#us politics is a lot like when u were at school and people would talk over and assume things for you without your input
ahalliance · 2 months
i love when the us election year rolls around every four years and makes it the rest of the world’s problem
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ashwhowrites · 1 month
eddie x reader, where reader isn’t necessarily popular but she gets along with everyone and is friends with everyone, and eddie is his dorky self, but him and reader start hanging out more and there’s rumors that him and reader are hooking up but they’re not they’re just friends, but eddie realizes these rumors are making him more popular so he doesn’t try to nip them in the bud but the rumors are causing issues for the reader, if u can make it end nice and fluffy id appreciate it, hope this makes sense
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Rumor has it
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Y/N doesn't consider herself popular; she is just someone who can hold a conversation with anyone. Which is why no one questioned why she started talking to Eddie.
Eddie knew he was not popular, and he was fine with that. He also didn't see Y/N as popular, and he thinks that was why he loved being around her. She was the only person that was nice and honest.
But since most people knew her, people talked about her. All it took was one wrong person to see them together and start the rumor that they were sleeping together.
The rumor impacted them differently. Eddie was congratulated and got his name on the map. Boys high-fived him in hallways and girls became interested in him. Eddie didn't understand why "sleeping" with Y/N would be the talk of this school, but he enjoyed the attention he got.
It was the opposite for Y/N. Boys began hitting on her now that she had given it up. No matter how many times she said no and that nothing happened with Eddie, no one believed her. She didn't like being seen as someone boys wanted to hook up with. She missed when they were polite and friends with her. But now all they wanted was the same treatment Eddie got.
Y/N sighed as she got in Eddie's van. She ignored the eyes of everyone watching as they drove out of the parking lot.
"I like your top today, by the way, baby," Eddie said, shooting her a smile as he focused on the road.
Y/N felt her face burn and a smile appeared on her face. She muttered a small thank you. But cheered loudly in her head. The more she spent tutoring Eddie, the more she liked him. She wanted his attention and his compliments.
She bought a few new shirts. Some tight and a little low cut to show off her body. She loved the way his eyes never left her when she was near. She was happy that her new clothes seemed to be doing just what she wanted.
"Can we be done now? My brain is going to explode," Eddie whined, throwing his head back.
"Yes, we can be done," Y/N laughed as she closed the book.
"Good because I would rather be doing this," he said, then she felt her body being shifted onto his. She bit her lip as she sat in his lap, hoping he couldn't hear how fast her heart was beating. He leaned in and softly pressed his lips against hers. It wasn't their first kiss, but it made her stomach flutter just the same.
He pulled back and moved his lips down to her neck, loving the way she shuddered.
"This perfume I think is my favorite so far," he muttered against her skin. She moaned as he bit her neck, she would definitely wear this perfume every day.
"I saw Y/N left school with you yesterday," Jason said as he nudged Eddie with a wink.
"Yeah, we went back to my place," Eddie said, his words were honest but his smirk left a lot to the imagination
"Never would have thought sweet Y/N would get down and dirty with the freak of Hawkins," Jason chuckled as he walked away.
Yeah, the rumor even got bullies off Eddie's back. It was like he was living a dream.
"Can you believe she finally lost her virginity? I heard it was in the bar bathroom after Eddie's set. So trashy" a girl snickered as Y/N walked by in the halls.
Y/N ignored her words, sadly getting used to it ever since the stupid rumor started. She denied it over and over, yet no one seemed to believe her. She wasn't understanding why everyone truly believed it happened when they had no evidence at all.
Well until she finally saw it with her eyes.
"I think I brought her home maybe like midnight?" Eddie laughed as he shrugged, a group of boys surrounding him.
Y/N stopped walking, trying to remain unseen as she listened.
"Is she good?" a random voice asked
"Amazing," Eddie replied
"Y/N freaky? Is that why she picked you? Does she like it rough and dirty or something?" another voice asked
Y/N froze as she realized they were talking about the rumor. She waited anxiously for Eddie to respond
"I don't want to share all our details, but she can tire a guy out," he said, she scoffed at his proud smirk and the way the guys cheered.
She thought Eddie would have been different, but he was just as pathetic as the rest of the boys in the school.
"Oh? How so?" she spoke up, her voice catching all their attention.
Eddie went pale as she came into view, the boys looked between them.
"Maybe you can show me tomorrow night, gorgeous," a boy said, throwing her a wink
She cringed and felt uncomfortable under his stare. His words sent jealousy straight through Eddie. Eddie snapped to look at him with heat in his eyes.
"She's not interested," Eddie said as he butted in
"I think I've had enough of you speaking for me" she snapped, her attention on Eddie. "Maybe I should tell these guys exactly what has been going on between us."
"We already know you opened your legs the same night you met him. We all know you are a whore" the boys snickered as Y/N felt the blow of the words.
"Don't call her that. She is not a whore." Eddie demanded, shoving whoever said it against the lockers
"How is she not? She's all snobby and a stuck-up good girl, now she lost her virginity and makes you go for rounds and rounds. She started wearing more revealing clothes and wearing a new perfume. She wants the attention, she loves it."
Eddie gulped as he slowly turned around to face her. His heart dropped when the tears were already falling down her face. She looked horrified and sick.
"You-you are a virgin?" Eddie stuttered, the guilt was already in his bones but now he felt like he couldn't breathe. The regret and guilt piled on his chest.
Y/N felt her face burn in embarrassment and ran off before anyone could say another thing.
"Shit!" Eddie cussed to himself and ran after her. She was quick but he was faster. She barely made it out the door when he caught her arm. The door closed behind them as they stood at the front of the school.
"Y/N I am so sorry," Eddie said as he turned her around. Her cheeks were wet with tears as she cried.
"Bullshit, Eddie," she scoffed as she wiped her cheeks, "You loved every second of your fake story. I mean I am so stupid for thinking you were different."
"I know, I fucked up. I didn't know people were saying those types of things about you. I'm sorry for being an asshole. I got clouded by all the attention it gave me, and I didn't think to ask why it was such a big deal to everyone and I'm so fucking sorry," he pleaded
"Yeah, it is a big deal! Especially to me. I was shamed for never liking a boy enough to have sex with, then I'm shamed for having sex with you. Which was a rumor, and a rumor you could have shut down with a simple explanation. But no, you wanted to seem cool from all the jocks and enjoy all the attention from girls who never looked your way otherwise. I am sick and tired of being shamed, and it hurts a whole lot more knowing it's because of you."
"Because of me?" Eddie asked, "Why?"
"Because I fucking like you!" she exclaimed, covering her mouth once she realized what she said. Eddie felt his eyes widen.
"I didn't know," he said quietly
"Why would you?" she scoffed, "I forgot that I'm just a plaything in the eyes of boys. Just a good whore."
"You are way more than that," Eddie defended, "Don't talk that way about yourself. You mean way more to me than a plaything."
"But didn't mean enough to protect?" She argued
"I didn't know you were a virgin! I didn't know that a rumor of us sleeping together would do any of this. If I could take it back I would. I like you and I liked knowing that people thought we were together" Eddie tried to defend
"I-I just don't know if I believe you. I think you like how people view you because of me."
"I would have never kissed you if I didn't have feelings for you," Eddie fought, rushing to move his hands on her face. "I wouldn't have noticed new clothes and new perfumes. I'll clear everything up and I'll kick anyone's ass that speaks about you. But please believe me when I say I'm sorry and that I like you."
"I need time," she said softly, he sighed sadly as she removed his hands and walked away.
The next day at lunch Eddie got on the tables and cleared everything up. He demanded people apologize for the way they treated Y/N and threatened anyone who had the nerve to say anything about her again.
Y/N appreciated he stood to his word and cleared the air. People did apologize but she didn't bother to forgive them. They didn't deserve her forgiveness, and she wanted this situation under the bridge.
A few days passed and Y/N was relieved that everyone moved on. She wasn't as popular anymore, given that she hated everyone and didn't bother to talk to anyone. She was nice to everyone and it got her stabbed in the back.
And for the boys who still decided to speak to her, Eddie handled for her.
"Now that you and Freak called it quits. What if I show you a good time?"
Y/N didn't have time to say anything when Eddie had the boy slammed against the lockers and a huge right hook against his face.
"I thought I made it clear that no one talks about my girl like that."
She wasn't Eddie's girl but the sound of him saying it made her heart race.
A full month passed and Y/N was starting to miss Eddie. She still tutored him, but no more breaks to make out. She kept them focused on school and she went home the second they were done.
She couldn't let herself be weak around him because then she'd be around his finger all over again. She hoped her feelings would disappear within time, but it seemed to still take over her world.
"Alright, think we are done!" Y/N cheered as she closed the textbook. "You should ace this test tomorrow, no excuses."
Eddie smiled as she pointed a finger in his face
"What do you think I'll get?" he asked
"A C plus, but I have faith you could score a B."
"Does the offer still stand if I get my first A?" he asked, chewing on his bottom lip as he nervously waited.
Y/N sighed to herself. She wanted to smack her past self for making the deal
"If I ever get an A, can I ask you to be my girlfriend?" Eddie asked, they both knew he was joking by the way he smiled and laughed
"You just met me! How do you know you want me to be your girlfriend?" she teased
"Because I've never seen anyone more beautiful"
He looked at her as she thought about it in her head.
"I guess we'll see if you get an A," she said, smiling sadly as she got up.
"I'm not going to stop until I get that A, sweetheart," he said with a smile, watching as she made her way out of his trailer. She looked over her shoulder and let out a small laugh.
It was a small moment, but Eddie thought about it all night.
Eddie knew he would never score an A, the best he could get was a B. But he refused to lose his only shot to win her back. It was wrong, but he didn't care.
He shifted his eyes to look at his neighbor's paper. It was a smart kid who always scored high, so Eddie was confident he was cheating off the right paper.
He answered all the questions he knew and cheated on the ones he had no slight idea of.
He turned his paper in with his fingers crossed and walked out.
The next day he rushed into class, tapping the table as he waited for the teacher to pass him his test.
Y/N was at her locker when she felt her body being turned around and familiar lips placed on hers. Her body gave in before her brain could fight it. Her lips moved with Eddie's as she tasted his mint gum, his hands on her body sent shivers down her spine.
Once she regained control she was quick to pull away
"What the hell are you doing?" she hissed as she touched her lips
"Celebrating my big A with my soon-to-be girlfriend," Eddie said with a proud smirk. He held up the test, a huge A written on the top.
"No way," she gasped, grabbing the test. She looked over his answers, all proving the test was correctly examined.
"What do you say? Can we give this a real shot? I promise not to be an idiot with your feelings this time." He promised as he bounced anxiously on his feet
"I still don't know Eddie," she sighed as she handed him the test
"Just a date, one night and we can take it from there?" Eddie asked
"Alright, fine. One date and we go from there," Y/N said. She watched Eddie's face lit up and a huge smile covered him.
"Yes! Thank you!" He cheered, kissing her cheek wet before he raced down the hallway.
His excitement made her smile, maybe a date wouldn't be horrible.
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pluckyredhead · 6 months
ur post abt the green lantern’s political leanings was so interesting!! can you do one for the bat family? (but only if u wanna!!)
Honestly, I can't, because their politics are so incoherent.
Like, take Bruce. (And again, like with the Lanterns, I'm talking about canon here, not how I wish things were.) On the one hand, you would imagine he's pretty progressive, right? He's almost certainly a single issue voter and that single issue is gun control. He believes in rehabilitating criminals and in fact a lot of Wayne Enterprises hires are formerly incarcerated people. He is an active philanthropist who pours money into schools, orphanages, hospitals, public spaces, and the arts. These are all leftist values!
And yet the modern Batman is also a completely unrestrained violent anarchic-libertarian power fantasy. Bruce has invented his own law, which he enacts and enforces completely arbitrarily, however he feels like doing so. He obeys the laws he wants to obey and ignores the ones he doesn't care about, while insisting he is law-abiding. He tortures people literally constantly and considers it righteous. He uses the profits from his publicly traded company to become a one-man military industrial complex. (The emissions from the fucking Batmobile alone...!) He illegally surveils the entire city and sometimes the entire planet (Brother Eye, anyone?) because he has decided that his moral authority overrides literally anyone's right to privacy, anywhere. He allows his defeated foes to be locked up indefinitely regardless of their mental state in an institution that would make any qualified mental health professional run screaming in the opposite direction. He's sexist. All of these things sit on the right of the political spectrum, but imagine me pointing to the right like Charlie from It's Always Sunny pointing to his murder board.
And none of the Batfamily is any better. Some of them are honestly worse in certain aspects. Dick was a cop. Jason loves guns. Babs and Tim are even more in love with surveillance than Bruce is. Remember when Tim wanted to replace the police with, like, a Bat-army??? BECAUSE I DO.
It's not really "their fault," as much as anything can be a fictional character's fault. It's the result of being written by writers who are, for the most part, consciously trying to write the Bats as good Samaritans, but are also living in a world where we have had our brains warped by all of our blockbusters being funded by the US military, in a medium where badassery is prized above everything else, and so all this really problematic shit spills out onto the comics page without being questioned. It's also kind of a boiling frog situation: i.e. Batman has always had a cool car, so as he got tougher and tougher, of course that car would eventually become a tank, and no one stopped to go "Wait, what the fuck? What the fuck? How is this billionaire driving a tank around helping anyone???" I guess god bless Zack Snyder for inadvertently highlighting how fucking stupid and counterproductive a Batman taken to his worst extremes is.
To be clear, I don't think this is what most writers are trying to do with Batman (some of them are, but fuck those guys). But it's what happens when all you care about is rule of cool, and the more I think about it the more I'm like...shit, maybe Alan Moore was right and superheroes are just stupid.
Anyway in conclusion, comic book writers should consider the ramifications of what they're writing occasionally. But Bruce Wayne probably still votes blue, at least.
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AITA for not inviting one friend to an event he wanted to go to when I invited other friends?
Sorry for how long this is and how very high-school-drama it is. A friend of mine (A, mid 20s like everyone in this story) had a boyfriend (B) that I, and most of our friend group, really didn't like. B was just a generally difficult person to get along with. He was obnoxious and generally kind of annoying, but A liked him and so we were all polite. I ended up qhaving to spend a LOT of time with B, and it was very draining, but I wasn't willing to start drama that might hurt A and no one else in the entire friend group wanted to say anything either. I did my best to be a good host and a good friend when needed.
After a while, a lot of us moved from our college town to the same area, including A, but not B. I was a bit relieved because it meant I would stop having to spend time with B. A's best friend (C) also really hated B, and my roommate (D) even told me that B wouldn't be allowed in our house, because enough was enough and B was just so unpleasant. C told me she had a plan to talk to A about how bad B was, and I, along with D and the entire friend group, were content to leave the matter to C, who again is A's best friend.
Then there was this big event in town. I had always wanted to go since I was young but never been able to, and I was very open about how big of a deal it was and how much I really wanted to go. It was something very personal to me, and I was very excited. I'd never thought C liked me very much, but when I started to plan a group for the event, she and I spent a while talking over snapchat voice messages (and I didn't save any of them, which I regret) about how excited we were, how she understood I wouldn't want to spend time with B (who was already planning to visit town to go to the event with A), and she totally still had that plan to sit A down and explain why B was not a great person to be around and making A's life harder.
I sent a message into a group chat that A, C, and D along with other friends were in, asking who wanted to go to the event. I knew A didn't use the chat often, but still. I then added everyone who said yes (C and D and some others) as well as some other friends of mine that A, C, and D didn't know well to a more focused group chat to plan the get together. Everyone could see who had been added, and C and D and a few others explicitly knew I didn't want to invite B, and that A would be going with B. Therefore, I hadn't added A to the chat. A could have seen the message in the big chat, and I suppose I could have made more of an effort to reach out - but I didn't want to go with B, they were a package deal, and everyone seemed fine with this.
The night before the event, I spent the night at a friend's house (E) and in the morning she dropped me off to explicitly go get brunch with C as well as some other friends in that group, that she admitted I wasn't really invited to. I was fine with this as it's a bit of a big group, and I know I am not invited to every get together. That's the way it is! People split into their own smaller groups a lot.
When it came to the actual event, nearly everyone who agreed to go dropped out at the last second from the friend group that held A, C, D, and E. The people who went were mostly just a few friends of mine that the big friend group didn't know. I was a little hurt that everyone hung out together and then decided to drop out of something I was so excited about, but also, I'm an adult, it happens, I move on.
At the event, which was H U G E (thousands and thousands of people), we happen to run into A and B. They knew a few of my friends with me, but not well, since most of the mutual friends had dropped due to things like headaches and other genuinely good reasons. It was a bit awkward, but my friends and I were headed somewhere, we said hi and waved goodbye, I figured that was that.
After the event was over, C FREAKED OUT. She said I'd hurt A very badly, that I should have told A I didn't like B because "A thought you and he were friends but I guess not", that I'd been a bad friend and just stuff like that. I was a bit blindsided, since I'd been very open with C and she'd been very supportive of my extreme discomfort around B and not wanting to deal with him during an event that was very important to me. She even knew I wasn't inviting A and B and was okay with it, and had explicitly told me I didn't need to talk to A about B because she would.
That would have been bad enough, but everyone took C's side. D told me that I should have just sucked up B's company or told A (when she herself had banned B from our house but not TOLD A or B this), E told me C was overreacting but I was still in the wrong, and others were like "oh we didn't know you weren't inviting A and you should have talked to him" when all of them had been silent as long as I had and everyone had known who I was inviting to go with me. It hurt very badly - that I hadn't invited One Person to One Event (when A had regular dinner get togethers with a bunch of the group I'd never been invited to, that kind of thing, and I'd been explicitly dropped off early in the morning, out of the way, so my friends could spend time together without me. Which was fine, but, hypocrisy????) and everyone had been on the same page, until A decided his feelings were hurt and everyone needed someone else to blame.
I figured - well, this hurts, but it'll blow over. I'm going to be an adult and not make a fuss.
It's been over a year.
C never dropped her vendetta against me. A quietly left the group chat - he's never once talked to me about what happened, and the few times I've seen him at parties we've had very normal catching-up conversations. I made an effort to invite him to some parties and such I threw but he never came, but oh well. C, though, stuck around - replies to me in group chats, seems normal around me in person, but apparently has been bitching about me for over a year. One time I invited A to a big party I was planning and C texted "are you really trying to be his friend again?" I replied "That's up to him - I would like to see him, but I don't want to infringe on his boundaries." Since A was the one who quietly distanced himself without saying anything, I wanted to let him know he was welcome but not bug him.
C has since made every effort to exclude me from everything, even so far as taking over a party yet another friend and I had talked about and I explicitly said I couldn't wait for in front of C, and changing it so she'd host it herself and invite everyone except me, including friends she barely even knew who I lived with. I was hurt - but, like, karma, I suppose, so it was fine. But even after all this time of me trying to take the high ground, the friend group still thinks I was in the wrong. They keep telling me they're tired of this drama, that it's annoying I won't go to events when C is there (it's bc C hates me and complains when I show up so,,, why would I come, I would rather people have a good time without me than make it harder for them by coming), and I need to "suck it up and apologize" because "when your friend has a shitty boyfriend you don't say anything and you deal" or "you should have said something to A" (even though everyone else openly hated B like I did, except never told A or B). A and B have long since broken up and everyone's happy about this, because none of us liked B.
It just hurts knowing that C has been talking shit about me for over a year, that I lost A as a friend, and all my friends think I'm childish and passive aggressive for not apologizing for this. I suppose I could have made more of an effort to invite A, or talked to him about how B made me really uncomfortable, but I was only following the example of everyone else. I'm still being told I was, and am, in the wrong. I'm an adult, and I don't want to spend time with people who make me uncomfortable. I shouldn't have to apologize for that, right?
TL;DR: I didn't invite one friend to one event because his boyfriend made me super uncomfortable. Everyone (who all regularly don't invite the whole group to things) knew my plans to not see the boyfriend, until my one friend got sad and now everyone blames me. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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rqpawz · 4 months
for some reason @/selfannihilator put u on a xenosatanist callout list :/
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clearing this up , incase anyone else is wondering about why I ended up on the list
𝜗 for starters , selfannihilatr has me blocked ( which is totally understandable ) , so to see what you were talking about i logged into my old account and looked to see the blocklist . bc im blocked , im not sure if selfannihilatr will ever see this so im not sure if ill get taken off of the list .
𝜗 anyways , i am not a xnst . that's not a label i use bc one , even as a religion , i am not satanist ( i consider myself a child of nature , and do lots of work with nature spirits , as well as greek deities such as demeter , aphrodite and apollo . )
𝜗 and two , the obvious reason of xnst-ism not following a lot of my core beliefs .
𝜗 i got put on the list , most likely , bc another headmate of mine ( will not be naming , as orders of clarity ) who IS a xnst , as well as a malicious alter , managed to get into main when i ( helena ) was taking a break from fronting and edited my intro post to say that im pro - xnst / pro - lsdqueer/basedqueer/lacedqueer and that i follow those beliefs .
𝜗 i do not follow those beliefs . i did not see the edit for a little bit , as ive been less active on tumblr due to my mom taking my phone , as well as exams for school and as well as trying to apply to jobs near me . once i did notice , i immediately removed the information and made our main gatekeeper , clarity ( love you clars <3 ) aware that said headmate had done that and clarity handled it in a way that would make sure he wouldn't be able to front without permission from clarity , as well as a protector also in main .
𝜗 " well , helena , if you don't support xnst-ism and such , what is your opinion on them ? " me personally , i try to be peaceful to people , even those who don't follow my beliefs . i treat people with respect as long as they treat me with respect , so i dont show aggression to those who use labels like xnst or lsd/basedqueer unless they are aggressive to me , but i do not believe in the ideologies that those labels follow , and i believe a lot of beliefs in those labels are not exactly healthy , or good beliefs to have .
𝜗 tl : dr : malicious alter edited my intro post to say im pro - xnst-ism when im not , i got the situation handled with a gatekeeper , and i do not support the beliefs in xnst-ism or anything similar but i do not treat people who use those labels with aggression if they are polite to me and do not restrict them from interacting with me .
𝜗 I apologize deeply for any confusion or concern people may have had if they noticed the edits my headmate made or if they saw me on the blocklist and i hope this clears everything up !! have a wonderful day and stay safe everyone <3
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dearinglovebot · 8 days
oml hi! what are your headcanons for claire and owen when they were at school? here are some of mine:
claire would defnitely be on good tersm with everyone, i feel like she'd be popular in the way that she knew everyone
but she's classify everyone as aquaintences though and call it 'networking'
would be super annoyed by everyone in her class constantly talking abt marriage and kids like thats the only option for her (alas i wish she was in my class i'd have someone to survive those trenches with 😔)
straight A+ student ofc
owen wouldn't really care for school i think
he'd get like alright grades
he'd be like 55% class clown if that makes sense?
super good at PE tho like he'd be the Pe Kid (TM)
i think he had a pet dog or cat (or both?) but they died
i kinda hc that his parents were pretty shitty. idk why but i do. (shhh let me project)
constantly getting into fights with vic hoskins but everyone agrees vic is annoying as HELL so eh he gets a pass socially-speaking
in dodgeball the teachers always put claire and owen on the same team bc the two of them against each other means the match lasts FOREVER and if it does end it's a tie followed by an argument of who won that lasts for two weeks. like claire vs owen in dodgeball would be legendary. and like +340% hype bc everyone's 10 and dodgeball matches are IT when ur ten (can u tell i miss primary school dodgeball 😔)
hello anonnie! brace yourself cause this is a level 5 yapnado
I don’t agree with EoC a lot (...most things) but it hits my high school headcanons very well. that is to say, she is weird and off-putting to the general public. particularly sheltered midwestern kids who absolutely will be raised on the housewife/breadwinner-husband cool-aid in the 90s. they’re all obsessed with settling down with kids in the same town they were raised in while she’s trying to escape to a big city and get a master's degree. they’re doing the 90s equivalent of calling her woke blue hair liberal with pronouns. not outright bullying her but like... side-eyeing her. she's not really being invited to parties. which is fine! (it is not fine. she is lonely).
she has sooooo many autistic traits that i do just consider it part of my personal canon and that will NOT help her. her hyperfixation is going to college and she stims by doing homework (exaggerating. but only partially). i love my queen dearly but she does not have cool autism that makes you do cool art installations. she has collecting alaskan postage stamps from the 1800s type autism. she is a loser that few will truly appreciate <33 like fine wine
claire being from no-where wisconsin in the 80s-90s is sooo vital to understanding why she is #likethat. small town midwest is basically the deep south politically except in the south people will straight up say "women belong in the kitchen" and in the north they'll go "oh. you want a degree? how quaint [condescending tone]". she's used to everything being a backhanded compliment and proving that she deserves what she has. it makes her super defensive and lean towards interpreting things as malicious even when they're not. which is why, on the island, people don't really like her. she's the mean boss lady who won't even do small talk with her peasants
she absolutely is a straight A student. that is PRESIDENT of the debate club to you. she's a teacher's pet who Will do the extra credit work every time and has perfectly chosen her extra curriculars based on what will look best on her college application.
i also think she'd start working about as soon as she legally could. not only is that the smart financial move (start saving as soon as possible) but it looks amazing on college applications too. she is absolutely maximizing what she is able to accomplish in a day
overall, it really isn't an experience she thinks of fondly. she spends most of her teenhood devoted to trying to escape the poor, rural lifestyle she was born into. it's another stepping stone in her 10 stage plan to conquer a small nation. and she wouldn't regret any of it until her life inevitably comes crashing down (indominus incident) because only then does she realize she's been chasing material wealth instead of internal happiness for her entire life
owen has none of the crazy ambition claire does bc he's normal. he would take it one day at a time with vague goals of where he wants to end up. as long as he does the bare minimum of passing the class then he's doing pretty good. best subject science, worst subject literature
owen is from the 80-90s deep south which also heavily influences how i view his characterization. as a funny guy who enjoys very traditionally masculine things like construction and sports, he's going to be very well liked. everyone likes someone who makes you laugh. but overall it's pretty surface level. nobody asks about his day. he's gonna be like "damn is this really all i am to them??". but it's not like he can say that cause then he's being weird and emotional (toxic masculinity culture). so whatever. he keeps balling. (represses vulnerability and compensates by going even harder into funny sport guy routine)
so really he's the guy everyone "knows" but they're gonna lose contact the moment he leaves town. which is whatever. he has his wholeeeee life ahead of him to make some #real friends (his only long term friends include barry, the raptors, and sometimes claire)
he has proven time and time again he has no problem speaking his mind so yeah he's punching every hoskins that comes along and getting a few days suspension over it. he would not gaf tho bc his internal sense of justice is stronger than any school related punishment
he's the kind of kid who mows the lawn for your mom for pocket change and volunteers at the animal shelter
not the worst but yeah he's not that interested in reliving that
not including much about their individual family dynamics because thats an entirely different yap session
in a hypothetical au where they're in the same high school, i believe it would go like this: claire is brilliant and smart in every class they share meaning he's enamored with her big words, she thinks all sports guys are meathead jocks and actively avoids them, she tutors for extra cash after school and he's on the verge of failing lit, she takes him on as a client and he's like wowza the whole time, she's like can you focus on the themes of shakespeare already and stop looking into my eyes longingly every few minutes i'm starting to think you aren't even interested in the deeper meanings of the rivalry between the veronas and capulets (she isn't picking up on a single hint), and now he is actively pretending like he doesn't understand any of the assignments to "get her guidance" on them (she still doesn't get the hint and is wondering if he got a concussion at some point)
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thatbanditqueen · 1 year
I’m writing a little research paper on ep and one of my main points is his influence on 60s counterculture so i was wondering how u think he affected the decade since u seem to know a lot ab that time !!
Oh wow, I am sooo behind on asks but I couldn't resist this - can I ask if this is for a class or for fun? Elvis was sort of a pioneer of 1950s rock hipster counter culture, but even then, it's hard to suggest Elvis had a one-way influence on counterculture in the in the 1950s or 60s, but rather, that he engaged and changed it, popularizing in the 1950s a sort of androgynous sexuality and style, and breaking the color line by incorporating the Black Southern culture he grew up in into his music and mixing it with country and blue grass, creating a racial hybridity that really reflected where he was from. He had a lot of privilege to do this as a white performer, but also we cannot discount how Elvis' engagement and history in Black spaces, culture and his collaboration with Black writers and musicians violated segregation norms and upset a lot of the white supremacists in the South.
As for the 1960s, there is his legacy in rock and roll and pushing the boundaries of musical expression, sexual and gender norms, and youth culture that I think really impacted the 1960s counterculture's slang, fashion and music and style, not just from his 1950s work but also from his performances in films and coverage of him in the press. His style reflected and influenced all the different counterculture movements of the 1960s, the beatniks, the mods and later psychedelia and hippie culture. He was also a student of alternative spiritualism schools, read a lot of books on different spiritual pursuits and was very involved with the Self-Realization Fellowship in Pacific Palisades (a corner of LA between Santa Monica and Malibu).
Big figures of 1960s counterculture, such as John Lennon, Bob Dylan Simon & Garfunkel and Jim Morrison have all said they were deeply influenced by Elvis, and they were all about 15 years old when he became a big deal in the late 1950s, so I don't think we can underestimate his important influence on them at that stage of their creative taste and development. If you look up early Beatles photos they were all essentially cosplaying as Elvis.... and Bob Dylan talks about Elvis' influence on him in his most recent book.
I recently heard an interview with the author of this book and she makes the argument that Elvis' fashion involved performers like David Bowie and Harry Styles...
Then there is just the recognition and valuing of youth culture in general, and female pleasure, through his films, which were the most visible way people interacted with Elvis in the 1960s, and I think many cultural critics used the way his films appealed to youth and female youth specifically to denigrate him but I think we should exult this, because I love romantic comedy musicals and I hate that they were/are not taken as seriously as films like Beckett because I would argue just as much creative work can go into them.
And of course this brings me to sex! My favorite topic....A lot of people think of the 1950s as a time of conservative sexual politics but this just isn't the case, ask the flappers! I think we can probably trace the popularization of liberated women and sexual politics back to the first wave movement (liberated women have existed as long as time itself.... but it became much more socially acceptable during the 1910s and 20s). And its no accident the suffragate movement happened at the same time women began working in pink collar jobs in droves in the 1890s and after, and when we started to share popular culture through film (precode Hollywood was all SEX) and radio and lots of other historical changes that took place in the 1910s and 20s. If you are interested in female sexuality from a historical perspectiver this book is good.. i started reading t when i started writing fic that took place in the 1960s... but it is also something i was interested in....
I think Elvis' appeal to and the way he very visibly valued female fans and also made visible female sexuality is really really important to the sexual revolution of the 1960s. I think this, along with the way his music and style was very much culturally hybrid between Black and white southern music and the fact that he came from such a poor background was what really scared conservatives and elites. Greil Marcus has talked about how Elvis brought out the racial fears of a lot of people...
I haven't even gotten to the 1968 Singer Presents Elvis (often called the Comeback special but I am a crazy person and it was officially Singer Presents Elvis.... #tv history )
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And the way this tv show both reflected and rearticulated social issues like the Civil Rights movement and women's lib... would Elvis say he was pro women's lib? No, but a lot of men at that time might have said one thing, while regularly working with and supporting and dating working women who were clearly at the very least benefiting from women's lib....
This is only the garbled mutterings of a sad history nerd.... I haven't really studied Elvis in an organized way, only as a hobby... but i'm tagging some of the other people on here who I've seen discuss this or who are smart @loving-elvis @missmaywemeetagain @whositmcwhatsit to see what they have to say..... and anyone else who wants to comment should!!!
And we're just not gonna get into his anti- hippie, pro Nixon stance in the 1970s because 15 years on speed makes you do questionable things....
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horseforeplay · 1 year
hi, is the long covid and basically what youve been talking about recently applies worldwide or its the us issue? i didnt see much about it in like disabled groups or in general in my country but now im concerned i mightve just not dig deep enough? are there any resources i can look into? youre welcomed to tell me to fuck off but also thank you in advance
hi! yes, c19 has gone endemic globally. i'm not sure what country you're in, but if you believe that covid is no longer a problem where you are, chances are that your government is deliberately minimizing a deadly disease. leaders want you to get back to work. disabled people are forced to shelter-in-place indefinitely (just like the rest of the world decided was a nightmare to do temporarily). if you look around and only see maskless people, it may be easy to conclude that no one is masking anymore because they don't have to. the reality is that high-risk people have been pushed even more deeply into the fringes as the virus is free to mutate and become more transmissible. even countries that had more effective shutdowns than the US are seeing an uptick in cases, though those numbers remain less steep. i hope you don't mind if i use this ask to say a lot of things.
here's one link: did u know the spanish flu was called the spanish flu because spain was neutral during WWI and therefore was the first country to break the news? it didn't originate in spain. it was all over europe. the allied powers did not want to "ruin wartime morale" by telling anyone living in those countries that a deadly virus was in their midst. we're in a surreal fucking situation, where the death count was alarming enough in the first year of c19 that governments were forced to react at first, but have now successfully propagandized the majority of the world into believing that it ended. it never ended. (and world leaders and billionaires know it -- they are still protecting themselves. nobody gets to meet joe biden without a PCR test. temporary air filtration systems get installed at high schools where he makes speeches, then taken down when he leaves.) it's not "like the flu" (though the flu kills and disables people every year!). there's no such thing as a "summer flu". it's not like a cold. it's now been able to mutate to look more like a cold (dominant variants no longer have the hallmark fever or even coughing symptoms), but it is a disease that attacks every system in the body. even a mild case can give you organ damage you won't know about until something goes wrong with your body. we are only in year three of this thing. we (and i mean everyone) are flying blind. we don't have any idea what people's life expectancies are going to look like down the line. certainly not for long covid patients.
regardless of pushes to "return to normal", it is becoming abundantly clear (right now, mostly only to those most greatly affected by c19) that there is nothing to go back to. we are puppeteering the limbs of a dead world. now that we understand how masks mitigate the spread of disease, why are nurses cheering and fucking clapping when we remove them again from hospitals? as climate change becomes worse and worse, we are staring down a world where we are meant to accept that the death of "some people" (see: other people) is inevitable. it is not. the preventative action that you take against c19 is preparing you wildfire smoke and the next virus the warming planet helps spread.
resources? resources. here is a great political breakdown of what is happening, called let them eat plague. good reading if you consider yourself a communist or would like to be one. here, too, is an archived version of an atlantic article on what CE/MFS looks like (one of the long covid health outcomes i am living with).
most of my resources center on US handling of the pandemic, but eugenic capitalism is a global problem. unfortunately, i'm not a great collector of links to things i've read even under the best of circumstances. it's just not a strong suit. adding this to the reality that i have been close to bed-bound by long covid for the last three weeks, and i'm just not gonna transform into a great link guy. i'm sorry about this. there are covid activists who are much better at sharing external resources than i am, but we are in the phase of c19 now where most of the people organizing right now are also sick themselves. so, many of them have a tendency to disappear, or struggle to keep pages up-to-date. some key phrases i might search for on social media for local groups might be "covid aware" or "covid safe", to see if something for your location pops up. i know there are groups in the netherlands, ireland, and australia pushing for covid education and a better world for those disabled by the pandemic.
i think many people are having difficulty understanding how many people have died of c19. for scale, an accepted figure for total global AIDS deaths (as of 2017) is 940,000. that's just under a million. it would be a whole hell of a lot more if not for continuous direct political action (thank you ACT UP), but people (especially in sub-saharan africa) continue to die today. C19 deaths in 2020 alone were at three million. in 2023 we are at over 6.9 million. the crisis never fucking ended. that is over 6.9 million deaths, and counting, in a "post-vaccine" world. (a vaccine is not a fucking cure).  i think part of what we are seeing right now is that the people who care the most are fucking shaken. most of us are just stunned. estimates show TEN MILLION people are living with long covid in the united states alone. TEN MILLION!!!! JUST IN THE STATES!
vaccines are not a cure. i will keep repeating this until somebody understands it. vaccines are not a cure. vaccines do not cure c19, no matter where you live in the world. vaccines are also becoming less and less accessible as the public "learns to live with" the virus. some people will never be eligible for vaccines. vaccines make many people living with long covid much sicker (as happened to me). i will continue advocating for vaccines, as i advocate for all precautionary measures (like nasal sprays which i am also allergic to since long covid can cause MCAS), but it needs to be said that many many people cannot access or safely use these measures. world governments would like you to believe that a high tech intervention (vaccines) have saved us from having to bother with uncomfortable low-tech measures (masking). resist this. i was double boosted and healthy when i had my first (and only, to my knowledge) covid infection in september of 2022. i am 27 years old and this virus has disabled me.
i was also masking frequently in public when i caught covid. masks are a bit like car seatbelts; it's a smart fucking idea, but you can still crash. this is an imperfect comparison, though, since then your seatbelt would also be protecting your passengers and other drivers. when the burden of masking falls only on vulnerable people, everybody gets fucked. one-way masking is safer than not masking, but it's not half as effective.
there is no known cure for long covid. that means that doctors will tell long covid patients that they do not know what is wrong with them at every turn, oftentimes disbelieving, minimizing, and recommending treatments (like exercise and weight loss) that can leave patients bed-bound or dead. any covid infection can become long covid, in any person, at any age, and your chances of developing long covid INCREASE EXPONENTIALLY with each infection --building immunity with repeat infections is an insidious and deadly myth. covid infections compound. how many times are people expected to get this fucking virus?
when you are in public, the chances that you are either around a high-risk person or around someone who is in close contact with a high-risk person is almost 100%. break every goddamn transmission chain you possibly can.
invest in an N95 (or better) mask. here is a link to where i buy mine. governments should provide these, as well as free access to vaccines and testing sites and medicine for acute infections, but we are in the phase now where major pushes for activism are only barely getting their land legs while the majority covers their ears and goes on laughing and drinking and dancing. be there when the screams get loud enough. add your voice, help the day come sooner, so less children get long covid at school and less friends get heart attacks at 30 and less grandparents disappear and lovers you used to enjoy dining with lose their sense of smell and taste forever. there will be greater collective action as this moves closer to home for more people. but in the meantime.
live compassionately. as the world moves on, we need people everywhere to start fighting back. take action for people who can't (cuz people who should be in bed resting or processing all this fucking grief are being forced to act and can feel very alone).
this is one ask and i will probably post more later but tumblr dot com is just not my primary outlet for activism or expression lol. i have mainly used this page to vent a few times because i am quite literally trapped in my house unable to work. but it's my silly blog where i go to be silly. i hope any of this was helpful to you or anybody reading.
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eternalwritess · 2 months
Hii, i was wondering if i could request a romantic match up for mha! :)
My name’s Amanda but people close to me call me Ami for short. Im 5’3 and my pronouns are she/her. I dont really like using specific labels for my sexuality since it causes me to overthink (i used to think im faking being pansexual for whatever reason) So i just say that I have a preference for male however would gladly date a female.
I have below the shoulder length, dark brown, layered hair with curtain bangs, brown eyes and thick eyebrows. I’m Hungarian with pretty pale skin and I have a beauty mark in the middle of my right cheek and straight teeth. My eyes are my favourite part about me since they pop so much when I wear dark eyeliner. I’d say im skinny but do have big thighs and bust as well as more defined arms due to me doing weights. I wear more casual clothes with hints of y2k, i cant get a lot of unique clothing from where i live 💔 and i prefer darker colours. I wear a bunch of jewellery, especially rings (im wearing 10 atm). I have two lobe piercings on each ear, a nose ring and a belly button piercing.
My personality i’d say is very outgoing with people regardless if I know them or not, i try to be nice and polite with everyone unless they aren’t to me. Im also an Esfj. Im very understanding and I always take negative events as something to learn and grow from. I was told by someone that I was one of the most understanding and kind hearted person in their life who didnt secretly have any ill intentions towards them 🙏. I can get emotional pretty easily in sombre situations. I’m known as a pretty upfront person because when Im having issues with someone or I or the other person did something, i always go up to them and try to talk it out, communication is very important to me. Im pretty happy and smiley and laugh a lot most the time and try to see the positive in things but then theres times where I’m calm and quiet so it really depends on my mood and who im with since I dont want to be super talkative and bubbly with someone who’d prefer some peace and quiet.
I enjoy listening to music like A LOT, like I listen to music whenever and wherever I can. I also do archery and have been for over a year now so im pretty good at it imo lmao, archery is like the first thing I tell people because its the most unique trait about me. I also really enjoy working out, especially weights which I mentioned above, what motivated me to start was archery since I have to build my stamina and strength to shoot for a longer period of time, but also its just good for me and all that. I enjoy going out whether it be for a small peaceful walk in nature or out to town, I often go on the bus (since its free for me) for no reason just so I can watch the view while listening to music. My favourite colour is black (basic ik lmao) and my favourite video games are sally face and god of war. My favourite genres of music at the moment are sigilkore and dark r&b and I adore the scent of smoked vanilla and coconuts. Also this is random but I use cologne instead of perfume and everyone thinks its odd since its for men and all that ;;;
This is all, its pretty long so I apologise for that but hope u have a good day 😁
𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕕 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙…
𝓔𝓳𝓲𝓻𝓸 𝓚𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓶𝓪!
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Not gonna lie this man probably came up to you during the first day of school cause he noticed that it looked like you worked out
Not only that but your looks in general captivated him to no end and he would constantly find himself looking over to you and looking for openings to talk with you
He only got happier when he figured out how outgoing you were and friendly you were towards him. He thought you were the coolest person in that entire class
"My name is Ejiro Kirishima! You look amazing! I love your eyeliner!"
Oh yeah, he definitely approached you with a compliment in hand btw, he was prepared and ready to talk to you
He would also likely notice if you got a new ring of some sort btw and would also make an effort to get you new jewelry if he notices that you like some as he is a complete gentleman
If you told him to stop buying stuff for you he would get confused but oblige for a while, most likely toning down the gifts but still giving them to you every now and then
"I noticed you looking at this!"
He also found your mindset admirable and matching his of taking bad stuff and making something good off of it. The moment he found out that you think like that he was ecstatic about your positive attitude
He would also most likely share some of his experiences with you and say how it made him a better person, also probably ranting about how he had adapted that mindset
The moment you mentioned communication being key for you I just also thought about him. He would be more than willing to talk things out in the relationship, anything that makes you uncomfortable or etc.
He's always down for listening to you and sitting down and just talking about anything
"You look a little down... need a friend?"
Since turns out being a hero is anything but clouds and rainbows he would talk to you after anything major happens like the USJ incident, camp, and etc.
In those moments he would be a lot more calm and quiet with you, not constantly shouting or screaming like he does with Bakugo or Kaminari
He wants to show you that he cares and will do anything to do that
He'll even ask if you want to go anywhere or if you need anything to eat or drink
"I'm gonna go see if the vending machine has any water, do you need anything?"
You two definitely work out together and he would spot you while your lifting, making sure that you don't get hurt as thats the last thing that he'd want to happen
But he wouldn't be totally overbearing either and telling you how much you could lift etc.
He would actually likely try to push you a comfortable amount into lifting more and would get excited when you did so
"Just one more rep!" "Lets add some more weights!" "Wanna see who can lift the most?"
Not only that but you would blast music when you work out and he would listen with you, humming along to the song and jumping up and down even if the songs not the most pumped up
You totally have a playlist together like... i can just see it-
Archery? He might not be that good at it or ever tried it before but I can see him trying and while it may not be his thing entirely he will always get excited if you're excited and will do it with you
"Dang it! Looks like I missed again!- You hit that!? Great job!!"
He would totally game just about anything with you but his favorite is definitely god of war for the action for all of the action and such
Also when he noticed you wore cologne instead of perfume he was gobsmacked and stared ranting about how cool and manly that it was
He also mentioned that he knew that he smelt it somewhere else briefly before laughing it off and giving you a hug
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cryptidsurveys · 1 month
Wednesday, August 21st, 2024.
How has covid affected you? Like the whole ordeal or the illness specifically? Because 2020 felt like an emotional/political roller coaster. Staying home wasn't a big deal because I was already practically a shut-in, but the world as seen through my computer screen was a dumpster fire. As for the illness itself, I finally caught it in February of 2023. It hit me hard the first night, the next three days or so were like a bad cold or a mild flu, and the remainder - approximately a week and a half - was just like a common cold. I was sniffly and exhausted, but nothing serious.
What is a comfort show of yours? I don't watch television, so I'm going to go with YT videos instead: Essential Salts, Where Did The Road Go? Radio, Belief Hole, Fall Of Civilizations, Event Horizon, Science & Futurism With Isaac Arthur, French Whisperer, and various Japan vloggers such as Toki Doki Traveller, Abroad In Japan, Seerasan, Sharmeleon, etc.
Are you open about your past or do you not let anyone in? I am really only open about my past with a few people (and two of those people are my parents lol - because they were literally there for it). Even with surveys, I'm somewhat reserved. I'll speak fairly openly about my present and relatively recent past, but I tend to be vague when referencing my deep past.
Favourite fast food joint? Hmm, I don't think I have one at the moment. I don't eat fast food all that frequently.
Do you think we were put on this earth for a reason? No. I guess not. I think the reason is something you create for yourself.
What is something you have done this year you’re proud of? Started volunteering full-time at the animal shelter (prior to that, I was only part-time). I think it's been about 5 weeks now. The other day, I was in the big room gathering the nightly trash to take to the dumpster, and Leslie (manager) was like, "Talk to me if you ever want a job here…" And I said my usual, "Oh, one day…one day…" with a twinkle in my eye. ;D
Do u ever feel like surveys are usually the same questions? Yeah. Especially after taking them for nearly 20 years. However, even though many of the questions are similar or repetitive, my life circumstances have changed, so the answers have gradually changed as well.
What were you doing 10 years ago? I think I was working at PDI, and I think my dad and I were still into backpacking, but not as much as in previous years. Other than that, I really don't remember a whole lot about 2014. I was still very firmly in hermit mode, struggling with mental illness, etc.
Do you call out Karen’s when they’re harassing a cashier? Nooo. Sorry, but if someone is behaving aggressively in public, then my most likely course of action is to avoid the situation as much as possible.
Animal crossing, yay or nay? I haven't played it since I was in middle school/early high school. It seems like a cute game and I would probably enjoy it if I could actually stick with it, but I'm just not much of a gamer.
Why do you like to do surveys? They're like a journal to me. They help me document my life in a way I probably - well, undoubtedly - wouldn't do without the added prompts.
Did you ever have a MySpace? Yeah. I still miss it. The way it was originally, anyway. Not whatever it became. I loved messing around with my layouts, etc.
Do you think breaks are toxic in a relationship? I think it depends on the situation. I can think of a few scenarios in which a break could be a potentially healthy choice.
Do you have a YouTube channel? If no, would you create one? If yes what’s your content? I have one, but I only use it for watching videos. I don't create anything, nor do I have any plans to do so.
Are you a math person? Not at all.
What’s the worse thing someone has said to you? Idk.
Have you ever befriended someone because you felt bad? I don't think so.
Would you ever date someone online? I have in the past (we eventually met in person). At this point in my life…I'm not sure. My instinct is to say no because I'm not all that interested in the long-distance dynamic. Plus, when it came time for one of us to relocate…I'm pretty stubborn about the fact that it's not going to be me. I'm rooted in my life here and I don't want to leave it behind to start over somewhere else. If someone was okay with that, then idk. I guess I would be willing to see where things went.
Have you been ghosted before? Would you ghost someone? I've never been ghosted. Idk if I would do it to someone else or not.
When do you think things will be normal again? When has anything ever been normal? ;D …But you're probably talking about Covid stuff since that's how the survey started. Things around here are basically back to pre-Covid days. No one even talks about it anymore.
Do you watch anime? I watched it a lot when I was younger, but not in recent years.
Biggest goal you wanna reach before 2024 is over? Find a good work/life balance. At the moment, I'm struggling to fit everything in while still having space to breathe. My therapist wants me to do this group therapy thing with others around my age + in similar circumstances, but I feel like I'm going to scream if I have to do even one more thing. :') I think I'm going to have to tell her today that I just can't do it.
How old did/do you turn this year? I turned 35 in March.
Do you like tiktok? I don't use it.
Do you ever miss vine? Not really.
How are you doing, seriously? Oh, you know…just casually walking along a tightrope over a yawning abyss. No biggie.
Is there someone you want to talk to but you know you can’t? No.
Do you make jokes to cope with your problems? Definitely. I have a very morbid, irreverent, even PrObLeMaTiC sense of humor.
Have you ever had someone call you their best friend but you didn’t even consider them a close friend? No.
Have you ever dealt with a pathological liar? I guess you could call him that. One of my sibling's ex-partners was an all-around horrible person.
Long or short surveys? Medium. 30-40 questions is probably ideal.
If ur in school, are you doing it on zoom or in class? I'm not in school.
Would you ever have a pet rat? No. Rats are cool, but I'm not interested in having one as a pet. I already have three kitties.
Favourite memory with your best friend? I'm not sure.
Favourite type of content to watch on YouTube? History, outer space, paranormal, tarot, reaction channel trash, Japan vlogs, etc.
Are you allergic to anything serious? No.
Dream job? I basically already have it. I'm just not being paid to do it, lmao.
Do you think dreams mean anything? They're probably just the burbling of an unconscious/subconscious mind attempting to make sense of things.
Fav clothing brand? I don't have one.
Do you miss anyone? Yeah.
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roobylavender · 5 months
HI i really enjoy your blog and the wide variety of interests and topics you talk about :') i'm also desi diaspora btw and i like hearing your perspective on diaspora issues too! i have a personal question if it's alright - pls ignore this ask if you don't wanna answer it, i would totally understand but - lately i've been hearing a lot abt making more private spaces unisex like public bathrooms etc, and i was wondering how u feel about this also considering your ethnic/religious background? like personally whether it's in past school sports teams or currently sharing my space with fellow med students where we often have to rapidly change scrubs and stuff i've never felt comfortable changing in front of male strangers etc, and while i know i'm naturally a reserved/introverted person i also know that the way i was raised and my family's traditions/culture has a lot to do with it lol... for this reason and also in general bc of all the stories i hear from back home abt femicide, r*pe, etc in south asia and west asia, i don't think i'd ever be completely comfortable with a man unless i knew him v well. but also i think most women even outside our ethnic bg feel similarly (like idk if u saw but recently there was this viral series of tweets where women said they'd rather encounter a bear in a forest than a man while they were isolated)... considering the number of stories of everyone from sports coaches to male doctors to male prison wardens assaulting their female patients, or how so many countries have epidemics of bathroom stall cameras and peeping toms, i can't help but feel that this wariness is justified. also the risk of hate crimes/violent assault is like a million times greater from men than women so idk if it would even be wise for gay, gnc, trans-identified ppl etc to share private spaces with them... so i'm struggling to unpack my feelings abt this and also i feel like girls and women shouldn't have to put aside our discomfort (that's been well-validated for so many millennia) idk... i was wondering if you felt similarly since from what i've seen u also come from a similar background as me? thank you!!
i don't mind answering! personally i'm also pretty self conscious about changing and used the bathroom stalls in school when it was time for gym class lol. but i think what we need to understand about an ideology or movement like this is that it's necessary to engage with it faithfully and materially. i think a lot of the reactionary attitude towards gender abolition tends to stem from the idea that abolition is an immediate conclusion and not a process that will take time and several steps to achieve. so it's not a movement that persists in ignorance of all of the issues you listed above but actually with an acute awareness of and desire to address them individually and collectively so that we can make it to a point where the conclusions of gender abolition become a reality. obv that will take a lot of time! but the point is to believe in and help curate that outcome no matter how long it takes to do so. and a lot of that will come down to deconstructing and restructuring how we as people are socialized from birth. men aren't born into misogyny, they're nurtured into it. and if we want women to be safer in the long term we need to invest in a future where we purge misogyny at the outset. which again! will certainly take a lot of time and an extensive effort from all walks of people (as well as require addressing multiple aspects and sectors of society beyond those immediately related to gender). but it's very important not to give into bioessentialism and believe that men are fundamentally incapable of co-existing safely with women. they very much can provided deliberate and extensive structural upheaval of gender politics as it exists today and that is what we need to focus on!
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ohmygosh HI 😙 i heard you were doing matchups soooo i figured i’d slide in here and wave my hand around in front of your face hehe
i’m fem, around 5’7, and an average body type. i’ve got longish dark brown hair, (i’m growing it out) which the inside is blonde - which i usually dye red or blue. i wear a lot of different types of clothes, but for the most part they usually fall into the ‘goth/emo/dark lolita’ category or the ‘academic scholar with good taste’ LMAO
personality wise, i’m pretty introverted but outgoing (ie i have no energy w people but i talk to a lot of ppl) i’m pretty friendly with strangers and i don’t have much trouble walking up to anyone random and asking them stuff, buuuut i usually don’t because i’m pretty antisocial (i don’t like to talk to people unless at school or im forced to lol) i spend a lot of my time at my house, really honing in on the things i enjoy! but if someone i like enough wants me to go on a date or hangout with them i’ll do my best to muster up the ability to do it for them (though i personally just prefer dates @ my house cuddling tbh but i dont mind going on an adventure if it’s for someone else) i’m pretty darn stubborn and i love to argue (when its controlled/ nobody is being mean and its all facts) people also say i’m pretty funny too, and pretty sassy (i’ve got good comeback’s apparently)
i do a lot of different stuff in my free time, i 🍃 up sometimes (not always/all the time), i also do a lot of art and drawing, i write a lot and read ofc, and i really like debating! my plan is to major in chemistry or political science annnd yeah!
my type in people varies a lot, i really like jocky dudes - and smart girls but for me what’s important is despite any differences is being able to talk through issues or disagreements! i also like being around people who don’t always share the same ideas as i do because i don’t like being confined in an echo chamber :) different experiences r what make us unique!!!
i’m pansexual so i don’t really have a like huge gender bias thing, but my only request is that you don’t pair me with a goth kid soley cause they’re goth 💀 thank u my beloved match maker 🤭
— 🎸 anon! (if its not taken)
p.s : will also be requesting for funzies so if u see another req from me yk why :,)
hi my luv! im gonna match u up with Wendy!!
You guys would LOVE debating with each other for fun.
I can imagine she’s super easy going and very easy to talk to and be around.
Please draw or paint her, cause she’ll melt.
I think she’s very clever with her words without trying but she could also enjoy silent cuddling dates just watching a movie.
As we’ve seen in the show, she’s very good with communicating about issues and I can honestly imagine that the two of you would last a very long time.
hope you like it <33 pls feel free to request more. it took me a bit to get thru the last few days but im back on it 😭💕💕
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gudetamaworld · 2 years
meeting niki
gn!reader x niki genre: fluff, highschool!au, friends to lovers, angst summary: you move to a new school, where your cousin jay belongs to a popular friend group. as you navigate your way through belift high on the first day of school, you meet a friend of jay's. im considering making this a series, so lmk if you guys would be interested ty
"andd then that's the great hall, and just beyond that is the cafeteria. got it?" jay asked, looking at his phone.
"i- i think so. and is the library to the left or-" i turned around, and jay was already gone. i guess he left as soon as he heard me say "i think so". i rolled my eyes.
i went back to class, dreading for lunch. who was i going to sit with? i knew nobody except jay, my popular yet annoying cousin, and he obviously didn't want much to do with me.
brrrrrring! lunch time had started. i walked slowly to the cafeteria, just going in the direction everyone else was going. but suddenly i felt a tap on my shoulder-
"hi! you're y/n, right? is it true you're cousins with jay? the jay?" a girl with long black hair was looking at me, excited.
"sorry, please ignore her. hi, i'm chaeryong. everyone calls me chae. and thats evie." chae was a lot calmer.
"right, sorry i didn't introduce myself! but it's true, right? you kinda look like him!" evie said. i snorted. look like that brat? i tried my best not to sound annoyed.
"yup, i am."
"i knew it!! do you wanna come sit w-" and suddenly i knew where this was going. she was going to use me to get close to jay, and i didn't want to waste my time going through that. its true, i could have used some new friends, but i politely rejected evie's offer.
"sorry, but i think i have something i need to get done at the library. maybe next time, but thank you!" i said.
and then i made my way towards the library.
unluckily for me, i quickly got lost. how was i supposed to know where everything was? it was my first day at this school! i panicked, quickly texting jay. he texted back:
just follow the sound of people talking and get to the caf. im in there rn
ill tell someone to show u where the library is when u get here
that prick!! was he really this lazy? i had no choice, so i got to the cafeteria. i quickly spotted him in the center, surrounded by people. i really wasn't kidding, jay was popular. i dodged around the students, trying to get to his table. when he saw me with my arms folded across my chest, looking expectantly, he remembered.
"oh, right! library. hmmm." he quickly scanned his table group. they were laughing and chatting loudly. not my type of people.
"yah, niki! you're in y/n's grade. can you lead her to the library? she's new." he called a guy over, apparently niki. niki was tall, and good looking. like, kpop idol good looking.
"hi, i'm y/n." i said to him.
"yeah, i heard. everyone's been talking about you." his voice was low, but softer than i expected. and quieter.
"um. not sure how to take that."
niki laughed lightly. he was smiling at me, but not like a smirk, like a genuine, welcoming smile. i suddenly noticed that he was really, really cute.
"so, why are you going to the library? it's the first day of school. you can't have that much homework," niki asked.
"yeah, well, i don't really have anyone to sit with." i bit my tongue. why was i so honest all of a sudden? i even lied to evie and chae earlier. plus i wanted to look cool in front of niki, and this wasn't helping.
"not true. you know me now. come, sit with my friend group," niki smiled at me.
maybe this semester wouldn't be that bad.
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headkiss · 2 years
Hi! I love your writing and I would love if you could do a Steve x fem reader where she’s scared of heights?? Hurt/ Comfort?? Thank you <3
hiiii i hope you enjoy it!!! it’s 1.2k words of a fair date with steve and some fluffy reassurance <33 pls reblog if u enjoyed it would mean a lot !!!!
Steve Harrington was a sweet boy. He was kind and soft and absolutely nothing like he used to be. He grew and changed and learned.
And, he was dating you of all people.
The first date was a drive in movie in his BMW, the plot completely forgotten because the two of you couldn’t stop talking to each other. You had your first kiss with Steve that night. The second date was spent at Benny’s, a relaxed dinner full of giggles and stolen fries.
Your third date was tonight, right now, at the town fair.
The supposedly yearly fair hadn’t happened since the summer of 1985, when the mall burned down and everything went to shit. But, since then, things have gotten better. The town recovered and you reconnected with Steve.
You knew him in high school, sharing classes and sometimes notes. It never went further than polite small talk and ‘thank you’s, but he was kind to you, and you appreciated that.
When you walked into Family Video and spotted him behind the counter, you greeted him happily, catching up and ‘how are you’s turned into an hour long conversation. You left with the movie you went in for and yours and Steve’s first date planned.
Your feelings for him grew with every date, every kiss, every new thing learned. You were looking forward to tonight and so was Steve.
He drove you there, a greeting smile and a compliment of how pretty you looked. Letting you choose the music and reaching over to hold your hand for the drive.
The first thing you did was get cotton candy, Steve insisting on paying and swatting your hand away when you tried to beat him to it. He thanked the employee and grabbed the fluffy treat to hand it to you.
“Thank you, Steve. You didn’t have to pay.”
“Oh stop, it’s nothing.”
You ripped a piece off, a soft pink cloud melting in your mouth. It was as sweet as the kindling romance between you and Steve. As light as you felt around him, beaming and at ease because he really was incredible.
“Yummy. You want some?”
He turned to look at you as you walked, a soft smile gracing his features because he thought you were so cute, so pretty. Steve thinks turning things around in his life was necessary for the sole reason of being with you.
“Sure, sweetheart.”
You ripped another piece off and held it by his mouth, waiting for him to take it and giggling when he did, biting the tip of your finger teasingly before letting you drop your hand.
Steve never thought he’d be able to do anything fun on the Fourth of July. He never thought he’d be able to get his mind off of what happened a couple years ago, the things he saw. But here, with you, he was at ease.
He tugged on your hand and stopped you when the ferris wheel came into view, gasping with dramatic excitement and pulling you along with his hand squeezing yours.
“Ferris wheel! It’s a classic, you wanna go on?”
In all honesty, you did not want to go on. You had a fear of heights and it wasn’t something you really wanted Steve knowing because you felt embarrassed. It was ridiculous and you didn’t want him to see the shake in your hands or the shortness of your breath if you ended up at the top.
But, you wanted Steve to like you, and to you that meant you couldn’t show him fear.
“Okay. Yeah.”
“Great! The view’s so pretty up there. You’re prettier though.”
“Steve,” even the cheesy comments from him had you flustered with warm cheeks.
The two of you ended up in line for the ferris wheel and you were really trying to prepare yourself for it. It was tough when your heart was pounding and your hands wouldn’t stop fidgeting in front of you.
He noticed your demeanour change but he didn’t want to make you talk about something if you weren’t ready, so he tried his best to distract you. Steve took your hand in his again, feeling your sweaty palm but saying nothing because he didn’t care. He wanted to hold your hand so he would.
When you got to the front of the line, though, you couldn’t do it. You watched Steve climb into the seat first and then smile at you, waiting for you to follow. But, you really couldn’t get your feet to move.
“Sorry. I’m sorry,” you looked down at your feet as you walked away from the ferris wheel, ashamed and disappointed in yourself because you couldn’t get on a stupid ride.
You were walking away too quickly to see Steve get up from the seat as soon as you turned away, to see him push through the rest of the line to find you. He called your name when he saw your back profile, noting the way you seemed upset.
“Hey, hey. Sweetheart,” he caught your wrist in a light grip, turning you to face him and he swears he felt his heart twist when he saw your eyes teary, one falling down your cheek.
“I’m sorry.”
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s really stupid. I’m fine.”
“It’s not stupid if it’s making you cry. Talk to me.”
He was being so sweet it made you want to cry even more. Usually people would just brush you off, would laugh because it’s just a fucking ferris wheel but not Steve. Steve was different.
He grabbed your hand once more and led you to a space between two booths, private enough to let you be emotional and have a conversation about whatever was upsetting you.
You leaned against the side of the booth, your hands coming up to wipe harshly at your eyes and cheeks because you shouldn’t be crying. You were so embarrassed and you were sure Steve would think it was dumb once you told him the reason for your tears.
He pulled your hands away from your face to look at you, dropping them when he was sure you’d leave them out of the way. His hands then cupped your face, thumbs swiping your tears away. He was looking at you with so much concern, so much care it made you nervous.
“Talk to me, sweetheart. Please?”
“I’m really sorry for walking off. It’s just-” your sentence was broken up with a deep breath, trying your best to calm down enough to get your words out. “It’s just, I’m scared of heights and I thought I could do the ferris wheel but I couldn’t. I’m sorry.”
“Why didn’t you just say that at first? It’s okay, you have nothing to be sorry for.”
He was sincere with his words, delicate with his touch, and you knew he was being honest. You couldn’t believe he was there, reassuring you. Steve Harrington might be the best boy you’ve ever known.
“But you wanted to go on and-”
“None of that. There are plenty of other rides that are fun and close to the ground. Just breathe, I’m not upset with you.”
“You still wanna date me?”
“Are you kidding! Of course I do, sweetheart.”
He pecked your lips once, then your nose, your forehead. He had doting and care written all over every single thing he did and said.
“How do you feel about the carousel?”
“Good. I feel good about that.”
So, he grabbed your hand again and tugged you in that direction.
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scoops-ahoy-fics · 2 years
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miss priss || eddie munson x reader oneshot
good people need breaks sometimes too, and you know you're at your limit. maybe eddie can help? might as well give it a try, what could go wrong?
reader: female
characters: eddie munson
genre: angst to fluff <3
spoiler warning?: none
notes: hiya!! first eddie post of probably many, i know how much y'all love him. i hope i wrote him well! please enjoy! @musicalgamerotaku
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Eddie thought it was a prank when a note was slipped into his locker. Ripped from a notepad, words were scribbled into it in cursive. “Woods by the school after class. Please meet me there!” He didn't think it was real and was honestly suspicious. But ... he could be in for a surprise. No signature, no name, nothing that could possibly identify them. Hmm ... quite interesting indeed.
The boy walked into the woods alone, looking around before he saw somebody sitting alone at a picnic table. The person at the top of his class, the person that would definitely not be buying drugs from THE Eddie Munson, you. He tilted his head and walked closer, humming softly.
“Well, the handwriting matches up, but the motive? Kinda missing. Are you the person who wrote this note?” he said, walking towards the picnic table and sitting across from you.
“U-Uh- yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't want to write my name, I didn't want to give myself away- or anything like that-” you said, looking around cautiously. “No one's gonna come find us here, right? I heard this is where you do drug deals and stuff, I didn't know for sure ...” you whispered, fiddling with your thumbs. This was the farthest out of your comfort zone you've ever been.
Eddie's eyes widened, a bit confused. “You wanna do a drug deal? With me? You want to actually BUY drugs? The top of our class, the girl that's gonna go on to work in politics or law, the one who was voted most likely to succeed, is buying drugs from Eddie Munson? What a day!” he laughed, throwing his head back dramatically.
“Please keep your voice down, I want this stuff to stay between us ... if it got out, I would be ruined. I have to keep my reputation up, I would actually fucking die if it were tarnished,” you said, not looking into his eyes.
The male raised a brow. “Goodie-two shoes has quite the unexpected vocabulary. Never heard you curse. Barely here you speak aside from giving answers in class or speeches. You don't have many actually conversations, do you?”
You looked up at him, your eyes showing a confused expression. “Is it that obvious? Am I that- I'm not talking about this right now. I'm just trying to buy something,” you said, your breathing starting to pick up the pace as you tried to figure out what exactly you were doing.
“I get it, I get it. I won't talk about that shit anymore. Got any idea of what you want? I got weed on me, anything else we'll have to go back to my place. Twenty dollars for an ounce,” he said, propping his chin up on his hand.
You gulped slightly, nodding and pulling out your purse. He noticed your hands shaking, and how entirely stressed out you seemed to be. You were normally calm and collected, but you were a total mess. And he knew people who were near a breakdown probably didn't need this right now.
“... somethin' tell me you don't really wanna do this, do you? What's on your mind right now?”
And that's the question that broke you.
You didn't look him in the eyes, you just stared down at your purse, but all of your movements halted. You took a deep breath, attempting to compose yourself. “A lot,” you croaked out.
Eddie thought for a moment before resting his hands on yours and taking them out of your purse. He zipped it up and slid it to the side. “Let me tell you what you need. You don't need weed. You don't need drugs. You need a friend. Wow, I should win an award for that, I'm willingly turning away a customer,” he laughed, before resting his hands on yours.
“Close your eyes and clear you head. You probably have a lot swirling around that big brain of yours, so I'm gonna let you enjoy the silence for just a minute. And then you're gonna realize that you don't wanna do drugs, you still are a little bit of goodie good at heart. You're only doing this to attempt to rebel even though you don't want to. You obviously don't wanna be a druggie but you don't wanna deal with the stress at the top. You wanna walk the middle. So do it ... I'm gonna shut up now and let you think on that,” he rambled on, not really knowing where he was going with this. This wasn't his thing, he was definitely not used to this.
You didn't close your eyes. You just stared at him for a minute. Every single word he said was true. He was probably pretty good at analyzing everyone by now, that's why he was so good at pinpointing you. And it made your soul feel a little less lonely.
The dam holding your tears back broke, letting out a sob as you held your face with your hands. “F-Fuck- you're right! Th-This isn't me, I don't know who I am! I've been so caught up being p-perfect that I'm wasting the best years of my l-life!”
Eddie stared at you for a moment, not knowing what to do. He wasn't really used to people showing emotions, he was used to giving people a good show. So he might as well put on that good show, right?
He walked around to your side of the table and took your hands. “You've still got a life left to love, huh? Enjoy it. Let me help, how about we go around and do the shit you've never gotten to do. Maybe we'll find the stuff you like and dislike, find that personality that's hiding deep down in there. I get it if you don't wanna hang out with The Freak or whatever, but it might be worthwhile.”
You thought for a moment before slowly nodding. “Y-Yeah, that sounds okay ... do you have any ideas?”
Eddie thought for a moment. “Hear me out- now this might sound crazy- BUUUUUUUT. But but but. We go run around every stupid store in the newly built mall, and we find shit you like, and we buy it. I've got a lot of money saved up and I'm sure you've got some too if you were gonna go buy drugs. We can try to find the new you, or whatever.”
You smiled softly. “That sounds kinda cool, actually ... yeah, that could be great!”
The other stood up, offering you his hand. “Shall we, miss priss? Or maybe ex-miss priss. Who knows what's going on in that smart head of yours?”
You rolled your eyes and took it, interlocking your fingers. “Whatever you say,” you laughed, walking with the other happily.
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Cruel intentions | Chapter fourteenth
summary: you aren't sure why you agreed to a suicide mission by going to a party where everyone hates you. jessica jones gives the fakest smiles and it seems like you're out of practice.
warnings: swearing. a lot. innuendos.
author's note. also this super cute new moodboard based on @3louisee aesthetic for the story!
listen to: Super Rich Kids - Frank Ocean | If U Seek Amy - Britney Spears(playlist here)
word count: 2.5 k
series masterlist + read the next chapter early on my ko-fi!!
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You weren’t exactly sure why you’d agreed to this. 
And yet, it didn’t stop you as you walked through the main lobby with Peter Parker next to you. The doorman already too familiar with your face simply nodded at you as you entered the elevator, muttering a small thank you before quickly typing the code so you could go up to Harry’s place. Maybe you’d gone mad, you thought as you glanced at Peter, who was frowning at you already. Could he tell how nervous you were?
“Are you okay?” he asked. 
Yeah, he could tell. 
“I’m fine,” you lied with a small smile as you fiddled with the skirt of the little black turtle neck dress that you’d chosen to wear that night with some random boots you’d chosen. 
Harry had assured you it was an intimate affair, nothing too fancy and nothing too big. In Harry’s terms, you knew he meant that it wouldn’t be really intimate because approximately everyone from that circle of New York would be there, along with the inner one. And it would be fancy and big, fucking big. 
“So, these are your friends?” Peter asked softly. 
“No,” you blurted out before realizing that you’d fucked up. 
“Well some of them are,” you lied. 
 If they don’t all fucking hate me. 
There was a thing about you with the inner circle. First, you were used to being alone and you enjoyed it, and if you weren’t alone you would be usually spending time along with earth’s mightiest heroes, which often made school seem like something so insignificant that you never really cared about the politics of it all. 
And unknowingly, it was all it took for you to become the unofficial queen of it. As you and Harry became closer though and you grew up, you started to be more aware of that kind of stuff and Harry made you aware of it too. Soon, there was something called the inner circle, which a few people made in. If you were being honest, you liked most of them when you started to hang out with them at lunch or the times that you weren’t stuck in the lab, training, or on a mission. 
And it was fine. You’d make friends and realize that growing up the daughter of a genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist was already attractive, but then inheriting some of Tony’s attitude and intelligence, and how you looked, you were a catch. 
Even more, being an Avenger. 
Which caused some people to want to bring you down a peg, or two. 
Especially, once you’d woken up from your coma and they told you that you were gone as Queen. 
What they didn’t exactly saw coming, was how much of a bitch you became once you weren’t an Avenger no more and with Harry by your side, you became a fucking menace, even to people you’d consider to be close friends. 
Which, only meant you had more enemies (as insignificant as they were to you, in your personal opinion) in your life. At first, you couldn’t give a shit, if you were honest since you started to hang out with far more famous people than them, older than them and way cooler than them; plus, you started to do your side activities which didn’t leave you much time to worry about them. 
If you decided to go out with them though, they barely ever talk to you, either if it was because of a deep resentment since you maybe had crossed them or someone close to them or just because of the sheer fear that they would be the next ones on your list. And you figured it was mostly because you never showed weakness, never. 
But now, entering this night with Peter Parker? It was as if you were wearing a target for your back and as the doors opened on the elevator and some of their glances fell on you and then on Peter, you were aware that you were fucked. 
Within minutes of arriving, you’d walked into a crazy mess of young adults on the colossal and luxurious penthouse that was Harry’s. Not having parents is a great advantage, you recalled him saying once when you’d just finished having a party at 9:00 am a couple of months ago. 
You looked back at Peter for a second and smiled before nudging him to walk with you. He looked good you realized, a bit too good for your liking. His curls were styled so perfectly but also so carelessly as they fell on his forehead in a way that made your heart flutter, he was wearing a black t-shirt that made him look like a fucking action figure, it fitted him nicely in his arms, defining each and every one of his muscles. His freckles were especially pretty that day along with his chocolate eyes that sparkled with some beams of golden. 
And only until then do you realize how much you were thinking of Peter as he glanced at you. 
“You okay?” he asked softly and you nodded with a smile. 
“You’ve asked that a lot Parker,”
Peter smiled. “Just trying to be a gentleman,” he insisted. 
“Then come and dance with me,” you teased, looking at him through your lashes as you took off your long jacket and left the purse at the entrance before lacing your hand in his and pulling him into the dance floor. 
You glanced around the room as people stared up at you, some were doing coke some were drinking and some were practically grinding on each other against a wall. It was a usual party but definitely different from what Peter had invited you. This was excess at its core and you didn’t know if Peter would feel comfortable with it. But he truly didn’t seem to mind, he had a smile plastered on his face as you guided him through the hallways. 
The dance floor was dark-not that dark- but dark enough. You could still see people staring at you wide-eyed as you pulled Peter Parker into the dance floor. You’d almost forgotten how good of a dancer Peter Parker was, you swayed your hips to the beat with Peter following your every move. His hands felt like they were burning through your skin as you pressed up against each other, his palm flat against the small of your lower back -like he’d done it before-and you felt like you were missing a bit of air just by the way the was holding you. Your dress was rather thin to beat the summer New York City heat but it only helped you to feel Peter’s blazing warm chest through his t-shirt. 
 The music felt good. You felt good. He felt good. 
Incredibly good. 
“You look really beautiful tonight,” Peter suddenly whispered. 
And only then did you look up to him and you felt like you were drowning as soon as your gaze linked with his. You could see the tiny flecks of gold in his eyes, he was looking at you with such a softness that you didn’t know what to do and for a moment you thought that you might be losing your balance. You hadn’t drunk anything but you were already feeling drunk on his gaze, he pressed further into you and you couldn’t help but smile a bit as you melted further into his arms. You felt his lips quirking up against your forehead and you felt your cheeks bushing but instead of cursing yourself, you couldn’t help yourself, you simply sighed in contentment. 
This. Whatever this was, it didn’t feel quite real. 
You never got close to anyone. You’d never told anyone other than Harry what you thought about what happened with Tony. You never let anyone get so close to the point that you felt safe with them after what happened. And yet, there you were, you feel as safe in Peter Parker’s arms. There was a small voice in the back of your head that kept trying to break through the surreal haze that was settling around you. Reminding you that this was just a bet, that it was supposed to be a quick fuck, that it was another takedown. 
But as you looked again at Peter, you realized how he was watching you closely, his eyes darting around your features as if trying to read every little thought that passed through your face, you felt naked and you wanted to run and hide from his gaze. Suddenly, they turned on some of the lights, they were too bright and you felt all hot and stuffy all of the sudden. 
“y/n?” Peter asked as you stepped away from him, looking at him with a concerned frown. 
“I,” you whispered, not looking at him. 
Nonetheless, your thoughts were snapped away when you heard a shriek, you turned towards where it was coming from and she was right there. 
Jessica Jones. 
“Hi, girl!” Jessica screamed, loudly, and you winced but you also let out a breath. 
You weren’t happy per se to see Jessica Jones, but you were almost hyperventilating and you appreciated the small distraction, even if it came from her. 
“Hi, Jess,” you replied as she kissed you on each cheek. 
Jessica Jones wasn’t per se the nicest person. In fact, she was one of those people that you were aware wanted to throw you down a peg or two. Jessica was an heiress as well after an awful accident left her an orphan, and a billionaire too. She was then adopted by Dorothy Walker, who Jessica often referred to as the wild bitch of the west.
Maybe it was the abandonment issues she suffered but Jessica often fell in love with everyone she dated, even if it was just for a week.
“I hadn’t seen you in a while,” she stated with a polite smile, a really polite and fake one. 
And you caught up to it immediately. 
“I know!” you replied with just the same smile. “That’s on purpose,” you replied evenly as you watch her eye twitching in annoyance. 
Suddenly, Peter’s chuckles interrupted the stare down and you curse mentally as you recalled that he was right there, at Jessica Jones's mercy. You watch her eyes gleam as she gazed at Peter, you were aware that she wanted to sabotage you right there and then. 
“So, who’s your plus one?” she asked, watching Peter through her lashes as she extended her hand to him. “Jessica Jones,” she said softly while Peter took her hand and smiled at her. 
You rolled your eyes at how she was looking at him. 
“Peter Parker,” he replied politely. 
“Oh, you study in Columbia too?” she asked as she got closer to Peter, while you had to fight yourself to not punch Jessica right there and then. 
“Yeah,” he stated. 
“I hadn’t seen you before, you must’ve met this girl at a party, right?” Jessica suddenly said as she grabbed your shoulder, nails piercing your arm as you bit your lower lip while faking a smile. “When isn’t she getting drunk and ruining people’s lives,”
“You’re so funny Jess!” you replied as fast as you could before taking her hand just as hard as she was holding yours and quickly spinning on your heels. “Peter can you give us a sec?” you asked but you didn’t wait for an answer. 
You dragged Jessica out of the dance floor and pulled her into one of the studios at Harry’s place, quickly screaming at the people who were about to have sex there to scram. Then, you finally closed the door furiously, while your eyes narrowed at Jessica who was watching you nonchalantly. 
“What are you doing?” you snapped at her, glaring at her. 
She chuckled. “What? You can ruin my relationship and I can’t ruin yours?”
Right, you're in a relationship, you thought. 
You pinched the bridge of your nose before actually answering. “I’m not in a relationship and I didn’t ruin yours,” you explained. 
That wasn’t exactly a lie. See, it wasn’t like the whole inner circle didn’t already know that Elijah, Jessica’s boyfriend for two months (which for her was as if they were already married), was fooling around with Harry behind her back. 
You’d just let her know.
Maybe it was because you’d knocked back three Moscow mules and an expresso martini. Yeah, you wanted to think that it was that but you also recalled that Harry had been sweet talking you to bring it up but you’d refused because you knew how Jessica could get if you did. 
Oh, and she got even worse after you spilled it up. 
“Oh, please, you couldn’t help yourself when you brought it up,” she said as she crossed her arms in front of her. 
“I was drunk and anyway I did you a favor,” you scoffed. 
It had been about nine months since it happened and you hadn’t seen Jessica since then. 
“I’m back with Elijah anyway,” she said indignantly and you had to physically bite your tongue to stop from revealing that Harry had been fooling around with Elijah again at the party he’d gone to while you were out with Peter and his friends. “And I won’t let you do anything to us again,”
You rolled your eyes. 
“Jessica, I truly couldn’t care less now. It’s game over,” you stated. 
“It’s not over until I say it is,” she shouted back.
“Then have fun playing with yourself,” you whispered with a smirk as you left the room, but as your eyes scanned the lighted-up dancefloor with people there, you didn’t find Peter. 
And it dawned on you, you realized what they were doing. 
“You were distracting me, weren’t you?” you scoffed as you bit your inner cheek. 
“You’d been out of the game for a while now, sweetie,” Jessica stated with a smirk before she walked away. 
You narrowed your eyes as you stormed out of the room while people glanced at you. Situations like this were the ones that made you remember why you hated to be in these places so much, why you hated the politics of it all, and why you’d decided to ruin them at one point in your life. You felt a constant fire burning in your chest that would spread through your veins and cause your skin to boil with unspoken emotions that you could never quite place. You were sure it was because of Tony and what happened but as you ran through the party looking for Harry, you knew that it was a loathing that you had against yourself too. 
That loathing was what brought you to this place, to a place where people had resentment festering in their chests because of your actions. You knew that it was self-destructive, to pull people away by hurting them, to isolate, to even fall into a trap that you could’ve seen from miles away. 
And if it had been any other situation, you might’ve let it go. 
But this wasn’t any other situation, this was Peter Parker and a bet that could bring you back to life and you knew you couldn’t fuck it up. 
If there was some scheme going on you knew that Harry knew about it and you had to find him. 
author's note: i had to, unfortunately, cut the chapter short, I had to write so so much but that means that if I focus a lot tomorrow we will have a very exciting chapter 15 on Wednesday. I'm excited to see your reactions. As always thank you so much for everyone being so nice and reading this!! and in KO-FI TOO I LOVE YOU ALL. as always lmk what you think, I love to read your theories and thoughts!!
taglist: @walkintheprk@jeonzlll@hoetel-manager@pbeckn26 @novaspietro @s-we-e-t-t-ea@spideys-world @3louisee @lnmp89 @coffeeandcrimeshows @dreamsarecloserwithyou @danslamer-eternelle @mayleenicole5676
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