#then what about draco picking on ron or hermione? did you forget about that? what about him almost killing katie
mauveberries · 3 months
just remembered i saw someone on hpdmtwt say draco picking on harry "seemed like a sub provoking his dom,"..... the way i GAGGED 🤢 like... tell me you're fucking stupid without telling me you're fucking stupid. and people AGREEED with this bullshit take too.... hpdm people are a different breed. 💀💀
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dragonchicken · 3 months
THIS IS A FANFICTION! please 😭 i’ve read all the books and watched all the movies MULTIPLE times. this is not based on canon don’t take it that way please 😆
we all forgive and forget that regulus black took the mark, so let’s talk about the others.
Narcissa never took the mark. She’s the only one in voldy’s circle that DOESNT have the mark.
Andromeda, obviously, did not take the mark. she cut off her family and ACTIVELY fought for the other side.
We all know this. We all love them. What i REALLY want to talk about is Bellatrix Black. I’m using her maiden name for a reason we are getting there.
Bellatrix, like Regulus and Draco, was just a CHILD. she was a KID. we are so quick to villainize Bellatrix Black, but she wouldn’t have known any better. look at who her family is. who the adults that raised her are. she wasn’t taught any better. Bellatrix Black didn’t want the mark any more than Regulus or Draco. Do you think either of those two was screaming “no no don’t.” No. They both took it like it was an honor. So did Bellatrix Black.
Bellatrix Black was a child.
She could not have known. She could not have been old enough to make that decision. Bellatrix Black was forced into that life just like Regulus and Draco.
Regulus found a horcrux. Draco didn’t kill Dumbledore.
Bellatrix didn’t kill Frank and Alice. She was probably ordered to, but she didn’t. She tortured Frank and Alice, yes. But they were still there for their son. Fully? no. but there. Bellatrix Black didn’t kill Frank and Alice.
Bellatrix Black didn’t kill Sirius Black. She hit him with a red streak. the killing curse is green. Bellatrix Black was probably ordered to kill him that night. But she didn’t. Bellatrix Black didn’t kill Sirius Black.
Bellatrix Black didn’t kill Hermoine Granger and Ron Weasley. They were at Malfoy Manner. She could have. She probably should have. but she didn’t. yes, she threw the knife that killed Dobby, but if she wanted to hit Granger or Weasley, she would have. Bellatrix Black did not kill Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.
Bellatrix Black did not kill Ginny Weasley. Again, she should have and had plenty of time to before Molly Weasley showed up. But she didn’t. Bellatrix Black didn’t kill Ginny Weasley.
Bellatrix Black didn’t kill Molly Weasley. Molly was a blood traitor and should have been killed on sight. but Bellatrix Black didn’t even try to use the killing curse on her. Bellatrix Black didn’t kill Molly Weasley.
Bellatrix Black didn’t kill. she never did. she never wanted to. she had to have been ordered to on more than one occasion. but she didn’t. Bellatrix Black did not want to be a death eater any more than any other child forced to be one. forced to choose a side. forced to pick family over what they thought was right. Bellatrix Black is a victim of the war, just like Regulus. just like Harry. just like Frank and Alice. just like Draco. Bellatrix Black did not choose her side, her husband, her family, her path. Bellatrix Black didn’t want what was given to her. Bellatrix Black didn’t kill.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 6 months
Ron needs better friends: Prefect badge scene
“No way,” said George in a hushed voice. “There’s been a mistake,” said Fred, snatching the letter out of Ron’s grasp and holding it up to the light as though checking for a watermark. “No one in their right mind would make Ron a prefect. . . .” The twins’ heads turned in unison and both of them stared at Harry.
Honestly, am I the only one who is sick and tired of these twins favouring Harry over their brother? Poor Ron. His first major accomplishment and everyone makes it about Harry. And Ron antis are mad over him being jealous. Smh.
“We thought you were a cert!” said Fred in a tone that suggested Harry had tricked them in some way. “We thought Dumbledore was bound to pick you!” said George indignantly.
So...Dumbledore was involved in picking Draco and Pansy as prefects... 😏😏
If Draco and Pansy were able to make prefect, then they did so fair and square. These two could never bribe Dumbledore. Or the Doylist idea: Draco and Pansy were the most developed Slytherin pair so JKR made them prefects.
He strode over to Harry and clapped him on the back while giving Ron a scathing look. “Prefect . . . ickle Ronnie the prefect . . .”
Part of me feels sorry for the twins. I know they are lashing out at Ron because they feel some kind of jealousy and insecurity for not making their parents proud like their brothers. But screw them anyway!
“I knew it!” she said excitedly, brandishing her letter. “Me too, Harry, me too!” “No,” said Harry quickly, pushing the badge back into Ron’s hand. “It’s Ron, not me.” “It — what?” “Ron’s prefect, not me,” Harry said. “Ron?” said Hermione, her jaw dropping. “But . . . are you sure? I mean —” She turned red as Ron looked around at her with a defiant expression on his face. “It’s my name on the letter,” he said. “I . . .” said Hermione, looking thoroughly bewildered. “I . . . well. . . wow! Well done, Ron! That’s really —”
Can you feel the love tonight ~~ Not! Romione sucks. Friendship and romance.
“Match his what?” said Mrs. Weasley absently, rolling up a pair of maroon socks and placing them on Ron’s pile. “His badge,” said Fred, with the air of getting the worst over quickly. “His lovely shiny new prefect’s badge.” Fred’s words took a moment to penetrate Mrs. Weasley’s preoccupation about pajamas. “His . . . but . . . Ron, you’re not. . . ?” Ron held up his badge. Mrs. Weasley let out a shriek just like Hermione’s. “I don’t believe it! I don’t believe it! Oh, Ron, how wonderful! A prefect! That’s everyone in the family!”
Of course, Molly starts the scene by disregarding Ron's preferences with the maroon socks. But finally! Someone is happy for Ron! Neither Harry nor Hermione has yet to give Ron a heartfelt congratulations!!!!! What amazing friends!
Gosh, still feeling sad for the twins...
She let go of him and said breathlessly, “Well, what will it be? We gave Percy an owl, but you’ve already got one, of course.” “W-what do you mean?” said Ron, looking as though he did not dare believe his ears. “You’ve got to have a reward for this!” said Mrs. Weasley fondly. “How about a nice new set of dress robes?” “We’ve already bought him some,” said Fred sourly, who looked as though he sincerely regretted this generosity. “Or a new cauldron, Charlie’s old one’s rusting through, or a new rat, you always liked Scabbers —” “Mum,” said Ron hopefully, “can I have a new broom?” Mrs. Weasley’s face fell slightly; broomsticks were expensive. “Not a really good one!” Ron hastened to add. “Just — just a new one for a change . . .” Mrs. Weasley hesitated, then smiled. “Of course you can. . . . Well, I’d better get going if I’ve got a broom to buy too. I’ll see you all later. . . . Little Ronnie, a prefect! And don’t forget to pack your trunks. . . . A prefect . . . Oh, I’m all of a dither!”
This part made me feel so sad. I can almost feel my eyes getting wet. Ron is not used to getting new things or being asked what he wants. It's only when he does something special that he earns the privilege of his parents making the sacrifice. Even how he asks for a new broom - not a good one but just a new one for a change - is so heartwrenching. I know the feeling. I grew up relatively poor. I never got gifts often. And unlike Ron, when my parents promised to reward me for my high achievements, they rarely followed through. It hurt so much. Even now, I struggle to buy things for myself as a working woman. I feel sorry for the twins too. I'll be honest: seeing people who are financially struggling have large families somewhat disgusts me. Never going to be me. Two max. Having too many kids has to be a form of mild abuse!
“I don’t think they are,” said Ron doubtfully, also looking up at the ceiling. “They’ve always said only prats become prefects. . . . Still,” he added on a happier note, “they’ve never had new brooms! I wish I could go with Mum and choose. . . . She’ll never be able to afford a Nimbus, but there’s the new Cleansweep out, that’d be great. . . . Yeah, I think I’ll go and tell her I like the Cleansweep, just so she knows. . . .”
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Was he, Harry, Ron’s best friend in the world, going to sulk because he didn’t have a badge, laugh with the twins behind Ron’s back, ruin this for Ron when, for the first time, he had beaten Harry at something?
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You know, I wonder if people see the fake humility I am seeing? Harry is so full of himself. Give me a break! It's things like this that make me hate Harry's character.
“Cool,” Harry said, and he was relieved to hear that his voice had stopped sounding hearty. “Listen — Ron — well done, mate.” The smile faded off Ron’s face. “I never thought it would be me!” he said, shaking his head, “I thought it would be you!”
This reminds of me of a time in highschool where this girl beat me in a science test about the food chain. I was used to getting the highest grades and when I saw she beat me, I remember saying, "Congrats" with as much fake cheer I could. I remember how uncomfortable she looked. When I told my parents about it later, my dad said I should have made a joke so I did not sound so bitter.
So now here, Ron has to downplay himself to make his best friend feel better. The best friend who should be clapping his back and sharing his joy. Ugh.
Ron doing all the emotional labour in this friendship.
Bonus from book 6 to prove my point:
“Only failed Divination and History of Magic, and who cares about them?” he said happily to Harry. “Here — swap —” Harry glanced down Ron’s grades: There were no “Outstandings” there. . . . “Knew you’d be top at Defense Against the Dark Arts,” said Ron, punching Harry on the shoulder. “We’ve done all right, haven’t we?”
The first thing Harry does in his head is find a way in which he is better than Ron. But look how Ron is happy for Harry despite his own failures. Too bad Horrid Harry couldn't muster up the same for his achievements. It's amusing how Ron haters constantly bash him for being a bad friend when Hermione and Harry are arguably worse friends to him so often.
Golden trio is the greatest friendship ever my butt.
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As The Sun Set // Amortentia // Part Three
TW: Physical abuse
Part Four
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In the beginning of Slughorn's lecture I am standing next to Hermione in the front of the class. A loud bang comes from the door to the classroom Slughorn abruptly stops to address the two boys making the commotion, Harry and Ron come stumbling into the room. Making their way to the book cabinet they are fighting over the last two books. Hermione rolls her eyes next to me as I start to snicker.
“Now, as I was saying, I prepared some concoctions this morning. Any ideas what these might be?” He asks searching around the classroom for an eager student. Of course Hermione is the only one raising her hand. Swot. “Yes, miss…”
“Granger, Sr.” she clears her throat. “That one there is veritaserum. It's a truth telling serum.” She says matter of factly.
“Yes Miss Granger, That is current. How about you miss….” he points to me
“Oh uh, Johnson, Sr.” I stutter over my words. Why on Crices name did he pick me?
“Ah Miss Johnson. Go on. Do you know what potion this one is?” He gestures to the cauldron on the right. Pink mist slowly evaporating out the top.
“Yes. This one here is Amortentia. Terribly tricky to create. It is the most powerful love potion in the world.” I look around me. Hermione is smiling in my direction indicating that I took the words right from her mouth.
“It is rumored to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them.” I lean over just a step to be able to smell the potion. “For example, I smell fresh limes, violets, and tobacco.” I blush while taking a step back to aline with Hermione.
“Very good Miss Johnson.” He claps his hands together. “This last one here is Felix Felicis. Otherwise known as liquid luck. The rest of the class you will be brewing an acceptable Draft of Living Death. Recipes can be found within your textbook. You may begin.” He dismisses us students back to our table to proceed with the brewing of the potion.
Getting all the necessary ingredients to my table next to Theo I start to brew the potion. Typically am great in potions. It is one of my favorite classes. Draco, Hermione, and I are the highest scoring students in our class. But for some reason these instructions seem off. Looking around the room I see that both Hermione and Draco are also having issues brewing this particular potion.
“Scar, are you having some trouble?” Theo asks snidely from next to me. My forehead is starting to sweat. Theo has a huge grin on his face next to me.
“This just doesn't seem right… I cannot get it right.” I am frantically looking around the classroom.
“Maybe you're just not as good in potions as you thought” He laughs.
I shoot a death glare at him. “Well if that's how you feel you’re more than welcome to get a new partner.” Theo is a great potions partner. Though I'd rather work with Draco or Hermione, Theo listens to my instructions and does what I say. So I cannot complain much.
“No, no. I would much rather keep you as a partner. You are much nicer to look at all of class compared to Drakey over there.” He snickers. I blush as my glare softens as I continue to try and brew my potion.
Fresh limes and violets. Adrian smells like grass…. so that doesn’t makes sense. But I have never been around him when he smelled like limes or violets. Theo though.. He smells of limes. Is it possible for my Amortentia to smell like more than one person?
“So, Pans told me she found you and Adrian in bed together last night. Does this mean you two are back together?” Theo asks as he stirs his potion.
Damn Pansy. I knew she couldn't keep her mouth shut. “Of course she did.” I say rolling my eyes. “I think so? He apologized and said he loves me. I love him too, you know. It's just hard to forget those feelings.” Talking about my relationships with Theo has always been sort of uncomfortable. Not because I am uncomfortable around him, but because of the crush I have had on him the past couple of years.
“Well, If he makes you happy love, then I am happy for you… Even though I hate the git.” he smiles at me as he grabs my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze. “I will not hesitate to curse him if he hurts you though” I laugh, protective as always.
As the class ends to everyone's surprise Harry is the one who finished first and received the vial of liquid luck. I walk up to Harry confused but I congratulate him nonetheless and make my way to my next class with Draco giving Theo a smile goodbye as we walk the other direction.
“Scarlet, I was wondering… Would you be able to help me tonight? With my DADA assignment.”
Draco asks as we are walking towards herbology. He has his hands in his pockets staring straight ahead.
“DADA assignment? I didn't remember Snape assigning any-” I stop myself mid sentence. Snape did not assign anything for DADA. Draco was referring to the task that the Dark Lord gave him. I told Draco before we left the manor I was going to help him with his task. “Of course I will.” I say putting my hand on his shoulder trying to be comforting. I know he has been stressing himself out over this task since he was given it. Fix a broken cabinet so that the Dark Lords lunatic followers may invade Hogwarts and potentially kill our professors? Sure why not?
“Okay, after dinner maybe? I don't have practice tonight. Blaise and Theo are going to help Pansy with her flying so they will be busy.
“Oh, uh can we meet in the common room a little after dinner? Like an hour or so… I have plans to study in the library.” I have plans to snog my boyfriend for a good hour after dinner.
Eyeing me suspiciously, “I guess so. Who are you studying with? Maybe I can join and we can go after?” Damn Draco is really trying to cockblock me right now.
“Uh…” Quick who would Draco hate most to study with. After a second or two I finally respond “Hermione. I am studying with Hermione.” I say as my green eyes graying slightly as I increase the locks on my occlumency doors.
“Scarlet… You forget that I know you more than anyone else. I know when you’re lying and when you are occluding. You can’t hide it from me.” Draco can always tell when I'm lying. I've never been able to keep a secret from him. All of a sudden he stops and pulls me into an alcove just before we reach the Herbology classroom.
“You're meeting Adrian.”
Not a question.
A statement.
Extra locks.
I try to pry his hand from around my forearm. His grip only tightening. “I thought I told you to stay away from him.”
Another statement.
Eyes dull. Fully gray now.
“He’s a prat Scarlet. He cheated on you once, what makes you think he won't do it again?”
His grip is hurtful. He is hurting me though it isn't his intention, but his fingers are digging into a burn that has yet to heal properly. I wince away from him and his entire demeanor changes. He lets go of his grip on my arm, to wrap around my shoulders pulling me into a hug.
“I love him, Draco. He's the only other boy who has loved me besides you. I forgive him.. Why can't you?” When he finally lets go he notices all emotion leave my face, his own walls come down a little and his face gets softer.
“He will never be good enough for you Scarlet. But I will not say anything more about him. I do not like him and never will. We are not friends. But, I will tolerate him. For your sake. But if he hurts you again. He will answer to me.” he says with one last squeeze of my shoulders and a slight smile on his face.
“Loud and clear.” A smile creeping back on my face. As Draco walks to the class room I quickly fix my make up and the puffiness of my eyes and follow behind him. Draco doesn't like Adrian and that's okay. At least he can be civil.. I hope.
Tonight's dinner is roasted chicken, carrots, broccoli, mash potatoes, rolls and salad. As I am putting food on my plate I spy Adrian walking in and wave him over. Now that all my friends know we are back together might as well try to integrate him back into the group.
I scoot closer to Pansy allowing him to sit next to me. Draco, Theo and Blaise are across the table from us. All of them are wearing a similar face of disgust. I kick Theo under the table and give him a look that says ‘play nice or I will kick higher next time’. He seemed to understand as we whispered to the other two and the looks morphed into disinterest.
“Hello Angel” Adrian says as he plants a kiss on my head while sitting down next to me.
Theo continues his conversation of the ridiculous potions assignment while Adrian starts to pile food onto his plate.
“You should have seen her hair! It grew 4 times bigger than usual! Scar was getting all flustered and Draco! He looked as though he was going to tell the cauldron “his father would hear about this’. Best class ever!” Theo says, clutching his side as he laughs.
“Oh whatever. I am just glad that Slughorn didn't make me smell the Amortentia. No Idea what I would have said but I rather not have my deep secret crush be revealed.” Draco adds, quirking his eyebrow up at me, as if he is insinuating something.
“My amortentia would smell like grass, broom polish and sugar quills.” Adrian says as he is shoving his face with his chicken.
Pansy eyebrows are furrowed in confusion as she looks around the table. “That’s funny. Scarlett doesn’t smell like any of those things” She says matter of factor.
“What did your amortentia smell like Scar?” her face now turned into a smirk as she studied her nails.
“Oh. Uh it smelled like fresh limes, violets,, and tobacco.” Pansys’ eyes grew wide as she looked at me. I quirk a brow up at her as she starts to silently giggle and she makes a quick look towards the boys.
“Those smells sound awful together. I don't smell that bad do I?” Adrian asks as he snakes his arm around my waist to pull me closer. I rest my head on his shoulder. “Of course not darling.”
As dinner continues they are all talking to Pansy about her flying lessons. Draco's eyes are fully gray. He's occluding. Does he really hate Adrian that much?
As dinner starts to wind down and everyone is getting ready to leave we wave the group goodbye and make our way down to the dungeons to be alone in his dorm.
Draco is spread out on the black leather couch in the common room. Potions book perched in his hands. Fully immersed in the section that he is reading.
I walk around to stand in front of him. “Nice to see you can pull yourself away from sucking face to meet me.” he says not looking up from his book.
I roll my eyes and put my hand on my hip tapping my foot against the hard stone floor. “Well I'm waiting.”
Adrian and I started a heated make out session which then led to him trying to shag me. Seeing as I had to meet Draco soon we didn’t have enough time. This sent Adrian into a right fit.
Which, incidentally led to me fighting back tears the whole way down the hall to the common room.
After a minute or two he finally finishes whatever section he was reading and puts the book in his bag and leads us out of the dungeons.
“How was flying lessons with Pansy?” I ask as we make our way to the room of requirement.
“She's getting better. Still trying to figure out who she is trying to impress. I bet 20 galleons on Goldstien.
I snort at his answer. “Why would it be Goldsien? He's a Hufflepuff!”
“Well I know it's not me. I do not think it's Blaise, and it's definitely not Theo. No one else would make sense.” He says as we round the corner at the end of the hall.
“I don’t know. Maybe I will ask her.” I say following behind him as we near the door. “She originally asked to keep you boys distracted while I talked to Adrian, but I have no idea why she is still making you all help her.”
I am lost in the thought of who Pans is actually trying to impress with flying skills, as I wait for Draco to make the door to the Room of Requirement. As soon as it did he put his hand on the small of my back guiding me inside. Only once the door shuts do I stop to take in all the room has to offer.
While looking for the cabinet I keep talking. “Wait. Why ‘definitely not Theo’? He's cute and funny. Plus he loves to fly!”
“Theo is very complicated. Unfortunately, his thoughts are very loud. Pansy believes he fancies another, and I agree.” Draco says while walking in front of me searching for the cabinet.
“What? I didn't know Theo fancied someone? Since when? Who is it?” I rush out as I am trying to keep my cool.
Theo hasn't fancied someone in a long time. He's had hookups every now and then and is very flirtatious with loads of girls but hasn't fancied anyone for two years, and even then he wouldn't tell anyone who it was. He was quiet for most of last year. Distant. I really missed my friend.
“Look, over here.” Draco says while ignoring my question and leading me to the reason we came here in the first place.
Pulling the sheet off, a large oak cabinet with brass embellishments stood in front of us.
For the next two hours me and Draco spend our time trying to understand the spells that are written within the structure in order to try and figure out why it's not working.
After Draco nearly pushes the thing over while slamming the door closed out of frustration. We take a break and try to come up with a plan for killing Dumbledore..
We decided on cursing a necklace we found in the room and wrapping it neatly in parchment to be delivered. As much as Draco wants to please his father and Voldemort, he doesn't have what it takes within him to kill someone…
Once we finish cursing the necklace and he carefully wraps it in brown parchment and places it in his bag we head back down to the dougeons.
Being so exhausted once I finally reach my room I put on my pajamas and crawl into bed. Finally, allowing myself to fall asleep.
Outside the air feels warm. Letting the sun shine on my face as I lay in the garden with Ditty the house elf. It took alot of coercing for him to come lay out here with me. But father and mother are away god knows where, so I decided that Ditty can take time off and just relax. Letting the smell of the grass and the violets flood my nose. Ditty is giggling at the shapes of the cloud above us. All of a sudden his giggle stops and I feel the pull of magic as he apparates away.
“And what is it that you are doing here on the ground little girl?” Bellatrix asks as she sneers at me with her yellow crooked teeth.
“I'm sorry. I was just… Um, enjoying the sunset.” I say as I hurry to my feet.
“Rodolphus requests you in his study for your afternoon training.” She says as she watches me very closely. “NOW.” Pushing towards the house.
In his study, father is sitting at his desk. Cigar in hand. “Scarlet. It has come to my attention that your occlumency is weak.”
With shaky hands I look down at the ground. “I am working on it, father.”
He lifts his head up to look at me “It's pathetic, just like you.” He slams his chair back when he stands up. “Maybe I just need to give you some motivation”. “Give me your arm.” He holds out his hand waiting for me.
“No... Please father...Please don't…” I choke out holding back a sob.
“Look at you already shaking and I haven't even begun. Pathetic. You can never get a hold on your emotions. Now I will NOT ask again. GIVE. ME. YOUR. ARM.” he roars.
In one swift motion he takes ahold of my arm, and slams it down on his desk. “Now hold it in.” Slowly he takes his cigar and presses it in the crook of my elbow. I internally hiss. He picks it up again, takes a drag and presses it into another spot on my arm. This repeats for 5 more burns.
Finally when he's satisfied and I have made no noise he lets go with a forceful push. I pull my sleeve of my cardigan down and stand there and wait for further instruction.
Suddenly I hear another presence in the room. When I look over I see bellatrix. Her grin is wide as she holds an old knife between her fingers I've never seen before.
“Is it my turn dear? I have something very special for her.” She says trying to be sweet but her eyes are filled with hatred.
“Of course. Let's see if she's as strong as she pretends to be.” He says using a spell to throw me to the ground.
My head slams on the floor, pain blurring my vision. I feel the hem of my dress is pulled up just enough to expose my right upper thigh.
“What were you calling her love? Pathetic?” The tip of the knife digging into my thigh. P “That's fitting.” A “Aching for our love.” T “Our approval.” H “Nothing you do will be good enough.” E “You’re worthless” T “Nothing but a useless whore” I “You are path-----”
Gasping for air I spring out of bed. Looking around the dark room I see no movements so I try to ground myself. I see Pansy in bed. I see my wand on the ground. I see a grindylow swim by. I hear the lake hum against the window. I hear the light inhale of pansy across the room. I hear footsteps of students walking by. I can move my fingers. I can move my legs. I can move my hands.
Once my breathing has settled I slowly pull off the blankets and look at the word marked onto my skin “Pathetic” I trace over every letter. Severe distress or pleasure causes the disillusionment charm to wear off. I charm away the cut that goes across my left eye and the light bruising on my right eye, wrap the rest of my body under the blanket Molly made me and get out of bed to head outside.
While walking to the lake I see another figure sitting by the water. Familiar curly brown hair and broad shoulders sit with their legs spread out in front of them. Smoke rings floating above.
“Fancy seeing you here. Dracos snoring keeping you up?” I say, as I settle in next to him, ensuring my blanket stays closed. “His snores are the worst. Can hear them across the hall back at the manor.”
“Well hello to you too, bed head.” He bows from his position on the grass making me giggle. “Our little Dracy was quietly sleeping when I slipped out. Though, that more than likely isn't the case anymore.” Walking around him to sit on his left he continues
“What are you doing out here at this hour?” Theo asks while looking at me with a smile.
I try to smooth my hair out while keeping the blanket wrapped around my body. “I couldn't sleep.”
“Couldn't sleep huh? Looks more like you woke up from a nightmare.” I furrow my brows confused. How would he know that?
“Your eyes. They aren't as green. You’re occluding again.” he points at my eyes the cigarette gently nestled between his index and pointer finger.
“Right…Um yes I guess you could call it that..” I gestured for him to pass the cigarette to me.
“Want to talk about it? You know, instead of locking it up?” He gave me a sympathetic smile. Theo had known about my system of locking up my emotions ever since he had asked me to help him learn occlumency.
“I'd rather not… I'm fine though, really. Just a silly dream.” I say trying to give a reassuring smile back but it faulters some. Placing the stick between my lips and inhaling the smoke.
“So, where do you stand on the whole Pansy Goldstien debate?” I ask Theo, changing the subject from me and before handing him back the stick.
“Draco got you on his side too? I think it's a female. Or rather I want it to be.” He raises his eyebrows seductively. “Weslette is rather fit nowadays and a fantastic flier.” He says while smirking at me.
“While it wouldn't surprise me that pans would swing both ways, I think it's someone closer to our group. Perhaps a certain curly haired brunette?.” I say while giving him a wink.
“It is not me. Trust me Scarlet. Besides, I would be a horrible boyfriend. ” He chuckles lightly.
“Any girl would be lucky to call you their boyfriend, you're a great guy. Even if you don't think so. I have met a lot of terrible guys.. You, Theodore Nott, are not one of them. You're one of the good ones.” I grab his hand and squeeze it reassuringly, he blushes a little at my comment.
Once the cigarette is put out I reach over his lap to grab the pack and pull out another one. While lighting it the movement causes the blanket to shift some.
Unbeknownst to me, my right thigh is visible now along with the inside of my arm through a crack in the blanket. From the corner of my eye I feel him tense with his vision on me.
Taking an inhale I hand him the stick as I joke “I have heard that you fancy someone as well. Are you gonna tell me who this time? You must know, they need my approval to date my Theodore.” While bumping my shoulder into his.
Looking up to his face I see that he is staring straight ahead. Vision unmoving. His jaw tensed. His fist is clenching and unclenching.
Clearly my question made him uncomfortable. “Hey, I’m sorry Theo. I was just joking. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.” I say watching him take a large inhale.
Holding it in some before finally letting go. His entire demeanor changed within a matter of seconds… Did I do something wrong? We always joke around. I try to back track but before I am able to say anything he hands the stick back to me before standing up dusting off any left over grass from his trousers.
“You're not pathetic Scarlet.” He says barely a whisper as he looks directly at me then down towards the ground where my wand rests in between my legs.
Did he just say pathetic?
Eyes wide at what he just said trying to ask him where that came from but my voice is caught in my throat. I follow his line of sight to see that my entire right thigh is out in the open as well as my arm. I didn't disillusion any of it as I planned on being alone and was covered by the blanket… I rush to cover myself once again.
Slamming the doors shut.
Locking them.
Adding extra locks.
“Yes. Yes I am.” I whisper back, so quietly I know he didnt hear me as he started to head back into the castle.
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jomiddlemarch · 4 months
The shapes a bright container can contain!
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The next day, he asked his son what he thought.
“Living together? That’s what you’re calling it?” Scorpius replied around the mouthful of scone and clotted cream and raspberry jam that Draco would have been castigated by his mother for taking. Draco was not above using his French House-elf Clafouti’s light hand with pastry as the incentive for Scorpius to leave Hogwarts, though it cost extra in the elf’s pay packet to get them to produce the more stolid English puddings Scorpius favored. When Scorpius wanted treacle tart, Draco had to throw in a week’s holiday at the Malfoy villa near Biarritz and use of the sailboat. 
“What should I call it?” Draco said, resisting the impulse to take offense or, Merlin help him, blush.
“You’re asking me?” Scorpius said. He favored Draco in his coloring and bone structure but he had so much of his mother in his expressions, his tone of voice. Draco missed Astoria terribly for a moment and also didn’t, because he hadn’t lost her entirely, not when Scorpius was looking at him with such wry incredulity in his eyes, a green so dark they looked grey. “This seems massively inappropriate to me, Dad, but fine. I think you’re in love with Professor Granger but you don’t want to scare her off or you think she’ll never feel the same way, so you’re just taking what you can get and trying to come across like a really good friend and not a stalker.”
Draco was silent. He felt as if Scorpius had cast Organa remota maxima, his innermost self examined and dropped in front of him for his troubles. In love with Hermione. Really good friend. Not a stalker. It was insightful and devastating. Draco resisted the urge to lay his head down on the table or wandlessly shatter the gilt-encrusted vase he and Astoria had received as a betrothal gift from her Aunt Tanaquil and had never once used for flowers because it was so ugly. 
“Can everyone tell but Hermione?” Draco asked.
“Probably no one can tell but me. Professor Longbottom maybe, because he’s also got a thing for Professor Granger. All the House-elves, of course, but they wouldn’t say anything. Mum’s portrait,” Scorpius said, licking some jam from his fingers. “Great-Auntie Andromeda, I think she’s noticed, but that’s not bad because she’s friends with Professor Granger and she’s family, so she’ll tell you if you’ve got no chance at all.”
“Merde,” Draco muttered.
“You do remember I’m fluent in French, Dad?” Scorpius said, grinning. “I’ve picked up a fair amount of Bulgarian too, in case you’re thinking of trying that out.”
“One observes the decencies,” Draco said. “We both pretend you don’t speak French and I can curse in peace.”
“Why are you upset? She hasn’t kicked you out, has she?” Scorpius said.
“No,” Draco said.
“You haven’t made a muddle of something important? Said something rude about Albus’s father? They’re quite good friends, you know,” Scorpius said. Draco thought back to when they’d been first years, Hermione with that cloud of unruly curls and her lively little face, Harry in clothes that never quite fit, hair mussed, his glances at Hermione. The trust between them that was somehow something separate, greater, than what was between Harry and Ron. Good friends, indeed.
“No, I haven’t said anything rude about Potter,” Draco replied. “Nor any of her other friends—”
“Did you forget something like her birthday or that she hates almonds? She does hate almonds, Professor Longbottom mentioned it in passing one time. It’s why she never has pudding when they serve Bakewell tart,” Scorpius said. 
“Duly noted but no. She hasn’t indicated she’s upset. She asked me what you thought of us living together and it got a little involved,” Draco said. “That’s about all I’m going to share with you, so don’t try to pump me for more details.”
“I wouldn’t,” Scorpius said. “You can’t think I want to know anything about your…love life.”
The degree of disgust in his son’s voice was mitigated by his careful choice of love life in reference to his relationship to Hermione, whom Scorpius had been careful to call Professor Granger, the respect evident in his tone. 
“You don’t mind, then?” Draco said.
“Do you want me to? I don’t see what the big deal is. You’re not betraying Mum being happy with Professor Granger and it does seem like you’re happy now and you weren’t before, even though I didn’t really notice until you stopped being lonely,” Scorpius said. “Is this because of when you were all kids? Because I think you should be over that stuff by now. Merlin knows it’s been long enough—”
“I know, we’re all as old as the hills,” Draco said.
“You acted old until you started spending all your free time with Professor Granger. You fiddled with potions and read musty old books and talked about growing orchids instead of going out to the pub for pints or having your friends over for dinner,” Scorpius said. 
“And now?”
“Now you act like an eighth year with their first girlfriend most of the time, minus going to Honeydukes and cleaning out the inamorata chocs,” Scorpius said, smiling. “But no one minds because you’ve lightened up on your grading and giving detentions for snogging in the hallways.”
“Tell me this—are the students placing bets? Have you recused yourself from the pot if there is one?” Draco asked.
“Slytherin House agreed it would be indecorous, even if you’re only ever the acting Head,” Scorpius said. “Gryffindors are too focused on Quidditch. But I can’t say that Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw don’t have an extremely elaborate system of wagers, all recorded in Punic. I can’t say that. But I have not placed any bets and have not traded any insider information about flowers, tea, all the books you brought over…”
“Does Professor Longbottom know? About the betting?”
“Yeah, he’s keeping an eye on it. Making sure no one’s going to get into real financial trouble if you elope or Professor Granger comes to class with a Malfoy heirloom ring,” Scorpius said.
“I would not use a Malfoy heirloom,” Draco said.
“I know, you’d pick something from the Black side and you’d have it reset,” Scorpius said. “You’d pick a ruby, but I think that’s a mistake.”
“You do, do you?”
“It’s too obvious. Gryffindor colors, when I don’t even think Professor Granger especially believes in the Houses,” Scorpius said.
“What should I pick in this hypothetical future you’re imagining for me?” Draco asked.
“A star sapphire or a pearl,” Scorpius said. He waited, a reversal where Scorpius expected Draco to figure out the reasoning behind the choice, much as Draco would make his students explain why hellebore was diced and not shredded before getting stirred into the potion widdershins.
“A gem with an inclusion. She doesn’t want perfection or rather, what’s most beautiful to her requires a flaw. Vulnerability,” Draco said.
“Yeah, though I would’ve just said the part about the grain or sand or whatever it is being part of the jewel,” Scorpius replied.
“You worked that out on your own?”
“Mum’s portrait helped,” Scorpius said. “She also said you ought to bring Professor Granger by the house because you’re, and I quote, ‘making it weird.’”
“I’ll take that under advisement,” Draco said. He’d been ambivalent about the creation of the portrait but Astoria thought it would help Scorpius and he couldn’t say that it wouldn’t. For the most part, the portrait was kind and gentle, encouraging and eager to cheer them up if they seemed glum, but occasionally she had an edge and that was when she most reminded Draco of his wife as she’d been.
“She’s not going to be rude,” Scorpius said.
“Mum’s portrait? I wouldn’t expect that,” Draco replied.
“No, I mean Professor Granger. If she doesn’t want to come or she does and she hates the curtains or something, she won’t be rude about it. She’s always nice, even when Eureka Cobbins submits the most excruciatingly moronic essays,” Scorpius said.
“I don’t know. Those tassels in the drawing room might be unbearable,” Draco said.
“Then you can Vanish them together,” Scorpius suggested.
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myfavdeatheater · 4 days
Sweater Weather
one shot after the great war Draco appolzies to Hermione and give her a sweater when she's cold
It was a chilly october night and Draco had found himself in the library studying for class. it was after the great war so everyone was learly about him even though he quit the death eaters and helped harry defet the dark lord he wasnt sure if he would return the same as all the others but if he wanted to restore his image running away wasnt the way to do it so he back a shadow had passed by him he looked up and he froze it was hermione Granger he hadnt seen her truely since that night in malfoy manner sure they were there for the second great war but she was too busy being the hero she looked different she sat down about 5 chairs down and pull out a text book about charms he noticed her arm the jagged pink lines peeking out from her sleeve made him sick to his stomach the night flashes in his mind bellatrix pinning her down and cutting the slur he used to call her all the time into her arm her scream he can still hear echoing he wanted to step in and stop his aunt from hurting his class mate but he didnt and he hated himself for it since that night he has never said the word mudblood since he decided then and there that he would appolizge to her or atleast try to he dosent expect much he picked up his belongings and his quidditch sweater he quit playing but still kept it and moved to sit next to her when he pulled out the chair her head snaped up and met his gaze her eyes widden in shock and little in fear he didnt blame her but she stayed quit as he sat down not being the first person to speak they sat in silence for five minutes while draco put his words together 
“Hello hermione” he said softly she looked at him and replied 
“ Hello Draco.” she said clipped clear distaste in her tone “ how are you? How have you been?”
She rolled her eyes “ you mean after you helped the dark lord almost kill everyone at hogwarts” she paused “ but myself ive been fine” she tugged down her shirt sleeve more draco sighed “ granger i wanted to appolize for everything ive done to you and otherwise” Hermione put her quill down and turn to look at him and when she did her breath got caught in her throat draco was always handsome but he was a deatheater and he was the bad guy and as a ‘hero’ she couldnt be seen entertaining someone like him but that was before everything happened and she was byherself at hogwarts because harry and ron decided not to return so she was all by herself and the loneliness is starting to get to her she looked at him pointedly “ okay so applozie and you have a small list” that made draco smirk a bit because that was exactly something she would say “ well for starters im sorry i didnt stop my aunt for doing what she did to your arm i wanted to stop her but i would have been killed myself and i was scared i made a lot of choices i regret daily but that one plays in my head alot and i just i feel so awful and if theres anything i can do please let me know” her eyes were blurry with tears shes been trying to forget that night in the manor she had nightmare for weeks afterwards she shes getting over it now and when draco mentioned her arm she unconsciously looked a this and his dark mark he noticed and added “ im not  a death eater anymore after my father was put into azkaban and i was on house arrest it gave me a lot of time to think and didnt want my life to end up like my fathers and i quit unfortunately im stuck with the mark forever” she shrugs “ im sorry your stuck with it and i appreciate the apology and i understand why you didnt do anything i mean its not right..at all but i understand. Just be the good guy from now on and it will take a while to fully forgive and trust you because you did so much damage draco.. But with time i think i can find myself forgiving you” she give him her kind smile he smiled back at her a genuine smile in a really long time just then a breeze came through the library and Hermione shivered she tried to play it off but draco noticed “ are you cold Granger?” “ no draco i'm fine thank you” as a another shiver coursed through her body draco pulled his sweater out from behind the chair and handed it to her “ no draco i can take your quidditch sweater..i mean what would people think” he shook his head “ granger you cant let people make decisions for you,come on just for today i'll take it back tomorrow if you'd like just take it your cold” she sighed and took the sweater and put it on and she couldn't help but immediately smell his cologne and it was warm and soft she was distracted by the cozyness of the sweater she didn't notice draco standing up she look at him “ see you later granger” and he winked at her and walked away her cheeks were tinted pink the rest of her studying went on without anymore excitement i mean she got some looks for wearing draco's sweater but she expected it later that day in her dorm a owl came by her window and gave her a letter she look at it and it was from D. Malfoy her heart rate went up she was still wearing the quidditch sweater she just can't seem to take it off she open the letter and it read 
Keep the sweater Granger you look better in it than i ever did  and don't ever let anyone judge you for wearing it.
D. Malfoy
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Black Roses - Second Year - Harry Potter X Female (Slytherin) Reader
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Title: Second Year
Harry Potter X Female (Slytherin) Reader
Additional Characters: Hermione, Ron, Pansy, Draco (Mentioned), Blaze (Mentioned), and Rita Skeeter (Mentioned)
| First-Year | Second-Year | Third-Year | Fourth-Year | Fifth-Year | Sixth-Year | Seventh-Year | Epilogue |
WC: 893
Warnings: Girl fights (verbally), insults are thrown, Reader is B.A, very sarcastic Reader, and name calling (not too bad)
By the time your second year arrived, you had fully grown into your life at Hogwarts. You became a little more daring and less afraid of the unknown. To some extent, you still felt like a stranger in this world, though. You felt a bit different than all the other kids your age. You liked reading and studying rather than playing pranks or playing games. You liked books more than gossiping with the other girls. You preferred to stay in your dormitory, rather than roam the grounds.
A lot happened this year that shaped your future. For one, Draco had found out about your friendship with the Golden Trio. To put it lightly, he wasn't very pleased about it. As much as he tried to ignore you, he kept on glaring at you. Pansy was constantly picking fights with you. She was a terrible person, everyone knew that. One day, you were sitting at the Slytherin table eating dinner when Pansy came up to you.
She spat, "What do you think you're doing here?"
You stabbed a potato with your fork before pausing, "What do you mean, Parkinson?"
Pansy sneered, "What are you doing at our table and not with your friends?"
You put your fork down and looked up at her, "Well, students from other houses aren't allowed to sit at other houses' tables. If I remember correctly." You spoke with a sickly sweet smile, to which Pansy glared down at you.
"Oh, so you're a Slytherin now?" She snorted, looking disgusted.
You opened your eyes comically wide, jolting in your seat with such exaggeration, "Wait! I'm a Slytherin?"
"Well, we don't appreciate your presence here. You're a house traitor. We should throw you out." She huffed, turning up her nose at you.
You lifted an eyebrow, "Throwing me out is going to be a bit difficult considering I've already been sorted. Which means, I belong here. Or did you forget that part?" You quipped, tilting your head slightly.
Pansy scoffed, "We don't need a traitor in our house."
"Mmmm, me? A traitor?" You gasped, "Just because I made friends with other people outside of my house? How scandalous of me! Someone, owl Rita Skeeter! She must be told!" You exclaimed loudly, drawing attention to you and Pansy, as you rested the back of your hand on your forehead in a dramatic manner.
You turned to Blaze beside you, grabbing his sleeve with faux disparity. "Blaze, you must help me! Being friends with other people from other houses is treason!" You exaggerated, "All of Hogwarts would burn me at the stake for being friends with others. Oh! What will I ever do!?"
Blaze blinked at you before shrugging and going back to his food. You snapped out of your dramatic theatrical behavior and turned back to Pansy, a devious smirk on your face, "Well, Pansy, darling. By your constant outbursts of your obvious hatred of me and how I live my life, I'd think you're jealous. After all, you don't have any friends." You smartly insult the girl before you.
"Shut up!" Pansy snapped at you, "You're a filthy snake. You have no right to talk to me!"
You shrugged, "As far as I can tell, you're no better than I am." You shot back.
Pansy frowned, "You're a disgrace to our house! Everyone knows that." She screeched at you angrily, "You'll never be fit to sit at the Slytherin table again!"
"Hmph," You scoffed and turned away from her. "As if I truly care."
Now, let's just say, the rest of that year with her was pretty eventful.
You sat in the Gryffindor tower bleachers with Ron and Hermione as Harry flew through the air, searching for the golden snitch. You had been cheering for Harry throughout the match. You wanted him to win, definitely more than Slytherin. You thought that he deserved it. His success was worthy of celebration. That was why you cheered so loud and so proudly.
You and Hermione clapped along with the crowd, "Go Harry, go Harry, go Harry, go Harry, GO HARRY!~" You all screamed as Harry swooped in between the hoops' poles and snatched the golden snitch with ease.
The cheers grew louder, and Harry landed with a flourish on the ground before being lifted into the air by his team. Staggering down and out of the tower with Ron and Hermione, you all rushed up to Harry, all three of you tackling him into a big group hug. He laughed and hugged you back tightly.
"Hey, guys!" He grinned as you all pulled back, Harry breathing heavily.
"You did it, Harry!" You shouted excitedly, side-hugging him.
"Not bad, eh?" He chuckled, patting your head affectionately.
"You did great, Harry!" You cheered. "Really deserve this win."
Hermione nodded, "Definitely a step up from last year."
Ron frowned, "Actually, Harry lost last year." He whispered, "He got pummeled by Malfoy."
You waved them off, arm still wrapped around Harry's waist with his arm around your shoulders, "Don't matter. The past is in the past. What's important is that he won and beat Draco." You told the two before turning to Harry, "Good thing too, his head was getting a bit too big. I was a bit worried he'd lose his balance and fall one of these days." You joked softly to the boy who laughed.
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memesandtvshowthings · 8 months
The interviewer- a Dramione fanfic
Chapter two!
September 22, 2005
Hermione’s house 
Hermione woke up and immediately got out of bed. She needed to hurry because she had to get ready for an interview. It always took her longer to get ready for those.
“Alright.” She said, getting ready to apparate. She looked at herself in the mirror one more time.
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(Her work outfit!)
After she straightened herself, then apparated to the ministry.
Draco’s house 
Draco got up and got ready for work. He combed his hair and got dressed.
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(His look!)
Once he was ready, he apparate to his office and waked in. His assistant, Mabel, knocked on his door and opened it saying, “Mr. Malfoy! Good morning, I have your list of appointments scheduled for today here.”
“Ah, thank you Mae.” He replied, looking at the list. She left and he sat down at his desk.
10:00 Sarah’s magik shoppe.
10:30 Ministry of magic, department of Magical Law Enforcement.
11:00 Willy’s magical instruments.
That was all he had today. He sat down at his desk and started his paperwork.
 The Ministry of Magic 
Hermione knocked on the Ministers office door.
“Come in.” She heard. Walking in, she said,
“Good morning minister.”
“As to you. Now, I have an appointment set up for you at ten thirty with Malfoy co.”
“What? Malfoy co.?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Is something wrong?”
“No it just…. Me and Malfoy… we aren’t exactly friends.”
“That’s ok. This is a business meeting.”
“I know. It’s just going to be so awkward.”
“Well, I know you can do it. Now, good luck! Your appointment is in thirty minutes.”
“Right. Thank you!” She said leaving. Once she was out she rushed to her office. 
“Oh no.” She whispered to herself. “I wasn’t planning on ever seeing Malfoy again.” She sighed and picked up her stuff.
“Well. I guess I’d better leave.” 
And she apparated.
Malfoy co.
Draco finished his first meeting of the day early. The lady didn’t like his attitude, which was good considering yesterday, so she left. Over the intercom Mabel told him the next client was here early and asked if she should send them in. He told her yes and waited. 
Finally, the door of his office opened and what he saw was shocking to him.
Granger. She walked in and said,
“Hello Mr. Malfoy.”
“Granger.” He replied, gesturing to a seat. She sat down and just looked at him. 
“Ahem.” He coughed, knocking her out of the daze.
“Right. So, uh, I have a few questions for you.”
“Right, uhm… first, please, tell me about your business.”
“Are you uncomfortable Granger?”
“I’m sorry?”
“You heard me.”
“Well, that’s not the answer to my question, is it?”
“Malfoy, please answer the question.”
“Fine, I started this business because…well, I’ve always been interested in running a business and magical objects.”
“Ok. Eh, now, please don’t feel targeted, I ask this to everyone I interview, do you have ANY dark magic involved?”
“No. I’m not my father.” 
Hermione looked deep into his grey eyes. She knew he wasn’t lying just by the look he had.
“Ok. Uh, any additional notes for the ministry?”
 “No. But I have a question for you.”
 “Why are you so nervous?”
“Well, I mean, last time I saw you you’d just tried to kill me, so….”
“I’m sorry.”
“Whatever. It’s the past.”
“Then why are you so nervous?”
“Well, it kinda hard not to be.”
“Oh, ok.”
She got up to leave and right as the was walking to the door Draco said,
“Hey Granger!”
 “You look hot in green.” He was now smirking. 
“Well, uh, thanks!” She replied, cheeks cherry red, and left.
The ministry 
One Hermione returned, she went straight to her office. 
After a few minutes there was a knock on her door.
“Come in.” She said. And was delighted when she saw it was Ginny.
“Oh, hey Gin!”
“Hi! Did you get the gift?”
“Yes! It’s beautiful. Thanks!”
“No problem! Oh, Hey. I’m SO sorry.” 
“Uh, Gin, For what?”
“Ron Broke up with you a couple nights ago..?”
“Oh! Right.”
“Did you forget?”
“Eh, yeah. I mean, we weren’t really dating anyway,”
“Well, he NEVER talked to me. He was always out of town! So you know, I kinda just… pushed him to the back of my head “
“Wow. I was expecting you to take this harder. I mean, yeah, he’s a jerk but…”
“So, anything new?”
“Well, I just had an interesting interview.”
“Ooh! With who?”
“Draco Malfoy.”
“Really? Since when does he have a business?”
“It’s new,”
“Was he hard on you?”
“No. He actually acted like a grown man!”
They both giggled and talked for a little while longer until Ginny had to go.
Malfoy co.
Draco couldn’t stop thinking about Hermione. She had grown into a very beautiful woman.
No Draco. Granger is NOT pretty.
He kept telling himself.
A few hours later Mabel came in with a letter.
“This came for you from the ministry.” She said handing it to him.
“Thanks.” He replied as she walked out. Once he opened it he read,
Mr. Malfoy,
Your report has been processed and we are pleased to inform you that your business is now officially ministry approved. We hope that everything works out for you!
The department of Magical law enforcement- Hermione Granger
Draco reread the letter several times to make sure he didn’t miss anything and then got up and hung it on his cork board.
Once he finished his paperwork, he went to the lobby, told Mabel he was leaving, and apparated home.
The ministry 
Hermione was done for the day. She was so tired but every time she closed her eyes to relax them, gray ones would appear on her eye lids.
She apparated home and sat on her couch. She sighed and picked up her book as she was almost done with it. 
About an hour later, she finished the book and went to bed. She fell asleep almost instantly.
That was chapter two! Stay tuned to my page for more!
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hermioneneedsdraco · 6 months
September 22, 2005
Hermione’s house 
Hermione woke up and immediately got out of bed. She needed to hurry because she had to get ready for an interview. It always took her longer to get ready for those.
“Alright.” She said, getting ready to apparate. She looked at herself in the mirror one more time.
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(Her work outfit!)
She straightened her skirt, then apparated to the ministry.
Draco’s house 
Draco got up and got ready for work. He combed his hair and got dressed.
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(His look!)
Once he was ready, he apparate to his office and waked in. His assistant, Mabel, knocked on his door and opened it saying, “Mr. Malfoy! Good morning, I have your list of appointments scheduled for today here.”
“Ah, thank you Mae.” He replied, looking at the list. She left and he sat down at his desk.
10:00 Sarah’s magik shoppe.
10:30 Ministry of magic, department of Magical Law Enforcement.
11:00 Willy’s magical instruments.
That was all he had today. He sat down at his desk and started his paperwork.
 The Ministry of Magic 
Hermione knocked on the Ministers office door.
“Come in.” She heard. Walking in, she said,
“Good morning minister.”
“As to you. Now, I have an appointment set up for you at ten thirty with Malfoy co.”
“What? Malfoy co.?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Is something wrong?”
“No it just…. Me and Malfoy… we aren’t exactly friends.”
“That’s ok. This is a business meeting.”
“I know. It’s just going to be so awkward.”
“Well, I know you can do it. Now, good luck! Your appointment is in thirty minutes.”
“Right. Thank you!” She said leaving. Once she was out she rushed to her office. 
“Oh no.” She whispered to herself. “I wasn’t planning on ever seeing Malfoy again.” She sighed and picked up her stuff.
“Well. I guess I’d better leave.” 
And she apparated.
Malfoy co.
Draco finished his first meeting of the day early. The lady didn’t like his attitude, which was good considering yesterday, so she left. Over the intercom Mabel told him the next client was here early and asked if she should send them in. He told her yes and waited. 
Finally, the door of his office opened and what he saw was shocking to him.
Granger. She walked in and said,
“Hello Mr. Malfoy.”
“Granger.” He replied, gesturing to a seat. She sat down and just looked at him. 
“Ahem.” He coughed, knocking her out of the daze.
“Right. So, uh, I have a few questions for you.”
“Right, uhm… first, please, tell me about your business.”
“Are you uncomfortable Granger?”
“I’m sorry?”
“You heard me.”
“Well, that’s not the answer to my question, is it?”
“Malfoy, please answer the question.”
“Fine, I started this business because…well, I’ve always been interested in running a business and magical objects are interesting to me.”
“Ok. Eh, now, please don’t feel targeted, I ask this to everyone I interview, do you have ANY dark magic involved?”
“No. I’m not my father.” 
Hermione looked deep into his grey eyes. She knew he wasn’t lying just by the look he had.
“Ok. Uh, any additional notes for the ministry?”
 “No. But I have a question for you.”
 “Why are you so nervous?”
“Well, I mean, last time I saw you you’d just tried to kill me, so….”
“I’m sorry.”
“Whatever. It’s the past.”
“Then why are you so nervous?”
“Well, it kinda hard not to be.”
“Oh, ok.”
She got up to leave and right as the was walking to the door Draco said,
“Hey Granger!”
 “You look hot in green.” He was now smirking. 
“Well, uh, thanks!” She replied, cheeks cherry red, and left.
The ministry 
One Hermione returned, she went straight to her office. 
After a few minutes there was a knock on her door.
“Come in.” She said. And was delighted when she saw it was Ginny.
“Oh, hey Gin!”
“Hi! Did you get the gift?”
“Yes! It’s beautiful. Thanks!”
“No problem! Oh, Hey. I’m SO sorry.” 
“Uh, Gin, For what?”
“Ron Broke up with you a couple nights ago..?”
“Oh! Right.”
“Did you forget?”
“Eh, yeah. I mean, we weren’t really dating anyway,”
“Well, he NEVER talked to me. He was always out of town! So you know, I kinda just… pushed him to the back of my head “
“Wow. I was expecting you to take this harder. I mean, yeah, he’s a jerk but…”
“So, anything new?”
“Well, I just had an interesting interview.”
“Ooh! With who?”
“Draco Malfoy.”
“Really? Since when does he have a business?”
“It’s new,”
“Was he hard on you?”
“No. He actually acted like a grown man!”
They both giggled and talked for a little while longer until Ginny had to go.
Malfoy co.
Draco couldn’t stop thinking about Hermione. She had grown into a very beautiful woman.
No Draco. Granger is NOT pretty.
He kept telling himself.
A few hours later Mabel came in with a letter.
“This came for you from the ministry.” She said handing it to him.
“Thanks.” He replied as she walked out. Once he opened it he read,
Mr. Malfoy,
Your report has been processed and we are pleased to inform you that your business is now officially ministry approved. We hope that everything works out for you!
The department of Magical law enforcement- Hermione Granger
Draco reread the letter several times. Her writing was beautiful. And her signature… chefs kiss! He got up and hung it on his cork board of achievements. 
Once he finished his paperwork, he went to the lobby, told Mabel he was leaving, and apparated home.
The ministry 
Hermione was done for the day. She was so tired but every time she closed her eyes to relax them, gray ones would appear on her eye lids.
She apparated home and sat on her couch. She sighed and picked up her book as she was almost done with it. 
About an hour later, she finished the book and went to bed falling asleep almost instantly.
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inwhichiramble · 2 years
Chrysalis: Chapter 11
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Hufflepuff had been absolutely flattened by Gryffindor.
Caelia overhead the Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain on the way back to the common room. “Honestly, I can’t even be mad. That Harry Potter made the most impressive catch I’ve ever seen in my life.”
“Tell me about it,” said the tall, blond Hufflepuff seeker who had played opposite Harry. “Slytherin’s all got Nimbus 2000s too, and not even they can fly as fast.”
Though when Caelia saw Harry next, it was clear that he had other things on his mind. There was something about Snape and Quirrell, and something about a dragon? And apparently, Caelia’s tip off about Flamel had sped up their findings significantly, because he, Ron, and Hermione had been guarding the third floor corridor as inconspicuously as they could for the past three weeks. Harry had very dark circles under his eyes, so Caelia recommended a potion to put on his face to clear things up. And then she marched him back up to Gryffindor Tower so he could take a nap. Everyone was looking at her weirdly, but that did not deter her from dragging her exhausted friend all the way up to his dorm and tucking him into his bed. Immediately after, she nearly fainted when the incredibly haggard Ron entered the dorm looking somehow twice as worse.
She resolved next to find Hermione, because if the boys were looking that bad, there was no way her overachieving friend was going to be doing okay. She found the girl in the library, naturally, but on this occasion Hermione was fast asleep, sprawled over an open Herbology textbook and surrounded by piles of books and parchment.
March passed by quickly, and as her Gryffindor friends seemed to be doing much better, Caelia thought that things had finally been settled, and so she focused on studying for her exams. But, to her great surprise, the day of the HissPuff party snuck up on her before she realized it was coming.
She walked into her dorm to find Susan helping Hannah and Megan get ready. Caelia’s jaw dropped.
The three girls turned to her, and Susan gasped. “Caelia, did you forget about the party?”
Caelia took a very deep breath. “Yeah, I did. I should probably get ready, huh?”
Hannah bit her lip. “We were just about to leave. Are you alright with being a little bit late? We can let Draco know for you.”
“Yeah, would you do that please? Let me just change really quick.”
Caelia headed to her wardrobe to pick out some clothes as Hannah and Megan left. Susan plopped down on her bed.
“I am so glad none of us wear makeup yet.”
Caelia chuckled. “Tell me about it.” She pulled out her favorite pair of nice overalls and a soft yellow knitted crewneck. “I hope Draco won’t mind me being a little bit late. At least I’m not gonna be the only person he has to talk to.”
Caelia was, in fact, the only person Draco had to talk to. At this particular party, at least.
As she descended the steps to the classroom where the party was being held, self-consciousness wracked her body as she noticed that the vast majority of girls there were wearing dresses--especially the Slytherin girls. Daphne Greengrass’s hair was curled to perfection and she wore a deep black velvet dress that hugged her knees. How did an eleven-year-old manage to look that good? Hannah, with her bright blonde hair against her white paisley dress, looked quite pretty, but it was a different kind of beauty next to Daphne’s, who stood beside her.
“You look fine.”
Caelia tensed and whipped around. “Draco, I’m so sorry I was late, I--”
“Don’t worry about it, I know you stayed late in Charms. You look nice.”
“Oh, well, thank you… Say, have you seen what they have to eat here?”
Draco led her over to the refreshment table, and Caelia used this opportunity to breathe for a moment. Draco was easily the best-dressed of the first year boys in the room, with dark gray slacks and a black long-sleeved button up. Caelia took a cup of punch and didn’t stop sipping for a solid minute.
Draco, miraculously, didn’t seem to notice. They skirted their way around the edge of the party, avoiding the older years--but Caelia didn’t miss some nasty glares thrown from the older Slytherins in Draco’s direction. They leaned up against the wall and watched everyone else mingle silently.
Draco cleared his throat. “Listen, Carter. You probably haven’t heard this from Potter yet, as it happened just last night, but you ought to know--he, uh…we both got detention from McGonagall. Granger and Longbottom, as well.”
Caelia choked on her drink and tried desperately to recover. “What?”
“I lost twenty points for Slytherin. They all lost fifty each.”
Caelia massaged her temple. “Do I even want to know?”
“Probably not. And I’m not going to try to explain my case to you, as that hasn’t worked with anyone else. I… Hogwarts just hasn’t been as great as I thought it would be.”
Caelia frowned. “What do you mean?”
“No one really listens to me, aside from you. I thought I’d be respected, because I’m a Malfoy, and that’s just who the Malfoys are. And even though you don’t put up with… some of the things I say, you’re the only one who doesn’t hate me right now.”
“Well, Draco, you’ve made some pretty big mistakes. But that doesn’t mean it’s too late to turn things around before it gets worse.”
“How are people supposed to respect me if they don’t fear me?”
Caelia’s heart ached for this boy. And to be honest, she didn’t know if she could answer all of his questions. But if there was one thing that her father taught her, it was that people will try to find a way out of their hole if you give them a shovel.
“Draco… do you think people respect me?”
He frowned. “Well, yes. You have plenty of friends. I’ve even seen the older years smile at you in the hallway.”
“Why do you think that is?”
“Well… I’m not quite sure,” he said honestly. “You certainly aren’t from noble birth, and you were sorted into the most unassuming house of them all, so frankly I don’t understand it. Uh… no offense.”
“None taken,” she smiled. “I’ll let you think about it, then. But in the meantime, I hope your housemates decide to be kinder to you. We’ve got exams to focus on, there’s no time for bothering other people,” she joked.
Draco chuckled. “Thanks for talking to me, Caelia.”
“Anytime, Draco. Anytime.”
Exams came too quickly, and once they entered that week it seemed as though they would never escape. Caelia was personally not overly concerned about her results, and while she did do her best, she spent most of her time trying to make sure her friends were okay. Hannah was anxious nearly every moment, Susan had retreated into a near silence, only talking to herself trying to memorize things for the next test. And even Megan had mellowed, laying awake at night.
Whenever Caelia passed Harry, Ron, Hermione, or Neville in the hall, she would squeeze their hand or cast a subtle calming charm. While she definitely cared about her results, it was more important that her friends didn’t lose their minds (because then she would definitely lose hers).
Unfortunately, it didn’t help that that week was sweltering. The castle certainly wasn’t a cooler, but Caelia was not as desperate as the rest of her friends to escape the stuffy building. When the exams were finally over, she spent the whole day lying awake in her bed for hours in silence, just taking a moment away from everything.
She went to dinner in silence, completely drained of energy, but glad that her friends had recovered from the strain that exams had had on them. She played with her shepherd’s pie, and gazed around the room, almost forgetting she was in it. And then, everything stopped.
She’d caught sight of Harry, Ron, and Hermione, who, unlike everyone around them who was chatting contentedly, were stone silent and fidgeting in their seats.
They were among the first to get up to head back to their dorm, though it was obvious that they were trying not to look suspicious. Caelia knew that Harry had gotten up to some mischief over the course of the school year, but right after a grueling week of exams? And why did he look sick?
Caelia told her friends not to wait up, and headed out of the Great Hall to catch them before they got to Gryffindor Tower.
“Hey! Harry!”
The trio turned around. “Caelia? What are you doing here?” Harry asked.
“I think the better question is, why do the three of you look like you’re ill?”
Hermione shifted on her feet. “Oh… it’s nothing. I’m just anxious for our exam results to come out.”
Caelia softened. “You don’t have to lie to me. Does this have anything to do with the third-floor corridor?”
The three of them turned a shade greener, but Harry stepped closer, motioning for Ron and Hermione to go on without him.
“Caelia… remember what you told me about Nicolas Flamel?”
She nodded.
“We found out that the Sorcerer’s Stone is here. At Hogwarts. We think someone--probably Snape--is going to try and steal it. Tonight. So the three of us are going to try to get to it first. None of the teachers believe us, and Dumbledore is gone, so we have to do it ourselves.”
“What?” She looked him deep in the eyes. “The four of us. I believe you.”
Harry paled. “Caelia, no, I can’t ask you to do that--”
“You’re not asking. I’m coming.”
“No, Hermione and Ron aren’t even supposed to be coming, I can’t be responsible for you too--”
“--Your Dad would kill me--”
“Harry!” She grabbed him by the shoulder and looked him in the eyes once more. “You are not responsible for me. I’m making this choice. There is no one I trust more in this world besides you and my Dad, and if you’re in danger then I need to be there. Maybe my dad wouldn’t want me to, but he’ll understand. I don’t know what we might face down there, but if all I can offer is mental support, then that’s enough. Though… maybe my Transfiguration skills will help too. I don’t know. The point is, I’m coming, and I will never leave you behind.”
Harry had finally stilled, and seeing the resolve in Caelia’s face, nodded slowly. “Alright. Wait until your common room empties and meet us at the third floor corridor. And--be careful, will you?”
Caelia smiled and gave him a tight hug. “Don’t worry Harry. You can count on me.”
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sapphicwhxre · 4 years
your first time | HCs
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what your first time having sex includes (for anon)
Г includes : hermione granger, draco malfoy, harry potter, ron weasley, ginny weasley, pansy parkinson, fred weasley, george weasley, luna lovegood, cho chang, fleur delacour, nymphadora tonks, bellatrix lestrange, and narcissa black
hermione granger
actually researches everything she can to make it good for you (which ends up working really well)
is such a nervous wreck about making it perfect that you have to remind her
"it's with you, it'll already be perfect"
uses terms like vagina until you straight up tell her you're comfortable with dirtier words
foreplay QUEEN
does absolutely everything in her power to get you as wet as possible before doing anything
to the point where you wonder if you'll cum before even fucking
is already asking you what kinks you wanna try at this point
doesn't shut up but she's complimenting you the whole time
gets really encouraged + turned on whenever you moan
clingy, grinning mess after
asks you immediately what you want her to do better next time
draco malfoy
cocky, cocky, cocky
secretly really nervous but still plays it up
will not let you top
returns anything you do
doesn't stand for you being quiet
he will do everything in his power to get you as loud as possible
also doesn't take his eyes off you at all ─ like he wants to memorise every second of it and every inch of your body
pretty rough but instantly softens if he thinks he hurt you or something
won't cum until you do
tells you how hot you were after
teases you for cumming for him like that wasn't the intended goal
acts non chalant instead of telling you how head over heels he is
harry potter
harry is CURIOUS and no one can tell me otherwise
you're the one that has to tell him it's ok to touch you and he goes all out once you do
wants to do everything, touch you everywhere
actually wouldn't be able to get over you or shift his focus from pleasing you
"these are so pretty", "i love this", "say my name again", etc.
you probably have to pull him away at some point if you want to actually touch him ─ or fuck
absolutely shook when do you touch him
tries to stay quiet until you tell him you wanna hear him
then he won't shut up with the babbling and the praises
wants a second round as soon as you finish
ron weasley
thanks to hbp, we know how inexperienced ron is
so don't expect him to get actually kinky the first time
sure, he wants to go all out with you but he's actually really gentle
accidentally tries something in the moment (like choking, degrading, basically any kink) and apologises
then can't believe the experience actually gets better when you roll with said kink (and enjoy it)
slows and asks if you're ok the whole time
and every time you say yes, he gets really encouraged
doesn't even want to pull away when you're done ─ basically never wants to take his hands off of you again
heavy breathing and huge grinning right on your skin when you're done
having a snack together after because it's cute and he's all worn out so
ginny weasley
effortlessly sexy
honestly gets you going without even knowing it (you're done for when she actually tries)
she's really casual but sweet
definitely confident
puts her hair in a ponytail so you can see her face but still grab her hair
can't stay serious for shit ─ she's so happy and makes sure you know it
absolutely teases you if you stare at her
"its like this is the first time you've seen me naked!"
voices how turned on she is and how hot she finds you
forces herself to keep her eyes open because she wants to see you come undone
gets as many orgasms out of you as she can
sits on your lap and plants all these little kisses on your face when you're finished
pansy parkinson
"y/n and i are going to fuck, you should all be jealous" "oh my gods pansy,"
only a little nervous ─ she's more excited than anything
starts to confidently tells you about her daydreams, fantasies, and wet dreams but ends up blushing really hard
gets to work immediately
assumes she's topping but is actually willing to let you if you'd like
cocky, teasing, and sweet the whole time
goes for dirty names right off the bat
doesn't miss a beat when you cum, "baby 'm gonna take you against the wall now"
keeps going even after she gets tired
finally stops once you're both mindblown and unable to walk
falls asleep naked with you, head in your hair, mumbling about how she has the best s/o
fred weasley
will pick you up/drag you/etc. to wherever you're doing this
excited as fuck but wants a safeword first and foremost
probably makes it something really stupid
you can barely get anything other than moans out once he starts touching you
gives you kisses, talks dirty, fucks you as hard as he can... he goes all out
just to make your first time the best you've ever had
focuses on giving unless you want more
softer during the second round but way kinkier ─ the boy likes trouble more than work but he's still a quick learner
slow, tired makeout when you're both worn out and him spooning you
george weasley
also really excited
has already figured out your kinks at this point through conversation cues and imagined making you cum with all of them
won't stop kissing you, saying stuff like, "ready to cum for me baby?"
SWOONING banter, "so long as you fill me up love"
confident + teasing about it
"fuck, how did you know i like that?" "a weasley is always prepared y/n," "didn't you forget to wear shoes to class last week?"
absolute gentleman
makes sure everything's ok with you
knows how to get you hot and bothered without being too rough
grunted i love yous
pulls out of you once you're all fucked out but keeps you close so he can give your forehead wet, praising kisses
luna lovegood
so ready to do this
tells you really non-chalantly how bad she wants you
also a queen of foreplay
undresses you so carefully and slowly, telling you how gorgeous you are
long kisses
open about her kinks, asks straight up what yours are
locking fingers while you fuck and agreeing to only let go if one of you wants to stop
spoiler, your hands may as well be fused together by the end of the night
coaxes you through her moans and checks on you
even though she knows ─ and trust me, she KNOWS ─ you're having the time of your life
wants you to lay on your back after you cum and plays with your hair + swirls her fingers on your skin from her comfy lil seat on your waist
cho chang
sweet over sexy first time
nervous at first that someone's going to walk in but once she starts touching you, the whole world disappears
lots of blushing and giggling
nothing too serious ─ your legs are tangled and you're just heart eyed
plants kisses all over you the whole time
actually loses herself with you
like eyes scrunched shut and looking like an angel
if she didn't want to see you all pretty and moaning so bad, she'd probably keep her eyes closed and just be happy with how good you feel
whispers the cutest but dirtiest shit
so smiley when you cum
gets pouty if you pull away or stand up after
wants to cuddle, skin to skin, and keep giving you kisses
fleur delacour
wants it to be perfect
wears the prettiest lingerie she owns
sets a romantic scene
physically and verbally
trust me when i say this girl is a romantic goddess when it comes to words
pulls out the french and tells you how beautiful she thinks you are
magic touch ─ her fingers are stroking and caressing you during everything and it feels magical
during this first time, actions > words
barely says anything
other than moaning your name
quietly praises you under her breath but says it louder if you tell her to
just really sensual and passionate
holds you in her arms and kisses all over your neck and shoulders when you finish
nymphadora tonks
"love, are you sure you want to do this together?"
the second she has your full comfort and consent?
she goes wild
fucks you a thousand different ways but is being so sweet with her words
respectful yet dirty, complimenting in the sexiest tone you've ever heard
wouldn't want to do anything too kinky the first time
only because she wants to leave you wanting more
(as if you won't already ─)
definitely loses control of her hair colour in the moment
it just feels so good that she can't help but go bright and vibrant
all bubbly and talkative when you finish + gets herself together and changes her hair back to your favourite colour
bellatrix lestrange
lays out all her kinks that first time
goes absolutely wild in bed
covers you in sloppy kisses and hickeys
moans shit like, "i have been thinking about this since the moment i laid eyes on you,"
loud the whole time
possessive pet names
my doll, my love, my pretty little thing
melts the first time your hands are in her hair
(whether they're pulling at it or running through it)
won't say anything about it but looks for cues that you're comfortable and enjoying it as much as she is
doesn't stop until you're completely worn out
lays on your chest when you're done
and falls asleep mumbling praises
narcissa black
wants to stretch out your desire before you do anything for as long as she can
long kisses, hooked fingers, etc.
and when she does fuck you?
respectful queen, looks at you for consent before trying anything
stays serious but if you let out a little giggle, she indulges it because she's just as excited to finally be doing this with you
knows what she wants and expects it
she doesn't stop coming up to kiss you
tells you how good you're doing the whole time
makes you cum as many times as she possibly can before finally letting go
doesn't let go when you're done ─ she wants to stay close to you, hot breaths and juices mixing while she kisses the top of your head
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Day 119: Hope
Harry was always alone.
It sounded a bit dramatic, a little pitiable, and more than a little untrue.
Because he was always out with friends. He had pub nights with large groups of people, he went and took those wine and paint classes with Luna and Ginny every other week, and a cooking class with Ron and Pansy on the off week. He met George, Ron, and Seamus for lunch on Thursday afternoons. Hermione dragged him to a book club with Draco once a month. He met Hermione for breakfast on Tuesdays and had dinner with Ron and Hermione every Monday (and often Fridays, too). Neville invited him for tea every Sunday and there was always someone different there with them.
Still, there was something that always separated him from his friends. All of his friends were buying houses, getting married, having babies, getting pets (or in Neville’s case carnivorous plants). And he was just... stuck.
“Well, well,” a smooth baritone voice said behind him, interrupting his sulk at the bar of the Leaky, and a smile tilted up the corner of Harry’s mouth against his will. “If it isn’t the savior himself.”
Harry rolled his eyes. “Are you going to sit down?” he asked, glancing over his shoulder at the other man.
Silver eyes gleamed in amusement, “that depends.”
“Whether you’re going to buy me dinner. It has been a long day.”
(Read more below the cut)
“Oh?” Harry said, nudging the chair next to him back with his toe. “Well it’s a good thing I ordered the shepherd’s pie, then. You and I both know that’s always big enough for two.”
“Were you expecting me then?” Draco asked with a pleased grin as he plopped down in the chair next to him.
“Nope,” Harry said. Strictly speaking, this was true, he’d been hoping the other man might show up but not expecting him to. “I just like to have leftovers.”
Draco laughed at Harry as the bartender slid an old fashioned across the counter to him, “thank you,” Draco said, nodding to the man who all but ignored him.
Harry inhaled to say something about the man’s rudeness (an action he knew was futile since he’d done it several times) but Draco put a hand on his arm and took a sip of his drink. “Not worth it,” he said.
Harry sighed at him, “Tell me about work.”
Draco grinned, it was a sort of grin that Harry used to hate when they were younger. It was a grin that meant Draco had been particularly vicious in the courtroom today. With relish he began telling Harry about the woman and her child whom he had defended against a powerful, abusive husband. How he’d eviscerated the man on the stand and freed the two of them from his grasp.
“It was brilliant,” he finished with a sigh.
“Sounds like it,” Harry replied, resting his cheek in his hand.
Draco gave him a little smile. It had taken a long time to get here, even a year ago Draco would have been looking at him, trying to work out if Harry had meant it sincerely. “Tell me about your day,” he said.
“Oh, you know how it is,” Harry said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Sitting around in board meetings, trying to make sure that the people who actually know something get heard. Watching people who only want what’s best for themselves trying to make people believe they want what’s best for everyone.”
He laughed and took a sip of his drink, “I don’t understand how or why you do it.”
“Well someone’s got to, don’t they?” he asked. “Might as well use my fame to some advantage. Help people. You know,” he said, shrugging one shoulder and picking at the label on his beer.
“Come away with me,” Draco said suddenly.
The other man grinned at him, “I’m going on vacation. I’m leaving tomorrow for a week on the beach on an island. Come with me.”
“What? Why?”
The smile that had been so bright a moment ago started to dim, “Nevermind. It’s a stupid idea. Forget I said anyth-”
“Draco,” Harry said, realizing he’d misunderstood. He put his hand on his forearm. “I’d love to. Seriously, I would love nothing more than to go and spend a week on the beach with you. I just,” he trailed off, “why would you want me to?”
“Because you’re always moping. And you’re always doing things for everyone else. And you’re bloody lonely.” He shook his head, “And no one sees it.”
“Except you, apparently,” Harry huffed.
The corner of Draco’s mouth tipped up, “Except me. Come on,” he said.
“Yes, Potter. Fucking seriously.”
The beach was fantastic.
Harry had never been to the beach for a vacation and he enjoyed every sun soaked minute.
Draco watched him with an expression that Harry couldn't entirely parse out. It was amused, and fond, and exasperated, and something else entirely all at once. "I don't get you," Draco said eventually, after they'd spent half the day by the ocean; lounging, swimming, drinking, and laughing.
"What do you mean?"
Draco shrugged and took a sip of his sangria before he continued, "You're wealthy, you have time, you obviously enjoy it here; why haven't you done this before?"
He frowned, "Well who wants to go on a vacation alone?"
The corner of Draco's mouth tipped up, "I'd planned to go alone. I have actually taken several vacations alone."
"Sorry, I didn't mean-"
Draco waved him off, "It's fine. I'm not offended I just," he shrugged helplessly, "I find you fascinating."
"You find me fascinating?" he asked incredulously.
"Haven't I always?" he replied wryly.
He huffed but couldn't argue considering that he'd been equally obsessed with the other man for most of their lives at this point.
"You could have done anything," Draco said, "There's nothing that the wizarding world wouldn't have given you. If you'd wanted to go on vacation and not be alone you could have had your pick of witches or wizards who would have gladly gone with you. If you wanted to be married with half a dozen children all you would have needed to do was pick the person." He shook his head, "You could have done anything you wanted, been anything you wanted, had anything you wanted but you've chosen a career that makes you miserable and you've chosen to be alone which makes you miserable." He shook his head again, "I don't get it."
"But how can I know if I'm actually good enough?" Harry asked. "How can I know if I'm good at my job or if it was just given to me because I'm Harry Potter? How can I know if the person who agrees to marry me is with me because I'm me or because I'm Harry Potter?"
"All this time I thought that you weren't on to me," he teased.
He rolled his eyes, "You know what I mean."
"You know what I think?" Draco asked as he leaned back in his beach chair and slipped his sunglasses back in place.
"I couldn't possibly guess," he replied.
The corner of Draco's mouth tipped up, "I think you're just scared."
He frowned at the other man even though Draco wasn't looking at him, "Excuse me?"
"You heard me perfectly," he replied, "You're scared."
"Of what?" he asked incredulously.
"Of being loved," he said simply. "Afraid that if you let someone love you, you'll have to let them in. You'll have to let them see all the dark, broken, twisty bits because it's not love if it's not honest."
"Oh and I suppose you're so much better at that," he snapped.
Draco snorted, "Hardly. I'm just willing to live my life until I've found someone who I'll be able to share those jagged pieces with."
He glared at the leg of the other man's chair, "I don't want to talk about this anymore."
"Alright," Draco replied agreeably.
"I'm going for a walk."
He nodded and yawned, "I think I'm going to take a nap, the sun feels nice."
Harry got up and trudged away without another word, trying to decide if Draco Malfoy was full of shit or if he might just know what he was talking about.
The longer he walked and the more he turned what Draco had said over and over in his head, the more he knew that the only person whom he would trust to see his dark bits was Draco Malfoy.
When he got back from his walk Draco was reading a book.
"You might be right," Harry said.
He hummed, "Not to brag but I usually make a point of being right."
Harry collapsed into the sand and stared out at the waves rolling in. "Can I ask you something?"
"Nothing has stopped you so far."
He huffed, "Have you ever been in love."
"Yes," the other man replied.
"How did you know?" Harry asked.
Draco hummed thoughtfully, "I woke up one day and realized that I loved his imperfections more than I loved the perfect image I'd created of him," he said. "I realized that I'm happiest when I'm with him, that he makes me feel brave in my fear and strong in my vulnerability."
"He sounds pretty great," Harry said, swallowing down the bitterness.
"He's also completely oblivious," Draco added. "And normally that would irritate me but his humility is part of his charm."
His heart beat a little quicker, "Is that so?"
Draco grinned, "Yes. And he's not too bad on the eyes, either," he added. "He's got a lovely complexion, fantastic long, dark hair. And his eyes," he let out a low whistle, "A bloke could get lost in those eyes and he wouldn't mind staying in the lovely green of summer."
Harry's mouth went dry and he couldn't quite find any words or summon any courage. Hope blossomed dangerously inside of his chest, expanding and expanding until Harry feared there wasn't room for a shred of doubt.
"He's rather fit, too," Draco continued, giving Harry a once over that even he wasn't oblivious enough to have missed. "And you wouldn't believe his arse," he added, "exquisite."
Harry laughed at that, "You're ridiculous," he said as he bent toward the other man. "I like you, too," he whispered.
"Took you long enough to figure it out," Draco teased.
He reached up and pulled Draco's sunglasses off his face, "I'm going to kiss you," he murmured.
"Took you long enough," he repeated before reaching up to cup Harry's cheek in his palm and draw Harry in.
With a sigh, Harry happily gave himself over to the kiss, over to Draco; knowing that his heart was finally in good hands.
Day 118: Glass | Day 120: Tough
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darkistmalfoyhead · 3 years
If You Touched Her
“Jet lag,” He repeated with horror. “Is that some kind of disease?”
Dear god. It took all of his self-control to not scream at that idiot.
“Lighten up, will you? She’s passed out on Ron’s couch, re-,”
The call was ended, the phone tossed across the living room. Draco Malfoy slowly slid down against the wall, cursing. Jet lag, he mouthed. Stupid Granger and her love of muggle travel.
He should’ve never let her on a plane in the first place, knowing very well everything that could go wrong. The fatality rates combined with Hermione’s accident-prone self was going to kill both of them. Draco was already worried enough about sending his girlfriend on a trip with two very single, very male friends. He’d only parted with her because he had been told she was staying with Harry. Yet that idiot couldn’t be trusted because now she was unconscious in her ex’s condo.
Running a hand through disheveled hair, he closed his eyes, jaw tense. He wanted to apparate over right this instant to the little gathering in Honolulu.
Possibly because every cell in his body was screaming for him to get Weasley the hell away from her. His hands became fists, blood pounding in his ears.
She was passed out on the bastard’s couch.
As if he was going to leave her with ginger boy.
The phone was summoned, the butler informed that his cat would need to be fed while he was gone. The hallway mirror showed a stranger, one garbed in sweats and a green sweatshirt. Dark circles rimmed his eyes, his hair in a sad, mused state. He tried cocking an agonized smile before easing into a comfortable frown.
It was rather hard to be happy when the reason why you wake up in the morning is seventeen hours across the globe.
Ron Weasley spit out his cereal when Draco, in all his weekend glory, appeared in front of him. His face was tight with worry, him doing his best to ignore ginger completely. Yet he was filled with something else when he saw Hermione sprawled across the patterned couch. Draco let out a relieved sigh when he saw that she was alright. By the looks of it, she was sleeping.
He shook his head in fond annoyance, leaning his elbows on the back. Just ten minutes ago he’d been having nightmarish visions- her drugged, dying, kidnapped. His list went on and on.
Tentatively moving closer, Draco disregarded Ron’s flurry of motion behind him. He inhaled sharply. Her clothes.
She was only wearing a garish orange Chudley Cannons jersey. It was emblazoned with ‘WEASLEY’, 07 and it reeked of sweat and spice.
Forget blasted muggle ailments. Draco dropped his neck, hair falling over his face. His normally careful breathing became ragged, eyes filling with a deadly calm.
Hermione hated orange and loathed quidditch even more. Not only did she harbor resentment for the way it turned everyone into ‘cahooting hooligans’, she was fed up with constant arguments between houses at meals. After her little friends and his group fought constantly over which pitch she’d sit in, she’d stopped coming to games altogether.
The last signed Chudley Cannons jersey that Ron had sent ended up in the garbage.
What was being implied…It was impossible but this was the same man who forced her to wear her Yule Ball dress days after humiliating her at the dance, Hermione spinning a few times to gain his forgiveness after going with Krum. This was hours after the red-head had confessed his ‘undying love’.
Draco slowly turned around, lifting his head to study the bastard. He was offered a smile. Except it wasn’t one of warmth and pleasantries. It was cool, challenging. One that sang, I can play this game too.
But it wasn’t a game. At the end of eighth year, she had to choose. And she picked him.
If he laid his hands on her-
Everything was too warm, the fluorescent lights blinding in the dingy condo. He resisted the urge to pull of his sweatshirt, trembling in the wash of it all.
No one touched her, hurt her or forced her against her will. That was the oath he’d made after the night he’d watched her scream until her voice gave out.
Until she coughed up blood. And when she regained some semblance of speech, she begged like an animal to make the pain go away. The fiery, head-strong girl replaced with someone broken beyond comparison. Draco blinked rapidly, forcing away the suffocating memories. Stupid anger management classes. They were wholly ineffective because in a split second he strode forward, slamming Weasly against the fridge. Fistfuls of red fabric from his shoulders were bunched his hands, Ron frozen in shock.
“What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing?” His expression became mixed with confusion and anger, milk sloshing on his shirt from his cereal bowl. Draco leaned forward, his mouth centimeters away from his ear.
“You have five seconds to explain what you did with her clothes,” He murmured, voice raw with fury, “Or I will destroy you in the most painful way possible,”
Weasley’s fist swung at his face, cheeks flushed.
And at that moment Hermione stirred.
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battinscn · 3 years
< 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇
✧·゚:*:·゚✧*:·゚✧·゚: *✧
✧·゚:*:·゚✧*:·゚✧·゚: *✧
𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗯𝗲𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝗭𝗔𝗬𝗡
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘩 𝘸𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘯𝘰 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺, 𝘪 𝘢𝘭𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘺 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸
𝐘/𝐍 found herself sliding out of a dusty fireplace, right in the heart of borgin and burke's.
ah shit not again.
the number of times this has happened to her was, as what the kids these days say, astronomical. no wonder severus always nagged at her to speak slower.
she picked herself up and rubbed the sore on her bum, sneezing at the blanket of dust that covered her.
y/n brushed the dust of her clothes with a groan as she hurriedly creeped out of the store before mr borgin could spot her.
godric did she hate knockturn alley.
the sun was about to set, making it all the more scarier and terrifying.
there was a lady with red pupils and a crooked hooked nose staring right at y/n, an eerie smile plastered on her horrid face.
y/n gulped and quickly made her way towards the exit of the alley.
that was when she spotted a patch of platinum blonde hair walking towards the shop she had just come out of.
very sussy. very sussy indeed.
y/n quickly ducked behind a wall so as to not let draco see her.
soon the boy was out of y/n's line of sight, and the girl only got more curious as to what he was doing in knockturn alley, but did she also want to get out of there immediately.
y/n was about to step out of the dark corner when she saw a metal ladder that led to the roof of a nearby shop.
oh god y/n...did you forget what happened the last time you decided to snoop?
yea. look where that got you.
y/n stepped onto the ladder, the climb proving to be difficult as she felt like she ran a marathon when she finally reached the top.
she swung herself onto the roof and peered through the window of borgin and burke's.
narcissa was already in the shop waiting for draco.
the blonde boy was chewing the inside of the cheek, something y/n knew he only did when he was nervous.
a furry looking man was standing by the door staring suspiciously out of the window that y/n was looking through.
narcissa placed a kiss on draco's cheek and the mother and son duo soon disappeared into a room, mr borgin leading the way.
y/n had been too focused on spying that she hadn't noticed the three gryffindors that were next to her.
and the three gryffindors were too focused on spying that they hadn't noticed the slytherin girl next to them.
fenrir greyback then suddenly shut the blinds of the window, blocking their view.
y/n flinched at the sudden movement of the blinds as she sighed.
"stop pushing me ron, i'll kick you off the roof," hermione whisper scolded the red-headed boy.
y/n whipped her head to the left and was met with none other than the golden trio.
ron and harry made eye contact with y/n started yelling.
y/n winced, covering her ears with her fingers.
hermione quickly slapped her hands over the two boys' mouths, rolling her eyes.
"sorry about that," the curly-haired girl mouthed to y/n.
when harry and ron finally calmed down, and hermione trusted them enough to not yell anymore, she removed her hands from their mouths.
"what are doing here?" harry asked y/n suspiciously.
"er i just like laying on roofs a lot..." y/n eyed the boy in glasses, "what are you doing here?"
"we just like laying on roofs a lot too..."
"what if she's a deatheater like them!" ron tried to whisper, but not doing a good job at it apparently, resulting in hermione giving him a "tsk" and an elbow to the ribs.
"a what?" y/n asked confused, "deaf either?"
"deatheater," hermione explained.
"what's that?" y/n tilted her head to the side.
"do you really not know?" harry frowned.
y/n shook her head.
harry let out a sigh, and started climbing down the ladder, hermione and ron doing the same after him.
y/n stayed on the roof looking down at them.
"what are you doing up there still? come on y/n," hermione signalled for the girl to follow them.
"o-oh okay," y/n quickly shuffled down the steps.
harry and ron led the way as hermione and the other girl trailed behind.
"so you and pansy eh?" y/n teased and hermione's cheeks started to blush red, "she really likes you."
"i really like her too," hermione buried her face in her shoulder.
"do they know?" y/n gestured to the boys walking in front of them, the girl shook her head.
the four soon found themselves in a small cafe tucked in the corner of diagon alley.
they took a seat at a table in the far corner of the room and ordered themselves drinks.
"right, so death eaters...?" y/n broke the awkward silence as she sipped on her chamomile tea.
"shhhhh! we don't want to draw attention to us!" harry shushed the girl, leaning closer to the center of the table.
the other three leaned towards harry and met him in the middle.
"insufferable know-it-all, you go," ron nudged hermione as the girl shot him a glare.
"okay, so death eaters are a group of wizards who're pureblood supremacists and they practice dark arts. they want to spread their ideas over the wizarding world and well, kill harry but when is harry never almost getting killed."
"then what was draco doing with them?" y/n asked.
"he was getting his dark mark, it's a symbol on your left forearm, you get yours during your death eater initiation," harry explained.
"we don't know that for sure harry, maybe he was just attending one of their meetings," hermione added.
y/n sunk back into her seat, silently scoffing in her head.
so much for promising he'd change.
she was a fool to believe him, and to think he tried to hide it from her?
maybe if he had told her himself she'd try..and i mean try extremely hard, to understand. but the fact she had to hear it from potter?
yea no.
"but most importantly, voldemort's trying to infiltrate the bloody ministry!" harry threw his hands up into the air in a hushed whisper.
"voldemort? who's that?"
"godric is there anything you do know?" ron asked while he stuffed a croissant into his mouth.
"ron! that's rude! she's new to hogwarts," hermione hit ron on the arm.
"are you from america or something?" ron's voice muffled from the food in his mouth.
"yea...something like that."
"voldemort is a dark wizard who went to hogwarts way back, his real name is t-"
"mr potter, ms granger, mr weasley, y/n," severus' voice bellowed from behind the four, causing them to jump.
"uncle severus?" y/n whipped her head towards her brother.
"he's your uncle?" ron asked with his jaw dropped.
"hey uncle sev maybe just stand aside for a minute," y/n forced a tight smile at her brother and shoved him away.
"you're a snape?" harry's eyes widened.
"i mean you guys were barely even around the last few months of school, of course you wouldn't know," she mumbled.
"how are we supposed to know you aren't a death eater yourself? i can't believe you tricked us into talking to you!" harry accused.
"are you kidding me?" y/n scoffed, "do you think that lowly of me?"
"your bloody uncle's one himself!" ron exclaimed.
"my godric no wonder nobody likes the two of you," y/n rolled her eyes as she stood up from her chair.
"wait y/n-" hermione placed her hand over y/n's.
"it's alright hermione, i'm gonna leave so your friend over here doesn't think i'm trying to kill him" y/n glared at harry as she walked away from the table.
as y/n was walking away, ron's words sunk into her head.
severus was a deatheater?
𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗇𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇 >
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sorry-i-ship-drarry · 3 years
38. Set it up, break it up
For everyone who's been supportive of these| fluff |making out |harry set draco up with someone Only to realise he liked draco all along |
" when was your first time ?" Seamus smugly asked Draco as he drank his butter beer from across the room sprawled over the bean bag
" I will prefer not to answer the question. It is highly confidential and that information shall only be revealed to Someone I'm with. So dear Seamus you can enjoy asking this question to other, while I would refuse to answer " Draco sophisticatedly replied, tilting his head to put on more emphasis upon his words.
" Merlin, you could've just said I'm not answering that. No need to go all Shakespearian " Ron rolled his eyes at Draco.
Harry chuckled as he joined Draco over the couch, putting his legs over Draco's laps, not that either of them ever minded that physical touch " that's Draco for you. He'll never give a direct answer. I can bet, if he were in an English Muggle class, he'd top "
" I topped nonetheless " Draco rolled his eyes, his hands automatically falling into a pattern of softly stroke the bottom of Harry's leg, a habit he's grown attached to.
" really? From what I remember I got 7 owls while you got only 6. It's just as if I was infact better than you " Harry smirked
" whatever Harry. I was the headboy " Draco rolled his eyes at harry, yet again but then again he liked these small bickerings with him. Blaise eyed them from the corner of the room, enjoying it himself, not Daring to say anything.
" and I was given the opportunity, I just denied "
" as if "
" whatever helps you sleep at night darling" Harry teased as he pinched Draco's cheeks softly
" don't " Draco growled as he swatted Harry's hand away
" one angry kitten aren't you " Harry chuckled, picking up his can of butter beer and drinking it.
" don't call me that " Draco sneered, not in a furious way, just slightly threatening way.
" anywaysss " Seamus echoed, breaking off their not so private conversation " when was your first time harry ?"
" Ron, you might wanna cover your ears for this one " Harry chuckled. Ron gave him a look but refused to do so " it was after war, when I got back with Ginny, in the time we were going out for a short time "
" what about in 6th year ?" Dean asked snuggling closer to Seamus on the bean bag
" we couldn't really ever get to it. I mean for one neither of us were ready, and we were just kids. Although when we did it after we got back together, we realised almost instantly it wasn't something we enjoyed, not that part, just with opposite sex kind of thing. Well mostly her, no offense. Or it could've been we weren't just attracted to each other that way " Harry explained
" really ? I always thought you guys would work out you know " Dean said. Harry looked at Dean amused but didn't say anything.
" I never thought you guys would end up together really. Never seemed as if so " Seamus added
" interest me in why ?" Harry asked
" it just, I always knew you were sort of bi even before you started going with Ginny. It was Evident really sometimes. And with Ginny herself, she didn't seem like a person to be with a guy. I mean coming from I figured my sexuality really early on, I just sometimes knew it.. besides after the first time you guys broke up, it seemed almost impossible for it work later on " Seamus explained. Everyone including Draco thought about what he had said and nobody could even deny that it was a lie.
" what's your dating track anyway right now Harry ?" Blaise asked standing over the chair behind Ron.
" oh it's not that bad. I do go out on a few dates. I went on a date last week infact and believe me that guy was really good, dashing, almost ced- well Cedric diggory Kinda hot but right in the middle of the date, I feel something going up my leg. I almost choked on my Tuna fish and he goes, do you like it ? I was more shocked than anything else. It was weird if anything "
" so what next ?"
" I didn't call him back. I think somewhere along the date, he might've said he had feet fetish.. he would much rather make love to my feets than me and it was just plainly weird "
" people have all different sorts of fetishes " Ron frowned
" yeah, I respect them but feet fetishes just creeps me out " Harry almost shivered at the thought of it.
And everyone soon fell into talking about weirdest kinks and fetishes, something they all were rather amused to be in conversation about, except, Harry.
Draco stopped stroking Harry's leg for a moment to softly clutch on them to seek his attention.
" it's alright Harry.. you can't change anything.. besides I think he lived a good life" Draco softly said.
" I still can't forget though. It's almost as if I can still see it happening in front of my eyes " Harry Whispered back.
" I know. He was a brave guy though. You can't do anything anymore. I'm sure- he'd want you to get over it too " Draco whispered. Harry bit his lip softly before nodding. To provide comfort, Draco again started stroking Harry's legs.
" feels nice" Harry smiled at Draco, who simply smiled back.
" talking off that, what say about going on a date with someone ?" Harry asked Draco but had inevitably grabbed attention from a few others in the room.
Draco raised his eyebrows in strange surprise " really ?"
" I met some guy at the animal shop across the street. He seemed like someone you could date " Harry replied
" why me, why not you ?" Draco defensively asked
" well, he's not my type but he's yours and he did seem to notice you with me a couple of days ago, so I thought maybe you could talk to him and see if you'd like to go out with him " Harry suggested.
Draco frowned at harry before clearing his throat " I'll pay that animal shop a visit then "
" great " Harry grinned
" I'm gonna use the loo " Draco sighed and got up abruptly
" unbelievable " Blaise announced. Harry looked around the room to receive strange looks " what are you all staring at me for ?" Harry asked confused
But nobody responded except that most of them groaned, leaving Harry more confused. Draco returned a few minutes, chatted a bit and then left claiming he had to feed his cat.
As a few weeks goes on by, Harry discovered that draco did started going with the guy he had told him about and was infact in a happy place to be with him. And it was all fun and games until Harry was offended that Draco no longer gave him that much time anymore or the fact that he kept cancelling on him over and over or that he longer was interested in watching movies with harry but sure had fun plans with his so called boyfriend or the guy he's dating, he cared no less. By which he meant, he did cared. To say his friends were tired of Harry ranting on about Draco cancelling on him that one time Ron even put up muffalito charm on him. It was splendid how things were going, in a sarcastic way of course until Draco decided it was time for him to make everyone meet his boyfriend, and harry wanted to burn himself on flames.
" I frankly don't understand why the expensive dinner, I mean, couldn't he had just invited us to his place or his so called boyfriend's place " Harry vented air quoting boyfriend
" Harry you were the one who set him up in the first place, stop being mad at him and jealous not to mention " Hermione rolled her eyes eating the chips off the packet
" jealous, I'm not jealous " Harry defensively said
" sure " Ron rolled his eyes.
" look Harry, you're clearly jealous that he isn't spending as much as time with you and its bothering you, so just talk to him about it " Hermione suggested shrugging her shoulder
" look, I don't know what's cooking in both of your brains but I'm-not-jealous " harry slammed the cloth over the counter and went inside his bedroom
" I miss the time when he wasn't such a dramatic ass " Ron taunted
" I can hear you " Harry yelled from inside the room, hearing faint whispers from Ron and Hermione in the living room..
And the truth infact was that Harry was jealous, which he Only discovered over the dinner when Draco was practically almost all over him that harry wanted to tell him to just sit in his lap, didn't of course. And to make it worse, he was jealous of how good they actually looked, which resulted in harry losing his appetite and almost groaning every five minutes. Hermione had to kick him under the table to behave a couple of times.
Spending the night in his thoughts, Harry came across things he wished he had known earlier or things he never felt but whatever it was, he felt frustrated in himself to set Draco up and he had no idea what to do next, so he decided to take advice from the only man he knew the best was at.
" Harry ? What a pleasant surprise. Ron's not at home though " Blaise said as he opened the door for him
" I actually came here to talk to you " Harry sighed as he went in. Blaise frowned in surprise before walking behind Harry himself
" well what can I interest you in, a joke, a mimickery,-"
" an advice actually " Harry groaned as he slumped down on the couch.
" oh- Ron's better at that-"
" he isn't, he told me to talk to you " Harry replied. Blaise walked into the kitchen, opening the window to the living room to converse through the kitchen.
" did he ? What can I help you with then ?" Blaise asked as he poured water for Harry and walking in to give it to him.
" I think, that I might have feelings for Draco" Harry replied
" you are officially the last person to know that " Blaise chuckled as he walked back into the kitchen and fetched something to eat.
" what ? You guys knew that ?" Harry sat uptight
" of course " Blaise scrunched his eyebrows as an obvious face
" why didn't you guys tell me ?" Harry asked agitated with his friends
" because these are the things we're not supposed to tell you, you're the one supposed to tell us, you dimwit " Blaise rolled his eyes, throwing his hands in the air.
" well you could've at least warned me " Harry groaned
" how could you not have known !! When did you even figure It out anyways?" Blaise asked as he shut the cabinet for the last time, bringing a packet of cookies and chips with him and slumping down in front of Harry.
" I think I've known for a bit since he started going out, but last night i was pretty confirmed that I was jealous " Harry Told him
" well I'd like to say you are that ruined your chances but guessing you came for advice, you came here to know how to fix it and I'll tell you, I do not have even the slightest idea how to fix your shit soup "
" what ?" Harry emphasised
" Harry, you yourself set him up with someone almost exactly like you. If Draco even Liked you at some point, now he knows that you don't like him and he's probably moved on and supposedly happy in his newfound relationship "
" Blaise, If I wanted to listen to how I fucked it up I wouldn't had come to you. I need to know how can I fix this " harry sarcastically responded raising his eyebrows
" look the easiest way is to simply confess or move on. I can't help you harry even if I wanted to. Draco seems happy " Blaise told him emphatically.
Harry was disappointed but knew Blaise was right, there was possibly nothing he could've done to make it right, at least not something that would sabotage their relationship.
It took harry a couple more days to become normal with the fact that draco was dating and finally paving his way to move on, which was definitely hard. And harry could've assumed he was doing good until Draco invited him for a picnic, claiming they haven't gotten out individually in a while. Normally harry would've been very ecstatic about it but considering the phase he was going through it was hard but didn't deny his sweet offer.
" took you a bit long- and your boyfriend's here too " harry pressed his lips in a thin line when he saw them coming together.
"it was just us but his plans got cancelled last moment so he tagged alone.. i hope you don't mind " Draco plead guilty
Harry sighed before giving him a firm smile and nodding " it's going to be one hell of a day "
Halfway through the picnic, harry Would've assumed he would be the thrid wheel but it was infact quite opposite, his boyfriend, jake was infact the third wheel who basically had no idea about draco's life which surprised harry a little more than it should have.
" you- jake, you alright ?" Harry asked looking over draco's shoulder at his boyfriend who looked puzzled
" what? I'm fine, just thinking " he gave them a firm smile.. draco leaned a bit into jake as if to give him the feeling he was still here but jake rejected it, much to draco's surprise.
" what you thinking about ?" Harry asked furrowing his eyebrows.
" what exactly I'm doing here?-"
" shit- I'm sorry for making you feel as if I'm intruding-"
" no, it's not that. It's just so clear that you both are so meant to be together, yet here I am on a picnic with two people who are supposed to be together but are not because of me-"
" that's not true " draco interjected
" is it not ? " Jake asked more firmly than before, not forgetting to give a smile so as to not sound harsh.
Draco opened his mouth to say something but closed it again.
" even if it is true for me, I don't think Draco feels that way . Besides you guys are dating, I don't want to be the reason for your break up" harry replied sympathetically
" you're not harry. I just- I can see it, maybe you two are blind but I'm not.. Enjoy yourselves " jake said as he abruptly stood up
" jake don't be like that " draco too stood up
Jake sighed taking draco's hands in his own " I'll stay if you admit you don't have any feelings for him, if you've never wanted to be with him, if you've felt anything closer to what you feel for him about Me. Admit it freely and I'll stay"
But draco couldn't say anything..
" thought so. I'd be fine by the way. I don't think I've seen two people belonging to each more than you two " and jake departed.
Draco stood there a few minutes watching him walk away, his shoulder slouched as if not believing that he'd just been dumped.
" draco-"
" you're a jerk " draco turned around
" what ?" Harry asked confused
" you're an insolent jerk " draco picked up from dry leaves from the ground and hitting harry with that.
" what the fuck did I do ?" Harry shielded himself as draco threw more and more leaves and grasses
" you fucking moron, you were Flirting with me " draco huffed stopping for a moment
" I wasn't flirting " harry whined. Draco gave him a look before picking up more leaves and throwing it at him
" okay, okay. I was but hey it's your fault to go along with it " harry stumbled back over the ground
" well it's not my fault if you're bloody good at it "
" is it my fault that you enjoyed and I'm not the only victim here, you were flirting too " harry looked up at Draco from the ground
" I wasn't flirting " draco narrowed his eyes. Harry hooked his leg around that of draco, making him trip over and fall over harry, who he instantly rolled over, pinning draco to ground.
" were you not ?" Harry breathed
" it doesn't matter-"
" you were flirting back" harry commanded
" okay, fine I was but you had no right- hmph" draco moaned softly as harry kissed him over the lips, kissing until the need for oxygen finally had made sense again.
" now tell me, how long have you wanted this?" Harry huffed.
Draco rolled his eyes, still pink from all the kissing " I haven't wanted this "
" okay " harry frowned as he leaned down, his lips lightly brushing over that of draco's " you sure ?" Harry asked not moving an inch closer or further
Draco's breath choked down, desperately wanting to lean forward to kiss him again but didn't to avoid giving harry the satisfaction of having the upper hand.
" you don't want me to kiss you again then? That's right yeah " harry whispered as he bit Draco's lower lip, earning a soft moan and his body involuntarily pressed against harry's
" seems otherwise " harry whispered.
" merlin " draco moaned. Smirking harry pulled away looking at Draco from a distance.
Sucking his cheeks, draco immediately pulled harry to him and kissed him again, this time in more desperation and rush.
" guess who's got the upper hand now " draco moaned as he freed his hands and put them in his hair.
" you" harry chuckled, Thoroughly enjoying kissing draco himself.
" jerk " draco chuckled
" you're the jerk " harry chuckled
" and you broke his heart " harry whispered against his lips smiling
" eh, he always knew it anyways " draco shrugged
" you really are a jerk then " harry smiled as he pulled away a bit, admiring draco.
" and you're the jerk who just broke my relationship and has basically manipulated me into kissing you " draco raised an eyebrow amusingly
" I don't regret it " harry regret
" me either " draco smiled and leaned in again.
Requests open
Day 37- you're my home, draco | Day 39- cuddle me in
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
Just the Girl
Day 21, Story #2 is by @adenei
Title: Just the Girl
Author: adenei
Pairing: Scorose (implied)
Prompt: Songfic
Rating: K
TW: alludes to events in CC, but nothing outright is stated!
A/N: This fic’s idea was originally inspired by the song “Just the Girl” by Click Five. It ended up taking a turn I wasn’t anticipating, but if anyone’s read Cursed Child, you’ll know that Scorpius is absolutely smitten with Rose, who tends to give him the cold shoulder and turns his nose down on him throughout the majority of the play. 
‘Cause she’s bittersweet; she knocks me off of my feet
And I can’t help myself; I don’t want anyone else
She’s a mystery; she’s too much for me
But I keep comin’ back for more; she’s just the girl I’m lookin’ for 
“Scorpius, relax.”
The older blonde pats his teenage son on the shoulder as they approach the lopsided house at the end of the country lane. Twenty years ago, Draco would have never entertained the thought of mingling with any of the three individuals that made up the Golden Trio, let alone the rest of the Weasleys. Yet here they were, at the invitation extended to them by Albus, Harry’s son and Scorpius’s best friend, to the Weasley’s mid-summer birthday celebration. His late father is probably rolling in his grave as Draco takes each step forward, cognizant of the dust that tinges his favorite pair of Grensons.
“I can’t, Dad! Do you know how big of a deal this is to get invited to the Burrow?”
“So you’ve told me every day since Albus owled two weeks ago.”
It’s not that Draco resents his son’s friendship with the middle Potter boy. If anything, he’s grateful that Scorpius has found such a close friend during his time at Hogwarts. Sure, the two of them caused enough trouble in five years that rivaled Harry’s penchant for saving the world, but that was all water under the bridge now. Draco is sure the invitation was only extended to them today because of his willingness to work with the Potters and Granger-Weasleys to avoid what was sure to be an end to life as they knew it if Delphi had succeeded in her maniacal plan.
As they round the subtle bend in the path, the Burrow’s expansive garden comes into view, and Draco can see a plethora of people swarming the grounds. A dozen teenagers are flying around a makeshift pitch in what looks like a pick-up Quidditch match while the adults sit along the magically expanded picnic table, sipping on beverages and watching the game unfurl. 
“Thanks for letting me come,” Scorpius interrupts Draco’s observations as he bounces along beside his father.
“Scorpius, we’ve been over this. Just because Albus’s dad and I don’t always get along, I won’t let that get in the way of your friendship.”
His son beams up at him with a wide smile. “Are you gonna stay for dinner?”
Draco chuckles. “That will depend if I’m welcome. Though I’ll probably just exchange pleasantries and be on my way after I figure out what time you’ll be home.”
As they approach the house, it doesn’t take long for Albus to spot the blonde-haired pair. He’s sitting on the sidelines, which is unsurprising to Draco, considering neither boy inherited any interest or skill in quidditch. Albus scrambles to his feet and begins running toward Scorpius to meet them halfway. Draco is about to make a comment about how excited Scorp’s best friend is to see him but pauses when he notices his son’s gaze peering around the pitch instead.
Well, that’s odd.
“Scorp! Scorp! Over here!” Albus calls, finally gaining Scorpius’s attention.
“Hey, Al!” Scorpius’s tone is bright and excitable as Albus slows in front of them.
“I didn’t know you were coming!” He’s out of breath from the run, but that’s not what interests Draco. 
Why wouldn’t Albus know Scorpius was coming? Did he forget to send a response?
Scorpius did have a knack for forgetfulness, so it wouldn’t be surprising to Draco. He watches his son with renewed interest to see how he responds.
“Oh! Uh…” Scorpius has also never been good at lying. 
Draco can read him like an open book, just like Astoria. He follows Scorpius’s gaze, which flits back to the pitch, and his face transforms into a goofy grin as an olive-skinned girl with flaming red curls flashes a wicked grin in their direction.
“Oh. Oh!” Albus responds quickly as he looks back toward his family. “Yeah, maybe Wiggy lost your letter. He’s been doing that more and more lately. Dad says he’s getting old…” Albus rambles. “C’mon, let’s go find Rose! I’m sure she’ll want to, er, show you around the grounds with me.”
“Right, uh, thanks, Dad! I promise I won’t be home late!”
“Yeah, Dad’s over there with Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione if you want to figure out a time!” Albus mentions over his shoulder.
Draco has every intention of walking over to his former classmates, but he can’t seem to get his feet to move as he watches the boys run off. His suspicions are confirmed when he watches Rose dismount from her broom and run to meet them. The awkwardness that ensues between the teenage Granger-Weasley and his son matches that of young adolescent love, and terror floods Draco’s veins.
Of all the girls at Hogwarts… 
Of course, Draco shouldn’t be surprised by this. He knew Scorpius was smitten with Rose early on. All he could talk about during holidays were Albus and his ‘beautiful, strong-willed’ cousin Rose. But Draco also knew that for the first few years of their Hogwarts career, Rose refused to give Scorpius the time of day, which put his mind at ease. Becoming best friends with Potter’s son was one thing, but Draco may just have a heart attack if Scorpius and Rose were now a—
Bloody hell, they’re absolutely a thing, aren’t they? 
It’s all Draco can do to keep a straight face as he watches the two share a chaste hug, their hands grazing as they make their way to the orchard. He needs to stop it. No, he shouldn’t interfere. 
Do Weasley and Granger know?
The thought of the girl’s parents shakes Draco from his stupor as his feet figure out how to move again, and he takes long, purposeful strides toward where they are sitting.
“Malfoy,” Potter greets him upon his arrival, his voice not as curt as it usually is.
“Why d’you look like you’ve just eaten a puking pastille?” Ron asks, ignoring any form of welcome.
Draco’s response is interrupted as Ginny approaches from the house. “Draco! Hi. I didn’t realize Al invited Scorpius today,” Ginny looks at Harry for an explanation before she adds, “Not that he’s not welcome, of course!”
“I wasn’t aware, either,” Harry knits his brows in confusion.
“Well, I was under the impression it was Albus that invited him, but now I’m not so sure.”
“What do you mean?” Hermione asks, her face paling slightly.
Draco’s not surprised. Hermione’s always had an annoying knack to come to a conclusion faster than anyone he’s ever known. For once, he hopes she doesn’t disappoint in this regard.
“When Albus came to greet us, he said he didn’t know Scorpius was coming. At first, I believed Scorpius had forgotten to owl his response, but watching that interaction, I think Al may be covering for someone else once he caught on.”
Weasley was an Auror. Let’s see how long it takes him to string things together.
The answer is not long as the Trio’s eyes travel across the garden, just in time to catch Rose and Scorpius entering the orchard hand in hand as Albus slinks off in another direction. Draco doesn’t think he’s ever seen Ron so pale. 
“Hermione, did Rose happen to give the name of the friend she was inviting today?” Ron asks.
“No,” Hermione squeaks, her voice weak from shock, and Draco’s surprised to see that something finally seems to shut the know-it-all up.
Harry bursts out into raucous laughter as Ginny bites back her own chuckle.
“I’m going to kill her.” Ron stands, nearly flipping the table in his haste, as he tears off toward the orchard. Hermione’s hot on his heels, and Draco finds his own limbs moving in the same direction.
He can barely hear Ginny’s quip as he follows his former enemies across the Burrow’s lawn,
“Looks like Rose doesn’t hate Scorpius, after all.”
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