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eternalwritess ยท 22 days ago
jjk matchup exchange with @tillichan
i match you with... ๐“จ๐“พ๐“พ๐“ฝ๐“ช ๐“ž๐“ด๐“ด๐“ธ๐“ฝ๐“ผ๐“พ โ–ˆโ–ˆ 20% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 60% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 80% _ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ 100% แด„แดแดแด˜สŸแด‡แด›แด‡!
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โ™ก You were an ordinary kid growing up or so you thought, you were always able to see things that you thought to be ghosts and most of them were rather scary as well. So you tended to avoid them. However one day you went out when one of them attacked you, you didn't know what to do in this case and it ended up getting at you quite a bit and you were saved by someone wearing a white blindfold. You were rather young at this time.
โ™ก He was about to treat you when your body started healing itself on its own, something that you knew it tended to do, you knew it wasn't normal and for a moment you thought the person would find it weird but instead they just laughed and asked you if you ever heard about cursed spirits.
โ™ก You soon found out later that that mans name was Gojo Satoru. He began training you and helped you figure out the detials of your cursed technique
โ™ก Shield of Energy: You are able to emit a strong barrier around yourself where the cursed energy is so thick and dense that it treats it like RCT (reverse cursed energy) and heals you and anyone else inside that barrier. You can also break apart this barrier and give pieces of it to someone else. Think of it like splitting it in half, the amount of time it takes someone to heal would be slower but they'll be safe and healing and this all depends on how much you extend it. Because of this you were also able to learn RCT pretty easily as you asked Shoko to teach you that one and soon enough you also learned how to do it on others (although you're not as good as her you're pretty much the next best thing). Also another thing about you're barrier! When it's at 100% it's pretty much unbreakable, a single slahs from Sukuna would not be able to break through it (although it might break at around 5), the only thing would be Infinite Void or Mahoraga potentially adapting to it. HOWEVER this is only when it's at 100% the barrier weakens as the percentage goes down.
โ™ก You lived at Jujutsu Tech soon after enrolling and you were put in the same class as Maki, Panda, and Toge. You got along with all of them pretty well, Toge played pranks every now and then but nothing that bothered you too much (he typically had Panda), Maki trained you in hand to hand insisting that you needed to know some combat, especially since your technique was mostly defensive based... yeah you got your ass kicked by her a lot-. Panda also helped you with strength, he basically encouraged you to keep on going no matter what <3
โ™ก When Yuuta arrived you were on edge almost instantly, everyone was. While you didn't attack him perse, you did get out of your seat and instantly look to Gojo as if he'd grown an extra head because seriously what was that. The energy was so intense and horrible that you thought that the boy must've been a killer of some sort. However when Rika appeared well... I don't think that calmed you either- you were still tense but at least you knew where it was coming from. When Gojo explained the situation you couldn't help but smile a little, of course he would take Yuuta in after all he helped you.
โ™ก You felt bad for Yuuta when he first arrived, first getting a spear thrown at him by Maki and then well... getting beat up by Maki... you and her would probably have to talk out the whole her beating up Yuuta bit but... for now it was fine.
โ™ก Soon after Gojo paired the two of you together (to give Yuuta a bit of a break from getting his ass kicked by the others-) and told you to just show him around a bit while he dodged his duties, did some really important stuff
โ™ก One of the first things that you ended up showing him was the garden that both you and Toge took care of, you explained to him how it gave you a sense of normalcy in a life that was... less from normal.
โ™ก You and Yuuta got along instantly and soon after showing him around the place you finally showed him to his dorm and explained that it was the boys side of the room and do confirm your statement Toge and Panda ran out of Toge's room rather loudly
โ™ก You both didn't commonly train together unless it was for hand to hand combat and things like that. Maki would gather everyone together and then the entire group would just spare for hours on end and not even you were exempt from that.
โ™ก Yuuta wondered why this was so one day he just straight up asked you the reason. When you told him that your technique was more on the defensive side, mixed with you not being a big fighter and more of a healer her understood and soon enough that got the two of you talking about RCT and how to do it, after all you were the only one in your class who knew how to do it.
โ™ก However you soon found out that you needed someone in the room wit the two of you when you two studied over it (preferably male) as if there wasn't and you accidentally did something like bump shoulders with Yuuta... well lets just say everyone knew a certain someone was there. Gojo ended up saving the two of you from that a lot more than once, so yeah... Toge stays with you two now just so that Rika doesn't get out of control
โ™ก While Yuuta doesn't know it yet (at this time) you do help him figure it out later on in the future, especially when it comes to healing others and things like that
โ™ก When Geto attacked the school you were there and while you didn't get seriously injured in the battle you were unconscious, thankfully your barrier healed you up pretty well you were still recovering from the exhaustion of using your cursed energy to such an extent in order to keep your body somewhat intact and for a few days everything was dizzy because you were drained.
โ™ก Yuuta visited you a ton after that, constantly apologizing and things like that before explaining that Rika left him now (in some sense) and he explained that she wasn't gonna ruling over and controlling his life now. Something that you were very happy about because well... it was genuinely a problem if the two of you wanted to hang out-
โ™ก Soon after Yuuta began excepting the fact that he had feelings for you that were more than platonic, the moment he realized that he had these feelings was when Rika was still around and controlling a ton of aspects about his life but he shut them down because she would get mad and well, things would get messy. But now since he was able to except them he planned on asking you out somehow
โ™ก He wasn't originally going to ask Gojo for advice (in fact he wasn't going to at all) but Gojo thought that it would be fun to insert himself anyways, he also made an effort to put you two next to each other, on the same assignments, missions, literally whatever he could do because y'know what? Why the hell not? It got to the point why Yuuta had to ask Gojo to stop doing that and that only got him so far-
โ™ก Toward the end of your guys' first year together was when he finally asked you out (consulting with Rika first ofc). He was shy the entire time and just after class he found that he had enough time to pull you aside and express the fact that he liked you. Express the fact that he liked watching you garden, he liked talking with you, he liked being around you, how liked how calm you were, he liked when you beat him in chess, talking about books, your long hair, blue eyes. Just everything.
โ™ก He actually went on a bit of a ramble of how much he liked you before snapping back to reality and saying that he wanted to go out with you on a date of some kind and when you said yes he didn't know what to do for a moment. He basically had a "oh shit i didnt think this far" moment. He planned for a date but forgot what to do if you even said yes. So he just asked when you were available and scurried off. Gojo congratulated him for asking you out soon after and he contemplated why he even tolerated him for a moment
โ™ก For your first date he wanted to do something that wouldn't overwhelm you, so he thought it through... like really thought it through. He ended up with horse riding as he knew that you mentioned it and he thought that the two of you taking lessons could be fun. He was nervous the entire time though and when the two of you get there he was REALLY nervous about whether or not you'd even like it in the first place.
โ™ก You were way better than him at it as you've been doing it for a while but he was bad... like really bad. He was terrified of hurting the horse somehow but soon enough you helped coaxed him onto it (the trainer left you two alone after noticing that you knew what you were doing because they needed to help others). You helped make sure that he wasn't going to fall off before getting on your own. Afterwards the two of you grabbed something to eat at a restaurant (you both planned to go somewhere quick to eat originally but you both realized that there was a place that you both wanted to try out so).
What people thought of you dating (+ your relationships with them!)
โ™ก Satoru Gojo: He couldn't stop laughing when he realized that it had finally happened. He noticed that the two of you liked each other long before either of you had and that was hilarious to him. He couldn't stop laughing or thinking about it for days. He was really so so so so proud of the two of you though for finally sorting things out, especially with Rika because she was his main concern this entire time, but after realizing that it was fine he was relieved and giddy. As for your relationship with him, he's your mentor figure/older brother if that makes sense? He found you and introduced you to a world that you didn't know you belonged to and then stayed by your side. He wasn't fatherly and he definitely played a bunch of pranks on you but he was there for you when you needed it. He helped you train and discover your technique and he helped you with other aspects of cursed energy and curses aswell
โ™ก Megumi Fushiguro: He was confused... he thought the two of you were already dating tbh so when you told him he was like "yeah i know" and then when you told him that he had JUST gotten together he looked from him to you to him and just kinda sat there like ">:o". Which was ALSO followed by a "so what was all of that before then?". He was pretty damn sassy about it but sometimes you just gotta let it happen. But in the end he was just glad you got all of it together. As for your relationship with him he sees you like an older sister. You two met rather quickly and since you were both around the same age you trained with him quite often and you were both around the same in terms of strength back then too. When Tsumiki was cursed you visited him and made sure that he was okay, he was closer now because he lived in the dorms but the two of you knew that that wasn't want he wanted. He also kinda latched onto you because of that. He thinks your nice and doesn't want to let you go
โ™ก Maki Zen'in: She was relieved, honestly she could tell from a mile away that the two of you had something going and was just glad that Yuuta's face wouldn't go as red anymore whenever Toge would bring you up during training and things like that. As for her relationship to you- you're both best friends. Maki commonly hangs out with you just because she thinks that you're chill (at least a lot better than most people there) and not only that but she likes training with you because you're just fun to train with
โ™ก Toge Inumaki: He. Recorded. The. Whole. Thing. And by "the whole thing" I'm talkin' about Yuuta's confession towards you, he didn't mean to overhear but he did and he did mean to record it. Yuuta's trying to get him to delete it now... but yes! He loves the fact that you two are dating and constantly makes jokes about being the best man at your guys' wedding. You and Toge also garden together quite a bit, it's relaxing and calm for the both of you.
โ™ก Nobara Kugisaki: When she came Yuuta wasn't there yet but when she found out that you were dating someone she was so confused and so determined to find out who it was. She asked you questions about it all of the time but you never cracked and didn't mind all of her questioning. She was the one who broke first actually, she then learned that Megumi knew and then she wouldn't stop asking him. He respected your privacy though and didn't tell her. Toge however let it slip and you don't even know how as he really only says rice ball ingredients so like '???' but whatever. She didn't know who Yuuta was anyways (to her dismay) but she saw a picture or two and was extremely confused as she thought that he lowkey looked gothic. But as for your relationship with her you're basically like her older sister/mentor. She commonly confides with you and she looks up to you... like a lot she admires you a shit ton, like more than anyone there and its adorable.
โ™ก Relationship dynamics: pining, mutual pining, lots of pining, high school sweethearts, quiet kid (him) x therapist (you), feeler (you) x thinker (him), overpowered (him) x the one he protects (you), first crush (kinda-), lovebirds, moral support, THE relationship (ykyk), and first love (also kinda-)
โ™ก You taught him a little on how to play chess and he sucks at it... he tries to get better but he's given up by now </3
โ™ก There were bets on whether or not the two of you would get together, mostly between Gojo, Panda, and Toge though Maki didn't have a part in it would would commonly critique them whenever they brought it up
โ™ก You and Yuuta go on a ton of coffee/cafe dates and go on them pretty much all of the time. He needs it to stay away and he also just likes treating you. Speaking of which he will also get you coffee and things like that whenever he gets coffee
โ™ก Whenever he goes out for trips he comes back with a small gift for you just because he wants to let you know that he misses you. I also think that they two of you tend to call more than you text but ofc sometimes you just gotta text because he can't always call, especially from far away
โ™ก When he learned that you could dance he wanted to see it in person. You had a video and when you showed him he was so captivated by the thing. He then wondered out loud how the hell you were so talented because you do so many things that he can't do
โ™ก Going more on that he tends to ask you about things and whether or not he should or shouldn't do something and if he does if you would do it with him. This is because for most of his life Rika made him scared to talk to others and go out and try new things so he's rather unsure about stuff like that. However you encourage him and go with him every now and then (not all the time ofc) and he loves that about you and thanks you for it
โ™ก Sometimes he'll go bird watching with you and he kinda points out almost every bird that he sees... there's no real reason to it. he just kinda does it because he thinks that its fun
โ™ก You both love animals and will go on dates to the zoo every now and then and if you guys see a stray cat you will bring it with you and feed it until its better... off topic but the school has a lot of cats hanging around it now-
โ™ก Rika likes you and being around you, you calm her down a lot and she likes that you make Yuuta happy <3
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eternalwritess ยท 24 days ago
hi this is not a request I just wanted to tell you I think a couple months ago I sent you a request while blackout drunk and I think about it often and thought youโ€™d find it funny lol
LMAOOOOO wait i think i did that one lol- it did in fact make me giggle :)
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eternalwritess ยท 27 days ago
not really a request, just something I thought you'd ought to know
I'm the soy sauce anon from last year.
the 15 packets have become 66
... i dont know whether to be afraid or proud
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eternalwritess ยท 1 month ago
mha exchange with @tillichan
i match you with... ๐“ข๐“ฑ๐“ธ๐“ฝ๐“ธ ๐“ฃ๐“ธ๐“ญ๐“ธ๐“ป๐“ธ๐“ด๐“ฒ โ–ˆโ–ˆ 20% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 60% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 80% _ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ 100% แด„แดแดแด˜สŸแด‡แด›แด‡!
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โ˜… You were born to a very high status family. One that was well regarded all around the world and known for their high value quirks. Your mom and dad are retired heroes despite not being one for too long in order to pursue music. However the rest of your famiily are well known heroes which inspired you whenever you got your own quirk to become just like them
โ˜… When you got your quirk you at first didn't understand that you got it. It was during the middle of class and you were all watching a movie so the lights were off. You didn't understand what was happening because to you everyone was glowing for some unknown reason. You thought it was a quirk of someone else's but when you asked your teacher if they saw it they simply replied no. After a while the glowing stopped but every now and then it would come up and you only truly realized what your quirk was when one day one of your friends was bleeding. Wanting to help them you suddenly saw them begin to glow and the light travel down to the wound. Swiftly taking care of it and patching it up
โ˜… Your quirk is called Light Force but a bit of backstory before we go into how it works. Humans and people all emit small amounts of light because of the chemical reactions that go on within the body. But we cannot see this light with the naked human eye as its invisible to us. But! You can see this light because of your quirk. You can also control this light. Have you ever seen Star Wars? Think of it like the force but with benefits. With this light you can heal, restrain, defend, and harm others. Let me explain how
โ˜… Heal: You can heal others with this quirk because since you control the light you can make it have healing properties by well... changing the properties of light! You got a hang of this one rather easily :)
โ˜… Restrain: By stiffening and holding the light in one place you create a "cage" like thing around the person making them unable to move. However! Only their body is unable to move, watch out for any quirks though
โ˜… Defend: If you gather all of the light into one place and concentrate it in vast amounts it forms a shield. You can use this on others and yourself! (You can also heal yourself-)
โ˜… Harm: Think force choking someone or even forcing the light into someone's body to injure them. I don't think you'll use this one as much but it is quite useful!
โ˜… REMEMBER! You cannot control sunlight, only the light emitted by others. This may seem like a weakness but can be extremely powerful, especially when you fight others in places of low light. Also! You can control the light from multiple people's bodies at once, but this requires VAST amounts of training
โ˜… Now that the quirk is out of the way (sorry its so long and complicated-) time for UA!
โ˜… You passed the entrance and physical exam with practically flying colors. The robots wee a little hard for you to fight at first but soon enough you figured out how to disarm them as you found a red button that when pressed powered down the robots (yes this was actually a thing!! :D )
โ˜… You got sent into Class 1-A where you quickly met everyone there. Everyone you met was rather nice to you and you befriended Mina, Ochako, and Tsuyu rather quickly! With the guys however it took you a little long to befriend and get to know. Thankfully though Ochako decided to introduce you to Izuku and Tenya and you quickly found yourself joining their friend group
โ˜… You met Shoto properly at the USJ attack when the two of you were transported to the same area. You watched him take out the villains with ease and instantly knew how strong he was and it was kinda scary at first but you got used to it. After the attack was over you thanked him for taking care of the villains and he didn't say much in return, only that it wasn't a big deal because they were so weak
โ˜… After the sports festival is when the two of you really became friends. Shoto was hanging out around Izuku more and more and since Izuku was your best friend he was also hanging out around you.
โ˜… Shoto knew that you came from an impressive line of heroes and one day asked you about your parents and what they did, since he knew that they were once heroes but after that he didn't know much about them. You explained that they were musicians now and retired because they had you and didn't want to risk the chance that one day they might not come back home to you
โ˜… He didn't understand at first and it took him a while (along with a few questions) but he understood soon enough and said that he thought that seemed to be an honorable reason to quit being a hero.
โ˜… You then asked him about his own father Endeavor not knowing about his past with him and you soon learned that Shoto hated his father, he didn't hide it from you because he didn't hide it from anyone and he briefly explained that his father was the reason that his mother was gone
โ˜… Izuku ended up having to leave early so soon enough it turned to just the two of you sitting and talking with one another. You told him all about your passion for gardening, animals, fantasy, and chess. You even admitted that you were once a pro chess player. He then asked to play a game with you and yeah... you beat him... badly
โ˜… After that the two of you hung out more and more. He visited your house quite often and the two of you would commonly do things that you liked. You showed him your plants and he admired how well you took care of them. He knew for a fact that he couldn't garden too well. Fuyumi tried teaching him once how to take care of a simple flower and it ended up dying by the end of the week despite his best efforts and when he told you this the next day you got him a plant and said that the two of you could take care of it together
โ˜… I do imagine that he was a little freaked out when you first introduced him to your pets. He never had animals growing up and he had never really interacted with them throughout his childhood. He was scared to pet your dog out of fear that it might bite and just didn't know how to interact with your cat as he didn't want to somehow offend the animal but soon enough he got used to it
โ˜… The moment he realized that he was in love with you was after a long long long day of training. Aizawa for some reason seemed to make it his mission that day to force you guys to do nothing but push you and the extents of your quirk. THEN he had you guys fight against each other. Shoto went up again Izuku and that Bakugo and well... long story short he was very tired by the end of the day with too many cuts or scrapes to count. He didn't go to recovery girl though because so many people were already there and he didn't want to bother her. When you noticed this you went up to him and insisted that he let you heal him at least a little because you didn't want him going to bed all battered and bruised. At first he denied but after enough nagging he eventually allowed it to happen. While you were healing him them though he kept getting more and more nervous the closer you got to him. He kept thinking about pulling you closer and hugging you and he felt an enormous amount of affection and admiration for you. It was at that moment when he realized that he didn't just want to be your friend and well... he kinda asked you out right then and there
โ˜… You were shocked of course but agreed to go on a date with him and after that Shoto just couldn't stop blushing the entire day. He kept thinking about you and what you would want to do for a date. He was at a loss though...
โ˜… He ended up taking you to a park, the two of you walking around and talking the entire time. It was a rather chill and laid back date and the whole time Shoto was wondering if it was too laid back or if he should've done something more drastic if this wasn't enough. Soon enough he ended up taking you somewhere and buying you some food. The two of you then just sat and talked some more.
โ˜… Your guys' next date was you teaching him how to ride a horse something that he was very scared of doing. He watched you do it first for about the first 30 minutes or so before doing so himself and... he had trouble getting up on the horse. It took him a good 10 minutes before he could finally get on it. You lead the horse around for him as he sat on it and that was about as far as the two of you ever got </3
โ˜… What people thought of you dating! (+ your relationship with them!)
โ˜… Tamaki Amajiki: He's not too good with social cues so he thought that the two of you were dating long before you were actually dating. He even mentioned it to Mirio and Nejire once and they had to specifically tell him that you two were not dating. In terms of relationships he's almost like a mentor for you. The big three come over quite often every now and then and he commonly pairs himself with you because you're nice and he doesn't feel as anxious or nervous when he's around you. He teaches you every now and then how to use your quirk more efficiently to contain those with added strength so he'll shift his body into other parts of other animals to help you with it
โ˜… Izuku Midoryia: He wasn't surprised that the two of you were dating. He was actually somewhat happy for the two of you but then again he also kinda liked you to some extent. You were the person who he rambled to all the time about heroes and quirks and even though he can do it now he does get a little sad mid-rant once he realizes that he doesn't have a chance. But since you're both his friends he just waits until the feeling goes away
โ˜… Enji Todoroki: When you came over and announced that the two of you were dating Shoto was nervous and didn't want to do it at first. Fuyumi was the one who told you guys to though and well... Shoto will always do what she says. At first Enfji didn't say much, too much in shock in order to even comprehend it but he just sorta nodded in approval. He is trying to get better remember? he is happy for the two of you though, he knows that you're a good person and a good match for Shoto but he also wonders about the two of you a lot and what you're doing and if you might encourage Shoto against him and such. But he doesn't get in the way
โ˜… Ochako Uruaka: She. Was. ECSTATIC!!! She was so happy when you both told her that you were in fact dating and then mentioned that Tsuyu owed her some money because apparently thy placed bets on the two of you something that Shoto did NOT know how to take while you just laughed it off. You and her are basically best friends, you hang out at her dorm all of the time and talk to her about anything and everything possible and imaginable and you know that she always has your back no matter what. You and her also train quite often to practice self defense and offense every now and then as even though you're not a big fan of it (or very good at it) Ochako still wants you to know it as in order to be a hero you can't know only one
โ˜… Relationship dynamics: moral support, lovebirds, high school sweethearts, friends to lovers, absolute simp (shoto) x oblivious (you), wants to spoil them (shoto) x keeps insisting that they dont need all this stuff (you), awkward pining, mutual pining, moon (shoto) x sun (you), power couple
โ˜… He's very very VERY overprotective of you and just you in general when it comes to things. He's been conditioned to try and be the best and if you get hurt in any way shape or form he doesn't believe that he's doing his job right as a hero or as a partner to the best of his abilities and will immediately apologize to you even if you tell him thats its not a big deal and that he doesn't need to
โ˜… You end up teaching him chess and how to play it well, the strategies and things like that. He's not the best at it but he's definitely getting better although every now and then he makes a dumb move that causes you to look at him like 0-0 and he just does the same back to you
โ˜… There were SO many bets going on in class 1-A if whether or not the two of you would get together and it's all courtesy of Mina. She made an ENTIRE group chat just for the purpose of debating it and yes all of the girls were in it and arguing over it. Some people thought you wouldn't but the majority thought that it was gonna happen and what do you know? They're right :)
โ˜… He's such a simp for you it's actually getting out of hand to some extent- since he's not very good with words he likes to express his affection through other ways such as gift giving, acts of service, and stuff like that and he does it ALL of the time. Like if you need anything done and just hint at it when he's around he gets it done because once again... he's a simp-
โ˜… When you introduced him to fantasy books he was confused at first, he didn't get why they were writing about things that weren't real but soon enough he was HOOKED. He read each and every book you recommended and then some. Soon enough he was reading more fantasy books than you knew even EXISTED and he would talk about them with you all of the time. He liked fantasy... he liked it a lot-
โ˜… When the two of you become pros people are always shocked to learn that you both don't have social media. Because of this you are both behind on trends and such and everyone finds it utterly adorable <3
โ˜… Also!!! Shoto is really glad that you're not really into social media and things like Tiktok or instagram because he feared that he then might have to download it in order to understand you if you start saying things like "skibidi sigmga"- and he would also probably have a slight mental breakdown as to what it means lol
โ˜… Kids love the two of you, you're both good with them :)
โ˜… Also this was in the relationship dynamics but you're SUCH a power couple. Like there's a ranking for power couples and you two are literally in the NUMBER ONE SPOT
โ˜… When he learned you could dance he wanted to learn so that he could dance with you and asked you to teach him
โ˜… You probably help him with English <3
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eternalwritess ยท 1 month ago
hiii! first off, i just wanted to let you know how much i love your work- your writing is so adorable, and ifff you're taking requests, i'd like to make one for jjk (o^^o)
for appearance- im about 5'1, i have reaaaallyyy long hair (knee length and dark brown). i wear glasses or contacts (mostly glasses though, theyre just comfier lol). i usually fit a size small, but i'm on the curvier side, and my style is super feminine but still kinda minimalistic. i really love shoujo-style fashion and how carefree, yet pretty and elegant it is :3
personality wise- i'm an isfj, lil bit of a perfectionist, very prone to overthinking and people-pleasing (working on it though), and i really like being helpful to others.
i like to bake, read philosophy, mystery, and manga, listen to music (studio ghibli instrumentals, jazz), and i love to sew my own clothes. i'm also a psychology major, my favourite colour is pink, and i love bunnies <33
thank you again!! you're super talented, and your blog rocks ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ
i match you with... ๐“š๐“ฎ๐“ท๐“ฝ๐“ธ ๐“๐“ช๐“ท๐“ช๐“ถ๐“ฒ โ–ˆโ–ˆ 20% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 60% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 80% _ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ 100% แด„แดแดแด˜สŸแด‡แด›แด‡!
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โœฌ I feel like the two of you would most likely meet outside of Jujutsu Tech, like after he quit and everything. I don't necessarily know where you work so I assume the two of you most likely met outside of it, at a park or something. You could always see curses and and one day when you saw him exorcise one and were shocked to see that people could just get rid of those things
โœฌ He noticed that you saw what he did and he was about to go away when he saw that you were about to be attacked by one, he killed it and asked you if you were okay
โœฌ You said you were okay before asking him what exactly those things were and if they were spirits, to which he vaguely responded by saying how they were curses and such. Soon enough you asked him how he could just do that and he explained that he was a Jujutsu sorcerer one thing led to another and now... you two know each other :)
โœฌ It was basically you both running into each other a bunch before finally hanging out and having fun, you were actually the person who convinced him to go back into Jujutsu society too!
โœฌ You and him bake every now and then, he wasn't very good at it at first but sooner or later you managed to teach him and he learned relatively quickly!
โœฌ You and him most likely share book recommendations often and he typically recommends more philosophical books but given your major I don't think you'll have much of a problem with it :)
โœฌ You help him out whenever and however you can after work, even though he tries to get you to stop you still do and he loves you more for it :)
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eternalwritess ยท 1 month ago
arcane matchup for @archive-of-the-lost
i match you with... ๐“”๐“ด๐“ด๐“ธ โ–ˆโ–ˆ 20% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 60% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 80% _ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ 100% แด„แดแดแด˜สŸแด‡แด›แด‡!
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โ™š You lived in Piltover for most of your life. With your parents watching and guiding over you they wanted you to become successful. You got into the top schools and from there on out succeeded more in that type of life.
โ™š Not that it was something that you enjoyed of course. Especially since you're parents were wealthy and influential you had to most likely mask quite a few things.
โ™š To put it plainly you wanted to learn and grow, to be more creative in your thoughts and such but since the life you grew up in was all that you'd ever known you stuck to it because you simply didn't have much of a choice but to stick to it and hope for the best.
โ™š All this changed in one day though, you were walking at night after some sort of party you were forced to attend for publicity when you felt someone following you constantly, this paranoia grew and grew until they began chasing you and panicked you ran into the undercity on accident.
โ™š Turns out they were also from the undercity and they almost ended up catching you when someone else stepped in. He made sure you were okay and saw you were from topside, something that while he didn't take kindly to at first he still thought that it was the right thing to take you back. But he couldn't right then and there because he just knocked out one of Silco's men and well... it was best to wait until the heat died down a bit more
โ™š He ended up taking you to the sanctuary instead, but not before explaining what was going on to you and making sure that you knew he wasn't going to do anything. There he gave you a room and the two of you got to talking. You both skipped the small talk, there was no reason for it and instead he asked you what you did in Piltover and why you did it
โ™š When you explained how your parents were on the more political side of things you noticed how he acted and questioned him on it, to which he explained his problem with the enforcers and stuff like that along with certain things in Piltover that he didn't like too well
โ™š I feel like you would agree with most of his points, as you don't seem to be the type of person to follow with Piltover's blatant classism and such and from then on you two really got to talking as he began explaining things here and there about Zaun (you learned it was called that) and how things worked
โ™š The next day when you went back topside and you thought that you would never see him again... except you did... a lot. You noticed his engineering and works, you noticed his symbols and his mask, you noticed him basically everywhere and how he was angering everyone in Piltover with the constant visits and disruption of trade routes to the point where it even got to your own parents complaining about it and -- okay maybe you had to do something about it
โ™š At first you thought about reporting him to the authorities before deciding that it would be best not to, after all he saved you and you kinda owed him for it. So instead you went down to Zaun and found him again, while it was harder you managed to figure it out
โ™š You explained how he was disrupting Piltover and how it needed to stop, however he protested against it, saying how he was just stopping Silco who had influence over Piltover and how he needed to stop it
โ™š In the end the two of you talked the whole time, with you trying to at least make it manageable and him explaining how this was his city, the place that he needed to save. You ended up conceding but not without conditions. If he was to do this he was to consult with you first and then you would tell him if it was a good idea or not. Of course in the end he would be the one with the say so as he had the weapons and such but you would also tell someone from Piltover if he caused too much of a ruckus as you were trying to protect your friends too
โ™š He understood this and soon enough the two of you formed a rather mutual relationship and understanding through that and soon enough you began valuing and respecting each other.
โ™š Soon enough you two began forming a friendship as you slowly began introducing him to things that you liked... well he asked you- you began telling him about certain poems and books that you read and their meanings. You began analyzing them and he would understand and pitch in his own thoughts every now and then
โ™š Soon enough you began ranting about all the movies and media in Piltover and the things that they stood for, the hidden propaganda and such, discovering it and pointing it out. Things that you did and didn't like about it. Then it soon translated to Zaun, you began helping him market his own thing into becoming a symbol of peace and rebellion (kinda contradictory but you can't have one without the other yknow)
โ™š One day you stayed so late that when you came back up to Piltover the sun was rising and the two of you just stared at it for the longest time and that was when he realized that he loved you and loved the passion that you brought with you
โ™š Once he realized this he didn't really know what to do about it as it was weird for him. After all you were from topside and what if you were already arranged to date someone or something like that? He didn't know how things worked up there :/
โ™š The way that he confessed was after one of your work sessions, planning out routes and which ones he could and couldn't take. It was mainly a slip of the tongue but he ended up saying the words "i love you" to your face and it was safe to say that he was embarrassed
โ™š Your first date was a picnic date under the huge tree at Zaun, he brought a ton of food and the two of you just sat and talked the whole time. He also ended up bringing some purple paint for the two of you to splatter on the walls and make the whole commune feel a little more like home
โ™š Vi - Vi didn't know for a while about what was going on, but when she did she was... confused to say the least- Ekko typically hated topsiders but once she saw how he liked you she accepted you pretty quickly, after all she trusted Ekko so it wasn't too hard for her
โ™š Caitlyn - You probably knew Caitlyn for a while and when she figured it out she was gobsmacked as she probably didn't expect that from you. She stuttered on her words before congratulating you awkwardly as yeah... she was shocked
Jinx - She hated it... it was mostly because you were from topside though. She didn't hate it as much as she did Vi and Cait though, as at least you weren't an enforcer and at least you didn't agree with the violence from Piltover. Even then though... she hated it
โ™š Mel - She was probably one of the last to figure it out, but when she did she kept quite. Mostly because it was your thing and you could handle it, she was a little worried for your safety though on some aspects and would casually bring it up with you one day. You then explained a few things and she kept quite. Honestly I can see you being close with Mel-
โ™š Relationship dynamic - enemies to lovers, rivals to lovers, opposites attract, friends to lovers, frenemies (but in a romantic way-), power couple (no but like seriously though-), pining, rebel x studious, love-hate, realist/pessimist x optimist, and academic rivals (even though youre not in school but like... i just get those vibes-)
โ™š Even though there aren't really amusement parks in Piltover or Zaun... you guys would still find dates like that, idk I feel like there might be some sort of entertainment place that he knows about that he takes you to every now and then to have some fun
โ™š YOU GUYS ARE A POWER COUPLE!!! You have the brains and influence and he ALSO has brains, not to mention he also has brawn. Even though he does have influence as well you're the one who has the most out of the two of you, especially in what you say as well... you're from piltover :)
โ™š You talk to him a lot about poetry and just analysis's in general and he listens to your every word, sometimes putting his own opinions in here and there.
โ™š He does stuff for you basically all of the time, making sure that you're okay and stuff like that. Also if you don't want to do something he'll just do it for you in general like if there's a bug that you want gone he'll pick it up and take it somewhere else
โ™š He keeps up with you intellectually and you do the same for him so both of you are constantly thinking and keeping up with each other
โ™š He had to help you figure your way around Zaun the first few times. He was practically holding your hand the entire time and making sure that you didn't fall or land on the wrong place or thing
โ™š The first time he saw your handwriting he was shocked to find out that it was actually handwriting he just assumed that you printed everything in Piltover but when he found out that you actually wrote that he was shocked. Although his handwriting is kinda messy compared to yours so...
โ™š Whenever you say something sarcastic it takes him a while to read it and you in general, he would narrow his eyes at you trying to figure it out before eventually figuring out what you mean although that did end up taking him a while... like a long while
โ™š I don't imagine that there are that many cat plushies in Zaun but... if he does happen to find one he will give it to you :) (or just anything cat related in general-)
โ™š You probably don't do the whole hoverboard thing, he tried teaching you but the balance and everything just ended up throwing you off... besides you could only spend so much time with him and learning the hoverboard before you had to go to piltover so yeah...
โ™š Also not really a headcannon but... i think you two work really well together aesthetically too :)
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eternalwritess ยท 1 month ago
hello everyone!! ive decided to close matchups for now so... sorry :(
there are just so many and ive been kinda busy lately so yeah-
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eternalwritess ยท 2 months ago
jjk matchup for @kittywhoo
i match you with... ๐“ข๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ธ๐“ป๐“พ ๐“–๐“ธ๐“ณ๐“ธ โ–ˆโ–ˆ 20% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 60% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 80% _ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ 100% แด„แดแดแด˜สŸแด‡แด›แด‡!
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โ You guys met at Jujutsu Tech when the two of you were students most likely and he grew pretty attached to you pretty fast! In terms of personality you were nothing short of perfect for him. You being argumentative didn't bother him at all, in fact he liked it. To him it was a challenge and one that he really really wanted to win. So he'd start a fight with you whenever he could
โ He would commonly start mini arguments over the simplest of things and you would call him an idiot and he would call you one back. Soon enough these insults would spiral every now and then and then Yaga or Suguru would need to step in but he always loved it when it escalated
โ While he's not easily forgiving he is pretty easy going... also he can totally take a joke. In fact the two of you will be making harsher and harsher jokes towards each other to the point where no one knows if you even like each other anymore. Don't worry though, you do <3
โ He actually really likes you, like he thinks about you all of the time and will commonly send you things that remind him of you and- ... oh he's in love. It took him a LONG while to notice it but once he did he didn't need anyone to tell him to confess as he did it himself
โ At first you really took an issue with his whole "the weak just need to get strong" attitude and would argue with him on it all of the time. But soon enough it changed, and when it changed god did it hurt. After the Star Plasma Vessel he just walked past you and told you that you were right with no context. It freaked you out but whenever you pestered him about it he never said anything and instead just looked away. You learned from Shoko what happened
โ You were probably the only person at the time who pushed him into talking about it and what had happened to him, since communication is important to you he began talking. Of course he left out some details like a lot of them but he told you the gist of it and that he would tell you more when he was ready. He felt really bad about the whole thing
โ Anyways onto some more happy things, he lets you decorate him all of the time and he lets you dress him up however you like. This is mostly because it confuses the hell out of Utahime and Shoko finds it hilarious
โ Whenever you paint his fingers he always forget that you're well... painting them and will reach over to grab something and you have to hold him back and remind him that he needs to stay still while his nails dry (or while they're under the uv light, whatever you have really)
โ Physical touch? He loves physical touch, he wraps his arm around you all of the time and holds your hand constantly. There are so few times of you initiating the hand holding because whenever he sees you he grabs your hand
โ He also spends all the time that he can with you. He gets rather busy in the future but he makes sure that he mas time for you, no matter what. Sometimes he'll even ask for a day or too off and they'll give it to him because... well he's the strongest
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eternalwritess ยท 2 months ago
thinking about closing matchups for a bit-
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just until i can get this number down to like 5 or smth lol because i love you guys but... holy shit this is a lot. tysm though <333
if i do end up closing matchups i'll let you know <3
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eternalwritess ยท 2 months ago
Hello!! I'm here to request an mha matchup (โ โ‰งโ โ–ฝโ โ‰ฆโ )!
Pronouns: she/any
Sexuality: asexual lesbian
Height: 5'11 (180cm)
Visual info: I'm a pale white girl with blondish brown hair with blue and platinum blond streaks and grey eyes. I have a flat chest and like dressing feminine, my body is very stick like as I am tall and lanky. I have some acne and I usually don't wear makeup as I'm not a huge fan of the feeling. I do wear a lot of jewelry such as rings and bracelets tho. I have a scar on my back from scoliosis surgery.
Personality: intp-t. I'm very awkward around New people, having somewhat dry and Npc like responses and not much to say unless I'm passionate about something. I sometimes use a lot of brainrot and make dad jokes, I tend to fidget a lot when I'm nervous or feeling awkward. When im comfortable around someone I tend to be more teasing towards them as an affectionate gesture.
Likes: music like the smiths and good kid and the color green. I adore reading, it's one of my favorite hobbies and I love getting lost in fantasy worlds. I love playing guitar, even if I'm still in the learning phase. Editing is something I really enjoy. And I love cats.
Dislikes: people not taking me seriously because of my disability, bullies, people who shove their noses where they don't belong and insert their opinions into things that don't concern them, lasagna, and people that judge others for having fun.
Hobbies: editing, reading my favorite books are fantasies such as pjo as I enjoy adventure stories and Greek mythology a lot, writing, I watch anime, I play a lot of games, I play some softball, guitar.
My type: I prefer people who are smarter and won't judge me as I get embarrassed easily when it comes to my interests
Thank you for taking the time to read this! I hope I provided enough information!
i match you with... ๐“™๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๐“ป๐“ธ๐“พ ๐“š๐”‚๐“ธ๐“พ๐“ด๐“ช โ–ˆโ–ˆ 20% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 60% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 80% _ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ 100% แด„แดแดแด˜สŸแด‡แด›แด‡!
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โ™ฌ You most likely met at UA and are in the same friend group! Aka the bakugosquad. She approached you mostly because she thought that your style was cool... she also probably asked a little about your jewelry and stuff like that :)
โ™ฌ You being awkward at first was something that she didn't mind at all. Actually in a way she understood it, instead she kept talking to you though not minding your dryer responses as it was somewhat refreshing compared to everyone elses' over the top ones
โ™ฌ The minute she mentioned music I'm sure that two of you got talking right away and she ended up even playing the guitar for you and singing at one point (although you had to really ask for that one). When the UA festival came around you're the one who helped her out the most with it!
โ™ฌ That was actually when she realized that she liked you. Up on the stage and playing in front of everyone, she realized how grateful she was for you being her friend and she was actually in love with you. Something that she was really nervous about
โ™ฌ No one convinced her to confess to you. She did it herself after a while of arguing with herself in the mirror she walked over to your dorm and explained that she liked you
โ™ฌ You both play guitar together and learn duets together. She'll actually even teach you a thing or two since you're kinda new to it. She'll also give you cool but easy pieces to play, things around your range
โ™ฌ She lets you talk about all of the books that you read and ever now and then take recommendations about what to read next from you and she's liked every one of them
โ™ฌ She laughs at your brainrot terms most of the time. Every now and then she'll roll her eyes but don't worry, she still loves you all the same <3
โ™ฌ She doesn't judge you at all because you didn't judge her, especially when it came to her love and passion for music. She doesn't care what you look like, whatever scars you have, or things that you're into. She finds it all cool and unique, something to be loved
โ™ฌ As you grow more loving with her she does the same with you. She'll tease you more (most likely in private-) and will sometimes knock shoulders with you as a small sign of love and appreciation
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eternalwritess ยท 2 months ago
Hii so I was hoping to get a JJK matchup ๐Ÿ˜‹please and thank you !!
Gender: Iโ€™m a guy ! (He/him)
Sexuality: Gay ^โ€ข^
Personality: uhm my MBTI type is ISFJ. I joke around a lot with my friends and stuff. I talk a lot with people Iโ€™m comfortable with. I think Iโ€™m decently funny. Iโ€™m pretty smart. I suck at remembering what personal space is. I overthink a lot. Uhhh idk Iโ€™m bad at describing my personality ๐Ÿ™
Likes: reading, music, rollerblading, acting, theater in general, playing guitar, stuffed animals (I have like 120 or smth), singing, i lovee space, my favorite animal is a raccoon, red and black, art, yeah idk Iโ€™m out of ideas ๐Ÿ˜”
Dislikes: people who donโ€™t respect me or who I am (Iโ€™m trans and a lot of ppl donโ€™t like that), spicy food, bugs, people being mean to someone I care about.
Fun facts about yourself: I was an athlete for 10 years and did like 6 sports, Iโ€™ve played 3 different instruments.
Love languages: physical touch and words of affirmation
Appearance: Iโ€™m 5โ€™2 (like 157cm or smth) short curly brown hair, green eyes. I dress in masculine stuff, always pants and a shirt or jacket. I wear jewelry a lot, earrings bracelets necklaces rings all of it. I live in converses atp. I think thatโ€™s all ?
What you're looking for in a partner: someone whoโ€™s nice and wouldnโ€™t mind me talking a lot or being really touchy and clingy. Obv someone whoโ€™s respectful and doesnโ€™t make me feel bad about myself. And someone who doesnโ€™t mind reassuring me when Iโ€™m feeling down.
Thank you sm if you do this ^โ€ข^ sorry if I didnโ€™t give enough information :( again, Iโ€™m bad at describing myself
i match you with... ๐”‚๐“พ๐“พ๐“ณ๐“ฒ ๐“ฒ๐“ฝ๐“ช๐“ญ๐“ธ๐“ป๐“ฒ โ–ˆโ–ˆ 20% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 60% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 80% _ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ 100% แด„แดแดแด˜สŸแด‡แด›แด‡!
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โœธ Now first off we got the classic jjk meetup!!! Since you're smart and Megumi was most likely on a mission Gojo had you introduce Yuuji around to the school properly, he would've had Nobara do it but she's a girl and he thought a guy doing it might help Yuuji feel "more at home"... also he just did NOT want to risk Nobara asking for his card-
โœธ Afterwards you and Yuuji would totally spar, just for the both of you to see where he's at and oh- he's crazy strong... well no worries! I still think you'd best him (especially since at the time he is new to this) just because you clearly have a LOT more experience in this type of stuff than him and also you did say you were an athlete for quite a while so yeah :)
โœธ Every now and then he'd have a silly little quip and whenever you'd respond back he'd start giggling, you really made him feel welcome at Jujutsu Tech which meant a lot seeing as well... his grandpa did just die a while ago so yeah... trauma and all that lol
โœธ You once asked him if he wanted to go rollerblading and he said yes so the both of you did end up going rollerblading. It was his first time and he wasn't very good at it but you still helped him get the overall hang of it <3
โœธ Once he figured out he liked you Nobara had already found out 100x over and then proceeded to lock the both of you in a room together the moment she found out that Yuuji did not want to confess... he ended up confessing in that room-
(. โ› แด— โ›.)
โœธ He loves your physical touch and he leans into it every single time, he also grabs your hand a lot and wraps his arm around your shoulder quite often. He also puts his arm around your waist too! He also picks you up... yeah he loves physical touch :)
โœธ You being smart is definitely a good thing with him seeing as he isn't the brightest 100% of the time... yeah he's gonna need your help </3
โœธ You like red and black? Well those are kinda his colors in a way... well that and pink... i hope you like pink lol. But i's mostly red and black with him :)
โœธ Theater? Oh you totally take him to see plays with you all of the time and he loves it. Absolutely eats that up, and in return he'll take you to see movies with him and if there's a play based on a movie or a movie based on a play you'll both see it and have a little discussion about which one it better
โœธ The two of you don't shut up and Megumi and Nobara hate it. Gojo thinks its hilarious though and every time he looks at you two he gets a little reminded of him and Suguru... (stsg!??!?!)
โœธ He gets you stuffed animals from time to time... just keep them away from him because he's gotten punched by some of them a few too many times for comfort </3
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eternalwritess ยท 2 months ago
Hi!! idk if youre still doing match up reqs so feel free to ignore this ^^ Reqing one for MHA! (if possible, please answer in a post directed to ๐Ÿ“Œ anon!) Gender: Genderfluid, bit masc leaning
Sexuality: Omni aroace-spec (slighttt male pref)
Appearance: Short black hair and eyes, 5'4/163 cm, pale to tan skin depending on season (southeast asian) Personality: INFJ! Introspective, quiet towards strangers but not socially awkward, I will talk if its needed! Usually reserved about myself, sleepy and withdrawn (my friends say im monotone lol), but i think i can get aggressive and energetic when i meet someone bothersome or get competitive. Love academics and learning even tho its stressful. Prob gonna be an engineer focused on environmental health!
Likes: Drawing/art, sleeping, collecting trinkets, science and math <3. animals, spicy foods. Love languages: Acts of service and a bit of quality time
Dislikes: arrogant/close minded people. heat/hot weather. I dont think i hate much!
looking for someone whos very understanding of others and their problems <3
i match you with... ๐“˜๐”ƒ๐“พ๐“ด๐“พ ๐“œ๐“ฒ๐“ญ๐“ธ๐“ป๐”‚๐“ฒ๐“ช โ–ˆโ–ˆ 20% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 60% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 80% _ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ 100% แด„แดแดแด˜สŸแด‡แด›แด‡!
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โœฐ I think the two of you most likely met before UA but weren't really extremely close until you both actually got into the class itself and Izuku approached you more and more often trying to get to know you better and stuff like that and eventually the two of you became friends
โœฐ Despite you being sleepy and somewhat monotone he can read your voice and expression pretty well. Maybe it's because he's known you for so long? Maybe he's just that observant? Maybe he stares at you all of the time trying to figure out how to ask you about the inner workings of your quirk without sounds weird?... maybe its the last one but still. I guess we'll never know
โœฐ You two might have a small friendly rivalry, nothing too serious just seeing who can do the most with their quirks and things on your test and stuff. Izuku's kinda competitive so he might bring out that side in you! Whoopsies!
โœฐ He figured out that he liked you when the two of you were just hanging out one day. The sun was shining and he realized just how nice you looked in it... so yeah he fell... and yes Ochako had to get him to confess
โœฐ You love learning and academics? Well the two of you have study dates even though sometimes you don't notice that they're actually 'dates' and whatnot but still... its cute :)
โœฐ Also he loves your passion for learning!! He absolutely adores it and honestly he needs someone who wants to learn as much as he wants to learn and he needs someone who's willing to learn too! And I think that you're perfect for the job :)
โœฐ You both show each other your collections or things that you just collected in general. He shows you his All Might collection and you show him basically whatever you want. Trust me he's not one to judge lol
โœฐ One time the two of you saw a cat on the sidewalk and ended up spending half of your date with the cat just petting it and hanging out with it... yes he loves animals :)
โœฐ He's probably the most understanding person in all of mha soo... hope you've liked your matchup lol!
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eternalwritess ยท 2 months ago
mha gaza matchup for @nervoussangel
thank you so much for donating and i hope you enjoy your matchup!!
i match you with... ๐““๐“ฎ๐“ท๐“ด๐“ฒ ๐“š๐“ช๐“ถ๐“ฒ๐“ท๐“ช๐“ป๐“ฒ โ–ˆโ–ˆ 20% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 60% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 80% _ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ 100% แด„แดแดแด˜สŸแด‡แด›แด‡!
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โ˜› You and Denki did not know each other before UA! And at first the two of you didn't really know each other at all actually. I think it's safe to say that he was most likely relatively scared of you at first and this was most likely because of your style. You just intimidated him despite the two of you being relatively the same height (according to google ofc)
โ˜› He was teased constantly for this, Mina constantly picking on him because she was friends with you and knew already that you were a super cool and chill person. She would constantly talk you up to him, saying how he had no reason to be as intimidated of you as he was and that he should just talk to you
โ˜› He tried at first, oh boy did this poor guy try </3
โ˜› He walked up to you, tried to say hi, ended up spitting out a garbled mess, got a weird look from some of your classmates, and then he sprinted off screaming about how he was so dead and how he made a horrible impression... did I mention that Mina got it on video too? Did I also mention that she posted it to the class group chat?
โ˜› He never lived it down, even to this day he's never lived it down and it's truly sad in some way but oh well!
โ˜› You probably didn't really know what to think of him at the time and he probably would've been dead if Mina hadn't explained to you that Denki just didn't know how to interact with girls (which is true to some extent) and that you shouldn't take it personally because it happens practically all of the time with him (that's also kinda true)
โ˜› You shrugged it off but not for long as Aizawa partnered the two of you on a project together. This was mainly because he didn't want Denki partnering with anyone in the Bakugosquad... oh yeah! Did I mention that you totally fit in the Dekusquad? Your best friend's Deku btw! I can just see the two of you getting along really well together :)
โ˜› So anyways back to what you two were doing! In short it was a hero exercise. You basically just had to rescue a few dummies and stuff like that nothing too complicated, actually it was relatively easy compared to the other drills Aizawa had the entire class running earlier so you were both somewhat relieved that he hadn't decided to hit the entire class hard with it
โ˜› Also Denki was lowkey terrified and embarrassed when he heard he was going to be partnered with you, he knew that he made a VERY bad first impression and well just... impressions after that and he did NOT want to make it worse
โ˜› When a dummy was stuck within rubble the two of you had to think of an idea to get it out and when you asked him for suggestions he just kept stumbling over his answers before finally getting out that digging them out would take too long as you both had a time limit, and that instead you guys should probably try getting them unstuck by lifting whatever rubble they had caught on in the first place
โ˜› You agreed and the both of you managed to get the dummy out relatively quickly and getting a perfect score on the project. Denki was ecstatic, he'd never really gotten a perfect score on anything before and he immediately thanked you for carrying him and helping him get one
โ˜› But in response you told him that he helped you as much as you helped him so the two of you were even and THAT made him blush... wait a minute... HE LIKED YOU-
โ˜› For some reason it never occurred to him that one reason he was so afraid of you and of making a good impression was because he had a crush on you and DAMN was he embarrassed about it. You being kind to him off the get go did not help this at all btw <3
โ˜› Since then he began trying to get closer to you and he tries talking with you all of the time, although he still minds what he's saying and tries to act relatively chill. Slowly but surely he got you to warm up to him. He began inviting you to random hang out events and even if he didn't it was likely because you were already there yourself
โ˜› Jirou even started noticing how often the two of you would hang out together herself and soon asked you if you liked Denki... how you responded though is up to you :)
โ˜› At one point he asked you if you were interested in going to a movie with him and some of his friends and well who were you to say no? Mina and Jirou were also going after all!
โ˜› For about 90% of the movie he was watching you and making sure that he wasn't being weird or making you uncomfortable... granted you never really noticed but still... wanna know who did though? Mina :)
โ˜› Speaking of Mina guess who got him off his ass and confessing? You guessed it :)
โ˜› She couldn't stand the pining, but in a good way, she thought it was adorable the way he'd always say hi to you in the mornings and ask how your day was before literally anyone else in the class (unless you weren't there first ofc). He also began getting you small things that reminded him of you as well and just... how could she not ship the two of you together. Especially when he opened up more and more to you, getting louder and louder with you helping to hold him back whenever he got too crazy with it
โ˜› So one day she walked up to his door, knocked, and told him that he absolutely needed to confess to you and if he didn't then she was going to have a mental break down because she can't keep up with the pining and she really wanted to keep up with it! But! If she couldn't then she was gonna help play matchmaker with him!
โ˜› But she wasn't the only one helping! Kirishima was also there... oh yeah they dragged along Sero and Bakugo too. Bakugo was NOT helpful at all and Sero just messed around with Denki every now and then with Kirishima and Mina being the most invested. Kirishima was hyping him up, telling him how manly he'd be if he confessed his love to you and how even if he did get rejected (Mina slapped his for even mentioning the possibilty) then he would be there for him no matter what
โ˜› After about 5-8 hours give or take (YES IT TOOK THAT LONG-) Denki was ready. He walked over to you the next day and pulled you aside before asking you out. The words were jumbled and even though he planned on being 'cool' about it he was very clearly not. His entire face was red and he was constantly fiddling with his school uniform while doing it
โ˜› When you said you liked him back he got excited and electrocuted you a little on accident- it didn't hurt at all (thankfully) but he got so scared and started apologizing INSTANTLY saying how he hoped that you would still go out on a date with him and that you would forgive him for it
โ˜› You did forgive him :)
โ˜› Your first date was... the movies!! He took you to see a movie of your choice and bought literally anything that you would want before the both of you went into the theater
โ˜› Also he totally tried to pull the whole wrapping his arm around you thing while watching the movie, he was so nervous the entire time and you noticed :)
โ˜› He did do it though!! And that's still one of his proudest achievements to this day and he instantly told Kirishima and Mina about it the next day <3
โ˜› Mina - She's literally your biggest shipper and the moment that she found out that you both were DATING she squealed so loudly. She thinks that you're both perfect for each other and said that she wanted to be the flower girl at your wedding- to which Denki started telling him to keep it down because he was bright red at this point
โ˜› Kirishima - He was SO happy for his friend. Constantly praising him for being a man and telling you that you were perfect for him and he was perfect for you- vise versa. He was really excited
โ˜› Deku - He was a little confused at first, personally he did NOT pick up on the hints that you were dropping with Denki and stuff but when he found out he congratulated you with a smile
โ˜› Shoto - He figured it out... he made a whole bulletin board and everything and all because he wanted to figure out why you kept disappearing and why you kept hanging out with Denki so often (one theory was that the two of you were secretly villains trying to take down the school... don't ask how he came to that conclusion)
โ˜› Jirou - She was so happy! I'd imagine that the two of you would be pretty close together so she was ecstatic! She congratulated you and told you that if he ever did anything to hurt you then she'd beat him up!!
โ˜› Aizawa - He just said no PDA and that you'll be fine... he also said that it might be better to keep your relationship private when your pros because it could be dangerous but that's just his opinion and that you're both fine to do whatever you want in the future
โ˜› Relationship dynamics: black cat x golden retriever, sun x moon, high school sweethearts, opposites attract, pining pining and pining, lovesick x oblivious, love at first sight, and goth x gamer (is that a real trope?... idk i just saw it somewhere :>)
โ˜› He vents to you every now and then, mostly about the whole people constantly calling him dumb thing. He finds himself to feel really safe with you and he loves that feeling that you bring him
โ˜› That being said you can also vent to him about anything, if he ever notices that somethings bothering you he'll wait till the two of you are alone to bring it up (mostly because he doesn't want to put you in the spotlight like that). He also won't give up unless you tell him whats wrong and that's a given and once he knows he does whatever he can to make it right
โ˜› He charges your phone for you all of the time and without complaint, sometimes he'll just see that it's low and will stick a charger it in and stick the other end in his mouth without warning and you got a little confused the first time that it happened but slowly just accepted that this was your new normal
โ˜› If you're out then he's out. Whenever you shop he most likely follows you and then sooner or later you'll both make a stop to the nearest gaming store where he'll but a BUNCH of a stuff and carry it back to the dorms and play the games. Sometimes you stay with him and just chill out too and he loves when you do
โ˜› He's the biggest sap ever with you but doesn't know how to express it into words so he kind just stares at you with hearts in his eyes instead, wordless every time he sees you. It's honestly adorable and Mina's taken it upon herself to snap pictures of it every single tie that it happens
โ˜› You make him laugh without fail every time, he's not even doing it because you're doing it but because he thinks that you're genuinely funny and one of the funniest people that he's ever met
โ˜› You could never fail or disappoint him. Actually it's kinda ironic seeing as how scared he was at first of disappointing you or making you mad at him when he first saw you. He always makes sure that you know that you're loved and will do anything it takes to show you that
โ˜› Every now and then he'll ask you to style him in your style just because he wants to know what he looks like in your style... and he loves it when you do. Whenever he goes to school like that it's a shock to the rest of the class but they've gotten used to it and think it's rather cute whenever the two of you do that
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once again thank you for donating and i hope youve enjoyed your matchup!!
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eternalwritess ยท 2 months ago
hii iโ€™m new here and was wondering if i could get a jjk matchup?
iโ€™m a straight female, estp, short (5โ€™2) with brown eyes and black hair.
personality wise iโ€™m usually pretty carefree and cheery unless thereโ€™s a proper reason not to be. iโ€™m pretty โ€˜all or nothingโ€™ which can be a good or bad thing (basically no impulse control). i do have a bit of a short temper when people get on my nerves, but i usually get over it quickly or feel guilty afterwards.
iโ€™m also a D1 yapper, usually turn things into a joke to keep things light although some people may think iโ€™m being blatantly rude.
likes include pop music, gaming, blind boxes (gambling addiction?), the beach, travelling, watching sports
dislikes include waiting, people without common sense, chores, assholes
a couple of fun facts;
- i can do any rollercoaster but if the ride involved spinning i am OUT
- i always remember the most useless things to the greatest details but nothing i actually need to know
thank youuu
i match you with... ๐“ข๐“ช๐“ฝ๐“ธ๐“ป๐“พ ๐“–๐“ธ๐“ณ๐“ธ โ–ˆโ–ˆ 20% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 60% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 80% _ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ 100% แด„แดแดแด˜สŸแด‡แด›แด‡!
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โ‹ You two most likely met at Jujutsu Tech! I don't see you as someone who he met as a kid but that's mostly because... yeah he had a very excluded childhood in terms of who he interacted with at the time but fret not as you two do meet!
โ‹ His first impression of you was that you were tolerable to be around, more so than anyone else that he had met. You pretty much matched his energy if not getting him to calm down a little bit when he likely should've. That being said you still got into a lot of trouble with him by your side
โ‹ Your all or nothing attitude was what attracted him the most. To him it was the sort of mindset a sorcerer should have. Give it your all or don't try at all type of thing. Of course though he can only give it his all so many times as well... he doesn't really need to give it his all all of the time (sadly)
โ‹ You guys commonly planned trips around with the others and he would always go with you on rollercoasters, but once he noticed that you didn't like ones that spun he teased you about it the rest of the day (he'll start to let up if he notices that you're getting really upset over it)
โ‹ When he noticed he liked you more than as a friend he tried confessing... really he did... but he ended up stuttering and he stopped... Shoko was the one to push him to actually do it. She couldn't stand the pining and needed him to spit it out already
โ‹ He never thinks you're rude, he may jokingly say things like "you're so mean to me!" and things along those lines but he never actually means it. He just likes teasing you
โ‹ You're a yapper you say? Well I hope you can keep up with him, you two talk for literal hours on end and can go for a whole day if not days. Satoru doesn't really sleep so he's always up for chatter. Also Yaga had to get at you two multiple times for talking... yeah you're both on opposite sides of the room, and it's even better because there's only four people in the class!
โ‹ Whenever you say a random or 'useless' fact he always gets so excited by it, and if not a little confused and will always wonder where it was that you heard that or if you know if its true or not. He'll ask you a TON of questions on it and etc.
โ‹ He probably leans on you, you're a lot shorter than him and he just finds it funny. Don't worry though, if you step on his toes aggressively he'll stop <3
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eternalwritess ยท 2 months ago
Match up w/ MHA PLZ?! ๐Ÿฅบ
Lil about me - Iโ€™m genderfluid and pansexual (but I tend to date guys more lol) Iโ€™m an extremely creative/ crafty person, I make cosplays/ costumes and love to paint. My favorite thing to do in my free time is to put on a good show (normally adventure time) and work on a new project. I absolutely love going to conventions and meeting people who have the same interests as me. My friends like to tease me about how my motorcycle is apart of me cuz whenever itโ€™s nice enough to ride it, you bet your ass Iโ€™m riding it lol. My friends mean everything to me and I adore them. I absolutely hate being lied to and have sever anxiety about it. My music taste is literally all over the place, my playlist is a jumble of anything and everything. I LOVE to change up my hair, I dye it at least once a month to something new (I work at a hair dye shop ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿฅฐ) My love language is giving and reviving gifts, makes me feel loved and thought of! With me being genderfluid and dyeing my hair all the time my appearance changes quite often but I am 5โ€™9 with a slim build. I have vines tatted down my whole left arm, a few cartoons tatted on my right arm, my whole right leg is covered in patch work tats, and I have a large thigh piece on my left leg. (I also have โ€œbite meโ€ on my ass, I got it cuz itโ€™s fuckโ€™n funny ๐Ÿ˜‚)
i match you with... ๐““๐“ฎ๐“ท๐“ด๐“ฒ ๐“š๐“ช๐“ถ๐“ฒ๐“ท๐“ช๐“ป๐“ฒ โ–ˆโ–ˆ 20% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 60% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 80% _ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ 100% แด„แดแดแด˜สŸแด‡แด›แด‡!
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โœฌ I feel like the two of you most likely met outside of UA actually! Before the two of you got in he most likely found your motorcycle and thought that it looked cool. Soon enough you found out you went to the same middle school and became friends from there:)
โœฌ You two trained a lot together in UA, surprisingly seeing as Denki's not the biggest fan of training and all of that but you managed to get him into it rather quickly and afterwards the two of you would turn on a show and get your homework done... well you would, he would sit there staring and staring at the screen and then get his homework done... the hour before its due-
โœฌ When you two train you both tend to blast music and commonly fight over the playlist together before taking turn choosing songs to play. You're probably part of Bakusquad so you two are the dj's... well not like anyone else is going to protest-
โœฌ He's always known that he's liked you. Like the minute the two of you got into UA he realized that he definitely had a crush on you but he kept it really well hidden surprisingly! After all his blushing could've just been him being a teenager and all of that :)
โœฌ Kirishima was the first one to notice the crush was a crush crush and totally told him to go for it. He told him how manly it'd be and how he absolutely needed Denki to be with you because he thought that the two of you would be cute together... Mina overheard and things spiraled and now you have him showing up at your door blasting cheesy ass music with roses in his hand because Mina thought it would be romantic and Kirishima thought that it would be manly
โœฌ He pretty much never lies to you. This sweet boy? The only time he does lie is when he's planning to get you a gift or something to surprise you and even if you still get a little anxious he apologizes and tries to make it up however he can
โœฌ He helps dye your hair and once he dyed his own hair with you! He let you chose the color and had a lot of fun doing it!
โœฌ He loves and adores your tattoos always asking you about them and tracing them with his finger every now and then out of curiosity. He thinks about getting a tattoo every now and then and soon enough he gets a pikachu one :)
โœฌ He loves watching you draw and paint, or just being with you as you do it. While you draw or pain he'll play video games right next to you and will start up some random conversation while the two of you enjoy doing your own things :)
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eternalwritess ยท 2 months ago
I would like to request an mha match up please :)
Gender: demigirl (she/they pronouns)
Sexuality: bi and ace flux (I fluctuate all over the asexuality spectrum and it's random af)
Appearance: I'm about 5'2, have green eyes, ginger hair with black dip dye, my hair is curly/wavy and almost reaches my butt, I'm also really pale (I have been compared to a ghost before), I have a little bit of a chubby belly, I dress alt/emo/goth
Personality: I'm quite stubborn but I'm more willing to figure out a potential compromise with people I care about. I'm extremely loyal and protective. I'm quiet in social situations and tend to avoid big gatherings, however when I'm alone or with people I'm comfortable with I can get quite loud. I'm also just a bit of a silly goose :>
Likes: I love music, mostly metal and rock music but I do have a soft spot for disney songs, monster high songs and mlp songs (they have no right to be that good). I also love gaming, I like games like call of duty, minecraft, mario games, horror games and stuff like that. I also love to read manga and watch anime.
Dislikes: I hate spiders. I also hate people who are indirect with things/beat around the bush a lot. Also I have coffee.
Fun facts: I'm autistic. I'm a vegetarian. I can bake really well.
Love languages: I love giving and receiving physical touch, quality time and words of affirmation.
What I'm looking for in a partner: someone who can provide stability, make me feel safe and cherished. Someone who listens when I need to vent but also someone who I can have fun with, in other words, someone who can be serious when needed but also knows how to have fun.
Take as much time as you need with this if you choose to do it, and here's a silly goose for good vibes ๐Ÿชฟ
i match you with... ๐“œ๐“ฒ๐“ท๐“ช ๐“๐“ผ๐“ฑ๐“ฒ๐“ญ๐“ธ โ–ˆโ–ˆ 20% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 60% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 80% _ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ 100% แด„แดแดแด˜สŸแด‡แด›แด‡!
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โœฅ I think the two of you would meet before UA and would've been relatively good friends before then. You were mostly likely in her circle of friends at the time and she helped pushed you into getting to UA once she heard that you might do it
โœฅ As the two of you would train for UA she would blasts songs the entire time and constantly took songs from your own playlist too and whenever she would recognize one she would sing her whole heart out along with it
โœฅ She'd always encourage your more loud and energetic side and would commonly bring it out without much trouble at all
โœฅ Once she heard that the both of you had gotten into UA she was absolutely ecstatic jumping up and down and demanding that the two of you celebrate almost instantly. You guys ended up playing a bunch of video games and watching all of your favorite anime shortly after... Mina also brought snacks :)
โœฅ Once the two of you actually got into UA a few weeks after she started noticing that she was in fact actually in love with you and quickly decided to do something about it. She was a little embarrassed at first as it was her first crush but she quickly got over it and ended up asking you out rather quickly
โœฅ She totally vibes with your style and the way that you dress. She thinks that its cool and unique and will sometimes take you shopping for the both of you to buy more clothes
โœฅ If you ever don't like a social gathering or situation Mina will do literally whatever it takes for the both of you to get out of it as she doesn't want you to be alone. She constantly makes excuses and rather good ones too for getting the two of you out of them. Then afterwards you both go and watch an anime of some kind or play a video game
โœฅ Mina doesn't mind the fact that you're a vegetarian and in fact she respects the hell out of it and if anyone tries bullying you for it she's one of the first people if not the first person to stand up for you and tell the person to fuck off
โœฅ She spends all of her time with you and will constantly hug and cuddle with you. If you're both sitting on a couch in the UA dorms she crawls over to you and cuddles it literally does not matter what you're doing at the time or what the group is discussing
โœฅ She always will listen to you whenever you need to vent and offers good advice for you too as she wants to make sure that you're okay more than anything... she does love you after all :)
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eternalwritess ยท 2 months ago
hii just requesting a mha matchup !!
iโ€™m a bi aroace polyamarous transguy, iโ€™m relatively introverted and kinda awkward until you get me talking and then i donโ€™t shut up. iโ€™m assertive when i comes to expressing boundaries and things people have done to upset me. i switch between being really quiet and really energetic really quickly. i think im relatively funny. i like music, playing guitar, martial arts, working out, weed, reading, poetry, space, body modification, stars, canines, the moon, concerts, and folklore. i donโ€™t like bugs, cold weather, seafood, math, spicy food and school. my love languages are physical touch and quality time. i have a black wolf cut, freckles, two lip piercings and a septum piercing, im relatively slim with muscular arms, im tall, i have brown eyes. i would probably looking for someone whoโ€™s able to fun and be silly and also isnt afraid to stand up for themselves and communicate and also like between the ages of 15-18
anyways i hope you have a lovely day <33!!
i match you with... ๐“”๐“ณ๐“ฒ๐“ป๐“ธ ๐“š๐“ฒ๐“ป๐“ฒ๐“ผ๐“ฑ๐“ฒ๐“ถ๐“ช โ–ˆโ–ˆ 20% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 60% _ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ 80% _ โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’โ–’ 100% แด„แดแดแด˜สŸแด‡แด›แด‡!
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โ™š Ngl he was the first person who came to mind when you started listing everything out sooo... lets go!
โ™š Since you're relatively introverted at first he came up to you and instantly started asking a few questions here and there. He put in a few about your piercings and mentions that he really liked your haircut at one point.
โ™š Once he asked more about martial arts and that sort of thing is what really got the two of you bonding with each other... well that and working out. He was asking about your workout routine and stuff like that the moment he found out that you worked out
โ™š Ever since then you've both become workout buddies relatively quickly and he would call you up whenever he went to the gym, typically you guys went with Bakugo but it would always end up being the two of you talking. Not that Bakugo cared though, in some sense he was glad about you showing up because now he could work out in peace without Ejiro's constant barrage of questions
โ™š Ejiro always encourages you whenever the two of you are working out, constantly pumping and hyping you up and even if you don't get your next set down fully he still hypes you up and says how well you did and how much you're improving (if you want to improve in terms of strength in working out that is)
โ™š When dorms came around you constantly hung out around his because he would constantly invite you. He would also hang out around yours sometime too just because he thought that it was cool... he just likes hanging out around you and- oh no he's in love!
โ™š He pined... oh boy did he pine for hours on end. There was about 2 months of pining before Mina and Bakugo came together and said 'enough was enough'. They basically pushed him to confess to you <3
แ•™(๏ผ ยฐโ–ฝยฐ๏ผ )แ•—
โ™š He always listens to your boundaries and if he accidentally breaks them he wants you to tell him and he'll instantly fix it however he can
โ™š He constantly hugs you and holds your hand. He'll hold your hand while crossing the street, walking to different classes, basically any time that he can. He also hugs you as a greeting quite often!
โ™š Music? You guys probably share earbuds while working out ngl. Unless you don't then in that case you just share music playlists like when it comes to working out and stuff like that
โ™š He can also definitely vibe with your more quiet side if that's what you want. He'll gladly just sit by you and while he'll still talk he won't be as energetic. More laid back and stuff like that
โ™š He spends literally every second that he can with you... every second... yeah you're part of the Bakugosquad don't even lie and everyone loves having you there <3
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