#the writers and actors can hope and dream all the want but if the big executives say no it no. and not to say all writers/actors want rep
batcavescolony · 4 months
someone tell me if I'm in the wrong. To understand you'll have to understand what 911 is and what the Rick Riordans books in terms of queer rep. So AITA? ig?
So a person on Tiktok said "Ever think about how shows like 911 congratulate themselves over one Gay character when Rick Riordan has 3" and then they went on to say things about Rick's rep and how Nico was Gay before gay marriage, generally positive things about his rep. But my reply was "I understand but 911 has a lot of queer characters. Hen, Karen, Michael, Josh, then their are some calls with queer people. and Rick's rep took place over YEARS over 5 different series.“ I then said “I don't think it's fair to pit two drastically different medias against each other. 911 is a ABC/Fox show so it more main stream while Rick Riordan is mainstream but for Books that not everyone reads.“ she stitched this with a tangent about how Rick has given us rep even though he's a straight cis guy from Texas and all that. Then she said that they're not impressed by a show on fox has some Gay characters while Pjo has more and is written by a guy from Huston. Then they said that theirs nothing more they could want then the rep in Ricks books.
In the comments of that stich she said “If this series oldest queer character is 16 other media has no excuses." And my response was “911 isn't making an excuse. the show started with a black lesbian main character who has a wife and a kid. it's been queer since the first episode." And they replied with “You realize this is bigger than your show right? Its almost like i’m taking a bigger point about media during pride month. But you’re too busy defending your show to notice."
In another comment I said "911 isn't getting praise because it's finally got a queer character. it's getting praise cus they saw fans hc a character as queer and changed the direction of the show to make that canon" their response was “Yes and i’m saying rick riordan did that years ago. So thats nice but also its pathetic this is the best people can expect"
Their's more but I won't bore you. But like I'm just saying that's 911 isn't getting praise for having one Gay character, it's had Gay characters since day one with Hen, Karen, Michael, ect. To say that it's only getting praise for one Gay character is erasing the rep they gave us in the beginning. They deleted some of my comments and blocked my account but I was also trying to say Rick's rep isn't the best either, and I don't mean that negatively he did well for a Genx? Straight dude from Texas, I wish more authors would at least try. But over all comparing 911 to Rick Riordans work is comparing apples to oranges, they're different mediums so it's not a fair vs.
Just AITA? I think I knew what I was saying but idk?
also don't hunt them down id hate for her to have hate because of me.
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the-kirby-movie · 1 month
Do you want to see a Kirby movie more than anything, but Nintendo keeps letting you down? Well, today's your lucky day! I'm in the process of creating my very own, fanmade Kirby movie based off of Star Allies - and I'd like your help. I believe that with the efforts of a community coming together to work on this passion project and give something that we love our all, it will turn out better than anything official that they could come out with. Overall, while this project is serious to me and something that I am very dedicated to, I also want it to be fun and for everybody to have a good time creating this art together. If you do decide to jump on and help, there's no need to worry about deadlines or stress or needing to have a ton of skill. But, without further ado....
I'm looking for people that have experience working in Blender here. Pretty much any skill level is okay, though I will still request that you show me some sort of example (just to verify that you know how the application works at all, basically). Ideally I'd like to have enough people working on this that I could step back from leading the animation, eventually, and focus fully on writing/storyboarding and other design aspects instead - but I understand that this might be unrealistic.
The more the merrier! Regardless of the level of your art skill or your style, if you can sketch out scenes in a way that's decipherable to others, you're more than welcome here.
Voice Acting
The big one. Voice actors for Kirby, Meta Knight, King Dedede, and Bandana Waddle Dee would be very much appreciated. I also have a longer list of characters that need voices that includes many of the Dream Friends, Hyness, the Mage Sisters, and more. This is the one thing I will likely be a little picky on, and require you to audition for the role.
Honestly, I'm not looking for many other writers right now. I think I have it mostly under control, but I could possibly take one or two co-writers on with me.
Sound Effects/Miscellaneous
Do you think you have something to bring to the table that I didn't list before? Great, this is for you! Let me know what you want to do, and honestly, I doubt I'll have any reason to turn you away. Whether it's stitching music and effects together, editing extra graphics, or literally whatever you think will be helpful, tell me so that I can get you in.
If none of that sounds like something you'd be interested in, well, you can still do something to help. Just stick around here! Throughout development I'll be posting updates, questions, and polls about decisions on this blog for you to influence. I want this to be something that the community creates together and can enjoy together. By us, for us, you know? And everyone who wants to deserves to be involved.
- Closing -
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! This blog will likely be changing a lot in the upcoming days as I update and personalize it to be more effective. I also now have a discord server! Anyways, though, the long and short of it is that I'd love to work on this with other people but I will complete it, no matter what. So this is your official guarantee - sometime, in the indiscriminate future, you will have a Kirby movie. And I hope you enjoy it just as much as I'll enjoy making it, because honestly, this is just my dream. I hope I see you around, and have a great day!
progress as of 8/15/24: trailer scripted and (mostly) storyboarded. possibly starting animation soon!
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colt seavers x reader fic please!!
something fluffy, him being jealous, pining, being flirty.. thanks!!
A/N: Thank you so much for the request, Anon!! Hope you like this!! I’ve really missed writing for Colt! Sorry for how long this took- my writing process is either very slow or very fast, no happy medium haha. Now, I really hope you like this interpretation- if not, feel free to send another ask!<3
Also, I ended up writing Jody out, it just made a little more sense in this story.
Other than that, still searching for a beta reader! DM if interested!!
Content Warnings: None aside from a little cursing! This is as Anon asked, very fluffy! :)
Also, this switches between the reader & Colt’s standpoint!
Enjoy! Xx
Reader’s POV
I’ve been working on my movie, ‘Dreams of Maybe,’ for about a year now. It’s to be my directorial debut, and because of that the pressure has been on. Debuts are a bit of a superstitious event for new directors: they either make or break your career, even if it’s only the getgo. Sure, some can get back on their feet if they get a second chance, and others end up making a name for themselves for solely directing god-awful movies, but I don’t have time for that. For a second chance, for none of it. This movie is a culmination of everything I’ve worked for during film school and even before, and nothing is going to deter me.
Now, despite its name, “Dreams of Maybe” is an action movie. Throughout the movie, the main character, a woman called Hyleia, wrestles with the turmoil of fighting the war her home planet, Kalythea, is engaged in. As per the title, she dreams of the “maybes” that could happen after the war-maybe settling down with the love of her life, N’era; maybe finally getting a Orundaw (this world’s version of a dog); etc. But, as a warrior, Hyleia knows that those maybes could also be poverty; her world falling back into fascism as it had been when she was young; etc.
Jenny Sikes, the writer and genius behind all of this, was still developing the ending, but I have extremely high hopes. And thus far everything’s been running smoothly. I had gone into this thinking I would have to have a stick up my ass and be “tough,” but thankfully that hadn’t had to happened.
If anything, I’m really enjoying the process. To the point that even if somehow this incredible film- sure, I’m biased, but it actually is that good- flops, the friends I’ve made and experiences I’ve had would almost make up for it. Almost because, you know, I’d be out of job. Details, details.
Aside from Jenny, who is probably my closest friend on set, I’ve also bonded with Kelly Newman and Kora Kline, the women playing Hyleia and N’era respectively; as well as man who was playing the leader of the fleet warring against Kalythea, a warmonger called Jöl. The actor’s name is Reed Smith, and contrary to his character he is one of the sweetest men I’ve ever met. And very handsome, at that- refined good looks with messily bleached hair that went with his character. He’s a proper Mr. Hollywood, minus the controversy and overall bitchiness.
My producer had also managed to get Fall Guy Stunts to sign on to the movie, which was phenomenal. Well, the producer just closed the deal. It was really our stunt coordinator, a man named Dan, who recommended the company as he’d worked with a man called Colt Seavers before, and claimed he was the best in business.
I didn’t end up meeting him until it was time for the indoor explosion. The scene itself is a red herring, a false sense of victory. Hyleia thinks she’s blown up Jöl inside of the negotiations building. Their leader was supposed to be the one to fire the bomb, but unexpectedly got shot down out of the sky and in a fit of adrenaline Hyleia detonated it from the ground, barely surviving. However, because of that she ended up having a target placed on her back by Jöl. It’s a whole thing.
Anyway, Dan and I wanted to go big on at least one stunt, and the producer suggested we do an indoor explosion- sort of a bigger, crazier one than the one in The Fifth Element.
I was a little skeptical, as indoor explosions are extremely dangerous and 100% real. Hence Colt Seavers being hired. “Best in the business,” or so says his reputation. The stunt was early in in the production and a last minute decision. At the time we didn’t think we were going to exceed what Reed could handle as far as stunts go, but we were wrong. Thankfully Colt owed Dan a favor- something about a Stallone autograph gone wrong- and the former was willing to step in as Reed’s stunt double with a 25% discount.
As it turns out, I had no reason to stress. Colt Seavers really is the best in the business, the statement was in no way hyperbolic. He literally got into the Guinness Book of World Records for it the stunt, which subsequently put our movie on the map. This was an enormous deal- the film had went from “just another sci-fi fantasy action drama” to “already on the map” within days, at least in movie buff circles.
He had managed the indoor explosion with ease, due to his own expertise and due to impeccable form. He looks like a walking action hero, and the sight alone is enough to take anyone’s breath away upon meeting him.
And if the sight’s good, the personality? He’s the sweetest, most easy-going, flirtiest man I’ve ever met with a self-deprecating sense of humor and a coffee addiction to boot. He likes plants and animals, musicals and Audrey Hepburn movies. He looks like the epitome of the action genre, and yet is actually a sweet man who is in touch with his feelings and interests. Extremely endearing if you ask me.
And sure, I might have a small crush on him. But I don’t think anything would come of it- we’ve made friends and that seems to be that.
But sometimes I do think about how nice it would be to sit at a coffee table doing puzzles with him, kissing his pink lips over the table as we go along.
But again, the magic “friends” word.
Reed thinks something will come of it, as Colt and I do spend a decent amount of time together, but honestly, I don’t know if I believe him.
Anyways, I’m currently outside of my trailer, sitting at a picnic table, in dire need of fresh air and a spark of creativity. Being outdoors has always helped me get the ideas flowing; maybe it’s the crickets and the birds. Maybe I subconsciously recognize what they’re saying and turn it into my own words. Or maybe I’m fucking freezing, because it’s the middle of winter in Canada and I’m inappropriately dressed. Who’s to say.
Although really, I should probably get my parka… the soft snow is beautiful, glimmering under the sun, but my sweater and leggings aren’t exactly cutting it.
The thing is, though all credit as far as screenplay goes to Jenny Sikes, I’ve actually been very involved in creating the story. Which means I’m also involved in helping find this elusive ending.
This stupid, needs-to-be-perfect, impossible, unattainable ending.
We’ve been spitballing ideas for the past few days now, but none of them feel right.
There’s the unexpected ending: Kalythea ends up getting destroyed by Jöl’s fleet alongside Hyleia and her lover. Sure, it would be depressing, but it’s certainly plausible given the pretext of the “negative maybes.”
Or maybe we use the too-good-to-be-true ending: Hyleia wins, gets the girl; Kalythea rebuilds itself for the better this time, doesn’t fall back into its well established patterns of fascism. That’s the most popular ending in the writers room as of now, but Jenny and I are still holding out for something better.
We owe the film something perfect. Something right. Something fitting.
We’re just running out of time to find it.
And I might be running out of time to live with how inhospitable it is out here. (Let it be known that I don’t much care for being cold.)
Just as I begin to recognize how cold I am, a comfortingly familiar voice breaks the silence. It’s low and soft, with a slight rasp to it that makes you hang on every word. And I love it.
“Y/n L/n, as I live and breathe,” Colt Seavers says by way of greeting, handing me a coffee. It’s in a (y/f/c) mug, which is honestly very endearing of him. I take it graciously in both hands, the warmth of the steam much appreciated.
“Colt Seavers, as I choke and die of hypothermia,” I say from behind the coffee, my teeth chattering.
“Aw, don’t do that,” he chuckles, his baby-blue eyes sparkling like the snow around us. He sits next to me, and I immediately feel warmer, his presence alone making me feel better.
“Why not?” I ask, turning to look at him, our legs touching.
“Cause then who would I have to talk to?”
“I dunno, Dan?” I suggest.
“Meh,” he shrugs, downing half of his own coffee. This man is an addict.
“You don’t mean that,” I gasp sarcastically.
“You’re right, I don’t,” he concedes. “Please don’t tell him,” he asks, dramatics in his voice.
“For now,” I wink, and we both share a soft laugh.
“You’re shivering- do you want my jacket?” he asks considerately, already pulling his puffy yellow jacket.
“Oh, that’s okay-,” I protest, not wanting to deprive him of warmth, but he cuts me off.
“Here, I knew you’d say that,” he smiles, handing it to me. I have to smile back at that, shaking my head at how well he knows me.
“Thanks,” I say, putting it on. It’s super warm, and it smells like him. I like it. I rest my head against his shoulder. “Aren’t you going to be cold?”
“Nah, it’s one of my stunt-guy superpowers,” he puts his arm around me, hand grazing up and down my arm to keep me warm. I gaze up at him, mesmerized by his eyes before realizing...
“Your lips are already blue,” I observe aloud.
“It’s my lip gloss,” he jokes through chattering teeth.
“Uh huh,” I agree with skepticism.
“H-how do you still manage to look g-g-gorgeous e-even while you’re drowning in my j-jacket,” he attempts to flirt, his clattering teeth most definitely ruining the effect he was going for. And yet still he makes the butterflies in my stomach come alive, just like he always does. I like when he flirts with me, I really do. But I also think that’s just how he talks with people, y’know?
But maybe…
Colt’s POV
I am so, so glad that Dan called in that favor all those months ago.
Look, having your own stunt production is great. Fantastic, even. You get to pick your own hours, do your own jobs, etc.
But being the owner means that you just sit around for the most part, assigning your crew to the good stuff while you just wait for the next call. And honestly, it’s so, so boring.
For a normal person, that might be the dream. Finally getting to relax. But my career has been anything but normal, especially after the whole Tom Ryder incident a few years ago. The dipshit was going to frame me for murder with the help of a producer I was once close to. As far as I know they’re both going to be behind bars for a while, but I had worked for and with them for about fifteen years. Finding out that they were such bad people made those years seem worthless, as if they weren’t real.
So, before Dan called me to work on ‘Dreams of Maybe,’ I was bored. Bored and itching for the next thing. I had fallen back into my habit of picking up as many random hobbies as possible- at the time I think I was most fixated on crocheting, especially those little stuffed animals. But, being ADHD means that I can’t stick with one thing for too long- it’s why my place back home is littered with fishbowls and puzzles, paint-by-numbers and table top sports among other things. And when Dan called, I was maybe days away from finding the next thing.
At the great thanks of my house he called, and for the first time I was back in the game. He had told me that I’d be doing stunts for Reed Smith, an up and coming a-lister who’s been in a lot of action movies as of late. I really liked him in “House of Ruins,” but the stunts were a little dull for my taste. But hey, that’s what I’m here for. For some inane reason I missed getting set on fire and thrown at walls.
The indoor explosion scene ended up turning out absolutely fantastically, and because of how good it was I decided to stick around, help the film get more prestige in the action-stunt world.
Not to mention that the literal world record wasn’t too shabby in of itself.
But it’s not even just the stunts.
I’m back in the saddle, but not only am I back in it but I’m back in it with my best friend Dan. I’ve missed hanging out with him, and how much I can trust him as coordinator.
Also, y/n. She’s the director of the movie, and wow. You know in the movies, when the guy sees the girl and his entire perspective changes? That’s how I feel about y/n. She’s incredible, she’s witty, and you know what? It’s cheesy, but she’s better than the movies could ever hope to be.
We’d hit it off after the indoor explosion, and it was like we’d known each other forever. We had a habit of going to the beach (back when it was warm) or getting coffee off set pretty much everyday, and it’s been pretty awesome.
I like to bother her, because it’s hilariously adorable when she gets flustered. It’s stupid stuff- I drive a little too recklessly sometimes (like stunt driving. I wouldn’t actually put her in danger) or I’ll sneak up on her and get a little jump out of her. Sue me, it’s fun.
Not to mention the tiny detail that I am irrevocably in love with her. I don’t really know when it happened- maybe it was from day one- but she just makes me feel so alive. I’ve been trying to get the balls to tell her, but as of now I’ve come to the conclusion that I won’t say anything if she does.
I think there’s a chance she could be into me, but honestly, I don’t know. If she is, it would be fantastic. If she’s not, that’s okay too, she’s one of the best friends I’ve ever had. (Don’t tell Dan)
It’s just one of those things. We just… we have these moments, where it seems like maybe we’re a little more than friends.
You know, those long looks that dip their pinky toes into longing, laughing at jokes that aren’t even funny…
Or even just the way she lays her head on my chest, like today. She’s so comfortable there, my jacket far too big on her as she looks up at me with those gorgeous (y/e/c) eyes. She’s adorable, and I’m just fine with dying of hypothermia if it means I get to look at her as I go.
Okay, I’m not going to die.
I think.
You get the point.
“You know, you’re a lot smoother when you’re not freezing to death,” she tells me. There’s a slight note of concern behind the sarcasm, something you’d only be able to catch if you’ve hung out with her long enough.
“Wh-who n-needs to be sm-smooth when th-they’re t-telling th-the truth?” I ask, the cold stopping me from getting any word longer than one syllable out properly. Real attractive, Seavers.
Hypothermic climate aside, this is how a lot of our time together is spent. Drinking coffee in random places, me trying to flirt and her retorting with her endless supply of sarcasm. I wouldn’t trade anything for it.
“Mhm, let’s get you inside, champ,” she says, standing up. Already I miss the warmth of her resting against my chest, the closeness.
Good grief, dipshit. Get it together.
But once she extends a hand for me to take I’m back in cloud-nine, happy to be touching her.
See what I mean? I think I’m losing it. Or I’m just whipped like Dan says.
She leads me back to her trailer, barely ten feet from where we had been sitting. I can’t help but sigh of relief at feeling the warm air in the trailer. She laughs and gestures for me to sit on the little forest green sofa. I comply, setting my drink on the coffee table in front of the couch. She disappear into a little nook of the place before re-emerging with a big fluffy grey blanket that she must’ve pulled from her bed.
“Here,” she tosses the fluff over me, making my heart leap. I can’t help it, it’s just the y/n-effect.
“Thanks,” I say, shivering.
She walks over to her small kitchen space, and a few minutes later comes back with two mugs. She hands me one, then sits by me. Well more like on me, because there’s a whole sofa and her were touching everywhere. She’s adorable. And I love seeing her in my jacket… man, I’m going to have to tell her at some point.
I must’ve instinctively put my arm around her shoulders, because she hums contentedly and looks up at me. “Y’wanna watch The Fifth Element? I need something to get me in an ideas mood.”
Ohh, she must’ve been out there trying to figure out the ending. That’s what she does: she thinks outdoors. She finds it easier to think.
Of course, I’ll gladly watch The Fifth Element with her. Just as I’ve gladly watched it with her 7 other times.
“Of course,” I tell her, surprised that she can’t feel the way my heart is beating out of my chest from the smile she gives me. I genuinely get a little sad when she gets up to get the remote, but when she lays back against me any trace of negativity immediately dissipates. She’s got me wrapped around her fingers.
We watch a good chunk of the movie in comfortable silence, sipping our cocoa and staying under the blankets. She never takes off my jacket, and frankly I hope she keeps it; it looks better on her anyway.
“Wait, shit, what time is it?” she asks, suddenly sitting up and almost conking my chi with the back of her head.
“Uhh,” I check my watch. “Seven, why?”
“Damnit, I was supposed to meet the crew at the bar… half an hour ago.”
“Shit, I completely forgot about that.” Dan had invited me, it was supposed to be a hangout for the main actors and the rest of the “inner circle”- ie yours truly, Dan, y/n, etc. “We can take my truck?” I offer.
“But I’m so warm?” She protests, even though she’s the one that remembered we needed to go, which again, is adorable. Just like everything about her. Just like the way she’s wrapping herself tighter in my jacket which is at least three sizes too big on her.
“Keep the jacket, and maybe we can come back here?” I suggest, attempting to entice her.
She pretends to mull it over for a second, her hand tapping on her chin. “Can we finish the movie later?”
“Yeah,” I grin.
“Okay,” she mirrors the expression, and once again I’m feeling those damned school girl butterflies. When she takes my hand in hers to help me up it’s all I can do not to pull her back and kiss her senseless. But now isn’t the time.
Come to think of it…
When is?
Reader’s POV
We’re in Colt’s truck, as usual sitting unnecessarily close to one another under the guise of how cold it is.
I love wearing his jacket, being surrounded by his comforting coffee scent and his residual warmth in the fuzz. And he’s let me keep it- even if he only meant for tonight he’s not getting it back.
I love him. So much. And I want to tell him, but I also don’t want to put my foot in my mouth, y’know. And I can’t risk our friendship, it’s just too comfortable. Too comfortable to lose.
We get to the bar, and just like always he hops out of the car and quickly runs to the passenger side to open the door for me, extending a hand to help me down. I love his insistence on being chivalrous, yet another one of his endearing qualities.
We walk into Johnny’s, the bar that the crew regularly meets at, in comfortable silence. And again, we’re standing just a little too close, and again, I don’t mind- the proximity just keeps those butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.
Reed waves at me from a booth in the back corner, sitting at the end of a bench capping Dan, Kora, and Kelly who are sitting in that order.
“Glad you made it!” Reed stands to greet us, giving me a hug. Dan also stands to let Kora and Kelly out, the both of which are presumably heading home. They both say bye to me before heading out arm and arm- the press doesn’t know it yet but they, just like their fictional counterparts, are very much in love. We get seated, and somehow Colt and I are separated- he’s sitting on the inside by Dan while I’m directly across from him sitting next to Reed. The latter gets a round of shots going for the table, and before we know it we’re all laughing about practically nothing, damn near shitfaced. Except, even in my buzzed stupor I notice that Colt’s gone uncharacteristically stony… weird.
I leen into Reed’s side, laughing about a story he’s telling about how he got stuck in the harness on one of the few stunts he did. Almost ripped his underwear off too.
Now before you get any ideas, I’m don’t sit super close with just anyone. With Colt it’s because I like him, like, like him; with Reed it’s because we’re just close. Not because we’re dating or have something weird going on, it’s because we’re friends. Also, he doesn’t swing my way to begin with. Another nugget the press has yet to pick up on, for better or worse. Except this little nugget is something that hardly anyone knows- I’m probably one of five-ish.
But I don’t like how sad Colt looks right now… did I do something? I really hope not. But he’s smiling again at something Dan interjects with, so maybe I just imagined it. I don’t know. I throw back another shot, hoping the additional buzz destroys whatever downer-mood is trying to creep in right now.
But the thing is, as the night goes on he still looks sad. He only gives me one word answers and hardly acknowledges me otherwise, and it hurts a little. So I just keep throwing them back until I’m a train wreck- and not just any train wreck, an upset train wreck. I really hope I didn’t manage to fuck something up here. I’d say he thinks there’s something between me and Reed, but why would he even care if there was? I don’t think he likes me like that. I wish he did, but I just don’t know.
I think I’m ready to go home.
Colt’s POV
I wasn’t expecting her to be into Reed, but so be it, I guess… it still hurts though. I’m already planning on buying some new puzzles to cope. I’m trying not to feel hurt, but I can’t help it. Jealousy is douchey but it’s still there… ugh.
But she’s just asked me to take her home, so of course I will. She’s drunk off her ass, and I’ve never seen her like this.
I can’t help but wish it was me when I watch her peck Reed on the cheek as goodbye. I need to get it together right now. She deserves someone good for her, and I need to be happy for her. Like a good friend.
And yet, my heart still hurts.
“Colt?” she snaps me out of reality. “I don’t feel so good,” her hand is on her stomach. Shit, she’s going to throw up.
“Alright, come on,” I place my hand on the small of her back, guiding her throw the mass of people and saying goodbyes for her, thankfully getting her outside just before she throws up.
“This is like 10 things I hate about you,” she comments wistfully after she’s gotten it out of her system.
“At least you don’t have a concussion,” I quip, reminiscing the movie. That one’s one of my favorites, I can quote the entire thing by heart.
“Yeah,” she looks up at me, holding my hands. I can’t help but notice that she never took off my jacket and how cute she still looks in it, even if she’s just retched up her stomach. Our gazes lock for just a moment too long, and I cough to break the silence.
“Let’s get you home,” I nod my head in the general direction of where my truck is parked.
“Okay,” she agrees, only letting go of one of my hands. I can’t help but smile at that- I didn’t take her for a clingy drunk.
We cross the moon lit parking lot over to my truck, and I all but toss her in- gently, of course- before hopping in myself and starting the engine.
“Thanks, Colt,” she whispers before I put the truck in reverse.
“Yeah, of course, y/n,” I reply, driving off.
Twenty minutes later we’re back in the trailer, and I’ve helped her onto her bed. It took her about ten minutes to get some pajamas on, but finally she’s under that grey comforter.
“Alright, I should probably go,” I say awkwardly, feeling a little shifty.
“Wait,” she says, waiting for me to turn around. “Are you mad at me?” Her voice is tinny and sad, and it about cracks my heart into a million pieces.
“No, y/n, I could never be mad at you,” I tell her honestly, walking back over towards her and kneeling at the side of the bed so my head is level with hers.
“But you looked sad at the bar,” she mumbles.
Dipshit. My face must’ve given me away- I can’t help that it comes with subtitles.
“I wasn’t sad,” I gaslight her. I was just… happy for you and Reed.”
At that she starts laughing, a sound so infectious that I can’t help but smile. “What?” I ask.
“Me and Reed?!” she slurs. “He doesn’t even swing my way… shit I wasn’t supposed to say that.”
Wait. You’re telling me that Reed’s gay? How stupid am I??
“Colt, I like you,” she says, her voice the los tour together it’s been in a few hours. “Like, like you.”
She likes…
She likes me?!
It’s all I can do right now not to pump my fist and and loudly say ‘yes!’ as if I’ve won a sports championship. Any trace of sadness is completely dissipated, because y/n l/n likes-like likes- me.
Oh, right, I haven’t said anything.
“Look, y/n, we can talk about this more tomorrow,” because I’m not going to influence her while she’s still drunk, “but I need you to know this: I really, really like you. And I have for a long time,” I confess, and if the smile she gave me was my last sight I’d die a beyond happy man.
“Okay,” she whispers, looking me in the eyes.
“Okay,” I tell her. “I’m going to let you get some rest, but we’re going to talk about this more tomorrow, okay?” It’s not that I want to go, but I know it’s better to given her state of mind right now. Plus, the sooner I pass out the sooner I wake up and the sooner we can talk about this.
“Okay,” she agrees.
“Goodnight, y/n,” I stand up, but before I can walk away she grabs my hand. I turn to look at her, a little confused.
“Can you maybe stay with me?” and again, her voice is too sweet to say no to. Like, I would do the indoor-explosion for free if she asked me like this.
I mull it over. I’m not a douche, I wouldn’t do anything while she’s drunk. Maybe I could just sleep on the couch?
“I can go sleep on the couch?” I suggest, parroting my thoughts.
“Noo, here, please,” she pats the bed beside her.
“I don’t know if that’s the best idea right now, y/n.”
“Please?” she asks me, giving me puppy dog eyes.
“Fine, fine,” I grumble, as if displeased with the notion of being able to lay next to the love of my life. But she doesn’t even seem to notice my tone as she turn around to face me laying on the bed.
“I like you,” she whispers, before promptly passing out.
I shake my head amusedly. “I like you.”
So, so much.
Reader’s POV
I wake up, expecting to have the gnarliest hangover of all time. Except, by some miracle, all that’s there is a slight headache. Thank everything.
I’m a little groggy at first, but I register a weight draped over my side. Huh?
But then I open my eyes and see Colt, with his messy hair and his peaceful face, sleeping. He’s holding me close, as if I’m some sort of teddy bear. And that’s when I remember our conversation: I told him, and he likes me back!
I smile to myself.
“Hey there, smiley,” his voice comes out groggy, heavily taunted with sleep. I love the way it sounds.
“Hey yourself,” I say, still grinning.
“What are you so happy about?” he teases.
“You. And I’d kiss you right now but I think I have bad morning breath.”
“Well,” he mumbles, getting close. “Morning breath be damned, I want to kiss you too.”
“Well, in the case…” I lean in and press a soft peck to his lips. And it’s perfect. Absolutely perfect. And now I know it for sure: I’m in love.
The movie.
“The ending!” I shout, reaching over to my phone to text Jenny.
“Wha-,” he asks, obviously confused.
“The ending of the movie. They kiss before the planet blows up.”
“Wait… the planet’s not going to blow up because we just kissed… right?” he jokes.
“I dunno,” I shrug, sending the text and throwing my phone on the chair. “Sorry. I was thinking about the planet blowing up when I thought you were upset with me yesterday, and then this-,” I kiss him again, and he smiles. “Finished the thought train.”
“Huh,” he says, pulling me close. “I like you, so much,” he says, his voice sweet.
“I like you too, so much,” I agree, kissing him again. And one things for sure: I will never get tired of kissing Colt Seavers.
I can’t wait to be able to do everything we’ve always done, just as a couple. Puzzles and paint by numbers where we kiss each other over the coffee table. Maybe he steals one of my books and tries to recreate the scenes. Maybe he kisses me after doing donuts in the truck.
But no matter what maybes come true, the thing to remember is that love is the best part of it.
And maybe, just maybe, that’s the line that flashes at the end of the movie, post credits.
Who knows?
All I know is that I love Colt Seavers. And he loves me.
The End <3
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becauseimanicequeen · 4 months
My Pride Month Watch List
In celebration of Pride Month, I've decided to watch some (or a lot) of the stuff I've been meaning to watch and want to watch. My list will include current watches, what I want to rewatch, and things I want to watch for the first time.
Here are all the things I will watch this beautiful month of June (in alphabetical order because, yes, I'm that person):
Current Shows
These are shows I’m currently watching and the ones I know I am starting this month.
At 25:00, in Akasaka (Japan)
This is nearing its end. I've enjoyed it so far (despite the dead fish kisses). Not one of my favorites, but definitely enjoyable.
Blue Boys Part 2 (Korea)
Part 1 was so good in terms of the chemistry and overall vibe that I'm excited to see part 2 (which is set to be released sometime this month).
My Stand-In (Thailand)
One of my favorite current shows. A naive (but slowly growing) main character, a scum male lead (whom I absolutely love), beautiful cinematography, grief is present (and I love that shit because it's like therapy for me), angst, supernatural elements, etc. It also has Up Poompat and Poom Phuripan in the main roles. I just love it.
Knock Knock, Boys! (Thailand)
This show started this week with the first two episodes, and it exceeded my expectations. I went into this series wanting to watch it for Seng (who is an amazing actor) and Best (who has something I can't quite put my finger on that pulls me in every time I see him). So far, after only two episodes, I already love it for the chaos (and I’m sure more chaos will come). Also, it includes a loud and proud pansexual character! I love both him and the representation.
Love Sea (Thailand)
It's about a writer (which means I have to watch it) and about the sea (which I love). And not just the sea, but diving as well (I love that even more). I'm starting this as soon as it premiers on the 9th.
My Marvellous Dream is You (Thailand)
I haven’t started this yet because I wanted some episodes to be out before I dove in. But I really like the gifs I’ve seen so far and will definitely dive into this series this month.
OMG! Vampire (Thailand)
This is the 3rd(?) series I'm watching with Frank and Long but I'm having a hard time getting into it. It started with a bang with Frank and Big kissing (dead fish kisses are clearly banned here, and I love it!) and then a bite (which is one of my kinks, lol). But, then... I'm hoping it picks up again soon because it has the potential to entertain me.
Only Boo! (Thailand)
Definitely not my cup of tea. This is way too cute for me. But, since it's about artists, three boys who want to become dancers/performers/idols, I have to watch it. The acting is great, though. I'm really impressed with these kids.
The Rebound (Thailand)
It's Meen. That's it. That's the reason. It's set to start on the 26th.
Sunset X Vibes (Thailand)
I need more Mos and Bank on my screen. That's it. That's the reason I'm watching this. Honestly, I don't know that much about this series, and want to go in blind. I know they'll deliver on the chemistry, and that's more than I can ask for. I'll be watching this as soon as it premiers on the 15th.
The Two of Us (Thailand)
This is the Freya and Meji spinoff from Deep Night and I can't wait to watch these mature sapphic women being domestic. The first episode came out on Thursday, but I'm watching it today.
Wandee Goodday (Thailand)
Another one of my favorite current shows. This is everything I want in a light, funny, super horny show and I love it so much. Yak is one of my all-time favorite GMMTV characters, and I love how this show has paired two buff eye candies together in Inn and Great. (I can't remember if I've seen this dynamic since Max and Tul, but my memory is fucked so I might've forgotten the others...) I just love everything about this show and the chemistry between Yak and Dee. It also includes an ace character, whom I hope I get to see more of in coming episodes. And it includes a lot of neon lights (and I'm a slut for that).
We Are (Thailand)
I'm watching this for the artists that are in the series (and since I'm an artist, it's my duty, lol). I also love Tan and Fang as well as Q and Toey (which are currently the two couples that are keeping me hooked).
These are, just as the headline states, stuff I want to watch again.
I Told Sunset About You + I Promised You the Moon (Thailand)
I want to be blessed with this cinematography and the amazing chemistry between Billikin and PP Krit.
Secret Crush on You (Thailand)
I just love the friend group in this show so much that I want to rewatch it again. Also, it has neon lights (and I'm a slut for that). And Looknam. Do I need to say more? I think not!
Step by Step (Thailand)
This series isn't necessarily that great, but I want need more Up on my screen. Also, Man is such a huge man (and Scandi), and that's a big plus (that he's huge, I mean). And it's got Zorzo (my ideal woman) and Poppy (he's such a gem)! Despite its flaws, I'm really excited to rewatch this.
To Be Continued (Thailand)
I've been meaning to rewatch this since it ended because I loved it so much. So I'm telling myself to dive into it again this month.
Unintentional Love Story (Korea)
There was just something about the vibe of this series that I want to experience again. Also, it's about a potter (and, as you can probably tell from this post, I love watching shows with artists of all kinds).
New Watches
These aren't necessarily newly produced. They are shows/films I've been meaning to watch for quite some time without having gotten around to it. But now is my chance (and duty) to dive in.
A Shoulder to Cry On (Korea)
I've heard some mixed feelings about this, but that doesn't really deter me. And since Korean BLs are usually short, it doesn't matter that much if I end up not liking it.
The Blue Hour (Thailand)
This is a film with Gun ATP (one of my favorite Thai actors), which I've been putting off for far too long. I'm going into it without knowing very much, which is just how I like it.
His (Japan)
I've been meaning to watch this for months, especially after seeing Miyazawa Hio in Egoist at the end of last year.
Light on Me (Korea)
I've heard about this from various sources a lot lately, so I figured I would watch it this month. I don't know anything about it, but I've heard it's good.
Mama Gogo (Thailand)
I've been putting this off for far too long. It was created by Jojo. That's all I need to know, and all I need to dive into it this month.
The Warp Effect (Thailand)
I've been putting this off for far too long. It's about damn time to watch it. Also, it was created by Jojo.
I could put more on my list, but they say June only has 30 days. So, I'll start with this.
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ms-cartoon · 1 year
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Sorry for the long wait for this review. Life has been biting me in the rear lately and I’ve been unmotivated to get anything done. But I’m finally finished with this commentary and I haven’t forgotten about the “Unhappy Campers” episode that was uploaded recently. That will be done as well!
Okay, FINALLY Season 1 Episode 8 came out and about, after a year I think. Why was it taking so long? 
Well, short story; professional (or personal?) reasons involving Kesha. Also, copyright issues. 
Long Story? Well, as we all know, Kesha, a pretty known popstar, was voicing the role of a character Viv created for this episode named Beelzebub. As you can see from the gif I put on top, you can tell that there are some similarities there. Not just with the voice, but also appearances here and there.... which was one of the problems and reasons why Kesha didn’t wanna voice this role, at least initially since she clearly changed her mind after a year or so. If you’ve seen this episode, you’d probably know by now that Beelzebub is a party girl; she likes to drink, party, and eat junk food n stuff. And Kesha is ALL those things; party girl, likes to drink and eat. Or at least... she was like that? Thing is, she went to rehab for all those things and is recovering from it from what I’ve heard.
Not that I wanna assume anything but... creating an oc that has certain traits that the voice actor was struggling with and had to get cleaned for, not to mention that Beelzebub is a literal reference to Kesha and how she was back in the day? I don’t know what Viv’s goal was there, but doesn’t she think that might be a little insensitive?? Now, I don’t know if Kesha is sensitive about that, but she must’ve felt some type of way about it considering she wanted nothing to do with HB in the first place and had to wait almost a year to finally decide to do it.
Also, I still don’t get why this episode had to wait a year for this. Like, I get that Kesha is Vivzie’s idol and it was her dream to have her voice someone in her show, but did she really want her to voice a role so badly she wanted to put a pause on the season 1 finale and completely skip to season 2 until finally uploading it a year later? Why couldn’t she just get someone else to voice Beelzebub? Kesha didn’t even sing the song that was played in this episode, and she wrote it!! It just kinda feels like all this was for nothing. This should probably be the last time Viv EVER tries to get big-time celebrities to voice over characters in her show. Especially when it gets so complicated to the point where you have to keep certain famous youtube videos private, when animators can’t even upload animation roughs from the episode, and when you can’t tag Kesha about her association with Helluva Boss on ANY social media. Yeah . . . It’s that complicated. Hopefully, Viv will learn some kinda lesson from all of this, cuz she had to take her “Die Young” animation off YouTube because of it, which honestly sucks (mostly for her anyway). It really is messed up, especially when considering that Viv’s Die Young video was what mainly started her whole career in the first place before Hazbin. I really hope it was worth it,Viv. . . .
Anyway, let’s just jump to the review...
So episode 8 was kinda... meh. It was alright I guess, still like always, I was expecting something outta nothing. Of course, some things happened on here that I just had to complain about, and I’ll explain later. But the gist of it is that... not a lot happened in this episode. As always, the writers were just rushing things. This whole episode might as well have been a 5-minute clip after so much wasted time on some stupid song which I’ll admit is pretty catchy (gives me 2010 vibes). And also what bothers me about this whole thing was that this was about Loona. 
Lemme explain; so y’all remember Ozzie’s right? That whole thing with Blitzo spying on M&M and bringing Stolas along just to get in the club? Yeah, that episode. Now correct me if I’m wrong, but that was supposed to be a Part 1 before episode 8 before Viv decided at the last minute to change that. At the end of episode 7, Blitzo pushed Stolas away after dropping him off. He went home and was scrolling through pictures and started to cry after seeing a picture of him, his sister, and mother. I was expecting this whole episode to be about just Blitzo and what he got going on, similar to Stolas and his episode in the second season. Like maybe a flashback of his past or something with the people that was a part of his life and left at some point over what he did. We have yet to know what happened between him and Fizzarolli that ended their friendship. Or what about his sister?? Cuz apparently, she doesn’t like Blitzo either and is holding a grudge about something. With Verosika, well we already know the two dated and why they broke up sorta, but I still feel like we have yet to explore the relationship they had. Like, how the hell did a scrawny little imp like Blitzo get with such a baddie like Verosika??? What was their relationship like?
So yeah, I just feel like this episode could’ve given us a whole other different plot. If anything, the story in this episode could’ve been saved for another. Not that there was any plot to tell anyway, especially when it’s 15-minutes long and rushed as hell. 
It’s literally just Loona at a party...
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In episode 7 S1, Blitzo got a text from Loona saying Vortex invited her to a party and that’s where we are. The whole time, she’s having difficulties socializing with folks and is very awkward. Plus we have our new character, Beelzebub to lighten everybody’s mood. She’s also Vortex’s girlfriend, but I’ll get into that in a little bit. Also, after a while, Blitzo comes by to pick her up initially but later joins the party with Loona.
Let’s just get started....
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-- Hold up, so no disclaimer of “This is for adults! You have been warned!” warning?? We’re just gonna jump straight into the episode? I’m not sure whether they forgot about that part or if they just don’t care anymore, but to me, it feels rather off. Especially since they’ve been doing it since the first episode of season 1. If you’re wanting to go all out with the r-rating anyway, it would still be best for you to put that disclaimer every time before you start the episode, especially when folks of a younger age are watching it for the first time and don’t like to be caught off guard with anything vulgar.
-- I couldn’t tell if Loona just hung up on Blitzo or just left him on read when he tried to call her. Regardless, she didn’t answer the phone while knowing fully well he’s trying to call her and its pretty rude. I know I’m being nitpicky about this part, but as someone who has parents who’d get onto you a little for not answering the phone sooner and not calling back immediately after finding out you missed the call, it can get a little triggering.
-- The hellhounds in this party don’t even look like actual hellhounds; just over a hundred different breeds of dogs with red eyes. If anything, Loona and Vortex look more like hellhounds.
-- Is it just me, or does the animation and clean-up here feel . . . . off? I mean- Look at the outlines!!
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Do you see how different the outlines are in size in each different scene??? They’re thick in one part, totally thin in another, but right back to thick again, and so on. Honestly, the more I notice it, the more irritable it is. I get that there are hundreds of animators working in this show, they like to animate their way, and I’m no animator myself (not yet), but would it kill y’all to stay consistent with the clean-ups here? Why can’t you stick to the same brush size while outlining?
-- While we’re on that topic, Loona’s character model looks much more off than the outlining. I’m not sure how I can explain it, I don’t critique art or character designs often (ironic cuz I draw a lot, lol), but Loona has been drawn so stiff and thick lately. . . . . I dunno. It just doesn’t look the same. You might see what I mean if you just look at the pictures above. Once again, it just seems like the animators and artist cannot stay consistent with the animation and character appearances.
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-- Loona butts in on a conversation with a couple of people she apparently doesn't get along with. I get that she's trying to socialize, but why, out of everyone in this party, did you choose to talk to someone who takes embarrassing photos of you and talks shit??
-- So this poodle hellhound took a photo of Loona throwing up that one time at a party she participated in. A party before this one of course. But last I checked, it was implied in ep 3 season 1 that Loona had never been to a party before and the one that Tex invited her to (the one in the episode) would be her first one. The party that Loona vomited at should’ve been her first one instead of the one Beezlebub is running. Not to mention that she has met some of these hellhounds before and is known as “Lunatic Loona” by most of them. This folks is yet another retcon.
-- Loona calls the poodle a bitch, leaving everybody completely shocked for some reason. “Ooooh! Teacher! She just said a bad word!” That’s seriously what they’re acting like. As if NOBODY in this wasted ass party (or in hell at all) has ever said a bad word before. If y’all don’t grow tf up-
-- I’m sorry, but if y’all asked me what I thought The seven deadly sin of Gluttony would look like, NEVER in my LIFE would I have pictured THIS--
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I know I cannot have been the only one high off shrooms the moment I seen this character design. . . She looks like a concept art of an OC that was made a 12-year-old Vivziepop. 
 So first off, she calls herself Queen Bee... but is shaped like the rest of these furry fanservice mutts. She’s just another wolf/fox with only a little bit of bug-like features to pass off that she’s only. . . part bee. But why not just make her a FULL BEE??? Why does she have to look like a whole lava lamp hellhound??? Like, I know the lava lamp feature was supposed to be based off her personality, but why can’t that just be her hair?? Why do you have to add that part to her STOMACH!!?? I can’t even tell if that’s just apart of her clothes or her actual body! Either way, its too much!! It must’ve been hard as sh*t to animate her!!!
It doesn’t even make sense that she looks like a hellhound anyway!! Hellhounds are supposed to be in the lowest rank right beside imps and Beezlebub looks like one of them, only with an extra pair of arms!! Once again, why can’t she just be a BEE or something???
-- I always forget that Helluva Boss is supposed to be a musical. Probably because it just doesn’t fit as one at this point, especially with this pop music. When it comes to musicals, the point in the songs is that we would have to feel empathy for whoever’s singing and they also tell a story while we get a sense in what we’re about to see, and it also drops hints in what will happen next. But THIS song, it’s just a little pop music talking about sweets while also introducing Beezlebub. I get that its the point in pop music; there’s not much meaning to them and it’s only meant for you to enjoy and sing along with, but you can’t really call this show a musical when music like this is being played. Like I said from before, it’s still fairly catchy. I’ll admit that, but I could hardly feel for it.
-- I don’t wanna badge Kesha for her acting skills. It’s not like she’s been in a lot of films anyway. I mean, she’s a pop singer first and always, so that’s fair. But it was pretty, meh? Like, she kinda sounded like she didn’t even wanna be there in the studio and is only reading her lines instead of actually ACTING them while putting little emotion in what she’s saying. Honestly, most of Beelzebub’s lines are kinda pointless anyway. Like she’s just saying random bizarre monologues that I can hardly care about or even listen to. I can’t even tell if I was supposed to laugh at them or what. Seems like to me the writers only put those lines in the script just to hear the famous Ke$ha talk more. Not to mention that some of what she said sounded completely unnecessary and weird. For instance, Beelzebub mentioned how she was associated with Satan and thinks of him as her brother, but also finds him hot without his shirt on and said that she could “hit that”. . . . . Uhh, not exactly something you should say or even THINK about your brother figure ma’am. Why y’all gotta have Kesha say all that?? I can definitely see why she wouldn’t wanna act out these scripts!! She must’ve felt hella uncomfortable reading them!
-- Okay, so . . . . Vortex, a lower class hellhound, and Beelzebub, one of the seven deadly sins being Gluttony (which means she a higher rank) dating?. . . Um, last I checked, a lower class and someone of higher up than that is kinda frowned upon by most of the demons in hell, as seen with how some people reacted to Blitzo and Stolas’s relationship. But for some reason, no one seems to react to Tex and Bee’s relationship?? Why is it that people mock Stolas and Blitzo for being a thing, but Tex and Bee can walk around and hold hands scott free??? I can tell that Viv just doesn't care anymore about the ranking system SHE made up.
-- I don’t really see Vortex and Bee as a couple anyway. Don’t get me wrong, I actually find it cute they’re together and even like the ship a little bit. But from what little interactions I’ve seen between them, kinda just seems like they’re more platonic best friends then boyfriend and girlfriend. I guess if we we’re to dig deep into they’re relationship, then I might see something, but . . . . I dunno, that’s probably just me.
--  Loona is so hard to read, especially now. The whole time she’s there, she’s just feeling super uncomfortable, like she doesn't even wanna be there even though she's with Vortex, who's the only person she seems to be more at ease with out of everyone in the party. Even when Bee is super welcoming and nice to her, Loona still feels bitter while not even liking her (Probably because Bee is dating Tex). And then for some reason, she just ups and leaves then starts to... tear up?? It's not too clear to me why she’s feeling sad. You can’t blame me for not knowing or picking up on it. It’s not like she was doing much of anything other than standing there and barely talking. How am I supposed to know what she’s really feeling and why she’s feeling it when she’s given no dialogue?
-- I'm reminded that Loona still acts so bitter around Blitzo and it's honestly irritating. She calls to ask him to pick her up and when he asks her if she was doing okay, she responded with such attitude! Aren’t we supposed to be sympathizing with her here??? I don’t care how frustrated she feels right now, especially since she has no reason to be. And I just love it how when people see her and say, "Oh hey Blitzo! Is that your daughter?" And she quickly responds, "I'm his ADOPTED daughter!" Like bitch. . . WAS ANYONE ASKING THAT!! He’s your family!! Paper or no paper!! DEAL WITH IT!! And no shit your adopted!! People can see that he’s an imp and you’re a HELLHOUND!!! Stop being so defensive!! 
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-- Are you for real right now. . . . . . 
You were getting all teary-eyed n shit, wanting to go home but as soon as some hellhound hottie starts flirting with you, you immediately get over it and change your mind in less than 5 seconds before you’re about to leave???? Like you don’t even think about it?? Viv, where are you getting at here???
-- I can’t really say much about Blitzo right now. He’s barely there anyway, only making an appearance in the last 10 minutes of the episode for comic relief and a pity party.
-- Viv must really don’t know what to do with her female characters and how to go about ‘em. Loona’s shown to be introverted and sad at first to straight up confident and lively around everyone in a matter of seconds. She’s so quick to make friends and get along with other hellhounds at the party as if it was no issue from before when it was. We don’t even get to see any progression of bonding with these out-of-nowhere friends she’s making. And all because of some dude that called her hot!!! It kinda makes me question on why Loona was even feeling sad in the first place since it was so easy for her to gain confidence.
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-- Y’all, I think I’m convinced right now that the only reason Loona doesn’t like Beelzebub is because she’s dating her crush! Like- there’s nothing else to it. Bee and Tex are dating, Loona is still crushing Tex and that’s why she doesn’t like Beelzebub. Not to mention she’s possibly jealous because she feels inferior to her. She’s super outgoing, social, and could easily get along with anyone, something Loona can’t easily do (though that alone shouldn’t even matter because Loona already managed to make friends and some random hellhound flirted with her). You CANNOT convince me otherwise. And if that is the reason, then honey, you’re gonna have to let that go. For real!! You’re lucky that Tex even likes you enough to want to be your friend.
So Bee and Tex confront Loona about Blitzo, saying that he’s been drinking a lot (obviously) and that he’s going overboard with the partying. They suggested that Loona go check on him to make sure he’s okay and that he doesn’t cause some kind of scene (Then again, I don’t see why Bee would care. The point of her being the sin of Gluttony IS to go overboard with nearly anything. I mean- not the whole point, but it’s a common characteristic, so I don’t think she should be worried about it. I guess it’s good to know she’s considerate though.) Then all of a sudden, Loona snaps mainly at Bee and gets so hostile towards her saying, “You don’t know anything about my dad.” such and such, and I’m just like, “Ugh, again with your attitude!!!” 
For one, its pretty bold of you to stand up to a higher rank considering she could squash you in an instant.
But I mean- WHAT IS WITH THE SUDDEN HOSTILITY??? And most people wanna validate her, saying, “It was only a trauma response. You gotta understand that Loona is new to this and she’s not used to people suddenly caring and being kind. She’s just having a hard time trusting people and she did apologize.” Y’all. . . don’t even- First off, Loona's reaction to Bee felt too rushed and forced to be considered traumatic. Second off, someone having trauma does not excuse an unnecessary shitty attitude, especially when Bee has been so kind to Loona this whole episode. Third off, for someone who doesn’t trust people so easily and isn’t used to being given kindness, Loona seemed pretty quick to make friends with everyone at the party who were nice to her. She was sure as hell quick to get along with Vortex after only knowing him for a short amount of time! And he was kind to her too. She wasn’t being bitchy to them then. But when BEELZEBUB is showing care or kindness, Loona will suddenly start to act bitchy??? And because of some past trauma?? PLEASE!!
And some fans would go on to say, "She's just getting over a heartbreak. It takes a while to get over your crush."
They're saying this as if Loona is head over heels in love with Vortex when she was simply CRUSHING on him and from the moment she saw him. And yes, there IS a huge difference especially when Loona only knew Vortex in that short amount of time. I would understand Loona falling in love with Tex if they actually had the time to bond after ep 3. . . . but they didn't. At least there was no indication that they did. And on top of that, just for the record, Loona already knew that Tex had a girlfriend the same day she met him!! Which was five episodes ago!! So before y'all go on and say "She needs time to get over her crush", she should've already gotten over it by now!! I dunno why she's still crushing and blushing around him as if she believed he liked her back!
Why did she seem so shocked after Tex introduced his Bee anyway? As if Loona never recalled him mentioning he had a girlfriend back in ep 3. And say that was the reason why she was sad . . . why would it would it make her sad!!?? Like I said, she should’ve already known Tex had a girlfriend since he brought it up straight to her face. I would understand her being upset if he didn’t tell her and she didn’t find out about Bee until the last minute when Tex introduced her as his girlfriend. Then it would actually make sense for Loona to still crush on him the entire time because she wouldn’t have known he was taken and would believe she still had a shot with him. In this case, it would be understandable why it would make her sad. . . . but we didn’t go that route. Instead, we had to go about it the “Vivzie Way” (the more complicated way).
Point blank, Loona seems to only dislike Bee because she's with Tex and is jealous. And she shouldn't have reacted the way she did out of jealousy when Bee was only showing concern for Blitzo. Trauma or no trauma, I don’t care. It was unnecessary.
-- “Blitzo! BLITZO! Where are you, shithead!!”
Loona . . . . how’re you gonna get all defensive about your dad and then go straight back to calling him names?
-- For once, Loona decides she actually wants to care about her dad (mainly cuz she was told to). I guess its nice to see a cute father/daughter moment between Blitzo and Loona for once. Can’t say I feel for it at all though especially when it immediately starts to become completely pointless a season and two episodes later when we see this happen-
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Seriously, how're they gonna have Loona and Blitzo bond by the end of the episode only for Loona to go back to treating him like shit the next? It’s like whatever build-up was being made between them immediately collapsed a season later, and over something as petty as a mild criticism Blitzo gave Loona. You can just TELL that Viv and the other writers don’t think before writing these scenes down!!
Also, how is it that Loona will get all concerned for Blitzo making out with folks in the party while wasted even though she was literally cheering for him to chug a whole barrel of liquor in order to beat Bee in a game. What’s sad about this is that it was one of the only times Loona calls him “Dad”. . . . In a drinking game . . . . .
-- Blitzo: "Loony, will you be there for me?"
Loona: . . .Be where?"
Be invisible, obviously. . . . Frickin' idiot. . . .
-- We're supposed to feel bad for Blitzo, but it's kinda hard for me to do that when he wasn't even the main focus in this episode at all when he should been. Still, it's not like I could feel sorry for him anyway since he brought that whole Ozzie's mess on himself.
For now, I think that's all that could be said about this episode. I might just make some edits if I feel if I left something off. But the whole gist of it is that I feel like this episode was just a whole lotta nothin'. I don’t even think Loona learned anything this entire episode. Of course, the whole plot here was Loona learning to socialize and make friends with everyone, but we didn’t even get to see any of that. And she clearly didn’t learn anything since she was influenced by some rando calling her hot. It’s honestly sad, for real. The females in this show needs some serious work not just in their stories, but their characters too.
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jess-moloney · 1 month
What the fuck is wrong with us Jamie fans? I only follow this account because I also am a big Jamie fan and I want what's best for him but like seriously, what kind of a sadist "fan" wrote such stuff about their admired celebrity? For example, if you're on social media to support jess, don't make your account under the name "JamieBowerTeraphy" and name it "JessMoloneyTeraphy" because no kind of a sadist fan would do such stuff. We might be imagining having sex with him, but that's in our imagination, and that's no one's concern. They have no fucking right to talk crap about Jamie like that. I hope whomever owns that account has just got their account hacked, and it's not them who's writing because otherwise, it means we have a serious problem
I absolutely cannot stand the argument that people only hate Jess because they want to fuck Jamie or because they are jealous or because of some other superficial or hypersexual reason.
Of course I think Jamie is attractive but I also think he's a talented actor, musician, writer, artist, and everything else. I don't think of him purely in terms of if I can have sex with him or not. I don't even want that. It's definitely not my goal or dream or most secret desire.
The vast majority of the people who do not like Jess aren't hating her just because she's with Jamie. There's an entire reason to dislike her. It's her behaviour. It's how she treats him. It's how she treats his fans. It's how she lies, manipulates, and cons people. It's how narcissistic she is. How everything has to be about her all the time and how she used Jamie to get the meager amount of fame that she got because she'd never have the talent to do it on her own.
The people who follow Jamie just to objectify him and treat him as nothing more than a walking sex fantasy are absolutely disgusting. He's a human being. He has feelings. He's not your lust object or play thing for you to do with as you wish. It's absolutely disgusting the level of dehumanizing shit these people will not only post about him but tag directly to him on Twitter or Instagram (or leave in his comments) as if he's no better than his cock. I really wish that people would act normally.
Fantasies are fine, healthy even, but there's a difference between you writing your fan fiction and keeping it within the fandom and making these memes and edits and everything else that overtly sexualizes him in an attempt to get his attention somehow. Can people just not do that? Even worse, tonnes of people doing this stan Jess at the same time. Which I can't even begin to understand. So they stan this woman and think Jamie and her should be together forever but at the same time they tweet and post these extremely sexual things to him on social media? It's as if they don't believe this man has any purpose beyond getting them off.
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krisbianbitchface · 2 months
Ok so to warm my heart a little from the coldness of knowing I will have to wait 2 years to see dear Rhaenyra again I have started watching Game of Thrones,I was not very fond of it when it came out however now I am older and just desiring to binge watch anything to get myself to sleep and I have a few thoughts I need to get out of my head or maybe opinions,it might me a little over the top since of course I am a lesbian drama queen and I live to complain,im only in season 3 almost ending the season...
I fucking hate that kid bran,he takes soooo much screen time just to retell dreams and look like that snarky kid that throws random stuff on the ground in Walmart with a stupid look on his face (I really Wish Jamie would have killed his ass)
Melissandre is the most interesting character of the series,so witty and cruel in the best way,I was shocked when she killed that king with her baby demon and absolutely smitten,I love cruel women.
Jon Snow is the most boring character I have EVER witnessed in the story of television and trust me I've been there since Xena Warrior Princess graced the screens,just no goals,no path,no big dick or small dick energy,no energy AT ALL,just a big fat ugly Hero complex that I just can't stand because the actor has the same expression everytime no matter what happens,even having a boner with a cute girl cuddling his dick he is 😐 like gtfo of my face
Cersei is second to Melissandre in the scale of bad bitches,she is just so fucking resented and hot,everything she says sounds like wind chimes even if she is sending a child to his death,I cant help but want her to hate fuck me and call me a fagg0t and then tell me Im the worst fuck she's ever had and just use me again.
Dragons...Should I say more? I started the series of House of the Dragon because I just love dragons,and a particular scene is just edged in my mind like iron,Daenerys saving her little dragons from that sorcerers dungeon and their cute little faces watching her almost like trying to say "Momma! You're here! we missed you!" I think is the cutest scene ever.
Daenerys...She serving cunt,she ate and licked the plate,she served and left no crumbs,the director said cut and she heard CUNT and went with it, she caused a motherquake of 9.99 in the cunt scale,she's mother, and no other than the Mother of Dragons, I just love her,she is what Cleopatra VII was before hollywood found her and turned her into a makeup propaganda fashionista, a true strategist and conqueror.
Kal Drogo,I just mourned his death,he was so cute and murderous, i wept real tears for sweet Daenerys, I think the actor was really good and he needed more screen time, his scenes were charged with masculity and power,something we really lack these days in television.
Sansa, she is a beauty,the kind of beauty fantasy writers try to describe and there is just no way that human exists and then there is her...But she is so fucking traumatized and set aside just like every other woman in that universe,hell,even in life,I feel for her...And also wanna date her,i won't lie
Aria is a tough little woman,I think they really need to step up her action scenes because I think she serves well as a hope in the darkness kind of character however I do wish the actress was more prone to make a proper action sequence ala Eleven from Stranger Things,you can say what you want about miss Millie Bobby Brown but she is one of the few actresses willing to make many changes ln television for years to come with her characters.
Jamie Lannister is an interesting fighter and I wish it was possible to swap his fight scenes with Aria since i think it was proper giving the context,anyway he has good fighting sequences that I think were ment for someone else.
The sex scenes... This was a series HBO really set the bar high for nudity,there is so much nudity,sometimes unnecessary and cruel for the actresses involved and at the same time, is not surprising considering this series was made by two straight men,this always happens in the industry although these days is harder due to the constant intimacy coordination, but yeah in those times I can't imagine how unerving it was for actresses to bare it all for a couple of coins in a popular series.
Enough with my ramblings,I declare myself a fan of game of thrones only for Daenerys and her cute little dragons 💖
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radical-revolution · 2 months
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Oh, it's all worthless, really. Life is committing fully to things and to people that you know will not repay you with any of the passion or respect you hope to receive. This is what I call Zen Nihilism, and you go right on doing it. There is no other way. You continue to work and to hope and to be disappointed.
I can hear your dissatisfaction, your intake of breath. You're hurt. What I want to clarify is that art is worthless for various reasons. It is worthless most often because non-artists have decided to pretend to be artists, and they give the world a bowl of shit. And then the investors and the press--really the same thing--gather together to praise and support the intention. That's one example of the worthlessness of art.
Another example is the realization, on the part of a real artist, that he is not up to the task, but he continues. He continues for various reasons: To get it right. To pay the rent. To support a director or a writer or an actor who needs him, who depends upon him. This is noble, but it is still worthless.
The most punishing example of the worthlessness of art is the true pain of trying hard to be good: It is the realization that you have done all you can. Everyone has done all that they can. You have created or given birth to a work of art--a performance, a film--and it now needs to leave your body, your consciousness, your brain, your heart. It is time for it to go. It does you no good any longer. You're excreting this work of art, and you're ready for it to move on so you can get to the next task.
The happy time, if one can call it that, is when you are first bitten by the idea for something, and you get that feeling that it may be art. You hope. You run toward it. And there is no one else there. Only you and the dream and the idea. No money or press people to distort and diminish your big idea.
All alone. Working and dreaming. Only then is the art worthwhile.
— Marlon Brando, interview with James Grissom 1990
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 7 months
ik this's kinda weird but is there any fics that has the same vibes as the song wicked games ?
This is a great question, and I assume it's Chris Isaak's "Wicked games" song? Which I love too. So i thought perhaps the tone of the song is meeting someone, falling in love but not wanting to, and not ending up with that person. And there's no one who could ever replace that person? Sounds just like Klaine! (but thankfully they got their happy ending.)
I'm going to suggest the angst tag, or the reunited!Klaine tag because there's a lot of fics on there that would fit the song. And here are some that I thought of. ~Jen
The One That Got Away by @catcat-85
AU after the breakup scene in Season 6 Episode 1. Heartbroken and devastated after Kurt ended their relationship, Blaine changed his life completely. He quit NYADA. Enrolled at NYU and became a Pediatric Surgeon. He married Sebastian Smythe and they later have a beautiful daughter named Elena. Kurt realized he made a huge mistake by letting Blaine go. But the realization came too late. Blaine had already moved on and wanted nothing to do with Kurt. Kurt did his best to move on with his life. He graduated from NYADA and started getting cast in off Broadway productions, which led to having his big break when he was cast to be Link Larkin in Hairspray on Broadway. Since then, his career had taken off and he became a successful actor, but he couldn’t find a man he loves enough to marry. Desperate to have a family of his own, he found an egg donor and surrogate to have a baby, a boy which he named Chris. This is a story about a lost love between Kurt and Blaine, as well as a love story between Chris and Elena. No matter how hard their parents try to keep them apart, Chris and Elena find each other. Even after 25 years, the strength of their love might just be the thing to bring Kurt and Blaine back together.
The Awakening by @heartsmadeofbooks
Kurt Hummel has put his perfect life together carefully, making sure all the pieces fit exactly how he wanted them to. But all it takes is one name from his past to make all his hard work go to waste - Blaine Anderson.
All I need is Everything Every Word by pene
After years apart Kurt and Blaine have moved on from one another and built separate lives. Kurt is developing a quiet reputation off-Broadway. Blaine is a fledgling musical theatre writer and producer on the West Coast.
Then they reconnect - because of the music, because of the theater. Because of course they do.
"This show is Blaine’s baby. The madness is that the only person he can picture in the lead role is a boy he has been failing to forget for six years."
Chrysalis ‘verse by @flowerfan2
Just after graduating from NYU, a car accident puts Blaine into a coma. No one expects him to wake up. Almost three years later, Kurt sees a man in a wheelchair who couldn’t be anyone else. A story of love and new beginnings. Canon compliant through 6x11, then AU.
Foundations by gentlereader
After breaking up Kurt and Blaine went their separate ways.
Blaine’s now a successful LA musician while Kurt is a high school counselor.
The creation of the Pavarotti Music Foundation was their dream… and now its a reality.
~~~~~ I'd cry a river just for you by maanorchidee @forabeatofadrum
Seven years ago, Kurt and Blaine had a huge fight that ended a ten year long friendship. Now they unexpectedly run into each other in another part of the world. Can they let go of the past?
Hope these are what you're looking for!
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solipseismic · 8 months
ty for the tag @thesunlikehoney !! <3
a band you don’t like that many others do:
the mountain goats lmao (i like a few of their songs but i dislike the rest)
a childhood memory that you remember vividly:
i have permanent nerve damage on my right kneecap from fucking up a mazurka (very basic figure skating step/half-jump kind of thing) and falling in such a manner that i bashed my knee into the ice w like 3x my body weight behind it in force lmao
least favorite animal and why:
lord. i dont really dislike any animals so i guess one i've had personal experience w? i will never ever want an akita (relative had a poodle-akita mix and dear god). they're like the less smart and more evil cousins of huskies.
hot fandom take:
satine and obi-wan would be 200% more interesting if they were some kind of fucked up non-romantic relationship. "i would have left the order for her" we all know the tcw writers just put there bc ppl wanted a blonde woman cardboard cutout love interest for white fans to project onto (as if romance is what "humanizes" characters, huge jerk-off pantomime). "this is duchess satine whom i have an intricately crafted and decades-old rivalry with to see who can pick up the most morosexuals in our personal entourages" the crowd goes wild. satine herself is 200% more interesting when writers allow her to stand on her own and not just as a prop to obi-wan. also ppl who ship obtine are missing out on the most illustrious joy of padme/satine.
do you wear any jewelry, if so, what’s your favorite piece:
yes, i have one ear pierced (default diamond stud; some of my fav earrings are from noonmade like the suncatcher and wind chime, most others r just whatever i've picked up over the years) and i'm almost always wearing a raven skull pendant i got for my bday from a friend :)
a movie others liked but you didn’t:
13 going on 30 ... clueless ... 10 reasons i hate about you ... i just don't have the romcom/chick flick spirit in me :(
three things you love about yourself:
typing speed, great core strength, big cat
a place you hope to visit in the future and why:
i would like to climb 설악산/seorak mountain, my mom grew up in that area and i like mountain climbing :)
an actor that gets on your nerves and why:
crisp rat. he's bad.
things you’re excited for in the nearby future?
설날 / lunar new year on feb 10 :)
least favorite ship in a fandom you’re in:
dinluke and obtine lmao though it's less a ship thing and more the certain Kind of people that do a specific Flavor of shipping that are unfortunately hugely prevalent in dinluke and (more recently) codywan :(( however like 85% of the obtine shippers ive interacted with are just white assholes lmao
what’s the most toxic fandom you’ve been in?
mcu/marvel comics graphics community on instagram. i will drop my phone in lava
list three things you find beautiful about life:
big cat, mellow post-rock, krylon workable fixatif
any dreams for the future?
finish my thesis babey
how are you really feeling today?
i need to do more wrist stretches
tag games taglist (ask to be + / -): @47crayons , @sleepy-night-child , @bladeverbena , @drippingmoon , @vellichor-virgo , @writing-is-a-martial-art , @wiz-is-sorta-a-writer , @thelaughingstag , @mj-is-writing , @hellowkatey , @asbestostrain , @gayskywalkcrs​ , @lorspolairepeluche , @coarsely , and anyone else who wants to do this !!
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aceofnace · 1 year
I was honestly expecting the most romantic season of tv I'm not kidding bc what do you mean soulmates who are separated by a love curse that's such an incredibly good plot, the stuff of dreams ships never get. But let's be real they kinda botched it, no matter how it turns out, we had half a season where they barely interacted and we're never going to see their big moments together and them being madly in love and solving crimes together and protecting each other and moving in together and getting engaged( I had this wish that it would be Nancy who proposes bc it would be such a big thing coming from her and for ace to see someone actually want that with him, it would mean so much growth for both of them). Now all we can hope for is they don't slap us with Tristan and Nancy as soulmates, give us as many moments of them together and give us a flashforward of their happily ever after ..
I was expecting that too, especially after the first 3 swoonworthy episodes of the season. I thought, this is THEIR season. But boy, did it go downhill fast. Episode 4 had NO Nace interactions, and then 5-7 just had painful ones (how many times did they break up again?). Episode 8 seemed promising...but then 9 and 10 ruined it again with no interactions. Now we're heading into episode 11 with both Nancy and Ace seemingly falling for their new supernatural love interests and it's like WHAT? With only 3 episodes left to go? Make it make sense!
Obviously, they were hoping for a season 5, and they wrote the season with that in mind. But that tells me if we had gotten a season 5, this still would've been dragged out well into next season. So the only solace I can take with all this is that it's a good thing they found out the show was canceled before they finished writing the final episode. Because if it had been canceled after, then the series would've ended with Nace not together. And even if it had been renewed for a season 5, with the writers/actors on strike for who knows how much longer, there's a chance next season would've eventually gotten cancelled anyway, or it would have at least extended a Nace endgame for another year or more. This way, although it's going to be rushed af, we're still going to end the series with the knowledge that Nancy and Ace are together and in love.
I am hopeful we'll get a little flash-forward epilogue that might show Nancy and Ace married, or at least engaged. Bonus points if they show us one of them proposing. I'm just not sure how they would fit that into the finale, but it's really all I want at this point. I'm so sad that so many opportunities were wasted this season (that should have been NACE slow dancing!). This was supposed to be their season to shine. And it started out so promising! I have no idea how or why they lost sight of the plot so heavily, but they did. And I know some people will say, "You know, this show isn't just about Nace" and while that's true, once you make your titular character and another main character star-crossed lovers and add in something like a curse keeping them apart, you're kinda making them the main focus—especially when you drag it out until the very end. So, it's understandable that a lot of us are solely focusing on Nace and how disappointed we are. We expected more. We deserved more. But that's just my opinion.
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mister-eames · 9 months
that post which goes “love is giving them the last apple slice, no matter how much you want it” and all I could think was arthur and eames (big surprise!). They both have this protectiveness of each other but there’s not much work focused on them being down on luck (mostly cause dreamshare business is lucrative?) but what’s your idea on it?
I hope very much that I haven't misinterpreted your ask because I don't know the post, but it really raised an interesting thought!!! It sort of made me think of the actors/writers strike earlier this year - y'know? You hear 'actor' and you think Hollywood, they all must be raking it in, even if they've had a handful of side roles, maybe one major one. But thats not the case.
Like, maybe it's the same with dreamshare. Sure dreamshare sounds lucrative, you can drop some big names as employers, work on some big projects, but what people don't see is that it takes a lot of work to get those projects. Only a handful of dreamers at the very top who get the good, well paying jobs, or the ones with rare skills, i.e. forging.
It's interesting to think of Arthur and Eames and them being down on their luck, of working job-to-job just to pay the bills. Taking jobs in remote places just to get on top of their mortgage/medical bills/loan repayments. How they live in Inception makes me think they're at the 'lucrative' stage in canon timeline, they're financially very comfortable - but in the years beforehand? Skint. Broke. Going over their budgets with a fine-toothed comb. Some months they're down to a meal a day, or less. They don't turn their heating on in the winter time. They can't afford to fix their car so they walk/bus/train it everywhere. They dream of affording a place that has AC and getting to explore the places they travel to and affording nicer clothes and hitting it big. Job after job after job until, 'I can afford to buy you a new watch for your birthday', until 'we can pay two months rent in advance' until 'we're buying a new car', until 'I'm taking you to Bali for our anniversary' etc.
I actually really like this idea as much as I like the idea of them living it very financially cosy and comfortable. I like the idea Arthur and Eames living it large because I can imagine the days when they were living off a loaf of bread and water for the month and that's definitely something worth exploring!
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mystarmyangel · 1 year
[FULL TRANS] 230808 YoonA – ‘King The Land’ Post Drama Interview
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Q1: ‘King The Land’ ended amid hot interests. First of all, could you tell me how  you feel about it coming to an end? It was an acting project that I really put in my very best throughout the filming. That is why it feels even more special when it is wrapped up. As much as everyone worked hard, I would like to thank the viewers who loved and watched it with affection as if our hearts are connected. Also, I would like to take this opportunity to say “thank you, you worked hard” to the director, the writer, all the staff and all the actors who worked with me.
Q2: In particular, it was loved by viewers around the world and reached ‘Netflix Global Top 1’. How do you feel when you heard the news? First of all, I was very grateful when I heard the news. I was happy that many viewers around the world loved it, and I was able to realize it even more because many people around me congratulate me. While filming (Netflix) content, when asked about my bucket list, I shouted "'King the Land' Netflix Global No.1", and I was surprised and grateful that it really became a reality. When you go on Netflix, it felt good that our poster were always at no. 1 or the top few ranks on the main page.
Q3: This time, it is a romcom genre that is different from your previous drama ‘Big Mouth’ which was a noir genre, as an actress, you once again broadened the spectrum of challenge. While portraying Cheon Sarang, what are the parts that you paid the most attention to, both externally and internally? I always think about it whenever I start a new work, but this time, I wanted to show a different side of me from what I showed you before as I am challenging my first authentic romcom. On the outside, I would like to say that the transformation is that I cut bangs. I have never done a project with my bangs cut  before, so I had a lot of worries about whether or not to cut my bangs before filming, but this time, I cut my bangs because it seems to suit the loveliness of the character Cheon Sarang. From the result, I was also satisfied and I was proud that I got reactions from people me that it suits me. In terms of acting, as a hotelier, I put in a lot of thought and care in showing the professional side, romance and comedy parts in a well-balanced manner. I also reflected the details of what I learnt from actual hoteliers, the basic attitude and the serving posture, and I practiced smiling a lot just like Cheon Sarang did in the drama. I also paid attention to convey lines and actions that reveal a sense of duty and responsibility in more details. In addition to the romance and comedy parts, emphasizing teamwork and tiki-taka with the other actors, focusing on emotional delivery and facial expressions, paying attention to the tone and diction so that they can be seen as more natural and realistic reactions.
Q4: In particular, Cheon Sarang was a character with independence and individuality who went through the lobby desk with only her skills and went up to VVIP Lounge ‘King the Land’, the dream of all hoteliers. In the last episode, she left King Hotel and pursued her own dream. Is there a message that you wanted to tell through the growth of Cheon Sarang? Although romance was the main content of our drama, but I also paid a lot of attention to the way ‘Cheon Sarang’ was growing as a hotelier, seeking true laughter, and I also thought that the transformation through ‘love’ and ‘saving’ each other was also a stem of our drama. Cheon Sarang was a character who sincerely thought about the hotelier's life, and she was also a character who knew how to love herself. Because she knows how to love herself like that, she was able to be a person who can hold on to her loved ones without missing them and balance between both work and love. In life, there are times when you need courage and comfort, but I hope that the choice of ‘Cheon Sarang’ building her own hotel and finding her new path, diving straight to the emotion of love, and growing up in search of true laughter can be a source of courage and comfort to the viewers.
Q5: There were a lot of famous scenes produced from ‘King The Land’ that received well responses. What are the scenes or lines that are the most memorable for you? There are many of them. First of all, the Thailand fountain scene in episode 10. I think many people like this scene and atmosphere as it is a scene beautifully expressed like that of a fairy tale or a movie. I was satisfied because I think it was captured well and also because it is a scene where we coordinated on the outfits. And the best part of tiki-taka was the drinking scene on Gapado Island in episode 3. It was a scene where Gu Won and Sarang, who growled whenever they met in the beginning, brought up a little bit about each other for the 1st time, and it is an indispensable scene because Won opens his heart to Sarang who treats him sincerely without pretense. (Sarang starts to open her heart for him in episode 5 where he took care of her and celebrate her birthday. From then on, her heart starts to open up to Won little by little). During the actual filming, there were a lot of difficulties because of the strong wind, so I think that makes it more memorable.
Also, for the emotional parts, the scene where Sarang expresses her gratitude to Won for the first time during the helicopter press conference in episode 7, when Won confessed his love for Sarang in her grandmother's room, and in episode 16, the scene where Won tried to propose but failed to do so and instead, sincerely cheered and supported Sarang's dream, and also the scene where grandma cheered for her dream & handed her bankbooks was also memorable as I was genuinely emotional right from the rehearsal onwards.
In addition, the scene of introducing Happy Hour in 3 languages in episode 1, which can show a professional side, was also good as it was one of the scenes that showed Sarang's ability to go up to 'King the Land' from the start. Also, many people told me that they were thrilled with the tablecloth scene in episode 7, where Sarang informed Gu Won on the work. I thought it was a scene where my heart as a hotelier was conveyed well. I also like it because I think it is one of the moments of 'Sarang' that led to the growth and change of 'Gu Won'
I tried to pick only a few scenes from the 16 episodes, but there are too many (Laughs).
(t/l note: thread in twitter for this portion with videos/photos: https://twitter.com/mystarmyangel/status/1688729110733045760)
Q6: ‘King The Land’ was loved by many viewers. What is the most memorable reaction or comment? Or have you ever felt the popularity of the drama? I remembered a lot of the reactions from people who put the ‘King’ word in phrases such as ‘I’m so King into it’, ‘So King precious’. These were the sincere reactions from the viewers who knew the charms of ‘King The Land’ and were enamoured with it. I also felt the popularity of the drama as the people around me called me ‘Cheon Sarang’ rather than my first name, and greeted me with ‘Hermes^^’.
Q7: The chemistry with actor Lee Junho, who plays the role of Gu Won, was also a hot topic. How was the acting chemistry between you two? In a romcom, I thought chemistry between the two was very important, but we agreed well on the highlight points and I received a lot of help from him. That's why we were able to communicate and express comfortably while filming. While rehearsing on the set, we made ad-libs according to the situation & location, or exchanged ad-libs on the spot while filming, and I think all these small details added to the fun of watching it, so I also had expectations of watching the actual broadcast.
Q8: In addition, the chemistry of six siblings with Go Won Hee as Oh Pyeonghwa, Kim Ga Eun as Kang Da Eul, Ahn Seha as Noh Sang Sik, and Kim Jae Won as Lee Rowoon, as well as the chemistry with Kim Young Ok as grandmother, were loved a lot. How is it like filming with these actors? When all six of us got together, we had so much fun filming that the energy changed, all these scenes were so precious to the extent that I felt it was such a pity that we couldn't do more scenes together. It was not easy because it was rare to shoot the entire episode 10 all at outdoor filming locations, but since we are of similar age, the atmosphere seems to have formed more naturally. And we were able to talk a lot about the scenes even during the break and fill it up with our own tiki-taka.
In particular, among the six siblings, the three musketeers were very important to Sarang, and I am grateful that being with actress Won Hee & Ga Eun made it fun both during and outside of filming, hence I was able to spend our time together even more comfortably.
And more than anything, I was really happy and grateful to be able to work Kim Young Ok seonsaengnim, who is the grandmother and the only family’s member for Sarang. Thanks to seonsaengnim's energy & guidance, I learned a lot and was able to film happily.
Q9: What does 'King the Land' means to you and what kind of drama do you want to leave for the viewers? For me, ‘King The Land’ was a work that brought me to the next level of growth, where I was able to learn and experience the joy of making 'together' while sharing worries with the director, actors, and staff on set. I hope the viewers will remember it as a drama that can make people laugh happily with their hearts fluttered, and a drama that is easy and comfortable to watch while feeling the warmth from it.
Q10: Lastly, do you have any words you wish to say to the viewers who loved ‘King The Land’? ‘King The Land’ finished its run with a full happy ending. Just like the characters in 'King the Land'  who found true happiness through solid love, who grow up amidst sincerity, I will also root for the viewers of ‘King The Land’ to sincerely love yourselves and find your true happiness.
I am thankful towards all the people who loved and supported ‘King The Land’ and Cheon Sarang, this gives me a lot of strength, and I want to say thank you. Thank you so much foo loving ‘King The Land’ and Cheon Sarang all this time. And I would be back with the movie ‘2 O’Clock Date’ by director Lee Sang Geun, whom I have worked with in ‘EXIT’, so please show a lot of interest in it as well.
Source: Sports Chosun Trans: mystarmyangel
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novemberhush · 1 year
Thanks for tagging me, @imwritesometimes ❤️
Are you named after anyone? Nope.
When was the last time you cried? Late at night, in bed, a couple of weeks ago, I think. I was just going through a bout of the Big Sad. It happens to the best of us.
Do you have kids? No.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? No. (And that’s not me being sarcastic, btw, lol.)
What’s the first thing you notice about people? I don’t know. Their attitude, I guess? I definitely notice if they’re rude or well-mannered.
What’s your eye colour? Green.
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings.
Any special talents? None that I can think of right now.
What are your hobbies? I do very little in my spare time besides reading, watching tv/movies, listening to music and (very) occasionally writing.
Have any pets? Just the family dog. He lives back home, but I’m still claiming him.
What sports do you play/have played? I’m not particularly sporty. I played the usual things during P.E. at school (netball, hockey, etc), but I was never on any of the teams that actually competed against other schools.
How tall are you? 5’10
Favourite subject in school? English and History.
Dream job? Writer or archeologist.
First ship? Not sure which came first, but I shipped David Addison x Maddie Hayes from Moonlighting, Anne Shirley x Gilbert Blythe from the ‘80s tv adaptations of the Anne of Green Gables novels, and James ‘Jim’ Dempsey x Harriet ‘Harry’ Makepeace from the ‘80s cop show Dempsey & Makepeace, from a young age. (Yeah, my family let me watch basically anything I wanted as a kid. But, hey, I turned out all right!)
Also, fun fact, the actors playing Dempsey and Makepeace fell in love in real life, got married, had a son together and are still together to this day! So I guess the chemistry was real. (Really hope I haven’t just jinxed them!)
Three ships? Just off the top of my head I’m going to say Marvey, Madney and, just to keep with the ‘M’ motif (and as a little nod to @imwritesometimes !), Marchly.
Last (or current) song? Make Your Mark by Seth Lakeman
Last movie? The Night of the 12th
Currently reading? Then We Came to the End by Joshua Ferris
Currently watching? 9-1-1, The Rookie, Murdoch Mysteries, CSI: Vegas, The Equalizer, Wreck, S.W.A.T., Shetland, NCIS: LA.
Currently consuming? Nothing. I’m in bed and will be going to sleep once I finish this.
Currently craving? Adventure. And a blue raspberry Slush Puppie. I haven’t had one of those bad boys in years, but I could really go for one right now.
I tag @katries @oneawkwardcookie @smowkie @tulipfromtheinternet @firstdegreefangirl @fireladybuckley @firemedicdiaz @foreverthemomfriend @portlandwithyou @kiti-the-warrior-poet and anyone else who wants to play. No pressure on anyone who doesn’t!😘
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disastardly · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag @hereforanepilogue!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 16, with more on my mostly-abandoned FF.net account
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 163,682 (and about ~200k more unpublished in my WIP folder)
3. What fandoms do you write for? Right now the big one is Stranger Things but my forever fandom is Power Rangers/Sentai/Kamen Rider. I've also written for Psych, Doctor Who, and Supernatural. (Most of my SPN and DW stuff is sequestered to my FF account.)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Descent into the Depths of the Earth (Or at Least Milwaukee) (1093)
To Find a King (869)
Dream On (112)
In the Mood (112)
Cold Hard Bitch (104)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I really try to, but sometimes it gets away from me and I worry it's been too long since they left the comment, and it turns into a whole thing (in my head ofc).
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Descent, easily. The post kiss freakout being resolved in another fic? When the fic was originally going to end very differently? Yeaaaaaaah.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Toss up between TFaK (fully resolving's Descent's angsty ending) or California (literally a mini-fic about the OTP getting married).
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not so far?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I have, mainly some pretty straightforward m/m stuff. A few funkier attempts swim around my WIP folder, almost certainly never to see the light of day.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I've written a lot of subtle crossovers, but only two overt ones, and I think the craziest would be the Doctor Who/Office one I wrote back in high school. Dwight is a Dalek!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? If anyone has, they didn't ask or tell me (or it's been long enough that I forgot).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have not!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? At this point, feels safe to say Maddie/Nick, even if that's at least 75% my own interpretations and projections. Destiel, Shassie, and Steddie are pretty darn close, especially Destiel, even if I haven't been involved in that fandom in over a decade.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? A few of my orphaned fics on FF.net will probably never see the light of day, as well as some of the half-formed works in my current WIP folder. Technically have the finished final chapter of Magical Mysteries but no motivation to edit, so still holding hope for that one.
16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, I think. I spend a lot of time trying to imagine the scenes I write and hear the dialogue how I think the actors would deliver it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Conciseness, clearly. Takes a lot of self-editing to wrangle a story to a manageable, clear narrative.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've done bits and pieces of it here and there, mainly with the like five languages that I can double-check against my own thin linguistic knowledge.
19. First fandom you wrote for? if you dig back far enough, pretty sure it was Pokemon on the Bulbagarden forums
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Descent, easily. Despite the angsty ending, it was fun to write a slice of life centered on two characters I love, going to an event I love even more.
no pressure tags for @eriquin @serpentinegraphite and whoever else sees this, go wild
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quartings · 2 years
College Adventures Special Episode IX: Interview with Jorge Gutierrez and Sandra Equiha!
Thought I was done with the interviews, huh? This was the most starstruck I've been in a long, long, time! C'mon, these two created El Tigre and Book of Life, how could I not get excited??
Sorry if I get a bit personal, but there's so much I wanted to say about this talk!
First of all, Jorge is such an energetic and naturally funny speaker- whenever he tells a story, you can pretty much see it play out in his animation style!
When he was young, he told his family that he wanted to draw/write/direct, and they all laughed at him.
His stern architect dad told Jorge that he would only let him go to art school if Jorge got into the best one in the world, proving his determination about his dream (which explains a lot of Jorge's dad characters)
Jorge's told the story about the snooty CalArts interviewer (Telling him to be true to his Mexican art rather than copying American styles) in nearly every interview, so I won't go too in-depth on it here.
Sure enough, Jorge got accepted into CalArts! But at that time he was tempted to stay behind in Tijuana with his new girlfriend Sandra. She told him he'd be an idiot for staying and told him to got to CalArts while she studied graphic design.
Here's the part I relate to Jorge so hard on- he spent his college years surrounded by so many talented people that it caused self-esteem issues. But he also noticed that talented artists procrastinate a lot. So while his more talented friends were procrastinating, he did over 3x their workload to catch up to and exceed their level!
One of his shorts won an award at Cannes, and was his first big break!
He loves working too hard and challenging himself, trying out 3d and a job at Lucasfilm for a while to diversify. He preferred 2d and left for other ventures though. I really do hope he does more fully 2d stuff someday!
Contrary to what a lot of other successful people say, Jorge really prefers being a jack of all trades! I really admire how he also started out as a simultaneous writer/animator/voice actor, and he started out making his own animated short called "El Macho Vs the Mariachis of Doom", which blew up overnight into a viral hit!
Because of this, Sony noticed this and decided to give him a show! They asked him how much of a budget he wanted and he said 17k. Much later, Jorge found out he got scammed and the original budget was 150k before he opened his mouth.
Moral of the story: Never say how much you want to get paid- always ask how much they will pay you!
This Sony show did get canned in development, but even being hired by Sony gave him enough clout to get looked at by Disney, which gave him enough clout to get hired by Nickelodeon for El Tigre!
Since Jorge and Sandra were married by this point, Nickelodeon had them sign a "divorce clause" when they were both hired, saying they couldn't stop working together even if they split up!
As Nick's first flash animated show, El Tigre was apparently really hated by old Nick Execs. It did really well in every blue state, and got Jorge death threats from every red state.
When Jorge joined Dreamworks to make the Book of Life, Bee Movie failing caused the current execs to get swapped out for new racist execs who told him to whitewash the movie. They also told him to work with some random guy who'd never even wrote a musical or anything at the time- some Lin Manuel Miranda dude? Wonder what he's up to now.
Rightfully angry at the whitewashing, Jorge left to make Book of Life elsewhere, with very little of their former coworkers having faith in him and Sandra.
Jorge had to beg Guillermo Del Toro 16 times to help produce his movie. Turns out, Del Toro only ghosted the first 15 times because he was shy, and did really want to work with Jorge!
Thanks to Del Toro's clout as the director of Shape of Water, he was able to convince 20th Century Fox to make the Book of Life for Jorge! And yeah, Fox? Working with POC for a POC movie? Jorge didn't have the best time at the company. But he's still happy the movie got made!
But right as Jorge was about to start work on his Latino Sci-Fi show, Trump became president and a ton of Mexican series, including Jorge's, got cancelled.
So Jorge moved on to his next project, meeting up with his friends Lord & Miller to make the Billion Brick Race movie for Lego! I always wondered what happened to that film.
Well, what happened was, Danish Lego executives saw that Jorge wanted to make the film about the Latino experience and once again yelled at him to whitewash (or yellow-wash?) it. They told him how they didn't believe in critical race theory, so he left. (You know, as the company that cancelled Bionicle twice, it really doesn't surprise me that those people hate good things and are evil.)
And finally, Jorge got invited to a big Netflix party for his birthday. For his present, they told him they'd make any show he wanted them to make, so Jorge got wasted and told them he wanted a big Mayan fantasy adventure show. The next morning as he was recovering from his hangover, it was official! That's how Maya and the Three was born!
Now Jorge doesn't just have Maya- he also has Enchihuahua, an anthology short, an adult comedy series, another Maya-like show, and a lucha libre movie all coming soon!
Jorge loves wearing graphic tees about whatever he's working on!
Jorge likes drawing things with crazy complex Latino detailing, and Sandra likes cute minimalist designs. They love working together because they feel their contrast helps each other shine!
Honestly, I've never seen such a funny and loving couple in my life! If they don't make a show about their dynamic, I'll have to do it!
Sandra loves making poorly named art reference folders so much that she gets lost in them. Jorge is so hopelessly in love with her and her art, even the sketches she hates, it's adorable.
Jorge is mad that CalArts doesn't teach scriptwriting, and as someone who hates the armchair cartoon critics who wimp out and fail at writing their own animations, I'm mad on his behalf too!
Jorge joked that he wants to be converted into an animatronic when he dies.
Re: Jorge's adult animated series- he said he's inspired by anime and Primal when making it.
My favorite quote of the night from Jorge and Sandra: "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together <3"
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