#these gay angels are trying to kill me
thorxthunder · 11 months
If I had a nickel for every time an angel and his rugged, badboy lover who doesn’t care what hell does to him confessed their feelings after pinning each other for years and then the angel immediately goes to super hell/heaven because metatron fucked up everything, I’d have two nickels which isn’t a lot but…
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(Guys I’m sobbing right now, I don’t think you understand)
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bijouzen · 9 months
god. Unknown / Nth is SO fucking ineffable husbands
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orcelito · 1 year
Honestly manga Midvalley and trigun 98 Midvalley are basically two different characters
Yea I wanna punch manga Midvalley constantly, but I also find him interesting & a compelling character. The times I've seen 98 Midvalley he just looks so sleazy lmao it makes me REALLY wanna punch him
Tough choices
#speculation nation#thinking about how i have midvalley with a significant role in my fic#& hes currently the character with the most scenes aside from vash bc of it#i have him based Solely on the manga characterization. bc i like him in the manga actually#but then i see 98 midvalley mostly acting as an accessory to Legato's murder sprees via sax solos#& it's like. where's the Realism? the Grumpiness! the utter hatred of his circumstances & fear of the higher powers?!?!?!#manga Midvalley is FASCINATING to me bc he's just like Wolfwood in a way.#caught between these two insane angels' brotherly dispute & hating EVERY second of it#but while Wolfwood rolls with the situation quite well (in large part bc he ends up aligned with Vash & we all know hes a sweetheart)#Midvalley decides he cant handle this anymore and rebels even though he knows it will crash and burn#better to try to live on his own terms than bow to that fucking angel for one more second#even though he knows it will probably kill him. and then it does.#that's fascinating to me!!!! but 98 midvalley feels so 90s anime villain hdkshfjdn#and i just Cant believe they gave him bitches. Midvalley??? with Women??? oh come on just look at him#that man's the kind of gay that refuses to flirt and then wonders why he doesnt get any action#he thinks he's BETTER than dating apps. and then he privately bemoans how alone he is#that or he just doesnt care about romance or sex at All. i could see that too lmfao#bottom line is. Midvalley does not get bitches. he DOESNT. thats just my humble opinion at least.#wow this turned into a ramble. may or may not be prompted by me writing him again. i just have many thoughts about him#trigun spoilers/
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Charlie Morningstar, actual princess of hell, sitting very stiff and straight and awkward on the throne of hell during a Formal Thing, looking very Uncomfy about it... until....
Vaggie: "Are you guys all blind? She's gorgeous up there."
Angel Dust: "No surprises YOU'D like seein' her all stiff."
Vaggie: "Fuck off. She looks dignified. Formal-"
Alastor: "Tense?"
Niffty: "Like rigger mortis!"
Cherri Bomb: "Like she's sitting on TNT."
Angel Dust: "Stiffer than a porn star tryn'a pay rent."
Husk: "I can hear her fucking teeth grinding through that forced grin."
Vaggie: "Alright, she's a bit nervous sitting on the throne of hell for the first time, filling in for the absent queen mom and the shut in king dad. So what."
Alastor: "It is becoming SLIGHTLY detrimental, ha ha!"
Vaggie: "You told her to sit still up there and look pretty. Look. She's sitting. She's pretty."
Angel Dust: "You're gay."
Vaggie: "Hi gay I'm her girlfriend."
Husk: (snorts)
Alastor: "I'm SURE she is ALL those things, my dear-"
Vaggie: "Touch me and the sleeve comes off with your arm in it."
Alastor: "-but she IS mainly meant to be inspiring CONFIDENCE in her ability to run hell as it's de-facto ruler!"
Vaggie: "And?"
Alastor: "Well it WOULD be nice if she could make the symbolic at of sitting on the throne of hell, in full view of what is MEANT to be HER royal court, seem just a BIT more, hrmm... NATURAL~"
Vaggie: "What the fuck does that mean. She's princess of Hell. However she sits on the dumb chair is natural."
Angel Dust: "Toots, she's third in line ruler of all Pride, an' she looks..."
Niffty: "WRETCHED!"
Husk: "Fucking pitiful."
Alastor: "Once again I shall go with TENSE."
Vaggie: "You want her to relax up there?"
Alastor: "I would rather say, it is VITAL that she does so~!"
Cherri Bomb: "No sweat. Someone give me a drink and I'll slip her a chill pill."
Vaggie: "No."
Angel Dust: "NO!"
Niffty: "I could try giving her acupuncture!"
Angel Dust: "Cherri, we've TALKED about this-"
Husk: "You fucking know how?"
Cherri Bomb: "-don't be sucha stick in the mud, Angie."
Niffty: "You PUNCTURE!"
Angel Dust: "I ain't being a stick in the mud! You-"
Husk: "Unholy shit stop giggling and give me that fucking knife-"
Cherri Bomb: "Yeah, and I wasn't gonna get her royal highness high for real. Just something to take off the edge-"
Angel Dust: "She's got no history with that stuff! She'd be a KITE!"
Vaggie: "Someone hold my drink."
Husk: "-and where the fuck are YOU going?"
Vaggie: "Gonna go help my girlfriend."
Angel Dust: "Whoa whoa wait toots- ya supposed to be lying LOW here, Vagisaurus! Ex-exorcist bitch, remember? Lot's a people here who'd like to KILL ya???"
Vaggie: "If anyone's pissed enough to run up the dais steps and try murdering the princess of hell's partner right in front of her then they deserve to get at least one hit on me. You guys have fun, stick together, don't get killed."
Husk: "Take your own fucking advice-"
Angel Dust: "-aaaand she's took off, right in front of EVERYBODY oh that's just GREAT."
Niffty: "Alastor? Do you want her to die..?"
Alastor: "Right now, dearest? Well! If it helps our princess put on more of a royal bearing, then I fail to see why she shouldn't!"
Cherri Bomb: "Dude."
Charlie: "-eighty-three million ducks on the wall, eighty-three million duuucks... take one down.... pass it around..."
Charlie: "-don't think about how easy mom made this look don't think about her seeing you up here and wondering where she went wrong and maybe she did and that's why she left don't think about it don't think-"
Charlie: "... eighty-two million nine-hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine-hundred and ninety-nine ducks on the waaalllll-"
Vaggie: (swoops down) "Hey."
Charlie: "-oh thank HELL Vaggie! I was just getting-"
(gets smooched)
Charlie: "..."
Charlie: ".... hhh...hi..."
Vaggie: "This armrest taken?"
Charlie: "What armrest. Oh! The THRONE right um no I mean yes you can, or- or we could get you your own chair if you want-!"
Vaggie: "Thanks babe, this is good."
Charlie: "It's- it's close!"
Vaggie: "Nice being on eye level for once."
Charlie: "or kiss level."
Vaggie: "Hm?"
Charlie: "NO NOTHING. Ahem!" (using gf's thigh as armrest)
Charlie: "Sooo, how's the party going down there?"
Vaggie: "Typical. Niffty brought a knife."
Charlie: "A knife? Just one??"
Vaggie: "We'll see."
Charlie: "I... guess just a knife's not too bad-"
Vaggie: "Heavenly steel."
Charlie: "H- Did you confiscate-?"
Vaggie: "Husk's working on it. I had better things to do."
Charlie: "Oh." (drooping) "Better things right. Other things. Just checking in on me huh? Um, what is the other things that need doing?"
Vaggie: "Charlie."
Charlie: "Shoot did I forget something?"
Vaggie: "You didn't-"
Charlie: "Something IMPORTANT?"
Vaggie: "Sweetie, you're things."
Charlie: "My things??"
Vaggie: "The things are you."
Charlie: "I'M things? What things- OH I'M THE-"
Charlie: "-I'm the things that need doing."
Vaggie: "Do you?"
Charlie: "N-not in public!"
Vaggie: "Guess you'll have to wait, then."
Charlie: "..."
Charlie: "You know, these are the only times I ever wonder about you maybe being a liiiittle itty bit evil."
Vaggie: "Punishment to fit the sin, babe. I've been having to look at you all evening."
Charlie: "I was WONDERING why your wings were showing!"
Vaggie: "You bring it out in me."
Charlie: "HEHEHEHEH."
Vaggie: "So now we're just gonna have to suffer together for the rest of the night."
Charlie: "That phrasing isn't helping."
Vaggie: "You playing with the hem of my skirt isn't helping."
Charlie: "YOU'RE the one almost sitting on my LAP."
Vaggie: "Emphasis on almost."
Charlie: (sigh) "I wish you were sitting on my lap..."
Vaggie: "You're basically melting into mine now, so there's that."
Charlie: "Your fault." (pouts) "Evil temptress of cuddles denied."
Vaggie: "Hellishly cute seductress."
Charlie: "Distracting tease."
Vaggie: "Speaking of distracting, think the whole room's looking this way now."
Charlie: "Can't blame them. You're lovely, Vaggie."
Vaggie: "Charmer."
Charlie: "Beautiful~"
Random Sinner: (charges over) "Murdering EXORCIST! You-"
Demon Charlie: (SNARLS)
Random Sinner: "...."
Random Sinner: "..... your wings are.. very pretty."
Vaggie: "Thanks."
Demon Charlie: "ANY oThER WORDS?"
Random Sinner: "C-congratulations on the girlfriend, your highness!"
Charlie: (beaming) (sparkling) "Thank you!!"
Random Sinner: (slightly charred) (eases back into the crowd)
Vaggie: "...."
Charlie: "I know I know..." (huffs) "That was a bit-"
Vaggie: "Hot."
Charlie: "Oh hush." (smirks) (drapes herself over gf's lap again)
Alastor: "...Well!"
Angel Dust: "She sure ain't stiff anymore."
Alastor: "Quite so."
Husk: "She's fucking liquefying."
Alastor: "Hrmm..."
Angel Dust: "Liquid like lighter fluid. She ROASTED that guy."
Cherri Bomb: "Are we like, SURE no one slipped anything in her drink..?"
Niffty: "Do you see any DEAD BODIES around Vaggie!?"
Cherri Bomb: "Uh, no?"
Niffty: "Awww. Then no."
Husk: "My grip hasn't gone limp though- Niffty, stop trying to take back the fucking angel knife."
Husk: "Fuck no! You'll make corpses!"
Niffty: "I KNOOOOW!!!"
Angel Dust: "Not tonight, Niff."
Niffty: (hanging limply off of knife handle) (sobbing)
Alastor: "Oh dearest don't CRY~" (pats niffty) "Come now- why don't we RELISH how the crowd shies back in FEAR from our DARLING hotel founder!"
Cherri Bomb: "Uhh, they might just be cringing back from all the glittery rainbows..?"
Niffty: (sniffling) "Cr- cringing's good..."
Husk: "She sure as fuck does look full of pride now."
Alastor: "Indeed! MOST satisfactory!"
Cherri Bomb: "Gay pride."
Angel Dust: "In her fucked up battle scarred heavenly wash out murder girlfriend who's giving her big soppy I'm-so-in-love looks."
Alastor: "Ah HA...! Close enough~"
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raggedytiger · 4 months
ragatha/agatha and pomni/penny human hcs!
is an english teacher!
yes she still loves horses. she used to ride them, & she loves old western movies.
owns cowboy hat and boots.
analytical and loves long & winding conversations.
has a very happy cat named sandwich.
patches her own clothes, doesn't have kids but if she did she would embroider their names into their belongings.
she still plays cello, she loves music in general, probably sings like an angel.
can't do any mathematics.
can drive, but like a lunatic. somehow has never had an accident though, so it's fine.
probably has a cute little baby blue/yellow car now, but definitely had a beat up offroader truck at some point that got put to good use. or maybe she still does, i'm not the boss.
total lesbian, a bit of a heartbreaker but not intentionally (women just keep falling for her)
goes to town/neighbourhood/community meetings. likely is/was in a knitting circle
absurd number of quilts in her home
is an accountant as we know, and cannot cook for shit as we know.
no pets she can barely take herself for walks. is more similar to a cat, but had a dog growing up. would love a collie or a dalmatian probably.
would name the dog something stupid like Thermometer Johnson.
she can drive, but nervously.
really quick thinker, like impressively, unless she's under HUGE amounts of stress. is literally always thinking at 100mph.
no sense of interior decor or personal style. all practical, kind of butch. really does kill a suit.
very much lesbian but not fully to terms with it. probably had short-lived relationships with men in which she was 'content' but didn't really care for it. seeing agatha as agatha for the first time was probably a crazy punch to her little gay heart. not to mention the cowboy gear.
watches 90s anime to wind down
listens to every single genre of music. passes a lot of time with headphones in, slowly making her way thru the entire world's discography
owns no band merch or anything though she just listens
can't sleep without a fan on, thunderstorm 12hr audio, blackout curtains, weighted blanket, water nearby
does not sleep a lot
both of them (going to call them pomni and ragatha for convenience):
didn't immediately recognise one another. i havent got an exact idea of how they reunited after getting out, but there were tears.
bonded in a very rare and unique way - they got to revel in the newfound joys of real life again. they got to eat delicious food, go on long, unobstructed walks in the real sun, be warmed by it, chew on ice cubes and shiver at the pain, listen to each other's heartbeats, listen to real music, read real books, smell soaps and flowers and sauces. they went to the supermarket together and read all the labels, and bought one of each type of fruit to try between them, and smelled all the candles, and touched all the blankets. spent a lot of time holding hands and kissing and i'm sorry to say, probably having sex, because holy shit, i'm real, you're real, we're real
now live together in ragatha's apartment, after pomni moved out of her small and confusingly-furnished flat.
both of them feel inadequate from time to time. this is resolved by a stern-but-loving talking-to.
sandwich likes pomni very much. pomni doesn't really get cats, but loves sandwich a great deal, and enjoys letting her sleep on her lap.
ragatha is very pleased to see her girls getting along.
ragatha cooks, pomni chops the veg. she often doesn't fuck it up
pomni cleans a lot as a 'thank you for letting me live here, i love you'. she's very much acts of service, ragatha is words & physical touch <3
they watch a lot of movies together. depending on how long they've been stuck, they might have culture to catch up on
ragatha wants to have a house with a garden one day. pomni starts germinating seeds from their fruit & veg like a weird science experiment. ragatha is delighted when she is presented with a baby tomato plant.
clothes are shared. ragatha's are bigger, but most of pomni's are ill-fitting anyway so it can go both ways. ragatha likes to dress pomni up in different outfits and have her do a little fashion show. pomni pretends not to savour the confidence boost.
pomni starts sleeping more
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bigfatbimbo · 4 months
Hello! I recently found your blog through you Lute stuff and because I'm unreasonably gay for that woman, I have a hurt/comfort idea for you.
Lute picking at/pulling her feathers out when she's stressed/upset and her partner (maybe even f!sinner 👀) just gently stopping her and running her fingers over the wings to soothe the pain from it. All while reassuring Lute that she's okay, she's safe and she's perfect.
That's all, thank you for your time and your writing!
you up for a fight? —
827 Words,, Lute x reader
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warnings — hurt/comfort, mention of rivalry, light angst, nothing too heavy, not entirely proofread
summary — Lutes rivalry with a sinner is put on hold when she can’t find them one extermination day. Fearing the worst, she freaks out and looks for them.
a/n — Anyways I made it my rival sinner au because I wanted too and felt like it sorry brother.
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She couldn’t find you. After a whole year of waiting to fight you, fuck, to see you, she couldn’t find you.
You were her rival, and only that. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t getting worked up over your disappearance. She trained to fight you, a talented sinner, and best you. But she didn’t expect her favorite demon opponent to be gone without a trace.
Lute felt a loss for air, at your absence. She zipped throughout the entire ring, scavenging for any trace of you. Had some other angel got to you? Were you hurt? Was it worse than hurt?
Her breath started to hitch and her soldier attitude dropped into panicked hysterics. And her thirst for victory against you became a desperate need to see you in tact and in good health.
Finally, she dropped into an empty building near your usual meetup spot. It was completely abandoned, making it the perfect spot to collect herself.
However, she did the exact opposite. The pressure on her to be the perfect soldier had finally became too much and she was spiraling.
Gasping for air, pacing the empty space, and picking at her feathers to no avail. You were dead, she thought. You were gone for good and it’s all because she didn’t get there first. So much for being an amazing soldier. God she was a screwup. How could she let this—
She stopped in her tracks, turning to you slowly, and running towards you, “Y/n!”
You brace for combat, expecting a strike with her spear or a blow to your head, but instead, find her arms thrown around your neck. 
“I thought you were gone,” she said loudly, voice breaking, “That some cunt angel got to you or— or—“
“Hey, it’s okay. Lute, fuck.” you take a moment to adjust to the soft touch, considering it to be a trap, before finally wrapping your arms around her waist, “I’m here, I’m safe, it’s alright.”
You weren’t expecting such a warm welcome in all honesty. And, a part of you mourned the loss of a fight. However, your heart went out to Lute and her strong reaction.
There was no denying that on a certain level, you two were extremely close. How many years have you been trying to kill each-other? Obviously enough for one of you to be crying at the thought of anyone else finishing the job.
And, there was no denying you’ve had softer moments before. Well, nothing to this extent but, just soft enough to form some kind of emotional bond.
“All because—“ her voice is rough and raspy, but thick with tears and anguish, “—because I wasn’t quick enough. I couldn’t find you, it’s my fault.”
She pulled back from you and paced slightly as she rambled on about ‘not being good enough’ and her fingers picked roughly at her feathers. 
“Hey—“ you try but fail to get her attention, “Hey! Stop!” your hand grabs hers and stops it from moving. Meeting her eyes, you take her other hand much more gently and caress her knuckle.
“You’re doing perfect. You didn’t do anything wrong, Lute.” her eyes widen as she looks at you, face still stroked with tears, “You are good enough. I mean— fuck. You found me, right?”
You smile slightly her way, earning an empty stare. Instead, you pull her into another hug and caress her back softly. 
“I’m proud of you, yknow? After all, takes a lot to get someone actually excited for extermination day,” she buries her faces in your neck as you speak, “It’s alright. We’re alone. We don’t have to fight, we can just take it easy.”
Then, like a switch was flipped, she snaps her body away from you. For a moment, just meeting your eyes, she breathes softly. Finally, she snaps out of what ever panic she was in, well, to the best for her ability, and brushes herself off.
Clearing her throat, she grimaced. “I apologize for that outburst, demon. I guess i’ve had a stressful day,” she looks up at you as if remembering something urgent, “Oh, and I didn’t mean whatever I said. Hysterics.”
She went to clarify more but she felt it stupid, What would she say? ‘Oh yeah, I wasn’t actually worried about you dying. In fact I want you dead!’ Not only was that tacky, it wasn’t entirely true. 
You stopped her from furthering this, “It’s fine, Lute. You were upset. I won’t hold you to it. And hey, if you are in better spirits and don’t mind me asking, are you up for a fight?”
She almost smiled at this thought. Fighting was something she knew, unlike the terrible feeling she just had. It was almost as if the sentence was perfectly calculated to comfort her. 
Before she drew her weapon she could feel the smile spreading on her face. Was she up for a fight? The answer was simple; with you, always.
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a/n — I’m so sleepy, I proofread this but i’m so tired I literally don’t know if it’s coherent.
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majosullivan · 24 days
Nevermore Dashboard Simulator 2
🔄 many-coloured-grass reblogged
🌷 many-coloured-grass Follow
I don’t care what any of you are saying, I just think it is weird that people are joking that Lenore and Annabel are secretly into each other when they have shown constant distant for each other?? Go take a walk through the academy grounds
🔮 sorcery-sorcery-sorcery Follow
the fun police right here is trying to put me in gay detenion but Lenore and Annabel are blocking the way because Lenore has pinned Annabel against the wall
🌷 many-coloured-grass Follow
8,689 notes
🎇 labyrinth-of-light Follow
[snapping out of remembering the horrific details about how I slowly suffocated under a black mass of slurry, not knowing if my siblings were alive or not, all because I smelt the scent of coal coming from the fire in the common room] oh I should have been at the club
13,477 notes
⚰️ were-all-dead-here Follow
906 notes
🔄 ghostlygal reblogged
🕯️ phantomwraith Follow
i can’t deal with this academy anymore! i mean i can, and i will, obviously. but i can't fucking do this anymore!
🖤 ghostlygal Follow
Area Man Who Has "Had Enough" Wakes Up Next Morning at 7:00 AM to Get Ready to Go to Class Again
7,347 notes
🌤️ serenest-skies Follow
I don’t know if it’s just the stress from the announcement that there’s only one new life, but I SWEAR I just saw Lenore drag Annabel Lee into a closet just now
#or I have started to lose my mind #with how today ended #that seems like a much more reasonable conclusion
29 notes
🔄 spookyxskeletons reblogged angelic-oddity
☀️ angelic-oddity Follow
God I wish I was that bell
☀️ angelic-oddity Follow
☀️ angelic-oddity Follow
☀️ angelic-oddity Follow
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15,074 notes
🔄 fable-silence reblogged
🍁 fable-silence Follow
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭I HAVETO GO TO CLASS AGAIN😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰
🍁 fable-silence Follow
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my greek chorus ^
4,832 notes
🎊 impishimpulses Follow
My roommate, who just manifested into an six foot tall ochimusha and consistently calls me dearest: All the creatures in this maze seem to desire nothing more than to suck dry any life we have remaining, i just don’t understand this academy
Me [heard “suck dry” and got so hard i got nauseous]: i think i hauve the devil in me
3,496 notes
🔄 ferocious-fiddle reblogged
🧟‍♂️ gutzngore Follow
The Deans are literally Tweedledum & Tweedledee coded because of their sinister symmetry. but whatever
🎻 ferocious-fiddle Follow
OP I know this is a joke, but just remember that if you go knocking on enough doors asking to see the devil, eventually he’ll answer.
6,660 notes
🩸 bloodstained-petals Follow
I’m never going to listen to anyone ever again that tries to give dating advice along the lines of ‘The worst thing that they can say is no :)’, bitch I just witnessed that Ada girl get insulted so throughly in public after she tried to flirt with Prospero that she literally manifested into some screeching rotten hag
#like be real with me right now
706 notes
🔄 spookyxskeletons reblogged
🪸 drenchedkelpie Follow
The whole experience with the rats in yesterday’s lesson felt like having to escape a ficious pack of bloodthirsty hunting dogs, and I was but a simple and unexpecting deer
🪸 drenchedkelpie Follow
☠️ spookyxskeletons Follow
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3,969 notes
🔄 floatinghoax reblogged
🌺 etherealdances Follow
Kill them with kindness? WRONG. Spectre attack 👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻
1,002 notes
🔄 deadgirlwalking reblogged namelessghoul
⚙️ the-greater-the-ass Follow
Call me Wall Street the way I. The way I just crashed onto the floor because of that fucking Hungry Ghost
⚙️ the-greater-the-ass Follow
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Have y’all just. Ignored everything that has happened the past few years or are some of you just fucking with me?
🌹 blushedandbloomed Follow
Is this some kind of wide spread prank that people are doing? Me and my roommate were talking about what memories of our family we had recovered and I mentioned how badly my brother was affected by his conscription during the World War II, and my roommate just looked at me like I was speaking another language and asked me what war I was even talking about
⚙️ the-greater-the-ass Follow
I’m sorry, world war number
🃏 demonic-betting Follow
🌹 blushedandbloomed Follow
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🪲 goldbug1843 Follow
@blushedandbloomed you cannot just react like that without any explanation about what on earth you meant by World War II
🌹 blushedandbloomed Follow
🌻 hyacinth-hair Follow
Unless you are the Oracle of Delphi, why the hell are you stating an end date for a war that’s still going on?
🌹 blushedandbloomed Follow
🌻 hyacinth-hair Follow
🌹 blushedandbloomed Follow
⚙️ the-greater-the-ass Follow
🥀 wilted-rose Follow
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🌃 eveningstar Follow
This is getting out of hand
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🪵 premature-burial Follow
💤 sleepyirene Follow
🪵 premature-burial Follow
🐸 hop-frog Follow
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🌟 celestialwhispers Follow
I must be having some kind of vivid dream because there is no way this is right. In the most recent memories I currently have, the coronation of Edward VII recently occurred, and now I’m seeing people claiming that they died 1910-1950?
🌬️ loss-of-breath Follow
⚙️ the-greater-the-ass Follow
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🌙 voyage-to-the-moon Follow
I am going to lose my marbles
🪓 namelessghoul Follow
🪦 deadgirlwalking Follow
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drchucktingle · 6 months
queer horror memory lane
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i know this screenshot above is just way of some algorithm but seeing these books together i am so honored youve allowed me to open my heart and trot out my art in this unique way. having two well received queer horror books (and third on way) is amazing given where i started my trot. thank you
easy to talk on 'death of unique art' these days but if you look at my story it is powerful example that buckaroos have a taste for challenging or untraditional figures in art. this is NOT to my credit, this is to YOUR credit. YOU have supported queer autistic art. i am so moved
i am already a pretty optimistic bud but still BLOWN AWAY by way my trot has been embraced over time. i recognize my perspective is 'strange' to many but to see the way this unique way was once treated with irony and now sincerity has bloomed in its place. it brings tears of joy
as i trot down my QUEER HORROR memory lane i am going to repost TRAILER for each book just because i have been basking in these memories and recalling the slow embrace of this timeline around me. thank you for allowing me this space i am so humbled and honored. LOVE IS REAL
When a strange tear in the cosmos appears within Earth’s annual path, the consequences are disastrous. For one night a year, the vast majority of humans now undergo a frightening mental change, transforming into hateful, rage-fueled zombies who will stop at nothing to satiate their desire for brutality.
While not much is understood about this horrific mass hysteria, the demographic it effects is very specific: cisgender straight people. 
A few years after the first of these tragic events, four friends from across the queer spectrum look for safety in solitude, hunkering down in a remote desert cabin for what is now known as Saturation Day. With a vaccine available for straight people to curb their violent episodes, some predict the worst is over. Others aren’t so sure.
As night falls, it becomes clear that survival isn’t guaranteed this Saturation Day.
From beloved internet icon Chuck Tingle, Camp Damascus is a searing and earnest horror debut about the demons the queer community faces in America, the price of keeping secrets, and finding the courage to burn it all down. Welcome to Neverton, Montana: home to a God-fearing community with a heart of gold. Nestled high up in the mountains is Camp Damascus, the self-proclaimed “most effective” gay conversion camp in the country. Here, a life free from sin awaits. But the secret behind that success is anything but holy. And they’ll scare you straight to hell.
Misha knows that chasing success in Hollywood can be hell.
But finally, after years of trying to make it, his big moment is here: an Oscar nomination. And the executives at the studio for his long-running streaming series know just the thing to kick his career to the next level: kill off the gay characters, "for the algorithm," in the upcoming season finale.
Misha refuses, but he soon realizes that he’s just put a target on his back. And what’s worse, monsters from his horror movie days are stalking him and his friends through the hills above Los Angeles.
Haunted by his past, Misha must risk his entire future―before the horrors from the silver screen find a way to bury him for good.
i am blessed by your support, your love, and your kindness. cannot believe how lucky i am to trot with you in all in this way and i cant WAIT to see what the future of this timeline holds for us. thank you for proving love with me from the past to the future
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lovelybrooke · 4 months
You know how I know media literacy is dead?
Because I know that in if in seasons 2 of Hazbin Hotel, Alastor looked at the camera directly and said "I am Aromantic Asexual, I have no attraction to anyone of any gender, sexual or otherwise. I will literally kill you if you try to hit on me." And people will still somehow say that it's not enough evidence.
Like why does Alastor have to say the words with his mouth for ya'll to believe it?? Ya'll are pretty confident that Angel Dust is gay and he's never said it directly (at least from my knowledge). Were none of ya'll taught context clues in school???
We really need to bring back the "why are the curtains blue" discussion...
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imsogayhelpme · 9 months
Reading the Good Omens 1 star reviews is so fucking funny because...
Look at this shit
"We loved the first season and we're really getting into the second season until they had to make everything gay.
The main love interests through the movie that they are trying to help get together are 2 gay women.
Then they decided at the end to make the two main characters gay for eachother and kiss. There was no indication of them being gay from the original source material.
And then throw in token trans man in a dress for no reason as a character.
It's a shame that Hollywood has to gay wash everything and always be shoving it down our throats. It's out of place. This season killed the franchise as far as I'm concerned. IF, they continue more of this show... We won't be watching it."
"Untill that kiss at the end, I'd of given it 5 stars as I adored the acting, the sets, the characters, the plot and the arcs... But.. they didn't need to make it gay!... I loved their friendship, I thought it hilarious and worked really well.. making it gay just ruined everything... There was no need!!!! We'd already had the lesbian couple waving the rainbow flag of 'ooonlook at me we're inclusive " and the brilliant actress of the crippled angel waving the "god's mistakes are also angels and worth while considering!" She was great... But making the two main cast gay... It was just unnecessary and completely ruined the immersion in the characters and made me feel like wasted time with the investment in liking them..
No do not consider me homophobic, I have loved and lost many a times in life from a wide range of people... And it's not because I believe gayness is evil or anything... It just rubs me completely the wrong way that they would do that to those characters.... Their friendship is what MADE the show... And now... It's over.."
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helluvaneurospicy · 3 months
Okay but what if Huskerdust communication
“Hey..Angel? You okay? Seemed kinda like a long shift…”
“Aww, are you worried about me, whiskers?”
“Cut the bullshit. Stop trying to flirt with me. It’s not gonna work. And I am worried about you.”
“Okay, fine. I’m…yeah, long shift. Nothing else.”
“Well, you look like actual shit right now, so no. You’re his favorite toy. No way he doesn’t play with you when no one’s around.”
“FINE, OKAY! HE DOES! BUT ITS FINE. everything’s just…fine.”
“Angel…I am going to fucking kill that slut if it kills me.”
“No you’re not. You can’t die. If it’s anyone it’ll have to be me. It’s the contract I made after all.”
“By that logic I should be able to defeat Alastor because it’s the contract I made. But-“
“No. You can’t. He’s incredibly powerful. Valentino…I can get to him.”
“Angel, I’m going over there.”
“No you’re not, he’ll kill you!”
Husk runs out the door, followed by a desperate Angel.
One dead Valentino and reclaimed soul later, Alastor’s being faced by two angry gays.
Edit 1:y’all 104 notes tysmmm
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elsweetheart · 7 months
bsf!hazel being jealous when you’re getting ready for a date and tries to get you to stay home 🤧
omg the tension wait
“so like, who is this girl anyway… do i know her?” hazel shrugs what she thinks is casually as she rests on her elbow on your bed, laid on her side watching you do your makeup through the light up mirror of your dresser.
“i met her on hinge, remember? we’ve been talking and she seems actually not half bad, which is rare for a dating app.” you concentrate on tapping the liquid highlight into the bouncy skin over your cheekbone, not noticing the way she’s staring at you desperately through the reflection.
“hinge? so you’ve never met her? what if she’s like… an axe murderer or something. you know i heard this crazy story about this girl who went on a hinge date and ended up in a suitcase and i’m just—” she starts but you cut her off with a chuckle.
“let me guess, that story involved a man. how often do you hear about women doing that kinda thing? gay women, even?” you spin in your chair, throwing her an amused smile with your head tilted to the side slightly. she didn’t respond, and not because she didn’t have anything to say— ‘cause she totally did, but because you looked like an angel in that moment, mirror lights illuminating you, high points of your face glowing under the low light. she should be the one taking you out.
you speak again before she gets the chance. “whats the issue anyway? its like you don’t want me to go.” you complain, voice quieter as you concentrate on lining your bottom lip, speech a little slurred as you keep your mouth fairly stationary as to not mess up.
“i just… i just think it’s a bad idea. anyway you were supposed to hang out with me tonight.” she sulks, sitting up just to slump her shoulders dejectedly, feet hanging off the bed and hands dangling between her knees. your posture softens, standing up and coming to sit next to her on the bed, wrapping your arm around her, resting your temple on her shoulder.
“i’m sorry, haze. y’know it’s not like that. i won’t be all night, i’ll come right back to you afterwards and we can watch movies.” you lift your head, grinning in a way you hope convinces her. she turns her face to you, sad, and whole body drooping like a basset-hound.
“or just don’t go” she sighs softly. you stare at her, swallowing a lump in your throat, something stirring in your stomach. surely… not?
“why not, haze?” you whisper, looking at her through your thick, mascara’d lashes.
“hinge girl doesn’t love you.” she returns your tone. you laugh openly, shaking your head.
“no shit, dingus — i haven’t met her yet. but she could fall in love with me, eventually, i mean it’s not totally impossible.” your smile is still cemented on your face and hazel hasn’t smiled once.
“she will.” her voice is quiet but firm, 100% factual. “shes gonna totally fall in love with you. maybe even on the first date.” god, the eye contact is intense. you can’t bring yourself to look away. your eyes flutter for a moment, trying to comprehend what she’s getting at.
“well…” you’re at a loss. “so what if she does?”
hazel just stares at you, before turning her face away to stare ahead. she’s met with her own reflection in your light up mirror, watching the sight of you sat right up next to her on the bed, staring at her. this is how it should be. she side-glances at you, eyes naturally dropping to your mouth, and then your outfit, and then back to your eyes, her head tilted back a little. she looked really good.
“‘kay, i won’t go.” you shake your head, suddenly filled with the desire to… please her? you wanted to be on her good side. hazel was good to you and… you suddenly… you just weren’t feeling this date anymore. her expression doesn’t change except her brows raising, head still tilted back a little.
“really?” she asks, like she didn’t think her words would actually move you.
“…i… yeah. i don’t know. maybe you’re right. maybe she’s gonna kill me, or something.” you chuckle nervously, feeling fizzles in your tummy and you wasn’t sure why. anxious? not really. nervous? a little. was it hazel?
“yeah.” she continues staring at you, and you feel hot under her gaze. what had gotten into her?
“stop.” you laugh shakily, half focused on sending your date a shitty little excuse via imessage. hazels brows furrow a little.
“stop what?”
“looking at me like that. you got your way.” you pout, throwing your phone to the side.
“sorry.” she exhales, looking away from a moment before her eyes shift back to you suddenly with a smirk. “you totally dropped your date for me.”
“you told me to.” you huff, turning your body to face her more on the bed.
“and you did it… dude i have power over you, that’s crazy.” she chuckles and you stare at her dumbfounded.
“of course you do you’re…” you cut yourself off and she raises her eyebrows.
“wait, i’m what?” she asks, her usual curious self.
“you’re… you. i’d drop anything for you.” you shrug honestly, looking at your hands before back up at her. she stares at you, jaw a little gaped.
“well… yeah… same goes for you…” she stares at your mouth shamelessly. “or whatever.”
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ofstarsandvibranium · 10 months
if it’s not too much to ask (🥺) could you do a reader who’s best friends with Colin and he teases her about her crush on Jamie and tries to get them together? If not, NO WORRIES. Your stuff is so 🥰
(this ended up being a lot longer than I intended...whoops!)
You and Colin grew up together. You were two peas in a pod, the thickest of thieves. You knew everything about each other. You were the first person he told when he realized he was gay. He was the first person you told after you had your first kiss. You're each other's platonic soulmates.
As such, you're always trying to help each other in regards to your dating lives. When he told you about Michael, you were excited to see your best friend finally found his person. Michael was amazing and you two clicked instantly, to Colin's relief.
Your love life? Weeeell...
Colin and Michael were expecting you since twenty minutes prior, you texted them: THIS DATE SUCKS. IM COMING OVER.
So you're now sitting on Colin's couch in between the couple.
"So what happened this time?" Colin asks.
"All he talked about was football, specifically West Ham," that got Colin groaning, "He also looked my Instagram up and saw the pictures of you and I. Asked if we dated in the past, if you'd be able to get him tickets to the next Richmond versus West Ham game."
"You know you can archive the pictures of us so people-"
"No. I'd never do that to you, Col. It's like I'm ashamed of you and I'm not."
Colin gives a small smile and nod of appreciation, "Thanks, babe."
"Maybe you can set her up with one of your teammates," Michael suggests.
A lightbulb went off in Colin's head and you immediately said, "Don't."
"He's available."
"It'll be weird!"
"No, it won't!"
"Isn't he a dickhead?"
"Not as much anymore!"
Michael waved in front of you and Colin, "What's going on?"
You groan, hiding your face in your hands, "Kill me."
Colin snickers, "Y/N's celebrity crush before I got into the league was Jamie Tartt. When she found out he was being lent to Richmond, she freaked out. Made a complete fool of herself by tripping in front of him and getting a bloody nose."
"Ooohh. That's pretty bad." Michael says, wincing.
"It was so mortifying!" you cry out, "There's no way he'd want to date me after that disaster!"
"He might not even remember it," Colin says reassuringly.
"I don't want to risk it," you turn to Michael, "Michael, tell him it's a bad idea."
Michael looks to his boyfriend, "Do you vouch for Jamie?"
Colin nods, "I do, actually. He's completely turned his act around. He can still be a prick sometimes, but it's not as bad as it was when he first joined the team."
Michael focuses back on you, "You should go for it."
You immediately stand up, "Nope. I'm not making myself out to be a fool again. No thanks! I'm out!"
"Hey, Jamie," Colin rushes up to Jamie as he exits his car.
Closing the door behind him, Jamie responds, "Yeah, mate?"
"You're not seeing anyone right?"
"No," Jamie replies with furrowed brows, look of confusion.
"My best friend, Y/N, she's beautiful, funny, and smart and think you and her would be a great match." Colin holds out his phone, showing Jamie a really great candid picture of you that he took when you two went to dinner months ago.
Jamie nods at the picture. You were, indeed, very beautiful. The way the sun hit your skin made you look angelic, "She's...nice."
Colin rolls his eyes, "One date. That's all I ask."
"Why me though?" Jamie still looks a bit confused, "Why not Bumbercatch or Isaac?"
"I just think you and Y/N would fit really well. She's been having a rough time with dating so I figured you'd show her how she should be treated."
To be fair, Jamie was thinking about getting back into the dating scene. He finally got over Keeley, accepting that they'd just be better off as friends. You seemed like a decent person, from the few things Colin mentioned. Might as well, right?
"Fuck it. Sure."
Colin fist bumped the air, "Yes! You won't regret it. I'll make the plans. You just show up."
"Yeah, yeah, alright."
You show up to Ola's, a place you've been to before. As soon as you walk in, Colin and Michael are there.
"I need to preface this and say you can't be mad at me," Colin says.
You narrow your eyes at him, "What did you do?"
"It'll be fine. I promise. Michael and I will be on the other side of the restaurant if you need anything, but you won't, because it'll be great."
"But if it goes wrong, it was definitely all his doing," Michael says, pointing to Colin.
Colin grimaces, "Thanks, babe." He takes your hand and leads you towards the back corner where Jamie fucking Tartt was sitting.
You immediately give Colin a look and he pushes you towards him, murmuring, "It'll be fine!"
You slowly approach the table and Jamie looks up, giving you a polite smile as he pockets his phone.
"Hi, I'm Jamie," he offers his hand out.
"I know," you say as you shake his hand, "I'm so sorry Colin roped you into this. You really don't have to be here if you don't want to."
He shrugs, "It's fine. Been meanin' to get back into the dating game. Besides, if things don't really work out, we get free dinner and drinks out of it, yeah?"
Your brows shot up, "Colin's paying?"
Jamie nods, "He said he would."
You smirk and gesturing for a server. He smiles at you, "Would you like to start with drinks?"
You nod, "Yes, we'll have your most expensive bottle please."
It's now Jamie's brows that shoot up and he looks at you in surprise. When the server leaves to get the drinks, you lean in and said, "It's payback," you sigh as you sit down.
"So...you weren't too keen on going on a date with me then?" he asks awkwardly.
You suddenly look mortified, "No, no! That's not it at all it's-I-ugh!" you slump back in your chair. You let out a deep breath and sit up again, "Alright, so I believe two years ago, you and I actually met before and I made a complete fool out of myself because I tripped and ate the pavement. I busted my lip, there was lots of blood. Not a pretty sight or a cool thing to do in front of your celebrity crush."
Jamie smirks, "I'm your celebrity crush?"
You sit there in silence, mentally cursing yourself and Colin for making you go through this embarrassment again. You stand, "Right, okay, I've embarrassed myself enough. I'm leaving."
Jamie rushes to a stand, "No, please, don't. I'm only teasin' ya. It's nothin' bad, I promise. You're-You're very cute when you're flustered."
"Thanks," you murmur.
Luckily, the server came back with the most expensive bottle of wine. As soon as he poured your glass, you began downing it. Jamie watches you in amusement.
"Sorry, I just need some liquid courage to get through this."
Jamie leans forward, resting his arms on the table, "How about this, we just forget who I am for tonight. I'm not Jamie Tartt, the most amazing striker in the league. Just Jamie, a nervous lad on a date with a beautiful girl."
"You're nervous?" you ask in shock.
He shrugs, "It's been a while since I've gone on a proper date. Kinda forgot how to do this sort of stuff."
"Pft, I've gone on many dates and so far, you're the best one."
"Yeah? Tell me about 'em."
And that's how dinner goes. Over another glass and eventually over some food, you tell Jamie about your past dates. He tells you about some ridiculous things he's done with the guys when Coach Lasso was around. It was nice. It was nice knowing that Jamie wasn't here because he wanted to get close to Colin. He was there because he wanted to. You assumed he was interested in you by the way he flirted with you throughout the nice. So maybe this wasn't such a bad thing after all.
Once dinner was over, Colin came over with a pout, "Did you guys really have to order the most expensive items here?!"
"That's what you get for tricking me like that," you boop his nose and Michael snickers as he weaves his fingers through Colin's.
"But it went alright, yeah?" he looks at you and Jamie.
"I'd say so," Jame puts his hand on your lower back, "We're, uh, actually gonna head to a pub for more drinks."
"Oh! Well, uh, I think Michael and I will head on home then."
You don't want to give Colin the satisfaction just yet, so you say, "I'll text you later when I'm home."
"Sounds good," he says and pulls at Michael's hand, "Let's go, babe."
Looking over his shoulder, Michael gives you a wink and a thumbs up.
You snort and then turn to Jamie, "Ready?"
"Whenever you are, love." and you two head out onto more drinks, more talking, and, hopefully, more dates after this.
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sarafinamk · 3 months
Fallen Angel 50 Incorrect Quotes Special
The Smiling Critters Space Riders Au and the character Z belongs to @onyxonline
If you haven't checked out the Fallen Angel (Reader Insert) series, you can check out Part 1 and Part 2 here. You, the reader, will be referred to as both (Y/n) and Archangel.
Right now, I need to focus on writing my thesis paper, so I'm not sure when Part 3 will be posted. In the meantime, enjoy this crackfic as an Easter present. Some quotes will contain slight spoilers for future chapters. 😉 Enjoy.
*During a training session*
Hoppy: Fight me, you nerd ass punk!
Archangel: At least TRY to sound sophisticated when you threaten someone.
Kickin: Dost thou wish to engage in a duel, my good bITCH?!
Archangel: *Facepalms* Somehow, that was worse...
Bobby: Are you having another depressive episode?
Archangel: A depressive episode?
Archangel: I'm having a depressive series and we're just on season one.
Z: What's wrong with you?
Archangel: Off the top of my head, I'd say low self-esteem, a lack of paternal affection, and a genetic predisposition for anxiety and depression.
Crafty: How’s training going?
Archangel: Terrible. I want to stab everybody there.
Crafty: Okay, just don’t get any blood on your clothes.
Bobby: ...you shouldn’t be condoning this.
Crafty: Don’t tell me how to live my life.
Archangel: Yesterday, I overheard the Captain saying “Are you sure this is a good idea?” and Hoppy replying “Trust me,” and I have never moved from one room to another so quickly in my life.
Archangel: Helpful grammar tip: “farther” is for physical distance, “further” is for methaphorical distance, and “father” is for emotional distance!
Archangel: raises eyebrows
Dogday: Put those back down!
Archangel: Problem, I can't tell if this food is over-sauced or undercooked.
Kickin: Solution, just pop it back in the oven for another 10 minutes. There's at least a 50% chance that'll fix it, right?
Bubba: Result? Food has somehow become unpleasantly soggy and unpleasantly crunchy at the exact same time.
Hoppy: No better time than this to pull out my favorite word! Slunchy!
Picky: …put it away.
Picky: One time I went to hand (Y/n) a bowl of soup. I wanted to say “Careful, it’s hot!”, and “Here’s your soup!”, so instead I blurted out “Careful it’s soup.”
*Preparing for a mission*
Hoppy: Okay, who's turn is it to give the pep talk?
Catnap: It's (Y/n)'s turn.
Archangel: Don't die.
Kickin, wiping a tear away: Truly inspirational.
Archangel: I can't take you seriously wearing that.
Kickin: Aw, you take me seriously at all?
Archangel: Fair point.
Dogday: My level of gay has reached “sighing deeply whenever anything extremely heterosexual happens near me”.
Archangel to Bubba: How do you tell someone politely you want to hit them with a brick?
Dogday: If I say I love you, will you say it back?
Z: Yes.
Dogday: I love you.
Z: It back.
Archangel: Why is the Captain crying face-down on the floor?
*the Space Riders at Disneyland, in the teacups*
Crafty, Bobby, Bubba, and Picky: *spinning a little and talking*
Dogday, Catnap, Kickin, and Hoppy: *flying past them, spinning as fast as they can, screaming*
Hoppy: I've done a lot of dumb stuff.
Dogday: I witnessed the dumb stuff.
Catnap: I recorded the dumb stuff.
Kickin: I joined you in the dumb stuff.
Archangel: This is a bad idea.
Hoppy: Then why are you coming along?
Archangel: Someone has to get your injured ass home.
Archangel: I feel awful about killing you.
Archangel: Even though technically you never even died, so I don’t know what you’re bitching about.
Dogday: Hoppy, don’t go picking a fight with (Y/n). Don’t forget, they’re powerful, they could make life difficult for you.
Hoppy: Wow, I wonder what it'd be like to have a difficult life.
Dogday: I’m so happy both angels are getting along now.
Catnap: Uh, Z and (Y/n) are not getting along.
Dogday: They’re not trying to kill each other.
Catnap: You may have a point.
Archangel: The universe is cold and unfeeling. The only constant is chaos.
Picky: Was Kissy's place out of chocolate-chip pancakes again?
Kickin: Yeah, I find it quite emotional. In like a cool way.
Archangel: Did you just say it makes you cry in a cool way?
Archangel, proudly: I slept.
Catnap: Is that so much of a rare thing that you have to say it?
Archangel: You're a lying piece of shit!
Hoppy: Oh yeah? You're the idiot that thinks you can get away with everything you do, WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD!
Dogday: I'm leaving and I'm taking Catnap with me!
Bubba, gathering cards: Aaaaand that's enough Monopoly for today.
Poppy: It’s funny how well you and the Archangel get along. Didn’t they hate you at first?
Dogday: (Y/n) hates everybody at first. It’s their way of reaching out to people.
Bobby: lifting weights
Kickin: Wow… She's so intense!
Archangel: I wonder what drives her.
Bobby, internally: Oh I am going to be SO good at giving hugs.
*First two chapters of "Fallen Angel" summarized*
Archangel: I'm allergic to death.
Archangel: Hoppy, I don’t think I can handle any more of your tomfuckery.
Hoppy: Oh yeah? Well I can keep going until you’re all tomfuckered out!
Hoppy: (Y/n), what are you doing tomorrow?
Archangel: Having my day ruined by whatever you’re about to ask me to do.
Archangel: Someone will die.
Dogday: Of fun!
Something crashes
Hoppy: Shoot-
Bobby: running into the room in a panic WHAT FELL?!
Archangel: walking by the room calmly What died?
Archangel: Can you be serious for five minutes?
Kickin: My record is four, but I think I can do it.
Someone with a gun to Archangel's head: What happens if I pull this trigger? Heaven?
Archangel: Bold of you to assume I'll go to Heaven.
Catnap: I like to play this game called nap roulette. I take a nap and don’t set an alarm. Will it be 20 min or 4 hours? Nobody knows. It’s risky and I like it.
Z: When did you become a hero?
Archangel: Um… the moment I saved you from getting killed.
Z: You’re the last person in the galaxy I wanted to rescue me.
Archangel: Well… sucks to be you, don’t it.
Bubba: It’s just that lollipop sticks last longer than the head, even if they’re less flavorful. I’m thinking of paper sticks, because you can peel off the layers with your teeth or leave it there until they fall off naturally, but plastic sticks can be chewed on too or left sticking out like a cigarette. Paper straws can be eaten layer by layer over time though, so they have the edge.
Hoppy, bored: Can’t we just leave while he's distracted?
Archangel, genuinely interested: But what about wooden sticks?
Hoppy: I hate you.
Archangel: I am convinced the Captain and Catnap share a brain cell.
Archangel: And it's not in use very often, it seems.
Archangel: Why am I the bad guy?
Kickin: I don't know, why am I the pretty one? We all have our thing.
Archangel: We’re having a moment, aren’t we?
Z: If by 'a moment' you mean me not wanting to strangle you for the first time since we met, then I guess we are.
Kickin: Dumbest scar stories, go!
Picky: I burned my tongue once drinking tea.
Crafty: I dropped a hair dryer on my leg once and it burned.
Bubba: I have a piece of graphite in my leg for accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil in the first grade.
Bobby: I was taking a cup of noodles out of the microwave and spilled it in my hand and I got a really bad burn.
Archangel: I have emotional scars.
Dogday: What leaves a bigger memory than a passionate kiss?
Archangel: A stab wound.
Archangel: I sense hostility.
Z: Good, because I hate you.
Archangel: slams down an absolute doorstopper of a tome I checked this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading.
Hoppy: This is light?!
Archangel: What’s up with the Captain? He's been laying on the floor for like….an hour now?
Bobby: He's just a little overwhelmed.
Archangel: Why?
Catnap: Z smiled at him.
Literally anyone: Go to hell!
Archangel: Where do you think I come from?
Hoppy: Just trust me. Have I ever put you in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation?
Archangel: All the time.
Hoppy: Then you should be used to it by now.
Archangel: I’m so tired.
Bubba: Did you get to bed late?
Archangel: No.
Bubba: Did you do something strenuous?
Archangel: No.
Bubba: Then why are you tired?
Archangel: I’m alive.
Bubba: Sounds exhausting.
Archangel: Dear Diary, my teen angst bullshit has a body count.
A cult member: Didn't you die?!
Archangel: That was weeks ago. Things change.
Archangel: I’d kill someone if you asked me to.
Dogday: I’m pretty sure you’d kill someone even if I didn’t ask you to.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
Charlie: “-so we have TONS of angel-killing weapons now, thanks to Vaggie! Who had a lovely… Errrr. Fight?”
Vaggie: “It was pretty one sided. Call it a training match.”
Charlie: “She had a lovely training match with Carmilla Carmine! Who repeatedly kneed and kicked her in the face, which I’m not allowed to get upset about, because Vaggie isn’t upset about it!”
Sir Pentious: “Oh that sssounds… Pleasssant?”
Angel Dust: “Of course the one time Saint Sapphic isn’t pissed is when someone actually beats the crap outta her.”
Husk: “Wha’d I say? She’s got issues.”
Niffty: “Kneed in the face by Carmilla Carmine!?” (wistful sigh) “Lucky…”
Husk: “And you’ve got even worse issues, somehow.”
Vaggie: “Meanwhile, Charlie was off singing herself up a whole army in Cannibal Town.”
Charlie: “I wouldn’t call them a whole army-”
Vaggie: “They barely fit inside the hotel, babe.”
Charlie: “-and I wouldn’t really call it mine. Alastor and Rosie helped!”
Vaggie: “Did they give you the cannibal army?”
Charlie: “Nnnnoooo… I mean they did introduce me, but I had to do the convincing part myself.”
Vaggie: “Then it’s your army.”
Charlie: “Huh.”
Charlie: “…..hm.”
Vaggie: “Feels kinda nice, doesn’t it?”
Charlie: (giggling) “Maaaybe a little~”
Angel Dust: “If yous two LBs start kissin’ about the literal man eating army now under ya sway, I’m gonna be sick.”
Vaggie: “Aren’t you supposed to have zero gag reflex?”
Angel Dust: “That’s for sex stuff, Vaggitales. This is sappy and sincere.”
Husk: “A word that’s barely in your fucking vocabulary.”
Charlie: “Now Husk, you know that’s not true-”
Angel Dust: “Oh it’s true baby! But I’d be sucha a gooood little school boy if ya wanted to try teachin’ me, Purrrrfessor~”
Husk: “Can we feed him to the cannibals.”
Charlie: “No!”
Vaggie: “If they get sick before the big fight then we’re all dead.”
Angel Dust: “Hey!”
Sir Pentious: (SNIFFLING)
Charlie: “Oh oh Pen! Don’t be scared- no one’s feeding anyone to any cannibals!”
Vaggie: “Well. We’re not feeding anyone from the hotel to them…”
Charlie: “You hush, beautiful. Now there there Pentious, what wrong?”
Sir Pentious: “Nothing issss now! But EVERYTHING wasss, while you and missss Vaggie were fighting!”
Vaggie: “We weren’t-”
Charlie: “That was just me being-”
Vaggie & Charlie: “...”
Vaggie: “Sorry, you go-”
Charlie: “No no after you!”
Vaggie & Charlie: “..…..”
Hotel Crew: “….”
Vaggie: “Charlie had good reasons for being angry-”
Charlie: “I wasn’t angry! Or, not the way I THOUGHT I was? It’s complicated-”
Vaggie: “Valid. Reasonable. Way more forgiving than called for.”
Charlie: “If I’d just TALKED with you like you’d WANTED-”
Vaggie: “You didn’t want to. That’s fair.”
Charlie: “I guess, but. It wasn’t fun.”
Sir Pentious: “No it wasss not!” (crying) “It sssseemed as though you were ssssplitting up! L-leaving ussss! It wasss! DREADFUL!!”
Charlie: “Ohhhhh nooooo we would never-!”
Vaggie: “The hotel thing is kinda bigger than one relationship, Pentious. We’re not giving up on you guys.”
Charlie: “-and that’s also why we’d never break up.”
Vaggie: “Never’s a long time sweetie… and three years was a long time too.”
Charlie: “Not with you it wasn’t. And forever won’t be either.”
Vaggie: “…”
Angel Dust: “If you cry, I really will throw up.”
Vaggie: “Shut up.”
Charlie: (hugs vaggie) “See, Pen? You don’t have to worry about us, okay?”
Sir Pentious: “Okay. Y-essss.”
Charlie: “Shh sshh, please don’t cry…”
Sir Pentious: (wailing) “I can’t help it!!!”
Vaggie: “Hey, how come HIS tears aren’t vomit worthy but MINE are??”
Angel Dust: “Cuz he’s a sad snake boy in a top hat that cuddles with eggs, and you’re supposed to be tough as nails and impossible to fucking break, Vagina. Seein’ ya as being anything other than gay or pissed? Stomach turning. Yuck” 
Husk: “You’ve got issues too, dumbass.”
Angel Dust: “I know.” (preens) “But they look GOOD on me~”
Sir Pentious: (snuffles) “It’sss jussst so good, sssssseeing you two the way you sssshould be! Ugh.” (dripping) “May I borrow a, a tisssssue, Niffty?”
Niffty: “SURE-”
Husk: “You don’t fucking want that or to know where the fuck it’s been. Here. Napkin.”
Sir Pentious: “Thankssss!”
Charlie: “Better?”
Sir Pentious: “Much, yessss. But how did you manage it?”
Charlie: “Manage what?”
Sir Pentious: “Fixssssing thingsss between you! After it wasss so bad!”
Husk: “Without any alcohol, even.”
Sir Pentious: "Or exssssplossions!"
Angel Dust: “Yeah toots, three years of not sayin’ she was an angel is a pretty big shit pile to have dropped on ya, even in hell.”
Vaggie: “Thousands.”
Husk: “FUCK.”
Niffty: “OoooOOoohhhhh~”
Angel Dust: “Now that’s a body count. Like, not a good one but. Wow.”
Sir Pentious: “Sssee? And now Charlie isss hugging you! How iss that possssible?”
Vaggie: “… I don’t… I, gave her space….”
Charlie: “She’s Vaggie. I already knew who she was.”
Husk: “Exorcist.”
Angel Dust: “Liar?”
Niffty: “Mass MURDERER heheheh…”
Charlie: “My partner.”
Sir Pentious: “I don’t underssstand! Did ssshe sssay ssssorry?”
Vaggie: “Sorry really wouldn’t cut it.”
Charlie: (laughing) “She helped me start the hotel- and run it- and get my dad’s help talking to heaven, and- more things than I can count, honestly! Doesn’t that say enough?”
Sir Pentious: “Oh… ssso wordsss are not… what mattersss?”
Charlie: “They can matter, but it’s what we DO that makes them mean anything.”   
Sir Pentious: "...what we... do?"
Angel Dust: “Like how heaven and it’s angels say it’s all full of great people up there but then they go an' leave us all to rot and die, yeah?”
Charlie: “Vaggie didn’t."
Angel Dust: "Score! Hell's got ONE angry lesbian on it's side!"
Charlie: "And I won’t either.”
Hotel Crew: “…”
Husk: “Are we done. I need a drink.”
Vaggie: “Y-eah.” (hoarse) (clears throat) “That’s where we’re at now. Any questions?”
Angel Dust: (raises hands) “Husk has one!”
Husk: “Fuck you no I don’t-”
Angel Dust: “Sure ya do babypaws. What the FUCK-”
Angel Dust: (points at Vaggie’s wings)
Angel Dust: “-are THOOOOOOSE???”
Vaggie: “…Those are my wings. Asshole.”
Angel Dust: “Bitch~”
Husk: “Motherfucking dumbasses.”
Charlie: “Angel please, it’s rude to point like that! And to um. Say the other part also- but that’s okay I know you mean it in a nice way!”
Angel Dust: “An’ what about Saint Vagatha huh? She called me shit too! Was that her bein’ nice?”
Charlie: “She-”
Vaggie: “I’m nicely not stabbing you.”
Charlie: “-she’s trying her best.”
Angel Dust: “By not stabbing me?”
Husk: “Now that’s impressive as hell.”
Vaggie: “Thanks.”
Angel Dust: “Hmph. Lucky a guy can take pride in people wantin' to stick stuff in him...”
Sir Pentious: “Vaggie? Pleasse pardon the quesstion, however I ssssseem to recall you sssaying you didn’t HAVE any, ah, wingssss?”
Niffty: “Or tits!”
Vaggie: “They grew back.”
Niffty: “Did your t-”
Vaggie: “Niffty-” (groans) “Look, there’s a cockroach over there. Go hunt, kill- whatever.”
Niffty: "KILL KILL KILL-!"
Charlie: “Aren’t her wings AMAZING! LOOK AT THEM!!! You guys have no idea how soft-! wait they what? Grew back?”
Angel Dust: (grinning) “What about your-”
Vaggie: “Ask about my tits twice in one day and die.”
Charlie: “They were gone? You weren’t just hiding them- Twice?”
Niffty: (on vaggie’s shoulder) (checking down her shirt) “Nope! Tits still missing. Nice pecs though!”
Vaggie: “………”
Angel Dust: “She said it, not me!!”
Vaggie: (SIGH) “These are the people I’m about to risk my life for.”
Charlie: “I feel like I’ve missed something important..?”
Husk: “No you fucking haven’t.”
Angel Dust: “So oh heavenly cunt, what the fuck did ya do with Carmine to get the feather dusters reinstated?”
Vaggie: “No idea. Uh- Thought gay thoughts about Charlie? I guess?”
Charlie: “Awww~!”
Sir Pentious: “Aww!!”
Vaggie: “And mostly non-violent thoughts about the rest of you.”
Niffty: “Booo…”
Vaggie: “Anyway, since Lute didn’t use heavenly steel while tearing them off my back, I guess they just needed time to heal up or whatever.”
Charlie: “I’m SO gonna send a thank-you note to Carmilla for helping you with… tha….”
Charlie: “….tEARING? She, Lute-”
Vaggie: “Not now. Tell you later, babe.”
Charlie: “BUt- I’ve met her TWICE and you didn’t say-!”                   
Vaggie: “Let’s focus on finishing debriefing the troo- the friends for now. ‘kay?”
Charlie: “I…”
Husk: “Then why the fuck did you bring it up!?”
Angel Dust: “My mouth likes to be open and stupid shit comes out of it sometimes- I dunno!”
Vaggie: “Yeah well I’m so not about to start spilling the gory details in the hotel lobby. The cannibals are already starting to look hungry. If we’re up to date on the mission statement and current crew resource management situation, then-”
Niffty: “Hey Vaggie, Vaggieee.”
Vaggie: “What.”
Niffty: (giggles) “Did Lute steal your tits too?”
Vaggie: “….”
Angel Dust: “…what? Don’t glare at ME about ya blindly obvious shortfall in that depar-Tit-ment-”
Husk: “Shut up before she fucking tests some of her new shiny weapons on you.”
Vaggie: “Don’t give me ideas.”
Charlie: “Why is everyone talking about my girlfriend’s breasts. She got her wings ripped off and suddenly has them back, and we’re all just, talking about bra size???”
Angel Dust: “Toots, if she wears bras, it’s gotta be just so’s she looks good for you.”
Vaggie: “I’ll take that compliment.”
Angel Dust: “I wasn’t sayin’ it as one-”
Vaggie: “Change your mind or lose your hair.”
Angel Dust: “-you’re a very loving lesbian and ya make Sappho the OG herself proud.”
Vaggie: “Better.”
Sir Pentious: “E-excusssse me!? Thisss, sssssadistic Lute person iss, ssssssomeone we will be fighting against..?”
Vaggie: “Yeah but I’ll handle her, don’t worry.”
Charlie: “wHAT!?”
Vaggie: “I said, I’m the one who knows how she fights anyway, so I’ll-”
Charlie: “YOU. WILL. NOT-”
Vaggie: “AUGH?!”
Niffty: “Aww.”
Angel Dust: “Oh that’s nasty.”
Husk: "Hreaugh." (hairball noise) “Whatever’s wrong with you, Niffty, never EVER fucking tell me what it is.”
Niffty: (waving cockroach) “It’s just for padding~ You know what they say! Every little bit helps! Right?”
Charlie & Vaggie: “NO!”
Niffty: (CACKLING)
Sir Pentious: “…..thisss isss, sssssso beautiful….”
Husk: “The fucking cockroach?”
Sir Pentious: “No. Them.” (wipes tear) “They’re ssstill, hugging.”
Angel Dust: “Yeah... It’s almost sweet enough to make a guy puke.”
Husk: “Almost?”
Angel Dust: “Well I’m not gonna ruin the mood for them by actually puking!”
Husk: (smiles) “Uh-huh.”
Angel Dust: “Plus, think of my boots! What if they got splashed on and shit?”
Husk: “Right.”
Angel Dust: “And Niffty’s doin’ good work breakin’ the tension and grossin’ them out anyway…”
Husk: “Mm-hmm.”
Angel Dust: “….And. It’s nice to see ‘em bein’ cute again.”
Husk: “…..”
Angel Dust: “….because it was weird when they weren’t and maybe, MAYBE, I was worried.”
Husk: “There we fucking go. Good boy.”
Angel Dust: “!!!”
Sir Pentious: “Oh that sseems to have cheered him up immenssely..”
Husk: "Fuck."
Angel Dust: “Oooh~ Nauseous to horny in less than a second? Damn, Purrrfessor. That’s a new record even for me~”
Husk: “Fuck no.” (fleeing)
Husk: “Alright, I’m opening the fucking bar! Come get your complimentary we might all be dying together soon drinks- and nobody fucking DARE ask me to use body parts in them. This isn’t fucking Cannibal Town. My drinks are good enough without fingers or eyeballs floating in them or whatever.”
Cannibal crowd: (grumbles but politely ques up for drinks)
Charlie: “I think maybe we’ll pass? Vaggie? Our room, us, alone, maybe?”
Vaggie: “Are we gonna talk about stuff?”
Charlie: “I would VERY MUCH like to talk about all things now yes please.”
Vaggie: “Then I’m gonna need a drink. Husk-”
Husk: “Take the fucking bottle.”
Angel Dust: “Here, and this bottle too!”
Charlie: “Oh thank you Angel D- is this LUBE!? Already OPENED lube!??!?”
Angel Dust: “Happy make-up sex~”
Charlie: “I- Vaggie no, not the spear- thanks, Angel Dust, but I think- Vaggie I said not the spear- I think we can do without borrowing your, uh, personal bottle of- okay that’s it, up over the shoulder you go. Hup!”
Vaggie: “I’m gonna kill him! I’m gonna save him from the extermination by killing him RIGHT NOW!”
Charlie: “-and you told me to ignore you when you talk like that. Anyway, everyone else have good night with the drinks and cannibals!”
Angel Dust: "Will do, toots! You gays enjoy eatin' each other out!"
Vaggie: “Babe please just let me strangle him a little bit-”
Charlie: “Nope! We’re gonna go explore some past trauma!”
Angel Dust: “An’ each other’s bodies!!!”
Charlie: (carrying vaggie upstairs) “Not helping!”
Vaggie: (still struggling) “I don't NEED to talk about my trauma- i need to get my hands on that asshole twink!"
Charlie: "Hold my hand instead?"
Vaggie: "...."
Vaggie: (melting) (holds hand) "...fiiiiine."
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narrynukezankielover · 2 months
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I love this part in season 8 ep 19. Naomi acting like she’s a good angel and had nothing to do with the way Cas was acting and Dean not believing her at all. Dean saying you don’t think I know you’re the reason Cas was acting weird since he got out of purgatory and that you are the one that told Cas to kill me. Then telling her I don’t trust angels which means I don’t trust you. I’m going to guess that angels can sense love because Naomi said yet you didn’t ward the place against us. You’re hoping Cas will come back to you. If she was talking about Cas just coming back but not specifically to Dean she wouldn’t have added the to you part and Deans face here shows he thought he wasn’t being obvious. Naomi hasn’t met Dean before now so how else would she know Deans feelings for Cas.
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This is just a cute moment. I believe it’s in ep 20. Charlie calling Cas dreamy. It’s times like this I wish they would show more scenes of characters just sitting down talking. Charlie hasn’t met Cas yet so how does she know he’s dreamy. I know she reads the Supernatural books but when she said it Dean didn’t look surprised. He hasn’t read the books and don’t know how Cas is written. Sounds like Dean might’ve told her about Cas. I would like to know how Dean would describe Cas looks.
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This scene in ep 22 is freaking amazing. The eye f*cking is beyond amazing but I find it funny that Sam is sitting right next to them obviously feeling like he shouldn’t be there witnessing this moment and had to cough to get them to stop. Even in the next scene Sam tells Dean to give Cas a break because he’s one of the good guys (seems like Sam was looking for an excuse to get Dean alone to calm him down). Dean asks why he (himself) is treating Cas differently than he would other people. He said if it was anyone else (I believe he said literally anyone else) he would stab them in the neck so why should he let Cas off. Sam is just like it’s Cas. Seems like Dean don’t quite understand his feelings. He knows he has feelings for Cas but he probably never realized before that he treats Cas differently than he treats other people. I really like the whole Sam knows about Cas and Dean but instead of saying something he’s just letting them figure out their feelings. You can always see the awkwardness on Sams face that he knows he shouldn’t be there or shouldn’t be listening or watching but he has no choice. I find it really funny.
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I find it cute that Cas wanted to make it up to Dean so not only did he go shopping but he made sure to get porn and beer for Dean and by the looks of it might’ve tried to hurt that guy to get Dean pie if the Metatron didn’t stop him.
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In ep 23 there is another gay moment happening to Dean but what’s interesting is Dean looks surprised and Cas doesn’t. Dean doesn’t look surprised that the guys are gay but more that they are open about it. It looks like Dean is thinking you guys don’t care that people are seeing you flirting? Yet Cas doesn’t change his expression at all. He did say in an earlier ep when he thought he was god that he’s indifferent to sexuality. Maybe he (or all angels) don’t think about sexuality. You love who you love and that’s it.
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I have to include this moment because it broke my heart. The poor boy was trying to fix everything and the Metatron f*cked him over. He took advantage of Cas and it ended with the angels falling. Cas looks like he wants to cry.
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In season 9 ep 1 Ezekiel say some angels still believe in the mission which means we believe in Cas and you. I love the angels putting Cas and Dean together.
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Dean aloud himself to get beat up just so the angels wouldn’t go looking for Cas even though he had no idea where Cas was.
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Now i’m just going to fangirl. Holy hell. This scene is hotter then all the sex scenes combined on this show and yet this isn’t even a sexy scene. I need more shirtless Cas scenes.
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