#this familys a mess!!!!
dudes-love-dudes · 2 months
me and the naruto mutual have been having a little too much fun with our modern au
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So in our au all of the uchihas live in one house in Malibu and Madara Obito and Sasuke are all stupendously whipped and Itachi's just trying to help out!!!!
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lilislegacy · 4 months
i feel like percy is the person that people bring with them when they need to go somewhere or do something potentially dangerous. or more realistically, he’s the one who people’s loved ones tell them to take with. it just makes people feel better knowing percy is there. you know what i mean?
sally has a meeting with someone who sounds a bit weird (and paul can’t go)? paul tells her to bring percy.
paul needs to go to a really sketchy part of town? sally asks him to bring percy
piper got a weird anonymous note and needs to go meet them at a location? annabeth tells her to bring percy
leo has to go get some magic machine part from a really shady dealer? piper tells him to bring percy
frank has to go on an unofficial quest to investigate some shady legion history, and hazel has to stay with camp? hazel tells him to bring percy
and it’s NOT because any of these people can’t take care of themselves. they are all strong and brave and badass, and can handle anything. but for one, percy is intimidating as hell. his “wolf stare” sends literal gangs running the other way. you can avoid conflict before it even happens, because no one is messing with percy. and second, percy just makes you feel safe. his presence is comforting. not only has he been through all the demigod-hero-world-saving shit, and is powerful as hell, but he also grew up in new york city. he can handle pretty much any situation. plus he’s super sweet and funny, and you can always count on him to make you laugh and decrease your anxiety. and he’s always got your back. he takes care of the people he loves.
he’s just the best company. for so many reasons.
when in doubt, bring percy
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chiptrillino · 1 year
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ID: Zuko on the left and sokka on the right. From avatar, the last air bender from the waist up and aged up. They have their back turned to the viewer and are facing each other so only their profile is visible. They are looking lovingly into each other's eyes. sokka is resting his left arm on zukos shoulder, holding zukos jaw. His index fingers brushing underneath a cut up hair strand. zuko holds with his right hand on sokkas back. His left hand is placed over sokkas wrist, holding a bracelet made out of zukos cut off hair between his two fingers. End ID
i regrett not making zukos robe seethrough again. but... uhm.... i didn't mean to make this complicated again?
----- if you want to deal with all my reblogs may I direct your attention to my side only my artworks blog?
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damiduck · 5 months
Damian, handing Bruce a piece of paper with a very neat calendar on it: father, I will be taking a step back from my participation in our nightly patrols. I have carefully considered factors such as, but not limited to, school tests, most likely days for breakouts and when other people will be available. Here is my schedule.
Bruce: any particular reason you are stepping back from Robin?
Damian: I have reached an acceptable age and am by far mature enough, so I will be participating in Ramadan this year, father. Afterwards I will pick my duties up as normal, but with changed sleeping and eating patterns, this is the most logical step for now.
Bruce, who grew up with a jewish mother and christian father who were intent to raise him on some weird mix of the two, then a second father who was atheist, proceeded to lose his entire way in any form of religion due to losing himself in his teen years, took in Jewish boy, then a catholic one with religious trauma, then an atheist one who had no idea how to even approach the idea of religion, followed up by a pagan girl and already making seven different mental lists of things he will need to research, how to add aspects of Islam into their weird family holidays and trying desperately to show his support for his son: ....hnn
Damian: thank you father
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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Not beating the allegations.
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liauditore · 4 months
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do you guys ever think about that time she said her backstory was that she was only partially zombiefied and was fully conscious mentally while she ate and killed her family. and that she was a princess. i do alot.
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karda · 2 months
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aerequets · 29 days
I had a cute interaction with my son that I wanted to offer as a possible idea for a comic about Anya! He has been interested lately in learning the male and female names of animals, asking me "what's a girl chicken called? what's a girl lion called?" and he finally got to "what's a girl dog called?" And my husband and I kept insisting there is no name for a girl dog, it's just a dog. But he knew something was up from the way I laughed so he kept asking. And finally I said "a girl dog is a dogina." And he bought it. Now, if it were Anya, she definitely wouldn't have bought it! But I can also imagine Franky or someone answering her sarcastically "a girl dog is called a Fiona" LOL. Anyway, just a fun idea along the lines of that early comic you drew of the "motherfucker doesn't start with a b" concept which I LOVED.
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i didnt bring franky or fiona into this, but it also turned out lowkey sad 😭😭😭 i had no idea where it was going till it was too late. Anyways. Dogina is funny, thank you for the idea LMAO
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barawrah · 2 months
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i want us both to eat well
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fortist166 · 2 months
Happy wedding!
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Full Baby Back Guarantee Not Included (dp x dc)
“Look, lady. It was a joke, ok? I don’t actually want your newborn baby,” Danny said as he held up his hands trying to back away from the woman with a bundle of blankets in her arms.
“We made a deal, you can’t back out now,”  The woman said as she narrowed her eyes at him. “Your kind can’t break their words.”
“My kind?” Danny exclaimed incredulously, because what the hell was she on. “Lady, you are delusional.”
Then his eyes caught on the awkward way the woman was holding onto the bundle and he frowned.
“Wait a second.” The halfa’s eyes went big. “Is that even your kid?!” his voice turning into a shriek at the end. “Did you kidnap some random child?”
“It’s my sister’s,” the woman cut him off coldly. “She and the father are both dead.” That was pretty awful, Danny thought as he winced. But then she turned to look blankly at him.
“Nobody will look for her.”
Dear skies above, he was supposed to be the ghost here, why was he the one getting chills.
“Holy fuck,” the halfa let out softly. 
He had to get that baby away from that psychopath.
“What is it you want again?” Danny asked faintly.
“Make me the new chief operating officer,” the woman answered.
“What?” The halfa choked out.
“They’re giving the position to Shwartz this monday. You need to make sure that doesn’t happen,” she continued evenly as if she wasn’t currently selling a baby in exchange for a fucking promotion.
“Yeah sure, deal,” Danny answered, eager to get away from her as soon as possible. 
“Give me your word,” she insisted.
“I give my word, I swear,” the halfa said. “Gimme the kid and you’ll get your job.”
The woman looked at him for a second before seemingly being satisfied. 
She extended the bundle of blankets towards him and handed him the swaddle baby. As soon as the kid was in his arms, Danny zipped away, fully intent on never seeing the woman again. He sure as hell was not getting her that promotion. Not that he would’ve been able to, what the hell, lady? At least research better before making a deal for your sister's baby!
Though in retrospect, it was a good thing she hadn't.
As Danny flew over a few buildings, he thanked the ancients the woman hadn’t had any ghost restraining tech, and only the summoning ritual. Which was a thing he had not been aware existed but he he would have to circle back to that because, right now, he had a whole ass baby nestled in his arms.
What the hell was his life.
Danny slowed down the flight once he felt he had put enough distance between them and the psycho and landed on a nice patch of green next to a road. He looked around and took notice that they’d gotten out of whatever that city had been, or at least the more populated part. He gave a quick look for people or cameras around before de-transforming. If he was spotted with a baby in his arms, his human look would help his chance of not getting shot.
The halfa started walking away from the road and towards the green vegetation. Still walking, he took a deep breath before looking down at the baby.
“You ok, kid?” Danny asked softly as their small (so so tiny!) face twitched in their sleep. “Oh you’re sleepy, huh?” he murmured gently. “Sleep tight sweetheart, I’ve got you.”
Then he secured the blankets around the baby again, making sure none of the wind was reaching her. It was probably a her? The blankets were pink but he couldn’t know for sure since the psycho had only called her an it. Danny felt his lips curl. And as the night replayed in his mind, he felt the weight of the situation settle down on him.
Ancients what was he going to do?
He couldn’t pull up in Amity with a baby in his arms and no explanation of how he got her. He’d be arrested for kidnapping, which was technically absolutely what he was doing. But then again he couldn't just give that baby back to her aunt.
“What are you doing here?” came a voice from ahead of him.
Danny startled out of his thoughts to find himself facing an older man in a suit with a severe look on his face. The halfa instinctively brought the baby closer to his chest and the movement drew the older man’s eyes towards it.
Danny could see the realization of what it was he was holding settle and the man's face softened. He sighed deeply as his gaze went back up to meet the halfa’s.
“Despite what the media fancy printing, Wayne manor is not actually an orphanage.”
Danny had no idea what he was talking about so he just stayed silent and did his best not to look like someone who kidnapped babies.
The older man took the silence in stride. “If you need some help, there are programs to help young people in your situation,” he continued delicately.
Danny frowned as he tried to figure out what the guy meant by that before his eyes grew wide. “I’m not her dad!” He cried.
“I see,” the man said evenly as he looked back down at the bundle. Danny held her closer in response. “I see,” the guy repeated with a slight change in his voice.
The two held each other’s gaze for a moment before the older man sighed again. 
“Shall we continue this inside? It is getting windy and we wouldn’t want the little one to suffer, would we?” The man offered in a soothing tone.
Danny hesitated but one look at the kid’s face that had grown pink from the cold decided him.
“Ok,” Danny said. “Lead the way.”
And with that the three of them started  across the grassy lawn.
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If the Wayne sons got robbed:
Dick, snickering: You don’t want this. It's best if you just run off and I want do anything to you. Thief: But… I’m robbing you and I have a knife. Dick: This knife? Dick Grayson waves the knife he snatched out the man’s hands. Thief: How did you? I- Thief runs off in fear. Dick waves bye to the thief. Dick: Cool, free knife.
Jason: You’re robbing me?
Robber: Yes, give me all your money!
Jason bursts into laughter causing the robber to look around nervously.
Jason: All right, I'll play along. I like that gun of yours, but mine is bigger.
Jason pulls out a larger gun causing the robber to run off.
Jason: This man thought it was smart to rob me. That’s just funny.
Robber: Give me everything on you.
Tim, unphased by the gun aimed at him, presses a button on his phone.
Tim, looking at his phone: One minute.
Robber: What?
Tim, thinking: Don’t be Jason. Don’t be Jason. Don’t be Jason.
Jason, as Red Hood: You’re getting robbed again?!
Tim (anger): You have to be stalking me at this point!
Jason: No, no, no, I’m not the issue. How does this keep happening with you?
Robber: Back off or I’ll-
Jason: Shut up!
Jason snatches the gun and knocks the man out with the bottom of the gun.
Jason: You could literally do that!
Tim: Don’t tell anyone about this.
Jason: You know I can’t do that. I have to mock you about this, at every turn. It’s brother law.
Tim: No it’s not!
Jason: Come on let’s get you home, kiddo.
Tim: Maybe I should just start beating them up.
Damian: You’re. Robbing. A. Child!
Damian kicks the man in the knee and then punches him in the nose.
Damian: On top of that, you robbed me! Damian Wayne, are you insane?! I skipped school for this?!
Robber (crying): Please stop! I’ll give you whatever you want.
Damian mockingly: You’re right mister, what has come over me? I’m so sorry.
Robber: Really?
Damian: No.
Damian hits the man in the head with his textbook.
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rxq-uelle · 1 year
I'm sorry but can we talk about how cute this image is?
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Like Gamora's head on Peter's shoulder and Nebula looking so happy.
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bloominglegumes · 1 year
our large bipedal son who we found on the street
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anthurak · 5 months
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"Maybe we don't have the full picture."
You know as someone who has spent the last year talking about how Ruby and Yang (and by extension, WE the audience) don't actually know NEARLY enough about their family history as they/we have long assumed thanks to Tai and Qrow being SUPREMELY unreliable narrators...
Yeah, this ABSOLUTELY feels like foreshadowing.
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Tim was four days into a sleep deficit so he felt that to say that this predicament was his fault was a bit of a reach.
For it to be his fault he would have had to cognizant of the last 16 hours.
All he wanted to do was take a power nap in the nearest closest durring the Waynetech gala but nooo Bruce had to be taken hostage by the Joker.
So he did what he thought would work best and shoved uncle Clark into the nearest emergency bat storage and told him to suit up.
Maybe he looked a bit more confused than normal but they didn’t need a reporter they needed Batman!
That being said wasn’t uncle Clark supposed to be off-world?
Oh no.
Jack honestly had no clue what was happening for the last six months so when he was told to be Batman he merely just shrugged as the frankly exhausted teen left him to his own.
With his son turning out to be part ghost to the government hunting down his said son and having to move shop halfway across the continent.
This might as well happen.
Grinning like a kid on Christmas, Jack plopped on the finishing touch.
“Oh Danno is not going to believe this!”
Raising a cloaked arm with a flourish Jack struck a pose.
“Alrighty Jack enough messing around! Time to save the party, Fenton style!
Shifting his feet, Jack took a deep breath before smoothing his face the best he could. After all, couldn’t have a smiling Batman! Before walking out the room and taking running leap through the wall to the streets of Gotham before grappling to the nearest building.
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