#sorry if the answers are too basic
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velocidaixxtor Ā· 15 days ago
Tagged by @itscooltoskate āœØ tysmmmm āœØ
Get to know your mutuals game!
What's the origin of your blog's title?: Long story short my nickname + my favorite dinosaurĀ 
Favorite color: Crimson, burgundy, black
Favorite game: I donā€™t play video games like i used to but probably silent hill, hotline miami, alone in the dark, heavy rain, bioshock, marvel vs. capcom, mortal kombat
Song stuck in your head: Satanized by Ghost
Weirdest habit/trait? it's not weird but i bounce my leg up and down when iā€™m overwhelmed
Hobbies: writing scripts for short films i will never makeĀ 
If you could have any job you wish, what would it be? WORK SUCKS but probably art researcher / art teacherĀ 
Something you're good at: playing cardsĀ 
Something you're bad at: keeping in touch, start a conversation and anything that involves cooking
Something you excel at: overthink
Something you love: my cat, my friends, cinema, social justiceĀ 
Something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: cinema, music, cryptids
Something you hate: right-wing politics, neoliberalism, slow means of transport, people who are against piratery, neocolonialism, billionaires, lack of class consciousness, people who are rude to waiters, loud people, mosquitoes, summer
Something you collect: cool stickers, concert and movie tickets
Something you forget: a lot of things, i donā€™t have good memory
What's your love language? physical touch and gifts
Favorite movie/show:Ā I have many favorite movies and shows that change over time āžž my letterboxd
Favorite food: Pastel de papa
Favorite animal: Cats, penguins, rats
Are you musical? I studied piano, guitar and musical language but Iā€™m very bad at everything
What were you like as a child? Introverted and nerdy
Favorite subject at school? Literature, history & arts
Least favorite subject? Maths, numbers in general, sports
What's your best character trait? I try to be kind and empathetic
What's your worst character trait? I get frustrated very quickly and iā€™m hard-headed
If you could travel in time who would you like to meet? FranƧois Truffaut or Maria Falconetti
Last but not least, show your favorite fanart of your favorite character(s) Not a fanart but an edit
I'll tag: @somekeepsakes , @disintegratingeros, @dedicatedfollowerofrock (if u want too ofc ā‹†ā­’Ėšļ½”ā‹†) and anyone else who wants to do this too!
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arttsuka Ā· 10 months ago
Tiny mer Jed: "Well they ain't keeping us in this bowl!" (jumps out of the bowl dragging Octavius along and they land with a small wet splat on the floor)
Tiny mer Octavius: (stunned, shakes his head) "Reckless fool! What in Neptune's name are you doing!?"
Jed: "We flop to freedom or we die trying!"
*tiny wet slapping noises as the duo flop away across the floor*
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Ok who's gonna write a fic about that
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cuepickle Ā· 2 years ago
How do you get your line art so nice? Do you use a specific pen/pencil?
Omg someone asked me for my process over a year ago and I never got around to it - so I might as well now!
I use 250gsm blending card paper (meant for alcohol based markers) cause itā€™s very sturdy, lets you erase the same spot over and over without damage, and get some really crisp and clean lines without really denting the paper much.
I do a rough af base sketch with an HB mechanical pencil, then start putting in more detail/tidying it up like I have in the first pic, and then once Iā€™m happy with it I go in with a B mechanical pencil to make the lines dark and thick like the final version. (Theyā€™re also all the thinnest leads you can get)
Then I take a photo with my phone and use the mono iPhone filter to get rid of the yellow light in my house, and often tidy up any pencil mess in the background using airbrush etc in clip studio
This process honestly takes FOREVER but I really like how it turns out so I try to tell myself itā€™s worth it šŸ˜Œ
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kittycatred Ā· 17 days ago
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! ! !
( red is heard happily meowing !! they're reaaally enjoying being a cat !! )
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stephantom Ā· 26 days ago
When the baby cries really hard for more than like 2 minutes and I canā€™t figure out how to make it stop (usually gas is the main problemā€”which, kid, I get it, that stuff can hurt), it breaks my heart, but also, I feel like I could really just stare at her face and tell her I love her over and over forever
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brekwrites Ā· 10 months ago
Ew u another apologist of those aroace fuckwads and celestial family-obsessed fucktards. U not gonna write solarmoon cuz of us? Good! We don't need no fics from the likes of u. U really thought ur fics are worth missing? Bffr! There more solarmoon writers who writes better than u and writes better sex scenes
LMFAO Die mad about it, bitch.
To be clear, my stance on the issue is: do whatever the fuck you want as long as you're not being an asshole.
I put that in big, bold font so your stupid ass could easily find and read it, since you so clearly missed the point the first time around.
You don't want to ship anything and like the family dynamic? Great. You don't like a certain ship because it makes you uncomfortable, so you block the tag and make other content? Good for you. You ship the same things as me and want to talk to me about it? Hmu let's be friends. But don't go into my space, or anyone else's, and harass people for doing something that literally does not hurt anyone or involve you in any way. What are you, a fucking cop?
I also never said I was going to stop writing solarmoon. I said if you can't behave yourself, I'm blocking you and putting my work on private because nasty, hateful people like you don't deserve to have fun until you learn to shut up and quit bitching. I'm going to write whatever I damn well please, and unless you're going to reach through the screen and pull my hands off this keyboard, you're going to have to resign yourself to that fact.
Anyway, I'd like to take this opportunity to promote Tension, my Solar-centric, celestial family piece that has no ships and focuses on Solar's relationship with his new family. The canon celestial family dynamics are great and I enjoy them!
Finally, someone should shoot me a list of these other solarmoon writers who are better than me and write better sex scenes! If I haven't already seen their work, I would love some more reading material. :)
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steeltwigz Ā· 10 months ago
Ok I need to ask about the shirtless Kogoro Mouri drawing-- I see you gave him lots of scars šŸ‘€ Can you talk about those please
Oh yeah! It's kind of a mix of different head canons - since he used to be a cop, he probably had a few run-ins with pretty dangerous criminals, for sure being shot or stabbed at hence the scarring. I also think like given the way he acts, his childhood was probably Not Great. I can't imagine he had the best parents or lived in a great neighborhood and with how stubborn he is and how dangerous Beika can be, I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up getting into a Lot of fights in his spare time. He's also just clumsy and falls over a lot!
Mostly they're just for fun and because I think it would make sense for him to have a few scars, but some of them I have a little personal lore for. Like the scar on his neck is meant to imply that at one point he was held hostage by some criminal, maybe to use against Megure so they could escape when Kogoro was still a cop, and he almost had his throat slit so it left a scar. After a while, Conan starts using the stun-gun wrist-watch, but Kogoro doesn't connect the dots because he just ends up thinking it's some kind of phantom pain from the stress of all the murders he's witnessing (when it's the other side, he blames bug bites or something).
The small slice on his chin is probably from some kind of broken glass bottle, like he was attacked in a bar fight. Or maybe a chunk glass from a discarded beer bottle that he fell on when he's tripped down the stairs to his office, and the bar fight is just the story he tells to be less embarrassed.
The bigger scars are meant to be gunshot wounds or burns, but don't all have special lore reasons. He was shot in the shoulder and now has tremors in his left hand, making it harder to shoot a gun, or something. The one partially hidden on his forearm could be from when he was cooking while drunk and just burned himself on accident. Maybe he was drinking while cooking because Eri had just left and he quit the police force and didn't know how to cope, but he still needed to feed his daughter.
I imagine even if other characters saw his scars, like Shinichi or maybe Takagi (characters who don't really know his backstory or understand his personality that well) they would just write them off as Kogoro being careless, which would be likeee. Half True. Megure probably knows where most of them came from, Ran can probably guess and be pretty accurate.
Kogoro doesn't really seem to ever want to talk about things that happen to him, so he doesn't really explain where the scars came from, so ppl think he's trying to be Cool and Mysterious to avoid confessing that he was drunk and ran into a sharp table. I think he'd also be a little embarrassed about them and try to hide them with makeup if he ever cared enough. Especially ones where he was shot or stabbed on the police force. For him, it's embarrassing to get caught, like when he was held hostage, or to be shot at and not expect it. They're kind of like cumulative reminders of his greatest failures, even the ones where he was never really at fault, because his guard should have been better or he should have been paying more attention, etc.
Also tho I mean. Scars are cool fjdhdhdh they fit him because he's abrasive and a dumbass and a klutz and his job is hunting down killers, so he's Definitely going to get himself injured, but they also just make him look good, even if he'd be embarrassed abt them. And really I just like rotating angst around in my head and the easiest way to do that is to go "ok but what if he got hurt one time" and then draw it, with or without full planning. Thank you for noticing them tho! And thanks for the ask!! ^_^
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shakingparadigm Ā· 1 year ago
Hello it's the anon who said about the Ivan collar thing šŸ˜­. I come with some little brainrots.
Mizi sang "Black Sorrow" as a solo cover for unrequited love, with Sua being dead.
But the cover made me think. What if somehow Sua, in a way, is the Till to Mizi's Ivan. What if Sua, even if she loves Mizi back, never really fully indulged in it.
Specially in "My Clematis" where Mizi regarded Sua as a god, all I can imagine is Sua who always kept a perfect image in front of everyone including Mizi. Sua who never really showed her vulnerability to Mizi even though the other girl bared her entire heart. Just the idea that she somewhat kept a mask of pretend, letting Mizi be as blissful as it can be before the inevitable.
Aka tragic Yuri breaking my heart that Sua had to keep her own planned death a secret from her beloved because of one (and only) little selfish wish, which is to let Mizi live.
(Also sorry for spamming asks this frequently! I've been going through ALNST hyperfixations and your blog have a great humor.)
DONT EVER BE SORRY FOR SPAMMING ASKS! they make me really happy! Thank you so much! Sorry it takes me a while to answer them sometimes, my brains been pretty messy as of late, and I keep losing track of time.
That's a really interesting perspective to see it from. Regarding their relationship as a whole, I actually think it was the opposite. Sua only ever opened up to Mizi, and to everyone else she was timid and closed off. That was one of the reasons why their bond was so strong, they clung to each other. Sua retreats into herself, avoiding others in an attempt to protect her soft-hearted feelings, only sticking to Mizi because she loved and trusted her most. Mizi loved Sua like a dog because she was a cure for her loneliness back when Mizi felt isolated and afraid of being away from her home. They gave each other everything, which is why the thought of Mizi dying filled Sua with so much anguish that she'd rather die herself.
But if we're talking about the few weeks leading up to the first round of ALNST (you probably meant this, my bad) then definitely. She spent the last of her life counting down the hours, putting on a brave face and trying to make the remainder of her time with Mizi the best it could possibly be. I assume it was Mizi that proposed a tie. Sua played along, or maybe even believed in it at first, because ALIEN STAGE was something that they both looked forward to their whole lives, something that was held over their heads like a reward instead of the death sentence it actually was. Sua most likely started planning her death after she realized the possible consequences. The thing is, according to the MiziSua interview, a tie had never happened before in ALIEN STAGE. Which means that we don't know what happens if a tie actually does occur. It seems unlikely that ALIEN STAGE, which derives its stakes from the deaths of the contestants, would let both go forward thanks to a tie. I mean, if that happened, then everyone else would just decide to tie in order to keep each other alive, and where's the fun in a deathless season? Where's the stakes in that? It goes against everything ALIEN STAGE is built on. If a tie did happen, they most likely would have forced a situation where one of them would have to die anyway. It just lengthens the process and makes it more complicated. I like to think that, at some point, Sua realized this. If they tie, there's no guarantee that they both stay alive. In a tie situation, they might even randomly pick the contestant to be eliminated. The circumstances are uncertain and unpredictable, and within those hypotheticals Mizi dying is always an option. But if Sua adjusts her own performance level without Mizi knowing, she can ensure that the only person who has to die is herself. As stated before, Sua is soft-hearted. Her blank demeanor is indeed a mask for overwhelming feelings that lie beneath the surface. Mizi worships Sua, but Sua loves Mizi an incredible amount too. She must have loved her so much that Ivan, an exceedingly observant asshole (affectionate), picked up on it and was able to discern her intentions. Ivan criticizes Sua for choosing to sacrifice herself, calling her out for "playing hero", but most importantly, accusing her of dying only because she herself cannot handle the pain of losing someone she loves. She cannot fathom living a life where Mizi is dead, so she "runs away" from it by any means possible. He accuses her of being a hypocrite because the future that pains her to think about is one that she is about to inflict on her beloved. Is it an act of love or an act of selfishness? Is Ivan twisting her genuinely pure intentions and chastising her into believing that it makes her a bad person? Despite being hit with this crisis and crying over it, Sua decides to sacrifice herself anyway. And her happy mask was so impressive that Mizi failed to notice she was digging her own grave.
Sua not "indulging" in her love for Mizi is actually really interesting, and I can see how it can come off that way because Mizi is much more affectionate. But I actually think otherwise!
I think it's not really that she refused to indulge in her love, rather she indulged in it so much that she died to ensure she'd never have to live without it.
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sergle Ā· 1 year ago
Question! If I ordered a few things from your Etsy, is there some sort of way to combine shipping to make it more convenient from you? I have never bought from Etsy before and am just sort of unsure of how it works, I am from Texas so the shipping shouldn't be difficult from that standpoint, only one state over.
you mean like shipping multiple orders together? bc if someone orders more than once in a short period of time, yes! I'll normally do that myself though, you don't have to ask me to combine shipping- tho sometimes people will leave a note on the order (it's very easy for me to see things written in the "note to seller" field) and that also helps me not to miss it!
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riacte Ā· 7 months ago
hi! i love reading your fics but i specifically love the social media shenanigans in dearly beloathed. i was wondering how you would feel if i took some inspiration from that for a fic of mine because i would love to write something that's very similarly formatted but i wanted to make sure you were fine with that (cause i'm assuming it took some time and effort to come up with) before i did. anyways your writing is awesome and i love reading it
Yes sure of course! I took inspiration from ao3 fics (F1 fandom in particular is stunning at formatting, I have so much respect for their dedication), such as this one (I basically took the formatting from this) and this Twitch streamer AU. If you're posting on ao3, there's the option of playing with HTML/CSS for a more "realistic" socmed interface, for example this one for Twitter which is magic to me. This one is an extremely impressive Discord mockup. An Unauthorised Fandom Treatise is a nice look into mid 2010s Superwholock era fandom whereas F1 rpf and indeed mcyt / streamer stuff is more "modern". Anyways yeah there's a lot of potential in this genre of fics and loads of stuff to check out on ao3 if you wish :) I love scrolling through the Unconventional Format tag because people are just so creative. Good luck with your writing!
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coldflasher Ā· 5 months ago
started rewatching arrow and far be it from me to defend oliver queen but what the fuck is wrong with this man's family?? your missing son comes back from what you believe to be a five-year stint on a completely deserted island. alone. zero human contact and no concerns other than survival. and you want him to put on a suit and be in charge of a company despite having no education or training and being freshly returned from said deserted island
HELLO? do they realize what a miracle it is that this man is even coherent. he's riddled with ptsd! moira is like "oliver i am deeply disappointed that you didnt experience personal growth during your five-year survivalist nightmare. i thought you would come back and somehow not only be normal but also socially well adjusted." like madam the fact he is walking and talking and wearing clothes and acting fairly normal is astonishing in and of itself. he's been eating birds and sleeping in a tree. what does this man know about shareholders and ROI
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mc-survivalist-steven Ā· 1 year ago
I've been thinking and thinking. Call me a researcher or just a stranger. And something's been gnawing on my mind.
I didn't know Herobrines could reproduce let alone be female. There's an overabundance in males and females are a rarity from my observation. That is such an odd thing. Not to mention that Herobrines don't really- reproduce. Of course with exceptions, but the cases I know do it rather traditionally.
Your mother- (likely a brine all the same - as you describe yourself one too) Your mother produced children by spreading spores of some kind. Some parts of herself I guess. A power to mend into the elements and create another living being in such a way is baffling.
To get to the point and my actual question.
I've been pondering- spreading Herobrine offspring on such a wide scale (as you mentioned you had plenty of siblings) and seemingly not weakening herself if she could do that en mass. Maybe it's less of making more Brines from herself but something more akin to Brine-Spawns. (like vampire-spawns- a weaker kind of vampire sprung from a true one)
With that odd thought- you are the child of a Herobrine, but not a full brine yourself? Do you think that is kinda true?
Brines are such a rarity, your mother releasing tousands of offspring into the world and them being true Brines seems a little unreasonable.
Of course I may be mistaken as every elusive indivitual of a brine works different than the next. Maybe you and your "species" aren't actual brines by many a definition from each their own flaws.
Ah..... I've been talking a lot. What do you think about this whole- thing? Maybe you know more than I do. Probably.
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igarbagecannoteven Ā· 8 months ago
hi!! just read your cake at the craft store fic and thought I'd introduce myself on here :) you're a talented writer and seem like a lovely person!
oh my gosh thank you so much! that's so sweet of you šŸ„°i'm so glad you enjoyed my work! (and thank you so much for the lovely comment on ao3!) also love your handles on both ao3 and here, i'm a big fan of herons myself šŸ˜Š
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mug-of-shark Ā· 2 months ago
"feels lame in comparison to everyone else" and proceeds to include a batshit crazy experience in the tags
kitt you can't do that to me
did you ever find out where the blood was from?
unfortunately (or fortunately?) i did not
that school system did have a pretty hefty issue w violence though, so iā€™m assuming some 7th graders just decided fuck this and committed a violence
my personal thought is someone got beat down against the wall by multiple people bc iirc there were like smears in addition to splats
and uh. and then i went to art class and drew furries while being annoyed at my teacher (for being sucks) and my friends friend (also for being sucks. she had a tendency to punch people and then guilt trip you about being like dude donā€™t punch me)
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unexpectedbrickattack Ā· 2 years ago
Oooooh do you think gnomes would have their own language/dialect??
Short answer: Yes. Technically.
Long answer: I have. Feelings. About how language is treated in fantasy. Like ā€œthis race has their Own languageā€ despite living in vastly different areas of the same world. Like. Humans having their Own language. Elves having their Own language. Elves, orcs, etc etc. Its not Bad but its definitely like A Thing that pokes at my sides a little lol.
Humans have hundreds of spoken and visual languages! Id like to imagine that in a world with other races, they would have their own variety of spoken language šŸ˜Š So yes; Gus does speak in his own native tongue. And he has absolutely badmouthed someone who got on his nerves without them realizing it lol
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zhouxiangs Ā· 11 months ago
Sorry if youā€™re not really into actorsā€™ life but Iā€™m wondering (genuinely wondering no hate or something) but for you Spy and Nut seem to be close? I mean that for me they seem to enjoy each otherā€™s company and stuff (Iā€™m not labeling anything but they may be close šŸ‘€)
hi anon! i'm not really into actors' lives indeed but they got asked about this a lot, so i do know they are close and have been since lovefest 2022. here's a pic from nut's ig stories at the time:
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the short story is that both garfield and topten were already asleep in the car and sai was worried it wasn't safe for nut to drive because it was so late, so he invited everyone to sleep over at his house and they've been close since. they spend a lot of time together and sometimes go to each other's events, i think it's safe to assume they're best friends at this point lol
not-so-fun fact: they've both gotten backlash over their friendship (particularly nut) because why would people have friends they like to spend time with when they have a business partner they could be doing fanservice with instead šŸ™„
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