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michu-writes · 2 years ago
heyy long time no see! Super sorry about that, I just havent been able to come back to this blog because I feel oddly icky about it and it just reminds me of,,,, i dunno,,,, shit I guess lmao. I have come to the conclusion that I don’t feel as confident and comfortable with writing x reader fics anymore. I guess it’s just not my thing. So i’ll be quitting this blog. I’m not gonna delete it since I know many of you rlly enjoyed some of my work, so they will still be up. Theres a REALLY SMALL chance that i might come back one day, we’ll see. But yeah that’s it. Like i said, I wont delete this blog anytime soon unless it actually is starting to bother me a lot.
But I still have my ao3 up in which I post other works there! Just not x readers lmao. I post there occasionally whenever I actually get a fic done, so if you want you can check that out! I wont stop writing, I’m just not gonna use this blog or write x readers specifically anymore.
Anyways thats it, thank you for everything guys mwah <3
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michu-writes · 2 years ago
hi!!! i'd love an omori matchup!! :D
i'm an enfp 7w6 and my prns are she/her and i'm pan i have no preference at all!!!!! ^_^ my biggest interests are astronomy, astrology, anime + manga, gaming (pc mobile switch ps4), talking & being around people, and 🍃💨 HAHA :D
i'm very spiritual!!! and i love learning about philosophies and different views of the world!!! :) i love tarot as well ^_^ i'm always learning new things like that and i love to try different mindsets out if that makes sense!!!!! one time i heard "treat life like one big experiment" AND ITS JUST STUCK W ME :D
my personality can b described as talkative friendly optimistic joyful n kind!!! my mom n bff said im like a ray of sunshine & have a heart of gold (so sweet awh I LOVE THEM SM) :,) ❤️
my love languages are 1. acts of service but not anything big!!! small things like tying my shoes, or tapping my phone screen as it's turning dark!! 2. words of affirmation!! i'm super verbally affectionate!!! while dating someone i'd definitely need someone who would match my high affection levels!!! it doesn't matter if they show it behind closed doors or out to the whole world, i don't have a preference!!! :) oh and idk if this has any significance but my fav trope is bffs to lovers :D
I ship you with….
SUNNY ☀️ !
Sunny definitely needs an extrovert in his life (not like 99% of his friends already are) because he can get pretty awkward with another introvert if the other isn't as initiative, so having you by his side and kinda just leading him on would be really nice and helpful! It takes him a while to warm up with others, let alone fully gain his trust, so you both have probably been friends for a long time (maybe even ever since Mari was still alive), so that's your bffs to lovers lmao. There has been many people on multiple occasions saying it's ironic how his name is Sunny, and yet you're the sun and he's the moon. But you just tell them that just makes your relationship so special (it's true).
I have a feeling he'd really enjoy astronomy and astrology as well and would love to learn about it more with you. His favorite way of being teaching is with/by his s/o, it makes things less boring y'know!! He most likely watches anime as well, or tries to, so you guys would have movie nights and would probably spice things up by having small quizzes about the animes/mangas. And he loves gaming!! He doesn't have much money to buy that many games, so sometimes he just has to watch gameplays. But he'd love to buy whatever he needs to play with you. He also loves watching you play on your mobile or switch while you're both cuddling. He'll even let out a small chuckle whenever you fail or lose! Don't worry though, he'll give you a small kiss on the cheek whenever you win or complete something.
He's had a few philosophical questions about life during those 4 years of isolation, so he could discuss some with you if you want. But you're definitely more philosophical than he is, and he loves to just listen to you rant about it all day, he thinks it's really interesting! Like I said, he's always willing to learn new stuff with you.
He's never tried tarot before, but he has heard of it! If you know how to do tarot readings, he's just like :0!! That's so cool wtf? He'd love to get a tarot reading from you. He'd try to do read you too, but he'll just be confused.
Sunny isn't super big with words, I think we all have caught up to that now. So his words of affirmation isn't his biggest love language, but he's definitely more vocal around you than others. His love language would be physical touch. Simple gestures like hand holding, hugging, or just shoulder touching could just show how much he loves you. He's not big on pda, it's way out of his comfort zone, so he's mostly only comfortable with hand holding in public. But he wouldn't really care if it's around his close friends. Cuddles is a must!! That's his ultimate way of showing affection. You could be cuddling in silence, or just talking, or gaming, or watching something, it doesn't matter. Just as long as he gets be close to you! He's the small spoon, he has to be. Doesn't matter if you're shorter or taller than him. He missed the sensation of someone wrapping their arms around him and keeping him safe. I can tell you the first time you both cuddled, he couldn't help but cry. This poor baby is touch starved as fuck. You'd be too if you isolated yourself all alone in your house for 4 years out of depression and mental illness and guilt.
To be honest, he'd feel kinda guilty for having you do stuff for him. He understands it's a way to show affection, but man. Maybe it's just because he hasn't had anyone do this for a long time and completely forgot how it felt like. Whenever you tell him that his shoelaces are undone, he just kinda looks down is about to bend down to tie them, but then you're just like "no, don't worry I'll do it for you!" and he just has no time to hesitate. He'll mutter a small "thank you" but think "I could've done it myself, I just wasted 20 seconds of her time because of my selfish self! She probably hates me now." and oops you noticed the way he started sweating and just smooched him, now he feels better. He'll try to do the same gestures to you out of pity, but you insist.
Sunny gets flustered as hell whenever you compliment him in any way. He never realized how much he likes to be praised. You'd just say "I really like your clothes today, Sunny!" "You played that song in the violin so perfectly!" "I love you, sunshine." And he'll just pause as he slowly turns into a tomato. Sometimes he'd say something nice back, but fail miserably because of his stuttering. In real life he'd just be like o(-( but he's actually dissolving into mush in the inside. Oh and verbal praise following up with physical touch (nsx)????? He'll join Mari.
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michu-writes · 2 years ago
when did i get 600 followers
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michu-writes · 2 years ago
Heya! Are you still active?
kinda??? I try to be, but doing reqs might take longer bcuz of school! I have my midterms pretty soon, but yes, I'm still active!
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michu-writes · 2 years ago
Gonna start doing matchups again!!! Matchups are only open for TOH and Omori.
Please specify your MBTI, interests, hobbies, gender and sexuality, etc!!
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michu-writes · 2 years ago
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michu-writes · 2 years ago
How come none of you guys told me Dana has tumblr
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michu-writes · 2 years ago
hi hi hi
you write for toh?
so I kinda want anyone (maybe like hunter gus and luz?) platonic, with a friend who just loves to here them rant. like, "oh, you really like wild magic? tell me all about it!" and it always ends up in the character asleep. (sleep is for the weak)
A/N: Not sure what form you wanted this in, so I wrote headcanons !!!1!1!
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He'd be so excited!!!1!1! Although it would take a lot of trust for him to talk about wild magic with anyone due to previously being Belos' right hand man. He was never able to talk about wild magic with anyone the way he does now, and he's really grateful to have a friend like you. Hunter really wants to know more about wild magic, so talking about it with you (being a witch or humor yourself) could also help him learn more!! And you guys would go on for hours until Hunter eventually gets so tired, he just suddenly passes out in your arms. After waking up and realizing that what had happened, he'd just jump up and apologize for rambling so much and falling asleep with this faint tint of embarrassing red on his face. But it was definitely worth it!!
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Gus loves wild magic. Being able to study different magic other than a single type makes it less boring! He's so happy you understand that. And also bonus points if you let him talk about humans as well. This boy literally had all the knowledge ingrained in his brain. If you happen to be a human, oh boy. He'll be so happy that a human wants to learn about wild magic. And with you being human, that also means he can learn more about humans too!! It's a 50/50. You both would just have random sleepovers whenever you can and talk for hours until you fall asleep, then continue the next morning lmao. Also he loves it whenever you ask questions about it, he'll always be free to answer any questions!!!1!1!
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She'll be radiating with excitement I swear. She'll talk so fucking fast about everything she's learned from staying in the demon realm. She'll be talking from one thing to another, then hoping back to the topic but then another while you sit there like :). She'll stop mid sentence and say "Just tell me if you wanna stop, I don't wanna bore you!" but you'll be like "don't ever stop plz". She'll as you a bunch of questions as well if you're a witch and up to that. You obviously don't have to answer but she's just!!!2!1 cute when she's excited. You guys would talk hours on end until, boom, you guys fall asleep in the kitchen table and wake up with a sore back but still continue rambling.
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michu-writes · 2 years ago
the collector fic tag kinda dead tbh
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michu-writes · 2 years ago
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michu-writes · 2 years ago
Oof, may i request sunny with an artist s/o? Could be plantonic, or romantic, your choice!
You could just call me 🌹 or shard anon! Have a good day/night!
A/N: Made this plotanic, thank you for requesting 🌹 anon <3.
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Sunny adores your art!!! He thinks it's nice to have another artist in the friendgroup. He's usually very protective over his sketchbook, but he feels fully comfortable to show it to you!!! You both definitely bond over the arts and would give each other tips if wanted. Whenever you show him your art, he just looks at it with stars in his eyes. He doesn't realize it until later that you're actually a big inspiration for him <3. You both motivate each other as well to keep the arts going!!
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michu-writes · 2 years ago
mari girlfriend headcanons with a fem reader, maybe w some pet name or nickname hcs too!!!! :3 hope ur doing well, i love ur writing smsmsm!!! ^_^ feel free to skip or delete this!!!!! :D
She's literally so nice and sweet!!! Mari usually invited you to a picnic date since those are her favorite, especially at a grass field full of flowers alone! She arranged a secret spot where only you two know where is. She would hum new songs she recently had learned on the piano while you're head is resting on her lap. Would love to play with your hair and feed you fruits and such as well yayay!!!
She'd call you a flower she thinks resembles you or your favorite flower, dear, love, cupcake, or maybe even hun!! She knows they can be cheesy, but she likes them and hopes you do too!
Sunny was a bit skeptical at first because he's always been protective to Mari, but he eventually warms up to you and ends up liking you a lot. As long as Mari is happy, he is too.
You two are the moms of the group, always looking after the others. Everyone loves you!!!
As for the petnames, she’ll use the most cheesiest ones just to tease you lmao. We’re talking about hun, sweetheart, sugar bun, cutiepatootie, babe and all those jitz!!!
Also, Mari loves kissing you at the side of your lips and your forehead!! Maybe even your jaw if you will. Loves tickling you too if you're ticklish. If you're very ticklish, you'll never stand a chance against her.
Bonus: If you play any instruments, expect the both of you to play duets all the time. Sometimes Sunny would even join in. But that's only if you want to!!
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michu-writes · 2 years ago
🐉 K, so...... I never played Omori, but I wanna give you something to write, so how about just general dating headcanons with Hero and Kel? You can do them separately or as a poly ship, either way, is fine. Hope that satisfies you and you'll have fun writing this. Love you! <3
Kel and Hero are brothers so- no poly headcanons ofc BUT SEPERATELY I WILL DO!!! Thank you for requesting dear anon <3
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Malewife? Manwhore? You're lucky to have him as a boyfriend. He's one of the (only) most respectful cis men out there, no joke /j.
He'll shower you with kisses and bring food to your bed !!!!! Hero loves cuddling with you too after a long day of studying just to clear his mind. You both would also cook or bake something together!!! Doesn't matter if you're good or bad at it, because you'll always succeed as long as Herj is with you el oh el.
You guys met in Faraway town a few weeks before he was gonna leave for college at the park. You noticed he looked lonely and uneasy in a way, so you decided to talk to him. He stated he just needed some fresh air and so did you!! You guys eventually became friends and found out you were both gonna attend in the same college, so that is great!
Unfortunately, you guys didn't end up in the same dorm but you both still visited each other at anytime you could!! You still saw each other all around the campus but still yeyeyeye. Anyways he had a little hard time opening up to you,,, but he did tell you about Mari eventually. You felt really bad and awful for him, that must be a really really hard thing to go through at such a young age. You told him everything was gonna be fine and she's in a much better place now. After that you both pretty much got closer and the story goes on!!!
After like a year or two of being buds to good buds to best buds, you finally confessed and he surprisingly felt the same way!! Kel and his dad pretty much knew the whole time, but his mom kept denying it and saying "they're just best friends……."
But when you and Hero came back home from college, he asked if you wanted to meet his family face to face (because you have only been able to video chat with them whenever you were hanging out with Hero in your dorms) and you gladly said yeah. Everyone welcomed you as family and was happy for both of you. Kel May or may not have been like "Ew romance" but that's just how he is. His mom though was like "Oh!" and just needed a moment to process because she never thought Hero would get a s/o anytime soon. But she greeted you and was very nice so no worries!!!
One time you were visiting Hero and you both had to babysit Sally because everyone else was away. He was just done making lunch and was about to tell you until he saw you on the couch. He couldn't help but shed a tear of how cute and gentle you were with Sally, he instantly knew you'd be an awesome parent if you wanted to!!!
You were a bit worried about why he was crying but he quickly said you were just adorable when you were all cuddled up with his little sister. Sally was all fast asleep beside you while you snuggled her up close to your chest as you were watching TV with a blanket.
10/10 boyfriend, would recommend.
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This kinda depends of how much energy you got because if you're like leaning more into the calm and relaxed type, you'll just watch him being a complete idiot in awe. He likes it because he knows your don't mind his chaotic nature (most of the time). But if you match his energy, oh god. Everything will go down hill. You'll both at least commit 5 crimes in a day. It might be really fun, but you both need someone to stop you. Like Hero perhaps.
You have known each other for a long time ever since the whole gang even formed. You both were best friends and was the only people who didn't close off which you both can agree were greatful for. You would invite him to do something to keep his mind off of things for a bit after Mari's death, and all the stress and worries about Hero. It helped and he just couldn't stop thanking you. His parents adores you for trying your best. Kel also helps you too in many different ways, you guys have each other.
When Sunny finally left his house to hangout with Kel before he moved away, they both invited you to tag along, in which you gladly agreed on. Sunny noticed the tension between you two and pointed it out. Let's just say you were both a red burning mess after that.
Sunny was kinda the one who egged Kel on to confess to confess to you because of the obvious crush, so thanks to him.
Kel usually asks Hero for relationship advices. He would also ask his dad, but they're always so long and dumb in his opinion.
He !!! Loves !!!!! Going out !!!!!! On dates !!!!!! You guys can also stay inside. His favorite dates are maybe going on a stroll at night or a movie night. During the strolls, you guys just just look at the night sky and admire the stars and moon while holding hands and rant about your favorite things ! During the movie nights, you just lay on the sofa with snacks in the table, a blanket covering the two who was all cuddled up, probably watching some horror or action movie.
Kel loves to creep up on you and scare you when you're not looking, he finds your reaction hilarious.
Will always hold your hand or have his arm around your shoulders. He'll also give you random hugs and kisses anywhere at all (unless you don't like pda which is totally fine). He's so sweet and goofy.
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michu-writes · 2 years ago
Why | Mari x reader angst
TW // death, depression, grief, nightmare, angst and no fluff, can be both plotanic or romantic, it’s your choice
It's been a while ever since the passing of your dear friend.
You can't remember how long it's been.
Maybe even a year?
You stopped keeping track of time after getting lost in your thoughts all alone in your room. All you could think of is why? Why did she leave us? Why did she leave you? You wish you could be a better friend and see the amount of struggle she was going through. You were too naive. Too oblivious. Too dumb to understand.
You wanted to understand.
-or you think you did.
Was everything you did not good enough for her? Was everything Hero did not good enough to her? You wondered, feeling a shiver down your spine, indicating your body is all ready to cry for what feels to be the 8th time today.
You did everything you could to make her happy and pay for her generosity even though she kept denying them.
If only you could've asked her what she really wanted.
Or what she needed.
Tears slid down your face, soaking the pillow beneath you. Each little teardrop turned into a stream, you felt your nose getting runny but you didn't care. You coudn't stop, until you ran out of tears. Even without the salty liquid, you still couldn't stop sobbing.
You felt weak.
You felt bertrayed.
You felt guilty.
You wanted to escape.
You wanted to wake up from this nightmare.
Your eyes began to feel heavy from exhaustion. This is your time, finally drifting into a deep black void and closing off from reality.
Nothing but a great abyss.
But then suddenly you heard a voice.
A familiar voice you havent heard in so long.
A voice of whom you've been longing to hear.
A girl with long, black, silky hair almost enough to blend in with the void around them, appeared out of thin air. She seemed to be pale. Almost white to match her pretty long dress. Her eyes seemed hallow, as if she's a ghost. But she is, isn't she? She is
The girl didn't respond, but only approached you slowly. Too slow for your liking. You wanted to run to her, but you could only stand in shock and watch her coming closer, and closer, and closer, and closer, and closer, and closer until you were only a few centimeters apart.
You both looked at each other without a word, you were waiting for something to happen. Her fine straight lips curled into the same comforting smile. The smile meant "I'll always be here with you." You felt as if you wanted to cry again, but as mentioned before, there were no tears left.
"Why?" You managed to squeak out. Mari tilted her head in confusion. "Why did you do it?" You almost whispered, too scared to talk loud for an unknown reason. Mari sighed and stepped closer, placing her hand on your cheek, making you tense up. Her hand wasn't as warm and soft as it was last time you were with her. It was cold and slightly rough, but you didn't bother to care.
"It's not your fault." She exclaimed as she wiped the tear stains from your cheeks.
You wanted to say something. but you couldn't. You opened your mouth, but nothing came out. Mari blinked before removing her hand from your face and leave you. You wanted to follow her, but you couldn't. She walked away to the abyss, before turning around and smile warmly at you.
"I love you."
Was the last thing you heard before waking up in your bed with sweat and tears rolling down your face and sat up. Your breath seems teanse, but you immediately steadied yourself.
You sighed as you calmed down, falling down on your back once again onto the wet covers.
"I love you too."
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michu-writes · 2 years ago
heyoooo can u maybe write hero bf headcanons with a s/o who's love languages are acts of service n words of affirmation? :) 💕
if it's not too much can you write this for kel too? it's fine if not!!!!!!! :D tysm for reading this take care :3
You guys share the same love language!!!!!! Or almost. I feel like Hero would also have the tiniest bit of physical touch too BUT ANYWAYS!!!!
He thinks it's adorable that you do stuff for him all the time, but can't help but feel a bit guilty as well. He tries to pay you back by also doing the same stuff to you,,,, and just showers you in kisses as a thank you!!!!
He gets so flustered whenever you give him verbal affection even though he has received so many compliments due to being a "perfectionist" his whole life. But coming from you hits different y'know????? That doesn't mean he doesn’t like it though, he actually loves it, he just doesn't know what to do. He finds it very embarrassing because he's the one who always flirts with you, but when you flirt back, he just feels like he's gonna positively explode.
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Either he'd be oblivious af, or he'd say something like "You're just like Hero, ew" BUT HE SECRETLY LIKES IT A LOT!!! Just like Hero, he'd feel a bit guilty as well if u do too much cuz </3 he also offers you favors of anything back.
His love language is physical touch and quality time by the way, just thought I'd point that out <3.
Anywho, unlike his brother, he wouldn't be as flustered or fazed. He'd still have a blush of course, but not to the point he starts stuttering like a madman. He’d be like “No u >:(”. He tries to compliment and flirt with you back, which just ends up turning into a competition lmao.
You guys would cuddle and then just start attacking each other with compliments and shit until someone has to stop u guys from continuing for another 48 hours.
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michu-writes · 2 years ago
give me omori requests pls
i can do oneshots, scenarios, drabbles and headcanons
pls req for hero n kel too cuz i love them
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michu-writes · 2 years ago
could you write reader coming out to basil, kel and hero as lesbian? (real world) im sorry this is so vague 😭 if you have any questions ill 100% put more details! i can even give ideas if needed <333
A/N: PLEASE DO GIVE ME IDEAS!!!! I’ve just replayed Omori and it’s the only thing I can think about now rrrrrrr
Also I finally finished a request??!?? Tf?!!?!!
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He's very supportive! There's literally no reason for that to be wrong. He has nothing to do with who you're attracted to, and there's nothing he can change about it. He thinks it's nice that you told him, it just shows how much you trust him! He thanks you for telling him.
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"I thought you were American"
I'm jk. Not. He would actually say that, I'm sorry. He says it's a joke and he's just referencing it, but he really isn't lmao. But anywho, he thinks that's fine nevertheless! He just gives you a pat on the shoulder and a thumbs up.
"You like girls? Same, we're so alike :D"
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Mom friend yay. He's like :O that's great hello??? He doesn't have anything against it and will support you no matter what!!! If anyone starts bashing you for it, he will give them a brief and deep explanation about why lesbianism is valid and that it’s non of their business :)).
Long story short: they all think its neat and couldn't care any less about your sexual orientation.
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