#there was no talk about what was happening in other countries
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tiruvenkadu · 1 day ago
disgruntled american, here… i honestly cannot, in any way, answer to why this country is so full of insular fucknuts.
like, i know a lot of intelligent people who would be concerned, and would think about it, but we seem to live in this machine that was constructed to make us believe there’s nothing else out there.
trying to break free of that bubble? first, you’d have to know you’re in a bubble. then, to really wrap your head around it, yeah, you’d have to travel.
people from other countries/cultures here - significantly different cultures, i’m not talking canada - aren’t going to speak up as much about their own culture, because that puts a target on their backs, especially in administrations like this one. everyone’s expected to melt into the pot. which means we don’t get the benefits of so many cultures, so many voices.
unless an american either has experience in other cultures, or has someone eductaing them/guiding them in that regard, they will grow up in the bubble, entirely unaware that they’re in a bubble.
that lack of critical thinking that allowed the current administration to happen? yeah, that lack of critical thinking is applied to any media from outside the country. people here think books by british authors - if the book is untranslated (don’t get me STARTED on how british books are translated into american, aaarrggghhhh) - people think there are editing errors because of the discrepancies in spelling and grammar. (nevermind whole cultural aspects that go totally unnoticed.) someone may watch an anime and have no clue how to filter out what’s fantasy/fiction from what’s actually a common thing rooted in japanese culture.
and yeah, most americans can’t even wrap their heads around cultural differences in the next state over. people on the east coast mostly seem to think that west of the adirondacks, there’s just A Lot Of Space and then L.A. minnesotans grind their teeth when wisconsonites talk of “bubblers”. southerners are mystified when northerners talk about “pop” (instead of calling it “coke”). and all of them often aren’t cognisant of the politics in their own state.
how does this ignorance happen? i. have. no. idea. i’ve only recently started to figure it out, and i’m having a hell of a time fighting the insular stupid; i feel it creeping up on me all the time. i suspect that ensuring that most americans are too busy trying to survive day-to-day is part of it (if you had to pay through the nose for every medical thing, and your place of work didn’t let you call in sick, and you were struggling to make enough money to afford rent as it was and couldn’t afford to miss a day of work, how much brain power would *you* have left to worry about the rest of the world?)…
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zaunian-lesbian-daddy · 1 day ago
WW2 lesbian love story!!!!
Hey everyone! If this does well I'm going to turn this into a full short story! I want to see who would be interested in that. This short story is going to be based on the myth that “the face you wear in this life is the face you loved most in your last”. It's going to be a tragic love story with smut mixed in! I left the smut out for verious reasons but it will be in the short story! I promise lots of happy things will happen too! Let me know what you think and prepare for a lesbian love story that transcends lifetimes!
WARNINGS: lesbian content, fluff, mentions of war, sexual content, historical dates, WW2 content, soulmates, multiple deaths, mention of suicide, mention of birth, some swearing. (that's all I can think of right now)
3.2K words
It was June 27th 1940 when I bumped into her in the dairy aisle of the grocery store. I was 18 at the time and she was 19, the wedding ring on her finger glinted in the fluorescent lights when she brushed back her long brown sugar colored hair with her hand. Her warm chocolate brown eyes landed on me, and I felt like I was frozen to the spot, she was so beautiful. I soaked in every tiny detail I could of her; the light brown freckles painting her face and her pink pouty lips. “I’m so sorry, sometimes I'm so in my head I don't see the people around me,” when she spoke it sounded like warm honey.
Being gay was almost unheard of at the time, I knew I liked women, but those words would never leave my mouth. 
“I was the one who bumped into you, I should be the one apologizing,” I laugh a little trying to keep my composure. I keep the conversation going so she doesn't walk away, “My name is Evelyn, what's yours?” I hold my hand out to shake hers, it's as soft as satin. She takes my hand “Rose,” her lips forming into a beautiful smile. 
We talked for a while and ended up doing some shopping together that day. When we went our separate ways, we made sure we could reach each other through the operators who worked the phones back then. 
The next few months were filled with long conversations over the phone, her voice lighting a fire deep within my core. Dinners at her and her husband John’s house, where growing feelings on my end makes the word desire sound pitiful. Little did I know at the time, she felt the same way as I did. 
War was spreading through the European countries, we caught wind of what was happening in Germany here and there. That didn't burst our bubble though, months turned into a year. Tensions were rising and there was talk of a draft for all able bodied men between 18 to 35 years old to join the war. We were in her kitchen late one night, crickets were chirping as we spoke about the news. 
“Do you think John is going to be picked in the first draft?” I keep my voice low so he doesn't hear me over the radio he has turned on. Rose nods her head slowly but I don't see sadness in her eyes, which is strange, because doesn't she love him? “I have no doubt he will be one of the first men to be picked in the draft, it's a gut feeling,” her voice is just as soft as mine was. 
I debated on asking her why she doesn't seem sad about it. As soon as I went to ask, we heard John's footsteps approaching from the living room. We both look towards the door as he walks in. “I’m going to head to bed,” he speaks as he walks over to her. He places a soft kiss on her lips, I watch it happen, I always do. I think about how her lips would feel on mine. 
I snap out of my thoughts as John gives me a nod, I smile at him, then without a pause he leaves. I turn my attention back to Rose, she almost looks sick, her face is slightly pale. I study her for a second before speaking, “what's wrong?” I've known her for almost a year and a half. I can tell when she is thinking too hard about something. 
“I'm thinking about if he gets drafted, how will I support myself alone?” she finally looks at me. Before I can stop myself the words seem to fall out of my mouth, “You won't be alone.. I’ll always be here with you and we can figure it out together,” my mouth goes dry. She looks at me before offering me a sweet smile.
A long pause happens, we just sit and look at each other. It doesn't feel uncomfortable at all, more like something unspoken. She stands slowly while keeping her eyes on me. She rounds the table, my eyes trace every movement she makes. She is now standing next to me, I have to look up at her from my sitting position.
Her eyes are softer, her lips parted slightly. There is a charge in the air that I can't describe. She moves slowly, cradling my cheeks with her hands. My breathing hitches as I stare up at her, she breaks the silence with a soft whisper, “May I kiss you?” 
My mind goes blank, my eyes still locked on hers. I take a deep shaky breath before I end up nodding, she doesn't seem to hesitate once I give permission, she bends down pressing her lips against mine. I melt into her, our lips dancing together in a passionate kiss. When she finally pulls away, we are both breathless.
She giggles a little with a smile, “I’ve wanted to do that for so long,”. I smile back at her, with a laugh of my own. “I’m glad you did it, because I've wanted it too,”. That night we experimented in her kitchen, exploring each other's bodies with our hands and mouths. Doing things God would surely send us to hell for. 
We talked about how we both knew we were attracted to women but it could never be something we did in public. We found solace in each other. Months of us exploring our sexuality, hidden behind closed doors, a dark, sinful, secret. The kisses and touches we shared were warm despite the incoming war. 
Between the passionate nights Rose and I shared, my family often pushed me to find a man who could take care of me and give me children. If they knew what I did behind closed doors I'm sure I would have been disowned and kicked out, since I still lived at home. I did as I was told, filling my days with dates with ugly men who promised me the world. After performing all day, I would go fill my nights with Rose’s sinful touches.
As time went on, talk of the draft became real. John got sent off to Germany, not long after the bombing of Pearl harbor. The dust hadn’t settled yet, when word broke of women entering the workforce to fill the spaces the men had left. Rose and I started doing factory work, producing munitions for the war. 
My family let me move in with her since we were so close and she needed help paying for the house while John wasn't there. I had to promise them to keep looking for a husband to do so.  With the war raging and so few men not fighting in the war it was easier to make excuses for why I remained single. 
It felt natural living and working with Rose, we decided that we could call ourselves a “couple” but it was only meant for behind closed doors. The nights were filled with long talks, making love to each other, and falling deeper in love with each other. I had to remind Rose several times to write to her husband, to keep the act up, so when he did come home he wouldn't think anything improper was happening.
About eight months after John deployed, soldiers showed up at the house, Rose was home and I had picked up an extra shift at the factory that day. They gave her the news that he had been KIA during the Dieppe Raid, he was one of three Americans who died that day. They offered a short, insincere, apology then left her standing there. When I came home that night she didn't say much, gave me a kiss, and handed me the letter. 
I read it over, then studied her closely. She didn't look like she had cried at all, she was acting normal. Over the next few days she seemed completely fine. Maybe it was because she never loved him or maybe it was the fact that we had been in a “relationship” for so long it didn't matter to her. Either way, I celebrated in my head because I knew there was nothing standing between us now. 
The war was making the days fly by, work at the factory was grueling. We even made a hook near the door where we would hang our carabiners that were full of tools we needed to use at our job. One night I was so tired I came home so tired I hooked them together by accident, it became our running joke. 
Rose would always find ways to make coming home interesting, meeting me in the nude, leaving notes telling me to find her and fuck her, or just loving on me. I did the same for her, at one point I left my belt on the counter with a note saying “find me, tie me up, use me however you want”. Life was good, no matter the war raging just outside our door.
I didn't really go see my family anymore, it wasn't important. Everytime I went to see them they would ask about me finding a husband. I couldn't imagine life without Rose in it, it's like God made us for one another in every lifetime.
In April of 1945 we got the news that Hitler had been killed, the entire United States was celebrating. The years of Rose and I being together had been magical. We met other like minded women through our job at the factory, there were other lesbians who we became friends with. Nights filled with gossip, wine, giggles and games. That's until Rose got sick.
The first time she collapsed was about a month after Hitler got killed. She became pale, got sick and collapsed on the floor. Luckily I was home, I rushed her to the hospital but they wouldn't allow me to stay with her because I wasn't family.
Months followed of them running as many tests as they could, multiple trips to the hospital, long nights staying awake to make sure nothing happened to her while I was sleeping. We got word of other women who were getting sick just like Rose was, they all had one thing in common, working in factories around TNT.
There were no answers and she was only getting worse, the life I once saw in her was fading away every single day. I prayed to the God who would surely damn Rose and I to hell for the kind of relationship we had. I hoped he would listen, maybe give the doctors answers so I wouldn't lose the person I've loved most.
I made her quit working when she got sick, whenever I got home, I would crawl into bed and stare at her. Take in her soft curves, the beauty in her face, the lines that formed over the years. I would hold back my tears till I was alone so I could remain strong for her. When I got home tonight I did the same as usual, she was awake this time.
Her warm brown eyes found me, she gave a half hearted smile. “I love you so much,” her voice seemed hollow, I couldn't help the tears welling in my eyes. “I love you more,” my voice cracks as I speak. She turns her body so we are laying face to face. We never had the death talk because it was never on the table, I couldn't lose her. 
“I will find you in every lifetime, my love. If I am a dog in my next life, I will find you and make you my owner. If I am an ant, I will find every drop of sugar in your house just to be close to you. Even if we are worlds apart I will find my way to you.” her smile is weak, tears are welling in her eyes too now. I can't help but stare at her, why does this sound like a goodbye?
“You aren't leaving me in this one by myself Rose..” I have no choice, tears pour out of my eyes as I pull her into me. Hugging her so tight I'm probably hurting her, but I can't let go, not now, what will I do without her? “I don't think we have a choice,” her voice is weak and muffled by my shoulder. 
We cry until we fall asleep in each other's arms. In the morning when I wake up, we are still in the same position. I pull back slowly and that's when I notice, she's gone. It was a goodbye last night, somehow she knew. I just stare at her for a while until I finally get up. I'm numb but I need to get the operator to send the police.
It happens so fast, they take her, and since I’m not family, I don't get to help plan her funeral. Her family takes over, the next week seems to come in a blur. I don't go to work, I sit in the house and look at the things we collected over the years. Our friends come over to help me, but when I see them together all it does is remind me of her. 
I go to the funeral, her family doesn't let me speak. What would I say anyway? How much I loved her? How lonely am I without her? I sit and stare at the coffin till it's over. 
When I get home the days seem to blur, I don't leave, I dont allow people in, I cant even eat. My family wants me to move back in with them but I don't, this is the only thing I have left of her, so I sit and exist in misery. Then I remember her words “I will find you in every lifetime,” I say outloud to myself, hardly recognizing my own voice. 
I stand up slowly and walk to grab a piece of paper and a pen to write my final note. It reads, “I don't know if anyone will care or read this note. This home was shared by my partner and I. Years of love, tenderness and laughs. I loved her more than life itself, that's why I'm saying goodbye too. To my friends I'm sure you'll understand and I'm sorry. To my family, I hope you forgive my sins. Sincerely, Evelyn.”
With that, I take the note and go to the garage. Our car sits there just like any normal day. I climb in and put the note on the dash, grabbing the keys, I start the car. “I hope you are right Rose, if you are, I look forward to meeting you again..” I roll down the window, relax into my seat and listen to the car's engine. My eyes close, my breathing slows, and then, all the pain stops.
When I open my eyes again all I can do is cry, fluorescent lights burn my eyes. I can't speak and my body feels weird. I try to move but have no control over my movements. My limbs flail and I can feel tears streaking my face. Then I’m met with a warm body and a soothing voice, something familiar about it. Before I close my eyes again I hear a woman's voice say “Her name is Iris,” it's melodic enough to put me into a deep sleep.
Turns out, I was born again in 1998. Growing up my family didnt have alot but it was enough. I never went hungry, had toys I could play with. I learned to walk, talk, run, explore, build and destroy. My school years went smoothly, I was a solid student, B average. 
I had boyfriends, a girlfriend that my parents had no idea about. They never talked about being against the LGBT but they never mentioned being in support either, so I figured my safest bet was to keep the fact that I found women attractive, quiet.
The years passed, now I'm finding myself standing in front of the mirror looking at myself. Today is my birthday. I'm turning nineteen years old. The person I'm staring at in the mirror seems so familiar. Not just in the way that I know myself, but something more. Like I've seen her before somewhere, this face doesn't seem like mine. Maybe someone else? 
I touch my face, my eyes tracking the movements I make with my fingers. Chocolate brown eyes, my lips are pink, light brown freckles spread evenly over my nose and cheeks. My hair is long, a warm brown color to it. 
I snap out of my trance when my phone dings. I look down to see a message from my friend, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH!!!”. I can hear her voice through the message, I giggle then text back. “Thank you! Hope you can come to my party tonight!” I exit the bathroom to go sit on my bed as I send the message. 
While I wait for her to text back I open up instagram, the first post I see is a black background with white lettering that says “the face you wear during this life is the face of the person you loved the most in your last”. I pause on it, reading the words over and over, when my friend's text pops up, I ignore it, and head straight to google. 
I type in the words I saw on the post. It comes up as a Chinese myth, so I clicked on the first link. When I open it, my eyes scan over the words. Before I can finish reading the article something flashes in my brain. A memory? I'm looking into a woman's eyes, identical to mine. She looks sick and sad. Actually, her whole face looks identical to mine. “I will find you in every lifetime,” rings through my head.
I drop my phone on the floor, I barely hear the thud. I'm panting heavily as I stare at the article that's still open on my phone. “What the fuck was that?” I say out loud as if someone will give me the answer. 
I hope you enjoyed the story! Let me know if you want me to make this into a bigger story! I promise there will be smut, lesbian love, laughs, cries and so much more! Will Iris find her love again? Will Rose keep her promise? Will it be a lesbian happily ever after?? If you made it this far thank you for reading!
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matchalovertrait · 3 days ago
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Antonio's big secret has been revealed: he's the grandson of Alfonso Alto, the main villain of Generation One. We thought we knew everything about Alfonso's history and family, but a whole other world was taking shape while the story focused solely on the lives of the Alegrías.
Start from the beginning (Gen 2)
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NOTE: No, seriously! A whole other world. This has been in development since Dulce was a toddler. That was over a year ago. If I did this right, many of Antonio's lines and actions can be viewed with a new pair of eyes.
NOTE: "Who the hell is this guy again?" This, this, this, and this post might be of help, but I can also try to answer any questions if they're not spoiler-y! I know what one of these posts says, but hey, did we ever see it happen? 👁️
NOTE: Alicia is "Ashley Alto" and Frankie is "Unborn Baby Hernandez." I have no real reason for renaming Ashley other than I just think it suits her better. The "big boss man" that Frankie referred to was indeed Alfonso, not Antonio's actual boss at the law firm.
NOTE: Now I leave for a couple of days. Enjoy 😁
[Del Sol Valley, California]
[A few days had passed since Yoltic showed up unexpectedly at Antonio’s apartment. Turns out, Yoltic’s suspicions were correct, and that made Antonio rethink everything even more. Was his secret that obvious? Surely not.]
[However, Yoltic learned just how much worse the situation was once they sat down and talked about it. A solution wouldn’t come overnight. All he could do was be supportive.]
YOLTIC: It’s fine, you have nothing to worry about. You still have an invite to my wedding.
ANTONIO: Are you certain?
YOLTIC: Yeah! But, can I tell Dani about this? I probably shouldn’t keep it from her...
ANTONIO: If it makes you forgive me, sure. I don’t want Caruso uncovering this, though. He already found my personal phone number and enemy. I’ve been on edge ever since I found out about the private investigator. Maybe it’s only a matter of time-
[Antonio’s thoughts were disrupted by the vibration of his cellphone. He sighed when he looked at the caller ID but pressed the green button anyway.]
ALICIA: Cariño! I just got off the phone with your grandfather.
ALICIA: He’s upset because you haven’t visited him in months, he says.
ANTONIO: I’ve been busy.
ALICIA: Like with the Alegría case? Seriously mijo, what were you thinking? You’re going to bankrupt us one of these days.
ANTONIO: Mamá, please. Frankie already spoke to me about it.
ALICIA: Are you telling me they have more common sense than you? That’s funny. I don’t see flying pigs in the sky.
ANTONIO: What a way to insult your child and sibling.
ALICIA: Oh, you’re too sensitive.
???: Ashley? Is that you?
[An old friend from her home country recognized her.]
ALICIA: Ay dios mío! No, no, I’m Alicia again. “Ashley” was the stupid girl who believed in juvenile things like the tooth fairy and true love. How have you been, darling?
ANTONIO: ..Hello? Mamá?
ALICIA: I came across someone from the island! Can you believe it? Anyway, go see your grandfather. Today. ASAP. He’s expecting you. Bye!!
[The call ended.]
ANTONIO: I have a schedule for reason.
[Antonio arrived at the prison. He hated this place, but business had to be taken care of.]
STAFF: Mr. Romero. The client is waiting for you. Please proceed.
ANTONIO: Thank you.
OFFICER: Sir, your lawyer is here.
???: About time! You can go. Give us some privacy.
OFFICER: Yes, Mr. Alto.
[The officer nodded and left.]
ALFONSO: Sit down.
ANTONIO: You wanted to see me?
ALFONSO: What sort of question is that? Of course! I don’t see you working hard enough to get me out of here, boy.
[Alfonso scoffed.]
ALFONSO: My own grandson...
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uranusruby · 17 hours ago
Heyy I loved your Lando story:)
Can you maybe write one where his girlfriend is not famous and a little bit shy. They have been together for some time but are very private. So maybe during the video from Angry Ginge training like Lando Norris for a day she is also there and they are being super cute and she also does the exercises.
Of course if you don’t want to write it that’s totally fine:)
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You've been dating Lando for a moment, and things were going pretty smoothly. Of course, things could be hard when he was going to other countries for his career, but other than that your relationship was great.
Despite his fame, you weren't that known by people, particularly by his fans. Although you weren't secret about your relationship, you weren't exposing it either. You weren't holding back to post pictures of the two of you together, instead just making your account private so people would try to find information about you. As for Lando, he wasn't posting many pictures of you with him. It was really rare, and he would always ask if you were okay with it. He wouldn't mind showing you sometimes, but he also knew it was making you uneasy.
That night, as you were at Lando's place, you were chilling together in his bed. Just cuddling together while scrolling on your phones, sometimes showing each other the stuff you're seeing that could make you laugh, or just that you found interesting. It was something you enjoyed doing to relax. Sometimes, it was just him playing on his PC, with you close to him while doing your stuff. You weren't always talking, the presence of each other being enough.
Eventually, Lando put his phone aside, correctly wrapping his arms around you. Feeling his change of position, you knew something was about to happen. So you stopped looking at your phone to look up at him. Lando pecked your lips at first, but you could see on his face that he was thinking about something.
"Okay, just tell me what you want to tell me," you said, putting your phone aside as well.
"You know… about tomorrow…" he started, his eyes trying to gauge your reaction. "The video… you thought about it and if you wanted to join?" he then continued, his tone a bit hesitant.
He talked to you about the video he was about to film with his friends, and since it was taking place in his place he had to see if you were okay with being in the video. If you were saying no, he'd have to film the video carefully so you wouldn't appear. Of course, it'd be easier if you were accepting since you'd just be part of the video, but once again he knew you enjoyed the discretion of this relationship.
"I thought about it, yeah," you first answered, nodding your head. "And I think… I wouldn't mind joining. I guess it could be fun… it's just a silly video, it won't hurt me?" you then added, a smile on your lips.
Lando smiled back at you, just nodding his head. He actually was really happy about it. Including you in the things he loved doing was always making him happy and excited. It meant spending moments with you, but also sharing his passions.
"Great! I can't wait!" he only said despite the actual excitement he now felt for this video.
A few kisses on the lips, you were still able to tell he was smiling, and then he took back his phone just like you so you couldn't continue whatever you were doing, while he was warning his friends you'd join them.
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Waking up early on a day off wasn't the greatest thing in the whole world. You were supposed to just chill in front of the TV and enjoy your day off. But you were reassuring yourself by thinking about how it would be fun to participate in this concept. Plus, it was making Lando very happy so it was automatically making you happy.
You knew it would also be hard though. You saw Lando training before, and a Formula 1 driver training wasn't the easiest thing ever. It was always impressive to think Lando, as well as the other drivers of course, was doing such things. And today, it was your time to actually live what he was going through to do his job.
Okay, maybe you stayed a bit in bed before really getting up and getting ready. And maybe Lando had to poke you to make you move and not fall back asleep right after you opened your eyes.
"Come on… you'll be late…" he whispered to your ear, pecking your cheek before leaving the room.
A little whine, a roll on the bed and a foot tangled in the bedcover later, you were finally up and all dressed up. Even if you were happy to join the video, a part of you was stressed out. You weren't really extroverted and comfortable on cameras, let alone when thinking about it'll be posted on YouTube and watched by millions of people.
"Hey… it's gonna be okay…" Lando reassured you, obviously noticing how you were looking stressed out. "Don't forget: if you change your mind, just tell me about it and we'll find a way to edit you out," he added, pecking your forehead.
And somehow, his words and his kiss was partly reassuring you and calming you down, although a part of you was still apprehensive about it.
Eventually, it was time! The filming started when AngryGinge and Fifakill arrived. And while Lando opened the door, you were just standing there, not really knowing what you were supposed to do. It wasn't even really the fact his friends were there, you've talked to them before and, even if you didn't know them really well, you could still have a little discussion with them. It was just you realising it was real and you'd have to be entertaining somehow.
The awkward position lasted for a moment, while the three others were already having their funny moment. A smile was still noticeable on your lips, genuinely amused by the situation but just not daring to laugh like you normally would.
But at least things eventually moved to start each moment of the day by starting with breakfast. Standing beside Lando, slightly hidden from the camera, you were quietly enjoying the breakfast. It wasn't the first time you were sharing meals with Lando, so you weren't surprised.
"Do you like it?" Lando asked you with a smile, wanting to help you talking but also curious to know about your thoughts.
"Mh, it's good," you answered, your voice a bit low but still loud enough to be heard by everybody.
Lando smiled just a bit more, happy to hear you talk. A part of him was also a bit amused to see you eating like you were some food critic. They continued with talking and joking around, while you were slowly starting to get at ease in front of the camera.
"What time do you go to bed?" was the question asked by Fifakill after discussing Lando's sleeping habits.
"Depends," Lando answered seriously, initially wanting to give some information. The seriousness wasn't kept by AngryGinge after it was asked on what it depends.
"Who's got around, you dirty bastard," he said, gaining some laughs.
They shot glances at you as the answer made you stop moving for a second with the spoon in your mouth. Though the joke was funny, it made you embarrassed as the words were targeted at you. Lando kept a smile as he looked at you, gently poking your side.
The filming continued, with Lando explaining the programs before the training actually started. It obviously was the interesting part, and the part that made everybody curious. You were aware of the difficulty, but actually taking part would be different.
Starting with pushups, things were not that hard. It was funny to watch the others do it, and you were smiling a bit more than before though you were still not talking by yourself.
Continuing with a one minute plank, the three of you aligned, things were getting a tiny bit harder. Well, it was mostly tiring. Lando was on the side, watching if you were all doing the exercise correctly and correcting you if needed. He sat next to you, gently putting his hand on your lower back to lower you butt.
"Oh!" was the only thing he said as smiled, his hand slipping under you to press on your shirt to hide the things hiding there. "Shirt's a bit too large," he said, making you smile and disturbing you a little but you quickly focused again.
When the minute was finally reached, you immediately laid down and turned around on your back, your hands on your stomach. Lando looked down at you, his eyes soft though amused. As fun as it was to see his friends doing the exercises, he just loved seeing you do them even more. Well, he actually loved anything you were doing, anyway.
With more training passing by, you let out a little noise of apprehension that made them look at you with a smile at a certain exercise. You've seen Lando do that neck training before, and it got you wondering how human beings can do such a thing without problems.
Just by watching AngryGinge and Fifakill, you knew you'd struggle. You were already aware of the difficulty, but it was even more clear while watching them do the exercise. It then was your turn. You sat down, holding onto the edge of the weight bench. Lando then gently put the harness linked to the elastic band on your head.
"It's… it's folding my ears," you pointed out while Lando was about to start.
Lando came back to you to adjust it carefully, while you were looking in front of you. He checked everything was correct before stepping back.
"Ready?" he asked you, starting to pull when you were ready.
You closed your eyes while trying not to make your head, but it obviously was hard even though Lando wasn't putting much force into the pulling. You couldn't hold back your smiling through the probably weird faces you were doing when hearing them laugh.
Lando slowly stopped to make you change positions to pull from a different spot, and once again it was hard not to move.
"Shit…" you mumbled as you almost fell back from the hard pulling, making Lando snicker a bit louder.
When it was done, Lando took off the harness and put it aside on the weight bench. You turned around to face him, his hand going onto your shoulder.
"Are you okay?" he asked you gently, checking if it wasn't too much as he knew it was hard.
"Yeah, I've almost lost my head I think…" you answered while nodding your head.
"He doesn't ask us…" AngryGinge said while turning around, just teasing the bitch of you.
Lando chuckled as his hand went to your head, his fingers just running through your hair once. He held back the whole time since the filming started and it was destroying him inside, so this time he didn't hold back; he just quickly pecked your forehead. He wasn't sure it would make it to the final edit of the video, but he just had to do it.
Things continued, and with every second passing by, you were getting a bit less shy. You still wouldn't jump around and crack jokes, though. But it was good enough for a first time.
Later, it was time for the simulator. It probably was the funniest part. You've tried it once and it has been fun. And now, you were back at it. Lando was leaning against the chair, encouraging you and praising you with every single thing you were doing.
"It's okay, you're doing great," he said as you went over the track limits, keeping his voice soft. "Look at you go!" he continued in a cheerful tone as you were doing a pretty great time.
When you were done, you looked up at him while he was already looking down at you. He then grabbed your hand to help you get off the chair, his other hand resting on your waist in a gentle way. You surprisingly did good in the simulator.
At the end of the day, while you were back in bed, you were cuddling together. He held you in his arms, kissing your lips a few times.
"I had fun today…" you admitted, a smile on your lips.
"I saw that. And you did really good, I'm proud of you," he answered, his lips going once again on yours.
It has been a fun day, you've laughed and, despite your shyness, you weren't too much in the back or hiding. You definitely didn't regret accepting Lando's request.
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Thanks for reading my story, I hope you enjoyed it! If you see any mistakes, please tell me in the comments!
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giulliadella · 2 days ago
Guys, I know I said that this blog isn't political, but I have to vent.
Yesterday, Serbia, my country, experienced the largest protest in history. Around one MILLION people (Serbia has a population of 6 million) gathered to protest against the corruption in our government. These protests have been going on since November 2024. when a recently renovated canopy in the city of Novi Sad fell and killed 15 people. Nobody has been prosecuted yet.
The students of all Serbian universities began to protest, urging the institutions to do their job. But the corruption in the country is unbelievable. Record-breaking protests have been taking place all over the country, all of them have been peaceful.
However, the government organized groups of hooligans that were trying to disrupt everything. It has full control of all mainstream media. On the day of the massive protest on March 15., all public transport has been removed from the streets: all trains, busses, even taxis were ordered not to drive. But people, including me, walked for miles to get to the downtown.
The protest was going great, despite the rain and relatively cold weather. People were peaceful and hopeful, they were having fun, playing music, carrying funny signs, making noise with whistles and trumpets. The atmosphere was great, everyone was kind to each-other, me and my friends hung out, shared cookies, talked about silly gay stuff.
But then, during 15 minutes of silence that people held to commemorate the 15 dead, our government used a sound cannon, a sonic weapon, on these calmly standing people, in the middle of silence. It was chilling. I wasn't on that location when it happened, but many people have been hurt. One man had his pacemaker screw up, giving him several heart attacks. A lot of people are reporting tinnitus, pain, they are disoriented. The goal of this was to try an cause a stampede in a crowd of MILLION PEOPLE. However, due to quick intervention of students, such tragedy was avoided.
BTW, the sonic weapon was fired in the close proximity of a maternity hospital.
And now, as if all of this wasn't bad enough, the government froze the medical records of every person that came to our PUBLIC HEALTH hospitals with symptoms from the protest. These people are DENIED MEDICAL CARE after THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT used and ILLEGAL and HIGHLY DANGEROUS WEAPON on them in hospitals that THEY PAID FOR.
I am a very peaceful and non-confrontational person. This is the first time in my life that I wished death upon someone. I genuinely wish death to our president and all of his little criminal friends and his journalists and all those morons in healthcare denying people help. I have never experienced this level of evil. I have always believed that there is good in everyone, but now I think that some people may be an exception.
And the worst of all is that my family is against these protests. They don't support our government, but they are not against them either. "Because someone worse might come." I don't know if it can get worse than this. This is actual terrorism. The next step is killing people. Outright. I am scared, but I love my country and I want it to do better. I will continue to support the protests, no matter what.
I'm genuinely sorry for this rant, but I am under so much stress, I needed to vent. I genuinely pray that no country ever has to experience what Serbia is experiencing now.
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cosmowgyral · 3 days ago
"Specially made for you with Love"
▪︎ Gilbert von Obsidian
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This is a fan translation so please don't expect it to be 100% accurate. Creative liberties have been taken. All content belongs to Cybird. Reblogs are appreciated. Hope you enjoy!
~chapter 3
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Just as Roderic had warned, Gilbert who was sitting by the window didn’t seem to be in a good mood.
Even though he had a smile on his face, his eyes told a different story.
Gilbert’s anger is so overwhelming that I nearly forgot to breathe.
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(He’s usually very kind to me, so he might just be fooling me, but…)
(The person before me is a great villain who is feared by the entire continent, a conqueror beast that has destroyed several countries.)
(It’s only natural that if such a person gets enraged, everyone in the entire castle will become anxious….)
(So Gilbert really had no choice but to be alone.)
I plucked up courage to approach him, but his eyes, which had been on me the entire time, suddenly turned to the window.
Gilbert: Sometimes, I get so furious that I just can’t help but be in a really bad mood.
Gilbert: Though this has become better than before, I still can’t bring myself to be nice to others.
Gilbert: So being here alone is an act of sincerity and kindness that I can show, isn’t it?
Emma: ….Sorry for trying to interfere with your thoughtful intentions.
Emma: But, I know why you’re this angry.
Gilbert: Aah, Roderic told you, didn’t he? He talks too much while conversing with the little rabbit.
(It was a heartbreaking story.)
Roderic: ….We received information about a criminal organization engaging in child trafficking in the region, so we took over their base…
Roderic: When we arrived, the scene was so gruesome that I find it difficult to describe.
Roderic: Meanwhile, the members seemed to be living a lavish life with the money they earned from selling the children…
Roderic: Since this was a relatively uncommon example of corruption in recent years, Prince Gilbert became furious upon hearing about it. And you can imagine what followed after...
----(flashback end)----
(Gilbert is a kind person who gets angry for the sake of others.)
(But the stronger his rage, the more it wears down his humanity.)
Perhaps in the past there were incidents that infuriated him, and he somehow managed to cool down on his own later.
In the process of calming his wild heart, his mistrust of love likely chipped away at his heart, molding him into a beast.
(..It’s been a while since I’ve seen Gilbert turn into a beast.)
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Just like when we first met, the fear of not knowing what he would do to me and the indescribable pressure gnaw at my mind.
Gilbert looked at me and raised the corners of his mouth.
Gilbert: Ahaha, you’re trembling. You are scared, aren’t you? If you want to run away, now is your chance….
Emma: I am scared but I can’t run away. I am your fiancée after all.
(What should I do in a situation like this?)
(I can’t really figure it out, but if this cycle of relentless hatred keeps making him lonely…)
Emma: I don’t want to leave you alone right now, Gil.
Emma: I’m here to turn back the beast into a human.
(If something happened to convince you once more that love is not the true nature of humans.…)
(I have to prove to him that the world isn't like that everywhere.)
I kneel on the floor and hug Gilbert’s grumbling body from behind.
Gilbert: ….I’m not in the mood to put up with your selfishness.
Emma: I won’t give up today.
Gilbert: If you really want to tie down a villain, you need to dominate, not beg.
Gilbert: What good is it to leave the decision up to the villain when we both obviously think the exact opposite?
----(flashback ends)----
(….This isn’t the time to say it’s impossible or that I can’t do it.)
Emma: Gil
When I called him by his name, he finally looked at me.
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Without missing a beat, I grabbed his face with both my hands and forced my lips onto his.
He immediately bit me, but I refused to back down and went in deeper, despite the pain.
Heat spread to his cold lips, and I could sense human warmth returning in him.
(….But it’s still not enough, not even close.)
Gilbert: You really think you can control me, little rabbit.
Emma: …You were the one who taught me how to do it.
Gilbert: I don’t think you can do it with such a shivering body.
Gilbert’s hand came to my neck.
Although he wasn’t strangling me, the thought of him holding my life in his hands made me tremble even more.
Emma: It’s just the nerves getting to me..
Gilbert: Hehh…
Emma: ….Should we go back to your room for now?
Gilbert: Because you’re going to do something embarrassing?
Emma: That’s…right.
Gilbert: Ahaha, just what makes you think I’ll listen to you?
Emma: If you don’t listen, I’ll have to make you listen.
I climb on to Gilbert’s lap and kiss him again to prevent him from escaping.
While doing that, I casually touch his ears and caress it with my fingers, which elicited a clear response.
(Gilbert’s ears are his weakness…)
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Gilbert: Oh? So that’s what you plan to do to me right now?
Gilbert: You’re quite the daring one, aren’t you?
The pressure on my neck increased and my breathing became irregular.
The fact that the murderous intent and intense pressure still haven’t disappeared, means that apart from being angry, he also wants to test me out.
(When I consider that, I don’t feel like backing down anymore.)
Emma: If you don’t like this then please listen to me.
I bring my lips close to his ear and gently lick it.
However, with icy fingers gripping my neck, I couldn’t last long.
Gilbert: Hey, little rabbit. Do you really want me to take my anger out on you so much?
Gilbert buried his face in my neck and sunk his teeth into my skin.
I let out a small groan from the pain.
He licked me as if to intensify the pain, and I couldn’t tell if the rapid increase in my heartbeat was due to fear or pleasure.
Gilbert: How long will you be able to stay kind to me and love me…?
Gilbert: When I see such corruptions, I can’t help but question it.
(Just as I thought….)
Emma: …If you’re going to agonize like that all by yourself, feel free to take out your frustrations on me as much as you like.
Emma: Regardless of what you think, I feel more at ease this way.
(At least I know that while he is taking out his anger on me, he is still trying to believe in love.)
(…I wonder how many times Gilbert has been disappointed by people like this.)
I stroked his smooth black hair and hugged him again.
Gilbert did not push me away.
Gilbert: ….If that’s the case, shall we go back to my room?
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Gilbert: I can’t really vent out my frustrations in a place like this, can I…?
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ㅤ𔘓 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
Bringing the agitated beast back to his room, I drop all my clothes to the floor to show my resolve.
As soon as I encouraged my weakening spirit and faced Gilbert, he lightly grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and pushed me face down onto the bed.
Gilbert: I see that you seem to have misunderstood something…
Gilbert: The method of control I mentioned isn’t about taking away someone’s rationality, you know?
Emma: Huh, then what did…..gh, ah
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[Chapter 2] [Masterlist] [Chapter 4]
Tags: @shatcey
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raqi-marr · 2 days ago
this isn't really a hdgpost so much as a reverse-hdgpost: when thinking about the issues inherent in the affini as a universal caretaker race and the way it centres the role of disabled people as basically 'to be taken care of', it got me thinking that like: if there was ever to be a "Human Domestication Guide 2" - not as in a HDG 2 set in the compact universe, but like, another setting that appealed to autistic disabled trans people - i think i'd like it to be more about how disabled people can help each-other and what they can do to survive in an ableist environment
like, i have a polycule now and i got said polycule because of the HDG community, and everyone in it is disabled in some way shape or form (also 4/5 of us are trans), so i naturally end up drawing comparisons between hdg. the thing is, i actually don't find that much representation for our group dynamic in hdg, because the whole thing is that our polycule has been us basically fighting the entire capitalist system to try and eke out both survival and happiness in circumstances where we're severely disadvantaged to do so. i get why it is that hdg doesn't represent us: hdg is about the wish fulfillment of "what if you didn't have to do all that shit." and that's fine! i don't mind that! what im saying is: i just wish there was kind of a 'HDG 2' that dealt with "ok but you do have to do that, here's a setting about trying to find some sort of meaning in that struggle"
personally i've found it incredibly life-giving and joyous, the way that a lot of us happen to have skills and resources that compliment the needs of other people. the one non-trans commune member is the stereotypical Guy In The Polycule Who Works, but he's also lonely and depressed and we function as basically his entire friend group, so for him, we're helping him out by providing very important companionship, and like, giving him something to live for other than wage slavery and a grind
meanwhile my beloved @dumtranskitty-3 who is the only other person i will namedrop since i talk about her plenty on here already has single-handedly made me so much less depressed and worn down since we started going out. my role in the commune is basically to run and organise the whole thing (mfw im a fucking manager) and the main challenge of that is not unaliving myself from anxiety to do with having to write multi-thousand word documents planning where we will flee to if X country descends into fascism and starts putting trans people in camps. i have the least executive dysfunction of everyone and make sure people take their adhd meds on time/remember to actually eat meals and not starve, but i will die of depression if left alone; which is where she comes in, in making me way less miserable
basically, i think the fact that a single affini can just Do Everything is kind of boring, and it's more fun to have a setting that explores the fact that like, you need different people for different things. irl no one can be an affini, no one can actually just do everything, every person has their own strengths and weaknesses, needs and resources; even disabled people
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xo-pen · 2 days ago
— 99 problems ,, yang jungwon
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엔하이픈 !! “i’ve got 99 problems but you aren’t one of them”
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sum. where in a troubled girl meets a small town boy and he fixes something that he didn’t break.
genre. mc x jw ‧ mc x nk ‧ fluff ‧ bit of angst ‧ friends to lovers ‧ wholesome & offbeat ‧ slowburn
desc. Choi A-yeong has a major attitude problem. So when her dad sends her from riches to rags from their mansion in the city, to the countryside with an aunt she's never met just to set her straight, she finds and takes any means to get out.
However things take a turn when she stumbles upon the town's milkman, Yang Jungwon, and he teaches her a thing or two about bike rides, hike trails, and the simple pleasures of town life.
chap wc. 2.2k
선택 .𖥔 🔖 LIBRARY
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sched. updates every sat (wattpad), sun (tumblr) 2pm GMT
a/n. hello everyone!! firstly i would like to say thank you if you you were intrigued and clicked on ‘keep reading’. this is my very first story, and unlike the other stories on here it is a bit offbeat and kinda different in terms of pacing and i guess genre? but if you try it out and like it please don’t hesitate to repost or like as it means a lot!! feedback to my writing is also appreciated^^
if the first 3 chaps flop i might not be able to update as frequentlyTT
chap preview. A-yeong and Jake travel from the city to the country and meet A-yeong’s distant aunt.
# MOODBOARD .𖥔 ݁ ˖
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CHOI A-YEONG, a rebel at heart. “Ready to leave? You’ll be thanking yourself later.”
YANG JUNGWON, a carefree soul. “You really need to learn when to shut up.”
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NISHIMURA RI-KI, a charismatic character. “What’s a strange girl like you doing here?”
SIM JAKE, a loyal companion. “If you’ve got a problem you can always count on me.”
# PROLOGUE — “Welcome to Eum-Seong County.” .𖥔 ݁ ˖
IT WAS NO regular day for Choi A-yeong.
When A-yeong woke up this morning she never fathomed that she had to be dragged from the front door, down their front steps, all the way through their long walkway, and quite literally tossed into their black Mercedes. It was a terrifying sight for any bystander that happened to pass by the incident—even more so terrifying to Jake, who had been one of the workers to do it.
It was already a terrible morning for them both, yet it got worse by the second as they travelled through the freeway with no cars at 50 kilometers per second on a road with a speed limit of 100, which, if it wasn't obvious yet, they were not maximizing at all.
In Jake's defense, if anything bad happened to them—or really, just A-yeong—he could possibly spend the rest of his life in debt or doing hardcore labor to pay off the rich family to compensate for his mistakes. So although he was running out of patience for his master, he took the extra step to be cautious.
The girl, however, did not like it one bit and could not tolerate another second of it.
Choi A-yeong, currently 20 years of age, was born and raised into a wealthy family. She was fed with a silver spoon for all of her life: never having to do anything by herself—never even had to lift a finger to finish a simple task. She never struggled to get what she desired and more, which could explain where she got the spoiled attitude, partly.
For the most part it was because of her family, or really, the lack of it.
A-yeong was never blessed to have a sibling; no one to call a companion. Meanwhile her mother was M.I.A. ever since she had turned 5, and, well, her father was emotionally unavailable. He worked all the time and spent more hours on his phone and typing away at his computer than talking, or even sparing some time for his own daughter.
It's not like A-yeong wanted to act the way that she did it was just... how things were. It was all she could do to get noticed even just the slightest—to utter any reaction from her father, who seemed to not even be aware of the presence of his daughter.
So whenever A-yeong did something she wasn't really meant to do, she usually never thought it out.
It was the same when she stood up and attacked the driver's seat for the wheel, fighting for dominance over the vehicle.
The car honked and swerved in all directions, a swirl of misguided instructions. It was a miracle that Jake somehow regained control of the wheel and sat A-yeong back down with the strength left in his muscles—all without anyone getting hurt.
Once the vehicle was back in its rightful place only did the adrenaline settle between the two of them, their hearts beating out of their chests.
Frustrated, and still panic-stricken, Jake scolded, "A-yeong! For Christ's sake can you please just sit still!" His voice raised with a hint of guilt. He took a second to collect himself before continuing,
"Your dad will kill me if you don't get there in one piece. So please, just stay still."
This time, his voice was once again the usual soft and silky tone that A-yeong was used to hearing.
Jake was a henchman, if you will, working under A-yeong's dad, the rich CEO Choi In-su. He had only started his duties a year ago, yet, him and A-yeong had already grown quite acquainted. For this reason he was always the one that joined A-yeong on her walks outside, or her companion (more like hostage) during their weekly visits at the mall.
Such interactions taught him that A-yeong, when she was calm and not in her usual moods, was really just like any girl that had her own interests and vulnerabilities.
Though, it didn't take away the fact that she had those unpredictable moments, and this car ride was not an exception to those moments. Yet, it really irked him that he was caught off-guard and most importantly, they could have possibly been in real danger of getting hurt.
It was his job, after all, to keep A-yeong safe.
A-yeong, reading the irritated face that Jake's usually welcoming face contorted into, understood that she might have taken it a bit too far.
So, she did what she was told and crossed her slim arms together, along with her booted leg locked over the other in an attempt to stay still.
Through the rearview mirror Jake watched A-yeong, who had her lush lips in a pout and thick eyebrows scrunched to form a literal sad face. She was red, obviously furious, and really he couldn't blame her given the circumstances.
"I don't want to be here anyway."
The stubborn girl never wanted to board the car this morning because she was being sent away.
To Eum-Seong County Town.
—That was the name of the town where they were heading.
She had never visited the place before, and never even intended to until this very day. All she knew was that the place was old-fashioned and she was far away from her house in Daegu City.
She really would have never agreed to it but didn't have much of a choice because she was only given two options:
1.) Stay in the countryside for 2 months with a relative you've never met, or 2.) stay in behavioral juvie with a bunch of war freaks for 2 months. So obviously, she chose the former.
But deep down, she knew the whole truth to her situation. In reality it was her dad simply throwing her away, passing the torch of burden to another person to handle A-yeong since he couldn't do his fatherly duties himself.
That's why she had Jake in the first place, and that's why she was going to live with his distant aunt for the meantime because...
Her dad didn't know how to take care of his daughter.
Despite all of the riches—all of the designer clothes or luxury cars, A-yeong had it all except for a loving parent.
Those thoughts had been replaying in her head ever since they rolled away their mansion, but she simply pushed them away for now and just did what she had been doing best: complain.
"Y'know, Jake, it would be a lot more bearable if you weren't singing every song that came out of the radio. It's been an hour and you still haven't shut up."
Another truth: Jake was a loud and avid singer. And she couldn't bear such talent. (Not a compliment, she hated singers).
Jake, however, didn't take it to heart. He found it amusing, really, how easy it was to piss her off. So he played along most of the time, and that seemed to piss her off more, which meant the more amusing it was for him.
"Oh, really? Y'know, I was in a band once. All the girls loved it. They loved me, and you should be grateful you're getting front row seats, for free!"
As expected, the only reaction that Jake gained was a disgusted scoff and a roll of her round eyes.
"Front row huh? If I was front row I'd be in the driver's seat and we would have crashed by the side of road by now."
Although she wasn't trying to be funny, Jake laughed. And she couldn't really help back crack a tiny smile too. And so for the rest of the ride they ended up bickering about pointless topics, until eventually they arrived at Eum-Seong County.
The black car rolled to a stop in front of a grocery store. It looked like a convenience store, except it had two floors, some street vendors outside the building, and a half broken lettered sign that spelled 'Gro_ery S_ore'.
A woman exited through the automatic sliding doors with two plastic bags of groceries in each hand.
She was a rather small woman, barely, if, not even reaching 5 feet. She had slightly curly fried hair with streaks of white and grey, which had been a long and healthy black before in her youth before. She was wrinkly, as are all old people, and she wore loose pajamas with a stuffed flower-patterned vest on top of her white shirt. She had a few missing teeth and naturally pointed eyebrows that made her look rather intimidating.
Not immediately, but after some seconds of processing each of their faces, the woman approached the two hesitantly.
"Well, are you A-yeong?" Her voice was sweet yet also hoarse.
A-yeong was about to open her mouth to reply when Jake answered for her, afraid that her attitude would ruin the first impressions.
"Yes, granny! The daughter of Choi In-su—"
"Ah, yes!" Her face lit up, missing teeth in full display. It was actually cute, in a way. "I never knew I had a very distant niece from a very distant cousin until a few days ago. You look..." The woman's eyes flew to A-yeong's neck, which had a few chains and chokers, "Troubled."
The girl bit her tongue. She would rather describe it as fashionable but she supposed that was another word to describe it.
Jake, immediately picking up on the shadow that gloomed over A-yeong's face, once again jumped in the conversation and thoughtfully answered for her. "Haha, yes! This is her in the flesh. Say, granny, let me help you with your groceries," Jake offered as an attempt to change the conversation.
The old woman puffed her chest out to Jake, attempting to look bigger. "Don't call me granny! It's Su-ho! Choi Su-ho, and you can just call me Nan."
Nan Su-ho's teeth (or the lack of it) protruded a bit more when she was mad and showed a bit of tartar left in her gums. There was also a waft of cigarettes that lingered around her mouth.
Quickly, Jake apologized and corrected his mistake. Su-ho seemed to forgive him.
"Tsk. Show some respect! I may look old but I still have some of that youthful energy."
Fired up, Su-ho tucked a loose hair behind her ear. She had a clip that held back the other side of her bangs. Then, the youthful lady waddled to the passenger side of the car and hopped inside.
Once Jake loaded Su-ho's groceries in the trunk he came to face A-yeong and firmly held A-yeong's shoulders with his strong hands.
"Hey," He started. A-yeong tried not the blush at the close proximity that was left between them. "So this is it. 2 months of summer—2 months and I'll be back right here, at this time, June 17th."
His tone signified that this was a goodbye, not just for a moment but awhile. A-yeong was visibly confused at this change.
"Wait—you're going? How?"
Jake shrugged, his gaze a bit far off, as if he was thinking.
"Car's yours, I'm taking the train home. It's about time I had a vacation." Jake joked, a forced but almost genuine smile that played on his lips, but A-yeong obviously didn't take it. She already knew he was leaving but what she really meant to say was 'You're not staying?'
The car keys were forced into A-yeong's tiny hands and Jake held her down the shoulders again, and if it was possible, voice deeper and even more serious.
"June 17. Don't forget. You'll be fine." He assured her one last time, puppy smile in full force.
And then, like the speed of a puppy chasing a twig, Jake had already ran a distance away from A-yeong.
She was bewildered, shouting at him to come back. She contemplated chasing him but he was already too far away. Once she had made up her mind to force her legs to run he had already made a sharp turn, his trail not followable.
"You've gotta be kidding me." She muttered underneath her breath as she stood in the middle of the street, pale.
Of course he'd leave! What did she expect? That she'd be accompanied, privileged, like she always has? That twit! She knew better than to let her guard down but he never even mentioned it the entire car ride.
Emotions taking over, A-yeong cursed to no one in particular, letting the wind take the words she wanted to say to Jake and his father. Until eventually she realized that her wallowing wouldn't do anything, and the vendors were already looking at her like she was crazy—she couldn't deny that she was.
Groaning, she went around to the driver's seat, once again thrown into the car, and put the gear on drive.
Welcome to Eum-Seong County.
What a summer this will be.
a/n. if you reached ‘til the end i hope you liked it! ♡ i hope it’s not bad TT
credits: sparkles @coatedhope pink divider creds to owner unfortunately i can’t find their @
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sysmedsaresexist · 11 hours ago
I'm the one who emailed Colin Ross
My story is becoming a bit of a jumbled mess of history, so here's a reminder
I went to Ross to talk about his paper from the 80s, where he talked about people with multiple personalities, or endogenic multiples, his words, without dysfunction and abuse histories.
And I said, "Surely, Doctor Ross, you're not talking about these filthy endos, right? You meant TRAUMA histories-- expanding the list of typical types of abuse that cause DID? Important DID history, right?"
And he basically responded with, "I said what I said, no abuse OR trauma histories. It's actually kind of common. What's the big deal? DID is caused by trauma, but that's not the only way."
Now, keep in mind, I told him EVERYTHING. About tumblr, Twitter, syscourse, both sides' talking points. I didn't hold back.
And I didn't hold back in my disdain for the endogenic community, either. Remember what I was posting two or three years ago.
And I held on to that conversation for YEARS while I continued to talk to other doctors and researchers-- Clayton, Loewenstein, some less known ones but still doctors, from multiple countries.
Not one denied the possibility or existence of "those horrible fucking endos" that I was so mad about.
Take it or leave it. That's all that happened.
And finally, remember, his eye beam goggles were for a cash prize paranormal contest.
He won an award for worst invention, but not the contest. So sad 😞
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lyrebirb · 2 days ago
i watched interstellar
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loredwy · 7 months ago
You know, the only thing I seriously wonder about is where all this bots and trolls boasting about being Maduro fans came from.
They all speak english too, like. There are fucking high quality educational-looking videos going around, spreading misinformation about the whole situation and saying this is "all obviously a planned US coup", and most of them were made few days after the elections happened too. They were made so fucking fast.
And I really dont want to sound paranoic, but so much of those same accounts make so much obviously hideous communism-related comments too. Like at this point I dont even get if these campaigns are being made for english speaking people to support Maduro or for everyone to be against leftists because of "their hypocrisy", "extremist thinking" and because of them supporting a dictatorship.
Like.... whatever it is for, they obviously dont care for whats really happening in Venezuela, and its not focusing on spanish speakers. But its so weird seeing this stuff going around anyways.
Specially when theyre purposefully trying to mix it with United States politics. Like, the US government is obviously planning something, yeah, but I dont think it is what you all think.
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elenath9 · 1 day ago
Thanks for the tag @deadheaddaisy
blog title:
It was the first thing that came to mind and accurately represents that I reblog a little of this, and a little of that. The blog name is another story.
I’m not much of a shipper. I’ll go with Janeway/Chakotay from Voyager (I dunno what you call them) and Sheridan/Delenn (Babylon5).
favorite color:
Royal blue, deep red, dark purple
song stuck in your head:
I literally have songs/pieces of songs stuck in my head 24/7 (help!). At the moment, the lullaby I sing to my kid every night - the version played by the bedtime toy.
weirdest habit/trait:
I wear a blanket around my house almost every day (except in the summer).
Writing, drawing/painting, reading, watching my comfort episodes of my favorite shows, being online, organizing digital things / my fanfic library (and making spreadsheets for fanfic related things), ice skating, cross-country skiing, swimming, playing guitar. I have time for about 1% of these hobbies.
Research scientist (and parent). I do a lot of cell culture and molecular biology.
job I wish I had:
N/A (I'm actually happy with my job.)
something I'm good at:
Paying attention to detail
something you hate:
Strong smells
Being cold
Losing things
Being late
Things that hurt the environment
Loud, sudden noises / loud car noises / people talking too loud
Driving, driving, driving, driving, dr...
something you collect:
Fanfics that I like, books
something you forget:
Important dates: appointments, things happening at my kid's school, even deadlines for things at work (like if they email saying "please fill out this form by this date"). That shit is forgotten the moment after I read it unless I write it down immediately. I also lose objects the moment I put them down, like they disappear into an alternate reality.
And I forget clothes in the washing machine. 😆
what's your love language:
Not sure honestly. I like making things for people.
favorite movie/show:
St: Voy (my first hyperfixation), Stargate SG-1 (current hyperfixation), X-Files, Babylon 5, most of the other Trek shows, Fringe... I'm probably forgetting some.
LOTR, Star Wars (original trilogy), The Lion King (my first favorite movie as a kid), the Dune miniseries (the 2000 / 2001 one, not the one made in the 80's). I actually don’t watch that many movies.
favorite food:
Home cooked meals my mom makes, both my Italian grandma’s homemade stuff.
favorite animal:
I used to like lions as a kid. Now I'm not sure I could pick a favorite, I like so many different critters for different reasons.
what were you like as a child:
Shy and quiet, especially at school (got teased and bullied). When I was like 4-6yrs old I didn't even want to attend my own birthday parties. But when no one was around / it was just my parents and sibling, I was kind of off the wall, always making noises and saying weird things (this I've learned from incriminating home videos).
favorite subject at school:
least favorite subject:
Social studies, geography, history
what's your best character trait?
what's your worst character trait?
Being terrible at comforting people (adults, not kids), being lazy, getting irritated easily, being insecure and comparing myself to everyone else.
if you could change any detail of your life right now, what would it be?
Think I’ll keep this answer to myself o_o
if you could travel in time, who would you like to meet?
My great-grandmother (I technically met her but she died when I was 2). Apparently she gave everyone in the family a nickname according to their personality (mine was "hot pepper").
Bob Ross
No pressure tags: @brigitoshaughnessy @catboy-archaeologist @writerxwren @ten-cent-sleuth @agent-troi @captainjanewaysdqvoyagercore @thatfemslashbitch @kira-light0-but-i-reblog-stuff
Thank you so much for tagging me @starrybouquet! ❤️
what's the origin of your blog title?
I don’t really have a blog title. 🙈 I should probably give that some thought.
otp(s) + shipname(s):
If we mean “OTP: they can only be happy with each other, no one else could ever possibly fulfill either of them,” then I don’t believe in that. But if we mean “OTP: interesting shippy dynamic but other people could also or alternatively make them happy, no gatekeeping here,” then:
Kathryn Janeway/Tom Paris, J/P
Number One | Una Chin-Riley/Christopher Pike, Pikeone or Pikeuna
Seven of Nine/Anyone I Find Interesting
favorite color:
Green and purple.
song stuck in your head:
Trustfall, P!nk
weirdest habit/trait:
I go to bed super-duper early.
Writing. Exercise. Socializing.
if you work, what's your profession?
My goodness, I do not want to talk about my job on Tumblr dot com.
if you could have any job you wish, what would it be?
That’s complicated.
something you're good at:
something you hate:
Violence and people who glorify violence.
something you collect:
something you forget:
I often forget what I’ve bought through online shopping. Then the box arrives and I’m curious as to what’s in it.
what's your love language:
favorite movie/show:
Saving Mr. Banks
favorite food:
I don’t know.
favorite animal:
I don’t know.
what were you like as a child:
Bookish. Social.
favorite subject at school:
English or civics.
least favorite subject:
Math or science.
what's your best character trait?
When I love, I love with my whole heart.
what's your worst character trait?
Hesitancy to reach out or open up.
if you could change any detail of your life right now, what would it be?
The answer is too complicated to type out.
if you could travel in time, who would you like to meet?
Relatives who passed away before I was born and were deeply meaningful to people I love.
No-pressure tagging: @deadheaddaisy, @grissomesque, @regionalpancake, @procrastinatorproject, @emilie786, @pc-corner, @coffee-in-that-nebula, @elephant-in-the-pride-parade, @cnroth, @fiadorable, @lorcaswhisky, @the-lady-general, @cicaklah, @caladeniablue, @enterprise-come-in, @theredheadedcaptain, and anyone else I forgot to tag. 💞
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astro-b-o-y-d · 1 year ago
How pissed do you think Shermie was when he found out about what really happened with Stan and Ford???
#Hayley Speaks#It might not hit as hard if you headcanon him as the baby in the flashback#But if you don't and you headcanon him as older than them it's like#Okay so he comes home to find out one of his younger brothers got kicked out#And the other moved all the way to the other side of the country#And then the news about Stan being dead comes up#So I fully imagine that while Stan never outright told him about what happened; he knows damn well that he's not Ford#Even after all the time they spent apart; that is so CLEARLY Stanley Pines who is suddenly going by Stanford#Maybe Stan hides his hands around Shermie to continue the con but Shermie knows#Which means something probably happened to Ford and Stan doesn't want anyone to know#So he keeps the secret and doesn't let on that he knows#He could always confront Stan about it but also like#The last time he really saw Stan was long before he got kicked out of the house#He does NOT want to scare off what is potentially the only brother he has left#He's always felt like the third wheel when it came to them; both because of the twin thing and the 'being the oldest' thing#Combined with the whole 'Pines men don't talk about their feelings' thing; he thinks it's best to just let Stan keep pretending to be Ford#And silently mourn the loss of the brother that the rest of the family doesn't realize is even gone#But THEN the grandkids are like 'Yeah Grunkle Stan's twin brother is back now!' and he's PISSED OFF#He kept Stan's secret for THIRTY YEARS and the bastard didn't even have the gall to let him know that Ford was back face to face#Neither of the bastards had the gall to do it?!#They just took off on a fishing boat together in search of adventure??#He's so mad at them but also...that is so painfully in character for them. At least from the memories he has of them as young kids.#But also.......he's their brother#They couldn't have told him ANYTHING???
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peaceeandcoolestvibes · 2 months ago
Madre mía y decían que en los años 70 ya se quedaron sin ideas,
Aún hay gente que idolatra a estos farsantes y se creen todo lo q les meten con colador 😂
Y esto de la luna podía colar, hoy en día todas las mentiras que cuentan las celebrities no 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 (relaciones inicio de la fama etc)
#n.a never lied tho#he said it never happened#these fucking Americans lmfao#always lying and making up ridiculous shit for attention basically#it’s a cultural thing imo#I mean I’ve known this for years but likeeeee it’s one lie after another#they talk about walls and shit and they are all immigrants#like their country is less than 1000 years old - the fuck are they talking about LMFAOOOO#most of us ignore them for the most part but the second hand embarrassment is real#Jim Carrey is ONE hell of an actor#hilarious dude lmao#AND THEYRE BUYING IT#😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂#lmao they go to the 🌕 once and now it’s not possible to go there bc ¿¿ they forgot how to ??? pls#America you’re boring as hell😳😳😳😳#they’re attention seeking folks tbh#and those Americans who can’t and don’t like they get harassed killed and so on#make it make sense 😳#I once dealt with a Canadian bitch and since then I make fun of Canada too#thank god I was not born there but my parents wanted to settle down there wHEW#add to the mix that bitch of trudeau who basically laughs at every Canadian#man we’re screwed lmao#fuck these politicians NAHSKASBSJA#I literally don’t like some people and I don’t pretend to ever hide it tbh#and France too like we’re so sick of these bitches in government#I hope **** *** ***#at least u can live comfortably in other countries#in Spain? LMAOOO#depends on ur profession u can live well but not too well#if u compare w the neighboring countries - it’s 20% of what u could have
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randomnameless · 7 months ago
Drankengard done (land 2!)
A lot of nice things in this part, so far it feels like the most FE-like land, and some characters from this land are really interesting!
l firstly love how the plot starts with "we have to rescue this midget prince from 100k soldiers" in one of the few defend maps of this game with various catapults and other engines to attack/defend against a cluster of loldiers coming at you - that was nice compared to the nigh useless ballistas and other engines in FE.
Granted, Gilbert's defining moment after being revealed is basically protecting his vassal from a gotoh-like character who's twice his size and more or less recruiting her for the defend map -
(localisation thingie : no "kisama" for eng/fr script Gilbert, sure it's kind of complicated to put it in words - like an agressive "you" - and yet it gives some nice characterisation, after Amalia rekts Leah and while Gilbert is standing seconds before being surrounded by 100k peons in front of someone who's basically stronger than anyone else around, he is still angry and pissed for his friend's sake) -
Just before being upset at asking our party - aka a foreign nation who was at war with his for the last few decades and revealing that his dad only granted asylum to the princess of said foreign nation to marry her to his heir to conquer it later on - for help.
Hopefully for him his game is no Triangle Strategy, so no one will actually tell him to eat shit because he wasn't the one who liberated the land even if he participed to instead worship the "foreign" person who led the liberation army.
Hell, idk what kind of PR campaign Gilbert and his few loyal soldiers pulled out, but some NPCs are really acting as if he liberated his kingdom single handedly lol
His relationship with his elder brother was sort of developed in the main plot - but more in the equivalent of the support convos - but as I said in another post, I really loved that part where he feels like he's still a second prince, and if his older brother returns, older brother should get the crown even if older brother feels like dirt for failing his country and his father, and became a wandering... mercenary who's busy saving priestresses from jails (and leaving them in the middle of battlefields).
Ultimately, they reunite and more or less solve their issues, and Ludwig manages to tell him that he wouldn't be half the king Gilbert is, because Gilbert is the one who led a rebellion and ultimately led Drakengard free, is loved by this people etc etc.
TBH, while it was short, this was a nice character arc -
(complete with the support/rapport convo just after the final map I unlocked where Gilbert, wanting to know how the common people live in his kingdom, gets plastered with the a random worthless bandit/merc who's freaking out from the entire situation lol)
The other major character from Drakengard is Virginia, the MC's older cousin!
We first see her being kind of pushy and overbearing, sometimes taking the initiative to do rather extreme stuff (wanting to fetch her axe instead of recruiting the earlier worthless bandit/merc), but she's still deferring to the MC, save for a certain mission - because, and kuddos to the game for going there, while Virginia's story is basically a tragic Marth's, aka, when her kingdom was invaded she had to run away to a foreign state for asylum but without any Jeigan, she believed for 10 years and never stopped believing that she was the only one who survived, and thus it was her role and duty to restore the Cornian line on the throne and take back the country from the evil Empire.
And... MC pops up, as the rightful - aka the son of the late queen as opposed to her mere niece - heir thus Virginia's hopes of becoming the Queen and the one to restore her nation vanish.
So kuddos for the game to basically have Virginia tell her cousin that while she was happy to see him and learn he was alive after all those years... she also felt jealous, because the 10 last years she spent having this dream and hope to be the one to restore the country... vanished in 10 minutes lol.
She's not going to challenge Alain's claim to the throne and instead will support him.
Granted, this moment becomes ten times more interesting if you do her own mission before - aka the one where she zerg rushes against the dude who slaughtered her retinue against the advice of Jeigan Joseph and becomes a dreaded green unit (who loses her promotion somehow???), running in a battlefield full of catapults to have her vengeance.
Remember when I said one of her first defining moments is when she asks to be handed her axe to get rid of a worthless merc instead of recruiting him? Well, her words back then were something like "your men died for you, so you can't beg for your life" or something like that, we learn in her own mission that she was basically talking about herself.
Basically, kid!Virginia was supposed to have her Jeigans and Cain/Abel/Draugs and they were supposed to escape and run away together to Drakengard... but they were slaughtered by some general of the evil empire who thought bringing her head would make a good offering to the evil emperor, so the Jeigans, Cains, Abel, Draugs etc etc laid down their lives to allow her to escape - we have a voiced FB with a few images and a battle cinematic, where the knights basically say they will die to make sure she'll be able to escape, and will slow down the evil general with their corpses if needed.
The entire platoon of knights died, and Virginia has been carrying this trauma for ten years, dreaming of having her revenge but never once confiding in anyone from Drakengard about it - not even in her (Gilbert's) vassal Leah who she seemed to be close too earlier.
Short story, the general holds a fort and is supposed to be called back to the evil empire's capital for some reason, and instead of waiting for his departure to recapture the fort, Virginia storms at the general to have her revenge (accompanied by the knights who were just squires when she had to leave, and thus couldn't be there when their senior knights were slaughtered and want revenge as much as she does!).
You have to send Joseph to talk to her to have her turn blue again (and promoted again thank gods) and the re-recruitment scene is cool for 2 things :
1/it's Joseph, not Alain who talks to her because her beef and the one who talked to her and the one whose plan is ignored is Joseph - I love it when the MC isn't at the center of everyone's universe
2/Virginia during this convo notices her friends/knights are injured (they have the injured sprite) and realises she was going to send to their death the last remaining members of that platoon, chastises herself and her next battle lines are something like "I won't let them die/bleed anymore" or something and it's fucking powerful because hey, besides some "vengeance is empty" that she will get later on herself, part of what makes her see reason is the realisation that her allies are injured and were going to die in her quest, and she can't have that anymore (nice ludonarration moment here, Virginia is a tank, if her allies are injured, it's because she wasn't tanking well enough!).
"Vengeance is empty" moment : the evil general who slaughtered her former knights doesn't even remember the people he slaughtered, or the mission where he hunted her, aka, she's been obsessing for 10 years over something her so called "nemesis" forgot.
End of the map, the realisation that her vengeance was nothing + she put her close allies' lives in danger (+ the little bit of salt when she mentions that Alain is the Cornian Royal people should follow because he is royalty) make her want to leave the army as fitting punishment - which, you know, coming from a series where some lord basically goes 1VS1 against the guy who killed his dad and who was followed by his kid sister who put herself in mortal danger but only receives a scold from his not-mom and slap on the wrist just makes me side-eye FE Tellius' writing even more.
Anyways, while I read on redshit that some people were pissed because "wah wah Virginia is a character who does foolish things and there are consequences about it she should be exiled forever or something", she obviously doesn't leave the army because, all of her close allies ask her to stay. Hell, Alain only gives one or two sentences that are dispassionate compared to the other 4 - again to show that MC privileges aren't everything at least plot wise - but the main voice is Leah's - aka her (well) Drakengard retainer!
When earlier Virginia told her that this story and her choice had nothing to do with Drakengard - because it's about Cornian knights who died during her flight from Cornia - Leah now reminds her that she became someone important for Drakengard too, and you know, the 10 years she spent here ? It's not just only background to give some fluff for a teatime line, no, it has more implication, if not only to have this moment where Leah says that Virginia's pride, bravery and hope to restore her country also influenced and inspired people (Gilbert, the second son who had to assume the role of the King when no one else was left!) around her and made the people of Drakengard also hope to liberate their country - if she leaves now, the named character from Cornia will miss her, but also "Drakengard" in general.
To cement her words, after this map we can talk to some Drakengard NPC who's all "wow Princess Virginia is so cool she defeated the bastard in charge of this fortress!" and while idk if Leah's speech + that NPC were added to make the ending where she becomes the queen of Drakengard (save for Alain marrying his cousin) more plausible, but it was a really nice addition.
Adding to that the fact that Virginia is the one who's basically telling Alain (and informing the player) about various map hazards like geysers around the land, giving some backstory about the desert along with Leah and also the one who tells the party about a sort of shortcut/secret passage and yes, we get it that she lived for 10 years in that land and knows it enough to act as a guide, but also that the people around know her.
I mean compare with a game where some dude apparently went to a school in a foreign capital but when he marches on said foreign capital or talks to people who also attended that school he never mentions it - it's like night and day.
Final "daw" moment that is both tied to her character but also, another example that Alain isn't the center of the universe... Virgnia is the one who tells Alain to talk to Aramis (the eldest prince who became a merc!) and ask him to talk to Gilbert to put his worries aside about the throne and the succession and ust, to reunite with his younger brother.
The characters concerned (Gilbert and Aramis) thank Alain for giving them the occasion and push to talk to each other - not knowing this was something Virginia planned, because while hers and Gilbert's issues are sort of similar (the not "legitimate" heir who took the mantle of restoring their country to glory and believed it so for the last decade, only for the legitimate one to return), she has a good enough read on Gilbert to know that he needs to talk to his brother to put his doubts and questions about his legitimacy aside and accept that he is the King.
Coming from a series with "avatar scissors", the bonds and links between the characters was really something I enjoyed, Alain will not pop up and tell Gilbert that he is a good king and should get over/or deal with his doubts about his brother, Alain isn't the one who gives the most meaningful speech about why Virginia is important to Drakengard and hell, we don't even see the exchange we know he had with Aramis to convince him to talk to Gilbert, because the most important scene here isn't the Alain-Aramis dialogue, but the Aramis-Gilbert one. Gilbert doesn't want to free his Kingdom because he envies Alain or Alain told him to do so, it's something he wants to do being inspired by Virginia.
In a nutshell, Drakengard's major characters were a good surprise and their stories and quests were cool.
More minor character wise...
We get the Drakengard version of the same plague we saw in Cornia, but instead of having "clerics" perform experiments on infected people to find a cure, the accent here is put on a wyvern knight who was to enforce a lockdown, to prevent the plague from spreading and well... no fines in this setting, instead she runs them through with her spear.
IDK how that game would have been received just after Covid lol
All jokes asides, just like the Cornian version of this plot heavily suggested, the plague was devised by the evil empire to cut down the forces of the rebellion and make sure this land would be able to be conquered easily.
Why are the imperials killing people? Well, it might have to do something with the fact that the totes-not-gharnef old sorcerer guy is a necromancer...
Leah's quest explored a little more the background info that "Drakengard and Cornia used to be at war" thingie, with random green units also mounting a liberation army but refusing our help, and we know how this ends with green units, we basically have to save them.
Map ends with some Drakengardians - who swore allegeance to the evil Empire? - still willing to fight us, and Alain asking Leah to please ask them, as a Drakengardian (?) to surrender because if someone from Cornia asks them they will refuse.
Also it's a bit of a character exploration, for once the usually demure + always in the back behind Virginia asks the Liberation Army to do something and insists even if people refuse, straight up saying that in that case (if they refuse) she's going to help the green NPCs herself since she's strong enough to do so and it's cool because I think at one moment Virginia sighs/laughs, but not in a derogatory way, but more in some "damn she's becoming like me" way - which is alluded to in ther rapport conversation, Leah seeks to emulate her bold and fearless (being a green unit) behaviour.
I haven't seen a lot of convos with the desert people we recruit - thank goodness we're far from Hyzante's clichés even if the "people in the desert are bandits and former prisoners" trope is still here, but given how the ones who attack us were brainwashed by the evil Empire, it's not as aggravating as, well, Nopes or Hyzante.
Gameplay wise :
Damn if promoting your units cost medals, but it's so worth it to have more than one action (at least) per turn ! It also means we can use entire new strategies because now the turns are at least longer than one round each!
Drakengard fills the Jugdral quota with the group of units coming all at once at you sometimes lol, but I loved the aesthetic difference that ultimately became gameplay difference between this area and Cornia, basically we have more mountains to less space to manoeuver the non flying units, the enemies use AoE engines to ruin you or at times, AoE map abilities from their own units to deal some annoying amount of damage.
The cities are larger so instead of fighting in a meadow with one or two small buildings here and there, at times the fight takes place in an entire city, so again, it means reduced mobility and of course, desert sucks because, just like FE, you can't move well in the sand.
Lolcalisation wise :
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Virginia "I have never been fond of court formalities" says a desert full of bandit isn't a place for "royalty like us"? When the "us" is both her and her cousin reknown for their martial abilities?
What the fuck does it mean ?
At least in FR it's "a lot of people avoid this place" and not just "royalty like us" - which doubles as ridiculous because in the "people avoid this place" it's again the trend of Virginia being a tour guide of Drankengard, telling Alain that people from Drakengard think about the desert, eluding this part is also, in part, eluding part of the knowledge Virginia has about Drakengard.
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I think the localisation took the "royal pride" that defines her and exaggerated it to "royal arrogance".
IDK if the meaning is the same in english, cretin is an insult like in french, but damn if you say to someone the are a "crétin" they will feel offended and insulted because that's way more rude than calling someone an idiot!
And I also have a bone against whoever thought it was a good idea to throw "pseudo elvish" words in the localised script (sadly we followed this :'() when the japanese audio doesn't use them at all, was it to pretend the evles from Fevrith have a different language because Tolkien shall be universal, or what?
Elf land doesn't see that interesting plot wise compared to Drakengard, and I'm not saying this because of my Alcina bias lol but I'll just have to wait and see!
(poor hodrick is being slaughtered by those pesky pointy ears and their hybrid attacks, tfw armor not withstanding magic is universal, I'll have to promote Miriam asap to protect him or just bench him :/)
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front-facing-pokemon · 2 years ago
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#manectric#i woke up at like noon today y'all i'm queuing this after work. i forgot about it all day and i was about to hop on totk#but i got the reminder to do it. so here i am. with manectric#el woowoo‚ if you will#a lot happened. yesterday. it was not a very good day. which is why i woke up so late. it was a little bit rough. but i guess it's a new day#so. it'll get better. planning on Not Doing Shit today or tomorrow to compensate for all the Bullshit that happened yesterday#hoping you all are doing well. one week from today (friday june sixteenth) i'll be hopping on a flight for the first time in 10 years#looks like according to the queue this will actually go up the day before we leave. so‚ to you guys‚ i'll be heading out tomorrow#which is scary a little bit. last time i flew i had no idea i was autistic‚ but now that i've come up with a lot of better accommodations#for myself and i understand myself a lot better and my needs‚ i'm realizing a lot of my accommodations just aren't gonna make it through TSA#plus it's a lot of unfamilarity with unfamiliar people and an unfamiliar environment which i feel like is gonna lend itself to sensory#overload like Immediately and i'm probably gonna get a headache bc that's how it manifests for me#so when we get there i'm probably gonna have to run to the nearest pharmacy. and grab some shit. which is annoying! so. i'm a little#worried. about the trip. NONE OF HTIS IS ABOUT MANECTRIC SORRY#this is a pokémon i have a hard time caring about outside of its involvement as the leader of the electrike in amp plains#that's about it#any tips from frequent flyers who are autistic would be greatly appreciated. not even just about flying but about like. going to unfamiliar#places on the other end of the country and stuff. i feel like that's what i'm most worried about even though i'm worried abt all of it#also hi i'm writing these tags from day-of. like the actual day this is going to post. me from a week ago sure did know what she was talking#about! anyway. i'm. gonna like. take my meds now goodBye see you all when this Posts in a few hours
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