actions. He even admits he used to look up to him. Some artworks, however, aim to make it look like Bi-Han is oh so mean to poor, sad Tomas, when that's a blatant mischaraterization of both of them, simultanously babying Tomas, a grown man, and demonizing Bi-Han, a tragic and traumatized character.
Kuai Liang and Bi-Han used to be close. Kuai Liang knew about Bi-Han's frustrations, Bi-Han knows all of Kuai Liang's weaknesses, they trust each other enough to rely on each other in combat and both feel equally betrayed by the other because of the close brotherly bond they once shared and because of the trust that existed between them. Kuai Liang was Bi-Han's second in command, Bi-Han respected him. He's never once seen belittling or insulting Kuai Liang, not even after they're no longer on good terms with each other. By the time the story of MK1 starts, Bi-Han has already reached the peak of his frustration, which explains why he snaps at his brothers so often, especially when their father is brought up, but at no time was Bi-Han ever abusive towards Kuai Liang or Tomas. He seems to have put a lot of trust in both his brothers and in return, they trusted him too. If Bi-Han had ever been a violent person with little love and care for his family, Kuai Liang and Tomas wouldn't have been so shocked at the revelation that he let their father die.
There was always a side of Bi-Han that cared about his brothers and his choices indicate that he still does. Apart from the most obvious evidence for this, the scene where he checks on both of them to make sure they're unharmed, there are also other subtle clues that he cares about Kuai Liang and Tomas. In his chapter, Bi-Han is the one who fights off all threats (Nitara, Ermac...) while also giving the easier and less dangerous task of staying outside to Smoke, the least experienced one of the brothers, as he goes to capture Quan Chi himself with the help of Kuai Liang. While he says he wants Kuai Liang dead in some intros, his actions contradict his words. He had the chance to kill Kuai Liang at the Ying Fortress, but chose to spare him. SPOILERS: The leaks for the dlc claim that Bi-Han will be trying to capture his brothers alive. He seems to have no interest in actually harming either of them, just in making sure they can't get in the way of his plans.
Oftentimes, fanfics portray Bi-Han as this hot-headed guy with anger issues who is only capable of one emotion and it's rage. But Bi-Han's anger is not his most defining trait. There are so many more layers to his personality. Just because the story mode only showed us situations in which his anger is triggered doesn't mean that's all there is to him. He's not the kind of person to go around yelling at everyone he sees and getting angry out of nowhere. I also don't see Bi-Han cursing/cussing or insulting others. As grandmaster, Bi-Han represents the Lin Kuei and he's expected to act a certain way. @inflamedrosenkranz wrote a genius analysis on how out of character it would be for Bi-Han to curse and I strongly recommend reading it in addition to this post.
Bi-Han is not a mysogynist. This is something I see all too frequently in reader insert fanfics where Bi-Han is written as someone who doesn't take his s/o seriously or looks down at them because they're a woman. Meanwhile, Bi-Han shows nothing but respect and admiration for strong women. He seems to have looked up to his mother much more than to his father and just listen to his intros with Sindel or Kitana. He admires Sindel for her leadership and even encourages Kitana to take Outworld's throne. He also wouldn't have taken in Frost as his apprentice and wouldn't have allowed Cyrax into the Lin Kuei if he thought women weren't fit to be Lin Kuei warriors.
I know this will disappoint a lot of headcanon writers, but Bi-Han would never degrade/insult or otherwise humiliate his partner, be it through words or actions, especially not during intimate moments shared between them. His significant other directly represents him and his clan. He would not tolerate any sort of disrespect towards them, let alone disrespect them himself. If his partner were to ask him to degrade them, that would be an instant dealbreaker for Bi-Han. He would expect any potential partner to show the self-respect and dignity befitting of their role as the grandmaster's significant other.
I often see drunk!Bi-Han headcanons, but honestly, it would be out of character for Bi-Han to drink alcohol. First of all, he absolutely wouldn't be able to see the appeal of it and secondly, he would hate the way it makes him feel. I imagine he likes being in control of his own body, he likes knowing that he can rely on his reflexes should he need them and alcohol would practically render them useless. As grandmaster of his clan he needs to be an example for all the other Lin Kuei. He would also not want to take the risk of overinduldging and embarrassing himself in a drunken stupor.
People like to write Bi-Han as a grumpy and overly serious guy who can't crack a joke to save himself, but they forget he makes ice puns. Ice puns. Bi-Han definitely has a sense of humor. I just don't think he gets to show anyone that side of himself often.
Bi-Han is a lot smarter than people give him credit for. Yes, siding with Shang Tsung was a bad choice, but it was one he made out of dispair and his frustration played into it as well, clouding his judgement. The way Bi-Han tries to assess his opponents' weaknesses shows his strategic mind. He let himself be fooled once, but he's also young and still has a lot to learn as grandmaster. It's not a sign of him lacking intelligence, like some people claim.
While he's ambitious and wants to acquire power to some extent, Bi-Han is not the power-hungry and selfish character he's often wrongly depicted as. His intentions lie far beyond that and are much more noble. Bi-Han craves independence and freedom for the Lin Kuei. He wants his clan to get the respect and recognition they rightfully deserve after protecting Earthrealm for so many generations. He doesn't want to conquer all of Earthrealm and he has no interest in ruling other realms either. What he wants is a small portion of Earthrealm because he's convinced that the Lin Kuei deserve it. He wants a reward for all their years of loyalty and duty, not to become a tyrant.
To conclude this, I appreciate writers and artists who do their research before writing/drawing a character and I hope this analysis can be helpful to those unsure of how to correctly write Bi-Han.
If I can think of more examples to add to the list, I will make a part 2 of this post.
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moronkombat · 1 year ago
Hanzo hasashi (mk1) x reader who’s Bi-Han’s daughter 👀
okay i kinda cheated here and made it mk11 hanzo x bi-han's daughter becaaaause well i could tehehe and it's hard for me write ships that involve minors
tw: age gaps can't help it folks, i love it too much
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Hanzo was unaware that Bi-Han had any children when he took Bi-Han's life in kombat
The Shirai Ryu leader could only see vengeance when he faced Bi-Han again and was clouded by it
He was unable to listen to reason and struck Bi-Han down without mercy
Later he learned that it had been Quan Chi's trickery that had killed his family
That not all he learned. Hanzo came to learn about Bi-Han's family and he was instantly filled with regret
Hanzo is able to meet Bi-Han's daughter through Kuai Liang, who he has established an alliance with
He worries about how this meeting will go and how you will react to your father's murderer
Nerves fill his body as he approached the Lin Kuei manner and there he sees you
If he had not known your relation to Bi-Han he would have thought you to be anyone else
You do not resemble Bi-Han much and Hanzo is soon puzzled when you give him a smile
"So this is the famous Scorpion I have heard about" those are your first words to him and Hanzo is finds himself pausing
He had prepared himself for a scolding or even a slap but there was none to be found
All he was given was kindness and respect by a young woman beautiful and regal
You are understanding and do not put the blame on Hanzo for your father's death. You are wise enough to know it was due to Quan Chi's deception that both of you have suffered
Hanzo cannot help but try to draw comparisons between you and your late father but he finds few
Where Bi-Han was commanding you are reasonable. When Bi-Han was cruel you showed understanding
Hanzo is rather impressed by you to say the least. You are quite the level-headed young woman
The two of you begin working together closely and there is a mutual respect and friendship formed between the two of you
You are partners with similar goals and the two of you work together well. Perhaps too well
Hanzo beings to notice a shift in his feelings for you. Eyes would linger upon you longer than they should, thoughts of you entered his mind when he tried to sleep
He is no fool and knows the nature of these emotions. Hanzo experienced the very same with Harumi
Problem is, Hanzo a well grown man now and you...well, you were still experiencing life
Hanzo is conflicted with his attraction to you. He finds you magnificent and enchanting but what is he to do?
He a man older than you and the killer of your father
Hanzo feels disgraced and ashamed with himself. How can he harbor feelings for such a young woman?
There is guilt with his family as well. He wonders if Harumi would forgive him or understand. He has no true way of finding out
Hanzo is noticeably distracted and when you try to confront him about this, he is quick to say that he is fine. You know better
Try as you might to pry the truth from him, Hanzo remains stoic in his response and you begin to worry about him greatly
It is an inner battle that rages inside the body and mind of Hanzo Hasashi and there seems to be no resolution in sight
Or perhaps there is. Perhaps the feelings kept within him mirror your own
Could there be more between the two of you just waiting to be unleashed?
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fandomzwriterk · 8 months ago
Can you write about the female reader teasing Smoke while cuddling? 😁
A/N: I’m collecting all the Mortal Kombat fans like Pokemon cards now and I couldn’t be more prouder
Warnigns: GN!Reader gets kidnapped + blood warning + The Lin Kuei brothers fight each other + fluffy content at the end
Smoke x GN!Reader
“This is the dumbest idea we’ve ever had.” Bi Han growled
Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, and Bi Han walked around the underground grave, looking around as the other Lin Kuei foot soldiers started building a camp to stay in. They weren’t leaving this place anytime soon.
“Well they’re our bargaining chip so they’ll come soon.”
“My brothers are not idiots.”
“Yet I know one of them is going to slip up.”
Shang Tsung and Quan Chi left, Bi Han staring at the cage Quan Chi built to keep you contained. You had two guards always watching, your leg tied by a chain so you wouldn’t even think of escape, frozen extra solid by Bi Han’s ice. He scowled at you, noticing your dirty and poor living condition. You still had open wounds all over you, pathetically covered in pieces of cloth, staining them to the point you could see the blood underneath.
“You are a pathetic excuse of a Lin Kuei soldier. I know they’ll come for you, Tomas always does.”
Some time earlier…
“I can’t climb that. What do you expect me to do? Have Kuai pull me up with ropes? Have Tomas carry me?”
You remember the scowl on Bi Han’s face, much like the one he gave you now. He hated you, you always knew that. You just never expected he’d hurt his brothers the worst way possible.
“Don’t you fucking dare!” Tomas shouted as he lunged at Quan Chi
Kuai Liang and Bi Han were fighting Shang Tsung, both trying to incapacitate him so they could bring him back to Liu Kang.
“Then why don’t I do this?” Quan Chi replied darkly
Quan Chi’s dark magic opened up under the ground, four ropes of it grabbing your arms and legs, holding you down to the ground. You struggled, but Quan Chi had strong mental power and hold of dark magic.
“This is pitiful.”
One flick of his hand and Kuai Liang and Bi Han got sent into the wall while Tomas was grabbed by one more of the dark magic ropes. He tried stabbing it, smoking away, nothing worked. Quan Chi tied down Bi Han and Kuai Liang on their knees in front of Shang Tsung, being held back by animated corpses.
“Work with me, and I can make the Lin Kuei great and feared again.”
You saw Bi Han’s eyes scan around at each of you in the room, resting them on you as you were helplessly tied down by the magic.
“Bi Han I swear on the Elder Gods if you do this-“
“And what if I did?”
“You wouldn’t hurt us, we’re your brothers, and Y/n is practically like our family too.”
“She’s family Bi Han! Don’t destroy what Father worked so hard-“
“Father was an old man who lost his mind, and I’m glad I left him to die. Now, I’m going to make sure both of you are without the distraction once more.”
Bi Han was let go, standing up as he walked over to you and crouched in front of you.
“You have no place in our family, even if you care about Tomas. You are nothing, and you always will be.”
He kicked your face, feeling the actual strength he’d been holding back from you in practice. It was painful, painful as hell. He kicked you once more, blood falling from your mouth and your eyes almost shut, but you could see his eyes staring at you with years of hatred. He was going to make everyone suffer his wrath, even his own family.
“You mother fucker!”
Quan Chi’s grip on Tomas loosened as he sent a smoke bomb out. Through the thick fog you could see Tomas move to help Kuai Liang up, starting to make his way to you.
“Get her out of here and into the tomb. She’s more valuable alive.”
Tomas and Kuai were fighting Bi Han as Shang Tsung and Quan Chi dragged your body down the cold stone hallway, as you could only watch as the room became smaller and smaller the more you got dragged away.
“You are a shame on the name of the Lin Kuei! Both of you! I am your Grandmaster and you listen to me!”
“I’m not listening to your shit anymore Bi Han! I’m going to end your reign of terror right now. Give her back now!”
“Tomas were outnumbered.”
Animated corpses crawled from under the ground, slowly going to surround both Tomas and Kuai, moving them to the edge of the stone balcony. Tomas could only fight in fear as he watched you get dragged away.
“Oh I’m going to get out of here Bi Han and when I do, I’m going to make sure you suffer for what you did to your brothers.”
“Ha! Not by the grace of the Elder Gods you won’t. You have no chance of even making it out of this room alive. You’d be dead before you could even think of fighting back.”
You wanted to curse him out, call him a bastard, but you knew words weren’t going to do anything now. You could see his smug expression while he crossed his arms, staring down at you like a dog in the streets.
“It’s been five days, I doubt they’ll be coming for you.”
Five days… this had been hell on Earth for you. Little did you know, somebody was making his way inside. Eventually, Bi Han followed Shang Tsung and left you alone with two foot soldiers. Even if you tried to escape now, the chain on your ankle would stop you. Your body felt weak, feeling faint at the loss of blood that seeped into the dirt you sat on. So, you closed your eyes, praying someone would save you as you fell to the ground.
“Hey! Y/n! Tomas over here!” You heard
Your hearing was starting to sound like you were going underwater, the pain slowly drifting away and you felt lighter, feeling calm as your eyes remained closed.
“No no no no! Y/n! Wake up!”
Through the darkness and light feeling, you could feel someone holding you, putting your body against their chest as they stood and picked you up, walking fast as more voices began to speak.
“Liu Kang!”
“Time to go! Right now!”
You felt the person holding you tightly, their grip never letting go as you felt warmth start to touch your skin. You still felt faint, but the warmth was brining back the sounds you could hear. After some time, you opened your eyes, staring at a white ceiling as you felt your body stiffen up while you tried to sit up. Your vision was blurry, slowly becoming clear as you blinked. You looked down, Tomas’ head laid on top of your hand, feeling the fact he was holding it too. He seemed tired. Had he been looking for you? As if he could hear your thoughts, he looked up, eyes red and puffy from crying. He jumped into you, hugging you like his life depended on it.
“You’re okay. Thank the Elder Gods.”
His grip tightened, holding on to you like it would be his last. Tomas pulled back a little, staring into your eyes as he brushed a strand of hair out of your eyes, tucking it behind your ear. For the first time since you’ve met him, you could finally see his smile. You could see him, the real Tomas, who wasn’t hiding anything from you. You put a hand on his cheek, seeing all the worry and hurt in his eyes. He loved you, more than you could ever know.
“I’m okay Tomas. I’m okay.”
“Good. Cause your dumbass had me worried!”
“Eh?! What does that mean?”
“You are such a dumbass for getting caught.”
“And you’re an even bigger dumbass for letting me get caught.”
You booped his nose, something you often did as kids whenever you teased each other. It was an old habit that even now, as a young man, Tomas still loved.
“But seriously… did Shang Tsung do anything to you?”
“No… I didn’t really see him. It was mostly Bi Han that was around.”
Tomas frowned, moving to sit next to you as he helped you lean against the wall on your medical bed. His silver hair was a mess, having been fluffed up by smothering you. Your hand reached up, trailing along the side of his face, admiring the small scars on his face while you fixed his hair.
“There. Now you look cute.”
“Hm I think I’m always cute… according to you at least.”
“Oh you are so getting when I’m better.”
You leaned against him, head leaning against his shoulder. Your hand drifted, grabbing his hand in yours.
“I promise to never do anything like that again.”
He turned his head, staring at you with his silver-blue eyes, a smile on his face.
“And I promise that while I’m around, nothing is going to happen to you my love.”
A/N: I feel like I did TERRIBLE on this but I’m glad I could do your request☺️ I like writing for everyone!
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2346khith · 6 months ago
Bi Han’s irony and pain
So I was doing some research for my mortal kombat au when I came across Bi Han tower ending from the first game.
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This stuck out as a little weird to me because well… retiring? From the Lin Kuei? The clan who kills people without remorse? Who are willing to kidnap children to recruit to their ranks? Who will sacrifice their members to create cyborgs. Who are willing to team up with know threats to Outworld? Yeah, if anything I think it more likely Bi Han was going to run away from the Lin kuei and you live off the money he got from the kill. But then that got me thinking… since is from first timeline, he was born in America and raised there with his mother right? What if he was specifically trying to run away to America to find his mom. Okay yes I know that probably not what they intended but ,at least for me it makes sense. We’ve already other timeline Bi Han’s having high reverence for their mothers.
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What to say original timeline Bi Han the same. But that got thinking on how that might explain Bi Han actions. Again hear me out. We know Bi Han tends to be more hotheaded and aggressive than his younger brother. But what if the reason for that isn’t arrogance or bloodlust but anger at the Lin kuei itself. Imagine your just living your life as a normal child when all of a sudden you’re kidnapped but some strange people to work for them, forced into hard training regime your body isn’t used too and forced to commit horrific acts at such a young age. We don’t know how old Bi Han was when he was taken but we do know he was a kid when it happened so his mind and sense of self were still developing and he had some time to live a normal life before he was taken. His stubbornness and hotheaded nature were a result of him angry at the Lin kuei for taking what essentially his life away. And maybe his more aggressive ways could be due to trauma caused by the Lin kuei, damaging his mental state. This might also explain Kuai Liang as well. We don’t know how old he was when he was kidnapped but what if he was only a baby when it happened. He wouldn’t have know any other life other than the Lin Kuei. The harsh training and killing wouldn’t affect him as much because in his mind it this was normal. He wouldn’t have a reason to be more angry or aggressive because to him this was fine. Heck who knows maybe while Bi Han may have become more aggressive he could’ve taught his brother about morality to ensure his brother didn’t go down as much of a violent path as the rest of the Lin kuei. Maybe this is why he spared Sareena, not just because of mercy specifically but because he saw another soul who was forced into a life they didn’t want and he was felt bad for her and wanted to give her a chance. But honestly the thing that stuck out the most was the complete irony of his situation later on his life. This is a version of sub zero who constantly fought for his freedom, yet when it was in his grasp, he was killed. And when he entered the Netherrealm, even there he wasn’t freed as he was then made into a servant of Shao Kahn and Quan Chi . Maybe that why he hates his brother in that timeline. Kuai Liang escaped the Lin Kuei, he was free yet he went back to the Lin kuei he wasted his chance which Bi Han in his alter state despises. Or maybe he was envious of the time Kuai was free, feeling that it should have been him. Maybe he tried to take over the Lin kuei to destroy it or build it into something else so no one else would feel the pain he felt. I know all of this seems illogical and stupid and it probably wasn’t what Netherrealm had intended but I can’t help think what could’ve have been, something that could’ve made Bi Han more interesting. But nope now we got a Bi Han Lin kuei extremist who just completely evil and not broken. But hey the noob sailboat trailer gave some interesting hints, which could redeem his character. But then then again, we’ll have to wait and see.
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isabelawritesthings · 4 months ago
Bi-Han and Sareena: An analysis and their future
I'm not good at analyzing characters or stories, but I didn't like what Netherealm did with these two over the years, so I decided to explore their relationship. Keep in mind that everything I'll say here is just my opinion, I ask that you respect my point of view.
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The first time we see Bi-Han and Sareena together is in Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero, also being the first Mortal Kombat game we saw Sareena. She is introduced as one of Quan Chi's demonic servants alongside Kia and Jataaka (in other words, they are slaves, but apparently, only Sareena wants to be free from Quan Chi's tyranny) while Bi-Han is on his journey to find Shinnok's amulet, the first interaction between them happens after Sareena and her sisters fight Bi-Han and lose. Bi-Han for some reason spares Sareena, I see this as an "act of pity", but calm down, I will explain starting with the story of Bi-Han.
Bi-Han has been seen as a villain for years thanks to his actions as Noob Saibot and the fact that he is a Lin Kuei, which was a clan of assassins and mercenaries, his current incarnation as a villain in Mortal Kombat 1 also doesn't help break this stereotype. But analyzing his character, he's not that bad. In the first timeline, he is the son of a Chinese man and an American woman, having a younger brother and a younger sister, being taken alongside his brother, Kuai Liang (or kidnapped alongside his brother, interpret it as you wish) by his father to China to serve in the Lin Kuei clan, abandoning the boys' mother and sister in America, So to begin with, he is not serving this mercenary clan because he wants to, but only because he has no choice, the Lin Kuei are also assassins, so for the safety of the clan, I imagine that anyone who tries to leave the clan ends up executed (I mean, If you watched Mortal Kombat: Legends, you know what happened to Kuai Liang and Smoke when they both tried to escape the cyber initiation, Kuai Liang escaped but Smoke was trapped and turned into a robot).
We also cannot forget that he was unfairly blamed for the Shirai Ryu massacre, even though he explained several times to Scorpion that it was Quan Chi, not him, who killed Hanzo's family, and what does he get in exchange for having only his word as proof of his innocence? Being killed by Scorpion and turned into a slave to Quan Chi, just as Sareena once was. Compared to real villains like Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung, Bi-Han doesn't seem to be as evil as the fandom thinks, he felt sorry for Sareena like any other human being with feelings would feel for an enslaved person (believe me, slavery happened here in my country in the past and to this day it is a sensitive subject even for non-black people) but getting back to the subject, Sareena doesn't want that life anymore and asks Bi-Han to take her to Earthrealm when he goes there, she doesn't even ask to live with him, just to help her get out of that literally hellish place, a bird wanting to be free from the cage.
This is the same arc as Ashrah in Mortal Kombat 1, a demon who has grown tired of the Netherealm and now wants a purpose in life, but before Bi-Han can say "yes" or "no", Shinnok attacks her and she falls into Bi-Han's arms, making us believe that she died (although it is later revealed that she survived, only losing her human form and being banished to the fifth plane of the Netherealm). A connection was created here, between a person and her "savior", she was defeated by that human, however, instead of running away to avoid being murdered, she simply asked him to help her get out of that place. After Sareena was trapped in the fifth plane for years, there was nothing Bi-Han could do for her, soon after he went to the tournament and everything we know happened.
Sareena was trapped in the fifth plane for years, until she escaped through a portal created by Quan Chi and Scorpion, recovering her human form thanks to the energy generated by being in another realm. She meets Kuai Liang, who at this point is the new Sub-Zero and the new grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, who as a way of thanking her for the help that Sareena gave to Bi-Han in Mortal Kombat: Mythologies, grants her a place in the Lin Kuei, just as Ashrah went to the Wu Shi Academy in Mortal Kombat 1, the Lin Kuei became Sareena's new home.
In Armageddon, Kuai Liang wants to restore Noob Saibot and Smoke, who are fused, imagine that Sareena's wish is also to restore the one who helped her one day, Sareena helped Kuai Liang defend himself from Noob Saibot's attacks, ending up awakening her original demonic form. Kuai Liang does not recognize her and attacks her, abandoning her in the Netherealm, being found by Quan Chi later and manipulated into being his slave again, returning to the place she wanted so much to escape.
She was eventually freed from the spell that was mentally binding her by Taven, but like the rest of the characters, she was killed in the final fight at the pyramid. Her ending in Armageddon is "cute" to me, she ends up becoming a cryomancer, the connection she had with Bi-Han and Kuai Liang was so strong that it made her have the same superhuman abilities as them, a form of the gratitude she had for them.
Now speaking of Bi-Han, well, I imagine you already know what happened: He was transformed into a sort of ghost of darkness, having his mind manipulated by Quan Chi to become one of his evil agents. As mentioned, he somehow merges with Smoke while Kuai Liang tries to restore him. He also ends up dying in the pyramid by the way. And this is how their story ends :(
Sareena returns in Mortal Kombat X to help the Special Forces. In a fight against Kitana, things get interesting... Sareena claims that Bi-Han helped her, and she can do the same for Kitana. Kitana says that she got very close to Bi-Han (you can interpret this as Sareena becoming more human thanks to Bi-Han or Sareena actually fell in love with Bi-Han). In Mortal Kombat 11, at the end of Kabal, Sareena marries him and has two boys with him (don't ask, even I was confused). In a taunt round with Skarlet, Noob Saibot says that she reminds him of Sareena, showing that even after twenty-four years, he hasn't forgotten about her.
For me, it was always an implied romance, hidden feelings, I had hopes for the two of them when it was announced that Bi-Han and Sareena would be in Mortal Kombat 1 and would appear in the story mode, but Khaos Reigns destroyed everything! Bi-Han is transformed into Noob Saibot by Titan Havik, and sadly, him and Sektor (who is now a woman) are now a couple, probably since their teenage years, while Sareena is just a jobber in the story mode, but is later freed by Ashrah in her ending.
I believe there will be a Mortal Kombat 12 (after all, I've already lost hope for an Injustice 3, and we know which game makes more money between the two for Netherealm Studios) and while I and half the fandom agree that Mortal Kombat NEEDS a writers room, I still have hope for these two. Bi-Han apparently wants to continue as Noob Saibot, there's nothing stopping Quan Chi for having ambitions for him, and since Sareena is an enemy of her former master, they might meet again.
I like to imagine that Sareena would make him be "good", making him realize that he can be much more than the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei with fascist ideas, it doesn't even need to be a romance, just a friendship! But unfortunately Netherealm Studios doesn't listen to the fans (apart from the insufferable Mileena fanboys in MK11) so any chance they have of getting to know each other is minimal, even if they are as enemies since Sareena wants to train with the Shirai Ryu.
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mk-oc-imagines · 1 year ago
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Bi-Han x Johnny Cage | ColdStar Headcanons
Both SFW and NSFW
For all you ColdStar lovers
Reader discretion is advised
Slow burn of the slowest slow burns
It was Johnny, who initiated all of their conversations
Bi-Han slowly and gradually relaxed around the movie star - Johnny can not be annoying if he wants to
There are times Bi-Han starts to looking forward to interacting with Johnny
They got sent into Netherrealm by Quan Chi and they had to work together to get out
This brought them closer together
After that, they started sending letters to each other as Bi-Han mentioned that it is easier to put his thoughts on paper
For Bi-Han, it was a time he could truly relax
For Johnny, it was also a down time, where he could relax
It was Johnny, who suggested a date
When Bi-Han took too long to answer, Johnny thought he messed up
Until a letter came with few words - "Dear Johnny, I agree."
Know the videos where dogs get the zoomies? Yeah, that was Johnny when he got it
They both agreed to take things slow and not make things public just yet
They were very discreet, Bi-Han had an easier time hiding things but Johnny wasn't having a good time
All he wanted to do was to gush about the date he had with Bi-Han
Bi-Han expressed that he didn't like when people touched him without his consent and Johnny respects it
Always asking if he can hold, touch, hug
Johnny says 'I love you' to Bi-Han everytime he gets the chance - sometimes he thinks he's saying it too much but the reaction he gets from Bi-Han is worth it
Bi-Han has smiles reserved only for Johnny, the way his eyes crinkle when he hears 'I love you'
Bi-Han gradually relaxes and isn't stressed - but is still frustrated
Johnny says that it is perhaps the best if they do things on their own terms - break away from the 'Defenders of Earthrealm' circle
They do - and Bi-Han parts ways with Kuai Liang and Tomas
Bi-Han sometimes doubts his decision but he had the entirety of the Lin Kuei backing him up and Johnny
When they share their first kiss, it was like they said hundred things to each other they couldn't say with words
They do have misunderstandings, sometimes they have to go a few days without talking to each other to think things over
When they try to mend things up, they are bit awkward
Johnny tries to hold Bi-Han's hand whenever he's stressed or something but backs off when comfort is not wanted
Bi-Han seeks Johnny out just for some quiet company, reading a book or just having a sit down
Johnny wanted to film a movie about the Lin Kuei
Bi-Han agreed - with that, Johnny opened a can of worms that I won't get into now
Needles to say, Johnny understands Bi-Han a lot more
Johnny even gets a few letters from other members of Lin Kuei expressing their thanks for making their Grandmaster a happier man
They are there for each other
Neither of them allow to be vulnerable or show weakness, so when one of them does, they know it's serious
They also got married - a story for another time
For Bi-Han, it was quickest way to relieve stress
It was rough, it was fast - it did not hurt. Johnny did enjoy it at the start
Johnny started to notice, when they were laying down in the post coital bliss, Bi-Han seemed to shut down into himself
Johnny convinced Bi-Han to switch positions - riding him slowly into completion and Bi-Han fell apart - staring up lovingly at Johnny
The morning after they have a talk about it
Finding middle ground, they started to introduce BDSM elements into their sex life
Johnny goes by 'safewords are sexy'
Bi-Han always checks up on him during their sexy times - asking if he's in pain, if the binding is too tight, etc.
When they do take things slow, Bi-Han lets Johnny take charge
They like finding out and exploring new ways for aftercare
Johnny's favorite is to trace patterns onto Bi-Han's skin
Bi-Han's favorite is to pepper soft kisses on Johnny's shoulder
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thisonehere · 1 month ago
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Cheating! Bi-Han x F!reader
Part 5 Of a Match made in Hell
First part
Last part
A/n: So...this came out a lot later than I had hoped, but a lot of personal stuff came up so it was delayed. I really think I'm getting closer to the end of this series though, maybe 3 more chapters? Idk.
Tags: @maulsgf @sweetpanda18 @thickemadame @posterbunny @strawbisane @fandom-garbage @sleepyfxce @livingdeadgirly
C/w: Mentions of blood and violence
'Was Hell truly that bad?'
Sareena thought as she gazed into the night sky.
Bi-han didn't come back yet. She didn't expect to see him yet anyhow, he was supposed to be gone for at least 2 weeks.
The demoness stood at the balcony in your old bedroom. Below outside the main Temple of the Artika many Lin Kuei were busy getting the last bit of work done before curfew. Some were trying to get to the cafeteria to get one last snack, some were coming back from light training before going to bed, others were busy transporting boxes, inventory from distant allies Bi-Han acquired. She even saw Kuai Liang and Tomas in the distance.
They were going somewhere, marching down the stairs with a suspicious look on their faces. They were up to something, Sareena knew that look well, Ashrah had the same look on her face, they were planning something. They didn't notice her looking down at them. They were too far away too, or they knew but ignored her. It wasn't a secret that they did like her, Kuai especially.
He blamed her. Bi-han defecting from Liu Kang; her fault. The deals he had made with me like Quan Chi and Shang strung and other dark forces; her fault. Bi-han cheating on you with her; her fault. He blamed her for everything. They all do. She's not blind to all the looks she's given as she walks by or the whispering that happens behind her back.
Sareena gripped the rose in her hand tighter. It was from your garden, she saw that Bi-Han as he attempted to take care of it. He failed miserably, so she took over and began to take care of it. It was so beautiful, she could tell that you worked hard on it, it would be a shame to let it die, you obviously worked so hard on it.
The beauty of your garden was a bit of warmth to brighten up the dull her lonely existence. Sareena wasn't close to anyone, she had no one. Usually she would be with her sisters, playing and laughing with them, which would make being in hell less harsh. But she can't, Khia and Jataka were dead, murdered by her own sister, Ashrah. She truly had nothing, only her thoughts. So she stood at the balcony and she thought.
"Was hell as bad as she remembered?"
Maybe she was just so overcome with grief at her sister's death that she couldn't stay in that place anymore. In her grief she found Bi-Han or he found her, right at the moment when she really needed someone. And it all felt okay afterwards, Sareena showed Bi-Han the many wonders of hell, and in return Bi-Han brought her up to Earthrealm, the place Ashrah abandoned everything for.
Sareena had found someone to love, and apparently she hurt someone in process, she hurt you. She didn't mean to, but she had fallen in love. And now the man she loves is somewhere in Earthrealm, trying to barge a deal with the likes of Kano. But she knew it was something a lot deeper, he was trying to win you back, she could just sense it. Bi-han had tried to never talk about you ever since you left, but he accidentally said your name here and there. Even in his sleep he whispers your name.
Sareena gripped the rose even tighter, feeling its thorn sink into her skin. 'Was it all worth it?' She wondered as she turned around to go back inside. Was this...this mess that she got herself into worth it for love?
Today was a wonderful day for Bi-Han. He enjoyed a sweet morning Sareena, had a trip journey to Fangjian where he had a lovely dinner at the Tea House, and then saw his wife with another man. What a wonderful day, the most wondrous day indeed. Bi-han thought it was so wonderful in fact that the moment he got to his hotel he began throwing whatever he could get his hands on and punching holes in the walls. He even began to lash out with his powers, throwing ice balls here and there freezing and destroying everything they hit. Wonderful.
The moment he saw you two, you and...him, it took everything in him not to break into your house and kill that damned actor. The image of his hands around Johnny's throat flashed before his eyes. He wanted to kill him, kill him and make you watch as he did it. Maybe even stab him open for extra effect.
Bi-han shook his head as he slammed down onto the bed. He still couldn't wrap his own around it. Him? Of all people, HIM?!?!
He would've anticipated Raiden, he saw the way the farmer looked at you. He knew the man had a crush on you, perhaps if you had gotten with Raiden he wouldn't be so furious. But out of all men you could've chose to do this-this betrayal with, you chose JOHNNY CAGE!?!?
The rage in Bi-Han was horrid, he rocked back and forth. All he was seeing right now was red as he began huffing in and out with harsh breathes, snarling like a rabid dog.
You didn't love him, you couldn't have, he tried to convince himself. No, knew that he'd follow didn't you, didn't you? You knew he'd see you with him. You did all this just to make him jealous, there's no possible way you'd ever love him.
You knew how much Bi-Han loathed the actor. In many ways, Johnny was the straw that broke the camels back. He humiliated him, he humiliated his brother. He's an imbecile! An imbecile that was chosen Liu Kang himself to represent Earthrealm alongside a two farmers and an ex gangster. Over him, or any other Lin Kuei. In putting into perspective just how Liu Kang saw his clan, he refused to suffer under him ever again. He'd make his decision for his clan, he'd lead them to glory, where they are respected and not seen as just lapdogs to be used.
You were supposed to be by his side, share this glorious destiny he was carving out for you. But you left him, and now...now you were-were...by the Elder Gods, it was too hard to bare.
He fell back onto his bed and he tried to catch his breath, tried to calm down. But every time he closes his eyes he sees it. You did nothing lewd, you were not kissing him, embracing him hungrily, you were merely holding his hand. But that's not what upset him what upset him was the way you looked at him. In your eyes there was so much love, and that killed him.
I have to pull myself together, Bi-Han thought as he sat up right in the bed. He will be meeting with Kano in just an hour. Bi-han closes his eyes and takes a deep breath in. The image of you and Johnny appears in his head the moment his eyes closed. "ELDER GODS DAMN IT ALL!!!"
*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*
"Who dares!"
The door slowly cracked open and a young face poked it's way out. The Young Black Dragons eyes explored the room, taking in the destruction with a confused horror.
"Speak, what do you want?" Bi-han snapped as he narrows his eyes. The young man cleared his throat and anxiously pushed open the door to fully reveal himself. His stance was awkward, his build thin, almost frail. Bi-han studied him up and down, he looked about 18, possibly event 16, a child.
"Um, Kano's ready. He sent me up here to tell you that he'll see you now." Bi-han could see how terrified the boy was of him, normally he woud feel some form of sympathy. But he could muster an inch of kindness inside of him. "Then what are you waiting for? Take me to him."
"Thank you for showing me that, Johnny. Ninja Mime was...an experience."
You say with a forced smile as you followed Johnny to the door. You always had enjoyed all the movie Johnny had shown, they were all fun and enjoyable. But Ninja Mime was...definitely a movie. The best part was Johnny, he provided great company and the snacks he made were amazing, his dumb smile as he happily told you behind the scene facts. It made the movie almost bearable.
"Don't thank me, babe. Thank yourself for allowing yourself to enjoy the experience." Johnny wears an ignorantly blissful smile as checks his reflection in the shade of his glasses. "Hey, when I come back we can start watching the sequels." Your smile is waned for just a second before you immediately bring it back up. "That would simply be splendid, Johnny. I can't wait." You say, hoping the faux enthusiasm you coated your words with would hide the dread in your eyes.
Thankfully, Johnny was in such a good mood that he didn't even notice. You hug him, his cologne was rich, almost intoxicating. It's like he showered himself in it before he came. "You know, in a few months, after so come back, I have an award show to attend, you should come with me as my plus one."
You tilt your head in surprise. "The monks are letting you go?" You didn't know much about Liu Kang or the training at the Wu Shi of their practices. But from what Raiden and Kung Lao described it as, they could barely leave thanks to this mess with Shang Tsung, Liu Kang seems to be pushing them harder and harder, keeping them at the Academy as long as possible. It's as if he's training them for war. You feel a shiver go down your back at just the thought of it.
Johnny shrugged "Liu Kang wanted me to stay, but I worked the 'ol cage charm on 'em and he had a choice but to let me go." A cocky grin flashed across his face as he bragged. "But seriously, though, you should come with me. We could get a dress, do your hair and makeup, everything. Millions of big people will be there, you could rub shoulders with them, make your big break into the industry."
You bit your lip as you thought about it. The idea of it all, the glitz, the glamour, thousands of cameras in your face, right next to one of the biggest actors, all for the world to see. For Bi-Han to see, oh that would kill the man. "I'll...think about it." You say, struggling to hide the excitement you felt thinking of it.
"Alright," Johnny with an equally excited look in his eyes. "I'll leave you with that, I'll kick a sorcerer's ass." His cocky smile returned as he swaggered out the door and into the cold night outside. He didn't see your smile drop and your body gets tense. "Liu Kang sent you to capture Shang Tsung?" You forgot about all the joy you had been feeling as you are brought back to reality. Johnny, Kung Lao will be fighting Shang Tsung. Raiden will have to stay behind so he'll be safe. And Bi-Han will be getting involved sooner or later, and they still think he's on their side.
"Hey..." Johnny turned and noticed the wary look you wore on your face. He smile softens, becoming a much more sincere look. "There's nothing to worry about, Whatever Tsung got I'm sure I can handle it. Besides, I won't be alone either. Lao'll be there, even Kenhsi'll be there. What could possibly go wrong?"
"I know, but it's about Bi-Han. He's been-"
But before you can finish, before you can reveal what your husband is doing, Johnny talks over you. "Oh, don't you worry about him, or maybe you should. Because the moment I see him I'm gonna knock him through a loop. For you...and also because he still owes for that damn Hichuli." You take a deep breath and rub your eyes. You pause for a moment to think, you couldn't sit on this anymore. You have to tell someone about your husband, what he's doing and who's he's doing it to. And you know who exactly to tell it too.
"Will...Will Liu Kang be there as well?" Your eyes fall down to your hands as you began to fidget with them. "Yeah, he sorta has to, being the' Protector of Earthrealm' you know. Kind of comes with the turf." Air fills your lungs as you take a deep breath. "Alright, could...could you speak to him for me please? I-I seek counsel with him...about me and Bi-Han."
"Y/n, You don't have to do that." By now Johnny had stopped with the smile, now he was truly worried about you. "I know...I know you loved him, probably still love him, whatever your planning on doing. You shouldn't put yourself through this. Things weren't easy dealing from Christie, it was hell." His eyes softened as he remembered it all, he took a slightly shaky breath in and out. "I don't want you to go through that pain. You deserve so much better than that asshole. You deserve-"
"I love you." You say abruptly cutting him off, Johnny quickly shuts up. "I love Raiden, I love Kung Lao, I love this new life I have. But I can't be happy, I can't be free unless I finish this chapter of my life. This is something I have to do." It's obvious that Johnny wants to protest, but he doesn't. He lets a deep breath escape his lips, and a clear defeated look is painted on his face. "Alright, I'll talk to Liu Kang. Get him to meet with you so you can sort out whatever it is you want to sort out with Bi-Han."
You sigh in relief, you feel like your body has finally calmed down. You get close to Johnny, finally smiling again and you lay a kiss on his cheek, much to his surprise. "Now go, Tsung's ass won't kick itself."
Nothing else is said gives you one last smile as he turns and walks over to the back where he parked his car. You stay on the steps for a second. Your eyes close as you take a deep breath. You feel cool night air as it rushes through your lungs, it was colder than usual, but you didn't care to think much more of it. You felt...good, amazing even. You were finally going to put an end to this, and then Bi-Han would out of your life forever.
"Well, don't be shy, dig in mate "
Kano lay slouched in his chair, around his lips were covered in a slobbered mix of food and alcohol. Bi-han tried not to scrunch his face in disgust at the sight of such a disgusting being. He hardly even touched the food Kano kindly set out before him nor interacted with the women Kano sent to sit next to him in the hopes of charming Bi-Han.
In his efforts to expand the Lin Kuei, Bi-Han has caused his clan to develop quite name for themselves in the underground scene. And ever the opportunist, Kano wanted a slice of this pie.
So now there he was, in a dark and dingy room, the basement to the nice hotel he was staying at. The place wrecked of beer and blood. The Lin Kuei who Bi-Han brought with him were gagging in disgust under their masks. They stood behind Bi-Han like Kano's black dragon stood behind him. None of them seemed to have noticed the smell or disgusting nature of their setting, they were no doubt used to it.
"Kano, your black dragon clan is most.... impressive," Bi-han had hoped his lie was convincing enough. "I believe there is much we can teach each other. And especially many things we can give each other." Kano seemed to hardly listen, as if he didn't truly care about a single thing Bi-Han said. So Bi-Han decided to get right to the point. "It has come to our attention that your clan seems to be in a moment of trouble. A certain blonde has been adamant about bringing your clan in, and might I add that she's been very successful so far."
Kano gave Bi-Han a glare from the side of his eyes. He stops his pigging out and sits up right in his chair. "Yeah, and what of it?" Bi-han sat upright in his chair as well, he smiled at how he caused Kano's to react. "My Lin are excellent warriors, yes. But they assassins as well, anonymity has always been our strength. I can have my people wipe away any trail you have left, no doubt making it harder for Blade to find you. I can have her "taken care of" even. I imagine that would be quite the relief for you and your men."
Kano narrowed his eyes, it was obvious that he was now intrigued. "Sounds too good to be true." Bi-han silent agreed. His attention went to the plate before him, blood sausage. "It is. Because we don't see the point, you've yet to give us a reason to want to help you." Bi-han slowly began to cut into the sausage.
"So what is it, mate? What'll it take to get you on our team?" Kano leaned forward in his chair, his robotic eyes basically glowing. Bi-Han set the knife down and ate a piece of the sausage, a mad smile on his face.
You awake from your sleep with a stir. The sound of knocking at your door was enough to do that to anyone. You try to ignore it, maybe whoever it was would go away. They kept knocking, and knocking, and knocking.
You can't take it anymore, you rub your eyes as you pull yourself into a sitting position. Your vision was too blurry to think straight, your brain was in no better condition. Who could that possibly be? Maybe Johnny left something. You groan as your tired bodies slowly stand up. It's like your still in a sleep state as you make your way down the stairs, one slow step at a time.
Whoever's knocking at your door seems to really want you to know their outside, they keep knocking and knocking. It sounds almost desperate, you would've noted that if it wasn't for the fact that your brain was basically still asleep.
"Who is it?" You say, your words barely more than a muffle. No response, just more knocking. You look through the key hole, nothing. Yet you still hear knocking.
This gets you to wake up just a little bit as your hands hesitently go to open the door. You fumble a few times as you try to undo the locks. Normally you wouldn't open the door this time of night, but something felt wrong, something that compelled you to the open the door.
So you did.
And there at your feet is Bi-Han, his lip busted, his nose broken, his eyes black, cuts all over his body, he clutches at his side. "Bi-han." You gasp as you fall to your knees to look at him. "What happened? Who did this to you?" You reached out to touch his swollen face. "The meeting...it went wrong...so...wrong..." he sputtered out, desperately trying to force out words. His eyes are puffy, you have seen the Grandmaster in a beaten state before. But nothing ever like this. "Y/n...I need you to help me..."
"Please," his voice is weak. His whole body seems weak as his head falls into your lap. "Help me."
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newkatzkafe2023 · 3 months ago
Hey, bestie! Ok so you know that one scene from how to train your dragon where toothless is trying to woo the lightfury and instead of being head over heels or swooning, she’s just looking at him like he’s insane while hiccup is in the background hiding hyping toothless up?
Imagine that scene with our monkey boys trying to impress a certain fem y/n(but she is very distant and to herself) while Nesha, MK, Lin, whoever is trying to help him but he just ends up making an ass of himself. He may or may not get slapped….or whacked with his staff……again🤭. But who knows, maybe we secretly like it in the end….
Seriously have you even talked to a girl??-Norm the Genie
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(Lmk Wukong) His jaw was on the floor when he went with Mk and his friends on the beach. You were sunbathing in your white two pieces Wukong chirps, uncontrollably with heart eyes, Mk noticed you too and decided to help Wukong out. Mk decided to hype up Wukong to win you over, but he acted like a huge clown in front of you, and it quickly became annoying. So you left him, but unfortunately for you, he doesn't give up that easily he had tried many methods of wooing you but it wasn't working. Then one day Wukong had made you a gift that showed a painting of you, you looked shocked as it was beautiful. With a light smile, you kissed his bright red face and accepted his courting ritual.
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(MKR Wukong) He was as red as a cherry, as he stared at you at a market you were looking at fruit trying to decide which one to buy. While the monk was preying at another buddha temple(again🙄) and Wukong decided to head over and woo you. Yeah, that ended badly, and you b*tch slapped him for scarying and bothering you as you tried to pay. Unfortunately, that just fueled Wukong's desire for you, so wherever you go, he would have some kind of method to try to win you over. Some didn't go so well as the would lead to him getting beat up by you, but then he started to do things that were genuinely sweet you even Witness him father A fruit chi. You came up to him one day and officially accepted his courting request. To say he was stooked is a huge understatement
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(HIB Wukong) Oh god, he's like those divorced dads in sitcoms who are awkwardly returning into the dating pool, but he had to do it because you caught his eye. Wukong is nervous as he'll because god, you were beautiful and like you would ever talk to him. Though you secretly found him to be very attractive and can feel his kind soul from where you're sitting, so it was you who walked over to him and looked him over. Wukong had a dangerously red face and felt frozen in place, but with Luier and Silly girl chatting you up and telling you that my dad, Has a huge crush on you" This made you giggle and tell him to pick you up at 7 at your place. The look on his face was priceless.
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(NR Wukong) This clown was asking for a restraining order like seriously. He is starting to creep you out. He kelp flirting with you at this nightmare club you were trying to drink in peace, but he wouldn't leave you be. He would flirt and use pick-up lines on you. You had hissed and slapped his face away from you. Wukong frowned and soon started sharing his little dilemma with Li. After a few weeks, Wukong had won you over with a cute bracelet he made for you he gave Li and thumbs up as you both hugged.
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(Netflix Wukong) I'll be honest you would bust a gut laughing at his attempts to get you to notice him. It's just so all over the place, and it's super cute and funny to you. Soon, he became so desperate that he actually went over to Lin's house and asked for help on you. The next morning, he came by your home with a large bouquet of your favorite flowers, making you smile, and grant him your affection.
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(BMW Wukong) Oh man, did you want to kill this man because he is a compete ass. You beat him up on a daily basis with his overconfidence ass, as hot and sexy as it was. Wukong wanted you to like him. So after many failed attempts, he decided to do the one thing he never does.......... Ask for help. Erlang had kind of a fields day with this he gave some decent advice and did what he was told. After a bit, where you both chatting and learning about each other, and it seems you both have a lot more in common than you thought.
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(Destined one) As usual, he's got a better chance of winning your heart, then all the others Desperate Degenerates. He was Is quiet soft and sweet and didn't piss you off as much. Your favorite activity together is cuddling and chatting. Well, it mostly you speaking about many things while the destined one listens, and with you guys being the shy and quiet couple together. It all worked out in the end, and the start to a wonderful relationship.
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bolin-and-pabu · 1 year ago
Idc what anyone says or what sexist mf tries to “umm actually 🤓” me
Korra is the strongest Avatar that I’ve seen idc if AaNg MaStErEd AlL eLeMeNts At 12 and here’s every reason why I belive this.
Korra already knew how to fire, water and earth bend before the age of 12 and she probably would’ve gotten air earlier if Tenzin wasn’t trapped at Republic City and Korra wasn’t trapped at the South Pole.
Korra is the first Avatar to metal bend and possibly? Spirit bend.
She created an entire Spirit portal/gate.
She fought off liquid metal poison and put up an amazing fight.
Her mental health was horrible but she still decided to push through and help people.
Not only is she strong but she’s hella freakin smart! Examples are: Her water bending move in the coin toss, her ability of using all her limbs while the Equalists are Chi-Blocking her and when she’s chained in the fight against flying bald man (icr his name he’s irrelevant).
She can heal with her water bending.
Korra fought off actual S tier rated villains.
Korra has the Prime Raava/Avatar state (idc if she bRoKe ThE cYclE none of y’all actually care *cough* because it’s not that important *cough* yall just want a reason to hate her).
She saved Raava from Vaatu.
She totally would’ve killed everyone if the people around her were cool with it too like she was so ready to kill that Judge dude and the Red Lotus.
She entered the Avatar state way easier than Aang did.
She lost her bending and got it back.
She returned Lin’s metal bending.
Zaheer called her power limitless.
She fought off blood bending without the avatar state.
That’s all I’ve got so far but I’ll add more when I can think of them also feel free to add your own reasons and for all of those fans I’m not saying she’s perfect none of them are but that doesn’t make her weak. For the Yangchen and Kyoshi fans as stated above this is relating to all the Avatars I’ve seen and I have not in fact read the Kyoshi comics or anything about Yangchen.
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electricdazeworld · 9 days ago
Alright clearly I didn’t get it all out the first time. So here are some more thoughts regarding fighting styles, specifically the different Iron Fist’s fighting styles. 
Starting off with Danny, I see his fighting style as very traditional seeing as he is the only one who actually trained for several years in K’un Lun to become The Immortal Iron Fist. To me Danny strikes a balance between being firm, but also flexible when fighting. Once you're fighting him neither of you is leaving till one of you can’t fight anymore, but he also has a sort of agileness to his fighting style. Probably from being The Heroes for Hire with Luke so many years, since Danny is sort of the “unstoppable force” to Luke’s “immovable object” 
Next up is the often forgotten runner up Pei. Her fighting style is a bit like Danny’s seeing as she was mainly trained by him, but when she fights she is more acrobatic and moves around a lot more making her a harder target to hit. When I think of Pei’s fighting style I think “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”. She is fast and agile, but when she hits you she hits you hard. She may even have picked up a few of Jessica and Luke’s fighting mannerisms seeing as they had custody of her for a bit, leaning all the more into the fact that if she wants to hit you hard, she will hit you hard. 
And lastly my favorite little wildcard Lin Lie. Like I talked about before, Lie is to me a “Jack of all trades, but a master of none” and his fighting style is sort of just a jumbled mess of different martial arts that he somehow makes fit together. I think Lin Lie sometimes has to remind himself to fight more like an Iron Fist traditionally would, because he was trained by Shang-Chi first and has learned from a whole bunch of people never really committing to one style of martial arts like others would. I think at the start when Lin Lie first became The Iron Fist he tried really hard to only use K’un Lun martial arts, but still slipped up every now and then. However I think when he accepted that he’d have to find a balance between being Swordmaster and Iron Fist he started using the other styles he knew much more. 
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