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mk-oc-imagines · 11 months ago
Johnny and Bi-Han: *arguing*
Kung Lao: Trouble in Paradise?
Kuai Liang: Johnny is dating my emotionally constipated brother, what do you think?!
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gammachao · 1 year ago
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Bi-Han and Johnny in my style (lighting wasn’t on my side 😭)
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tank041 · 9 months ago
JohnHan so real lol.
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That hybrid Sub-Zero X Johnny Cage variant aka Blueberry Ice still got me
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mortalpolykule · 26 days ago
Happy Belated Valentine’s Day!
Here’s some Bi Harem content for my fellow multi shippers out there. (Slight mention of nsfw btw)
I plan on writing a part 2 at some point.
“As you know, Titan Shang Tsung’s attack against us last year has revealed a few weak points in our defense,” Liu Kang stated, pointing out spots on the map bordering the academy. “I propose that we set up a night watch here…and here.” He placed a small figurine at three spots on the map. Bi Han nodded along, but his traitorous mind kept wandering to Liu Kang’s sculpted arms and shoulders as they moved. He seemed oddly tense today.
“I have some warriors who have already volunteered for the task,” Bi Han said. “I will give the order once I return.”
Liu Kang smiled. “Excellent. If the Lin Kuei should require anything, you need only ask.”
“That should not be necessary,”Bi Han scoffed. Liu Kang simply gave him a knowing look. “As always, your assistance in this matter cannot be understated. You have my gratitude,” he said.
“Perhaps we ought to thank Titan Shang Tsung for forcing us to up our game,”Bi Han replied. Liu Hang let out a soft exhale of a laugh, a smile creeping up on his tired face. “We wouldn’t want our own Shang Tsung to get jealous, now would we?” He retorted playfully. There was a subtle glint of deviousness in his eye, one that only Bi Han could notice. Suddenly, the changes in Liu Kang’s body language began to make sense. There was something distracting him, but what? The grandmaster felt a strange warmth flood his senses as his blood rushed to his face. When was the last time he had laid with any of his partners? Usually if Liu Kang needed some intimate time, he would simply ask. But lately, he had been acting shy. It was so unlike him, it had Bi Han concerned. Perhaps Liu Kang knew that he was busy and did not want to bother him? Bi Han decided that he must rectify this later, but for now, he had a job to do.
As he made his way across the courtyard, two familiar figures caught his eye. Raiden and Kung Lao were playfully sparring under the cherry blossom tree. The energy between them seemed light and carefree as Raiden met Kung Lao blow for blow. “Just you wait!” Kung Lao said haughtily, “One of these days, they’ll be calling me the chosen one.” Raiden simply laughed and shook his head. “You never change, do you Lao?”
Bi Han approached them quietly, watching their match. Kung Lao had improved significantly since the tournament, yet his movements reflected the same flair and grace that Bi Han had witnessed during his training. Raiden caught a kick from Kung Lao, and then paused. He turned around to face the presence he had felt, poised for an attack. Once he saw Bi Han, however, he immediately relaxed. Kung Lao let his foot fall back to the ground. He crossed his arms and smirked at Bi Han. “Look who decided to show up!”
“Bi Han! It’s been a while,” Raiden said, face flushed and beaming. A soft animal part of Bi Han preened knowing that his absence did not go unnoticed. “Kung Lao and I have some down time, so we decided to spar. Would you like to join us?” Raiden suggested. “Indeed, but I must return to the Lin Kuei. There is business there that I must attend too,” Bi Han said. A look of disappointment flashed over Raiden’s features before being smoothed over with his usual polite smile. “Of course. Maybe next time?” Raiden replied.
“You better take a break at some point. All work and no play makes Bi Han a grumpy man,” Lung Lao teased. Bi Han rolled his eyes. “I will let you know if it gets to that point,” he said. Satisfied, Kung Lao and Raiden went back to sparring, though without the same vigor that they had before. Bi Han crossed the courtyard to him and his brothers’ quarters. Right when he opened the door he could feel someone watching him. His muscles tensed, preparing for a fight as he quietly shut the door. The lights were off. Only the light coming through the window illuminated the space, casting dark shadows in each corner. A quiet snicker could be heard from behind him. Bi Han immediately recognized the voice and allowed himself to relax. A pair of arms gently wrapped around him.
“Hey Frosty,” Johnny finally spoke up. “Long time no see.”
“I have been busy with clan affairs,” Bi Han said. “How many people have you accosted accidentally before I got here?”
“Just Kuai Liang,” Johnny admitted sheepishly. “And he knocked me on my ass for it.” Bi Han let out a deep chuckle. He felt Johnny smile against his shoulder.
“When I return, we will make up for lost time,” Bi Han said. The smile faltered slightly. Out of all his lovers, Johnny usually required the most attention. “You may spend the night here if you wish,” Bi Han suggested. “We will not be leaving until morning.” Johnny grinned at him. “How could I say no to that?” He replied.
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crashdevlin · 2 years ago
Don't Hide (A Witcher fic)
Author’s Note: This is part three of my Witcher series, which started at Opposites Don't Attract and continued to Left In the Cold 
Summary: Y/n finds herself in Poviss, living an almost-normal life in the North. A blizzard leaves her stuck.
Pairing: Geralt x Reader 
Word count: 2330
Story Warnings: a bit of angst, confrontation, some kissing
Poviss was cold. A Northern mountain territory with residents who weren’t used to outsiders. They were surprised when a witcher approached the gates of Tredam, but you just set your eyes on the snow beneath your boots and stepped past the guards. Your first instinct was to find the tavern, but you stopped at the town message board first. Maybe to find a job. Maybe to find a place to stay. There were several notices for missing cats and dogs, but the page that caught your attention said Shak for rint. 2 rooms plus outhous. Shit at keeping out cold but has a pit. Build a fire. Find me at Bicages Inn. Ask for Liam.
You pulled the parchment down and folded it, tucking it into your shirt. You adjusted your cloak and headed down the mud and stone covered main road through Tredam, eyes on the sign hanging from a building in the distance.
"Yer a witcher?" The man at the bar named Liam barely looked at you as he spoke and you could imagine him wanting nothing to do with you...until you realized that his accent was Skelligen and he wore no symbol of clan loyalty. An exile. An outsider, just like you.
"Yes. I'm just looking for a place to lay low for the winter."
"Ain' there a spot yer kine go ta fer the cold months? Off ta the East?"
Your lips went thin as you pressed them together for a moment. You cleared your throat and looked toward the barman, who nodded at you and grabbed a mug to fill it for you. "I'm not welcome at Kaer Morhen." You pulled your medallion out of your cloak and dangled it where he could see the cat head. "Cats are banned. Lucky me, I'm an outsider even from the other outsiders."
"Heard things 'bout Cat witchers."
"All true," you interrupted. "Foul, chaotic, rude, quite insane, the lot of us. Fortunately, I've denounced much of my teachings. Which is why I'm not in the Southlands with the Cat Caravan."
"Yew got a hundred florins?" he asked after several quiet moments. You nodded. "Yew can have the cabin 'til first thaw, then. Have yer drink an' then I'll take yew to it."
"Thank you," you said quietly before taking a seat on the stool beside him.
The cabin was deep in the woods outside Tredam and it was small, a bedroom and a kitchen and sitting area, but it was more than enough for you. Liam left you alone. You made witcher potions. You cooked in the firepit. You did small jobs around Poviss to earn coin for liquor and food. It was the closest to the simplicity of normal peasant life as you'd ever experience.
Once they got used to your presence in their town, several of the people of Tredam were fairly welcoming, offering smiles and greetings when they saw you. They knew your name. They knew your drink order at the tavern. They knew which herbs you needed before you walked into the apothecary. They knew what book you were reading that week and had suggestions for what you should buy next. They accepted you. No wonder Liam felt comfortable in Tredam.
The second storm of winter was much worse than the first, leaving you stranded in your cabin. Your horse, Daisy, was boarded in the stable behind the tavern and, though you missed your animal companion, you were grateful for that. She would have frozen in the blizzard. You, however, were at least alive in the cabin, fire blazing, bundled in cloaks and blankets.
You sensed movement outside the log walls of the cabin and your brow furrowed. The snow had been falling without stopping for hours. Who, in their right mind, would be out in that sort of weather? And why hadn't you heard them approach?
You stood and grabbed your steel, immediately thinking of Joel. It would be just your luck that Marchioness Woudsly sent another witcher your way. You couldn’t kill another of your brothers. You would die first. But if it wasn't a Cat…
You opened your door with your sword ready and gasped as your eyes fell on the white-haired Wolf you left behind months before. You froze, fingers gripping the handle of your sword as he looked down at you, snow whipping around him on strong wisps of wind.
"Are you going to kill me or invite me in?"
You blinked at him a few times before you sighed and lowered the sword, stepping out of the doorway and dropping your eyes to the wood floor. He stepped in and shut the door, shaking snow off of his hair and shoulders. You bit into the inside of your cheek as you sheathed your sword. What were you supposed to say to him? Did he come to Tredam to find you? Was he on a job? Were you the job? Would Geralt ever take a contract like that? Not against a human, but you weren't human and if he thought you murdered the Marquees…
"What are you doing here, Geralt?" you asked, pulling your cloak around you tighter.
"Did you expect me to stay in Kagen?"
"N-no," you stumbled, moving closer to the fire and avoiding the amber eyes staring at you through the dim light of your cabin. "But I didn’t expect you here, either."
"Obviously." You ignored the tone of his voice as you sat on a small wood stool and warmed your fingers near the fire. He watched you for a few moments before moving to lean against the wall. "You never came back."
"Obviously," you responded, shortly.
You tucked your hands under your cloak and stared at the flames. How the hell were you supposed to answer that? How were you supposed to tell the great White Wolf, the Butcher of Blaviken, the most famous witcher of the time, that you were too bloody sensitive to be baited into a heartbreak at his hands? How could you tell him that you'd never recover from the fall? How could you tell him you'd regretted riding away since the moment you mounted up?
"Why not?" was the answer that escaped you. Not much of an answer, but it didn’t get you killed so it must have worked well enough.
He let out a small sigh and shook his head. "I didn't take you as a coward."
Your eyes went wide, anger immediately racing through your blood. Rage heated your face. At least you weren't cold anymore. "Excuse me?"
"You got scared and you ran away," he accused. "You're a fucking coward."
You leaped to your feet, glaring up at him. "Nothing about you scares me, Wolf!"
He just glared back at you. "Could have fooled me, Feline."
"Oh, fuck off!" You scoffed and threw your hands up. "What the hell are you doing here, anyway? Can't you take a fucking hint? I don't want anything to do with-"
"Liar," he interrupted, stepping closer.
"Gods, you are an arrogant son of a bitch, aren't you? I left you in Kagen because I didn't-"
"Because you're a coward."
"I'm not a--what kind of witcher do you take me for?" He just tilted his head, looking down at you with that frustratingly handsome face. You let out an angry grunt and turned away. "You are infuriating! I came here to get away from you!"
"You admit you ran away to hide, then?" You didn't even have to look to know he was smirking.
"I'm not hiding!"
"Yes, you are."
"I am not!" You whipped back around, glaring at him again. "You need to leave. I don't want you here. I don't want you around. I don't want a wolf in my home-"
"You don't have a home, Cat." He pushed back away from the wall and stepped right in front of you. "This is just a cabin you rented to hide."
"Fuck off, Geralt." You grabbed the cold iron of the door handle and pulled it open. Snow piled up on the doorstep, halfway up the frame. In just the short time he'd been in your cabin, the storm had gotten worse. You couldn’t send him out in that. "Fuck."
"Guess you're stuck with me."
You slammed the door and looked from the fire to the bedroom door. It was the only place to get away from him, but were you willing to risk the cold?
You certainly tried. You wrapped your cloaks and blankets around you on the wool-stuffed mattress in the bedroom. You held out stubbornly, listening to Geralt breathing beside your fire, until the cold overwhelmed you. It was your fire, after all. Why should he get to enjoy it while you froze your tits off?
You refused to look at him as you dropped to the floor beside the fire, grateful for the warmth flowing into your limbs. You sat in silence for what seemed like hours, tension settled over you as the wind roared outside.
"I waited for you," he said, eventually. You kept your eyes on the fire. "I knew you weren't coming back after the second day, but I waited."
"Then you're a fool," you responded quietly.
"A fool to hope, I agree." You rolled your eyes. 'Hope'. He couldn't have really hoped you'd come back. "I waited a week. Until the bard came back to tell me you'd ridden North."
You shook your head. You told Dandelion not to involve himself in your business.
You closed your eyes and bit the inside of your bottom lip. Maintaining silence on the issue at hand probably wasn't feasible. Not with him stuck in your cabin. Your hiding spot...because, really, he was right wasn’t he? You were hiding from him…and here he was.
He waited for your answer, didn't press. Witchers were nothing if not patient.
"You don't want me, Geralt," you said, looking over the flames at him. "I'm just a stray Cat that you play with sometimes. I'm not…"
"Don't bring up Triss and Yen."
"How can I not?" You pulled your cloak around you tighter and hugged yourself. "You think I'm just going to ignore them? Or any of the others? You have a type, Wolf. Sorceresses for relationships, whores for fun. Which category do you suppose I find myself in?"
He hummed and focused his eyes on the fire. "Do you...know why I'm called Butcher of Blaviken?"
You didn't understand why he was asking. Everyone knew the story...and anyone with an intimate knowledge of witchers, especially of Geralt, knew that he'd had no choice. "Of course."
"I don't think you do."
"Well...then enlighten me," you urged, curious as to how that massacre had anything to do with the conversation you were having.
He was silent for a few moments before he let out a small groan and looked up to catch your eyes. "There was a woman...Renfri. Not a sorceress...not a whore...a princess." Your jaw dropped a little. "She was one of the princesses marked as harbingers of Lilit. She managed to escape when she was taken to be killed. She was...beautiful, resourceful…"
He looked back down to the fire. "When I met her, she was the leader of a group of bandits. A princess, who should have been a queen by all blood-rights, was stealing for her supper."
"The bandits that you…"
He nodded in answer to your question. "She was determined to get revenge on the mage that ruined her. She asked for my help. I asked her to…" He shook his head. "I asked her to walk away, let go of it. She couldn't. She went after him...any means necessary...go through all who stand in her way...me included. She wouldn’t stop."
You licked your lips and leaned forward. "She was consumed."
"She was the first woman I felt anything for. I didn't think I could feel before her." He looked over at you. "She made me feel...and I had to kill her."
Your throat clenched around the sudden rise of emotion, your brain replaying Joel attacking you. You looked away, tears welling up in your eyes. "I had a brother. I left him behind at Dyn Marv. He was offered a contract on me." You swallowed thickly. "He wouldn't stop either. He was so angry with me."
You took a shaky breath and sighed it out. "I feel, Geralt. And I know you feel things too, but it's different. It's different for me. I'm not a wolf. I can act like I'm just like you but I'm not."
"You don't make sense." He stood and looked down at you. "You know I feel for Yen. You know I feel for Triss. But when it comes to you, I'm a wolf so I'm heartless."
You opened your mouth to argue but he kept talking. "I do feel for you. I care about you and knowing you left me waiting for you in Kagen hurt. Knowing that you decided to hide from me hurt. So tell me, Cat, if I'm just a wolf with no emotions, why was I compelled to find you? Why did I have to see your face again? Why couldn't I stop?"
You stood slowly, on shaking legs. “It’s...just…” You licked your lips, trying to find words, but finding none.
He reached out and grabbed your shoulders, looking down into your eyes. “Don’t.” He leaned down and lightly pressed his lips to yours. He felt like fate. You reached up and wrapped your left hand around the back of his neck, pulling him down to kiss you harder. “Don’t hide,” he mumbled into your mouth as he pushed you back into the wall.
Heat enveloped you as his body pressed into yours. The cold of the blizzard was forgotten. The fear of the future was forgotten. For a moment, everything was okay and you didn’t need to hide.
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mk-oc-imagines · 1 year ago
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little thing I like to call freezeframe
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mk-oc-imagines · 1 year ago
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Bi-Han x Johnny Cage | ColdStar Headcanons
Both SFW and NSFW
For all you ColdStar lovers
Reader discretion is advised
Slow burn of the slowest slow burns
It was Johnny, who initiated all of their conversations
Bi-Han slowly and gradually relaxed around the movie star - Johnny can not be annoying if he wants to
There are times Bi-Han starts to looking forward to interacting with Johnny
They got sent into Netherrealm by Quan Chi and they had to work together to get out
This brought them closer together
After that, they started sending letters to each other as Bi-Han mentioned that it is easier to put his thoughts on paper
For Bi-Han, it was a time he could truly relax
For Johnny, it was also a down time, where he could relax
It was Johnny, who suggested a date
When Bi-Han took too long to answer, Johnny thought he messed up
Until a letter came with few words - "Dear Johnny, I agree."
Know the videos where dogs get the zoomies? Yeah, that was Johnny when he got it
They both agreed to take things slow and not make things public just yet
They were very discreet, Bi-Han had an easier time hiding things but Johnny wasn't having a good time
All he wanted to do was to gush about the date he had with Bi-Han
Bi-Han expressed that he didn't like when people touched him without his consent and Johnny respects it
Always asking if he can hold, touch, hug
Johnny says 'I love you' to Bi-Han everytime he gets the chance - sometimes he thinks he's saying it too much but the reaction he gets from Bi-Han is worth it
Bi-Han has smiles reserved only for Johnny, the way his eyes crinkle when he hears 'I love you'
Bi-Han gradually relaxes and isn't stressed - but is still frustrated
Johnny says that it is perhaps the best if they do things on their own terms - break away from the 'Defenders of Earthrealm' circle
They do - and Bi-Han parts ways with Kuai Liang and Tomas
Bi-Han sometimes doubts his decision but he had the entirety of the Lin Kuei backing him up and Johnny
When they share their first kiss, it was like they said hundred things to each other they couldn't say with words
They do have misunderstandings, sometimes they have to go a few days without talking to each other to think things over
When they try to mend things up, they are bit awkward
Johnny tries to hold Bi-Han's hand whenever he's stressed or something but backs off when comfort is not wanted
Bi-Han seeks Johnny out just for some quiet company, reading a book or just having a sit down
Johnny wanted to film a movie about the Lin Kuei
Bi-Han agreed - with that, Johnny opened a can of worms that I won't get into now
Needles to say, Johnny understands Bi-Han a lot more
Johnny even gets a few letters from other members of Lin Kuei expressing their thanks for making their Grandmaster a happier man
They are there for each other
Neither of them allow to be vulnerable or show weakness, so when one of them does, they know it's serious
They also got married - a story for another time
For Bi-Han, it was quickest way to relieve stress
It was rough, it was fast - it did not hurt. Johnny did enjoy it at the start
Johnny started to notice, when they were laying down in the post coital bliss, Bi-Han seemed to shut down into himself
Johnny convinced Bi-Han to switch positions - riding him slowly into completion and Bi-Han fell apart - staring up lovingly at Johnny
The morning after they have a talk about it
Finding middle ground, they started to introduce BDSM elements into their sex life
Johnny goes by 'safewords are sexy'
Bi-Han always checks up on him during their sexy times - asking if he's in pain, if the binding is too tight, etc.
When they do take things slow, Bi-Han lets Johnny take charge
They like finding out and exploring new ways for aftercare
Johnny's favorite is to trace patterns onto Bi-Han's skin
Bi-Han's favorite is to pepper soft kisses on Johnny's shoulder
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mk-oc-imagines · 1 year ago
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Folks, we are doing it again. Properly this time
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mk-oc-imagines · 1 year ago
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Ship Aesthetic: Bi-Han x Johnny Cage - Cold Star
Part 1/??
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mk-oc-imagines · 1 year ago
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More cold star because I love them.
Johnny had to beg Bi-han to match with him , he always gets what he wants
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mk-oc-imagines · 1 year ago
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Date Night
Fandom: Mortal Kombat
Pairing: Bi-Han x Johnny Cage - ColdStar
Characters: Johnny Cage, Bi-Han, Madam Bo - other characters mentioned
Warnings: None
Tags: Fluff and First Date Awkwardness, Perhaps OOC
Part: One - Shot
".." Dialogue | '...' Thoughts
'I hope this isn't a mistake.' Johnny rubbed the back of his neck as he stepped foot into Madam Bo's teahouse, looking around the lower floor that was quite full with patrons. 'Damn it...Perhaps I should have called in advance. Does Madam Bo have a phone here?"
"Ah, Johnny Cage!"
Johnny nearly jumped out of his skin as Madam Bo approached him, smile on her face. "What brings you to my teahouse?"
"Uhm...." Johnny cleared his throat, tugging at the collar of his simple button up. "Is there any table for two, one that is secluded? With the most privacy?"
Madam Bo arched a brow, placing her hands on her hips. He did not answer her question and they both knew it, but Johnny did not want to talk about it to anyone. Not unless the other party agreed.
"Come with me." Johnny followed her onto the upper floor, where she led him into s far away corner that was bit in the shadows, far away from the rest which garnered no reason why would anyone look over.
"Thank you, Madam."
"It is my pleasure, Johnny Cage. Now, while I'm here with you, do you have anything in mind that I could make you?"
"Jasmine Tea for two and some snacks, please and thank you." Madam Bo gave him a smile, which he returned. Only when she walked away did he take a seat, pulling out his phone and sending a quick text message.
I'm on the upper floor, in a far corner. Found us something secluded. Text or call me when you get here so I could wait for you.
The response is quick, which makes Johnny grin.
Do not worry about me. I can find my way.
"Happy thoughts I take it?"
Johnny pocketed his phone and looked up at Madam Bo, who carried a tray with two tea cups, a steaming kettle and a plate full of sweet snacks, setting it on the table. "Yes, you can say that."
"Leave the tea sit for a little longer. This one is special type of Jasmine, reserved only for special moments."
"Madam Bo-"
Madam Bo tapped Johnny on the head, wagging her finger at him. "Now, now, I wasn't born yesterday. You, my dear, wear your emotions out in the open. An easy book to read if you will."
Johnny rubbed the back of his neck, flush to his cheeks. "That obvious?"
"Truly. I'll be tending to the rest of the patrons. If you need anything, wave me down or come find me."
With that, Madam Bo left Johnny alone and he had no idea what to do now. Nerves started to set in, his leg bounced and Johnny checkes his phone. No new message.
This was their first official date - Wait. Can he even call it official if no one knows about it? They both agreed to keep it under wraps for the time being. Johnny had to convince his manager that he wanted to take pictures of Fengjian for his upcoming project. Needless to say, she was a bit skeptical but let him go.
He wondered what kind of excuse Bi-Han had to do in order to get her. Johnny figured the Lin Kuei would not bat an eye st their Grandmaster leaving but Kuai and Tomas? They knew Bi-Han like the back of their hand.
Taking the sweet snack and nibbling on it in thought, Johnny thought he was going to bolt if he had to wait any longer.
"Dining without me?"
Jerking in his seat as if he was caught doing something illegal red handed, Johnny looked up at Bi-Han, who was wearing jeans and a hoodie, hair done into its usual bun.
Putting the entire snack into his mouth and chewing quickly and swallowing, wiping his hands on his trousers, Johnny stood up, smiling at Bi-Han awkwardly. "Sorry, I uh... Nerves got the better of me. How was the way here?"
They looked at each, awkwardness hanging in the air. Johnny usually greeted his date with kiss or a hug but he was unsure with Bi-Han.
"May I?"
"Oh, yes, yes, of course!"
They took a seat across from one another, Bi-Han poured them both tea, sliding the cup towards Johnny, who raised it up in a toast, Bi-Han mimicking him with a quirked brow. "On our first date."
"On our first date."
They both took a sip, Bi-Han's brow furrowing slightly. "It is not often Madam Bo serves this type of tea. What exactly did you tell her?"
Johnny choked and coughed, covering his mouth with his sleeve. "Nothing really. She read me like and open book."
Bi-Han looks at him, then his lips pull into a small smile, shaking his head with a chuckle. "She is right about that. Before I agreed to have a date with you, you were obvious in your advances. Cyrax offered me to get rid of you permanently."
"Talk about your clan having your back."
"I am their Grandmaster, it is expected. Me, Cyrax and Sektor grew up together, for the three of us it is different kind of loyalty."
'Must be nice.' Johnny thinks. 'To have someone to be there for you trough thick and thin."
"What about you, Johnny?" Bi-Han spoke up, taking another sip of his tea. "How did you get into Fengjian?"
"Made up an excuse, that I need to take some pictures of scenery for my upcoming movie. I guess it wasn't easy for you too to get here?"
Bi-Han shook his head, taking one snack and taking a small bite. "Not really. Had a mission here. If I want to stay a few more days, it is my decision."
Taking a sip of his tea and a snack, Johnny drummed his fingers against the table, a pit growing in his stomach. "Do they... Do they..."
Bi-Han waited, running his finger over the rim of the cup. "Does Tomas and Kuai Liang know?" Johnny managed, nerves taking over once again. He can imagine how everyone else would react if they found out about the two of them but Tomas and Kuai Liang? They would probably hunt him down and make him 'disappear'.
"No. They do not. They were also aware of your advances. I do not think they would ever dream of us..." Bi-Han gestures and Johnny understands.
"I...have a hard time understanding too...Why?"
"Why did you agree?"
Bi-Han paused, looking into Johnny's eyes, searching, which made the latter swallow thickly.
"You are easy to talk to. For me, conversations do not come easy. When we started to exchange letters, it was a break from my Grandmaster duties I started looking forward to. All I wanted to say went on paper, without anyone else reading it, just the one who it is intended for. If it were not for those letters, I would not be speaking to you the way I do now. We would be only sitting in silence."
Lump got lodged in his throat and Johnny reached over, taking Bi-Han's hand into his own, Bi-Han going stiff, looking at their joined hands.
"I love hearing you talk. What else is there? Tell me?" Johnny spoke lowly and Bi-Han inhaled shakily, carefully holding Johnny's hand back.
"You are making jokes and making light of a situation that warrants in. But when it is serious, you get serious - as shown when we were thrown into Netherrealm. You fought well, saved my life and in turn, I saved yours. But ultimately, it was the letters that insinuated everything."
Nodding his head, Johnny pulled back with a smile, drinking his now lukewarm tea, pouring himself another cup.
For the rest of the evening, Johnny was the one who did the talking, less for himself, more for seeing Bi-Han's small smiles and chuckles.
Johnny was not used to silence but this was pleasant.
He and Bi-Han walked side by side down the dirt road, Bi-Han had his hands in his pockets, while Johnny was fidgeting with his.
They came to an intersection a small sigh leaving his lips. "I guess this is where we part ways." They turned to look at each other, Johnny noticing how Bi-Han's gaze was soft. "I enjoyed tonight. Thank you."
"I enjoyed tonight as well. Thank you, for... This experience."
Johnny laughed softly. Leave it to Bi-Han to make it formal. "See you soon? Also..."
"Can I get a hug?"
Johnny hoped he did not overstep. He promised Bi-Han to takes things slow, let them know each other first before doing anything. He was already pushing it back then when he held Bi-Han's hand unexpectedly at Madam Bo's -
"Come here."
At first, the hug was awkward, both of them tense, Bi-Han not knowing where to put his hands but then they eased into it and it was the warmest hug Johnny has ever received. "Thank you...." Bi-Han whispered into Johnny's ear. "For not giving up on me."
It was Bi-Han who pulled away, their touches lingering just a tad bit longer. "Well...um...See you soon?"
"Goodnight, Bi-Han."
They parted and Johnny couldn't help the fluttering in his stomach and the way his heart was beating rapidly.
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mk-oc-imagines · 1 year ago
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Cold Star Intros: Bi-Han x Johnny Cage
--OOC incoming
Smoke: One question. How?!
Johnny Cage: I guess it's just my charm.
Kuai Liang: Who are you and what did you do to my brother?
Bi-Han: Did you fall on your head?
Geras: Did you foresee this, Lord Liu Kang?
Liu Kang: This was not supposed to happen.
Shang Tsung: You insolent little-
Johnny Cage: Struck a nerve with me dating the hottest guy in Lin Kuei.
Shang Tsung: What does that Earthrealmer have that I don't?
Bi-Han: Integrity.
Syzoth: Heard about you and Bi-Han. Kudos, Johnny.
Johnny Cage: Hey, you're learning pretty fast.
Kitana: You have...an odd choice in partners.
Bi-Han: No one is interested in your yapping.
Tanya: You and the Earthrealmer?
Bi-Han: As if you are the one to judge.
Mileena: I guess there is something to you, after all.
Johnny Cage: Oh, NOW you say it!
Johnny Cage: Can you go easy on me? Everything aches.
Bi-Han: You said you like it rough.
Bi-Han: I won't star in any of your movies.
Johnny Cage: Aw, come on! It's going to be fun!
Johnny Cage: When I win, you're taking me on a date to Madam Bo's.
Bi-Han: Heh, who are you trying to impress at Madam Bo's?
Bi-Han: I see trough your lame excuses.
Johnny Cage: Hey, what gave it away?
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mk-oc-imagines · 1 year ago
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If someone asked what Johnny Cage was, it would be positively, definitely and utterly doomed.
One of the sorcerers thought it would be funny to teleport him and Grandmaster Sub-Zero to the butt of Hell or whatever this place is called - seriously, he should have payed more attention at the Wu Shi Academy lessons.
Johnny complained, Sub-Zero argued and then they started to bicker, which would go on for hours, rinse and repeat.
Surprisingly, it was Johnny who said that they needed to find a way out and preferably work together to find it.
Treading trough Hell was hard and fighting the Demons was harder - they were basically swarming the place so no matter where Johnny and Bi-Han went, there was a group at least ten of them.
Then there was the matter of food and water.
It seemed that both of them came to the conclusion that they had no other choice but to eat the Demon's flesh they defeated. Neither of them were thrilled, cooking it over the many fires that was there and the meat tasted foul.
Then there was the question of water.
"Why don't you just let your ice melt?"
Bi-Han looked at him like he grew a second head but tried it nonetheless. He was first to try it, licking his lips, nodding his head, dropping an ice block into Johnny's hands.
And it was like this for days.
The heat was getting to them, both of them sweating like crazy, Johnny's stomach ached from the foul meat and the ice Bi-Han could produce was getting smaller and smaller, which meant they could drink only when the thirst was unbearable.
Another few days went by and they were at the end of their rope.
They were exhausted beyond exhausted, to the point they could barely hold their own in a fight.
It was after they managed to barely win a fight and get away, Johnny collapsed against one if the sharp rocks, eyelids growing heavy. He couldn't even speak, lips painfully cracked and mouth dry.
Bi-Han knelt in front if him, shaking his shoulder. "Look at me."
His body was growing so heavy and he was in pain, all he wanted to do was to close his eyes but Bi-Han shook his shoulder again. "Cage, look at me. Keep your eyes open. Cage!"
Johnny's head was being lifted up and Bi-Han was pressing his hand to his lips. "Drink." As if pressing a switch, the moment the melted ice touched his lips, Johnny grabbed Bi-Han's wrist, lapping it up, tongue running over Bi-Han's palm to get every drop. "Easy, easy." Bi-Han's voice is soft, creating another small block of ice and Johnny doesn't wait for it to melt.
There's a hand at the back of his neck, grounding him in the moment. His mind clears and Johnny has enough strength to stand up.
Neither of them speak about what happened.
They are running, freedom just a climb up and they can go home. If they survive.
Johnny climbs up first, helping Bi-Han up and they don't waint to catch their breath, running again towards the open portal.
One of the Demons hurls something at them and if catches Johnny in the leg, making him fall on the ground.
Bi-Han could leave trough the portal, just a few steps towards freedom, instead, he comes running back, helping Johnny up, arm over his neck, both of them walking towards the portal.
They are swarmed with their friends on the other side, Lord Liu Kang closing the portal and once Bi-Han sees that Johnny is being taken care off, only then he blacks out.
Johnny tries not to think about the days they spent in Netherrealm - Johnny knows it now, thanks to Raiden - and the way Bi-Han put him back on his feet and helped him trough the portal. Johnny saw him collapse, wanting to be there for him like Bi-Han was for him but they told him that he was just exhausted.
Johnny was overthinking everything at night before he went to sleep do he spontaneously wrote a letter addressed to the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, giving it to Tomas, telling him that it was a letter expressing his thanks. Johnny was glad that Tomas didn't question it.
Johnny got a letter back about week later, a Lin Kuei ninja standing in his living room, extending his hand with the letter, keeping everything formal. Once Johnny took it with a 'thanks', the ninja disappeared into the shadows.
Upon reading it, if Johnny wasn't recovering, he would be squealing like a school girl.
He will have to plan a trip to Arctica, where the Lin Kuei resided.
Then he stopped dead in his tracks, feeling his heart beating mile a minute and a blush rose to his cheeks.
He was doomed.
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image-transcribing-bot · 7 years ago
b Sid Acker 2 Gsiddharma We humans have had a good run. I'm OK with us going out like this. This Mutant Craytish Clones Itsel, and It's Taking Over Europe Every marbled crayfish isa femal clone. The population is exploding in Europe, but the species seems to have originated in the American Southeast nylmes.com e:33 AM - 6 Feb 2018 Jennifer Harrison U @GeneticJen I, for one, welcome our new all-female, asexually-reproducing, mutant crustacean overlords TCX OT U - Carl Zimmer ® @carlzimmer « My new column for @nytimes: A new species is born and goes berserk, in tribble fashion. nytimes.com/2018/02/05/sci... 10:32 AM - 6 Feb 2018 rae pacletta © eravouetreR doritos: we're making a line of chips for the ladies! all-female crayfish army: we'll fucking see about that 1:00 PM - 6 Feb 2018 Laurie Voss @seito This is WILD. A single mutation 25 years ago created an all-female species of crayfish that reproduces asexually in huge numbers, and they are literally taking over the world: This Mutant Crayfish Clones self, and Its Taking Over Europe Every maried crayish isa female lone. Te population is exploding in Europe, but the species seams to have orginated n the American Sout.. rytmes.com 10.00 pM -s reb 20te astonames O se - G ase sx G (B Laurie Voss Oseido - 17) v "This s how evalition works in X-Men comies, not how evalton usualy actualy works. A single mutation usualy makes no dfference or makes the animal sick, rot both heathy and aggressively hyper forte O as U r w - G ! Laurie Voss Gseido «19h v As a male, the number of women quete-weetng this with "Agoais is more than atte worying O0 s 0 Uin O ix S Laurie Voss Gseido - 19h v Vey wal, I acknowledge my bicagical redundancy I shal go quety 0s 0 te O i% 8
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Scientists have discovered a species of mutant all-female crayfish that reproduce asexually in massive numbers.
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mk-oc-imagines · 1 year ago
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Cold Star Headcanons
-no one asked for
It is the slowest slow burn of slowest slow burns - but let's move away from that for now
All of their dates were in secret - they were very discreet about it, mainly Bi-Han
It was their mutual idea - Bi-Han wanted a proper courting and Johnny wanted to get to know Bi-Han better
They usually got tea and coffee, talking about Johnny's acting and what he enjoyed filming and Bi-Han slowly opening up to Johnny about his Grandmaster duties
Their fifth date consisted a walk on a beach under a starry night - and that's where they held hands romantically for the first time - just a two finger hold
From time to time, they would send letters to each other
Their first kiss was after - like twenty dates - and it was soft and chaste
Johnny likes playing with Bi-Han's hair as he rests his head in Johnny's lap
Bi-Han letting his hair down is a sign of trust
They wanted to share a bed together but having their relationship secret threw a wrench into it
Johnny is very touchy-feely
But Bi-Han is the one who melts (heh) Johnny with kisses - pressing his against a wall, giving him gentle kisses
Their relationship becoming public was an accident - people took it surprisingly well
Because of that, they became a little bit open - now sharing a bed
They love exploring each other's scars - Johnny from doing his own stunts and Bi-Han from the many missions he had
Bi-Han suffers from nightmares and when he sits at the edge of the bed, Johnny wakes and rests his head against his shoulder, offering silent support
- that's it for today. If you have something to add, feel free!
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mk-oc-imagines · 1 year ago
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A sneak peek of what I'm working on. It's been a while since I've written some angst.
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