#I’m actually sobbing right now
thorxthunder · 11 months
If I had a nickel for every time an angel and his rugged, badboy lover who doesn’t care what hell does to him confessed their feelings after pinning each other for years and then the angel immediately goes to super hell/heaven because metatron fucked up everything, I’d have two nickels which isn’t a lot but…
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(Guys I’m sobbing right now, I don’t think you understand)
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kelin-is-writing · 9 days
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I’m so not okay… I’m not okay at all actually…
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kyurochurro · 11 months
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sapphosclown · 1 year
i can’t believe they’re not only cancelling it but erasing it completely that’s such bullshit. the show JUST came out.
my heart aches so bad for the cast and crew, they didn’t even give he show a chance to reach its full audience :(
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lostmykeysie · 1 year
besties i’m going on holiday in five hours gimme some fic recs xxxxxxxxx and i’ll kiss you on the mouth xxxxxxxxxx
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gayboyrocklee · 6 months
Love posting my Spotify receipts for the month bc you can always tell when I’ve had smth big to write for one of my classes bc the one Jash song (Dream (Outro from Calamity)) will make the receipt. I did not end up a Jashinator but I do like having a song I can rely on to make me write things.
#rian’s slay compilation#the first time I heard the song I was in a mood all da time so I really identified it w what splitting felt like#idk it doesn’t hit as much now bc I’ve undergone a different sort of mental illness lately (more tired than actively harmful to myself)#^it’s the way it picks up in intensity. that’s what it feels like when you try to communicate how smth feels but they don’t listen and then#go have fun at a concert and you feel so nauseous that you have to leave a shared group chat while you sob your eyes out for several hours.#y’know? anyway June/July was fun. I need four hours of build daily to keep me occupied (tired). it does actually do me wonders.#I’m so big and strong now. idk how big you are my lovely mutuals but I could lift the smaller ones I reckon.#right now I could pick up (not for long) anyone around or under 150 pounds. also preferably not super taller than me but I think it’d work.#it’s a start! I should start lifting. makes me feel big and strong. I wanna pick my friends up.#^sorry to derail this in the tags but I typed that up and was like ‘that’s such a King statement’. it’s bc someone liked a post where I#talked about feeling all overgrown and how King being half a foot shorter than me but still picking me up like a brides made me feel Not#Overgrown#I don’t worry about feeling overgrown so much anymore but I do kinda miss the bride lifting. it was nice every once in a while#it’s small things like that.#side note I think I could pick King up now bc they’re roughly my weight and as we established I can lift ppl about my weight very briefly#it’s the build. it makes me big and strong. it’s all the wood holding and platform throwing
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guys I’m crying
I can’t see RHRN until physical or online release AND NOW I KNOW THAT RAIN TALKS -AND- COPIA GETS A NEW TITLE
wtf guys please I’m actually on my knees rn TAG YOUR SPOILERS
Put them under a cut or something I’m legit crying I’m not joking
my favorite unseen most anticipated movie is basically fucked up after knowing the spoilers omg
i live here so it’s not like I can just (vanish) so like wtf I though we were friends here-
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rosicheeks · 2 years
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✨ check out my Etsy shop ✨
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catastrxblues · 10 months
hi so i just finished bridge to terabithia and now i’m unwell and my eyes are red because i’ve been crying before i’d even reached 20 minutes of it for i actually knew what was going to happen and by the time i reached an hour something something i just straight up sobbing screaming into my pillow. and now it’s 12 am and i’m still thinking about them. because god, look at them, how they were, the little world they lived in, wouldn’t you just love that, to run away, to escape, to grasp that childhood naivety and innocence that you lost a long time ago, to feel the sun in your skin and the air in your lungs and to paint fantasies and laugh and play and run hidden away from the world and find an old run down tree house and decided to make it your own little shelter and pin up canvases on the worn wood and paint and let your creativity goes wild and have someone understand you and gets you and do it with you, and wouldn’t you just love to have something so constant, so sincere, so genuine, so pure, so real, that there wasn’t anything else. if i knew i was going to cry this much, if i knew how much space this movie would make in my life, i wouldn’t have started this movie tonight. i would have been in peace on the floor of my room, not realizing how badly i actually want something like this even though i would never unironically admit this to anyone in my life or even myself when i’m outside of the familiar place of my mind, for that matters
#bridge to terabithia#how am i supposed to recover#i wasn’t planning to write a paragraph about it but yeah i kinda love this movie i guess#i needed a good cry and the universe didn’t stop me from choosing this movie i don’t know if that’s nice or simply mean#i was going to watch la la land after this but that’s not gonna happen now#i’m not reading back what i wrote otherwise i would just delete it because i’d think this movie deserves better more coherent thoughts#and i’d say that i’d just rewrite it tomorrow but then i wouldn’t#because nothing would ever beat the “everything i create has to be great or nothing” in me#and i never am proud of what i made unless it’s supposedly only for my viewing#so i actually don’t know if what i just wrote make sense but yeah#my eyes feel so weird right now#also the ending was definitely up to interpretations!! (spoiler alert* just in case)#i myself personally like to believe he dreamed up the last 30 minutes of it and didn’t even go to the museum#and so he’ll just wake up definitely shocked but then still find leslie in her house who was just about to meet him so they could go!!#and because the rope was cut off by the lightning from last night they decide to build the bridge so everyone could cross safe and sound!!#i like my ending better they really should change it#but no all and all the end was really beautiful#even though it took me maybe even an hour to get through it because i keep sobbing and have to repeat over and over to hear what they said#yeah okay anyways sorry for the rant<3#i’m not sure what this is#but glad i could get it off my chest#let’s see how to tag how to tag#movies#just#childhood#whatever <3#nadirants
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boba-beom · 10 months
i loved this song
and them
and beomgyu
and soobin
and beomgyu
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mutalune · 6 days
hey siri how do I stop feeling gutwrenchingly anxious in the guilt way for using the treatment methods available to me to not be in constant misery
#starlight personal#it’s very bizarre to have my life going objectively well - work is good! personal life is good! family is good!#and still be very mentally ill and feel like I’m faking it even though I know damn well I ain’t scream-sobbing every couple of days alone in#my apartment for attention because What Attention??? my cat????? Bug is never moved by my tears she cares only for string and wires#like I know that cannabis has been immensely helpful to getting me to fucking sleep on a regular schedule and that’s integral to -#my functioning and I know that having emergency klonopin in the event of a total breakout is helpful#and I KNOW that my PMDD and depression and anxiety are very treatment resistant and ketamine is the only thing that’s provided any -#meaningful relief and logically I know I’m not abusing any of these#I’m getting a promotion at work I still go out to see friends regularly I have hobbies I have a girlfriend (??? Wild right)#like clearly these things are working because i’m better now than i was for years leading up to now#SO LIKE. DON’T STOP USING THE THINGS THAT HELP. LOGICALLY THIS MEANS THESE ARE GOOD FOR ME#I always roll my eyes when ppl go off their meds b/c they’re feeling better like babes that’s what the meds are meant to do#if you stop taking them you stop feeling better - but it’s REALLY HARD to get past the cultural conditioning#the feeling that ‘but I can white knuckle my way through this I can force myself to live without’ like WHY BITCH#WE DON’T HAVE TO LIVE WITHOUT#AND ALSO. WE’RE STILL GENERALLY MISERABLE BRO. EVEN WITH OUR LIFE IN A BETTER PLACE!!!#DO YOU NOT THINK THIS MEANS THAT WE SHOULD USE WHAT WE KNOW WORKS TO BE LESS MISERABLE#basically it’s really hard to not feel like a loser when the only things that help are ‘fun’ drugs like weed and psychedelics#I feel like I’m being a hedonistic reprobate which 1) is actually kinda cool now that I wrote it out#2) @ myself were not a good enough liar-faker that every medical professional we see wouldn’t pick up on that if that was our motivation#time to remind myself that it’s arrogant to think I could trick many trained professionals without actively trying tbh#that generally helps me get out of my self-pitying ‘ohhhhh I’m awful and lazy and bad and abusing substances’ spiral#to be very mentally ill on main it is weirdly reassuring to be like ‘just as my fanon interpretation of obi wan kinda hates himself but is -#practical enough to take care of himself even when it makes him cringe and want to scratch his face off; I too am aware that self-care is -#radical and punk and In Fact Necessary to beat back the dark and live in the light with hope so yes even though I doubt and -#feel squiggly and guilty about it I’m not going to NOT prioritize my health and well-being b/c self-hatred and self-denial benefits no one’#thank you inner obi wan i love projecting my issues onto you mwah mwah mwah smooches for my favorite boy!!!!!#and smooches for me I’m going to be proud of myself gosh darn it even if I have to fake it at first#see I wouldn’t be able to be nice to myself like this if I hadn’t been doing ketamine treatment for a year IT WORKS BRO KEEP IT UP#SCHEDULE THE DAMN APPOINTMENT AND CLEAN YOUR BONG
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tiny bug with grain of salt friend
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knifesxedge · 17 days
i’m going to kill myself
#delete later#why are people so mean. why is everything in the entire world so fucking hard.#work all fucking day eat my dinner in five minutes while driving to try and get to this fancy event my parents friends are throwing#meanwhile my parents and sisters are eating out at a fancy restaurant that i can’t go to with them because i have to work#and anytime i try to call to figure out where the fuck i’m going i either get ignored or dad picks up in the world’s loudest#restaurant environment and tells me to just call him when i get to stupid pike and rose#i get there. i call dad. he’s like why did you call me in this condescending ass tone like he didn’t tell me to call him when i get there#i say i’m going to park. i drive around the parking lot for twenty five minutes and every time i almost get a spot someone else takes it#then my dad calls me and of course my ringtone goes off screechingly loud and i’m crying because finding parking is so hard and some lady is#telling me through my window that i’m blocking the way for other people and i literally can’t take it anymore and snap like a twig#and scream WHAT? when i pick up the phone because i know dad is asking where the hell i am and i cannot deal right now#and dad starts screaming back at me and tells me i’m a bitch and not to talk to people like that and that he won’t be helping me anymore#with my brand new apartment that is a money vacuum if i talk to people that way and then hangs up on me#so now i’m. not going to the event because i can’t get in and no one wants me there.#and i dressed up and sped over from work and wasted gas all for nothing and i don’t want to be alone right now because otherwise i probably#will actually kill myself but none of my friends are picking up and i can’t reach my one friend to see if she wants to watch movies together#or something#and i’ve been sobbing in my car for about a half an hour. i just want to go home#but if i do i’ll probably kill myself. for real. so i don’t know what to do#i just want a hug. but nobody can give me one#i’m so so lonely living by myself but i don’t want to live with anyone other than my family#but they kicked me out of the house.#i’m not coping well with life at this point i guess. maybe i should just kill myself. it would be cheaper
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has it hit yuuta yet that if megumi is gojo’s kid then he is kind of megumi’s extremely distant uncle? Bet he’d reach for that to explain away his extremely normal protective attachment
Not really, because he doesn’t consciously think of himself as gojo’s relative. Like, he’s aware that he is gojos super distant relative but the connection is so attenuated that he’s not really thinking of gojo as an actual part of his family, so it hasn’t hit him. But he would take literally any explanation to justify his extremely normal protective attachment to Megumi at this point
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sophfandoms53 · 2 years
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Good let this poor kid finally let his tears fall for once
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capseycartwright · 9 months
among the many reasons my dad is the cutest person alive. he’s getting ready to track my flight back from our trip to see the rugby
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