#they’re my redacted power couple
tommytomatoe · 2 months
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careful what you wish for geordi…
@milogreer made the cutie icon !!
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sri-rachaa · 1 year
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Man of the year || Milo Greer
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sy-on-boy · 1 year
More Spy x Family exhibition photos!
This is one of my fav exhibits: a model of best boy Bond! He’s so fluffy and baby :D
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Clothes of the 3 mains! I think they’re pretty good. Yor’s dress is 😳, Twilight has his pistol, and Anya’s hair accessories are pretty cute.
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Henderson is always watching. Just a slightly ominous old man with elegance.
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Becky’s last name is once again Blackwell. I genuinely thought it was Blackbell? While Damian and Becky have their character introductions, Emile and Ewen don’t. Their only appearance is besides Becky. (Not even next to Damian, rip. Damian is situated on the other side of Becky.)
Surprisingly, Bill has a character introduction. I suspect it’s because 1) he’s a memorable fan favourite who was prominent in the dodgeball arc which was iconic by itself 2) he has recent relevance in the hijacking arc. Maybe this suggests Bill might have further importance later on. Rip E&E though, considering they appear whenever Damian does.
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Redacted’s bit makes me so sad. His part is in the gallery about the conflict between East and West, and it gives off the impression that he was just a child caught up in the war 🥺
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Donovan and Melinda giving off heavy final bosses vibes when put next to each other. Evil power couple perhaps? I was excited to see Melinda because she’s a relatively recent addition to the cast. Maybe the book might give more information/ hints 👀
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Final photo of this post: the iconic Twiyor proposal!! :D couldn’t leave the exhibit without a picture of it :D
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Might post more photos later :D I’ll be linking these series of posts in my pinned post on my blog.
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burgerkingussy · 1 year
My Favorite Things From the Shaw Pack Smash Video
(contains small spoilers)
☆ it’s 40 minutes long???!!!
☆ Asher absolutely roasting the shit out of Milo’s height 😭😭
☆ All the mates are there AKSKSJSKSMSKS
☆ Ash saying “did I just get drive-by kink-shamed?” is funnier than it should be (especially since it was directed at Sam 😭😭)
☆ Sam’s “I’m an equal opportunist shit-stirrer”
☆ Sweetheart scaring the shit out of Milo + Darlin making fun of him
☆ Milo and Sweetheart making out and David essentially saying “not in my house”
☆ Milo and Sam getting pressed about the names 😭
☆ Sam not knowing how to turn on his controller
☆ Ash asking Sam if his enhanced senses make up for his old age 😭
☆ Sam’s “Holy shit i just killed David” (david is in fact still alive dw)
☆ David telling Angel how to play during their fight
☆ “Come on Babe! Fight in my honor!”
☆ Darlin’ and Sweetheart being ruthless against everyone, including their mates
☆ “That’s my fucking mate”
☆ Sam’s “I actually held my own… at least a little bit”
☆ Everyone making fun of Asher’s handwriting
☆ Asher calling Sam “cowboy”; Sam calling Ash “pup”
☆ Sam being wonderfully clueless about everything
☆ Everyone’s commentary during the game while they’re going head-to-head
☆ Milo saying he’d look “fucking great” in a hot pink tracksuit (i agree)
☆ David explaining video game things to Sam is so wholesome 🥹🥹
☆ Everyone getting “good job” and “consolation” kisses
☆ Asher vs David being “the showdown they’ve all been waiting for”
☆ everyone saying “final destination” at the same time
☆ “Darlin’ what the hell is a ‘jiggly pump’?”
☆ “Come on bud i’m just a little pink puff ball left on your porch” … “there’s a no soliciting sign for a reason”
☆ Milo calling Ash “jiggles”
☆ Milo hyping up Sweetheart the whole time
☆ Sweetheart and Darlin’ being the most ruthless players and then having to fight each other
☆ Milo and Sam being supportive AF while Sweetheart and Darlin’ were going toe to toe
☆ David being pissed about everyone making out in his house
☆ Sam immediately recognizing (and apparently loving) Mario 2
☆ The different between all the characters and their playing styles >>>>
☆ Angel refusing to give David kisses after he beat them
☆ Milo (maybe 🫣) foreshadowing something (quinn?) by saying “so much for domestic bliss”
☆ Ash’s “oh, alpha’s got jokes” when David made fun of him
☆ “Oh by all means, continue to debate nutsack brains in the background of fighting maps”
☆ Milo and Sam having beef over which Redacted Couple is Thee Power Couple
☆ Milo telling David “mates come first” 😍
☆ “Hell yeah sweetheart!— oop, nevermind.”
☆ David “my performance speaks for itself” Shaw (oh we know)
☆ “You celebratin’ over there or inspecting their tonsils” SAMUEL COLLINS!!!
and finally
☆ Asher saying “daddy chill” 😭😭
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sanjisboyfie · 10 months
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realized i left it out of my a/n last update but, after every major arc in one piece, there will be a "[name] wiki" that will just highlight information that might have been missed/not so obviously stated about [name] as well as bonus infomration on relationships, fun facts, etc!!! anyway, enjoy this little filler update before skypiea <333
link to original fanfic where thsi wiki is based from :D
full name: [REDACTED] D. [NAME]
age: 20, departed from foosha village at 17 — it’s been three years since then
— connection with Shanks/Red Hair Pirates in some way
— [REDACTED] Pirates, temporary member, mutual gain
— Straw Hat Pirates
epithet: [REDACTED]
The Cursed Orphan
birthday: [xx/xx] ← this is your own birthday LOL
height: 6’5
there is a reason he is so tall, please trust me he is not insanely tall for no reason. like there are plot reasons as to why he built like a beanstock.
- related: i forgot that his height was lowkey a plot point (a teensy teensy tiny bit) so i forgot to mention his height until very very very very very recently in the chaptesr LMFAOOA
— 200,000,000
— 250,000,000
japanese va: junichi suwabe … or … yuki kaji … or more like kenjiro tsuda (i cant decide unfortunately lmk in comments bc i like all of these vas a lot) 
— has a giant tattoo expanding over his shoulders/back. they look like wings (minus the figure in the middle). they don’t look like the typical tattooed angel wings going downwards, they more-so stretch across his back and the tips end at his deltoids.
— keeps a black cloth wrapped around one of his wrists, at all times. this cloth was torn from shanks’ cloak and [name] keeps it as a safe keeping
— always is wearing a silver necklace. it’s a simple, thin chain that is almost unnoticeable, but he is never seen without it.
— has scars all over his body. they’re not battle scars. they start from his face and go all the way down to his feet. if you were to see his entire body, you would see that most of the scars are single lines that do NOT disconnect from their starting point. they run almost continuously. for example, the scarred line that starts at his face goes all the way down to his feet, without being “interrupted.” origins are unknown.
weapon: a sword that was passed down from shanks and given to him as a gift. he doesn’t know the proper name of it, but it looks like a regular katana. he has never drawn his sword in the series yet, seeing as he only reveals the blade when he is out to very seriously maim, torture, or kill his enemies. the katana radiates an intimidating aura and anyone around [name] can feel it.
standard outfit: just jeans and a t-shirt, nothing crazy goes on here LMFAO or whatever you wanna envision him to be wearing.
abilities: have not been completely revealed, but it does have something to do with water. this explains his ability to control people’s bodies, seeing as their blood and overall body mass has a high percentage of water.
— he has some control over sea water, but only for short bursts of time.
— he is not completely immune to the effects of sea water, though. if he is submerged in it for a long enough period of time <a couple of minutes>, then he will begin drowning and sinking just like a devil fruit eater would.
— did not eat a devil fruit. the origins of his powers are unknown at this time.
— skilled swordsman, source: trust me bro. but seriously, he doesn’t just swing around the sword, even though we’ve never seen him use it, he’s generally very good with weapons of all kinds — but has a specialty in blades.
— has been seen using geppo, soru, and shigan. 
favorite food: COFFEE BEANS + SEAFOOD :) cheese
fun facts:
likes: all the strawhats, animals, bitter flavors
dislikes: the world gov + navy, anyone that isn't a strawhat, anything sweet flavored
— the name the government gave him was due to how they could not find any family lineage tied to him
— considers dadan and makino as his mother figures!
— the song he is always humming is for fruits basket <333
— its not that he only drinks coffee and not anything else — like booze, its just he doesnt like the taste of booze. he can drink it, but he wont like it.
— if he were to live in the real world, he would have a job in child protective services. he cares a lot for children. plus he feels the natural instinct to be protective of those around him.
— he can tell if there is anybody nearby due to how he is able to see water concentration to a certain extent. that is why whenever he squints in the distance or at the water, he is looking for something to pop out and is expecting to see someone/something.
— is really offstandish when it comes to strangers. it takes a lot to get trust out of him, but if it’s someone that luffy or the others trust, then he’s quick to lower his guard.
— finds it really amusing whenever chopper, nami, or usopp run to hide behind him when they see any enemies. he doesn’t mind it, but still thinks its really funny whenever it happens.
— he enjoys pissing off zoro, but never brings up their past fight. to him, it was a silly thing that happened in the past so he doesn’t hold it over zoro’s head, plus he saw how much it affected the swordsman.
— hates manspreaders → has a chronic, worst case of manspreading anyone has ever seen
— has the highest debt to nami in the entire crew (somewhere in the 300-400,000)
— the tattoo over ace’s heart are words that he and ace shared with each other (”together in chaos”) when they were children (LOOOREEEE)
— wants to start working out with zoro, but due to their recent adventures hasn’t had the chance to :(
— unlike luffy, he has no qualms in killing his enemies. he wishes he were like luffy in this sense, but he is paranoid that these people will come back for him, or worse — the crew, so he eliminates them when he can.
— [name] really, really wanted vivi to come along. but he didn't verbalize it so as to not pressure her or manipulate the decision of what she herself wanted.
— whenever he wakes up from sleep, he’s in one of three odd positions: 1. luffy and him somehow end up cuddling, 2. he’s on the floor, or 3. he’s (not maliciously aka they're not actually dying.) choking either zoro or sanji with his arm.
— feels particularly protective of nami — not because she is a woman, but because he saw how sick she had gotten and was scared she would die. addtionally, he trusts her and her ability to fight, but if she requests for his help in a battle, he wouldn’t hesitate to go and help her.
— if him and sanji can't sleep at night, they go out on the deck and smoke together until one of them gets tired and they go back to bed.
— rather prideful in being strong. at the same time, he doesn’t really enjoy the nature of his abilities
— [name] had a bad history with the people on whiskey peak, which explains his hostility to them in the beginning chapters (they fooled him by giving him a lot of food, then they tried attacking him while he was sleeping, and he had to fight them.) doesn't like being lied to.
— vivi wishes she could have knighted [name] into holding a formal title as a guardian in the kingdom of alabasta, but igaram rejected the idea. her father and pell were close to agreeing, but ultimately decided that they couldn't and shouldn't seeing as [name] was too infamous for being a lethal pirate. vivi sulked about this for a while.
love language : acts of service and physical touch
— the more comfortable he is with someone, the more likely he is to crack jokes around them. it means hes relaxed and can feel comfortable being himself rather than being on edge and guarded.
— vivi often times hums the song that [name] always hummed, smiling whenever she remembers the amount of memories she had made with the crew. that song has now become her favorite despite her not knowing where it was from or if there were even words that went along with it.
— animal representation: crow
— who would he be if the strawhats were a family? the one younger cousin that keeps running around shouting about how he wants to fight/do something that requires a lot of energy from everyone else (or, cool uncle)
— he actually naturally has a very sweet scent, but since he is always brewing coffee/eating coffee beans, he masks that scent with coffee since he hates it :)
personality type : ENFP
→ characters that are ENFP: jinx (arcane/league of legends), hu tao (genshin impact), harley quinn (dc universe), and ellie (the last of us)
how would [name] describe his relationships:
with luffy: captain, dearest person in his life, partner in crime in annoying the rest of the crew, personal backpack since luffy is always climbing him
with zoro: most reliable crewmate, best first mate to luffy, good friendly competitor 1/2 strongest swordsman in the world
with nami: smartest crewmate!! admires her navigation abilities, enjoys her company when she isn't yelling bloody murder at him </3 1/3 of his priority people to protect
with usopp: fun to tease and joke around with, enjoys the way usopp lies even though he hates liars, 2/3 of his priority people to protect
with sanji: the best chef in the world, genuinely a very kind man, sees eye to eye with him more often than not, thinks his rude persona is just a front LOL good friendly competitor 2/2
with chopper: cutest mascot, thinks he is genuinely very strong, admires his mental strength and his story, 3/3 of his priority people to protect
with vivi: worrisome princess, braver than she gives herself credit for, very close friend he hopes to reunite with in the future! a crewmate in his mind even if she is not sailing with them
with ace: idiot, but also a very cute idiot <3 freckles, sees a lot of their childhood in ace’s eyes which makes him slightly emotional, reckless, misses him a lot right now
playlist !
his theme songs are: chemtrails over the country club by lana del rey, i know ? by travis scott, here comes your man by the pixies ← will add more songs in each wiki !!!
— cotcc : “it’s beautiful, how this deep normality settles down over me. i’m not bored or unhappy, i’m still so strange and wild. you’re in the wind, i’m in the water. nobody’s son, nobody’s daughte,”
— i know ?: “tell me, is you still up. it’s 5 a.m. and i’m drunk right now. tell me, can we still fuck. // i know, mami, i know, it’s 2 a.m., don’t stress. at 3, that bullshit kick in, in thirty, you’ll feel your best”
— here comes your man, “take me away to nowhere plains. there is a wait so long (so long, so long). you'll never wait so long. here comes your man, here comes your man, here comes your man, here comes your man”
luffy & [name]: video games, “it’s you, it’s you, it’s all for you. everything i do — i tell you all the time. heaven is a place on earth with you. // it’s better than i ever even knew. they say that the world was built for two. only worth living if somebody is loving you.”
zoro & [name]: married with children, “i hate the way that you are so sarcastic and you’re not very bright. you think that everything you’ve done’s fantastic. your music’s shit, it keeps me up all night, up all night // and it will be nice to be alone, for a week or two. but i knew then i will be right, right back here with you, with you, with you, with you, with you, with you”
sanji & [name]: right side of my neck, “the right side of my neck still smells like you. the right side of my neck still smells like you”
nami & [name]: LOYALTY, “tell me when your loyalty is comin’ from the heart. tell me who you loyal to. do it start with your women or your man? do it end with your family and friends? or you’re loyal to yourself in advance?”
usopp & [name]: my way, “for what is a man, what has he got? if not himself, then he has naught. to say the things he truly feels and not the words of one who kneels. the record shows i took the blows. and did it my way”
vivi & [name]: happiness is a butterfly, “if he’s a serial killer, then what’s the worst thing that could happen to a girl who’s already hurt? i’m already hurt. if he’s as bad as they say, then i guess i’m cursed. looking into his eyes, i think he’s already hurt. he’s already hurt.”
chopper & [name]: live and let die, “when you were young and your heart was an open book, you used to say live and let live. but if this ever changing world in which we’re living, makes you give in and cry — say live and let die”
ace & [name]: my love mine all mine, “nothing in the world belongs to me, but my love, mine, all mine, all mine. // nothing in the world is mine for free, but my love mine, all mine, all mine”
taglist (lmk if u want to be tagged ! <3 :
@skullr0se , @strawberrii-tea, @triangulartriangles, @anotherlovefool, @haratatsu, @sinmp, @3v37773, @taru-nami, @disc0dild0s, @boredwithlifeatthispoint, @kaulitzer, @notplutos, @cheetosins
[ .ᐟ ] PSA ! DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT READ THIS  (older version of this) STORY ON WATTPAD I REPEATTTTT DO NOTTT BECAUSE ! MY OLD VERSION OF THIS STORY IS STILL PUBLISHED bc i dont rlly want to take it down tbh bc a lot of ppl still read it AND IT IS SPOILLLERRRSS FOR WHAT I PLAN ON DOING WITH THIS STORY !!! because this is re-written and a much much much much much improved version of that oldddd story + it is still following that original plot line i had all those years ago just like 10000x better bc idk what drugs i was on when i was writing that ff all those years ago bc that shit is crazy LMFOAOAOA i beg, i BEG, of you to not read it i want this experience to be so fun with all the plotwists and motives of characters like pleaseeee do not read it (also ??? its jus so cringe worthy jus dont read it LFMAO) 
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aurorialwolf · 2 months
Ok who likes the idea of dad!Porter ??
That may have been rhetorical because I’m gonna blab about his daughter anyways 👍 this is the next instalment of me blabbing about my redacted next gen ocs!
- Her full name is Portia Solaire, William allowed her to have the last name of the House as she is Porter’s kid and therefore affiliated like he is
- She has a British accent, like her dad! And similar humour / personality to him
- We don’t know whether or not Porter’s maker was an old blood (Porter’s maker is mentioned in the official timeline but I don’t think it mentions how old he was?), so (for my headcanon about vampire children) I’m not sure if she’s turned by her own blood or if she asks to be turned / has to be turned to be saved when she’s 16 or so, but either way she becomes a vampire at around the same time as the other kids
- Porter taught her to fight from a very young age, initially being a fun bonding experience when she was young with a wooden sword, but now she can give him a run for his money, and manages to beat him around the age of 18-19
- Also, depending on the version of her that I’m talking about they’re nonbinary, they/she or they/them, but the one I currently will be including is she/they probably, so if you notice any inconsistencies it’s just because I imagine them / her in a couple different ways gender-wise
- She, like Adrian (Alexis’s son), receives a sword when she turns 16/17 and is out of bloodlust (as William gives each of his ‘grandkids’ a sword as a partially ceremonial thing and also because he wants them to be able to protect themselves), and he makes her a guard of his daughter (heir to the throne) Emilia.
- Together, her and Adrian can protect Emilia efficiently, as Adrian does defense and Portia does offense
- Portia is the more outspoken between her and Adrian, openly criticizing Emilia when she power trips a bit, leading to Emilia reprimanding her (not that it’s very effective)
- Portia also spars with Samuel, though is less unhinged about it than Adrian, and she’s the one that teaches Samuel to beat Porter when Emilia makes her plan to ascend to the throne with force
- Eventually, she, like her father, will become the next sword of the house, the weapon they point at their enemies to win. When Emilia ascends to the throne, through whatever means, she will replace Porter and take up that role in his stead
- Porter doesn’t like the idea of this, yet knows the inevitability of it, and so teaches her as best he can to do what he does.
This is all I have for now, I think! Hdksgdjs I’m kinda tired at work so I might have forgotten some stuff or not written this as well but I tried! Long story short, she’s a hell of a lot like Porter, which is.. both good and bad, I guess
Taglist: @vegafan69 @darlin-collins @kxemii @professionallyyappin @sereh624
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apparently today my brain is in “let’s come up with lots of random ideas!” Mode, so I guess we’re doing that?
honestly it’s mostly been about Hoshi.
They have no mouth when they’re in full control, so I already established that when needed they’ll just use Niko’s to speak. But now I’m wondering if they would sound any different? Like I differentiate them from Niko by using the orange text, but that doesn’t mean they sound different. I should probably find a couple voice references.
Also the rest of the time they telepathically communicate, but I also remember saying they can only do that in a way that’s clear enough to understand if the other person is a telepath as well. Which cuts that list to [Redacted], Niko, probably the gods, another character who’s not yet been revealed as a telepath, and any other telepath. So that would make communication hard if they have to take full control. Though I do think I said they’ll learn sign language at some point, so that will help. I just need to figure out who exactly would teach them.
Also I think in terms of like control over their magic, Hoshi is stronger than Niko, but Niko could probably be much more destructive with their own abilities, since they haven’t had them for as long.
Other things I thought about: on Hoshi’s reference sketch I listed [Redacted] and Ludeius as their family members, though the relation wasn’t know. So I’ve had a couple ideas for that.
Idea one: When Ludeius created [Redacted]’s soul, he had to separate the divinity from the mortal aspect. Maybe Hoshi is the divine aspect?
Idea two: After Ludeius creates [Redacted]’s soul, they decide to create another soul, and that soul ends up as Hoshi. So this would make Hoshi basically [Redacted]’s younger sibling or something of the like.
Idea three: Hoshi was created the exact moment [Redacted] made the wish for Niko to gain stronger light powers. This would either directly or indirectly make [Redacted] their father, and Ludeius their grandparent or something of the like.
I dunno kinda just word vomiting.
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arieshasbrainrot57 · 2 years
**Redacted Winter Gift Exchange**
Asher hadn’t seen Babe for a few weeks, but even though he missed them, he didn’t mind. He knew they were out of town visiting family, he knew they’d be back soon. They had to. Right? But when he heard that Darlin had run into Quinn, who’d almost been on a power trip, bragging about just grabbing and almost draining a human a couple of towns over, just for fun, he couldn’t help but feel his stomach sink a little. He had to go with and check it out. He had to. But it couldn’t be them. It couldn’t be.
relationships: asher/babe
tw/cw: blood, non-consensual vampire feeding, characters almost dying
This fic’s part of the Redacted gift exchange and it’s for @hypnos21 I’m so excited to participate in something like this for the first time, I was pumped when I saw the announcement post I enjoyed the prompts I got for this fic, they're some of my favourites as well, so I basically just got to write my own favourite stuff for this. Overall, I'm not as proud of this as I could be but I still hope that Hypnos, and anyone else who reads this, enjoys what they read :))
Asher missed them. He really, really did. He always did when they were out of the house. It always felt too quiet without Babe there, without their music playing when he came home, without their soft breathing next to him as he drifted off to sleep, without them there to curl up next to him as they watched TV together. He comforted himself with the thought that they would be home soon. He couldn’t wait to hug them again, to breathe in their soft scent, a smell he could probably recognise anywhere, even in a crowd of hundreds.
The sound of his phone ringing drew Asher up and off the couch, where he’d been sitting, aimlessly flicking through channels, picking it up and answering once he noticed that it was David.
“Hey there big guy. What’s up?” he said with a slight smile.
“It’s Tank. They’ve…They’ve had another run in with Quinn. They’re alright, they’re not hurt too badly but I need you to come and stay with them while Milo and the others come with me.” David explained, sounding much more tired than he usually did.
“What do you mean, where do you guys need to go?” he asked as he walked across the room, grabbing his jacket and struggling to pull it on while still holding the phone. Eventually he just caved, putting it on speaker and setting it down close by.
“We need to go and see if there’s any sign of Quinn still around. We shouldn’t be gone too long, but I don’t want to leave Tank on their own. They’re still pretty banged up. They said Quinn was on some stupid power trip, bragging and practically begging for a fight.”
“What does he have to brag about? The stupid leech has been hiding out for the past couple months, as far as I know.”
“Apparently he caught some human a couple of towns over and nearly drained them. We don’t know yet if he killed them because we haven’t heard anything. No one’s even found them yet.”
“Where was it?”
Once David answered that question, Asher felt his stomach drop out of him and his blood run cold. That town name, the one that wasn’t far from Dahlia, but was still far enough away to make him feel lonely, it was familiar, scarily so. That was Babe’s home town, the one they’d left to go and visit, so they could go and see family. It couldn’t be them. It couldn’t be. It had to be some random person, just someone that none of them knew.
“God, please don’t let it be them. Please, please, just not them.”
“I must just be being paranoid. Being on my own must have made me weird. You’re being silly, Ash. Just calm down.”
“But…it couldn’t hurt to check, right?”
Asher stepped off the bus, out into the cold night air. He let out a soft, anxious breath, trying to slow his racing thoughts unsuccessfully. Tank was fine, he’d been with them all afternoon, barely able to pay attention to what they were saying as all sorts of worries buzzed in his head. They’d needed a handful of stitches for some of their deeper injuries and they’d gotten a lecture from Sam over the phone, but that wasn’t any different from usual. Milo and David were fine too, they’d come back to take over from him once they’d been out to look for Quinn. They hadn’t found him. He hadn’t told them about his worries. They were his packmates and his best friends but he didn’t want to look like a paranoid idiot if this all turned out to be a misunderstanding.
He already felt like a paranoid idiot anyway. He didn’t even know where to start looking. He hadn’t been able to quiz Tank on details much, since he didn’t want to give too much away. Now that he was here, he could feel dread settling in the pit of his stomach as he realised that he really didn’t know what he was going to do now. He didn’t really have a plan. He was just stuck out in the cold in a random city that he didn't know as well as he wished he did.
Luckily, he caught a familiar scent as he wandered down the street, a scent so familiar he almost shifted on the spot. Blood, old blood specifically, and some kind of expensive cologne. Quinn. It smelt like Quinn.
Without much hesitation, Asher was off, hurrying after it, following it down streets and around corners. The further he went, the more Quinn’s scent grew, starting to mix with the scent of more blood, a lot of it, fresh blood this time. It almost made him heave. The scent was strongest around the back of a dingy apartment building, that he hurried straight towards, stopping in the street behind it. He stared down at a pair of chained doors, no doubt leading to a basement of some kind. Nothing about the building or the alley was any different from the others around it, except for the violent smell of blood and a pair of frenzied drag marks in the trash lying on the concrete. Someone back here had fought tooth and nail, evident by the scratch marks on the edges of the chained doors.
The building didn’t look very well monitored or taken care of, so, quickly checking to see if anyone was around, he shifted and managed to break through the chain in only a short amount of time. The minute the doors were open and he could get inside, he felt his paranoia worsen, as it was validated. Mixed amidst the smell of blood, mould, stale water and Quinn was a painfully familiar one: Babe’s scent. That sent him into an almost fervour, scurrying into the dingy basement, whipping around furiously, looking for any sign of his mate. Thinking ahead, he shifted back, nearly tripping over as the smell of blood only got stronger.
And then he noticed them. Babe, his mate, one of the people he loved most in the world, was curled behind some stacks of rotting boxes, their jacket half torn off of them and their neck a mess of blood. The neck of their T-shirt was completely soaked in blood. There was so much blood that Asher couldn’t fully tell where the wounds in their neck actually were. Their arms and legs were kicked out, even as they lay there completely still, like they were still trying to fight someone off in their awful state.
When he skidded over to them, kneeling close beside them and gently shaking their shoulder, he noticed that they felt cold. Almost as cold as the cement floor they were lying on. Babe was hardly ever cold. Half the time they were almost as warm as him, which made cuddling during the summer kinda hard for the two of them.
“Oh god, Babe, wake up. Come on, wake up for me.” he pleaded, shaking their shoulder again.
There wasn’t much movement and for a moment he feared the worst. For that moment, time seemed to slow. All he could think about was what he would do if that was the case. What would he do without them? The thought made him hunch in on himself, that and the overwhelming smell of blood making him nearly heave.
That was until he noticed their chest slightly rising and falling. It was barely noticeable, unless your eyes were glued to every one of their slight movements. A relieved sigh escaped him and he slumped forward over them, just clinging to his mate for a second, purely thankful that they were alive.
“Thank god. At least they're alive.” “For now, anyway.” “No, don’t think like that. They’re going to be fine. I can-I can get them some help.”
With shaking hands, Asher struggled to pull his phone out of his pocket, nearly dropping it in the process. He didn’t let go of Babe the entire time. He was scared he’d lose them if he let go of them, even for a second. They felt so frail and cold, like they’d slip through his fingers the minute he let them go. So he pulled them into his lap, clutching them as tightly as he dared. Asher curled his free arm under their head, letting them nestle into the crook of his elbow. He wanted them to be comfortable.
He could barely breathe as he listened to the phone ring, praying that everything would be OK. It had to be. He didn’t know what he would do if it wasn’t.
“I’ll…grab you some water or something. I think you could use it.”
Asher barely listened to what David said. He couldn’t help it. Ever since he’d gotten to the hospital, he hadn’t left Babe’s side. He couldn’t. He had to make sure that they were alright, he had to be there when they woke up. Once they woke up, they’d no doubt be super freaked out. The last time they were conscious they were getting attacked by some freakish leech, they’d be so freaked out and disoriented when they woke up again.
The doctor’s had told them that Babe would be fine, as long as they got the rest and the treatment they needed. That had calmed most of Asher’s worries but he’d feel a lot better when they were awake again. The sound of their voice would be enough to calm down the rest of his racing thoughts. It always was.
With a tired sigh, Asher buried his face in his crossed arms, giving Babe’s hand a squeeze. “Please be OK baby. Please. That’s all I’m asking, just be OK.” he breathed.
Everything seemed to go quiet when he felt a slight squeeze back. All the hustle and bustle of the hospital around him seemed to dull and slow down, like he’d just jumped underwater, and he sat up so fast he got dizzy.
Babe’s eyes were open, not a lot, but ever so slightly. They were looking at him and their brow was furrowed.
“...Ash? What…What are we doing here?” they said really quietly, trying to shift in their bed and sit up more. Their voice was soft and raspy, their exhaustion and pain obvious with every word they said.
“Hey, hey now, don’t move, stay still. You’ve got a few stitches in your neck and I don’t want you to tear them.” Asher said quickly, sitting up, resting one hand on their shoulder and gently pushing them back down onto the bed.
“Why-Why do I have stitches? I-I-”
“It’s OK Babe, just breathe. Take a minute. It’s alright. You’re safe.” he assured them, not moving his hand, gently rubbing their shoulder with his thumb.
He was worried for a moment that they wouldn’t settle but a faint sigh of relief escaped him when they did. Their eyes flicked back and forth across the room, struggling to take shaky deep breaths. He could practically see the thoughts shooting through their head.
“Quinn…” they just said after a moment, a note of fear entering their voice. “It was…It was Quinn. He-He…”
They couldn’t finish. Their words sounded like they were choking them and eventually they just scrunched their eyes closed, balling their hands into fists. They were crying, their shoulders shaking and soft, fearful sobs escaping them.
“Hey. It’s OK. He can’t get you here. I promise you, he can’t. I won’t let him. No one will.” Asher cut in, leaning closer. The minute he was close enough, they almost fell into him, burying their face in his neck, curling both arms around him. It was even more obvious now how much they were shaking.
“It’s OK Babe. It’s OK. Shhh. You’re OK.” he murmured gently, doing the only thing he could do, bringing his arms up around them and rubbing their back.
Asher knew that wouldn’t help them, not completely. It’d take time and work and effort to help them through this. They might never recover completely and he was OK with that. He’d be with them all the way regardless. He’d make sure something like this never happened again, even if it meant putting himself in harm’s way.
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mish-tique · 2 years
Hii miss missha! Rose 🥺🌹here
I'm practically living in your askbox at this point.
First off, thank you for the plotting advice!! when i finally get on vacation and get my life, thoughts, and wips organized, i promise to send you at least a drabble of either the C2max apocalypse thing or the lestappen mafia sequel/prequel thing
let's get down to business, SPOILERS for Day 8 kinktober/ miss missha's chic fest entry below the rose line ( i also wanna read everything in the chicfest already but i'm studying for an exam, but you're my fave so yeah, i'm here as rest, though i might dip once again the next few days, we'll see)
ooh tetralea's prince!charles au is so lovely too
there's a content warning for attempted murder?! ohh i love this movie, i haven't started reading yet, i'm still only on the author's notes but i love this already and it's 4k?! 🥺🥺
fasten your seat belts boys, this will be a long one
the first parag opening up to max sneaking into the palace 🥺🥺
"Later this week he will have to drive in the Grand Prix of Monaco, and he could do without a visit to court for breaking and entering into the Royal Monegasque Palace." <- ohh imagine the headlines, they'd be tumblr's fave couple and twitter bigots would be so appalled at the hotness they couldn't even. they're a power couple fr. dw tho maxy, i'll be your lawyer in court
"he hisses, but his tone is as far from angry as he can get. He can never hide his fondness for Charles from him." <- they're in love your honor, I say to the mic infront of the jury and the judge
"Or this reunion lit a dormant fire within his own body." and paired with "But it’s mostly because their intimacy is something they treasure when they can finally meet up again. To explore such an amazing feeling together, even if it’s in anonymously booked hotel rooms or in dark corners, is so precious that neither of them feels like staining it with something like technology and the possible bad misuse of it." <- oh the relationship dynamics of clandestine meetings and secret loves
"They’re stumbling, giggling and so stupidly in love as they make their way through the gardens until they reach an open field." <- when will it be my turn???
"he knows that Charles isn’t just the Prince of Monaco to him. He’s the Prince of his heart" <- same maxy same. whenever i hear king of my heart by tswift, i just think of charles, his folder in my phone is titled that
charles being the unafraid one and max being the one who worries - i - this is different from the usual ones where it's charles that's afraid of the love and i love this so much
“I know what we both want.” “Oh?” Max fakes surprise, “I didn’t know you wanted to win a championship too.” <- and i'm back to reality for a moment and mourn the could have been championship battle of this season
dominating prince charles... [redacted]
“I want you to get hard from my voice alone, and then I’ll consider letting you ride me.” <- i'm having thoughts, [redacted] [redacted]. actually malfunctioned after that line and had to pause reading for a moment
ohhhh title decider monaco?!?!? oh my god everything about the plot and charles as the prince, the plot just shifted and it's a whole new story
oh my god. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. i died and came back to life and was partying it hard on my chair and was fist pumping and then i was crying, i had a few minutes of celebration, their outing in the public, up in the podium, first place, and wdc, and hfsniufgbxyu
and the fic is still so long, i ain't even half way yet and i'm just, i know there'll be hurt later and i just want to stay in this happy bubble and not think about my upcoming exam
"Max knows that from here on it will only get harder but as long as they are together, they will manage to push through it all. He’s sure of it. He has never been one for blind faith, but this is not blind faith. This is their pure love backed up by incredible stubbornness and the strength to never give up." <- 🥺🥺 sobbing because what the fuck their love is just 🥺🥺
you didn't have to put the hurt i- this is what you meant earlier when you said you'd be playing with my emotions more, i - fuck you miss missha (not fuck you i take it back, you're still one of my fave authors in this fandom)
"“Don’t cry my prince,” he says, but he’s afraid only he can hear it, “Your tears are too pretty to be wasted on sadness, you should cry over happiness only.”" <- someone comfort me, i am not okay, i don't have a lover's arms to hold me
ohh there's a different format
fuck you to the shooter ( i mean i get the anti-monarchist sentiments, i even get if you're a hater in regards to the sport, but you homophobic fuck, you shot at em as they gaze lovingly into each other's eyes???)
i'm reading through tears
the convo during the coma - i - no words
this was supposed to be voice kink, kink, this was supposed to be kinky and not tear me to shreds
"because how could past him have abandoned someone that adores him so much?" <- this is not okay, i am not okay
charlie was the target 😭😭😭 oh what he must have felt as max was in the hospital 😭😭😭
"Did you really just say you want to marry me while you’re in the hospital bed and I can’t even jump you?” <- ahahhah the proposal though!! monaco, legalize gay marriage already!!
honestly, charles speaking is such a trigger for [redacted] thoughts, max too, but really charles speaking in french (if only i could understand french, tho i'm working on it)
you were a horse girl?!
cake! i love cake!
i just sat there in front of my laptop and just smiled and had a little dance. this is so cute and fluff and writing was so good, and aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA
i'm just so satisfied with this one and i love it and i love you and i'm giving you a big consensual hug because you did such a great job just thank you THANK YOU. roses for you!!
-Rose 🥺🌹
oooh yes, please share when you do write it! can't wait to see what you will write!
good luck on your exam! please study hard and I'll pray that you get a good result!
i can't believe that i haven't read tetrelea's au yet tbh, i need to have more free time
"the first parag opening up to max sneaking into the palace 🥺🥺" <- pls he's such a cutie
"oh the relationship dynamics of clandestine meetings and secret loves" <- it's so, so sweet, we NEED more tbh. secret love au's >>
"whenever i hear king of my heart by tswift, i just think of charles, his folder in my phone is titled that" <- omg that's so sweet???
"- this is different from the usual ones where it's charles that's afraid of the love and i love this so much" <- I worried if i was doing the wrong thing but i feel like Charles would be the silent one to worry and max pulls himself back when he worries
babe, sweetie, i don't know how to tell you this but ferrari doesn't have what they need to get their shit together and win a championship yet skghsd
"ohhhh title decider monaco?!?!?" -> IMAGINE THE SCENEEEES
"fuck you miss missha (not fuck you i take it back, you're still one of my fave authors in this fandom)" <- SKDGHSD SORRY we need angst sometimes. it makes the fluff feel better, trust me xx
sending you hugs love
"this was supposed to be voice kink, kink, this was supposed to be kinky and not tear me to shreds" <- lmao honestly, my kinktober is containing a lot of stuff that's def not kink
"charlie was the target 😭😭😭 oh what he must have felt as max was in the hospital 😭😭😭" <- right?? all alone?? with just the press hunting him down?? and the royal family at his throat for answers??
i used to think that i shouldn't come home with a french person but last summer a french dude used his french the right way and that was honestly the sexiest thing ever
and yes, I used to be a horse girl! i had riding classes for years until i got my first pony and when i got too tall i had a horse, but i stopped riding around age 15 (?). But i really miss it and am reconsidering classes
Aahh thank you so much for your support Rose! I was a little insecure about this one because this story didn't write the easiest and I normally worry you can read that too, but I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
0 notes
other-peoples-coats · 3 years
Part of a wholly self indulgent nonsense thing that is likely getting cut, but I liked it enough to post it somewhere.
Context is that Several Kenobis have been dumped in the same time period, pulled from their own respective time periods though [redacted for plot reasons], every single one of them assumes at this point in the story they got cryo-frozen and are a) different people from wholly different time periods who Happen To Share A Name for Cultural Reasons, who are all now b)In The Future, because...that makes more logical sense than ‘all the same person, just different ages, still in the future’. They have taken on different nicknames to differentiate between the various Obi-wan Kenobis; Ben’ika is Obi-wan circa melida-daan.
Cody is aware of the ‘cryo frozen multiple people’ assumption, and is having emotions about [other plot shit]; Rex et al are not aware of this and thus jump to, well, clones of The One Kenobi they know exists. Technically, Rex is closer to the mark than Cody is. He’s not right, but he’s...less wrong than Cody currently is.
-- It only takes a glance at Cody for Rex to realise that General Kenobi is...not ok. More than just not being here to meet Anakin and the rest of the search parties - that could just be because he was in a meeting, or still stuck in the care of the medics. Cody, however, looks about a thousand miles away, clearly operating entirely on muscle memory. If it was the cold determination to get things done, that would be one thing; Cody is Marshall Commander Cody for a reason, and it's because he's a scarily determined fucker who looks at things like odds and considers them a challenge.
This, though, this is grief, helpless and formless grief, the sort of shell shocky aftermath of battle when you count the dead and can't quite tell if you're glad you're not amongst them or wish that you were. The sort of near miss feeling of finding out your batch was up for decommissioning and you passed by the skin of your teeth, but your batchmates didn't. General Kenobi's not dead - if he was, Anakin probably would have known, and Cody would have said as much when he'd ordered them back to camp with the news. Not dead, however, is a state that has a lot of wriggle room for horror - torture, mutilation, insane.
"Where's Obi-wan? I swear, he says I'm impulsive, I don't think there was a single bit of that bunker he didn't melt to slag." Anakin calls, bitching in the relieved sort of punch drunk way they'd all felt after they'd found out that General Kenobi made it back to camp under his own power. Rex doesn't say anything, but his gut drops, and he braces himself for..whatever news Cody's got, about how bad off the General is.
"Obi-wan's in medbay." Cody replies, distantly, and that is even more worrying, the lack of title or formality, so very unlike Cody. Cody's all about...formal rank, lines and structures, and it's not that Rex doesn't get it - Kamino was real clear about rank and structure, and the CCs got it more than anyone - but the abrupt lack of it is a warning sign like nothing else. At least while they're on duty - Cody and General Kenobi are very precise about that, and Rex has to admit it does help with the natborns.
"Hah, how hard did Staples and Kix have to tie him down?" Anakin jokes back, sauntering towards the medbay, and Rex can almost see Cody bite back the urge to snap, which is...bad. Worrying. Ominous.
"Commander Cody, Staples sent me to fetch you. You're not answering your comm, and he needs to - oh. Apologies." A little voice says, and Rex's gaze swings over to the source, before dropping...several inches, when it's a good couple of feet lower than he'd expected.
The scruffy looking redheaded kid stares back at him curiously, and Rex has suddenly a much better idea of why Cody looks like he's been gutted, if the General's been...deaged? made into a shiny?? had a weird force experience and is now a cadet.
"Apologies, Ben'ika. I'm on my way." Cody tells the tiny cadet version of the General, who nods, then glances again, curiously, at the collected rescue team. Who are all staring at him in horrified fascination. To be fair, the cadet version of General Kenobi is tiny, and dressed in clearly scavenged clothing, and would be cute if he wasn't General Kenobi and thus just...very very weird.
"Ben'ika?" Anakin manages, sounding like he's biting back hysterical laughter, and the General - the tiny cadet - Ben'ika - glares at him. It's a hell of a glare, honestly, though it's somewhat undercut by the way the cadet looks like he's well short of a few meals. Rex is very carefully not thinking about the impact on the chain of command or anything else having the head of the Third Systems Army suddenly turned into a cadet will have.
"You got a problem with it?" The cadet General demands, and Anakin shakes his head, laughing.
"No, no. Ben'ika's a - a fine name, for a squirt." He giggles, and Rex knows he's likely just a bit thrown and not handling it well - no wonder, honestly, how the hell do you handle it - but he winces at how condescending Anakin sounds. It's not helped by the way that Anakin reaches out to scruff teasingly at the cadet's hair, laughing more and making as if to jokingly collar him when cadet Kenobi skitters back from the motion.
Cadet Kenobi bristles more, lips peeling back from his teeth in a surprisingly threatening expression. Unsurprisingly, Cody scowls too, defensive over General Kenobi.
Cadet Kenobi. Fucking force shit.
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tommytomatoe · 4 months
these are my top three redacted asmr couples i’d want to have a threesome with in no particular order…
1. sweetheart and milo 
i love a man with an accent. to me, these two give off those “me and my boyfriend couldn’t help but notice you across the bar” vibes. i’d fold, i got a thing for power couples. bonus points if sweetheart is in their investigator get up.
2. gavin and freelancer
i wouldn’t be their first threesome and i certainly wouldn't be their last. i feel like they’ve navigated the whole threesome situation with ease and there’d be like zero awkward tension with them. gavin’s gotta feed, so why not double up on meals?  
3) darlin’ and sam
like i said, i have a thing for accents and power couples. with a nickname like tank, i’d give anything for them to throw me around a little. i don’t think canonically they’d participate in threesomes, but this is my fantasy, let me live. 
!!!honorable mention!!!
baaabe and asher
i have a special place in my heart for these guys, i’m a babe supporter ‘till i die. that being said, i feel like asher isn’t great at multitasking and would just focus on babe the whole time. not in a jealousy “you can’t touch them just me” way, but more like he’s so in awe of them that he forgets it’s a threesome. it was mentioned in a BA that he likes the idea of exhibitionism, but i wanna be involved so because of this they’re not in my top three.
thank you for coming to my tommy’s tedtalk.
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matthewss34 · 2 years
Sometimes my silly little thoughts at 1 am abt redacted characters get me excited, so here’s what I’ve been thinking: Morgan’s listener (bc I think they have SO MUCH potential), Angel, and Freelancer edition
Morgan’s listener, Angel, and Freelancer are all siblings. Angel and Freelancer share the same parents while Morgan’s listener has a different Dad.
Morgan’s listener came from a very short-lived relationship between their mom and dad, hence why (headcanon they’re the eldest of the 3) there’s such a large age gap between them like I’m talking they were 11-12 when Angel was born and 16-17 when Freelancer was born.
Morgan’s listener skipped town the day after their 18th birthday and hasn’t spoken to their family since for “unknown reasons” (cough ‘seer’ cough). Angel doesn’t really remember them but doesn’t ask abt them bc the family obviously pretends they don’t exist and BECAUSE of that, Freelancer has no idea that Morgan’s listener was even alive.
They came back after several years (and after learning more abt their powers) and found a job at a small coffee shop. This just so happens to be the same coffee shop where Angel and David met, and guess who just so happened to be working that same day the 2 introduced themselves to each other! Yup, Morgan’s listener!! Imagine their shock seeing their little sibling fully grown now, (bc it’s just been that long), and now horrendously?? flirting?? With?? Someone??
That same month guess who stops by for a drink with one too many shots of espresso? Yea you guessed it, Freelancer! And guess who takes their order? Yup! You know who. Morgan’s listener takes a while to recognize them (I mean, the last time they saw FL was when they were a literal infant) until they ask for a name for the order. Here’s what I think happened within 60 seconds.
“Can I get a name for that order?”
“Yea, of course!” *FL drops very familiar name and ML’s heart sinks*
A couple seconds go by:
FL: “Hey I know I don’t know you but you look a lot like my sibling and I…kinda like our mom too…..super weird! We should take a picture, I think they’d love it.”
ML: “….Yea, uh, super weird. Um, I don’t know abt the photo man, sorry. Let me get your order for you though.”
And before FL can say anything, there goes ML running off into the back. It’s odd and leaves FL with a sour taste in their mouth but they can’t just help but think they’ve met this person before. And what’s worse, is that FL feels like this is the second time they’re letting them down.
And for the first time ever, Morgan’s listener regrets leaving.
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headverse update with a bunch of Lantern stuff and a little bonus Mystik U/Dark Universe/Hellblazers stuff
so uh, spoilers for GLTAS and YJ:Phantoms, but I really, really love Razer, and he’s really only got the one storyline, so I’m bringing that in mostly intact since the broad strokes actually fit pretty well with the broad strokes of the headverse’s War of Light. I think Razer and other Lanterns using two simultaneous rings might go by “Mosaic Lanterns” in this canon to tie them in with John’s leader role after Oa is abandoned by the Guardians. Razer is of course a Red-Blue Lantern (Guy’s Red-Green, a “Christmas Lantern” though pretty much everyone he meets during this period has no idea what Christmas is.)
As for the rest, I want to do the original New Guardians eventually, but these are the New Guardians as hosts to the various Lantern Entities that power each Corp as manifestations of their core emotion. Aya’s also pretty much a straight port from GLTAS, with the addition of my headcanon which I think the show was headed towards before it got cancelled that she’s actually Ion itself, rendered amnesiac or otherwise disconnected from her true nature as an entity by whatever the Scarred Guardian did to transform her into an A.I. My only major additions are her leading the New Guardians (as much as she can, they’re a rowdy bunch) and having a fully Ion form and a hybrid Ion-Aya form that looks like a mermaid because, idk, I think it’s cute, who doesn’t like robot mermaids? I should draw Lori Lemaris
Everyone else is pretty quick to go through: Sinestro isn’t pictured here, but he and later [redacted] are incredibly attuned to Parallax, wielding the full power of their entity with little or no loss of base personality.
Kim Jeong-Ho or James Kim is a Korean-Canadian man whose daughter Lizzie was murdered by William Hayes, the supervillain known as Harm and an acolyte of the Church of Blood. While Rankorr received the blessing of Atros in the form of a Red Ring, Kim’s “baptism” is a point of contention with the Brothers of Blood, and despite all drawing from the same source of power, Kim fucking hates those guys.
Nicole Morrison is an Ethiopian-American transwoman, raised in Livonia, Michigan, bonded to Adara while being held captive by Winston Woods, a serial killer who target young trans women of color. She and Blanca are quite close, often partnering up on missions, bringing out the best of hope and willpower. Nicole also allows Aya to more easily access her full powers as Ion.
Abraham Pointe is an incel and a host of The Predator, half of the Star Sapphire’s Violet Entity. He spent two years stalking Lisa, a casino worker he’d never actually talked to, his possession by Predator causing a massive incident as he destroyed a portion of the casino and attached hotel trying to find and profess his love to her. Being talked down by Carol Ferris and Jill Pearlman, two of Earth’s Star Sapphires, Abe broke from The Predator’s influence and apologized to Lisa. He wanted to be exorcised of the entity entirely, but the Predator seemed to need him. It wanted to find someone...the Violet Light’s other entity, The Lovebird, itself living in a mysterious host deep in Thanagarian space, Khea Taram-Ka...Chay-Ara’s estranged mother.
Ophidian, greedy as ever, has a couple hosts over the years: Hector Hammond was the first, with his entity hiding out as “brain tumor” that was supposedly giving him psychic powers and driving him to attack Green Lanterns, specifically Hal Jordan. Years down the line, after Hector’s many encounters with Larfleeze, both of them were disappointed to find Ophidian drawn to another candidate entirely: Alexander Luthor Jr.
The Proselyte is Tahmaseb Shirazi, living in Corto Maltese under the named “Shane Thompson” and working as medic despite having several medical degrees. Encountering a Starro drone trapped alive in a jar, years after the nascent Justice League fought its progenitor in the same area, Shane freed Jarro. This act of compassion caused the Proselyte to latch onto them, their entire personality being subsumed in the needs of the entity. Jean Loring appeared and teleported Shane away, as this Entity was necessary to the Tribe’s survival in the days to come...
and then up in the corner a few quick sketches: Tim Hunter, Misty Kilgore, and Lucius Reynolds, the future leaders of Earth’s Homo Magi.
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aimee-pisces · 3 years
Redacted Asmr Aftershock Thoughts (Inversion Spoilers)
I wanted to write out some of my predictions / thoughts about the aftershock, and what will happen next. No clue if they’ll be accurate, (or coherent) but we’ll see lol :)
-For his audio, I’m really interested to see how he’ll explain things to Angel
-I know Milo tried to explain what happened, but it’ll be interesting to see if David explains his reasons for putting the ward up to Angel
-He’s gonna have a lot of guilt, even though people would’ve gotten hurt whether he made that call to put the ward up or not
-Maybe a bit of survivors guilt?
-Mainly, it’ll be interesting to see what he thinks if / when he finds out that Milo was the one who brought the ward down
Damien and Lasko
-Ok I’m not sure about this one, but I feel like they’re gonna talk about Kody
-For one, Kody’s playlist says “completed”
-Also, Damien and Lasko were the two main characters to interact with Kody sometime around the inversion
-The way that Kody was making fun of Lasko was awful, and also what he did to the others inside the ward. I’m glad that Damien tried to fight him 😤
-It’s really sweet to see that Damien and Lasko get along a lot more now. Lasko doesn’t seem scared of Damien at all, it’s so cute to see how much they’ve both grown!
-Really not sure what his will be tbh
-Maybe dealing with the after effects of that much healing? Like being tired and stuff??
-I’ve seen some people (not sure who, but if that was you lmk and I can tag you) make theories that Ash would’ve seen the river, or even Brachium if he got that close to dying
-I don’t personally think that’ll happen, but it would be cool!
Huxley and Gavin
-This one’s gonna hurt
-They’re gonna talk about Xavier 😭
-Gavin might blame himself for not being able to protect him
-Hux is gonna be so heartbroken… I’m not ready y’all
-I don’t think that Hux would be the type to blame others though, so hopefully him and Gavin will take care of each other <3
-Ngl I’m very worried for his audio
-It’ll be super interesting to see how all that magic will affect him, good or bad
-Will it impact his ability to shift?
-Milo also says something about his threads being strong (I think), so I’m really hoping that this won’t “slice” them (like what happened to others in the imperium)
-And he kinda defied David’s orders by trying to get the ward down, so if the pack finds out that would probably cause some issues. Then again, it also saved their lives so idk
-I’m just really hoping that he doesn’t get caught by the department
-Out of all the audios, I think I’m looking forward to this one the most
-We’re hopefully gonna learn more about what it’s like for someone to be tuned into a vampire
-I wonder how that’ll impact Lovely’s electro energetic powers, since their core will be different
-At the same time though, it seems like they didn’t have very long to get used to their powers. So idk how they’ll feel about that aspect. A blessing and a curse I guess?
-Also does this mean that Vincent can’t bite them anymore?
-I think I’m starting to see why this months Patreon audio was Imperium Vincent lol
-Since the stuff with Bright Eyes and Fredrick isn’t on the channel anymore, it makes sense that we’ll have a different story that goes through what being turned is like
-It’s also interesting that all the maker-progeny relationships are pretty different
-Like Will and Vincent are kinda like father and son, but Vincent and Lovely are a couple, and Alexis and Sam are a whole different story lol
-I feel like the power imbalance might make things kinda weird between Lovely and Vincent, and the whole not being able to lie to him thing
-But I know that those two are good with communicating, so I think that they’ll be ok
-And them being extra aware of each others feelings will be something worth exploring, either in this audio or in the future
-I haven’t listed to the vampire audios that much, so I’m probably forgetting a lot
Anyways those are my thoughts and predictions, feel free to reply with yours!
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babyjamiebarnes · 4 years
Part One
Featuring: Bucky x Stark!reader, dad!Tony, Peter Parker (platonic), background MCU characters
Warnings: [chapter] language; [series] language, smut, violence
Summary: The only people who knew she was actually a Stark were her dad, her step-mom Pepper, and her “uncles” Happy and Rhodey. A promotion within Stark Industries takes her from an already-sought after position in the Weapons Anaylsis Unit straight to the Avengers as a Weapons Enhancement Specialist... which means her dad is her new boss. There’s only one rule at work: no fraternizing with coworkers. There’s one more rule at home: no dating any Avengers. So what is she supposed to do when a grumpy super soldier becomes not-so-grumpy around her? At 25, do her dad’s rules still apply? Or is her entire livelihood at risk?
Author’s Note: I’ve written a decent portion of this but know I won’t keep writing it or post it unless I hold myself accountable and get it out there in the first place 🙈 I haven’t written much for Marvel yet but I’ve read plenty and have written for other fandoms in the past (not to mention the writing degree on my wall lol). I’ll try to post every 2-3 days to keep this moving! And if you like it and want to, buy me a coffee!
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No one knew Tony Stark had a daughter. No one but Tony Stark and his daughter. Well, and her step-mom Pepper. And her godfather Rhodey. And her uncle-not-uncle Happy. But no one in their everyday lives knew. She was given her mother’s maiden name and kept a secret, even when she turned 17 and moved to a small apartment near NYU’s campus (with Happy stationed right next door, of course) to start life as a truly normal adult, or as close to normal as an undercover Stark could be. When she graduated with her PhDs in robotics and electrical engineering at 25 — proving brains really do run in the family — she moved into her own apartment in Manhattan, funded by her father under the pseudonym “Michael Myers.” Subtlety was never his strong suit.
Fortunately for you, growing up without the Stark name let you live a relatively normal life. It also allowed you to apply for a position within Stark Industries without being ushered past any red tape because of who your father is. Outside of the financial advantage you had, you worked for your spot in a STEM career. You suffered through every man in your field belittling your work despite knowing less than you. You dealt with the constant interruptions and “well, actually” because of your gender. You powered through late nights and early mornings when your mind was flowing too smoothly to quit.
The last thing you wanted to do was have all that work disregarded because you shared a name with genius billionaire playboy philanthropist Tony Stark. So you filled out the application, sent in your resume and cover letter, and attached three letters of recommendation from your professors. You went through hours of interviews, background checks (conveniently redacting your father’s name), and polygraph tests until that offer letter showed up in your email. You even had to sign the Non-Disclosure Agreements that would bar you from discussing *anything* work-related with anyone outside of your department.
You spent your first year in the weapons analysis department, evaluating alien weaponry and determining how it worked and how to disable it. You had your fair share of mishaps, of course. Holes blasted into walls, fried robot dummies, even burnt animal carcasses. By the end of your first year, your supervisor sent a commendation and proposal for you for an undisclosed promotion. After Pepper Potts “thoroughly examined your resume, cover letter, and accomplishments during your tenure with Stark Industries,” as the letter read, you were awarded a position working on the Avengers’ weapons as a Weapons Enhancement Specialist. You’d never see a fight in-person, but you were assigned to work on advancements and post-battle repairs for everyone, from the Winter Soldier’s arm to the Falcon’s wings to Vision’s... everything. The only heroes you wouldn’t work on were Iron Man and War Machine (those were your dad’s territory) and Spider-Man.
On your first day in your new position, the one and only Pepper Potts showed you to your new lab on the 47th floor. It took all your willpower to look your step-mother in the eye and say, “Wow, Miss Potts. This is amazing. It’s such an honor to meet you,” with a straight face to convince any passerby that you had no outside affiliation with her. Even if her eyes stayed steady on you, you could see her mentally rolling them.
Once you were alone behind the doors of the elevator, conversation changed course.
“You’re going to be sharing a lab with someone else,” Pepper said.
“Sweet. As long as they’re competent, that’s fine by me,” you shrugged. Part of earning your degrees was learning to share a workspace with others, even those who bumbled and fumbled with no idea what they were doing. You’d had more hair singed by nearby explosions than you’d like to admit.
“He’s still in college so he’s not here as often as the others. Most of his work will be on Spider-Man’s gadgets and suit, but you can use him for any help you need.”
Walking past the familiar faces of Dr. Banner and Dr. Cho in their respective labs, Pepper ushered you into your lab, where you were met by your father and put on the same excited facade you did with Pepper.
“Oh my god, you’re Tony Stark! This is incredible! It’s such an honor to meet you, sir!”
He shook his head at you and reluctantly accepted your outstretched hand. Oh, the jokes you’d be making at family dinners.
“Yeah, anyway, this is your new lab, Miss [Y/L/N]. Make yourself at home. This lab rat over here is mister Parker. If you have any questions, he can at least bullshit an answer for you.”
The young man on the other side of the lab perked up at the sound of his name. He tugged the goggles off his face and set down his soldering rod to rush over to you.
“Hi. Hi, I’m Peter,” he said, reaching his hand out to you.
“I’m [Y/N]. It’s nice to meet you, lab partner.”
He looked to be a bit younger than you and at least relatively smart, if the MIT sweatshirt peeking out from under his lab coat said anything. If your dad gave him an internship like this, you knew you shouldn’t question it. He had to be a genius.
The kid just smiled at you, continuing to shake your hand past what most would deem socially acceptable.
“Okay, enough of that,” Tony said, pushing on your joined hands to separate you two. “Mister Parker might be in and out of the lab from time to time. He joins the Avengers on the occasional recon mission for immediate repairs but since he’s on break from classes, you’ll see him more often than not. Play nice.”
When he noticed you surreptitiously looking Peter up and down, he added, “Remember, no fraternizing with coworkers.” He pointed a finger directly at you before he spun and pointed to your fellow lab mate, realizing he should warn Peter too to save face.
“All the blueprints you need for the Tin Man’s arm are in the system. We’ll have you start on that and see what you can do about minimizing the sound that thing makes. Any other questions, give Pep a call.”
“Thank you, mister Stark. I really do appreciate everything,” you said genuinely.
“Yeah, well… don’t let me down,” he replied, patting you on the shoulder on his way out. Pepper followed close behind, leaving you alone with Peter Parker.
“So Peter,” you started, sliding onto the lab chair next to where he remained standing, “tell me about yourself.”
“Uh… what do you want to know?” he asked as he shoved his hands into his coat pockets.
“How old are you?” you asked immediately.
“I’m 21.”
Only four years younger than you. So you’d probably get along just fine.
“I assume you’re at MIT?” He nodded. “What are you studying?”
“Biomolecular and mechanical engineering.” He said it so casually, you’d think he was talking about the last song he heard on the radio.
“Damn,” you responded, eyes wide. “I thought robotics and electrical engineering was wild but fuck, that sounds like hell.”
He laughed and nodded, letting a bit of the tension in his shoulders fall. “Yeah, it’s not easy. But it’s worth it.”
He shot you a small smile before gesturing back at his project. “I should probably get back to work and let you get started.”
For the rest of the day, you familiarized yourself with the Winter Soldier’s arm to figure out how to… turn the volume down? You assumed it was the gears inside causing the noise, but part of you wanted to outfit an audio jack and speaker just to fuck with your dad.
You and Peter worked in relative silence, aside from the playlist he had quietly playing through the lab sound system. When lunch rolled around, however, you finally spoke up.
“Hey Peter,” you called, his eyes flicking from the chemical beakers in front of him up to you. “First of all, what are you doing?”
“Um, it’s Spider-Man’s web fluid. Just trying to find more durable combinations.”
“Interesting.” As much as you wanted to touch the stringy substance, you knew better than to fiddle with someone else’s lab work. “Okay so second thing, in my last position, I’d just order food and have it brought to my floor but now that I’m on an exclusive floor, what do you do for lunch?”
“Oh, there are a couple security guys who have clearance to come into this floor. They just can’t get into any rooms so you’d have to meet them at the elevator. But I usually find something in the kitchen down the hall.”
“Oh, sweet. Thanks!” you said as you made your way out the door. Before you could fully exit, you turned back to see if Peter wanted you to grab anything. Once he promised he’d take his own break ‘once I get this one thing figured out,’ you continued to make your way to the kitchen.
As you drew closer to the doorway, you could hear three voices speaking over each other. They didn’t sound angry, but they were definitely arguing. You opened the door anyway and almost immediately froze in your tracks. The Falcon stood with one hand on his own head and one on the Winter Soldier’s head while Captain America rolled his eyes before those same eyes landed on you, along with the rest of the room.
“Perfect,” Sam started. “Hey new girl, between the three of us,” he said, pointing to himself, the Soldier, and the Captain, “who has the best hair?”
“First of all, my name is [Y/N]. Second,” you continued, making your way past them to the fridge you hoped your dad kept stocked with goodies, “that’s an unfair question.”
You grabbed a soda and popped it open before turning back to the three men. “Your hair suits each of you. Cap wouldn’t look good with Winter Soldier hair and Falcon wouldn’t look good with Cap’s hair.” You took a few steps closer, leaning against the island counter between you and eyeing each of them. Your eyes settled on the Winter Soldier, unashamedly flitting across his face and admiring the sharpness of his features. “You,” pointing at him, “could probably pull off either of their looks, though.”
Bucky smirked at you, but his rosy cheeks gave away a hint of embarrassment at your compliment. Steve and Sam, on the other hand, weren’t taking it quite as gracefully.
“What?!” Sam shouted. “Okay, now I know you’re lying. I could pull off Cap’s hair for sure.”
“You know, I think shaggy hair would really suit me,” Cap said, only half sarcastically.
You giggled to yourself as the three of them started talking over each other again, all dead set on their own hair being the best of them and positive they could pull off the others’ looks. While they bickered, you searched the pantry until you found a snack to at least get you through the remainder of the day.
“Alright boys, it’s been fun but I have work to do,” you said as you walked past them again. “Actually, wait. Bucky — can I call you Bucky?” He nodded even though you continued anyway. “If you could stop by lab six today, I’d love to check out your arm in person. The digital renderings aren’t quite the same.”
“Uh, okay. Sure. I’ll find you,” he said quietly.
“Sweet, thanks!” And with that, you skedaddled back to your lab.
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us3rnam3-r3dact3d · 2 years
7, 8, 11 & 12 for the Redacted game? ^_^
Bless you
7. Least favorite canon couple(s)?
This sounds mean because these Bois did nothing wrong but… Aaron and Smartass and Ollie and Babe. It’s not that I don’t like them, they’re fine, I’m just so not interested. In fact, I’m so disinterested that I’m not even 100% sure if Ollie’s listener is called Babe. Anyway, no shame on anybody who likes them, I’m a fan of an Aaron audio here or there, they’re just not my thing.
8. Least favorite non-canon couple(s)?
Like… Lasko/Freelancer?? And he’s not even that far down. I’m not taking into account like Kody/Free or Adam/Lovely because obvi they’re toxic and I don’t like it (no shame for anybody who’s into that angst game tho chase your bliss). And as for Lasko and Free, I’m just such a fan of Lasko and Huxley getting together that I just… ugh. I love them.
However, I’m VERY down for a DAMN polycule. Talk about a power relationship.
11. Character(s) you want to know more about?
GEORDI. Who hurt you king?? Who is Ben?? Can I hurt them?????
12. Listener(s) you want to know more about?
Sweetheart!! I want to know about their Magic Cop job. I desperately want to see more of them working, see what they deal with on the day to day, and just… I want them to slowly spiral into an anarchic-communist who hates the department and quits. It’s what they deserve.
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